Rabbit cage drawings detailed guide. DIY rabbitry: step by step instructions

If for large animals it is enough to build an ordinary barn, then for breeding rabbits you need to take care of special conditions. The best solution in terms of price-quality ratio will be the opportunity to make a house for an animal with your own hands. It's cheap and also allows for everything peculiarities breeding and location. In this article, we will consider what material must be used for this purpose, what is worth considering, and we will analyze the drawings.

Selection of the necessary materials

The material is selected based on the type of cage. Any structure has a frame, floor, walls, door and ceiling. For building rabbit houses most often they use metal mesh and wood. The mesh of this mesh should be no more than 2 by 2 cm in diameter and at least 16 by 47 mm (this depends on the age and weight of the animal).

The materials for building a cage are as follows:

  • plywood sheets;
  • bars;
  • slate;
  • nails and screws;
  • slats;
  • mesh with cells;
  • for door bolts and curtains;
  • drinkers and feeders.

The wood is sanded and sanded, the ends of the mesh are securely fixed. Sharp edges must be removed so that the living creatures do not get hurt, and the protruding wooden parts are upholstered with tin. Rabbits are very fond of gnaw wood - this is how they grind their teeth. To do this, you need to put twigs in their feeder. The roof and walls are made of plywood and mesh, and the main frame will be wooden blocks. Their size will depend on the location of the structure: if the cage is to stand on the street, then the legs of the frame should be from 80 cm, and when installed indoors - 35-40 cm.

If the structure will stand in an open space, then roofing materials are definitely needed. Not worth doing metal roof(for example, from a metal profile), since it will heat up in hot weather, which can lead to heat stroke in animals.

Standard design parameters

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the rabbit cage according to the drawings. Structural drawings can be found on the Internet or made on your own. 2-seat designs with 2 separate sections are common. And there are also other types: one-section, 3 sections, group for young rabbits, for a brood house, author's designs from various farmers.

Standard dimensions of the structure: height - from 40 to 50 cm, length - from 120 to 140 cm and width - from 70 to 80 cm.

For young individuals, a length of about 90 cm is enough, and other parameters are similar to the previous design. One adult rabbit is allocated from 0.7 sq. m area, and for young individuals - 0.2 sq. m.

Types of houses with your own hands

The types of cages for rabbits are quite diverse:

  • for adults;
  • for young animals;
  • for a rabbit with babies;
  • for giants;
  • solid wire;
  • from the farmer Zolotukhin;
  • from the farmer Tsvetkov;
  • Rabbitax.

Rabbits with offspring are kept together, and separate housing is built for grown-up individuals.

For adults

For medium-sized adults, housing about 70 cm wide, 50 to 70 cm high and 140 cm long can be built using a block structure. Each block is divided into 2 sections by a grid. The partition is retracted during the mating period, which allows 2 sections to be combined into 1.

It is not so difficult to build a standard 2-storey house for adult rabbits. The main thing is to draw up the drawings correctly. You can build a two-tiered or three-tiered cage. It will be more difficult, but it will allow save space within the territory of.

In each cage, you need to provide a separate place for sleeping, walking and eating the animal. The cage is divided by a plywood partition. The sleeping compartment should have a solid wooden door, and the place for walking and eating should have a mesh door. The resting place should be small. The ideal size is considered to be 30 by 60 by 50 cm.

Separate for young animals

Weaned rabbits are kept in groups. The cage is made according to the minimum dimensions: the total area of ​​the structure is 300 by 100 cm, the ceiling height is 50-60 cm.The floor is better made of thin wooden slats, and also covered with a metal mesh (thickness 1.5 mm, cell diameter 15 by 40 mm) ... You can make the floor completely mesh, but additionally equip a warm separate room, which is insulated with straw and hay in winter.

There are farmers who do not make a separate house for young animals, but simply settle them in cages intended for adults. But at the same time, you need to calculate how many animals can be placed in one cage in order to provide them comfortable accommodation.

For a rabbit with offspring

In an open area, fenced off only by a net, the female will be worried and nervous. And this will have a bad effect on the health of the offspring. In a house for a rabbit with offspring, a closed and warm place for a nest, a space for walking with a front mesh wall, is a prerequisite.

Consider the simplest and most functional version of a house for a rabbit with a litter.

