Installation of a ceiling profile for plasterboard. Installation of profiles for drywall: step by step instructions

Having started repairs in the house, perhaps you will be installing profiles for drywall on the walls. Of course there are different options execution of the frame under the gypsum board, but it is the metal profiles, correctly assembled into a single structure, that provide a solid and lightweight foundation for future walls.

Using a metal profile for drywall is one of the most reliable options for installing drywall.

The option of such a base has become much more preferable in the modern concept of repairs, because such a material has a lot of advantages when compared with traditional wood. But the installation of a profile for drywall requires adherence to technology and correct selection materials, otherwise such a wall will not last long. What you need to know about installation works Oh?

The required set of materials and tools

Installation of profiles for drywall requires the required minimum of tools:

  • Measuring: building level, tape measure, if necessary - a plumb line.
  • For cutting metal: grinder, metal scissors (as an alternative - a hacksaw).
  • Power tool: puncher, screwdriver (drill).
  • Fasteners: straight hangers, dowel-nails, press washers, "fleas".

Direct hangers - a strip of metal with perforations, which is designed to rigidly fasten the structure to the walls.

Dowel-nails - plastic dowels with screws, which, instead of a gimbal, have a sharp point like a nail at the end.

Press washer - self-tapping screw with a wide head and gimbal. It is used in various metal connections.

"Fleas" ("bugs") - small self-tapping screws with a gimbal, used to connect straight hangers with frame racks.

Briefly about profile types

The entire frame is assembled from two types of profiles.

The CD is the rail used for the main posts and crossbars of the frame. It is made in the form of a groove with curved edges, has stiffening ribs along its entire length. For this type of work, they take a size of 60 × 27 millimeters, where it is, respectively, the width and height of the shelf.

UD is the basis of the entire structure, or guide. It is mounted on the surface of the floor and ceiling. Made in the shape of the letter "P" without stiffening ribs and bends. Size: width - 28 mm, height - 27 mm.

Both types of this element are coated with a protective zinc coating to prevent corrosion.

This minimal set what is needed for installation work.

Installation of a profile for drywall

Some technologies during installation work may differ for different masters in some little things. But the main process is the same, this is the fastening of the guides and the assembly of the entire structure. So, how is the installation of a drywall profile on the walls carried out?

Evaluation and markup

All construction always begins with marking and drawing up a plan for installation work. It is only in TV shows that the finish of perfectly flat surfaces is shown, in reality everything is not so and the walls, as a rule, have irregularities.

The main stage in the installation of the frame is the execution of calculations and the purchase of the necessary tools.

  • After examining the wall with building level establish the curvature of the walls and find the most protruding parts of the surface. Further mark will be guided by them.
  • A mark is made along the wall on the floor where the structure guide will be mounted. It is not necessary to mark the butt to the surface; it is better to make a small indent of 10 - 15 millimeters. If there are significant differences, then the distance increases. Of course, this will reduce the usable floor space, but do it
    necessary for leveling the walls. We'll have to retreat a little if it is planned to lay engineering lines for gypsum board or wall insulation.
  • The same mark is made on the walls on the left and right. For convenience, you can use a marking cord. Vertical markings are carried out, be sure to check with the level.

Installation of guide profiles

  • For the guides of the frame structure, a UD profile is taken. It is installed on the floor markings in the form of an inverted "P". Fastening is done on dowel-nails with a pitch of 500 mm.
  • Such guides are also mounted on the walls on the left and right. They are inserted at one end into the floor rail. Having checked the level, they are fixed with the same dowels.
  • The ceiling rail is now secured. The ends are inserted into the vertical ones and fixed to the ceiling. To verify the correct installation of the upper profile, a CD rack rail is placed in the middle of the structure and checked using a level. If everything is correct, the ceiling is also fixed on a dowel with nails.

If the length of the wall of the room is greater than the length of the guide rails, then they are spliced. To do this, one end of the rail is inserted into the groove of the other with an overlap of 400 millimeters and connected with press washers.

After checking the level of the location of the guides, proceed to the installation of the rack rails.

Installation of frame racks

The racks are made using the CD marking profile.

