What is used composite fittings. Novelty of the building materials market: composite fittings

Construction sphere is one of the fastest growing and changing in the modern world. It will not have time to appear somewhere in the depths of the specialized university, so the idea immediately picks up the business. Fiberglass fittings are one of such materials that produced in the literal revolution in the construction industry. A successful combination of science and engineering made it possible to create a special material for construction and installation works, which bypass traditional in quality and characteristics.

A key role in the construction material is played by special fiberglass fibers, which are impregnated with a special polymer composition. The material is produced in the form of rods in diameter from 4 to 18 mm. Length can reach 12 meters. The main "chip" of the material is its multi-layered and special polymer "impregnation".

For your information! Fiberglass reinforcements are usually supplied in the form of twisted bays, externally resemble a large motor-cord or wire. However, if the product diameter is more than 10 mm, it is sold only in the rods.

The literature and GUT are mentioned two abbreviation options indicating the same material: SPA or ASP. Both reductions are equivalent.

The rod consists of two layers:

  • 1 layer - inner rod. It is based on fiberglass fibers located strictly in parallel to each other (it is no coincidence that we compared the valve with a hard wire), or in the form of "pigtails". These threads are thin, but surprisingly strong, they are soldered with each other with a special polymer composition. It is these fibers and provide the main characteristics of the product.
  • 2 layer - outdoor. As a "shell" can perform abrasive by small fraction, specially sprayed, or fibers, this is the so-called reinforcing naving.

The main characteristics for this material are most often called:

  • diameter - the indicator affects the calculation of the strength of the product for bending and stretching;
  • weight. By the way, this indicator distinguishes fiberglass from other products, in particular metal reinforcement;
  • navigation step. The characteristic is relevant for ASP with a relief coating.

Interesting fact! Fiberglass is 9 times lighter than metal rods.

Scope of application and variety of fiberglass fittings

The use of fiberglass reinforcement is quite wide. Due to the possibility of using not only rods, but also the reinforcing grid, it is used in construction and erection of different, sometimes very complex geometry. Moreover, the size of the finished structures can be the most different.

In addition, fiberglass fittings can be used in:

  • construction of roads and reinforcement of coatings;
  • strengthening masonry from and other building materials of block type;
  • reinforcement and;
  • strengthening and fencing the design poured.

Tip! In the country house, fiberglass fittings come in handy in the construction of hozpostroops, helpers, as well as greenhouses and greenhouses. It can be used as supporting structures for plant garters, as the basis for decorative chopper.

Spa use options in construction and garden.

Production and requirements for fiberglass fittings

Like any complex, the production, creating high strength reinforcement, is a labor cost and an outskirt. It is necessary to use high-precision equipment to create a special mixture.

All major elements of spa production production line are shown in the scheme:

Pros and cons of composite fiberglass fittings

Fiberglass reinforcement is considered the most promising material used in the construction of reinforcing designs and frames. Among the advantages can be called:

  • high resistance to corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability;
  • low weight;
  • 3.5 times more stronry of metal;
  • versatility;
  • tensile strength;
  • does not spend current;
  • not afraid of frosts;
  • seamlessness;
  • does not require welding.

Among the shortcomings:

  • malaya elasticity
  • low heat resistance.

What to pay attention to when choosing

Due to the large number of sizes, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of use and the load on the material. That is why, immediately, when buying, pay attention to the following points:

  • optional version of the upper layer and the quality of winding reinforcing tape;
  • diameter and lack of chipping and damage to sections;
  • color. It must be homogeneous. The shade must coincide with the description in the documentation;
  • the presence of documents of compliance with GOST.

When choosing a spa, it is best to find out the reputation of the manufacturer of this material to find out the reputation of the manufacturer of this material, for which you need to get acquainted with network reviews and in other information sources.

What fittings are better: metal or fiberglass

Perhaps, if you compare these two material, the usual metal material is significantly losing in quality, but wins in price. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the scope of application. And also explore comparative characteristics.

Characteristic Metal Fiberglass
Strength, MPa390 1300
Coefficient, W / m 2 × to46 0,35
Density, kg / m 37850 1900
Elasticity+ +
Plastic+ -
Resistance to corrosion- +
Dielectric properties- +

Leading manufacturers

There are about 10 tested manufacturers of fiberglass fittings that managed to show themselves in this market segment. Moreover, enterprises exist in almost all major geographical zones: the central part of Russia, as well as Siberia, the Urals. Let's call the largest of them:

  • NPC "SPETROPOLIMER", NPK "Armastek", Moscow Factory of composite materials. (Moscow and MO);
  • Leader-composite (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region)
  • "Yaroslavl composite plant";
  • "URALTEPLOSTROY", LLC "UKT", LLC "ELPROMTEH", OOO NPF "Uralspetsarmatura" (Yekaterinburg);
  • "Volga Armature" (Sratov).

