Bookcase with doors with dampers with their own hands. How to make a bookcase with your own hands

Independent manufacture of the cabinet has undeniable advantages.

First, the piece of furniture will correspond to the size of the room, and fit into the overall interior design.

Secondly, the bookcase made with their own hands will be unique and will cost much cheaper than when buying in the store.

It is necessary to determine the appearance and functionality of the furniture item, decide where to install it. Cabinets for books put in the living room or in the office. If the apartment is small, it can be located in the bedroom or in the hallway.

Council.The cabinet must be harmoniously combined with the situation and books.

Before choosing a project and materials, draw up a drawing, it is necessary to take into account a number of important aspects:

  • the bookcase should be a single integer with other furniture objects. If they are made, for example, from chipboard, the cabinet is made from a similar material;
  • the piece of furniture should be organically enter into the surrounding environment. For example, it is not desirable to place a wardrobe with doors opening out, near the entrance door;
  • the amount, the depth of the shelves depends on the type of books. When the library consists of expensive, rare publications, the shelves make high and deep. If standard volumes prevail, small niches are manufactured;
  • the color of the future product should be harmonized with an interior style.

Designs for books

To select the optimal design, the size of the room, the concept of design and the presence of free space are taken into account. Distinguish horizontal and vertical cabinets. In shape they can be angular, rectangular, rack.

Important.The bulky cabinet in a small living room will visually reduce its dimensions.

The models of cabinets for storing books are open and closed.

Open Consist of one shelves and have a not very presentable look, since they have no doors. This option is suitable for apartments with a small metra. The open storage system has a number of shortcomings:

  • the need to maintain a certain microclimate indoor;
  • control over humidity;
  • regular cleaning.

The benefits of such a cabinet include easy access to books, a simple assembly.

Closed Cabinets are perfect designs. The books are reliably protected from dust, moisture and sun rays, because the cabinets are equipped with the doors. To give the subject of furniture, the larger attractiveness of the door is made from high strength glass.

In the storage systems of a closed type, you do not need to follow the purity and humidity of the air.

The following varieties of cabinets are distinguished:

  • corner. Suitable for small-sized premises. The item is located in a certain corner of the room, which helps to save space. Products are characterized by good capacity, compactness and provide free access to books;
  • modular. Such structures allow combining items. The result is the cabinets of various configurations and heights. Modular products are universal - suitable for any premises: small and spacious;
  • corps. Are popular storage systems for magazines, folders, books and other items. The functions of the cabinet can be chosen at its discretion: only shelves without doors; Swing, deaf or glazed doors and shelves;
  • built-in Bookcases consist of a system of sliding doors. All parts are fixed directly to the ceiling, gender and walls. Typical design: side walls without a lid and bottom. The boundaries are the walls of the room.

Council. Built-in wardrobes are best suited for roomy rooms.

Tree, MDF or chipboard?

Selecting the materials for self-building a bookcase, take into account the financial side of the issue. For wealthy, a great solution - wood Different breeds: Walnut, Birch, Oak, Cherry. You can use veneer.

If there is no possibility to buy expensive materials, there are many budget options. MDF. - The optimal solution for the manufacture of an inexpensive and practical cabinet. Advantages of MDF:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • versatility;
  • a large variety of colors and textures;
  • low price.

The front of the panels are treated with a lacquered veneer or paper covered with melamine.

Chipboard They have good performance characteristics, easy to use, cost inexpensively. Wood-chip slabs are perfect for a bookcase - their appearance resembles a tree.

During the construction of modular structures, plastic is used. Its surface can be a glossy or matte with any texture.

Council. The rear wall can be made from low-cost materials.

On photographs of bookcases, the rear wall is not visible because it is well hidden. For her use plywood or sheet Chipboard. Such materials have advantages:

  • lungs in processing;
  • cut blanks can be at home;
  • colley is carried out by an ordinary or electric jigsaw.

If the cabinet is designed to storing heavy books, the rear wall should be reliable. Instead of plywood, it is recommended to use LDSP. The material is easy to attach, it has a lot of weight and withstands any load.

It is necessary to transmit, from which the doors will be created. They can be made of glass, wood or plastic. For the manufacture of glass doors, high-strength tempered glass is used.

So that the overall concept of the cabinet looked harmoniously, was distinguished by the original design, it will be necessary furnitura:

  • loops;
  • pens;
  • decorative lining to close the ends.

The spectrum of the materials used will form the final cost of the product.

Scheme and drawing

When the question of the model and the place of installation of the furniture, the materials used, proceed to draw up the drawing.

