Drywall niche for home theater. Plasterboard wall design for TV

Convenient solution to place the TV - a drywall niche, it looks stylish and is part of the interior composition, adding coziness and comfort to the room. TVs with thin LCD, LED and LCD screens look most impressive in a niche.

Advantages and disadvantages of this design


  • the room gets completely different modern look, so ennoble the room under the force of only such a design;
  • can be used in any room - in the kitchen, in the hall, in the bedroom, in the living room, etc., the installation of the structure is no different;
  • niche ensures the integrity of the interior, the TV will not look separate element, but will become part of the entire design project;
    allows hide all wires and cables, it is very convenient and aesthetically pleasing (as is the case with the toilet);
  • the versatility of such a box - here, in addition to the TV, you can place other equipment (speakers, music center, DVD player, TV tuner, etc.), books, vases, figurines and other decorative elements;
  • in such a niche, the TV is located at eye level, which is convenient when viewing it;

A popular design idea for a TV niche is the introduction of lighting around the perimeter. As a rule, a diode tape is used for this.


  • replacing the old TV with a new one with a larger diagonal will not work, since the niche is designed with only small gaps on the sides, unless the difference between the TVs is 5-10 cm;
  • TV weight that can be hung on plasterboard wall must not exceed 35 kg. Very big tvs better not to put in a niche. Otherwise, you need to think over the design of the niche, and cut into back side niches a place for fastening so that the bracket is attached to a concrete wall;
  • the room should be enough large area at least 16 sq. m, otherwise the space will look cluttered. Or create a small, compact niche.

Accommodation features

It is possible to build a drywall structure with a niche for a TV in rooms absolutely different forms A: rectangular, square, oval round, etc.

Keep a distance between the TV and its diagonal, a comfortable distance of 2 m from a 65 cm (27 inch) TV will be comfortable for your eyesight. In this case, the screen itself should be located at eye level, an underestimated or overestimated position negatively affects vision.

In rooms with irregular shape, a niche can still serve for zoning space, dividing it into a sleeping and relaxing area, or a dining and kitchen area.

The TV is mounted on a special bracket, which is very convenient and safe. It is not recommended to install it on the lower edge of a niche, especially if there are children or animals. More secure to use hinged option or make a wide edge under the TV leg.

Finishing a deep niche with photo wallpaper. The niche was made larger so that a larger diagonal TV could be installed there later.

The shapes of the niche itself can be absolutely diverse. Here is a flight of fancy. A niche can be:

  • strict rectangular geometry, best option for modest design and wide rooms;
  • vertical niche with placement from ceiling to floor,
  • with many ledges and shelves;
  • in the form of an arch;
  • round or oval;
  • niche "under the fireplace".

Design and design ideas

There are many design options, here are some of them:

  • spot lighting of structural elements, lamps can be placed both from below and from above the shelves, it looks very interesting when light spreads upwards on the upper shelf of the structure;
  • diode illumination, which can be combined with musical equipment, and you get light music;
  • the back side of the niche can be decorated with decorative stone, photo wallpaper or paint a couple of tones lighter than the whole room;
  • you can cut out different shapes, and when the backlight is turned on, they will glow;
  • on the sides of the TV, you can make separate niches for speakers, under or above the TV - for other equipment (VCR, amplifier, etc.)
    can be placed under the TV artificial fireplace, unless it radiates heat;
  • the shelves around are perfect for placing various interior items, books, boxes, you can even install an aquarium;
  • for lighting it is necessary to use special LED bulbs that do not heat up.

One of the options for finishing a niche for a TV is natural or artificial stone.

If you use a niche for zoning the space of a room, then you can use a through niche, with a TV installed on the bottom edge (then it will play a role). Here it is necessary to take into account the width of the TV pedestal so that it fits steadily in a niche. When creating a rotating base for TV, you can watch it in turn in different areas of the room.

Should not be singled out dark color drywall elements, as it will visually look like there is a hole in the room.

Give preference to light pastel colors matching the color of the walls in the room.

How to make a niche for a TV with your own hands

Required tool:

  • drill;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;

Materials for creating a structure:

  • drywall sheets with a thickness of 9.5-12.5 mm, to create curved surfaces it is necessary
  • take sheets with a thickness of 6.5 mm.
  • aluminum profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • reinforcing mesh, putty;

Work progress:

Detailed project for the installation of a 48" TV niche and the installation of an accompanying home theater system.