Price overview and user reviews about composite fiberglass fittings

The value of the material is calculated on the basis of the price for the temporon meter. The final value is influenced both the quality of raw materials, its composition and the number of layers and the diameter of the proposed billet. Imagine averaged data for September 2018 in rubles.

Manufacturer Mark. Diameter, mM. Outdoor layer type Cost, rubles / p. meter
PC "Composite"ASC8,0 with Navivka11,9
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
Asp8,0 with sandy coating13,9
10,0 23,9
12,0 38,9
"ArmatSoyuz"SPA4,0 with Navivka6,9
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,5
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,9
16,0 60,9
18,0 94,9
"ArmPlast"ASC4,0 with Navivka5,5
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,47
16,0 60,52
18,0 94,32
20,0 117,6
22,0 138,99
25,0 180,17
28,0 223,10
32,0 292,74
36,0 312,80

If we talk about the features of using the material and reviews about it, experts mark high quality material and sufficient with it. Due to the high wear-resistant qualities, fiberglass fittings acquired its fans both among professional builders and among the home masters.

However, there are those who are with distrust to relate to the material.

Feedback on the use of fiberglass fittings:

Read more on Drom.Forum: https://forums.drom.ru/house/t1151870250-p3.html

And if you have your own opinion regarding the use of this material in construction, its advantages and disadvantages, share your opinion with other readers.

Fiberglass fittings, which appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, has become a worthy alternative to traditional rods made of metal. The glassmature, as else, is called this material, has many unique characteristics that benefit from it among other products of such a destination. Meanwhile, it is very weighted to approach the choice.

What is the fittings from fiberglass

Fiberglass fittings, if you understand it in its design features, is a non-metallic rod, the surface of which is applied from fiberglass. The diameter of the spiralized reinforcement profile made of composite materials may vary in the range of 4-18 mm. If the diameter of the rod of such reinforcement does not exceed 10 mm, then it is released by the customer in the bays, if more than - then the rods whose length can reach up to 12 meters.

For the manufacture of composite reinforcement, various types of reinforcing fillers can be used, depending on this, it is divided into several categories:

  • ASK - products made on the basis of fiberglass;
  • AUC - carbonate reinforcing products;
  • ACC - fittings made of combined composite materials.

In the domestic market, fiberglass reinforcement was the greatest distribution.

Features of the structure

Fiberglass fittings is not just a rod from a composite material. It consists of two main parts.

  • The inner rod is parallel to the fiber-located fiberglass, interconnected using a polymer resin. Separate manufacturers produce reinforcement, the fibers of the inner trunk of which are not parallel to each other, and curls into the pigtail. It should be noted that it is the internal rod of fittings from fiberglass forms its strength characteristics.
  • The outer layer of the reinforcement bar made of fiberglass can be made in the form of a bidirectional navigation from the fibers of the composite material or in the form of spraying the fine abrasive powder.

Constructive design of reinforcement rods from fiberglass, which largely determines their technical and strength characteristics, depends on the fantasy of manufacturers and the technologies used by the manufacture of this material.

Basic properties

Fiberglass fittings, according to the results of numerous studies conducted by the competent organizations, has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from other materials of this purpose.

  • Fiberglass reinforcement rods have a small mass, which is less than the weight of similar products from the metal is 9 times.
  • Fiberglass fittings, in contrast to metal products, is very resistant to corrosion, perfectly resists the effects of sour, alkaline and salted media. If you compare the corrosion stability of such reinforcement with similar properties of steel products, then it is 10 times higher.
  • The properties of heat in fiberglass reinforcement are significantly lower than that of metal products, which minimizes the risk of cold bridges when used.
  • Due to the fact that fiberglass fittings are transported much easier, and its operating time is much longer than that of metallic, its use is more profitable financially.
  • Fiberglass fittings are a dielectric material that does not conduct an electric current, has absolute transparency for electromagnetic waves.
  • Use such material to create reinforcing structures is much easier than metal rods, for this there is no need to apply welding equipment and metal cutting techniques.

