Soundproof floor material. Floor soundproofing - an overview of the best materials and the calculation of the required thickness (125 photos)

Probably one of the most pressing problems of modern multi-storey buildings is constant noise. Of course, this issue can be resolved at the construction stage, but due to the cost, developers do not do this, leaving this problem to new residents.

Nature and sources of noise

The rumble of cars is heard from the street, and the neighbors cause a lot of anxiety: some have a dog that constantly barks, others have children running around the house, and still others have suddenly started repairs and the list of irritants is only growing. The question of how to live quietly and calmly does not leave you.

There are a lot of modern materials and solutions that will help you. We will try to tell you in detail how to soundproof floors.

Most people who think about soundproofing the floor in their apartment make the same typical mistakes.

Do not ask people around who do not understand this issue. Trust only professionals!

They understand exactly what material will help in a given situation, and which one should definitely not be used.

Don't rely on carpets, paint, tall cabinets, etc. At most, they will help to remove the echo, but they will not save you from the sounds.

If you know exactly what kind of noise you want to get rid of, this will save you a good amount of money and the work itself will be easier and faster to carry out. Be sure to conduct a series of studies (we will talk about them in detail below) and determine where the sounds come from.

  1. Airborne noise (neighbors talking, dog barking, etc.).
  2. Impact noises (stomping in the apartment, sounds of moving furniture, etc.)
  3. Structural noise (the sound of an elevator, ventilation equipment, etc.).

As soon as we have decided on the sources, we determine the frequency of oscillations. It is on it that we select sound-absorbing material (the permissible load is indicated on the package).

Next, carefully inspect the apartment for cracks and crevices. They are more characteristic of panel houses, but it is better to check brick ones. Don't forget to check the switches and sockets. Sometimes it is more expedient to make electrical fittings external, and not internal.

All found cracks must be sealed before starting work on insulation.

Innovative materials and methods

Consider two basic approaches to solving the problem of floor soundproofing:

floating floor. We take sound-absorbing material and put it overlapping on the walls. It should rise above the level of the future screed.

In this case, our floor will not touch the walls. In this case, the screed can be used dry or regular.

This method provides maximum noise reduction, but there are several disadvantages.:

Soundproof underlay.

The work is carried out in two stages:

  1. Leveling the floor.
  2. We lay the substrate, and on top of the floor covering.

Unlike the previous version, it provides weaker insulation. However, it will save you from household noises and loud neighbors.

This option is suitable for those who want to do everything quickly and without outside help, because. special skills are not needed here. There will be no additional load on the floors, and the price will please you.

The three most popular methods

Cork soundproofing.

The easiest and fastest option. It does not require huge financial investments and major repairs.

We purchase ready-made floor coverings and rejoice. Best of all, they dampen shock vibrations.

Most often used:

This option helps to solve two problems at once: they get rid of extraneous noise and look beautiful, only polyurethane requires additional flooring.

Underfloor insulation.

This is a higher quality option. First, we raise the old floor to the ground. We make a floating concrete screed.

We do the work in several stages:

This isolation method is very effective, but there is a drawback. Such a design would put a strain on bearing walls, so calculate everything exactly to avoid incidents.

soundproofing wooden floor.

Basic materials

In order to get a good result, it is important to choose the right material, focusing on its features.

Consider the most popular materials.

- This is the most common material. However, it is important to remember that ordinary foam for sound insulation will not work. It is important to remember that the denser and thicker the foam (up to 5 mm), the more efficiently you will do the work.

Styrofoam- It is often used as an alternative. It is more durable than foam and much lighter.

mineral wool
- in addition to noise insulation, provides additional insulation. The material will last 40 years if you lay it correctly.

However, when using mineral wool, waterproofing should be carried out, as it is very whimsical to water. Also, cotton wool will be a source of additional dust and synthetic resin, and this is already a health risk.

Expanded clay
- very inexpensive and safe, and will last a very long time.

Cork crumb sheets– do not give in to rotting and well eliminate shock and vibration noise.

Foamed polyethylene- has a very affordable price, and even a beginner can handle the installation. Not susceptible to moisture and does not rot.

- often used, but this is the most losing option. The thickness directly affects the quality, the load on the structure of the house will increase.

glass wool- very light and therefore ideal for houses from the old fund. Perfectly absorbs noise from shocks and vibrations, and also provides fire safety.

Innovative materials

. Doesn't respond to fluctuations temperature regime and does not rot. Unpretentious when mounting and will last a very long time.

When ignited, it quickly extinguishes without outside help. It is important to remember that it cannot be laid without a substrate.

made from coniferous trees. It mainly isolates airborne noise (27 dB). Provides natural ventilation and is easy to install. However, this is a rather expensive material.

Noise stop - helps well, in the presence of noise from impacts (more than 39 dB). The advantages of this material include a small thickness (20 mm), a long service life and ease of installation. The biggest downside is sagging.

Vibrostek-V300 –
made on the basis of fibers containing glass. You can buy it in the form of rolls. It is often used as a substrate, since its thickness is only 4 mm. Protects against noise up to 29 dB.

This durable material, which can withstand heavy loads, naturally the price tag on it is large.

suitable for wooden floors. Isolates sounds up to 38 dB. Relatively inexpensive material, has low heat conductivity, but absorbs moisture very easily.

Maxforte - can withstand moisture for a couple of hours, which allows you not to lay additional waterproofing.

Rolls can be mounted both under a self-leveling floor, and under floor coverings. Absorbs impact noise up to 27 dB. Withstands temperature fluctuations from -25 to +85 C. It will last you a long time, and it is not very attractive for rodents and insects. Refers to expensive materials.

Soundproof -
is a lining material. Absorbs noise up to 23 dB. Refers to waterproof insulators, does not rot. The price tag will pleasantly surprise you, because with all its pluses, the price is acceptable.

Shumanet - it is a kind of fiberglass with many layers. Absorbs noise up to 23 dB. It has good waterproofing. Very strong material, with a relatively small thickness. Does not ignite.

Remember that this material can only be mounted at positive temperatures.

From this article you will learn:

  • What kind of noise does the soundproofing of the floor in the apartment save?
  • How to prepare and what is required for soundproofing the floor in the apartment
  • What materials to choose for soundproofing the floor in the apartment
  • What technology is used to provide soundproofing of the floor in the apartment
  • How much does it cost to soundproof a floor in an apartment?

Extraneous sounds significantly reduce the level of comfort when living in an apartment high-rise building in Moscow. Soundproofing the floor in an apartment is one of the most important measures that allows you to reduce the level of noise penetrating into living quarters through internal floors. Such work should be planned at the finishing stage. The soundproofing of the floor in the apartment is carried out in accordance with technological requirements using effective noise-absorbing coatings and soundproofing materials. We will talk about this in this article.

What kind of noise helps soundproofing the floor in the apartment

To solve the problem of extraneous sounds in the apartment, it is necessary to determine what types of noise exist.

The main varieties are as follows:

  • Shock noise arises due to mechanical impact on building structures. It occurs during the operation of various percussion instruments, during children's games associated with jumping and when people walk (especially in shoes with heels). In these cases, a sound wave occurs that affects the interfloor ceilings. You can protect yourself from such noise with the help of soundproof panels with a cellular structure.
  • Structural noise in the apartment appears as a result of the operation of power tools, the movement of heavy furniture structures, etc. The transmission of such sounds occurs if between the carriers building structures there are no gaskets made of soundproofing materials. To protect against structural noise in the apartment, it is necessary to soundproof the joints of building structures.
  • Air sound enters the apartment from the street or from neighboring rooms. This could be loud speech, music, TV shows, or traffic noise. In this case, sound waves propagate through the air. To protect against them, fibrous or porous materials are used.

