What is the best way to make a niche. How to make drywall niches in the wall with your own hands? Where to start work, and what stages it consists of

In this master class you will find detailed description device process kitchen walls and ventilation according to the finished design project. We will talk about the features of installing a false wall with a niche using the “from the center” method and provide detailed photographs of this work, performed by experienced specialists.

A drywall niche is a popular and spectacular interior element. She may have different shape, but invariably emphasizes the taste of the owner of the house. We will tell and show you how to make it yourself.

If you don't have a professional design ready, create a drawing or sketch with dimensions. In this way, your thoughts and desires will take shape.

Please note that the niche parameters in this case are determined by the size of the tile with which the inside will be lined.

After transferring the marks to the wall plane, we begin to fix the guides. This is a key point, because further dimensions will be postponed from them.

We create the main frame from the UD profile and check its corners - they must be strictly straight. You can use tiles to check.

Then we cut out and wind the plasterboard strips, which will limit the inner plane of the niche.

We install horizontal guides, which we connect with vertical racks. In this case, the frame is not built from common plane, but from the center of the element (niche).

Again we check how the tile enters. If there is an error, it is better to eliminate it at this stage.

Attention! When trying on tiles, consider the thickness of the putty 2-3 mm.

Pay attention to the vertical strapping of the frame and rails. They are installed after the horizontal stripes.

Thus, fastening and tying the entire structure is much more reliable than if the entire frame was made separately.

We mark the horizontal guides for the vertical ribs (step 600 mm).

We install the ribs themselves along the lower guide, first on internal fastenings, and then we bring U-shaped suspensions under them.

View of the finished frame without the top row uprights(does the same as below):

We sheathe the frame with drywall using standard technology.

Pay attention to how corners are cut in openings and niches ( convenient way). First, we wind the sheet as a whole.

Then cut it horizontally with a hacksaw.

And cut vertically with a knife. This method does not require marking and insures against mistakes when marking - GKL is cut in place, and one of the planes of the niche serves as a guide.

Final view after installation of drywall:

It remains to prepare the plane for puttying. We embroider the corners with a plaster float and the joints with a knife.

Carefully checking the accuracy of the horizontals and verticals, we sew a perforated corner with a stapler.

The final view of the drywall niche:

If in your case there is a need to use a wall for hanging something, be sure to install reinforcements - double ribs. At the same time, U-shaped suspensions should be of a different class - more powerful. In the future, the niche can be given any 3D view using various methods finishes and decorations - tiles, wallpaper, curtains, artificial stone.

The content of the article:

A niche in the wall is a special cavity that can have different shapes and purposes. In small rooms, it creates additional space, and in spacious rooms it decorates the interior as a decorative element. The arrangement of a niche is not a complicated process, when its creation is envisaged at the stage of designing a house. If the room is already in operation, then all the problems with the manufacture of such a structure will be associated with the material that was used in the construction of the walls.

The main types of niches in the wall

Niches can be vertical and horizontal, functional and decorative. Their form and purpose depends directly on the decision that this wall element must perform.

Horizontal niches are built in the premises where low furniture elongated shape, such as a bed. If the wall of the room is short, making a horizontal niche on it will visually increase the length of the structure.

When planning the location of a niche near bulky furniture, a window or a door, it is better to make it vertical. In this case, such a wall element will visually increase the height of the room.

V functional plan the arrangement of a niche in the wall helps to mask the disadvantages of the layout of the room associated with the placement engineering communications: heating radiators, pipes, metering devices, etc. In a room, a niche can serve as a shelving unit, a wardrobe and become a place to store various things. Recesses in the wall are used to place furniture, equipment and household appliances. Quite often there is a bar in the niche.

Decorative niches can completely transform a room by standing out from the wall. colors and focusing on yourself with the help of the built-in lighting system. Such recesses are used to store beautiful vases, photographs, figurines and various souvenirs. If the dimensions of the niche allow, an aquarium or small flower pots can be placed in it. Decorative niches visually increase the size of the room, giving it a modern or gothic aesthetic.

Niche device technology in the wall

Most often, niches are made in brick walls and plasterboard structures. Making recesses in the main walls is very problematic, since this requires special permission from the technical supervision services for buildings. It is usually extremely difficult to obtain it, since such an event violates bearing capacity walls. But for the device of a niche, you can use another brick wall located along the floor slabs, which have a lower load. However, it is much easier to make a recess of any size in a plasterboard wall or in a structure. frame cladding. Permission is not required for this, but necessary calculations will have to be produced. Consider both options for manufacturing a niche.

Niche in plasterboard wall

Before you make a niche in the wall with your own hands, you need to display the future design in the drawing and calculate its dimensions, taking into account electrical wiring and all technological gaps. Depending on the humidity of the room and the shape of the future niche, you need to determine the type of drywall. Wall plasterboard has a thickness of 12.5 mm, arched - 6.5 mm, and ceiling - 9.5 mm. Moisture-resistant sheets are always green, the rest are gray.

