Standard size drywall sheet. Drywall sheet dimensions: standard length and width What size drywall sheet

Drywall is in great demand for leveling ceiling and wall coverings, boxes and slopes. Without this building material, it is impossible to create an optimal space for living.

In the era of modernity, gypsum boards are used not only for the usual simple surface finishes: ceiling bases and partitions, but also for the implementation of a different range of design ideas, the implementation of complex decorations - figured structures of an exclusive form.

The latest interior design requires the use of plasterboard parts. The mounted products from GKL are durable and strong, - the practice of experienced repairmen confirms.

Drywall is produced in the form of compact sheets, the important parameters of which are size. The size of drywall dramatically affects the quality of installation work, as well as the implementation of design ideas.

A well-calculated size of the drywall sheet will allow rational use of the material, significantly reducing the amount of repair waste, respectively, eliminating unnecessary costs. The size of a drywall sheet is popular, the length of which varies in the range of 200-300 cm, width - 120 cm, and thickness 6 -24 mm. A typical gypsum board is produced, the surface of which is firmly framed with a cardboard finish.

Scopes and features of drywall

Multifunctionality is a distinctive characteristic of drywall. It is often the basic structure for mounting walls, interior partitions, ceilings and other building objects.

The high strength of this material, its density is due to the thickness of the core - the inner filling of the sheet, which is carefully framed with thick cardboard on both sides.

Drywall is actively used in the construction industry for the following installation and repair work:

  • bookmarks of openings and planes;
  • formation of a relief structure;
  • corrections of existing structures;
  • creation of complex architectural structures;
  • surface leveling;
  • partition walls;
  • ceiling finishes.

Properties of PLATÓ gypsum boards

  1. Nonflammable material. All gypsum boards offered by ODO "SINIAT" have been qualified in accordance with the GOST 30402 standard as non-combustible materials.
  2. Thermal insulating ability. PLATÓ gypsum boards are characterized by good thermal insulation parameters: λ = 0.21 W/m. TO.
  3. Stability and resilience. PLATÓ gypsum boards comply with the requirements established in the DSTU B V.2.7-95-2000 standard (GOST 6266-97). They consist of a gypsum middle layer - filler, the surface and longitudinal edges of which are pasted over with a special cardboard lining. Cardboard acts as a reinforcing reinforcement and gives the plates flexibility and surface smoothness.
  4. Simple processing. Processing drywall boards is very simple. It is performed using standard tools: a gypsum board knife, a narrow hacksaw, a steel trowel, a spatula and a screwdriver. It must be remembered that for high-quality installation of gypsum boards it is necessary to use a professional network tool. Specially designed systems for puttying plates allow you to get a smooth surface of walls, suspended ceilings, attic cladding.
  5. An ideal base for further processing. PLATÓ gypsum boards are not subject to deformation and are an ideal base for further processing - wallpapering, laying ceramic tiles, making Japanese plaster, artificial marble ("Venetian"), etc.
  6. Application area. PLATÓ gypsum boards can only be used indoors, inside buildings. The minimum temperature in the room where PLATÓ gypsum boards are installed should be 5°C, the maximum temperature should be 40°C. The next important parameter is air humidity. Plates can be used in rooms with relative humidity up to 70%.

Cardboard, which forms the outer layer of the sheet, is responsible for the strength of the material, despite its small thickness, and the core, made of high-quality gypsum, forms the properties and application of drywall. Depending on the filling, the GKL can be resistant to moisture, elevated temperatures (including fire), or noise.

The main types of GKL and their purpose

The characteristics of drywall allow you to distribute it into the following main types:

  • ordinary - GKL;
  • fire-resistant - GKLO;
  • moisture resistant - GKLV;
  • fire and moisture resistant - GKLVO;
  • acoustic;
  • arched;
  • small format;
  • reinforced.

The structure of conventional gypsum board contains gypsum filler combined with the compacted board skin. This type of GKL is used for finishing dry rooms, for example, ordinary rooms in a house, office space. Ordinary drywall is very convenient to use, has a small and economical price.

Fire-resistant drywall, such as board, is great for areas with a high fire hazard. Due to such features of the material, smoke and fire will not be able to instantly spread throughout the room.

It is suitable for auxiliary summer buildings, places near stoves, fireplaces and other heat sources. GKLO is in demand for the creation of fire partitions, they are sheathed with ventilation, cable channels, mines.

Moisture-resistant drywall in the main share is used to finish the kitchen, bathroom, balcony and other rooms where the humidity level is above average. The GKLV structure contains elements that are resistant to moisture levels up to 75%, while the material itself does not deform and does not lose its original properties. The type of such drywall is more expensive than usual, but its practicality compensates over time for all the expenses spent.

Fire-moisture resistant drywall is not malleable to both moisture and fire or elevated temperatures. This type of drywall is used for finishing special rooms, country houses. Ordinary drywall is light gray, fire resistant is red, and moisture resistant drywall is green or blue.

In addition to the main types of drywall, there is also a design plasterboard or arched, flexible. It is actively used to create creative decorative elements. Due to its flexibility and unique properties, this building material serves as an excellent basis for fashionable design structures.

Drywall sheet size: the most common options

It is impossible to exclude cases when the standard dimensions of the GKL are not suitable. Therefore, manufacturers create many variations in the size of drywall sheets. In this case, the exact dimensions of drywall will directly depend on the surface of the finish for which it is intended:

  • arched drywall is made the thinnest. The thickness of such a sheet is close to 6.5 mm, thanks to such dimensions it can perfectly bend under any type of surface;
  • the dimensions of wall drywall (not ceiling drywall) will be as follows: thickness - 9.5 - 12.5 mm, width 1.2 m, length - 2-3 m;

The cost of sheet material directly depends on the size of drywall. If we take into account the parameters of drywall, then the most significant indicator is the thickness of the sheet, length and height - these are secondary dimensions.

standard drywall size

When planning to perform surface finishing with plasterboard material, its optimal dimensions are primarily calculated. This will help in the future to accurately determine how many square meters in a drywall sheet will be needed to complete the work. Most often, for the implementation of construction, finishing or other work, the standard size of a drywall sheet is relevant.

The standard size of drywall is 2500x1200x12.5 mm, with a total sheet area of ​​three square meters. This drywall construction weighs about 25 kg. Such dimensions are considered the most popular in the installation practice of foremen.

The most common drywall thickness of 12.5 mm provides actual strength to the construction site, sound insulation. In addition, this is a budget option that will cost a lot of money for buyers.

Drywall thickness

For the correct and high-quality installation of plasterboard cladding of walls, ceilings and other surfaces, the thickness of the material is fundamentally important. Sheets with a thickness of 6.5 mm are considered the thinnest GKL. Such sheet materials are used when assembling various shelves and niches, as well as the formation of an arched structure. Thin drywall bends perfectly and repeats any shape, but it will cost more.

A popular drywall is a sample with a thickness of 9.5 mm. It is often used for double wall cladding on a metal structure, as well as dry plaster.