Depending on the source of noise in the apartment can also be divided into several types:

  1. external (street);
  2. sounds inside the building (stairwell, neighbors);
  3. noise inside the apartment (activity of residents in neighboring rooms inside the apartment);
  4. sounds inside the room (conversations, operation of audio equipment, TV and household equipment).

One hundred percent protection of the apartment from all types of noise is impossible. The task of soundproofing in an apartment is to ensure that the noise does not exceed a certain comfortable level. Noise is no longer annoying if only the background remains from sharp sounds. There is even an opinion that a person needs noise to a certain extent, and complete silence also creates discomfort.

Preparatory stage to soundproof the floor in the apartment

In preparation for soundproofing the floor in the apartment, you should collect all the necessary tools and purchase materials. In some cases, the old floor will need to be removed.

The main materials for soundproofing floors in the apartment:

  1. Kaolin, mineral wool or materials based on basalt fiber.
  2. Perlite.
  3. Refractory crushed clay (chamotte).
  4. Cellular glass.
  5. Synthetic gas-filled plastic.
  6. Foamed polyethylene.
  7. polyester fabric.
  8. Needle punched geotextile.
  9. bituminous membrane.
  10. Cork coating.

When performing work on soundproofing the floor, you will also need the following consumables:

  • Cement-sand mixture for arranging screeds and fittings.
  • Logs, boards or chipboard (for arranging frame floors).
  • Expanded clay of fine fraction, plywood or gypsum fiber boards (for arranging a dry screed).
  • Wooden beam.
  • waterproofing materials.
  • Material for fine finish floor (flooring).
  • Hardware (nails, screws and other fasteners).
  • Wire.
  • Rubber pads.
  • Sealant.

Set necessary tools for soundproofing the floor may vary, depending on the insulation used and floor covering in the apartment:

  1. A metalwork tool for marking and measuring angles, a shovel, a spatula for arranging a screed.
  2. Pliers.
  3. Saw or jigsaw.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Screwdriver set or electric screwdriver.
  6. Drill.
  7. Nailer.
  8. Tassels.
  9. Roulette.
  10. Pencil or marker.
  11. Construction knife.
  12. Scissors.
  13. measuring level.

Arrangement of soundproofing of the floor must be carried out at the initial stage of repair in the apartment. Otherwise, it will be necessary to dismantle the floor covering and its base, up to the floor slabs. The re-laying of the floor must be carried out with great care so that its structural elements are not damaged.

Materials for soundproofing the floor in the apartment: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages


The main characteristics of the material:

  1. Produced on the basis of mineral components.
  2. Thickness 3.7mm.
  3. It is used for flooring, protection of ceiling surfaces and walls.
  4. Density 7 kg/m2;
  5. Absorbs airborne noise up to 28 dB.


  • resistance to temperature extremes and organic decomposition;
  • high level of elasticity;
  • high level of sound absorption;
  • simple installation;
  • unlimited service life;
  • resistance to fire and the ability to self-extinguishing.


  • Teksound must not be laid on concrete, but must be laid on a substrate.

mineral wool

This category presents several materials for soundproofing the floor in an apartment: slag, glass and basalt wool. All of them have different characteristics density, thermal insulation and resistance to moisture. For soundproofing in apartments, only basalt (stone) wool can be used.

Stone wool features:

  1. resistance to high temperatures (up to 550˚С);
  2. high density;
  3. lack of formaldehyde resins;
  4. for laying stone wool, the arrangement of the crate is not required.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • long service life;
  • minimum shrinkage;
  • high fire performance.

disadvantages with stone wool as a soundproofing material no.


Material Features:

  1. produced from coniferous wood;
  2. on sale presented in the form of plates;
  3. high degree of sound absorption (up to 27 dB).



  • high price.

noise stop


  1. well absorbs shock noise (more than 39 dB);
  2. polymerization time 24 hours.


  • thickness - 2 cm;
  • long service life;
  • easy installation.


  • insufficiently high density, which leads to sagging after some time of operation.



  1. it is produced in the form of plates, rolls, panels, which makes it possible to use it as a soundproof substrate or as an independent decorative floor covering in an apartment;
  2. with a thickness of only 20 mm, the cork reduces the amount of penetrating noise through the ceiling from the neighbors from below by 2 times.



  • careless laying may damage the integrity of the coating;
  • due to the low density at high pressure points (under the legs of furniture), subsidence of the material may appear.



  1. Vibrostek-V300 - rolled material, which is made from fiberglass type "C";
  2. reduction factor impact noise 29 dB.
  3. used as a substrate.


  • long service life;
  • thin material (width 4 mm);
  • well maintains long loadings.


  • high price.



  1. used for underlayment under wooden floors on logs;
  2. made on the basis of fiberglass;
  3. good sound insulation performance (up to 38 dB).


  • good thermal insulation performance;
  • affordable cost.


  • the porous structure of the material contributes to increased absorption of moisture.



  1. sold in rolls;
  2. can be laid under a screed or under a decorative floor covering;
  3. impact sound absorption coefficient of 27 dB, and a noise reduction index of 0.52.


  • soundproofing Maxforte in the apartment can be laid on the floor without a layer of waterproofing;
  • excellent water resistance (at a pressure of 0.2 MPa for 2 hours);
  • not subject to destruction by rodents and insects;
  • high elasticity;
  • eco-friendly natural material;
  • resistance to temperature changes in the range from -25˚С to + 85˚С;
  • can be used without limitation of service life.


  • high price.



  1. Soundproof refers to bitumen-polymer lining materials;
  2. high elasticity;
  3. impact noise absorption coefficient 23 dB.


  • can be installed in an apartment without a layer of waterproofing;
  • eco-friendly natural material;
  • excellent water resistance (at a pressure of 0.2 MPa for 2 hours);
  • resistance to organic decomposition;
  • long service life and affordable price.

Soundproof has no flaws when used as a material for soundproofing the floor in an apartment.



  1. made on the basis of multilayer fiberglass;
  2. impact noise reduction factor 23 dB.


  • soundproofing Shumanet can be laid without a layer of waterproofing;
  • excellent water resistance (at a pressure of 0.49 MPa for 120 minutes);
  • resistance to tensile deformation along the web exceeds 170 N (with a relatively small thickness);
  • good acoustic characteristics;
  • can be used without limitation of the service life;
  • resistance to fire;
  • eco-friendly natural material.


  • assembly work may only be carried out at temperatures above 0 °C.

How to make the soundproofing of the floor in the apartment

The simplest soundproofing of the floor in the apartment from the neighbors below is a competent choice of decorative flooring. For example, materials such as carpet, felt-based linoleum, or even ordinary carpet can effectively absorb extraneous sounds.

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But, if you have the opportunity to equip the soundproofing of the floor before laying the finish coat, then we can recommend the use of soundproofing gaskets. As a material for such a gasket in an apartment, you can use polyethylene foam, cork, as well as special cellular or porous materials for soundproofing the floor. When choosing the type of soundproofing gasket, you need to pay attention to the parameters of sound absorption.

