Do-it-yourself balcony decoration step by step instructions. Professional advice on cladding a balcony with a clapboard with your own hands Cladding a balcony yourself

If you decide to do the interior decoration of the balcony yourself, then the instructions given in this article will help you. We will tell you in detail how this can be done and help you avoid most mistakes in this work.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a loggia is a painstaking task, it requires accuracy and attention to detail, but it allows you to save a certain amount and improve repair skills. So, finishing the balcony, where to start?

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You have, of course, seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.


First you need to measure your balcony and record all the results. This will be needed to calculate the amount of consumables. Next, you need to decide on the type of finish. The balcony can be finished with siding, plastic, trolley, drywall, it is even possible to paste over wallpaper. You need to decide how to cover the floors, how to repair the ceilings. At this stage, you need to calculate the budget for repairs, and based on it, you need to choose the material. It is also recommended to draw a balcony plan based on calculations of the length, height and width of the balcony. Have you decided on the material? Now you need to buy everything and do not forget to make an adjustment for possible error, and purchase materials with a small margin. So that in case of problems it was not necessary to go to the store and buy more.

Preparatory work

The preparation of the balcony for work is carried out regardless of the chosen finishing material.

To begin with, you need to take out everything superfluous from the balcony, dismantle old finish, close the gaps and insulate the room. When dismantling, it is necessary to remove the plinth, remove old paint, wallpaper, if necessary, replace windows. Vertical slots are carefully filled mounting foam, all gaps near the windows are treated in a similar way. Fill gaps in the floor cement mortar. Do not forget to treat the floor with sealant and level it if necessary. For thermal insulation, the main thing to remember is that it must be solid so that there are no cold places on the balcony. It is not difficult to choose the material for this - polystyrene, penofol or penoplex. These works must be carried out carefully and carefully, because if, for example, you do not close up all the cracks or poorly insulate the balcony, this will affect all further pastime on the balcony. And do not forget - the more carefully you carry out repairs, the more durable the result will be.

Clapboard finish

It's no secret that lining is of two types: plastic and wooden. Which one to choose is up to you.

Plastic is good because it retains heat better, it is easy to keep clean, and it looks great with plastic windows. If you prefer natural materials, pay attention to the wooden lining. A tree always looks more advantageous, and if, in addition, you have wooden windows, then the choice is obvious. The clapboard is first trimmed outside the balcony, and then the interior is finished. Before finishing, the balcony must first be insulated, insulation laid out, and only then proceed with the installation of the crate, on which the lining itself will be attached. The frame is made from wooden beams with a small section. Next, we mount the lining and cover it protective composition.

Plasterboard interior decoration is used very often for a balcony, so we recommend paying attention to this material. Do not forget to choose a moisture-resistant option from the range, despite the waterproofing already done. The basis for fastening drywall sheets is wooden beams, slats or a metal profile. We recommend the latter option, because. this method the most convenient in practice and even a novice master can handle it.

Attached to the corners vertical racks, guides to the ceiling and walls. Attached between the base posts bearing profile with a step of sixty cm, and only after that the horizontal jumpers are fixed. All racks must be attached with a level. When the frame is ready, the laying of wires begins. Also don't forget to mark if you need to hang a clothesline or shelves.

Next, you need to cut sheets of drywall. In order to use the material more economically, large areas are initially cut. For cutting, you will need those calculations that you made in advance. You need to cut the edges with a sharp knife and as evenly as possible so that there are no gaps in the final result. Also remember to cut holes for sockets, etc.
After that, you need to start sheathing the balcony. The distance between the screws is 30 cm, closer to the window - 15-20 cm. The distance from the floor is a couple of centimeters.
The advantage of drywall is its excellent ability to bend, which makes it easier to work on such a difficult place as a balcony. Work should take place without haste, carefully to avoid gaps. After the walls comes the turn of the ceiling.
All seams are filled with putty, recesses from self-tapping screws too. And when it dries, go over the top with fine sandpaper.

