Window frames for a wooden house (and not only). Instructions for finishing window slopes with metal Simple in shape from moldings


Platbands are necessary not only to decorate the window, to give the facade a designer look that allows you to realize any ideas, but also serve as a decorative protection of the seams from freezing and the negative effects of natural phenomena. Metal platbands are a high-quality, reliable material that can protect window seams well, make them airtight and decorate the window itself.

Platband as decoration

Many have seen old wooden buildings, decorated with carved platbands on the outside. Such decorations are made by hand, they can have a rather complex pattern that turns a boring house into a work of art. A piece of a fairy tale can be created using metal trim on the windows. Any patterns can also be carved on them, but, unlike wood, metal is a more reliable and practical material that can withstand any load.

If wooden products do not tolerate moisture well, need constant care and are not very durable, then metal counterparts are devoid of these shortcomings. It is enough to use stainless metal or regularly paint the product. Platbands on metal windows can completely replace wooden elements. You can carve the desired pattern yourself using flat metal sheets, while, unlike working with wood, you do not need to have carving skills or special tools.

It is much easier to work with metal sheets: they will not require drying, special conditions for this, they will not require the use of varnish that fades in the sun, which is why you have to constantly renew it. After installation, metal platbands will not need additional care, they will perfectly fit into the design of the facade. Installation of metal slopes will also not cause any difficulties.

Features of draft material

The thickness of a suitable iron sheet is between 0.40 and 0.70 mm. Such sheets are produced at factories in rolls up to 50 meters long. The width of the product is 1.25 m, it is not always necessary to paint the sheets, since you can buy an already painted product of the color and shade you need. In order for the material not to be damaged during transportation, it is protected from scratches with a special film, which can be removed if necessary. The metal is quite strong and flexible, so it does not cause difficulties when working with it.

What if the wall is brick or block?

Slopes are not always mounted on a wooden structure - sometimes the owners want to make a brick house more decorative. For this, you can also use metal slopes. The device of metal slopes in this case does not differ, however, the use of nails will have to be abandoned.

Before mounting in the walls, you will need to drill holes for the dowels. It is desirable to use materials not less than 6 cm long, otherwise there will be a risk of the structure falling out of the wall. After the holes are ready, you need to insert plastic blanks into them. Holes for screws are also pre-drilled in the mounted slopes: make sure that all holes strictly match.

After everything is ready, the structure is put in place and screwed. Slots work in a similar way. You can use silicone sealant: colorless will be most convenient, since you do not have to select its shade, but if both the wall and the slopes are white, you can use white. Mounting foam is not recommended. It cannot withstand moisture, requires protection from weather conditions and has an unattractive appearance.

You can make decorative and functional platbands on metal windows yourself. To do this, you do not need to have an expensive tool or carpentry skills.

Today, many companies offer to buy platbands for windows in Moscow. They are available as standard or can be ordered individually. Of course, the cost of the product will increase, but they will satisfy the needs of customers as much as possible. The market offers to buy window frames made of wood, but the demand for them in Moscow is gradually declining. This is due to the high cost of the material, as well as the increasing popularity of metal-plastic windows. PVC products, a material that is easier to clean, are inexpensive. Affordable prices for metal platbands on windows.

The ubiquitous plastic

The sale of platbands for plastic windows breaks all records. Here are their benefits:

  • beautiful design, uniform color and richness of color schemes, imitation "under the tree" is available;
  • in Moscow, you can order products of any configuration;
  • resistance to aggressive environment, moisture, temperature fluctuations, insect damage;
  • non-susceptibility to deformation;
  • long service life;
  • simple care;
  • light weight;
  • no need for additional processing or finishing;
  • low prices.

