Brick fireplace stove, how to build a combined device. Is it possible to build a do-it-yourself fireplace stove Small-sized stoves do-it-yourself fireplaces

You can fold the fireplace stove in a two-story house, and the second floor will also be heated from the same stove.

The laying of the stove, even the simplest one, requires attention, diligence and diligence, because it is a complex and painstaking business. But after studying the photo report, a lot will become clear to you and you can fold a similar oven for yourself.

Professional stove makers strongly recommend to beginners !!! First, try to fold the oven without mortar (on dry) in order to learn from your mistakes and not allow them with real laying! Everything is within the power of a person, the main thing would be desire and you will succeed!

And so, let's take a closer look at all the stages of construction and figure out what the author needed to create this fireplace stove?

Materials (edit) ceramic brick
2.chamotte refractory brick clay
4. river sand
5. roofing material
6.metal corner
7. grate
8. gate valves
9. oven doors
10. ash pan
11.soot cleaning
13.sheet metal

5.Diamond discs for stone
7. plumb line
10. mallet
12. solution container

The process of building a fireplace stove with your own hands.
And so, the first thing to do is to determine the location of the future stove, since this stove will heat 2 floors, it is advisable and easier to put it in the middle of the room.

Basically, stoves in houses are located in the center of the hut, as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers built. But still, the location depends on the design of the house itself, as well as the layout of the rooms.

For example, fireplaces are built mainly along the wall, or in the corner, but in this case the stove is combined and the "middle" option was chosen. Also, the author suggests the layout of the stoves.

For masonry, you should immediately decide on the brick and its quality. As a rule, stoves are laid from red ceramic solid bricks, but it is advisable to lay the inner combustion chamber from fireclay refractory bricks, it has such a yellowish color and tolerates high temperatures well.

The basis of the foundations is the arrangement of the foundation itself, the best will be concrete poured into the formwork, with dimensions larger than the furnace. For example, when stoves were built in villages, oak logs or hemp were used as a foundation. Now things are going well with the materials, you can afford a solid and solid foundation. As it should be, insulation in the form of roofing material is laid on the base of the foundation.

The lower part of the brickwork will be laid on top of the grout. But only before the start of the furnace !!!

As we can see in the photo, the master uses a hollow red brick and lavishly fills it with cement mortar.

Then the author proceeds to laying the walls of the stove.

Since the stove will be combined with a fireplace, then the base is appropriate, divided into a fireplace and a firebox.

Accuracy plays an important role in the masonry, and each row is laid by the level, strictly from the corner.

The ash chamber door is installed, it also plays the role of blowing fresh air into the firebox.

A grate is laid on top of the ash chamber. Before, a cell is made of refractory bricks.

When laying the stove, a lot of bricks have to be chopped, so in order to minimize the consumption of bricks, the master uses a grinder with a disc on a stone.

Then the furnace door of the combustion chamber is installed, fastened with a wire.

Further, the walls of the furnace rise.

From the side where the fireplace will be located, the master places a corner in order to lay the brick; for a better fit, a groove was cut in the brick.

Fireplace laying.

The lower part of the fireplace, designed for drying and storing a small amount of firewood.

Thanks to the grinder, the brick can be cut to a certain size and fit very tightly.

This is how the door of the combustion chamber looks like.

The upper part of the firebox is laid out with refractory bricks on clay mortar.

Now the combustion chamber is ready. Next, the author proceeds to create a chimney.

The craftsman makes a metal spacer.

And he is already laying a brick on it.

In order to be able to clean the soot without hindrance, plugs are installed. During the operation of the stove, there is such a problem as accumulated soot, it complicates the passage of gases and the stove begins to smoke, so in order to solve this problem in a short time, it is worth opening the plugs and cleaning the passage from the accumulated soot. Everything can be used further)

Chimney wells laying.

Chimneys are then laid up by the stove "snake" by the fireplace "chimney"

And now the stove has already grown to the ceiling.

A metal sheet is laid on the chimney of the stove, and on top there are 2 layers of brick - this is done to compensate for the pressure inside the stove.

Each chimney has its own valve.

After the valves, the chimney merges into one and goes to the second floor of the building. Note!!! Here the author uses a kind of trick, namely, the brick is placed directly on the edge, inside the chimney has a serpentine shape, which allows the room on the second floor to be heated to the optimum temperature in a short period of time.

The fireplace stove is a versatile device that, when placed indoors, can give it comfort, and also act as a convenient device for heating the house.

If such a stove is placed outside, it becomes a cooking device.

Types of fireplace stoves with a chimney: drawing and diagram

Distributed several basic plans fireplace stoves, which are located indoors, for example, in a private house.

Photo 1. A red brick heating stove is installed in a spacious room of a wooden house.

The first option is considered stove with a large stove, which is a fairly large building, not suitable for small houses.

However, this design has several advantages:

  • Can perform space heating function... If the system of smoke channels in such a furnace is made taking into account the need to heat several rooms, then the rooms that are located along the chimney itself can also be heated from the chimney.

Photo 2. Drawing of a simple heating brick fireplace stove with ordering and indication of dimensions in millimeters.

  • In the case of construction of a structure with cooking chambers, a stove can replace the stove or, in case of problems with the gas supply, act as the main means for preparing various dishes.
  • If necessary, the stove bench, erected as an extension to the stove, can be used as extra bed with heating.
  • Creation of two furnaces in such a design, it allows heating only that part that is needed at a particular moment in time, and the use of both fireboxes increases the heat transfer of the building.

The scheme of such a structure is as follows:

  • two blowers with doors located under the fireboxes - one under the fireplace, the other under the stove;

Photo 3. Scheme of a multifunctional brick fireplace stove with a hob and a second firebox. The location of the smoke ducts is shown on the left.

  • smoke ducts for each furnace, which, if desired, can be combined into one chimney;
  • the furnace firebox and the actual fireplace part, which, if necessary, can be brought out to opposite sides of the structure and, thus, will be located in different parts of the house;
  • chimney that can go through several rooms.

Important! The large dimensions of the structure arise due to the creation of a full-fledged bed.

Brick wall heating stove

This version of the stove is a fairly compact design designed for heating, as well as to create comfort... It takes up much less space in the room, but it is problematic to use it for cooking.

Key feature such a device - both the fireplace and the stove itself.

They are combined into a structure that can, if necessary, be heated and play the role of a heating device two rooms at once to the adjacent walls of which it is attached.

A drawing of such a structure looks like this:

  • blower under the furnace hearth with a system of smoke ducts to remove excess gaseous combustion products;
  • firebox with grate and ash pan;
  • fireplace insert with portal and flue duct system for removing smoke into the chimney;
  • chimney in the form of a single pipe.