All that is needed next is to choose a balcony design option. If you are going to glue wallpaper, plaster or lay out tiles, then you will need to prime the entire surface, even a couple of times is better. The primer should be waterproof and deep penetrating. And if you want to paint the surface, then you will need to cover everything with a layer finishing putty, sand, and go through the primer one more time. If this is not done, then the seams between the sheets of drywall will be visible.
The last stage is the fastening of sockets, lamps, switches, slopes. You also need to fix the platbands on the door. And then you can already decorate the balcony to your liking, and install furniture.

If you are a balcony owner small size, then this option is just for you, because it is this option that will save space. This finish is also good because a non-professional can handle it, although it will require some skill from you. Also, an additional plus is that the plaster is embossed in itself and does not require perfect alignment of the walls.

She can hide small defects and irregularities. If your balcony needs to be insulated, we recommend that you apply board materials, those that require gluing to surfaces, and leave the crate for other options.
The step-by-step instructions for the finishing process in this case are as follows:
1) balcony insulation;
2) over insulation - fiberglass mesh;
3) on top of the usual putty, or cement mortar (do not forget to rub it thoroughly);
4) after the surface is completely dry - sanding and a couple of layers of primer;
5) kneading decorative putty(this must be done strictly according to the attached instructions) and applying it to the walls: with hands, rollers or spatulas to obtain an exclusive result.
For best results, we advise you to first try applying putty on an unnecessary piece of drywall, and after you achieve the desired result, you can move on to the walls. It is also better to knead the primer in small portions. Regarding the type of putty - almost any is suitable for the walls, and it is better to choose a fine-textured one for the ceiling.
There are many ways to apply decorative plaster. We will tell you how to make an imitation of brickwork with it.

First you need to apply a layer of 5 mm plaster on the surface. After letting it dry and knead a new portion with the addition of dye to the mixture (the shade of the future masonry depends on the color), apply it to the walls and let it barely grab. Then you need to take a stick and draw along the ruler and outline the “bricks”, first with horizontal lines (removing a layer of colored plaster), and then draw vertical lines in a checkerboard pattern. And the result will pleasantly surprise you - the usual putty has turned into bricks, and if the first layer is applied not with white putty, but also with color, then as a result the masonry will look brighter and more profitable.

You can also experiment with the size of the "bricks", if they look different, then the masonry will only benefit from this.

If you want your balcony to be easier to care for, keep clean, and easy to finish, then plastic panels are your option. The panels are very practical, easy to install, they are high-strength. Caring for them is simply elementary. And they are also easy to cut and bend, which is very convenient for a room such as a balcony. Pick up desired color Not difficult - they are made in several colors.

For installation, wooden slats and ceiling profile. Rails are attached to the insulated surface. The distance between them is 50-70 cm, the fastening is strictly vertical. And on the ceiling, everything is as usual - the profile is fixed along the length using dowels 4-6 mm. At the corners, a crate is necessarily attached, otherwise the panels in the corners will sag and ruin the entire finish.
For installation, you will need guides that need to be fixed to the crate with screws, screwing them in the corners and along the perimeter of the openings. Next, the panel must be cut, bent and inserted into the guides with the groove upwards, with the second we do the same, then we shift both panels and fix them with screws. In the openings, installation is carried out last. When everything is finished, you can install skirting boards and platbands.

As a material for finishing a balcony, you can choose siding for the reason that it can be used both inside the balcony and outside. siding trim on this moment one of the most popular finishes. It is impact resistant atmospheric pressure, eco-friendly. With the help of siding, you can make "breathing" walls.

Siding finishing can be carried out in almost any weather, which is also very convenient. If you suddenly damaged the trim with siding, then everything can be fixed by replacing the damaged panels, and there is no need to redo everything.
The step-by-step instructions for installing the lining inside the siding are not difficult:
1) installation of the crate;
2) fastening of special profiles for siding;
3) installation with siding starting from the bottom up.
Exterior siding requires frame fasteners, and since the siding is mounted horizontally from the outside, the crate must be vertical. At the bottom of the balcony, a starting bar is attached, into which the first sheet of the panel is inserted, and then, following from the bottom up, all the rest are attached.