Required to work Consumables and tools: galvanized metal profiles, drywall and perforated corners, screws, primer and gypsum putty, building level, metal shears and a knife, a screwdriver, dowels and a perforator.

From the drawing to the wall in size, it is necessary to transfer the plan of the entire structure, taking into account the niche and the designation of the location of its shelves, curly elements and lamps. The wall must be flat and clean. If necessary, it can be plastered.

First, the frame of the future structure is made. The profile guides must be fixed along the marking lines using dowels and a puncher. Fastening step - no more than 400 mm. On the curved sections of the frame, the profiles must be cut along their shelves and bent before fastening along the desired radii.

After fixing the guide profiles of the future design, you need to add volume. To do this, step back from the wall to the depth of the niche, and then fix the horizontal profiles on the floor and ceiling in accordance with it. After that, they should be connected with vertical racks.

To form a niche contour in the frame, it is necessary to cut profile pieces of the required dimensions, bend their ends at an angle of 90 degrees and fix them on the racks and the wall. The fastening of the profiles to each other is carried out with small self-tapping screws "bug" using a screwdriver.

The lighting of a niche in a plasterboard wall should be taken care of even at the stage of manufacturing the frame. It is necessary to lay electrical wiring to it in special plastic boxes. They look quite decent, so cutting a strobe in the wall for a cable is not required.

The front part of the resulting frame and its attachment to the wall should be reinforced with stiffeners. Their fastening must be carried out from the racks at the same distance along the length.

Sheathing the niche frame with plasterboard sheets should begin with its curvilinear elements, if any. After cutting the sheet, they must immediately be tried on to the installation sites. It is desirable to sheathe the slopes of the niche and its frontal part whole sheets drywall, if the size of the structure allows. In this case, it will have greater rigidity. GKL docking near the corners of the niche should not be allowed. Fastening drywall sheets sheathing to the metal frame is carried out with 25 mm self-tapping screws using a screwdriver. The heads of the screws should be slightly recessed into the thickness of the material.

After finishing the sheathing outside corners niches, a perforated profile should be fixed, the joints of gypsum boards should be coated with putty and a reinforcing serpentine tape should be glued to them. Then, a gypsum mortar should be applied over the tape and the perforated corner and leveled with a spatula. The recesses from the caps of the sheet fasteners must also be sealed with putty. After the solution has dried, the treated surfaces must be sanded with fine sandpaper. Now the niche is completely ready for finishing.

Important! All operations for the installation of frame profiles must be controlled building level and a square. Only in this case it is possible to obtain a niche of the correct geometric shape.

Niche in a brick wall

Brick niche can be rectangular or arcuate. In the second case, a kind of “compass” is used to mark it on the wall, consisting of a thread with a tied pencil. When planning work, you should increase the size of the planned recess by 3-5%, leaving room for decorative finishes. The thickness of a brick wall for arranging a niche should not be less than 400 mm.

Before you make a niche in a brick wall, you need to prepare a grinder with a stone disc, a puncher, a hammer and a chisel. In addition, you need to have protective equipment: gloves, special goggles and a respirator. This is important, since the dismantling of masonry is always accompanied by an abundance of dust and flying fragments.

Niche device in brick wall you should start by making a recess for the upper lintel, which will hold the top of the wall when dismantling the masonry of its lower part. The length of the jumper will be greater than the width of the niche, so the upper horizontal recess must be made with a margin of 300 mm relative to cross dimension lower planned cavity.

In the selected place of the wall, mark the contour of the niche and knock down the plaster at the location of the jumper. When the rows of masonry become visible, you need to adjust the height of the contour, taking into account the upper support beam. The top row of masonry to be removed should consist of spooned bricks. If this is not the case according to the markup, the line of the upper recess for the jumper must be lowered one row lower.

After that, using a perforator hammer and a chisel, you should prepare a strobe for a jumper. Is the masonry removed in a horizontal direction to a depth? bricks and a height of 150 mm. Fragments of bricks from the excavation must be removed after work is completed.

After that, a mixture of cement, sand and gravel should be prepared in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 and a formwork should be installed on the recess made.

She will need a couple of boards. One of them needs to close half of the strobe in height and nail it to the wall. Now you need five reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10 mm. They must be laid on a centimeter layer of concrete, previously poured into the formwork after fastening the board. The second board should be filled higher than the first, leaving a gap between them to fill the space with concrete. After a week, the concrete will gain strength, after which you can work on.

It is convenient to perform the main recess for a niche in the wall with a “grinder” with a circle around the stone. The side lines of the outlined contour must be cut to a depth of 120 mm, and then the bricks should be removed from the masonry in rows from top to bottom with a hammer and chisel.

At the end of this process, the verticality of the walls of the niche must be checked with a level, leveled with putty and sanded its surface, and then proceed to finishing.

