Large table of wood with your own hands drawings. How to make a practical table from ordinary boards not being "wooden business master

If you dream nice to spend time on your household plot, then you just need a large table, followed by the company of your friends and loved ones. And you can make it you can do it, spending quite a bit of time. In some cases, you may need an assistant, sometimes an extra pair of hands does not hurt.

This article is a detailed step-by-step instruction managing a wooden table for giving.

So that you have a choice, we offer you at once four options for projects of the country table - two conventional picnic tables, a table with benches, which are a single structural integer, and finally a round table. You must think in advance all the details and select the type and size of the table, which would satisfy your needs and corresponded to the style of the design of your household plot.

Picnic folding tables - mobility above all

Folding tables are very convenient, and most importantly, it is practical and simple. They do not occupy a lot of space. At any moment, such a table can gently fit in folded form in the garage, and with the case again, move to the street. Mobility of furniture is especially valued in small areas.

How to make a garden wooden table with your own hands

The cottage is the place where the master, joiner, carpenter, gardener, in general, wake up in man. Buy furniture for the country site - the case is simple, but not all can make a wooden table for giving with your own hands. You should immediately be prepared for doing a garden table with your own hands you will be several days. But the following tips will help independently make a solid table.

Today we will design a rather simple country table with your own hands in our olive style. Such tables are not only perfectly looking, but also have a fairly reliable design. It is worth paying attention to the boards. They are obliged to be even, as the appearance of our country table will directly depend on it.

Designing a table for cottages, it is necessary to prepare lumber in three dimensions:

  • Bumping frame - section 38 x 90 mm.
  • Countertop - section 38 x 140 mm.
  • Supporting planks - section 19 x 64 mm.
  1. Drawing

Before starting work, the most important found on the Internet, either independently make the drawings of the table for giving with your own hands. The exact schematic designation will allow you to choose lumber to be the most suitable in cross section to the dimensions specified in the scheme. It does not matter if the dimensions do not quite coincide with each other, because you can always make an adjustment with the help of electruruck.

  1. Preparation of material

Solving how to make a garden wooden table, go to the question responsibly, as the life of furniture will depend on this:

  • buying blanks. Professionals are advised to purchase a lumber from coniferous trees, which was pre-dried well. Its main advantages are:
    • price;
    • simplicity and ease of handling manually;
    • beautiful structure;
  • glue for furniture;
  • 4 x 65 mm screws;
  • 3 mm drill;
  • drill;
  • roulette, pencil, sprinking for grinding.
  1. Next steps

We will need:

  • two top transverse beams, sizes of 38 x 90 x 978 mm;
  • four legs for the country table with their own hands, measuring 38 x 90 x 695 mm;
  • two tents - 38 x 90 x 921 mm;
  • one longitudinal bottom and one upper beam - 38 x 90 x 1575 mm and 38 x 90 x 1473 mm, respectively;
  • two pieces of diagonals of 38 x 90 x 772 mm;
  • billets for countertops - seven pieces, measuring 38 x 90 x 2337 mm;
  • six supporting slats - 19 x 64 x 432 mm.

Tip: start to work on a flat surface. It is extremely necessary to observe the angles of docking parts. The billets, which in the future become legs of our country table, follows from both sides of the corner at 10 °. Sections should be parallel. But the billets are the guilts that are similar to the same angle, one should cut one towards another.

Stage 2. The legs of our country table should be attached to the transverse beams and bore all this design with screws. For each connection two shurupika.

Diagonally screw the tutor to the leg from the inside, in the same way bonding the structure with two screws.

The bottom beam needs to be combined with both the guards. As mentioned above, with the help of screws.

Next, in the upper longitudinal and transverse beams, the holes are first made under the fastening product, called the sucker, after which it is again diagonally connect the existing screws of our cottage wooden table.

Tip: Connecting all items, use adhesive for additional strength. Remove excess immediately.

Squeeze the disclosures on the screws.