When repairing, you should also not forget about the floor. Choosing a finishing material is not difficult. Of the options that exist at the moment, there is a laminate and parquet, linoleum will be more budgetary or even ceramic tile. Once you have decided on the option that suits you best, there are a number of standard steps for finishing the floor.
First you need to lay the waterproofing, insulate the floor (of your choice, with foam or polystyrene foam plates), then comes the screed, about 4 cm thick.

Every year, with the arrival of autumn and the first cool days, a significant part of our compatriots realize that it would be nice to finish the loggia. There is nothing surprising in this, the thermal insulation and decoration of the balcony make it possible to maintain a more comfortable climate throughout the apartment. In addition, if the insulation and decoration of the loggia are made in accordance with all the rules, then the owners receive not just a closet for storing canned food and supplies, but a full-fledged living room.

The realization of this fact encourages many to take up repair work with my own hands. How realistic is it to finish the loggia on your own?

First, we must decide what we really want.

Next, we will leave the floor for a while (we will return to this a little later) and move on to the ceiling. If you lay top coat floor immediately, then we risk spoiling it during further work. Therefore, we will do it later. But we will describe the progress of work here, in the topic of "floor". So:

Finishing the loggia: do-it-yourself ceiling and walls

The ceiling and walls most often need additional. The following actions will be optimal at this stage:

  • All surfaces carefully.
  • Wooden crates are nailed to the ceiling and walls. They are located from the surfaces at a distance slightly greater than the thickness of the acquired. As an excellent thermal insulation material slabs 5-10 cm thick or 7.5 cm mineral wool are suitable. Thicker layers are mounted closer to the outer fences.
  • It is convenient to fix the material with special "express installation" dowels. A hole is made with a puncher, into which a plastic sleeve is screwed, and the whole structure is securely fixed with a special locking screw.
  • Between the bars on the walls we fix the insulating material. It is very convenient to use foam from cylinders as glue, which later closes up all defects, cracks and flaws.
  • We lay a foil film or polyethylene on it, which serve as vapor barrier materials in this case.
  • Casings equipped with wiring are mounted to the ceiling crate, with the help of which lighting will be arranged. In the places of installation of future lamps, the ends of the wires are securely fixed with clamps.

Sheathing of the walls of the loggia

Some are trying to find more economical options.

Finishing balconies with plasterboard is quite acceptable. But for obvious reasons (possible differences in humidity indicators), you should opt for moisture-resistant varieties.

The frame is usually sheathed with sheets of such material, then carefully puttied. Finishing- gluing wallpaper on the walls or painting them.

Do you need insulation and decoration of the loggia?

Balcony space can be used for various purposes. There you can equip storage systems for things, make a full-fledged room or choose another functional purpose. The specific choice depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony, but in any case, it will require finishing works. How to finish the balcony with your own hands step-by-step instruction will explain in detail.

Rice. 1 How to repair a loggia inside with your own hands

To make the balcony convenient and comfortable, the space should be protected from rain and wind. For this, the structure is glazed. Support all year round Comfortable temperature will help high-quality insulation. Thus, before doing decorative trim surfaces, it is required to perform work on glazing and insulation. You should know how to repair a balcony and a loggia with your own hands.

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to conduct preparation. The loggia or balcony is freed from things, the old finish is removed. Carefully examine the elements of the structure. Often in need of repair balcony slab, which over time begins to crack and collapse. To strengthen it, a new screed is made.

Even more carefully inspect the fence. Assess its reliability and ability to withstand the load. It is on the fence that the glazing frames will be based. In some cases, reinforcement is required.

Rice. 2 Warming and finishing of balconies and loggias - scheme

When the preparation is completed, you can proceed to the next stage of arrangement and repair the balcony with your own hands in stages.

Features of balcony glazing

To repair the loggia with your own hands in stages, you should start with glazing. Depending on the technology used, glazing can be warm or cold. In the first case, frames and double-glazed windows reliably protect the balcony space from temperature changes outside. Cold glazing is different low level thermal insulation. It protects from rain and snow, wind and dust, but in winter time the temperature on the balcony will be only a few degrees higher than the street temperature.