Features of the design of niches in the wall

The design of a niche largely depends on its purpose, but artistic taste in this matter is also important. Finishing this element of the interior can be done with various materials. These include:
  • Stone artificial or natural. A great option for decorating niches located in kitchens or living rooms. The convenience of this design is ease of cleaning. In order not to complicate it, it is better to line the horizontal planes of the niche with a stone with a less "torn" surface than its walls.
  • Laminate. It is more suitable for wall niches in bedrooms. With this material, the slopes and shelves of the niche located at the head of the bed are pasted over. Its advantage is that the backlight, which is an invariable attribute of such a niche, will not emphasize the flaws made when leveling the surfaces. In addition, the installation of a laminated board on the walls is not at all complicated, and anyone can handle it.
  • Drapery fabric. This niche design will bring comfort and coziness to the room. Fabric drapery also good for bed headboard decor.
  • 3D panels or tiles. This material is truly versatile, as it can be made from plaster, metal, leather, and even carved wood. With its help, niches are made in the premises of absolutely any purpose. There can be only one limitation in the use of 3D panels - the size of the recesses in the wall. If the niches are small, such a finish will become somewhat problematic.
  • Painting finish. It is also universal and consists in puttying a niche with its subsequent coloring. When decorating a recess in this way, it is necessary to choose a moisture-resistant paint. This will facilitate the operation of the niche and its cleaning.
  • Decorative plaster. With its help, any structure and relief can be formed on the niche surface. The material has a huge number of varieties and is suitable for designing a niche in the wall of a room for any purpose.
Today, wall niches are not just a cavity, but an unusual space that should harmoniously fit into style decision interior. Therefore, when making such a recess, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:
  1. Niches are usually used as a corrective functional or decorative element in rooms that have technical shortcomings and layout flaws that require disguise.
  2. It is important to observe reasonable proportions of niche sizes in relation to the dimensions of the rooms.
  3. The color of the inside of the niche should be lighter than its background, otherwise it may feel like there is a hole in the wall. The vaults of the recess can be made a tone darker in relation to the main one.
  4. If the coatings in the design of a niche have a different texture, their compatibility must be taken into account.
  5. Mirrors help to visually expand the interior space of the recess.
Very important element decoration of a decorative niche in the wall is its illumination. Most often it is lateral, upper and is implemented using spotlights or led strip, which fits into pre-prepared recesses. They create not only additional soft lighting of the room, but also allow you to transform its space, giving the room a special mystery.

For instance, narrow corridor can be visually expanded if, on both sides of it, low horizontally extended niches are placed, having rear mirrored walls and an upper LED backlight. The effect will be stunning.

How to make a niche in the wall - look at the video:

Niche - a recess in the wall, acting as a decor or furniture - to accommodate a cabinet, shelf, flowerpot, sculpture. It is convenient to equip it when sheathing the wall with panel materials. For example, assemble from GKL sheets on a frame, followed by painting, plastering the wall. How to make a drywall niche with your own hands, and what kind of finished wall decor can be?

Why do niches in the walls

Modern decoration uses niches as functional elements. They can not only place cabinets and shelves, but also install various techniques- TV screens, speakers, electronic equipment. They can also equip, arrange a night light.

Niches are often used to mask protruding objects - for example, heating radiators. Or for visual magnification small space. Narrow vertical recesses in the wall “raise” the ceilings, and horizontal recesses “expand” the rooms.

Therefore, their arrangement is often used in small rooms, one-room apartments, Khrushchev. Also, recesses in the walls are often made in those rooms where there should be a minimum of furniture - corridors,.

On a note: in the same room can be successfully combined various options plasterboard finishes - niches, arches and columns made of plasterboard.

Shapes and sizes

A niche is a recess that can have different shape, sizes and additional decor. What it might look like:

  • Shape - can be rectangular, square, with an arched vault. It can be placed vertically or horizontally. An unusual shape is possible - rounded, with curved lines.
  • The shape of the recess - can be a step with a right angle between the side surface and the wall. Or you can equip a rounded recess in the wall.
  • Perhaps the presence of lighting in the form of built-in lamps - spot LED lamps.
  • There may be other electrical equipment - sockets, switches, if you plan to put a TV in a niche, home theater, music center, sound speakers.
  • There may be doors on the sides - such recesses in the wall are called closed niches. Recesses without doors are called open.