Cork- the best soundproofing of the floor in the apartment. The density of this natural material several times higher than that of a polymer film. Cork is used to make flooring different types, which allow to reduce the level of noise penetrating through the floor by 2 times.

Various types of screeds show good results as protection against structure and impact noise. They are equipped from different materials, so the technology for performing work can change.

For additional sound insulation, I lay various bases under the screed. After that, all joints, cracks and niches for communications are sealed. Then the surface is cleaned and you can start arranging the screed.

Types of screeds:

  • Dry (prefabricated) screed it is equipped by laying gypsum fiber boards on a pillow of expanded clay. The process of making a screed is quite simple. On the surface of the subfloor in the apartment, a layer of expanded clay is distributed with the addition of sand, on top of which gypsum sheets (GVL) are laid. This technology requires a minimum of time, and cleaning after arranging the screed is not particularly difficult.
  • Wet screed- a traditional poured concrete floor, the thickness of which is from 4.5 to 5 centimeters. It is equipped on an empty base or a substrate of sound insulation and a waterproofing layer. The disadvantage of this technology is the drying time of the concrete layer. This takes about 12 days.
  • Semi-dry screed- equipped with a technology that resembles the process of making a screed wet way, but it requires a minimum of time. The higher speed of this process is due to the fact that instead of a concrete solution for the screed, in this case, a cement mixture with fiber is used.

Soundproofing the floor screed in the apartment using the "floating floor" technology

Floating screeds are often used for soundproofing in apartments. The construction of such a floor consists of several layers, including a layer of sound insulation. The peculiarity of the floating screed is that its layers are not connected to the walls and do not touch concrete floor. Thus sound waves cannot be transmitted to the floating floor.

To arrange the soundproofing of a floating screed in an apartment with your own hands, various materials can be used. The main technological requirement is strict observance of the sequence of laying materials on the floor.

The first layer is waterproofing

After all debris has been removed from the floor surface, all cracks and irregularities must be repaired. concrete slab with cement mortar. After the solution has dried, you can start laying the rolled waterproofing. In terms of price / quality ratio, a good option for waterproofing is high-density polyethylene film. It must be laid so that the edges overlap by 15 centimeters (these edges must be fastened with construction tape).

The second layer is a soundproof barrier

To arrange soundproofing under a floating floor in an apartment, you can use the following materials:

  • foamed polystyrene with a thickness of 3 cm;
  • foam with the highest density and thickness from 5 cm;
  • rolled bitumen soundproofing for the floor based on fiberglass ("Shumanet 100");
  • plates made of moisture-resistant fiberglass ("Shumostop");
  • Fiberboard 25 mm thick (“Softboard Isoplat”);
  • membrane soundproofing made of argonite 3.7 mm thick (“Texound”).

The laying of soundproofing materials that are produced in the form of slabs is carried out with a tight fit of each slab so that their joints are not on the same straight line (“in a row”). Fitted slabs must be glued to the panel floor, covered with waterproofing.

Important! In progress installation work in the apartment, care must be taken that the sound insulation is in contact with wall structures only through a damper tape, which is pre-glued around the entire perimeter of the room. It is necessary to select a tape with a width greater than the thickness of the floating floor (after installation, the protruding edges of the damper tape should be cut off).

Laying rolled sound insulation on the floor in the apartment is overlapped by 2 cm. The resulting joints are fastened with adhesive tape. The edges of the soundproofing layer must be brought to the walls to the height of the screed in order to prevent its contact with the wall surface.

Third layer - vapor barrier

This layer is necessary in order to separate the wet screed from the floor soundproofing. This problem can be solved with the help of a polyethylene film. The laying of the film is carried out in the same way as in the arrangement of the 1st layer.

The fourth layer is reinforcing

Reinforcing mesh is used for this layer. It is made from wire (3mm) with cells 5 x 5 (cm). Laying mesh over waterproofing is necessary to prepare for pouring cement screed. If you equip the subfloor in an apartment without such a grid, then it can crack.

Fifth layer - cement-sand filling

The layer of cement screed for the floor in the apartment must be at least 40 mm. She pours on reinforcing mesh according to the installed beacons (in order not to damage the sound insulation, experts recommend using repper beacons or U-shaped beacons). The removal of the lighthouses is carried out 3 days after the arrangement of the cement screed, and the pits remaining after their removal must be sealed with cement mortar.

To get a reliable floor in the apartment, you must strictly follow the technological requirements for drying the screed. Until the solution has completely dried, the subfloor must not be walked on, as this can lead to cracks in the foam boards.

All the work on soundproofing the floor in the apartment described here can be done by hand. But to guarantee a positive result, it is better to turn to professionals. However, in order to save money, you can apply a combined approach - do everything yourself preparatory work, and entrust the laborious procedure of pouring the screed to specialists.

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment under a dry type screed

Dry screed acts as a soundproof barrier for the floor in the apartment. Its important advantage over wet screed is that it will be possible to use the floor in the apartment immediately after the completion of work.

To equip the waterproofing layer, a dry mixture is used, including:

  • expanded clay;
  • expanded perlite sand;
  • granulated slag with a fine fraction;
  • dry mix "Knauf".

Stages of arranging a dry soundproof screed for the floor in the apartment:

  1. A waterproofing layer is laid on the interfloor overlap.
  2. A damper tape is attached along the perimeter of the walls in the place of the proposed screed, the width of which is slightly greater than the calculated floor height.
  3. To indicate the level of backfilling of dry material, it is necessary to set beacons or pull a cord.
  4. The dry mixture is evenly distributed over the waterproofing to the height indicated by the level and leveled.
  5. Sheet material is laid on the granular layer: plywood, chipboard, drywall, OSB, Knauf-superpol, etc.) The sheets must be laid in one or two layers and fastened with glue and self-tapping screws.

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment without a screed using floor coverings and cork underlay

To equip the soundproofing of the floor on your own with minimal cost, as noted above, in the apartment you can use flooring with high noise absorption:

  • carpet;
  • cork floor;
  • linoleum with foam or felt base;
  • laminate on a cork substrate with a thickness of more than 2 mm.

Cork flooring has a wide range of benefits. This is a natural material with high sound absorption rates, so this material can be recommended for effective protection of an apartment from extraneous noise.

Cork can be used for more than just decorative flooring. It can serve as a substrate for other types of flooring in the apartment. The natural properties of cork will provide good protection against sounds penetrating from the lower floors. In order to understand the effectiveness of floor soundproofing using cork, you can compare the sound absorption characteristics of cork with other types of building materials.

Laying a cork layer on a bare concrete floor will reduce the noise penetrating into the apartment by half. To make even better soundproofing of the floor in the apartment, cork can be used in combination with other soundproofing materials. The combination of layers with different densities will provide effective absorption of different types of noise.

When using a cork decorative coating, the quality of sound insulation of the floor will be quite high, but in order to achieve maximum results, it is better to use a substrate made of cork tree.

Consider the main stages of arranging such a floor:

  1. The base layer is prepared first. After the dust has been removed and the surface of the interfloor floor has been leveled, you can proceed to the arrangement of the cork wood substrate. The cork is placed on a layer of foamed polyethylene, the sheets of which should go onto the walls by about 10 cm. The polyethylene is overlapped and fastened with adhesive tape.
  2. A cork substrate is laid on polyethylene. If roll material is used, then after laying it, you need to give it some time for it to level and straighten out.
  3. On cork backing you need to lay sheets of plywood and attach them to the floor surface. A decorative floor covering will be mounted on top of the plywood.

