How to install sliding doors. How to install interior sliding doors

Interior design

To date, one of the most popular decorating techniques has become the use of sliding doors in the interior. How to make the installation yourself, and will be discussed in this article.

Sliding doors have become very popular in recent years, they are installed even where there is no need to save space. People are attracted by their functionality and ability to give the interior an elegant look and mobility. Therefore, today the installation of interior sliding doors is a rather demanded service. However, this work does not require any special knowledge, skills in using a construction tool or physical strength. You can install it yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding to manufacture and, you must carefully study all the pros and cons. To begin with, it should be noted that such structures are, perhaps, the best option for small rooms, where the installation of ordinary ones is difficult and impractical.

In addition, it is a great option for lovers of unconventional interior solutions.

So, here's a list of the obvious benefits:

  • Allows you to significantly save space;
  • The doors open easily, effortlessly;
  • It is fashionable to automate such models easily enough;
  • They do not close or clap when exposed to drafts;
  • In most cases, no thresholds are required.

These are positive aspects that speak in favor of using products of this type.

However, to be objective, it is necessary to say about the disadvantages:

Varieties and designs

The designs that exist today differ in appearance. But those who want to know how to make a sliding door themselves should take into account that their design remains unchanged in all cases, and consists of a door leaf, guides and a roller mechanism.

The principle of operation is also the same for all types of sliding doors.

Main elements

The rollers move along the guides, and the roller mechanism itself is attached to the door. The number of rollers may vary depending on the model.

In addition to the main elements listed above, the design of the sliding door also includes decorative panels (they are designed to cover the mechanism), various fittings, accessories and platbands (see).

Main types of products

Among the variety of models, the main, most common types can be distinguished:

  • radius;
  • sliding;
  • sliding;
  • one, two, three and four leaflets;
  • cascading.

Sliding doors - the design is rather unusual, therefore, special fittings are required for them, belonging to a certain type.

Handles and locks are noticeably different from conventional hardware. A characteristic feature of the handles for this type of door is that they are recessed into the leaf. This design is naturally not accidental - the handles recessed into the door leaf do not interfere with the normal functioning of the door system.

The same goes for castles - they are not quite ordinary. Locks for this type of door work on the vertical snapping principle.

In most cases, fittings are sold complete with a sliding door. However, if the question arose of how to make sliding products yourself, when purchasing accessories, it is better to consult with specialists or select items by catalog number.


Obviously, sliding doors got their name from the principle by which they open and close. The type of structure, the material from which the canvas is made, and the number of flaps depends on which roller mechanism and guides will need to be selected.

Different types of interior sliding doors have different weights, and therefore create an excellent load on the entire structure as a whole. For example, if we compare a two-leaf structure made of glass and the same door made of MDF, then, obviously, the latter will weigh much less. This means that for its installation it will be necessary to choose a lighter and simpler mechanism.

Installation of some types of interior sliding doors requires special attention to the choice of guides and roller mechanism. This is especially true for such types of doorways as accordion, coupe and cascading sliding doors. Cascade doors require the installation of two roller mechanisms for each leaf and, accordingly, guides with two grooves.

When installing a compartment and cascade products, it is necessary to pay attention to the following point: for each canvas, one chute must be installed in the guides.

When studying how to make a structure with your own hands, it should be remembered that the reliability of the structure depends mainly on the reliability of the roller mechanism and guides. To ensure reliability, some types of doors (for example, glass) require the installation of two guides (one at the top and one at the bottom).

What needs to be foreseen for the device of structures

If you purchase the door itself separately from the sliding mechanism, be sure to take into account the total weight of the canvases. Based on this, the required minimum number of rollers is calculated - the main structural elements that bear the weight of the door and allow it to move easily.

It is enough to install two rollers on a canvas weighing 30-35 kg, and they will easily cope with their task. For heavier ones, the number of rollers should be increased.

If you are planning sliding interior doors - installation in a plasterboard partition - then at the stage of arranging the opening in it, lay a solid wooden bar above it, to which the guide will subsequently be attached.

Important! Direct installation should be done after all rough work and flooring have been laid. In the case of false walls, a metal guide is installed in it before facing with plasterboard.

Preparing for installation

Before buying a door, you need to decide on its size. To do this, using a tape measure, measure the opening in length and width and add 5-6 cm to the obtained values. If it is not possible to purchase ready-made canvases of a given size, they can be made to order or cut in a specialized workshop.

Attention! When installing doors not in the opening, but as a sliding partition in the room, the height of the leaf is calculated based on the ceilings minus the thickness of the supporting beam and the structure.

If sliding elements are purchased separately from the canvas, use the help of a specialist when choosing them, since it is rather difficult to independently determine the required number of rollers.

