How to make a ceiling with lighting. Ceiling lighting with LED strip: placement and design options

If it is necessary to make repairs to the ceiling surface, many property owners prefer stretch fabric structures that look very attractive. To illuminate such ceilings, you can use different lamps and strips with LEDs.

Features of creating lighting on tension systems

First of all, it must be taken into account that it is impossible to fix the lamps directly to the surface of the canvas, since it is made from a thin PVC film or a special fabric.

Most often, the first option is used, although such a material does not have sufficient strength and heat resistance. Lighting devices with traditional incandescent lamps cannot be used, since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe film next to such lamps will melt.

When arranging lighting in a room with stretch ceiling a number of requirements must be met:

  1. Light should be evenly distributed over the area of ​​​​the room.
  2. It is advisable to choose lamps that are economical and slightly heated. Leading positions in quality are occupied by LED bulbs, since they are quite bright and durable.
  3. The power, intensity and spectrum of the glow for all lighting devices or for their separate group should be the same.
  4. When organizing hidden type illumination of the body of lamps is placed in cornices, and rings are attached around the lamps to prevent tearing of the canvas around the lamps.
  5. It is necessary that the shades and other elements of lighting fixtures blend well with the interior, furnishings, and wall decoration.
  6. To create a soft backlight, the light in the stretch ceiling is directed upwards, and to get a bright glow - downwards.
  7. Wiring must be hidden. At covert way installation route is placed inside the walls. This option involves the creation of cable channels for wires.

Drawing up a lighting scheme

To find out the number of lighting fixtures, you should decide on the lighting option for the stretch ceiling and only then with their layout. If it is planned to install a central chandelier, then the remaining lamps are placed where part of the room will not be covered by the main light flux.

Typically, these lighting devices are placed where there are dark areas, or in places that require additional lighting, for example, above the work area - the kitchen table.

If the chandelier is not planned to be mounted, then before you make light in the stretch ceiling, you need to calculate the required number of fixtures, taking into account their technical indicators and the type of lighting devices. Their number depends on the place of installation. If there is no need for arranging bright light, the lamps are not placed there, but in other areas this is done without fail.

To find out the number of lamps, take into account important nuances affecting the degree of illumination:

  • the height of the walls in the room;
  • room configuration;
  • is it planned to install a chandelier or not;
  • availability of additional light sources.

When calculating fixtures, they also take into account such a norm - the power of light bulbs, equal to 20 W per 1 sq. m. The above calculation is relevant if there is no chandelier in the center of the room. By dividing the sum of the power of all devices by the area, they find out if there is excess brightness - in this case, the result exceeds 20 W, if the resulting figure is less, then there will not be enough light in the room.

If you cannot do without a chandelier, then another formula is used, for which the power of the main light source is important. The chandelier usually illuminates large area. In this case, point devices (spots) will function as local illumination. They are installed in areas where it is impossible to be without additional light.

When installing spots, the following rules are used:

  1. They are placed no closer than with a gap of 30 centimeters.
  2. The distance between the wall and the nearest appliance should be at least 20 centimeters.
  3. In rooms with a ceiling height of less than 270 centimeters, the use of lamps with a power of more than 35 watts is not recommended.

When calculating, the type of lamps matters - for example, halogen lamps with a power of up to 35 W are capable of illuminating 1.5 square meters. m. area. An energy-saving light bulb with a power of 11 W can fill 1.5-2 square meters with light. m.

Light accents

Lighting devices allow you to focus on different interior items. For example, an LED strip will help emphasize the geometry and contours of the living room. It is attached to special cornices or to a vinyl sheet using double-sided tape. The glow of the diodes is bright, and they are also economical.

When creating lighting for suspended ceilings, lamps are either placed on top or deepened into the canvas. The glow of built-in ceiling fixtures is diffused and soft, which is important for bedrooms and separate areas in rooms.

Subdued light is used to create original compositions on the ceiling surface, to organize night light, they are used for niches and arches. If you direct the lamp at certain details, the beam will turn out to be concentrated and bright.

Spots and pendant lights can be adjusted and thereby adjust the direction of the light flow. They are used to illuminate work areas in rooms or interior items.

Correction of space with light

The stretch ceiling structure takes a few centimeters from the height of the room. Since most apartments are small, such systems visually reduce the space. To solve this problem, the light on the false ceiling will help.

If you direct the light flux from the chandelier and additional lighting devices to the ceiling, it will seem higher than it really is. The best effect is obtained on glossy vinyl canvases.

When a glossy film is installed in the living room, and a sconce is installed on the wall, the light of which is directed upwards, the illusion of a floating ceiling appears, and the space seems more voluminous.

LED strips help to correct the geometry of the room. Since they are flexible, they allow you to embody any design of lighting on a stretch ceiling. The tape is hidden in the ceiling cornice, which makes it possible to correct the geometry. With its help, steps in a multi-tiered structure are also emphasized. If the transitions are not selected, they will not look three-dimensional, as required by the design, and the levels will merge together.

Stretch ceiling lighting options

Now you can implement various options lighting a room with a stretch ceiling, involving the use of chandeliers, spotlights, LED strips and complex solutions. The usual option is to mount a stylish, big size central chandelier.

Spot light allows you to embody unusual design ideas. In this case, the solutions are not limited. Can be distinguished in the interior individual elements, use light scenarios, apply zoning. The combination of the above ceiling lighting options contributes to the creation of unique light compositions.


Lighting devices are classified according to different characteristics.

Luminaires according to the method of fastening are:

  • hanging;
  • waybills;
  • embedded.

