Do-it-yourself partition with a drywall arch. Arched interior partitions

You can embellish and modify your home with drywall. Using this material, unique in ease of use and processing, you can build a wide variety of structures for the purpose of interior design. Sheathing walls with the formation of niches and shelves, installation of partitions with windows and aisles, arched structures and variations with several layers of sheathing are quite simple to implement and subsequently finish with any material that is suitable for the meaning.

A plasterboard partition with your own hands is done in a matter of days, even if you do everything alone. The main thing is to take into account all the necessary nuances and requirements. Before proceeding with the formation of a variety of decorative partitions, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the general principles about. After that, you can proceed to the study of various ways of using drywall as the basis for the decorative design of an apartment.

The main characteristics of drywall are strength, lightness, pliability of processing. In addition, the indisputable advantage of gypsum boards is their ability to easily deform within sufficiently large limits for the construction of complex structures not with corners, but with bends and circles. This article will tell you exactly how to mold drywall and how to implement various decorative elements based on decorative partitions.

Elements for decorating plasterboard walls

In order to transform an ordinary partition or plasterboard wall, as well as plasterboard cladding, you can apply the following techniques:

  1. form niches and shelves with or without illumination;
  2. the formation of openings and windows;
  3. arched and rounded shapes in wall openings;
  4. the formation of a relief wall surface by mounting additional surfaces;
  5. rounding of the ends of the wall or openings, the formation of simple stucco molding.

Each of the above options is implemented using only drywall and metal profiles. The instructions will provide a detailed description with which you can implement this or that decor option, as a result, they can be combined to create a truly beautiful functional partition.

Examples of decorative partitions

An option such as the formation of windows on the sides of the opening in a plasterboard partition with a door will perfectly fit into any design. This option will illuminate the already dark corridor with natural light and give the room an aesthetic look. These windows can be made in the form of semicircles for the entire height of the door or only a part. The classic option is a window over the door.

The walls in the hall or living room can be made with many niches in which decorative elements or just books will be located. It is advisable to organize niches with lighting so that they do not seem like dark spots against the light background of the illuminated room.

If it is necessary to mount a partition that will only nominally divide the space of a room or adjacent rooms, you can make a plasterboard wall with many openings of various shapes and locations. How to make a drywall partition will be described below.

Implementation of individual elements

We will not consider in detail about the process of erecting walls and partitions from plasterboard, but we will try as much as possible to pay attention to the process of forming individual decorative elements. So, the tools and materials that will be needed are the same as for the construction of walls, in addition, specific ones are used, such as:

  • needle roller for perforating the top layer of cardboard;
  • short nap roller or sponge.

Below we will look at where and how to use these tools and materials in the construction of decorative partitions.

Formation of niches and shelves

Any such elements require additional reinforcement of the frame made of metal profiles, and the formation of niches and shelves begins directly with the process of erecting the wall itself. Between the support profiles of the common frame in the place where the niche is formed, it is necessary to make two jumpers. The CD profile is used for this. A piece of profile is cut off equal to the distance between the uprights plus 5 cm.An incision 2.5 cm long is made from each edge along the bending lines of the side edges of the profile. The sides are bent at right angles. As a result, there will be a straight eyelet from the front of the profile and two ears set aside.

The resulting element is applied to the carrier and screwed with four self-tapping screws (with a "drill" tip) on both sides. In this case, two self-tapping screws are screwed into the large central eyelet to the central side of the support profile diagonally and one screw for each small side eyelet.

Alternatively, you can use special universal fasteners "crab", with which you can connect the profiles to each other transversely. Strength will be enough in either case, except that it is easier to work with a crab.

The same is done on the other side of the frame. After that, you can already mount the jumpers between its sides. If the width of the wall is 50, 75, 100 mm and is made of CW and UW profiles, the lintels can immediately be made in the form of plasterboard strips that form the base of the niche. In the case of walls of greater width, it is imperative to reinforce the niche box with a profile that is installed between the posts on both sides of the frame.

The sides of the niche, if its width is less than the gap between the support profiles, are also formed by the sections of the CD profile. They are only attached between previously mounted horizontal lintels.

Video: plasterboard wall with shelves

Video: an example of the formation of decorative niches

Formation of windows and openings

The construction of a frame for windows and openings is somewhat complicated. It is necessary to form a rigid structure from the basic CW or AU profile and, if necessary, reinforce it with wooden beams. Just as in the case of niches, all openings are made at the stage of wall assembly.

