The location of the bed in the bedroom relative to the window. How to put a bed so that there is free space

Positioning the bed in your bedroom is one of the biggest challenges. In accordance with where the bed will be, your sleep, its quality and features will also change. Now there are a million ways to properly place the bed in the bedroom so that the modern person can get the best sleep and at the same time feel healthy and happy. Therefore, we will now consider both the general rules for the situation in this room, and various variations on this theme.

General rules

How to put the bed in the bedroom in accordance with generally accepted traditions? The first task is not to put it "with its feet" in relation to the door. According to ancient legends, this can attract the spirits of the dead to your abode. Rule number two: the head of the bed should not be under the window. The third rule: drafts and other air currents should not pass through the main sleeping place in the apartment. If the room is small and you do not know where to put the bed, then try to choose a place for it that is the least busy with other extraneous things. They can cause the accumulation of negative energy. It is also not recommended to place mirrors in front of the bed (on either side). Well, the last general advice on how best to put the bed: place it with the headboard to the north or east.

Choosing a place, following an unconventional scientific method

Many people these days believe that the best answer to the question of where to put a bed is a science called dowsing. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of a pendulum, frames or special sticks (they can be purchased at various stores selling candles and items for divination) determine the most favorable place in your room. It is believed that those areas where the pendulum or other object with which you work behave restlessly are the least suitable for the location of the bed. But if the movements of such an object become smooth and measured, or it stops fluctuating altogether, then this is the place where to put the bed would be best. The only disadvantage of this method of finding a good location for this furniture is that it is not always possible to follow the lead of biomagnetic fields in our small apartments.

The sophistication of designers and the disadvantages of their work

Nowadays, people are less likely to wonder how to put a bed in the bedroom correctly, but more often they look for the most unique interiors invented by various designers and embody all this at home. Among such works, there are often options when the bed in the large bedroom stands “with its feet” against the wall or is completely in the center of the room, without a backrest and any other “control points”. Perhaps this type of interior looks unique, but in fact, when you fall asleep in such a place, there is no feeling of comfort, security and coziness, no matter how soft the feather bed is. Therefore, before you find any sophisticated option for how to put a bed in a room according to the latest fashion trends, consider a few simple rules. The headboard should rest against the wall. In addition, it should have a strong and preferably high back. Also, the “head” of the bed cannot rest against a corner or even be directed there.

foreign objects

Suppose you, clearly following all the tips and rules, have chosen a place in your home where to put a bed, so that sleep is healthy and family relationships are prosperous. However, filling the space further, it is also worth considering many points. It has already been mentioned above that there should not be a lot of foreign objects around the bed, and especially rubbish. If we talk about this topic in more detail, then it can immediately be noted that no things should be stored under the bed itself. If its structure is such that drawers for clothes are pulled out below, then there must certainly be legs. They will raise the bed above the floor level, which will more favorably affect the energy in the entire room. Also try to place on both sides of the bed not bedside tables, but tables. They should not have boxes in which unnecessary items and things are constantly stored.

What will we see above?

It often happens that repairs in an apartment or house have already been made, chandeliers are hung, even every centimeter is painted for various accessories and decorations. But after you find yourself in the home of your dreams, it turns out that the cause of quarrels and disagreements in the family is the complete incompatibility of the bed with other interior items. Therefore, now we will give examples of how to properly put a bed in a bedroom where repairs have already been made and nothing will change. Firstly, it should not be under a skylight (if it is a private house). This also applies to the bevels of the attic floor, sloping decorative elements and overhanging niches. It is advisable to place the bed away from hanging down chandeliers, sconces and lamps. Next to it can be located only desktop light sources or point. Also, do not hang various accessories, even the most beautiful ones, above the bed itself. It is better to place them closer to the window or in the corner of the room.

Adjacent rooms in the apartment

It's not a secret for anyone that the night rest room of the apartment owners should be located farthest from the main entrance. Also, the door to the bedroom should not be on the same level as the front door. Since this will mean that any energy will be able to freely enter this room. The bedroom should be the quietest room in the house, remote and peaceful. Well, in an ensemble with the right environment, this rule will give you the expected result, and you yourself will notice how the quality of sleep and general mood will improve. There are a couple more rules to mention here. The bed in the bedroom should not be under the wall of the toilet or bathroom. Neighborhood with pipes and plumbing in this case is highly undesirable. The same goes for air ducts, fireplaces and kitchens. If you live on two or more floors, make sure that the stove is not located directly under the bed (or above it).