Depending on the number of light sources, devices are divided into:

  • point;
  • cascading.

If possible, adjust the luminous flux, models are distinguished:

  • static;
  • rotary.

According to the source of illumination, there are:

  • luminescent equipment;
  • devices with halogen bulbs;
  • LED design of the tension system.

Installation of spotlights

When choosing a lighting option for stretch ceilings, experts recommend using low-power products so that they do not harm the canvas. Hidden models are best purchased from reputable manufacturers. Lamps are placed so that the stream of light falls on the floor.

When installing fixtures, they are extremely careful so that the canvas does not suffer. For this work you will need: a knife, glue and a lighting device. An acrylic box and special rings are also needed. Before installation, all communications must be laid.

Installation sequence:

  1. Set up a profile. At the required height, attach the box under the lamp. There should be a nut on it to adjust the height. The lower edge of the box is located not lower than the level of the stretch fabric.
  2. In order not to forget the installation sites, they are marked on the floor with a laser. Next, stretch the fabric of the structure.
  3. On the PVC film, the center of installation of all fixtures is marked, then glue is applied and a mounting ring is attached.
  4. A hole is cut out in its central part, through which the height of the box is adjusted, and the light source is placed in it.

Chandelier and its fixture

Often lovers of classic design prefer traditional chandeliers, which are fabulously beautiful. When installing this lighting fixture, you must first mark the exact location and make a mount under it. It comes in the form of a hook on which a chandelier is hung. Can also be attached to a ceiling slab mounting plate, and then to it - the chandelier itself.

There are three types of planks:

  • standard;
  • cruciform;
  • I-beam.

When installing a chandelier, a number of rules are observed:

  1. The apartment needs to turn off the electricity.
  2. Do not make holes by moving towards the switch.
  3. The chandelier should not be pressed tightly to the ceiling.
  4. Before making cuts in the material, a plastic ring is glued.

Indoor lighting ideas

To understand the features of ceiling lighting, depending on the purpose of the room, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with examples of stretch ceiling lighting:

  • Children's. According to experts, for this room it is better to choose spotlights of round or square shape. Lamps for them should be LED or halogen. You can use multi-colored ones. Lighting devices are placed in accordance with the design - strictly in a row or in a checkerboard pattern. Experts prefer the second option, because the result is more spectacular and allows you to evenly distribute the light flux in the child's room.
  • Living room. Lighting in a hall with a stretch ceiling is usually created using spotlights, as they will harmoniously fit into an interior decorated in any style. Point light allows you to create all sorts of effects. For example, with the help of LEDs, you can get a design in the form of a night starry sky on the ceiling. Spots with directional action perfectly fit the situation. A similar design is used as an auxiliary device. You can apply other lighting options depending on the style.

  • Bedroom. In this room, a variety of lighting arrangements are used. If the light in the hall on stretch ceilings is made bright, then warm and soft lighting should be preferred in the bedroom so that it creates an atmosphere conducive to rest and relaxation. When the ceiling structure is multi-level, spotlights are used. Often there are cases when two or even more lighting schemes are laid. The main thing is that in the sleep zone the light should be matte and soft. Spotlights are placed along the perimeter of the room. In the bedroom, a floor lamp is placed near the head or in drywall construction embed lamps. Lighting with LED strips, which are hidden in cornices and other interior elements, looks unusual.
  • Bathroom. This space does not require much light. A pair of lamps mounted around the perimeter will suffice. It is better to implement different schemes in the bathroom (read: "What kind of lighting in a bathroom with a stretch ceiling is better to do - the choice of appliances, planning lighting points"). Then, when washing, cleaning and other household chores, the lighting will be bright, and for relaxation - soft. It is convenient when it is possible to choose the degree of illumination depending on the situation.
  • The corridor. In apartments, as a rule, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallways is always small. You will have to work hard on decorating the ceiling in the corridor to make it look more spacious. The glossy texture of the canvas will reflect every ray of light, in addition to ensuring that the light falls evenly, but it will also add additional volume. To create lighting for stretch ceilings, small chandeliers and recessed fixtures are mounted.

  • Kitchen. In this room, different types of lighting are used. It is usually divided into functional areas: bright light is required in the working area, and in the dining area it is better to create an unobtrusive and pleasant light with warm shades. Involve pendant and spotlights, as well as chandeliers. If combined different type lighting fixtures can get unique combinations.
  • Balcony or loggia. It has tension ceiling structures set extremely rarely due to the fact that the canvas does not withstand negative temperatures. When the loggia is heated, great idea will be the ceiling of the "starry sky".

Using different types of lamps, it is possible to create unusual effects and beautifully decorate a room for any purpose.

Ceiling lighting will create a special coziness and atmosphere in the room. Unique elements interior design is represented by many variations that not only add extra volume to the room, but also visually lighten plasterboard and stretch ceiling structures.

In the article we will look at popular types and give tips on how to make ceiling lighting with your own hands.

In addition to aesthetic functions, a similar technique:

  • Visually increases the height of the room.
  • Gives a soft diffused light that will not distract you from watching TV in the evening or while getting ready for bed.

Before you decide to include lighting in the interior, you need to understand that similar system can take the height of the room by about 10-15 cm. When developing the future design of the room, consider these points. Use the suggestions below. They will help you make the right choice.

  • Installation of the backlight should be provided at the stage of installing the ceiling frame, so that it is possible to hide electrical wires, platforms for lamps, etc. in advance.
  • Plasterboard, rack, stretch ceilings can be made in several tiers, and using complex geometry, give them originality. In this case, your imagination is not limited by anything. Which of the ways to design the ceiling surface to choose is up to you.