First of all, the base of the frame for the opening is formed. For this, the CW support profiles are fixed in guides along the edges of the structure, with the front side inside the opening. In order to mark the upper and lower boundaries, the UW guide profile is used. A piece of profile is cut off 30 cm longer than the width of the opening. Departing 15 cm from each edge, a mark is made on the outside of both profile bends. For secure attachment, the sidewall cuts are made not perpendicular to the base of the profile, but at an angle of 45 degrees. It is necessary to start the cut from the side of the profile edge. As a result, when the profile is bent into a U-shaped element along the remaining front jumper, pointed ears remain on the long central part of the sidewalls. Bend to the outside of the profile.

This workpiece is applied to the installed support profiles so that the legs of the U-shaped workpiece look inside the opening. The sides of the workpiece fit tightly over the profile. The entire workpiece is raised to the required level and secured with self-tapping screws. The lugs on the sidewalls of the long section of the workpiece are also fixed to the supports.

All the same is repeated for the other border of the opening, respectively. During cladding, sectors are cut out in drywall sheets so that they go around the perimeter of the opening.

If you plan to install a window, then there is no need to somehow separately close the profile along the perimeter of the opening. If the opening is made through, then the ends along the entire perimeter are closed with plasterboard strips. First, the strip is laid on the lower and upper edges, and then on the side ones.

If the wall width exceeds 100 mm, then the support posts and the opening perimeter are formed from parallel structures on both sides of the wall and lintels from drywall strips or profile are added for strength.

Video: plasterboard partition with a window

Making bends and arches

Drywall, although a durable material, still makes it possible to form from it not only elements with straight edges, but also semicircular and wavy ones. This is possible due to the properties of gypsum. When wet, it becomes somewhat pliable and capable of bending. It is this process that is used to form decorative elements in the form of arches or round openings. In any case, everything again starts with the formation of the correct frame.

All the same support posts from the CW profile are installed at the extreme points of the formation of the opening, that is, tangentially, strictly vertically. The upper and lower faces are formed as described in the previous case, again tangentially at the extreme point of the opening. No oblique or inclined mountings are allowed. On this basis, sheets of drywall will subsequently be attached with sectors cut out on them, repeating the necessary curvature of the opening.

If the opening is too wide, then intermediate posts from the CW profile are placed between the lower guide and the lower edge of the opening at a distance of 600 mm between the centers.

In order to shape the bends, it will be necessary not only to bend the drywall, but also to install a profile attached to the existing racks and guides on the bends, because only the gypsum board should be attached to the profile.

In order to bend drywall, 2 methods are most actively used: using a needle roller, or by applying cuts with a milling cutter or grinder

The profile is the same as for the support legs. The distance along the required bend from the points of contact of the opening of adjacent profiles, which form the perimeter of the opening, is measured, and a profile of this length plus a margin of 30 cm is cut off.The lateral parts of the profile are notched every 4-5 cm, leaving only the remaining lower part intact. The first and last incision is made at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the segment. The workpiece is bent into the desired shape and applied to the perimeter. Fastening is carried out with the approach to the support posts with flea screws.

To give additional rigidity to the structure, a piece of drywall is inserted into the frame, repeating the bending contour from the inside and resting on the profile along the perimeter. After that, you can start plastering the walls with plasterboard.

As soon as the installation of drywall on both sides of the wall is completed, you can start filling the end of the opening or arch. For this, a strip of drywall is taken with a length equal to the length of one sector of the opening with a margin of 5-7 cm. The sheet is placed on a flat surface. The top layer of the cardboard is punched with a needle roller. Using a roller with medium pile or a sponge, the drywall sheet is moistened with water.

After a few hours, you can already try to bend the GCR strip. If it normally lends itself to a slight bend, then you can support the edge of the strip on the wall diagonally and attach a small weight to the middle of the strip. After a while, the strip will bend enough to fit at the end of the opening. There, under the action of a load or scotch tape, the shape is finally given. Most likely, you will need to wet the workpiece again or twice. After the end of molding, it is necessary to completely dry the workpiece within 24 hours and only then screw it into place. The corners of the opening are sealed with a serpyanka mesh and putty, like all the joints inside.

Video: drywall arch

You can learn more about the formation of an interior arch from drywall.