The cabinet is "split" into several components and draw each item. To facilitate the task, there are computer programs: FURNITURE FURNITURE, AUTO CAD.

Important. The diagram should reflect all the functional components of the product: the location of the angular racks, sockets, and the like.

For example, plinth takes 5 cm And does not allow it close to the wall. In this case, the plinth is cleaned. Be sure to check the level, whether the floor is horizontally. If this fact does not take into account, the shelves will be located to the plane at an angle. In the presence of curvature, the surface of the room is aligned.

In order for the product to be ergonomic, when creating a drawing, you define important parameters:

  • the number of shelves under the book and the distance between them;
  • width and height of the cabinet;
  • maximum load.

The smallest depth Book shelves for standard cabinets - 20 cm. For deep - 30 cm. Thickness At least 2.5 cm with a length of 1 meter. The recommended material thickness is 2-3 cm. The indentation of the plinth is 3 cm.


To independently make a closet for books, you need a whole set of tools and other inventory:

  • sander;
  • milling machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw and drill;
  • construction stapler;
  • elements for fastening;
  • pencil and roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • nails with washers.

Also required plywood sheets for the manufacture of racks, rear walls and support covers, wooden beam for legs. You need to prepare all the materials for finishing:

  • borders;
  • reiki;
  • glass (transparent or matte).

If the cutting parts will be carried out with your own hands, you will need an electric jig.

How to do at home?


According to available drawings, sawing the main parts for the cabinet.

If there is no proper experience, it is better to order a crucible material from specialists. For example, chipboard sawing the jigsaw for a long time and work will not look carefully.

During the preparation, parts are checked with all the drawings and schemes.

After cutting the blanks are grinding. To give the ends a beautiful embossed appearance, produce milling. Milling rules:

  • securely secure and prepare a mill;
  • prevent the workpiece deviate when the milling is submitted;
  • movements must be careful and smooth;
  • rakes are treated only after setting the desired size.

Council. If unevenness appeared after processing, they are cleaned with sandpaper.


Collect the wardrobe on a flat surfaceTo avoid breaks and curvature in the design. Sequence of performance:

  1. Fasten the side walls to the top, using the corner to check the correctness of the installation of the elements.
  2. Put holes for fasteners. The diameter of the drill must be less used fasteners.
  3. Details are tightened with configmatics. With them in the kit there is a hex key to facilitate the screed process.

Connecting the upper part, go to the bottom. To adjust the angular joints use the corner.

Council. Installation of shelves better exercise without the rear wall.

Shelves in the bookcase are subject to loads, so it is not desirable to make them removable. Shelves are attached by confirmates in 3-4 places on one side of the side wall. This ensures sustainability and reliability of the entire design.

At the final stage, the rear wall is mounted. To lock it, take a sheet carved from chipboard or plywood. For consolidation, construction stapler or nails, self-tapping screws are used. The doors are hung on the loop if they are provided by the project.


The end result may look like on these photos:

Useful video

The main stages of the manufacturer of a bookcase can be viewed on the following video:


Thus, the closet for books can be made personally. So easy to implement any designer plan, demonstrate good taste. The best materials for creating a cabinet are wood and MDF. In order for the product to be beautiful, functional and durable, special attention is paid to the accuracy of measurements, the development of drawing and reliable fixation of the design elements.

In contact with

Books are not only a source of knowledge that teaches life, relationships and culture of communication. For people who are passionate about the literature, the book is an object of trembling worship, friend and comrade.

And despite the fact that the modern world offers a lot of opportunities to have many books in electronic form, which is much more convenient and more affordable than the paper option, you still have a library in each house. Let it be small, but filled with classical and modern literature in the traditional, habitual form.

Of course, we know that keeping books are best in the cabinets specifically designed for these purposes. But if you are a young family, recently bought housing and have not yet acquired the necessary furniture, then the bookcase will probably stand in the last place in the list of purchases. However, there is a great way out - make a cabinet with your own hands.

Types of bookcases in the interior, their advantages

Now designers offer a variety of interior solutions:, unusual bookshelves. The variants are many, and often among them come across simply unimaginable, but surprisingly simple performed. Let's look at the easiest, but at the same time a beautiful and interesting version of the closet for books that is easy to do on your own.

Traditionally, bookcases are two species: open and closed.

