Functional styles, sub-styles, genres. Plan I

Functional styles, as the largest varieties of the literary language (macrostyles), undergo further intra-style differentiation. In each style, substyles (microstyles) are distinguished, which in turn are divided into even more particular varieties. It should be noted that the differentiation of functional styles lacks a single basis, since it is based on additional (in relation to the main) factors specific to each style.

In the official business style, depending on the purpose of the texts, legislative, diplomatic and clerical (administrative and clerical) sub-styles are distinguished. The first includes the language of legislative documents related to the activities of state bodies, the second - the language of diplomatic documents related to the field of international relations. The clerical substyle includes, on the one hand, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, and on the other hand, private business papers.

Varieties of scientific style are determined by the specifics of various types of scientific communication (nature of the addressee, purpose). It has formed its own scientific, scientific-educational and popular-science sub-styles.

Features of journalistic style are determined by the specifics of the media. Depending on this, it is possible to single out newspaper-journalistic, radio-television journalistic and oratorical sub-styles.

The stylistic differentiation of artistic style primarily corresponds to three types of literature: lyrics (poetic substyle), epic (prose) and drama (dramatic).

In the colloquial style, varieties are distinguished, due to the situation of communication - official (colloquial-official substyle) and informal (colloquial-everyday substyle).

Any substyle, as well as style, is realized in the totality of certain types of texts. For example, in the newspaper-journalistic substyle, these are such types of texts as newsreel, reportage, interview, essay, feuilleton, article; in strictly scientific - monograph, abstract, report, theses, etc.; in educational and scientific - textbook, study guide, diploma or course work etc., in the clerical style - a statement, an announcement, an act, a power of attorney, a receipt, a characteristic, etc. Each of these types of texts can be called a genre. A genre in linguistics is understood as “a type, a type of speech determined by the given conditions of the situation and the purpose of use.” The purpose of the texts is legislative, diplomatic and

Varieties of scientific style are determined by the specifics of various types of scientific communication (nature of the addressee, purpose). IN

Features of journalistic style are determined by the specifics of the media. IN

The stylistic differentiation of the artistic style primarily corresponds to three types of literature: lyric (poetic sub-style), epic (prose) and) drama (dramatic).

In the colloquial style, varieties are distinguished due to the situation of communication - official (colloquial-official sub-style) and informal (colloquial-everyday sub-style).

Any substyle, so 1 .

The specificity of genres, as well as style as a whole, is determined by extralinguistic factors and is created by the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic means in specific communication conditions. For example, chronicle information differs significantly from an essay, interview, reportage not only in its structure and composition, but also in the nature of the use of language means.

Each text, based on its content, composition, specifics of the selection and organization of linguistic means in it, can be attributed to a certain style, sub-style and genre. For example, even such a short statement as I ask you to grant me another vacation contains signs of an official business style, administrative and clerical substyle, and a statement genre. But each text is individual to some extent, it reflects the individual stylistic features of the author, since the choice of language means from a number of possible ones is carried out by the speaker (or writer), taking into account the characteristics of a particular genre. Rich opportunities to show individuality are provided by various genres of literary and artistic style, most of the genres of journalism. As for chronicle information, the genre of which requires the complete elimination of the author's "I", it is devoid of individual stylistic features, just like many genres of official business style that do not allow variation.

Thus, the functional and stylistic differentiation of speech is not reduced to five main styles, it is a rather complex picture. Each style is subdivided into sub-styles, in which, in turn, more particular varieties are distinguished, up to the manifestation individual features author. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in linguistic reality there are no sharp boundaries between functional and stylistic varieties, there are many transitional phenomena. So, in parallel with the wide development of technology, the introduction of scientific achievements into production, genres appeared that combine the features of scientific and official business styles (patents, instructive texts explaining how to handle technology, etc.). Newspaper article on scientific topic combines the features of scientific and journalistic styles, the review - scientific and business, etc. “Styles, being in close interaction, can partially mix and penetrate one into the other. In individual use, the boundaries of styles can shift even more sharply, and one style can be used in the function of another to achieve one goal or another. However, most often one of the styles acts as the main one, and elements of other styles appear against its background. Any specific utterance is carried out in accordance with the basic functional and stylistic norms of a particular style, which makes it possible to determine whether the utterance belongs to this style, despite the fact that it may contain features that are not typical for this style as a whole.


1. Akhmanova O. S. Dictionary linguistic terms. M, 1966. S. 148.

T.P. Pleshchenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Chechet. Stylistics and culture of speech - Mn., 2001.



1. General characteristics of the concept of "functional style of speech" (definition, style-forming factors, sub-style and genre originality).

2. Features of the conversational style of speech.

3. Features of the literary and artistic style of speech.

4. Features of the public-journalistic style of speech.

5. Features of the scientific style of speech.

6. Features of the official business style of speech.

1. It is known that depending on the purpose of communication, the form of communication, the addressee, speech situations are grouped and correlated with a particular area. human activity, for example, educational, business, social, etc. In this sense, speech is also typified: some means of the language become preferable in situations business sphere communication, others - in the scientific, etc.

This is how they are formed functional styles- varieties of literary language. The term "functional style" itself emphasizes that the varieties of the literary language are distinguished on the basis of the functions(role) that the language performs in each specific case. For example, for a scientific article, first of all, accuracy in the designation of concepts is important, and in fiction and journalism - emotionality, figurativeness of expression. At the same time, in each specific case, special language means are selected, and in some cases the method of presenting these means also matters.

Word style(gr. style) in ancient Greek meant a pointed stick, a rod for writing on wax tablets. In the future, this word acquired the meaning of "handwriting", and later began to denote the manner, method, features of speech.

So under style in linguistics, it is customary to understand a variety of literary language that serves any side of social life, has a special sphere, a certain range of topics, is characterized by special conditions of communication. It is called functional, since it performs a certain function in society in each case.

The doctrine of styles goes back to M.V. Lomonosov, who wrote: “... the Russian language, through the use of church books, has different degrees of decency: high, mediocre and low. This comes from three kinds of sayings of the Russian language.

Functional style is created by a combination of neutral language means and special means used only in this style. Depending on the basis of classification, various types of functional styles are distinguished. The communicative and everyday function serves as the basis for the opposition colloquial styles to bookish styles. In turn, according to specific stylistic manifestations, in accordance with the spheres of social activity, specific book functional styles are distinguished. The traditional classification of styles can be represented as the following scheme:

Literary and artistic

Each functional style is a complex system, the features of which are manifested both in oral and written forms of its implementation (although to a different extent). At the same time, stylistic differences cover all language levels: pronunciation of words and stress, morphological means, lexical and phraseological composition, characteristic syntactic constructions.

In functional styles, as a rule, stand out substyles that meet the requirements of a particular type of activity. So, in the scientific style, the actual scientific substyle (academic sphere), scientific and technical (engineering sphere), educational and scientific (field higher education) and other substyles.

Note that the peculiarity of each style is not only the scope and purpose of communication, general requirements, conditions of communication, but also genres in which it is implemented.