Soundproofing the floor in the apartment under the laminate and linoleum

Such a floor covering as a laminate does not have high noise absorption rates and, on the contrary, serves as a good conductor of sound, especially when solid objects fall on it. Therefore, when using this material, it is necessary to take care of noise protection, which is carried out in the same way as the sound insulation of the floor in an apartment under linoleum.

To do this, you need to use a special substrate that will perform several functions:

  • thermal insulation;
  • increase the life of the laminate;
  • soundproofing of the floor from the laminate;
  • distribution of mechanical loads on the laminate and on all layers of the base;
  • preventing the appearance of a squeak during operation.

As a substrate when laying a laminate, they are usually used. roll materials or cork boards, which are held together with construction tape.

The technology of laying a soundproof substrate under a laminate:

  1. The preparation of the base is carried out, on which it is necessary to lay the soundproofing material (the rolled soundproofing is pre-cut).
  2. The sound insulation layer is laid end-to-end. The seams of the material must be glued.
  3. The substrate is fastened (the method of fastening is selected depending on the type of material and the type of laminate).

Linoleum is a fairly thin floor covering, especially if materials without a felt base are used. That is why, when using linoleum in an apartment, it is necessary to think over the soundproofing of the floor. Vibrostack panels can be used as a noise-absorbing substrate. Laying of this material is carried out on the base base of the floor. The joints of the material are fastened with construction tape. If it is necessary to equip soundproofing under linoleum in rooms with an average level of traffic (bedroom, nursery, etc.), then you can use a substrate made of IPSOLAT material. This sound insulation, in addition to sound absorption, also protects the flooring, extending the life of linoleum.

The technology of soundproofing a wooden floor in an apartment along the logs

Frame soundproofing of the floor in the apartment can be carried out for both concrete and wooden floors. This design, compared with a floating floor, protects against vibration noise worse, but absorbs audio sounds much better. This soundproofing option is most often used in one-story houses that are built on a pile-grillage foundation (in this case, there is no need to equip floor soundproofing that protects against impact noise).

Soundproofing the floor on the logs in an apartment or in a private house can be done by hand.

To do this, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to dismantle the old wooden floor. This procedure must be carried out carefully, since if the boards are still in good condition, then after arranging the sound insulation they can be laid back.
  • All elements of the future structure made of wood must be treated with an antiseptic such as "SENEZH OGNEBIO".
  • We treat the concrete base of the floor with a waterproofing compound.
  • To fix the log, you can use U-shaped brackets, which are used for drywall. Alignment of the lag horizontally is carried out using rails. After that, the lags need to be fixed on concrete base brackets. The fixation must be rigid, so it is necessary to press the logs well to the ceiling.
  • Soundproofing is laid in the free space between the lags (it is better to use mineral fibrous materials - mineral wool, Isover-type plates, glass wool, etc.). Styrofoam cannot be used for soundproofing the frame floor, as it does not provide the necessary ventilation for wooden structures, which leads to their premature decay.
  • We equip wooden flooring. The boards should be pressed tightly against each other and fixed to the logs with self-tapping screws. Instead of decking boards, material such as OSB boards can be used. In this case, the flooring is made in 2 layers, so that the joints of the second layer are located in the middle of the slabs of the 1st layer.

How much does it cost to soundproof a floor in an apartment: prices and calculation of materials

Step one - calculation of the sound insulation index

You can calculate the sound insulation index of the floor in the apartment by the thickness of the partitions and finishing layers. It is better to entrust the calculations to professionals, since an error will lead either to overspending of materials or to poor-quality noise protection. For self-determination For this indicator, the following guidelines are used: during the day, the acceptable noise level should be less than 40 dB, and at night no more than 30 dB.

Interfloor ceilings in an apartment, the thickness of which is 200-220 cm plus a screed, provide noise protection up to 54 dB (if building codes and technological requirements were observed during the arrangement.

A simple way to determine the degree of sound insulation of the floor: listen to the sounds from the apartment on the floor below. If the sound of footsteps is heard, then the noise is about 30 dB, if the conversation is 45 dB, and if only the cry is 70 dB.

Step Two – Calculating the Absorption Coefficient

The calculation of the sound absorption coefficient is carried out by specialists separately for each material. It is recommended to select materials with an absorption coefficient ranging from 0 to 1.

Step three - calculating the amount of materials

At this stage, the total number necessary materials. To calculate, you need to multiply the width of the sound insulator by its length and get the total area. The result obtained must be divided by the footage (for roll materials) or the size of the plates. The resulting figure is rounded up and you still need to add 10% of the stock material to it.

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Unfortunately, apartments in high-rise buildings have a very low level of sound insulation. This is especially true for buildings built from reinforced concrete panels. Not only are interior wall panels themselves very thin, but their structural structure does not contribute to sound absorption, and some of their components are even its conductor, for example, fittings. Therefore, soundproofing the floor in the apartment has become an urgent need for many.

Not so long ago, it was very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to purchase materials for sound insulation, and apartment owners came up with different ways protect your home from thundering music or emotional conversations of neighbors. Old carpets, the remains of foam packaging and even egg trays were used.

Today in construction stores there is a huge selection of various soundproofing materials, and craftsmen offer numerous ways to build a soundproofing system. To choose the option that is more suitable for a particular room, you need to consider the characteristics of some of them, and how they fit on concrete floor.

Kinds soundproofing and how to install them

Not every soundproofing material is suitable for a particular apartment. For example, to arrange a sound-absorbing system using wooden crates, it is necessary to have sufficiently high ceilings. The crate will be at least five centimeters in height, plus the thickness of the plywood laid on top - and the volume of the room will be significantly reduced, the ceiling will become lower. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to choose materials that have a small thickness and, at the same time, a large sound absorption efficiency.

Soundproofing MaxForte

Floor soundproofing for a floating screed is made using modern MaxForte materials. Each material has its own characteristics during installation.

MaxForte Shumoizol. The rolls are spread with the soft side on the floor, the edges lead to the walls. After work, any excess can be easily cut off. The joints between the rolls are smeared liquid rubber MaxForte Hydrostop.


  1. Impact noise reduction 27 dB.
  2. The material does not tear and does not crack during laying due to the addition of imported plasticizers to the composition.
  3. It can be used as waterproofing, the material is waterproof.
  4. The material can be used for dry screed and under the laminate.

MaxForte Shumoizol

MaxForteSound Pro. Installation is carried out by analogy with Shumoizol: the edges lead to the walls, the rolls themselves are overlapped by 5 cm, and the joints between them are coated with MaxForte Hydrostop liquid rubber. Next, the construction film is laid. This is done so that the screed solution does not penetrate the sound insulation layer.


  1. Impact noise reduction 34 dB.
  2. Airborne noise reduction 10 dB.
  3. Rolls are resistant to moisture. Not subject to decay.
  4. It belongs to the sound absorption class "A" out of five possible.
  5. The material does not attract rodents.

MaxForte SoundPro

MaxForte EcoSlab 110 kg/m 3. To begin with, the MaxForte tape is laid around the perimeter in two layers. The plates are placed on the floor close to each other and covered with construction film.


