What to build an inexpensive cottage. What to build a house from

Who today does not dream big country house? But before you decide to make your dream come true and start building a home ownership, you should think carefully about the purposes for which the future construction is planned. If you need a cottage for a seasonal stay - this is one thing, but building a house for permanent residence It's a completely different building format. And the most exciting question: from what to build a house inexpensively and efficiently. Let's try to understand our article.

The first thing you need to decide when deciding to build your own house for permanent residence is the building material, the choice of which depends on a huge number of related factors:

  • strength and durability;
  • microclimate inside residential premises;
  • thermal conductivity and sound insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • thermal insulation and moisture resistance.

What materials for suburban construction does the modern market offer, and what is the best way to build a house for permanent residence?

Of course, you need to choose the material for individual construction, taking into account all of the above parameters, but The main criterion is considered to be strength, since it is she who forms the structure of the building and affects the load-bearing function of the walls.

When choosing what to build a house for permanent residence from, all materials can be divided into four main groups:

  • brick and stone;
  • lightweight concrete materials;
  • wood;
  • chipboard panels.

Construction of a house for permanent residence from bricks

Brick buildings are the most massive structures. They perfectly resist the effects of various natural factors and, at the same time, have an attractive appearance. However, in order to raise own house, from the most at first glance popular material - brick, you will have to incur no small financial costs.

The main advantages of a brick house are the high strength of the material. And according to its characteristics bearing capacity, a wall erected from this variety of building materials is almost as good as a concrete one. Such characteristics are ideal for both low-rise suburban construction and for the construction of multi-storey buildings. In addition, a brick house will not burn, rot or shrink.

Only, in terms of maintaining energy efficiency, walls made of ceramic or silicate bricks lag far behind other building materials. In order to ensure sufficient energy efficiency for a private house, a brick wall must have a minimum thickness of 120 cm. It becomes clear what to build for permanent year-round living Nobody will have a "bunker" with similar walls, so today more and more often brick is used as a facing material.

Another important disadvantage of building a brick house is the high cost of the material, so it is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, otherwise the construction may take a very long time.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the main advantages of brick building material are:

  • the possibility of long-term operation of the built house;
  • high frost resistance;
  • exact geometry of products;
  • good combination with any kind of masonry mortars;
  • high strength;
  • aesthetic appearance.

However, brick has many disadvantages:

  1. Low moisture resistance some types of material. For example, silicate brick strongly absorbs water, this can be clearly seen when during the rain it acquires a dark shade. This quality greatly affects the humidity inside the room. In this regard, silicate brick is not used for laying basements and basements; you should not use silicate brick when building a house in regions with high humidity air.
  2. High thermal conductivity. For achievement positive characteristics it is necessary to resort to additional costs for thermal insulation of walls or their thickening.
  3. High product weight. The brick has a large mass, which makes the structure heavier and creates an even greater load on the foundation. To solve such a problem, it is necessary to build a stronger and more solid foundation, and this further increases construction costs.
  4. High material cost.

So, it turns out that brick has significant drawbacks, so before making it the main material in the construction of a private house, you should think carefully.

brick houses

Building a house from concrete blocks

Today, among building materials, brick significantly reduces its position, giving way to modern building blocks.

Affordable price is the main reason for choosing blocks. At the same time, building a house for permanent residence from blocks is not only cheaper, but also much faster, since such a large-sized material can replace from 4 to 14 ordinary bricks in quantity.

Today, the building materials market offers block types:

  • gas blocks;
  • foam blocks;
  • cinder blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • wood concrete;
  • shell rock blocks.

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Gas and foam blocks

Gas and foam blocks have the same specifications and are great for building low-rise buildings. Their only difference is in the internal structure of the material.

gas blocks are made from a homogeneous mixture of sand, cement and lime with the addition of a special powder - a blowing agent, in order to achieve small through channels inside the block.

foam blocks, on the contrary, they have closed pores inside the material. Such a structure is achieved during production by adding special substances - foaming agents to the concrete solution. It is worth noting that such production allows you to increase the quality of foam blocks, creating additional energy-saving opportunities for the material and significantly reducing its weight. Also, unlike a gas block, the open channels of which conduct moisture well, foam blocks do not need additional protection from moisture.

They produce blocks of various formats and thicknesses, which allows the developer to choose the best material for individual construction without extra costs for additional insulation. Good geometric data make it possible to build houses with a complex structure.

Also, foam blocks and gas blocks do not need complex finishing, this can be done using putty or decorative plaster.

In addition to all these advantages, a weighty argument in choosing this particular material for construction will be its low cost. Average price in the construction market 1 m 3 is about 3 thousand rubles.

Among the disadvantages of foam and gas blocks can be identified the following characteristics of these materials:

  • fragility;
  • high water permeability (for gas blocks);
  • mandatory external and internal decoration of the house;
  • Availability chemical elements in composition.

houses from gas blocks and foam blocks from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

Cinder blocks and expanded clay concrete blocks

Cinder blocks are also inexpensive building materials, however, due to the too high thermal conductivity of the erected walls, they require additional insulation. In addition, the cinder block has a lot of weight. It is these shortcomings that can explain the fact that consumers prefer expanded clay concrete blocks.