Tools and materials

To equip a niche in the wall using GKL sheets, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Drywall sheets - for living rooms they use ordinary plasterboard, for the kitchen - moisture-resistant drywall boards. Moisture-resistant panels do not dampen, and for a visual difference they are produced painted in green.
  • Aluminum profile - sold in various cross-sectional sizes, with a length of up to 4 m. For arranging drywall walls, a profile with a cross section of 27x60 mm is often used.
  • Fasteners: plastic dowels with metal screws or dowel-nails - for fastening the profiles to the wall. If the wall is brick or concrete, take self-tapping screws 40 mm long. Self-tapping screws for attaching profiles to each other - often take the so-called "bugs" with a thread-drill 9 mm long. Self-tapping screws for fastening GKL - a length of 25 mm is sufficient if 1 layer of drywall is used.
  • Drywall knife or grinder, electric jigsaw, hacksaw for cutting drywall sheets, metal shears for cutting profiles.
  • Screwdriver, drill and screwdriver - for tightening screws and self-tapping screws.
  • Level or plumb - for measuring horizontals and verticals.
  • Ruler, pencil, tape measure - to determine the size.
  • Serpyanka tape - reinforcing tape for sealing seams, joints.
  • Corners - to strengthen the outer corners and give them a perfect smooth shape.
  • Spatula - for applying and leveling putty.
  • Putty for drywall - "Start" and "Finish".
  • You will also need materials for subsequent wall decoration - paint, plaster, wallpaper.

    On a note: since the niche should be a recess in the wall, when arranging it, it will be necessary to sheathe with plasterboard not only the cavity itself, but also the entire wall or most of it.

    Sequence of work

    We list the sequence of work that allows you to decorate the wall aesthetically and correctly:

  1. Marking - drawing on the wall the location of the recess, its shape and size. It is done with a pencil, tape measure and ruler. In the presence of electrical equipment, indicate the place of supply electric cable and the location of the built-in socket, lamp.
  2. Fastening on the wall of metal profile frames - for this, metal guides are cut to size and connected in the form of frames. Inside the frame, jumpers are made across the width - every 400 mm. The width of the frames determines the depth of the future niche.

    For cutting profiles, you will need scissors for metal. To connect them together - small self-tapping screws with a drill head, 9 mm long. The frames are screwed to the wall at the markup. They are placed perpendicular to the wall. The horizontal and vertical profiles on the wall are checked with a level. For curvilinear and arched forms, a flexible profile is used.

    On a note: if the walls of the room were initially uneven, it is necessary to align them, make a “base”. Otherwise, there will be gaps between the side surfaces of the niche and the wall.

  3. If there is a backlight or sockets, an electrical cable is laid.
  4. According to the assembled frame, sheathing with GKL sheets is performed. To do this, they are cut to a certain size. Cut them with a drywall knife. Swipe with the tip of a knife on the surface of the GCR and after that - lightly hit the GCR sheet. The sheet breaks at the point of cutting with a knife. After that, the finished pieces of drywall are applied to the frame and screwed with self-tapping screws. To do this, use self-tapping screws 25 mm long and a screwdriver, a screwdriver.

    Sheathing sequence - first side surfaces. Then all the others. In the presence of sockets and lamps, holes are cut out at their locations. For curved and vaulted recesses use arched drywall- it is bent, as in the arrangement of arches and round columns.

    Important: the caps of the self-tapping screws deepen flush with the surface of the gypsum plasterboard, “turn flush”. This will facilitate the filling of joints and recesses, will allow you to get a completely flat interior surface.

    Further operations are performed if drywall is planned to be covered with paint, plaster or wallpapered.

    1. Primer- performed adhesive mixture. Priming the surface improves its adhesion, ensures high-quality fastening of the future putty to drywall.
    2. Leveling and termination joints, seams with reinforcing serpentine tape. It is glued on PVA. Before gluing the sickle, the edge of the GKL sheet is cut to a chamfer, approximately 25 °. This will align the joints without bumps.
    3. Sticking perforated corners- for better design outside corners.
    4. Putty- is performed for the final alignment of the entire surface of drywall, smoothing the putty at the joints.
    5. Surface grinding- for final alignment.
    6. Primer- impregnation of the putty with an adhesive mixture, improves the adhesion of the putty surface, is necessary for good fastening wallpaper, paint, plaster.
    7. Finishing- painting, plastering, wallpapering. It is also possible to mount decorative panels- pasting with laminated chipboard, MDF, in the bathroom - PVC or plastic. But for such a finish, the previous operations of priming, puttying, gluing sickle and perforated corners are not needed.

Drywall is one of the best inventions in the field. building materials. Virtually none modern renovation can not do without the use of GKL sheets.

Suspended single-level and multi-level ceilings, partitions, various niches and shelves, countertops, window slopes, wall alignment is far from complete list use of this material.

Drywall is a non-toxic, harmless material produced in the form of gypsum-based boards lined with cardboard on all sides (except for the top and bottom edges).

Plates release standard sizes: width 1200 mm, length 2500, 3000 mm.

Three are widely known: wall, ceiling and arched, the main difference is the thickness of the sheets. wall material has a thickness of 12.5 mm, ceiling - 9.5 mm, arched - 6.5 mm.

According to the field of application, drywall is divided into:

GKLversatile material for dry rooms (plates gray color with blue markings)

GKLV- moisture-resistant drywall for rooms with high humidity(green plates with blue markings);

GKLO- fire-resistant drywall with increased ability to resist open fire (gray boards with red markings);

GKLVO- moisture resistant with increased fire resistance (green boards with red markings).