It is very easy to buy trims for windows in Moscow, it is just as easy to install them. Plastic products are mounted on the adhesive composition in a short time. There is still an opportunity to order inexpensively, where you can hide the wiring. If the house is finished with vinyl or metal siding, then you will need special plastic trim for windows, the price of which is slightly higher than usual. They differ from simple models in a carefully thought-out installation system. Higher cost - for non-standard profiles, for example, carved.

metal profile

Metal platbands on the windows - a good choice! This finish is practical and durable, beautiful and affordable. And carved platbands for windows, the price of which will be slightly higher than the cost of standard models, will allow you to create a unique look for any home. They are made of thin-sheet non-ferrous metal and decorated in any color scheme. It is preferable to buy window windows than from PVC: they have the same advantages, plus they have additional benefits. For example, they do not burn, resistant to mechanical damage. The only drawback is that their installation will take longer and be a little more difficult, so it is better to contact specialists. Also, the craftsmen need to correctly measure the openings, because if the plastic is easy to fit to the desired dimensions on the spot, then cutting a metal profile at home is quite difficult.

It is up to the buyer to decide which products to give preference to, having carefully studied all the pros and cons.

If inside the house you can allow a variety of interior design options, then outside the possibilities are significantly limited. In addition to the original color of the wall painting or the material with which it can be finished, it is difficult to come up with something else. In the old days, this issue was solved with the help of window frames, which served as a real decoration for any house, showed the mastery of the owner or master creator. This tradition has survived to this day, although it has partially changed.


Platbands were traditionally used in wooden houses. They helped decorate the windows and effectively complement the composition of the facade. With the help of such elements, you can visually enlarge the window opening or reduce it. Initially, great importance was attached to the design of the house, each owner sought to show the individuality of his building.

With the help of platbands, you can achieve a different effect.

  • Visual decoration of the house, giving it a special flavor and charm, the ability to distinguish it from a number of standard ones.
  • Giving the window a different shape with the help of platbands of different configurations, sizes and patterns. A small window can be made large using openwork designs.
  • Creation of a holistic composition of all elements of the facade. Using the same platbands on windows and doors allows you to complete the design of the house.

With the help of platbands, you can protect window openings from the negative influence of environmental factors. The seam between the frame and the house may have small gaps in which moisture enters during rain, and dirt clogs with strong winds. All this contributes to the development of harmful microorganisms that destroy wood. Therefore, the frame begins to let air through, which significantly reduces its thermal insulation qualities.

The platbands cover the very gap and do not allow moisture or dirt to get to it. In addition to the obvious advantages of platbands, there are also negative factors. It is also worth knowing about them when planning the installation of such details on the windows of a wooden house. These include several factors.

  • Active reaction of decorative elements to weather conditions, which contributes to the deterioration of the material. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to treat the products with a special substance, which significantly increases the service life of the casing.
  • The need for constant care. Platbands need to be painted or varnished annually. If this is not done, then the product begins to crack. As a result, instead of decoration, it will only spoil the appearance of the house.
  • When planning the manufacture of platbands, you need to choose the right material for them. If this is not done, then it is unlikely that the desired effect will be achieved. If it is difficult to cope with such a task alone, it is better to enlist the support of a professional.

Now there are products made from modern materials that can have the most diverse appearance. At the same time, caring for them is much easier. They are not affected by the environment, they are not afraid of moisture and even cold. They do not crack over time and reliably serve for many years. For connoisseurs of aesthetics, this is not the best option. But for those who want to decorate their home, diversify the appearance of the facade, this is what you need. It is such a product that will create the necessary appearance, while not requiring increased attention.


The species diversity of platbands is enormous. It also lies in the drawings that are applied to the tree, the shape of the product itself. In addition, modern technologies make it possible to create window decorative elements from a wide variety of materials.

If we talk about the appearance and patterns, then there are several types.