The standard GKL thickness of 12.5 mm is often suitable for both leveling walls and mounting ceilings. Self-tapping screws are more easily screwed into these sheets and built-in lamps are held tighter.

Manufacturers also offer thickened dimensions of drywall material, which can reach from 14 to 24 mm. Sheets of this type are indispensable when creating interior partitions. Their incredible strength withstands enormous loads. Also, "thick" drywall provides the necessary sound insulation.

Drywall Width

The width of drywall for a long time remained a constant parameter and was equal to 1.2 m. But, today, due to the expansion of drywall products, other sizes of the width of the drywall sheet have become available.

Small and handy sheets with a width of 0.6 m quickly became in demand in various assembly work of builders. They are easily transported and attached to the surface. The convenient size of the GKL sheet makes it easy to cope with the installation process even for an amateur.

The disadvantage of small format drywall is the many joints that form on the surface during its installation.

Transport and storage of PLATÓ gypsum boards

High quality interior finishing with PLATÓ gypsum boards can be ensured by following the recommendations below:

  • PLATÓ gypsum boards must be carried vertically with their side edge or transported on a suitably adapted vehicle (forklift truck).
  • PLATÓ gypsum boards should be stored on a dry, flat floor (on pallets or on wooden underlays spaced at most every 35 cm). Such storage prevents damage (deformation or breakage).
  • PLATÓ gypsum boards must be protected from moisture and atmospheric factors. Storage and installation should be carried out indoors at temperatures from +5°C to +40°C and air humidity not exceeding 70%.
  • PLATÓ boards that have been exposed to moisture during storage must be completely dry before installation. To do this, they should be laid out on a horizontal surface, ensuring the free passage of air.
  • When storing PLATÓ slabs, the bearing capacity of the base must be taken into account. For example, 50 PLATÓ Format boards 12.5 mm thick create a load of approximately 415-450 kg/m2

Drywall length

There is a wide range of material on the drywall market. Most often, consumers take sheet lengths: 2 m, 2.5 m and 3 m. But, among the huge variety of drywall products, you can find samples with a length of 1.5 m, 2.6 m, 3 m.

This range allows you to significantly save on drywall waste, by selecting the most profitable option.

Drywall length is often adjusted at the factory when a customer makes a custom order. A sheet with a length of 3 m and above is the optimal size of drywall for walls. It will help create a minimum number of joints.

The size of the ceiling drywall depends on the square area of ​​​​the room, but most often sheets are consumed, the length of which is 2 - 2.5 m. It is easier to mount them on the ceiling, because messing with heavy sheets is not an easy task.

What is the optimal size of drywall or the correct calculation of sheet dimensions

The answer to the question of what size drywall to choose in a hardware store will be ambiguous. This decision is influenced by many factors and the most important of them, the size of the covered premises. The task of installers is to make the minimum number of seams and joints, sheathing any surface with drywall.

With this calculation, it is more reasonable to take GKL sheets with a small excess, 10-15 percent more than provided for by calculations for the specified area of ​​the drywall sheet.

When repairing the ceiling in a room, you should choose the optimal size of the plasterboard ceiling sheet, however, you need to make sure that the length of the material exceeds the height of the ceiling. Such a sheathing will look respectable in space, and a minimum of fittings and time will be spent on its installation.

It is convenient to calculate the dimensions of the ceiling plasterboard by drawing the conditional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling in a notebook and choosing the number of sheets of plasterboard that will most optimally cover the desired surface.

When determining the correct dimensions of the drywall wall sheet, it is important to pay attention to the height of the walls. For example, if the height of the walls is 2.7 m, then it will be correct to cover them with three-meter sheets of drywall.

At the same time, 30 cm of drywall will be used as waste, which is much more profitable than taking drywall 2.5 m and adding 20 cm each, while using an additional number of profiles for fastening and spending a lot of time on installation. The dimensions of the wall drywall in any case should be longer than the height of the walls in the room.

When buying drywall, special attention should be paid to its quality and transportation. GKL sheets must be even, without dents, cracks, scratches and potholes, otherwise further deformation of the material is possible already on the surface intended for installation. The paper should not lag behind the core, and the edges should not be bent.

Drywall is an innovative material for the construction industry. With its proper selection and installation, the created structures will last a long time.

Gypsum board is a modern mounting material for interior wall and ceiling cladding of buildings, partition walls, and creating three-dimensional architectural interior elements, such as columns, piers, niches. Subject to the technical requirements for installation and the correct selection of materials, the operational properties of drywall structures are in no way inferior to analogues created from traditional materials. When choosing drywall, you should pay attention to parameters such as the type and dimensions of the drywall board.

Drywall types

A gypsum board is a rectangular sheet of gypsum paper pasted over on both sides. Depending on the additives that are used in the manufacturing process of the gypsum core and cardboard, various types of gypsum boards acquire the appropriate performance.

Ordinary drywall (gypsum board)

Drywall of this type is intended for interior decoration of premises with normal humidity (living rooms, hallways, utility rooms). Wall cladding, single-level and multi-level ceiling structures, interior partitions, rectangular and round columns and other architectural elements are made from it. According to European standards, such a sheet is pasted over with light gray or gray cardboard. On the back side there is a stamp (for most manufacturers it is blue) indicating the type of sheet.

Moisture resistant drywall (GKLV)

This type of drywall is used for finishing walls and installing partitions in rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, swimming pools, kitchens), as well as for interior cladding of frame houses in low-rise construction. Special additives have been added to the gypsum core of the sheet to reduce moisture absorption, and the paper layer has been treated with fungicidal impregnation. When buying, moisture-resistant drywall can be identified by the green color of the cardboard on the front side and the marking stamp (usually blue) on the back side.

Other types of drywall

In addition to the listed types of sheet, there is a fire-resistant drywall (GKLO) - gray with a red marking, as well as drywall, resistant to both high temperatures and moisture ( GKLVO) - green with red markings. But such materials, as a rule, are not used in home renovation. They are used in public and industrial premises, as well as in other facilities with increased safety requirements.

Drywall dimensions

The method of application and performance properties of gypsum boards depend, first of all, on such a parameter as thickness. In the assortment of most manufacturers, you can find sheets with a thickness of 6.5 mm, 9.5 mm, 12.5 mm.

Sheet 6.5 mm

This is a thin drywall that can be bent without studding or wetting. It is used in the manufacture of architectural elements with a small bending radius, for example, for the end parts of a multi-level ceiling, round columns of small diameter, arched niches. To give the structure rigidity, sheathing from such a sheet is performed in two layers. This should be taken into account when calculating the required amount of material.

Sheet 9.5 mm

According to the installation technology developed by Knauf, a 9.5 mm thick slab is used as an additional sheet when arranging walls and partitions with a two-layer sheathing. A 12.5 mm slab is used as the main skin, and then 9.5 mm drywall is fixed on top of it. A nine-millimeter sheet is not recommended for use as a single-layer independent sheathing. Due to its small thickness, it can change the geometry with changes in humidity in the room. As a result, the joints between the plates will disperse and cracks will form on the wall.

