Suspended ceiling of plastic panels with hands. Frame for plastic suspended ceiling of PVC panels: Material selection, Installation stages

More recently, there were not many ways to finish the ceiling. Cheer, paint with water-free. Mobblers still dare to punish the ceiling with wallpaper - and that's it. And today there are ceilings suspended, stretch, mirror, stained glass, etc.

Ceiling cover with plastic panels The easiest, economical and fast finish method.

To date, one of the most sought-after, especially among lovers to do with their own hands, has become a ceiling of plastic. Such popularity is due to the fact that it is quite simple to make a ceiling of plastic, especially for those who have had to face the suspended ceilings, and it will only cost a little more expensive than a plasterboard ceiling.

Familiar stranger

Strictly speaking, the ceiling of plastic and there is a suspended ceiling.

It is attached to the main ceiling using special suspensions on a frame of metal products or wooden plates. Only material for panels instead of plasterboard serves polyvinyl chloride, one of the safest and harmless plastic types for health. Suffice it to say that from PVC, in addition to wall and ceiling panels, a packaging is made for food.

Such a ceiling is easy to make with your own hands, giving him an attractive appearance. It will not be visible panel seams, besides, it will serve you much longer than the plasterboard counterpart, and the care requires the most minimal - from time to time to remove dust from the plastic. It is easy to do with a damp cloth, as the plastic is absolutely not afraid of water.

When choosing panels, it is important not to confuse and not buy instead of ceiling walls. Although they are made of one material, but they differ significantly. Wall panels compared to the ceiling panels are much harder that is of great importance.

If you mount such panels on the ceiling, you will get a significant load on its framework. And this is fraught with: in one spaced day, the frame may simply not withstand, and the ceiling will collapse. And if you install the ceiling panels on the wall, then they are deformed with time, since their mechanical strength is significantly lower.

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Preparation of basic ceiling

Make such a ceiling of plastic with your own hands is not harder than the usual suspended ceiling of plasterboard. Installation of any suspended ceiling, incl. And plastic, you should begin with the preparation of the base ceiling. Its surface should be carefully cleansed from the detached lime or plaster and process the surface with anti-grab solution.

Then you need to take care of the ceiling by the electrical wiring. Indeed, in most cases, lamps and chandeliers will be attached to the ceiling. Before mounting the ceiling, you need to fasten the wires and at least bring them to the switch. Wires necessarily need to be securely isolate. With electricity jokes are dangerous, so if you do not have enough experience in this matter, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

To independently mount the plastic ceiling, you will need tools:

  • perforator or electric drill with a winning drill;
  • hoven for metal;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • corolnic;
  • jackhammer cord;
  • water level;
  • shuroprup.

From the materials do not forget to purchase:

  • anti-grab solution;
  • suspensions;
  • dowels (be sure to take one diameter with a drill that you will drill holes);
  • plastic panels;
  • ceiling profiles;
  • saws.

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Cutting device

Frame for plastic ceiling can be made from both wooden rails and a metal guide profile. It is also preferable to the second option, since the metal is less prone to a change in its size under the influence of temperature and humidity.

You need to decide in advance, for what distance you will lower the panel. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the depth of its lamps - mostly from 5 to 10 cm. Deciding with a height, you need to install and fix the guide profiles strictly horizontally. It is better not to rush here and repel all the time. Otherwise, having hurried and installing the wrong profile, you will not leave yourself another way out, how to make a ceiling oblique, which will immediately rush into the eyes.

From the base ceiling in the corners of one of the walls is measured down the desired distance. It is important that marked tags are on the same level, so be sure to check their location using a water level. Then these two tags using the cord are connected to one horizontal.

Taking a died out of the horizontal behind the landmark, you need to spend the same lines throughout the perimeter of the room, checking them using the level. This will be a horizontal plane to.

The next step in the installation will be the installation of metal guide profiles on the marked boundary. Profiles are fixed directly to the wall, drilled in it a perforator or hole drill, using plastic dowels and galvanized screws for fastening.