  • slotted through which you can create elegant and beautiful images.
  • openwork, which are distinguished by bizarre shapes that can distinguish the hand of the master from other options. They look like a continuous canvas on which they create a pattern.
  • carved, able to create a unique appearance and protect the window opening.
  • Overhead, which have a complex shape design, since the carved element is superimposed on the plate. Such products can be created separately or as a decoration for existing platbands. In this way, it is convenient to update existing decorative elements.
  • Simple, which have a smooth surface. They don't have any patterns. The shape of such elements can be different (with rounded edges, even, narrow and wide).

When choosing a material for a platband, it is important to understand that it should serve as protection for the window, and therefore you should not rush to buy material without knowing its features.

The most popular decorative platbands are made of wood. They fit beautifully into the design of the facade of a wooden house, so they still do not lose their relevance. In order for such parts to serve as long as possible and correctly perform the tasks assigned to it, they must be properly processed.

If such processing is done, the tree will not rot, moisture will not damage it. In order for wooden architraves to remain beautiful for a long time and decorate the house, it is best to open them with varnish. To date, there is an alternative option that can replace varnish. This is a wax based product. Both options preserve the appearance of the tree, give it a more elegant look, significantly extending the service life of the architraves.

In addition to wood, there are also decorative products for windows made of other materials.


The MDF panel has a laminated finish. Usually such platbands have the form of a plank with a pattern for natural wood. There can be quite a lot of colors and textures, you can easily choose a frame for the window opening of any wooden house.

Plastic panels

Products made of plastic panels are considered the most modern, because they are easy and convenient to care for. This option can be chosen by those people who do not have time to take care of their own home, but they want to see a beautiful building that they can admire. Most often, plastic platbands are used for metal-plastic windows. However, recent trends have shown that they are well combined with wooden structures, fully fulfilling their task.


Polyurethane platbands can also be used on windows in wooden homesteads. They are light weight and deformable, which makes it possible to bend them in the right direction. Installing such elements is quite simple, and the terms of their operation will please anyone.


PVC products are considered the most common today. You can find varieties of such platbands in white and a wide variety of color variations. Install the product from the side of the street, it can easily cope with any weather conditions. The advantages are the abundance of colors and shapes that can be given to such a material.


Styrofoam can also be used as a material for the manufacture of platbands. For this purpose, a dense variation is suitable, which will not differ in the same strength as a metal casing. This is the reason why such products are not used in countries with high seismic activity, where even the slightest vibrations of the earth's crust would crack the windows. The color of such decorative elements is white, but with the help of paint you can change it by choosing the right one for the estate.


There are also metal platbands, which of all are considered the highest quality in terms of protecting the window from environmental influences. For their production, metal sheets with a small thickness are required, which makes it possible to manufacture structures of various shapes. The advantage of this option over the same plastic is the resistance of the material to mechanical damage. This makes the service life longer.

To give a fresh and interesting look, iron products can be painted, and the appearance of the house will immediately change. The popularity of this type of product is also created with the help of a price that is quite low, taking into account all the positive qualities of the material.

To install metal products, it is extremely important to measure the window correctly in order to install them without much difficulty. If there is a desire to install unusual metal trim, you can order carved items that will look interesting on the facade of the house.

Inside, you can also provide something similar to create a holistic image of the building on each side. Usually the outer and inner casings are quite different from each other. It has to do with their functions. Facade decorative elements should combine aesthetics and quality. Otherwise, they would hardly have been used to decorate the premises.


The use of platbands on the windows of a wooden house should give the building a complete look, make it more beautiful. Therefore, simple glossy panels are unlikely to be able to fully cope with such a task. It is best to pick up carved elements or make them yourself.

With a complete lack of skills in working with wood, it is better to choose the first option. But for lovers of manual labor and original products, the ideal solution would be to work according to a sketch.

The first step is to decide on the choice of the pattern that will be on the casing. To do this, you can use books, the Internet. You can come up with a sketch yourself. As soon as the ideal option is found, you need to enlarge it to natural scale and print it. All patterns must be cut out and accurately transferred to cardboard, with which the main work will already be. A piece of cardboard should correspond to one part of the casing.