  • On multi-level plasterboard structures, you can combine different types of lighting. For example, a starry sky in the middle and halogen lighting at the edges.
  • For stretch ceilings, due to their originality, it is worth limiting only led strip around the perimeter of the room. Please note that different textures give completely opposite effects.
  • The main disadvantage of stretch ceilings is that not all light bulbs are allowed to be mounted on it, but only a certain power.
  • To visually increase the space, you can hide the backlight in the recesses on the ceiling and niches.
  • Evening illumination of the ceiling will help to dilute the meager interior in colors.
  • If financial resources do not allow you to original ceiling, purchase ceiling plinth and put LEDs under it.

Ceiling lighting options

The variety of lighting fixtures offered by manufacturers will help illuminate the room and radically change its appearance. Common ceiling lighting options include:

  • LED strips installed at the edges of the room. For multi-level structures, this technique can emphasize individual tiers or highlight geometric shapes.
  • are represented by randomly or evenly spaced light bulbs mounted in a ceiling system.
  • neon tubes better than others change the appearance of space. Differ in long service life.

In addition, depending on the purpose, the backlight is divided into:

  • target. Used to visually divide the area into zones. For example, or a dining table in the kitchen.
  • General. Represents the main lighting. In this case, spotlights are usually installed.
  • Designer. This option will not give much artificial light, but it will make the room cozy and comfortable. This includes luminous patterns or perimeter lighting.

To choose suitable option, decide on the location of the backlight, the brightness you want to get, and of course, consider general style premises.

Ceiling lighting with LED strip

Criterias of choice

When choosing an LED strip, be guided by the following criteria:

  • How dense are the diodes.
  • How much power does the product consume?
  • Is moisture protection provided?

LED strips are offered for sale in various color variations. By shades they are divided into:

  • Monochrome - one color.
  • Universal or RGB ribbons give several different variations - red, green, blue. RGBW strips additionally emit white.

At the price of the products are almost the same, so it is better to choose RGBW. For such diodes, the set is equipped with a special controller, which makes it possible to adjust the shades and the degree of intensity of the glow.

LED backlights also differ in the density of the arrangement of diode bulbs: from 30 to 120 pieces per meter of tape. If you intend to illuminate a large-sized ceiling, purchase products with a frequent arrangement of diodes; for a directional light source, you should use lower indicators.

How brightly the diode bulbs will glow depends on the power consumption. The SMD 5050 and SMD 3528 models are recognized as popular. The first gives 4.8 W / m at a density of 60 pieces of diodes per meter of tape, the second at the same density - 14.4 W / m.

Often included in the design of bathroom ceilings. Then it is better to use strips with additional protection against moisture. The price for them depends on the degree of security.

LED Lighting Options

LED lighting can be mounted in different places suspension system. We give the most common examples:

  • In niches. This arrangement seems to raise the ceiling into the air, creating a floating effect. Usually, niches are purposefully included in ceiling structures for decoration with LED lighting. The upward facing LEDs emit a soft, diffused light. Side lighting with a tape will make the light directional, sliding along the “floating” ceiling surface.

  • Inside false ceiling. The tapes are mounted in the space between the draft ceiling and the translucent film web. This design makes the glow soft and diffused, and the ceiling seems to glow from the inside.

  • Behind the eaves. This method is the easiest and most affordable. In this case, it is not necessary to mount a tension or suspension system. The cornice is attached to the wall, and an LED strip is laid along the edge of the plinth.

Do-it-yourself ceiling lighting with LED strips has already been considered by us in articles, both for drywall and tension structures. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on the nuances of installation associated with neon lighting and spotlights.


The classic version of neon lighting is represented by glass tubes filled with an inert gas - neon. A special powder is applied to the inner surface of the "cones" - a phosphor, which emits a glow under voltage.

Due to the fact that neon ceiling lighting requires high voltage, a special current converter will have to be installed together with it. One device is placed at seven meters. The locations of the converting devices are determined at the stage of ceiling installation. Usually in concrete floor make niches where converters are placed.

Neon lighting has the following features:

  • Such variations are used only as a decorative design, since they give a small brightness with a significant consumption of electricity. A wide range of shades will become an organic addition to the overall style of the room.
  • A quality product will last from 10 to 15 years.
  • The standard sizes for this type of fixtures are 1.5 length and 1.5 cm diameter. The temperature of the heated bulbs does not exceed 40 degrees, and the design works almost silently.
  • The junctions of the elements do not form dark spots, so the glow is uniform and continuous.
  • Instead of standard products, you can decorate the ceiling with a neon cord. Its flexibility greatly simplifies installation, and the device emits the same glow as lamps. The only downside is the expensive price.

Usually for rooms most often used neon lights hidden type, placing products in hidden niches. Moreover, the narrower the opening for the exit of artificial lighting, the brighter the luminous strip.

You can select with the help of neon individual elements of decor or interior items. This will complement overall design rooms, will make the room harmonious and beautiful.

How to make neon lights

Having decided on the option you like, you can proceed with the installation.

Before you can make neon ceiling lights, you will have to replace the wiring from the switch to the fixture. The first step is to cut the wall for laying a new cable. Subsequently, the cracks can be sealed with putty flush with the surface.

Therefore, it is necessary to determine the placement of lighting devices, as well as to bring the wires before installing the ceiling and repairing the room as a whole.

Neon lighting on the ceiling is laid in a special drywall box or for ceiling plinths. The first method is chosen by carrying out artistic decoration at the repair stage, before the final decoration of the walls and ceiling with finishing materials.