  1. Closed cabinet More convenient for storing paper books, because it does not allow solar light, moisture and dust penetrate inside. The lack of books is that they are very much absorbed dust and moisture, it will be spoiled from this that it is negatively affecting the health of a person. With the other side, the bookcase, covered with solid doors, has a rather bulky look, and it looks not very beautiful in a small place . This can be avoided if the doors are made of glass. Shaded windows will save books from the harmful effects of sunlight.
  2. Open bookcases They look easy and air, they fit well into the room with a small metro station. Usually they are already than closets of a closed type, and are intended, in addition to storing books, for things and items that play a role in interior design. If you stop your choice on an open cabinet for books, you will need to constantly maintain a certain climate in the apartment: humidity , Temperature, cleanliness. But this wardrobe gives easy access to books, which is very important if you like to read. In addition, open cabinets are very simple in assembly, and they are easy to simulate as a fantasy tell me.

Also, bookcases are made in horizontal and vertical design, and in form - rectangular, angular or racking. Before choosing the cabinet that suits you, take into account such factors as free space in the room, its size and interior style.

The most popular and widespread cabinets designed to store books and other things - corps. Such cabinets are available in a wide model range, and you can easily choose how it will look according to your preferences: without doors or with doors of any kind - swing, sliding, harmonic, glass or deaf.

The modular design of the bookcase allows various combinations of elements. This way you can get a closet of any configuration, width and height. This type of bookcase is universal, since various variations are easy to adjust for any room - both large and small.

Built-in bookcase is a kind of sliding door system. All parts of such a cabinet are attached to the walls, ceiling and floor. Design options are very much, but the most common is the side partitions without a cover and bottom and walls of the room as borders.

If you have a small apartment, and books are a lot, then the corner cabinet will become the best solution. This design is very roomy, compact and fits well into the interior of any type.

Making the closet: necessary materials and tools

Materials used for the manufacture of furniture are now a lot, they will form the cost of your cabinet. Models of an exclusive nature are made of expensive materials, such as natural wood, array or veneer. But for more affordable cabinets, materials such as chipboard or MDF, with a laminate, polymer or melamine coating, are used. MDF - more modern material, it is distinguished by increased strength and environmental friendliness. It is made in the form of plates by dry crimping with fine chips when exposed to high pressure and temperature.

So, for the manufacture of the closet, you will need it:

  • Milling machine;
  • Sander;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Hacksaw, drill and screwdriver;
  • A hammer;
  • Nails and screws with washers;
  • Roulette and pencil;
  • Carpentry glue;
  • Varnish and Morilka;
  • Billet shelves made of furniture shield;
  • Sheets of plywood for racks, support covers and rear walls;
  • Bruses made of natural wood for legs.

What to take into account when drawing up the drawing of the cabinet

  1. First, decide on the model of the cabinet and the place in which it will stand. Drawing a cabinet to split into several components, thoroughly drawing every item. Good assistants in this case will be performed by such specialized computer programs like "Basis-Family Furniture" or "AutoCAD". When creating drawings, consider any little things, even the plinth on the floor of the room, which is easy to eat five from the cabinet of centimeters, and besides, it will not allow it to move it to the wall. In this case, the bevel vertical roaster will help on the side of the plinth. Also, the plinth can be completely removed.
  2. Now determine the exact size of the cabinet. It is due to not only the width and height, but also the number of shelves, as well as the distance between them. The smallest depth of the shelf under the book is 20 cm, for deeper shelves - 30 cm. The shelf thickness should be at least 2.5 cm with a length of 1 m, this will help to avoid bending.
  3. Be sure to decide with the color of the furniture in advance. There will be no problems with this, since the modern industry offers a large selection of colors and shades.

Cooking the details of the cabinet

After all the drawings are prepared, take on the preparation of the cabinet parts. The sawing of parts is quite difficult work, so it is better to trust it with specialists. The machine for sawing chipboard is quite expensive, and it makes sense to buy it for the manufacture of one object of furniture. You can use the jigsaw, but the work will be, first, very long, and, secondly, is not high enough. It is best to order a digest chipboard at the point of purchase.

Take as the basis for the production of the standard open-type rectangular cabinet. For him we will use a chipboard, a false oak, and oak himself. You can save the rectangular ends with a veneer panels, or prepare the rails from oak in advance, which will be glued to the ends, and closer to the end of the work rounded.