As positive characteristics of cinder block builders provide:

  • fire resistance;
  • low cost;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • resistance to fungus and mold damage;
  • long service life of the built house.

The main disadvantages of cinder block are:

  • brittleness of the material;
  • low moisture resistance;
  • low sound insulation;
  • the need for interior and exterior decoration of the house.

Expanded clay block products, at the same cost, are less thermally conductive, more durable and environmentally friendly material.

Expanded clay blocks are a material consisting of expanded clay gravel (the result of special firing of clay) and cement mortar. Such raw materials have high strength indicators and are designed for construction individual houses up to 3 floors. At the same time, the construction process does not take much time. In addition, expanded clay concrete is a fairly warm and environmentally friendly building material, as it does not contain synthetic additives.

Good vapor permeability creates an optimal balance of humidity in the living room.

Prices for expanded clay blocks quite acceptable, 1m 3 will cost about 3 thousand rubles.

And also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses from expanded clay blocks from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.


The constituent components of wood concrete blocks are wood chips and cement mortar with special additives. This composition allows you to get a warm and light block.

In terms of its density, arbolite allows the construction of buildings with a small number of storeys, while its elasticity, it is able to withstand, among other things, floor slabs.

Such material breathes well, is very environmentally friendly, has excellent heat and sound insulation.

The disadvantages of arbolite include:

  1. High rate of moisture absorption. A house made of wood concrete blocks requires additional protection from moisture, which means that you will have to invest in insulating and specialized moisture-repellent finishing materials.
  2. uneven surface block leads to some difficulties in the construction of walls, and also, is the cause of a large consumption of concrete mortar.

Also, a significant disadvantage of wood concrete is often considered a large number poor quality material in the construction market. In view of the fact that the production of blocks does not require specialized equipment, they are often produced by an artisanal method, using non-certified chemical additives and violations of production technology. All this causes a deterioration in the quality of finished raw materials, so you need to buy wood concrete only from trusted sellers and manufacturers.

Prices for the purchase of wood concrete start from 4 thousand rubles per 1m 3.

You can also see the most popular projects on our website. houses from wood concrete from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

Shell rock blocks

This type of material is the most expensive among the blocks and will cost at least 5 thousand rubles per 1 m 3. At the same time, the technique of obtaining raw materials from the marine sedimentary massif additionally makes the shell rock fragile.

Advantages of shell rock blocks:

  • sound absorption;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • durability;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness.

In addition, the shell rock has a number of exceptional properties determined by its nature. So, the material during its formation undergoes impregnation sea ​​salt and absorbs large amounts of iodine. The presence of these substances in the composition of raw materials endow the house from it with healing properties. Also, it is thanks to iodine that shell rock walls protect very well from radiation.

The cons of the shell rock can be considered:
  1. The need for strengthening in the case of building a house of more than two floors with the help of special armored belts.
  2. The absence of unified forms of blocks (it is practically impossible to find two blocks of shell rock that are identical in shape).
  3. The need for additional protection of the structure from moisture.
  4. The material, due to its fragility, requires care during transportation, as well as unloading or unloading.

Construction of wooden houses for permanent residence

As for wood, there are two options for building materials:

  1. log;
  2. timber;

A house for permanent residence made of wood has a minimal load on the foundation, which allows you to save money already at the very first stage of construction.

An important point when choosing a building material is also considered the fact that it is possible to build wooden houses regardless of the season and in any weather.

Timber house

A modern timber will allow you to build a neat individual house in any style. It has good geometric parameters, rectangular or square section and smooth, very even sides. Houses made of timber give minimal shrinkage, the manufacture of a log house does not require the use of special construction equipment, and the aesthetic data of the material make it possible to do without external and internal decoration, and thus save on finishing work.

The beam has a large number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics;
  • the efficiency of the construction of the building;
  • high level sound insulation and good thermal conductivity;
  • strength and reliability of the structure;
  • the possibility of installation at any time of the year;
  • does not require the construction of a bulky, expensive foundation;
  • does not require decorative finishes;
  • positive, healing properties from wood.

However, the beam also has disadvantages:

  1. Need for additional processing material. The main, common disadvantage of wood products is its susceptibility to moisture and insects. In addition, over time, it has the properties of cracking and rotting, thereby losing its original aesthetic appearance, so the tree must be constantly treated with special substances.
  2. High fire hazard of the material. Any wood is highly flammable, and because of this, it requires additional protection by treatment with fire-retardant compounds.
  3. Requires additional costs for heat and waterproofing.
  4. Long term shrinkage. Despite a slight shrinkage, sag a private house will be within six months. In this case, cracks may occur in the walls during shrinkage.

On our website you can see the most popular projects houses from double timber, glued laminated timber and profiled timber from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

log house

Log buildings are classics of wooden houses. In addition to the traditional Russian hut, modern building technologies allow you to build a log house of any configuration, from a small Finnish house to a cozy Art Nouveau cottage.

Modern building logs are 100% natural and environmentally friendly, which provides excellent natural ventilation of the room.

As in the case of timber, no cost for a massive foundation is required.

Durability, reliability and beautiful appearance are also the main characteristics of a log house.

The advantage is the rapid warming up of a house made of wood, because this significantly saves heating costs.