Bedrooms with "appendix"

Even in apartments, there are often bedrooms that have a small appendix. If it is very small, then a chest of drawers or a locker is placed there, and if a little more, then the bed, as it were, suggests itself in this place. In fact, in terms of energy, such a corner is very poor, and therefore you will have no rest there. It is better to fill this "appendix" with niches, a bookcase or other interior items, but there should definitely not be a bed there. Note that this rule applies even if you have a one-room apartment, and you have to share the only bedroom with a child. Neither his bed nor your own should be put there.

feng shui sleep

Putting a bed in Feng Shui is a very simple task these days. There is a lot of information that the Chinese sages shared with us, and we decided to tell you their basic rules. There is nothing complicated in them, therefore we briefly and in order re-read them and adhere to:

  • The distance from the sleeping person to the socket or switch must be at least 1.5 meters.
  • Above the headboard should not be large paintings, lamps and massive accessories.
  • Keep the number of plants in the bedroom to a minimum.
  • Save aquariums and fireplaces for living rooms. They have nothing to do in the bedroom.
  • If you have to sleep and work in the same room, then make sure that the table and chair are not visible from the bed.
  • The sharp corners of the furniture, and even more so the decorative beams, should not be directed with their bevels to the bed.

Very few square meters

Modern apartments do not please their residents with large spaces where any design ideas can be implemented. A common problem for people is not just a small, but a narrow bedroom. How to put a bed in such a room so that you can follow all the rules above, and at the same time save free space? First you need to compare the width of the bed with the size of the room. If you can place a bed along, and on each side you have at least 70 centimeters left, this is the best option. If the aisles are too narrow, then we put the bed across, shifting it as much as possible to the far wall (but keeping a distance of 70 cm). In small bedrooms, it is not recommended to place wardrobes and chests of drawers.

Toddler rooms

Also important is the question of how to put the bed in the children's room. In principle, in this case, all the above rules come into force, and something else is added to them. The child sleeps alone, so the "protection" that the walls provide must be doubled. Place his crib in a corner with two walls surrounding it. Do not forget also that the baby must see the door to his room from the bed, otherwise his sleep will be very restless. Do not hang toys and rattles directly above the headboard. Place them a meter from the bed on both sides. Also, do not forget that the baby, waking up, should see something beautiful. Lie down on his bed yourself, and inspect the front of further improvements.

Prolonged, healthy sleep is the key to vivacity and good health. Much depends on the quality of sleep, and it, in turn, is influenced by external factors. The design of the bedroom, the placement of the bed, light sources, soundproofing, can both improve and worsen the quality of rest. In today's article, we propose to learn how to make sleep more comfortable, calm and sound, with the help of a properly installed bed, and also talk about the important nuances of bedroom design that affect the safety and health of the vacationer.

Ideas for placing a bed in the bedroom

How to put the bed correctly? This question was asked by many people, but most of the arguments from special teachings like feng shui shattered when faced with the real dimensions of the premises allocated for the bedroom. Therefore, we decided to take a practical approach and describe accommodation options that can be used by the general public, do not require special knowledge, and are based on pragmatic calculations.

Bed arrangement in a small room

We offer to consider the classic version of a small bedroom with one window. If the bed is double, then it will occupy most of the space, and the remaining free meters should be used rationally. This can be done in the following way:

  • install the furniture with the headboard against a “blank” wall, i.e. the one that is further from the door does not “look” out the window;
  • to provide passages of the same width to the sleeping place on both sides;
  • curtain the windows with thick curtains so that the sleeping person from the side of the window is not disturbed by moonlight;
  • if space allows, install bedside tables on both sides;
  • provide each vacationer with a local light source (table lamp, sconce, night lamp) that can be used at night.

With such an arrangement of objects, a small room will fully comply with its purpose - a night's rest, without distractions and unnecessary clutter. The necessary functionality in the form of aisles, personal space will be preserved, it will make it possible to use the bedroom without disturbing the partner.