  1. Take a width of 30 cm and 3 m long, and cut them on the billet with a length of 1.6 m. After that, you need to fit under the size of the rail. Here you will need a template for alignment of the board, sawing machine and guide. The pattern dimensions are as follows: Length 1500 mm, thickness - 20 mm, width - 250 mm. When spilling, place the template under the board.
  2. Prepare the required number of regards. They will need to skip through the planer, and be careful: both sides must be parallel to each other and absolutely smooth. Also, the rails should be collected so that the surface is perfectly smooth.
  3. Reiki are fully prepared, and now they need to be attached to the chipboard with the help of glue. At this stage you will need clamps. So that when clamping clamps, the blank is not sold, to put under it the trimming of plywood suitable thickness. When the glue from the seams, the adhesive will go out, thoroughly wipe it with a cloth, or remove the chisel after drying. Reiki should be shown at an angle of 45 degrees.

Milling ends and rear wall for the cabinet

Milling of the ends is not a complex and long-term work, but still requires accuracy and thoroughness. It is necessary to correctly pick up the cutters for the relief and clearly set the desired departure; When applying the workpiece in the mill, you must observe the smoothness of movements and prevent deviation to the parties.

Before starting work, check the performance of the cutter at excess trimming. After the desired size is set, start processing the rails.

When the milling is completed, check the contact of the workpiece with the working part. If there are gaps and perineum between them, remove them with a skin with a grainy 150. Such drops will be noticeable after you open the finished closet of varnish, so you need to eliminate them immediately.

The back wall of the cabinet is an imperceptible side, so it does not require special processing and finishing. But exactly how well you install it, the overall reliability of the whole design depends. Rear wall - connector of the entire cabinet, on which all other details are attached.

Most often, sheets or pieces of plywood are used for the rear wall of the furniture. Such material is very easy to process, and its installation will take a long time. With the help of a splitting machine or an electrolybiz, cut off parts of the desired size, and you will remove the chamfer from the places with a skin.

If you need a more reliable, strong rear wall with high wear-resistance, make it from the chipboard, which is much harder in weight. But remember that such material is much harder in processing, and requires both special fasteners and certain attachment methods.

Establish a cabinet assembly

Now you are ready all the necessary details, and you can go directly by assembling your book. It is necessary to produce it on the maximum smooth surface to prevent disks.

Attach the side walls to the top, to do this, use the corners to prevent the irregularities of the corners at the joints. For fasteners, drill holes; Use a drill with a diameter less than the diameter of the connecting element. Now pull the details with each other with fasteners. Very good option - confirm, it is convenient to use and practical. When buying it, you will find a key-hexagon that will facilitate the moment of clamping.

After you secured the top of the cabinet, go to the bottom, while not forgetting to use the corner when adjusting the joints. Connecting all these parts, start mounting the shelves. Do not rush to mount the rear wall, without it installing the shelves will be much easier and more convenient. Since the shelves of the bookcase are constantly exposed to loads, it is not worth making them removable. It is easier to fix them with the same confirmation, and it is best to make 3-4 fasteners on each of the side walls. Thus, not only the shelves, but the whole will get additional stability and reliability.

So, we came to the final stage - setting the rear wall. In the event that you choose the chipboard, a building stapler, self-tapping screws or nails will serve as the mounting elements.

Video about building a bookcase with your own hands

Well, now you have an original bookcase that you have collected yourself. As you can see, this work is not only simple, but also does not require large financial costs. Now in your interior there is an exclusive piece of furniture, which cost you much cheaper than the store analogues. And if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments, we will gladly respond to them.

Bookcases are usually installed in the living room, but in the presence of space can be located in the bedroom or hallway. This subject of the interior may have different sizes and characteristics, and also has a different capacity. Many people love to read books, so for optimal storage, their library requires a wardrobe with the desired size and other properties. If it is impossible to find the optimal model, it is possible to independently make a bookcase with your own hands from different materials.

Before the direct works associated with the formation of a bookcase for books with their own hands, it is required to determine which model will be created. Designs should fit well under the style of the room, its color gamut and other parameters of the room.

Models of bookcases can be:

  • open - they consist of open shelves, so there are no doors. Creating such a closet is a simple work for which you do not need to buy many expensive materials. The minuses include not too presentable appearance;
  • closed - such models are considered the most optimal for structures designed to store books. This is due to the fact that they are equipped with the doors, so the books are securely protected from direct sunlight, dust or possible moisture. For a more attractive appearance of such a cabinet, glass doors are used, but it uses a glass with high strength.

By design, bookcases can be:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

To select the optimal design, it is taken into account, what sizes the room itself has, in which it is planned to establish the subject of the interior. Additionally, it is necessary to remember about the style of the interior and the availability of a free place in the room, since too cumbersome design in a small living room will visually reduce its dimensions and negatively affect attractiveness.

