Why fade leaves from cyclamen. Why the cyclamen turn yellow leaves and what to do in such a situation

This amazing indoor plant has gained great popularity among flower lovers. Its original and gentle inflorescences decorate and create comfort in any house or room. It is especially pleasant that the cyclamen is blooming in the autumn-winter period, which is not typical for other indoor plants, but care is not quite simple. This long-term flower forms tubers in the form of bulbs, which are very sensitive. Germination occurs only at one point of the bulb, which has a flat shape. And, if it is inappropriate to damage the bulb, the plant begins to root, withering and yellowing the leaves of cyclamen, and even his death is possible. Numerous sockets are formed into the growth phase on the tubers. It is they who give a magnificent foliage and a lot of single inflorescences. Their length reaches 20 cm. In this article we will talk about why yellow leaves from cyclamen.

External flower characteristics

Cyclamen - a bush plant, reaching a height of 30 cm. But there are also such varieties whose length is only 15 cm. The flower has dark green leaves of the heart-shaped or rounded form. The leaves have juicy and rich color and are located on red stiffs. Of course, now new varieties of this plant, derived by breeders appear. They have an original color and a chic decorative look. Cyclamen's inflorescences have a variety of color - orange, pink, red, purple and pedestrian shades.

Problems in the cultivation of cyclameman

At home, two varieties of cyclamena - European and Persian are preferably grown. His growing home has its subtleties and difficulties. One such problem is the yellowing and drying of the flower. What do you think in this case? If the cyclamese leaves are yellow, you need to figure out in detail why it all happens. But before considering it, you need to learn to choose a plant when buying.

First of all, buying cyclamen, pay attention to the tubers. They should not be damaged. The presence of rot on them is also unacceptable. The tuber must have a smooth shape. Flower leaves must have a fresh and juicy look.

Slumba and a little bit foliage can give a signal about the disease of the plant. Purchase the flower is best in the autumn period when flowers have already dismissed, or at least already there are buds.

Many flower flowers were surely tormented by the question of why the cyclamese leaves are yellow. Of course, the problem is lighted in one - incorrect care at home. And this problem is very often found. Buy a little flower, it is necessary for him to provide the necessary comfortable conditions for growth and full bloom.

Cyclamen, yellow leaves from which, may hurt for several reasons. If you are overtaken by this problem, and at the same time the flower inflorescences remain fresh and healthy, then it is necessary to solve the issue with air temperature. Most likely, in the room excess of dry air. Remember that for the cyclameman grown at home, the maximum temperature is 17 degrees. Another reason for this can be directly inhibition of sun rays, as well as lack of moisture. Over time, these reasons may be negatively affected by cyclamen inflorescences. Their flowering period can be significantly reduced. Try to regularly water the flowers, and also feed, especially during flowering.

Other cyclamen diseases

There are other problems, as a result of which, the wishes of the leaves from cyclamen are rotting inflorescences and leaves. Why does such a threat arise, and that at the same time should be done. But the thing is that this flower needs to be poured. Watering should be frequent, but not abundant. Remember that pouring water on the tubers is strictly prohibited. The plant does not like this, and this can cause rotting. Try not to overcoat the soil and do not pour the sprout part of the flower.

The latter, no less important problem, is the deformation of the leaves. This is a signal that the plant is ill.

You need to immediately take action - rinse leaflets with a special soap, here even you can apply soap for animals. At the same time, a spraying of phytodeter is necessary, which will not harm the plant, but, on the contrary, will make it more persistent against many pests.

Well, if it happened that the flowers and wishes of the leaves are wounded, pay attention to the appearance and smell of the soil. If the Earth acquired a moldy look and has a sour smell, it is best to transplant flower. Change the land completely and well wash the pot from mold. If after transplanting the cyclamen leaves are yellow again, in this case they resort to other measures. After the end of flowering, it wiring to a minimum. Then transfer cyclamen to the cool room. Thus, the leaves and kidneys will become faded, and then the period of rest comes to the plant. At this time, it is not recommended to often water the cyclamen, in order to avoid further growth and flowering. Such a period is interrupted at the end of summer. Tubers Plants transplanted into a new soil and exhibit pots in a sunny place. Literally a few weeks later, the flower will again please you with new colorful inflorescences. All this needs to be done in a timely manner. That's why it is so important to know the reasons why these flowers turn yellow and acquire an unhealthy look.