Issue price

The cost largely depends on the size of the structure. Take, for example, an average niche, it will need 3 sheets of drywall (about 500 rubles), a profile (about 400-500 rubles), putty, corners, grout nets, self-tapping screws (about 700 rubles). Total comes out 1700 rubles.

TV cabinets have sunk into the past, now it has become the norm to hang the TV on the wall, thanks to the thin body and wide diagonal, the TV looks great in a specially designated niche. Practical design, space saving and design variety are all positive sides drywall niches.

You can trim a niche without focusing on it. Then all the attention will be attracted by the TV.

Video: Implementation of a TV niche installation project

The scope of drywall is extensive and is not limited to wall cladding or. From it you can do almost everything from small parts interior and ending with furniture. One of these options is the creation of a plasterboard stand for a TV, which you can do with your own hands in literally 3-4 hours.
Plasterboard TV stand

The main stages of the formation of the frame system, the collection of inventory and marking

Modern TVs not only have a wide screen size and attractive appearance, but also differ in small mass.

Today, a 42-inch LCD TV weighs no more than 4-6 kg. Based on this, the need for large and massive pedestals is gradually decreasing, and more practical designs and methods for installing TV come in their place.

One of these solutions is the formation of a frame system, which in ready-made will play the role. It can be made from various materials and their combinations, but the simplest and most economical is the creation of a drywall system. Similar solution has many advantages, but requires a responsible approach and care.

TV stand shelf option

It will not be difficult to form a bedside table for a plasterboard TV with your own hands, especially adhering to the following structure of work:

  • collection ;
  • design and marking;
  • frame assembly;
  • finishing.

The principle of creating a bedside table for TV does not have to have the above structure. However, it is she who is optimal and makes it possible to complete the work as soon as possible. At the same time, the first stage, marking the beginning of construction, is the collection necessary tool, whose list looks like this:

Drywall Tools

  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • plumb;
  • screwdriwer set;
  • metal scissors;
  • screwdriver;
  • a set of spatulas;
  • container for mixing the solution.

To create a simple drywall TV cabinet, you don’t need so many tools. However, the above list is more than enough for installation frame structure. Design is the most milestone work, since the result of the work depends to the greatest extent on its accuracy and quality. Initially, it is necessary to determine the installation location of the system, its size and purpose. The frame is created exclusively according to a ready-made template based on the available geometric data.

Dimensional drawing of a homemade drywall cabinet For a standard beam TV, more massive reinforced cabinets are used to withstand the heavy weight of the device, and for new LCD models, the design can be miniature but strong. Options homemade nightstands under TVs can be seen in the photo:

Read also

Assembly of built-in plasterboard shelves in the wall

In addition, creating a plan allows you not only to get an idea of ​​the location of the TV, but also the practicality of its placement. You can draw it purely schematically on a sheet of plain paper. However, it must necessarily indicate the dimensions of the object, the ratio of its sides and the number of racks. After the creation of the project, the corresponding markup is carried out, i.e. the information from the plan is transferred to the surfaces of the floor and walls.

Assembling the crate, sheathing the system and finishing: a step-by-step sequence of actions

After marking, you can proceed to the formation of the frame system. Drywall TV cabinet will have simplest form without shelves and with countertop. Its formation begins with the assembly of the frame, and the entire installation process of the system is as follows:

  1. According to the markings, it is screwed to the floor and walls, which is pre-cut to required size metal scissors. It is fixed with the help, and its purpose is to provide additional rigidity to the system. In addition, its presence simplifies the installation of vertical buildings, which are simply inserted into it and fixed.
    We fix the profile to the wall
  2. The construction of the crate begins with inner corner adjacent to the wall. The first post is inserted into and fixed at the lowest point with self-tapping screws. After that, it is set completely vertically along the plumb line and in this position the distance to the wall, which runs parallel, is measured. According to the data obtained, a part of the profile is measured and cut off, which is subsequently inserted into the vertical guide and plays the role of a horizontal cross member.
  3. The distance between the vertical elements should be no more than 20-30 cm. At the same time, each rack is additionally reinforced with crossbars, and their upper edges are overlapped by another UD profile, which will bind the entire structure and make it immovable.
    Plasterboard TV cabinet layout
  4. To the finished crate (GKL). Each of the parts of the coating is pre-measured and cut with a knife. After that, the material is applied to the racks and fixed to them with metal screws. At the same time, their hats are slightly recessed into the material, and the distance between the fixation points should be at least 15-20 cm.
  5. First, the side parts are fixed, and at the very end the main canvas is applied, which plays the role of the front side of the cabinet. It should completely overlap the joints with the side parts, but not go beyond them.
    We sheathe the curbstone with drywall
  6. Everything gypsum mortar. At the same time, it is preliminarily laid in them, designed to increase the strength of the seam and ensure its reliability. It is covered with 2-3 layers of the mixture, with the help of which the surface is completely leveled. As well as all fasteners.
    Putty plasterboard bedside table
  7. From above, the bedside table is covered with a tabletop, which is screwed to the horizontal crossbars. At the same time, its front side should extend beyond the edge of the structure by 2-3 cm, and the sides should form a vertical level.
    Sectional chipboard tabletop
  8. The made bedside table is completely ready and can