A frame is made of bars. The back panel and two side panels are made of plywood. The cage is divided into 2 sections: for walking (large) and for nesting (small). For each section, separate doors are made (from mesh and solid from wood). Walls, ceiling and floor should be made on the sandwich principle (double). Straw or foam is laid between them. The roof is covered with slate.

For giant individuals

The designs for these individuals should be much larger than usual. Adult rabbits can grow up to 60 cm in length and reach 7.5 kg.

The minimum size of the house for one individual:

  • height from 55 cm;
  • width - 75 cm;
  • length - 0.9-1.5 m.

If possible, it is better to increase the parameters of housing.

For young individuals, a group cage is built, the height of which is 40-50 cm, and the area is about 1.2 square meters. m. Strengthen the floor well enough (made from a thicker galvanized mesh), since the weight of the animal is rather big. To prevent the floor of the house from sagging, they do crate from a bar at a distance of three to four centimeters from each other.

Some breeders in cages lay a solid wooden floor, and plastic pallets are installed under it. It is necessary to clean up such a cage at least twice a day.

Solid wire housing

This cage is the most affordable way to make rabbit housing. It can be installed outdoors and indoors. These cages are strong and lightweight, take up little space, and are easy to clean and clean. For the manufacture of such housing, 2 types of mesh will be required: large for the ceiling and walls (2.5 by 5 cm in diameter), and smaller for the floor (1.5 by 5 cm in diameter). The frame of the house is made of timber (legs are 50-70 cm long). In winter, the cage is placed in a warm barn, and in summer - outside.

From the farmer Zolotukhin

Rabbit breeder Zolotukhin has developed a simple, original and inexpensive design for rabbits. In such houses there is no need to clean every day, animals in them feel comfortable and less susceptible to disease.

Zolotukhin's cage is a 3-storey building with a sloped plywood or slate floor. Floor mesh is only installed a short distance from the back wall and without a pallet. The next tier is shifted compared to the first by the width of the grid. The third is located in the same way. The front wall is common to all sloped floors. The compartments are supplied with tilting feeders.

For construction you will need: metal mesh, wood, sheet metal, straight sheet slate or plywood, polycarbonate. The frame is made of wood, doors and partitions in advance. The mesh is used to make the cage door and the back of the floor, which is made of plywood or slate, and the back wall is made of polycarbonate. The protruding parts inside the cage are upholstered with tin.

  • height is 150 cm;
  • depth 70-80 cm;
  • width 200 cm;
  • the slope of the floor is 6-8 cm;
  • door 40 by 40 cm;
  • the size of the mesh in front of the back wall is from 15 to 20 cm.

The floors are divided by a partition into 2 sections, and a place for a sennik is left between them.

From rabbit breeder Tsvetkov

Farmer Tsvetkov presented the idea of ​​a 2-storey mini-farm for rabbits. It consists of 4 separate sections. The peculiarity of these cells: 2 gravity feeders, 2 hinged mother liquors, unusual ventilation and manure removal systems.

The frame is made of coniferous beams, painted with white paint. The sennik is made of moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 8 mm or more. Inside it is upholstered with a metal mesh, and it also serves as a door in each section.

Wooden parts must be sheathed with sheet metal, the manure collecting cone must be covered with slate mastic. Roofing material or slate is suitable for the roof. The water in the drinkers will be heated by a boiler.

Dormitory Rabbitax

Such cells can be of various modifications and designs. The simplest of them are 2-section. There are ecological models that are based on the principle of changing air flows.

There are real Rabbitax rabbit farms where more than 25 animals live and breed together. Many types of such cells are sold. But you can also build them yourself. The basis is the drawings of the rabbit breeder Mikhailov.

Sometimes a drywall profile is used to build cells. Either a frame is made from such a profile, or used as a feeder.

Summing up, we can say that it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on building a house for rabbits. After all, the construction is not very difficult. Every craftsman will be able to create comfortable living conditions for animals.

Attention, only TODAY!

Raising rabbits is very profitable and not particularly difficult. They do not need special care and unusual conditions of detention, which is why you can have a couple of eared animals at your summer cottage.

A large number of novice farmers are engaged in raising rabbits. And first of all, what is worth getting are cages for domestic rabbits. They are not only purchased, but you yourself can easily make cages for rabbits with your own hands.