Mounting walls with multiple levels and overlays

In principle, there is no particular difficulty here. The main thing is to remember that when assembling drywall structures that have several levels, the lower level of the base, completely sheathed with drywall sheets, is necessarily first formed, and only after that the installation of the profile and sheets for the second level is performed on top. It is important that in the frame of the first level there are support profiles for the frame of the second level. The whole process of mounting subsequent levels does not differ from the process of cladding ordinary walls with plasterboard.

This method is popular for the construction of ceilings with several levels, in which each level is decorated in a different way and is separately highlighted. Installation of partitions can be done in the same way.

Forming rounded ends

In order for the ends of the partition or opening to be not straight, but to represent a semicircular ledge, you can proceed as follows. On the end, which is covered with a strip of drywall, another strip is superimposed, smaller than the previous one, for example by 2 cm. It is attached so that there are gaps on both sides by a centimeter. On top of it, a strip 2 cm smaller than the previous one is still superimposed and fastened with self-tapping screws, and so on several times. The resulting stepped structure will be the rounding basis.

Drywall is a universal material, therefore, popular and in demand. It is used quite widely in the construction industry and, for example, you can build a plasterboard partition with an arch. The work is painstaking, but you can do it yourself without resorting to the help of professionals.

Drywall - material for fastening arches

If you know how to hold a tool in your hands, then it will not be difficult for you, it is enough to adhere to certain steps and our recommendations.

Today you can see the following types of structures built in houses and apartments:

  • A partition with an arch - this can be a full-fledged structure that separates rooms with an arched opening. The opening can be left without a door, or a decorative canvas can be installed. They are also the same if you need to zone the space, for example, divide the room into a sleeping place and a storage area. In this case, the partition will be small, and the arch will be wide.

Partition view with an arch
  • Partition with the formation of a corner. Such a partition is mounted if you need to partition off a large studio, highlighting a separate room in it, while the partition will rotate 90%, forming.

view of the partition with the formation of an angle
  • A partition with windows is a creative and unusual design that designers use to make the interior weightless and airy. Often, such partitions are made in office premises for a greater flow of daylight.

it looks like a partition with windows

What kind of self-assembled structure will be in your home, you decide, ideas for drywall partitions can be seen in the photo.

Markup with planning

The first step is to mark the room in order to understand how harmoniously the partition with the arch will fit into the interior of the room.

In addition, you need to calculate the exact square of the fenced off room - this is important, literally one centimeter may not be enough to put certain furniture.

Watch the video: how to make a drywall arch.

Next, you need to draw a plan on paper. In the future, as soon as you assemble the first plasterboard partition on your own, you may not need it and you can help your loved ones, re-plan the apartment with drywall partitions.

All dimensions must be indicated on the plan very accurately, so you will visually imagine what you will get in the end.

Dimensions of the created arch

Installation start

In order for you to know where to start installing the structure with your own hands, read a few recommendations described below:

  • The plan has been created, now you need to determine where the arched opening will be. Do not forget that it should not be too narrow, as you will need to bring furniture into the room.
  • - this parameter also needs to be determined immediately. If your partition is going to be purely decorative, then insulating material is not necessary. And if the structure that is supposed to be equipped will be a partition between rooms, then soundproofing it is imperative.

  • Material - you need to calculate the exact amount for installation. Profile and drywall, you can calculate very accurately and not buy too much. The quantity must be purchased with a margin. As soon as you make the calculations, it will become clear how much the plasterboard partition will cost you.

You can proceed to the second stage of the work.

Frame installation

We have prepared the material and the necessary - you can proceed to the most important process, the installation of the skeleton of the future partition with your own hands:

  1. Installation begins with profiles. If the partition is decorative, then it is enough to take the 27x28-starting one. The use of this profile will make the decorative structure airy, since the thickness of the partition will be only 4 cm. You intend to use sound insulation - the guide profile is taken 40x75, this is the optimal size for laying the insulating material inside the partition. The starter profile is purchased by size.

Read also

Soundproofing plasterboard partitions

Installation of a partition profile

Important! Do not forget that the wider you take the profile, the less squaring your room will turn out to be.

Since we have already determined on the plan what function is assigned to the partition, there will be no problems with the purchase of drywall:

  • partitions in wet rooms are mounted with moisture-resistant gypsum board (green);

Installation of moisture resistant gypsum board
  • for structures in other rooms, you can use ordinary gray drywall.
Type of partitions made of ordinary drywall

Let's go back to the wireframe:

  • We draw a straight line to the ceiling, in the place where the partition will be. In order not to displace the structure, it is possible, which will mark the exact parallel straight line. A starting profile is applied to this straight line, and attached to the ceiling on. Then, using a plumb line, you need to mark points on the floor, and draw a straight line between them - this will be the attachment point for the second starting profile. Do not forget .

