Ceiling wallpaper calculator. Calculation of wallpaper for a room

Specify the required dimensions in meters.

Room dimensions:

Y– The length of the first side of the room to be wallpapered.

X- The length of the second side of the room for gluing.

H- Room height.

P– Perimeter (the sum of the lengths of all sides). To calculate the value of the perimeter of a room, add the length of all its walls.

D– Distance from the beginning of gluing to the first corner. Meaning D measured from the beginning of gluing to the first corner (clockwise), it cannot be equal to or more length walls.

To carry out the calculation, you can set either the length of the walls of the room or its perimeter (in the second case, the option to start gluing will not be available).

If the room has a rectangular or square shape, enter the parameters Y, X,H. For premises irregular shape with ledges and recesses, it is possible to calculate by specifying the values H And P.


If the room has a window opening, press "Add window" and enter its dimensions: length WX and height WY.

WZ– The distance from the beginning of wallpapering determines the location of the window in the room. Enter the distance from the starting point of pasting to the window.

The number of added windows is not limited.


In order for the program to take into account the presence of a doorway in the calculation, you must click "Add doors" and enter their lengths DX and height DY.

DZ– Distance from the beginning of wallpapering to the doors.

It is possible to add multiple doors.


L– The length of a roll of wallpaper depends on the type and manufacturer. Standard value L 10.05 m. However, non-woven wallpaper for painting can be produced in rolls of 30 and 50 meters.

W– The width of the roll is determined by the characteristics of the production line and can be 0.53 m (standard), 0.7 m and 1.06 m.

R- Repeating a drawing, or the so-called. rapport is the distance over which the same pattern repeats.

Z- Margin for leveling, the amount of allowance at the floor and ceiling, which, after gluing, must be cut off with a sharp knife to fit the ruler or rule (0.05-0.15 m).

F- Move picture. Check this box if you want to calculate based on the wallpaper repeat offset for matching.

If you want to print the visualization, check the box " Black and white drawing”, so you will receive a drawing that is close to the requirements of GOST and save colored paint or toner when printing.

Important! If incorrect parameters are entered, to continue the calculation, you will be prompted to pay attention to the corresponding parameter and make changes.

The calculator will help you calculate the total area of ​​​​the walls of the room (in m²), calculate the consumption of wallpaper, taking into account windows and doors. You will know the area of ​​one roll of wallpaper, the length of the sheets required for pasting a room of a specified height, taking into account trimming allowances, as well as the number of whole sheets of wallpaper contained in the roll. What will be the remainder of each roll and how many rolls (pieces) of a given length are needed to paste over the room. The calculator will calculate how much wallpaper is needed for the room and how many rolls will be needed, taking into account the presence of window and doorways. The total balance of all wallpapers will also be calculated.

Such data allows you to buy right amount wallpaper for the room, taking into account the nuances and glue the room with your own hands or hire professionals. It is advisable to have a stock of one roll in excess of the calculated quantity, this will save time and money in the future, in case of improper cutting or damage.

In order to paste new wallpaper, it is not necessary to invite builders. Such redecorating it is quite possible to do it on your own. The main thing is to buy the right amount of material and carefully study the instructions for gluing on the package. But how to correctly calculate how much wallpaper you need per room? Calculation rules for home repairs.

Measurement matters

The basis of construction calculations is accurate measurements, for which you will need a construction tape measure. First you need to measure the perimeter of the room being repaired (the length of all walls) without taking into account the width of windows and doors and the level of the walls. And then the length and height of the sections above and below the window sills, as well as above the doors. Now let's move on to the calculations.

We derive the calculation formula

  • The resulting perimeter of the room is divided by the width of the selected wallpaper (it can be from 50 centimeters to a meter) and we get the number of solid strips.
  • And we divide the length of the roll by the height of the room and get the number of pieces that can be cut from one package (when placed at 2.5 m, these are four strips).
  • After that, we divide the total number of solid strips by their same number obtained from one roll. The result of the arithmetic will be the number of rolls that are needed to cut only whole strips.
  • Now it's the turn to count the number of incomplete segments. We calculate according to the same principle, and add the result to the already existing figure.