Sheet 12.5 mm

In this thickness standard, both ordinary and moisture-resistant drywall are produced. This is a universal plate that is used for mounting ceiling and wall structures, interior partitions, arranging door and window slopes. From a sheet of 12.5 mm, it is also possible to produce bent elements with a large radius (more than 1.5 m). To do this, drywall must be rolled with a special studded roller, moistened well with a spray gun and bent along the pattern when wet.

In accordance with European standards, the width of the drywall sheet is 1.2 m. The length of ordinary sheets is 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 m (these figures may vary slightly, depending on the manufacturer). Thanks to this, it is possible to choose the optimal dimensions of the slab, depending on the parameters of the structure being erected.

When choosing a drywall supplier, you need to find out not only the cost of the sheet, but also the prices for all the necessary components. And then calculate the average cost per square meter of construction. Some sellers, in order to attract buyers, set deliberately low prices for a sheet, but their profiles and fasteners are expensive. As a result, the price of the finished structure may be higher than the market average.

Standard sizes of drywall Knauf

View Sheet size, mm Sheet weight, kg
GKL 1200x2500x9.5 mm (3 sq.m.) 28,5
1200x2500x12.5 (3 sq.m.) 37,5
1200x2500x15 (3 sq.m.) 45
600x2000x9.5 (1.2 sq.m.) 21,6
GKLV 1200x2500x9.5 (3 sq.m.) 27
1200x2500x12.5 (3 sq.m.) 36
1200x2500x15 (3 sq.m.) 45
GKLO 1200x2500x12.5 (3 sq.m.) 36
1200x2500x15 (3 sq.m.) 45
GKLVO 1200x2500x12.5 (3 sq.m.) 36
1200x2500x15 (3 sq.m.) 45

The use of drywall is not an innovation in the modern world, but recently more and more people have begun to use it in repair and construction work.

Today it is difficult to imagine a room where drywall would not be present.

Drywall was originally invented by the American Augustine Sackett in the 19th century, who owned an entire paper mill and once noticed that when making paper, layers are obtained, consisting of 10 layers of cardboard, and between them there is a small layer of gypsum, about 1.5 centimeters.

Subsequently, Augustine Sacket patented his invention and this was the beginning of the emergence of modern drywall.

But it marked the appearance of exactly the drywall that we use to this day, Clarence Utsman.

It consists of 6% cardboard, and the rest is gypsum dough and only 1% is given to starch and other impurities.

In fact, drywall is a building material, which is presented in the form of two layers of building cardboard and a layer of gypsum dough between them.

This is a relatively new type of building material (since it was used back in the late 50s of the 20th century), but it has been widely used in the last decade.

This was marked by the fact that the material is very convenient to use.

Firstly, due to the fact that it is a light and fairly environmentally friendly material, and secondly, because it is an absolutely non-combustible product, which helps to secure your home and, moreover, it is relatively inexpensive.

Drywall has a number of positive features, because it:

  • ecologicaly clean;
  • easy;
  • lasting;
  • it has a smooth texture;
  • has a reduced water absorption;
  • he has a pleasant appearance;
  • acceptable price for excellent quality;
  • has no smell.

Its use can be presented in various variations, for example, such as:

  1. Creation of false ceilings.
  2. Creating partitions.
  3. It is very convenient for hiding various small items: cords, wires, tubes and much more.
  4. Alignment of walls and ceilings.
  5. Creation of any design.
  6. Implementation of ventilation tasks.
  7. The basis for pasting wallpaper and much more.

The geometric dimensions of the GKL Knauf

Knauf drywall has a rectangular shape and consists of several layers of cardboard, between which there is a certain layer of gypsum dough, which contains various additives.

This type of material is produced exclusively according to German standards and is one of the highest quality on the market today.

It is characterized by high strength and reliability, which, in turn, cannot but please even the most demanding customers.

It is perfectly used for embedding walls, constructing suspended ceilings and any other structures in the room.

Each Knauf drywall sheet has its own special designation, which consists of the following indicators:

  1. The presence of numbers that indicate the size of the sheet.
  2. Letter symbols indicating the type of GKL.
  3. Symbols that indicate the Knauf group.
  4. Values ​​indicating the types of longitudinal edges of the GKL.
  5. Symbols indicating the material standard.

As an example of such a designation, drywall can be given, which has a length of 2500 millimeters, a width of 1200 mm, and a thickness of 12.5 mm: GKL-A-UK-2500x1200x12.5 GOST 6266.

Knauf drywall can have different sizes depending on its purpose.

So, for example, the length of one sheet can vary from 2000 to 4000 millimeters in increments of 50 mm, the width can be from 600 to 1200 millimeters, and the thickness of the GCR is presented in a wide variety: 6.5; 8; 9.5; 12.5; fourteen; 16; eighteen; twenty; 24 mm.

Additionally, small sheets of drywall with dimensions of 600x1500 mm are produced.

There are no special sizes of sheets of material for the ceiling.

Therefore, drywall with standard dimensions is used as a ceiling.

Read more on our website.

You can find out about two-level plasterboard ceilings. How to choose the design of two-level plasterboard ceilings and how to install them.

Read about the false ceiling made of plastic panels. What are the dimensions of the panels and how to sheathe the ceiling with them.

Only they try to choose the minimum thickness in order to reduce the mass of the structure and reduce the number of mounting profiles.

Drywall Knauf in its qualities and features can be attributed to certain groups, such as:

  1. G1, which means flammability according to GOST 30244.
  2. B2, which means flammability according to GOST 30402.
  3. D1, which, in turn, means the ability to smoke according to GOST 12.1.044.
  4. T1 - this designation refers to toxicity according to GOST 12.1.044.

As for the transportation or transportation of this type of drywall, you need to be extremely careful, because it is quite fragile, the slightest wrong movement can lead to damage to the newly acquired material.

It is necessary to install exhaust ventilation in the room, since Knauf drywall, although moisture resistant, can be deformed at a humidity of more than 70–80%.

Therefore, before using this material in the equipment of your premises, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements and apply appropriate precautions.

Types of drywall sheets

At the moment, there are three main types of drywall: standard, moisture resistant and fire resistant.

They have their own abbreviations:

  1. GKL - stands for ordinary drywall sheet. It, in turn, is a universal material, as it is suitable for almost all rooms.
  2. GKLO is drywall, which has a fairly high fire resistance, which, in turn, is suitable for rooms with a high temperature or with a high probability of ignition. This type of material is also different in that it can withstand about 20 minutes of direct exposure to fire.
  3. GKLV is a plasterboard sheet, a feature of which is moisture resistance. Certain antifungal mixtures are added to it in order to make it as moisture resistant as possible.
  4. GKLVO is the last type of drywall. It can also be called a hybrid of moisture-resistant and fire-resistant gypsum board.

And now consider each type of drywall separately.


Standard drywall or drywall are ordinary sheets that are used in almost all rooms with a normal level of humidity.

It is a finishing sheet, which is most often used in false ceilings, partitions, wall cladding or the construction of various structures.

This type of material is in great demand because it is the most common, affordable and, most importantly, versatile.