Tip: Preparations intended for sieves, pre-trim at an angle of 45 degrees

Billets for tabletop tables with their own hands Fresh screws to transverse beams.

How to make a rectangular table for giving

After developing a work plan and approval of the drawings of the table for the cottage, buy all the materials necessary for this project. Choose wood designed to use outdoors - pine, cedar, mahogany or extruded wood. When buying, check each board: they must be completely even without any visible defects. Do not save on the quality of sawn timber, because your design has to withstand all weather adversity.

There are several important points that you must take into account if you want the result to match the high professional level. No need to forget about the accuracy of measurement and use of a professional tool when drinking boards and bars and drilling holes. To improve the reliability of the design, you can additionally use waterproof adhesive for fastening parts. Crow out open edges using a mill or emery paper.

Attention! The dimensions are translated from an inch system and may not be coincided with the metric measurement system. Choose as close to the size of lumber. Or just customize yourself.

Tools required for project implementation:

  • hacksaw, jigsaw;
  • mill;
  • drill and drill;
  • clear cord, roulette, alcohol, pencil;
  • protective glasses and gloves.


  • From one day to a week, depending on the chosen project. If your disposal has power tools, you can finish the work even faster - in just a few hours.


  • Smooth the edges of wooden bars and boards will help the mill.
  • Before screwing off screws and screws, drill the guide holes in the wooden elements.
  • The heads of the screwed screws should not perform above the wooden surface, and for this, the inlet parts of the holes must be annoyed.
  • Do not use cracked and deformed lumber.
  • Do not make excessively high effort when screwing the screws, otherwise wood can crack.

Picnic table do it yourself. Step-by-step instruction


  • A - legs: bars 5 × 10 cm long 106 cm long (2 pcs.), 43 cm long (2 pcs.) And 56 cm long (2 pcs.);
  • B - frame: Bruks of 5 × 10 cm long 87 cm (2 pcs.);
  • C - Countertop: 5 × 15 cm boards 180 cm long (6 pcs.);
  • D - base-top base: 5 × 15 cm boards with a length of 87 cm (2 pcs.), Bruks of 5 × 10 cm 62 cm long (2 pcs.).

The first stage of the project is the manufacture of legs of the table. Screw the bars of the required sizes. To speed up the process, you can use the circular saw. Combine the edges of the bars and the line dug out the emery paper.

Connect the bars so that it turns out a X-shaped design, and secure them with 60 mm self-stakes, without forgetting to pre-drill the guide holes. Jump places to smear glue. Make sure that there are no cracks and gaps.

Make each pair of legs with horizontal bar, using 60 mm screws for this purpose. Ends of bars cut, as shown in the picture.

Put the boards designed for the manufacture of table tops, on a flat surface. We advise you to put a piece of 6 mm plywood between them, it will make it possible to form uniform gaps. Place the tabletops collected the sidewalls of the table and secure them by screwing them at an angle of 90 mm. Before fixing, make sure the perpendicularity of the legs and the countertops using the alcohol level for this.

Place a 5 × 15 cm of boards on the bottom side of the table top and fix them with 60 mm screws.

Screw the ends of the bars, which will perform the function of reinforcing the design of the backups, at an angle of 45º. Install the backups in their place and fix with the help of 90 mm screws screwed at an angle.

And finally, the last but no less important thing is: check if there are no screws of self-tapping screws over a wooden surface, and all the gaps and holes fill in a putty on the wood.

Tip: To protect the wooden surfaces from the destructive impact of atmospheric moisture, cover them with several layers of paint for outdoor use or simulation.

Table with benches. Instructions with drawings


  • A - legs: Bars 5 × 10 cm long 95 cm (4 pcs.);
  • B - crossbars: bars 5 × 10 cm long 160 cm long (2 pcs.);
  • C - Mounting Countertops: Bars 5 × 10 cm Length 75 cm (5 pcs.);
  • D - inclined backups: Bars 5 × 10 cm long 84 cm (2 pcs.);
  • E - Countertop: 5 × 10 cm boards Length 180 cm (14 pcs.).