Today we will talk in more detail about various partitions and niches that can be done in residential and non-residential premises using drywall.

Drywall niche design

Why do we need niches in the interior? First, it's beautiful decorative element, secondly, a convenient storage place, thirdly, with the help of plasterboard partitions with niches and lighting, you can divide the room into zones, fourthly, you can save on furniture with their help.

Drywall niches instead of furniture

Having decorated a blank wall with the help of decorative plasterboard niches, where you can place a TV, a decorative fireplace, interesting and necessary items interior, flowers, books, there is no need to buy cabinet furniture.

We complement the design with spectacular lighting, install a cozy sofa in the living room, fill it with textiles, and get a finished and comfortable interior.

Drywall niche for hidden eaves

Constructing suspended ceiling from GKL, do not forget to make a niche in the ceiling for mounting a curtain rod. The hidden cornice is not visible to the eye, we perceive only flowing curtains that seem to fall from the ceiling - no extra elements.

Zoning the premises

Plasterboard partitions are used to divide the room into zones. They can be used to separate working area from a recreation area, for example, in a children's room. To make the partition lighter and not obscure the space separated from the illuminated part, complete it with a niche device. They can accommodate flower vases, books, toys (if the partition is being built in the children's room) and other household items.

Using this technique, you can divide the nursery into two parts if the owners of the room are two children. Each person needs their own space. By dividing the room into two parts, you thereby give each child the opportunity to have "their territory", but at the same time the children spend time playing together.

The same technique can be used by dividing the living room into zones.

Zoning a room one-room apartment for living room and bedroom

GKL niches with additional features

With the help of drywall, you can make niches for placing a dressing room or just a closet in them in the bedroom, nursery, in the hall and corridor. It remains to install opening or sliding doors and convenient storage space ready.

If it becomes necessary to hide an unsightly heating radiator, then you can build a niche for it, which can later be covered with a decorative screen.

Niche shelves - a convenient storage place and an accent in the interior

A variety of niche shelves can be made in almost any room: kitchen, living rooms, in bathrooms, hallways, balconies. This design will be a great place to arrange various items, and will also serve as an interesting accent when creating an interior.

In rooms with high humidity, the structure is constructed from moisture resistant drywall. Surfaces can be painted acrylic paint(many use facade paints, as they are resistant to moisture and mechanical stress). Walls can also be tiled. Mosaic tiles look especially impressive in bathrooms.

How to make a drywall niche with your own hands?

If you decide to build a similar structure in the interior of your home, then you need to stock up the following materials and tools: metal or wooden guides, drywall sheets corresponding to the purpose of the room, building level, drill, screwdriver, dowels, metal or wood screws, putty and spatula for its application.

The frame is made according to the drawing of the future design. The guides are attached to the wall with dowels, and are interconnected with self-tapping screws. But the details of the metal profile can be connected to each other using a riveter. In this case, it will be easier to fix drywall sheets. They will fit snugly against the rails and will not crack during installation.

After erecting the frame, we sew it up with sheets of drywall and putty. Further, the surface can be painted, wallpapered, laid out with decorative stone or ceramic tiles, supplemented with wooden or glass shelves in accordance with the chosen interior style. It remains to fill the structure with the desired objects and decor and enjoy the work done.

The modern design of rooms with drywall is convenient, simple and cheap option. Having understood the technology of installing drywall sheets, you can create with your own hands, changing the interior of any room, even a bathroom or toilet, if you use a moisture-resistant material. One of the structural elements of the GKL is a niche in the wall. It fits perfectly into any room of the house or apartment, regardless of its purpose.

Any construction and installation process is divided into several stages. The construction of a drywall niche in the wall was no exception. Therefore, getting started, try to break it down into stages.

Preparation of working tools

It is necessary to prepare tools and materials, as well as sketch a sketch of the future design.

Of the tools you will need:

  • perforator;
  • metal scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette with a marker;
  • plumb line with level;
  • spatulas;
  • screwdriver

  • drywall sheets;
  • metal profiles (rails or rack);
  • putty;
  • seam tape.

Now we need to sketch a niche in the wall, which is like a three-dimensional structure protruding from the wall. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine its thickness. There are no special restrictions in this, but you will have to take into account the size of the room. And than less room, the smaller its thickness. Designers have determined the minimum indicator of this size, which is 15 cm.

The shape, height and width of the structure is determined based on the taste preferences of the owner of the house and the dimensions of the room. If a drywall niche in the wall of the room is done by hand, then choose simple form no frills: no rounded corners, no multi-level shelves and partitions.

Complete installation of a drywall niche on the wall (part 1) - Installation Secrets!

This video shows the complete installation decorative design from drywall on the wall and after viewing...

Let's not forget about lighting. It is on the sketch that you need to think about where the lamps and sockets will be installed.