Fastening the starter profile
  • The next step is to install the guide,. The first profile is installed and fixed directly to the wall. The rest must be placed every 60 centimeters. The profile must be installed by level.

Installation of a rack profile for drywall

Important! If a more rigid structure is required, the distance between the rack profiles is reduced to 40 centimeters. The material will take a little more, but the design will be more reliable.

  • As soon as the assembly of this structure is ready, you need to cut the cross-members from the rack-mount profile equal in size. These crossbars twist adjacent profiles - as a result, you should get a lattice from.

ready-made lattice from profiles
  • The doorway is equipped with rack profiles, which it is advisable to strengthen with wooden bars 5x5 cm, if doors are planned to be installed.

it looks like a doorway equipped with rack profiles

The frame is ready - the most difficult process is completed, then the drywall is fixed and soundproofing is installed

Fastening of gypsum board, sealing of seams

When you should follow a certain sequence to obtain a high-quality design.

  • The first step is to fasten. We begin to fasten from the wall, it should lie exactly in the middle of the rack-mount profile. Fastening is made, drywall-metal. Fastener pitch 15-25 cm staggered.
Fastening drywall to the partition
  • If the leaf begins to shrink, then you need to cut it - you just made a mistake in size, or did not comply with the installation level.

Advice! Try to set the profile correctly and at the level, adhering to the exact dimensions between them, otherwise, a situation may happen that the sheet does not lie on the edge of the profile, and it will be impossible to fix it. We'll have to sort out the frame.

  • As soon as one side is sewn up with drywall, you can start arranging the soundproofing. You can use any material, it all depends on your financial capabilities. If you do not have the opportunity to buy expensive material, then you can use foam or mineral wool, a layer of 5 cm thick. Despite the cheapness, this material showed itself on the positive side, it not only absorbs sound well, but also adds fire safety to drywall. It is environmentally friendly and can be used for partitions even in children's rooms.

Installation of soundproofing

If there is no need to carry out insulation, then you can skip this stage and immediately start screwing the gypsum board from the second side of the structure. Installation is carried out similarly to the first side.

The desire of a person to surround himself with comfort and beauty has existed at all times. Especially when it comes to arrangement of home space... The best way to highlight individuality of housing is an creation of an exclusive interior... Today, there is a lot to implement the conceived project. building materials and methods of their use. Most often for making exclusive surfaces premises drywall is applied... Constructs from this pliable material do not cease to amaze with their diversity and species delights. They are able to transform even the most ordinary-looking interior of a small room, giving the necessary touch of individuality.

The use of plasterboard arches in a modern interior

The fundamental difference arches from classic doorway is the presence of decorative trim along the perimeter of the structure... Purpose of use arches in the interior may be associated not only with the chosen design style.

This element is often used to solve equally important interior tasks:

  • Arched plasterboard structures allow to increase interior opening- often in old buildings, the existing passages intended for passage from one room to another are small. Because of this, in the first place, problems arise when moving furniture from one room to another.

  • Before that how to make a drywall arch, v interior overlap it will be necessary to dismantle individual sections of the existing doorway, thereby expanding the passage to the required dimensions. The new opening will not only have suitable dimensions, but will also be deprived of corners, which also impede the free movement of interior items.

Important! It should be borne in mind that this method of solving the shortcomings of the structure cannot be applied to the load-bearing walls of the room.

  • Arched architectural elements contribute to a visual increase in the space of the room - in apartments with rooms with a small square, various interior techniques are often used, allowing visually increase the size of the living space... For example, the existing maximally extended interior opening with the help of dismantling work, you can convert into an arch... This method allows you to reduce the area of ​​the visual barrier, thereby blurring the clear boundaries between adjacent rooms.

  • Arched plasterboard structures installed to maintain the overall concept of the chosen interior - arch may be a necessary element of the chosen style of room design. They are most often used in tandem. with plasterboard columns, arched niches, radial partitions, multi-level ceilings and walls, based on curved lines and rounded shapes.