By virtue of our design abilities and skills, we can independently form the interior of our house, we can draw up minimal reconstruction projects, adjust them to the repair estimate and thus make the apartment more attractive and comfortable. We get huge opportunities using drywall systems. This is a light and pliable material with which you can independently perform any decorative element - from multi-level ceiling and arches, to the simplest niche for a TV.

The feasibility of building a niche for a TV

Flat LCD TVs look good anyway, but may not be perceived in every interior. An excellent solution to this issue can be a drywall niche for a TV. We will consider the construction photo and the main stages of building a niche today, it remains only to decide on the design and design. Another big advantage of a niche is the ability to camouflage network and signal cables, but before you make a niche with your own hands, you should consider even the most original variants design and choose those that are most compatible with the chosen interior style.

There are several ways to arrange such a niche - it can be a constructive part of the entire wall, which is covered with drywall, or separate design protruding from the wall. Depending on the interior design, you can choose either one or the other, but it is worth considering that if the wall is sewn up with plasterboard in any case, then the niche device in this case will be both cheaper and easier. A separate niche will make the TV center more functional by arranging shelves for small things there.

We think over the sketch and plan

Depending on the room in which the TV will be located, a niche is designed. For example, for a niche in the bedroom, the photo of which is located below, it is not necessary to make the TV visible from anywhere in the room, that is, it can be installed deep enough, and this will make the niche more spacious and functional. Niche lighting in this case will be very helpful. In the case when a niche is installed in a large living room, this implies that the TV will be watched not only from one point, which imposes certain requirements on the design parameters.

Here are some things to consider and do during the design process:

  • calculate metal carcass, on which the GKL will be attached, consider the placement of the profile, all stiffness jumpers, amplifiers and spacers;
  • be sure to include in the graphic sketch the laying of communications - power and signal cables, take into account and think over the lighting scheme;
  • after that, you can estimate the layout of the GKL to avoid overspending material.

It is also worth immediately deciding on what plan the finish will be. The fact is that each finishing material has its own thickness and it can affect the linear dimensions of the structure as a whole.

We prepare materials and tools

To build a niche of any design, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  1. Metal profile for drywall. Can also be used wooden beam, however, if the design is complex enough, then the profile will be preferable. It is lighter, better processed and, if necessary, it can be bent and made at least an arch niche, at least a complex-shaped niche. The tree won't allow it.
  2. GCR, you can take the thinnest and most inexpensive, ceiling. It will not carry a special load, and it is processed better.
  3. Dowels for attaching the frame to the wall.
  4. Materials for the manufacture of lighting, if provided, are wires, switches, light sources.
  5. Finishing. Here everyone acts according to their own taste, but the minimum that needs to be done is to putty the seams and level the surface with finishing putty.

As for the tool, everyone should have it in their arsenal - this is hammer drill, screwdriver, building level, jigsaw, metal shears, dowels, screws, grinder, several types of sandpaper, spatulas for puttying.

Stages of work

Since the sketch is already ready, it remains only to go directly to the place where the niche was built and start marking. The dimensions from the sketch are transferred to the wall, once again everything is adjusted in place and, if necessary, some changes are made. The first step is to draw lines along which the profile will be attached. Guide profiles are fixed along horizontal lines, checking building level horizontal. In principle, the support legs can be replaced wooden blocks suitable section, but they are heavier, so the dowels should be placed more often.