GKL can be of various sizes, but the following values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken as the standard:

  1. Length - 2.7 meters.
  2. Width - 1.2 meters.
  3. Thickness - 9.5 millimeters.

The weight of one standard sheet can vary from 21 to 32 kilograms.

The length of the GKL can be from 2.5 meters to 3.3 meters, and the thickness of one sheet is from 9.5 to 12.5 millimeters.

As for the prices for this type of material, they can be considered quite democratic.

On average, in Moscow there are such prices:

  • with dimensions of 2000x1200x9.5, the price reaches 200–300 rubles per square meter;
  • with dimensions of 2500x1200x9.5, the price reaches 300-400 rubles per square meter.

moisture resistant

Moisture resistant drywall is a type of drywall sheets that are produced using a special technology.

Its lining is treated with special agents that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold.

Silicone is introduced directly into the GKL structure, which reduces the possibility of moisture absorption.

This type of building material is used mainly for cladding the external facades of houses, bathrooms, showers, kitchens and other rooms with high humidity, provided that good ventilation is provided and the front surface is protected with additional moisture-resistant materials, for example: paints, waterproofing, ceramic tiles.

It is also possible to use it to create partitions, various decorations and sound-absorbing products.

GKLV can be of various sizes.

The following parameters are considered standard:

  1. Length - 2.5 meters.
  2. Width - 1.2 meters.
  3. Thickness - 12.5 millimeters.

The weight of a sheet of such a GKLV can be within 32 kg.

But the dimensions can vary, for example: width - from 2.5 to 4 meters; thickness - from 9.5 to 15 millimeters, weight - from 9 to 15 kg per square meter.

In turn, the prices for this type of GKLV can also vary.

It depends primarily on the size of the sheet of material itself, on the manufacturer, on the store that supplies this product, and on a large number of other factors.

In this regard, prices can be as follows:

  • with dimensions of 2000x1200x12.5, the price is about 200-300 rubles per m2;
  • with dimensions of 2500x1200x12.5, the price will be about 300–400 rubles per m2;
  • at 3000x1200x12.5, the price reaches 300–400 rubles per m2.

fire retardant

Fire-resistant drywall is a rectangular building material with increased resistance to heat and open flame.

One sheet of such GKLO consists of several layers of special cardboard, between which there is gypsum dough with various reinforcing additives to strengthen the material itself.

The composition of the GKLO core includes additives that increase its refractoriness.

This type of drywall is used for facing various rooms with normal humidity, for creating fire-resistant structures, for finishing fireplaces and ceilings.

The standard dimensions for fireproof drywall sheets are basically as follows:

  • length - 2.5 meters;
  • width - 1.2 meters;
  • thickness - 12.5 millimeters.

Dimensions may vary.

So, the length ranges from 2000 to 4000 millimeters, the width can be in the range from 600 to 1200 millimeters, and the thickness is from 6.5 to 16 millimeters, depending on the amount of work performed.

Video about the thickness of the drywall sheet for the ceiling:

The cost of this type of GKL depends: on the material from which it is made; from the manufacturer supplying the goods to retail outlets; and from other factors.

Therefore, the approximate price of GKLO in Moscow ranges from 350-450 rubles per square meter.

In contact with

Drywall is a fertile material for work, plates are used for a variety of purposes. Many owners are interested in knowing about all the parameters of drywall in order to understand whether the material is suitable in a particular case, whether it is too heavy, etc. And, of course, numerical data will be useful in calculations.

Drywall sheet size

A drywall sheet usually has the following parameters - 2500x1200x12.5. Its area will be equal to three square meters. But these values ​​\u200b\u200bare not strictly required, there are non-standard sizes and manufacturer's features.

Drywall standard also comes in several types. You can consider in more detail the average parameters of drywall of different types.

Sheet types:

  • GKL (regular drywall)- 2500-4000 by 1200 by 9.5 or 2500-4000 by 1200 by 12.5.
  • GKLV (moisture resistant drywall)- may have similar values, but there are also plates with the following parameters: 2500-4000x1200x15.
  • GKLO (fire-resistant drywall)- 2500-4000x1200x15 or 2500-4000 by 1200 by 12.5.
  • GKLVO (moisture-resistant and also fire-resistant drywall) - 2500-4000 by 1200x15 / 2500-4000 by 1200 by 12.5.

Other GKL parameters are also important, for example, height or weight.

Drywall weight

How much does a sheet of drywall weigh? According to GOST, ordinary gypsum plasterboard and moisture-resistant drywall have a mass at which more than a kg will not account for each mm of weight thickness.

Knowing the weight of the GKL, you can calculate what load the structure can withstand. The minimum sheet weight is 12 kg, the maximum is 34 kg. Knowing the specific gravity of drywall, it is easy to determine the weight of the desired structure. And the choice of fasteners also depends on this.

GKL - sheet thickness

The thickness of drywall varies depending on what goals are pursued when using the material.

In residential construction, the thickness of drywall takes on a value from 6.5 to 12.5 mm. For example, in sheets of arched drywall, the thickness will be minimal, but it can withstand bends well.

But wall drywall has a thickness of 12.5 mm - such plates are suitable for a structure of similar strength.

Drywall Width

Most often there are sheets of standard width - 1200 mm, one size is usually available in the construction markets. Plasterboard sheets of smaller width can also be found on sale, but they are not found everywhere, and they are used less frequently.

This width withstands all standards, it is the most convenient to use.

Drywall sheet area

Most often, you have to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdrywall in front of the ceiling sheathing. The quadrature of the ceiling surface is calculated as follows - the length of the room is multiplied by the width. The result obtained indicates the number of required square meters of drywall.

How many sheets of drywall are in a pallet

Typically, there are 40 to 68 drywall sheets per pallet. What part will be enough for work can also be calculated.

It all depends on what you are going to do with the sheets, as well as what height is involved. If, for example, the goal is to hang a drywall shelf, or a cabinet, it is impossible for the load to exceed 30 kg per square meter.

Standard dimensions of drywall

The length of one sheet varies from 2 m to 4 m. The thickness of the drywall depends on the purpose of the material - 1200 mm are the standard, but you can also find 600 mm plates, depending on what and where you want to hang.

You can consider the calculations on examples:

  • Let's say you decide to equip the sink in the bathroom by making a drywall countertop. To make measurements correctly, you need to put a drywall sheet on a flat surface, and place the sink, turning upside down, in the middle of the sheet. Circle the sink with a pencil right on the sheet, no matter how heavy it is. Then the sink must be removed, and with a jigsaw, cut a hole marked with a pencil.
  • If you have to hang a water heater on drywall, you must first of all consider how much this water heater weighs. If the frame is wooden and solid, then no special calculations are needed to hang the water heater. If the frame is rare, you will have to carry out calculations so as not to break the drywall. Often, brackets are installed under the water heater - one on the wall at the level of the frame, the second is also attached to the frame, if the distance between the "hangers" on the water heater requires it.

In a word, the weight, length, height, thickness of materials can be very important if you need to calculate the viability of a structure for a particular purpose.