You will need:

  • Guide rail, the length of which should be equal to double the width of the opening (or slightly more).
  • Rollers with carriages.
  • Stoppers(rubber buffers) or plugs inserted into the ends of the rail.
  • Anchor bolts for fixing the supporting bar to the wall.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • - handles, locks.

All this can be purchased as a set or separately - at construction markets and in large stores. In the same place, buy everything you need for decorative finishing of the opening: racks for the box, platbands (see), accessories, finishing nails.

In addition, you will need a strong square beam 50x50 mm, the length of which is equal to the guide of the metal rail.

And also a set of construction tools:

  • Building level and plumb line
  • Roulette
  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Chisel (if there is a milling machine, the chisel is not needed)

It remains to be convinced of the vertical position of the slopes of the opening in order to start installation - the interior sliding doors are ready for installation.


In order for the assembly of products with your own hands to be correct, it is necessary to take this stage very responsibly. You may need a diagram, because the sliding mechanism is not so simple.

There are two ways to make markings for installing the support beam:

  1. Measure the height of the door with a tape measure. Add to it the size of the gap between the door leaf and the floor (10-15 mm) and the height of the rail with the assembled roller mechanism. Set aside the resulting size on the wall above the opening at two or three points and draw a straight horizontal line through them.
  2. Place the canvas to the opening by placing a lining of the desired thickness under it, and draw a line on the wall along the upper edge of the door. Set aside from it the height of the sliding mechanisms with the guide.

Attention! To prevent the retractable structure from moving in one direction or another after installation, make sure that the marking line is strictly horizontal. Use the building level for this.

Installing the guide

Depending on the design features, the rail can be attached in different ways:

  • Dowels directly to the wall.
  • To the bottom edge of a wooden bar fixed to the wall.
  • On special brackets.
  • To the ceiling.

Regardless of the installation method, the upper horizontal plane of the guide should be located along the marking line, and the gutter should be positioned in relation to the wall so that the moving canvas does not touch its protrusions, irregularities or elements.

Attention! The length of the rail should be twice the width of the opening plus a few centimeters of reserve.

Installation of sliding mechanisms

After fixing the guide, assemble the roller carriages, insert the fastening bolts with which they will connect to the door leaf, and insert the assembled mechanisms into the guide.

Install the staples on the upper end of the canvas, stepping back a few millimeters on each side from the edge. The number of brackets should correspond to the number of roller mechanisms. For an ordinary wooden structure, or two pieces are enough.

Installation of the canvas

Place the door under the rail, lift it up and screw the carriage fixing bolts into the brackets. This work is easier to do together. To install the product in a horizontal position, tighten the bolts and check the level.

To fix it in a vertical position, a leash is screwed to the floor at one of the walls of the opening - the lower guide in the form of a roller or knife. It is inserted into a groove in the lower end of the leaf and does not allow the door to deviate to the side during movement.

What motivates you when you equip your cozy nest? Striving to stand out, follow fashion trends, or just a desire to make practical use of space? If everything in the aggregate matters to you, then installing sliding doors is the optimal design solution. By choosing the type of product suitable for your interior, you will create a real oasis of home comfort, where you will want to return again and again.

Types of sliding doors

Thanks to the ingenuity and ingenuity of manufacturers, the range of sliding products is so great that even the most picky buyer will find a suitable option for himself. Products are not similar to each other in shape, design, dimensions and raw materials from which they are made.

When choosing a design, consumers pay special attention to the last distinctive feature - the material. For the production of products are used:

  • wood;
  • glass;
  • mirror;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Natural wood products are, as they say, classics of the genre. They are able to give a sophisticated look to even the simplest interior.... From time immemorial, good wood has been a symbol of wealth and luxury. The high cost of the product is justified by its durability, practicality, and beauty.

Wooden sliding doors are durable and reliable in operation

Doors made of glass, mirrors are preferable for small rooms... They visually enlarge the room, allowing you to feel much more spacious in it. When choosing these types of products, there is no need to worry about their fragility. They are made of high-strength materials that are not subject to mechanical stress.

MDF products are a budget alternative to wood... For many years they do not lose their presentable appearance and captivate with their low weight, ease of installation. A significant disadvantage is their instability to moisture. Therefore, such products are not recommended to be installed in the bathroom or toilet.

Door systems made of MDF - an affordable analogue of wooden products

Plastic sliding structures are no less popular among consumers. They are resistant to deformation, temperature extremes, moisture, ultraviolet rays. Doors with a protective decorative coating will serve for many years without requiring any special maintenance.

Sliding systems are also made of metal... This kind of device can be found in pawnshops, banks, jewelry stores. However, the imagination of designers is limitless, so they found ways to use such products in country houses and even apartments. At the request of customers, the metal can be decorated with drawings that give the product lightness and texture.