In the plinth, the backlight is laid at final finishing ceiling surface at the final stage of repair. For a clearer design of neon lighting, you need to attach a small ledge to the plane of the eaves. To get diffused light, the board on the cornice does not need to be installed.

It is better to choose a larger skirting board for such work, because it is very difficult to mount transformers in narrow elements. If you still want to minimize the finish, just "drown" the transformer in the wall niche.

Usually neon lamps come in a kit, which, in addition to the lighting element, includes cords, fasteners, circuits, so there should not be any particular difficulties when connecting.

How to arrange appliances

In addition to the requirements for, it is necessary to take into account their correct location on the ceiling surface:

  • Uniform used in simple designs consisting of one level. In this case, the fixtures are placed around the perimeter of the room on the entire plane of the ceiling.
  • group designed to illuminate individual areas. For example, when zoning space. Most often, such variations are combined with the main source of artificial light - a chandelier.

On a note! Group lighting is often used to highlight figures on stretch or plasterboard ceilings.

Before you buy appliances, carefully plan and consider possible variations in their location. Be guided by the following parameters:

  • Type of light source, its power and technical characteristics.
  • View of the ceiling surface.
  • Placement method.

Installation of spot lighting involves the following procedure:

  • Lay the wires and bring them to the installation sites of the devices at the stage of assembling the frame.

Important! Permissible distance between luminaires and metal base suspended structure should be at least 25-30 cm.

  • Lay the wires in special corrugations to protect them from moisture, and fasten them to metal profiles with plastic clamps.
  • AT top coat do ceiling required amount holes corresponding to the dimensions of the fixtures.
  • Install drywall on the ceiling and install appliances.

For stretch ceilings, fixing of fixtures is carried out after fixing the canvas, but all preparatory work(supplying electricity, installing platforms, etc.) are carried out at the stage of assembling the frame.

When arranging lighting in your apartment, remember that for the most part it performs a decorative function. Before starting work, please read possible options lighting design on the ceiling on the Internet, since illiterate methods can make the design heavier. This is especially true for multi-level suspension systems.

LED ceiling lighting - ready-made kits (video)

Ceiling lighting not only helps illuminate a room, but is also responsible for maintaining or reframing its proportions. If you choose the wrong light, you can completely spoil the whole picture. Due to the specifics of the ceiling covering, there are several ways of lighting, which we will now try to figure out.


Ceiling lighting is selected individually for each room, depending on its features. For example, to get lighting right for low or beamed ceilings, you need to use two very different approaches. In the first case, it is preferable to install built-in lighting, as it will visually add height, and in the second case, emphasize the two-level ceiling with a chandelier in rustic style or loft, depending on the style of the room.

Now it is fashionable to highlight the ceiling around the perimeter of the room, but this is not always appropriate. Sometimes it is much better to replace the hidden strip lighting with LED spotlights, especially if the room is large. So you can achieve a uniform level of illumination in every corner.

To take into account all the possible nuances, you definitely need to plan the location of the ceiling lights in advance. This is especially important, since few ceiling structures can immediately "adjust" to the momentary desires of the owners. For example, in the case of stretch ceilings, if you do not lay the wiring in advance, the entire canvas will have to be pulled. The specifics are such that for the location of the fixtures, the ceiling must be strengthened and glued in the right places, and all these procedures are carried out even before it is fixed.

How to arrange?

Correct location ceiling lights - the key to the success of a beautiful organization of space. To do everything right, you will need to draw up a drawing plan for arranging furniture at the initial stage of repair. So you will know exactly where you need to enhance the light, and where, on the contrary, darken the space a little.

Usually, when arranging a ceiling light, they are guided by the following rule: everything must be emphasized by the backlight important details. It can be a composition of photographs on the wall, a reading chair, a dining table where the whole family gathers - anything. If you know in advance where you plan to put a sofa or hang a mirror, planning will become much easier.

If you are planning to install more than just a single ceiling chandelier, you can not leave thinking about the location of the backlight for later. This is fraught with damage to the entire room due to incorrectly placed light accents.

Options for stretch fabrics

For stretch ceilings, three types of ceiling lamps are used: hanging lamp, recessed or perimeter lighting. The latter option is especially common for plasterboard ceilings, as it allows you to emphasize an interesting multi-level composition.

A pendant lamp can be located even in the middle of the room, at least in several places. It is not forbidden to use several different types of chandeliers. This is done in order to divide the space into zones, especially when it comes to large studio apartments. When choosing bulbs for a chandelier, it should be noted that their power should not exceed 40 W if the lamp is close to the ceiling, otherwise the ceiling sheet may be deformed.

Recessed spot lighting is good for emphasizing any details, as well as for creating the illusion of "light directly from the ceiling." Please note that spotlights must certainly be hidden behind decorative strips or recessed into the ceiling, otherwise attention will be focused on them, and not on the object of illumination.

The lighting around the perimeter can work both from the switch and burn on a permanent basis. Two models of light sources are presented that can create the desired effect: LED strip or duralight. The LED strip is soft and can be mounted anywhere, it gives a fairly bright light. Duralight is less bright and is made in the form of a flexible cord, however, if you lay it in 2-3 rows, it will not be much inferior to LED strips in terms of brightness.

For two-level ceilings

In modern design, it is customary to focus on two-level ceilings, so it is imperative to use spotlights or LED strips. It is important to emphasize the different levels and their differences. For example, one of classical ways is to mount the LED strip in a niche between drywall levels.