What is a genre? Let's define this concept. Genre is a specific type of texts that preserves common features of one or another style (its dominant), but at the same time characterized by special compositional speech structures and linguistic means.

For example, in the literary and artistic style, such genres as novel, short story, story, poem are distinguished; in a journalistic style - essay, reportage, interview, feuilleton; in official business - a statement, order, certificate, letter of guarantee; in scientific style - monograph, report, abstract, abstract, etc.

It is clear from the definition that each genre (speech work) requires its own linguistic means of expression and a special way of organizing them. At the same time, one must always remember that the choice of stylistically colored words is justified, that the language means used belong to the style to which this or that genre belongs. Otherwise, this will lead to misinterpretation, ambiguity and will indicate a low level of speech culture.

Therefore, we can talk about the existence of the so-called style-forming factors, which are designed to set parameters for each functional style. In particular, this can be observed in the selection of linguistic means (orthoepic, grammatical, lexical) that form a certain system. This system is manifested in the interaction of neutral (common) units and special (stylistically colored). Note that style-forming factors have a strict hierarchy. Among them we single out three main ones: scope, purpose and mode of communication. It is they who determine the choice of the type of speech, its form, the way of presentation and the requirements of certain qualitative characteristics.

Thus, it is customary to distinguish between the following areas of communication: socio-political, scientific, legal, domestic, etc.

The purpose of communication can be not only the transfer of information, but also persuasion, prescription, aesthetic impact, establishing contact, etc.

Concerning way of communication, then, on the one hand, mass and personal methods are distinguished, and on the other, contact, non-contact and indirectly contact.

If the speaker or writer is well aware of the features of these factors, it will not be difficult for him to determine or choose a style.

Of course, in practice we often observe a mixture of styles. In a live speech stream, styles can interact. Especially often this takes place in the colloquial everyday style of speech. But in order to understand the degree of admissibility of using different manifestations of the language, one must be well aware of the norms and qualitative characteristics inherent in a particular style. It is for this purpose that we turn to a brief analysis of them.

2. Conversational style used for direct everyday communication in various fields of activity: everyday, unofficial, professional, and others. True, there is one feature: in everyday life, the conversational style has oral and written forms, and in the professional sphere - only oral. Compare: colloquial lexical units - reader, teacher, spur and neutral - reading room, teacher, cheat sheet. In written speech of professional content, colloquial vocabulary is unacceptable.

Spoken speech is uncodified speech, it is characterized by unpreparedness, improvisation, concreteness, informality. Conversational style does not always require strict logic, sequence of presentation. But it is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of expressions, subjective-evaluative character, arbitrariness, simplicity, even some familiarity of tone.

In conversational style, the following are distinguished genres: friendly conversation, private conversation, note, private letter, personal diary.

In terms of language colloquial speech is distinguished by an abundance of emotionally colored, expressive vocabulary, the so-called condensate words ( evening -"Evening Moscow") and doublet words ( freezer- evaporator in the refrigerator). It is characterized by appeals, diminutive words, free word order in sentences. At the same time, sentences that are simpler in construction are more often used than in other styles: incompleteness, incompleteness are their feature, which is possible due to the transparency of the speech situation (for example: Where are you going? - In the tenth .; Well? - Passed!). They often contain subtext, irony, humor. Spoken language contains many phraseological units, comparisons, proverbs, sayings. It tends to constantly update and rethink linguistic means, the emergence of new forms and meanings.

Academician L.V. Shcherba called colloquial speech "a forge in which verbal innovations are forged." Spoken language enriches book styles with lively, fresh words and phrases. In turn, book speech has a certain effect on colloquial speech: it disciplines it, gives it a more normalized character.

One more feature of the conversational style should be noted: for him, knowledge of speech etiquette, both in writing and orally, is of great importance. In addition, for oral colloquial speech, it is very important to take into account the specifics of extralinguistic factors: facial expressions, gestures, tone, environment. Takova general characteristics conversational style.

3. Literary and artistic style. The main distinguishing feature of the language of fiction is its purpose: the whole organization of language means is subordinated here not just to the transfer of content, but to the impact on the feelings and thoughts of the reader or listener with the help of artistic images.

The main features of the artistic style are imagery, aesthetic significance, manifestation of the author's individuality. In this style, in order to create an artistic image, metaphor, metonymy, personification and other specific means of expression. Note that some non-literary elements of the language (dialectisms, vernacular, jargon) or linguistic means of other styles may be present in a work of art.

As an example, we can cite an excerpt from V. Shukshin's story "The Freak", in which the features of the official business style are played up for artistic purposes:

“At the airport Chudik wrote a telegram to his wife: “Landed. Lilac branch fell on the chest, dear Pear, do not forget me. Vasyatka. The telegraph operator, a strict dry woman, after reading the telegram, suggested:

- Do it differently. You are an adult, not in kindergarten.

- Why? asked the Weird. This is how I always write to her. This is my wife! … You probably thought…

- You can write anything in letters, but a telegram is a type of communication. This is plain text.

The weirdo rewrote: “Landed. Everything is fine. Vasyatka. The telegraph operator corrected two words herself: “Landed” and “Vasyatka”. It became: “Arrived. Basil".

As we can see, works of fiction use different possibilities of the national language, so the language of fiction is exceptionally rich and flexible.

The literary and artistic style is realized in the form of prose, drama and poetry, in which the corresponding genres Keywords: novel, short story, short story, short story; drama, comedy, tragedy; poem, fable, etc.

I would like to note one important circumstance: when analyzing the language of fiction, we usually talk not only about the manifestation of the culture of speech as such, but also about the talent, skill of the writer, who managed to use all the facets, all the riches of the national language in his work.

4. Journalistic style performs 2 main functions- informational and influencing - and is addressed to the mass reader and listener. It is used both in written and oral forms, which within the framework of this style closely interact and converge. This style is quite complex and branched, characterized by numerous inter-style influences. It highlights the following substyles And genres:

1) newspaper and journalistic (article, information note, essay, interview);

2) propaganda (appeals, appeals, leaflets);

3) official political and ideological (party resolutions);

4) mass-political (speeches at meetings and rallies of a political nature), etc.

However, the journalistic style is most fully and widely, in all the variety of genres, represented in newspaper bed. Therefore, the concepts of "newspaper language" and "journalistic style" are often considered as identical or close. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of this substyle, which received the most wide use.

According to Academician V.G. Kostomarov, the newspaper sub-style is interesting in that it combines two opposite tendencies: the tendency towards standardization, characteristic of strict styles (scientific and official business), and the tendency towards expressiveness, characteristic of colloquial speech and the language of fiction.

Therefore, the newspaper often contains stable, standard expressions that have an expressive coloring. Typical for the newspaper and journalistic substyle are, for example, the following phrases: good tradition, bloody coup, amass political capital, escalation of the situation, convincing victory and others. In addition, the language of newspapers is replete with so-called "labels" (pseudo-democrat, fascist, retrograde).