It must be placed on a piece of wood and circled with a pencil drawing, which will continue to cut. In order to choose the right pattern on the casing, it is worth making a drawing of the whole house using all the decorative elements. If the finished version turned out beautiful, and all parts are in harmony with each other, then the idea was chosen correctly, you can proceed to its implementation.

For some houses, simple architraves are suitable (for example, if the estate was envisaged in the minimalist style during construction).

If you want to create something grandiose and beautiful, you need to choose wide planks and start creating. For the manufacture of good architraves, it is best to choose pine (especially those planks where there are practically no knots). As tools that are useful in the process, you need to have a soft-start jigsaw to manually cut out all the necessary parts. In addition, it will be useful:

  • feather drill with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • Sander.

The active process of working on window trims begins immediately after the entire drawing has been transferred to the future product. First, they take on the inside of the pattern, making openwork details. To make the process more convenient, using a drill, you need to make several holes in the board, which will be located on the outline of the picture. Sawing the pattern itself is done using an electric jigsaw, which is inserted into the finished hole. Then they simply lead along the contour, cutting out the necessary part.

Once the inside of the drawing is ready, you can proceed to the outside. It is necessary to make two files (at the beginning and at the end of the product) to make it easier to navigate the work.

It is important to make sawing in one motion, without stopping, so that the finished casing turns out to be as curly as possible. Such a sequence of actions is inherent in each detail in the overall design of the platband on the window leaf.

The resulting product is far from what it should be. Therefore, you need to use a grinder, clean up all the bumps and roughness. Only after this stage, part of the structure is treated with special solutions. After that, it can be ready to be used or painted for a more original look.

How to do it yourself?

Making architraves for a wooden house with your own hands is much more interesting than the banal purchase of such elements in a store, because you can choose the pattern that will meet the spirit of the owners themselves and emphasize the design of the facade desired by the residents of the house.

You can choose from a variety of options.

  • flat cornice. In this case, the architraves symbolize the wealth and style of the house. They are used for beautiful and elegant buildings, made in a simple style.
  • Arched finish. The platbands, which are complemented by an arch on top, will be an ideal addition to window openings that do not have a standard rectangular shape, but a rounded upper part.
  • With patterns and carvings. Platbands of such a plan will be able to give the house elegance, make it unusual and beautiful.
  • With the use of hanging elements. These are the details that complement the product after it is completed. In this way, you can add what could not be done initially. The use of hinged parts makes the design voluminous and more interesting.

If you are going to make platbands yourself, you need to choose the right material for the future product. It is important to choose a color based on the color of each component of the house, to find the perfect option for decorating this product. You can take advantage of the offers that are in hardware stores and buy a ready-made version, which is much easier and faster. Installation of such a platband will be easier, since it already provides all the necessary fasteners, as well as ease of installation.

If there is a firm intention to do everything yourself, there are several options for making beautiful platbands.

  • slotted option- a product in which there is an internal pattern and a beautiful border. Traditionally, such a casing has a white or light color, it is attached to buildings with a contrasting shade of walls.
  • Laid on thread type created by cutting out individual elements and gluing them or nailing them onto a solid wooden canvas, which will serve as a casing. This design option makes the pattern voluminous and at the same time airy. With the help of such overlays, you can decorate any platband.

If the house already has carved platbands, but they require repair, you can remove all or part of the structure and restore it. If there is no way to repair some part, you can remove it completely, replace it with a new one. If there is a need to make completely new designs on the windows, you need to prepare all the necessary equipment, which includes:

  • jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • grinder;
  • cutter;
  • sandpaper;
  • strips with a section of 30x100 mm.

This is what will be needed to create simple platbands. To start work, it is necessary to process all future details with a planer, and then use a cutter to give them a finished look. In order for the product to have a presentable appearance, it is sanded with sandpaper. This is the simplest option for making platbands, which does not require great skills and abilities. If you want to make something original and beautiful, you should choose a carved type of product. For such work, you need to add curly chisels to the main inventory.