  • It is produced in lengths of 2.5 and 3 meters, if necessary, then it is cut to the required parameters of the height of the room. In this case, a grinder or other tool for cutting metal is used.
  • For greater strength, one rack at a time can be brought into the vertical rails, fastening them together with flea beetles.
  • The width of the drywall is 1200 mm, you need to position the racks so that the joints of two adjacent sheets fall in the middle of the rail (30 millimeters will be enough to fix each of the edges of the gypsum board).
    Three rack rails are usually installed on one drywall element, but it is better to mount four. This will significantly strengthen the structure of the future wall.
  • After placing the racks in the desired position, they are attached to the guides from below and from above with press washers.
  • The location of all rack-mount profiles must be exactly in level, which is checked during the installation process.
  • Having set up the racks and fixing them, they are connected to the walls using straight hangers.

The plates are applied to the surface of the wall under the racks and with a marker they put marks where the dowels will be hammered.

  • Holes are punched under the dowels along the marks, a plate is applied and a dowel is inserted into which a nail is driven.
  • The edges of the hangers are brought to the rack-mount profile and rigidly fixed using self-tapping “flea” screws. The excess ends are folded back or cut off.

During the fixing of the profile to the suspensions, movement of the racks is not excluded. How to expose a profile under drywall, avoiding such a problem? You can temporarily fix the rail along the entire wall approximately in the middle of the room height. After connecting the racks with suspensions, it is removed.

When installing the frame, first you need to find the most protruding parts on the wall, and then, focusing on them, make a markup.

The number of suspensions per frame post can be three to four. First, all the plates are fixed in the center, and then the rest.

The height of the drywall sheet is 2.5 meters. What if the room is higher? To do this, in a checkerboard pattern at the locations of the sheets, jumpers are made from above and below. They are also made from a CD profile, from which the shelves are cut off at both ends. The rest is applied to the racks and fixed on press washers.

At this stage, the installation of the profile for drywall is considered complete, and then proceed to the frame cladding.

What if the distance of the frame from the wall does not allow the use of straight hangers? Cutting posts and rails are great for this. Taking a piece of the rail of the required length, make cuts in the side shelves and bend inward at a right angle. This mounting method is very durable and will allow you to retreat from load-bearing walls at the distance required for insulation or laying any communication lines.

Today, almost no repair is complete without plasterboard structures. Walls, arches, partitions, niches, suspended ceilings are used almost everywhere. Moreover, the installation of such structures is quite simple. The main thing is to correctly determine the choice of the type of drywall, fasteners and profiles.

Types of metal profiles

To create a frame, two standard sizes of profiles are mainly used:

  • D (smaller) - needed to create planes on which drywall sheets will be attached;
  • W (larger) - used in the formation of the general frame of the wall.

Also, in the installation of a profile for drywall, support C and guide U options are used. The guiding option is simple type A U-shaped profile with a smooth surface, into which the support version is installed with the butt end. The support type has a ribbed surface that gives it greater bending stiffness.

As a result, it turns out that the main load-bearing element metal frame is a CD profile with dimensions 60x27 mm. The UD element with dimensions of 80x27 mm acts as a guide for fastening. The rack-mount option for creating a frame is CW 50x50 mm, 50x100 mm, 50x75 mm, guide for CW - UW profile with dimensions 75x40 mm, 50x40 mm, 100x40 mm. You can also use the UA, which is a hardened counterpart to the CW with a thicker wall.

Stages of fastening a profile for drywall

Floor and adjacent walls to which it will be attached new wall, must be leveled and plastered.

Let's consider the option of forming a wall using UW and CW profiles.

Step 1... We mark the position of the future wall on the floor. In this case, the future structure should be tied to both walls. Given the unevenness of the surfaces and the absence of perfectly right angles, the markings at different ends may differ slightly (by a few centimeters). When outlining the first line for placing the wall, it should be borne in mind that in the future, the guide profile will be aligned along it, and not plasterboard construction... To the resulting mark, add the thickness of the gypsum board sheet, putty and finish. After the first line is drawn, we move on to transferring it to the ceiling and walls. A plumb bob or laser level should be used at this stage.

Step 2... We fasten the profiles to the walls using a sealing tape. Install UW on the floor and ceiling first. In their installation, we use impact screws and dowels every 0.5 meters and along the edges. Place the supporting CW stands along the edges of the rails. You should also place racks in places where window or door openings will be organized. The profiles are fixed on the bottom rails, then set vertically and attached to the top rail. At the same time, do not forget to leave a margin for sheathing with GKL strips of the structure. Profiles should be installed with the front side inside the window or doorways... In the installation of racks to the rails, it is best to use self-tapping screws.

Step 3... Strengthening the perimeters of window and door openings is carried out using wooden beams, which are placed inside the profile and fastened with self-tapping screws. If AU is used, the bars can be omitted.

