Liquid nails installation moment. Liquid nails "Moment Installation": features and advantages Liquid nails moment installation types and varieties

In 1968, Macco (USA) released a building glue called Liquid Nails, which translates as "liquid nails". For almost 50 years of use, this product has fully confirmed its name, proving that it can provide a connection of various materials, which is comparable in strength to mechanical strength. Today, many modifications of the glue are produced under other brands. Each of them has its own characteristics that you need to know when using. The instructions for using liquid nails, which will be discussed later, will help to take into account all the nuances.

Features and applications of the product

Liquid nails are construction and assembly glue based on polymers and synthetic rubbers, which allows you to fasten materials of various structures, providing a high degree of adhesion (adhesion) of surfaces. The tool is available under several brands. The composition and properties of specific products may vary. In any case, manufacturers claim that the glue is capable of withstanding a load of up to 90 kg / cm². The product is sold in cartridge-tubes with a volume of 0.3 liters or more.

The base composition of liquid nails includes synthetic rubber, polymers and fine-grained filler. It is the presence of the last component that distinguishes this glue from the rest. It allows you to firmly connect surfaces that do not fit snugly.

In the classic version of Liquid Nails, Texas clay is used as a fine-grained filler, which has increased plasticity. Many manufacturers replace it with chalk (calcium carbonate), but its adhesive properties are worse.

An important point to pay attention to when choosing glue is the absence of toluene and acetone in the composition. The first component improves the adhesion characteristics of the product, and the second accelerates drying. But they are toxins for humans. A sign of their presence is a pungent, suffocating odor.

The main direction of using liquid nails is fixing different materials:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • cork panels;
  • plastic;
  • drywall;
  • wood;
  • aluminum, teflon;
  • glass, mirrors;
  • ceramics;
  • chipboard, OSB, fiberboard;
  • polyethylene;
  • foam;
  • concrete, gas and foam blocks, bricks;
  • heavy wallpaper on a natural basis and so on.

In addition, the adhesive can be used to seal joints and crevices in bathrooms, window and doorways, walls, furniture, and so on. But its effectiveness in comparison with special sealants is questionable.

Given the relatively high cost of liquid nails, it is impractical to use them to connect large structures. For example, you should not use it to tiled the entire bathroom with it. But to glue individual parts is quite reasonable.

Note: Liquid nails should not be used to fix damp or dry wood. In addition, they are not suitable for bonding parts that are constantly in an aqueous environment.

Types of liquid nails

Before moving on to how to glue with liquid nails, it must be said that there are two main types of liquid nails - with an organic and an aqueous solvent.

With organic solvent

The organic solvent based adhesive is based on neoprene, a chloroprene synthetic rubber. It is great for fixing plastic, glass, ceramics.

Advantages of the tool:

  • provides increased bond strength;
  • sets quickly;
  • does not lose its properties at temperature extremes, including at frost down to -40 ° С.
  • has a pungent odor;
  • toxic to humans - you can work with them in personal protective equipment in rooms that are well ventilated;
  • fire hazardous until curing - during application, there should be no sources of ignition nearby.

With aqueous solvent

As an aqueous solvent, acrylic copolymers are most often included in the formula of liquid nails, but products with PVC and polyurethane can be found. Acrylic-based products are only suitable for bonding porous materials (drywall, tiles). Liquid nails with polyurethane are incompatible with teflon and polyethylene.

Advantages of glue:

  • has high environmental friendliness;
  • safe for humans.
  • bond strength is lower than that of products with an organic solvent;
  • unstable to temperature changes and frost;
  • collapses under the influence of water and high humidity.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid nails

Compared to other adhesives used in construction, installation and repair work, liquid nails have the following advantages:

  • a high degree of adhesion - ten times more than that of competitors;
  • versatility - almost all building materials can be glued;
  • the ability to connect both rough and very smooth surfaces;
  • fast setting;
  • the ability to use liquid nails as an additional fixer together with metal hardware;
  • maintaining a high degree of elasticity after hardening;
  • resistance to freezing / thawing and moisture (for adhesive with organic solvent);
  • safety for humans (for water-based products).

Disadvantages of liquid nails:

  • impossibility of application at temperatures below 0 ° С (for water-based glue);
  • pungent odor and toxicity (for products with organic solvents).