And even after all this, if the flower starts yellow, and you will not be able to find the reasons why it happens again, the conclusion here is one - he just lacks nutrients.

These flowers spoke very well on fertilizers, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is necessary to do this according to the instructions.

Faded leaves and inflorescences need to be removed so as not to damage the tubers.

Caring for this flower at home is not simple

How to propagate cyclamen

The reproduction of cyclameman occurs tubers and seeds. The reproduction process itself is very trouble-free, therefore it is taken for it only avid and experienced flowerflowers. The tuber needs to be cut into part so that each particle remains one root and kidney. Sweep these parts and treat any antiseptic agent, such as activated carbon. After that, they need to put them in a separate pot. So, it's easier to just buy a ready-made plant in a pot and give it the necessary care.

Cyclamen has pests that are striking the leaves first. They start shrust, dry and twist. The disease is also susceptible to plants, during the disease, they are soft.

Circulant care in the home conditions is pretty not easy, but if you wish, you can grow a beautiful decorative bush with chic inflorescences.

Why is the cyclame leaves faded? The leaves and buds are withering if the cyclamen is sent on peace, from the oversupply of moisture in the ground or from a lack of water. Below are described in detail all the problems with the photo.

The cyclamen is withering and yellowing the leaves, if the plant begins the rest period. If the cyclamen sends on peace, then its leaves are fading gradually. This happens in early June, sometimes in the middle of July, when the temperature in the room where the flower is located, rises above +20 degrees. New leaves no longer grow, buds too. Old leaves begin to gradually wither and yellow. The plant is cleaned into a dark, cool place with good ventilation. It is necessary to remember that the cyclameman who has recently bought, the rest period can begin at any time. Explanation Simple: The flower can be shot down by life rhythm, and therefore should not be surprised if the new flower starts to collect on peace in the middle of winter.

Read more about how the cyclaman goes down on peace.

If the leaves and flowers are withering massively, the cyclamen is sick. Many newcomers are mistakenly assumed that the plant went on peace. But it is not. Cyclamen is preparing for peace gradually. If he suddenly lowered the leaves, it indicates problems with the root system. It can be rotated from irregular watering. Watering should be carried out only after drying the upper layer of soil. Watering only the top. The lower irrigation does not fit here. There is a high probability of soak up the lower layer of the Earth, which leads to the rotting of the tuber. If the cyclamen's tuber rotates, it is removed from the soil and inspect. If SkLizky, and the roots are flabbing and brown - the flower is not saved. If the tuber is elastic, and the roots are flabbing - the latter are removed, and the plant is satisfied with the rest.

The cyclameman is withering the leaves if the plant lacks moisture. The flower is watered after dried up the top layer of soil. Timely irrigation is important if the plant is contained at temperatures above +20 degrees. In this case, it is impossible to wait for a complete dying of the soil in a pot. Cyclamen grows well and develops with moderate humidity of soil in a pot and air.

Wishes of cyclamen leaves

The leaves are yellow and wither that the cyclamen struck the pests, or it lacks sunlight at high content temperature. The reason can be low air humidity.

If the cyclaman grows in the shade or half and he has the leaves, then the reason is the lack of sunlight. Experts recommended to have a flower in spring and autumn on windows that are oriented east. In winter, windows are well suited. Bright, scattered lighting is an important condition in the cultivation of cyclamen. However, the direct sun rays can leave burns on the plant. It is also recommended to arrange the cyclamen with an artificial backlight with a fluorescent lamp or ice lamp.