The lower level is usually emphasized on the sides with spotlights. It can be directed from the center of the room or to the center, depending on how the levels are built. Many designers resort to the following trick to expand the space: they make the central part of the ceiling higher and glossy, and lower it a little into the matte side ones. Thus, the illumination towards the center, reflected as much as possible by the glossy coating, makes the room incredibly light and high. Properly selected light temperature can make such a design even more comfortable.

The pendant chandelier is usually one, located in the center. Its size, shape and design are selected depending on the style of the room. For example, for classic interiors, it can be a large “boucher” chandelier decorated with crystal pendants, and for high-tech, it can be a simple geometric hanging ceiling.

Solutions on a sloping surface

Not necessarily the attic ceiling should be decorated with only one small source of light. Depending on the height of the ceiling, you can also afford large chandeliers. However, this rule applies to high attics, and only the high part of the bevel can be framed in this way.

With the low part, things are not so rosy. Often, it is impossible to somehow arrange it at all, since the height is extremely small. The best choice in this case would be LED lamps. They do not have to be powerful, but the illumination must be sufficient.

Make sure that every corner of the attic is bright. When planning, be sure to write down how you will decorate the darkened part, because the light of one central lamp is often not enough. If you properly arrange the sloping ceiling, it will be possible to visually “raise” it, which will make the room seem larger and more comfortable.

Luminous ceiling as the main source of light

Many people believe that to create high-quality light in a room, it is necessary to highlight it at all levels: the ceiling, walls and even the floor. Let's not argue, this is often the case, but for most rooms, ceiling lighting alone is enough. This is due to the fact that it is typical Russian apartments there are no large ceilings and huge areas, and the ceiling light reaches the floor unobstructed, without getting lost somewhere in the middle.

However, if you are a happy owner of three-meter ceilings, there is a way out here. Recently returned to fashion ceiling chandeliers with adjustable placement height. At will, they can be lowered, brightly illuminating any detail, and raised, if necessary, to return soft diffused lighting.

Now such chandeliers are made as safe as possible, using LED lamps in them. They do not heat up themselves and do not heat the body of the chandelier, so there is no chance of severe burns during manipulations with the height adjustment. Such models can be used even in the nursery.

To make the ceiling the only source of light, you should choose the right brightness of the lamps. Consult with a specialist about buying a particular model of light bulb, ask questions about power, brightness, color temperature. As a rule, you can get a free consultation right at the time of buying a lamp.

Types of fixtures

In addition to the typical options listed, different styles interiors are used alternative sources lighting.

  • Tires. Hanging eaves-tires are back in fashion instead of with modern style loft. They are structures to which various lamps are attached, and later everything is suspended together from the ceiling. In fact, the tire is an ordinary rectangular chandelier on rods.

  • Searchlights for indoor use. A bold option that does not fit into every room. Floodlights give a bright narrow beam of light. They can be fixed or movable. Movable options are much more convenient, since the light can be redirected depending on your needs. The big disadvantage is that the spotlights give predominantly cold light, which is practically not used in residential premises.

  • Spots. Spotlights are movable structures with linear lighting, somewhat similar to spotlights, but their beam strength clearly cannot compete with their counterparts. Spots are also used to highlight the most interesting details.

Despite the fact that the listed types of lighting devices are quite common, they are still practically not used alone. They are combined with typical representatives - ordinary hanging chandeliers.


To make hidden lighting, drywall is most often used. Niches made of this material are ideal for this due to its excellent decorative properties. You can simulate any edge for highlighting: oval, straight, wavy.

Ordinary plastic cornices are hidden in such niches, which can be easily equipped with lighting. Such an illusion of curtains falling out of nowhere, and even illuminated from above, looks appropriate in almost any interior.

In addition to bus structures, baguette cornices can also be equipped with lighting. Some models even have special cavities so that there is somewhere to hide the wires. In any case, there will be no problems with hiding the wires: they can easily be hidden behind a decorative strip.

The illuminated cornice in the ceiling lighting plays a rather significant role, especially when it comes to lighting around the perimeter of the room. Such a selection of lighting allows you to make the room larger, expand it, while emphasizing the design of the window.


Special attention ceiling lighting modern direction in styles. Loft, minimalism, hi-tech, modern require the widespread use of various types of ceiling lights. All of these styles share certain rules:

  • Not necessary choose the same ceiling lamps, their functional component is the most important. For minimalism, it is advisable to choose lamps as much as possible simple design with good light output, industrial-style chandeliers are suitable for a loft, fantasy metal structures for high-tech and modern.

It has been 3 years since the commissioning of the new building. First, I did a simple DIY repair. Now the house has sat down, the walls have warmed up and some defects have appeared. On the ceiling, at the junction of the plates, two large cracks 6 meters long appeared along the entire room.

The wife began to demand repairs, but modern and interesting options There are a lot of finishes and she can not decide. I decided to make the ceiling lighting with LED strip with my own hands.

I read about editing on other sites, but useless dregs are written there, because authors write who do not understand this and have never done it. You still have to explain the subtleties and advantages to your wife, so I decided to do it in writing, you will also be interested.
I recommend reading first:

  • 1. Types of ceilings
  • 2. Types of lighting and illumination
  • 3. Choose a diode tape
  • 5. Color illumination
  • 6. How to install LED strip on the ceiling
  • 7. Additional ways
  • 8. Illumination of false ceiling, video
  • 9. Accessories and connection
  • 10. Polyurethane cornices

Types of ceilings

Consider the main popular types for the home:

  • tension;
  • suspended drywall, rack, cassette;
  • suspended-tension, a hybrid of drywall and tension;
  • one-level and two-level.