  1. It belongs to the sound absorption class "A" out of five possible.
  2. Completely non-combustible material.
  3. Does not contain phenol resins.
  4. Due to the optimally selected density of 110 kg/m3, the screed does not spring back and will not burst over time.
  5. Sound insulation at the level of 36-38 dB.

If it turned out that the apartment already has a screed, or it is an old housing stock, where the ceiling simply cannot withstand the heavy weight of the screed, then the floor on the logs will be an effective option.

In this case, it applies MaxForte EcoSlab 60 kg/m 3 .

MaxForte EcoSlab 60 kg


  1. It belongs to the sound absorption class "A" out of five possible.
  2. Completely non-combustible material.
  3. Does not contain phenol resins.
  4. Does not attract insects and rodents
  5. Plates are resistant to moisture. Not subject to decay.

MaxForte EcoSlab

« Texound »


Not so long ago, a modern soundproofing material appeared on the Russian construction market - "Teksound", which, it turns out, has been produced for more than twenty years, and during this time it has fully justified all the characteristics that the manufacturer claims. With a thickness of only 3.7 mm, it is considered one of the best sound absorbers.

This is what Texound looks like in rolls...

This material is produced on a mineral basis and is ideal for flooring in residential areas. In addition to floors, it is mounted on ceilings and walls, thereby achieving maximum noise protection, while at the same time minimizing the loss of area and the total volume of rooms.

It must be said that "Teksound"Has a high density and, accordingly, a significant mass, which is seven kilograms per m², therefore, it seriously makes the structure heavier, which is important when placing it on walls or ceilings. But it is precisely its high density that creates protection against the penetration of noise.

Positive and negative sides

The material has the following advantages over others noise-absorbing materials:

1. It is flexible and elastic, and also has the property of stretching.

2. Its installation is simple and clear.

3. The material does not respond to temperature changes.

4. "Texound" is not hygroscopic, not subject to mold formation or decay processes.

6. Fits perfectly on any surface.

7. Has an unlimited service life.

8. And most importantly - has large ratio absorption of air sound waves of noise.

The disadvantage of "Teksound" can only be called the fact that it must be used necessarily in combination with thin insulation or other material, i.e. to achieve the desired effect, it is not recommended to lay it on a concrete slab without a substrate.



Arranging soundproofing, you always want to achieve maximum effect, and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to act strictly according to the instructions and recommendations given by the manufacturer of the material.

Approximate laying scheme "Teksounda"

As mentioned above, Texound must be laid on a prepared base. Any sheet or roll insulation is perfect for her - it can be thin foam polyethylene - polyethylene foam, drywall, plastic or plywood. If the ceilings are high and it is possible to make sound insulation from a thicker layer, then mineral wool can also be used for one of the components.

  • The concrete slab is thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Next, the base is laid on it. If it is an elastic material, then it is better to fix it with glue.

Polyethylene foam will raise the floor by only three to five millimeters. The best option still considered drywall. This is because, firstly, it will make the floors perfectly even and close the flaws of the slab, and this will protect Texound from damage, and secondly, it itself is a good sound insulator.

  • After the base is ready, it is smeared on top with special glue, wait 10-15 minutes, and then the Texound is carefully laid with a 10-12 cm approach to the walls.

"Teksaunda" spreading

  • When the material is laid, it is necessary to carefully connect the joints between the sheets using hot air or glue. The sheets must create an airtight coating, otherwise the soundproofing effect will be reduced.
  • Next " Teksound"The top is covered with another layer of drywall or 10 mm plywood. In total, without decorative coating, floors will rise by 23.7 millimeters.
  • On top of drywall, you can lay any floor coating - linoleum, laminate, carpet or others - it will also create additional sound insulation.

If you increase the number of layers and apply materials with different densities for them, then the sound insulation will be several times better.

Mineral wool

For sound insulation and insulation, three types of mineral wool are used - stone wool, slag wool and glass wool. All of them can have different thicknesses and are produced in rolls or in slabs.

Mineral wool can be of different densities, on which thermal conductivity and its ability to withstand external loads will depend. In addition, the material differs in the coefficient of moisture and heat resistance.

  1. stone wool

Stone wool is a heat-resistant material, and calmly tolerates high temperatures reaching up to 500-550 degrees. This sound insulator is made from fibers that are obtained by melting rocks.

Rolls and slabs of basalt wool

The best type of stone wool is basalt, it is an environmentally friendly sound insulator, as well as an excellent insulation. Another advantage is that it does not contain binders- formaldehyde resin, unlike some other types of mineral wool.

Basalt wool, produced in slabs and rolls, can be used for soundproof works without mounting the crate, since the material has a high density.

stone wool

  1. glass wool

This is the most affordable type of mineral wool, but it is more difficult to install because of the prickly fiberglass. Installation must be carried out with gloves and a protective mask on the face, since the thin hard fibers that make up the material dig into the skin, can get into the eyes and respiratory tract.

Most inexpensive option- glass wool

Glass wool has a lower density than stone, and it must be laid in a crate. This kind of material is mainly used for non-residential premises, for example workshops, or for external insulation or soundproofing.

glass wool

  1. slag wool

This type of mineral wool is made from slag from blast furnaces and cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, since the material contains such substances that, when interacting with moisture, will aggressively affect the metal. In addition, it cannot be used for external work, since there it will not be insured against moisture.

The material is hygroscopic, i.e. absorbs moisture well, which quickly reduces its quality. This material, in principle, can be used for soundproofing by laying it between the arranged joists of the crate, but it is undesirable to use it in residential premises.

From the presented characteristics, we can conclude that of the three types of mineral wool, only stone basalt wool is ideal for soundproofing the floor of an apartment.


Installation of mineral wool on floors for soundproofing is quite simple, and can be done in two ways: with or without a bar crate.

  • The first thing that is done with any soundproofing device is to prepare the surface of the base. All debris and dust is removed from it with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Further, if on concrete semi show up cracks, they must be expanded and repaired with cement mortar or special repair putty, then allow these areas to harden well.
  • Then it is better to lay a thin heat and sound insulator - polyethylene foam on a concrete slab.
  • If it is decided to lay the logs, then you need to correctly calculate the step of their installation, it must correspond to the width of the mineral wool slabsso that they fit snugly between the bars.

The bars are selected with the same thickness as the thickness of the soundproofing material. After marking the floor, logs are fixed to it, they should not be located close to the wall, but at a distance equal to the thickness of the insulation.

The next step is laying the plates between the bars.

When all the material is laid, plywood sheets are laid on top of it and fixed to the batten bars with self-tapping screws.

If small gaps have formed between the plywood sheets, they must be sealed with wood putty.

After the putty dries, linoleum, carpet or laminate can be laid on top of the plywood.

If you want to enhance the effect of sound absorption, you can lay a cork coating on top of the plywood, which also has excellent sound-absorbing properties.

  • Another option could be soundproofing without the use of wooden battens, and work on it installationcarried out in the following way.

Foamed polyethylene is also laid on the cleaned floor, which must be fastened together with adhesive tape. This material must be on the walls the thickness of the entire soundproofing layer.

On the walls of the entire perimeter of the room they put strips cut from mineral wool slabs, their height is about 15 centimeters.

On the substrate, close to the sound insulator installed on the walls, sheets of plywood or durable drywall are laid.