Metal sliding doors can be installed in private houses

Installation methods

Sliding systems are divided into two large classes: sliding-folding and parallel-sliding. For folding structures, the sashes do not run along the wall, but move to the side and fold in the form of an accordion or book.

In parallel-sliding systems, the canvases move along a vertical surface. The installation methods are distinguished:

  • compartment doors;
  • cassette or built-in;
  • cascading.

Sliding doors can be single-leaf and double-leaf. The canvases move along the vertical surface along the rails in the same or different directions. Sliding structures are perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, balconies, wardrobes.

You can install sliding doors yourself

Installation of this type of product is quite simple and quite within the power of a novice master. They can be installed both during repair work and after. The main requirements are a smooth opening, the ability of the wall to withstand the expected load.

Along with a huge number of advantages, this system has negative points. Given that the canvases move tightly along the wall, it is impossible to put furniture near it.

In addition, compartment products do not protect the room from sounds and smells. This is due to the design features. To prevent the flaps from touching the vertical surface, small gaps are provided on both sides.

Cassette products, like compartment ones, can be of one or two doors. The peculiarity of this model lies in the presence of a niche in the wall, where the canvases are rolled. The cassette design provides a high degree of sound insulation due to the fact that it is possible to install seals around the perimeter of the opening.

Cassette sliding door provides high sound insulation

If we talk about the disadvantages of cassette doors, then the most significant of them is the installation of the structure only during the repair.... The second disadvantage of the model is the installation of a false wall under the pencil case to the detriment of additional centimeters of area.

Cascade structures consist of one or more leaves and are considered a type of compartment doors. The number of guides corresponds to the number of canvases that, when opened, are collected from one side of the vertical surface.

Cascade door - a kind of compartment doors

The installation of this model is not easy. It includes many parts that require high precision assembly. Only experienced craftsmen can cope with this work, because there is practically no room for error.

Classification by type of mechanism

There are two large groups of devices.

Suspension system

A suspension device is called a supporting bar, to which a U-shaped guide is fixed... It is along it that the canvas or, in technical terms, the suspended door moves on rollers.

The installation of such a door assumes that the flooring remains intact. Only on the right or left side of the opening is the roller mounted from below. He drives along a groove made in the lower end of the blade. The main function of the roller is to prevent the vertical deflection of the product during movement.

Suspension system device

Installing the harness is easy. Installation is carried out in several steps:

  1. fixing the upper guide;
  2. installation of the roller device from above in the end part of the door;
  3. installation of the sash in the guide;
  4. fixing the limiters designed to prevent the web from going off the rails.
  5. making a groove in the lower end of the product, fixing the roller.

Suspended structures perform a purely symbolic role of an interior partition. They do not protect the room from odors and do not provide adequate insulation from noise.

Rail Sliding System

Rail structures are used in wardrobes, dressing rooms, bedrooms, living rooms. This type of mechanism is represented by two rails located at the top and bottom.

The rail system is highly durable

This design is robust. The door is firmly fixed in a vertical plane and does not allow odors and noises to pass through. The imperfection of the system is that it is difficult to clean, since the bottom rail is periodically clogged.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of each of the systems, choose the most suitable one for yourself and start the process of step-by-step installation.

Required tools and materials

When starting the assembly of sliding structures, make sure you have the required tools and materials. To work, you need a whole set:

  • electric drill or screwdriver;
  • perforator, if necessary, to extract the inner layer of the wall;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • overhead strips - 2 pcs. One of them is mounted at the top, and the other is opposite the side to which the sashes open.
  • anchors;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • handles on canvas - 2 units;
  • finishing nails;
  • two additions;
  • the rack, to which the sash adjoins, while in the closed position;
  • fittings: rollers that make up the fasteners, aluminum rails;
  • canvas. To determine its dimensions, measure the height and width of the opening and add 70 mm to them from above;
  • timber made of wood with a section of 50x70 mm. The length of the beam is equal to the doubled width of the sash plus 5 centimeters.

Armed with everything you need, proceed to the next block of work.

Installation instructions for sliding doors

Only a true professional can supply a multi-leaf structure, mirrored doors or large-weight products. A novice master, taking on such responsibility, is able to perform many rash actions that will subsequently cost dearly.

Therefore, if you first come across sliding structures, start with the simplest option - assembling compartment doors. If you purchase a ready-made kit, you will save a lot of time and effort. The kit contains all the components for installing the sliding system, including fittings.

Taking up work, you should be extremely careful and accurate. The whole process begins with the preparation of the opening. The quality of the installation depends on how accurately it was measured.

The height of the opening is determined in several places: measure the right, middle and left sides. Its width is measured in the same way. Then check how perpendicular and straight all sides are. In the case of installing platbands, the thickness of the vertical surface is measured in several places and in the corners of the opening.