Reference! There is no hob in this design, which does not allow cooking on it. Furnace ducts from each firebox are better combine into one chimney, which will not impair traction in any way, but will save on material.

A variation of this design can be a fireplace stove, in which at the base is a square... The room is zoned with the device, if such a design task is set in front of it.

What is the difference between a multifunctional heating stove

This type of heating structure is complex structure, which meets several tasks at once:

  • room heating(can be used both as an independent heating device and in combination with existing gas units);
  • Cooking, subject to the installation of appropriate devices in such a structure;
  • decorative task when using a fireplace.

In terms of its dimensions, the structure differs in that it can be as very big(for example, in the case when a bed is attached to it), and relatively compact(if using a limited number of cooking utensils).

Its scheme is as follows:

  • blower for stove and fireplace insert;
  • under the fireplace can be placed a niche for drying firewood;
  • smoke duct system from each cooking device (if they are heated independently);
  • chimney(maybe one for all the heating parts of the stove, sometimes they construct an independent element for each part).

Attention! When placing such a structure in the house, it is best to place it fireplace part in the living room or bedroom, and the furnace and fixtures for cooking - towards the kitchen.

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How to build a fireplace stove with your own hands: step by step instructions

This process, regardless of which stove is being built, is standard for any similar brick structure and consists of the following steps:

For this reason, after the completion of the construction of the structure, there must be sufficient space for servicing such a device. In addition, it is necessary to observe rules for ensuring the fire safety of the premises, in which the stove is built.

  • Preparation of tools and materials for construction. Particular attention should be paid to these things, since you will need a large amount of not only refractory materials, but also heat-insulating materials in order to reduce the risk of heating the surrounding objects and their ignition.
  • Actually furnace construction from foundation pouring to masonry chimney and bringing it to the roof of the house.

Each stage should be carefully analyzed and executed in strict accordance with the final goals of the construction.

Choice of project and size

The plan of the furnace to be built with your own hands is selected based on several determining factors:

  • room dimensions in which the construction of the structure is carried out;
  • purpose of use(only for creating comfort, for heating, for cooking, heating and achieving aesthetic goals);
  • amount of material which can be used;
  • ensuring maximum fire safety within a separate house.

When choosing the best project, you must take into account your capabilities.

Photo 4. The project of a brick heating stove, indicating all dimensions, must be done before starting construction.


It will be necessary to determine the correct place in the house for such a complex structure, since it will not be possible to move the constructed structure in the future - the foundation is poured in one place in the form of a massive slab, and all subsequent furnishings are erected around such a building.

Important! In order for the fireplace stove to fit successfully in the room, it is necessary that all objects that may suffer from heating of the structure or cause a fire were located as far as possible from the device.

To service the building you will need great place around. Clean up ash and coals will be necessary quite often with regular use of the structure, which makes this work very messy and can ruin the appearance of the environment.

Chimney cleaning will also require a lot of space around, as it is often necessary to use additional equipment during this process.

Completion of materials and tools

For the construction of a brick fireplace stove, you yourself will need the following materials and equipment:

Of the tools you will need:

  • buckets;
  • shovels;
  • level and vertical plumb lines;
  • drill with drill bits for brick;
  • a hammer.

If you need to trim bricks, you will need a grinder.

How to make the foundation yourself

The most favorable time for pouring the base under the stove will be building the foundation of the house.

If the whole house has already been built and the floors are laid, you will have to cut out some of the boards and dig a foundation pit in the finished room.

If boards are cut from the finished floor, it is best to make the opening larger than the very base of the device. 150-200 mm, which will facilitate the construction procedure.

  • Optimal depth pit is 50-60 cm to help ensure maximum structural stability.
  • At the bottom of the pit is laid sand pillow... Its height is from 10 to 15 cm... It should be tamped, about the same layer of gravel is poured on top, which is also tamped.
  • The foundation itself is poured due to its depth in at least two stages to achieve its maximum density and quality.
  • First layer can be poured from a coarse mortar consisting of sand, cement and gravel.
  • Subsequent layers are poured using a mixture with a ratio 1:3 from cement and sand. The solution itself should be as plastic as possible.
  • Each layer is poured at least three days after the previous one. The topmost layer is leveled and, if possible, left under some kind of pressure to strengthen the resulting foundation slab. The final solidification occurs in a period of at least three to four weeks.
  • On top of the finished and hardened base, you need to fold roofing material waterproofing layer, which is cut exactly along the contour of the foundation (a slight overlap can be allowed, which will be further cut off after laying the first layer of brick).

After pouring the foundation and laying roofing material on it, carry out dry masonry to determine the true dimensions of the furnace, as well as the amount of material that will be required. After that, the construction of the structure begins.

Making a brick fireplace is quite difficult. To create a high-quality and efficiently working structure, first of all, you need a well-designed order or project. An equally important role is played by the design features of the equipment and the materials used for assembly.

A do-it-yourself fireplace can be placed both in a private country cottage and in a country house. First of all, such a variation of heating is suitable for those premises in which there is no other source of obtaining and generating heat energy. Such a stove can be installed in a house made of brick and wood. Installation in a building made of logs or a gas silicate block is also possible. A properly designed fireplace scheme allows high-quality heating not only for a small area, but also for a fairly large and even a two-story house. The efficiency of such a design can reach about 80-90 percent. This is considered a high and good indicator.

Choosing the dimensions of the structure

A fireplace, the laying of which is carried out according to an order pre-selected on the Internet or compiled by a professional stove-maker, may have not only a certain way of placement, but also a size. The choice of this parameter depends on certain parameters and features:

  1. An important role is played by the size of the room chosen for the installation of the heating unit;
  2. Pay attention to the way the fireplace is located in the living room interior;
  3. Pay attention to the choice of the type of equipment;
  4. Consider what material the frame of the house is made of, the foundation, walls, floor, floors;
  5. What is important is what functionality the stove has.

Before you build a stove with your own hands, remember that the order should correctly display not only the amount of materials, key features of the heating device, but also no less important details. For example, the overall dimensions of the firebox should be based on the proportion of 1/90 in relation to the total area of ​​the selected room.

It is necessary to choose the height and width of the combustion hole using a ratio of 1.5 / 1. Also, the fireplace scheme is not complete without identifying the depth, which will be less than the width parameter by an average of two times. The chimney must also have a properly sized cross-section. It can be determined by reducing the area of ​​the combustion hole by 14-21 times.

For example, if the area of ​​the room is 30 square meters, the following values ​​will be suitable for such a unit:

  • The combustion hole will have a size of 0.30 square meters;
  • The firebox will be 45 centimeters wide;
  • At a height of 65 centimeters;
  • Depth 25 centimeters;
  • The circular cross-section of the chimney will be equal to 0.030 square meters or 300 square centimeters.