Thanks to its indisputable advantages, fiberglass fittings, appearing relatively recently in the domestic market, has already managed to gain high popularity in both major building organizations and private developers. Meanwhile, such fittings have a number of disadvantages, the most significant of which should be attributed to:

  • a fairly low modulus of elasticity;
  • not too high thermal stability.

The low modulus of the elasticity of fiberglass fittings is a plus in the manufacture of frameworks for strengthening the foundation, but a large minus in the event that it is used to reinforce the ceiling slabs. If you need to appeal in such cases, it is preliminarily necessary to carry out thorough calculations.

Low thermal stability of fiberglass reinforcement is a more serious disadvantage limiting its application. Despite the fact that such fittings refers to the category of self-fighting materials and is not able to serve as a source of spreading of fire when applied in concrete structures, at high temperatures, it loses its strength characteristics. For this reason, such fittings can only be used to strengthen those structures that are not exposed to high temperatures during operation.

Another significant lack of fittings made of fiberglass should be attributed to the fact that over time it loses its strength characteristics. This process is significantly accelerated if it is exposed to alkaline media. Meanwhile, such a disadvantage can be avoided if used fiberglass reinforcement made with the addition of rare-earth metals.

How and from what fiberglass fittings are produced

Many fiberglass fittings are familiar not only by photo on the Internet, but also in practice in construction, but few people know how it is produced. The technological process of producing reinforcement rods from fiberglass, which is very interesting to observe video, it is easy to automate and can be implemented on the basis of both large and small production enterprises.

For the manufacture of such a building material, first of all, it is necessary to prepare raw materials, which uses aluminum-surfactant glass. In order to make the original raw material, the required degree of tightness is melted in special furnaces and the threads are pulled out of the resulting mass, the thickness of which is 10-20 microns. The thickness of the threads of the threads is so small that, if you remove them in a photo or video, then without increasing the resulting picture, they do not discern. The oil-containing composition is applied to the glassonia using a special device. Then the beams that got the name of fellaring ones are formed. It is these bundles collected from a plurality of thin threads that are the basis of fiberglass reinforcement and largely form its technical and strength characteristics.

After the fiberglass threads are prepared, they are fed to the production line, where they are converted into reinforcing rods of various diameters and of different lengths. Further technological process, to get acquainted with which you can on numerous video on the Internet, looks like this.

  • Through special equipment (tumbler) filaments are fed to the tensioning device, which simultaneously performs two tasks: lines the voltage existing in the glass blocks, has them in a specific sequence and forms a future reinforcing rod.
  • Bundles of threads, the oil-containing composition was previously applied to the surface, they are dried with hot air, which is necessary not only for their drying, but also for minor heating.
  • The beams heated to the desired temperature are lowered into special baths, where they are impregnated with a binder, also heated to a certain temperature.
  • Then the beams of the threads are passed through the mechanism, with which the final formation of the reinforcement rod of the desired diameter is performed.
  • If the reinforcement is made not with smooth, but with a relief profile, then immediately after the exit from the calibration mechanism, the bundles of the glass bottles on the main rod are carried out.
  • To speed up the process of polymerization of binding resins, the finished reinforcement rod is supplied to the tunnel oven, before the entrance to the rods manufactured without a navigation, a layer of fine-flow sand is applied.
  • After leaving the furnace, when fiberglass fittings are practically ready, the rods are cooled using flowing water and fed to cut either on the mechanism of saving them into the bay.

Thus, the technological process of manufacturing fiberglass fittings is not so complicated, which can be judged even by photo or video of its individual stages. Meanwhile, such a process requires the use of special equipment and strict adherence to all modes.

On the video below, it is possible to more clearly familiarize themselves with the process of production of composite glass machines on the example of the operation of the Volk-2 production line.

Parameters - Weight, Diameter, Navigation Step

Armature, for the manufacture of which fiberglass is used, is characterized by a number of parameters that determine its area of \u200b\u200buse. The most significant include:

  • the weight of one robust meter of the reinforcement bar;
  • for products with a relief profile - a pitch of the winding of fiberglass beams on their surface;
  • the diameter of the reinforcement rod.

Today, fittings with a relief profile are produced mainly with a pitching incidence of 15 mm.

The outer diameter of the reinforcement rod is characterized by a number that is assigned to the product in accordance with the technical conditions for the production of such products. In accordance with the TU, the reinforcement rods from fiberglass are produced under the following numbers: 4; five; 5.5; 6; 7; eight; 10; 12; fourteen; sixteen; 18. The weight of the route meter of reinforcement rods from fiberglass, presented in the modern market varies within 0.02-0.42 kg.

