How to make a drywall box in the bathroom - step by step instructions. Installation of a moisture-resistant drywall box in the bathroom DIY box for pipes in the bathroom

Speaking of pipes in the bathroom, it should be noted that they do not look very attractive. Therefore, the question of how to make a pipe box in the bathroom worries many people. more aesthetic appearance.

Installing the box is the most common method. Just before installation, it is necessary to calculate everything so that there is unhindered access to the distribution of the line.

Otherwise, repair work cannot be carried out without dismantling the box.

Necessary tools for work:

  1. ticks;
  2. electric drill;
  3. square;
  4. marker;
  5. hacksaw;
  6. hammer;
  7. scissors for metal;
  8. screwdriver;
  9. level;
  10. roulette.

Initially, you need to make a frame

Regardless of the sheathing material and the location of the box, the frame is always made in the same way. Consider this using the example of a vertical box.

They begin with the installation of two guide profiles. If the box is placed in a corner, then they are mounted on one and the other side of the corner. And in areas where the pipeline runs straight, it must be installed on both sides of the pipe.

It is necessary to strengthen the guides with a level, and they should be fixed with dowels or self-tapping screws.

IMPORTANT! In order not to waste a lot of space in the bathroom, you need to make sure that the profiles are located as close to the pipes as possible.

Next, proceed to the installation of guide profiles in the bathroom on the ceiling and floor. From the edge of the wall profile, lines are drawn on the wall parallel to the wall.

The place where the lines intersect will show the length and direction for mounting the guides. The necessary workpieces are cut (two for the floor and two for the ceiling).

Then they are fixed with dowels, and they maintain the direction indicated by the lines. This is necessary in order not to violate the vertical of the angle that is formed later.

First, you need to do the installation on the ceiling, and then, using a plumb line, transfer the docking point to the floor. In this place, the floor profiles are brought together.

They must be fastened with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 9 mm (tex).

This corner piece is trimmed according to the height of the room and inserted into the rails on the ceiling and floor. The whole structure is then bound with tex.

The next stage of work will be the connection of wall and corner guides with blanks of bearing profiles.

They are placed every 5 cm, otherwise the frame will not have the required rigidity. And now you can move on to the cladding.

What material is better to choose

Most often, plastic or drywall is used for cladding. The main difference between these materials is that the plastic construction is more comfortable.

If necessary, it can be easily and quickly disassembled. And it also folds very easily. A box made of plastic panels does not need additional finishing, but drywall does.

Plasterboard sheathing

A plasterboard box in a bathroom is not difficult to make. Sequence of work:

  1. Sheets of drywall are cut into pieces of the desired size.
  2. Then these pieces are screwed to the metal profile. To do this, use self-tapping screws 27 mm. Fasteners are made at intervals of 30 cm using a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  3. A small chamfer must be removed from the place where the drywall sheets are joined, and the resulting gap is sealed with putty.

The finishing of this material is done in the same way as the finishing of the walls. To do this, use plastic panels, paint, wallpaper, or ceramic tiles.

Access to communications is an important detail when installing the box

It should be borne in mind that someday the network needs to be repaired, so you need to provide convenient and quick access to it. For such purposes, a hole must be made in the structure.

The small dimensions of such a hole make it difficult to access, so take this point into account in advance.

The hole is closed with a special hatch. In hardware stores, the selection of these designs is extensive. Buyers can choose any color, size and model modification. The device is fastened with magnets.

Blinds are also used for the hole. Not everyone likes this solution, but the pipes can be reached in a couple of minutes.

Removable plasterboard and tile box

The removable tubing box in the bathroom is suitable when it is necessary to sew pipes inexpensively and neatly. In this case, the advantage is that if the pipeline breaks through, it is easy to get access to the problem area.

Video 1

For a removable structure, they take moisture-resistant drywall and metal guides. The entire structure is made of attachments that are installed one on top of the other.

All sections are corner pieces and are attached to the wall using simple hinges, which are used for hanging shelves.

The structure is hung on screws, and at the same time it rests on the floor. This design is shear resistant. As an additional fastener, a metal corner is used from its inner part.

Access to communications becomes possible through the hatch and after the upper part is removed. Handles are attached to the sections from the inside. This is done for easy movement during installation.