Additionally, varieties of cabinets are distinguished:

  • corrugated - chosen by many people most often for convenient location of a large number of books, newspapers or magazines, and it is also allowed to store many other small items. The filling of such a cabinet is selected by direct users, so it can be equipped with the doors with swing or sliding, and it can be done without facades;
  • modular - consists of a large number of different modules, and they can be combined and rearranged, which can always effectively change the appearance of the cabinet. Due to such an unusual option, you can embody the original design ideas for each room and style. If the room where the cabinet is planned is planned, it has a small size, then several modules are cleaned to save space;
  • built-in - usually such a design is formed by connecting a different number of sliding doors. A feature of this option is that all the walls are fixed directly to the walls of the room, as well as to the ceiling and sex;
  • corner - selected for small rooms. It occupies a certain angle of the room, therefore considerable space saves. It is well suited for different interiors, is distinguished by compact sizes, excellent capacity and creates free access to books.

If the built-in version of the bookcase is selected, it is desirable to form it in a specific niche of a particular room.




Tools and materials

Before the direct creation of the design should determine which materials for this will be used. It is allowed to use different materials, but the most suitable for different premises are the cabinets of wood. To do this, various wood breeds can be used, such as cherry or oak, birch or nut.

You can buy an array of wood or veneer, any option has high quality and excellent appearance.

If there is no possibility to spend a lot of money to buy such expensive material, MDF or chipboard is selected, as well as other lumber, on top of which there is a high-quality polymer coating. MDF is considered the perfect choice to obtain an inexpensive and acceptable cabinet quality. It is made by the way dry crimping and is distinguished by high strength and environmental cleanliness.

Additionally, it is necessary to decide, from which the doors will be made. They can also be created from wood, but it is allowed to apply plastic or glass for this. Glass doors are considered the most interesting and unusual, so they are often selected quite often, but it is necessary to make sure that the tempered glass of high strength is used.

From the tools you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • grinder machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • machine intended for high-quality milling;
  • drill and hacksaw;
  • roulette with a pencil;
  • carbon black and varnish;
  • fasteners;
  • billets intended for the formation of shelves and created from a high-quality furniture shield;
  • plywood used for the rear wall and lid;
  • material for legs, and small wooden elements from oak are optimal.

The design made of high-quality wood will serve for many years, and will always please an unusual appearance, as well as such models come to any interior.

MDF plates are ideal for a bookcase

Preparatory stages are performed before the direct process of creating a design:

  • selects a specific model that will be created with your own hands;
  • the entire closet is divided visually on separate compound elements, after which the drawing is formed for each part;
  • to simplify the process of forming the drawing and diagram, you can use modern and convenient to use computer programs;
  • it is solved, what sizes will have a closet, and the main parameters are: width, height and distance existing between the shelves;
  • according to the drawings, the partitions are operated on the main elements for obtaining a full-fledged and high-quality cabinet;
  • if a chipboard is used, it is desirable to order crucified from specialists, since if it does not apply specialized equipment, then uneven cuts, chips and other disadvantages are obtained;
  • if you need to make rectangular ends of the panels, then for this they are easily and quickly wrapped with a veneer.

During the preparation of parts, it is necessary to constantly check with existing drawings and schemes, since the probability of creating poor-quality elements that cannot be used in the future will be used.

Cut out curly details

All items must be seized

Details for bookcase

Milling ends

This procedure is not particularly durable and complexity, but it will have to pay a lot of attention, since without this process it may not be too attractive. For perfect work, the rules are taken into account:

  • the cuts are correctly selected, intended for the formation of a beautiful and optimal relief;
  • clearly and competently set departure with the necessary parameters;
  • used high-quality and modern milling equipment.

The main features of milling belongs:

  • securely fixed and prepared a milling machine;
  • during the filing of it, the blanks are not allowed so that it deviates or moved to the parties, as it guarantees a bad result of the work;
  • when performing a process, it is necessary to ensure that all movements are smooth and careful;
  • before work, it is recommended to make sure that the equipment is working, for which the milling is performed on a small unnecessary element;
  • processing of the REC must be performed only after the optimal size is issued;
  • after work, the place is checked where the workpiece touched the working part of the instrument;
  • if there are small irregularities, they are neatly cleaned with sandpaper, because if you do not perform this process, then irregularities will be clearly visible after coating elements.

Thus, perform milling simply, if you follow the main stages and rules, as well as apply high-quality and modern equipment.

Milling ends

Milling groove

Back wall

On the photo of different bookcases is almost impossible to see the back wall, so it is usually well hidden. This allows it to create it inexpensive and easy to handle materials. Usually it uses a standard chipboard sheet.