The opening height is measured in several places

To avoid misses when installing do-it-yourself compartment doors, follow these instructions exactly. Break the whole process into blocks and gradually move from one to the next.

Dismantling the old door

Free the box from cashing, remove the old door leaf and door hinges, and then dismantle the box itself. However, you can leave it alone if it holds well and does not interfere with the flaps to move freely on the rails.

At the first stage, the old door frame is dismantled.

Opening preparation

If necessary, remove the curvature of the walls, seal cracks and cracks with putty.

The contours of the opening should be even, so make sure that no brick or drywall sticks out anywhere.

Check how parallel and horizontal the opening is from above to the floor. The maximum limit deviation is permissible up to 5 mm. This is also mandatory for the sides of the opening. Here the tolerance is maximum 0.5 cm by 2 m.

After dismantling the old box, a new one is installed. It is aligned with small wedges. Adjust the angle of the structure in relation to the flooring and vertical surface by moving or pressing in the wedges.

Use wooden wedges to align the door frame

Secure the box with screws. When working with a screwdriver, you must be extremely careful not to damage the product.

Installation of the upper rails

After placing the box, attach the door to the opening and mark its upper border. Repeat this action again, placing the product in the opening. This is only necessary if the floor is not very even.

Installing the top rail

If the line is horizontal, measure 0.7 cm from it and draw another line. A wooden beam will subsequently be installed on it. To fasten the beam, take such a number of self-tapping screws so that it fits snugly against the vertical surface.

The rail is fixed to the bottom end of the beam. At first, it is screwed on slightly on one side. To accurately determine the location of the self-tapping screw, the thickness of the leaf is divided by two and added from 0.3 to 0.5 cm, which are needed for the smooth movement of the flaps... Follow the same principle on the other side.

Make sure the rail is straight before locking it in place.

Before final fixing the rail, make sure that there is sufficient space between the curtain and the wall. Also pay attention to the straightness of the guide. Kinks and curvatures must not be allowed, otherwise the structure will not work properly.

Assembling carriages and installing stops

Going on to installing the rollers for sliding doors, insert the bolts into the carriages so that they protrude slightly from the hole. Run the carriages into the prepared rails and make sure they move smoothly.

The next step is to install the carriages.

At both ends of the guides, limiters should be installed that will not allow the web to go off the rails. When doing this, make sure that the rubber shock absorbers point inward.

We make a groove in the lower part of the door leaf

To make a recess in the bottom end of the sash, step back from its edge 1.5 cm on both sides and drill one hole each with a radius of 3.5 mm and a depth of 2 cm. Select a groove for the guide in the center between them.

A groove for the guide is selected in the center of the sash

The depth of the groove should be 1.8 cm, and the width should be 0.3 cm more than the width of the guide, which is a flag or a knife. Taking into account that it is not easy to make a perfectly even groove, it is recommended to mount two slats or a profile in the shape of the letter "P".

Fasteners to carriages

Moving two millimeters away from the side borders of the sash, fix the fasteners to the carriages exactly in the middle. An important point: the cutouts on the staples in the form of a semicircle must be directed towards the wall.

We hang the door leaf

You won't be able to put the door down alone, so call someone for help. Having found yourself an assistant, start performing the following actions:

  1. Attach the product to the rail and connect the carriage bolt on the right with the cutout on the bracket, while lifting the blade.
  2. Insert the end of the bolt into the adjusting nut hole with washer.
  3. Lightly fasten the brackets to the carriage bolts.
  4. We proceed to the installation of the lower rail in the groove. To do this, slide the lower part away from the vertical surface, place the blade horizontally and slide it open.
  5. Measure the maximum opening length and mark with a simple pencil.
  6. Set the gap between the flaps and the vertical surface. To do this, move the bottom of the blade and place a mark at the location of the knife. The distance should be no more than 0.5 cm.
  7. Remove the blade and tighten the guide to the floor from below with two self-tapping screws.
  8. Align the notch at the end of the curtain with the rail and hang the products without screwing the nuts all the way in.
  9. Adjust the clearance between the flooring and the product by tightening or loosening the adjustment bolts on the carriages.
  10. Secure the nuts without turning the bolts.


To hide the rails at the top of the opening, platbands are used for decorative purposes. The lock and handle are installed at the end.

Features of installing cassette-type doors

The instructions above can be used as a guide for the installation of the guide blades. When installing this model, there is no need for decorative finishes. Instead, they additionally put a false wall.

When installing cassette doors, a false wall is mounted

The distance between the false wall and the vertical surface is approximately 10 cm. It is calculated based on the thickness of the sash, the gaps on both sides and the profile size.