The most important in the public-journalistic style are genres used in the media, such as: reportage, interview, oratory, public speaking, discussion and some others.

In general, journalistic style texts are characterized by informative richness, simplicity, accessibility of presentation, logic, appeal, emotionality, social appraisal, and the presence of elements of declarativeness. An important feature can be considered the fact that the journalistic style always strives for figurativeness and at the same time brevity in expressing thoughts.

And now let's move on to the analysis of the features of the scientific and official business styles, which will be considered in more detail, since they are closely related to the educational activities of the university.

Conversational style serves the sphere of informal, off-duty, everyday relationships. It is used in almost all spheres of life - household, industrial, family, educational, cultural, etc. The main function of colloquial speech is communicative function (communication function) , supplemented by minor ones: information function And impact function .

Colloquial speech is mainly realized orally, although examples of written colloquial speech (non-informational friendly letters, notes on everyday topics, etc.) can also be named. The main extralinguistic factors that determine the actual linguistic features of colloquial speech are: the everyday, “personal” nature of the relationship between the participants in communication and the resulting ease, immediacy of participation and unpreparedness of communication. The direct participation of the speakers in the speech act determines the predominantly dialogic character, but a monologue is also possible. In live colloquial speech, dialogue and monologue are not as distinctly contrasted as in written language.

Colloquial speech is characterized by emotionality, expressiveness, appraisal. So, at the request Help solve the problem! instead of " No, I won't help!" usually followed by an emotionally expressive response like " All my life I dreamed!”, “Decide for yourself!” or "Here's another!" etc.

The personality of communication inherent in colloquial speech is manifested in the fact that the features of colloquial speech are most clearly expressed when communicating with relatives, relatives, acquaintances and less clearly when communicating by chance. strangers. It is also noted that the features of colloquial speech are more clearly manifested due to the property of situational communication (reliance on the situation, the use of not only words and intonations, but also facial expressions and gestures to convey information).

Conversational speech is characterized by a specific character, inconsistency, illogical presentation, discontinuity, the predominance of emotional and evaluative information content, and personal character. The most common language features of style: standard, stereotypical use of language means, weakness syntactic links between parts of statements or their unformedness, sentence breaks, repetitions of words and sentences, the use of linguistic means with bright emotional and expressive coloring, the activity of units of a specific meaning, the passivity of units with an abstract generalized meaning.

The norms of colloquial speech differ significantly from the norms of other functional styles, which is explained mainly by the oral nature of speech. The norms of this style are not deliberately established and codified. The notion that the colloquial norm does not exist is erroneous. The reproduction in speech of standardized language means (ready-made structures, phraseological turns, various stamps) corresponding to certain standard speech situations indicates that colloquial speech is subject to strict laws. This fact is also confirmed by the fact that the linguistic means characteristic of book speech are perceived in colloquial speech as foreign, alien. On the other hand, the unpreparedness of the speech act, the use of non-verbal means of communication and the specificity of the speech situation lead to a weakening of the norms.

Colloquial speech is distinguished by phonetic fuzziness of pronunciation and richness of intonation. L. G. Barlas names a number of phonetic and intonational features of conversational style:

1. An incomplete type of pronunciation causes an increased reduction of vowels and consonants, up to their loss.

2. The greatest reduction of vowels is observed in the first stressed syllable.

3. In addition to quantitative reduction, unstressed vowels can also undergo qualitative reduction. With an accelerated pace of speech, vowel contraction may occur.

4. Consonant sounds at a fast pace of speech undergo reduction in the position between vowels.

5. In addition to individual vowels and consonants, at a fast pace of pronunciation, whole groups of consonants fall out, that is, there is a “compression”, contraction of most of the word, the whole word or the segment at the junction of words.

Intonation in colloquial speech plays a much greater role than in the oral implementation of other functional styles. A quick change of intonations, timbre, overflows of emotional colors make colloquial speech natural, relaxed, lively, expressive.

Stylistically neutral words, which form the core of each style, are often used in colloquial speech in figurative meanings. For example, a stylistically neutral noun Hare(a beast of the rodent order, with long ears and strong hind legs) is colloquially used in the sense "stowaway", "spectator entering somewhere without a ticket". In colloquial speech, the use of terms and foreign words is limited, at the same time, dialectisms, professionalisms, argotisms, vulgarisms, which violate the norms of colloquial literary speech, are widespread. Phraseology gives figurativeness and brightness to colloquial speech, for example: not for life, but for death; inflate your own value; circle around the finger; disassemble the bones, etc. Most of the colloquial phraseological units have a vivid metaphor and emotional and evaluative expression.

Common colloquial vocabulary is divided into colloquial-literary (associated with the norms of literary use) and colloquial-everyday, which adjoins colloquial (not associated with strict norms of use). Common speech also includes words that are outside the scope of literary use (non-literary common speech). These are, for example, vulgarisms - words that are distinguished by the expression of rudeness. Colloquial speech has emotional shades of sharp condemnation, gives the statement a rude tone. The distinction between colloquial and colloquial words often causes difficulties due to the nature of the transmitted expression and the common origin (most often native Russian). Availability common features and mobility of borders leads to the appearance of the term "colloquial-colloquial words" and discrepancies in stylistic marks in dictionaries.

The expressiveness and evaluativeness of the conversational style are also manifested in the field of word formation. Suffixes characteristic of colloquial speech with a functional coloring of colloquialism are noted, for example, the use of suffixes -to- (locker room, stove, slide), -hic- (knife, bowl), -un- (talker, flyer, fighter); the use of feminine formations to refer to representatives of certain professions and positions or spouses of male specialists (director, doctor, general), the use of nouns with suffixes - her-, -uy-, -yash-, -l-, -ovk- inherent mainly in colloquial vocabulary (literate, stunned, round, ripped off).

In colloquial style, words formed by addition are widely used: parasite, slow-witted. Colloquial speech tends to use adjectives with a suffix -ast-, indicating the redundancy of the feature (eyed, loud-mouthed), prefixed verb formations (re-elect, hold back, throw out), prefixed-reflexive verbs with bright emotional-evaluative and figurative expression (to work out, to agree, to think out). There is also a tendency to reduce names: a record book - a record book, a nautical school - a sailor, a specialist in eye diseases - an eye specialist.

In the field of morphology of colloquial speech, the following are noted:

1) noun usage generic, especially with negative expression: bully, climber;

2) in the nominative plural, forms on -but: bunker, cruiser, searchlight, instructor;

3) in the genitive and prepositional cases of the plural, forms on -y: a glass of tea, a bunch of grapes, in the shop, on vacation;

4) zero ending in the genitive plural: five grams, ten kilograms, a kilogram of tomato;

5) use of possessive adjectives synonymous with oblique cases of nouns: fathers suit (father suit);

6) using predominantly the full form of the adjective: the woman was taciturn;

7) the use of pronouns, not only replacing nouns and adjectives, but also used without relying on the context, as well as replacing the name of the subject (Give me something to write. Bring something to read);

8) the use of verbs of multiple and single action: read, sat, walked, spun, banged; verbs with the meaning of ultra-instantaneous action (verbal interjections): knock, break, jump, bam, lope.