It is better to make the final covering of a removable box from a tile mosaic, which is glued with liquid nails. In the middle section, a hatch is mounted for access to ventilation and meters.

The seam between the sections can not be rubbed, but you can use a rubber seal or silicone.

Removable pipe boxes are not lightweight, but they are easy and quick to disassemble, which makes them very convenient to use.

Finishing the box with plastic panels

This design is considered a good alternative. This material is not particularly inferior to tiles, which occupy a leading place among finishing materials.

Plastic is easy to care for, it can be easily cleaned from dirt and grease stains.

This material is not afraid of temperature changes, and this is very important for the bathroom. The popularity of this material is also based on the fact that its installation is a simple process that does not require a lot of time and money.

If you decide to make a box of plastic panels in the bathroom, then you don't have to think about leveling the walls. Plastic panels are mounted like a laminate (using a puzzle).

The installation process itself takes a couple of hours. A distinctive feature of this material is resistance to deformation.

If the box is tiled in a new house, then it may shrink over time. At the same time, the tile is destroyed, but this does not happen with the panels.

Plastic panels have another advantage. They are much cheaper when compared to tiles. In addition to its high cost, the costs of glue, grout, corners, and leveling of walls must be added to the costs of installing it.

All this is not needed for plastic panels. Likewise, replacing tiles is difficult. A damaged panel is much easier to replace. For these reasons, the plastic pipe box in the bathroom is used more often than others.

IMPORTANT! In order for such a structure to last longer, the places where the panels are attached are coated with a silicone sealant.

Plastic paneling of pipes in the bathroom

  • In this case, it is advised not to install the entire profile at once. At first, only the wall-mounted starting element is placed.
  • Begin to sheathe one side. The plastic is cut into small pieces and inserted from bottom to top (do it horizontally). No fastening is required for them. In those places where it is necessary to control the highway, cutouts are made and the door is mounted.
  • Decorative element for the corner. The plastic corner is put on the protrusion of the collected plastic. When it falls into place, it must be secured with planks to the frame.
  • The second side of the structure is sheathed in the same way as the first.
  • The purl shelf is removed from the last starting profile. It is covered with silicone and glued into the corner.
  • The slots and joints of the box with the tile are filled with sanitary silicone. The excess is gently removed with a damp cloth.

Video 2

Whichever box you choose, the main thing is that it fully cope with its functions. He must close the ugly pipes, and make it possible to comfortably get to them.

With all this, this design should be in harmony with the overall design of the entire room. Using the above information and watching the video, you will learn how to make a pipe box in the bathroom yourself. This kind of work will not be problematic for you.


In this material, we will talk about this method of hiding pipes in the bathroom, such as installing a drywall or plastic box, and also consider the main points for its installation.

As a rule, pipes for cold and hot water laid in plain sight in the bathroom look at least unattractive. Naturally, the owners of the apartments make every effort to hide them. Currently, several simple ways of solving this problem are practiced, the most common of which is the installation of a duct for pipes in the bathroom.

Before making a pipe box, you need to organize the ability to access the laid pipes after installing the finished structure. This will make it possible to greatly simplify the implementation of possible future work for preventive or repair purposes.

Manufacturing the frame of the box

There can be several designs of boxes for plumbing pipes, but the stages of their installation will in any case be the same.

First you need to decide on the material for the frame and cladding. The frame can be made from an aluminum profile or a wooden lath. Next, the dimensions of the space occupied by the pipes are measured, after which they proceed to the assembly of the frame from sections. The structure is attached to the wall and floor with self-tapping screws.

It is worth noting that in order to facilitate the work, wooden blocks can be installed in advance at the attachment points of the frame.

After collecting and positioning the frame, proceed to facing operations.

Varieties of boxes

Plasterboard box

Most often, the box for closing pipes in the bathroom is made of drywall.

This method consists in performing the following works:

  • First of all, reference lines are drawn on the wall, retreating from the pipes by 3-5 cm on both sides. To keep the lines straight, you can use the building level.
  • Next, a profile of a certain size is set along the drawn lines, and a cut piece of drywall with a thickness of 9.5 mm is fixed to it.
  • Now another piece of the profile is cut off and attached to the outer ends of the blanks. The front part is mounted on the base, which is fastened with self-tapping screws every 25 cm.
  • The docking places are well putty, and then the surface is either painted or revetted with any material that the owner liked the most.