The frame made of profiles does not require reinforcement, since most of the load falls on the wall. But if you want to give rigidity to the structure, then install wooden bars inside and fix them with self-tapping screws.

Installation of sliding doors is not a very difficult process, but it requires certain skills in the construction business. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite a better master. This way you can avoid double work in case of a mistake or save an extra pretty penny.

Sliding door systems have a special place in interior design. Their functions combine several advantages at once - convenience, efficiency and originality. The installation of such doors differs significantly from the installation of the usual swing models. You can get acquainted with the principles and features of the installation of sliding systems by reading the section - Do-it-yourself installation of sliding interior doors: assembly video for non-professionals.

DIY installation of a one-leaf sliding door

Types of sliding doors and their equipment

Designers do not skimp on ideas, developing all new models of sliding interior systems. They can vary in the following ways:

Double-leaf sliding doors made of translucent glass between the kitchen and the living room

Sliding doors, the upper rail of which is attached to the ceiling, visually increase the height of the room. Structures that do not use the bottom rail will preserve the uniformity of the flooring of the entire room.

In the open position, the leaf of the cassette sliding door is located in a niche inside the wall

When purchasing sliding interior systems for self-installation, make sure that there is a standard configuration. It includes:

Double-leaf sliding doors with double row of top rails

The model of roller mechanisms and their number depends on the weight of the door leaf. If you purchase a door without a set of fittings, ask yourself what its weight is.

DIY tools for installing sliding doors

To install sliding interior doors with your own hands, there is no need to have a special tool. For DIY installation, you will need the usual "duty" set:

White wooden sliding doors with glass inserts

From devices - you can stock up on a number of wooden wedges and a square bar measuring 50 or 40 (mm) for attaching the guides.

Do-it-yourself installation of sliding interior doors: video tutorial for non-professionals

A non-professional can also install a sliding interior door with his own hands, as can be seen from the video. Once the desired door design has been selected and the appropriate accessories purchased, installation can begin.

Sliding doors as an element of space zoning in the interior

The most popular do-it-yourself models are single-leaf sliding interior doors. The assembly and fastening of such doors is relatively simple, and at the same time, they have common installation features with other types of sliding doors:

Step 1: taking measurements of the doorway

Step 2: assembling the door structure and pseudo box

When deciding to set the model of the door moving along the wall, plan the arrangement of furniture and accessories so that they are not in the path of the door.

Schematic representation of the movement of the compartment door along the wall

Step 3: installing the pseudo-box in the opening, aligning it vertically and horizontally

Step 4: attaching the top rail

Step 5: securing the brackets to the top end of the door leaf

Don't skimp on fittings! When choosing a sliding mechanism for an interior door, make a choice in favor of quality products. It depends on how softly, silently and how long the mechanism will function.

Step 6: install the roller carriages in the top rail

Step 7: adjust the position of the roller carriages

Step 8: attach the bottom guide pad

  • it remains with the help of a decorative strip to hide the timber with a guide rail, attach the platbands and plugs at the attachment points.

Sliding systems with a sliding door inside the wall. Do-it-yourself installation specifics

For interior sliding systems, the doors of which are "hidden" in the wall, the installation technology is somewhat different. This does not apply to the basic principles of assembly and fastening of the sliding mechanism, but rather to calculations and preparatory work for the installation of a false wall. The door will roll back into the niche of this wall or a cassette will be installed (if you purchased a door with a cassette unit):

Step 1: arranging the frame for the double wall partition

Step 2: making a spot inside the wall for the sliding door to move

Step 3: plasterboard cladding of false walls and finishing

When determining the location of the stopper on the upper rail inside the cassette, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the decorative casing that will frame the opening.

Schematic representation of the location of the door leaf inside the wall partition

Step 4: sliding door sliding into the wall

Do-it-yourself installation of sliding doors is a process that does not require professional skills and effort. It is enough to have the necessary minimum of tools and feel free to start the installation with your own hands. Accurate measurement, following the recommendations - and your room will be transformed by a functional and stylish sliding door. In addition, self-assembly will "balance" the cost of purchasing structures that are more expensive than swing counterparts.

A special touch of comfort, sophistication and individuality will be brought into the interior of any home by a sliding interior door. In addition to the fact that it looks very beautiful, it is also convenient for small apartments, as space is saved.

There are 3 ways to install sliding interior doors with your own hands, and they depend on the types of structures.

The types of sliding systems are distinguished by the method of sliding:

1. It can be two parts of the canvases that open in both directions

2. One door goes left or right along the wall.

3. When the canvas goes into the wall, hiding in the opening of a pocket (pencil case) made of plasterboard or a finished metal cassette.

More recently, doors were installed without handles if they completely went into the pencil case or the handles served as restraints. Now there are enough handles on sale that will not interfere with the installation of the door (both with and without locks).