These eared animals do not need special conditions of detention. It is for this reason that cells do not have to be bought: you can build them yourself. Pros of homemade houses:

Pros of factory cells:

  1. Perfectly designed for the living conditions of domestic rabbits
  2. The structure contains drinkers, pallets, feeders and nests.
  3. They are constantly in the process of improvement, designs are becoming more complicated: by purchasing a factory cage, the farmer can be sure that this equipment is modern.

But the acquisition of finished cells rather expensive pleasure while homemade rabbit cages are budgetary.

Types of rabbit cages

With a serious desire to grow rabbits, you need to build not one room, but several. To provide shelter for rabbits, you need build a whole complex... It is installed both outdoors and in a barn - it depends on the natural conditions of the region.

Drawings of rabbit cages can be developed independently, and they can also be found on the Internet or in a magazine.

Male cages... Males need to be settled in individual houses. This should be done in order to avoid fights, competition for food, as well as unplanned mating. The size of the cage should not interfere with the free movement of the crawl. If the males live in cramped conditions, they will soon become skinny and obese. Such consequences can affect reproductive function: rabbits will not give birth to offspring.

Cells for keeping rabbits with cubs... Such cages should be spacious. They line up in one tier and consist of two compartments - the main and the uterine. In order for the rabbits not to freeze in winter, it is necessary to insulate the uterine compartment.

Cages for feeding rabbits... These cages will be populated with rabbits that have reached the age of 2-3 months and have not gained the proper weight when feeding with a rabbit. To give the female the opportunity to acquire new offspring, the grown rabbits are placed in a separate cage and fattened until they reach a suitable weight.

Outdoor rabbit cages are significantly different from home designs. Making such cages with your own hands can significantly save money, and make rabbit cages as convenient as possible.

Outdoor rabbit cages are significantly different from home designs.

Despite the huge selection of various cell designs, all of them must necessarily meet general requirements that ensure not only the highest productivity of farm animals, but also the minimum morbidity and the highest indicators of livestock safety:

  • in the intracellular space, animal waste products, including feces and urine, should not be retained;
  • the internal space must have maximum protection against the penetration of rats and other rodents;
  • it is imperative that there is sufficient natural or artificial lighting, as well as ventilation;
  • cleaning of the cage space and the maintenance of animals should be convenient;
  • The rabbitry must be completely safe for newborns, young animals and productive animals.

Rabbits of the main herd are most often kept in sheds with placement in single-tier or two-tier cages, and in rabbitries it is advisable to install single-tier cages. Closed-type rabbitries should be built independently, taking into account the size of the premises allocated for the maintenance of animals.

How to make rabbit cages from mesh (video)

Types of cages for rabbits

There are several variations of designs that are currently actively used for keeping rabbits, but the most popular among rabbit breeders were sheds, as well as Mikhailov's cages and Zolotukhin's designs. Depending on the conditions of detention, they can be:

  • outdoor or outdoor, stationary type structures, insulated, located on flat and dry areas, as well as protected from sunlight and gusts of wind;
  • external mobile lightweight structures, easy to move, which is facilitated by reliable and durable metal wheels on one side of the cage;
  • stationary structures for use in special rooms, represented by sheds or pavilions, protected from temperature extremes and negative external factors.

Depending on the livestock containing, rabbitries are designed for different purposes:

  • collective maintenance of young individuals, previously divided by weight and size, as well as the degree of development and age;
  • individual maintenance of males and breeding individuals actively used in breeding;
  • queen cell, which contains females and offspring.

The latter option assumes the presence of a nesting compartment in the rabbitry. To understand what specific houses are needed for rabbits, you should familiarize yourself with the correct determination of the size of the rabbitry being made.

The size of the rabbitry optimal for keeping farm animals directly depends on their intended purpose.

How to make a do-it-yourself rabbit cage

As a rule, standard metal meshes are used for manufacturing, which are easy to use and maintain. It is advisable to cover wooden external parts with sheet metal, which will prevent the natural processes of decay of wood and damage to elements by the sharp teeth of rabbits. It is undesirable to use solid metal inside, since such material can be very hot and cold, and also have a negative effect on animal health.

Determining the size of the rabbitry

The size of the rabbitry optimal for keeping farm animals directly depends on their intended purpose.