Start work stands with the manufacture of legs. Since this table feet will be located obliquely, the ends of the bars with a length of 100 cm should be cut off at an angle of 30º. Connect the elements of 90 mm bolts.

Make sure the surface on which you work is quite smooth. The mounted table sidewings should be identical, only in this case can be hoped for a great end result.

When the sidewalls of the table will be ready, you can start making a wooden countertop. We recommend that you put it on the ground (floor), and then fixing the legs with the help of screws.

Tip: Do not forget to make sure the vertical of the side walls of the table with an alcohol level, otherwise the final result of your work is hardly satisfied.

Rigidly fix the entire design using inclined backups. Their ends should be cut at an angle of 26º.

Now it remains only to build benches. Displays the boards of the desired size, place them on both sides of the table and, after drilling several guide holes at a distance of at least 1 cm from the edges, fasten with the help of screws.

Tip: In order for the seating boards to be distributed evenly, placing the carnations between them or pieces of plywood between them. Thanks to this little trick, all the gaps will be the same.

At the end of the work, pay attention to small but very important strokes. Fill the wood putty all the gaps and holes. After drying the putty, polish the wooden surfaces of the sandy paper of medium grain.

Tip: Do not forget to apply several layers of paint or veil to protect the wooden surfaces from exposure to water and sunlight.

Round table. We do in the country on your own


  • A - base: 5 × 10 cm bar 102.5 cm long (1 pcs.) And 47 cm long (2 pcs.), Bruks 2.5 × 10 cm. 9 cm long (4 pcs.);
  • B - Racks: Bars 10 × 10 cm Length 60 cm (4 pcs.);
  • C - base-table base: Bruks of 5 × 10 cm long 82.5 cm long (1 pc.) And 52.5 cm long (2 pcs.), Bruks 2.5 × 10 cm Length 47.5 cm (4 pcs.) And 60 cm long (2 pcs.) ;
  • D - Countertop: 2.5 × 15 cm boards Long 195 cm (9 pcs.).

The first stage of the project is to create the base of the table. To articate the components of its elements, use waterproof glue and screws. Make sure the angles formed by the brushes connected, direct. To protect the collected base of the table from rotting under the influence of rainwater, place it on small stands from cropping 2.5 × 10 cm of the board.

Now you need to attach to the base four racks made from squares of square cross section. Before fixing, make sure that they are vertical using alcohol. The height of the legs may differ from the proposed by us, in this case you should, first of all, focus on your own needs.

The most difficult stage of the project is the manufacture of table tops. Place boards on a flat surface and check the center of the square. Secure at this point one end of 60 cm rail. Rotating the second end of the rail, mark the outline of the circle. Lobzik with a sharp blade will allow you to make a circular cut at a high professional level.

After cutting the boards of the future countertops, we recommend that you make them with a waterproof glue and additionally fix with several clamps. Attach the bars serving the base table top, as shown in the figure (yellow elements must be made of 5 × 10 cm of bars, green - from 2.5 × 10 cm of bars).

Tip: For attaching bars to the table top, use waterproof glue and galvanized screws (30 mm screws for mounting 2.5 × 10 cm of bars and 50 mm for fastening 5 × 10 cm of bars).

After the glue dries, you must attach the legs to the base with a feet with 90 mm of self-tapping screws, drill pre-guide holes. Control by alcohol level perpendicularity of legs and countertops.

In order for the result of your work to fit a high professional level, make sure that the hats of the screws are recessed deep enough. Look all the gaps and holes with a putty on a tree, after drying it to seet the surface with sandpaper.

Tip: Apply a few layers of paint for outdoor work or verses to protect the table from destruction under the influence of moisture. So that the bases of the base also turned out to be intact water, place the table on the concrete surface and their hermetically inlate them.

Now you know how to make a picnic table yourself. It is only worth putting a little effort, which will subsequently rewarded with enthusiastic exclamations of friends and pleasant summer evenings, held a family circle behind a large table.