Warm glazing is usually performed using windows made of PVC profile and double-glazed windows. Good protection against cold penetration wooden frames, but it is necessary to carefully seal all the cracks and install double glazing or double-glazed windows. minus wooden structures is the need for annual preventive care: antiseptic treatment and coloring.

Rice. 3 What does the glazing look like from the inside

There are insulated aluminum profiles. They are used relatively rarely, but they have a significant plus - low weight. When choosing how to make repairs on the balcony with your own hands, you should consider this option.

Cold glazing is carried out using aluminum profiles and frameless structures.

In addition to the nature of the glazing, it is required to select designs according to the type of opening. Swing and flap doors are less convenient in a balcony. To open them, you need free place. But when closed, they are tightly pressed and reliably protect against drafts.

Sliding sashes are more convenient to use. But they are less airtight. Where there are moving parts and joints of the valves, there are small gaps.

Installation window frames on the balcony it is better to entrust professionals. The process is simple, but requires knowledge of many details.

Balcony insulation process

In order for the balcony space to be comfortable all year round, it must be carefully insulated. To do this, you need to know how to insulate the balcony with your own hands. It is not enough to fix the insulation on only one of the surfaces. Cold will penetrate through non-insulated parts. Only complex thermal insulation of the floor, walls and ceiling will provide the desired effect. This should be taken into account when planning how to make repairs on the loggia.

Rice. 4 We warm the balcony

Floor insulation

The thermal insulation of the balcony floor is important and necessary step works. The quality of such insulation will determine how comfortable the space will become. Extruded polystyrene foam is most often used as a heater. The material is lightweight, so it will not create additional load on the structure. It is dense enough not to collapse under pressure. The thermal conductivity of the material is very low.

Expanded polystyrene plates are laid on a leveled floor surface. They are fixed with special glue and plastic dowels. A mounting mesh is laid on top, which is poured with a self-leveling mixture.

You can insulate the floor with glass wool, mineral wool or foam. In this case, lay on the floor wooden logs. A heater is placed between them. And fastened on top sheet material and lay the flooring.

Wall insulation

The walls of the balcony can be insulated with mineral wool or foam. For the installation of thermal insulation, a crate is installed. The walls are pre-prepared, leveled and treated with antifungal agents, a layer of waterproofing is laid.

Plates of heat-insulating material are placed between the elements of the crate. They should be tight, but not too tight. From above, the material is covered with another layer of waterproofing so that water vapor does not penetrate into the insulation. Penofol can be used as a waterproofing material. It not only does not allow moisture to pass through, but additionally insulates, and the foil side reflects heat.

Mounted on top of the insulation facing materials. They are installed on the surface of the crate. If the walls are plastered, then it is better to use expanded polystyrene plates. They are attached to the walls, a reinforcing mesh is installed and covered with plaster.

Ceiling insulation

Thermal insulation of the ceiling surface is required in any case. Even if there are neighbors upstairs, their balcony may not be insulated. In this case, the cold will penetrate from above.

To insulate the ceiling, a frame is made of wooden beams. The surface is waterproofed first. Expanded polystyrene is laid between the elements of the crate. The surface is covered with penofol or any other waterproofing material. A facing material is attached on top.


Character finishing depends on the chosen finishing material. Most often, do-it-yourself interior decoration of the balcony is done with a wooden or plastic clapboard. Elements are attached to the crate with nails or self-tapping screws. They connect with each other castle method. The walls can also be finished with plaster, MDF boards, cork slabs and other materials.

Rice. 5 Renovated loggia - clapboard trim

Linoleum and laminate are used to finish the floor. Ceramic and porcelain tiles look beautiful. In some cases, the balcony floor is covered with parquet and carpet.

Rice. 6 Wall decoration inexpensive - drywall and paint

The ceiling on the balcony can be plastered or painted. These are the most simple options but not the most common. False ceilings are used much more often.