The next step, close to each other, lay slab sound insulator. It is pressed as tightly as possible to the strips of material installed on the wall.

Another layer of plywood is laid on top of the mineral wool slabs and fixed to the floor.

If small gaps have formed between the sheets of plywood, they also need to be sealed with putty.

After the putty has dried, you can proceed to the decorative floor covering.

As you can see from the description of the work process, everything can be done with your own hands, thereby protecting yourself from noisy neighbors living below.

Video - an example of soundproofing with mineral slabs

Cork soundproofing and coating

Material like cork is great sound insulator. A decorative coating is made from it, which is laid according to the principle of a laminate. In addition, a cork underlay is made, which can be laid under any decorative floor covering.

Cork flooring absorbs noise well in the apartment and reflects extraneous loud sounds from the outside.

If we compare the level of noise protection of a cork floor with a concrete wall, then its overwhelming advantage will come to light - two cm of cork may well replace ten cm of a concrete slab or five cm of a wall built of pine timber.

With a two-centimeter thick cork, the sound level entering the apartment from the outside will decrease by almost half. If there is a desire to reduce noise more, then you can use cork as one of the layers of a soundproof pillow, for example, when installing " Texound" - different density of materials will help increase soundproof the effect.

Decorative cork - higher quality. It is produced in the form of tiles, panels and rolls. It can be used both separately from the cork substrate, and in conjunction with it - to enhance the effect of noise absorption.

Both options are an excellent protector from extraneous noise, but, in addition, the cork is a wonderful heat insulator, although it has a small thickness. To big plus This material can be attributed to its environmental friendliness and the fact that it can "breathe".

In order for the coating and substrate to work effectively, it is necessary to properly install them.

cork flooring


Since the installation of a decorative coating and a cork substrate can be carried out in a complex manner, they can be considered together.

The cork substrate is installed first, of course. For its device, you need to prepare the surface, as for any other type of sound insulation. On the basis there should not be any, even small debris.

Under the cork substrate, it is imperative to lay sheets of polyethylene foam or other similar material. It should climb the walls by 5-7 centimeters. Polyethylene is fastened together with a special adhesive tape.

And straightened out.

Then sheets of plywood are laid on the cork, which are fixed to the floor.

On this solid base, the selected decorative coating is laid, which can be a laminate with cork coating or tiles of the same material.

Video - the original solution to the problem of sound insulation

In the presented video - very interesting way soundproofing the floor using modern material with pronounced anti-vibration properties "Shumoplast". If there is an opportunity to purchase, it is quite possible to do such work on your own.

When choosing soundproofing for the floor, you need to consider how much sound passes through the floors. The choice of material and its thickness will depend on this. In addition, you need to take into account the height of the ceilings in the apartment - if they are low, then you should choose a thin sound insulator.

What else needs to be remembered - if you need to make the room as silent as possible, you need to install the sound insulator not only on the floors, but also on the walls, and even on the ceiling.

Modern housing should provide its inhabitants with a certain level of comfort. This multifaceted concept takes into account a number of factors, one of which is the low visibility of external noise and sounds of a very different nature. Reducing the level of external noise to a certain limit provides not only a good mood for people, but also directly affects their well-being and health.

A good acoustic environment in residential premises is ensured by a number of measures. One of the most effective in their list is deservedly considered floor soundproofing.

This problem is quite acute. In some houses, the audibility from the floor is so great that the question is not even about how to soundproof the floor, but how to properly soundproof the floor, that is, to achieve the desired degree of its effectiveness.

What is meant by floor soundproofing and how to do it

Floor soundproofing is understood as a complex finishing works, after the implementation of which there is a decrease in the level of noise penetrating into the apartment through the supporting base and the overlap adjacent to it, as well as their distribution throughout the apartment.

Usually, sound insulation is carried out in the process of finishing work and is based on laying materials on the base that reflect and absorb extraneous sounds and other acoustic influences.

An example of sound insulation implemented even at the stage of construction of apartments is the use of floors, the concrete of which has been added with appropriate additives, as well as the installation of these floors on soundproof pads. This completely solves the problem of how to soundproof the floor from the neighbors below.

Varieties of acoustic noise

The type of noise insulation used depends on the type of noise.

External noise originates outside the isolated room. It is created by moving cars, animals and people.

House noise is inherently inner nature and occurs during the movement of elevators, the movement of residents along stairs and corridors, the operation of various mechanisms.

Internal noise is created both by indoor appliances for various purposes (TV, dishwasher), and by the inhabitants of the apartment.

Regardless of the type of noise, it is impossible to achieve 100% isolation from noise of any of the noted varieties. However, any kind of noise can be reduced to an acceptable limit.

For example, the use of triple-glazed windows on windows significantly reduces external noise. The main means of suppressing house noise is considered to be the elimination of rigid mechanical connections between separate elements building structures.

You also have to take into account the type of floor finish. For example, soundproofing under parquet is carried out according to different rules than in the case of carpet.

Ways to perform soundproofing

When answering the question of how to soundproof a floor, there are several basic approaches to choose from.

High noise absorption efficiency is demonstrated by sound-absorbing pads under a parquet board or laminate. For these types of fine floor coverings, it is best suited Cork board or polyethylene foam pad. The high sound absorption coefficient characteristic of these materials in a wide frequency band makes it possible to significantly reduce the thickness of the gasket used.

The most difficult, but also the most promising type of sound insulation is the implementation of the so-called floating floor. It is based on the use of absorbing materials, the installation of which provides decoupling from the bearing floor.

Types of floor soundproofing materials

The choice of soundproofing floor material is seriously influenced by the applied work technology.

All materials available for soundproofing are divided into:

  • soft (compositions based on felt, mineral or glass fibers);
  • medium hardness (the most famous mineral wool with a cellular structure);
  • hard ( granular materials based on mineral wool, perlite and vermiculite).

According to their structure, materials with acoustic absorption properties are divided into fibrous and cellular. Their effectiveness in terms of eliminating unwanted external noise of acoustic origin differs slightly.

Soundproofing can occur both in the floor structure and at the level finishing materials. For example, a soundproof carpet gives a good effect.

Soundproofing a concrete floor under a screed

In the case of concrete floors, sound insulation under the screed is often used. Popularity such a decision due to its reliability, rather high efficiency and ease of independent implementation. As the basis of the screed, cement grade 400 is used with a concentration of one to three.

Application this method most often required if soundproofing of the floor under the tiles is required.

The main feature of this method is that it provides for the formation of an additional layer up to 15 cm thick, which, coupled with rather heavy materials, creates a significant additional load on the floor. In addition, due to the long curing time cement mixture This type of soundproofing device requires at least two weeks.

The main stages of soundproofing technology "under the screed"

The technology is based on the use of the following materials:

  • self-leveling composition;
  • sound absorbing tape;
  • plates of extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyethylene film with reinforcing reinforcement;
  • reinforcing mesh.

Additionally, metal T-shaped beacons will be required to set the base surface for alignment.

Soundproofing the floor for tiles begins with the preparation of the room: removing furniture from it, dismantling the existing floor covering and cleaning the base structure to bare concrete (details: "").

The base is controlled for the presence mechanical damage in the form of chips, potholes and cracks, which are sealed with mortar. In case of irregularities with a height of more than two to two and a half centimeters, the surface is preliminary leveled using a self-leveling compound.