Although the rear wall can not spoil the appearance of the cabinet, but the reliability of the entire interior object depends on its correct fixation, since it acts as a connecting element.

For the formation of the posterior wall, a sheet of chipboard or plywood is most often used. These materials are considered simple in processing, so cutting out of them the parts necessary in size will not be difficult. Cutting can be carried out by an electric or manual jigsaw, and a special sawing machine is often used. Before cutting, you need to mark the markup onto the sheet so that the perfectly smooth rear wall is obtained having the desired dimensions. The chamfer is eliminated with the skin.

If you need to get a fairly reliable back wall, then it is recommended to use LDSP instead of plywood. This material has a greater weight, as well as secure it quite simple. It is withstanding different loads, therefore it is considered an ideal choice for a cabinet, which will be installed a lot of heavy books.

For the rear wall of the bookcase, the chipboard is most often used.

Cabinet assembly

How to make a bookcase with your own hands? After performing numerous preliminary work, the immediate assembly of this design begins. This process is divided into sequential steps:

  • initially, the place is selected where the work will be performed, and it must be represented by a flat surface, since in the presence of distortions there may be different irregularities in the final structure;
  • the side walls are attached to the upper part, and the corner is used to check the smooth location of the elements, and only after the measurement, fixation is performed, and this approach will prevent irregularities in the joints of the joints;
  • the holes are drilled for fasteners, for which the drill is used, and its diameter must be slightly smaller than the selected fastener;
  • the details are securely and firmly tightened with each other fastener, and the optimal choice for this process is considered a confirmation that twists the hexagon;
  • after fixing the upper element of the structure, the fixation of the lower part begins, and before that, it is also necessary to pay a lot of attention to high-quality measurements with a corner;
  • the rear wall is fastened, for which a pre-cut sheet of plywood or chipboard is used, and for this you can use nails or even a construction stapler;
  • the mounting of the shelves begins, and there will be really significant loads at the expense of the use of a large number of books, so it is not advisable to make them removable;
  • shelves It is advisable to fix the confirmation that ensures the reliability and durability of the elements;
  • the doors are installed with the help of loops, if the design being created is formed with facades.

Thus, the bookcase can be performed with their own hands. In this case, the ideas of future users are embodied, and a really interesting design is obtained. Optimal materials for this are considered wood or MDF. During the process, much attention is paid to the creation of the drawing, the choice of quality material, correct measurements and reliable fixation.

Surely, every lover of books is sooner or later faced with the problem of storing his home library. Of course, the easiest way out is to buy a finished closet, the benefit today in furniture stores presents a wide range of book rack models. You can also contact the firms that are engaged in the manufacture of bookcases under the order. However, we offer you not only to save a decent amount of money, but also to participate in a very exciting process - especially since this subject of the interior will be created by your own hands.

Below the detailed instructions for assembling here is such a rack for books, thanks to which you are easy and quickly collecting "dwelling" for your collection of books.

Of course, there are more complex designs of cabinets for books, such as doors and drawers. We will talk today about the classic version of the home library with open shelves, which can be placed in any room.

The optimal depth for the home library is 400 mm. Bookcase dimensions: 2000 * 800 * 400 mm (height * width * depth). Many books or magazines calmly accommodate at this depth, so do not worry about its capacity.


in this article, consider the assembly of the cabinet from the material of the chipboard. The rear wall will be made of fiberboard. These are very affordable materials, besides, a wide range of colors is presented on the market: from wood and bright monophonic decors.

What tool will be needed in the assembly process?

For self assembly, we will need the following tool:

  • screwdriver with bat for confirmates;
  • confirmable drill;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • bit under the self-tapping screw.

We also need fasteners:

  • confirmates
  • selfless
  • furniture corners
  • santers

The closet for books, the assembly of which is described in this article, it turned out quite roomy thanks to a predetermined design.

All necessary details can be done, focusing on the drawings that will be attached at the end of this instruction.

Cutting and facing the ends of the details of the edge better to entrust professionals and order all this immediately in the furniture workshop. After all, it is difficult to do at home. In principle, there is nothing in the complex, but this concerns only a paper melamine edge. You can also shove at home. But we still recommend you to make plastic edge pastry on a professional machine.

The same thing about chipboard. It is, of course, you can cut the jigsaw. But be prepared for the fact that the details will appear a large number of chips, which will very much spoil the appearance of the cabinet.

As a rear wall in this project of a bookcase, a white fiberboard is 3 mm thick.

Unfortunately, the photo of the finished this cabinet failed to save, but the drawings for which you can make a book rack with your own hands, we will provide you.