  • Looks pretty stylish drywall arches used as a dividing element of one room on separate functional areas- here we are talking about one of the most creative types of plasterboard partitions... They are used as a visual room divider and give modern design to the design. Often, such designs are provided with spotlights, niches non-standard forms, shelves and various types decorative elements.

Types of drywall arches

There is a great variety of drywall arches... They all differ from each other in appearance, and way of decoration, and the presence of additional stylistic details... Nevertheless, they can be divided into several main groups, among which it is customary to single out:

  • Classic drywall arches Is the most commonly used construction. Its distinctive feature is the correct radius of the arc of the overlap, while maintaining straight, strictly parallel side lines of the opening;

  • Plasterboard portal arch- the design of this type of arch provides for the presence of rounded shapes and smooth transitions. Most often, the adjacent sides of a portal-type structure form a right angle.

  • Designer plasterboard arch- such a structure has a non-standard appearance. Often given arches contains in its design functional and stylistic niches, as well as various decorative elements.

  • Plasterboard ellipse archthe shape of the interior overlap of this type has an arc in its design elliptical... This design is best suited for projects where it is necessary to visually expand the boundaries of the room.

  • Drywall semi-arches- is a specific synthesis of the portal and radius arch... The creative asymmetry of the design fits perfectly into the modern design concept. Design details that emphasize the general idea of ​​the interior solution can be a good addition to the structure.

As decorative facing of plasterboard arches any building materials intended for front finishing can be used. Most often they are painted with water-based paint. The main stages of installation of a classic drywall arch... All types of arches are based on frame made of metal profiles.

The fundamental difference arched structure from other types of frame interior drywall elements is the presence of bent parts. Smooth lines are achieved with a segmental structure arched profile, which can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself. In the latter case, the galvanized guide profile is cut on both sides with metal scissors or a grinder. It should be borne in mind that the more you need to bend the arc of the structure, the more often you need to make cuts.

There is no need to worry that you will have to spend money on hiring expensive specialists, so how to make a drywall arch with your own hands- quite a feasible task. Especially if the owner of the apartment already had experience in manufacturing plasterboard structures.

Step-by-step instructions for a drywall arch

Installing a drywall arch with an arc of the correct radius consists of the following basic steps:

  1. first, you should draw a sketch of the rounded part of the structure, according to which it is recommended to make a template from thick cardboard in the full size of the arc. This will allow you to assess the correctness of the selected radius and, if necessary, adjust the dimensions before starting the project. Important! It is recommended to install arches in wall openings, the height of which is not less than 2.5 m, since such a structure visually reduces the height of the entrance by an average of 15.0 cm;
  2. then carried out assembly of the frame of the arched opening... The difference between the metal structure of the arch and plasterboard products with right angles and parallel opposite sides is the presence of a rounded part in the upper part of the frame;
  3. the metal base should be sheathed with drywall sheets. For facing bending structures can be used as a special arched drywall and a standard sheet of this material. The usual gypsum board is much cheaper. Preliminary preparation of such a web consists in wetting the top layer with water and treating the surface with a needle roller. The ends of the structure must be hidden with a perforated corner to protect them from damage during operation;
  4. the final stage of installation work arched opening putty work. This process is carried out in 2-3 layers. After processing, the surface should be flat, without depressions and depressions. When the mixture is completely dry, plasterboard smoothing with a special construction mesh.

Drywall arch can become both a bright accent of a room and an unobtrusive element of the interior. The most important requirement of this design is its aesthetics and harmonious combination with the general style of the renovated apartment.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch photo

A drywall arch is an architectural element that allows you to create an arched ceiling in a wall, doorway or partition. Most often, arches are doorways, because they are the easiest to make. However, if partitions are created, then curved floors are often used in them for a decorative effect.

Such designs are created to bring some kind of novelty to a boring interior. Therefore, you can see them in various rooms of the apartment. In some cases, they are of an applied nature. For example, drywall arches to the kitchen allow you to throw out unnecessary doors and not steal space from yourself.

The most popular types of drywall arches

It would seem that we are talking about a simple arched structure, so talk about types and design does not make sense. However, the opposite is true, and there are different types of drywall arches. It is very easy to work with gypsum board, and the metal profile bends well. Therefore, there are a lot of variations on the theme of the doorway. Before you make a drywall arch with your own hands, you need to decide what shape it will be. Consider the most popular types of this design.