In order to do not break the horizontal when attaching profiles, the end of the untrined profile is laid into the end of the attached, then its other end is stirred strictly on the markup, and the profile is attached along its entire length to the wall.

Having finished with the installation profile on the walls, you need to install a profile and on the ceiling itself. To do this, on the ceiling along the direction of installation of the ceiling profile, you need to fix direct suspensions in 50-60 cm increments. The suspensions must be fixed strictly along a straight line by beating it with a painting cord. Ceiling profiles are attached to these suspensions, and guide profiles fixed on the walls are stacked. With such a suspended ceiling design, there is no danger that it will fall on your head one day.

Despite the diversity of the varieties of suspended ceilings, such as: plasterboard, tension or armored, ceilings from plastic panels have not lost their popularity to this day, thanks to their cheapness and simplicity of installation.

Basically, plastic panels are used for mounting plastic ceilings in bathrooms, kitchens, balconies or loggias, gas stations, but also for wall panels and covering communication systems, sewage and water pipes leaving a surrounding hatch to control cranes and water meters. The use of panels for large ceilings is not very advisable, as it looks like such a ceiling does not aesthetically because of the limited length of the 3 meter panel, there are 6 meter, but it is not always possible to put them in the room. Because of this, it has to add a docking H-profile that does not fully coincide with the color of the panels and will strongly stand out on a general background.

Installation of panels with your own hands begins with a frame assembly to which they will be attached, the frame can be made of wood or metal profiles that are used in the mounting of drywall. It is better to use metal profiles, as they are more even unlike the board or bar.

Frame assembly materials:

  • uD profile;
  • cD profile;
  • suspensions;
  • dowel with a diameter of 6 mm;
  • self-tapping screws with a press washer 4.2х13 mm "flea".

Minimum set of tools when mounting on a concrete ceiling:

  • perforator;
  • shurtpers;
  • scissors for metal;
  • hacksaw for metal or electric logs;
  • water level;
  • wire drill 6 mm.

You can also come in handy upholstery cord and 2.5-3 mm drill, crown on plasterboard, stub, silicone.

Step-by-step instructions for the installation of plastic panels

If there is no hidden wiring on the ceiling, it must be placed in the corrugation to prevent possible fire.

Before mounting profiles, it is necessary to put marks to which the ceiling will be launched, taking into account the height of the UDProfil 45 mm and the height of the starting profile of 8-10 mm, this is important for the balconies, since the end height of the suspension ceiling will block access to the opening of the balcony windows.

I set the markup of the next step. You need to transfer them to a line from below-up to 8-10 mm depending on the height of the ELECA starting profile.

After applying the markup, the installation of UDFrofiles is made. The profile needs to be leaning against the wall, so that its lower part is on the mark, then with the help of a perforator equipped with a winning drill, we drill a profile along with a wall to a dowel length with a reserve of 10 mm. After drilling the first hole, you can score a dowel, it is convenient if you work alone.

The next step is to install the suspensions, in order to determine their location, you need to put the mark on UDFFILL, as in the future the samples are attached to the suspension, then the marks are applied on the basis of its location. CD Profile is mounted perpendicular to the length of plastic panels. Having determined the direction of plastic panels, perpendicularly every 50 cm we make a mark on UDProphile.

Next, we insert sliced \u200b\u200bbefore you need the length of the CDProfili in the UD profile and dowels screw the suspensions to the ceiling, then connect the suspension with the CDProfil by self-reversal, if a large span of the profile, then check the level or stretch the cord so that the framework is in one level. At the end we connect UDI CDsamores.

If a wooden frame will be used, it is desirable to be treated with an anti-gribic agent.

When the frame is ready, we are fed by the starting profile "Elku" or the ceiling plinth "Roger" or F-profile.

Professionals advise first to mount the 3 heading guides, and the last glued after the docking of all panels. It is possible to mount 4 Elki, but then due to poor clips, a small gap can form between the last and previous panel, the plus of this method is quick installation without the use of liquid nails.

Depending on your choice, whether it is a starting profile or a quiller depends on the sequence of further work.