To avoid problems during repair work, it is important to study the instructions for using liquid nails. It clearly indicates the conditions for the use and storage of the product. Do not leave the container with glue in the sun (above 38 ° C) or in the cold, as it will deteriorate. In addition, it is undesirable to store the tube in a humid environment, otherwise the product may delaminate. The shelf life of liquid nails is about 12 months.

Features of choice

In search of an answer to the question of which liquid nails are better, reviews show that, first of all, the purpose of the application must be taken into account. For example, Henkel's Moment Montage liquid nail glue comes in several varieties, suitable for different types of work.

General advice on the use of adhesive and surface preparation

Let's figure out how to use liquid nails to fix different materials. First of all, you should know that water-soluble products can only be applied at temperatures above +5 ° C. If it is necessary to apply neoprene glue, it is recommended to open the windows in the room and wear a mask. Rubber gloves won't get in the way anyway.

The surfaces to be glued must be as clean and dry as possible. Smooth waterproof materials should be washed, dried and degreased. Porous surfaces must be cleaned of old coatings (paint residues, plaster, wallpaper) and primed to increase adhesion. If concrete is used as a base, wait for its shrinkage before gluing.

Application rules

Basic rules for fixing materials with liquid nails:

  1. Open the tube - cut off the plastic protrusion with a knife or pierce the paper membrane with a sharp metal object. Screw on the plastic spout, cut off the end and close the hole with the cap before use.
  2. Remove the cap, apply glue to the wrong side of the part. If the element is light, then it is worth making separate points, long - a strip, heavy - a net or a snake.
  3. Press the part against the base surface in the correct position. Hold it with your hands with slight pressure for the time indicated in the instructions. On average, 2-3 minutes.
  4. Do not touch the surfaces until the glue is dry. Primary setting time - 12-72 hours, full polymerization - 7 days. How quickly parts fix depends on layer thickness, humidity and temperature. The higher the humidity and the lower the temperature, the longer the glue dries.

There is another option for working with liquid nails. It is suitable for gluing heavy webs such as bamboo wallpaper and other materials. The order of use is stipulated in the instructions. Stages:

  1. After applying the composition to one of the parts, apply it to the base for 1 minute, then remove.
  2. Wait 7-8 minutes. During this time, the glue will thicken and be absorbed into the top layer of the surface, but will not dry out.
  3. Attach the part to the base again and hold for a while, pressing hard.

Advice: If it is necessary to glue a heavy object to a vertical surface with liquid nails, while the agent sets, it is advisable to provide additional fixation using wooden or metal supports.

Features of working with and without a mounting gun

Liquid nails are best used with a nail gun. It can be electrical or mechanical. The first option is more expensive, but easier to apply. It is usually chosen by professional builders.

In everyday life, a mechanical assembly gun is more often used. It works on the same principle as a medical syringe. Body pistols, semi-body pistols and skeletal pistols are produced. In any case, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Insert the prepared tube into the gun body. Remove the protective cap.
  2. Slowly and smoothly pull the trigger. In this case, the moving piston will press on the moving bottom of the container, and the glue will begin to stand out from the hole.

It's good if the pistol has a reverse stroke. This allows you to change cartridges without waiting for them to empty.

When using liquid nails, you can do without a gun, but this is inconvenient. To apply the agent, it is required to press on the moving bottom with a strong object in the form of a narrow cylinder, for example, the handle of a hammer. This method can lead to uneven application of the composition and deformation of the tube.

To calculate the required amount of glue, it is worth considering not only the nominal consumption, which is indicated on the package. When working with a rough surface in a hot period, the cost of funds increases.

Removing glue

The choice of method for removing excess or residual glue depends on their "age" and the type of surface. Basic options for fresh dirt:

  • remove quickly with a dry cloth or the blunt side of a knife;
  • wipe off with a sponge dipped in warm water or mineral solvent.

Dried liquid nails are more difficult to remove. This can be attempted with:

  • a special cleaner sold at hardware stores;
  • a scraper or blades, but only on sturdy surfaces;
  • high temperature - the glue should be heated above 55-65 ° C with a hair dryer, and then cleaned with a scraper;
  • sun - place the part in direct sunlight, after softening, wash off the glue with water or solvent;
  • cold - the method is applicable only for small fragments, the element should be put in the freezer, and when the product freezes and cracks, remove it with the blunt side of a knife.