  1. The classic version assumes the presence of the correct circle at the top of the structure. To be more precise, it should be exactly a semicircle. For the option to be considered classic, the diameter of this circle must be the width of the doorway. This option looks great in apartments with high ceilings or in large rooms. Such decorative drywall arches in the hallway are not uncommon.
Classics are not often used in apartments due to their small area
  1. Semi-arches are very often used in interior partitions. There is only one rounded corner for such structures. Increasingly, semi-arches begin to appear in modern interiors, but extremely rarely they are created when renovating old doorways.

Often semi-arches are used as a decorative element.
  1. Interior plasterboard arches in an apartment can have the shape of an "ellipse". This form is used in cases where the opening is small. This option looks beautiful when the doorway is either 60 cm wide (instead of the usual 80 cm), or, on the contrary, is very wide, like in the hall. In both cases, the elliptical shape does not look cumbersome.

Elliptical arches belong to the "Romance" style
  1. Curly arches have a non-standard shape. The most bizarre arched structures can be created from profiles. Most often, curly arches from drywall are mounted in the hall, because they must be large in order to realize all your fantasies. Such designs are the most difficult to create. Often, an arch in a drywall niche is exactly curly.

It is almost impossible to create curly arches without the help of a professional.
  1. Portal. Typically, this design is used in old doorways when they want to do with a minimum of effort, without hiding free space. In fact, for such a design, you only need to slightly round the corners of the doorway. Sometimes it is not the corners themselves that are rounded, but only the upper part of the portal. This design is as close as possible in shape to a conventional doorway. Quite often, such a door arch is made of drywall with your own hands in the kitchen.

The portal is an opening with small rounded corners or upper part
  1. The design of the plasterboard arch can be made in the "Modern" style. This type of opening is characterized by a sharp transition at the junction of the vertical and horizontal parts. Also, the radius of curvature should not be very large. The resulting design is considered quite ordinary and looks good if there are no more artsy interior elements. Such openings in the hall look very good.

Modern style is good for wide and low arched opening
  1. "Trapezium" is an arch for the lazy. There are no arcs in this design, only broken lines. This means that it will be much easier to create. This option is suitable for those who do not dare to create round openings. Do-it-yourself installation of drywall arches is difficult, but in the case of "Trapezium" everything is greatly simplified. This type is used extremely rarely, because few people see the point in making a trapezoidal out of a rectangular opening.

If you can't make the corners rounded, then you can fix everything to a "trapezoid"

We prepare materials and tools

Making drywall arches with your own hands is impossible without certain tools and materials. During work, you simply cannot do without the following tools:

  • using scissors for metal, the profile will be trimmed. After that, it will be possible to give it any desired shape;
  • a screwdriver with a bit speeds up and simplifies installation with self-tapping screws. You can do everything with a curly screwdriver, but with a screwdriver it is much faster and easier. It also doesn’t hurt to get a special bat that will allow you to drive the screws to the required depth in order to “drown” the caps. The device will especially appeal to beginners who find it difficult to apply the correct effort when working with self-tapping screws;
  • a punch or drill will be needed to secure the frame to the walls;
  • a level, tape measure and a pencil are used to correctly mark the future arch and draw landmarks on the wall for work;
  • a wallpaper knife is required for cutting the gypsum board. It's not bad to make an arch from gypsum plasterboard with your own hands using a jigsaw. But the tool may not be available to most, so you will have to cut the sheets with a regular knife.

For fastening profiles and drywall, you will need dowels with self-tapping screws. As for the profiles themselves, a rack profile 60 * 27mm and a guide 28 * 27mm are usually used (other profiles can also be used). Also, you can not do without a perforated reinforcing corner. Fiberglass mesh can be used instead. You will also need finishing materials and the plasterboard sheet itself. I would like to talk about it and its flexibility in more detail.

Which drywall to choose and how to bend it

There is a special arched drywall 6 mm thick. It is quite possible and even necessary to use it to create arches. However, there are several points that can push the use of a conventional 12.5 mm thick wall gypsum board. Although the arched material is twice as thin as the wall material, it is twice as expensive. If only one or two arches are made, then very little wall gypsum board will be required, and you will have to buy a whole sheet.

Arched drywall easily bends with your own hands

At the same time, wall drywall is probably already used in the repair of an apartment, since the question arose about making an arch. Therefore, this material is at hand. But it is too thick to bend properly. There is for a way how to bend drywall for an arch.

If, while bending the sheet of an arched gypsum plasterboard, it begins to crackle slightly, then this is a signal that it is time to stop. A little more effort and it will simply crack.