  • two-section models 130 cm long and 60 cm wide, for one head at the rate of 0.78 m2 of area per individual;
  • one-section models 80-110 cm long and 60 cm wide, for one head at the rate of 0.5-0.7 m2 of area per individual;
  • for the main herd of a model with a nesting compartment 60 cm long and 40 cm wide, for one head at the rate of 0.24 m2 of area per individual;
  • for ten young heads, group sheds 170 cm long and 60 cm wide, for one head at the rate of 0.10 m2 of area per individual;
  • for replacement chicks, group sheds 170 cm long and 60 cm wide, for one head at the rate of 0.17-0.23 m2 of area per individual;
  • with multi-row placement of the main herd, cages 80-120 cm long and 40-60 cm wide, for one head at the rate of 0.5-0.6 m2 of area per individual;
  • with multi-row placement of young animals, cages 80-120 cm long and 40-60 cm wide, for one head at the rate of 0.1 m2 of area per individual.

It is undesirable to use solid metal inside the cage.

Particular attention is paid to the main dimensions of the cage, represented by the length, width, height of the front and rear walls, as well as the total floor surface area in square meters. For keeping rabbits of large breeds, structures with a length of 150 cm, a width of 70 cm, a front wall height of 75-90 cm and a back wall of 45-55 cm, and a floor area of ​​105 cm2 are recommended. For keeping rabbits of medium breeds, constructions with a length of 100-120 cm, a width of 60 cm, a height of a front wall of 60-80 cm and a back wall of 45 cm, and a floor area of ​​65-75 m2 are recommended.

Schemes and drawings of cages for rabbits

In order to divide the cage into a pair of sections, a partition is cut out. The roof in the diagram can be of a folding type, which greatly facilitates the care of farm animals. Cages placed outdoors must be made on legs from bars, the height of which is 0.7-0.8 m, which is reflected in the preliminary drawings. As a rule, ready-made drawings are used.

How to draw up a drawing of a rabbit cage (video)

Selection and preparation of materials

The most common way of keeping domestic rabbits is the cage option. For the independent manufacture of a rabbit dwelling, it is advisable to use the most affordable, fairly cheap building materials, represented by boards, a metal mesh with medium cells, moisture-resistant plywood sheets or flat slate. The frame is made of wooden blocks, as well as the door of the structure and a solid partition.

For the arrangement of the floor surface, plywood or sheet slate is most often used, and for the independent manufacture of the feeding partition and the outer door, it is advisable to use a metal mesh. Metal sheets allow you to close all protruding parts of the tree from animals, which can be chewed by rabbits. It should be noted that any detail in the cell structure must be completely safe and absolutely smooth. Mesh elements should not have sharp ends, and all wooden parts should be carefully polished to prevent splinters and other injuries in animals.

Particular attention is paid to the main dimensions of the cage, represented by the length, width, height of the front and rear walls, as well as the total floor surface area in square meters.

Stages of making a rabbitry

For self-production of a rabbitry, you need to purchase 12-14 wooden blocks with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm and a length of 400 cm, as well as twenty wooden blocks with a length of 200-250 cm.Also, for construction, you will need about half a cube of edged boards 150 mm wide and 400 cm long, approx. 15 m of welded-type steel galvanized stack 100 cm wide with cells of 20 × 20 mm. Waterproofing is done with roofing felt.

The structure is represented by a supporting frame, floor, walls, ceiling and doors. The technology of sequential self-assembly of the rabbitry:

  • installation and temporary tightening of vertical wooden blocks;
  • production and fixation of profile bars on vertical guides;
  • laying and fixing edged boards on the bars;
  • trimming and laying on boards of solid sheets of waterproofing in the form of roofing material;
  • with an indent of 10-15 cm from the resulting drain gutters, a pair of horizontal wooden bars are nailed along the entire length;
  • on the installed horizontal bars along the entire length, a mesh strip with dimensions of 0.5 × 4.0 m is packed;
  • the side parts of the cage to be produced are sewn up with sheet plywood or chipboard panels.

The metal mesh is cut to size using wire cutters. On the outside, all cells are necessarily sheathed with edged hewn houses, and the opposite end from the entrance is sheathed in order to prevent drafts.

