How to calculate how many wallpapers you need. How many square meters are in a roll of wallpaper: we calculate the required amount

Is your decision to start renovating finally made? But you have not yet decided how to decorate the walls? The least time consuming and costly option is, of course, to glue the wallpaper.

The most serious problem in this work is to make the correct calculation of the number of wallpapers per room, so that you do not have to buy them later if there is a shortage, because it is not always possible to find exactly the same ones. The opposite option, when you bought too many rolls, is also unlikely to please anyone - this is money thrown to the wind, two or three remaining rolls you will simply have nowhere to use.

In order to calculate everything correctly, it is necessary to measure the perimeter that the walls of the room form. For those who no longer remember from school, recall: the perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. For example, the walls are long - two 6 m and two 4 m.

2 × 6 + 2 × 4 = 12 + 8 = 20 m - this is the length of the perimeter of the room. Naturally, you get a different number.

Then we measure the height of the walls. In standard apartments it is usually 2.5 m.Since standard rolls are 10 m long, we divide 10 by the wall height - 2.5 m.

10: 2.5 = 4 pieces, that is, from one roll you get 4 strips of wallpaper.

Of course, if the height of your walls is different, then the number of stripes may also be different. For example, with a wall height of 3 m, you will only have 3 stripes and 1 m will remain, which can be used above door or window openings.

20: 0.53 = 38.3 pcs. Rounding off, we get 39 strips of wallpaper that we need to paste over the entire room.

Now we divide the number of all strips by the number of strips in 1 roll.

39: 4 = 9.7 - rounded again, we get 10 rolls of finishing material.

Of course, there are also door and window openings in the room. If they are not on the whole wall, then they can be ignored, since you always need some kind of minimum stock of wallpaper just in case of emergency. Well, if the openings are too large, then their width can be subtracted from the perimeter and further calculated according to the proposed scheme. But do not forget that openings are usually not made along the entire height of the room, therefore, in order to glue the area above or below the opening, you will need a few more meters of material.

The number of rolls of non-standard width wallpaper - 0.68; 0.9; 1.06; 1.40 m is calculated in the same way, but instead of 0.53 m, we use the corresponding width in the calculation.

By area

Another simple way to calculate the number of wallpaper is to use it in calculating the area of ​​the surface to be glued.

For example, let's take the same numbers as in the previous version: the width of the walls is 6 and 4 m, the height is 2.5 m.

2 × (6 + 4) × 2.5 = 50 m 2. This is the area that needs to be covered with wallpaper. At the very beginning, we multiplied by 2, because we have two such walls.

Now we find out the surface area of ​​one roll, for this we multiply its width by its length:

0.53 × 10 = 5.3 m 2. That is, one roll of wallpaper can cover 5 m 2 of the wall with a small residue, which is usually not taken into account.

50: 5 = 10. We got 10 rolls again.

For a more accurate calculation, you can determine the area of ​​openings - door and window, and if they are much larger than 5 m 2, then one can be subtracted from the calculated number of rolls, since it has an area of ​​5 m 2.

Such calculations can be done if the pattern on the wallpaper is small or repetitive and does not need to be adjusted.

With drawing

It is most difficult to calculate the required number of rolls of patterned wallpaper with a strict geometric or large pattern. They are glued, strictly observing the integrity of the pattern. Then the calculation of the number of rolls is made taking into account the rapport - the distance between the individual elements of the pattern or pattern. The rapport is usually indicated on the label included in the package. Wallpaper with a large rapport generates a lot of waste, so first calculate how much it will cost you, and whether it is worth buying at all.

Pasting wallpaper is not a difficult task for an experienced craftsman. And from personal experience I can say that the main problem that I had to face most often was the lack of a strip or a whole roll. The customer did not calculate correctly, and you have to buy in addition and waste time. To minimize all risks and simplify the calculation process, it is recommended to use the wallpaper calculator below. Its use should not be difficult. And if something is not clear, study the detailed instructions and read the calculation example.