The availability and lightness of the material make it possible to build a comfortable wooden house as soon as possible.

To cons logs, like any wooden material, include:

  • susceptibility to decay;
  • strong and prolonged shrinkage;
  • fire hazard of the material;
  • additional costs for insulation and waterproofing of the structure.

Today construction market offers two types of logs chopped or rounded.

rounded log- a product of the industrial processing of lumber. It has more low price, do not require additional finishing and look quite attractive.

Chopped logs cost more due to manual processing but are more durable.

Beautiful log house

When deciding which specific construction technology to choose, you should pay attention to two aspects:

  1. When building a house from timber and logs of industrial processing, there is absolutely no need to cut recesses (bowls) for greater stability of the structure.
  2. If you choose to build a house from hand-cut logs, then you have to pay for the very expensive work of a professional cutter (a specialist who cuts bowls - special recesses for connecting logs into a log house).

Building a house from a log can hardly be called quite affordable. So, cost of 1 m3 rounded log ranges from 7 to 10 thousand rubles, and chopped is much higher.

Also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses from hand-cut logs and rounded logs from construction companies represented at the exhibition of houses Low-Rise Country.

Construction of a frame house for permanent residence

Even in the tale of the three little pigs, the most important and always relevant idea is raised about the correct choice of building material for the house. A fairy tale is a fairy tale, but many of us, like the heroes of a famous work, want to build a solid, reliable home with minimal effort. However, today it is quite possible to do this thanks to the development of building technologies. However, various wall materials so much so that the builder has to rack his brains when deciding which material is better to build a house from. Brick, aerated concrete, wood, sandwich panels - which is better, more reliable, more durable and warmer?

The cost of building walls at home is up to 40% of the cost of all work, so it is so important to weigh the many pros and cons of each material in order to accept the only the right decision. It is also necessary to take into account the seasonality of living in the house, the requirements for thermal insulation, the cost of the fuel used for heating, as well as the labor intensity of the work and the budget allocated for construction. Today there are a lot of materials for building a house - finding the one that most accurately meets the needs is not a problem.

No. 1. Wooden house

most conservative and traditional material for building a house - a tree. Its undeniable advantages include:


  • high fire hazard, even despite the fact that today special impregnations are used in the production of timber;
  • the tree is sensitive to moisture and pests, they are also trying to fight it, but without constant care, the material will be constantly damaged;
  • shrinkage;
  • high price.

Glued profiled timber

No. 2. Brick house

Another classic and time-tested material for building a house is. Despite the emergence of a mass of alternative materials, it remains the most popular material for the construction of low-rise private houses, and there are many reasons for that.


  • high durability and strength;
  • inertness, insects and;
  • resistance to fire;
  • the material is breathable;
  • brick allows you to translate into reality a project of any complexity.


For the construction of a 2- or 3-storey house enough strength brick M100 or M125, but ground floor it is better to build from bricks M150-M175. It is also necessary to take into account the frost resistance of bricks, which is determined by the cycles of freezing and thawing, which the material can withstand without losing its basic properties. If for warm regions it is quite possible to use brick F15-30, then for middle lane it is better to take material with frost resistance F50, and for the most severe regions - F100. After the construction of the house, he is given some time to dry. Brick walls are usually trimmed.

By filling, bricks are divided into:

For the construction of walls, only two types of bricks are used:

  • silicate (white).

Ideally, it is better to build from plastic-formed ceramic bricks. It is made from high-quality clay by extrusion. ceramic brick dry and semi-dry formation thanks to high precision geometry is predominantly used for cladding. differs in durability, good sound insulation and durability.

silicate brick produced on the basis of sand and lime, it is cheaper than ceramic, but more fragile, has little variety, lower thermal insulation and low moisture resistance.

Number 3. Aerated concrete houses

Lightweight concrete blocks are the most promising material for building a house from all existing ones. this moment. Of all stone materials, cellular concrete has the best thermal insulation performance. Due to the fact that the block has a large size (replaces 17-20 single bricks), the construction of buildings is carried out quickly. In terms of strength and durability, the material is practically not inferior to brick. The cellular concretes are aerated concrete, foam concrete,, but the first two have acquired the greatest distribution in private construction.

House made of aerated concrete (gas block)

cinder block house

No. 4. Frame house

No. 5. Houses made of reinforced concrete panels

Another option for quick construction is the technology of building houses from prefabricated factory ones. A low-rise house can be built in a few days! The technology is reminiscent of the one that was so actively used in the Soviet Union for the rapid construction of millions of square meters of housing.



  • a solid foundation is needed;
  • a small number of offers on the market (few companies cast slabs for the created project - elements of typical sizes are usually made);
  • such a house "does not breathe";
  • Concrete does not hold heat well.

When it is necessary to quickly build a reliable and durable house of decent size, then this is one of the best options, especially since today it is possible to cast panels of strictly necessary shapes and sizes in order to build a building according to.

When choosing a material for building a house, it is important to take into account the climate, the type of soil, the future heating system, and many other factors. But even the highest quality building material can disappoint if the construction technology is violated or the foundation is laid incorrectly, so these points should be given no less importance.

Having no financial opportunities to attract professional builders, you can, armed with special literature and patience, build a house on your own. In practice, this requires effort, but allows you to save up to half the cost of construction.