Single-field and double-field systems

When the sliding door system is single-floor (it fits into the pencil case), the doorway should be twice as wide as the door.

The device of a two-door system (two doors) will require significant changes in the opening. This also applies to the guide along which they move. It is equal to the width of the canvas multiplied by 4, plus 10 cm. Accordingly, the doorway should be the same.

If the door is hidden in the wall, the pencil case into which it goes will be one of the main elements during installation. The guide rail and the carriage with the suspended blade will be fixed in it. The pencil case can not only be sewn up with drywall, there are finishing options: plaster it, close it with panels.

Stores and construction firms sell finished products. As a rule, they are designed for standard door sizes. Imported sliding products may be non-standard. Pay attention to their complete set, especially on the presence of platbands (decorative elements, accessories or framing strips). There are plenty of options for making a sliding door.

It is convenient to make sliding doors on an adjacent wall located between two rooms, when both canvases slide into one pocket. It should be designed for the width of two doors so that they can be opened at the same time.

How to make a pencil case for a sliding door

The pencil case is made for the width of the canvas, plus five to ten centimeters. Having decided how the door will open, they either expand the opening, or arrange a pencil case next to the wall. Then the wall is built up with a frame.

It is sheathed with plasterboard or decorative panels are installed. It is necessary to make preliminary measurements, check how flat the wall is, whether its defects will interfere with the door's movement, and then calculate where and how to mount the pencil case.

Position it based on the way the door is opened, so that it can freely enter and exit the pencil case. A not too heavy canvas will perfectly suit a rack frame made of bars. It will withstand doors up to 70-80 kg. Their width is no more than 45-50 cm.

If the door weighs more than 80 kilograms, a pencil case is made on the basis of a metal frame, then its dimensions will depend on the size of the door and on which sliding system will be installed.

The aspect ratio is shown in the following image.

Installing a sliding system

Any option for installing doors begins with a thorough preparation of the walls. They must be level and level. Floor and ceiling are parallel, with a tolerance of 5 mm. The doorway must be checked for verticality and well-dimensioned.

When the door slides along the wall, it can only be secured from above. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the upper guide profile. It should be located as much as possible, to say the least - perfectly level. In addition, regardless of the evenness of the wall, it should fit snugly against it.

The slightest deviation is enough for your dear (literally and figuratively) door to begin to groan and twitch painfully. It is better to do the work with an assistant, if he has straight arms and some experience, then everything will go as it should.

Installing a single rail system

Typically, the system includes a profile, stops, rollers, guides, fasteners. The fittings are selected independently. Distance spacers (profile) can be replaced with a bar of 50-40 mm. As a rule, its lower edge at the top is 60 mm from the edge of the doorway.

  1. Marks are made, holes are drilled on them, then the timber is drilled to the wall using self-tapping screws. If a profile is used, holes are made on it in advance. Then a guide rail is attached to the bar (profile, spacer). Don't forget to check the level!
  2. Next, you should make sure that nothing prevents the door from sliding freely along the wall, and only then fix the rail to the bar, insert the carriages into the guide rail, install the stops. There are also rubber shock absorbers inside the rail.
  3. The next step is installation of door mounts on carriages... They do not need to be fixed immediately, you should make sure that the rollers move smoothly and that the stops are correctly positioned. For fine-tuning, use the adjusting bolts of the fasteners. Then the handles, platbands are fixed (they must be removable so that the carriage mechanism and rollers can be cleaned).

Sliding door and pencil case

If the sliding door requires a pencil case, the installation becomes more complicated. If it was bought ready-made, then it is installed in a prepared opening, leveled very carefully, with the help of anchor bolts or self-tapping screws, it is attached to the walls, the cracks between it and the wall are sealed with foam. Then comes the installation of the sliding system.

If there is no pencil case, the installation principle is the same as in a single-floor system, there are also two guides: top and bottom. It is important to make sure that the bottom and top guides are perfectly aligned, parallel and level.

Check the correct location of the door in the following way. Install the lower profile, guide, assemble the carriage, rollers, fix (without final fixation) on the door, put it on the rail, check the verticality. The upper extreme points determine the location of the upper beam (profile).

Stoppers are placed. To bring the door into the upper and lower guide rail, it is first brought into the upper guide, slightly raised, and the rollers are placed on the lower guide. The upper and side parts of the system are closed with a decorative panel, platband, fasteners are closed with decorative furniture plugs.

Self-installation of sliding interior doors with your own hands is difficult not only because installation requires precision and accuracy. Before installation, you need to know what the door will be, what sliding system is supposed to be installed, how it works and what loads it can withstand (there are many of them and all are different).