In order not to torment the calculator and not to fill your head with extra numbers, you can use a ready-made table (but it is worth considering that, like any online service, it carries some error):

Adjustment for products with a pattern

Of course, when wallpaper is chosen for repairs that do not require adjustment, everything is more or less simple. But what if the choice fell on wall covering With large pattern? In this case, you will get 1 whole strip less from the pack (due to the need to adjust the pattern). Therefore, the calculation needs to be corrected.

Calculation example for persistent

There is a room 3 x 4 meters, height 2.50 m; with a doorway, the width of which is 0.8 m, and the height is 2.1 m; and a window, the horizontal of which is 1.2 m, and the vertical is 1.5 m. Wallpaper is selected, 60 cm wide, the roll length of which is 10.5 meters.

Perimeter without taking into account the width of windows and openings: 3+3+4+4-0.8-1.2 = 12 m

Number of solid cuts: 12:0.6 = 20 pieces

With a standard room ceiling level (2.5 m), 4 whole strips will come out of the package (by the way, you need to cut with a margin, that is, the length of the piece should not be 2.5 meters, but ten centimeters more).

Number of packages for cutting out solid strips: 20:4 = 5 pieces

With a window size of 0.8x1.5 and doors 2.1 m high, scraps from 5 rolls are enough to paste over the space above the functional openings, but for the space under the window sill you will have to buy another one (although you can glue the wall under it with a composite piece). This means that in total you will need 6 plain rolls or 7 packages with a large pattern.

(2 ratings, average: 2,00 out of 5)


    Faith said:

    I think it's still better to pre-calculate the wallpaper. And then, if the wallpaper is with a pattern, figure out how many rolls you need to purchase additionally. I change wallpaper every 5 years. As a rule, I take 1 roll in reserve. Change the wallpaper, and the mood changes for the better.

    Marina N. said:

    Personally, I always calculate the number of rolls myself. And I don't trust tables. In the case of plain wallpaper, they are suitable. But if you need to select a drawing, then making a mistake is as easy as shelling pears.
    And you should always play it safe and take more on a roll. Desired wallpapers easy enough to find. But the necessary party - no. That is, the wallpaper is the same, but the shade is slightly different. And on the wall, this difference is very noticeable.

    Iva said:

    Let better wallpaper there will be superfluous than there are situations (vacation canceled, a job appeared) when you buy wallpaper and glue them in six months. Then you discover that literally one roll was not enough, but the assortment in stores has already changed. So you find yourself in a situation from which it is very difficult to find a way out.

To make a simple but rather attractive renovation in a standard room, it is enough to use high-quality, inexpensive wallpapers. They will be an excellent means of finishing the room, providing good performance and aesthetic qualities.

Calculate Volume building materials decorating a room is as difficult as it is simple. To begin with, the trick is often uneven walls or ceilings, in the end it turns out not too pleasant when at the end there is not enough calculated material to complete the repair. Therefore, we will try to take into account as many factors as possible in order to achieve the desired result. Learn how to calculate wallpaper for a room.

You will learn about:


Accurate measurements are an important basis for further actions. To perform this operation, you will need a tape measure. With its help, we first find out the perimeter of the room, not taking into account the width of doors and windows, as well as areas above or below these elements.

Based on these data, it is already possible to calculate the wallpaper for the room. The resulting figure must be divided by the width of the wallpaper to determine the number of canvases. The length of the roll must be divided by the height of the ceilings, which will allow you to calculate the number of paintings in one roll. Now it remains to divide the total number of whole canvases by the number that is obtained from one roll.

As a result, we get the number of integer bands. To them it is necessary to add still incomplete pieces, which must be taken into account in the calculations. They can be calculated in the same way.

If there is a drawing

We considered the calculation option, if used plain wallpaper, and if products with a pattern are used that require the combination of canvases, what should be done? The number of wallpapers per room in this case is calculated somewhat more complicated.