Rice. 7 Plastic panels - cheap and convenient

Not always the apartment has a balcony. The lack of such a convenient design leads to questions about how to make a balcony with your own hands. This is especially useful if you are renovating a living space. At the same time, it becomes possible to build a balcony cheaper.

The manufacture of balconies begins with the creation of drawings. The process is quite simple if you want to install a balcony with your own hands on the ground floor. A foundation or supports are placed on which the frame is placed balcony design. If you want to make a balcony on the second floor and above, then it is necessary to install supports. Attaching to the wall will not be enough. In order to be able to use the made balcony, you should find in advance detailed guide for the construction of a balcony structure and coordinate the construction with the relevant authorities.

Clapboard finishing allows you to create a comfortable space, insulate walls, protect against the appearance of fungus and mold. From how correctly the finishing of the balcony was carried out from the outside and inside, depends on the process of operating the premises, which has become an important part of the modern home.

How to finish the balcony inside

PVC lining

As a finishing material, sheathing boards are most often used - lining and eurolining, as well as PVC panels. Wood remains the #1 material. Balcony decoration wooden clapboard has a number of advantages over vinyl panels. The most important of them:

  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Long service life.
  • Excellent heat retention.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes.

For finishing, a sheathing board made of ash, oak, alder, cedar spruce and linden is used. Pine is used less often - when heated, resin is released. Pine lining used for cladding on the north side, where there is little sun. Beautiful interior balconies or loggias using lining in the photo:

Block house Wardrobe from a lining from a board of class "A" class "B"

A wooden board is divided into 4 classes, depending on the quality of the material:

  1. Premium - the most expensive and high quality.
  2. Class A: 1-2 knots per 1.5m surface.
  3. Grade B: Resin pockets or cracks are acceptable.
  4. Class C: For outdoor use only. Knots and cracks are allowed.

How to sheathe a balcony with a tree

Self-finishing balconies inside the clapboard is a job that can be done home master. Remember a few important rules that will help you achieve a good result:

  • Prepare your walls carefully.
  • Buy quality material, class A or B.
  • Calculate right amount material and take with a small margin.
  • Prepare your tools.
  • Consult with experts what type of insulation to use in your case.
  • Consider how you will cover the tree.
  • Video instructions and photos of the work will help to carry out the installation of the frame and the finishing material itself.

Video - finishing the loggia with clapboard using a log:

Foundation preparation

Remove the old coating from the walls, repair the cracks with plaster. Be sure to treat the area with a special composition that protects against the appearance of mold fungi.

Tools and materials

Balcony insulation

The next step is the installation of a heat-insulating layer. Note an important point:

  • If the thermal insulation is purchased in rolls, with a foil base (Isolon, Penofol), the insulation is first fixed, and then the crate is performed.
  • To insulate the balcony with foam boards or mineral wool, mount a frame of wooden beams or aluminum profiles, and then lay the insulation in the formed cells.

Frame installation

Lining fastening

Visual video lesson - how to properly decorate a balcony: There are also other mounting methods, see them below in the image:

Tip: for the least effort and time, opt for eurolining. Its spike is longer (up to 8-9 mm) than that of regular board lining (4-5 mm). Docking boards and their alignment is easier and faster. Another plus: the humidity of the lining is lower, which provides good ventilation and reduces the likelihood of fungi and mold.

Protective coating

Next, you need to cover special formulations to prevent mold, give aesthetic appearance protect from sunlight and mechanical damage. Suitable:

  • Antiseptics: glazing and covering. Protects against UV rays and fungus.
  • Acrylic varnishes.
  • Alkyd varnishes.
  • Acrylic and oil paints.
  • Can be saturated with stain in several layers to give the desired shade and strength to the coating.

Please note: impregnation with an antiseptic is a prerequisite for maintaining the quality of wood, protecting it from the appearance of black spots.

Application of PVC boards

The interior decoration of the balcony, which used plastic lining- A budget-friendly option for everyone. PVC panels:

  • Easy and quick to mount at any angle.
  • They are cheap.
  • They have a wide range of colors.