Tension - a modern and practical look, quickly installed. A big plus is the glossy surface and the transparency of the film, the gloss better reflects the light flux.

The use from the inside looks trump. If you have a fantasy, then for example you can do:

  • starry sky, looks gorgeous at night;
  • the logo of your sports team or car;
  • even a simple drawing with palm trees and the sea.

Of all the types, I chose a tension one, with preliminary fastening of sound insulation under the film.

Plasterboard and suspended-tension will be quite optimal for a single-level project. In my apartment, you can hear the neighbors from above very well, especially since they have 2 small children, they can knock on the floor at 3 a.m., it resonates with us like a drum. It will be possible to place soundproof mats under the drywall, which cannot be done on a stretch one, without gluing.

Duplex ceilings look interesting from the design side, but they have a much higher complexity of execution and a large amount of gypsum work. I can afford them without much damage, my height is 280 cm, which is higher than the usual 250 cm. They look nice, but in terms of practicality, they just will additional expenses. After a couple of weeks, you will no longer pay attention to it. This amount I can spend more usefully than on useless design decoration.

Types of lighting and illumination

Functions that can be performed when placed on the ceiling or on top of walls.

  1. decorative white;
  2. decorative single-color or color RGB;
  3. main lighting;
  4. auxiliary, supplementing the main one, such as low beam in a car;

I wanted a combined type. Good and beautiful chandeliers they are expensive, and they no longer fit into modern design, they look outdated. Classical, these are built-in lamps and light around the perimeter of the room.

Solid fill inside the second level, photo of the room of the house

In order not to lay a powerful diode tape around the perimeter and expensive aluminum profile, I think to place LEDs of medium power, to perform the function of not bright lighting. For bright light in the center of the room, install a recessed ceiling LED panel under Armstrong, which, with dimensions of 60 by 60 cm, shines at 3600 Lm., has a thickness of only 1 cm. For me, the cost of such a led panel will be about 1000 rubles.

Why a panel? - in fact, I do not need bright lighting in every corner, besides, my walls are painted light, the light will be reflected. It will shine as efficiently as possible only down, there will be a lot of light on the floor for children to play.

Choosing a diode tape

For backlighting, it is better to use or 5050, which does not require an aluminum profile for cooling. Its power should not exceed 10 W/m.

For white, the density on the SMD 5050 will be optimal 60 diodes per meter. The actual power may differ in one direction or another, it can only be known by measuring the consumed current. 5050 LEDs can be inexpensive at 13 Lm, and high brightness at 19 Lm, they are labeled as LUX (High class) luxury. It already has a consumption of 14-15 watts.
The average brightness with 13lm diodes will be 800lm/m. which corresponds to a 60-75W incandescent lamp. With led diodes at 19lm. brightness at 1 m. 1150 lm., this is the equivalent of a conventional 90W light bulb.

Do not buy on the little popular SMD 3014, 7020, 3020 LEDs. There is a high probability of purchasing low-quality components and overpriced ones. technical specifications.

The figures show the most common installation distances. There are no special requirements for installation, you can safely experiment until a satisfactory result is obtained. The laid light source can not be fixed, which will allow it to be moved in the future.

Var. No. 1 provides more intense lighting not only for the stretch ceiling, but also for the room. By moving the bookmark inside the box, you can adjust the width of the backlight in the room.
Var. No. 2, creates the effect of a floating ceiling, looks especially good with a light blue color of the sky.

Var. No. 3, used to create light stripes from the inside. You can post, for example, a simple drawing or the Volkswagen logo.
Var. No. 4, makes the backlight inside the tension over the entire area. A small box on the sides will visually increase the illuminated surface. A simpler and more practical way is to mount it directly on the wall, it also looks decent, but a matter of taste.

Additional ways

Var. No. 5, suitable for the main led lighting of the room.
Var. No. 6, the lower profile is mounted overhead in the form of an LED lamp on a plasterboard surface. Can be replaced with a ceiling plinth.

Var. No. 7, because complex shape cornices usually ices are placed on the wall.
Var. No. 8, the plinth is attached lower by 50 -70 mm. and a light source is placed on it. This is a budget installation, any cheap plinth will do, not necessarily polyurethane. The glow angle of the LED is 120 degrees, so with this placement it will not dazzle and will practically not be visible.

Var. No. 9, drywall box of two-level tension
Var. No. 10, visually increases the height by illuminating the wall.

False ceiling lighting, video

The installation of the light source is closely related to the installation of the entire structure. In the video, experts will show in detail the sequence of mounting a two-level false ceiling from the very beginning. The main lighting will be done on built-in lamps, the tape source will be used for decorative purposes.

Accessories and connection

Scroll necessary materials for mounting:

  • ceiling plinth, polyurethane cornice, drywall;
  • power unit;
  • dimmer or RGB controller, with or without remote control;
  • connectors for connection;
  • cable for 220V network.

Polyurethane cornices

The best and easiest way to illuminate a stretch ceiling is to use polyurethane cornices, moldings, fillets, skirting boards. The cornices are quite expensive and are sold in 2-meter sections and have many types of finishes, stucco moldings, patterns, and are suitable for painting.

For complex design forms is produced in a flexible form, but costs 2 times more expensive, is marked as a FLEX skirting board. The cost of the Russian Europlast is from 350 to 900 r / m.

A more affordable price from Chinese manufacturers, the length of the products is 240 cm, in order to compare, you will need to calculate the price per meter. On average 400 r / m. for flexible, and 200-250 r. for the usual.