List of necessary details

In order to make a rack for books, we will need:

  1. Side challenges 400 * 2000, chipboard 16 mm - 2 pcs.
  2. Shelves 400 * 768, chipboard 16 mm - 5 pcs.
  3. Top 400 * 800, chipboard 16 mm - 1 pc.
  4. Facial vertical overlays 50 * 2000 chipboard 16 mm - 2 pcs.
  5. Facial horizontal pad (top) 100 * 700 chipboard 16 mm - 1 pc.
  6. Facial horizontal lining (lower) 100 * 700 chipboard 16 mm - 1 pc.
  7. Tsarga between shelves (for rigidity) 400 * 380 chipboard 16 mm - 1 pc.
  8. Rear wall 800 * 2000 DVP 3 mm - 1 pc.

Assembly process

At the very beginning, the prepared laterally stale bonded with each other. To do this, first need to drill holes for configmatics in lateral parts.

Initially, we need to assemble the main framework of the bookcase, i.e. Connect among themselves the main details. This is done with the help of confirmates. In more detail, the process of drilling holes for confirmates is described.

  1. Insert the confirmation to the resulting hole and a screwdriver with a bat for confirmates, tighten the methome. Repeat this procedure with the second sidewall, do the same with the bottom shelf. That is, you need to assemble a bookcase into a single whole. As a result, you must have the main frame of the future cabinet. When assembling it is very important to initially withstand all the sizes and joints so that all the ends are in short.
  2. After our frame will be assembled, it needs to be aligned diagonally. It is important that we have a smooth rectangle with the same diagonals.
  3. Now you can attach the rear wall. Take several screws, a screwdriver with a suitable battury and secure the rear wall with the ends of the sidewall, the top and the bottom shelf. Fold screws with a pitch of 10 cm.

  4. Next, you can proceed to the shelves fastener. In order to create additional stiffness of the design, we recommend attaching the shelves to the side items using confirmates.
  5. Of course, the side of the cabinet will suffer from this, but the hats of hardware can be closed with special plugs in the color of the chipboard. Starting from above, we note from the top of the side part of 380 mm and we make two parallel stamps with a pencil.
  6. Reference from the edge of 2 cm. Drill through holes using the drill, insert the confirmates in them and tighten the screwdriver. Repeat this procedure with all the internal shelves.
  7. The closet for books, the scheme of which involves the presence of the kings between the second and third shelves, will have a little greater rigidity than if these shelves were without it. Insert it between these shelves, and attach with the help of screws.

  8. Build a book rack continues. Now we will secure decorative lining on the facial part of the cabinet. Let's start with the vertical. It is best to do this with the help of furniture corners, fasten them with self-pressing to each shelf and the top item from the inside.

  9. The design of the bookcase also involves the presence of horizontal top and bottom decorative linings. Bold them similarly vertical.

    Fastening the bottom lining

That's all!

In fact, this is a very exciting and interesting process. Over time, you can do other furniture items for your interior. For example, make a large rack for books or tools. The main thing is that you save almost 100% of the value of materials.

Bookcase drawing

Bookcase - furniture without which you can not do. Books have a special way to create comfort, and give the dwelling atmosphere. Most people electronic books prefer paper analogs, and it is correct. It is always pleasant to take a tomic poema from the shelves, and to feel his gravity in our hands, listen to the rustle of the pits. Therefore, it is very important to contain books in order. Bookcase will be a reliable assistant in this matter.

Benefits of making cabinet with their own hands

Nowadays, there is no such object of furniture, which could not be bought, however, when it comes to purchase, it turns out that something is wrong: the dimensions of the furniture are not suitable, the model does not fit into the interior, or simply not a single wardrobe you do not like For so much so that I wanted to buy it right away. In this case, you can make a closet for books yourself, saving a rather big amount. In addition, there are several advantages at the product made by hand:

  • you will make a design strictly on the dimensions that you need;
  • the product will fit perfectly in the interior;
  • your creation will be unique because it will be done manually and taking into account all the nuances regarding the design of your home;
  • handmade furniture serves as long as the factory, because the owner does not bother on the quality of material and fittings.

IMPORTANT!First of all, you need to think about what kind of model of the cabinet for books you want, think through it with a location and size, and only after that proceed to work.

There are 2 types of this furniture: open and closed. The closed bookcase has a doors that protect books from dust and sun. In the open model, such doors are absent.

Varieties of bookcases

To make a closet, the most suitable in size and style, you need to understand the types of such furniture. It is divided by the type of assembly and use method.