Calculation of the necessary materials for a niche in the wall

This stage includes cutting profiles according to the dimensions determined by the sketch. You will need a tape measure and a marker for sizing, and scissors for cutting. Experienced craftsmen at this stage, drywall sheets are also cut. It is not recommended for a beginner to do this, there is a chance of getting confused and incorrectly cutting the sheet under required dimensions. Therefore, it is better to transfer work with drywall to the main stage, where a niche in the wall will be designed.

Advice for newbies. The length of the profile is 3 m, so you can not cut it into pieces when drawing up the corners of the niche. You can simply bend the profile at a right angle. To do this, at the place of the bend along the side shelves, you need to make a triangular cutout so that the upper angle is 90º. After that, the profile is easily bent at a right angle.

Tips for mounting the structure

Now the profiles are installed exactly along the lines.

  • First, a profile is applied to the wall. Through it, holes are made in the wall with a puncher, where plastic dowels are driven. And already self-tapping screws are screwed into them with a screwdriver. The distance between the fasteners is 40-50 cm. Thus, the contour of the niche on the wall is assembled.
  • Now we need to make the niche voluminous. To do this, along the entire contour of the structure, perpendicular to the wall, crossbars are installed, the length of which will determine the width of the structure. The distance between them is 40-50 cm. Fastening to the contour is done with self-tapping screws. The upper crossbars are additionally attached to the ceiling if the drywall niche in the wall is built up to the ceiling. bottom to the floor.
  • An external contour is assembled along the edges of the installed crossbars. And again, the profiles applied to the ceiling are attached to it, the lower ones to the floor.

So, metal carcass niches in the wall of the room is ready, you can start on the side of the electrical wiring. Try not to let the wires touch the profiles. They are best attached to the frame with plastic clips.

Then you can move on to plasterboard lining. To do this, you need to measure the dimensions of each section, transfer them to a drywall sheet and cut them out with a sharp knife.

It is done like this:

  • The sheet is laid on a flat surface at a low height. It could be a table.
  • With a knife, using a metal ruler or profile, an incision is made along the cut line of the cardboard layer.
  • The sheet is exposed along the edge of the table along the notch line.
  • Press lightly on the edge. The sheet should crack right along the line.
  • The bottom cardboard layer is cut off.

Further, everything is simple. The cut section is installed at its destination and fastened with self-tapping screws to profile frame. The distance between fasteners is 10-12 cm, from the edge 1.5 cm. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the drywall body to a depth of 0.5 cm.

Under the lamps and sockets, holes are cut with a puncher with a special cutting tool- crown. Its diameter is selected according to the diameters of electrical appliances.

Finishing and decorating a niche in a room

Let's move on to another no less important issue how to make a niche in the wall? First of all, it is necessary to seal the joints of drywall sections. To do this, it is necessary to fill them with putty, apply a special paper strip to the joints. Allow to dry and then once again walk along the joints with putty mortar.

Now you can solve the problem of decorating a niche in the wall. There are a lot of options: from simple painting and wallpapering to stone or tile cladding.

If selected regular painting, then first of all, a drywall niche in the wall must be treated with a primer. After drying, a thin layer of putty is applied to level the planes. After the next drying, grinding is carried out with a fine sandpaper. And now you can paint it.

Making a niche in the wall with facing materials is a more complex process. It is carried out using the same technologies as wall decoration. By the way, sections of the walls free from the structure can be decorated with the same drywall. It's just glued to the wall. liquid nails or adhesives for GKL.

The original design of a niche in the wall is the facing of free wall sections with mirrors.

So, in this article, the question was considered, how to make a niche in a drywall wall? If someone has any questions about technology or has suggestions for design, we are ready to listen in your comments.

Drywall is widely used in the repair and decoration of apartments. However, coatings from it have one significant drawback: various hanging interior elements, such as shelves or cabinets, are very poorly held on their surface. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-strengthen the frame in the places of their attachment. But a more original and aesthetically attractive solution can be a niche in a drywall wall, which can be made by hand.

What are the advantages of GKL niches?

Recesses in the walls can perform both decorative and practical functions, so they are relevant for all rooms in the apartment. They are made in bedrooms, halls, hallways, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. They allow:

  • Save the free space of the room, “eaten up when leveling the walls with drywall.
  • Divide the room into separate functional areas.
  • Organize convenient storage books and small items on shelves placed inside a niche.
  • Place household appliances with solid weight on the wall, such as a TV or audio system.
  • Give the room a unique look.

Niches can be open or closed. In the latter case, they turn into original lockers. A good visual effect can be achieved if additional illumination is made in the recess with spotlights or LED strip.


Each room is individual, so you will have to design a niche yourself, focusing on your own idea. You can get ideas here, and this article will help you choose the design of a niche designed for a TV.

Having decided on the purpose and type of niche, first of all they make it detailed drawing. It is needed to calculate required amount material.

The dimensions of the recess are calculated depending on its purpose: what is planned to be placed there, whether there will be a backlight, whether shelves are needed in the niche.