You can independently make a convenient and functional rabbitry quite easily and quickly, using the simplest and most affordable materials

How to build a rabbitry from improvised means

You can independently make a convenient and functional rabbitry quite easily and quickly, using the simplest and most affordable materials. Having a standard set of simple locksmith tools, as well as having sufficient skills in handling such a tool, it is quite possible to make a cage from old wooden window frames and wooden battens available in the household, the remains of chipboard boards, plastic films and other simple construction waste, it is quite possible to make your own hands a voluminous rabbitry. The method of manufacturing the cell structure is standard:

  • production of frame base from wooden blocks with a section of 50x50 mm or old wooden window frames;
  • installation on the floor surface in the area allocated for animal feeding, a standard metal mesh with medium or small cells;
  • installation from improvised wooden materials, which are most often used as wooden boards, sheet plywood or chipboard plates, back wall and solid floor inside the nest compartment;
  • lining the side walls of the rabbit house with sheet plywood, and the subsequent installation of a partition, in which you first need to cut a hole with a diameter of a quarter of a meter, located between the aft part of the cage and the nesting compartment;
  • installation of a special cover on the nesting section;
  • fixing a support bar on the frame base, in the middle of the cage, which will divide the structure into separate sections;
  • installation of drinkers and feeders inside the cage space, which can be ready-made, factory-made, or made by yourself;
  • inversion of the resulting structure and final fixation of the mesh floor by means of ordinary wooden slats;
  • installation of feed bins and compartments made of mesh or rods for giving animals coarse feed;
  • installation on a manufactured roof cage equipped with a convenient handle, as well as installation of doors with latches.

In any case, the completed cages must comply with the basic requirements, which are represented by standard sanitary norms for the area, obligatory slatted or mesh floors, a queen cell for fledgling individuals, automatic drinkers and feeders of any type. The design should be comfortable and available for regular cleaning activities, equipped with a drain system in the presence of a second cell tier.

A cage for a decorative rabbit can be done independently

Making a simple cage for a decorative rabbit with your own hands

Decorative rabbits are small in size and relatively unpretentious pets to care for. The cage for such an animal can be done independently. As a rule, for the maintenance of decorative rodents, compact in size, portable structures are made. Important to remember, that the dimensions of the construction to be performed are determined by the dimensions of the decorative rabbit. The indicators need to be increased at least four times, but the animal feels best in a fairly spacious home. The height of the structure, as a rule, corresponds to the height of the animal standing on its hind limbs. Multilevel structures look original.

DIY rabbit cage (video)

Bunny cages are most often made from traditional materials such as plywood for the floor and metal grating for the base. On the previously prepared drawings, a place for the installation of a drinker, a feeder and a shelter house is necessarily planned. If it is planned to make a two-story cage, then in the overlap it is necessary to first cut a hole that is large enough for convenient movement of the rabbit to the upper tier. Important to remember, that the finished structure cannot be treated with chemical impregnations and varnishes, as well as covered with toxic paint.

Attention, only TODAY!

Subsistence farming is a very troublesome business, requiring from its owners a high level of labor costs, responsibility and care. However, this occupation is very rewarding, and also, contrary to the opinion of many, very profitable. Especially if the farm is extensive and includes the breeding of chickens, pigs, goats and other animals.

Rabbits continue to be the most popular in past years, and nowadays. These animals are distinguished by their unpretentiousness both in content and in food. Especially when compared to other types of pets. The only item in their breeding, which requires mandatory execution, is special cages for rabbits, since it will not work to settle these creatures in ordinary sheds.

It should be understood that rabbits - rather fragile animals and prone to a high mortality rate in, so to speak, dormitory conditions.

Cell sizes

Cells can be purchased from specialized stores or build with your own hands... Before you start building cages for rabbits with your own hands, you need to prepare and find a suitable drawing on which the work will be carried out. You can draw it yourself or choose from the many options that the World Wide Web abounds in. The main thing that novice breeders should take into account is that one cage will not be enough. Rabbits will need at least three or four cages.

With adult rabbit cages, things are a little different. Two adult rabbits can, without any complications, both in relation to themselves and in relation to other individuals and life processes, fit into a dwelling of two sections. The minimum dimensions of a two-piece cage must be within the following limits:

  • length - 140 cm (this is the minimum, optimally 210-240 cm);
  • width - 60-70 cm;
  • height - 50-70 cm.

If for some reason it is not possible to allocate the necessary area for these animals, then it is allowed to build a cage in two floors. Between two sectional compartments there must be a feeder, in which you will need to put grass and hay.

Rabbits can be kept in groups, if they are not adults, but young animals: rabbits, individuals in "adolescence" and "youthful" age. They require cells with different sizes. The permissible dimensions of the housing of such rabbits must be maintained within the following limits:

  • length - 200-300 cm;
  • width - 100 cm;
  • height - 35-60 cm.