Many independent builders offer others to get acquainted with their projects and provide detailed reports, accompanying the process of building a house with detailed photographs.

Features of the layout of the house

Through the efforts of two men, a cheap house for permanent residence was built with an attached garage. Initially, the garage was not provided for in the project and was added after the completion of the house.

In general, the project, as the discussion progressed, changed on the advice of other builders and the requests of the wife. Initially, the layout of the house included 6 rooms on two floors.

During construction, it was decided to equip two bathrooms, while on the ground floor the toilet and bath should be separate. The area of ​​the living room and the location of the stairs have also changed. Relatively initial project the living room was too narrow and elongated. The stairs were also planned to be uncomfortable and steep. After the changes, these shortcomings are eliminated.

The cost of building a house with your own hands

In May 2010, the father of a small family planned to cheaply build a house with his own hands in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. This amount included the cost not only for materials, but also for connecting gas and electricity. The following expenses were incurred according to the budget:

  1. Concrete - 20 700.
  2. Edged and unedged timber - 70,000.
  3. Styrofoam - 31 200.
  4. Plywood - 8023.
  5. Metal profile - 16 200.
  6. Siding - 22 052.
  7. Used windows - 4000.
  8. Nails, screws, etc. — 15,000.
  9. Delivery of material and excavator services - 5200.
  10. Septic tank - 10000.
  11. Plumbing, radiators - 35 660.
  12. GKL and finishing costs - 21280.
  13. Design and installation of a gas pipeline, connection fee - 37,000.
  14. Gas equipment (stove, boiler) - 29,000.
  15. Electricity connection with materials - 3000.
  16. Water connection - 2000.

According to the builder himself, a certain number of items on the little things are missing in the estimate. However, this also requires additional costs. It should also be noted that some of the windows were received from friends and did not require financial costs. In total, 327,315 rubles were spent on building a house without trifles. This amount does not include the attached garage. He was attached later on a separate estimate. In addition, the construction of the garage required an amount of about 34,000 rubles. Taking into account unspecified expenses, the house cost no more than 400 thousand rubles.

Installation of a shallow strip foundation

A pre-planned foundation is 35 cm wide and 25 cm above the ground and 20 cm below the ground. A cutting section of 2.5x100 mm was chosen as a reinforcing element. The reinforcement of the tape was planned in 2 layers, top and bottom, with three connected die-cut sheets in each.

According to the advice experienced builders vertical elements were added, and the number of linked sheets was increased to 5 pieces. Additionally, the height of the foundation above the ground increased and amounted to 45 cm.

notch reinforcement - you can’t do that!

After pouring the foundation into concrete, 20 anchor bolts for mounting the bottom trim.

Construction of the first floor

Before the installation of the walls of the first floor, a platform was installed and insulated and pipes for sewerage were laid. The bottom of the platform is left open, the insulation is fixed due to the fixed trimmings of the boards. As a platform insulation, 3 layers of foam plastic, 15 cm thick, were used. The draft floor is made of a board 150x50 mm.

The walls were mounted in a horizontal position. Styrofoam was laid between the posts and protection with 8 mm plywood, windows were also installed. The windows in the project were used second-hand. The installation of the assembled wall in a vertical position was carried out by two men. In the construction of the walls, it was decided to abandon the installation of jibs. The builder assumed that the rigidity of the frame would be sufficient due to the plywood sheathing.

After assembling the walls of the first floor, the installation of internal partitions was carried out. Styrofoam was also used as a heater.

The principle of assembling the second floor

After the installation of the piping, a temporary floor was partially laid from unedged board and horizontal assembly of walls and their vertical installation. Second floor windows were also used.

To increase sound insulation in the interfloor ceiling, non-woven cloth was laid on the floor logs under the boards. This allows you to partially dampen the vibration from steps.

Installation of rafters and roofs

At the end of the wall assembly attic floor has been installed rafter system. The overhangs of the rafters were not lengthened. An inch board was used as a crate. The roof was covered with a profiled sheet 4 m long.

Exterior finish of the building

Siding was used for the exterior of the building. He mounted with ventilation gap 25 mm. Also at the stage of exterior decoration, an extension of the vestibule was completed. The foundation for the vestibule was not mounted, the structure was installed on pieces of concrete laid on the ground and sidewalk curbs.

Features of the stairs and its installation

The location of the stairs in the project caused a lot of controversy. Initially, its location suggested excessive emphasis on the attic ceiling. After changing the location and design of the stairs, it was made without a platform with a slight turn.

The staircase is made of boards 50x150 mm, the width of the step is 30 cm. Under the upper span, a place was left for equipping a toilet there. According to personal feelings, the staircase turned out to be comfortable and compact.

Interior decoration of the house

Before the start of finishing the premises, insulation was performed interfloor overlap and flooring on the second floor. Felt is nailed between the joists and floor boards to increase the level of sound insulation. After that, it was done rough finish interior spaces both floors of a cheap house.

The rough finish included three items:

  1. Installation of fiberboard as a windscreen.
  2. GVL installation.
  3. Putty joints and chips GVL.

In the fine finish, staining with a water-based emulsion was mainly used. Living room, kitchen and bedrooms painted in different colors. The floor in the rooms is covered with linoleum, the ceilings are finished with expanded polystyrene tiles.