Liquid nails are construction glue that can be used to securely fix various materials. It is easy to use at home. Before use, it is important to carefully read the instructions, paying special attention to the list of materials on which the agent is allowed to be applied, and their operating conditions (temperature, humidity).


The video will clearly show how to glue with liquid nails.

Hello dear visitors of our site! Today we will talk about Moment Installation liquid nails. In addition, we will consider what other products this company produces and what is it all about - liquid nails? Let's find out how much similar products cost today.

Description and main characteristics of liquid nails "Moment Montage"

A building material such as liquid nails is used as a versatile adhesive for a wide variety of materials. Among the main areas of application of the material, we will highlight construction and renovation, as well as finishing work.

The unique properties of the glue are literally legendary. So, just one drop of it, applied to the surface, is capable of withstanding a weight of up to several tens of kilograms in an upright position.

If we compare liquid nails at the moment of installation with other types of glue, such as PVA glue or bustilate, then they fasten the surfaces together a couple of times stronger.

Moreover, when using liquid nails, the treated surface does not oxidize and does not corrode, fungi and so on do not form on it.

Now a few words about the drying time of such liquid nails. In our case, it can be very different, everything will depend on the specific type of glue, but on average it is twenty five to thirty minutes before pre-setting and about twenty four o'clock until its final solidification.

But it would be reasonable to note that there are also such liquid nails "Moment", which take less than five minutes to fully harden.

Where is the best place to use Moment Montage glue

In order to properly clarify the issue and the spheres of use of liquid glue, we must along the way consider what types of "Montage" exist in general today.

So, a series of heavy-duty adhesives that make it possible to do without nails, screws, and so on, consists of the following water-based products:

  1. "Montage Express". It is used for fixing skirting boards, platbands, tiles, decorative elements and wall plates. The glue is great for children and residential buildings in general. It is odorless and does not require additional solvents. Good initial grip strength.
  2. "Editing Super Strong". This same type of liquid nails is used to fasten heavy structures - panels, window sills, decorative elements and door frames. It is also odorless and perfect for use in children's rooms. The initial grasp is simply tremendous power. The glue is capable of filling cracks, the thickness of which does not exceed one centimeter.

There are a number of other brands of glue that are made from synthetic rubber. It:

  1. "Universal Installation", which, as you may have guessed from the name, is suitable for working with any materials.
  2. "Mounting Extra strong", used for fastening particularly bulky structures and parts.
  3. "Installation for panels". Indispensable for fixing panels.

General characteristics of "Montage"

Among the general properties inherent in the entire Montage model range, you will note the most significant.

  1. The initial bond strength is extremely high.
  2. The adhesive is suitable for both uneven and even surfaces, for non-absorbent and absorbent surfaces.
  3. Elasticity.
  4. It is possible to adjust the attached materials.
  5. Water resistance.
  6. The surfaces are glued quickly, efficiently and, most importantly, durable.
  7. Nails are used with almost all known building materials.

Instructions for the use of liquid nails "Moment Montage"

So, we figured out the general characteristics, now we will consider how liquid nails "Moment" are glued correctly.

First step. We thoroughly clean and degrease the work surfaces.

Second phase. We apply glue to the work surface with a construction gun. You can do this in one of three ways:

  1. mesh
  2. dots
  3. snake

Stage three. We press the two surfaces that need to be fastened with special density, give them the correct location and hold them like this for two to three minutes.

Stage four. After that, we must wait until the liquid nails are completely dry (this is about twenty-four hours), and only after that the surface can be mechanically influenced.

Construction liquid nail gun

Separately, I would like to talk about the construction gun itself. The fact is that few people know how the liquid nails themselves are inserted into it. Moment Installation. So, to begin with, we take a tube, a reservoir, and also the cartridge itself, which contains the actual liquid nails.

We screw on the dispenser, which must be cut at the end. Next, we have to insert the cartridge into the gun device. For this purpose, we transfer it to its original position, after which we fix a special tongue towards the pistol.

Then we pull the stem as far as it will go, insert a special cylinder and, through the trigger system, direct the drain with a ring in front, so that the glue can be fed into the dispenser. This procedure must be done as long as the gluing work is carried out or until the glue itself runs out.

To remove the cartridge, we again press the locking tab, hold it and at the same time pull the stem towards ourselves in order to remove the empty cylinder from the device.