Choosing a location method

The order of the fireplace plays a key role in the assembly and successful operation of the heater. However, it is equally important what method of arrangement in the interior the stove will have.

Basic placement methods:

  1. Wall-mounted fireplaces are massive. To assemble such a structure, you will need a fairly large amount of materials and cladding. This option is convenient in placement, has a good viewing angle, several people can sit near it at once. The benefits also include high efficiency and good, productive performance. The portal is symmetrical, the front part is most often assembled with U-shaped outlines. A fireplace, for which both standard and fireproof bricks are used, has a chimney in the wall arrangement, which is closed with bricks up to the ceiling;
  2. If the room chosen for installation does not have a large area, we recommend installing a corner fireplace in it. This option has a small size with a fairly good viewing angle. The ordering of the corner furnace does not require a large amount of bricks. In this case, only the front part will need to be revetted, since the role of the sidewalls is played directly by the walls or partitions of the room themselves. With a small size, the corner hearth has a sufficiently high power and is suitable for heating rooms with an area of ​​15-35 square meters;
  3. The scheme of the island-type furnace is distinguished by the complexity of its construction. It will take a lot of time, money and experience to build such a structure. The island fireplace is installed in the center of the room and does not adjoin walls and other ceilings. The portal can be equipped with small walls and a firebox. To remove smoke and combustion products from the room, the stove is supplemented with a suspended exhaust system, or, in other words, a chimney. The base usually has a classic square or rectangular shape (profile). More complex structures in the construction of rounded, triangular, multifaceted shapes. Structures consisting of several levels are especially popular. For additional functionality, the portal can be equipped with a worktop or a mantel.

The fireplace, the dimensions of which are selected individually, can be installed not only in the house, but also outdoors, in the gazebo. Such outdoor and garden barbecues, barbecues can be located either completely apart or built into gazebos and verandas. The advantages of such structures include the ability to make them sufficiently large and cumbersome. Thus, you can add many different elements to the barbecue.

Outside and garden stoves, due to their large dimensions, are heavy and require the construction of a solid concrete foundation. This will prevent the structure from sinking underground over time or losing its stability.

A grill or barbecue oven project also requires an individual approach, careful selection of placement and functionality. If you plan to combine an outdoor fireplace with a gazebo or veranda, you should not use only brick for construction, as it is very expensive. For the gazebo, the most often chosen materials are: plastic, metal profiles, wood, refractory plastic. The stove itself, columns, various partitions, small walls, an area near the combustion compartment are assembled from bricks.

Equipment classification

Before you build a Swedish stove or any other structure, you need to remember that any heating equipment consists of a portal, which acts as a protection for the firebox and its decorative design. Most often, this element is assembled from bricks. Can be faced with any heat-resistant materials. To accommodate logs and burn them, the structure is equipped with a firebox or combustion compartment. In order for the smoke not to be immediately taken out into the street and generate heat, the stove is supplemented with a smoke collector. To remove smoke and combustion products, wood-burning stoves are equipped with a chimney.

An open firebox of the structure implies the absence of a door. In this case, special attention must be paid to the inner walls of the combustion compartment, to make them as thick, durable and airtight as possible. For masonry walls, only fireclay bricks and a bonding composition based on fireclay clay are used. Also, the fireplace insert can be of a closed type.

A closed firebox is safer to use. It prevents sparks and flames from entering the room. However, an open firebox looks more harmonious and allows you to contemplate the bright flame, enjoy its crackling and warmth to the fullest. In addition, by opting for an open design, you save your money, which could have gone into buying a steel or cast iron chamber with a door.

In order to protect the room from fire, the space near the firebox must be insulated with any refractory material.

If you want to equip a portal made of stone with a purchased firebox, the walls of the stove can be assembled from simple bricks, since additional protection will be formed due to the cast-iron sides.

A closed firebox is most often equipped with a transparent tempered glass door, which allows you to see the fire burning in the hearth in as much detail as possible. The way of opening such a door can be either the classic side or the top one. Many modern furnaces are equipped with a self-cleaning system - this does not allow soot and soot to form on the glass.

Wall-mounted and corner-type fireplaces are equipped with steel pipes, which do not have a very presentable appearance. In order to hide and at the same time decorate such a chimney, it is enclosed in a box that is erected from bricks. The chimney is also laid according to a pre-arranged order. Such a box not only improves the appearance of the structure, but also strengthens, additionally insulates and accumulates the accumulated heat.

Stylish steel hoods are most often bought in a set for an island fireplace, which are hung directly above the hearth itself.

Making calculations

The size of the fireplace directly depends on the area of ​​the room, as well as on your personal needs and preferences. The dimensions of the structure are indicated in detail in the diagram. The order of the fireplace indicates how much material is needed for the construction. It is important to know how much cladding, standard and refractory bricks you need and purchase all materials with a small margin.

It is equally important to know how much masonry mortar you need. It is important to consider not only the main masonry, but also the construction of an additional foundation. Mainly cement marked M 200 is used as a masonry mortar. To obtain the required mass, it is necessary to displace cement and sand between each other based on a ratio of 1/3. Next, gradually stir in the water, until a thick, homogeneous composition is formed, without lumps and dirt. In order to lay one cubic meter of brick, an average of 0.2-0.3 cubic meters of composition is required.

You can calculate the dimensions of the fireplace in more detail using your own order. In order to find out how many bricks are needed, you need to multiply the volume of one unit by the total number of bricks in the circuit.

A professional and well-designed project has not only a frontal, but also a horizontal projection. This allows you to make all the calculations as simply and in detail as possible, to see the shape and outlines of the fireplace from both sides. If the design of the furnace is more complex, you can separately calculate and draw an arch, shelf and other structural elements. This will allow you to determine the method of location and the place of fixing the smoke collector, ash pan, chimney, to reveal the angle of inclination of the walls and niches.

In our online store you can buy a ready-made firebox for corner, island or wall portal, domestic and foreign brands.

Execution of works

After you have chosen a place for the fireplace, calculated the amount of materials, designed and drawn up a detailed order, you will need to purchase the following materials and tools:

  1. The reservoir in which the adhesion base will be mixed. It must be large enough, at least 40 liters. For better mixing, it is best to get an electric mixer;
  2. In order to sift the sand, you will need to buy a special sieve;
  3. Laying is carried out using a trowel;
  4. To check the evenness of the corners, a building level is required;
  5. Get yourself a tape measure, square and ruler;
  6. Marks are made using a simple pencil or construction marker.

Additionally, you may need items such as: hammer, rags, knife, sandpaper and others.