How to put a bed in a rectangular bedroom

In a room shaped like a rectangle, there are several convenient options for setting up a bed.

  1. Perpendicular to the long wall. Such an arrangement of the bed will visually make the room more square, besides leaving enough space for passages on both sides, and even for furnishing for individual use: cabinets, compact cabinets, laconic armchairs.
  2. diagonal placement. Not very common, but very convenient. In a narrow room, it will allow you to have two passages to the bed, and use the opposite corner to effectively place the TV on the bracket. An example in the photo.
  3. Niche installation. A niche can be a given layout, or created artificially. This option is especially relevant if the room performs several functions at the same time, for example, the living room and the master bedroom. Such a secluded corner individualizes the space, separates it from the active zone. But unfortunately, you will have to sacrifice two approaches to the bed, because. the bed will be surrounded by walls on three sides.

Options for placing the bed in relation to the door

For many, the door is associated with a symbol of protection, so it should not be neglected when decorating a bedroom. Professional designers unanimously agree that placing a bed on the same wall with a door is undesirable. Firstly, the feeling of security is lost, and secondly, the resting person does not see the incoming person, he needs to make an effort to see what is annoying after waking up.

It is better to put the bed relative to the door:

  • in the opposite corner;
  • in the middle of the room, headboard against a long wall;
  • along the wall.

Thus, a lying person will see the incoming one without effort, which means he will be in control of the situation, feel strong on his personal territory.

What is important to remember when arranging a bedroom

We have already figured out how to properly install the bed, but other items are also needed in the bedroom that will make it more comfortable and convenient to use. We invite you to read the recommendations for their placement.

  1. Closet. The need for this item in the bedroom is undeniable, but which location is considered correct is a topic for discussion for the whole day. The most practical, in our opinion, are the following options: installing a cabinet on the entire narrow wall in a rectangular space, or a set of sections of different depths in a square room that will not interfere with the door.

  1. Armchairs. If the area allows, be sure to put an armchair in the bedroom. It will make the interior more comfortable, complete, and will also have practical significance. The most successful place for placement is the corner by the window, or by the bed, if there is no bedside table there.

  1. Shelves. They are an important element of decor, and also increase the functionality of the room, but you need to remember the rules of placement: do not hang them over the headboard, do not use them on bright wall panels, photo wallpapers, or moldings.

  1. Accessories. It is better to design a bedroom with a small amount of decorative details so that they do not distract from sleep. For example, decorate a plain wall with one medium-sized painting, or install beautiful floor lamps that act as additional lighting and decor at the same time.

  1. Electronics. You can do without it in the bedroom, but if it is fundamentally necessary, place it away from the bed. The same applies to sockets. Electromagnetic waves at the head are harmful, so it is better to remove the power sources from the bed, or rearrange the bed itself to a safe corner.

How not to make a bed

You already know that it is undesirable to put the bed on the same wall as the door, but are there any other restrictions that can cause discomfort to the sleeper? Yes, there are, we offer a list of them for review:

  • you can’t install a bed in front of a mirror (there is little rational grain in such a limitation, but a person is also not fully conscious, we have a huge layer of the subconscious, which just warns against mirroring sleep);
  • it is undesirable to place a bed in front of the door (this also refers to an echo of the hidden subconscious, in the old days, the dead were placed in such a position, and for a modern person this is a banal fear of death, veiled under a ban);
  • you can’t put a bed in the center of the room, between the window and the door (everything is simple here, a walking draft will blow out heat and provoke diseases);
  • it is not recommended to place the bed with the headboard towards the window (this position will worsen the quality of sleep, since street noises, rays, can penetrate through the cracks and disturb the sleeper);

How undesirable it is to sleep on the cardinal points, there is no single information. Some teachings indicate that the south direction brings harm, others - the north, others generally consider the direction of sleep to be an individual indicator, depending on the date of birth of a person, which makes it impossible for two people to rest in one place. Our recommendations in this regard: you should not unequivocally perceive the incoming information, but be more guided by your feelings, sleep with your head where it is more comfortable.

Summing up, I would like to say that choosing a place for a bed is only half the battle. Sound, healthy sleep can be ensured by a combination of factors, one of which is a quality bed. offers just such samples, first-class in their design and orthopedic properties.