Pros and cons of liquid nails

Among advantages of this type of glue, I would like to note the following:

  1. They do not harm the work surface and are not susceptible to rust formation.
  2. They are not only resistant to low temperatures, but also environmentally friendly.
  3. They freeze extremely quickly, regardless of the characteristics of the environment.
  4. No impact tools are required when working with liquid nails.
  5. The connections are particularly durable.
  6. Any material can be glued with such nails, regardless of whether it is smooth or rough.

But limitations there are also (and where without them?), and the main ones are the following:

  1. When working with them, it is recommended to use respirators, since for some time after work the material can emit unpleasant odors.
  2. Having no idea about such nails, it is quite difficult to manipulate them for the first time.

Other liquid nail manufacturers

Among other manufacturers of liquid nails, in addition to the "Moment of Montage" itself, there are many good products. So, we can note the LN601 brand from Macco, known for its high performance in internal work.

In general, this is a universal glue, but you cannot use it when attaching mirrors or tiles. But Multi-Purpose, due to its excellent adhesion, can be easily used for plastic, brick, foam.

Solvent Free is excellent for ceramic tiles as it dries quickly and is impervious to moisture.

If you need to glue a mirror, then perhaps the best option would be LN-930.

And finally, massive structures are best fixed with Heavy Duty liquid nails or Zigger 99.

Video - instructions and method of using liquid nails

We can talk about adhesives for a very long time - modern industry produces a huge amount of them. There are both universal and highly specialized adhesives - even within the framework of one brand, their varieties can amount to several dozen. In this article, together with the site, we will talk about one of these adhesives produced under the Henkel trademark - "Moment Liquid Nails". Let's decide on their purpose, application and learn how to use this type of glue correctly.

Moment liquid nails photo

Glue liquid nails: varieties and applications

The area of ​​application of glue liquid nails at the moment of installation is quite extensive, but their main purpose is to fix any wall panels and similar materials. The highlight of this glue is its elasticity even after complete drying. And this is what is needed for gluing large-sized products undergoing thermal expansion. It is the elasticity that allows the material to expand and contract freely without the risk of coming off the surface. Liquid nail glue is unique in this respect.

How to use liquid nails

To date, the Moment glue liquid nails are produced in ten varieties:

1. "Instant grip" - almost universal glue. It can be used to connect both porous and non-porous surfaces - it easily copes with plastic, metal, brick, concrete, wood, ceramic tiles and many other materials used in construction.

2. "Express decor" - copes well with plastic, wood and polystyrene. In practice, it has been widely used in the installation of foam ceiling moldings, all kinds of decorative friezes and panels made of PVC, polystyrene and other lightweight materials.

3. Moment of installation "for mirrors" - the name of this glue speaks for itself. It is capable of connecting a mirror or glass to any type of indoor surface.

4. Liquid nails. Installation "Super Strong Transparent" - produced under the DGII marking. It can be used to glue wood, PVC, cork. It copes well with plastic and MDF skirting boards. According to the manufacturer, it can even be used to fix the door in the opening and install the window sill.

5. The moment of installation is "Super Strong". It differs from its transparent brother in an exceptionally nondescript color.

Varieties of glue moment liquid nails

6. Installation moment "Super Strong Plus" is a modified version of the two above-described adhesives. To all other qualities added the ability to use outdoors - glues everything and to anything.

7. "Very strong" - used in joints of heavy structures. When it comes to reliably sticking a weighty object, then it is difficult to come up with better than this kind of liquid nails. In practice, this glue has shown itself to be excellent when working with slabs.

8. Moment of installation "For panels" - used to install any type of panels on concrete, brick, wood and any other base.

9. "Universal" - intended for everything and at the same time for nothing. In principle, it is difficult to say anything bad about this type of liquid nails - in fact, it is an average glue that is used for the most part to adhere to any type of surface of materials of light and medium weight.

10. "Express" - glues quickly and efficiently. Designed for indoor and outdoor use. Quite often it is used for finishing facades with plaster or cement artificial stone.

Adhesives liquid nails photo

Liquid nails: instructions for use

In fact, Moment installation is unpretentious to use, but, like most similar adhesives, it has a lot of nuances. And the first, the most basic of all, is the need to use a special pistol; without it, squeezing liquid nails from a cylinder is tiresome. The pistol is inexpensive and is sold in any hardware store at an affordable price - as a rule, we are talking about $ 4-10.