Before starting work, prepare the room, cover all the furniture, interior items that are in it. For the convenience of connecting the instrument, take an extension cord.

Do-it-yourself installation of a brick fireplace is carried out according to the following stages:

  • Any massive structure begins to be erected only after the foundation is built. It can have both a tape and a concrete, block, brick base. If you are going to pour mortar into the pit, formwork is necessary. In this case, the construction of the furnace occurs only after the foundation is completely dry;
  • Next, we begin laying the rows. Each row is pre-laid dry, the evenness and thickness of the joints between the bricks are checked. Periodically, to strengthen the structure, the rows are bandaged. All adjustments are made even before the adhesive dries;
  • After the firebox and fireplace portal are erected, we proceed to laying the chimney. the hood is fixed to a horizontally located partition. We produce surface insulation. If the pipe is metal, it is best to enclose it in a brick box;
  • At the last stage, facing work is performed, a damper, shelf, grate, tabletop are equipped.

Kuznetsov's stove or any other heating device cannot be immediately melted after erection. It is necessary to let it shrink, dry well for 10-15 days. After that, the oven gradually begins to operate. The laying of firewood in the firebox is carried out exactly by half, gradually increasing.

From this video you can learn how to make a brick fireplace with your own hands at home or in the country:

Would you like to fold your own stove or fireplace?

At first glance, this task seems too daunting, especially if you have no bricklaying experience. In fact, many homeowners successfully lay out fireplace stoves with their own hands, the drawings and ordering diagrams of which we want to bring to your attention. Using them, as well as recommendations for laying, you can acquire the necessary skills and save on the salaries of professionals.

Do-it-yourself fireplace stove drawings and assembly of the stove

The first thing to understand is the concept of a sketch, drawing and ordering a fireplace. A sketch is a drawing that indicates the appearance of a stove or fireplace, in whole or in part, in one or more views. According to the sketch, you can understand the location of the firebox, ash pan, chimney, dampers and other elements, as well as the principle of operation of the furnace.

The drawing is performed to scale, the dimensions of the future stove are indicated on it, as a rule, approximately, since the exact dimensions strongly depend on the thickness of the seam. An ordering scheme is a laying scheme for each of the rows of a fireplace or stove with an indication of the row number, location and type of bricks, doors, dampers, supporting elements. If the rows are repeated, the fragments of the scheme are combined into one, indicating all the same type of rows.

If you decide to learn how to build fireplace stoves with your own hands, the drawings will help you determine their overall dimensions, according to the sketch, you can figure out the purpose of individual elements and the direction of movement of flue gases, and the ordering diagram will tell you how much brick you need and how to lay it. Those who have already built fireplace stoves with their own hands do not always use drawings - according to the scheme, they can determine both the dimensions of the stove and the principle of its operation. Let's try and we will understand this fascinating business using the example of a simple fireplace stove.

Fireplace stove: masonry technology

Such a stove is a simple but reliable heat source for a living room or country house.

The firebox is large, like a fireplace, but closed with a glass door - this makes the stove safe and easy to use. An ash pan is located under the firebox to remove combustion products. The chimney channel is more complicated than that of a traditional fireplace, hot smoke passing through it heats the walls of the stove well, therefore it has a higher heat capacity compared to conventional fireplaces.

For the fireplace stove, solid ceramic bricks are used in the amount of 620 pieces and fireclay bricks - 100 pieces, refractory masonry mortar based on clay "Mertel-28" - about 25 kg, clay-sand masonry mortar - 300 kg. In addition, doors are required: for the firebox - a fireplace door with heat-resistant glass, size 50x48 cm, three cleaning doors 14x13 cm, as well as one blower door with dimensions 25x13 cm, and two dampers: 30x19 cm and 27.5x15.5 cm.

Refractory mortar is used for laying fireclay bricks, ceramic bricks are placed on an ordinary clay-sand mortar. The solution is prepared according to the instructions on the package.

Arrangement of the fireplace stove

The first two rows are the base, the so-called under the oven. In the third row, they begin to lay out the smoke channel and install cleaning and blowing doors.

In the fourth and fifth rows, the laying of the smoke channel is continued, and in the sixth they begin to lay out the bottom of the firebox made of fireclay bricks - in the diagram it is painted yellow. They continue to put the fireclay brick firebox on the refractory mortar and the walls on the clay-sandy one in the seventh, eighth and ninth rows. A grate is installed between the firebox and the ash pan. Laying diagram of the first rows of the fireplace stove Rows from tenth to twelfth are laid in the same order, laying out a hole for the firebox in the front part.

In the thirteenth row, a fireplace door is installed, in the fourteenth row, a vault is made of upright bricks, aligning the vault in the fifteenth row. The sixteenth row forms a mantel on the front side, and in the seventeenth row they begin to lay out the firebox overlap. It is completed in the eighteenth row, while small holes in the smoke channel remain.

If everything is done in accordance with the diagram, then the channel will have a sinuous shape, allowing the smoke to warm up all the walls of the furnace. In the nineteenth row, a 30x19 cm damper is installed on the left side of the smoke channel. In the next seven rows, the outer walls of the stove and the chimney are laid out, and in the twenty-seventh row a metal strip is laid to support the stove overlap. Next, lay out the chimney well from one row of bricks to the required height.

In each row, the brick is shifted so that a bandage is formed: the seam of the previous row must be covered with the upper brick. This provides the structure with stability. In the second row of the well, a second damper is installed.

In the video below, the whole process is described in more detail, and having studied the diagram, you can understand all the nuances of laying such a furnace.

The video tells how to properly install a fireplace door. The rest of the doors are placed in the same way.

Drawing and diagram of a corner fireplace with a round arch

The fireplace is installed in the corner of the room on a free-standing foundation. The firebox is located at a level of 28-30 cm above the floor level, below it is an ash pan.

The firebox arch has a round shape and is made of bricks. The height of the firebox is 52 cm. The flue duct is rectangular with a chimney tooth - a beveled vault in the rear wall of the firebox, the resulting narrowing provides good draft due to the increased pressure in this area.

Above the chimney tooth, on the front side, there is a cleaning door for removing soot. The mantelpiece is made of bricks. Around the smoke channel there is a brick apron, under which heated air circulates - for its exit, holes are made, closed by gratings.

The required materials and purchased items are shown in the table.

Table of the required materials for building a fireplace stove

The fireplace ordering scheme describes in detail the masonry process. Please note that before starting the laying of the first row, it is necessary to level the base; this can be done using two rows of masonry, made according to the scheme of the first row.

Drawing and diagram of a corner fireplace with a straight arch

The fireplace insert imitates a traditional Russian stove. The zero row is located below the floor level and is made in the form of a square that redistributes the load. The firebox is made of fireclay bricks, the walls of the fireplace are made of ceramic.