The leaves are yellow and wither that the cyclamen is in a stuffy room, where there is a bad air circulation. Durger gas and tobacco smoke can cause harm to the flower. The plant needs a regular influx of fresh air. However, it is prohibited to put it in winter under the open window, since cold air flows can destroy the flower. Also yellow leaves and swell flowers, if the cyclamen is in too warm the room. The optimal temperature for it is +12 ... + 17 degrees. If the cyclame of the leaves leaves after flowering in the period from March to May and it happened slowly, the tuber remained elastic and healthy, the cyclamen went on peace.

Very often inexperienced flower products buy a plant in a weak or disease affected by diseases. In most cases, it does not live at home for a long time. Immediately after flowering, it dies. The only exit to save the purchased, sick flower is to send it to peace, but again, only if the tuber and the root system in the plant remained integer. A healthy cyclamen is distinguished by abundant flowering and plenty of green leaves.

I share personal experience in cultivation.

If the cyclamen turn yellow leaves, then the flower is too hot, for example, it can be contained in the winter at a temperature of +20 degrees and above. At the same time, the room has a low level of air humidity. Comfortable conditions for the plant content of +12 ... + 17 degrees. If the temperature is higher, then the cyclaman recesses the leaves and buds. To fix everything, you need to transfer the flower into the cool room, increase the humidity there and organize artificial illumination.

Why do the cyclamen be twisted with leaves?

Why do the cyclamen be twisted with leaves?
Causes: The simultaneous effect of high air temperature and low moisture. It is necessary to revise the conditions of the flower content.

Read more about how to care for cyclamen at home.

The second reason why the cyclamen is tightened with leaves, cyclames can be. They settle on the back side of the sheet plate. The presence of the presence is indicated by a lightweight, whitish raid on the back side of the sheet plate. At the same time, the flower itself slows down, the cyclamen turns the leaves. The reasons for the appearance of the cyclama tick: too wet wednesday and lack of sunlight. Treatment of the disease: send a flower to quarantine, normalize the conditions of detention, process acaricides. Insecticides in this case will not help.

Hang the cyclamen tuber

Why did the cyclamen be rejected? Causes two. The first is a regular mooring of the soil. Watering cyclamen is carried out when the upper layer of soil dries. Watering is carried out upper, gently, along the edge of the pot, so. so that the moisture does not get on the tuber. The second reason - at the time of watering moisture hit the tuber. At low content temperature, this leads to a driving tuber. The first signs of the dropping of the tuber from the cyclameman - the flower turn yellow and wither the leaves, the tuber himself lightly smells.

What to do? We need a plant to remove from the pot. At first, without destroying the integrity of the Earth Koma, inspect the tuber. If it has soft places and dents, then the tuber is freed from the soil. If the cyclamen's tuber does not rot, then the violation of the integrity of the earthen coma around its roots can cause strong harm to the flower. So, the tuber is cleaned from the ground, soft places are cut to a healthy fabric, the slice location needs to be dried and processed with a crowded activated carbon. Next, take a small in diameter and a shallow pot (an acceptable pot diameter is the diameter of the cyclamena tuber plus 1 cm), the soil is poured into it for cacti, mixed with perlite in proportion 1: 1. The tuber is immersed in the ground, after sprinkling his roots in Kornvin. Sut the cyclamene tuber need so that its "wounds" were not covered with the earth. If it does not work, then the soil in the pot is wetted very carefully along the contour pot.

The plant is transferred to a bright room, but without direct sunlight (if the tuber hesitated in winter, then in the conditions of a short light day they organize artificial illumination). The temperature of the content should be within +12 ... + 17 degrees. Watering is carried out very carefully, after drying the upper layer of soil. It is necessary to remember that the perlitis perfectly holds moisture.

Growing cyclamen, flowerflower can face the problem of yellowing leaves. At first glance, the reason seems not entirely understandable. Let's try to figure out what can be done to treat cyclames.