In this case, the dimensions are approximate, but it will be easy to choose them independently, based on the following data: for each unit of young animals, it is necessary to allocate an area of ​​at least 0.12 m 2. The indicated dimensions will provide the animals with relatively comfortable living conditions. Young animals do not need to be planted in a separate cage... But the calculation of the amount of area per 1 individual will still have to be sustained.

Dwelling for a bunny with bunnies

Cages for rabbits with babies, specially designed for the purpose of breeding these animals, will be different from the rest of the cages. They should be divided into two parts, one of which will be stern, the other - brood. The cages should be with partitions, separating one "room" from another. It is also necessary to provide a gate from one "room" to another.

The manhole should be located 10-16 cm above the floor. This precaution is necessary so that the kids cannot escape from the crate. Rabbit cages or queen cells should be of the following dimensions:

  • width - 400 cm;
  • length - 400 cm;
  • height - 20 cm.

The rabbit is placed in such a dwelling right in front of the okrol.

Giant Rabbit Cage

If giant rabbits are grown, then the sizes indicated above will not work. These individuals need other conditions. To the giant rabbits it is no longer necessary to construct aviaries, but houses. In all other "buildings" they will be too crowded. Huts for breeding giant rabbits must be maintained according to the following parameters:

  • length - 1.7 m;
  • width - 0.75 m;
  • height - 0.55 m.

DIY rabbit cage: step by step instructions

If you decide to design a cage for rabbits with your own hands, and not buy it, then the step-by-step instructions will help you a lot. Here will be given example of the simplest cell which can only be used outdoors. The project in the drawing can be done by yourself, taking the following dimensions of the rabbit cage as reference points:

  • length - 1.5 m;
  • width - 0.7 m;
  • height - 0.7 m.

For rabbits, as a rule, they try to make paired cages. This allows you to save material without harming the animals. The frame is taken as a basis: 3 * 0.7 m, with a height of 1.2 m in front, and 1 m in the back... It is not difficult to make a drawing of such a cell.

Step-by-step instructions for making a rabbit cage fit into several stages.

Preparatory stage

First, you should prepare the following materials:

  • 2 sheets of plywood 1.5 * 1.5 m and 10 mm thick;
  • wooden blocks 3 m long, 3 * 5 cm thick - 10 pieces;
  • metal mesh-netting with a mesh size of 15 mm - 3 meters;
  • self-tapping screws of 30 and 70 mm - 2 kg;
  • available tools for the job.

The first stage is making a frame for the cell

On a solid surface, without bumps, we assemble a frame for the future cell. We maintain a size of 3 * 0.7 m in height, 1.2 m in the front wall and 1 m in the rear wall. Make sure that the frame is equipped with legs.

The second stage is filling the frame

We attach a grid to the floor of the future cage. It's not scary if it does not reach the edges of the frame, since we will place the mother cell there. Let's make sure that the floor of the mother liquor is solid.

The third stage - creating the back wall

It will need to be cut out of plywood according to a pre-selected size and fixed over the entire area with self-tapping screws. We attach the rest of the plywood sheets along the edges, on which there is no mesh. These will be the queen cells.

The fourth stage - we create queen cells

We fasten the bar vertically to the floor and fasten the wall to it. We make a hole in it. We also attach the bars to the walls of the mother liquor, and on them, in turn, we apply the lid of the mother liquor. The main cage is ready. You can already start using it. If sources are needed, then for their manufacture, see the instructions below.

Making queen cells for rabbits

In fact, we already have space for the mother liquor, it remains to equip it correctly.

Making a feeder

We will have a special feeding device. In the middle of the space allocated for it, we will vertically attach a bar, and attach two feeders to it. Each should have a height and width of 7 cm and 30 cm. Above the feeder we attach 2 bars at a distance of 20 cm, which will be guides. Now we are building a plywood frame for the feed. This will be a special device, the top of which will decrease under the guides, and the bottom will fit directly into the feeder. Now you need to build a hay feeder.

Making a hay feeder

At this stage of the work, we need steel wire. We cover the free space of the source with plywood. We put the roof, making it such an overlap: 50 mm in front and 100 mm in the back and on each side. A hole must be left in the middle, where feed will be added later. At the top, it is advisable to install a cover to avoid trapping mice. Now all that remains is the installation of the doors. We maintain their sizes within 30 * 50 cm. We use the remains of the chain-link for them.