The bottom of the ash pan is made of sheet metal, which makes ash removal easier - the sheet is simply removed. In the rear part of the firebox there is a chimney tooth, the firebox overlap rests on a steel corner. The laying of such a fireplace is performed according to the scheme.

Simple wall mounted fireplace with straight chimney

A very simple fireplace layout. The firebox is rectangular, lined with refractory bricks. The ash pan is separated from the firebox by a grate.

A straight and wide enough chimney allows you not to worry about draft, and a gas tooth will prevent it from tipping over and smoke the room. A damper is built into the chimney. The dimensions and layout of the fireplace masonry are shown in the figure.

Do-it-yourself fireplace with a straight chimney

Wall mounted fireplace with podium

The peculiarity of this fireplace is the absence of an ash pan and a straight chimney of a simple form. In the lower part of the fireplace there is a semicircular podium brought forward. It serves not only for decorative purposes, but also for safety: the firebox of this fireplace is shallow, and possibly sparking, the firebox is lined with refractory bricks.

The narrowing of the firebox in the rear part forms a ledge - a gas tooth. The mantel is made of wood and rests on a semicircular log. The simple shape of this fireplace fits perfectly into a hunting-style lodge.

Sample of a wall-mounted fireplace with a podium

As you can see from the article, it is not difficult to lay stoves and fireplaces with your own hands, drawings and diagrams will help you understand the intricacies of the stove craft. You can also learn how to properly make a foundation for a fireplace, knead a masonry mortar and lay a brick from the article on laying a fireplace with your own hands.

Throughout all times, the main place in the house was given to the hearth. Recently, fireplaces in houses and cottages have gained great popularity, and the question of how to fold a fireplace with your own hands is quite relevant.

Any stove - fireplace must meet the following requirements:

    No smoke. Heating of the room. Beautiful appearance.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to comply with all stages of construction.


The very first step involves choosing the location of the hearth; not only the saving of living space, but also its effective heating depends on this.

First you need to decide on the type of construction.

Fireplace - stove can have the following options:

    Wall-mounted. Corner. Built-in. Island.

Based on this, the home owner can find a suitable place for the fireplace.

When planning the location, it is necessary to take into account that it is impractical to install a fireplace stove opposite the window, since the heat will go out the window. In addition, it is necessary to strictly observe the fire safety rules, the fireplace is a source of heat, not a fire.

Materials (edit)

The manufacture of fireplaces begins with the selection of materials. For construction we need:

Red ceramic brick. Its quantity is calculated based on the prepared drawing, while all incomplete bricks must be taken into account as whole. River sand.

Necessarily sifted and cleaned from dirt and litter. The grain size of the material should be within the normal range (0.2–1.5 mm). Crushed stone for the manufacture of the foundation. The permissible fraction should be from 2 to 6 cm. Blue Cambrian clay or ordinary red. Cement (M 200 or M 300). Smoke damper. Fittings.

Brick and its varieties

Throughout the entire period of stove construction, solid red brick is used, which is made from clay.

This material is used to lay out the outer parts of fireplaces. Therefore, a lot depends on the quality of the brick.

The brick must have the following properties:

    Have the correct shape; Do not contain cracks or potholes; Do not have deformations;

The inside of the fireplace is lined with fireclay bricks or quartz material.

Material quality requirements

When purchasing a brick, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

    The material must correspond to the grade of at least M200. The required amount of bricks must be purchased from one batch. The appearance of the brick - it must not contain cracks, chips.


This stage consists in the process of preparing materials. Particular attention, of course, is paid to the brick, but other components will be needed in addition to it.

You will need a clay mixture, which is thoroughly cleaned of unnecessary impurities and wiped off. Before laying, this mixture is soaked for about 2-3 hours.

The sand that will participate in the solution must also undergo cleaning; it will be enough to sift it through a sieve with fine holes.

Having completed this, you can begin to prepare the solution, the proportion of which must be strictly observed. Based on the fat content of the clay, the ratio of sand to clay should look like 1: 1 or 1: 2.

The resulting solution should not spread on the surface of the brick, but at the same time easily slide off it.

Pouring the foundation

To pour the foundation base under the fireplace, the stove will need the following materials and tools:

    tape measure; grinder; welding machine; hammer + nails; board; reinforcement; cement (grade M400).

The first thing to do is the edged board formwork.

It must be securely installed and have a height of 8–10 cm. The reinforcing rod is laid with a 19 cm pitch, after which perpendicular rows of rods are laid. The joints of the rods must be tacked by welding.

The solution must be poured in two stages. The first one assumes a layer of concrete of 4 cm, then it is necessary to lay the crate, then the last layer is poured, the height of which should be about 6 cm.

So that the finished foundation does not contain voids, the solution is plowed a little with a free rod.

After that, the foundation must be left alone. Its drying time can vary from 15 to 18 days, depending on the conditions of location.

Fireplace masonry

This process is quite simple, after reading the article, you will learn: how to fold a fireplace yourself out of bricks? In order to carry out the masonry correctly, it is necessary to strictly follow the construction plan.

DIY fireplace

The masonry is carried out according to the following scheme:

    On top of the foundation, several layers of waterproofing material are laid. For the first row, cement is added to the solution, and the bricks are laid on slats. The third row has small nuances, namely the installation of two pins, which will be needed a little later for the fireplace grate. it is necessary to adhere to the diagram or drawing. In order to maintain the temperature regime in the future design, it is necessary to ensure that the outer wall of the fireplace made of bricks does not come into contact with the firebox. To remove excess solution from the walls of the firebox, its surface is cleaned with a damp cloth. To improve the quality of heating, it is necessary observe a small angle of inclination of the rear wall forward. The side walls are designed to be turned outwards.To avoid the possibility of fire, it is necessary to take precautions and protect the floor in front of the hearth with a sheet of iron.

To fold the fireplace stove is half the battle, it is necessary to make a smoke collector.

The principle of its laying is to lay out bricks with a gradual filling. The portal-type openings are covered inside by means of jumpers, which can be made in several versions:

    arched, wedge-shaped, vaulted.

In order to properly lay out the smoke box, it is necessary to observe its verticality. Once you have crossed the roof slab, you can begin building the roof pipe. This masonry is carried out on a cement-sand mixture.

Observing these rules, you can easily design a stove - fireplace yourself. Now it remains to deal with the chimney.


If the construction of the chimney is made of bricks, it is necessary to think over a foundation for it, or a frame made of steel, which will abut against the main foundation. The chimney itself is located from the outside of the firebox and wrapped in a material with thermal insulation. The top of the chimney is sheathed with a sheet of steel or aluminum.