The table is known to be needed in every home. Currently, there are a very large number of different options in stores:

  • dining;
  • kitchen;
  • garden (for cottage or private house);
  • transformer;
  • large;
  • small;
  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • square and so on.

However, many want to make this piece of furniture on their own, especially since simple models require minimal skills to have a tool.

Before proceeding directly to work, some should be prepared.
tools, as well as pick up the material. Let's consider in more detail these very important moments. If you plan to make a simple wooden table, then in this case there will be quite a conventional joinery (planer, chisels) and several saws (ionic, for a blank, nipsens, manual) and hacksaws. Thinner work with trimmed forms will require additional tools. This, in particular, electric jigsaw, grinding machine, milling machine. In order to facilitate the process of angular cutting, you will need a stub.

It is also important to choose the material correctly. In the absence of serious work experience, it is better to take cheaper wood, since it will be needed by some stock "just in case." For the manufacture of countertops, such characteristics, as the strength and absorption of moisture, have special importance. The most optimal option here will be larch or pine thickness of at least 3 centimeters. However, if the means allow, then the countertop can be made of oak. For compact tables, slabs made on the basis of wood - OSB, chipboard, and so on.

For the manufacture of legs, birch is best suited. The thing is that this wood has very good strength indicators at a relatively low price.
However, it is necessary to take care of moisture resistance - we will talk about it slightly lower. The most optimal parameters for the legs are the cross section 5 to 5 and the length of about 76 centimeters. Sucks are best made from acacia. When choosing boards, do not forget to examine them carefully. Those on which there are worms, dropping down, cracks, or rot, should be rejected immediately.

The design will not be durable without reliable fasteners. Therefore, their choice should also be suitable with full responsibility. Immediately warn it - nails are not suitable in this case. First, when using them, put the leg strictly vertically very difficult. Secondly, the nail is easy to roll dry wood, and for the manufacture of furniture you need to take just such. Third, such a product will be very difficult to repair, because the dismantling of fasteners is almost always accompanied by damage to adjacent parts.

Therefore, for the manufacture of a wooden table, you need to use the seeds planted for glue, or self-tapping screws. If the design requires additional amplification, the most optimal option will be corners, brackets, metal strips. If planned collapsible design, it is better to connect it to the kings.

It should be noted that the table should not only be reliable, but also practical. Its appearance has an important meaning. Therefore, these moments should also be taken care. In particular, protect the table from rotting is actually using the used machine oil. This tool is not only effectively - they can also be free from free. It is also nice to use the natural product with flaxseed oil. It is good protection desk from fungus and mold. This is not all options. Well protect your product acrylic varnishes or water-polymer emulsion.

To give the table an attractive appearance, you can use paint. Only when buying, specify that you intend to paint wood. Also a very common option - verses. The choice of data of funds is very wide today, so there will be no problems with the acquisition. Very beautifully look at tables covered with toning varnish. To speak as a whole, you can give the table any shade. At the same time, you can even spend several experiments by taking some kind of discarded board.

The next step is determined with the design of the table. In detail to paint all the possible options here is simply impossible, so we will focus on the simplest. We are talking about the usual stationary rectangular table. All items here need to be fixed hard - due to this, the required strength is achieved. You will need to make 3 main parts - worktop, prestole and 4 legs. Previously, of course, it should be decisled. If the table is small, it is quite appropriate to take a one-piece countertop, cutting it out of the OSB-slab.

Podstole is a wooden frame. It is to her we will be attached to the legs. The latter is easiest to be made from a bar having a square section of the desired size. That is, you will need only to cut 4 legs of the required length. After that, it remains to connect all the elements of the tables with each other. At the final stage, take care of the protection of the design made by your hands, as well as give it the desired color. As you can see, there really is nothing complicated.

Well, in conclusion, I want to give a few tips. In particular, if an assembly is planned on self-drawing, it will first need to do the holes in the tree drill a slightly larger diameter. When using the abrasive, it takes large, and then small.