The syntax of colloquial speech is peculiar. It is characterized by the incompleteness of constructions, since everything that was previously known to the interlocutors and given by the situation is omitted from the speech. Dominated simple sentences. Often there is no verb-predicate, which gives the statement dynamism: I would like a ticket. To the theater tomorrow. Colloquial speech is characterized by the use of words and corresponding sentences expressing agreement or disagreement: Yes. No. Of course. Certainly.

Of the complex sentences, compound and non-union sentences are more active, which have a bright colloquial coloring: You will come - call. There are people who do not feel sorry for themselves. Due to economy, emotionality and a high degree of expressiveness, inarticulate sentences are actively used in colloquial speech. (Know ours! No matter how it is! Circus and nothing more!) interrogative and exclamatory sentences (Do you want to see? Well, why are you sitting at home? In this weather!), connecting structures (The factory is well equipped. With the latest technology).

A huge semantic, emotionally expressive load is carried by intonation, making up for what is left unsaid, enhancing emotionality. Intonation is the main means of expressing the actual division of a sentence: the topic is highlighted with the help of logical stress, and the rheme can be located anywhere (When will you go to Moscow? - When will you go to Moscow? - When will you go to Moscow?). Word order in colloquial speech is the most free. The immediacy of communication and the unpreparedness of colloquial speech lead to frequent restructuring of the phrase on the go. At the same time, sentences often break off, their syntactic structure changes.

The colloquial style is manifested in texts of various genres. The most "prepared" of them is an informal friendly letter. friendly letter is a text of addressed colloquial speech in written form. When characterizing a letter, one should note the informal relationship between the addressee and the addressee, who, as a rule, are acquaintances, relatives, relatives, sharing impressions, feelings, etc. Necessary condition of this genre is sincerity, easy relations between the author and the addressee. Therefore, a letter can be thematically discrete, it is characterized by a free form of expression, reticence, based on the background knowledge already available to the author and the addressee. The letter can be corrected to a certain extent in the course of writing. A friendly letter is emotional, because it is a lively reaction to events, to the actions of others:

But the functioning of writing as a genre requires compliance with certain rules even in informal communication. It is necessary to take into account the external order of the letter. It contains an appeal, a greeting, a signature, a designation of the time of writing. A friendly letter uses a variety of addresses (Sasha, Sasha, granddaughter, son, son, dear, dear), greeting formulas ( hello, hello (hic), salute) and farewell ( goodbye, bye, see you soon, see you soon) .

The linguistic means that distinguish informal correspondence from official one include figurativeness (as opposed to the requirement of conciseness in transmitting only the necessary information in official correspondence), the text can be written with humor, contain a certain amount of irony (which is manifested, for example, in deliberately respectful treatment indicating positions, titles), a letter can express the character and mood of the author. Colloquial elements are widely used in journalism, where they serve as an expressive means, create a character of trust, closeness of the newspaper to the reader.

Allocate three varieties(sub-style) scientific style: own-scientific substyle; scientific and educational substyle; popular science substyle. Each of the substyles is formed in certain genres of speech.

OWN-SCIENTIFIC SUB-STYLE subdivided into academic, scientific information and scientific reference.

academic style always contains new knowledge. It is represented by such genres as monograph, dissertation, scientific report, scientific article and others. The substyle is generally distinguished by a strict, academic manner of presentation. It brings together scientific literature written by experts and designed for professionals.

Monograph- this is a generalization of heterogeneous information obtained as a result of several research papers devoted to one topic and containing more subjective factors than an article. It is created only after the accumulation of a certain amount of factual and generalized information.

Scientific journal article contains, in addition to factual information, elements of logical comprehension of the results of a particular scientific research. Scientific articles include:

- brief messages containing a summary of the results of research work or their stages;

- original article, which is a summary of the main results and conclusions obtained in the course of research and development work;

- review article where achievements in a particular area are summarized, the current state is fixed or prospects for future development are outlined;

- discussion article, which contains controversial scientific provisions for the purpose of discussing them in print;

According to the nature of the tasks they solve, scientific articles can be divided into scientific-theoretical, scientific-methodical and scientific-practical.

Unlike the academic substyle, genres scientific and informative sub-style are secondary, i.e. derived from the original text (pretext) and are the result of its processing. This dissertation abstract, abstract of an article or monograph, abstract, scientific review, scientific review(on a monograph, article), etc. Here, in a concise form, the main ideas contained in the "large" scientific text are presented.

Abstract journals are the most important type of secondary information publications. Annotations and abstracts are published in them.

annotation- this is an extremely compressed characteristic of the original source, which has a purely informational value. Unlike an abstract, an abstract cannot replace the material itself. She only has to give general idea about the main content of the book or article. The abstract answers the question: what is the source saying.

There are two types of annotations: descriptive and abstract.

A descriptive annotation provides only a description of the material, without disclosing its content.

The abstract annotation indicates what exactly is contained in the annotated material (article, scientific work), that is, the material is presented in a coherent, albeit extremely concise and generalized form. An example of an abstract abstract is an abstract placed on the back of a book cover.

Both descriptive and abstract annotations can have the following structure: 1) bibliographic description (author, article/book title, volume or edition number, place of publication, number of pages, illustrations; 2) general information (compressed description) of the material; 3) additional information (about the work and its author).

Let's give an example of an abstract annotation.

Solovyov V.S. Philosophy of art and literary criticism. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 223 p.

Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov (1853-1900) is a major figure in the intellectual, social and cultural life of Russia in the last third of the 19th century. A thinker and poet, he came to the end of a whole era of philosophical quest and gave impetus to new ideological and artistic trends of the 20th century, especially symbolism. The works of V.S. Solovyov, in accordance with the most important topics of his aesthetic thought, are divided into the following sections: "Beauty as a transforming force", "The artist's moral mission", "Articles about Russian poets", "Encyclopedic articles. Reviews. Notes".

abstract, unlike the annotation, answers the question: what information is contained in the original source. He reports the new and most significant provisions and conclusions of the refereed source. The purpose of the abstract is not only to short form to convey the content of the original, but also to highlight the particularly important or new that is contained in the refereed material. If necessary, the translator must give a general assessment (positive or critical) of the provisions in the commentary.

By the nature of the presentation of the material, abstracts-summaries and abstracts-summaries are distinguished.

A summary abstract requires a higher degree of generalization; it summarizes the main provisions of the original. Secondary provisions that are not directly related to the topic are excluded.

In the abstract-summary, all the main provisions of the original are summarized, including sometimes secondary ones.

According to the coverage of sources, monographic, summary, review and selective abstracts are distinguished.

A monographic abstract is compiled from a single source, a summary abstract is compiled from several articles, books or documents, a review abstract is compiled on a topic or in any direction, in the form of brief reviews, and selective abstracts are performed on separate chapters, sections or materials.