Drywall justifies its size - both weight and thickness are convenient to use, so this material is used not only for large-scale finishing, but also for the manufacture of small structures.

Checking drywall for strength (video - experiment)

Almost no repair occurs without the use of drywall. So what kind of material is this and what size drywall sheet is considered the most optimal?

Drywall is a building material that is used in sheathing and interior decoration, as well as for the installation of interior partitions and decorative boxes. GKL drywall sheet consists of two main elements, a core of compressed gypsum with additives and reinforcing cardboard, which is placed on both sides of the core. The material is highly environmentally friendly and does not contain impurities harmful to humans, and is not subject to fire, which also eliminates the release of harmful substances.

Classification and varieties

In order to choose the most suitable sizes of drywall sheets, it is necessary to determine the type of work and the purpose of the material. According to the classification by purpose, they distinguish:

  1. Arched drywall is used for the construction of various design structures, arches, domes, rounded walls. Possesses high flexibility, thanks to small thickness;
  2. Wall GKL, which is the most common type of drywall, is used to create partitions, lining boxes and walls.
  3. The plasterboard ceiling sheet is a lightweight version of the wall plasterboard. The material significantly reduces the overall weight of the false ceiling structure and allows significant savings on the profile, as it makes it possible to use a wider pitch.

According to the main properties, the following types of drywall are distinguished:

  1. Ordinary gypsum board (gypsum plasterboard) is the most common and is used for mounting walls and ceilings in rooms with normal and low humidity. It has high environmental properties, allows you to mount lighting of any complexity, is used for cladding and horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  2. Gypsum board fire-resistant (GKLO). It differs from ordinary gypsum board in its increased resistance to fire, achieved by adding a special additive to gypsum. This type is able to withstand up to 20 minutes under the influence of open fire. Most often, GKLO is used for wall cladding near the fireplace, in boiler rooms, in attics and in other rooms with a high probability of fire.
  3. Moisture resistant drywall (GKLV) is designed for use in rooms with high humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools. The material is made with the addition of hydrophobic additives to gypsum and can be used at relative air humidity up to 85%. In addition to the gypsum component, high moisture resistance is ensured by the fact that the front of the moisture-resistant drywall is covered with a special water-repellent and waterproofing treatment, for example, primers, ceramic tiles, plastic panels or other protective coatings. Also, silicone granules are introduced into the composition of moisture-resistant drywall, which reduce the hygroscopicity of gypsum and additives.
  4. Moisture-resistant and fire-resistant gypsum board (GKLVO) - this gypsum board combines the properties of all waterproof gypsum board and fire resistance. This is possibly due to the fact that the innovative composition of such a drywall sheet is capable of both taking excess moisture in the room and giving it away when the air is dry. At the same time, thanks to the special fire-resistant treatment, GKLVO is not afraid of open fire. The material is perfect for insulating chimneys, finishing emergency exits and for rooms where work is carried out with open fire. Water-resistant and fire-resistant drywall is an excellent solution for kitchen areas of restaurants, cafes or hotels.
  5. Gypsum board facade (GKLF). Well protected from the negative effects of the environment, able to withstand atmospheric changes. It is used for facade cladding of buildings of various types.
  6. High-strength gypsum board or reinforced drywall - has greater strength than conventional gypsum plasterboard. This material is widely used in new construction and major repairs. Due to its increased resistance to wear and stress, it is excellent for the construction of partitions and rooms where increased impact resistance is required. High performance is achieved through the use of a durable layer of fiberglass reinforced gypsum and multilayer cardboard. Impact-resistant drywall from the Giprok company is more durable and environmentally friendly than its counterparts. The company also produces reinforced sheets with the properties of moisture-resistant drywall.

It is also necessary to highlight special-purpose panels, which are plasterboard sheets designed for specific conditions. These include materials that:

  • provide high sound insulation;
  • due to good wind protection, they are suitable for exterior decoration;
  • have high thermal conductivity, and are suitable for lining underfloor heating systems;
  • have thermal insulation properties;
  • have the ability to shield x-rays;

In addition to the main types of GKL, other similar materials are also used in the construction industry - for example, Aquapanels manufactured by Knauf. Their core is made not on gypsum, but on a cement basis with the addition of fiberglass. The material has been widely used in the decoration of exterior facades, due to its good protection against the negative effects of external factors.

A special place among special-purpose panels is occupied by GVL gypsum fiber sheets, which differ from standard drywall in that their cores contain cellulose fibers as impurities. This gives the material additional strength, evenness and fire resistance. Due to its improved properties, gypsum-fiber material is used for outdoor work, in rooms with increased dampness, as well as for the installation of floor coverings. GVL thickness is prescribed in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51829-2001, GVL sheets with a thickness of 10 and 12 mm, a length of 2500 mm and a width of 1200 mm are considered the most popular.

Drywall sheet size

The dimensions of the drywall sheet are prescribed according to SP 163.1325800.2014. The standard size of drywall is 2500x1200x12.5 mm, sheet area 3m2. The weight of such a GKL is approximately 29 kg. For moisture resistant drywall, the sheet size has the same parameters.


In length, the standard size of a drywall sheet is 2; 2.5 and 3 m. But some manufacturers, for ease of installation, make GKL 1.5 long; 2.7; 3.3; 3.6 m. For smaller structures, the manufacturer makes it possible to cut drywall sheets to customer dimensions directly at the factory.

A sheet length of more than 2.5 meters causes inconvenience during transportation and is less in demand.

But the use of long sheets of drywall avoids butt joints and is suitable for wall cladding and ceiling installation. But if you want to sheathe the ceilings in a room with a length of 2.7 m, then it does not make sense to purchase drywall sheets with a length of 3 m. Due to the fact that there will be a lot of waste and additional assistance will be required in the installation of heavy plates.

Before buying drywall, you need to check if the sheet will go into a doorway or an elevator. In most cases, it is more expedient to use GKL of a standard length of 2.5 m, the dimensions of the sheet with such a length will be 2.5x1.2x0.125 m.

What should be the width of the GKL?

Typically, the width of a drywall sheet is a standard parameter and is 1200 mm. Based on this, the racks used for the frame have a standard pitch of 400 or 600 mm. However, modern technologies have made it possible to significantly reduce the width of drywall, now you can find lightweight small-format drywall with a width of 600mm and a length of 1500 or 2000mm. The dimensions of the small format drywall sheet make it easier to transport and install. A small width is also produced and designer drywall brand GKLD from the Giprok company, its width is 900 mm. It is also easy to transport, and the installation of the structure can be handled alone. For moisture resistant drywall, the size of the small format sheet has the same parameters.

Drywall thickness

It should be noted that the standard thickness of drywall depends on its purpose.

Therefore, the thickness of the GKL should be chosen based on the intended work.

For example, for wall decoration, creating columns and lining boxes, a common wall plasterboard is used, which has a thickness of 125 mm and can be made with additives for moisture-resistant drywall.