If the power consumption is high, and you want to hide the power supply behind the eaves, then use several smaller power supplies.

Every year in the interior design of residential and special premises includes new elements. LED strip for lighting ceilings has become one of them.

This functional decorative detail can transform even the most boring interior. Often she can shine different colors, from which you can choose the one that suits your current mood or current situation.

What is LED strip?

The LED strip is a flexible strip that can have a width of 5 to 50 mm. On one side of the tape there are LEDs and resistors, combined by electrical conductors into a single circuit. On the other hand, a double-sided adhesive tape is usually glued on it, on which the strip is fixed in the place chosen for it.

On LED strips different models there are also a different number of LEDs, and they can also differ in size. If it is necessary to achieve greater illumination brightness, sometimes additional LEDs are soldered in the second or even third row.

Benefits of LED strip lighting for ceilings

There are a lot of advantages of this lighting decorative device, and these include the following indicators:

  • Affordable kit price and significant energy savings with a sufficiently high brightness of lighting.
  • Ease of installation like this lighting equipment, which is quite possible to produce independently, following the attached instructions.
  • Wide choice of color scale. LED strips can be composed of LEDs of the same color, for example, white - to enhance lighting or accentuate lines, or elements of different glow to create special moods in the room.

  • Long service life, as high-quality LEDs can last 10 years or more.

Criteria for choosing LED strip for ceilings

LEDs used in tapes

When purchasing an LED strip for lighting ceilings, you need to know what types of LEDs are used for this purpose.

The main types that are currently used for the production of luminous ceiling tapes are SMD 5050 and SMD 3028 LEDs.

SMD - these letters in the marking are an abbreviation for the name “Surface Mounted Device”, in translation it means “surface-mounted device”, since the LED is securely soldered into the surface of the tape.

The numbers following the letters in the marking indicate the size of the LED in millimeters. For example, SMD 3028 is an element with dimensions of 3 × 2.8 mm, and, accordingly, SMD 5050 is 5 × 5 mm.

The LED with this marking has six "legs" coming out of the case, with which it is soldered into the tape. The element itself is equipped with three light-emitting crystals. Such an LED will emit light approximately three times more intense than a single-chip SMD 3028 connected to the tape with only one pair of contacts.

The term luminous flux, which is measured in lumens, is used to define the characteristics of the radiation intensity of an LED. So, the officially defined values ​​​​of this parameter for SMD 5050 LEDs are 12 lumens, and for SMD 3028 - only 4 lumens. One LED from the SMD 5050 brand shines as intensely as three SMD 3028 placed side by side.

The color of the glow of the LED strip will depend on the LEDs that are installed in it. In the case when the tape contains SMD 5050 LEDs, then three crystals can be installed in each of their cases different color- red (Red), green (Green), and blue (Blue). It was these English names of colors that gave the so often used abbreviation RGB.

Using the electronic control circuit, you can turn on any of the colors at will. Moreover, there is an opportunity to receive countless different beautiful shades, changing the brightness of the glow of red, green and blue crystals. By mixing in this way, a new rich light background is obtained - it's hard to believe, but the "play" of only three colors when mixed together can result in up to sixteen million different shades.

The intensity and brightness of the LEDs are usually controlled through the remote control using a special device - the controller.

Very interesting shades can be obtained by adding white light to an existing background. It dilutes the brightness of red, blue and green, and as a result, gentle, pleasing to the eye shades are formed, for example, pale blue or soft pink.

These shades can also be obtained by turning on the white color at full brightness with the addition of other colors to it, turned on with less intensity. It should also be taken into account that under different lighting conditions, the look at the interior design almost completely changes, since it can appear in different colors every time.

Experts recommend using LED strips with white light to illuminate the ceiling or combined option consisting of white and tricolor elements. These tapes will allow you to change color solutions in the room according to the mood. And the intensity of the white color can be so high that it can be compared to natural daylight on a fine day.

Getting white

Since LEDs with "pure" white light do not exist, it can be obtained in two ways.

  • One of them is that they use crystals with a blue glow, which are covered with a phosphor on top.

A phosphor is a light yellow substance deposited on the surface of an LED chip. This composition is able to convert the absorbed energy into white light radiation. By the presence of a light yellow substance on the LEDs, you can clearly determine that these are elements that will emit white light.

It should be noted that the phosphor gradually loses its transducer qualities over time, and Blue colour begins to break through the white, and the radiation takes on a bluish tint.

If the LED strip is used continuously for a year, then its brightness may decrease by 25-30%. Therefore, when purchasing this "lighting device", you must familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics and operating instructions, where the manufacturer must indicate the warranty period.

When the intensity of white light decreases or a blue tint appears in it, you can use the second method to obtain it.

  • The second method is based on the laws of optics, from which it is known that white can be obtained by mixing all available colors (in this case, green, red and blue) by turning them on at full power at the same time. Thus, it is possible to “create” white light, and the problem with the influence of a “sunk down” phosphor on it will not matter.

The best choice for installing lighting on the ceiling can be an RGB LED strip, as it is equipped with three-color LEDs that will help you get white light if necessary, as well as other shades.

This variety of LED strips will last a long time. They are quite convenient to use - they have the ability to turn on white light, if you only need intense lighting, or a color scheme that matches your mood. The color adjustment process is done from the remote control and will not take much time.

Varieties of LED strips

1 - strip with SMD 3028 LEDs with a density of 60 pcs/rm.

2 - the same, but with a placement density of 120 pcs / linear meter.

3 - double-row tape with SMD 3028 LEDs, with an installation density of 240 pcs/rm.