It is worth noting that the place where the drywall adheres to the wall can be hidden by installing a decorative plinth, for example, a corner intended for a bathroom.

Using polystyrene panels as a box

Also, polystyrene panels are quite popular material for finishing bathrooms and toilets. It can be installed without constructing a frame. That is, a plastic polystyrene pipe box is also perfect for solving our problem. These panels have special legs that can be adjusted in height, which is also a big plus when used in rooms with a slightly curved floor. The legs will make it possible to take into account all irregularities, up to 10 cm.

Installation of a plastic pipe box is carried out in the following sequence:

  • An end support is attached to the wall.
  • The edges of the panels, located on the sides and top, are greased with glue, then they are installed and adjusted.
  • Use a wrench to adjust the legs of the panels to obtain the desired height. After that, we can assume that the installation of the box is over.

The finished box made of plastic material is very high quality and durable.

Tiling the box

Ceramic tiles are suitable for cladding a box made of fiberboard, moisture-repellent plywood or drywall. The tiles are most suitable for use in the bathroom, because they are very durable and not afraid of moisture.

In addition, it comes in many shades and textures. The cladding, as a rule, starts from the front side, and only after that they move on to the sidewalls.

Please note that the tiles are attached with special glue.

Marking, creation of a work plan, installation

The box for pipes in the room can be mounted in any place where it is required. The main thing is to make the entire list of calculations in time, even before installation, so that, thanks to a correctly selected place for placing the box, you can use the available space as efficiently as possible.

Even before purchasing all the materials, you need to draw up an estimate and make a markup. To make the calculations as accurate as possible, you need to take into account not only the dimensions of the box, but also the furniture and plumbing that will be installed in the bathroom.

There is nothing difficult in the installation of the box, since this structure is nothing more than a typical frame assembled from profiles for arches, partitions and other similar structures. It is noteworthy that it is even easier to use it in the bathroom, because there is no need to give the frame a complex shape - you only need to make an even rectangle.

In addition, the frame is most often installed in the corner, which makes its installation even easier and slightly cheaper. To mount the box in the corner, you need to buy only three profiles in height from floor to ceiling, and a fourth profile for cutting jumpers. To install the box, you need to fix the profile to the walls, ceiling and floor, and then fasten it together with jumpers to get a strong structure.

It is important to know that, in order to make the fastening of finishing materials easier after installing the box, you can install pieces of wood in the middle of the box.

The last stage: sheathing and cladding of the box

The final stage, which consists in sheathing the box, also cannot be called difficult, because all the markings have already been made, you just need to precisely cut the material and start sheathing the frame with it.

The cladding material must be moisture-repellent, since the bathroom belongs to rooms with excessive humidity. In such conditions, the service life of a large amount of materials is greatly reduced.

It is worth noting that the box must be additionally insulated and sealed so that condensation does not collect on the pipes inside. To do this, you can use polyurethane foam, sealants and other heat-insulating materials.

In the article above, we looked at how to make a pipe box in a bath. We can conclude that it is quite simple to complete all the work, the main thing is to acquire high-quality and correct materials, and to make accurate markings.

Very often, repair work in the bathroom and toilet is carried out in order to make the image of the room more attractive. The presence of communications sometimes spoils even the most fashionable and stylish renovation. Hide unsightly communications will wash a box made of drywall. A box in a bathroom made of plasterboard with and without doors can be made with your own hands. To do this, you must first study the instructions, after which you can start repair work. For the manufacture of the box, moisture-resistant drywall is best suited.

A plasterboard box will help not only hide communications, but also provide them with reliable protection from unforeseen mechanical rooms. This material allows you to make a convenient structure that will provide free access to the pipes at the right time. In order for the repair work to be successful, you need to carefully prepare for them.

Correctly selected tools are the key to successful repair work. For work you will need: a hammer, tape measure, pencil, level, plumb line, knife.

First of all, the master should draw a markup that will allow him to determine the size of the frame. It is important to note that the profile must not be in contact with the pipes. Allowances should be made for patching drywall sheets.

How to make markup:

  • Determine the top point of the markup, taking into account the floor drawing.
  • Follow a straight line from the top mark to the very bottom.

The success of the entire construction depends on the correctness of the markup. In order to carry out the marking clearly and evenly, it is necessary to use a plumb line and a level. After completing the preparatory work, you can start assembling and installing the frame.

How to make drywall boxes in the bathroom: frame installation

Before assembling the frame, you must select the material for the profile. It is best to use aluminum. This material is ideally combined with drywall, and also has anti-corrosion qualities.

The use of wooden beams when installing the frame will make the work silent and allow you to create additional fasteners.

It is important to use a sufficient number of beams, which is determined depending on the height of the profiles. The bars prevent deformation of the profile under the weight of the drywall sheets. It is important to pay special attention to the process of cutting drywall sheets.

Stages of work:

  • Cut out two sides.
  • Install the side panels.
  • Cut out the third panel.
  • Place the last panel on top of the side sheets.

When securing self-tapping screws, it is important to pay attention to the fact that they need to be cut into the profile. In this case, do not touch the end sidewalls. Do not forget that you need to cut holes in the box that will provide access to communications.

Sheathing and how to make drywall boxes in the bathroom:

Elements for frame sheathing must be solid. The edges of the side pieces must match the frame profiles. The last part serves to close the side panels.

When fixing the elements, it is important to correctly measure and take into account the gaps between the screws, which should not exceed 2.5 cm.

Places for monitoring the health of the pipeline are also made of drywall sheets. Special magnets are used to secure them. The box can be made completely collapsible.

Decorative finishing options:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Dye;
  • Decorative plaster.

After installing the box, the bathroom will look much more attractive. At the same time, the noise level from the pipes will be significantly reduced. It is important to ensure that the box does not interfere with pipe maintenance.

Technological holes: how to close pipes in the bathroom with drywall:

When forming the box, it is important to leave available meters, valves, valves, reducers and expansion joints. Holes in the material must be cut out large from the size of the doors themselves. The door is fixed after installing the frame.

In order to monitor the drain, the hole must be located in the front of the box.

The door can be placed on the side if it will serve to regulate the state of valves and pipes. The openings for pipes in the box should be made slightly larger. The space between them is filled with foamed polyethylene or tow.

Door components:

  • Frame;
  • GKLV;
  • Push lock;
  • Sealant;
  • Door.

For the manufacture of doors and the box itself, moisture-resistant drywall is used. It is treated with a special impregnation resistant to humid air. GKLV prevents the appearance of fungus and mold. After installation, the box is best tiled with ceramic tiles. Then the bathroom will look stylish, the pipes will be protected from mechanical stress, and the box will be protected from moisture. The bathroom needs a special finish that will not deteriorate from moisture and temperature changes.

We make a box in the bathroom from drywall (video)

The bathroom is filled with pipes that negatively affect the appearance of the room. That is why we close them with a box. It can be made from various types of materials. One of these materials is drywall. It is better if it is moisture resistant. You can make a box yourself, having previously studied the instructions and made the markup. It is important not to forget to leave the inspection doors in the box, so that there is a possibility of constant access to communications in the event of a breakdown.

The communications in the bathrooms look unattractive, therefore, in most cases, starting the renovation of an apartment, the owners of the living space want to build a box of plasterboard for pipes. Someone invites a master for this, but if there is at least a minimal idea about the construction tool, you can close the pipes yourself.

Material selection and required tools

The construction of the box is not a difficult process, but in this work there are some nuances that you should know for a positive result. For installation, you need to buy materials, and:

  • fasteners - connection elements, "seeds", dowel-nails;
  • plaster;
  • silicone-based sealant - useful for sealing joints with the floor;
  • inspection hatch;
  • drywall
  • profile - and.

Material for creating a plasterboard structure

You will need tools to work, there are not so many of them, so it will not be difficult to prepare it:

  • spatula;
  • screwdriver;
  • puncher;
  • drill 6 mm;
  • scissors for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • knife and hacksaw;
  • bath;
  • container for mixing the mixture.

Drywall tools

As soon as everything is ready, you can assemble a drywall box, consider the step-by-step instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for making a box for pipes

Before you start assembling a drywall box, you need to draw up a project. Do not ignore this stage, since it is one of the most important, since the quality of the box made on your own depends on it.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a plasterboard box for hiding drain pipes will be described using the example of a bathroom and toilet, the process of installing a structure for hiding pipes in the kitchen is identical to that described.

There is no need to create an exact drawing, it is enough just to make a schematic drawing with the dimensions of the future structure transferred to it.

Scheme of a drywall box for pipes

Watch the video: how to close pipes with a drywall box.

  • Further, it should be noted on the floor and ceiling, the location of the guide profile, for this you need a building corner. Substitute the corner with a short edge to the corner at the intersection of the floor and wall, and draw a straight line on the floor. The angle between the strip on the wall and the strip on the floor should be 90 degrees;

  • The same should be done on the ceiling.

The markup is ready, you can proceed to the next stage.

Mounting and installation of a frame made of profiles

Before the construction of the metal frame, you need to cut the required number of profile segments equal to the marked lines.

Watch in the video: assembling a frame for a future box made of gypsum plasterboard.

How is the installation done:

  • You need to start by installing guide profiles on the floor and ceiling, and then on the walls. They are installed strictly along the lines, and are fixed with dowel-nails. To do this, press the profile firmly to the floor and drill holes in the floor directly through it at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Insert dowels into the holes and screw in self-tapping screws;

  • After that, you can start installing the rack-mount profiles. It is inserted along the top and bottom guides. The profile is pressed and fixed with dowel-nails. The ends of the flexible joint are folded inward, or cut off. The main requirement in this situation is that the profile must be level;
  • The next step will be the installation of the corner connecting profile, it is screwed with small screws to the intersection of the guides at the corner of the future box;

Fastening the rack profile to the guide using self-tapping screws

  • Then the stiffening frame is mounted in the pipe box - the profile at the wall and the profile at the corner are connected in small segments. The segments are located strictly parallel to the floor at a distance of 30 cm from each other, along the entire height of the frame on both sides.

Important! The entire assembly must be controlled with a level, even a small deviation, which can lead to poor-quality assembly of the structure. This instruction will help you to assemble and install a box that can cover the heating pipes.

Firstly, for this structure, reinforcement is made from profiles, in size.

Secondly, such hatches are quite heavy, so you need to fix it carefully, not sparing self-tapping screws.

Also at this stage it is necessary to determine where the ventilation grill will be installed, it is necessary so that condensation does not form inside the box.

The modern plumbing room has many communications for water supply, sewerage system and heating. All of them significantly spoil the interior of the room, in connection with which there is a need for their shelter. The ideal solution for the implementation of such a masking is considered to be a pipe box in the bathroom, which is a simple but rather functional design.

Specificity of the box for pipes

The rooms of the bathroom and toilet are characterized by a characteristic microclimate and contain various engineering systems of common use. On these pipes, meters are usually mounted to control the flow of all types of water and shut-off valves. All this requires periodic maintenance, which is expressed in checking the integrity of the connections, cleaning the filters and repairing any malfunctions.

There are various ways to aesthetically close communications. One of them is a hidden wiring, in which special grooves are created for pipes in the walls, but this option cannot be considered universal due to a number of disadvantages. Installation of the box will provide access to technical systems; it can be completely collapsible or have special doors.

Construction requirements

Certain requirements are imposed on the box masking the pipes, the main ones are as follows:

  1. 1. Elimination of cluttering of the room, the decorative box should take up a minimum amount of space, since the sanitary-technical room has a small area. However, in the manufacture of a structure, the required distance of its elements from the pipes should be strictly observed, which should be at least three centimeters.
  2. 2. Providing access to communications without any difficulty. The structure of the box should allow the specialist to freely carry out the necessary operations with the elements of the engineering system. For these purposes, a removable structure would be an ideal solution, otherwise the installation of numerous doors will be required.
  3. 3. Safety preventing physical injury to a person during operation.
  4. 4. Harmony with the decoration of the premises, the ability to fit into the overall interior.

Taking into account the peculiarity of the microclimate of the bathroom, the decorative box should be distinguished by moisture resistance.

Advantages of a camouflage box

When decorating modern bath rooms, the installation of a box that covers the pipes is quite often carried out. Its popularity is due to the presence of a number of advantages:

  1. 1. Aesthetic appearance due to the quality of the materials used for the manufacture.
  2. 2. Ease of assembly, allowing the construction of the system not only during major overhaul, but also cosmetic, since it is allowed to install the structure on top of the finished finish.
  3. 3. Providing unimpeded access to the engineering system, which allows monitoring its condition, carrying out repair work if necessary, and recording meter readings.
  4. 4. Possibility of productive use of the bathroom area by combining the design with the installation for the toilet, various shelves and other elements.

A neatly executed box can be both functional and aesthetic, becoming a decoration of the room.

Options for obstruction of communications

You can hide pipes in the bathroom in different ways, the most popular of which are the following:

  1. 1. Boxes in the form of cabinets, this solution is usually used for systems with a vertical arrangement, such as risers. The design provides full access to the pipeline, meters and other elements. Its advantage lies in the ability to place shelves and various devices for storing household items inside it. That allows you to effectively use the area in the bathroom and toilet.
  2. 2. Boxes like partitions, installed along the entire length of the room and in its entire height, thereby making a certain space isolated. The disadvantage of this option is to reduce the area of ​​the room, but at the same time, its appearance becomes ideal due to the complete hiding of all engineering systems. Such partitions are especially suitable for spacious rooms and toilets with a wall-hung toilet, since the installation is masked along with the communications.
  3. 3. Compact box located around the pipes. Such structures are used quite often due to the fact that they do not take up space and give the room an aesthetic appearance. These systems can be positioned both vertically and horizontally, adjacent to the ceiling or floor.

Types and characteristics of material

To make a decorative box masking pipes, you need to select the appropriate material that needs to meet certain requirements. The main ones are expressed in resistance to high levels of humidity, low weight and low thickness. Also, the structure must be made of components that are environmentally friendly.

Of all the materials offered on the market, moisture resistant plasterboard and plywood, MDF or plastic meet these criteria. Particularly popular are PVC panels and GKLV boards.

PVC panels

Working with this material is the simplest way to close pipes. Its positive aspects are as follows:

  1. 1. Box for masking PVC pipes does not require additional work related to finishing.
  2. 2. If dismantling is required, all component elements are retained, which is especially important for pipelines with fitting and threaded connections.
  3. 3. Easy installation, completely doable by yourself.
  4. 4. Non-susceptibility to deformations and easy maintenance during operation. The material is flexible and reliable; if individual panels are damaged, each of them can be easily replaced.
  5. 5. Insignificant thickness, contributing to the compactness of the structure.
  6. 6. The product made of polyvinyl chloride can withstand repeated assemblies and disassembly and provides the ability to store various accessories inside, creating all the conditions for this.

PVC material has not only advantages, but also weaknesses. One of them is low resistance to temperature extremes. The material has a specific odor that cannot be eliminated. Plastic has the ability to decompose over time, releasing harmful components into the air during this process.

Moisture resistant drywall

Compared to PVC panels, drywall has many more advantages. Of these, the main ones should be highlighted:

  1. 1. Simple installation. GKLV material is easily fixed on a base made of galvanized profiles, which allows you to create a box for pipes with any configuration and size. Carrying out such work does not require special skills and the involvement of sophisticated equipment.
  2. 2. Plasterboard sheets are lightweight, which eliminates additional stress on structural parts and assumes the use of weightless galvanized elements to hold them.
  3. 3. Flexibility of the material, allowing the product to be shaped to the desired shape. To do this, one of the sides of the gypsum plasterboard is moistened and trimmed.
  4. 4. Smooth surface, simplifying the process of decorative finishing of the box. In this case, additional alignment by plastering along the beacons is not required.
  5. 5. The texture of drywall allows decoration with various types of finishing materials. Typically, tiles are used for this purpose, but you can trim the GKLV pipe box with clapboard, wallpaper or just paint.
  6. 6. Fire safety of the material due to the fact that it consists of sheets of cardboard and hardened gypsum, not prone to easy inflammation. In case of contact with open fire, drywall does not emit toxic substances that have a negative effect on human health.
  7. 7. Environmental safety due to the zero level of formaldehyde emissions from drywall. The material will not cause harm both during installation and during subsequent operation.
  8. 8. Reasonable price, making the material available to every consumer.