Errors in care

Swimming leaves can be a sign of approaching summer, and not a sign of the disease. The homeland of cyclamen is the Mediterranean. There are soft winters and very dry summer. Many Mediterranean plants flourish in winter and sleep in the summer so as not to deal with life in drought conditions. Therefore, if the leaves are yellowing from cyclamen - the reason lies in preparation for the period of summer peace.
Return the plant in flowering after the summer of the rest will be not easy, so try to keep it in flowering not the touch leaves until they fall by ourselves. This will allow the tuber to work, not falling into the hibernation. In addition, the flower can react to the wrong microclimate, insufficient watering, a lack of nutrients, as well as root or subjected to pest attack.

Did you know?There are about 20 types of cyclamen and they have different flowering seasons, which depends on the species. They bloom with different shades of white, red, pink or purple colors.

Incorrect temperature

Check the air temperature. Normal daytime temperatures for cyclamen +15 ... + 18 ° C. At night, it should be at least + 10 ° C. In the cool microclimate, blooming lasts for several weeks longer. High air temperature can cause premature wilting of colors and leaves.

Direct sunny rays

Place the cyclamen on a bright window with an indirect light facing north in winter. This period of vegetation and the plant needs sufficient lighting. But it should not fall straight sun rays. In summer, the plant needs to be removed from bright light and put in the shaded zone.

Insufficient or excessive watering

Check the state of the soil. Cyclamen likes moderately wet soil. It should be wet to the touch, but never raw. Water should not constantly be in the soil. The frequency of watering the flowering plants is several times a week. Proper watering from below-up (suburban) when the roots take water from the pallet. Upper watering can cause reassembly. Pour water into the pallet and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, drain the surplus. Such watering can be carried out once every 2-3 days, when there is no flowering and daily, if in the room it is hot and the soil dries quickly.

Did you know?Cyclamen reaches 25 centimeters in height. Their flowers are usually raised over the leaves on thin stems.

Dry air

The plant does not tolerate the cold air below + 10 ° C. But since there is no such temperature in the residential room, it is worth paying attention to the impact of high temperatures. Excess of warm air will reduce flowering from several months to a couple of weeks. Dry air occurs in premises or offices with central heating, near heating devices. For cyclameman, such a place is not categorically suitable. Therefore, avoid drafts and hot dry air.

Lack of nutrients

When the cyclaman is not active and does not grow, it is not necessary to feed it. It is "soaked" the tuber. The optimal time to make fertilizers - before the start of flowering every 2 weeks. Fertilizer is beginning to be made since the end of the summer or from the beginning of the autumn monthly. You need a fertilizer with low nitrogen content. Those varieties in which nitrogen a lot will provide abundant greens, but bloom will be small. Unused mineral salts tend to accumulate in the soil. And if you see yellow leaves, they can be a sign of the oversupply of fertilizers. To prevent the problem, once a month is abundantly watering the flower. "Extra" salts will be washed with water.

Important!Low calcium content in the soil also contributes to the appearance of rot - check the soil for neutrality (the norm for cyclameman is 6 pH) and calcium content.


Some diseases can turn your small cyclamen in a bush with yellowing leaves and fading colors. Diseases are affected by the plant during the growth period - in winter. Most of them are not treated, and flower products are recommended to throw a patient plant before the disease spread to healthy.

Fusarious fading

Fusarious rot is the cause of rapid fading. Immediately affects the roots and moves along xylene plants. It is very specific, separate types of fusarious rotes infect only cyclamen. Therefore, the pots after the colors that have undergone this disease should be disinfected or replaced with new ones.

Conditions for its appearance: Very warm air with a temperature of + 23-35 ° C and excessive moisture (75-80%). Gnile bacteria can be in the soil, but not manifest as long as the soil is dry. The first symptom of a fusarious rot - the cyclamen yellow leaves and wither.
Remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If you cut the stalk or tuber of such a flower, you will see that inside it is colorless. Blooming is the sign that the flower must be thrown away, like those who were next to him. Before boarding the tuber, use fungicides with marking "against fusarious rot".