Negative sides:

  • They are not environmentally friendly.
  • Turn yellow when exposed to sunlight.
  • Condensation may accumulate on them.

To improve the quality of the coating on the surface is applied:

  • laminating compound.
  • Flexo printing.
  • Thermal transfer.

If the surface of the walls is even, PVC plates are fixed using glue. At uneven surfaces first, a frame is created from wooden planks similar to that used for attaching sheathing boards.
The order of work is similar to wood paneling:

  • The panels are fixed with screws or a stapler to the rails.
  • Work also leads from the corner.
  • The next plastic panel is inserted into the groove of the previous one, a lye occurs - the part is fixed.

Video - do-it-yourself installation of plates:

The finishing profile is mandatory for installation at the end of the row along the length of one of the walls. Important: treat the walls with lime, which will prevent the development of fungus.

How much does the lining of the balcony inside

It all depends on which option you choose. Finishing a balcony with PVC clapboard will cost less, wood - more. The price of 1 sq.m of plastic panels is 120-140 rubles. Euro lining costs 317 - 450 rubles. per sq. meter. The price of work on interior wood paneling is 361 rubles per sq. m. meter (excluding the cost of sheathing boards). Finishing with plastic (includes the cost of the material) - 360-540 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Finishing the balcony with clapboard inside - affordable way create a secure, comfortable, cozy room. A balcony or loggia has long been transformed from a warehouse where rubbish was previously stored into a place of rest. It is so nice to drink tea or contemplate the beauty of the landscape outside the window, being in the comfort zone.

The interior decoration of the balcony is an event that is resorted to to create a comfortable atmosphere in this room and expand the living space of the apartment. Work begins with the choice of material. It should be noted right away that no matter which option is chosen, it is important that the material is of high quality, therefore it is better to refuse dubious purchases in the markets and from hands.

This material is a planed board with natural moisture content. There is a subspecies of building material called eurolining. It's over quality products with complex profiles geometric shape, as well as ventilation ducts. At the same time, the material is more demanding on the level of humidity in the room and the quality of the rough surface.

The advantages of lining:

  1. Environmental friendliness. The material consists of 100% natural raw materials, which does not pose a danger to the health of people of any age category.
  2. Long service life. Provided correct installation and use lining can last up to 20 years.
  3. Ease of installation. Products are equipped with a connecting system, so installation does not take much time. A novice master will cope with finishing the balcony in 1 day.
  4. Additional insulation. Despite the fact that lining is a simple finishing material, it slightly protects the room from noise and retains heat.

Lining - one of the most popular finishing options for balconies and loggias

Installation of lining

Before sheathing the balcony inside, you should stock up on the following tools and consumables:

  • Screwdriver, hammer drill or hammer drill, electric jigsaw.
  • Square, building level, tape measure.
  • Hammer or ax, 3 cm nails, dowel-nails up to 6x100, wood screws.

Tools and Consumables necessary for mounting lining on the balcony

Then you need to carry out the following preparatory work:

  1. Remove the old coating and thoroughly clean the substrate. Tap it with a hammer to identify weak fragments, they need to be removed, and the resulting potholes should be covered cement-sand mortar or spatula.
  2. Check the evenness of the walls. With a strong blockage, it is recommended to apply a rough plaster layer, on which the lining will subsequently be attached.
  3. Thoroughly soak each product with a special antiseptic composition.

Preparatory work before lining installation

Next comes the installation of the crate. This stage is time-consuming and responsible, so it is worth talking about it separately. First of all, you need to mark up, the lines should be located 50-70 cm apart and 10 cm from the walls. After that you need to cut wooden blocks and drill holes in them for fasteners in increments of 15 cm. Using dowels and self-tapping screws, the crate is installed on the wall.

Now you can start lining the inside of the balcony with your own hands:

  • You need to take the first element, lean it against the crate and fix it on it by driving a nail in the middle of the spike.
  • Then you need to take the second element and connect it to the first by inserting the spike into the groove.
  • Thus, finish the entire surface.
  • Before entering the area near the walls and ceiling, the material will have to be cut with a jigsaw.