Step 4... Along the entire length of the frame, we place the support CW vertically. From the adjacent wall, the first profile is placed at a distance of 55 cm, the subsequent ones - strictly at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

Step 5... Door and window openings are marked with UW guides. To do this, cut a piece 30 cm longer than the width of the opening. Marks are placed on the bend of the side folds on the front side at a distance of 15 cm from the edge.

As a result, the distance between the marks should correspond to the width of the opening.

The sides are cut at an angle of 45 ° from the edge towards the base of the profile. We bend the edges and get a U-shaped structure. We put the resulting structure on the racks on the sides with bent edges and raise it to the required height. Next, we fasten it with self-tapping screws. The oblique ears formed on the horizontal parts of the workpiece are also fixed with fasteners. We form window openings in the same way. This completes the installation of the profile for drywall.

The decision has been made and you start the renovation. The most reliable and practical way to make the interior original - install plasterboard slabs on the walls. But before proceeding to this stage, it is necessary to install a profile for drywall.

Types of profiles for drywall.

Starting out independent work for the installation of a profile under the gypsum board, you must have a set of tools that you will need when further process construction:

  1. Water level.
  2. Marking cord.
  3. Marker.
  4. Construction tape.
  5. Square.
  6. Building level.
  7. Perforator with a set of drills.
  8. Metal scissors.
  9. Pliers.
  10. Screwdriver.
  11. Reversible screwdriver.
  12. Hammer.

You also need to purchase:

  • press washer with a drill;
  • ceiling dowels for concrete;
  • structural extensions (if the wall height is greater than the length of the rack);
  • straight suspensions (toad);
  • connecting crab;
  • profiles: wall (UD); wall guide (UV); ceiling (CD); ceiling guide (UD).

Room layout

An example of marking a ceiling frame for plasterboard.

Before installing the profile for drywall, you need to perform the markup, it starts from any upper corner. Using the water level, we align the upper part of the room, placing marks in each corner with a marker. Then, using a marking cord, we mark the line of attachment of the ceiling guide profile along the entire length of the ceiling. Using a puncher, we make holes in the wall at the place of fastening of the structure with a frequency of 500 mm, after which we fix the guides with the help of wall dowels, hammering them in with a construction hammer. We mount the ceiling profiles into the installed guides. Fix on each side of the ceiling (CD) with a guide profile with a press washer using a screwdriver. Installation of each next CD is carried out at a distance of 600 mm. The direct suspension is attached to the ceiling with two concrete dowels, and to the CD - with two or four press washers with a drill.

For greater rigidity of the frame, it is necessary to connect the CD to each other after 500 mm, using workpieces with a length of 600 mm and a crab connector, the use of which will make it possible to safely mount to it lighting and to use wall plasterboard in the construction of the ceiling, during installation and subsequent processing it is less amenable to deformation. It should be noted that the height to which the ceiling frame is lowered depends on the length of the direct suspension and should not be small, because, as a rule, it is mounted under the frame mineral wool for insulation, wires for lighting, communications for the kitchen.

Wall frame installation

Scheme of wall cladding with plasterboard on a metal frame.

Having installed the profile for drywall on the ceiling, we proceed to the installation of the wall frame. The size of the gap between the wall and the frame is selected taking into account the fact that it is necessary to insulate the wall or install soundproof material... We start the marking from the CD, using the building level, draw a vertical line with a marker to the floor. After that, using a tape measure and a corner, we mark up to install the wall guide profile. It is necessary to carry out all the preparatory marking activities so that the room, which was subsequently sheathed with plasterboard, has the correct geometric structure, that is, the presence of right angles at the joints of the profiles. This, in turn, will reduce the amount of waste from building materials and will reduce the cost of spending financial resources, which is important.

Along the lines marked on the floor and walls, we fix the guiding wall profiles using a puncher and wall dowels. They are connected to each other at the joints with a press washer with a drill. Having correctly installed the wall guides, they get a quadrangular frame, into which they in turn are fixed wall profiles... You need to start work from the corner of the room, carrying out installation every 600 mm horizontally and every 500 mm vertically, using straight hangers, which are also attached to the wall with dowels, and to the frame with a press washer.

The indicated course of work applies to all walls of the room being repaired. The fastening is original only in those places where it is necessary to install a window or doors, but in this case, you need to adhere to the installation rules. In this case, the profile for drywall must be started to be mounted from the doorway or the place of installation of the window in order to obtain a rigid frame for the most durable fastening of drywall.