If the starting profile is selected, the first 3 are fastened with self-assembly, and the last on liquid nails, otherwise all 4 on the self-tapping screw.

If it is anger, then all 4 or more can be fixed on liquid nails, and the latter is attached at the end with the meaning that it is cut off by "language", look in the video in more detail.

The same, you can apply to the F-profile.

I would like to note that whatever you choose the version of the guide, it can be attached to any convenient way, self-drawing or liquid nails, brackets or wood nails.

Laying of the first row

Cut the PFC panel by 5 mm less than required to facilitate installation.

We bring one edge of the panel in PVC guide. To start the second edge, you need to slightly unharge the panel down.

We screw the panel to the profile with a selflessness "flea". On the wooden frame, you can the usual tapping screw for drywall.

Insert the second panel and put it down to snapped the lock.

Installation of the last plastic panel on the ceiling

There are several ways to secure the last panel:

1. The simplest cut off the panel by 5-7 mm less in width, first start it in the guide, and then push it in the opposite direction until you lack the lock.

2. Printed the last panel to the profiles on the liquid nails together with the FPRFILL, or in the case of the pellery, the panel is first glued, and anger with a sliced \u200b\u200b"language" on it. For more information about the last option, see the video.

Lamps for PVC

Under the embedded lamps or ventilation, we make holes with a crown on plasterboard dressed on a screwdriver or drill.

How to make corners?

Cut the angles on LL Fprofile is not necessarily, they are not very noticeable. But for cartoons you need stubs and strong nerves if you are new. After the end of the installation, the silicone smear the slit, watch the video.

In order not to resort to the purchase of a stub, you can purchase corners for PFC cartoons, they are shown in the photo below.

The use of plastic for interior decoration of the room is widespread. It is used for walls, and for ceilings. Allows to solve many problems associated with the quality of the ceiling.

Plastic panels have excellent performance and attractive appearance.

Plastic panels have many positive qualities. They are technologically technologically and beautiful. From a huge range you can always choose what you like. The suspended ceiling of plastic with their own hands is convenient, quickly and practical.

Features of the choice of material

The suspended ceiling can be made of different materials (wood, chipboard, foam, etc.). One of the most common structures is a suspended ceiling of plastic. This surface has a number of advantages: simplicity of installation, low weight, large color gamut, low cost. The most important thing is the plastic ceiling has a high moisture resistance. It can be calmly washed with water. Plastic is not deformed when the moisture and temperature drop.

The most optimal material for plastic ceilings is polyvinyl chloride. It can be used in the form of tiles or panels. Long PVC panels are found. They are made of two species - seamless and embossed. Seamless panels have a solid smooth surface, and smooth edges allow you to unnoticate panels with each other.

The embossed panel edge on one side ends with a groove, and the other edge has a longitudinal spike. When docking the spike panels enters the groove, and a smooth rectangular groove is formed along the junction.

The panel is performed as two layers of plastic, between which the ribs are formed, which ensures sufficient mechanical strength. The facial surface of the panel is polished (lacked). Standard PVC panels are implemented 25 cm wide and 2.7 or 3 m long.

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Selection of ceiling design

Plastic ceiling can have two main designs - suspended and tensioning. Stretch plastic ceiling is made of vinyl film. During the installation of such a ceiling, the film should warm up to 70º, which requires the use of special heat guns. Installation of stretch ceilings, as a rule, produce professionals.

To install the ceiling of plastic with your own hands, the suspension design of PVC panels is most suitable. The suspended ceiling is a horizontal surface formed from the PVC glossy layer of panels installed on a metal frame. At the same time, the frame is fixed on the wall and ceiling, at a certain distance from the surface of the ceiling overlap.

The frame is a firmly connected mounting structure in the form of a lattice. Metal profiles frame made. The frame of the frame is fastened with the guide profile of the P-shaped form. Usually, a profile of type PN 28Х27, 28 mm wide and 27 mm height is used. The main is the ceiling profile having a C-shaped form. The PS60x27 profile is used. From this profile creates a lattice frame design.