On a note! You can also use clamps instead of nails. Then the fastening will be invisible.

MDF panels

For cladding the balcony, MDF panels are also used, which are fiberboards. Modern construction market offers several types of this material: flat products with a protective polymer coated on the front side and panels with embossed patterns.

The benefits are:

  1. Do-it-yourself balcony cladding will require a minimum of money, time and effort.
  2. No serious preparatory work is required.
  3. Behind the panels you can hide electrical wiring or other utilities, you can also lay insulation.
  4. The material is produced in a wide range color scheme and in different sizes.

Balcony decoration with MDF panels

Installation work

Sheathing of balconies from the inside begins with the preparation of the tool and the installation of the crate. It should be noted that this material is somewhat similar to lining, therefore, it requires exactly the same preparatory actions. The only difference is that the panels can be installed on a crate made of wooden slats or metal profiles. The installation process is as follows:

  • The first element is installed in the corner. It is attached to the clamp, but if there were no such fasteners at hand, then an ordinary construction bracket will do.
  • The next panel is installed in the groove of the previous one and fixed in the same way.
  • After finishing the entire wall, plugs are installed on the edges of the coating.

balcony cladding process MDF panels on the wooden frame

Plastic panels

To sheathe a balcony inside with your own hands, sometimes plastic panels are used. This building material is inexpensive and easy to install, so it has gained popularity among domestic users. It is a PVC sheet equipped with a connecting system.

Advantages of plastic material for finishing loggias and balconies:

  1. Wide range of colors. Thanks to this feature, you can create a unique interior on the balcony.
  2. Simple care. It is enough to wipe such a coating with a damp cloth or sponge.
  3. Can last up to 30 years. At the same time, it is resistant to temperature extremes, exposure to water and sunlight.
  4. Low cost. Plastic panels are currently considered the most affordable option for inner lining balconies.

Plastic panels can be used as a budget finishing material for finishing a balcony.

Mounting technology

The preparatory work is exactly the same as in the previous cases:

  • Removal of old coating and preparation of a rough surface.
  • Measurements of the area, marking, installation of the crate.
  • Acquisition of material with a margin of 10%.
  • Acquisition of sound and heat insulation.

The first profile is fixed with a self-tapping screw on the ceiling crate. You need to start at the top to make it easier to work. After that, you need to fix the profile in the center, which will be the guide. Under installed elements wiring is laid, as well as insulation. The entire ceiling is covered with panels using a tongue-and-groove system. last panel will most likely need to be cut. The walls are trimmed in the same way. Plastic plugs are used to decorate the corners.


Sheathing the balcony with drywall is only permissible if painting, application is carried out in the future. decorative plaster, liquid wallpaper etc. This material is quite popular for interior decoration, despite the fragility and soiledness.

The positive aspects of drywall are as follows:

  1. Relatively low cost.
  2. Quick and easy installation.

Important! This material is made on the basis of gypsum, so it requires preliminary waterproofing.

Drywall is often used for cladding a balcony, but only as a base for decorative coatings.

Sheathing of balconies and loggias with plasterboard

Before sheathing the balcony with drywall, it is necessary to prepare the surface and install the crate:

  • Draw a line in the center of the ceiling and a few perpendicular to it.
  • Draw lines along the perimeter of the room at a distance of 5 cm from the ceiling.
  • Make marks on the ceiling through 1/3 of the length of the sheet of building material.
  • Cut metal profiles to the right sizes scissors.
  • Using dowels, fix the rails on the wall, and on the ceiling by means of an anchor connection.
  • Starting from the corners of the balcony, install the profiles on the ceiling, and then on the walls with dowels - in increments of 40 cm on the ceiling and 60 cm on the wall.

After that, you can start laying heat and soundproof materials and if necessary engineering communications. The cut sheets of insulation are installed between the crate and the rough surface. The resulting design is covered with foil, fixing it with a stapler. Now you can sheathe the balcony from the inside with drywall.

The order of work is the same as in the case of the crate: first, work is carried out on the ceiling, then on the walls.