Then the following operations are performed:

  1. The device for soundproofing the floor begins with the fact that the joints of the base with the walls are glued with sound-absorbing mineral tape, it is advisable to choose the height of the tape on the wall equal to about 10 cm.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam boards are laid on the pre-prepared surface of the concrete floor slab. Laying is carried out in such a way that there are no voids between adjacent plates. If available, fill them out. mounting foam. It is permissible to use small pieces of polystyrene foam for this purpose.
  3. The soundproofing plates are protected from moisture by a polyethylene film, which is laid on top of them.
  4. The next layer is a reinforcing mesh with 10 cm cells. Beacons are placed on it, which are fixed in the working position with cement mortar or mounting foam.
  5. The reinforcing mesh is poured with mortar, the upper surface of which is leveled by the rule along the beacons. After leveling, the screed is covered plastic wrap and left for a week. The lighthouses are removed after five days, the voids remaining after them are sealed with mortar, after which the soundproofing layer is considered ready for installation of a finishing coating.

One of the rather popular variants of this technology is based on the use of temporary formwork instead of soundproofing tape. Formwork is made from wooden planks, plywood or drywall. After the screed has hardened, the formwork is removed, and the resulting void is filled with mineral insulating material.

Dry screed

Dry screed is used in situations where its implementation on the basis of a concrete solution is impossible. In the case of using this technology, pouring with concrete is replaced by filling the insulated surface with a dry mix. In this situation, expanded clay is often used as floor sound insulation. The formed surface, after additional leveling, is covered with plywood sheets or gypsum fiber boards, after which it is ready for laying the laminate.

Noise-absorbing substrates

The question of how to soundproof the floors when finishing the floor with laminate or linoleum is solved by using sound-absorbing substrates. For example, soundproofing the floor in an apartment under a laminate is performed without any special difficulties and financial costs. This type of material compares favorably with screed due to its noticeably thinner thickness: due to its good acoustic properties, very effective noise suppression is achieved with a thickness of only 2 mm.

For the manufacture of substrates, the following materials are used:

  • cork and rubber-cork mixtures;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • expanded polystyrene.

Installation of noise-absorbing substrates

In the case of implementing sound insulation based on an absorbing substrate, the process of its formation is carried out in the form of separate successive technological operations:

  1. The upper surface of the floor slab is cleaned of dirt and, if necessary, large potholes and cracks are carefully repaired with obligatory alignment.
  2. The junction of the floor with the walls with a small vertical margin is glued with sound-absorbing tape in the form shown in the photo. To enhance the resulting effect, the perimeter of the room is additionally covered with foamed polyethylene.
  3. The surface of the black floor is covered with plywood. To enhance the resulting effect, it is better to use two layers with overlap.
  4. The underlayment is laid on the plywood with separate boards "end-to-end". Joints are fixed with double-sided construction tape.
  5. The resulting structure is covered with laminate or linoleum. The protruding part of the soundproofing tape is carefully cut or folded so that it can be hidden behind the baseboard during the final finishing.

Features of the organization of work

The presented description indicates that, regardless of the technology involved, work on the implementation of sound insulation does not require high qualifications and mandatory application. special tool. It is not required to apply to specialized construction companies, as well as the presence of an official project completed by a licensed organization.

To achieve a high quality of the formed coating, accuracy and the initial level of skills in working with typical building materials, the operations themselves do not require high physical effort.

The soundproofing device is carried out as far as possible. The exception is the cement screed, which must be made entirely at one time.

The materials that are used in the process of manufacturing a noise-insulating coating are not scarce and expensive and are usually presented in a fairly wide selection and are freely available from a warehouse in hardware stores.

Soundproofing the floor with your own hands in the vast majority of cases can be done independently without the involvement of external resources. The exception is the cement screed device. At this stage it is better to work together with a partner.

The owners of standard panel buildings often experience inconvenience due to the increased degree of sound permeability in the apartment. At the same time, neighbors from the upper floors are not always the source of noise, since people who live in neighboring apartments or even on the lower floors can cause a lot of inconvenience. This is due to the fact that the soundproofing of the floor screed in prefabricated houses is arranged at a low level, and the problem must be resolved.

There are many materials and methods for soundproofing a home, but their choice depends on the type of finish used for the floor. For each material - floor tiles, laminate, linoleum, concrete screed or for the subfloor on the logs, it is supposed to have its own technology for laying the soundproofing layer of the floor.

For each individual case, an individual selection of the appropriate sound insulator is made.

floor soundproofing material

For a high-quality floor soundproofing device, you need to choose the soundproofing material that is appropriate for a particular case. Soundproofing materials are of the following types:

  • Membranes for sound insulation produced on the basis of aragonite. If the membrane is 3.7 mm thick, it will provide noise protection up to 28 MB.
  • Soft wood fiber boards with a thickness of 25 millimeters, which are used for concrete screed. They provide noise protection up to 21 dB.
  • For a floating floor, a slab made from chopped wood of various conifers is used. This material has a thickness of 5-7 millimeters, while it is able to suppress noise up to 21 dB.
  • A rolled version of soundproofing material that provides soundproofing for laminate flooring, massive board, parquet. There are also special varieties for concrete screed. The degree of noise suppression reaches 23 dB. For example, the Shumanet material for concrete screed, which is produced in rolls.
  • Shumanet board material, used for various types of floor coverings and having the ability to protect against noise up to 39 dB.
  • ISOVER material produced in the form of a slab based on mineral wool. They are used for the subfloor on the logs. The level of its soundproofing ability reaches up to 39 dB.
  • Mineral wool is considered a very convenient and good soundproofing material, however, when working with it, it is necessary to take into account its tendency to absorb moisture. Therefore, before laying such a sound insulator, a waterproofing device is required.
  • Expanded polystyrene is an environmentally friendly and moisture resistant material. It is easy to lay it, since it has a porous structure, and it can be used if necessary in order to insulate any type of room.
  • Expanded polystyrene foam is considered the best option, since it has a fairly light weight and good flexibility, therefore, using it, there is no need for additional waterproofing.

All of the above materials are good for use, their difference is only in their ability to withstand loads, and also in the fact that not all types of soundproofing materials are allowed to be laid under a cement screed.

Soundproofing in the house can be performed in different ways, but in any case, the floor is of paramount importance, which transmits most of the noise. This is due to many reasons, but the choice of sound insulator should be made in accordance with the design features of the floors and the floor materials used for its decoration.

Noise protection for joist floors can be achieved by installing hard or soft board material. At the same time, the laying technique is quite simple, since the material must be mounted between the lags as tightly as possible. Cellulose insulation or expanded clay is poured between the lags, and then the surface is leveled and compacted. Soundproofing floors with soft materials is also quite easy. At the same time, slab or roll soundproofing materials are simply placed between the lags in the available space, so as not to leave any gaps. Rigid materials are used less often, since their laying is relatively more difficult. The material must be pre-cut in such a way that cavities and gaps do not form.