The frame of the frame is attached to the ceiling using suspensions that ensure the mounting profiles to the ceiling overlap. For a cross-shaped profile connection, the "crab" fastening is used. Between themselves, the ceiling profiles are connected using a P-shaped connector of dieth 30-40 mm.

When installing PVC panels, the connection in length is carried out using a plastic docking profile (H-shaped molding). In addition, when plastic installation is completed to hide the initial gaps, plastic plinths, starting profiles, cornice profiles, corners (external and internal), kleimers can be used.

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Preparatory work

The main ceiling after installing the suspension will be hidden from an extraneous eye, so increased requirements are not put forward to its surface. However, it is impossible to allow him to face, and the most important thing is that it remains traces of mold or fungus after flooding. The surface of the ceiling overlap should be primed and placed so that there are no cracks and chips on it. Plots with a manifestation of mold must be pre-treated with an antiseptic, for example, a solution of copper sulphate.

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Surface markup

An important preparatory phase that affects the quality of the total suspended ceiling is the markup. First, the true height of the main ceiling at different points of the room is specified. For this, the height of the wall is washed with a tape measure at least than three points - in the corners and in the center. In the corner with the smallest wall height, a mark is made at the height of the sinking of the frame profile, that is, at a distance of 5-10 cm from the ceiling. The distance is determined by the need for communications.

If installing built-in (point) luminaires or pipes on the ceiling is envisaged, then this distance is 8-10 cm; If nothing superfluous is planned, then it is 5-6 cm. Then the label on the wall in another corner is applied, but taking into account the real height of the wall. The suspended ceiling must be parallel to the floor. Through the stamps in the corners, a straight line is littered with a well-strained and pre-painted by the construction cord. Similarly placed the opposite wall. Lines are connected to each other with the markup of other walls. Thus, the line is watched throughout the perimeter of the room - it is the bottom limit of the guide profile of the frame.

Marking of ceiling profiles is carried out on the surface of the ceiling. For this, at first, the parallel lines in the longitudinal direction are fought. The first and last lines are carried out at a distance of 15-20 cm from the wall. Between them, parallel lines are carried out with a pitch of 30-40 cm. Similarly, lines in the transverse direction are placed. A grid must be applied on the ceiling, which indicates the location of the central ceiling profile line. Marking of the installation of suspensions is made on these lines. The first marks are made at a distance of 25-30 cm from each wall, and all subsequent 50-60 cm increments. Marks should not coincide with the lines crosshair - they should be shifted at least 5 cm from the crosshair.

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Installation of the guide profile

Installation of the frame of the suspended ceiling begins with the installation of the P-shaped profile on the wall along the platforming line. At first, at the bottom of the profiles, the holes for fastening to the wall are drilled: the first - at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge, followed by 30-40 cm from each other. Then it is applied to the wall, and marks are applied on it. By the perforator or electric drill in the wall, the holes are made with a diameter of 8 mm. Plastics dowels are inserted into the holes. PN profile is attached to dowels with screws. Thus, the guides are installed throughout the perimeter. The horizontal installation should be checked.

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Installation of ceiling profiles and installation of communications

Initially, profiles are installed, which are directed along the short wall. These profiles must be drawn from the wall to the wall. If you cannot select the profile of the desired length, then it is joined from two segments. The compound must be reliable and rigid - using a P-shaped standard fastening or metal strip. Installing PS profiles are made according to the markup on the ceiling. Ends are attached inside the guide profile, fixed on the wall. Profiles are located down. PS profiles in a perpendicular direction are mounted from segments, the length of which is equal to the distance between the installed PS profiles. Attach them with the "crab" fastening.

Fixing PS profiles on the ceiling is carried out through the suspensions. The suspensions bend by forming a P-shaped form. The height of the side rack should strictly correspond to the distance from the ceiling to the PS profile. The suspension platform is fastened with screws in a dowel on the main ceiling in marked places. Suspension legs are mounted on the side of the profile of self-draws profile.