The thickness of the plasterboard ceiling sheet used for sheathing uneven walls, domed structures, arches and leveling the ceiling is about 9 mm. However, ceiling plasterboard is quite rare, so it is often replaced with wall plasterboard. Based on experience, a 125 mm drywall thickness is better suited for ceiling sheathing, but during installation it is necessary to use a larger number of profiles, in increments of no more than 60 cm, since 125 mm thick drywall has more weight, but at the same time it has high strength characteristics.

To create various design designs, a special GCR is used, the thickness of which is 6 mm. These sheets have great flexibility and are ideal for cladding arches and undulating structures. When installing various niches and shelves, it must be taken into account that a thickness of 6 mm does not cope well with a high load and use 2-3 layers of material.

Before you start buying drywall, you need to carefully examine the sheet for quality.

Pay attention to the storage of the material, as some sellers store the sheets outside without any protection from the weather or in warehouses with high humidity.

It is also forbidden to stack pallets with sheets on top of each other, as a high load can cause deformation of the gypsum core. It is forbidden to drag the sheets on the ground, this will damage the cardboard lining. Because of this, a lot of defective products appear in warehouses. And the buyer, who first encountered the choice of drywall, due to inexperience, may not even see defects at the time of purchase.

  1. It is best to buy drywall sheets only in large hardware stores with a good reputation and high traffic. There should be no stale goods.
  2. Before buying, you must visit the warehouse and study the storage conditions of building materials. If there is high humidity in the room, it is best to refuse to purchase GKL at this outlet.
  3. When loading and unloading plates, it is necessary to control the work of loaders. To avoid damage to the goods.
  4. It is advisable to inspect each slab and check for defects such as dents, scratches, chips.

If you need to purchase a large amount of material, it is best to buy one sheet for testing. To check it, it is necessary to cut it into strips with a knife and evaluate the uniformity of the gypsum structure. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to take products from reliable manufacturers, for example, such brands as Giprok, Knauf, Lafarge, Rigips.

Dimensions of drywall sheets, standard dimensions of drywall sheets → Materials

When installing frame structures, GKL sheets are used as the material for sheathing, which are rectangular slabs with a gypsum base and a sheath made of thick paper. Consider the classification, features of use in various conditions and determine the main dimensions of drywall.

Note that this material, according to the specifics of its application, can have different properties and is divided into several types. Features of the GKL must be taken into account, when choosing them, strictly individually for each room.

Types and sizes of Knauf drywall sheets

The world standard of materials for the production of frame-sheathing structures is the products of the German company Knauf. The company's specialists distinguish several main types of drywall sheets.

  • GKL - the common name of a building and finishing material also implies a type intended for sheathing frame structures installed in rooms with normal humidity (“dry”). The standard size of drywall is 2500x1200x12.5. The mass of such a sheet is 29 kg. It is easy to distinguish by gray cardboard and blue markings.
  • GKLV - moisture resistant drywall. Special hydrophobic additives are added to its gypsum "core", the cardboard is treated with a water-repellent composition, and the size of this type of gypsum board is the same as the previous one. Weight is also 29 kg. Differs in green color of a cardboard and blue marking.
  • GKLO - fire-resistant type. It has good resistance to open fire. Gypsum filler is fired at high temperatures and impregnated with solutions that contain reinforcing substances. The mass of a plasterboard sheet measuring 2500x1200x12.5 mm is 30.6 kg. Its front side is painted pink, and the markings are red.
  • GKLVO - combines the properties of fire and moisture resistance. This material undergoes complex processing that enhances all these qualities. With standard dimensions of the GKLVO, its weight is 30.6 kg. Differs in green color of a cardboard and red marking.
  • FIREBOARD - a special type of drywall with increased fire resistance. Such boards can withstand the impact of a flame for more than an hour without losing their technological properties. With dimensions of 2500x1200x12.5 mm, it weighs 31.5 kg. It should be noted that the thickness of the reinforced FIGHTERBOARD is 20 mm. You can distinguish such material by the red color of the cardboard and the same marking.

Of course, the geometric dimensions of drywall sheets mentioned by us (according to KNAUF) are the main values. Accordingly, it is necessary to specify what other parameters the material can have. The length of drywall boards can be 2000; 2500; 3000; 3500 and 4000 mm. The most common width is 1200 mm, however, there is also a small format drywall. Its width is 600 mm. The thickness of the KNAUF sheet depends on its type, features and purpose and can be 6.5; 8; 9.5; 12.5; fourteen; 16; eighteen; twenty; and 24 mm.

The material has a symbol (marking) that determines the properties and size of the GKL and consists of:

  • Letters denoting:
    1. Group (by flammability, toxicity, etc.).
    2. View of the longitudinal edges.
  • Numbers indicating:
    1. Drywall sheet size values ​​(length, width, thickness in mm).
    2. Compliance standard (GOST).

Features of indoor use

We have already said that ordinary GKL is used for installing frame structures and wall cladding in rooms with normal humidity. The versatility and various sizes of GKL allow it to be used both in the manufacture of various partitions and in the installation of suspended ceilings. Consider where you can apply other types of material:

  • Moisture resistant (GKLV) - can be used in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms and kitchens. The water-repellent properties and standard dimensions of this type of drywall allow it to be used as a base for ceramic tiling.
  • Fire-resistant (GKLO) - used in rooms that have special fire safety requirements. It is used in the decoration of offices and factory floors as both "wall" and "ceiling" drywall. The dimensions and properties of the material also make it possible to use it in the arrangement of the attic space of residential buildings.
  • Moisture-resistant (GKLVO) - used in rooms where high humidity is combined with high temperatures. It can be used to create frame ceilings and partitions in baths and saunas. The dimensions of the moisture-resistant drywall coincide with the parameters of the fire-resistant type. With a length of 2000 to 4000 mm, its width is 1200 mm, and the thickness can be either 12.5 or 16 mm.

Features of the use of GKL in structures

It is necessary to say a few more words about the classification of the material, depending on the features of its application in a particular frame structure.

  • "Wall" - when installing partitions or finishing walls, slabs with a thickness of 12.5 mm are mainly used. Naturally, if a structure of increased strength is required, it is necessary to increase this parameter, which can always allow a variety of drywall sizes.
  • "Ceiling" - for sheathing the frame of a false ceiling, a material with a thickness of 9.5 mm is most often used, since the use of a thicker one will significantly increase the weight of the structure.
  • "Arched" - suitable for mounting structures that have a curved shape (arches, curly partitions, etc.). To the question of what size of sheet the drywall for arches has, we will answer - it does not matter, the main thing is that its thickness does not exceed 6.5 mm. Only this parameter gives good opportunities for creating elements of any curved shape.

Having told you about the features of drywall, I would like to add - what size drywall sheets have and the type to which it belongs - of course, important factors that must be taken into account at the stage of design work. However, the main feature of the GKL is that in the rooms finished with its help, a special atmosphere is formed that is most favorable for human life.

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Standard drywall sheet size

The use of drywall is not an innovation in the modern world, but recently more and more people have begun to use it in repair and construction work.

Today it is difficult to imagine a room where drywall would not be present.