Using ready-made pipe sections for the chimney, special clamps are used as fastening, with which the structure is fixed on the floors of buildings. This chimney option can do without a foundation.

Finishing work

In addition to the fact that the fireplace is a stove, it can be decorated with a colored jointing seam, the brick itself, possibly, can be repainted in a different color. Tempera or gouache is used for these purposes.

The decoration for the corner fireplace can be tiles or marble tiles, stone or decorative bricks. If a desire arises, then the surface can simply be plastered or use other decorative elements.

The modern market offers a large number of decorative elements, including wooden parts. For safety reasons, their use is not recommended.

The decor is fastened using ordinary tile glue, and the decoration itself should start from the bottom of the fireplace, gradually rising.

If your fireplace-stove already contains marble parts, it is recommended to cover them with cellophane to avoid scratches.

    For the firebox, you can use fireclay bricks, and for cladding, choose a material of a different quality.
    The chimney structure can be made not only of bricks, but also of special modules in the form of a pipe made of metal or ceramics.
    To reduce errors in the construction of fireplaces, it is recommended to use ready-made drawings, and not develop them yourself.
    When designing a fireplace, you can focus on built-in shelves or fireboxes, this will give the structure a more aesthetic look.

From the above material, we can conclude that laying a fireplace is a fairly simple process. All you need is compliance with all instructions and recommendations, then the question is: how to build a fireplace? will not take you by surprise.

Video: How to make a brick fireplace with your own hands

A novice stove-maker always wants to lay down some outlandish stove.

Desirable simple. And also beautiful and effective. It is a pity that there are not so many orders of such constructions.

Among them, the oven-fireplace with a bread chamber stands out favorably, working according to the scheme popular in the Scandinavian countries. The scheme is not without flaws, but it has a great degree of universalism.

There is a massive universal heating oven, a decorative fireplace, a chamber for baking bread. Simple design, versatility, relative compactness. A good option for a country house, capable of heating an area of ​​about 25-30 square meters.

We offer an order that allows you to fold the stove on your own, with only minimal skills in stove craft. From the performer, a simple primary skill in working with clay and brick is enough. The rest is simple.

Materials for the construction of a fireplace stove with a baking chamber:

1 - Kiln bricks - about 1100 pcs.

If you use fireclay brick, then it will take about 150 units. (The number of bricks is given without taking into account the costs of the foundation and chimney). 2 - Knitting wire 3 - Cleaning doors - 3 pieces 4 - Blower furnace with air regulation 5 - Fireplace door for the firebox 500x500 mm 6 - Basalt cord - 2 sets 7 - Pipe valve in brick - 3 pieces 8 - Grate with working area in one or two bricks

Ordering the masonry of the fireplace stove

DIY masonry is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Just don't be afraid. And follow the order carefully. Further it will be simple.

We lay out the first row from the calculation of the furnace body with an area of ​​4x5 bricks and add an allowance for the plinth. Although you can do without it. But with him somehow more elegant.

We also lay out the finishing perimeter of the oven as the second row:

We form internal channels. On the third row we put the channel cleaning and the blower door. They are attached to wire and clay mortar, without basalt cord:

In the fourth row, we select the height of the doors:

With the fifth row, we close the doors, put the grate.

If the height of the room allows, it is advisable to make another row of masonry - a more massive base will come out.When using fireclay bricks, it's time to start laying them. We make from it only under. The outer walls and partitions of the canals continue to be carried out with ceramic bricks:

6 row - we form a tray for firewood. You can do without the bevel of the hearth, as in the picture, but this way the firebox will work better.

The small channels are descending. Large - ascending. Apply an oblique dressing. It is possible without it, but it is safer with it.

If, for reasons of simplicity, you start to apply the oblique dressing rarely, then it should always be oriented to the outside, as in the figure, without tying it to the walls of the firebox. The grate is as close as possible to the fire door. If it is poured deeper, towards the rear wall of the firebox, smoke is possible - air turbulence will block the exit from the firebox into the smoke channels.

7 row The furnace door is installed. It is installed on a sealant - a basalt cord impregnated with clay mortar.

8-13 rows Raise the firebox to the height of the fireplace door:

14-15 rows. A place is prepared for the bow lintel.

Many people prefer to make bevels for it right in place, choosing a brick with a grinder. You can also file it in advance. The first option is more accurate. The second is less dusty and dirty.

The door overlap is brick-thick.

Cannot be placed on anchors. Only bow or arch (if the fire door is with an arch). It is advisable to put wire into the masonry joints:

16 row We begin to form under the bread chamber. We overlap without iron, with a simplified wedge overlap:

17 row. We increase it under the bread chamber. We follow the dressing of the slotted overlap:

18 row We mount the door of the bread chamber. We put it, like the furnace, on a basalt cord:

19 row We continue the bread chamber. We open the passage for gases from the bread chamber to the descending channels:

20 row We bring the entrance to the descending channels to a height of two bricks.

Row 21-22: We block the descending channels, form the heels under the vaulted ceiling of the bread chamber.

23 row We mount the arch of the bread chamber. We leave the channel of the chimney passage and close it with a latch with a long handle.

Carefully! The valve will get very hot in the process! Therefore, we put it on asbestos or basalt! The vault will have to be cut along the top to level the masonry.

Or lay out another row - if the size of the room allows it. 24 row. We tie up the arch of the bread chamber. If there is a free height of the room, you can lay out another row. The minimum is shown here:

Row 25-27 We form a cap over the bread chamber.

The columns under the ceiling are placed on the basis of the location of the chimney - its place is not strictly regulated, it can be installed at any point of the stove ceiling - you have to start from the most convenient passage of the roof. Simply put: we look at the beams. A cleaning is immediately set up - the installation point is again chosen along the pipe - preferably as close to it as possible. Not shown in the figure:

28-30 row. Obligatory three rows of overlap.

We put two valves in the pipe, one above the other.

Such duplication is necessary for the formation of an air gap - as in double glazing. Better retains heat.To revitalize the masonry in the process, you can make shelves on the body of the stove with brick releases. Just do not get carried away with their construction - the elements protruding from the array interfere with convection along the body of the furnace: Everything will look something like this:

When lighting up for the first time, always open the slide that closes the channel from the bread chamber to the pipe.

Many stove-makers call it "straight line". This manipulation will allow the chimney to warm up. In the future, the firebox is carried out in the usual manner. When operating in oven mode, this valve is always closed.