Before fastening plastic panels, you need to place the entire communication system inside the frame (if necessary). First of all, it concerns electrical wires - for a chandelier or a system of point lamps. Wires must be collected in a bundle and arrange inside the corrugated hose. Wiring is made to the location of the lighting equipment. The wires are neatly attached to the frame profiles.

  • Familiar stranger
  • Preparation of basic ceiling
  • Cutting device
  • Installation of plastic panels

More recently, there were not many ways to finish the ceiling. Cheer, paint with water-free. Mobblers still dare to punish the ceiling with wallpaper - and that's it. And today there are ceilings suspended, stretch, mirror, stained glass, etc.

Ceiling cover with plastic panels The easiest, economical and fast finish method.

To date, one of the most sought-after, especially among lovers to do with their own hands, has become a ceiling of plastic. Such popularity is due to the fact that it is quite simple to make a ceiling of plastic, especially for those who have had to face the suspended ceilings, and it will only cost a little more expensive than a plasterboard ceiling.

Familiar stranger

Strictly speaking, the ceiling of plastic and there is a suspended ceiling.

It is attached to the main ceiling using special suspensions on a frame of metal products or wooden plates. Only material for panels instead of plasterboard serves polyvinyl chloride, one of the safest and harmless plastic types for health. Suffice it to say that from PVC, in addition to wall and ceiling panels, a packaging is made for food.

Such a ceiling is easy to make with your own hands, giving him an attractive appearance. It will not be visible panel seams, besides, it will serve you much longer than the plasterboard counterpart, and the care requires the most minimal - from time to time to remove dust from the plastic. It is easy to do with a damp cloth, as the plastic is absolutely not afraid of water.

When choosing panels, it is important not to confuse and not buy instead of ceiling walls. Although they are made of one material, but they differ significantly. Wall panels compared to the ceiling panels are much harder that is of great importance.

Article on the topic: Selecting a sofa in the living room: some recommendations

If you mount such panels on the ceiling, you will get a significant load on its framework. And this is fraught with: in one spaced day, the frame may simply not withstand, and the ceiling will collapse. And if you install the ceiling panels on the wall, then they are deformed with time, since their mechanical strength is significantly lower.

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Preparation of basic ceiling

Types of plastic panels.

Make such a ceiling of plastic with your own hands is not harder than the usual suspended ceiling of plasterboard. Installation of any suspended ceiling, incl. And plastic, you should begin with the preparation of the base ceiling. Its surface should be carefully cleansed from the detached lime or plaster and process the surface with anti-grab solution.

Then you need to take care of the ceiling by the electrical wiring. Indeed, in most cases, lamps and chandeliers will be attached to the ceiling. Before mounting the ceiling, you need to fasten the wires and at least bring them to the switch. Wires necessarily need to be securely isolate. With electricity jokes are dangerous, so if you do not have enough experience in this matter, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

To independently mount the plastic ceiling, you will need tools:

PVC panel mounting circuit.

  • perforator or electric drill with a winning drill;
  • hoven for metal;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • corolnic;
  • jackhammer cord;
  • water level;
  • shuroprup.

From the materials do not forget to purchase:

  • anti-grab solution;
  • suspensions;
  • dowels (be sure to take one diameter with a drill that you will drill holes);
  • plastic panels;
  • ceiling profiles;
  • saws.

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Cutting device

Installation of plastic ceilings.

Frame for plastic ceiling can be made from both wooden rails and a metal guide profile. It is also preferable to the second option, since the metal is less prone to a change in its size under the influence of temperature and humidity.

You need to decide in advance, for what distance you will lower the panel. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the depth of its lamps - mostly from 5 to 10 cm. Deciding with a height, you need to install and fix the guide profiles strictly horizontally. It is better not to rush here and repel all the time. Otherwise, having hurried and installing the wrong profile, you will not leave yourself another way out, how to make a ceiling oblique, which will immediately rush into the eyes.

Article on the topic: How to defrost plastic water supply

From the base ceiling in the corners of one of the walls is measured down the desired distance. It is important that marked tags are on the same level, so be sure to check their location using a water level. Then these two tags using the cord are connected to one horizontal.