For the manufacture of the platband, you can use two technologies (normal and overhead). In the first variant, the drawing is cut out on the plank of the casing itself. In the second, it is made on an additional bar, which is then attached over the main element.

For the first attempts at woodcarving, it is better to choose the simplest options for the pattern so that you can easily deal with them.

If the platband is made by an overhead option, then the work process will go in the following sequence:

  • processing planks with a planer;
  • preparation of overhead strips with a thickness of at least 10 cm;
  • the formation of the future drawing on cardboard and its cutting;
  • transferring the pattern from the stencil to the overhead bar;
  • a drill needs to make holes throughout the pattern;
  • with the help of a chisel, you need to finish all the carved elements;
  • polishing the finished lining;
  • fixing the lining on the platband with glue or self-tapping screws;
  • collection of each detail of the platband;
  • installation of the finished structure on the window opening.

Installation of finished structures on the window can be carried out using nails, screws or glue. Most often, platbands are placed on the sides and top of the window, sometimes there are lower parts of the structure. In order to properly and aesthetically join the edges of each part, they need to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees with a hacksaw or miter box. If the wall is concrete, dowels and screws are needed for reliable fastening.

To beautifully decorate the window of a country house, you need to know not only basic information, but also some nuances, without which it may not be possible to create a truly wonderful piece of handicraft. These moments include several factors.

  • When choosing boards for the manufacture of platbands, it is better to give preference to those options whose thickness will be 3-4 cm. It is much more difficult to work with thicker materials, especially to perform curly cutting.
  • Starting the work on the carving of architraves for the first time, it is worth taking a simple pattern and polishing it, after which you can try something more complex and interesting.
  • In addition to the thickness of the wood for the platbands, it is worth taking care of the correct selection of its width, because the main purpose of these elements is not so much to decorate, but to protect the window.

The platband should cover the opening between the wall and the window frame.

  • When planning to cut any patterns, it is worth positioning them correctly on the board so that they go along the grain of the tree, and not across.
  • When choosing a pattern for the first attempts at carving architraves, it is worth looking at something large with convex shapes, which will not be difficult to do, and the result will please with its beauty. If you choose a small ornament, in case of an unsuccessful outcome, the casing will look sloppy. This will spoil the impression of the external facade of the house.

Making platbands on the facade of the house is a long process and requires perseverance. Therefore, it is worthwhile to clearly assess your strengths before taking on work. Choosing the right material, the right pattern, its successful implementation in life is only half the battle. This is followed by a no less time-consuming process of processing platbands so that they serve for a long time, while performing their functions with high quality.

The final stage of work with these decorative elements is their installation. At each stage there is a specific choice, the result of all work depends on the correctness of its adoption.

Beautiful examples

When planning the manufacture or purchase of platbands for a wooden house, you should choose the option that is best suited for a particular building.

With the help of the Internet and other sources of information, you can see sketches of drawings, ready-made works, which will give food for thought.

Metal-plastic windows are a multifunctional modern product for glazing window openings. The final stage of the installation of plastic windows is the finishing of the outer slopes. For this, various finishing materials can be used: plaster, paint, PVC panels, drywall, but most often metal window trim is made. Installing a metal slope on the windows can be done by hand.

Slope function

Finishing windows on the outside with metal slopes performs a decorative and protective function. By installing slopes on windows with your own hands, you can close the assembly seam and thereby protect it from exposure to precipitation and direct sunlight.

Slopes made of metal perform a protective and decorative role

Mounting foam, used to seal the joint between the frame and the window opening, is a porous vapor-permeable substance that allows moisture from the room to pass through it. As a result, moisture and condensate settle on the surface of the window slopes, which leads to the formation of mold and the destruction of the integrity of the structure. Moisture from the street can penetrate through the installation seam and cause fogging and freezing of the window in winter.