When compiling an abstract, the following structure can be used: 1) bibliographic description (author, article/book title, volume or edition number, place of publication, number of pages, illustrations); 2) the main idea (idea) of the abstract; 3) a generalized presentation of the material (content) of the reviewed work; 4) conclusions (the author's answers to the question posed in the article are a logical development main idea); 5) reference commentary, which may include: general comments on the topic (work) being presented; comments on the history of the issue (connection with past and present events and phenomena); actual clarifications and explanations, which must be specified by the referent; information about the author and source; references to other sources and materials on this issue.

Scientific reference type of text has the highest degree of generalization, is implemented in reference books. They are compiled on the basis of factual information, contain proven information and recommendations for their practical application. Genres - dictionary, reference book, encyclopedia, wikipedia etc.). The reference text model is usually a list of topics listed in alphabetical order. Usually a dictionary entry consists of a title (a certain term), main content and bibliography.

Standing apart among the speech genres of the scientific style are such speech genres as patent, technical instruction.

Patent- a legal document certifying the right of its owner to the exclusive use of an invention. The patent gives only the name of the invention; its description and characteristics are attached to the patent. Patent descriptions are characterized by objectivity, logical consistency, accuracy of presentation with the capacity of the form. They widely use terminological and industrial vocabulary, letter abbreviations, symbols of technical devices, technological processes, brands of products, devices, instruments, machines, as well as units of measurement.

Technical instruction contains general regulations, methods and methods for implementing activities within different departments or a description of the use various devices, products, etc. The lexical composition of instructions is directly dependent on the scope and, accordingly, the intended addressee. The technical instruction uses special and terminological vocabulary.

This substyle is opposed SCIENTIFIC SUBSTYLE.

Popular science substyle is one of the stylistic and speech varieties of scientific. funkt. style, allocated (in comparison with the actual scientific) on the basis of the implementation of "additional" tasks of communication - the need for "translation" of a special scientific. information into the language of non-special knowledge, namely, the tasks of popularizing scientific. knowledge for a wide audience.

As an under-style variety of scientific. funkt. style, N.-p. the item retains the main specific features characteristic of the scientific. style: in popular science literature, the knowledge gained in the field of science is presented. activities; the content of scientific-popular literature (mostly in the main) is the same as in the actual scientific. literature. The main style-forming extralinguistic factors that determine the patterns of functioning of the language means of N.-p. n., the same as in the actual scientific. style. Difference N.-p. n. from the actual scientific. style - in the indicated "additional", private tasks of communication: for popular science literature, this is the task of conveying reliable scientific information to a non-specialist in an accessible form. knowledge.

Scientific and popular literature, as a rule, has a non-specialist reader, but in modern. scientific communication, one can note a tendency to expand the addressing of popular science works. So, there are three forms of popularization: general education, intrascientific (satisfying the professional needs of specialists who seek to go beyond narrow specialization within their science) and interscientific (filling up the interdisciplinary interests of scientists).

In texts designed for the mass reader, which is popular science literature, their pragmatic aspect is clearly manifested - the focus on a certain type of reader. The factor of differentiated addressing of popular science works enhances their role as a "link" between specialists from different fields of knowledge, as well as various age groups readers. Therefore, the well-known classifications of popular science literature are based on the type of addressee. At N.N. Mayevsky is a classification according to the age principle; there are also classifications that take into account other characteristics of readers, for example. preparedness of the audience for the perception of scientific. knowledge ( E.A. Lazarevich).

Scientific and popular speech has a stylistically contaminated nature. On the one hand, being a kind of scientific style, she expounds scientific. information, that is, the content of popular scientific literature is the same as that of scientific literature itself. Hence - some constituents of the actual scientific. speeches are also present in popular science works. This is primarily general scientific vocabulary and terms (although the latter function here somewhat differently than in scientific speech). Talking about scientific search, contemporary the author of a popular science text, as a rule, shows its finished result, while most of the logical evidence and argumentation are deliberately omitted, since the popularizer tries to make the text both accessible and fascinating.

The methods of presenting terms in a popular scientific work, in comparison with the actual scientific one, have their own characteristics. So, along with characteristic for scientific. style definitions of the type "generic trait + specific difference", in a popular science work, a number of methods for introducing terms used only in popular science literature are found: a brief decoding of the meaning only in brackets ( Atoms that carry a positive chargecations ), are deposited on the cathode); in a footnote; with the help of figurative means ( Gene,who takes over , is called dominant, andwhich is inferior – recessive) etc.

On the other hand, the pragmatics of a popular science work, the "addressee factor" ( N.D. Arutyunova) determines its specificity, the originality of its construction as a text of "non-rigid type" ( N.M. Razinkin, 1989, p. 125) in comparison with other types of texts. The linguistic antinomy of the sender and recipient of speech has its own specific expression here: in order to achieve an adequate pragmatic effect in a popular science work (any addressing), it is necessary to have the most open expression in it of the attitude towards the reader’s response, the construction of such a language strategy of the subject of speech, which would provide a potential feedback, i.e. realization of dialogic relations ( M.N. Kozhina).

Expressiveness (expressiveness) scientific. speech as a means of optimal communication in this area is one of its essential features ( M.N. Kozhina, N.Ya. Milovanova, N.M. Razinkin). For a popular scientific work, the presence of the feature "expressiveness" is all the more necessary. special attention deserve expressive syntactic indicators of the stylistic organization of a popular scientific text, tk. it is in the syntactic structure that the most characteristic features of the style are most clearly manifested.

In a popular scientific work, expressive syntactic means play important role in fulfilling the communicative task of a popular science text, they are organized in it at the level of the entire text: they act as a means of expressing and arranging event, subject and emotional-evaluative components of the text. They are located in the "nodal" places scientific-popul. works: in headings, at the absolute beginning and end of the text, in places where the main theme is formulated, a problem is posed, hypotheses are solved, etc. At the same time, they serve both to form a communicative-discourse frame of a work (including elements that determine the entry into speech, exit from speech, articulation of speech), and an emotional-evaluative frame (mobilizing the attention and interest of the addressee, expressing the author's assessment, etc.). ). Thus, the means of expressive syntax in a popular science work help the transition from an idea to a finished popular science text, while obeying the style-forming principle of popular science presentation - the principle of accessibility and visibility.

These are, first of all, question-answer complexes (VOK) and packaged structures (PC). WOK - a kind of way to create a plan for the addressee; with the help of VOK, the author's communicative orientation to control the reader's attention is realized: it is an imitation of a dialogue between the author and the reader, a way to establish feedback with the reader by activating his attention. It is also possible to single out the informative function of the WOC: they contribute to the dissected assimilation of thought; introduce terms and define them. Rhetorical questions act in the evaluative function: they usually contain an expressively colored denial (for example: And what is he, if you look, new?). You can also name the function of compositional connectivity: WOCs create the compositional framework of a popular scientific work. This is a group of questions that function in titles, subtitles and internal titles. In this case, the answer to the title-question may be the entire article or part of it (see, for example, N.V. Kirichenko, 1990, p. 52–53).