Online wallpaper calculator

How to use the wallpaper calculator

To make the correct calculation of the number of wallpapers for a particular room, you must enter the correct initial data. Let's take a look at each point:

  1. The width of the room.
  2. The length of the room.
  3. The perimeter of the room. This parameter is calculated automatically based on the length and width. It is needed to determine the total area of ​​all walls, taking into account their height.
  4. Ceiling height - the distance from floor to ceiling.
  5. The number of doors in the room. If there are no doors, items 5, 6, 7 are not specified.
  6. Door height. If there are several doors and they have different sizes - indicate the lowest height.
  7. Door width. If there are several doors and they have different sizes, specify the smallest width.
  8. The number of windows in the room. If there are no windows, items 8, 9, 10 are not specified.
  9. Window height. If there are several windows and they have different sizes, specify the smallest height.
  10. Window width. If there are several windows and they have different sizes, specify the smallest width.
  11. Roll length. The standard size is 10.05 m. There are also 25 meter non-woven vinyl wallpaper. Carefully study the packaging - this parameter is indicated there.
  12. Wallpaper width. Standard sizes are 53 cm and 106 cm. They are also indicated on the roll packaging.
  13. Picture rapport - picture height ( → I ←). That is, if the rapport is 46 (cm), then cutting off a 2.5 meter (250 cm) strip from the roll, it will contain 5 sections of 46 cm each and one incomplete section of 20 cm. Therefore, so that in the next strip the pattern coincides with the previous one, it is necessary to cut off an extra section of 26 cm (46 - 20).
  14. Offset pattern - stepped joining (diagonal joining) of the pattern. This is indicated on the packaging. For example, the notation 46 ⁄ 23 means that 43 is a rapport, and 23 is the distance in centimeters by which each subsequent sheet should move. By checking this item in the calculation, the maximum possible offset to the rapport floor will be set.
  15. Alignment margin is the distance needed to fit and trim comfortably.

If the label has the following symbol 0I ←(or → I0), then such wallpaper is glued without selecting a pattern, and item 13 in the calculator can be left blank. Also, if stepped docking is not indicated, then item 14 is not specified.

Table with the marking of wallpaper by the method of selection (fitting) of the picture:

No need to adjust the drawing
Line drawing, horizontal docking
Stepped docking, diagonal docking
An arrow indicates the location of the pattern towards the ceiling (for patterns that are difficult to read)
Each next strip must be glued in the opposite direction.
Figure height in centimeters (numerator); when pasting wallpaper, shift it by half the height (or by that distance in centimeters, which will be indicated in the denominator)
Drawing height in centimeters
The wallpaper is glued with an overlap and an incision is made, after which the cut sections are removed, forming an even joint (this is how photo wallpaper can be glued)

An example of calculating wallpaper using a calculator

First of all, we will carry out the calculation without using an online calculator, and then check the results.

Initial data:

  • The length of the room is 4 m.
  • The width of the room is 3.2 m.
  • Ceiling height - 2.65 m.
  • One door - 85 cm × 205 cm.
  • One window - 135 cm × 135 cm.
  • Wallpaper - 10.05 m (length) and 53 cm (width).
  • Rapport - 64 cm.
  • Line drawing, horizontal docking.

Next, we glue the wall with a window. The window is in the center, and from the corner to the window 0.925 m - or almost 2 wallpaper strips (106 cm)... There are pieces along the top and bottom of the window for 106 cm - we do not take them into account for now. 108 cm remains to the corner, or 2.02 stripes.

We consider a wall with a door. Since the width of the door is not significant, it is even possible not to take it into account. We get 7.54 stripes(the remainder of the 0.46 lane) (4 ⁄ 0,53).

To summarize:

  1. 13.58 round up to 14 bands.
  2. 2 stripes.
  3. 7.54 round to 8 stripes.
  4. Total 24 bands or 8 tubes(3 strips come out of one tube).
  5. There are areas above and below the window - 2 strips 80 cm long and two strips 45 cm long. Taking into account the 64 cm rapport and the leveling margin, the remnants of 8 tubes may not cover the required areas. Therefore, an additional tube is required.
  6. The end result is 9 pipes.
  7. The result calculated by the calculator also gives out 9 tubes.

As you can see, the presented online calculator for calculating wallpaper fully copes with the task. It is an indispensable tool and saves you time.

To calculate, you will need a measuring tape, a notepad and a calculator.

Room measurements

First, you need to measure the width, length, and height of the room in which you will be glued.

In addition, the dimensions of door and window openings should be determined. The parameters of windows and doors will help you make the calculation more accurate and do not take into account the area that does not need to be pasted over.