Gray Gnil

Summer rotes causes the Botrytis fungus, which appears if the plant is too moistened. Additionally, insufficient air circulation forms the optimal environment for the development of the fungus. This type of rot is developing at the base of the stems and quickly attacks floral kidneys and leaves. All affected parts must be removed and thrown out, and the plant is moved to the room with better air circulation. If the flower is strongly infected, it is better to throw it away.

Important!Tubers contain various substances, including saponins - vegetable poisons. They can cause poisoning, so keep cyclamen away from children. The degree of poisoning depends on the amount accepted inside.

To improve air circulation, you can install a fan, pre-removing all damaged parts of the cyclame. Try to avoid getting water on leaves or crown during irrigation. Erwinia bacteria are responsible for soft rotting. Cyclamen becomes yellow, the leaves fade, and the tuber becomes soft. This problem occurs if the tubers are planted too deep, and the soil contains a lot of moisture, a lot of heat and a lot of fertilizers. The affected plant is also better to throw away.
Wood ash can prevent the appearance of gray rot. But if the plant is strongly affected, the fungicides are used. "Phytosporin M" is a natural bifungicide, which contains bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Developing in the soil, they destroy the pathogenic microflora, including bacteria causing gray rot. The drug not only treats, but also improves the state of the soil and increases the stability of cyclamen to disease. If you have purchased a drug in liquid form, it is not necessary to breed it. Apply according to the instructions on the package.


Pests can also be the cause of the yellowing of the leaves. Most of them fall into the room with wind, as they have wings. But they can be brought from the store along with a new plant. Cyclamen is susceptible to ordinary insect pests of indoor plants. All of them cause different degree of lesion.

Among the main:

  • web tick;
  • shield;
  • tRIPS.

Did you know?In the era of the revival, the cyclamen was considered a means of ear pain, as the shape of the petals resembles the ears of the sink.


TRIPS are tiny brown or black insects with a long body and pressed to the sides of the wings. Their form is close to cylindrical, for which there were previously trips called "columnodiums". It is inhabited on the bottom of the leaves, so poorly noticeable. TRIPS is applied double damage: they suck the juice and on the ground, which were amazed by insects, are settled by bacteria, causing different types of rot. The problem of eradicating TRIPS is that they are too small and move too quickly. The main strategy of struggle is to limit their number.

  • Trips are very small and the first thing you will notice is a light yellow powder on the leaves. This is a pollen that crepts when insects feed on colors.
  • Light strips appear on the bottom of the leaves. They arise in the places of damage to the sheet.
  • The leaves are darker around the edge.
  • Colors are much less than before. On the petals are formed holes.

For treatment, dissolve 1 ampuly insecticide "Aktellik" in 1 liter of water and spray the plant. Then we bite it into a plastic bag for a day to avoid the trippers for other plants. The death of insects will come in a few hours, but just hold the package just longer to make sure that. Repeat processing in 7 days.

The shield is a small insect from the family of semi-core, which is powered by plant juices. Looks like a small stain of wax, located on a piece. The body of the insect is covered with a dense shield, so most insecticides do not work on it. More than 2000 types of shields are known. Insects can get to the house with the shopping plants or wind.

Distinctive signs of infection:

  • swimming deformed leaves;
  • sticky discharge on the leaves.

The plant affected by the shield should be rearranged separately from others and remove insects manually. You need to remove them with a soft toothbrush dipped in an insecticidal soap solution. After a few days, the processing is repeated.

Cyclamenite tick is a tiny spider insect, imperceptible to the unarmed look. If we consider the infected plant under a microscope or magnifying glass, then the ticks are insects with 8 paws of brown, white or yellow color. They live among foliage, where there is little light. Pliers appear when relative humidity is reduced below 50%.

Basic symptoms of infection:

  • cyclamen leaves twisted along the edge; Although this symptom can also be caused by time, but the Tly are clearly visible, unlike the tick;
  • leaves pale or yellow, especially young;
  • dark specks appeared on the leaves at the bottom;
  • the edges of the sheet become brown;
  • kidney does not open;
  • flowers are covered with stains, deformed;
  • plant slows down growth.