What is this material?

Drywall was originally invented by the American Augustine Sackett in the 19th century, who owned an entire paper mill and once noticed that when making paper, layers are obtained, consisting of 10 layers of cardboard, and between them there is a small layer of gypsum, about 1.5 centimeters.

Subsequently, Augustine Sacket patented his invention and this was the beginning of the emergence of modern drywall.

But it marked the appearance of exactly the drywall that we use to this day, Clarence Utsman.

It consists of 6% cardboard, and the rest is gypsum dough and only 1% is given to starch and other impurities.

In fact, drywall is a building material, which is presented in the form of two layers of building cardboard and a layer of gypsum dough between them.

This is a relatively new type of building material (since it was used back in the late 50s of the 20th century), but it has been widely used in the last decade.

This was marked by the fact that the material is very convenient to use.

Firstly, due to the fact that it is a light and fairly environmentally friendly material, and secondly, because it is an absolutely non-combustible product, which helps to secure your home and, moreover, it is relatively inexpensive.

Drywall has a number of positive features, because it:

  • ecologicaly clean;
  • easy;
  • lasting;
  • it has a smooth texture;
  • has a reduced water absorption;
  • he has a pleasant appearance;
  • acceptable price for excellent quality;
  • has no smell.

Its use can be presented in various variations, for example, such as:

  1. Creation of false ceilings.
  2. Creating partitions.
  3. It is very convenient for hiding various small items: cords, wires, tubes and much more.
  4. Alignment of walls and ceilings.
  5. Creation of any design.
  6. Implementation of ventilation tasks.
  7. The basis for pasting wallpaper and much more.

The geometric dimensions of the GKL Knauf

Knauf drywall has a rectangular shape and consists of several layers of cardboard, between which there is a certain layer of gypsum dough, which contains various additives.

This type of material is produced exclusively according to German standards and is one of the highest quality on the market today.

It is characterized by high strength and reliability, which, in turn, cannot but please even the most demanding customers.

It is perfectly used for embedding walls, constructing suspended ceilings and any other structures in the room.

Each Knauf drywall sheet has its own special designation, which consists of the following indicators:

  1. The presence of numbers that indicate the size of the sheet.
  2. Letter symbols indicating the type of GKL.
  3. Symbols that indicate the Knauf group.
  4. Values ​​indicating the types of longitudinal edges of the GKL.
  5. Symbols indicating the material standard.

As an example of such a designation, drywall can be given, which has a length of 2500 millimeters, a width of 1200 mm, and a thickness of 12.5 mm: GKL-A-UK-2500x1200x12.5 GOST 6266.

Knauf drywall can have different sizes depending on its purpose.

So, for example, the length of one sheet can vary from 2000 to 4000 millimeters in increments of 50 mm, the width can be from 600 to 1200 millimeters, and the thickness of the GCR is presented in a wide variety: 6.5; 8; 9.5; 12.5; fourteen; 16; eighteen; twenty; 24 mm.

Additionally, small sheets of drywall with dimensions of 600x1500 mm are produced.

There are no special sizes of sheets of material for the ceiling.

Therefore, drywall with standard dimensions is used as a ceiling.

Read more about the installation of suspended ceilings on our website.

You can find out about two-level plasterboard ceilings at the link. How to choose the design of two-level plasterboard ceilings and how to install them.

Read about suspended ceiling made of plastic panels here. What are the dimensions of the panels and how to sheathe the ceiling with them.

Only they try to choose the minimum thickness in order to reduce the mass of the structure and reduce the number of mounting profiles.

Drywall Knauf in its qualities and features can be attributed to certain groups, such as:

  1. G1, which means flammability according to GOST 30244.
  2. B2, which means flammability according to GOST 30402.
  3. D1, which, in turn, means the ability to smoke according to GOST 12.1.044.
  4. T1 - this designation refers to toxicity according to GOST 12.1.044.

As for the transportation or transportation of this type of drywall, you need to be extremely careful, because it is quite fragile, the slightest wrong movement can lead to damage to the newly acquired material.

It is necessary to install exhaust ventilation in the room, since Knauf drywall, although moisture resistant, can be deformed at a humidity of more than 70–80%.

Therefore, before using this material in the equipment of your premises, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements and apply appropriate precautions.

Types of drywall sheets

At the moment, there are three main types of drywall: standard, moisture resistant and fire resistant.

They have their own abbreviations:

  1. GKL - stands for ordinary drywall sheet. It, in turn, is a universal material, as it is suitable for almost all rooms.
  2. GKLO is drywall, which has a fairly high fire resistance, which, in turn, is suitable for rooms with a high temperature or with a high probability of ignition. This type of material is also different in that it can withstand about 20 minutes of direct exposure to fire.
  3. GKLV is a plasterboard sheet, a feature of which is moisture resistance. Certain antifungal mixtures are added to it in order to make it as moisture resistant as possible.
  4. GKLVO is the last type of drywall. It can also be called a hybrid of moisture-resistant and fire-resistant gypsum board.

And now consider each type of drywall separately.


Standard drywall or drywall are ordinary sheets that are used in almost all rooms with a normal level of humidity.

It is a finishing sheet, which is most often used in false ceilings, partitions, wall cladding or the construction of various structures.

This type of material is in great demand because it is the most common, affordable and, most importantly, versatile.

GKL can be of various sizes, but the following values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken as the standard:

  1. Length - 2.7 meters.
  2. Width - 1.2 meters.
  3. Thickness - 9.5 millimeters.

The weight of one standard sheet can vary from 21 to 32 kilograms.

The length of the GKL can be from 2.5 meters to 3.3 meters, and the thickness of one sheet is from 9.5 to 12.5 millimeters.

As for the prices for this type of material, they can be considered quite democratic.

On average, in Moscow there are such prices:

  • with dimensions of 2000x1200x9.5, the price reaches 200–300 rubles per square meter;
  • with dimensions of 2500x1200x9.5, the price reaches 300-400 rubles per square meter.

moisture resistant

Moisture resistant drywall is a type of drywall sheets that are produced using a special technology.

Its lining is treated with special agents that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold.

Silicone is introduced directly into the GKL structure, which reduces the possibility of moisture absorption.

This type of building material is used mainly for cladding the external facades of houses, bathrooms, showers, kitchens and other rooms with high humidity, provided that good ventilation is provided and the front surface is protected with additional moisture-resistant materials, for example: paints, waterproofing, ceramic tiles.

It is also possible to use it to create partitions, various decorations and sound-absorbing products.

GKLV can be of various sizes.

The following parameters are considered standard:

  1. Length - 2.5 meters.
  2. Width - 1.2 meters.
  3. Thickness - 12.5 millimeters.

The weight of a sheet of such a GKLV can be within 32 kg.

But the dimensions may vary, for example: width - from 2.5 to 4 meters; thickness - from 9.5 to 15 millimeters, weight - from 9 to 15 kg per square meter.

In turn, the prices for this type of GKLV can also vary.

It depends primarily on the size of the sheet of material itself, on the manufacturer, on the store that supplies this product, and on a large number of other factors.