Taking a died out of the horizontal behind the landmark, you need to spend the same lines throughout the perimeter of the room, checking them using the level. It will be a horizontal plane to make the ceiling smooth.

The next step in the installation will be the installation of metal guide profiles on the marked boundary. Profiles are fixed directly to the wall, drilled in it a perforator or hole drill, using plastic dowels and galvanized screws for fastening.

In order to do not break the horizontal when attaching profiles, the end of the untrined profile is laid into the end of the attached, then its other end is stirred strictly on the markup, and the profile is attached along its entire length to the wall.

Having finished with the installation profile on the walls, you need to install a profile and on the ceiling itself. To do this, on the ceiling along the direction of installation of the ceiling profile, you need to fix direct suspensions in 50-60 cm increments. The suspensions must be fixed strictly along a straight line by beating it with a painting cord. Ceiling profiles are attached to these suspensions, and guide profiles fixed on the walls are stacked. With such a suspended ceiling design, there is no danger that it will fall on your head one day.

The ceiling made of plastic ceiling panels is one of the options for suspended ceilings. Such ceilings are usually mounted in the bathrooms, corridors and in the kitchen.

The room decorated with plastic ceiling looks not very cozy. The ceiling plastic panels in the bedroom is undesirable. As if manufacturers did not claim that the material is absolutely harmless, the ceiling decoration by plastic premises in which you are for a long time - not the best option. In addition, if the length of the room is more than 3 meters - you have to go to the panels, and it looks ugly.

How to choose the necessary materials

Selection of plastic panels for ceiling

For trimming, the ceilings are usually used panels of light tones.

On sale there are panels with coloring, imitating the cutting ceiling. According to the cost of the ceiling panel, plastic is much cheaper than aluminum rails for finishing the ceiling, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a plastic ceiling from aluminum rush.

Such panels have standard dimensions - width 240 mm, length 3000 mm.

In the photo - plastic panels, imitating the cutting ceiling.

The advantages of finishing the ceiling by plastic panels are the speed of installation. The ceiling does not need to align with plaster mixtures. The ability to insert in the suspended ceiling dotted lamps allows you to create a cozy room lighting. The ceiling plastic panels are available for the repair of economy class.

Executing materials

You will need:

  • panels
  • aluminum profile
  • dowel
  • galvanized screws with press washer
  • ceiling plinth
  • cable for electrics

Standard panels have a width of 24 cm and a length of 2.7 m or 3 m. Divide the width of the room to the width of the panel. When planning the finishing of the ceilings in two rooms, calculate - how it is more profitable to mount the panels so that the trimming can be used in the toilet or on the balcony.

Buy panels intended for the ceilings. Wall panels are stronger and harder by weight. Strength for ceiling panels is not required, but excess weight will create an excessive load on the ceiling frame.

For mounting panels you need an aluminum profile. It is allowed to fasten the ceiling plastic panels on the cutter of a wooden bar, but it is better to use a profile in wet rooms. The bar with time is deformed from moisture and the panel can be twisted.

On the perimeter of the room, the guide P-shaped profile is mounted with a cross section of 27-28 mm. It has a labeling of Mon, or the labeling of the PNP - the ceiling guide profile.

To figure out which profile for what purposes is served, consider the photo. The number of guide profile is easy to calculate. The profile is produced in a length of 3 m. The perimeter of the room is divided by 3 and round up to an integer.

To form a framework, you will need a ceiling profile - PP. This profile establishes perpendicular to the panels every 60 cm. Based on the width of the room, you can calculate how much the ceiling profile is needed.

For fastening the ceiling profile you need suspensions.

The suspensions are attached at a distance from the wall - 30- cm, then after 60 cm. Based on the length of the profile, calculate how much suspensions need for each profile.

Dowels are used to mount the guide profile to the wall and suspensions to the ceiling. The profile on the dowel is attached at the corners and further - after 20-30 cm. No less than two dowels are required for each suspension. Do not try to calculate the exact number of dowel-nails. Take with a reserve - a dowel nails will always be useful for subsequent repairs, so it's not scary if two or three dozen remain unnecessary.