Every person wants to build their own own house, but even if there is a land plot or the opportunity to purchase it relatively inexpensively, many consider this a pipe dream. But in vain!

Construction of a 3-room individual residential building "turnkey" for little money- this is real!!!

So, how is it anyway build the cheapest house?

Three main indicators influence the cost of building a residential building:

    Architectural and planning solution.

    The layout of the house should be compact, functional, modern and as convenient as possible. (Save up to 20%)

    constructive solution.

    The constructive solution should be simple, rational and without architectural excesses. (Saving up to 10%)

    Applied material and work.

    Building materials must be modern, and work must be high-tech. (Saving up to 40%)

The project of the cheapest residential building with an increase of up to 6 rooms.

We propose to consider together the project of a residential building, which will help solve the main problem - this is to significantly reduce its cost during construction.

Simple constructive solution, using modern construction technologies, allows you to perform a significant amount of work yourself. As the saying goes: “It’s not the gods who burn the pots,” but even with the use of hired workers, the house that will be discussed is built by a team of 2 people, which slightly increases its cost.

All of the above reduces the cost of building a house by almost half.

In addition, over time, such a house, if desired, can be transformed (enlarged) to 4, 5 or 6 rooms, while not violating the main functional planning solutions.

The cost of building a house directly depends on the total area, so despite the small size of the house (6 x 9m), it has three living rooms, and the area of ​​​​the living room (in which we spend most of the time) is 25.75 sq.m.

Let's look at the process of building the cheapest house in more detail.

Architectural and planning solution

The main principle of planning solutions for all residential buildings is based on the minimum ratio of the total area to the usable area, while the layout should be modern and comfortable for living, in other words, you need to extract maximum amenities from the total area.

The total area of ​​this 3 room house is only 54 sq.m.! However, the useful area, which includes all living rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, an entrance hall, is 52 sq.m. or 96.3% of the total area, while in ordinary houses and apartments, this figure ranges from 70%.

Yes, in this house the vestibule is combined with the hallway, but since it is warm, which is acceptable for any climatic zone of Russia.

There is not a single pantry in the house, but on personal plot you will eventually have a garage, households. building or sauna, which will fill this gap.

A combined bathroom for apartments is an undesirable thing, however, in a private house it is possible, because. at the host buildings you will also have a bathroom

The project of such a residential building is considered in more detail in this article. In the same place, you can also download a project of a residential building for free, or rather, its planning and architectural solutions.

Structural solution

A simple constructive solution of the house allows you to further reduce construction costs.

  1. The width of the house is 6 m clean - which is quite normal for the ceiling and does not require the construction of an additional main wall (respectively, the foundation and basement).
  2. The planning decision of the combined living room according to generally accepted traditional world standards (in Russia it was a room) allows you to save on the absence of partitions and doors between the dining room kitchen and the hall.
  3. The width of the walls of the house is 30 cm (heat resistance, depending on the climatic zone, is regulated when facing with "siding" the thickness of the additional insulation), respectively, the width of the basement is reduced to 25 cm, i.e. into brick.
  4. All partitions in the house are plasterboard, which does not require additional foundations for them, and they are made using a simplified technology (more details in the working draft).
  5. The roof is gable, without architectural and structural excesses.

The exterior of the cheapest house - option number 1

Appearance of the cheapest house with the option of transformation (increasing the area)

The exterior of the cheapest house - option number 2

The appearance of the cheapest house with the option of transformation - option number 2

Work and building materials

Everyone knows that the "lion's share" in the cost of building a house is the cost of work (about 50%), so it is necessary to use modern high-tech materials. Why?

This will allow almost 90% of the work to be done independently (because all new technologies are designed for the layman) and save a significant part of the money.

Moreover, you can spend money (on building materials) as they become available. But if they are available or you managed to get a loan, then you can build this house yourself (you and an assistant).

Of course, when performing certain types of work, you cannot do without specialists, but as already mentioned, this will be approximately 10%.

Basic building materials and their cost (on average in Russia)

  1. Foundations - monolithic reinforced concrete - 35000r.
  2. Plinth and concrete blind area - brickwork in 1 brick (250mm) - 12000r.
  3. Walls (300mm) - foam concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate, etc. - 43700r.
  4. Exterior wall cladding - vinyl siding with insulation and lathing - 26520r.
  5. Roofing and ceiling - wooden trusses coated with a metal profile along the crate, insulation, vapor barrier, plasterboard - 54250r.
  6. Windows - metal-plastic with installation - 30100r.
  7. Partitions, door blocks and interior decoration - GKL (gypsum boards) with sound insulation, wallpapering, plastic panels - 28500r.
  8. Floors- concrete preparation, laminate, carpet and ceramic tile- 29430r.
  9. Plumbing and sewerage - plumbing equipment, PVC pipes - 10000r.
  10. Heating - wall-mounted double-circuit boiler; plastic pipes for hot water supply and heating, aluminum radiators - 45500r.
  11. Electricity supply - 11000 rub.

TOTAL: 315000r. Taking into account contingencies (10% of the total), the total cost of building materials is 347000 R.

IMPORTANT! The above prices for the construction of a residential building were calculated in 2010 and are not relevant today. The information provided will be updated shortly.