Table: Types of bookcases

Type of assembly Use options
Corpus The design can be with the doors, or without them, contain different amounts of shelves, the doors can be mounted, sliding, harmonica. It is suitable for storing any printed products.
Modular It is convenient because it is easy to assemble and disassembled, you can equip additional shelves, change the shape and height.
Built-in The design can be any. In such closets, it is better to install sliding doors, the details of which are attached on the sides and from above.
Angular A win-win option for rooms with a small size.

Drawing for making cabinet

Deciding to make a bookcase independently, it is necessary to prepare a drawing. To begin with, decide which the form of the model is where it will be located, from which material is made. Remember that it is best to place a bookcase in the office, living room, and a different spacious room.

IMPORTANT!When drawing drawing, it is necessary to take into account not only the height and width of the product, but also the number of book blocks. All this should be reflected in the figure.

Before making a drawing, check as far as the floor is horizontally. It is easy to do with a level. If you lower this moment, the finished product can be performed with errors, and the shelves will become at an angle to the surface. If you still see that the floor is slightly under the slope, decide that it is easier to do: align the surface, or design a cabinet so that he later stood firmly on the floor. All these nuances should be displayed in the drawing.

In order to get the most correct drawing, you need to take into account the depth of the bookshelf. The standard book has a width of 20 cm, the volume is more - 30 cm, it is necessary to display in the drawing. The thickness of the bookshelf should be at least 2 cm. If there is a plinth in the apartment, then the indentation from it should be a little more than 3 cm. You should also specify the availability of sockets and the capabilities of the cabinet backlight.

The process of making the cabinet

Drawing or diagram - an integral part of the manufacturing process. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the drawing of the drawing with full responsibility. Next, you need to select the material and check for all tools.

In the manufacture of the cabinet, you will need to make the milling of the ends. This process is not laborious, but it should be given time:

  1. You need to choose the right milling mills that will help in creating an ideal relief.
  2. The departure is made as clear as possible.
  3. Milling equipment should be modern and high-quality.

There are features of milling that you need to consider:

  1. The mill must be reliably assigned.
  2. The billet should not deviate to the sides during the milling.
  3. It is impossible to hurry during the process, as the result may be bad.
  4. Reiki are processed after the optimal size is set.
  5. After all the works, the details should be treated with sandpaper for smoothing all irregularities.

For the rear wall of the cabinet, you can use a LISP sheet, as a rule, this part of the furniture is not visible, and for its manufacture use a simpler material.

IMPORTANT!The rear wall must be fixed very tight and even, it depends on how much the design will be reliable.

If the cabinet is designed for a large number of books, a good material for the rear wall will serve LDSP. Fasten it easily, it is withstanding a lot of weight.

Required tools and materials

Materials for the manufacture of a bookcase are selected in accordance with the selected project and the interior of the entire dwelling. If you want the product for long years, use a natural tree array: alder, cherries, oak, cock. The tree is not toxic, so there is a decent money. A more budget option may be furniture from chipboard and MDF. In this case, the texture and color scheme is rather diverse.

The following materials may be needed for work:

  • reiki;
  • borders;
  • metal inserts;
  • glass with spraying, or without it.

You can use bars from wood as a leg.

Tools should also be at hand, they must be collected before you are going to make a wardrobe. You will need:

  • electric drill with various nozzles;
  • screwdriver;
  • milling machine;
  • sander.

In the process of finishing work, it is worth stocking such a set:

  • ruler and pencil;
  • roulette and level;
  • knives and jigsaw;
  • screws, washers, nails and hammer;
  • brushes and paints and varnish materials.

This list may differ slightly, it all depends on the selected model.

Preparatory work

All of the above items can be attributed to preparatory work. If you do not have a machine for sawing chipboard, it is better to order a crucible from a specialist, as this is a rather complicated process that requires much attention and work experience. In the manufacture of a standard product of the rectangular shape, the ends are covered with veneer, or the oak rails are prepared in advance, which are glued to the cabinet panels.

For shelves and sidewalls it is better to use MDF, prepare the material in advance. Also in stock should be the edge of MDF 2 cm wide, a thickness of 8 mm, do not forget about the slats.

When all the preparatory work is finished, you can start assembling the product.

Cabinet assembly

Collect design is needed on a flat surface to avoid possible distortions. The whole process is conditionally divided into several stages:

At the end, you should install the back wall and copp with a shared frame.

IMPORTANT!For a bookcase, specialists do not recommend using removable shelves.

Fastening elements can be used the most diverse: nails, self-tapping screws, construction stapler. It all depends on the materials and configuration of the product.