The role of packaged structures (PC) in a popular science work is diverse. They detail the message, as if simplifying the structure of the statement, at the same time making it more visible. In the description, when concretizing the depicted PC, the details of the overall picture are distinguished, the most significant points, for example: Term"biosphere" includes all parts of our planet. And the atmosphere, and the ocean, and all parts of the earth's surface. Often, PCs act as a means of expressing the author's point of view, creating an ironic narrative plan, for example: However, enough emotions. We were asked to write. We wrote. We would write more restrained if we did not try the product itself. But we tried. And you, dear reader, most likely did not see him.

The means of verbal figurativeness, including metaphors, are widely used in popular scientific works. The reason for the widespread use of the stylistic device of metaphor in popular science presentation is primarily that metaphor is a way to stimulate the reader's creative perception of a popular science text. The unexpectedness, unpredictability, originality of the metaphor allow one to go beyond the usual ideas (at the same time, the metaphor causes an associative appeal to things, phenomena of the everyday world), awakens the reader's creative activity, stimulates the emergence of new knowledge in him.

The leading function of metaphor in a popular science work is the disclosure of the essence of scientific. concepts are a cognitive, heuristic function. Indicate that the metaphor often introduces scientific. term. However, the functions of metaphor in popular scientific presentation are much more diverse: they resort to metaphor when introducing new knowledge, as well as for interpreting old, well-known scientific. provisions, for example: hunt forbosons specially modified accelerator. Wed: bison hunting. Metaphor takes on a special, evaluative character in those parts of a popular science text where it is a question of presenting any new concepts or theories.

In general, popular scientific text metaphors can play the role structural element: metaphors without creating art. images can overlap even at a distance, forming a certain system. Such examples are very frequent, when a metaphor is placed at the level of a whole text, a chapter or a part of a text, participating in the explanation of a complex process, helping the author to develop scientific knowledge. idea to explain a complex problem.

Thus, in the structure of a particular popular science text, marked expressive means (and not only syntactic ones) play an important role in fulfilling the communicative task of a popular science text, helping to implement the style-forming principle of popular science presentation - the principle of accessibility and visibility.

The solution of the general communicative task of a popular science work is also subject to the elements of the compositional and semantic structure of popular science texts: a special kind of introductive pretext, characteristic of the genre of a modern popular science article, the so-called heading complex, epigraph.

Thus, the specificity of a popular science work is primarily due to the focus on a special type of reader and the need for the most optimal fulfillment of the main task of a popular science text - the task of popularizing scientific. knowledge. At the same time, stylistic and speech means and features of N.-p. p. and scientific. styles largely coincide, differing only in the frequency of use, greater functional-style variability and communicative tasks.

Considering the field model scientific. style, it should be noted that in addition to "pure" forms of scientific. speech and sub-style, peripheral, characterized by additional, compared with the actual scientific, tasks, there are syncretic formations that are at the intersection of several styles, respectively - containing their features. So, for example, there are scientific and artistic texts that are a kind of hybrid of two corresponding styles. It is difficult to qualify such formations: they represent a transitional stylistic sphere, being precisely at the intersection of two styles.

SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL SUBSTYLE combines the features of the actual scientific substyle and popular science presentation. With the actual scientific substyle, it is related by terminology, consistency in the description of scientific information, consistency, evidence; with popular science - accessibility, creolization, saturation with illustrative material. The genres of the scientific and educational substyle include: textbook, lecture, seminar report, exam answer, explanatory speech of teacher and student, test, dictation, presentation, composition, exercise and etc.


1. What is functional style and how does it relate to areas of communication and language functions?

2. Name the extralinguistic features of the scientific style. Name the varieties.

3. In what genres of speech is the actual scientific substyle represented? Name the types of scientific articles.

4. Why is it customary to call the genres of the scientific-informative sub-style secondary?

5. What is the difference between self-scientific and popular science sub-styles?

6. What do popular science and educational and scientific substyles have in common?

7. What, in your opinion, is the difference between the scientific style and other functional styles (extralinguistic and linguistic)?


Task number 1. Read the abstract information. To which substyle scientific speech do they relate?

Thesis- one of the types of extracting the main information of the source text with its subsequent translation into a certain language form. The reduction in thesis is made taking into account the problems of the texts, that is, the author's assessment of the information and gives a presentation divided into separate provisions-theses.

Abstracts- briefly formulated main provisions of the report, scientific article. According to the material presented in them and in terms of content, the abstracts can be both primary, original scientific work, and secondary text, like annotations, abstracts, summaries. The original theses are a concise reflection of the author's own report, article. Secondary abstracts are created on the basis of primary texts belonging to another author. The abstract presents the topic in a logical and concise manner. Each thesis, which usually makes up a separate paragraph, covers a separate micro-topic. If the plan only names the issues under consideration, then the abstract should disclose the solution of these issues.

Abstracts have a strictly normative content-compositional structure, in which the following stand out:

1. Preamble.

2. The main thesis position.

3. Final thesis.

A clear logical division of the thesis content is emphasized formally or graphically.

formal expression The logical relationships between abstracts can be represented in the following ways:

Using introductory words at the beginning of each thesis ( Firstly Secondly);

With the help of oppositional phrases ( external factors- internal causes);

Using classification phrases ( action verb field, state verb field, motion verb field).

Graphic designation The logic of presentation is carried out through the numbering of each thesis. In abstracts, as a rule, there are no quotations, examples, which is associated with the desire for brevity.

There are two types of abstracts depending on the style of presentation:

Abstracts of the verb system(are widespread), which use verbal predicates; they are more concise than a synopsis, a scientific description;

Theses of the nominative system(with no verbal predicate) are extremely rare, although this is an extremely concise way of fixing scientific information.

Abstracts can begin with the following speech forms:

- It is known that…

- It should be noted that…

- But…

- At the same time, it is important that…

- It is assumed that…

- Experts aim to...

The main information in the abstract can be combined using the following connectors. lexical means:

- It poses a question...

- Counts…

- Compares…

- Gives an example...

- Lists…

- Characterizes…

- Emphasizes…

Abstracts are one of the most stable genres of scientific style in terms of normativity. Therefore, the violation of purity, genre definition, genre mixing in the preparation of abstracts is assessed as a gross distortion of not only stylistic, but also communicative norms. Among the typical violations, it should be noted the substitution of theses with the text of the message, summary, abstract, annotation, prospectus, plan, mixing of forms of different genres. Such a mixture indicates the absence of a scientific and speech culture in the author. The theses are subject to the requirements of stylistic purity and uniformity of the speech manner, emotionally expressive definitions, metaphors and other inclusions from other styles are not allowed in them.

Let's give an example of a thesis.

1. Any text is a linguistic expression of the author's intention.

2. The reading algorithm determines the sequence of mental activity in the perception of the main fragments of the text.

3. A psychological attitude is a person's readiness for a certain activity, for participation in a certain process, for a reaction to a familiar stimulus or a known situation.