Schedule of construction work (team of 2 people)

  1. Foundation installation - 3 days
  2. Construction of the basement and draft floors - 3 days
  3. External wall laying - 5 days
  4. Production, installation of trusses, roofing - 3 days
  5. Installation of door and window blocks in the outer walls - 1 day
  6. Facing with siding - 3 days
  7. Installation of electrical wiring - 1 day
  8. Structural wall cladding and ceiling lining drywall sheets- 2 days
  9. Installation of partitions - 2 days
  10. Puttying seams - 1 day
  11. Wallpapering - 2 days
  12. Installation of door blocks - 1 day
  13. Floor installation - 3 days
  14. Arrangement of internal engineering networks and installation of plumbing fixtures - 3 days

Total 32 working days.

Taking into account unforeseen work, the construction time is 1.5 months.


Total: the total cost of building the cheapest house will be 350 tr.

But even if we use fully hired labor, the cost of the house will increase slightly, i.e. exactly for a month and a half salary of 2 workers, which in the end will be much lower than the cost of a similar 3-room apartment.

Make yourself respect - make the dream a reality!

This material is posted on the site for informational and educational purposes.
The design organization is not engaged in the construction of residential buildings.

The construction of a country house is a multi-stage process, involving the coordinated work of masters of various fields, from architects to master finishers. The final result depends on the quality of execution of each stage of work and the selected materials. But the question often arises, how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself, and is it possible?

Contrary to popular belief, building a country house can cost a small amount of money. To do this, it is enough to competently approach each of the stages of construction, reducing its cost without loss of quality. Let's try to figure out how to build a house cheaply, what you can save on, and what you absolutely cannot, in our article.

Each of the elements of a country house can be reduced in price

Savings start with the creation of the project

As a rule, finished projects have complex layouts that are expensive to execute. The final result looks good in the picture, but does not solve the main task: how to build a house yourself cheaply, because many additional architectural structures will cost a considerable amount of money.

Affordable architectural projects are characterized by:

  • A simple rectangular shape without ledges, bay windows and other expensive elements.
  • One floor. The absence of expensive ceilings and stairs will reduce the final cost of the home.
  • Shallow foundation - concrete structure dug under the base of the house. Installation of this type of foundation does not require extensive preparatory work, so it will cost a reasonable price.
  • standard form roofs with two slopes. Complex structures with round skylights and many slopes increase construction costs.

The simpler the box at home, the more reliable and cheaper it is.

    The traditional form of windows. As a rule, rectangular double-leaf windows are much cheaper than any non-standard modifications.

    Laconic interior decoration. The most budgetary and functional construction option is a house in scandinavian style with a minimum of intricate decorative elements.

    Simple exterior finish. For example, finishing the facade with plaster is a durable and aesthetic design method that does not require long and expensive construction work.

Which foundation is more economical

The type and depth of the foundation are determined by the final weight of the house, the quality of the soil, and the proximity of the reservoir. Foundation costs average 40% of the cost of all works. It is generally accepted that it is impossible to save on the foundation, and it is really stupid to dispute this statement. But, nevertheless, there are ways to build a house inexpensively, without losing quality, saving on the foundation. True, at the same time, you need to know exactly what kind of soil is on the site, and for this you will have to order geological exploration. According to its results, the following options can be considered:

    If most often used for country houses strip foundation, laid to the depth of freezing of the soil, then in some cases it is possible to get by with its shallow variety. As a rule, such a design "sits" into the ground by 0.5-0.7 meters, which significantly reduces the amount of concrete required for pouring.

Strip foundation traditional for suburban construction

    Also, in addition to the characteristics of the soil, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the future house and the relief of the site. If the design allows you to install a house on a pile foundation, then this will significantly reduce the burden on the budget.

    A compromise option is a pile-grillage foundation. Here, technologies for laying shallow and pile foundations are combined. First, a shallow foundation is dug out, and then holes are dug or drilled at the reference points to the depth of freezing of the soil. After the formwork is installed, everything is poured with concrete together, and as a result, a shallow foundation is obtained, which stands below the freezing point of the soil with support pillars.

    In some cases, you can not fill the foundation, but lay it out of ready-made reinforced concrete slabs.

    An additional savings may be the refusal to order concrete at the factory, but it must be borne in mind that its independent preparation in a concrete mixer will take an order of magnitude more time and effort. As a result, it is up to everyone to decide what is more important - time or money.

We must always remember that all ways to save on the foundation must be carefully calculated and approved by specialists. Otherwise, there is a risk of confirming for yourself the proverb about the miser who pays twice.

Pile and pile-grillage foundations

The choice of materials for walls - which is cheaper and better

The largest amount of building material goes to the construction of walls, so you should carefully choose what is cheaper to build a house from.

    Brick house - the most durable, reliable option construction. Competently executed buildings from this material serve for more than one hundred years, without requiring any repair or maintenance of the facades. The brick wall is environmentally friendly, creates good air exchange and is not affected by moisture, fire and temperature extremes. The main disadvantage of a brick is its heavy weight, which implies the construction of a solid and expensive foundation. The next feature of the brick structure is the need for careful thermal insulation of the house, especially in the harsh northern climatic conditions.