Special attention requires the installation of household appliances, such as a TV. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the following points:

  • The niche shelf must be strong enough to support the weight of the appliance. It should be additionally reinforced with horizontal jumpers. Some craftsmen advise making the shelves themselves not from drywall, but from plywood: it is more durable and can withstand a greater load.
  • The niche depth must be calculated taking into account the gap between the appliance and the rear wall. It is needed not only to place wires or other communications, but also to exclude the heating of drywall from a working device.

Advice. It is desirable that outer side installed equipment, such as a TV screen, was in the same plane as the niche boundary or was slightly pushed inward. So it is more difficult to accidentally touch it and knock it over from the shelf.

  • Clearances are also needed on the top and sides for comfortable installation of equipment and its maintenance.

The drawing indicates all the elements of the future frame. When placing profiles, the dimensions of drywall sheets are taken into account in order to reduce the amount of waste. All elements from the GKL must be joined on the profile, and the joints are not recommended to be placed at the edges of the structure.

Necessary materials

Having made calculations according to the sketch, they purchase the necessary materials with a certain margin:

  • Drywall. In most cases, an ordinary wall plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 mm is used, but you can also take a thinner one, including an arched one. For rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, moisture-resistant drywall is used.
  • The framework is made of the directing (UD) and rack-mount (CD) profile.
  • If the base wall is uneven, straight hangers may be required.
  • Damper tape providing sound insulation of the structure.
  • Dowel-nails 6 × 60 mm for fixing rails to the wall, floor and ceiling. With a large layer of plaster, longer hardware is taken, for example 8 × 80 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal for fastening frame elements together.
  • Putty and primer for drywall, as well as a sickle mesh - to prepare a niche for finishing after assembly.


The standard set required for the construction of drywall structures:

  • Metal shears for profile cutting.
  • Perforator equipped with a drill of the desired diameter.
  • Screwdriver. It is recommended to purchase a special bit for installing drywall. It limits the depth of screwing screws and prevents damage to the material.
  • Marking and measuring tool: tape measure, pencil, square, level and plumb.
  • Spatula, brush and roller.

How to make a drywall niche with your own hands: creating a frame

Frame assembly instructions:

  • The drawing from the sketch is transferred to the walls, floor and ceiling.
  • The necessary pieces of the guide profile are cut off. Their back side is glued with a damper tape.
  • The rails are mounted on the ceiling, wall and floor using dowels in 30–40 cm increments.
  • Racks of the rear plane are installed: sections of the profile are cut into 1–2 cm less height rooms. They are inserted into the guides on the floor and ceiling, and then fixed with metal screws or a cutter. They can be additionally attached to a flat wall with dowels. If the base surface is bumpy, then direct suspensions are used.

When the niche has a curvilinear configuration, you can use a flexible arched profile. Another option: cutouts in the form of a petal are made on the guide in the side walls, after which it will easily take the required shape. The desired bend is fixed with vertical jumpers.

  • The necessary horizontal jumpers are made from the rack profile and fixed with self-tapping screws. In the end it will flat frame the back of the future niche.
  • In the same way, mirror, the frame of the front part of the structure is assembled.
  • Both structures are connected by horizontal jumpers. They are needed not only to create a recess contour or fasten shelves, but also for rigidity. Jumpers are made of a rack-mount profile and are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Drywall fixing

The cladding of the GKL frame begins with rear wall niches, if required, because often a flat base surface acts in its role. First, the recess is lined, and then the drywall is mounted on the front plane. In this case, several points should be taken into account:

  • If it is supposed to place sockets or spotlights in a niche, then holes for them in drywall are cut out in advance.
  • Chamfers are made at an angle of 45 in all places where individual plasterboard fragments will be joined.
  • Sheathing elements forming right angles are installed so that the plane of one covers the end of the other.
  • Fragments of plasterboard are mounted in increments of 20–25 cm. The fastening points on adjacent pieces are shifted relative to each other.
  • To bend drywall, for example, for an arch-shaped niche, proceed as follows: the surface of the element is moistened with water and rolled with a roller with needles. Another option: a series of parallel cuts are made on the fragment, forming the desired bend. The smaller the radius, the more often the cuts. Only the cardboard layer on one side of the element should be cut.

Preparing for finishing

The assembled drywall structure is prepared step by step for a fine finish:

  • All corners are additionally reinforced with special perforated corners: this will protect them from damage during operation. A small layer of putty is applied to the corners, after which a corner is pressed into it. Excess mixture protrudes through the holes and is removed with a spatula.
  • The seams are glued with a reinforcing mesh, and then sealed with putty. After it dries, grouting is done with fine sandpaper. The technology of work is described here.
  • The holes formed by the heads of the self-tapping screws are sealed with putty, and then overwritten.
  • The entire niche is covered twice with a primer. The application of the second layer occurs only after the complete drying of the first.

Before finishing with wallpaper or paint, the structure is puttied, before laying tiles or decorative stone you don't need to do this.