The liquid nail gun is quite simple to use. The metal tongue, located behind the pistol grip, is pressed with a finger, after which the pusher piston is pulled towards itself, thereby making room for the glue bottle. When the cylinder is installed, the piston is pushed back in exactly the same way. Now everything is simple - swing the trigger and squeeze out the glue.

Gun for liquid nails photo

Many people have a question, how to open liquid nails? It's actually simple. You are not wondering how to open a tube of toothpaste or hand cream? There are two types of clogging of this glue - in the first case, you will have to cut off the sealed part of the plastic tube with a knife, and in the second case, when it comes to tin or paper cans, additionally pierce the protective film located in the depth of the spout with a long nail. This protection is necessary so that the glue has time to reach the consumer without losing its quality.

Okay, this is all the lyrics, let's get back to the technology of applying glue Moment installation of liquid nails. As elsewhere, work on gluing something with liquid nails begins with surface preparation - dust, dirt, falling paint must be completely removed. The surface of the walls and the material to be glued (if it is porous) must be coated with a layer of primer to increase the adhesion of the materials.

Liquid nails instructions for use

When the surfaces are dry, you can start gluing them. Liquid nails are applied to one of the surfaces in two ways - either in solid stripes or pointwise. The choice of application method is necessary based on the type of product. For example, long-length panels, such as PVC plastic or MDF, are best glued pointwise, but the ceiling plinth will stick more tightly if the glue is applied in a strip.

Liquid nails application photo

Have you applied glue? Now we take the product to be glued and connect it to the base of the wall. Press firmly, if necessary, lightly tap with a fist and tear off the product. What for? The glue should dry off within 5-7 minutes. You can't get away from this - this is such a lack of technology. If you want to glue the surfaces, as they say "tightly", then you should not ignore this moment. When the glue has worn off, the panel is pressed into place and pushed down with a fist. That, in principle, is the whole technology - now you know how to use liquid nails. Moment of installation and you can safely get down to work.

And finally, a few tips for sloppy craftsmen - to remove liquid nails that are not in a frozen state is tantamount to smearing them on the finished surface, thereby ruining it. First, wait until the glue dries, then carefully cut it off with a sharp blade - that's how they are Momentum liquid nails.

Moment liquid nails turn the installation of rather complex structural elements into a simple manipulation that does not require special skills or equipment.

The company Catalog of varnishes and paints sells these materials at affordable prices. You can purchase Henkel products, liquid nails from other manufacturers in Moscow with delivery.

Packing 250 gr, 450 gr.

Universal adhesive sealant INSTALLATION MOMENT DGIL super strong allows you to do without nails, screws and dowels for interior and exterior work. The adhesive is used for gluing wall panels made of wood, PVC, cork, insulation panels, decorative parts, installing window sills and door frames, gluing skirting boards and decorative friezes

Packing 400 gr.

A new product with the highest initial grasping force in this range - 100 kg / m2. The product is ideal for works where increased strength is required, installation of window sills, door frames, gluing wall panels made of wood, PVC, CORK, INSULATION PANELS.

Adhesive-Sealant GERMENT multipurpose

Packing 280 ml.

White color

Designed for sealing and gluing various seams and joints (for fastening window sills, skirting boards, for connecting metals, pipelines, when installing window frames, sealing joints on external balconies and terraces, etc.).

Packing 300 ml.

Universal adhesive sealant "Moment Installation Transparent Grip" is specially designed for universal use in construction. Universal adhesive sealant "Moment Mounting Transparent Grip" is compatible with a wide range of materials, including brick, ceramics, concrete, hardboard (chipboard), drywall, plywood, stone, MDF, PVC-U, wood, metal, plastic *, painted surfaces *, mirror surfaces **.


Packing 125 gr, 250 gr.

It is used when installing wall panels, moldings (platbands, skirting boards, friezes, corners), window sills, window and door frames, as well as gluing ceramic plates, plasterboard materials, PVC, chipboard, wood, metal, plastic, expanded polystyrene.

Packing 185 gr, 280 gr.

Universal adhesive "Moment Montage Super Strong Transparent" is a high quality waterproof adhesive specially designed for bonding a wide range of materials both indoors and outdoors.