You need to be prepared for the fact that it will take multiple grinding. Here a lot depends on the tree of wood and the quality of drying material. Squares and cracks are easily removed by putty. Wood dust after grinding is removed by a vacuum cleaner. After that, the product is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth. Well, the most important advice is that it is necessary to make the manufacture of complex products only after you confidently handle simple.

From the abundance of the proposed furniture, wooden tables and chairs remain popular. Natural materials provide environmental friendliness, safety and durability of models. Furniture from a wood array can be found in any country house, an apartment or office.

In addition, wooden furniture can be made independently.

Kitchen tables from wood

Before buying the table, you should consider several nuances. It is from them that the comfort and mood of households in the kitchen depends on.


Due to the fact that in small-sized apartments there are small kitchens of small sizes, do not forget about ergonomics. First of all, choosing a dining wooden table, you should consider comfort behind the stay near the kitchen items of the furniture.

It does not comfortably happen when you get drunk by elbows or legs in a neighbor or in the feet of the table. In addition, it should be the optimal distance from the table to other furniture items. The table must be at about a distance of 80 cm from the walls and other items in the kitchen.

An important role is played and the height of the table. It should be selected depending on the growth of sitting people behind him. Low (70-74 cm) Tables are recommended to low people. Those who have an increase range from 1.6 m to 1.7 m, should buy tables with standard sizes (75-76 cm).

Appearance of table tops

Before choosing the design of the table top, you need to count how many people usually need to be placed. Forms meet: oval, round and rectangular and square.

Tables that have no angles should be placed in spacious kitchens. Tables with a mold of a square or rectangle fit perfectly into small rooms. It is necessary to see whether the appearance of the table is suitable for a common interior.


There are many models that carry additional functionality, namely, the cabinet is replaced, they can develop and decompose if necessary.

The wooden sliding table is an excellent solution for those owners who suffer from a lack of place in the food facing room.

Like any furniture, these products have a number of positive and negative qualities. Wooden tables in the kitchen possess the following advantages:

  • the uniqueness and uniqueness of the texture of the tree, which is impossible to recreate;
  • ability for a long time to withstand hits and daily operation;
  • environmental safety, thanks to natural material that does not contain glue and does not distinguish harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Negative characteristics include: high cost, vulnerability to moisture and dampness. At elevated temperature, the material can dry, thereby forming the crack and loosening the table. Over time, the surface may darken or expose the invasion of pests.

Wood table in the living room

Recently, the residential premises in white colors has become fashionable. The combination of white furniture and light design of walls and windows is actively used. Dark and white color can also be combined in furniture.

For example, the tabletop can be white, while the legs and edging of the table are dark. This furniture is often used when placing a room in a minimalist style. In the spacious living room or in the studio, the White Wooden table will become an excellent solution.

A glass and wooden table is often located in front of the sofa, it can be low and used as a fashionable furniture element in the hall. It is intended: for tea drinking in front of TV, storage of books and magazines, as well as for work in front of the laptop.

Table of wood massif in the country

The most important place to collect close people and guests is a gazebo or space in the open air.

In nature, it is still drawn to the whole natural, so that the wooden table for the cottage is a combination of beauty and practicality in one subject. In addition, this element of furniture is perfectly combined with a common rustic style.

Tables made of wood for the summer cottage should be not only durable, but also moisture-resistant. If the table is often exposed to moisture, you should choose a product from larch.

Country tables must have a property do not spoil under the scorching sun. Due to its density, the best material for the country table is considered nut or oak. This wood is considered solid and expressive. For confrontation from pests, Oak is drown, that is, they are withstanding in the water for a while. Such material is more expensive than its fellow.

You can save if you choose a table of coniferous wood. They have ease, pleasant color, odor and moisture resistance. Increased resin content is opposed to water absorption.

How to make a wooden table yourself?

Some daches are mastered tables themselves. Creative approach and hard work will save and create a unique thing on your summer cottage. Make a wooden table with your own hands is not at all difficult. It is enough to have in your arsenal necessary materials, tools and some time.