4. When using the integral reading algorithm, a reading skill is formed that provides for a certain sequence of rational actions in accordance with the blocks of the algorithm.

5. Psychologists call understanding the establishment of a logical connection between objects by using existing knowledge.

Task number 2. Write abstracts for theoretical material"Morphological and syntactic features of the scientific style of speech"

Similar information.

Language styles are its varieties that serve one or another side of social life. They all have a few parameters in common: the purpose or situation of use, the forms in which they exist, and the set

The concept itself comes from the Greek word "stilos", which meant a stick for writing. As a scientific discipline, stylistics finally took shape in the twenties of the twentieth century. Among those who studied the problems of stylistics in detail were M. V. Lomonosov, F. I. Buslaev, G. O. Vinokur, E. D. Polivanov. D. E. Rosenthal, V. V. Vinogradov, M. N. Kozhina and others paid serious attention to individual functional styles.

Five in Russian

Functional styles of the language are certain features of the speech itself or its social variety, specific vocabulary and grammar that correspond to the field of activity and way of thinking.

In Russian, they are traditionally divided into five varieties:

  • colloquial;
  • official business;
  • scientific;
  • journalistic;
  • art.

The norms and concepts of each depend on the historical era and change over time. Until the 17th century, colloquial and book lexicons differed greatly. The Russian language became literary only in the 18th century, largely thanks to the efforts of M. V. Lomonosov. Modern styles of language began to take shape at the same time.

Birth of styles

In the ancient Russian period, there were church literature, business documents and chronicles. Spoken everyday language differed from them quite strongly. At the same time, household and business documents had much in common. M. V. Lomonosov made quite a lot of efforts to change the situation.

He laid the foundation for the ancient theory, highlighting high, low and middle styles. According to her, the literary Russian language was formed as a result of the joint development of book and colloquial variants. She took as a basis stylistically neutral forms and turns from one and the other, allowed the use of folk expressions and limited the use of little-known and specific Slavic words. Thanks to M. V. Lomonosov, the styles of the language that existed at that time were replenished with scientific ones.

Subsequently, A. S. Pushkin gave impetus to the further development of stylistics. His work laid the foundations of the artistic style.

Moscow orders and Peter's reforms served as the origins of the official business language. Ancient chronicles, sermons and teachings formed the basis of the journalistic style. In the literary version, it began to take shape only in the XVIII century. To date, all 5 styles of the language are well-defined and have their own subspecies.

Conversational and household

As the name implies, this style of speech is used in everyday communication. Unlike jargon and dialects, it is based on literary vocabulary. His sphere is situations where there is no clear official relationship between the participants. IN Everyday life use mostly neutral words and expressions (for example, "blue", "horse", "left"). But you can use words with colloquial coloring (“locker room”, “lack of time”).

Within the colloquial, there are three subspecies: everyday-everyday, everyday-business, and epistolary. The latter includes private correspondence. Colloquial and business - a variant of communication in a formal setting. The colloquial and official-business styles of the language (a lesson or a lecture can serve as another example) in a certain sense divide this subspecies among themselves, since it can be attributed both there and there.

Allows familiar, affectionate and reduced expressions, as well as words with evaluative suffixes (for example, "house", "bunny", "boast"). The colloquial and everyday style can be very bright and figurative due to the use of phraseological units and words with an emotionally expressive connotation (“beat the bucks”, “near”, “child”, “blessed”, “skirt”).

Various abbreviations are widely used - “bad”, “ambulance”, “condensed milk”. Spoken language is simpler than bookish - the use of participles and gerunds, complex multi-part sentences is inappropriate. In general, this style corresponds to the literary one, but at the same time it has its own characteristics.

scientific style

He, like the official business one, is very strict in the choice of words and expressions, sharply narrows the boundaries of what is permissible. The Russian language does not allow dialectisms, jargon, colloquial expressions, words with emotional overtones. Serves the spheres of science and production.

Since the purpose of scientific texts is to present research data, objective facts, this puts forward requirements for their composition and the words used. As a rule, the sequence of presentation is as follows:

  • introduction - setting the task, goal, question;
  • the main part is the search and enumeration of answer options, drawing up a hypothesis, evidence;
  • conclusion - the answer to the question, the achievement of the goal.

A work in this genre is built consistently and logically, it presents two types of information: facts, and how the author organizes them.

The scientific style of the language makes extensive use of terms, prefixes anti-, bi-, quasi-, super-, suffixes -ost, -ism, -ni-e (antibodies, bipolar, supernova, sedentary, symbolism, cloning). Moreover, the terms do not exist by themselves - they form a complex network of relationships and systems: from the general to the particular, from the whole to the part, genus/species, identity/opposites, and so on.

Mandatory Criteria similar text- objectivity and accuracy. Objectivity excludes emotionally colored vocabulary, exclamations, artistic turns of speech, here it is inappropriate to tell a story in the first person. Precision is often associated with terms. An excerpt from Anatoly Fomenko's book "Methods of Mathematical Analysis of Historical Texts" can be cited as an illustration.

At the same time, the degree of “complexity” of a scientific text depends primarily on the target audience and on the purpose - who exactly the work is intended for, how much knowledge these people supposedly have, whether they can understand what is being said. It is clear that at such an event as a school lesson of the Russian language, simple styles of speech and expression are needed, and complex scientific terminology is also suitable for a lecture for senior students of a university.

Of course, other factors also play an important role - the topic (in the technical sciences, the language is stricter and more regulated than in the humanities), genre.

Within this style, there are strict requirements for the design of written works: candidate and doctoral dissertations, monographs, abstracts, term papers.

Substyles and nuances of scientific speech

In addition to the actual scientific, there are also scientific and educational and popular science substyles. Each is used for a specific purpose and for a specific audience. These styles of language are examples of different, but at the same time similar outwardly communicative streams.

The scientific and educational sub-style is a kind of lightweight version of the main style in which literature is written for those who have just begun to study a new area. Representatives - textbooks for universities, colleges, schools (high school), part of the tutorials, other literature created for beginners (below is an excerpt from a psychology textbook for universities: authors V. Slastenin, Isaev I. et al., “Pedagogy. Study Guide ").

The non-fiction substyle is easier to understand than the other two. Its purpose is to explain complex facts and processes to the audience in a simple and understandable language. A variety of encyclopedias "101 facts about ..." were written by him.

Official business

Of the 5 styles of the Russian language, this one is the most formalized. It is used to communicate between states, and institutions with each other and with citizens. It is a means of communication between citizens in production, in organizations, in the service sector, within the limits of their performance of their official duties.

The official business style is classified as bookish and written, it is used in the texts of laws, orders, orders, contracts, acts, powers of attorney and similar documents. The oral form is used in speeches, reports, communication within the framework of working relationships.