How to calculate wallpaper in a room around the perimeter

The first step is to calculate the perimeter of the room, which is:

Perimeter = (one wall length + adjacent wall length) * 2

Calculating the estimated height of the web

To find out how long your wallpaper will be, use the formula:

Estimated strip height = room height + ornament pitch (rapport) + stock for upper and lower allowances (5 cm)

Calculation of the number of stripes for pasting a room

To do this, you first need to measure the width of the wallpaper strip that was selected for gluing.

Then we calculate the number of strips required to cover the entire room:

Number of stripes per room = perimeter / width of wallpaper stripe

Important! The resulting numbers should be rounded up to a whole value, otherwise you can get a few centimeters of the wall without wallpaper.

Calculation of the number of strips from one roll

After we have determined the number of strips of wallpaper per room, we can calculate the number of stripes per roll. To do this, you will need to know the length of the roll (usually it is indicated on the label).

Number of strips from 1 roll = roll length / estimated strip height

Important! The resulting numbers should be rounded down to the nearest whole, so that only whole canvases are glued to the wall.

Calculation of the number of rolls per room

After all the calculations done, we can finally find out the number of rolls for pasting the entire room:

Number of rolls = number of strips per room / number of strips from 1 roll

Important! All received numbers are rounded up, because rolls must be ordered whole.

How to calculate wallpaper for a room square

The calculation of wallpaper around the perimeter of a room is not always suitable, since the presence of windows and doors is not taken into account, so you have to count by area.

Calculating the area of ​​the walls

To calculate the area, use the following formula:

Total area = wall length * wall height

Now let's calculate the area of ​​the walls that will be covered with wallpaper. To do this, you first need to calculate the area of ​​window and door openings, and then use the formula:

Wallpapering area = total area - area of ​​windows and doors

Calculation of the number of rolls

A standard roll, 53 cm wide and 10 m long, is usually enough for 5 square meters. rooms.

To calculate the number of rolls for the whole room you need:

Number of rolls = area of ​​the room / area that can be glued with 1 roll

Important! Round up the resulting number.

If your wallpaper with a pattern

If there is a large drawing on the wallpaper, find out its report, and then calculate the ceiling height multiple to it and carry out calculations with it.

For example, the wall has a height of 2.6 m, and you decided to buy wallpaper with a pattern step of 40 cm. It turns out that you need to cut into pieces 2.8 (0.4 * 7), because if you cut at 2.6, the pattern will not match.

So recalculate everything that you measured, just as if your walls are 2.8 m high, and not 2.6.


If you are still not sure of the correctness of your calculations, then below are the tables-tips.

How do I use tables?

First, you need to calculate the perimeter or area of ​​the room, depending on which table you will use.

Tables by area:

To use the table below, you need to determine the length of the roll, and also make sure that the width of the wallpaper strip is 50 cm. Then you can easily determine the number of rolls you need.

For the following table, in addition to the area of ​​the room, you only need to measure the height of the ceilings. After that you will be able to find out the required number of rolls per room.

Perimeter tables:

In order to use the tables below, you will need to decide on the width of the strip of the selected wallpaper, as well as the length of the roll. After that, you measure the height of the ceiling and see from the table how many rolls of wallpaper will be needed.

Roll size (strip width / roll length = glued area): 0.53 m / 10.05 m = 5.33 m2

HeightRoom perimeter s, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2.4-3.5m4 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20

Roll size: 0.53 m / 15 m = 7.95 sq.m

HeightRoom perimeter s, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10
2.4-3.5m3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14

Roll size 1.06 m / 10.05 m = 10.65 m2

To make a simple but rather attractive renovation in a standard room, it is enough to use high-quality, inexpensive wallpaper. They will be an excellent means of decorating a room, providing good operational and aesthetic qualities.

Calculating the amount of building materials for decorating a room is as difficult as it is simple. To begin with, the trick is often in uneven walls or ceilings, in the end it turns out not too pleasant when at the end there is not enough calculated material to complete the repair. Therefore, we will try to take into account the maximum of factors in order to achieve the desired result. We will learn how to calculate wallpaper for a room.

You will learn about:


Accurate measurements are an important basis for further actions. A tape measure is required to complete this operation. With its help, we first find out the perimeter of the room, not taking into account the width of the doors and windows, as well as the areas above or below these elements.

Based on these data, it is already possible to calculate the wallpaper for the room. The resulting figure must be divided by the width of the wallpaper to determine the number of canvases. The length of the roll must be divided by the height of the ceilings, which will allow you to calculate the number of canvases in one roll. Now it remains to divide the total number of whole canvases by the number that is obtained from one roll.