For fastening panels to frame and connecting the guide and ceiling profiles, you will need galvanized self-tapping screws - press-washer 4.2x16mm. The price of self-tapping screws is small - buy pieces 150-200.

The ceiling plinth for plastic panels is used two species - PVC plinth or conventional polyurethane. PVC plinth is installed before the installation of panels. If the walls in the room are uneven - it is better to close the junction between the wall and the suspended ceiling by polyurethane plinth.

PVC plinth overlaps the gap between the wall and the ceiling, and at the same time serves to mount plastic panels.

Ceiling plinth is mounted around the perimeter of the room. The amount of plinth is easy to calculate, dividing the perimeter of the room on the length of the plinth and rounded the resulting value.

Purchase the required number of fixtures and an electrical cable to connect them.

When installing panels on a wooden cut, you will need a timber, rails and brackets for fastening panels.

How to install plastic ceiling panels


  • level
  • pencil or marker
  • roulette
  • perforator
  • scissors for metal
  • sculpovyurt
  • haysaw or Lobzik
  • drill with crown
  • construction or Stationery Knife

Operating procedure

On the perimeter of the room with a hydroretor (water level), mark the horizontal line. You can use the usual building level, but the hydroevine gives fewer errors. Make sure that there are no air bubbles in the connecting hose. The easiest way to make marks using a laser level, but the laser level is an expensive tool and not at all domestic wizard it is in stock.

Secure the guide profile. The profile is attached to a dowel in a distance of 30-50 cm. Cut a profile in length. The profile can be cut by the grinder, but it is quite well clipped with metal scissors. Bulgarian may turn out faster, but it's easier for scissors.

Perforator with a drill on concrete Make holes in the wall. Secure the profile of dowels.

Secure the suspension for the ceiling profile. The suspensions are necessary for reliable fastening of the frame to the ceiling and to adjust the level by which the profile will be mounted.

Secure the PVC plinth attachment to the guide profile.

Install the ceiling profile to which you will mount panels. The PP profile is attached to the suspensions and to the profile of Mon Samorza with a press washer. The ceiling profile is attached perpendicular to the direction of plastic panels.

When using PVC plinth, fasten the plinth by self-pressing to the guide profile around the perimeter of the room. In the corners, the plinth cuts up at an angle of 45 °.

Output electrical cable for mounting lamps.

Cut panels in length. The panel is cut off with a metal or electric jigsaw.

Start the edge of the panel in the groove of the plinth. Secure the shelf panel with self-draws to the ceiling profile. The next panel is inserted into the grooves of the previous one and is fixed with self-drawing similarly to the first. In the photo - installation of panels without plinth PVC, a hole for a luminaire is cut around the edge of the panel.

Holes for luminaires are cut to mount panel with a drill with a crown or knife.

When installing the last panel cut it in width.

Install and plug the lamps. Luminaires are connected in parallel.

With the help of liquid nails, glue polyurethane plinth, if the PVC plinth is not used.

When installing panels on a wooden cut, the principle of work order is the same. The panel is attached to the bar or racks using a bracket.

Answers to frequently arising questions

How to place the flow level - right, or beautiful?

When installing plastic ceiling panels, it is important to establish a suspended ceiling exactly throughout the plane. It happens that the tile that the walls are faced incorrectly. It turns out if the ceiling is fixed strictly in terms of the level - the error of laying tiles will be noticeable. It is permissible to fix the ceiling parallel to the last tile seam. He does not turn much, but it will not be visually noticeable that the tile is not quite smooth.

How to fix the last panel?

The last panel is not fastened with self-drawers, it is inserted into the groove of the previous panel and in the PVC plinth or guide profile. Due to the small weight, the panel is firmly held in its position.

How to install polyurethane ceiling plinth?

Polyurethane or foam ceiling plinth is glued with liquid nails glue. Corners cut down in a stub. If the slot is formed between the wall and the plinth - it is closed with acrylic sealant.

Video instruction on the installation of plastic ceiling.