Tools and materials required for manufacture:

  • plane;
  • grinding machine or paper;
  • screwdriver with a bit of bit;
  • lobzik or saw;
  • chisel;
  • funds for sea and varnishing;
  • metal corners;
  • yardstick;
  • building level;
  • accessories for fastening (screws, bolts, screws);
  • boards thick 40 or 50 mm;
  • 4 bars for wooden feet of the table with a size of 50x50 mm;
  • auxiliary boards with a thickness of 40 mm for attachment of the table top.

Procedure (step-by-step instruction)

  • Determine the dimensions of the future homemade product. With the length of the table, more than four racks are needed more than standard values.
  • Boards for the tabletop will pre-firm and write their desired size.
  • It is parallel to five boards, copp them with self-draws to the auxiliary transverse boards. It is necessary to leave a place for the feet of the table.
  • Install bars for legs with metal corners and consolidate them to the tabletop.
  • To prevent breaks and stability of the legs, skip the bar on the perimeter under the table top. If the table has more than four legs, in the middle it is necessary to strengthen the additional transverse bar.
  • The edges of the table top clean the sanding skurt from all sides.
  • Cove the product tools from pests (veneer) and, if desired, apply a layer of varnish.

There are many ways to create the table with your own hands. The final version of the improvised wooden table proposed by us can be viewed in the photo.

Tables of wood for kids

When the young Chado will grow and begins to sit independently, it comes time for feeding various supplies.

A wooden table for feeding is the most successful version of furniture designed for a comfortable meal. Tables are usually done together with chairs and have a common design.

There are several types of children's chairs:

  • transformer chairs
  • highchairs with adjustable back.

In the first case, the height of the seating is adjustable for its intended purpose. A child may not only have a table, but also to play if you remove the folding table from the tree and omit the seat.

In the second case, the adjustable height of the seating allows you to raise the baby higher or lowering at a safe distance to the floor. Even in the event of an unsuccessful maneuver, the child will not be able to harm himself and will give the opportunity to do everyday affairs in the kitchen.

Buying wooden tables for feeding, parents may not worry about the health of the child - he will not appear allergic reactions. Therefore, natural wood material is most often used to make children's furniture.

When buying a table should pay attention to sharp corners that can cause unwanted damage to his small owner.

Finally, I would like to say that thanks to wooden furniture there are many opportunities to equip a dwelling under a different design. Especially popular is a rustic style with the use of natural materials and copying the interior under ancient.

Security and own health directly depends on the type of materials that are in your home.

Another important fact, a tree is such a material with which you can work without applying complex tools and equipment. Thus, any man can create beautiful things on their own for acceptable money.

Photo of wooden table

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the table, both in terms of household comfort - and any interior design of an apartment or cottage. Moreover, the kitchen without a table loses its functionality, so the table is deservedly considered the necessary object of furnishing of this room. A huge selection of various models of tables that can be purchased in furniture salons, does not diminish the desires of some of us to make the table from the boards with their own hands - in their own project, possessing individuality and charm of a valuable handmade style.

Special beauty perspective personally make the table from the boards, gives the fact that the model, the form of the countertops and dimensions can be chosen anyone - if only they were convenient and fit for the room in which the table will be installed.

The several examples below will help you determine the choice and help in making a suitable model. In addition, drawings How to make a simple table from boards, will help to more clearly present the future design and assembly processes.

Table 1. Strong and steady dining table for home

For the manufacture of this table, we will need tools such as an electrolovka, an electric drill, a screwdriver, grinding. Of course, it is possible to do without some of the above "helpers", taking advantage of a screwdriver and brue with eathed paper fortified on it - just such a replacement will cause an increase in time and forces spent on the manufacture of the table.

Material for the manufacture of countertops - a tipped board, a thickness of at least 30 mm. The spool provides a dense board of boards, increasing the life of the table, since with such a docking method, the likelihood of food residues in the gaps between the boards is practically excluded.