If the design includes several drywall boxes, they should be fixed in order of priority from bottom to top. When the frame is ready, you can start trimming. Sheets are marked as accurately as possible and cut with a sharp knife or jigsaw. In some cases on simple designs you can first strengthen the sheet, and then cut it in place. The screws are screwed in with a frequency of at least 10 cm. The screwdriver is adjusted to a small torque so that the caps do not damage the surface of the plasterboard, but do not stick out above its surface.

After assembling the niche, it is puttied, sometimes a reinforcing mesh is used. The niche is finished in accordance with the chosen design of the room. It can be both wallpaper and stone-like tiles, painting or polyurethane panels. Good luck to everyone and enjoy watching TV!

Drywall niche - winning design solution, which allows you to ennoble the room, make it stylish and modern, add comfort to the room and at the same time save on bulky furniture. The advantages of a drywall niche are a huge number of design options, any ideas and fantasies can be fulfilled, and with your own hands, with minimal skills repair work. This design allows you to disguise all cables and TV wires, making the interior elegant and aesthetic, and also serve as protection for equipment, eliminating the risk of hitting and dropping the TV.

First you need to think over a certain style of interior, the main idea, in accordance with which this design decision will be made, is able to reflect the character, needs and preferences of the owner.

It could be:

  • Functional and technological high-tech;
  • Simple and spacious minimalism;
  • Spectacular and luxurious art deco.

Or you can choose a combination of styles, creating your own unique. However, great importance should be given to the appropriateness and harmony of the chosen style with the surrounding space. Then you need to decide on the shape and size of the structure, taking into account the parameters of the TV and the volume of the wall itself.

Next, you need to choose color palette, either close in tone to the rest of the walls, or some other, contrasting color or pattern. But you should not highlight the design with too dark a color, so as not to create the impression that there is a hole in the wall. It is important not to overdo it with the backlight, it should not be more intense than the main light source in the room.

After that, you need to pick up various decorated elements and coatings:

  • Natural and artificial stone;
  • Mirrors;
  • Bas-reliefs;
  • Stucco frame;
  • Mosaic.

Artificial stone is the most popular and in demand finishing material to date. It captivates with the simplicity of its creation and use, it is lighter natural stone and longer withstand temperature changes. Bas-reliefs look elegant and original, while performing such tasks as hiding wall irregularities, distorting space and creating transitions between functional areas.

How to create a niche for a drywall TV

To get started, you need universal tools: drill, screwdriver, regular or clerical knife, sandpaper, level, hacksaw or grinder.

For the manufacture of the structure itself, materials will be required:

  • Drywall sheets;
  • Aluminum profile;
  • Perforated corners;
  • Reinforcing mesh and putty mixture;
  • Dowels with self-tapping screws.

First of all, a sketch of the project is created: with dimensions applied, overall design and the location of the structure. Exactly according to the sketch, with the help of a level and a marker, markings are applied to the wall, taking into account the placement of wires and sockets. All lines should be parallel to each other, vertical perpendicular to the floor.

According to the markings, a profile frame is mounted, which, using a puncher and a screwdriver, is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws.

The niche acquires volume - vertical guides are attached, suspensions and jumpers are connected. All necessary communications are laid (wires, cables, electrical wiring), power is supplied to lighting sources, if any are provided for by the project. Next, we carry out plasterboard sheathing. Using a knife or jigsaw, all the details are cut to size, corners and edges are neatly trimmed. Pieces of material, first from the sides, then from the front side, are attached to the frame, a drywall box is created. The heads of the self-tapping screws should not stick out, they should be tightened carefully without damaging the drywall sheets. Further, the places of fastening of self-tapping screws, joints and corners with a sticker of a special tape are processed with putty. The layer is leveled and after the putty dries, it is sanded with sandpaper.

Plasterboard TV shelf: photo and lighting installation

Lighting also plays an important role, it can also be an element of decor, additional source lighting and the ability to visually enlarge the space. When applying, you need to take into account all the nuances: its brightness, the shade of the glow, color scheme, direction and intensity of the light flux, as well as the reflectivity of the walls. If the design provides for lighting, proceed to the installation of lighting fixtures.

Light sources can be:

  • Spotlights;
  • Fluorescent and neon lamps;
  • LED strips.

Installation LED strips will not be difficult, no special knowledge is required for this. The tape is glued either on inner wall niches, or, if the light should be directed inside the structure, a special side is constructed, a starting profile is attached to the edge of the protrusion, and a drywall strip is attached inside. For mounting spotlights you will need to make holes in the drywall.