When installing metal slopes on windows, you can not worry about these troubles, since metal is a strong, durable and unpretentious material with high performance.


Metal external slopes perform several important functions:

Metallic window trim should be installed immediately after window installation to prevent moisture from being absorbed by the mounting foam. If this cannot be done in the near future due to facade finishing work, then the installation seams on the windows can be temporarily closed with polyethylene.

Advantages over other materials

There are several types of finishing materials, using which you can give the window opening a complete look. These are plaster, drywall, plastic and paint. But in terms of their technical characteristics, none of these materials can be compared with metal slopes. When deciding how to make slopes, it is necessary to study the characteristics of finishing materials.

The polymer layer of the steel slope protects the product from rust

When using plaster, one must be prepared for the fact that over time the plaster layer will crack. Moisture entering the gaps between the window frame and the plaster layer can cause mold.

Drywall as a finishing material for slopes is only suitable for interior work. Even GVLV brand drywall is not able to withstand the direct effects of precipitation. In a short time, it will swell, lose its appearance and collapse.

The use of plastic panels for finishing external slopes leads to the fact that the plastic burns out in the sun and acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint. And with a sharp decrease in air temperature, the plastic becomes brittle and may lose its integrity after a slight mechanical impact. Therefore, it is better to use plastic for finishing internal slopes, especially in the kitchen.

Slopes made of metal are not affected by atmospheric phenomena

The advantages of metal slopes are obvious, since the material for their manufacture is galvanized steel, which is coated with a protective polymeric decorative layer at the production stage.. This protects the product from corrosion and rust.

Pros and cons of the material

Despite the fact that external metal slopes are more expensive than other types of finishes, their positive qualities more than cover this drawback:

It is recommended to mount noise-absorbing tape along with slopes

Of the minuses, one can note the high cost and the presence of sound effects arising from the fall of drops or hail on their surface. This can be dealt with by using a special noise-absorbing sealing tape when installing metal slopes.

Another disadvantage of the metal slope is the impossibility of its installation in arched openings.

Preparing for installation

Do-it-yourself installation of modern metal slopes on windows will require the preparation of special materials and tools for this type of work:

  • metal sheets;
  • level;
  • fasteners;
  • mounting foam and silicone sealant;
  • screwdriver and bits;
  • paint knife;
  • metal scissors;
  • roulette.

Excess foam must be cut off

Surface preparation consists in removing construction dust and dirt from it. Excess mounting foam is cut off with a paint knife, and the seams and joints are processed with silicone sealant. Do-it-yourself installation of a metal slope on windows should be done after the seams have dried.

Sequence of work

Installation of metal slopes on windows involves measuring work. The width and height of the product will correspond to the internal and external parameters of the opening. The manufacture of the top, bottom and side metal elements is carried out by cutting them out of the prepared metal sheet in accordance with the measurements obtained.

At the second stage of work, the tide is installed, the horizontal position of which is controlled by the building level. The lower joint of the wall and the window frame is equipped with a special heat-insulating material and a diffusion tape for noise reduction and moisture protection..

First you need to install the tide

During the fastening of the ebb, the mounting foam is applied to the window opening and to the ebb from the inside. So that it does not bend due to the expansion of the foam, it is pressed tightly for a while. After the ebb is fixed, proceed to the installation of metal slopes.

Before installing metal slopes, it is necessary to treat those places where they will come into contact with the window frame with sealant.

Metal slopes are fixed with mounting foam

First, the side elements are installed with the necessary slope from the inside to the outside. The upper and lower parts are adjusted with a knife depending on the level of inclination.

The side elements must be installed in a vertical position and tightened with screws. The upper part is adjusted to the side elements. It is aligned with the outer corners and fixed with self-tapping screws.

At the final stage, all contact points are treated with a sealant.