Packing 400 gr.

"Moment Montage Liquid Nails" mirror glue is a high-strength, moisture-resistant glue designed specifically for installing indoor mirrors on all types of surfaces, such as wood, plaster, metals and painted surfaces.

Packing 125 gr, 375 gr.

Bonds most building materials in various combinations: porous and non-porous, concrete. brick, wood, metal, unplasticized PVC, ceramic tiles, sheet cardboard and other materials. Resistant to moisture. The hardened adhesive layer can be painted over.

Packing 400 gr.

Designed for quick and reliable fastening of panels and decorative elements of various types made of wood, plaster, metal, chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, drywall (including vinyl coated), cork, styrofoam and other foam plastics on concrete and brick surfaces , stone, drywall, wood

Packing 390 gr.

Designed for fast and reliable fastening of heavy structures requiring high strength and durability. Ideal for siding, siding, roofing, sub-floors, stone cladding, shelving, countertops and other heavy wood, plasterboard, metal, chipboard, plywood, stone, rubber, fiberglass.

Packing 400 gr.

It is used when installing wall panels, moldings (platbands, skirting boards, friezes, corners), window sills, window and door frames, as well as gluing ceramic plates, plasterboard materials, PVC, chipboard, wood, metal, plastic, expanded polystyrene.

Packing 250 gr, 400 gr.

Glue moment installation "Express decor" for decorative work and foam panels. Scope of application: for all types of panels made of styrofoam, plastic and other materials, including ceiling plinths and decorative friezes, wooden decorative elements.

Packing 400 gr.

NAIL POWER Glue for Wet Rooms (Blue Tube)

Packing 301 ml.

Water-based adhesive for installing plastic products in bathrooms and showers. Solvent free.

NAIL POWER glue for wooden flooring (red tube)

Packing 310 ml.

Connects all wood-to-wood surfaces, regardless of whether the wood is dry, wet or frozen

NAIL POWER glue for mirrors (Black tube)

Packing 301 ml.

For installing mirrors on all types of surfaces such as wood, drywall, metals and painted surfaces. Contains solvent.

NAIL POWER adhesive for panels and moldings (Purple tube)

Packing 301 ml.

For fastening wall and ceiling panels and various decorative elements without nails and screws. Contains solvent.

NAIL POWER adhesive for building structures (Blue tube)

Packing 301 ml.

For gluing plastic, polystyrene, foam and other building structures to fiberboard, chipboard, drywall, plywood, concrete and other porous materials.

NAIL POWER glue for heavy structures (brown tube)

Packing 301 ml.

Designed for fast and reliable fastening of heavy structures, panels, plywood, plasterboard installation, floor installation, stone cladding, installation of shelving, countertops and other building parts.

NAIL POWER universal glue (Orange tube)

Packing 301 ml.

Designed for general construction and repair work. It is used when installing skirting boards, wall and ceiling panels, friezes, platbands, moldings, decorative and building elements.


Packing 280 ml.

Liquid nails MOMNT FASTENER CF900

Packing 280 ml.

Packing 200gr, 400gr.

Packing 200 gr, 400 gr.

It is indispensable when installing window frames, window sills made of plastic and wood, insulating panels, various profiles and cable channels, facing tiles and others. PROPERTIES: open time (for positioning the parts to be bonded) 15 minutes. Does not contain solvents. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Increased initial gripping force (up to 60 kg / m3).

Packing 370 gr.

Ideal for indoor mirror mounting. Does not damage the amalgam backing of the mirror. Resistant to vertical shifts. Resistant to moisture. Remains flexible, does not flake off, does not become brittle.

Packing 380 gr.

It is indispensable when installing window frames, window sills made of plastic and wood, insulating panels, various profiles and cable channels, facing tiles and others. PROPERTIES: ideal for decorating a room with friezes and moldings made of styrofoam, gypsum, polystyrene, elements of wood, metal, ceramics.

Packing 380 gr.

It is indispensable when installing window frames, window sills made of plastic and wood, insulating panels, various profiles and cable channels, facing tiles and others. PROPERTIES: ideal for decorating a room with friezes and moldings made of styrofoam, gypsum, polystyrene, elements of wood, metal, ceramics.

Packing 410 gr.