After completing the installation of the vertical components of the structure, it is necessary to fix them together along the perimeter at the ceiling and floor. This will allow in the future to avoid problems when fixing the plinth on the floor of the room, as well as when installing the stretch ceiling.

The height and length of the room being renovated may vary, in contrast to the length of the profile.

If standard length there is not enough metal profile, you need to use a standard industrial extension cord for it. It is fastened with pliers.

Plasterboard installation

After finishing the installation, you can not go directly to the installation of drywall. It is necessary to carry out the wiring of sockets, switches, lamps and other household appliances, take care of the insulation of the walls, their waterproofing and vapor barrier. Only after the entire complex of work has been completed, you can proceed to the next stage.

The given detailed instructions on how to mount a drywall profile should help to complete the work efficiently and quickly.

Do-it-yourself organization of work on the installation of a profile for gypsum plasterboard involves a series of operations related to the preparation of a reliable base for plasterboard coating. To solve the problem, you can use one of the most common methods, namely, frameless and frame technologies laying drywall sheets.

Elements of frame structures

The essence frameless method laying drywall consists in gluing sheets of material on an absolutely smooth surface using a special gypsum glue. Modern technologies arrangement decorative coatings involve the preparation of a frame structure from profiles, which is then sheathed with sheets of drywall. For the assembly of such structures, special bearing profiles are used, as well as fasteners of one type or another. In construction practice, there are several types of profiles used to equip the crate for drywall:

  • CB profiles (vertical or rack-mount) used for the manufacture of partitions;
  • guide profiles such as UV and UD, used as horizontal frame elements;
  • ceiling profiles SD, intended for the manufacture of the base of the frame.

In addition, to prepare the frame, you will definitely need the following connecting elements:

  • U-shaped hangers used to fix the LED profiles on the mounted base;
  • cross-type connectors used for cross-connection of LED profiles located at the same level;
  • U-shaped connectors used to cross-connect LED profiles at different levels;
  • T-shaped hanger brackets with special clips used to equip the frame false ceiling.

Before installation profile structures the location of the guides of the future frame is marked, which determine the positioning of the entire structure as a whole. At the end of the marking, the guides are attached to the supporting base using dowels, and then connected to each other by means of self-tapping screws. Note that the preparation of the frame for drywall is carried out when arranging structures of the following type:

  • single-level suspended ceiling frame;
  • two-level suspended frame;
  • wall partitions with one or two rows of uprights.

Let's consider each of these options for arranging the frame in more detail.

One-level and two-level hanging frames

Single-level frame structure it is usually used in cases where, after the manufacture of the false ceiling, it is desirable to maintain the specified height of the room. During the installation process, the frame elements are attached to the ceiling base using special suspension brackets, while the cross rails are placed in the gaps between the main profiles. As the basic guides, we use standard ceiling profiles СД, which are fastened together with cross-shaped connectors.

Installation of the suspended part of the system begins with the fact that UD profiles are fixed on its walls along the perimeter of the room (deviation from the ceiling or depth suspended structure locally selected). Note that the correctness of the installation of the UD profiles should be checked using a building level of one type or another.

After the wall structural elements are fixed, you can proceed to the installation of the main guides, the ends of which are fixed in the grooves of the UD profiles. After fixing them, it will be possible to tackle the transverse guides, installed in increments of 40-50 cm.The main guides are usually installed every 50-100 cm.

Assembling the frame under two-level ceiling is carried out in exactly the same way, with the only difference that the transverse guides are transferred to another level. At the same time, U-shaped connectors are used to attach them to the main guides at the intersection points. When arranging such ceilings, drywall sheets are laid along the line of the main guides.

Frames for partitions

In this case, the installation of a profile for drywall with your own hands begins with the installation and fixation on the walls of the already familiar UV guides, which form the binding of the future partition. In the grooves of the profile trim with a step of 30-50 cm, CB profiles (rack elements) are strictly vertically fixed.

In order to improve the sound insulation of the structure, the attachment points of all its elements are sealed with a special insulating tape. The double frame is made in a similar way, but at the same time two rows of profiles are installed, then sheathed with plasterboard.


We bring to your attention a video about the installation of a wall profile frame:


Due to its versatility wireframe method drywall fastening is widespread.