    Modern wooden dwellings are made of glued beams, which are small dried blocks glued together. This material provides good thermal insulation, quick to install, and also creates a favorable microclimate in the room. The disadvantage of the material is its susceptibility to moisture and fire. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully design power supply and heating systems. In addition, after several years of operation, walls made of glued laminated timber may require additional impregnation with antiseptic compounds.

Glulam house with two floors and a small terrace

    Frame houses are structures assembled from ready-made insulated blocks. Construction takes a minimum amount of time, but it requires significant financial costs. The main advantage of the technology is the absence of shrinkage of the finished structure, so finishing work is carried out immediately after the walls are erected. The disadvantage of erecting the frame is the complexity of the process. Thus, it is necessary to pay for the services of qualified builders in order to end up with a reliable structure. When building a spacious house, the design of an air exchange system is also necessary, since artificial materials blocks do not pass air well.

Classical frame house– strict and original architecture

    A building made of aerated concrete blocks weighs much less than a brick one, while its thermal insulation properties are similar. The porous material passes air well, provides sound insulation, is easy to install, and does not shrink. Thus, budget houses from gas blocks are built quite quickly, a good microclimate is formed inside the premises, additional ventilation is not required. On the other hand, the blocks also pass water well, so high-quality waterproofing- the main condition for a durable aerated concrete structure. For durable construction, it is also necessary to select a qualified work team to build a house in compliance with the technology of bonding and waterproofing blocks. Otherwise, the structure may be easily blown through or have an increased level of humidity.

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Clearly about the pros and cons of aerated concrete in the video:

Comparison of prices per square meter of construction from different materials

Pricing for the construction of a house depends not only on the selected materials, but also on the condition of the soil, the necessary costs for providing thermal insulation, as well as the skill level of the team that is building the building.

For example, the construction of a brick building will cost an average of 2,300 rubles per square meter, but this does not take into account the costs of thermal insulation and the construction of a reliable foundation.

Houses made of glued laminated timber will cost 1900 rubles per meter finished construction, while the quality of wood and communications is crucial.

The most affordable option - frame houses, the cost of which is 875 rubles per meter of finished housing. But if there is no desire or opportunity to build a house on your own, then you will need to involve a qualified team of builders, whose services are quite expensive.

Buildings made of aerated concrete will cost customers 2,000 rubles per square meter, while it is necessary to use special adhesives to create solid construction resistant to moisture. Also, the porous material of gas blocks requires thorough waterproofing.

Pricing depends on many factors

Budget options for building a roof

The most affordable is gable roof without wide gables and additional decorative elements. The structure is installed on wooden beams, supplemented with metal rods (reinforcement) for strengthening. On the basis of the insulated roof, full-fledged attics or attic rooms are constructed.

To cover the outer surface of the roof, slate, metal tiles or corrugated board are used. Latest material is the best option for roofing due to low cost, lightness and strength. The only disadvantage of corrugated board is the need for thorough soundproofing in order to protect the inhabitants of the house from the noise of rain and similar sounds. Classic slate is expensive to operate and non-environmental material, in addition, it requires lengthy installation. Aesthetic durable metal tile - a good option to create a roof, but such material will require significant financial investments from the owners.

A simple roof structure is the key to saving construction costs

Is it worth saving on a vapor-permeable membrane

Many owners are thinking about reducing the construction budget. The desire to save money is reasonable, and the calculation is obvious: you can buy materials of the middle class, since a roof made of corrugated board, slate or metal tiles will reliably protect the interior space. The truth is that it is high-quality materials that are the key to the reliability of the structure, and unplanned expenses become the result of such a strategy.

For example, to be convinced of the economic benefits of using a high-quality membrane, it is enough to conduct comparative analysis on the example of a house with a classic pitched roof with an area of ​​150 m2. For such an area, you will need 3 rolls of a hydro-windproof membrane. The cost of material from various manufacturers will be:

Tyvek Soft,
DuPont™, Luxembourg
Izospan AM ("Geksa"),
Yutafol H110 (JUTA),
Price/roll, per roll 7000 rub.,
75 m2
From 2700 rubles,
70 m2
From 7000 rubles,
75 m2
From 3800 rubles, 75 m2
Total price 21000 rub. 10500 rub. From 21000 rub. From 11400 rub.

If we take into account only the financial side of the issue, then the choice is obvious. But the primary task of the diffusion membrane is to preserve the properties of the insulation and underlay structures. The vapor permeability of the nonwoven fabric (the ability to remove steam in a timely manner) not only protects the underlying layers. It directly affects the likelihood that during the first ten years it will be necessary to make major repairs to the roof structure.

An analysis of the two tables shows that the materials have different price/permeability ratios, respectively: 12-13.1-50.6-12.7. The lower the coefficient, the lower the likelihood of a major overhaul in the first 5-10 years of operation of the roof (in the worst cases, the probability increases to 60-79%.).

According to the totality of characteristics, the highest quality of the considered products were Tyvek and Yutafol. In addition, Tyvek® membranes from DuPont, which meet all the requirements of SNIP and SP, are the only ones with a 10-year manufacturer's warranty, which means that during this period they will not cause repairs.