The dry method involves bending the gypsum board with your own hands to the desired radius. If it is an arched gypsum plasterboard, then it lends itself easily and bends. The wall sheet does not lend itself to such a procedure at all, so it is folded in a wet way.

Drywall bending radii table
Sheet thicknessMinimum dry bend radiusMinimum wet bend radius
6.5 mm100 cm30 cm
8 mm155 cm38 cm
9.5 mm200 cm50 cm
12.5 mm275 cm100 cm

To create beautiful arches from drywall, you need to bend it correctly. For this, a frame is created for the entire sheet. It should be a curved frame with the same radius as the arch. A sheet of gypsum plasterboard is placed on the floor and many holes are made from its back with a needle roller. Then it is moistened with a wet roller for about ten minutes. Then the sheet is transferred to the frame and gently bent on both sides. You need to moisten it carefully so that the sheet does not get wet completely.

A wet leaf lends itself easily, but there is no need to rush. When the gypsum board completely lies on the frame, then it will be necessary to fix it in this position at night. During this time, it will dry out and take on a new shape. More details about this process and other subtleties of bending the gypsum board can be seen in the video.

Not necessarily fooling around with a whole sheet. If there is one or two arches, then you just need to cut off the gypsum board strips to a given size and bend only them. It is much easier, and the frame for bending will then go to work for the same sheet.

Simple and affordable step-by-step instructions

Before you make yourself a drywall arch, you need to prepare. Everything that may be required for this has been described above. The design has been selected, the tools and materials have been sorted out. Therefore, you can proceed directly to the process itself. There are several ways to create an arched drywall opening. Now the simplest and most accessible of them will be considered.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch: step-by-step instructions.

  1. We attach a U-shaped profile to the doorway. You should get two letters P. The profile is attached inside the opening to the walls (to the height of the arch) and to its upper part. A drill and dowels will help in this process.
  2. We cut a sheet of drywall into rectangles according to the size of the opening and profile. We fasten it to the profile with screws, closing the upper part of the passage. You just need to attach for a while.

With a gypsum board thickness of 12.5 mm, we deepen the profile into the opening for this thickness during fastening. Then the drywall attached to it will be flush with the wall.

  1. Draw an arc on the attached rectangle. She will then be a reference point for the arch. How to draw an arch on drywall? Very simple. It is necessary to measure the center of the sheet horizontally and attach a small piece of the profile to it so that it dangles freely. So we get a kind of compass, which can be used to draw a semicircle.
  2. When the outline is drawn, it's time to cut the arc. A jigsaw is ideal for this purpose. But you can also use a variety of saws and a hacksaw. Such an interior arch is made with your own hands from drywall, also with the help of a knife. But the procedure is difficult and there will be many defects. In any case, the sheet will have to be removed to cut the arc. Then, using sandpaper, you can trim the edges.

The profile must be completely hidden behind the drywall
  1. We do the same for the second side of the doorway. In this case, the second sheet can already be done according to the first, which will greatly simplify the drawing of the arc. When two sheets are attached to the frame, you will need to check them for evenness so that there are no elevation differences. You may need to raise and lower these sheets a little to level out the height. We make a drywall arch with our own hands further.
  2. Now you need to take a guide profile and cut its sides perpendicular to the back with a step of 5 cm. Only the base of the profile (its back) remains untouched, along which it will bend. The profile is bent in an arc and attached to both sheets of drywall from the inside. You will have to work with gloves so as not to cut your hands. You also need to be careful not to get into your finger with a self-tapping screw when making a drywall arch. The cut profile will bend strongly during installation. It is advisable to deepen the back of the profile by a centimeter so that the further attachment of the gypsum board to it is flush.
  3. To make the structure more rigid, jumpers need to be inserted into it. After this step, the frame for the drywall arch will be ready. For the lintels, a rack profile is used, from which the stiffeners are made. They are attached to the general structure with self-tapping screws for metal.

Stiffeners can be installed every 20-30 cm
  1. Now it remains to fix the drywall along the arch in order to completely sew up the structure. Previously, it was considered how to bend the gypsum board. Door arches made of drywall using this method are made quickly enough.

Other methods

The above method may not be to everyone's liking. There are other options for how to make a drywall arch. Many do not want to work locally, because they prefer to carry out preparatory work. There are advantages to cutting a drywall arch and making a frame in advance.