It is indispensable when installing window frames, window sills made of plastic and wood, insulating panels, various profiles and cable channels, facing tiles and others. PROPERTIES: ideal for decorating a room with friezes and moldings made of styrofoam, gypsum, polystyrene, elements of wood, metal, ceramics.

Packing 380 gr.

Packing 370 gr.


Up to 20,000 rubles.

From 20,000 - 50,000 rubles.

From 50,000 rubles.




Mixer attachment MOMENT FASTENERS 5pcs

Adhesive-Sealant GERMENT multipurpose white



Assembly adhesive METHYLAN INTERO










Glue MOMENT INSTALLATION super strong transparent

Glue MOMENT INSTALLATION super strong transparent



Sealant adhesive TORQUE INSTALLATION transparent grip






Adhesive MOMENT INSTALLATION for panels

MOMENT INSTALLATION glue extra strong


Glue MOMENT INSTALLATION express cartridge

Adhesive MOMENT INSTALLATION express decor

Adhesive MOMENT INSTALLATION express decor

NAIL POWER adhesive for wet rooms (blue tube)

NAIL POWER glue for mirrors (black tube)

NAIL POWER adhesive for panels and moldings (purple tube)

NAIL POWER adhesive for building structures (blue tube)

NAIL POWER glue for heavy structures (brown tube)

Mounting adhesive EKON interior

Mounting adhesive EKON interior

Construction adhesive EKON superstrong

Construction adhesive EKON superstrong

Mounting adhesive EKON mirror

Mounting adhesive EKON multipurpose

Installation adhesive EKON facing

Construction adhesive EKON for general construction

Construction adhesive EKON sanitary

EKON mounting glue, heavy-duty

Some people don't quite understand how to use liquid nails.

This is not surprising, since this device is relatively new on the building materials market.

This article explains how to use liquid nails and which ones are best to choose.

Why do you need liquid nails?

Liquid nails are special mounting glue. This adhesive is made from polymer and rubber.

Currently, it is quite popular due to its ease of application and good performance.

This device has many other advantages for which it is loved by both professionals and amateurs.

For example, using liquid nails, you can quickly glue wood, metal, ceramic or PVC.

In addition, such glue dries very quickly, but this does not happen immediately, so you can quickly change the position of the bonding elements. In addition, after gluing to a liquid nail, you can bend the material as you like.

It should also be noted that the glue solution is very frost-resistant and does not catch fire. Liquid nails can support a weight of about 50 kg.

When gluing, you do not need to use percussion instruments, which is also quite important.

In addition, a liquid nail prevents rust from forming if you need to glue metal parts.

The glue can bond any surface - rough, soft, etc., while all of them will adhere equally well.

However, in order to properly glue the necessary parts, you should carefully consider the choice of liquid nails.

There are nails based on organic compounds. They adhere well and are resistant to low temperatures.

Before buying, you need to carefully study the instructions, since you need to work with organic-based glue with gloves.

As a rule, nails in this category have a pungent odor, so it is advisable to wear a respirator before starting work.

There are acrylic-based solutions. Such glue is almost completely safe, but it cannot be worked with if the temperature is very low.

In general, acrylic liquid nails stick together worse than organic ones, so it is better not to use them for serious installation work.

To use the glue, you need a liquid nail gun. On average, a standard cassette contains about 310 ml of adhesive.

Generally, all-purpose liquid nails are needed to glue small pieces together. But there is also a heavy-duty glue, which is used for more serious installation work.

However, the glue also has its drawbacks. For example, when working with it, you need your clothes to cover your hands, you must wear a respirator, since the solution has a very unpleasant odor.

In addition, if there was no experience with such glue, then using it is quite problematic. Before using liquid nails, the instructions must be read.

How to choose the right one?

Most often, this glue is needed for adhesion of ceramic, metal, wood, brick, polystyrene and other parts.

Liquid nails can even glue to each other elements that do not fit snugly together.

In this case, the solution can withstand a load of about 80 kg. However, experts advise against glueing wet wood materials with nails.

Wallpaper made of natural materials is often glued to nails. In this case, you do not need to especially prepare the surface - you just need to remove the excess plaster and start gluing.

As with conventional glue, liquid nails must be applied to the inside of the coating, after which the sheet is applied to the surface and pressed by hand.