In order not to be mistaken with the installation, use the services of a professional measurer to understand how the straightness of the opening is determined, what you need to know about its corners, wall thickness and verticality, and other necessary parameters.

You can buy ready-made sets of a sliding system, or you can complete it yourself. The top rail can be purchased ready-made, or you can order it, it will be made individually, attaching installation instructions. Please note that the system must include adjusting bolts.

On sale there are both inexpensive and designed for a long service life, reliable and easy-to-install mechanisms that can withstand loads of up to 120 kg. You will have to pay a lot of money for them, as well as for the ready-made "pencil case" system that appeared on sale not so long ago.

in our how-to guide.

  • Keep in mind that there are usually no sockets and switches near the installation of the sliding door case. If you still need them on the wall, consider installing them before making a pencil case. In finished products, there is usually no place for wiring and sockets (or switches). But look, there are already manufacturers that provide for such options.
  • The sliding door can be higher than the standard swing door.
  • In order to increase sound insulation, use seals.
  • If you are making a door in a new building, do not forget to foresee how the finished floor will be located in order to take this into account when calculating.
  • For the installation of a ready-made pencil case, foam is used, which has a reduced coefficient of expansion (it hardly expands)
  • When buying a ready-made pencil case, find out what material it is mounted in (drywall, brick, concrete, etc.)
  • Use a plumb line when working, it will more accurately show the place, after installing the upper profile (or bar), where the lower guide rail should be located.
  • To prevent fasteners from loosening and loosening in the system, all adjustment screws must be fixed according to the principle of lock nuts, applying glue or sealant to the threads of the fasteners.
  • Before inserting the rollers into the upper guide, blow it thoroughly so that fine debris, shavings, scale cannot spoil their course.

Want to save space in the room, which was previously occupied by your old interior door, which opened wide open. An excellent option would be to install a new sliding door leaf structure. It not only saves space, but also gives an unusual look to your room. I will tell you how to install such structures in this article.

Types of sliding interior doors

These canvases are divided into single-leaf and double-leaf. Sliding canvases open parallel to the wall or are completely built into it. This way of opening the door saves room space.

Single leaf canvases- these are compact, rather small doors, installed in small rooms. In this case, the door frame is not needed, but the opening needs to be repaired and finished very well. Such a structure can be fixed not only to the wall, but also to the ceiling.

Double doors- differ from ordinary doors in that they have two leaves that open on the sides. The opening is large, it is very convenient to carry furniture, you can use only one sash, the second must be fixed in the closed position. Double-leaf doors look better in large rooms and give them a noble, beautiful look.

The sizes of canvases can be different, from standard and up to the size that you need.

Impact resistant glass. It is made of one piece large impact-resistant glass, the box can be made of wood or aluminum. Provides good sound insulation, opening is in one direction. Glass shades can be different, the price varies by design and size.

There are two types of accordions, the first type is cheap, such a "Accordion" is affordable, it can be made of various materials: glass, plastic, wood, etc. they are folded, like blinds, using a roller and rails. They differ in size and material of manufacture. So tight, great for small rooms, just as great in the kitchen and even in the bedroom.

Types of paintings

Sliding-folding doors "Accordion"

This is the second type, it is more voluminous in size and more expensive. Such models look very harmonious in the interior; when closed, they take up little space (it depends on the size of one sash).

Such canvases consist of a wooden or aluminum frame with an embedded transparent material, most often glass. These doors trap odors and keep noise out. They are also installed to divide the room as a decorative partition.


Such doors look great in small rooms, save room space. They can be hidden in the wall, this view is called "Cassette", or can be wall-mounted and used as a wall panel.

The installation does not require a door frame and threshold, and this will greatly facilitate your choice when flooring. Also the coupe can be "Radius",(slightly curved canvases) open in the same way as usually along the wall in one or two directions (depending on the number of leaves). Prices vary again by design and size.

Pencil case

The doors open along the wall, thereby saving your valuable room space. Such doors muffle noise. This look will look great both in home interiors and in offices. Such doors can have different shades and patterns, so you don't have to worry about the design of the door, it’s still something, and, of course, you can order a special exclusive work.

The advantage of such a door is that the manufacturer was worried in advance and released suitable fittings that will serve you for many years. Also, such canvases open and close silently, because a closer is already built into them. You can find out more about this link.

Sliding doors "economy class"

Of course, such doors are of poor workmanship, hollow inside and sheathed with the cheapest material. And in terms of cost, they will be the most affordable, but certainly not of high quality. Before buying, think a few times whether it is worth buying them at all.

Partition sliding doors

This design contains two or more flaps. Partitions are made of an aluminum profile with inserted glass or any other transparent material. The color of aluminum can be selected on request. The displacement of the partitions occurs on both sides, one goes behind the other, thereby hiding behind each other. Closing is silent thanks to the door closers. Such a system can be installed on a balcony, it copes well with noise, and is also not afraid of cold. The promised service life is at least 50 years.