Types of fiberglass fittings and its scope

Armature, for the production of which fiberglass is used, has many varieties that differ from each other not only on the diameter and form of the profile (smooth and with riflation), but also in terms of use. Thus, specialists allocate fiberglass fittings:

  • working;
  • assembly;
  • distribution;
  • specially intended for reinforcing concrete structures.

Depending on the tasks solved, such fittings can be used as:

  • piece rods;
  • elements of reinforcing grids;
  • reinforcement frames of various designs and dimensions.

Despite the fact that the fittings made of fiberglass appeared in the domestic market recently, enterprises, construction companies and individuals are already quite actively using it to solve various tasks. So, the use of fiberglass reinforcement in construction is gaining popularity. With it, it is rejected by the foundations and other constructions from concrete (drainage wells, walls, etc.), it is used to strengthen masonry performed from bricks and block materials. The technical characteristics of fiberglass reinforcement make it possible to successfully use it in road construction: for the reinforcement of the roadway, strengthening bulk and weak grounds, creating monolithic concrete bases.

Private persons who are independently engaged in the construction site or at the cottage, also managed to assess the advantages of this material. Interesting experience in the use of fiberglass reinforcement on dachas and in the gods of private houses as an arc for the construction of greenhouses. On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of such neat and reliable structures that are not subject to corrosion, easily put and are also easily dismantled.

A large advantage of using such material (especially for individuals) is the simplicity of its transportation. Fiberglass reinforcement in a compact bay can be taken away even on a passenger car, which cannot be said about metal products.

What is better - fiberglass or steel?

To answer the question of which fittings it is better to use - steel or fiberglass, - should compare the main parameters of these materials.

  • If the reinforcement rods from steel have elasticity, and plasticity, then fiberglass products are only elasticity.
  • On the strength of fiberglass products, the metal is significantly superior to metallic: 1300 and 390 MPa, respectively.
  • More preferable is fiberglass and thermal conductivity ratio: 0.35 W / m * C0 - against 46 from steel.
  • The density of reinforcement rods made of steel is 7850 kg / m3, from fiberglass - 1900 kg / m3.
  • Fiberglass products, in contrast to steel reinforcement rods, have exceptional corrosion resistance.
  • Fiberglass is a dielectric material, so the products from it do not conduct an electric current, differ in absolute transparency for electromagnetic waves, which is especially important when building structures of a certain purpose (laboratory, research centers, etc.).

Meanwhile, fiberglass products are not well operated on bending, which limits their use for reinforcing slabs of overlapping and other highly loaded concrete structures. The economic feasibility of using reinforcement rods made from composite materials is that they can be purchased exactly the number that you need, which makes their use practically waste.

We summarize all of the above. Even considering all the unique characteristics of composite reinforcement, it is necessary to apply it very thoughtless and only in those areas where this material exhibits itself best. It is unwanted to use such reinforcement to strengthen concrete structures, which during operation will experience very serious loads that can cause its destruction. In all other things, the use of fiberglass and other composite materials reaffirmed its effectiveness.

Not so long ago, composite reinforcement has already managed to win the lion's share of the construction market. In our article, we will tell about what it consists of what is different from the traditional metal and where it is used, as well as consider the most common myths.

Composite reinforcement was invented more than 30 years ago, but widespread received only in the past few years. Due to its technical and operational characteristics, such a material is quite capable of competing by a classic steel reinforcing rod.

Armature from composites appearance resembles steel, but it is made of fibers impregnated with special binding accomplices. In the process of manufacturing on rods, the ribs are formed or a sanding coating is spawned to improve adhesion with concrete.

For the production of reinforcement, several types of composite fibers are used:

  1. Fiberglass with the addition of thermosetting resins - fiberglass fittings.
  2. Basalt fiber with the addition of resins - basaltoplastic fittings.
  3. Carbon fiber (carbon) - carbon fixed fittings.
  4. Kevlar thread from DuPont - Kevlara fittings.

The last two types are used extremely rarely and mainly abroad. The compositions of hydrocarbon plastics and kevlar were designed for use in the space and military industry, so they are characterized simultaneously and high strength and the transcendental price.