Treatment consists in isolation of an infected plant. Processing is carried out acaricide by spraying. The solution is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions on the package. Since the next generation of ticks will become active 6 days after laying eggs, the processing is repeated up to 4 times with an interval of 4-5 days between them. The crown of the plant needs to be processed particularly carefully.

Prevent the appearance of ticks can maintain normal humidity in the room (60-65%). It is possible to carry out the processing of plants insecticidal soap in the early stages of infection. But if the plant is greatly infected, it is better to just give up him.

TLL - a small insect of green color with a pear-like body shape, long beaches and paws. Some types of tools have wings. They can also be of other colors (brown, black), but most often the twils are green. Insects are grouped on the bottom of the cyclamen leaves.

Distinctive symptoms of infection:

  • insects leave behind the sticky raid on the leaves, the fungi appear later on it;
  • the appearance of the Tley is a familiar to many, so it is not difficult to diagnose their presence;
  • the leaves are twisted along the edge, become pale, yellow and faded.

Start treatment with isolation and plant treatment with soap solution. Gently wipe with a cloth moistened in a solution of insecticidal soap, the place of adhering of sticky climb and clusters of the Tly. If fungus appeared on the leaves - remove the contaminated parts of the plant.

Cyclamen can also be treated with "Malation" (1 teaspoon on 4 liters of warm water). This is an insecticide and a acaricide of a wide range of action that can be applied against any sucking insects. But since insecticides are able to discolor leaves, then begin treatment with the use of soap solutions. The reliable way to prevent the appearance of the tool does not exist. Therefore, simply control the signs of their appearance.

Did you know? Each type of cyclameman is infected with only certain types of Tly.

The reasons why the cyclamen's leaves yellow are much, but all of them are easy to eliminate, if you maintain the right microclimate and follow the appearance of pests. You can do this with the help of special traps. Then you not only recognize the problem on time, but also quickly eliminate it.

Cyclamen is a small and modest flower on the view, which, according to the legend, once conquered the heart of the most wise from the rulers - Solomon. The king gave a task to the master to fulfill the crown for him, but whatever the master would offer, the king was not on the moral. In order to inspire a form for his future crown, he went for a walk in the garden. There he met a wide variety of flowers, each of them tried his best to please the king, hook with his luxury and proud beauty. Solomon has not seen in these colors what he was looking for. Upon returning back, his view was delayed on a timid and shy plant whose name is cyclamen. Solomon found what he was looking for - his crown in the form of this flower will always remind that the reign of the king should be wise and modest, and not screaming and courses.

Plant appearance

Cyclamen, which grown in the garden differ from room - garden flowers smaller. Caring for garden cyclamen is easier.

Basic varieties of cyclamen

In order to plant a cyclaman in the garden, you need a frost-resistant variety. Basic species ending low temperatures Two: Cyclamen Purple and Cyclamen Neapolitan (plush). In places where winter does not really raise, you can plant the Cyclamen.

Cyclamen Purple, He Diryakva, he is a busty cyclaman, he is European. Characteristics:

  • clubnelukovichny plant;
  • height up to 30 cm;
  • breeding with tubers, parts of tubers and seeds;
  • flowers in summer (July-September).

Purple cyclamen

Napolitan cyclamen (plush). Characteristics:

  • breeding seeds;
  • height 15 cm;
  • flowers in autumn (September, October);
  • the leaves are reminded in shape of ivy.

Naplecanian cyclamen

The cyclamen plush in winter moves, but it is capable of recovery. With this task, he copes independently, self-sowing. For this reason, new flowers may differ in color.

Cyclamen oblique. Characteristics:

  • breeding seeds;
  • height 10-15 cm;
  • flowering in the spring (March-April).

Cyclamen Kosy

How cyclamen multiplies

Cyclamen multiplies with several species, depending on the variety. Cyclamen magenta can be multiplied by seeds and tubers, as well as part of the tuber. Tubers of this plant thick and juicy. When the cyclamen flowering period ends, the flowers are not tugged, but twist in the spiral, where the box with seeds is formed. When the time comes, the box opens and the seeds are shot out of it.