It should be borne in mind that one canvas per roll will be calculated less.


Let's give an example of how to calculate how much you need, how many rolls of wallpaper. For example, we have a premise area. 12 sq. m. 2.5 m high. The room has a window (1.2x1.5 m) and a door (0.8x2.1 m). Suppose we have chosen a material whose roll is 60 cm wide and 10.5 m long.

In this case, the perimeter will be 12 m, minus the width of the window and door. As a result, you will need 20 canvases: 12 / 0.6. With a roll length of 10.5 m, 4 pieces of wallpaper are obtained. As a result, there will be 5:20/4 solid stripes.

It is also necessary to take into account the areas above the door, as well as above and below the window. For this there will be enough scraps. However, it is recommended to add at least one more roll for an area of ​​12 sq. m. Therefore, if the wallpaper is plain, you can buy at least 6 rolls, with a pattern - 7.

Similarly, a room of 18 square meters is calculated. m. How many rolls will be required in this case? Let's try to calculate according to the old scheme.

So, the perimeter will be 20 m. It will take 34 canvases: 20 / 0.6. And the whole bands will turn out to be 8.5. That is, you need to buy without drawing 10, with a drawing - 11 rolls. These are the recommendations for rooms of 18 square meters. m.

The selected examples are not random, since these dimensions of the premises, 12 sq. m and 18 sq. m., are the most popular. Therefore, for many, the task of how to calculate how much wallpaper is needed per room will be greatly simplified.

Summing up

You should not neglect such recommendations, since they allow you to lay a qualitative basis for further actions, which means that the result will depend on them. The calculation should be made as accurately as possible, this will eliminate the need to buy additional material in the midst of the repair process.

Calculations can be compared with the preparation of walls for wallpapering. If the procedure is implemented qualitatively, the result will please with attractiveness. It remains to recommend not to rush into calculations. As they say, it is better to measure seven times, but cut once ...

Door and window openings are not taken into account here, because in any case you need to buy materials with a small margin. Moreover, when gluing, craftsmen can ruin several canvases, picking up best way. Over time, the surface may tear, children may paint on the walls, or pets may spoil it.

  • All dimensions are indicated in meters (for example, 52 cm = 0.52 m).
  • If the room has complex shape(not rectangular), you must independently calculate the perimeter of the walls and specify it manually. In this case, specify the length and width of the room as 0.
  • Rapport is a step through which the same pattern is repeated. It is usually listed on the packaging. If you don't want to adjust the pattern, enter 0.
  • How many meters in a roll of wallpaper? Standard length roll - 10 m. Some natural species are 5.5 m long, and many glass and paintable vinyl wall papers reach a length of 25 m.
  • The most popular canvas widths are 53 cm, 70 cm and 106 cm.

How the wallpaper calculation calculator works

It is advisable to check all the numbers in practice before purchasing materials. The wallpaper calculator for a room calculates the required number of rolls according to the following algorithm:

  1. calculation of the perimeter of the room;
  2. the estimated height of each canvas, taking into account the margin for trimming and joining the pattern;
  3. calculation required amount linens per room
  4. find out how many whole canvases will come out of 1 roll;
  5. find out how many rolls are needed.

Calculation example

The perimeter of a room is equal to the sum of its length and width multiplied by 2.

P \u003d (5.6 + 3.03) * 2 \u003d 17.26 m.

To find out the estimated height of the canvas, add to the height of the ceiling 5 cm above and below (total 10 cm), and also, if possible, add the size of the pattern repeat, but in our case it is not.

Estimated height = 2.5 + 0.1 = 2.6 m.

To find out the total number of paintings, the perimeter of the room is divided by the width of the roll:

17.26 / 1.06 = 16.3 pieces. Round up = 17 pieces.

Now we will find out how many whole canvases will be from each roll, excluding scraps. To do this, its length is divided by the estimated height:

25 / 2.6 = 9.6 pieces. We round the result down (remove the trimmings), we get 9 pieces.