4 - a strip with a rare placement of SMD 5050 LEDs - a density of only 30 pcs/m.

5 - the same, but with a density of 60 pieces / linear meter.

6 - two-row LED strip with SMD 5050 elements and placement density of 120 pcs/rm.

If you plan to install decorative lighting for ceiling niches, furniture or a desktop in the kitchen, then it is better to use SMD 3028 tape, which has 60 LEDs per meter. It will be enough for her to cope with her task. An LED strip with too much light intensity will be overkill, as it can blind your eyes, especially since for greater brightness you will need a higher power supply and larger in size, so it is more difficult to find a secluded place for it.

The Importance of LED Strip Quality

Having decided to make additional lighting in the apartment or decorate the interior with an LED strip, it is not recommended to buy its cheapest options. Such products will not last a long time in their original state - as a rule, their color balance is quickly disturbed, or even diodes can completely burn out. In cheap lighting tapes, elements are usually installed not too High Quality, which determines the low price.

Design and self-assembly of LED strip

An LED strip lighting system is often sold as a kit. You can, of course, purchase all of its elements separately, but it will be more difficult to choose them correctly in terms of parameters.

The LED backlight kit includes several electronic devices:

  • power supply, which is necessary to convert the mains alternating current into the constant voltage required for the diodes;
  • a controller with a sensor that allows you to change the color of the lighting using the remote control;
  • remote control panel that regulates changes in the intensity and shades of the light flux;

  • LED strip of the desired length.

The scheme of installation of the system is approximately as follows.

This diagram shows a system with RGB -amplifier, which is necessary to maintain a stable control signal in cases where it is necessary to lengthen the tape or it initially has great length. In this drawing, the connection points are clearly visible, so relying on it, it will be easy to figure out the sequence of work.

  • The first step is to connect a network cable with a plug to the power supply to connect it to the network, that is, the N and L contacts are connected.
  • Next, the two contacts of the controller are connected to the same power supply, provided that an RGB LED strip is used for the backlight.
  • After that, contact cables are attached to the controller, attaching a tape to it.

In high-quality kits, the color marking of the wires corresponds to "reality". Yellow wire - power plus.
  • If the controller is designed for a certain length of tape, but you need to use more LEDs, then to extend or wire the elements, you must use an amplifier that is connected to the power supply and the other end of the tape. Then another piece of LED strip is fixed to the amplifier on its other side.

The fact is that it is dangerous to connect more than 1500 mm of tape in series to one power line, since the current-conducting tracks may not withstand the load. But the control signals - they go exactly sequentially, from segment to segment, gradually fading. In these cases, for parallel connection to a power source of several segments, a control signal amplifier is used.

  • After everything is assembled, you can check by plugging the plug into the outlet.
  • When making connections, it is imperative to ensure that the polarity and voltage of the controller, power supply and tape match.
  • If it is necessary to build up the tape, if other devices allow it in terms of their power, this process is carried out using connectors specially designed for this.
  • If the tape needs to be shortened, then the cut is made exclusively in the place indicated by the manufacturer in a certain place -0, usually it is indicated on it with a dashed line. The cut is made with ordinary scissors.

A few words must be said about the correct installation of the tape in the place intended for it.

  • The tape is fixed on double-sided tape, which is released from protective film before gluing.
  • If the ceiling is illuminated, then usually the tape is fixed under its surface into a small niche made of drywall. This method of installation is effective in that the light is directed to the bright plane of the ceiling, which, illuminated by LEDs, contributes to a more uniform illumination of the room.

Is it difficult to mount a suspended ceiling yourself?

Installation of such a design solves at once a lot of problems of repair and improvement of the premises. There are no problems with materials and components in our time, and to make with my own hands- quite a daunting task. Detailed instructions are in a special publication of our portal.

  • Another option to increase the efficiency of the backlight is to fix the tape on the eaves (for curtains or specially installed around the perimeter of the entire room just for lighting purposes).

The tape in this case is fixed in such a way that it directs the luminous flux to the wall and to a certain section of the ceiling, on which the light will scatter, increasing the illuminated area. A well-lit ceiling will not only make the room brighter, but also help.

  • In order for the tape to be fixed on the surface without problems, the place of its gluing should be cleaned of dust and preferably degreased, and then dried well.

financial question

A few words can be said about the financial side of the issue. It should be remembered that when inviting a master to install LED lighting, he will have to pay an amount that will be from 50 to 150% of the cost of the devices themselves. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase ready-made kits of the system, to which the installation diagram of all components is always attached. Each of the compiled kits is designed for a certain number of LEDs and the length of the tape, so you can not be afraid that an extra number of them will be connected. , you can save quite a decent amount on this process.

Some systems are sold already assembled and connected, so they can be tested immediately upon purchase. All that remains is to bring the kit home and install it in a place determined for the backlight, and then plug the plug into the outlet.

Those who purchase this backlight option will not particularly need electrician skills. The most difficult moment in the installation will be choosing a place for the power supply and controller, and then securely fixing them correctly and securely.

If funds are limited, and the backlight is already planned for installation, then you can choose a kit with a ribbon of the same color - SMD 3528 LEDs, the installation density of elements on which is 60 pieces per running meter. However, this option cannot be placed in the bathroom, since such tapes are not equipped with moisture protection.

When installing the backlight in damp rooms or in other places where there is a possibility that neighbors from above can flood, it is worth choosing a tape equipped with silicone external insulation.

At the end of the publication - a video that shows the process of proper installation of strip LED lighting.

Video: installing and connecting LED strip