When installing slopes on a facade made of corrugated board, horizontal jumpers are used

In the case when the facade of the house is sheathed with corrugated board, when finishing window openings, it is necessary to use horizontal lintels. These are side shelves made of profiled sheet, which are attached to the wall on one side and to the metal profile on the other. Steel architraves complete the façade.

Durable, maintenance-free, painted in hundreds of colors and with a variety of designs - these are the metal architraves that we produce. These technological and decorative elements contribute to the reliable fastening of even weighted structures. At the same time integrity of walls, window frames, a roof and a facade is not broken. The result is a harmonious, sophisticated design of the house.

The platband is the front part of the facade decoration of the building, and we advise you to carefully consider the choice of this detail and other mating elements of the facade space decoration.

What is a metal window frame?

Among the additional elements for siding, a metal platband stands out and is very popular. A galvanized platband is a component of the edging for door, window and other openings, which looks solid and solid and is indispensable in any house. It carries not only a practical function, being used for edging windows, doors and other elements of the facade, but also an aesthetic one, decorating the facade, giving it uniqueness, individuality, originality, solidity.

Metal options have a lot of advantages over similar products made from other materials: wood, plastic and others.

Buy platbands for windows and you will receive:

  • the ability to create original, complex forms;
  • attractive appearance;
  • durability;
  • strength, resistance to damage;
  • burning resistance;
  • registration in different color scales (all range of the RAL catalogue).

From the history of the appearance of metal platbands

Window trim is a convenient and functional device. Its history goes back to the distant nineteenth century. Already in those days, people decorated the windows of their houses with beautiful openwork trim. So they protected the dwelling from evil spirits and various slanders. They created a comfortable atmosphere and gave a unique image to the entire building. At that time, wooden materials were most often used for manufacturing.

Over the years, the tree began to be replaced by lighter and more economical counterparts. And in the twentieth century, heavy and expensive options were replaced by platbands made of galvanized metal. It weighed less and gave ample opportunities for obtaining a wide variety of configurations. In addition, such a finish did not need to be painted every year.

Resistant to moisture and sudden changes in temperature, it retains its original qualities for a long time. And at the same time look as elegant and luxurious as wooden structures. Skillful hands of masters create such masterpieces that they can rightfully be considered works of art. Such a plank for decorating a window or doorway of a building looks very impressive. Decorative painted elements on the entrance groups immediately attract the eye. In addition to the interior function, they protect the building in the cold season, retain the necessary level of heat.

Caring for a platband made of galvanized metal is not difficult at all. It is enough to regularly check for rust, cracks and other flaws. The surface has a smooth, even shape.

Installation of galvanized platbands

A platband made of galvanized metal, like any other, is made individually for each window or door opening, after carefully measured measurements in order to achieve maximum conformity to the contours. Otherwise, it may turn out to be somewhat less or, conversely, more than necessary for a particular window or door. The platbands are assembled from four parts: lower, upper and two side, which are assembled into one structure already in place, directly when edging the openings. If there is a low tide on the windows, the lower part of the window trim is not installed.

Metal trim from our factory

Our company offers high-quality and inexpensive samples of window platbands. For production processes, we use multifunctional equipment and durable materials. These conditions make it possible to obtain products with impeccable performance characteristics.

The products of our plant are made only from high-quality Russian metal. We do not pursue cheapness and do not use low-grade raw materials or thinner metal, since quality is obtained only under strict observance of production conditions.

Platbands for windows, which you can buy from us:

  • Classic, rectangular shape.
  • Exquisite, designer samples for finishing building elements.
  • Painted metal options in various colors.
  • Products with a polymer coating.

Our experienced specialists will carry out any individual project. They will provide not only high quality products, but also think over all the details to turn an ordinary building into a beautiful and unique structure. Such our products are not afraid of harsh winters, hot summers and rainy autumns.

All orders are carried out according to the established scheme. First, we coordinate with the client the features and personal preferences. Then we start working. Our task is to create, giving a complete image and with a long service life.