Plasterboard niche on the wall in the apartment is individuality and accuracy. It emphasizes the refined taste of the owner, modernity and at the same time creates comfort in the room. The living room is a large central room in an apartment or house.

The recess created in the wall is used to install decorative fireplace, TV, aquarium. Sometimes it serves as shelves for books or photo frames with rare photos. Shelves stand out from the general background of the room with excellent materials and colors. Often, the design is made with 3D elements:

How to make a drywall niche

The result is achieved by using a special perforated corner. Corner aligned problem areas where it is necessary to achieve right angle. The description of the corner can be found in the relevant technical sections of the product. The adhesive penetrates through the perforation and is firmly attached to the drywall sheets.

When the glue dries, the screws are removed and the remaining holes are sealed with the same glue. A spatula can remove adhesive residue. When the surface dries, it is necessary to grind it, and then putty. When the putty dries, you can start further finishing such as painting or wallpapering. After completion repair work sometimes there are unforeseen plans for the alteration of the premises.

For example, they decided to change the curtains or hang blinds. Since you need to put the socket box tightly, it is attached to special paws, drowning in the prepared hole (the paws are pressed against the inner surface of the GKL, screwing in the fasteners). figure work with drywall are much more expensive and a separate price list should be drawn up for their implementation, based on the project presented to the team.

How to make a drywall niche with your own hands

Niches can be open or closed. In the latter case, they turn into original lockers. A good visual effect can be achieved if additional illumination is made in the recess with the help of spotlights or LED strip. Having decided on the purpose and type of the niche, first of all they draw up its detailed drawing.
It is needed to calculate the required amount of material. The drawing indicates all the elements of the future frame. When placing profiles, the dimensions of drywall sheets are taken into account in order to reduce the amount of waste. All elements from the GKL must be joined on the profile, and the joints are not recommended to be placed at the edges of the structure. Advice.

It is desirable that the outer side of the installed equipment, such as a TV screen, be in the same plane as the niche boundary or be slightly pushed inward. So it’s more difficult to accidentally touch it and knock it over from the shelf. The cladding of the GKL frame starts from the back wall of the niche, if required, because often a flat base surface acts as its role.

First, the recess is lined, and then the drywall is mounted on the front plane. In this case, several points should be taken into account: The most convenient and practical are a drywall niche with backlight, which is also really do-it-yourself, therefore, in Lately they gained wide popularity. There are 2 backlight options: Next, you need to connect the LED lamps to the power supply and check their performance, if everything works accurately and properly, then you can proceed to sticking the tape strictly along the contour.

When lining a curved frame for a gypsum board arch, drywall needs to be bent in the desired radius. To do this, the edges of the sheet are notched, and after mounting they are puttied. There is also the option of bending the sheet into a semicircle with water. Here you should pass a spiked roller along the drywall part, then sprinkle it with water and leave it in special form dry.

After 12 hours, the drywall sheet acquires desired shape. A niche looks great for highlighting or for placing frames with photographs or paintings there. And you can also make a niche for the necessary things, such as a telephone, a book read at night.

How to make a niche in a drywall wall with your own hands

In order to facilitate your work, you need to transfer the sketch on a scale to the wall. That is, draw the contours of a niche on the wall. To do this, you need to use a plumb line and a level. It is very important here that the ribs are strictly in horizontal and vertical planes.

Any construction and installation process is divided into several stages. The construction of a drywall niche in the wall was no exception. Therefore, when starting work, try to break it down into stages. Why do we need niches in the interior? Firstly, it is a beautiful decorative element, secondly, it is a convenient storage place, thirdly, with the help of plasterboard partitions with niches and lighting, you can divide the room into zones, and fourthly, you can save on furniture with their help.

If your kitchen has a niche for a drywall TV or a niche for an aquarium, use the same color as for the walls, and the backlight that will always be in this niche will make this color play in a new way. Fasten the PCB to the wall with dowel-nails along the marking contour. The remaining operations for the construction of the frame are identical to those described above. The list of preparatory operations that must be carried out before mounting the niche frame in a plasterboard wall includes: Final finishing is necessary in order to give it a finished and aesthetic appearance.

The niche and the interior of the room should be decorated in the same style and complement each other.
The final finish suggests: First of all, it is worth marking on the wall exactly where the niche is planned to be placed - the plan is best perceived visually. After that, measurements are taken to calculate all the materials. Do not be of the opinion that ceramic tile or mosaics are appropriate only in the kitchen or in the bathroom. This durable and practical material gives room for creativity to any designer. Glass mosaic or woodgrain textured matt porcelain stoneware – you just have to choose suitable option for a specific interior.

It is easy to bring down the bulge (chisel + hammer), seal it into the recess with a solution. In some cases, to give the profile the correct position, wedges, linings, and the like can be used during its fastening. When using lamps with light bulbs, the circuit should be powered through a step-down Tr (36, 24 or 12 V).
Higher voltage, given that the frame of the niche is metal, is not recommended.