Now we can congratulate ourselves and the pets: the cage that you made with your own hands is ready. For greater success, here are some useful tips from experienced breeders.

If you have made the decision to build cages for a rabbit with your own hands, then it will be useful to familiarize yourself with some of the rules for their design. Otherwise, if mistakes are made, in a few months everything will have to be redone all over again. To avoid unnecessary labor and time costs, you should adhere to the following rules:

In order to preserve cells for years to come, they should be covered with metal... This precaution is necessary due to the fact that rabbits are rodents and they tend to constantly gnaw at the natural surfaces that surround them. And having covered wooden cages with metal, one can expect that their service life will last, without exaggeration, for 10 years.

When caring for cells, in no case should you use antiseptic agents. Otherwise, you can provoke poisoning in animals.

The roof must be firmly protected from moisture. Rabbits are fragile animals and can catch cold quickly. To increase the waterproof properties of the roof, it is recommended to use slate.

If you plan to keep rabbits outdoors and the climatic conditions allow it, then do not cover the roof with metal. Under the influence of sunlight, it will heat both the roof and all other rooms. Thus, instead of a house, you can arrange an oven for the animals.

For the frame of a rabbit cage house, as a rule, a bar is used. Traditionally, its parameters should be 50 mm by 50 mm. For sheathing, a chain-link mesh is suitable, the width of the cells of which is 25 mm by 25 mm. It is well suited for both facades and sides and doors.

It is important to remember that rabbits are prone to colds. Drafts are contraindicated for them. Therefore, it is advisable to make one of the walls of the cage-house deaf.

To build the floor, use a mesh (a chain-link is also suitable), dimensions 25 * 25 mm or 10 * 25 mm... This avoids the accumulation of feces inside the cell. It is collected through the cells into a special drive or rolled out along an inclined plane. These measures help to avoid permanent "fecal" covering on the floor. In general, a solid floor is never used for any rabbit room.

Very caustic urine is typical for rabbits. It is quickly absorbed into any solid floor and leads to rapid decay of wood. If it is impossible to make a mesh on the floor, then you can replace it with bars with gaps between them of 50-100 mm. Experienced rabbit breeders recommend cover the floor with plywood sheets... This will help protect animals from diseases such as pododermantitis. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will need to be regularly pulled out and dried.


If you decide to make a cage with your own hands and at the same time chose the instructions laid out above and took into account the information in the tips section, then you can be calm about the success of such a good deed.

Among the various domestic animals, rabbits occupy a special place. Their maintenance is quite profitable: the owner receives meat and fur, while giving away very little. For a good profit from rabbits, you will need to comply with some standards of maintenance. And although a lot depends on nutrition and care, the first thing to think about is the cells.

While it is enough for cows, chickens or goats to have a simple barn, then for rabbits it is worth taking care of special conditions. The optimal solution on the issue of price - quality - make a cage for rabbits with your own hands... Not only is it cheaper, it can take into account all the features of the breed and the location. What material is suitable for this and what points should be taken into account, we will talk about this in the article and present photos and drawings of some cages for rabbits.

Where to place cells

When choosing a breeding site for domestic rabbits and placing their cages, it is important to avoid wind and drafts.

But it doesn't matter at all whether the cage is outdoors or indoors.

In addition to weather conditions, the number and size of the rabbit cage are taken into account.

With normal dilution, one cell will not be enough. You will need a room for pregnant rabbits, their cubs and males, and this is a whole residential complex.

Dimensions - the dimensions of the finished rabbit cages largely depend on the breed of pets, but there are minimum values, the calculation of which is based on the data given in the table.

Rabbit farm technology elements Maximum number of rabbit heads per unit area The area norm for 1 head of a rabbit, sq.m. Dimensions, m
Length Width

For main herd rabbits

Two-section rabbit cage

Nest department

1 0,5-0,65


0,6-0,7 0,9


Group cages for keeping rabbits in sheds (sheds)

For young animals 6 0,1 0,9 0,672
For replacement chicks:







Individual cages for keeping rabbits in sheds (sheds)

For young animals 1 0,13-0,16 0,29-0,36 0,45
For replacement young animals 1-2 0,22-0,32 0,48-0,72 0,45

The height of the cages for both domestic rabbits and rabbits kept on industrial rabbit farms is taken to be at least 45 centimeters.