If the glue has leaked a little from the edges of the sheet, then you can take your time with wiping. Wait a little until the solution dries, and then carefully remove the excess.

Even ceramic tiles can be glued to such glue. At the same time, the adhesion will be of higher quality than that of conventional tile mortars.

However, if you use nails on a large scale, then it will be somewhat costly - the price of glue is quite high.

It is best to use this glue to glue loose tiles, etc.

If you need to glue a heavy element to a vertical plane, then you need to fix the object on wooden supports until the composition is completely dry.

It usually dries completely in 12 hours, but this depends on the brand and ingredients of the adhesive.

Many people advise reading the instructions for use when choosing liquid nails, but this does not always help.

If a person has never used this glue before, and there are dozens of varieties of adhesive solutions in the store, then it will be difficult to make a choice.

In any case, you first need to understand the most popular brands. For example, very often you can see the "Moment Montage extra strong" glue based on neoprene.

This adhesive solution can withstand the stress of heavy parts and elements. It is often used for bonding siding, stone, woodwork, and more.

However, this option is not suitable for expanded polystyrene and other foam materials. For these purposes, it is better to purchase "Moment Montage superstrong" based on water.

But at the same time, one must remember that they cannot be glued to polyethylene, polypropylene or Teflon.

There are also LN601 liquid nails on neoprene, which can only be used for interior work. But since the glue is universal, it can be used to glue almost anything.

However, this glue solution is not suitable for gluing tiles and other heavy objects.

There is also a Multi-Purpose adhesive based on neoprene that can be used to glue brick, concrete or plaster.

In addition, this glue is suitable for plastic, wood, metal and ceramic elements, but it cannot be used for expanded polystyrene objects.

It should be remembered that nails that dry quickly are best for ceramic tiles. For example, Titanium WB-50 and Solvent Free.

If you need to glue a mirror, then you need to choose LN-930 and other similar adhesive solutions. For work in a humid environment, it is better to take Nail Power.

Various wood structures need to be glued with Solvent Free or Tigger construction adhesive, they dry quickly.

If you need to glue something heavy, then the heavy duty Heavy Duty or Zigger 99 will do.

How to use?

Nails are very often used for installation. Despite the fact that working with them is relatively simple, there are still a few rules to follow.

For example, remember that the adhesive is applied only to a clean, dry surface. In addition, after spreading the solution, it is necessary to firmly press the parts in the desired position for 2 minutes.

It should also be remembered that the glue is applied in stripes or dotted. At the same time, you do not need to spread the composition over the entire surface, gluing will be good without it.

Drying usually takes about 12 hours, but it can take as long as 18 hours, and a day - it depends on the brand and manufacturer. It is better not to touch the structure during drying.

If the bonding elements are heavy enough, then it is advisable to wait a week, then the glue will dry completely and be able to fully hold the structure.

The composition is needed for gluing parts in difficult places.

It should not be forgotten that nails based on organic compounds are quite dangerous - do not allow the composition to come into contact with the skin. The glue must be applied with a special gun.

In stores, liquid nails can be found in the form of cartridges, which helps to use the adhesive solution in dosage and save money. Moreover, the shelf life of the composition is quite long.

However, everyone has situations when it is necessary not only to apply glue, but also to remove it. It is especially difficult to remove high-strength adhesive mortar.

To remove a freshly applied liquid nail, try rinsing it off with solvent and water. To do this, you can use a regular sponge.

However, this option is not yet the most difficult, since the composition has not yet had time to dry. If the glue is already dry, then you will have to wash it off with special substances that are available in stores.

However, not everyone has strong solvents on hand. For such cases, the use of a conventional scraper is indicated. Only you need to work with it very carefully so as not to spoil anything.

You can try to heat the cured glue. In this case, the mass will become liquid and viscous, it can be easily washed off, only it will have to be heated up to 60 degrees.

Many people still have a question about how to use a nail gun correctly. This is also quite simple - you need to press the metal tongue of the gun, then pull the piston in your direction, which will make room for the adhesive solution.

After fixing the cylinder, you need to push the piston back, then you can squeeze out the nails by swinging the trigger.

Some people don't know how to open a tube of solution. This question is often asked by newbies, but really nothing complicated here.

The tube is either sealed - then it must be opened with a knife, or you just need to pierce it from above if the container is tin. It is best to pierce with a nail, since there is a protective film inside.