It has a number of obvious advantages:

  • Metal profiles with fastening systems allow you to easily and quickly install the frame for drywall on any surface. (See also the article.)
  • The frames are resistant to pests, do not rot and do not deform from changes in humidity and temperature, and have a long service life.
  • The frame allows you to get additional space in which you can hide the routing of heating and water supply pipes, electrical wiring and other communications.
  • Additional space can be used for insulation and sound insulation.
  • It also allows you to hide all wall and ceiling defects. The result is a perfectly flat surface.

In this article, we will not focus on how to properly mount drywall on a cobbled frame. The use of a tree for these purposes is in most cases unjustified.

Types of profiles and types of fasteners

The following types of profiles are used for installation:

  • PN guide with standard sizes 28x27, 50x40, 75x40 and 100x40.
  • Rack-mountable substation with standard sizes 50x50, 75x50, 100x50.
  • Ceiling PP 60x27.
  • PU-profile 31x31.

There are several types of designs.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Type C625, where guides PN 75x40 or PN 100x40 are used as the basis of the frame... Together with them, rack-mount PS 75x50 or PS 100x50 are installed. This type of construction is intended for single-layer cladding.
  • In the design of type C626, guides PN 50x40, PN 75x40 or PN 100x40 can be used... Together with them, PS 50x50, PS 75x50 and PS 100x50 are attached. Such a structure is used for multilayer cladding with sheets.
  • Construction С623, ceiling PP 60x27 is used as rack, which is mounted in tandem with the PN 28x27 guide.

Sequence of work


First of all, a markup is performed to determine the exact position of all structural elements.

In the photo, the marking of the guides

  • A parallel line is drawn on the floor - this is the border that indicates the front plane of the wall.
  • The amount of indentation is the sum of the width of the space between the wall and the profile, where the communications will be placed + the thickness of the guide profile + the thickness of the drywall.
  • The unevenness of the wall also affects the amount of indentation. It is important to achieve a minimum distance, as this affects the volume of living space.

Space between frame and wall

  • After a line has been drawn that defines the front side of the drywall, it is necessary to mark the line of the front side of the frame. It is drawn parallel to the first line, deep into the frame at a distance equal to the thickness of the sheet.
  • It is necessary to project the line that marks the front of the structure onto the ceiling. To do this, you can use a construction plumb line, which is installed exactly above the line in several places and control points are marked on the ceiling.
  • Connecting these points with a straight line, we get the upper border of the crate.

Installation of guides

Important! It is recommended to fasten the guide hangers to the floor, ceiling and enclosing structures through a sealing strip in the form of a tape. Rack, which are adjacent to the walls, also need to be fastened through gaskets... For these purposes, a special foam tape is produced.
In the C625 and C626 fastening systems, the dowels for fastening must go with a step not exceeding 100 cm. Each profile must have at least three attachment points.

Layout and installation of suspensions

When the guides are installed and secured, proceed to the installation of the hangers, which are designed to fix the rails.

  • The places of installation of the rack-mount profiles of the substation are pre-determined and marked. When marking, it is important that the distance between the centers of the profiles is equal to the width of the plasterboard panel.
  • Fastening of direct hangers is also performed using dowel-nails. Suspension attachment points are located along the line along the rack profile. The distance between them should not exceed 1.5 m. Do not save on this, the price of fasteners is not so high, it will pay off with reliability and long service life.
  • In the absence of direct suspensions, they can be made by hand from the PP ceiling profile. For this, the length of the suspension is calculated, which is added up as twice the sum of the distance from the wall to the plane of the sheathing + the width of the profile. When the length is determined, the measured part is cut off.
  • On the obtained segment, on the side of both ends, the distance corresponding to the distance from the wall to the plane of the lathing is laid, and an incision is made in the side walls. As a result, we get an analogue of a standard hand-made suspension.

Advice! If it is necessary to increase the rigidity, instead of a direct suspension for fastening, it is better to use the so-called "boot".

  • When the lower and upper guides are installed, rack profiles are inserted into them with the required step.
  • If in the future the surface of the wall is planned to be tiled, rack-mountable substations should be installed with a step not exceeding 40 cm.

  • Using a level or plumb line, they are set strictly vertically. After that, they are attached using self-tapping screws with a press washer to the guides. Self-tapping screws 10-15 mm long with or without a drill are suitable for these purposes.
  • The final fixation of the PS to direct suspensions is carried out; for this, self-tapping screws with a press washer are used. The parts of the suspensions protruding beyond the front plane of the frame are bent to the sides.