If we operate as a fireplace, then it is always open. Kind and cozy warmth to you at any time of the year! FacebookVKontakteTwitterGoogle + OKDear visitors of the site "Visiting Samodelkin" the floor will also be heated from the same stove. The laying of the stove, even the simplest one, requires attention, diligence and hard work, because this is a complex and painstaking business. But after studying the photo report, a lot will become clear to you and you can fold a similar oven for yourself. Professional stove makers strongly recommend to beginners !!! First, try to fold the oven without mortar (on dry) in order to learn from your mistakes and not allow them with real laying! Everything is within the power of a person, the main thing would be desire and you will succeed! And so, let's take a closer look at all the stages of construction and figure out what the author needed to create this fireplace stove? Materials1.

red ceramic brick 2. fireclay refractory bricks 3. red clay 4.

river sand 5. roofing material 6. metal corner 7.

grate 8. gate valves 9. oven doors 10.

ash pan 11. soot cleaners 12. wire 13.

sheet metal Tools 1. trowel 2. trowel 3.

spatula 4. Bulgarian 5. diamond discs for stone 6.

corner 7. plumb line 8. ruler 9.

level10. mallet 11. hammer 12.

solution container 13. The process of building a fireplace stove with your own hands. And so, the first thing to do is to determine the location of the future stove, since this stove will heat 2 floors, it is advisable and easier to put it in the middle of the room. Basically, stoves in houses are located in the center of the hut, as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers built.

But still, the location depends on the design of the house itself, as well as the layout of the rooms. For example, fireplaces are built mainly along the wall, or in the corner, but in this case, the stove is combined and the option “middle” was chosen. The author also suggests the layout of the stoves. For masonry, you should immediately decide on the brick and its quality. As a rule, stoves are laid from red ceramic solid bricks, but it is advisable to lay the internal combustion chamber from fireclay refractory bricks, it has such a yellowish color and tolerates high temperatures. ...

For example, when stoves were built in villages, oak logs or hemp were used as a foundation. Now things are going well with the materials, you can afford a solid and solid foundation. As it should be, insulation in the form of roofing felt is laid on the base of the foundation. The lower part of the brickwork will be laid on a cement mortar.

But only before the start of the furnace !!! As we can see in the photo, the master uses hollow red brick and generously fills it with cement mortar. Then the author proceeds to laying the walls of the stove. Since the stove will be combined with the fireplace, then the corresponding base is divided under a fireplace and a firebox. Accuracy plays an important role in the masonry and each row is placed at the level, strictly from the corner. The ash chamber door is installed, it also plays the role of blowing fresh air into the firebox. A grate is laid on top of the ash chamber. First, a cell is made of refractory bricks. When laying the furnace, a lot of bricks have to be chopped, so in order to minimize the consumption of bricks, the master uses a grinder with a disc on a stone. Then the furnace door of the combustion chamber is installed, fastened with a wire. Next, the walls of the furnace are raised. From the side where a fireplace will be located, the master has a corner in order to lay the brick, for a better fit a groove was cut in the brick. Fireplace laying. The lower part of the fireplace, designed for drying and storing a small amount of firewood. Thanks to the grinder, the brick can be cut to a certain size and fit very tightly. This is how the door of the combustion chamber looks like. The upper part of the firebox is laid out with refractory bricks, on a clay mortar. Here the combustion chamber is ready. Next, the author proceeds to create a chimney. The master makes a metal spacer. And he already puts a brick on it. In order to be able to clean the soot without hindrance, plugs are installed.

During the operation of the stove, there is such a problem as accumulated soot, it complicates the passage of gases and the stove begins to smoke, so in order to solve this problem in a short time, it is worth opening the plugs and cleaning the passage from the accumulated soot. Everything can be used further) Masonry of the chimney wells. The chimneys are then laid up at the stove with a “snake” at the fireplace with a “chimney” And now the stove has already grown to the ceiling. A metal sheet is laid on the chimney of the stove, and on top of 2 layers of bricks, this is done to compensate for the pressure inside stoves. Each chimney has its own valve. After the valves, the chimney merges into one and goes to the second floor of the building. Note!!! Here the author uses a kind of trick, namely the brick is placed directly on the edge, inside the chimney has a serpentine shape, which allows the room on the second floor to be heated to the optimum temperature in a short period of time. In the roof, the master makes a hole using a reciprocating saw, or an ordinary hacksaw. As you can see, the pipe is also laid out with a brick on the edge - by the way, this saves building material, and mainly facilitates the structure.

Also, the pipe should be fixed with metal corners for greater reliability. It is then advisable to plaster such masonry, and ideally also to tile it. At the exit, the pipe continues to be laid on a full brick using the traditional method. Attention! The pipe must be strictly above the ridge of the roof, at least 50 cm.

Otherwise, it will be blown out by the wind. Here is the author's own stove-fireplace, it remains to plaster it and overlay it with stone or tiles, to convey a more aesthetic appearance. The work is certainly difficult, but doable) Do not immediately start putting the stove on, study the special literature! Then try to start by folding a simple oven (dry) without mortar. And only after gaining some experience, you can safely get down to business! This concludes the article.

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Brick fireplaces are in great demand among home owners. This design has not only decorative functions. The main advantage of these fireplaces is the ability to heat the room. In addition, a brick fireplace is also used for cooking.


Modern technologies keep pace with the needs of people. It is for this reason that the well-known brick stoves have been replaced by new fireplaces-stoves. This design is a monoblock with a pipe channel and is installed on a single base. Moreover, each element has its own special meaning.

Conventional ovens have no decorative value, but they can be used to cook. Fireplaces are capable of pleasing the eye and heating the room. But the fireplace-stove combines the functionality of both devices with an interesting design. It's like a fireplace with a stove - very convenient and functional. The main advantages of a brick fireplace stove:

  • The structure is able to warm up the air in the room rather quickly.
  • The stove and fireplace can be used separately from each other. You can only cook or just heat the room - however you want.
  • The efficiency is about 80%.
  • Ash pans with holes under each firebox make the cleaning process very simple and quick.
  • With high-quality manufacturing, a brick fireplace stove has been serving for more than a dozen years.

The structure can be installed in such a way that the stove will be localized in the kitchen space, and the fireplace in the hall. If a real master gets down to business, then the fireplace stove turns into a real work of art and will decorate your home for many years. A brick fireplace stove will be a good choice for a country house. This will save on heating and electricity in general. And also such a design can be used as needed.


There are quite a few variations of brick aggregates. They differ in complexity and functionality. The most common types are considered: Swedish, Finnish, Russian and Dutch. There are also modified versions of the stoves that are named after their creators.