Floor soundproofing for a floating screed is produced using modern materials such as vibrostack, noiseman, noise stop and others. Each product has its own installation features:

  • The “shumanet” material is simply spread out, while observing overlaps. The perimeter material should overlap the walls a little to cover the height of the screed. As a rule, such an overlap on the wall is about 6 centimeters. After work, all excess can be easily cut off. The joints must be glued with a special construction tape.
  • Soundproofing the floor with the help of a noise stop is performed somewhat differently. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the specially provided cushioning material around the perimeter of the walls, and then lay a layer of sound insulation. The joints must be glued with adhesive tape, and a plastic film should be laid on top, which should be overlapped on the walls so that a couple of centimeters from it protrude from under the screed. When the concrete dries, the excess material is cut off.
  • Vibrostack material is mounted end-to-end. At the same time, special tapes must be laid around the perimeter of the walls. After completing the work, a plastic film is laid on the floor.

According to the complexity of the work performed and the essence of their execution, this method of sound insulation can be divided into three types:

  • dry screed;
  • concrete method of sound insulation;
  • prefabricated soundproofing method.

Regardless of how soundproofing is performed, mineral wool is the main component. The implementation of work consists in performing the following actions:

  1. The base is properly cleaned before work, all depressions and bulges are leveled, and after that all the dirt is swept away.
  2. Bituminous mastic is applied to the dried surface to provide a waterproofing layer.
  3. Further along the contour of the entire room, the height is outlined. Having chosen the starting point using the water level, marks are set in each corner of the room.
  4. Then it is necessary to lay soundproofing material on the base, for example, foam plastic or mineral wool.

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the case of using mineral wool, it is necessary to lay a layer of vapor barrier on the surface before laying it. The joints formed in this case are glued with construction tape.

  5. Next, the sound insulation layer must be covered with a plastic film, and a mesh for reinforcement should be laid on top of it.
  6. The final stage is to pour the concrete mixture. To prepare the mixture, it is better to use cement grade M300.
  7. When the concrete hardens, you can lay any finish on the surface.

Such sound insulation does not mean the use of cement mortar. In this case, a prefabricated structure is laid on a leveled surface, into which dry soundproofing material, such as perlite or expanded clay, is poured. This is the cheapest and most economical option.

Soundproofing technique by means of dry filling

  1. Similar to the first option, first carry out careful preparation surfaces.
  2. Next, using a laser level, mark the height of the bedding. If a laser level is not available, a water level can be used.
  3. Then you should fix the edge tape. Foamed polyethylene can be used as it.

    It should be noted that since the backfill for sound insulation has a fine-grained fraction, and it is characterized by a low level of moisture resistance, it is recommended to lay the entire working area before backfilling with polyethylene film. When laying, you need to ensure that a slight overlap is observed at the joints. These places must be glued with tape.

  4. At the next stage, backfilling is carried out, while backfilling is carried out strictly until the marked level is reached.
  5. The final layer is the installation of gypsum fiber boards, glued together with a special adhesive.

This option is not very costly and does not cost much for the owner of the house in terms of the work carried out. When soundproofing the floor, which is performed in this way, do not use concrete mix, and the finishing department is produced by laying chipboard or plywood in two layers.

The work consists of the following items:

  1. As in the above soundproofing methods, the surface is carefully prepared by cleaning and leveling it.
  2. At the next stage, soundproofing material is laid. As a material, it is recommended to use a cork substrate or expanded polystyrene.
    It should be noted that the soundproofing material for all three options must be laid, given that its edges will protrude slightly above the final finish. After finishing work, they are cut, hiding the remaining edges under the plinth.
  3. The next step is to lay the plywood. It is better to fix it with special fasteners.
  4. After the plywood is painted and impregnated with varnish compounds. When they dry, it will be possible to start laying the finish coat.

Soundproofing under cement screed

This soundproofing option can be carried out in three ways:

  • traditional method using a mixture of concrete and sand with the addition of polystyrene or expanded clay;
  • on a floating basis;
  • with separating layers.

The most reliable option is the floating screed. When performing work, no connections are formed between the finish coating and the layers of insulation, which play the role of acoustic bridges that transmit noise through the building structure.

Soundproofing device for linoleum or laminate

Laminate is a demanding material that is already noise-permeable, especially when dropped or bumped. Therefore, for a laminate floor, it is simply necessary to perform sound insulation. The technique of laying laminate on the floor involves the use of a special substrate that performs several functions at the same time:

  • plays the role of a heater;
  • extends the life of the laminate;
  • provides a high degree soundproofing laminate flooring;
  • correct distribution of all loads both on the laminate and on the entire base;
  • squeaking exception during operation.

As a rule, the special substrates used for laminate are rolled materials rolled out on the surface, or cork boards, which, after laying, are glued with construction tape.

The technique for laying the underlayment for soundproofing laminate flooring is as follows:

  1. material is laid on the prepared base, if it is in rolls, then it is cut out;
  2. laying is carried out end-to-end, and after laying the seams are glued;
  3. the way in which materials are attached depends on their type and the type of laminate coating itself.

Linoleum is a fairly thin floor material, moreover, it is most often sold without an additional felt layer. In this case, the soundproofing device is far from being a luxury, but a necessity. For these purposes, a special substrate is suitable, which is in the form of a panel from a “vibrostack”. It is laid end-to-end on the surface of the base base. At the same time, the joints are glued with construction tape, which will be quite enough. The use of such material under linoleum makes it possible to reduce the noise level. To perform soundproofing in dry rooms with medium loads, for example, in a bedroom or in a children's room, it is acceptable to use IPSOLAT, a special substrate that is sometimes sold with a coating. This material, in addition to sound insulation, simultaneously protects the floor covering itself, thereby extending the operational life of linoleum.

Soundproofing under ceramic tiles

In the case of laying ceramic tiles, the soundproofing material is mounted directly on the concrete screed or on the self-leveling floor. In this case, the specialist is recommended to use fiberglass, basalt mineral wool, having a thickness of 2-3 centimeters. In addition to a comfortable microclimate in the house, such insulation also performs the function of sound insulation with noise protection up to 39 dB.

During installation, use only reliable material that can withstand mechanical stress. A feature of the screed during the laying of such material is that ceramic tiles can only be laid on a hard and even base. Here, the presence of dips on the surface is not allowed, otherwise ceramic tile will crack.

  • Even with a strong desire to achieve absolute sound insulation, it will not work, because modern materials do not give such an opportunity, even if they are laid in several layers, on the contrary, this will reduce the height of the room, but slightly improve sound insulation. Therefore, the soundproofing material should not be laid in several layers.
  • If there are any communications in the room where it is planned to soundproof the floor, they must be insulated using an elastic material.
  • When installing a floating floor, after it has been laid top coat, you can attach the plinth to only one base, wall or floor, otherwise it will cause the formation of shock vibrations.
  • When purchasing a material, given its specifics, you should ask the sellers to provide a document on all necessary checks to make sure it is suitable for use in a residential area.
  • Before laying sound insulation on the floor, it is required to measure the area of ​​​​the room where the work will be carried out in order to avoid additional waste of time, for which you will have to buy a substrate.
  • When choosing a substrate, you need to focus on the quality of the base, as well as on the type of future floor covering. If there is a discrepancy in the parameters, then because of this there may be a low efficiency of the insulation layer. Thus, all the work done will become fruitless.
  • The key to successful work will be uniform and calm work, as well as the help of additional labor.


Do-it-yourself floor soundproofing device is considered quite a responsible matter. The choice of one or another method and material for sound insulation depends on the preferences of the owners of the house or room. This is done in accordance with experience, material capabilities, as well as desired result. In any case, it is important to follow the sequence of work and the appropriate technology.