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How to put the bed in the bedroom - in which direction: 9 common mistakes

Have you noticed that after sleep you do not always feel alert and rested? It may not be a lack of time, but the wrong position of the bed. Today we will talk about how to create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom and how to properly position the bed.

Relationship of bed, ceiling and mirrors

Not everyone thinks about the connection between the bed, mirrors and the ceiling in the bedroom. But they directly affect the energy in the room.


A large chandelier, and even located above the bed, has a bad effect on the psyche and prevents us from fully relaxing. A similar thing happens because of the bulky wall sconces hanging over the headboard.

It has been proven that all electrical appliances emit energy radiation, which most negatively affects the human biofield.

Do not use large shades, many pendants or ceiling lights.

Ceiling surface

To create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom, consider a few important nuances:

  • A white smooth ceiling is the best option for a rest room.
  • The minimum distance between the ceiling and the bed is 1.5 m.
  • Sockets should be located at least 1.2 m from the headboard.


Around mirrors and mirror surfaces, or rather their mystical properties, lively discussions do not cease. Many people believe that mirrors are able to store bundles of energy that affect the owner.

Recently, mirrored ceilings have gained popularity. If you decide to diversify the interior of the apartment with such a trend, then it is better to organize it not in the bedroom. A sleeping person should not appear in the mirror.

How Not to Position Your Bed: 9 Common Mistakes

To find the best place for your bed, it is important to understand what mistakes you can make in the process. Here are 9 of the most popular.

Photo Description

Mistake 1. Bed headboard to the window

If there are no other options for arranging furniture, drape windows with blackout curtains, blinds or roll models.

Mistake 2. Bed in front of the door

No need to put a sleeping bed opposite the entrance space. According to folk signs, lying with your feet to the door is a bad sign, and in Orthodoxy such a pose is called the "pose of the dead."

Mistake 3. Bed next to communications

An unacceptable option is to install a sleeping place near the water supply or other communications built into the wall.

Mistake 4. Bed above the bathroom

If you live in a private house, and the bedroom is located on the second floor, then do not make the mistake as in the photo. No need to organize a sleeping area above the stove or toilet.

Mistake 5. Bed by the radiator

You should not put a bed close to heating radiators - this will not affect the quality of your sleep in the best way.

Mistake 6. Mirror in front of the bed

As already mentioned, lying down you should not see your reflection.

Mistake 7. Bed in the middle of the room

If the bed is placed in the middle of the room, this can cause anxiety and a feeling of insecurity. It is better to install the bed headboard close to the wall.

Mistake 8. TV in front of the bed

Ideally, the TV screen or monitor should be placed at a distance of 3 meters and at an angle.

Mistake 9. A very soft mattress

Too soft a mattress does not contribute to a sound and healthy sleep. It is better to give preference to semi-rigid models.

Orientation to the cardinal points

A working person can spend up to 50-60% of their free time in the bedroom. And the situation in the room directly affects the speed and quality of the recovery process after a hard day's work.

Space exploration is a real science. Many in the process resort to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, which is designed to harmonize energy flows and balance negative forces.

According to Feng Shui, the head of the bed should face East. There are other options:

  • a headboard directed to the South-West is designed to bring happiness;
  • to the South - success and health;
  • to the North-East - calmness and peace of mind;
  • to the North - a surge of strength;
  • to the West - financial stability;
  • to the North-West - craving for travel.

Proponents of feng shui also believe that smooth lines in the interior bring positive energy and calmness. They remove small and unnecessary items from the bedroom, as they believe that each of them has its own energy (and not always positive).

When arranging a bedroom, one should adhere to the principles of harmony, beauty and minimalism. In the rest room, it is better to use a minimum of furniture: a bed, bedside tables and a couple of lamps will be more than enough.

Here are some useful tips from designers that will help you decorate the room as comfortably as possible.

  • In the interior, use pastel colors.
  • Lay a soft carpet on the floor - it not only relaxes well, but also dampens outside noise.
  • Do not place the bed on the wall on which the entrance to the room is located.
  • Plafonds are better to choose small, with a minimal and discreet decor.
  • To decorate the interior, use panels, poufs, beautiful pillows or paintings.
  • It is important to ensure free movement around the bed and consider a free approach to the chest of drawers or bedside tables.