There are ovens that do not have a hob at all. They represent an elementary structure of walls with channels for smoke removal located between them, fireboxes, cleaning and blowing chambers. Such units are used for heating. Another option is a fireplace stove with a heating and cooking surface. Such ovens attract with their versatility. They are more difficult to design and install. Consider several interesting varieties of brick fireplaces:

With open hearth

Fireplaces with an open hearth allow you to warm up the air in a room in a fairly short time. If such a design provides for a hob, it is very easy to cook. Owners of such fireplaces-stoves can install barbecues right in the house and barbecue at any time of the year.

With air heating

Air-heated fireplaces are considered the best for heating a house. In such designs, a cast iron firebox is used. The duct system is distributed throughout the house and the casing, in combination, gives the desired result - complete heating. The system works in such a way that cold air is directed directly into the firebox, heats up and rises up through the pipes.

With water heating

Water circuit fireplaces are gaining popularity. This design can provide for a heating and hob. The stove connected to the heating has a great advantage over its counterparts - it pleases the eye, heats the whole house, and makes it possible to cook. Such designs are often used for baths.

As already mentioned, there are options for modifications. But knowing the basic models, you can easily choose a format convenient for you.


A well-chosen fireplace should match the overall style of your interior. Only then will such an addition look beautiful. Fireplace stoves are often made on their own or to order. The Finnish model is quite popular. Consider the most popular styles in which this unit is made:


Minimalism is distinguished by the severity of shapes and lines. In houses of this style, small fireplaces are installed, which serve as a decorative and heating role. A laconic design with a minimum of decorative details is an ideal set. Any room in your home will become even more comfortable when a fireplace in the mini version appears in it.

A small fireplace stove will fit well into a minimalist interior and will delight you and your guests. In addition, this option is well suited for houses with a small area. Here you can also install a structure in which the stove will face the kitchen, and the fireplace itself will face the hall.


Fireplaces of this style were the first. They were installed by noble persons as an interesting piece of furniture and a sign of their superiority. Such fireplace stoves always have the correct shape and only expensive finishes or carvings.

Such units usually run flush with the wall. This arrangement determines the main decorative accent on the firebox itself. All projects of such furnaces provide for a U-shaped portal. But you can also choose the non-embedded option. In this case, the fireplace stove is located against the wall, and the chimney is closed with a stylized casing.


This fireplace stove is often chosen by young people. You can buy a lot of interesting options. Such units are often used as architectural details. These fireplaces are often installed so that they merge with the wall and resemble a window with fire. An interesting option when a double-sided fireplace stove is installed in the interior wall. With this arrangement, you can use the structure as an interior item on the one hand, and on the other as a stove.


These are country style fireplaces. This design will look good in a tree house. Natural wood ceilings, harmoniously matched wall finishes and dark floors. Moreover, the use of wallpaper in this case is completely impractical. They will quickly become unusable due to the oven. A Russian stove will work well. Carved decorative elements add originality and exclusivity.


Stoves-fireplaces of this style are quite massive and clearly stand out against the background of the wall. They are designed to show everyone around their power and sophistication in one person. In the interior of the corresponding style, such fireplaces look like a charming integral attribute.

Principle of operation

Any stove has three main components: firebox, chimney, chimney. The main part is the firebox. Firewood is burned there. There is a hole at the bottom. Through it, air enters the furnace, which is necessary for combustion. This hole is closed with a special grate, so the wood does not fall out. Air gets inside the firebox, and ash and other combustion products fall from the firebox into the hole.

There is a special door that allows you to put firewood into the firebox. And the firebox itself is closed on all sides. There is a hob just above the firebox. It is heated by fire and allows food to be cooked. Oven stoves work as well.

The ash pan chamber is located under the firebox. It also has a door for cleaning the chamber. And the door is also able to regulate the amount of air that enters the firebox. There is another hole in the vault of the firebox - hailo. It is through it that hot air comes out, which heats the oven.

Pipes are designed to remove combustion products from the furnace. There are two types:

  1. Packed. Installed on the stove.
  2. Indigenous. They can have their own foundation or be located inside the wall.

The most important feature that distinguishes the stove from the fireplace is that in the second version, you can freely observe the fire. In order to prevent the heat from escaping into the pipe, a heat shield is installed. In the combined version, the fireplace stove has all the advantages of a stove and allows you to watch the flame.

Materials (edit)

The variety of materials available for making brick fireplaces is quite limited, but it allows you to create unique products. Aggregates can be built both from ordinary bricks and from figured ones. An important role in choosing a brick is played by its strength grade.

Fireclay brick (less often - quartz) is used quite often because it is not sensitive to high temperatures. They spread the area near the firebox. Heat resistant material is a must. Figured bricks are relevant if you do not plan to decorate a fireplace-stove. If any decorative work is planned, the external data of the masonry itself does not matter.

Clinker brick is one of the varieties of quartz. But in its manufacture, slightly modified technologies are used. It is not used so often for two reasons: the material is quite expensive and heavy. But if your stove is large, then such a brick is perfect for building a foundation.

In order for the appearance of the structure to please the eye, you need to be guided by certain requirements when laying out the facing layer. The brick should be quite solid, have good heat transfer. The paint will help create a unique look for your fireplace stove.

Tools and fixtures

Making a fireplace stove requires certain accessories. The most necessary:

  • Furnace brick.
  • Heat-resistant clay mixture.
  • Heat-resistant glass door.
  • Cast iron door for the firebox.
  • Iron door for chimney and ash pan.
  • Furnace grates.
  • Cooking surface. The cast iron stove should have the number of burners you need.
  • Corners and corner shelf. They are usually made of steel.
  • Steel sheet up to 3 mm. Asbestos or basalt sheets for thermal insulation.
  • Pipe and parts for connecting the chimney outlet.
  • Rolls and boards of waterproofing.
  • Mixes of concrete and soil.
  • Sacks of rubble and sand.
  • Porcelain stoneware or tiles.

The choice of materials must be very careful. The strength and durability of the fireplace stove depends on their quality.

Masonry technology

Before you impose a brick on a fireplace stove, you need to draw up a diagram. It reflects all the necessary elements in the right places. The erection takes place in several stages:

  • Base. We dig a pit and fill the bottom with rubble. The formwork is constructed with a planed board, and the foundation pit itself is filled with cement.
  • Work continues in 3-5 days. Brickwork is covered with roofing material. Now the bottom row of bricks is laid out.
  • Further, drawings play an important role. In agreement with them, the rest of the bricks are laid out and the casting is mounted. In order for the brick to better contact with the mixture, it is soaked in water. Ordering matters a lot. Stick to it and the work won't have to be redone. The inner sides of the furnace are smoothed out in the process, so that the combustion products do not subsequently settle there.
  • Now the chimney. It is important to remember about fire safety measures.
  • The fireplace stove should dry naturally. This takes literally a few weeks.
  • During the period of active drying, the oven is heated. Do this until all the seams are the same tone.