Cyclamen seeds

Once planted cyclamen is perfectly coping with the reproduction function on their own. If you need to intervene in the process and speed up the process of reproduction, then grow the growing plant from seeds. To do this, take the pot or other convenient container and pour the soil. Then lay out the seeds and cover on top of another soil layer (no more than 1 cm). Put a pot in such a place where the temperature is stable (18C). Watering these seeds need from the sprayer. After the first pair of leaflets on shoots, transplant the flower into a separate container.

How to properly care for cyclamen

In order for cyclamen to grow and fascinated by his view over long years, you need to take care of the following rules:

The cyclamen tuber has one growth point, the damage of which will lead to the death of the plant. Be extremely neat when planting a cyclameman.

  • if you are detected by the tagged flowers or leaves, they need to be removed. Flowers are cut, and the leaves are neatly unscrewed.
  • you need to feed cyclamen a month after landing. For this, there is a liquid fertilizer (organic). You can repeat the procedure in a month.
  • for the winter, the plant is covered with foliage, protecting from low temperatures.
  • try not to transplant the plant, let it grow in one place - so it will be more lure and more beautifully blossom.


More details regarding cultivation and care cyclamen See in the video below

Why yellow cyclame leaves and what to do in such cases?

As such diseases, these flowers are not subject to. In most cases, the yellowing of the leaves can be called two reasons: non-compliance with the temperature regime (these plants do not tolerate heat and dryness) and violation of the rules of watering.

If the problem caused irrigated, then you need to pour out the flower and cut the yellow leaves.

Do not leave cut leaves next to healthy colors, the process of their overload can lead to a flower disease. If the land where the flower grows to mold, then the plant needs to transplant.

If you keep all the rates of watering, and the cyclamen leaves are yellow, it means that there are direct sun rays. You should transplant the flower in the half, next to a large bush or wood. Cyclamen has a personal enemy - cyclamenite clamp his name. Thanks to the efforts of the tick leaves of the plant deform and lose their attractive appearance. Insecticides can help in the fight against pest (it is better to use soap + spray complex). Processing will take about a week. Another unwanted Guest Guest. Where the cyclamen is growing - the failure. It is struggling with it in the same way - the use of insecticide.

The result of the lesion by cyclamenite tick

Cyclamen, or Alpine violet - one of the most beautiful home plants. Many flowers note that during and after flowering in cyclamen, the leaves are yellowing, and the plant itself begins to stick. Why is it going on, and what to do if the home cyclame is yellowing leaves, read further.

In nature, most types of cyclamen grow in the mountains, where the air is always wet and non-jar, and the sun's rays are bright, but not scorching. This is their natural comfortable medium that contributes to long and colorful flowering. Create a similar microclimate at home is very difficult, so sometimes the flower begins to capricious, drop the leaves, and even root. Most often, the change in the color of the leaves in the plant is due to the following reasons.

Dry and warm air

At home, cyclamen bloom in winter, somewhere from December to March, when central heating is used for heating rooms. This is the main reason that the leaves of the plant begin to shut and dry. The ideal for cyclamen flowering is the temperature of + 15-16 ° C. If the degree in the room rises above +20 ° C, the flower feels uncomfortable, which signals the shift of the color of the leaves. The sign that the air in the house is not wet enough, is the yellowing of the leaves, together with which the flowers remain strong and continue to bloom.

Violation of the policy of polyv

Another reason explaining why the cyclamen turns yellow is irregular irrigation (insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive). To avoid extremes, watering the plant is needed as needed, allowing you to dry the upper layer of the Earth. If you do it more often, fungi will begin to develop in the wet, mold, and the flower can only be saved in a new substrate. When irrigated, you need to follow the moisture does not get to the point of growth. Of these considerations, water is better to pour a pot on the edge or in the pallet.