Paired items have a positive effect on the atmosphere (two sconces, two bedside rugs, two poufs, etc.).

How to arrange beds of different sizes

In the process of arrangement, it is also very important to take into account the size of the sleeping bed itself. There are several nuances here.

Double bed

Double beds differ in considerable dimensions, their width is usually 1600-2000 mm. The optimal location for such furniture is the middle of the wall. The bed is installed with the headboard against the wall, providing space for the approach (at least 60 cm).

Due to its size, the double bed immediately becomes the main object in the interior, which sets the style for the whole room. You should not get carried away with bright design in the bedroom, it is better that the bed frame is neutral.

According to Orthodox traditions, the bed of the spouses should be a single bed. If a couple sleeps on different mattresses, this is a symbol of separation and an unhappy marriage.

Single bed

Due to its compact size, it does not cause any particular difficulties with installation. In the process of arranging, you can experiment a little with the principles of Feng Shui and orientation to the cardinal points.

If you choose a bed for a children's room, you can give preference to a loft bed. It allows you to maximize the use of space in a small room.

Baby crib

Usually such a bed is placed next to an adult. In the case when the child sleeps in another room, then the bed should be installed in the corner or along the wall. Installation rules are the same as for adult beds.

designer 2018-09-07

In order for you to wake up cheerful and full of energy every morning, you need to know the answer to the question “How should the bed be in the bedroom?”. We will tell you about the secrets of the correct setting in this article.

folk wisdom

Before placing a diagonal bed in a 12 m2 bedroom, it is worth remembering how things really were in the same China, India or Korea, when the canons that we are trying to follow today were formed. In a cold climate, the whole family lived on an ondoli - a large podium bench, inside which hot smoke from the stove passes. And it's not a bed. This is a living space for living and sleeping.

Asians slept not on beds, but on mats laid on the floor or on ondol. The bedrooms were not crowded with large bulky furniture. Therefore, you can move a light mattress or mat as you like.

With a European bed, such a feint will not work. Because it is often impossible to put a bed in a small bedroom so that it does not look out the window with the headboard, but at the footboard to the door.

Nevertheless, the security system developed over the centuries has its own meaning. Therefore, it must be listened to and adopted. However, blindly copying recommendations that have been worked out in a different climate and in other conditions is not worth it. Otherwise, it turns out that you simply do not have enough living space for this.

Proper location - the safety of your health

In order for the body to properly rest during the night, provide the brain with rest. This means that he will not be distracted by imaginary or real threats, remembering the inherent instincts of self-preservation.

  • sharp corners. In the dark, it is easy to trip or hit the protruding corner of the furniture. Therefore, surround the bed with objects with smooth lines of facades. No sharp corners directed towards the bed and the path to the exit from the room.

Not properly


  • Window. Any openings through which light penetrates are perceived by the subconscious as a potential path for the penetration of a threat. Close the window with thick curtains so that during sleep you have good dreams, and the body feels safe.

Keep in mind that even with tightly closed frames, the glass area is quite large. Chilled air constantly flows from it, forming an internal air circulation. Do not place the bed in the path of this flow. If possible, put an impenetrable barrier in the form of high backs, thick curtains, transparent partitions, etc.

Not properly

  • doors. You should be able to see them even through your closed eyelids without turning your head or torso. This means that you have everything under control, and you can avoid danger in time. Otherwise, part of the brain will stay awake during sleep in an attempt to provide increased anxiety alertness.

Positioning the bed in front of the door is unacceptable according to the rules of Feng Shui


  • Mirrors. Yes, the mind understands that those two in the closet are just a reflection of you. However, the subconscious perceives them as strangers who have entered your bedroom. Therefore, arrange the mirror surfaces so that you do not see yourself in the reflection. Let your head calm down and relieve stress.

Wrong - the mirror is located opposite the sleeping person


  • Electricity. Do not place the bed near the TV. From it to the bed should be about 3 meters. This means that in the adjoining living room, the TV will stand against the opposite wall.