For spotlights and fluorescent and neon lamps, electricity will be required. And this must be taken care of even before the start of all work. Wires should be hidden under a niche. Interesting idea with backlight is described in the material:.

If you do not have special education and skills, then it is better to entrust this work to a professional electrician. You can't joke with electricity!

Putting the finishing touches: a drywall niche for a TV

So let's get started finishing. The simplest and most economical finish is gluing with wallpaper, the ones with which the wall is pasted over. You can choose the same wallpaper as in the rest of the room, then the design will merge with the interior as much as possible or choose a different, contrasting color. It will be a little more difficult to paint the walls, in this case, the surface must be carefully leveled, as any roughness and ribbing will be striking.

Finishing artificial stone the most labor-intensive and energy-intensive. The tile needs to be adjusted and cut with a grinder, experience in handling it and observing safety precautions is necessary.

Artificial stone is attached with mounting adhesive or liquid nails. Several stone options look original, laid out as your imagination allows. A bas-relief can be created not only by a professional artist or sculptor, but also by anyone who has determination, patience and perseverance. Any bas-relief in itself is unique and unrepeatable.

Before starting you need:

  • Prepare everything;
  • View the master class;
  • Consult with a specialist.

It is worth thinking in advance and creating a life-size sketch so that the sketch blends with the rest of the design of the structure. A beginner should not take on large-scale paintings; a composition of flowers, fruits, or the contours of animals and birds will look quite original. The final step is the installation of the TV. In accordance with the parameters of the TV, in the niche in the center, markings are made for the bracket, which, as a rule, comes with the kit. Then, with the help of self-tapping screws, the bracket is attached and the TV is hung on it.

Stylish drywall niche for TV in the interior (video)

The TV cabinet has sunk into oblivion, and a similar drywall construction, on the contrary, has Lately enjoys increasing popularity due to ease of manufacture and installation, inexpensive and affordable materials. Such original idea registration will not require much time and money, but it will delight you for many years.

Design of a drywall niche for a TV (photo in the interior)

Excellent decorative element from drywall, which will allow you to carefully place a TV and all the devices required for it inside, you can call a niche. This design is perfect for those rooms in which there is not much space, but you still want to place all the necessary devices and objects in it as efficiently as possible. Such a product has another significant advantage - it is a TV stand, that is, by making a niche, you can be sure that your TV will hold securely and is unlikely to fall off somewhere

It is very convenient that a do-it-yourself niche for a drywall TV is assembled completely, you do not have to resort to the services of specialists, you just need to follow the tips and rules of this article. It is easier to create such products than to build, for example, a common one. Therefore, even a beginner will perfectly cope with this work. By creating a niche, you will create an ideal place for a TV in your apartment, in addition, you can place everything you need for it to work nearby.

What is this article about

Form selection and niche design

For a niche it is very important to choose suitable design, which will not only emphasize the features of the product itself, but also organically fit into the interior. It is very difficult for most people to come up with at least some shape that will differ from an ordinary rectangle. If you are one of them, then you should start by browsing the Internet pages with similar products, so you can highlight the main design points for yourself, highlight any design features, in order to finally create your own individual product.

If you create other drywall constructions along with a niche, then it may be better to use the services of a designer who will definitely come up with a single drywall composition that will please your eye all the time. Our advice, make a few sketches of a niche according to your fantasies, because it can be made not only square or rectangular, but also complex shapes, with height differences and the presence of bends.

Measure the wall where the drywall niche for the TV will be installed. You need to know its dimensions and, preferably, the area in order to choose the dimensions of the structure almost perfectly. In accordance with the dimensions, but not much attention to them, make the project a niche. In the project, you need to sketch a niche of the form that you came up with, but do not forget that the dimensions of the product must also be indicated there.

Also, you must imagine how the TV will be attached to the support. In the role of the latter, both the wall and the niche itself can act (in this embodiment, it will be necessary to strengthen the bottom of the structure). All additional devices, such as game consoles and various receivers, amplifiers, will need to be placed nearby, so make sure that there are shelves for them in the niche.

Work surface marking

The complexity of the markup will depend on where the niche will be located. If everything is standard, that is, the niche is on the wall, then the markup will take place only on the surface of this wall. But if the niche is made in the form of a partition, then you will also have to make markings on the ceiling and floor. We'll consider normal version the location of the structure - on the wall.