Civil construction prefers fiberglass reinforcement, optimal in cost and application spectrum.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite reinforcement

The most vulnerable place of the progress is the reinforcing metal inserts subject to corrosion. The processing of primers or the use of alloys the problem does not fully solve - metal sooner or later rust, destroying concrete. Fiberglass fittings are not affected by aggressive media, which is only one of the many advantages:

  1. The indicators of the tensile strength are superior to the characteristics of the metal almost three times.
  2. In equal terms, composite reinforcement weighs 9-11 times less.
  3. The material is not only inexpensive, but also allows you to significantly save on loading and transporting.
  4. Unlike metal, it does not form a cold bridges, reducing heat loss.
  5. Durability and resistance to temperature differences.
  6. It has a thermal expansion coefficient as in concrete, which reduces the risk of defects and cracks.
  7. Fully dielectric and radio transparent.
  8. It can be made both in the form of rods and winding into the bay.

Tests show the cooler side of the medal - the cons of composite reinforcement:

  1. The low modulus of elasticity requires additional calculations when applying such reinforcement in the ceiling plates.
  2. Low fire resistance is related to the fact that composites under the influence of high temperatures are simply melted, turning into a liquid.
  3. The impossibility of using welding.
  4. The inability to generate the finished fittings on the object.

It should be noted that all negative nuances are successfully solved by manufacturers and designer engineers: when construction of high load structures, special surveys and calculations are carried out, an additional processing of concrete compositions and fittings is used to increase heat resistance, all curved parts are manufactured at factories according to projects.

Comparative characteristics of metal and composite reinforcement

When complying with construction norms, composite reinforcement can replace the metallic in all areas of application:

  1. Cottage construction: any types of foundations and flexible ties for walls.
  2. Concrete structures in industrial buildings and high-rise buildings.
  3. Production of heavy and lightweight concrete.
  4. Laminated brickwork of various types.
  5. Beguarding and the construction of coastal structures (not afraid of contact with water).
  6. Laying the roadway (increases service life by a third).
  7. Creating seismic belts (recommended for use in high vibration zones).
  8. Erecting monolithic buildings using a non-removable formwork.
  9. Electrification (Lighting Supports and LPP).
  10. Production of railway sleepers.

Characteristics of composite reinforcement Vividly imagine in comparison with metal analogues:

Class A-III Metal Armature (A400C) Fiberglass fittings Basaltoplastic Armature
Material Steel 35GS, 25G2C, etc. Fiberglass with a diameter of 13-16 microns associated with a polymer Basalt fiber with a diameter of 10-16 microns associated with a polymer
Temporary time resistance, MPa 360 600-1200 (decreases with increasing diameter) 700-1300 (decreases with increasing diameter)
Module of elasticity, MPa 200 000 45 000 60 000
Relative extension, % from 14. 2,2 2,2
Density, t / m 3 7,85 1,9 1,9
Corrosive resistance Rust Stainless material of the first group of chemical resistance
Thermal conductivity yes not not
Electrical conductivity yes dielectric dielectric
Profiles (diameter), mm 6-80 4-20, in perspective up to 60 4-20, in perspective up to 60
Length, M. 6-12 (due to transportation requirements) Any Size Any Size

Pretending the feasibility of buying composite reinforcement and comparing its value with a metal, many pay attention only to the price of the route meter. Rockbar (manufacturer of fiberglass fittings), together with the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), conducted comparative tests for the temporary resistance and strength of materials, the result of which was the equal replacement table:

Composite fittings Steel fittings class A-III (A400C)
Armature diameter, mm Weight 1 pound m, kg. Number of meters in tons The cost of m, rub. Armature diameter, mm Weight 1 pound m, kg. Number of meters in tons The cost of m, rub.
4 0,02 50000 from 8.75 6 0,22 4504,5 from 11.10.
5 0,03 33333 from 9.54. 6 0,22 4504,5 from 11.10.
6 0,04 25000 from 11.59. 8 0,40 2531,7 from 16.50
7 0,06 16667 from 13.95 10 0,62 1620,8 from 24,12.
8 0,08 12500 from 17.27. 12 0,89 1126,1 from 27,15
10 0,20 5000 from 25.60. 14 1,21 826,5 from 39,12.
12 0,23 4348 from 35.38. 16 1,58 632,9 from 49.90
14 0,30 3333 from 48.42. 20 2,00 404,9 from 77.05
16 0,35 2857 from 61.88. 22 2,47 335,6 from 93.10.
18 0,43 2326 from 67.40 25 2,98 259,7 from 121.00.
20 0,60 1667 from 84.10. 28 4,83 207,0 from 151.00.

Note: Prices are taken from the official sites of manufacturers, in retail chains may differ slightly in the most side.