  1. The first step is to prepare the material. To do this, the sheets are cut to the required dimensions and chamfered from them (the edge is slightly turned to make it easier to putty the seam later).
  2. The first element is mounted 20 cm from the corner on self-tapping screws in increments of 15 cm. The hat must be drowned in the surface, but it is important not to overdo it so that the sheet does not crack.
  3. Similarly, the rest of the sheets are installed on the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and walls. At the end, small fragments of material are mounted in the corners and begin to putty.
  4. A primer is applied to the finished coating, and after it dries, a thin layer of putty is applied.
  5. While the material has not yet dried, a sickle is laid on it and covered with a thicker layer of putty.
  6. At the end, the surfaces are primed again to prepare for further finishing.

Balcony sheathed with plasterboard, ready for further finishing


Usually this material is used for finishing facades, but it is permissible to use it inside the balcony. Products are made on the basis of vinyl, therefore they have the following advantages:

  • Good resistance to atmospheric influences (precipitation, wind).
  • The absence of substances harmful to human health in the composition.
  • Good level of ventilation, providing timely removal of moisture from under the coating.
  • The material is well tolerated by exposure to high and low temperatures, That's why installation work can be done at any time of the year.
  • Possibility of spot repairs.

Installation of siding inside the balcony

Preparatory work, tools and consumables are exactly the same as in previous cases. Inside the balcony can be damp, so it is better to treat all surfaces with an antiseptic composition and lay waterproofing material.

Installation of siding begins with the installation of a frame for panels. Wooden slats they are stuffed on the ceiling at a distance of 40 cm, on the wall - 50 cm. The cross rails are mounted at a distance that is 5 cm less than the length of the element. The crate is attached to dowels.

Before installing the siding, it is necessary to erect a wooden frame and lay waterproofing material

Should know! Before starting the installation, it is recommended to treat the crate with an antiseptic.

Then the insulation is laid. A thermal insulator is mounted in the formed voids of the frame and fixed with a waterproof film. As a result, the balcony will turn into an insulated room.

Now consider how to properly sheathe a balcony with siding. First of all, special guide profiles are mounted on the crate, after which the siding is cut to required sizes with metal shears. There is no need to make indents, the first panel is placed right in the corner and secured with a self-tapping screw. For its wide part, the tongue of the next panel is brought in and also fixed. Thus, they trim the entire area. At the end, plugs are installed on the corners and edges of the coating.

Installation of special guide profiles for siding

Sandwich panels

This material has a three-layer structure. The outer layers are made of metal, and the inner one is a heater, for example, mineral wool. Sandwich panels are a popular option for finishing a balcony due to the following features:

  • Safety and environmental friendliness.
  • High rates of heat and sound insulation.
  • Light weight, which reduces the load on the balcony and makes installation easier.
  • No need for further finishing.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms cannot develop on the surface.

Sandwich panels are often used for finishing a balcony due to their sound and heat insulating properties.

Panel installation

  1. The installation process begins with fixing the fasteners: internal corners and finishing details on the crate.
  2. Preparatory work is the same as in the case of the above materials.
  3. If the panels are planned to be mounted up to the ceiling, then the first thing to do is to install a plinth at the top of the crate.
  4. The first panel is installed on a metal or wooden frame in the corner closer to the ceiling. It is fixed with a self-tapping screw, after which the next element is inserted into the groove. The rigidity of the structure is ensured by a reliable tenon-groove connection, so you can do without additional fastening of each part with self-tapping screws.
  5. Before installation next element, it is necessary to check the evenness of the installation of the current one. It is also important to ensure that gaps and backlash do not form.
  6. After finishing the entire wall, you must install additional elements on the edges and outside corners material.
  7. The design is checked building level, after which it can be used.


The better to sheathe a balcony inside, each owner will decide for himself. The above materials do not differ much in cost, with the exception of sandwich panels, since they already have insulation. The balcony area is small, which also has a positive effect on the cost of work. It doesn’t matter what exactly will be chosen as the material for finishing, the main thing is to follow the above recommendations and do not forget to check the correct installation of products by level.