The size of the rabbit nest box: length - 50 cm, width - 36 cm, height 30-4 cm.

In the manufacture of cages for keeping rabbits, a galvanized metal mesh is used, the mesh size of which is 24x24-50 mm, the floors are 16x48 mm.

Farmers can take care not only of the dwelling of the wards, but also of the place for walking.

Photo of wooden cages for growing rabbits

Cell materials

The choice of material, as well as the place, must be treated with attention. Usually, they try not to use metal parts in the construction of cages. The frame and supports of the cage can be assembled from wooden parts. The choice of wall material is more varied, you can use a board, plywood or mesh. The final option will depend on the climatic zone and the location of the cells.

Some tips for choosing and preparing material:

  • The cell dimensions of the rabbit cage should be small;
  • For fixing the mesh, you can use wooden or plastic slats;
  • It is important to take care of the safety of the animals inside the cage. For this, all wooden parts are processed.

Making a rabbit cage and its dimensions

The optimal size of the cage - dwelling for adults is 1500x700x700 mm. If you make the floor from mesh or wooden slats, then caring for the rabbits will be more convenient. Waste products will be automatically removed from cells. The street version is assembled with a two-level floor, where the bottom layer is made of boards.

The roof for the rabbit cage is made of the same material as the walls. But if outdoor maintenance is planned, then you need to take care of protection from precipitation. Can be covered with slate or other similar non-metallic material. If the roof is made of metal, then in sunny weather it will become hot and it will become very hot inside.

It is advisable to place the finished cells at a short distance from the floor or the ground. This will provide protection from rodents and make caring for your pet rabbits convenient. Rabbit feeding equipment must be free from contamination. Some have solved this issue by making retractable or hanging feeders.

A little more about the size of the rabbitry. The front wall of the cage should be about 10-15 cm higher than the back one. The entire area of ​​the finished dwelling is divided into several sections, which are interconnected by small manholes. A hinged lid will add a little convenience to care.

It is worth mentioning again that the size of the cage for rabbits largely depends on the breed, quantity and place of keeping. But there are general recommendations for any type of cell:

  • The section in which the males are planned should be large enough. This will allow the animals to move freely and not get lazy, otherwise they will be unable to give birth to offspring.
  • For rabbits, a separate spacious cage is allocated. This section can accommodate up to four pieces. It is important to take into account that at first the rabbits are kept next to their mother for fattening.
  • Make one free cage in which you can feed the rabbits. Some babies do not gain enough weight during their time with their mother.
  • The access hole in the nesting compartment should be raised by about ten centimeters. In order not to gnaw it, you can knock off the edges with steel. But do it carefully, without leaving any jags.
  • The front wall should be equipped with two doors - one for the main compartment, the other for the nest. And if the first option can be mesh, then the last one is necessarily continuous.
  • Outdoor rabbit cages can be equipped with a walkway. To do this, a hole is made into the rear walls into a special enclosure, fenced with a net. This will allow the rabbits to frolic and enjoy the fresh grass.

Making a cage for rabbits with your own hands is not so difficult. If you apply the tips written above, then you can hope for a good increase in profits and convenient care for the animals.

Drawings and photos of cages for rabbits

Photo of a wooden cage for growing rabbits on a home plot with dimensions

Cage for three adult rabbits (for home keeping). Consists of two levels. The lower level has double doors that open wide to provide easy access to the cage. The upper level consists of two separate compartments, connected by an entrance. One of the compartments of the cage is for sleeping rabbits. The other compartment is covered with a net and this area can also be opened for easy access (great for cleaning the cage and for grooming and feeding rabbits). The design of this cage is quite simple, and you can make it yourself to keep rabbits in your garden.

In the photo there are rabbit cages made of wood and metal mesh

Photo of cages with a walk for rabbits

Drawings of cages for rabbits and their young

Drawing of an adobe cage (1), a wattle-clay cage (2), a combined cage with a walk for keeping rabbits (3), a cage from a box (4)

Drawings of cages for home keeping rabbits

Industrial cages for keeping and raising rabbits

Photo of one and two-tiered cages for twelve rabbits with offspring (dimensions 2.3 x 2.05 m)

In the photo, one and two-storey cages for fattening meat (up to 144 heads)

Video tutorials for constructing cages for rabbits

Video about making a rabbit cage with your own hands: