How to properly cut the ceiling. How to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth - simple and correct ways

There are more than enough tips on how to cut a skirting board at 45 degrees on the net, the only bad thing is that most of them are given by people who have never done this. Next, from a practical point of view, I will tell you how to cut skirting boards at the corners with your own hands in 3 options, and you will learn how to traditional ways, and about folk universal recipes.

The science of how to properly cut ceiling moldings in corners is not as complicated as it might seem.

A few words about tools and materials

Floor skirting boards are now made of wood or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), in other words, plastic. Ceiling fillets have a slightly longer list:

The range of ceiling plinths is much wider than that of the floor direction.

  1. Polyurethane - these skirting boards have good elasticity and can bend around radial and other curved surfaces, but in any case, they need to be cut at clear angles;
  2. Foam - the easiest a budget option, the price of foam skirting boards is low and they are very easy to cut;
  3. PVC - the principle is the same as for floor skirting boards, but the lineup much wider;
  4. Wooden - similar to the floor, only there are still wide models;
  5. Gypsum - with the advent of polyurethane and gypsum foam ceiling fillets faded into the background, firstly, they are heavy, and secondly, fragile. But in fairness, it's worth mentioning them.

How to cut correctly ceiling plinth and its outdoor counterpart is impossible without a good tool, let's dwell on this issue in a little more detail.

The best, practically perfect tool for cutting any skirting boards and not only - this is a miter saw with a rotary bed. The high-speed disc makes smooth and precise cuts, and the bed in these units rotates to any angle. The only problem is the serious cost of this tool.

A miter saw is almost the perfect tool for cutting skirting boards and more.

Considered to be one of the best hand tools for an accurate cut of small bars - this is a back saw. In principle, this is true, but I’ll tell you honestly, a really high-quality saw, even with the current assortment, is not easy to find. If you still decide to buy such a tool, then take a saw with a fine tooth.

Theoretically, foam and polyurethane can be cut with any sharp and durable knife. But at the same time, you need to have a steady hand and at least a little experience in cutting foam. Plus, cutting wide fillets with a knife is very problematic.

Without experience, making a clear cut with a knife is very problematic.

Personally, in the absence of trimming, I use only a hacksaw for metal. It is suitable for cutting absolutely any material, from foam to wood. By the way, the question is often asked how to cut a plastic plinth for the floor, and so - take a hacksaw for metal and you definitely can’t go wrong.

For cutting skirting boards, a hacksaw is considered one of the best tools.

Three ways to cut skirting boards

For floor and ceiling plinths, the cutting instructions are almost the same. But if on the floor a curved corner can be covered with something, then on the ceiling this is already a problem, so we will pay more attention to how to cut ceiling skirting boards.

Method number 1. Classic miter box

The classic miter box is a U-shaped bed with slots in the opposite sides. A part of a suitable size is inserted into this bed and sawn off with a hacksaw through the slots in the sides. The idea is not new, the tool is already several hundred years old, but, despite the simplicity, not everyone knows how to properly cut the corner of the ceiling plinth using such a miter box.

Not everyone knows how to cut a ceiling plinth in a corner using a classic miter box.

Tip: when trimming, ceiling plinths are applied to the side of the miter box that is closer to you, and floor plinths, on the contrary, need to be applied to the side of the tool farthest from you. This is not a dogma, but it is much easier to work this way.

It is easier to work with floor plinths, since the miter box lies on a horizontal plane, it is easier for you to navigate in the position of the plinth. People most often make mistakes when trimming a ceiling fillet; they are simply incorrectly put into the tool. There is a simple but important rule here.

Important: the edge of the ceiling fillet, which touches the wall, should be directed to the upper edge of the side of the miter box, and that part of the plinth that borders the ceiling is placed on the bottom of the miter box.

The corner, as you know, has 2 sides, so, in order to be less mistaken, accustom yourself to putting the bar that will be mounted on the right side of the corner into the miter box on the right, and put the bar that is attached to the left into the miter box on the left. Details about the intricacies of using a classic miter box are described in the video in this article.

In addition to the classic U-shaped miter box, there are two more types of similar structures - this is a professional and rotary tool. Concerning professional version, then only masters use it. The device is quite bulky, but it rotates at any angle and has a hacksaw that can be fixed in the desired position.

Professional miter box with the ability to fix a hacksaw and parts.

The swivel device can be safely called a "pocket" miter box. Of the advantages here, only the possibility of a clear fixation of the angle of rotation of the bar. On the one hand, it’s easy for them to work - I set the corner, attached it to the plinth and cut it off. But on the other hand, you need to get used to such a tool, if you do not have experience with a hacksaw, then you should not take a rotary miter box.

Tip: when choosing a classic U-shaped miter box, first of all, do not take Chinese products. And secondly, try to buy models with the ability to rigidly fix the part inside, one of these models is shown in the photo below.

A miter box with the ability to fix the part inside is much more convenient to work with.

Method number 2. Trimming according to the template

Most often, both ceiling and floor skirting boards need to be cut at 45º. If there is no specialized tool nearby, then an impromptu miter box can be drawn on a notebook sheet. From the school geometry course, we know that the diagonal of any square with respect to the base has an angle of inclination of 45º.

Next, you need to draw a square and draw 2 diagonals in it - these will be the desired 45º. You just have to correctly attach the plinth to the leaf and mark. True, in order to cut the plinth evenly without guides, you need a good eye and a faithful hand.

Method number 3. Applied universal

A 45º cut is a common option, but what if you need a different angle and only have a hacksaw and a pencil? It turns out that there is a very simple way out of this situation. Plus, this method is universal, it is suitable for both external and internal corners.

Moreover, I can assure you that those angles that visually appear to be straight, in fact, have deviations of a couple of degrees. As a result, you buy good tool, cut off clearly 45º, and when docking, the gap between the baseboards “crawls out”. Here this problem disappears. And then, using an example, we will consider how to cut the ceiling plinth in the inner corner.

Illustrations Recommendations

Stage 1.

Take a fillet, apply it on one side of the corner and use it to draw 2 lines, along the wall and along the ceiling.

Tip: to make the lines inconspicuous, they can be drawn not with a pencil, but, for example, with a nail or a knife edge.

Stage 2. Do the same on the adjacent side of the corner.

Stage 3. If you draw a diagonal from the intersection of lines on the ceiling, to inner corner, then you will get the desired cutting line.

Stage 4. Then take the tool and cut according to the finished markup. If you normally own a hacksaw, then the skirting boards should converge perfectly.

. As I already mentioned, exactly the same technology can be cut and outer corner.

Important nuances

If you tried as best you could, but a small gap at the junction nevertheless “crawled out”, do not be discouraged. In wooden fillets, such a gap is easily smeared with furniture wax. To cover the gap on the baseboards made of polyurethane, foam, plastic or gypsum, putty is perfect. Naturally, the color of the composition must match the color of the baseboard.

All cracks in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bceiling fillets are sealed with putty.

Wide ceiling fillets are certainly beautiful, but they can only be mounted on perfectly flat walls. If the plane of the wall in relation to the ceiling is a wave, then it is better to buy narrow polyurethane fillets, they are elastic and will smooth out this drawback.

Most of the questions arise about how to cut the wallpaper under the ceiling plinth. There is nothing complicated here: the wallpaper is glued with a slight overlap on the plinth, and when the wall is completely glued, take a large spatula, put it in a corner and cut off the excess with a knife.

But keep in mind - neither a knife nor a spatula can be torn off the wall until you have passed the entire plane. That is, they put a spatula from the corner, cut off the wallpaper along the length of the blade, and then without lifting the blade from the wall, move and cut until you reach the next corner.


All three methods I have described work, the choice depends on what tool you have available and what your professional skills are. If after watching the video you still have questions, welcome to the comments, I will help as much as I can.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then for both floor and ceiling plinths there are docking elements that allow you to do without trimming.

The ceiling plinth is used to hide the irregularities that form at the border between the wall and the ceiling in order to give the interior an aesthetic completeness.

How to stick a ceiling plinth, how to cut it using a miter box or in the absence of a fixture - such questions are asked by many beginners who prefer to make repairs in the apartment on their own. This article is devoted to these issues.

Skirting materials

Before you cut the ceiling plinth, you should get acquainted with the materials for their manufacture, which differ in the density of the components used. This also determines the way the elements are cut.

Features of materials for ceiling plinths are presented in the table:

Skirting board material Advantages Flaws

  • Fade resistant and high strength.
  • Flexibility.
  • Moisture resistance
  • Different sizes and ornaments, which allows you to choose for any interior.
  • Can be dyed.
  • Big weight.
  • Relatively high price.

  • Light weight.
  • Low cost.
  • Soft edges.
  • Diverse design.
  • Easy to cut and install.
  • Fragile. Not used on curved surfaces.
  • The grainy structure of the material and uneven edges require additional processing- cutting, coloring.

  • Strength.
  • Smoothness.
  • Easy to mount.
  • Low cost.
  • Large selection of sizes and patterns.

Tip: When purchasing a baguette for a polystyrene ceiling, you should give preference to more dense materials made by extrusion.

  • An abundance of colors.
  • Low cost.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Ease of use.
  • Cannot be repainted.
  • Cracks easily.
  • The corners of the baguette are not rigid when connected, it is necessary to use an additional adhesive composition.

  • Ecological purity.
  • Elite material. Serves for finishing rooms, stylized antique (see).
  • Hygroscopicity, which can lead, due to the absorption of moisture, to a change in the dimensions and geometry of products.
  • High cost.
  • May rot.
  • Lit.
  • Difficult to fit to size.

Tip: When cutting any of these materials, you should use a fine-toothed hacksaw. Otherwise, an uneven end of the part may result. The large tooth of the tool will bite the material.

Before installing a baguette on the ceiling with your own hands, you need to determine how to cut it. The main difficulty is to maintain the required angle of joining elements. Only in this case it is possible to obtain a butt weld without a visible gap.

Tip: If gaps form after installation of baguettes, they must be sealed with special glue, silicone or white sealant.

Skirting cutting tools

A high-quality and correctly selected tool will allow you to perfectly join the plinth at all corners. To trim the baguette for the ceiling, various tools are used that have their own characteristics of use.

It can be:

  • Miter box with a hacksaw.

This is a special box with several holes. When performing the operation, a workpiece is inserted inside the device, and then a baguette is cut with a hacksaw. The work is quite simple, but the edge of the part turns out to be quite rough, sometimes the product, especially from foam, even deteriorates from the impact of an ordinary hacksaw.

Tip: After cutting plastic or wooden baguettes in the miter box, the cut points should be processed sandpaper or a file.

  • Electric miter saws.

With this tool, the cut is of the highest quality. When cutting, an electric tool is lowered with a blade onto a baguette and the desired result is obtained.

  • Electric jigsaw.

With such a tool it is very convenient to cut a plinth made of wood, as seen in the photo, plastic and other products at an angle. A feature of cutting is the precise marking on the workpiece, and then the smooth lowering of the working file onto the plinth.

An electric jigsaw creates cuts in different directions, at the right angle. The advantage of the tool is the efficiency and accuracy of the work.

  • Construction sharp knife.

With this tool it is easy to cut foam products. After preliminary marking of the part with a knife, the plinth is carefully cut at the desired angle.

Despite the simplicity of cutting, in order not to spoil a brand new plinth, it is better to use scraps of material and determine the technology for performing the process, before obtaining desired result.

  • To measure correctly, the bar is measured between two corners. In this case, for internal corners, the length is measured from the elements. And the distance from the outer corners is measured from the point that is away from the inner.
  • When installing foam skirting boards at the junction between the wall and stretch ceiling, glue is applied to the part of the product in contact with the surface.
  • The final fixation of the skirting board is carried out after adjusting the angle of the adjacent plank to it.
  • In the presence of the wall, ceiling and floor right angle, it is easier to adjust the planks at the bottom by laying out the parts on the floor or on a prepared table.
  • Small gaps remaining in the corners are puttied.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the installation of ceiling plinths made of rare wood. In this case, puttying the gaps will most likely not give the expected result. A bright spot will appear on the background of the texture.
  • High-quality ceiling plinths, in addition to the main strips, have special inserts for right angles. Such inserts will greatly simplify installation and improve the quality of the work performed.

Features of trimming and docking baguette elements

Watch the video before you get started.

Work instructions:

  • It is necessary to cut the plinth from the front side and along the outer edges.
  • When cutting the inner corner, therefore, it is necessary to process both sides of the baguette.
  • When performing work, it is better to use a miter saw, but at home you can get by with the simplest miter box.
  • For a baguette made of foam, its edges must be cut at an angle of 45 °.
  • The cut on the right is made on the plinth glued on the left. And vice versa.
  • The bottom of the baguette should protrude above the top to get the optimal internal angle.

Cutting a skirting board with a miter box

A miter box is a device that can be made from:

  • tree.
  • aluminum.

In appearance, this is a tray, on the sides of which there are grooves at different angles.

  • To cut a corner on the baseboard, the element is fixed in such a position as it will be located on the plane of the ceiling.
  • The part should be correctly placed and pressed firmly to the base.
  • Carefully aligned to the plane on the ceiling.

Tip: The plinth should be tried on dry before installation, and then put a mark with a pencil. This will ensure that the direction of the cut is not confused.

  • The desired groove is selected and made with a free hand, preferably with a hacksaw for metal, trimming the element along the groove.

  • For hard material skirting, it may be necessary to file the element.
  • Don't use too much force when making the cut. Otherwise soft materials may warp and crumble.

Cutting skirting board corners without a miter box

Cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth can be done without a miter box or you can make it yourself.

It's easy enough using a few options:

  • With the help of improvised materials:
  1. a form is made of three boards or thick plywood;
  2. cuts are made at an angle of 45 ° in the sidewalls of the fixture. For marking, you need to use a protractor or square.

  • If there are no materials for manufacturing, or you need to cut a little, then:
  1. paper is folded to the desired angle. It is placed on a bar and a line is drawn along which the cut is made;
  2. the element is placed under the bar and a cut is made according to the template.
  • The cutting angle of the ceiling plinth is determined and it is decided how best to cut the part. Wherein:
  1. the plinth is applied to the installation site, and marks are made for the cutting line;
  2. the part is placed on a solid plane, in the position in which it will be installed. A vertical incision is made with a knife or hacksaw.

  • Hacksaw and from a simple bar:
  1. the plinth is applied to the place of fastening to the ceiling;
  2. a line is drawn on the ceiling and wall, which will be the base for fixing the baguette;
  3. the plinth is applied to the docking wall, and the same two lines are drawn;
  4. It turned out on the ceiling the intersection of two lines. One baguette is applied and a mark is placed at the intersection of the lines, which corresponds to the top point of the cut;
  5. the second part is applied to another wall. The same mark is put;
  6. the plinth is placed on a flat surface. An even bar is applied to the upper part, and the cut points are connected;
  7. a plinth is cut with a hacksaw or knife.

After that, you can proceed to fixing the baguette to the ceiling.

Non-standard angles

Everything is quite complicated here, the miter box is not useful, a hacksaw is optional. In houses and apartments with a non-standard layout, firstly, the angles may not be 90 ° at all. And secondly, they can generally be rounded or have several intersection faces.

The first, most “collective farm” option is to cut “by eye” at 45 °. For this, a joined part is taken, which is adjusted to the previous angle in fact.

You can try on the design on weight, this is a rather long and painstaking business. Need maximum precision!

When fitting, constantly try on the resulting pairing in place. Only after a few fittings can you achieve a good result, and then glue the baseboard on the base. In short, experience is essential.

It is much more correct to transfer the markings of the edges of adjacent skirting boards to the ceiling, as shown in the photo. This technique will allow you to get rid of fortune-telling when determining the points of the angular cut.

Advice! It is very important when cutting the skirting board on the inner corner, tilt the blade cutting tool to the desired part of it, approximately 45 degrees. If this is not done, then a huge hole will appear at the junction due to the concave shape of the part. If you are preparing the outer corner, then tilt the blade in the opposite direction.

It is necessary to use a very sharp tool so as not to “sweep” the edges. It is advisable not to use a cutting tool with notches on the working edge at all. That is, the saw does not fit here.

In the case when the corners are very uneven or rounded, docking can be done from several small elements. Feel free to cut the plinth into several parts, up to 4-5 pieces. Then, on each part, cut off both abutting edges at the desired angle. The next element is applied to each previous element, after which the joint is aligned.

Unfortunately, this method is not perfect, and no matter how hard you try, the result may be a gap at the junction.

You can fix this in the following ways:

  • Take your time to glue the cornices along straight sections. First take care of the corners - in this case, you can trim them if necessary, or sand them until a good joint is obtained.
  • If you didn’t succeed in solving the problem of trimming perfectly, just putty the cracks with the compound suitable for the material of the cornice, and then paint it.

Cutting a ceiling plinth is not at all a complicated process. The main thing is to do everything carefully, observing the rules for performing work. After that everything butt welds ceiling baguettes will be almost invisible, and the renovation of the apartment will bring pleasure to its owner.

A skirting board is an integral element necessary for decorating a room and giving it a complete and neat look. It can be made from various materials, but plastic plinth is especially popular now. It is easy to install, but even in this process there are some subtleties that are important to know about. How to cut a plastic plinth correctly so that it can be neatly joined in the corners?

Previously, skirting boards were made mainly of wood and were considered precisely wooden products. But now in hardware stores you can find such decorative elements that are made from metal, plastic and other materials.

Wooden plinth is a classic. It is a natural product, as it is made from whole solid wood. This type is distinguished by high strength and durability - skirting boards installed back in Soviet times still serve faithfully in some apartments and houses. Now they are made mainly from pine wood, but there are also products from walnut, oak, ash and other species. However, due to this, the cost of products is growing - not everyone can afford such skirting boards.

Because of this, veneered skirting boards appeared on the market - their prices are an order of magnitude lower. However, outwardly, they practically do not differ from products made from expensive wood. The fact is that their upper part, which plays a decorative role, is just made of a thin layer of expensive wood. Without certain knowledge and experience, it is almost impossible to distinguish a veneered plinth from an ordinary wooden one.

On a note! For cutting skirting boards - wooden and veneered - an ordinary hacksaw is used for wood.

Plastic plinth, that is, made of PVC, is especially popular now. It partially replaced the conventional wooden crafts from the market, as it has a number of advantages:

  • looks beautiful and neat - able to imitate natural wood products;
  • easy to install, flexible and very easy to cut;
  • can serve as a cable channel for laying wires;
  • is not afraid of exposure to water, and also does not rot, mold does not start on it;
  • It is inexpensive compared to wood or veneered products.

The plastic plinth is made of polyvinyl chloride, which is passed through special shapes under high pressure. After solidification of the mass, a neat plastic product is obtained.

On a note! Some manufacturers decorate the edges of plastic baseboards with rubber. This measure helps the product not to slide on the walls and floor during installation and to fit snugly to the surfaces.

There are several types of plastic skirting boards - for example, used for carpet(have a special shape in the form of the letter G, fix the material) or for linoleum. There are also universal products that can be installed on any type of floor covering. They can also be classified according to hardness.

Table. Types of plastic skirting boards depending on the rigidity.


In shape, they resemble ordinary wooden skirting boards; they can be installed both near the floor and under the ceiling. The product is based on ordinary polyvinyl chloride, due to which the skirting boards have all the qualities inherent in this substance - strength, rigidity, various colors and moderate flexibility. However, with strong pressure on the fracture, the product can easily be broken.

This type of skirting boards looks like a flexible tape that is laid along the wall without the need for cutting, which makes installation much easier than with rigid skirting boards. They are also made of PVC, but due to their modest external data, they are not as popular as regular hard ones. Their main advantage is the possibility of using them indoors with uneven walls, and products are glued to a special polyurethane-based adhesive or putty.

How to cut the corners of a skirting board

Since it is hard plastic skirting boards that are increasingly being used during repairs, it is about them that we will talk. Their installation is inevitably associated with the need to cut and form beautiful joints in the corners. On how the plinth is joined, in general, the quality of all work and appearance rooms being renovated.

Methods for cutting plastic skirting boards

Cutting a skirting board is a seemingly simple, but responsible task. If the corners are cut incorrectly, they will not fit properly and all work will go down the drain, since the product will no longer have beautiful view- there will be gaps between the two sections of the plinth and decorative inserts(corners, docking elements, etc.).

Most often, for cutting the plinth, the usual hacksaw for metal which has small teeth. However, it is not suitable for thin baseboards, as the product will simply tear under the influence of this tool.

Sometimes the plinth is cut and scissors for metal. But the method also has its drawbacks, because the product can be crushed under the pressure of the blades. Less often, but still used and grinder. However, the cutting line after it can be sloppy, as the tool often “tears” soft plastic. Especially often this method is unsuccessful for beginners in the world of repair, who still do not know how to fully control the work. So the grinder can be attributed to rather specific methods.

On a note! To cut a thin baseboard, you can use a sharply sharpened knife or a clerical knife. But such work requires some skill, so it is recommended that you first practice on scraps of an old plastic baseboard.

The most important thing in the process of cutting the plinth is the observance of the required geometry. The procedure is never performed "by eye", the accuracy of measurements and accuracy are important here. Therefore, there are other methods for cutting skirting boards.

Stencil cutting

The method is recommended for cutting products intended for installation in non-standard rooms with angles that differ from the standard mark of 90 degrees. Stencils of the desired angle can be made from paper or thin cardboard. First from draft material stripes are cut that have exactly the same width as the baseboard. Then they are applied to the corner and fixed, after which they are cut to the shape of the corner. Then, according to the obtained stencils, the plinth itself is cut off at the required angle.

Cutting floor plinth with a miter box

For correct pruning skirting board was invented special device, which was named miter box. It is a small bar with a recess for the plinth and with gaps located at different angles - for the cutting tool.

With the help of a miter box, you can get neat and even cuts. The plinth is fixed inside the product, then the desired angle and direction of the cut are selected in a particular case.

On a note! If it is necessary to form a beautiful angle with the help of a miter box, then one piece of the plinth is cut at one angle, and the second - in a mirror image.

When working with the miter box, it is important to ensure that the edges of the plinth protrude beyond the edges of the selected slot for a small distance. If the cutting tool is wider than the baseboard itself, it is recommended to securely fix the product inside the miter box before cutting. Otherwise, the plinth can move inside, the cut angle will constantly change, because of which it (the cut) will turn out to be incorrect and incorrect.

Important! During cutting, the pressure on the baseboard should be moderate. Otherwise, it may break.

Using a ruler and pencil in the absence of a miter box

If there is no miter box at hand, and you don’t want to make stencils, then you can try to apply the necessary markings on the plinth with a pencil. In the case of the formation of an internal corner, the width of the product is measured with a ruler, then the resulting value is deposited on the end of the plinth, and from its corner to this marked point a line is drawn with a pencil, along which the cut will be made. The second plinth, which will form a corner together with the first, is simply cut off along the first one attached to it.

Important! If the installation of skirting boards is carried out in a room with complex geometry, then all angles will have to be carefully measured in order to avoid a mistake.

Experienced craftsmen recommend starting the installation of the plinth from the inside corner. At the junction of two walls, which form the inner corner, the cut on the baseboards will be equal to 45 degrees (in a room with correct and accurate geometry). Cutting is recommended to be done with a miter box - this is the only way to achieve a perfectly even cut.

Advice! If necessary, you can slightly adjust the skirting boards to each other using a grinder or rasp, slightly “removing” their edges.

In general, in any case, the cut edges of plastic skirting boards should be sanded - this way you can get rid of sharp edges, and it will be easier to work. And cutting skirting boards with cable channels is carried out only after disassembling the product - a decorative strip designed to hide wires and attachment points of the skirting board is cut separately.

It is recommended that immediately before installing the skirting board, cut the pieces to the required length and shape the corners so as not to be distracted by this procedure during the assembly of the skirting board. Do not neglect the use additional elements- plugs, corners and other products for plinth. With their help, it will be possible to give finished work finished and harmonious look.

Advice! If the corners where the plinth is laid and joined are uneven, then even decorative caps and other elements can be trimmed if necessary.

How to cut a plastic skirting board

If the angle in the room where it is planned to finish the joints of the walls and the floor with a plinth is 90 degrees, which happens extremely rarely, then the cuts of the plinths should each have an angle of 45 degrees. Such a cut is the easiest to make, especially with the use of a miter box. It is enough to insert the plinth into the miter box, then select a groove of 45 degrees and make a cut.

However, such angles of 90 degrees in rooms are extremely rare, usually they differ by several values ​​in one direction or another. And in some rooms, the corners may even be larger. Then the cutting is done in a different way: markings are drawn on the floor with a pencil, where on one and the other side of the corner the border of the plinth is drawn - you get a small rhombus. The diagonal of this rhombus will be the very cutting line of the product. Next, a plinth is applied to the markup, on which the markup is performed in accordance with the diagonal of the rhombus. If you draw a straight line from this mark to the corner of the plinth, then you get the very desired cutting line.

The outer corners of the skirting boards are formed a little differently, or rather, in a room with ideal geometry, you can also cut products at an angle of 45 degrees (but in a different direction) and, after joining, close the edges with a plug. Non-standard corners are cut as follows: one of the skirting boards is applied to one of the walls, its borders are marked with a pencil. The same procedure is carried out with another product - again a rhombus flaunts on the floor, the diagonal of which will become a guideline for cutting products.

Skirting board cutting instructions

Consider how the plinth is trimmed with a miter box and a hacksaw.

Step 1. After all measurements have been taken, the plinth is placed in the inner part of the miter box and pressed against one of its walls.

Step 2 Using a hacksaw, the plinth is trimmed. The cutting (sawing) tool is inserted into the selected groove - a cut is made.

However, sometimes it is enough to cut plastic skirting boards at a right angle - now a large number of various additional products for them have appeared on sale. For example, there are such corners that will allow you to hide even cuts and decorate everything beautifully. Your attention - instructions for installing a plastic plinth.

How to fix the plinth? The answer is here!

In general, all existing methods skirting board fixings can be divided into two categories - installation by fixing to the floor and mounting to the walls. You will have to choose depending on the type of skirting board and the design features of the living space. Read more in.

Step 1. All measurements are taken - the required length for the plinth segments is determined. These values ​​are deposited on two products from which corners will be formed.

Step 2 Skirting boards are cut with a miter box and any cutting tool and applied to the walls - this is necessary to make sure that the products are cut correctly and have the required length.

Step 3 If everything is done correctly, then the skirting boards are screwed to the wall using self-tapping screws and dowels. But before that, plugs or corners are put on their ends.

Step 4 At the outer corners, the plinths are interconnected with special plastic devices.

Step 5 The plinth is installed in its designated place and screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws.

Step 7 The cable channel with laid wires is closed with a decorative plug.

Step 8 External corners are closed with special corner plugs, which are simply put on the edges of the skirting boards that form the corner.

Prices for floor plastic skirting boards

plinth floor plastic

Video - How to cut a plinth

Video - Secrets of installing a plastic plinth

  • Fitting ceiling skirting boards to any angle
  • Installation of a ceiling plinth

Every owner wants to see his house in perfect condition after repair, but the seams in the corners ceiling covering can spoil the impression of a new interior. To prevent this from happening, ceiling plinths were invented.

When choosing a skirting board, you should pay attention to the material from which the skirting board is made, as well as the color and width.

Adjusting the ceiling plinth is not very difficult, but, nevertheless, this process has its own difficulties. There are only two of them - these are uneven walls and corner joints. If the first is overcome quite simply, then the second often has to be tinkered with.

  1. Square.
  2. Stationery or construction knife.
  3. Wood saw or electric jigsaw.
  4. Metal ruler.
  5. Miter box.
  6. Ceiling plinth.

Scheme of marking the left plank of the inner corner.

In order to properly fit the skirting boards, you will need whole line tools, most of which are in every home.

The process itself is not very time-consuming, but requires the utmost precision of execution. The seam at the corner of the joint should not just be even, but perfect. This is simply necessary so that it is not visible.

Often you have to resort to a double junction of skirting boards at one corner, especially in cases with external ones, but if done correctly, this will play an extremely positive role, because. the corner itself will be visually rounded. All work is divided into several stages.

Check all ceiling corners for dust. Working surface must be dry and clean so that the plinth is taken tight enough and then no longer peels off until the owners themselves want to remove it.

An angle is measured using a square. And happiness if it is 45 degrees, because. in this case, it will be possible to use a miter box (a tool that allows you to cut flat objects from plastic to metals at an angle of 45 degrees), but if the angle is different, you will have to navigate in place, but the joint should be made strictly along the bisector.

Styrofoam and light plastics are perfectly cut with a clerical or construction knife, while denser materials will have to be cut with a small hacksaw for wood or a jigsaw with the smallest nozzle. To do this, the plinth is fixed in a miter box or any other impromptu stand-clamp, and in the first case, a cut is made in one movement, and in the other, a careful cut is made.

Scheme for trimming ceiling plinths in a miter box for arranging external and internal corners.

After the completion of the previous stage, the plinth is applied to the corner again and, based on the results obtained, markings are made on the next one.

This will make the joint as tight as possible. If, after cutting off from the second ceiling plinth, it turned out that it was not cut, then it remains just to trim both sides. But at external corners, there are often situations when there is an extra cut and a gap is obtained.

To remedy the situation, exactly as much is cut off from the first sample as needed to obtain an identical deviation from the angle. And a narrow strip is inserted between them, which at the same time closes the defect and harmoniously rounds off the corner of the ceiling plinth - many people use this option on purpose, because. in most cases, for the interior, it affects very handy.

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Putty will help close the joints between the skirting boards. The paint will be great on it.

When everything is cut out, you can start gluing. For some materials it is better to use glue, for others - silicone sealant, both are suitable for working with third parties. After gluing, the last adjustment of the skirting boards takes place, where the fillets are correctly aligned and each corner falls into place.

The very last stage of work will be the putty of the cracks of the corners, walls and ceilings that remain. For this, it is used acrylic putty, which is carefully applied around the entire perimeter of the ceiling plinth. When applying, it is important to consider that accuracy is important here, and work done correctly without a single hit on the walls and ceiling will ultimately be invaluable.

After the ceiling plinth is completely fitted, glued and greased, and the corners are butt-to-butt, it should be left for some time in an unshakable state. In the very near future, it will dry up and take on the state to which they tried to adjust the whole process. During operation, you should try not to act on the baseboard very often. wet cleaning, because many species are very afraid of this, deform and lose their appearance.

Correctly forming the corners of the ceiling plinth is very important: this element of decoration is always in sight.

Bad docking can spoil the impression of the repair. But this is not an easy task: by cutting the plinth at 45 degrees, you will not get the desired result (gaps will remain). Your attention to expert advice on how to cut down the corner of the ceiling plinth.

Trimming should be carried out along the outer edge of the plinth, as well as from the inside (when forming an external corner) or the front side (for internal joining).

If everything is done correctly, the texture of the cornice will not be violated. At home, the most commonly used finishing materials are foam. The technology of joining elements is as follows.

  1. Using a protractor, the angle between the walls is measured. In the event that it is strictly equal to 90 °, you need to cut the edges at 45 °. The action is performed on both elements.
  2. If the joints between the ceiling and walls are not even, the corner radius should be halved. In this case, the baguette, which will be attached on the left side, is cut off on the right, and the right element, respectively, on the left.
  3. The edges of the details of the inner corner are cut so that the upper part is shorter than the bottom. The edges of the outer corner are formed differently: Bottom part they are shorter than the top.
  4. Unlike foam skirting boards, wooden parts need to be precisely adjusted to each other and to adjacent surfaces, applying and cutting along the junction line.

Ceiling plinth (corners): the photo demonstrates the techniques for trimming and joining elements:

What tools can be used to cut corners

  1. It is convenient to cut corners with a miter box and a miter saw. Smaller jobs can be done with a hand saw with fine teeth.
  2. If it is necessary to change the cutting direction, a jigsaw is used.
  3. You can cut a narrow foam baseboard with a construction knife or a hacksaw.
  4. The markings on the plinth are applied with a simple pencil, the traces of which are erased after installation.

We cut the ceiling plinth (outer corner): a video with explanations will be a good help to a novice master.

How to cut a skirting board without a miter box

Let's say you urgently need to stick a ceiling plinth.

How to make a corner without a miter box? It is possible, although it will take more time. You should act in this order.

  1. Both parts of the plinth are first cut at a right angle.
  2. The position of the elements on the wall is marked and the line of their joining is drawn. As a result, we will see two intersecting lines. The point of their intersection is projected directly onto the details of the plinth.
  3. The plinth is applied to the ceiling and a cut line is drawn from one edge to the other.
  4. Refinement of parts is carried out with a clerical or construction knife.
  5. A virtual miter box is depicted on paper with lines drawn at the right angles. The plinth fillet is applied to such a miter box and cutting is performed (while the knife blade should be held vertically).

How to cut a corner of a ceiling plinth: a video with expert comments will help you deal with this problem.

Advice! Since the inner or outer corner does not always have an ideal shape, the ceiling plinth will have noticeable gaps at the joints.

To make them less noticeable, gypsum putty should be applied to its ends before gluing the plinth. After joining the elements, the excess putty is removed rubber spatula. All gaps will be filled and the junction will be less noticeable.

It is not easy to glue and correctly join fillets with a pattern. How to proceed in such a case? The video will tell you the answer.

Docking skirting boards with decorative corners

In the event that the walls are perfectly prepared, and the external and internal angles are 90 °, it is possible to use special decorative elements for joining plinth fillets. The advantages of this method:

  • ease of installation: there is no need to “fill your hand”, improving the technique of trimming the details of the plinth;
  • saving time: to join the elements, you just need to cut them at a right angle and attach the decorative part.

The decorative parts themselves for joining fillets are intended:

  • for internal corner joints;
  • for external (external) corner joints;
  • for joining straight parts.

This connection method is the only option in the case of installing a plastic plinth, which cannot be trimmed without gaps.

Sealing the joints of ceiling plinths

No matter how carefully the work is done, the joints between the fillets of the plinth will be noticeable. This defect can be eliminated as follows.

  1. Glue is applied to the joints of the plinth.
  2. After connecting the elements, excess glue is removed with a clean cloth. Do this after the glue has completely dried.
  3. The gaps between the baseboard, ceiling and wall are rubbed with a mixture of gypsum putty and water-based paint using a rubber spatula.

This method is suitable for masking defects when connecting wooden skirting boards, as well as fillets made of polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam. In some cases, white sealant can be used.

Using the tips in this article and necessary tools, you can independently cut and join the fillets of the ceiling plinth.

How to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth

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Proper trimming of the ceiling plinth - how to do it?

Ceiling plinth - decorative border between walls and ceiling. But it is often used to mask joints finishing material on the wall and on the ceiling, if it is not done neatly, or has a different structure.

Many people wonder: how to properly cut the ceiling plinth, because without it the design of the room seems unfinished.

This element is glued simply - on a special glue. But trimming the ceiling plinth at the corners to make them look presentable and tidy can be confusing for some. There are rooms with a complex layout in which it is necessary to equip not only internal corners, but also external ones.

This question can be answered exactly if you know what material this decor element is made of. There are four types of fillets:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • polyurethane;
  • expanded polystyrene (polystyrene);
  • wood.

The cheapest option is foam skirting boards. But this is a very delicate material, creases and dents can appear on it, even from the fingers, if you press it harder, so it is very difficult to accurately cut the corner of the ceiling plinth from this material.

In most cases, an inexperienced person throws away a lot of material for this reason.

They are electrostatic and attract a lot of dust. They are cut with an ordinary clerical knife. You can also cut with a hacksaw with fine teeth, but there is a chance of getting an uneven edge.

Polyvinyl chloride is one of inexpensive materials, it is brittle and may break when cut. You can cut off the ceiling plinth from this material with a sharp construction knife, or a hacksaw.
You need to try not to apply force when cutting, when pressed, you can get a chip.

Polyurethane skirting is more expensive than the first two options, it is much denser and stiffer, and it is difficult to cut it.

But there is a plus - when pressed, it does not crumble. It is better to cut it with a hacksaw, but a sharp construction knife may do. The angle of the plinth from this material is even and neat.

This decor option this moment the most expensive. It is durable, moisture resistant, elastic.

But fillets have a big drawback - a reaction to a temperature drop. For example, in the kitchen above the stove, it can crack and deform, and it is almost impossible to process it, all that remains is to replace it. But this is not a panacea, it will crack again.

A wooden plinth is a natural solid and rather heavy material, which cannot be attached to glue. Cut it with a hacksaw with a fine blade, preferably for metal. So the edge of the trimmed skirting board will look smoother.

We are talking about corner elements that are widely available.

Having bought accessories for corners, the plinth itself can be cut to size, at an angle of 90 degrees. The corner element is glued to the corner, and the fillet itself is attached to it. So you can hide all the flaws.

But it is not always possible to use fittings - it is much larger than the fillet itself, and the corners in such an interior stand out strongly, and this is not always aesthetically pleasing.

If this is not important, then of course it is better to buy a corner element and not suffer from cutting corners.

We decided to cut the baseboards ourselves, then use some tips on how to do it right.

Docking technology:

  • Measure the degree between the walls using a protractor. 90 degrees, then cut under 45. If different, then divide its value in half. Both elements are clipped.
  • The plinth, which will be fixed on the left side, is cut on the right, and the right baguette on the left side, respectively.
  • Sections of the details of the inner corner along the edges should look like this, the top line is shorter than the bottom. External - on the contrary, the lower line is shorter.
  • If the foam plinth in the corners can be corrected, then with wooden details this will not work and they will have to be adjusted very precisely, until they are completely abutted.

A tool for carpenters that allows you to cut workpieces at various angles - a miter box. This is a tray in which there are slots made at a certain angle. The material from which it is made can be different, for example:

A simple design has two types of angles 45-90 degrees, a complex configuration has 90-60-45 degrees. The second type of tool is considered professional.

Consider how to cut a ceiling plinth with a miter box:

  1. First you need to measure the desired length of the plinth, for this we apply it to the ceiling.
  2. The measured bar must be inserted into the miter box at a certain slope in the same position as on the ceiling.
  3. We move the bar to the opposite wall of the apparatus.
  4. Press well with your left hand.
  5. The position of the hacksaw handle should be as close as possible to the left hand, and the corner will be 45 degrees.
  6. Carefully saw the plinth, without pressure.

One plank is ready, now you need to cut off the opposite plank:

  1. We put it against the wall of the miter box, but only from the opposite side.
  2. We hold right hand pressing against the wall.
  3. You will have to cut with your left hand, but the hacksaw should be in the same position, only in a mirror image.
  4. cut off

Docking check - consists of one hundred need to attach the trimmed strips to each other at the corners. For accuracy, it is better to start trimming from the front side of the plinth. If we are talking about a tree, then the angle will have to be adjusted with a file.

outside corner

  1. If the bar reaches both corners, then first we cut the inner corner, and then the outer one. It may turn out that after cutting the corner, the plank is not enough.
  2. As in the first case, we apply it to the ceiling to mark the dimensions.
  3. The bar must be positioned so that it is pressed against the near wall.
  4. We hold it with our left hand and put the hacksaw in a position of 45 degrees - the handle is close to the left hand.
  5. We cut off.
  6. We set the second bar in the same way, but we only hold it with our right hand.
  7. The hacksaw becomes a mirror image of the first option for trimming the plinth.
  8. We cut.

It is worth noting that the miter box is useful to you only if all the angles in your apartment are 90 degrees. When the corners are not even, you will have to use other trimming methods.

As you can see, it is not difficult to cut off the ceiling plinth with the help of a miter box.

Cutting the bar with an accuracy of a millimeter will also help the markings on the ceiling. This is not easy to do, since when trimming the plinth bar, you will have to keep it on weight. But, this is the most exact way adjust the angle on the ceiling plinth.

By attaching the plinth to the ceiling, you can see all the irregularities that are on the wall. The deviation of the angle is also visible and must be taken into account when trimming.

In order to make a pruning correctly you need:

  1. Make a 90 degree cut.
  2. Attach the workpiece to the ceiling, and outline its contours. In this case, it is necessary that it fits snugly against a perpendicular wall.
  3. Then we do the same on the adjacent wall, outlining the outline of the workpiece along the ceiling.
  4. We put a point at the intersection of the lines, this will be the landmark along which the plinth corner will be trimmed.
  5. On each workpiece, we alternately mark a cut point that coincides with a point on the ceiling.
  6. From the point to the opposite side, we draw a line at an angle, along which it will be necessary to cut the plinth.

Once the markup is done, you can properly cut the plinth and try it on. It should be noted that this method involves trimming with inside blanks.

To trim the plinth, you can make a miter box template yourself. It is made from cardboard, paper, or wood. The principle is this:

  • draw two parallel lines;
  • define the center
  • draw the corners with a protractor.

Highly convenient fixture, as it allows not only cutting corners of 90 degrees, but also higher. But before doing it, check the corners on the ceiling, suddenly they are uneven, and then the miter box imitation blank will have to be corrected. Since cutting the plinth exactly will not work.

You can cut off the corner according to the drawn template in the same way as when using a real miter box. Only in this situation we will press the bar to the drawn, parallel lines.

There is a rule by which you need to cut the ceiling plinth:

  • To mark an inner corner, measurements are taken from the corner.
  • For an external corner, you need to know that the ceiling plinth will protrude into the room for a length equal to the width of the workpiece.

Do not glue the baseboard until both planks have been prepared and tried on. Once the planks in the corner have converged perfectly, you can smear them with glue and fix them.

If there are flaws in polyurethane or wooden skirting boards, then they are processed with a small file. With plastic skirting boards You can get by with a sharp clerical or construction knife.

No need to despair, if after fitting there is a gap in the corners, it can be masked with white putty. To do this, even before fixing the second plinth, which will be joined in the corner, putty is applied to the joint.

After the corner is fixed and pressed, the excess mixture must be removed and the corner wiped with a damp cloth. If necessary, you can paint the junction water-based paint for ceilings.

How to mask joints

There are flaws in any neat work, and installing a ceiling plinth is no exception, especially if you are doing it for the first time and have no idea how to accurately cut the ceiling plinth. Flaws and defects can be removed as follows:

  • Glue is applied to the joints, with which the skirting boards are attached.
  • As soon as the glue dries at the joints, it is enough to wipe it off with a clean rag.
  • As for the gaps in the ceiling area, they are clogged with putty and painted over with paint. This should be done carefully with a rubber spatula.
  • If there is a white sealant at home, then you can use it to seal cracks, then you don’t have to paint the joints.

In custody

As you can see, cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth is not difficult, and anyone can master it.

You should not immediately start with trimming the corners on the whole plank, practice on small elements. And as soon as you start to succeed, go to a solid baseboard. We hope that from this article you learned how to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners.

All photos from the article

When someone first takes on the preparation of corners, most often he has to spoil more than one meter of material. Alas, even the acquired miter box does not always help in this, when the walls in the room are connected at an arbitrary, and not at a right angle.

Then you have to rely on your own eye or make a special template. Today you will learn how to make the corners of a ceiling molding with and without a tool.

Tip: instead of the saw that came with the miter box, it is better to use a regular hacksaw for metal. Its cut is more accurate and smoother, which is very important in this process.

Before starting work

Choosing the right baguette width is the key to a beautiful interior. Not the last role in the sawing process is also played by the method by which you do it. We want to give you a couple of recommendations that will help you achieve your goals.

So, how to choose the width of the material and how to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners:

  • the prepared surface of the walls is not a standard for evenness, use planks of a smaller width, as they are more flexible and will be able to close maximum amount defects. Accordingly, on the contrary, the more ideal the surface, the wider the molding can be, but keep in mind that in rooms with low ceilings, mount a narrow baguette so as not to reduce them also visually;
  • always apply the left side of the angle to the miter box while sawing off on the left, the right side on the right. In addition, this should be the side of the tool closest to you, the far side for floor moldings. Please do not confuse.

Below we will deal with the task in more detail, where you will learn how to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth correctly and with the highest quality.


There is one nuance this process which you should never forget. We always look at the ceiling fillet from below, therefore, when the bar is placed in the miter box (towards the wall closest to you), it must be turned over.

The upper part of the molding will then be at your bottom, and the lower, respectively, at the top. Thus, there will be no gaps between the planes of the corner parts when they are connected.

The process instruction would be:

  1. Take measuring tools, for example, a tape measure, and a pencil. Start marking from the inside corner so you don't miss the outside corner. It may happen that the length of the baguette is not enough and many joints will have to be made;
  2. Attach the molding to the ceiling surface and mark the dimensions;
  3. Prepare a miter box and a hacksaw for metal. Press the baguette to the side of the instrument closest to you;
  4. Hold the fillet with your hand and select the position of the hacksaw, which will set the appropriate connection angle. It can be standard parameters- 45, 90, or 135˚, or arbitrary, for which it is necessary to move the miter box to the selected degree;
  5. Cut the workpiece with a hacksaw;
  6. Install the opposite bar to the near wall of the tool and fix it with your hand;
  7. Set the selected degree on the miter box and cut the workpiece with a hacksaw;
  8. Dock the resulting plinth strips.

Tip: if the walls are connected to each other at a right angle, only in this case the miter box will help you in your work, otherwise you will have to do the adjustment yourself.


There is a professional miter box, which has turntable and it can be extended for arbitrary angles, as well as for home use where accessibility is limited. Usually in repairs it is enough to use the second option.

So, the basic principle is that the ceiling strips are cut off at the tool wall closest to you, we hope you have not forgotten.

The process in this case looks like this:

  1. Measure the required length of the baguette by attaching it to the ceiling surface;
  2. Place the molding bar in the miter box, while its position must fully correspond to the location of the baguette on the ceiling;
  3. Press the bar against the near wall of the tool;
  4. Choose the appropriate degree of cut, most often it is 45. Make sure that the handle of the hacksaw is as close as possible to the hand holding the bar in order to make the cut as accurately as possible;
  5. Cut off the workpiece, but do not apply excessive force to the hacksaw;
  6. Prepare and cut the opposite baguette strip, remembering that it must be pressed against the near wall of the miter box;
  7. Choose the appropriate cutting angle for it, too, leaving a minimum distance between the hacksaw handle and the hand holding the molding;
  8. Cut off the end of the plank.

It remains to check the correctness of the joining of the segments, and, if everything meets the expectations, install them in place.

Tip: start cutting from the front of the molding, then you can orient it in place as accurately as possible. Process the corners of the wooden baguette after cutting and adjust with a file.

How to make the corners of a ceiling baguette without a miter box

Having decided for the first time to make a frame on the ceiling, the beginner does not see any problem in this, but in vain. We advise you to immediately take into account in the costs a certain amount of material that you just have to throw away.

Alas, at what angle to cut the ceiling plinth depends only on the connection of the walls to each other. Not everyone fits straight, for which it is enough to simply cut the planks at 45˚. Often there are parameters corresponding to 85 or 95 degrees, but this is already a problem for beginner finishers.

If you are the owner of an apartment built in the last century, this was generally considered the norm. The fact is that when you simply cut the strips at 45˚ and install them on the ceiling, there will be gaps between them, which then will have to be sealed with sealant or putty. We will try our best to help you solve this problem with minimal cost, since the price of not every molding is cheap.

So, how to properly cut the corners of the ceiling plinth for the inner corner:

Training Prepare the tool you will need for the job.

If the plinth is made of:

  • foam or polyurethane, it is enough to have a sharp knife or a hacksaw;
  1. Take the molding and attach it to the selected corner. Orient it in the same way as it will be installed in the end. Draw a line along the plank with a pencil and remove it;
  2. Do the same procedure with the second fillet as with the previous one. At the same time, it must adjoin the junction;
  3. As a result, you will get a marked area;
  4. Take a baguette, lean it against the markup. Transfer to it the intersection point of the two lines you drew earlier;
  5. Draw a line from it to the opposite edge of the fillet, which will be the cut line. Do the same with the second baguette.
segment Using a sharp knife or hacksaw, cut off the edge of the molding.
Examination Take the two resulting baguettes and attach them to the corner. There should be no gap between them, otherwise, correct the surfaces with a knife.

Remember when creating:

  • inner corner - the lower part protrudes above the upper;
  • external - top over bottom.


If it seemed to you that the work of creating a beautiful interior with the help of a ceiling baguette is quite complicated, this is only at first glance. Do everything according to our instructions and you will quickly understand the essence of the process. The main thing is to be careful and correctly calculate the amount of material for work.

The video in this article will provide an opportunity to expand your knowledge on this topic. If you have any questions while reading the publication and after it, please ask them in the comments, we will be happy to answer them.