The vapor barrier can be removed in two ways. The first, the most financially capacious, is the replacement with outside roofs of the house (in fact, a complete overhaul); it includes:

    Dismantling roofing . From 100 rubles / m 2 (depending on the material).

    Dismantling the insulation. From 45 rubles / m 2.

    Replacing a damaged membrane. From 50 rubles / m 2.

    Garbage removal. 1.5 t - from 2800 rubles.

    Installation of new insulation. From 60 rubles / m 2.

    Installation of a new roofing material . Slate - from 180 rubles / m 2, soft tiles - from 380 rubles / m 2.

The cost of the work will be comparable to twice the cost new roof; in most cases, it is easier to demolish the old roofing cake by replacing the entire roof.

The cost of replacing the diffusion membrane in the second way, from inside the house, consists of the following operations:

    Removing the ceiling trim(attic, attic, etc.). Wallpaper, plaster - from 70 rubles / m 2.

    Dismantling of floors. From 450 rubles / m 2.

    Replacement of the membrane itself. From 50 rubles / m 2.

    Garbage removal. From 360 rubles / m 3.

    Installation of new floors and partitions. From 270 rubles / m 2.

    Installation and finishing of new interior decoration(ceiling repair). From 250 rubles / m 2.

This option is less expensive, but in this case, the new membrane will not be installed according to the technology. Violation of the norms of SNIP and SP means improper operation, and, as a result, another repair ahead of schedule. As a result, short-term savings of a maximum of 10 thousand rubles. on the difference in prices of different membranes will result in significant financial expenses and loss of time. Thus, the purchase of high-quality materials allows not only to protect the house, but also to avoid unplanned expenses.

Construction of internal partitions

The construction of a budget home involves the use of thin plasterboard partitions, as well as soundproof materials. Such walls are quickly mounted, they look aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time they do not provide the structure with additional strength.

For owners of sites with silty soil near water bodies or in hilly areas, it is recommended to build internal load-bearing walls. Thus, the structure will be more stable; when choosing a deep foundation, it will not succumb to adverse influences (for example, soil displacement).

It is easy to strengthen internal partitions made of any materials using a metal profile installed in places with the greatest load on the walls.

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Experience shows that there are moments in the construction of a house where it is absolutely not worth saving, but there are nuances where you can not only save, but rationally spend the budget (which is a kind of reasonable savings).

Window device options

The most budgetary and durable option is metal-plastic windows. Ready-made or made to order, such structures can be of any size and modification, perfectly adapted to harsh climatic conditions, and look aesthetically pleasing. The main advantage of PVC windows is the ease of installation and maintenance. Unlike expensive wooden windows, metal-plastic do not require periodic restoration, are less susceptible to moisture and temperature changes. Modern structures are equipped with several tilt-and-turn structures in order to carry out ongoing ventilation.

Classic double-glazed windows in a country house - reliable and inexpensive

Will it be possible to save on engineering communications

Contrary to popular belief, even the cheapest house functions well if engineering communications work properly in it. On the other hand, budget options for installing electrical and water networks lead to additional costs in the future. For example, cheap wires, as well as junction boxes with poor insulation wooden house can lead to fire and the need to restore the entire structure. Plumbing systems installed without following the technology can collapse under the influence of severe weather conditions, which will affect not only the comfort of the owners, but also future repair costs.

Installation engineering communications- this is the basis of a comfortable life in a country dwelling, so the ability to save on this aspect should be confirmed by careful calculations. This stage of work should be entrusted only to professionals in order to avoid unnecessary costs, as well as unpleasant situations during operation.

Interior decoration

A good way to save money is to choose a concise, simple interior decoration country house. A wide variety finishing materials will allow you to equip cozy rooms with minimal cost. To save money, it is recommended to choose a laconic interior style, the minimum number of decorative elements.

Laconic interior is the minimum cost of finishing materials

Popular furniture made from natural materials looks aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time it will cost more than composite materials, and also requires careful maintenance.

Tips for saving on building a house: what you can and cannot save on

Thinking about how to save on building a house, do not forget about the guarantee of its quality. Professional supervision of a technical engineer over the construction process is a guarantee of compliance with the technology of all work, so you should not save on these procedures.

Attractive ready-made designs of country houses are a beautiful picture that can turn into impractical, expensive housing to operate. It is recommended to save on external decorative elements and order a house project with a simple and clear architecture.

The foundation and communications are the "skeleton" of durable housing in which it will be comfortable to live, so it is worth spending maximum money on these aspects in order to use the services of professionals with many years of experience.

Finishing materials and additional lighting inside the house are more decorative than functional elements. Therefore, it is possible to minimize costs by using the principle of sufficiency.

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Is construction supervision worth ordering? This question is of interest to almost everyone who builds a house for himself, makes repairs, etc. Today we will look at how to control a construction company? What to pay attention to? Where can I find independent technical supervision and what is the essence of this service? We will also consider how much technical supervision will cost you and what are the advantages of this service?


The construction of a country house for permanent residence involves a consistent, thoughtful approach to all aspects of construction. In general, the answer to the question of how to build a house inexpensively, and which house is cheaper to build, will be the competent distribution of the budget and the use of professional services where possible for the selection of materials and work. We must always remember that illiterate economy here and now is often negative side manifests itself during further operation of the house.