Lack of subcord

Cyclamen need to feed over the entire period of growth and flowering using mineral complex fertilizers for flowering plants sold in any flower shop. Prior to the formation of the formation of buds, the feeding should be made 1 time / 2 weeks, and with the beginning of bloom every week, otherwise the lack of food will immediately affect the color of the leaves.

Often, flowers complain that the flower can shut shortly after his purchase was made.

Video "Cyclamen from the store"

What you need to do after buying a cyclameman.

The real reason for this phenomenon is also a lack of nutrition. Now flowering plants in pots can be bought at any time of the year, which is unnatural for cyclamem. It is forced to bloom with the help of stimulating drugs, which regularly spray the leaves.

By purchasing a flower in the store, always interest how to care for it and what fertilizers are applied. Otherwise, your blooming handsome will quickly lose its decorativeness.

Natural process

Do not worry, why leaves leaves from cyclamen, if it happened in spring or summer. During this period, the plant enters the rest phase and resets the leaves for a natural reason. The fact that the home flower goes into the state of rest is evidenced by the gradual fading of the leaves, starting with the lower tiers. First, the sheet becomes pale, then yellow, after which it starts to dry out and fall.

If the leaves themselves do not fall, they are cut or unscrewed at the base, and the pot with cyclamen is transferred to the cool dry place where it can recover. During this period do not contribute during this period, and the watering is strongly limited. Some flower for resting the strawberry, and at the end of the summer are planted into a new substrate. In this method, the plant develops faster, and after 2-3 months it can be blooming under the condition of proper storage of the tuber.

How to solve the problem

Measures to save the flower depend on the cause of the problem. First of all, it is necessary to inspect the plant, and make sure that it does not ill and is not affected by pests. If the playing of the tuber is detected, they dig it, remove all the fired parts, carefully treated with fungicide, and transplanted into a new pot with a new substrate. In order for the flower to recover faster, it is necessary to properly organize watering mode, monitor the temperature and humidity level in the room.

If the leaves had to dry out due to lack of moisture, the plant should be pouring immediately. Since abundant watering is also harmful as the soil drying, it is not recommended to water the substrate. It is better to put a pot into a shallow pelvis with an estate water, then the flower will be able to take so much moisture as he needs. The procedure should last no more than 1 hour. When the top layer becomes slightly wet, the plant is getting out of the tank.

If the change in the color of the leaves is associated with the disadvantage of nutrients, you need to adjust the feeding mode. Speed \u200b\u200bup the recovery process will help liquid fertilizers with trace elements, which are first introduced in small quantities, increasing the concentration gradually. In the future, the plant is fed with intervals of 1-2 weeks with the exception of the rest period. At the occurrence of this period, the flower is transferred to the cool place, and renew the former care with the beginning of autumn.


To prevent the problem of yellowing leaves from cyclamen, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper conditions of detention. For a period of blooming, a sunny window sill can be the best place for him where enough bright light. In addition, in the winter, this is the cooler place in the house. When carrying out the room, you need to ensure that the plant is not on the draft. The straight rays of the sun for a flower are also harmful, and if it is placed on the southern windowsill, then at noon, the pot is recommended to cover from the sun.

For the period of rest, which usually falls for the summer, the cyclamen requires the cool conditions that in the house it is quite difficult to ensure. If there is no possibility to put the pot into the cool storage room or basement, the tubers can be digging - they will be able to continue better, and it will be easier to monitor their condition.

Competent irrigation is the basic condition for normal growth and cyclamen flowering.

In order to prevent drying or overwhelming the soil, the pot is recommended to immerse in a container with an estimated water. To increase air humidity, spraying space around the plant from the sprayer is required. The flower itself spray undesirable.

In comfortable conditions close to the natural environment, cyclamen can be happy to bloom up to 10 years. Like all tuber plants, they grow up with time, and if you do not dig tubers for the rest period, then every 2-3 years need to transplant. Moving the flower into a new substrate helps to keep his health and maintain a lush flowering for many years.