As a result, we get the number of whole stripes. To them you need to add more incomplete pieces, which must be taken into account in the calculations. You can count them according to the same principle.

If there is a drawing

We considered the option of calculating, if plain wallpaper is used, and if products with a pattern are used, which requires the combination of canvases, what should be done? The number of wallpapers per room in this case is calculated a little more difficult.

It should be borne in mind that less will be calculated for one sheet in a roll.


Let's give an example of how to calculate how much you need, how many rolls of wallpaper. For example, we have a premise area. 12 sq. m. height 2.5 m. The room has a window (1.2x1.5 m) and a door (0.8x2.1 m). Let's say we chose a material whose roll width is 60 cm, length - 10.5 m.

In this case, the perimeter will be 12 m, minus the width of the window and door. As a result, 20 canvases are needed: 12 / 0.6. With a roll length of 10.5 m, 4 pieces of wallpaper are obtained. As a result, there will be 5: 20/4 whole bands.

It is also necessary to take into account the areas above the door, as well as above and below the window. There will be enough scraps for this. However, it is recommended to add at least one more roll for an area of ​​12 sq. m.Consequently, if the wallpaper is monochromatic, you can buy at least 6 rolls, with a pattern - 7.

A room with an area of ​​18 sq. m. How many rolls are required in this case? Let's try to count according to the old scheme.

So, the perimeter will be 20 m. You will need 34 canvases: 20 / 0.6. And the whole stripes will turn out to be 8.5. That is, you need to buy without drawing 10, with a drawing - 11 rolls. These are the recommendations for rooms with an area of ​​18 square meters. m.

The selected examples are not accidental, since these dimensions of the premises, 12 sq. m and 18 sq. m. are the most popular. Therefore, for many, the task of how to calculate how much wallpaper is required per room will be greatly simplified.

Summing up

You should not be dismissive of such recommendations, since they allow you to lay a qualitative foundation for further actions, which means that the result will depend on them. The calculation should be made as accurately as possible, this will eliminate the need to buy additional material in the midst of the repair process.

Calculations can be compared to preparing walls for wallpapering. If the procedure is carried out efficiently, the result will delight with attractiveness. It remains to recommend not to rush into calculations. As they say, it is better to measure seven times, but cut off once ...

In every house, sooner or later, a moment comes when the need for another repair arises. Households with horror represent all the inconveniences that will have to be experienced during it. It is comforting to think that the comfort and coziness of the renovated apartment will be compensation for the spent nerves.

Starting repairs, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a work plan, taking into account the financial capabilities and wishes of all family members. Then proceed with the selection of materials. Nowadays, this is not an easy matter, because you need to optimize the ratio of quality and price. It is most difficult to choose wallpaper, because in addition to technological qualities, it is also important to take into account their correspondence in color and texture to the design solution of the apartment's decoration as a whole. The effectiveness of the entire repair depends on the correct choice of wallpaper, because it is this type of building material that affects the interior appearance of the apartment. It is also extremely important to correctly calculate how many wallpaper rolls are needed so that they are enough for the entire wall area, but not too much remains.

How much wallpaper to buy?

There are several methods for calculating the number of rolls, depending on the type of wallpaper and their size. In any case, the calculations should be started with measuring the area of ​​the glued surface. It does not include the area of ​​windows and doors. Knowing the height of the wall and the footage of one roll, you can calculate how many canvases are obtained from it. If the height of the walls is 230-250 cm, then four canvases with a total width of 2 12 centimeters (4 rolls x 53 cm) are laid in one standard roll. That is, for every 2 meters of the perimeter of the room area, a roll of wallpaper is needed. If you divide the perimeter of the room by 2 meters, you get the required number of rolls.

The calculation is quite simple, but at the same time it is still necessary to take into account such a technological indicator of wallpaper as rapport or the number of areas with a large pattern on one panel. This number on all segments must be the same in order for the drawing to match. Therefore, wallpaper with a large pattern is bought with a margin.

Experts have calculated tables to determine the required number of paper rolls of standard sizes, depending on the perimeter or area of ​​the room.

Calculation of the need for wallpaper rolls measuring 10.05 x 0.52, taking into account the perimeter of the room (including the area of ​​windows and doors)

Wall height, m

Room perimeter, m.

You can also use calculator for calculating the number of wallpapers which is presented below. Just indicate the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls, as well as the length and width of the rolls and get how much wallpaper you need to buy to cover the room or corridor.