  • Chandeliers, mezzanines and shelves. Everything that is above the head is perceived as a potential threat to life. Especially when fasteners are not visible. In addition, cases are not at all rare when, due to poor-quality installation, the mezzanines fell on the bed. The weight of the wall cabinet with all items can reach over 20 kg. Remember safety.

Another thing is when the cabinets around the bed form a single structure that forms a niche. In this case, you will feel safe, as if you were hiding from predators in an ancient cave.

Not properly


Feng Shui bed placement

Headboard to the wall, feet to the window and at the same time see all the doors from under the eyelids, without turning your head. Try this trick in a modern apartment. To do this, you need to build panel houses in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui.

Such a feint is easy to repeat in a private house. In an apartment, such a successful layout is extremely rare.

However, there is a way out if you place the bed diagonally.. At the same time, it is not advisable to install it near the wall adjacent to the door. There are two corners near the window. Given that the opening door leaf should not obscure the figure of the incoming person, even fewer options remain.

feng shui water is a sign of change. To guess whether they will be good or bad, even experts do not undertake. Therefore, keeping water in the bedroom is not recommended. Even if we are talking about a vase of flowers or an aquarium with fish.

cardinal directions

  • North. Develops intuition.
  • Northeast. Improves mental abilities.
  • East. Provides restful sleep.
  • Southwest. This is your option if you want to fix matters of the heart.

You can find a wide variety of tips regarding the arrangement of the bedroom. However, it is better to listen to common sense and your own feelings.

  1. If a bed located diagonally or across the room eats up all the usable space, then it is better to abandon this thought.
  2. A good indicator is cats. They are very sensitive to drafts and electromagnetic fields. No wonder they were launched into an empty room and looked where they would find a place to sleep.

In any case, first try to sleep for a few days in a new place, and only then radically change the interior.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

To achieve maximum comfort, a positive atmosphere and coziness in the bedroom, you need to focus on the position of the bed. According to a special science (feng shui) - the correct arrangement of objects contributes to a positive energy effect.

When everything in this room is in the “right” place, then the owner of the house can count on good health, good sleep and a constant surge of energy. So that you always feel good, we will tell you the main provisions, we will tell you what is strictly forbidden to do.

The correct position of the bed in the bedroom

So, now you are concerned about the question of how to put a bed in the bedroom. First of all, we pay attention to the generally accepted rules:

  • The bed, without fail, should be located as far as possible from the doors (this concept includes the remoteness of the bedroom itself from the front door and the remoteness of the bed from the doorway). This helps to ensure that all everyday affairs and worries, fuss do not have access to you. It is best if the place to sleep is located on the territory of the Yin zone.
  • Feng Shui theory does not welcome the position of the bed near the window, and there are two good reasons for this. Firstly, a draft can cause a cold, and secondly, in parallel with the flow of Qi energy, there should not be any other fluctuations in the air. After all, this direction of energy pacifies and soothes, and excess flows will change the desired course of the field.
  • The best location for a bed in a bedroom is against a wall, so that the headboard is supported. In this case, the height of the bed is also of no small importance. You need to choose such furniture that will not be excessively high, it should be comfortable to sit on it, and it should be pleasant to relax and go into a state of sleep. In essence, the Feng Shui of the bed should be one that promotes good rest and sleep, so all the conditions for setting are accentuated on special comfort.
  • Another important point is the availability of the bed from any side. The passage to it should be open, you should not interfere with unnecessary items. It should be placed in the bedroom so that it remains accessible to both you and your other half.

Extra things

According to the theory of teaching, everything that is in the bedroom carries its own separate energy. Therefore, the more things and objects, the more negative energy accumulates in the room. To avoid this, you need to be extremely careful with what you have in the bedroom. At the time of arranging the bed in the bedroom, follow the main rule - extra things are an obstacle to health and good rest. Place only the necessary and important items. This point also applies to old things that we often store under sofas - they should also be removed to another place.

It is forbidden to place the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui in such a way that there are “hanging” objects above you. Nothing should block your biofield, which means we make the ceiling and walls above the bed absolutely free from everything.

If you want to have a harmonious relationship in a couple, then give up a bed divided into two parts. Buy the option where there will be no such separation, since an accurate and tangible line can cause quarrels and scandals.