Sliding interior doors can be made from MDF, glass, wood, and mixed type. Also, you yourself can come up with a design and material of manufacture, you just have to agree with the manufacturer of such canvases.

DIY installation of sliding interior doors

We mount the canvas on the wall

So, let's proceed with the installation of the canvases, which are fixed to the wall. The opening must be tidied up, leveled and finished.

To install sliding doors, you need to make, assemble a pseudo-box and check for evenness using plumb lines and a building level. Insert into the opening and secure with paper or wooden wedges.

We mount the sliding rollers, first of all, mark the attachment points on the top and bottom on the canvas, drill the holes and screw the roller holders to the canvas. Then we insert 2 rollers into each holder. We install the handle on the door. Next, we attach the guide on top. First, on a wooden block of a suitable size, for example 40x40 mm. plus the length of the rail, taking into account the fastening. Next, we check the operation of the canvas, insert the doors with a roller into the guide and check the level and look at the gaps.

Then fix this beam above the opening, and using plumb lines measure out the place for the second one, which will be attached from below. The canvas can be removed from the opening. We fix the second guide according to the marks, ideally it is fixed flush with the floor, but this is done immediately when repairing the floor. So think about this option so that later you do not open part of the floor to drown the lower rail. Install the travel stop on the top rail. We install the door on the guides, this is done in this sequence, first we get the upper part, and then the lower one. On the lower guide we attach a roller movement limiter. If your design does not have such a function as lower rollers, then we make a small groove for the limiter.

Better to use a rubber or plastic stopper that attaches to the floor.

Then we check the work of the canvas, namely the smoothness of its movement. Foam the gap between the pseudo-box and the opening with polyurethane foam. Install decorative panels to hide the timber on which the guide is held. You can read how to install them correctly here. Install the decorative plugs that come with your canvas.

We mount the canvas on the wall

For this mounting option, it is necessary to pre-install the entire structure into the wall before sheathe it. The wall should be the same size as your door, because the canvas will go into the wall, it is also necessary to calculate the place for fastening. The frame for the entire structure can be made of plasterboard.

So, let's get started, the installation is similar to the previous view, but still there are several nuances that allow you to install the canvas, as you need a "cassette" in the doorway.

The first difference is the attachment of the upper rail to the timber. So this bar is attached to a cassette or to a metal frame. That is, we no longer fasten the block above the opening, but in the false wall on the cassette or frame.

Further actions are similar to the previous option, only it is worth focusing your attention on the door handle. It should not be bulky, it should fit freely into the false wall. But it is unnecessary to recessed the entire door into the wall, it is necessary to leave 7-10 cm.

This option is the most economical as the space of the room, because along the wall where the door structure is hidden, you can put furniture or hang some design elements. Installation work is over. Now you can admire all the work done.

Features and installation procedure

If you decide to independently build a sliding structure, then you should take into account the weight of the canvas and the number of rollers. For canvases weighing no more than 35 kg, two rollers are sufficient. For canvases over 35 kg, it is worth increasing their number to 3-4 or more. It is also best to install such doors after laying the floor covering.

If you have chosen interior sliding doors and want to install them in a false wall, then during the repair, you should make a niche in the wall, build a frame for the future door and be sure to mount a wooden beam on top or embed a metal frame so that the canvas can be placed on something fix.

Before installation, you must decide exactly what size you want the door. After all, proceeding from it, you will make a niche in the wall, or even erect a new wall. If there is a wall and it cannot be increased, then we measure our doorway and add 6 cm, if you don’t find such canvases on sale, then you will have to order from the manufacturers.

Some helpful tips for installation. In order to prevent such mistakes in the future, it is worth remembering them.

  1. The door you purchased should be 7-10 cm larger than the doorway;
  2. The weight of the blade, which is attached to the upper guide, should not exceed 50 kg.;
  3. To close the door flush with the false wall, the false wall must be several centimeters larger than the canvas;
  4. Before installing the compartment door, it is necessary that the floor is parallel to the ceiling, without a slope, otherwise the structure will jam. The permissible error may be 1mm per meter;
  5. To install a door into a raised wall, you should take care of a metal frame, or a beam for fastening the entire door structure;
  6. Before installing the canvas, check if all the tools necessary for installation are there, and if all the accessories have been purchased;
  7. And the last thing, after installation, we check the smoothness of the movement, if everything is good, then we installed it with all the necessary requirements. If not everything is all right, then you will have to redo it. This must be done before you are going to put the false wall in order, that is, to glue the wallpaper or paint it.

Perhaps this is where my article ends, I hope the installation information was useful to you. Happy renovation and see you soon on my blog!