In this regard, prices can be as follows:

  • with dimensions of 2000x1200x12.5, the price is about 200-300 rubles per m2;
  • with dimensions of 2500x1200x12.5, the price will be about 300–400 rubles per m2;
  • at 3000x1200x12.5, the price reaches 300–400 rubles per m2.

fire retardant

Fire-resistant drywall is a rectangular building material with increased resistance to heat and open flame.

One sheet of such GKLO consists of several layers of special cardboard, between which there is gypsum dough with various reinforcing additives to strengthen the material itself.

The composition of the GKLO core includes additives that increase its refractoriness.

This type of drywall is used for facing various rooms with normal humidity, for creating fire-resistant structures, for finishing fireplaces and ceilings.

The standard dimensions for fireproof drywall sheets are basically as follows:

  • length - 2.5 meters;
  • width - 1.2 meters;
  • thickness - 12.5 millimeters.

Dimensions may vary.

So, the length ranges from 2000 to 4000 millimeters, the width can be in the range from 600 to 1200 millimeters, and the thickness is from 6.5 to 16 millimeters, depending on the amount of work performed.

Video about the thickness of the drywall sheet for the ceiling:

The cost of this type of GKL depends: on the material from which it is made; from the manufacturer supplying the goods to retail outlets; and from other factors.

Therefore, the approximate price of GKLO in Moscow ranges from 350-450 rubles per square meter.

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Drywall - sheet size: length, width, thickness

drywall sheet

Currently, one of the most common finishing materials is, of course, drywall.

This is a versatile material, it is used for almost all types of finishing work, whether it is finishing ceilings or walls, bathrooms or kitchens.

Drywall has many advantages over other materials, here are some of them:

  • environmental friendliness - undoubtedly, this material is perhaps the most environmentally friendly, because it contains purely natural materials.
  • fire resistance - due to its structure, drywall is a non-combustible material.
  • lack of toxicity - due to the fact that the composition contains only natural components, respectively, there can be no talk of toxicity.
  • pH is the level of acidity, which is noteworthy, drywall has almost the same level as human skin, which means that when working with this material you will not need to use special skin protection methods.
  • economic component - the cost of drywall is low.
  • ease of installation - for laying this material does not require any special skills.

Varieties of drywall and their brief description

Gypsum boards ordinary (GKL)

Plain drywall

The cheapest and most commonly used types of drywall. It consists of a core represented by gypsum dough, and is covered on top with thick cardboard, which gives shape and strength to the sheets.

It is used more often in rooms without any special conditions, whether it be humidity or temperature changes. This type is laid both on the walls and on the ceiling.

Fire-resistant gypsum boards (GKLO)

Fire resistant drywall

Already from the name it follows that this drywall is used for interior decoration near various fireplaces and stoves.

It also consists of a gypsum core inside and hard cardboard outside, but already treated with a special material, which gives increased fire resistance.

Used for finishing ceilings and walls, perfect for laying tiles or decorative plaster.

Moisture resistant plasterboard sheets (GKLV)

Drywall moisture resistant

This type is most often used in rooms with a high level of moisture, such as a bathroom, toilet, kitchen.

Its peculiarity is that the composition contains, in addition to standard cardboard and gypsum dough, special additives that reduce the absorption of moisture, i.e. they are moisture resistant.

This means that the sheets do not delaminate and do not lose their shape. Also, these species are more resistant to various bacterial and fungal infections. Although in very damp rooms, we still recommend laying more ceramic tiles on top.

Moisture-resistant sheets are not 100% resistant to moisture, so if your neighbors flood you, it will most likely get wet. The material of a 100% moisture-resistant direction can only be a tile.

Fire and moisture resistant drywall

Fire and moisture resistant plasterboard sheets (GKLVO)

This species is the most protected from various influences.

It is ideal for all of the above finishes, the only negative is the price, it exceeds all previously described types.

Dimensions of drywall sheets

Depending on the purpose, the sheets are divided into:

  • wall - its thickness is 12.5 mm, and already from the name it is clear that it is used for wall decoration.
  • ceiling - has a thickness of 9.5 mm, used for finishing the ceiling.
  • arched - thickness 6.5 mm, most often it is used to create unique arched compositions.

The most common drywall size is 2500-1200-12.5 mm, its weight will be approximately 29 kg. The area of ​​such a sheet is 3 square meters.

The table shows the most common species:

As can be seen from the table, the width of the sheets, regardless of the place of application, is always the same. Only thickness and length can be changed.

Most often, the dimensions of drywall are as follows:

  • 1200x2000 mm;
  • 1200x2500 mm;
  • 1200x3000 mm.

How to calculate the right amount of drywall

Room dimensions for measuring wall area

In order not to return the remnants of drywall in the future and not to go to the store several times for it if you do not have enough, you must first calculate exactly how much material you need.

And how to do it right, we will now explain to you. The main factor that should be deposited in your head is the least number of seams.

Therefore, if your room height is 230 cm, then you don’t need to buy 200 cm sheets and then add 30 cm from another sheet, it’s better to buy 250 cm and cut 20 cm from them, let it be more expensive, but more aesthetically pleasing and durable, plus saves you time during installation.

Therefore, in order to take what is needed, we will do the following. Let's take an ordinary sheet of paper and draw each wall, taking each square as a certain scale. Thus, in a different color, by selecting the desired sheet size, you can draw and see exactly how much drywall you need.

As a last resort, we do this, we calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls (ceiling), for this the width is multiplied by the length of the surface, then we add about 20% more and that's how much material we need.

What should be paid attention to when installing this material

Installation of plasterboard structures

There are several ways to mount this material, one of them is gluing. For this, a special construction adhesive, based on gypsum, is used.

This method is relevant only if the wall is flat, and during the installation of wall drywall there will be no large gaps between the sheets.

But this material is suitable even for uneven surfaces. It is very often used precisely for leveling those very uneven walls. To do this, you first need to fix the metal structure, which will serve as the basis for installation.

The frame is made of a metal profile, in extreme cases, of wooden slats, and their desired thickness should be 2-3 mm. The structure can be fixed either also with glue, or with dowels with screws, this option is more reliable. Next, you need to fix the drywall to the structure.

To do this, you need at least 2 people, or even 3, to hold it, because with excessive bending, the GKL sheets break easily. We will fix with screws using a screwdriver. Since it is the screws that are able to hold drywall with the highest quality.

Briefly about the main

  1. Drywall is the most common and environmentally friendly material, there are sheets that are moisture resistant and also able to withstand fire;
  2. Depending on the place of application, drywall can be - arched, ceiling and for walls. Therefore, before buying, it is worthwhile to find out for what purpose you need this material.
  3. By size, the most common sheets are:
    • 1200x2000 mm;
    • 1200x2500 mm;
    • 1200x3000 mm.

    Moreover, each of them can be of different thickness - 6.5 mm, 9 mm, 12.5 mm.

  4. It is best to fix drywall on a frame made of a metal profile, 2-3 mm thick, for fixing it is best to use screws or self-tapping screws.