As always, the first thing to do is mark out the contours of the structure, indicate the places where the niches themselves will be located, that is, the cavity where the TV will be placed. The points for laying the rack profile are also indicated on the wall, in addition, for each profile rail (guide or rack) that is located in this area, you need to specify the dimensions. So that later, when you cut the profile, you can immediately measure the length of the rail and make a cut, and not measure the entire markup and frame.

The niche, which is made in the form of a TV stand, that is, the device will directly stand in the recess of the structure, is additionally reinforced with a profile, and instead of drywall, chipboard or plywood is placed on its bottom - this should also be noted during marking. Make sure that all the lines are clearly visible, and the trace of the pencil is held securely, otherwise you can then touch the marked area with the tool, the lines will be erased - you will have to redo everything.

Quite often, the largest TV is placed in the living room, as there are a lot of people gathering there, and the screen should be visible to everyone. But we are talking about the fact that electric fireplaces are also often installed in the living room, which is in perfect harmony with the TV, especially if the ideal hole for the fireplace is made in the niche, that is, exactly according to its size. If you will make a fireplace in your niche, then make an indication of this at this stage. In addition, it is better to place the TV on a special suspension that is attached to the wall, so do not forget to mark the place where the suspension is attached, or better, fix it now.

The process of building a frame for a niche

The frame will be made of several types of profile, which can be selected in size and thickness specifically for the weight of the structure and the load (in our case, the TV) that it will withstand.

  • guide profile. This type the profile will be used to connect the frame of the structure to the wall, that is, it will be the link between the base and the product;
  • Rack profile. It is used to erect the entire frame by connecting it to the already installed rails of the guide profile. Using this type of profile, all jumpers and stiffeners in the frame are created;
  • Profile for bends. It already has holes that were made at the factory, so it can be immediately bent without pre-training. But it can be replaced without any problems with a rack-mount profile, which is simply notched as necessary.

Before you make a purchase of a profile, it is worth calculating its quantity. An article about calculating the number of profiles for drywall constructions explains in detail this process we advise you to read. You need to start assembling the frame by installing a guide profile, which is always located at the boundaries of the structure. You need to fix it to the base, and if it is concrete, use a drill and dowels.

The guide profile is cut into the necessary parts along the length with metal scissors, after which it is fixed on the wall and, if the niche is made in the form of a partition, on the floor and ceiling too. To give the plasterboard TV stand the required area, you need to use a rack profile. The rack profile is fixed between two guide rails using self-tapping screws.

It is necessary to place the rack profile in such a way as to give the structure maximum strength And desired shape so that it would be possible to sheathe this frame with plasterboard sheets, as a result of which it would become exactly what you intended at the planning stage, that is, a niche. The rack profile connects all the guide rails, after which you can start working on those places where there is a bend in the profile.

As mentioned above, you can use both a special profile and an ordinary rack profile. The latter only needs to be cut with scissors every 5-7 centimeters, making an incision on each of the two sides, and leave the third intact - it will be in direct contact with the drywall.

With such a prepared profile, a bend is made, for example, in the form of a portal in the recess for the TV. Also, this profile creates a transition between parts of the structure in order to obtain a single product as a result. Having finished creating the frame, you can proceed to its sheathing and decorative trim.

Sheathing the frame with drywall sheets

It is at this stage that a significant minus of the niche manifests itself - this design, unlike the ceiling or plasterboard wall, has recesses for which the drywall will have to be cut a lot. You'd better use for this electric jigsaw so that your hands do not get tired, and the work goes faster. Also, a niche, especially a corner one, creates a lot of seams between drywall sheets, so you have to use more plasters.

So, if the TV is on a hanger, then start sheathing the area around it. If the TV will simply stand in a niche, then the first step is to sheathe the area behind it, after which you can proceed to the sheathing of the place where the TV will stand and the adjacent walls in the recess of the niche. When you have sheathed the recess, you can move to the front side of the structure, sheathing it. Please do not confuse this sequence when trimming. If you do everything according to these instructions, then the putty will be somewhat easier, since the seams between drywall sheets will be hidden by the front sheets of the GKL.

You can bend drywall for some sections of the frame as follows: make cuts on the GKL sheet every 6–8 centimeters and break the sheet along them, after which it can be fixed on the frame.

It is necessary to finish the work by strengthening the corners and further filling the product. We hope that now you will not wonder how to hang a TV on a plasterboard wall or how to make a niche for a TV, because in the article we explained this in detail and quite simply. Easy work and quality results!