Components of the official business style

  • Legislative. It is used orally and in writing, in laws, regulations, resolutions, instructions, explanatory letters, recommendations, as well as in instructions, article-by-article and operational comments. It is spoken orally during parliamentary debates and appeals.
  • Jurisdictional- exists in oral and written forms, is used for indictments, sentences, arrest warrants, court decisions, cassation complaints, procedural acts. In addition, it can be heard during judicial debates, conversations at the reception of citizens, etc.
  • Administrative- is implemented in writing in orders, charters, decisions, contracts, labor and insurance contracts, official letters, various petitions, telegrams, wills, memos, autobiographies, reports, receipts, shipping documentation. The oral form of the administrative substyle - orders, auctions, commercial negotiations, speeches at receptions, auctions, meetings, etc.
  • Diplomatic. This genre in writing can be found in the form of treaties, conventions, agreements, pacts, protocols, personal notes. Oral form - communiques, memorandums, joint statements.

In the official business style, stable phrases, complex conjunctions and verbal nouns are actively used:

  • based…
  • in accordance with…
  • based…
  • due to…
  • by virtue of…
  • due to...

Only the scientific and official business styles of the language have clear forms and structure. In this case, this is a statement, resume, identity card, marriage certificate and others.

The style is characterized by a neutral tone of narration, direct word order, complex sentences, conciseness, conciseness, lack of individuality. Special terminology, abbreviations, special vocabulary and phraseology are widely used. Another striking feature is the cliché.


The functional styles of the language are very peculiar. Journalism is no exception. It is he who is used in the media, in social periodicals, during political, judicial speeches. Most often, its samples can be found in radio and television programs, in newspaper publications, in magazines, booklets, and at rallies.

Publicism is designed for a wide audience, so special terms are rarely found here, and if they are, they are sought to be explained in the same text. It exists not only in oral and written speech - it is also found in photography, cinema, graphic and visual, theatrical and dramatic and verbal and musical form.

The language has two main functions: informational and influencing. The task of the first is to convey facts to people. The second is to form the right impression, to influence the opinion about the events. The information function requires the reporting of reliable and accurate data that are of interest not only to the author, but also to the reader. The influence is realized through the personal opinion of the author, his calls to action, as well as the way the material is presented.

In addition to those specific to this particular style, there are also common features for the language as a whole: communicative, expressive and aesthetic.

Communicative function

Communication is the main and general task of the language, which manifests itself in all its forms and styles. Absolutely all styles of language and styles of speech have a communicative function. In journalism, texts and speeches are intended for a wide audience, feedback is realized through letters and calls from readers, public discussions, and polls. This requires that the text be readable and readable.

expressive function

Expression should not go beyond reasonable limits - it is necessary to observe the norms of speech culture, and the expression of emotions cannot be the only task.

aesthetic function

Of all the 5 styles of Russian speech, this function is present in only two. IN literary texts aesthetics plays an important role, in journalism its role is much less. However, reading or listening to a well-designed, thoughtful, harmonious text is much more pleasant. Therefore, it is desirable to pay attention to aesthetic qualities in any of the genres.

Genres of journalism

Within the main style, there are quite a few actively used genres:

  • oratory;
  • pamphlet;
  • feature article;
  • reportage;
  • feuilleton;
  • interview;
  • article and others.

Each of them finds application in certain situations: a pamphlet as a kind of artistic and journalistic work is usually directed against a particular party, social phenomenon or political system as a whole, a reportage is a prompt and impartial report from the scene, an article is a genre with which the author analyzes certain phenomena, facts and gives them its own assessment and interpretation.

Art style

All styles of language and styles of speech find their expression through the artistic. It conveys the feelings and thoughts of the author, affects the reader's imagination. He uses all the means of other styles, all the diversity and richness of the language, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, and concreteness of speech. Used in fiction.

An important feature of this style is aesthetics - here, unlike journalism, it is an indispensable element.

There are four types of artistic style:

  • epic;
  • lyrical;
  • dramatic;
  • combined.

Each of these genera has its own approach to displaying events. If we talk about the epic, then the main thing here will be a detailed story about the subject or event, when the author himself or one of the characters will act as a narrator.

In lyrical narration, the emphasis is on the impression that the events left on the author. Here the main thing will be experiences, what happens in the inner world.

The dramatic approach depicts an object in action, shows it surrounded by other objects and events. The theory of these three genera belongs to V. G. Belinsky. In the "pure" form, each of the above is rare. Recently, some authors have identified another genus - combined.

In turn, epic, lyrical, dramatic approaches to describing events and objects are divided into genres: fairy tale, story, short story, novel, ode, drama, poem, comedy and others.

The artistic style of the language has its own characteristics:

  • a combination of language tools of other styles is used;
  • the form, structure, language tools are chosen in accordance with the intention and idea of ​​the author;
  • the use of special figures of speech that give the text color and figurativeness;
  • aesthetic function is of great importance.

Tropes (allegory, metaphor, comparison, synecdoche) and (default, epithet, epiphora, hyperbole, metonymy) are widely used here.

Artistic image - style - language

The author of any work, not only literary, needs the means to contact the viewer or reader. Each art form has its own means of communication. This is where the trilogy appears - an artistic image, style, language.

The image is a generalized attitude to the world and life, expressed by the artist using the language he has chosen. This is a kind of universal category of creativity, a form of interpretation of the world through the creation of aesthetically active objects.

An artistic image is also called any phenomenon recreated by the author in a work. Its meaning is revealed only in interaction with the reader or viewer: what exactly a person will understand, see, depends on his goals, personality, emotional state, culture and values ​​in which he was brought up.

The second element of the triad "image - style - language" is related to a special handwriting, characteristic only for this author or era of the totality of methods and techniques. In art, three different concepts are distinguished - the style of the era (covers a historical period of time, which was characterized by common features, for example, the Victorian era), national (it means features that are common to a particular people, nation, for example, and individual (we are talking about an artist whose work has special qualities that are not inherent in others, for example, Picasso).

Language in any art form is a system visual means designed to serve the goals of the author when creating works, a tool for creating an artistic image. It enables communication between the creator and the audience, allows you to "draw" an image with those very unique style features.

Each type of creativity uses its own means for this: painting - color, sculpture - volume, music - intonation, sound. Together they form a trinity of categories - artistic image, style, language, help to get closer to the author and better understand what he created.

It must be understood that, despite the differences between them, styles do not form separate, purely closed systems. They are capable of and constantly interpenetrate each other: not only the artistic one uses the language means of other styles, but also the official business one has many mutual points with the scientific one (jurisdictional and legislative subspecies are close in their terminology to similar scientific disciplines).

Business vocabulary infiltrates and vice versa. The journalistic type of speech in oral and written form is closely intertwined with the sphere of colloquial and popular science styles.

Furthermore, state of the art language is by no means stable. It would be more accurate to say that it is in dynamic equilibrium. New concepts are constantly emerging, the Russian dictionary is replenished with expressions that come from other languages.

New forms of words are created with the help of existing ones. The rapid development of science and technology also actively contributes to the enrichment of the scientific style of speech. Many concepts from the field of artistic science fiction have migrated to the category of quite official terms that name certain processes and phenomena. BUT scientific concepts entered into common speech.