Now the final stage remains - the calculation of the number of wallpapers per room in rolls. We know how many canvases are needed, how many canvases will come out of 1 roll, we have also already calculated, so it remains only to divide the first value by the second:

17 / 9 = 1.9 pieces. As you can see, for a room of 17 sq. m. with ceilings of 2.5 m, 2 rolls of 1.06 * 25 m in size are enough.

However, it is always recommended to buy one additional roll for a spare, because if even one canvas deteriorates, you will have to buy additional materials. Even if you find exactly the same type of ornament, it is not guaranteed that it will be identical, as colors may vary between batches. Therefore, in our case, it is not necessary, but it would be better to take 3 rolls, the rest will then be useful for repairs.

mass preceded preparatory stages. This is the choice suitable design, and preparing the wall, as well as calculating the number of wallpapers per room. In this article, we will analyze all the necessary nuances of such a task.

General provisions

Let's devote a few words to the choice of such. Why are they most often used for arranging interior design? The reason for this is that they have many advantages.


  • Huge range of different colors and ornaments, as well as materials used to create products.

  • Flexible price. There are both very cheap models and incredibly expensive ones. By more this is affected by the presence of expensive raw materials in the structure.

  • Easy to apply by hand. Wallpapering does not require special skills and is easy to implement on your own.

  • Protecting the surface of the walls and masking their minor flaws.
  • Ease of preparing a preliminary estimate. Calculating the number of wallpaper rolls per room is much easier than, for example, calculating the required volume of paints and varnishes.

The need for budgeting

There are three most important reasons why you need to calculate wallpaper rolls per room:

  1. In order not to be without at the very peak repair work. Agree, running while the glue dries headlong in search of a missing roll is not very fun. Moreover, a similar shade can be generally problematic to find.
  2. In order not to buy extra products. If we are talking about cheap paper samples, then it’s okay, you can collect with a margin, in case restoration is necessary. But if it's natural or textile wallpaper, then an extra roll will significantly hit your family budget.

  1. And the last reason is that you simply need to know how much you need to go to the store with.

We believe

You will need the following things to carry out the calculations:

Required Tools

  • Roulette for carrying out the necessary measurements;

  • Pencil and a blank sheet of paper for making notes;

  • Calculator to quickly cope with the calculations.

We take measurements

The calculation of wallpaper consumption per room will not be correct without exact linear dimensions:

  • First, measure the perimeter of the room. Let in our case it will be 18 meters.

  • Then the height of the ceilings. Usually it is two and a half meters. If you use products with a pattern, then to fit it you need to add another thirty centimeters.

Tip: it is also recommended to immediately take into account some margin that compensates for the unevenness of the walls, and add another five centimeters. Since it is much easier to cut off the protruding edge than to try to close up a translucent wall with segments.

  • You will also need the parameters of doors and windows. After all, they do not need to be glued, so why buy extra material? For example, let's say that the result is eight square meters.
  • Width classic wallpaper equals 53 centimeters, and the length is 10 meters and 5 centimeters.

Tip: if you plan to use wallpaper for painting, then pay attention to the marking of the rolls. Since they usually differ significantly in size from standard products, and this must be taken into account in the calculations.



  1. We multiply the perimeter (P) by the height (H), taking into account the required margin: 18 × 2.85 = 51.3 m 2. This is the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls (S o).
  2. But in the room there are door and window openings(S p), which we measured in advance, therefore 51.3-8 = 43.3 m 2, which will be the final area (S and).
  3. We find out the surface of the roll by multiplying its length (h 1) by the width (h 2) 10.05 × 0.53 = 5.33 m 2 (S p).
  4. We divide the required coverage area by the area of ​​​​one roll and get: 48.3 / 5.33 = 9 units of rolls are necessary for the complete finishing of the room in question.

The single formula for calculating wallpaper for a room will look like this: (P × h-S p) / (h 1 × h 2). You just have to substitute the data that you get after the product of all required dimensions: P - the perimeter of the room, H - the height of the ceilings, adjusted for cutting, S p - the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball openings in the room, h 1 - the length of one roll and h 2 - its width.