Uncomplicated calculations show that savings when purchasing fittings from composite materials can reach up to 2 times compared with the metal. Do not forget about other expenses:

  • savings on delivery due to lightness and compactness;
  • savings on loading and unloading - no need to hire workers;
  • savings on consumables - fiberglass can be cut into with nipples or borer;
  • savings on trimming - the fittings in the bays are cut on the necessary amounts without waste.

Caution: unfair manufacturers

The introduction of innovation in the building materials market is always "with creak". Composite fittings did not exception. On the one hand, many large and small manufacturers have appeared. On the other hand, all the plants work on their own technical conditions and are trying to lure the buyer with cunning tricks. Consider the most common myths.

Myth: Our products are better because we add secret components (which also give an atypical bright color).

Fact: Pigmentation does not affect the strength, its only plus is aesthetics. Moreover, the incorrectly chosen pigment may worsen operational properties. All specifications must be confirmed documented in test protocols.

Myth: The more often the winding ribs are located, the stronger the fittings.

Fact: Winding ribs are used to increase adhesion with concrete composition and do not affect the gap, strength and compression of reinforcement. The only exception is the sandy coating, evenly distributing the load along the entire length of the rod.

Myth: Fiberglass fittings can be broken by hands, what strength can we talk about?

Fact: Armature from composite materials works on longitudinal, not transverse loads.

Unfortunately, the GOSTS on composite reinforcement is not yet available. Therefore, choose products from proven manufacturers, require the seller certificates and test protocols, compare them with the above indicators and do not be fooled by the lowest cost.

Olga Danyushkin, RMNT.ru

The development of composite reinforcement was carried out in the last century, but it became appropriate to produce it and only recently use it.

This was facilitated by the availability of the raw material base and the introduction of new technologies in the manufacturing process. Often, such products are called fiberglass or basaltoplastic.

Basically, different definitions are given due to the difference in combinations of the used raw materials. But the quality and strength of the products does not affect. From steel analogs is distinguished by appearance.

Composition and features

The material is a construction rod similar to steel reinforcement, but made of the following components:

- glass;

- Basalt;

- carbon;

- Aramid;

- Polymer additives.

Products made of light color with yellowish tint. Rods from basalt and carbon black. Periodic section, as in metal products, ensures the strength of the reinforced concrete structure. Some manufacturers include color pigments. On properties and characteristics, this fact does not affect any.

See also: Heat insulation paint: application, composition, advantages and disadvantages, species, features of application

Views of composite fittings

The classification of the types of composite reinforcement directly depends on the main component in the composition.

Abp (basalt product) It is performed using basalt fibers and a resin of organic origin that perform the function of the binder element. The distinctive quality of the species is resistance to the effects of aggressive substances and media (alkalis, salts, gases).

ASP (fiberglass product) It turns out as a result of mixing fiberglass and thermosetting resins. The advantage of this species is considered high strength with a small weight.

AUP (carbon plate) It consists on the basis of hydrocarbon. It has high strength, but due to the high cost, this species has not received wide demand.

Acc (Combined Product) It is made on the basis of basalt and fiberglass. Different with high wear resistance and a wide range of application.

Pluses of composite fittings

Composite fittings rapidly gained popularity in the construction market. This is due to its technical indicators and durability. Among the predominant qualities:

- not subject to corrosion;

- moisture resistance;

- long operational period;

- indicators of strength exceeding metal counterparts;

- low thermal conductivity, excluding the formation of cold bridges in a concrete structure;

See also: Moisture-resistant plasterboard KNAUF: advantages, features of use

- dielectricity excluding interference when radio waves pass;

- convenient transportation due to low weight and the possibility of transporting the product in the bays;

- affordable price.

Scope of composite reinforcement

The material is actively used in different construction work:

When laying the foundation of buildings, especially in those operating under an aggressive environment;

In the strengthening structures of bases and bearing walls;

In private construction;

For the reinforcement of the roadway;

To strengthen the slopes of mounds;

For the manufacture of binder design when building buildings;

To strengthen the soil in mines and others.

Features of the reinforcement of the design of composite reinforcement

With the reinforcement of the design, composite materials do not occur. The masters in the usual way is calculated by the diameter of the rods and parameters of the cells, taking into account the carrying ability of the structure. The frame is made by the use of binding wire or electrical plastic clamps. To perform connections, the wire will require a special hook and knitting automatic type. Clamps are attached manually. It is also allowed to connect the elements of the reinforcement with plastic clips. It is impossible to use the usual welding machine on dielectric material.