It is important to remember that the pipe box must be made only of moisture-resistant drywall, painted green. This option tolerates high levels of humidity and is intended for use in such conditions.

Manufacturing and installation

Before proceeding with the construction of the system, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. When laying new pipes, it is recommended to design them in the routing with as few connections as possible. Before installation, it is necessary to thoroughly check the pipes for the presence of various damages leading to leaks.

The material for making the box should be ideal for sanitary facilities. After carrying out the measurements required for subsequent work, a preliminary drawing of the future structure is sketched. It should provide free access to all devices and elements on the pipeline.

Preparation of tools and auxiliary materials

The design of the box for masking pipes in the bathroom includes a frame, sheathing and fasteners. In turn, the frame can be made either from metal profiles or from wooden beams. Due to the fact that wood is significantly inferior to metal in durability, it is recommended to give preference to the second option when choosing.

As a fastening material, it is necessary to prepare:

  • dowels for mounting the frame to the wall;
  • self-tapping screws for wood or metal, with the help of which the frame is assembled;
  • self-tapping screws used for working with cladding material.

Before making a system for masking pipes in sanitary rooms, you should take care of the availability of such tools as:

  • roulette;
  • square;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • puncher;
  • plane;
  • scissors for working with metal or a hacksaw;
  • knife with a sharp blade;
  • UD and CD profiles.

Measuring operations

Before the start of the construction, the place where the structure will be located is specified, and all the necessary measurements are carried out. This will exclude the introduction of amendments during installation work, which are always accompanied by certain difficulties. It is almost impossible to resize an already prepared element without affecting other parts of the structure.

At this stage, the location of inspection doors or removable box parts is immediately thought out. In the drawing, where the dimensions of the system will be indicated, it is recommended to enter the thickness of the finishing material. The markings for the implementation of the frame begins immediately from the floor, while the dimensions between the walls of the structure and the pipes are strictly maintained, which should not be less than three centimeters.

After the contour of the box has been determined, by means of a construction plumb line it is applied to sections of the ceiling and walls that will come into contact with this structure in the future.

Assembling the frame for the box

The fittings around the pipes are usually made of galvanized profiles or wooden battens with excellent moisture resistance characteristics. The latter option requires mandatory treatment with antiseptic agents. The connection between the frame parts is carried out by means of a cutter or self-tapping screws. Additionally, you will need dowels and special screws. The work consists of several stages:

  • the profile is being installed on the walls;
  • racks are installed that will act as the front edge of the box;
  • the installation of guides on the ceiling and on the floor is carried out.

The length of the racks can exceed one and a half meters, in which case jumpers must be installed between them, which may still be required when the frame width exceeds twenty-five centimeters. The distance between these structural elements should be no more than one meter. The lintels will add the required rigidity to the structure.

When making reinforcement made of wood, the sections of the cuts are processed with special construction mastics. This prevents the process of decay and deformation due to temperature changes and fluctuations in humidity.

Plating process

After finishing the cutting of all the required elements, sheathing is performed. It is not recommended to cut from pieces of material; it is best to use whole pieces. This will minimize the possibility of distortion and size discrepancy. During cutting, it is necessary to look beyond the edges of the elements, which should not go beyond the parts of the frame. Ideally, all elements should match each other. The cut out face of the structure should cover the side parts.

Installation of the cut material to the reinforcement posts is carried out by means of self-tapping screws, the distance between which should not exceed two and a half centimeters. This will give the box rigidity and strength and eliminate the need for additional jumpers.

To control individual sections of the communication system, special holes and doors are provided in the cladding material. They can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores or do it yourself. To prevent spontaneous opening of inspection doors, magnets or various locking parts, such as latches, are installed on them.

In the manufacture of a completely collapsible structure, the sheets of finishing material are attached by means of self-tapping screws to its very edge, and in the process of completing the final finishing work, they are not covered with anything. Only plastic corners or plinths are mounted, which can be easily disassembled if necessary.