With this method, arches are marked and cut out on drywall sheets even before they are attached to the frame. You need to calculate the width of the arch, and then the center on the drywall sheet prepared for it. You can draw a semicircle using a regular lace, one end of which is held in the center of the sheet, and a loop is made on the other. A pencil is inserted into this loop, the lace is pulled and an arc is drawn.

Another way to properly make a drywall arch is to use a plastic strip. It bends and creates an arc. On this arc, and draw an arch on the gypsum board. But this method requires two people to work. If you include imagination, then you can easily understand how to cut an arch from drywall. Some even take a sheet of drywall, make a lot of cuts on it and break it in all these places. As a result, the arc is not straight, but broken.

When there are two pieces of drywall for the outer parts of the arch, and they have already been cut along the contour, then you can proceed to creating the frame. All required dimensions are already in place. It is created according to the same principle as described in the step-by-step instructions, but now we can use an arched profile for drywall. It does not need to be cut, because it bends as you please.

The use of an arched profile greatly simplifies and speeds up work

It has already been written about the creation of the frame. It is attached to the U-shaped base, and jumpers are inserted into it. Then the whole structure is sheathed with prepared gypsum board. If the profile is arched, then it is very simple to insert into the lintels into it.

Inlaid arch without profile

How is a drywall arch made in a doorway without a profile? Is this even possible? Yes, it's real. And we are not talking about some kind of wooden blocks to which the gypsum board is hemmed. The essence of the typesetting method is that with the help of pieces of gypsum board, the necessary curvature is created in the doorway.

In the selected corner, the longest piece of gypsum board is attached to the putty. Then a shorter piece is attached to it. Then even shorter and even shorter, and so on. For greater reliability, PVA is added to the putty and diluted with water as needed. To know how long the pieces should be, lay them mono on the table and see if the desired curvature is achieved. Here's how to assemble a drywall arch without using a profile. If you only need to round the corners a little, then the method is ideal. For more complex structures, it will not work.

Excess putty is removed immediately, otherwise when it dries up, it will be problematic to remove. Also, for better adhesion, it is advisable to prime all pieces of drywall.

Washers will need to be placed under the screw caps so that the drywall does not break through

To ensure that the plates do not fall off, they are periodically attached with self-tapping screws. There can be more than ten such pieces at each corner. When the whole structure is dry, then it is putty in such a way as to smooth out all the corners of the plates. Now you know how to make an arch from HCL without a profile.

Arched opening finishing

Regardless of the chosen method for creating an arched opening, the arch on the plasterboard wall should be brought into a divine form. For this, the caps of the screws and the existing joints between the sheets are putty. A special corner must be attached to the joints of the corner sheets. It will make the structure more reliable and the corner edge itself more durable. Usually, such reinforcing corners are attached to the putty, but not in this case.

The corner can be plastic or metal

For greater reliability, the corner is attached to the opening with a stapler or small screws. Then this corner will be putty. Here's how to make a drywall arched opening more durable so that the corners are never knocked out. Instead of a corner, a fiberglass reinforcing mesh can be used. It can be used to cover not only the joints, but also the transition points from the gypsum board to the wall.

The entire arch is putty together with the corners. For this purpose, a conventional gypsum plaster is used. You can choose an acrylic filler. It is sold ready-made, and the gypsum will have to be diluted with water. The procedure will need to be repeated 2-3 times to get the smoothest and most even surface. The first layer roughly trims everything, and the second one finally levels it. A beginner may not be able to create a smooth surface and will need to putty all the third time. Nothing wrong with that.

No one should have any problems with how to putty a drywall arch. If the surface comes out rough and with bumps, then you can take sandpaper and sand it. Then it will certainly be possible to achieve a smooth base for further finishing.

Several spatulas are required for finishing.

How to decorate a drywall arch? Typically, the more traditional wallpaper and paint are used for finishing. If you choose wallpaper, then you will need to cut out a strip for the inside of the arch and glue it, protruding slightly over the edges. Then this ledge is carefully cut off with a knife. The front parts of the opening are also pasted over with wallpaper that protrudes beyond the plane. Then they are also carefully cut with a knife. With this option, it will seem that the wallpaper was glued with an overlap.

There should be no difficulties with how to paint a drywall arch. Brush, roller, paint and go. It is extremely rare that decoration is done with tiles. Sometimes, for greater decorativeness, the arches are trimmed with wood.