For the manufacture of other elements of the table, an ordinary 50 millimeter board takes.

  1. Boards, if they are not processed, it is necessary to span well - in addition to aesthetic considerations, it requires elementary safety and practicality: the sump is easier to paint, and the paints for such a surface requires much less;
  2. Cut table details:
  • Table top braces, 230 cm long - 6 pcs.;
  • Spacer board with a length of about 170 cm;
  • Bars for fastening countertops (the length of them should match the width of the table top, or be slightly less) - 4 pcs.;
  • Bars for legs - 4 pcs., 2 cuts cuts for their base.
  • All items cover the layer of varnish and let them dry;
  • Tightly connect tabletop boards with each other (Fig. 1);
  • Across the boards to attach 4 brus with self-testers, placing them evenly along the entire length of the table top and retreating from its end by 20-30 cm (Fig. 2);
  • To improve the type of product, the ends of the fastening bars should be cut down at an angle of 45 degrees, the discovers of the extreme boards gently cut off, and the corners of the table tops are slightly rounded with a jigsaw.

  • Using a template and jigsaw, put the same configuration to the legs, as shown in the figure below;
  • Reliable fastening of the legs is performed in three stages: first we attach the legs to the extreme transverse bars connecting the countertop boards; Then connect the legs with a spacer beam (Fig. 3). Finally fix the legs from above, through the worktop;
  • We impose the baseboards on the lower parts of the legs and securely fix them (Fig. 4);
  • It remains to cover all parts of the table with another layer of varnish and let him dry well.
  • Table 2. The simplest table for giving or gazebo

    Perhaps there is nothing easier than making this version of the table from the boards with your own hands, depicted in photo 5. Table dimensions: 1200x740 mm, height - 750 mm.

    For its manufacture, you will need:

    • Edged board, smoothly across 40x140 mm;
    • 2 bar 40x60x740 mm;
    • 8 confirmates 70-75 mm long; selflessness of various lengths;
    • Chisel and planer;
    • Electrolovka, drill with a special drill for configmatics, furniture key, grinding.

    The first step - we collect a worktop, bonding the boards with two transverse bars, placing them at a distance of 120 mm from both ends of the future tabletop and taking advantage for this with self-draws, up to 80-85 mm long (in order not to reach the outer surface of the countertop). If conventional boards are used, in the manufacture of the table, it is better to leave small, just 10 mm between them, the gaps of the same width: end-to-end slots will prevent the contamination of the table tops with the residues of food, without interfering with cleaning and without reducing its aesthetic appeal.

    To achieve the same width of the gaps in the tabletop, it is necessary during its assembly to lay between the boards a centimeter standard made from the rail, or other solid material.

    Second step: assembling table legs. On a sheet of chipboard or plywood, draw a template - a rectangle with the sides of 600mm (width) and 690 mm (length). First we make one pair of legs, then in the same way - the second: 2Deople put on the template X-figurative, mark the lines of the upper and lower sections of the legs, as well as the lines of their intersection - in this place the boards will be fastened with each other. We cut off the ends of the boards on the outlined lines, and in the places of the crossing of the chisel, we choose the removal of a depth of 20 mm, for the connection "in Polterev". Tighten your legs using 35 mm screws;

    T Reta Step - Final assembly of the table. The drawing shows it in detail how to make this simple table from the planks: thanks to him, the assembly process will not cause difficulties (Figure 6).

    The table - the furniture without which it is impossible to do in either the city or in the country. The table can be put on the veranda, in a gazebo or just in a shady space. You can have lunch, arrange a feast or playing board games in the fresh air. Inexpensive can only be purchased by a plastic not a big table, a large wooden table for the cottage cheaper to make with your own hands. The article will feature three options for tables and drawings for their manufacture.

    Table size and features of construction

    The optimal size of the tabletop table top for the cottage 80x120 cm. The smaller table will be significantly instructed by functionality, the larger table will be too cumbersome and it will be hard to clean it. The size of the table 80x120 cm will allow the solemn feast with the number of participants 8 - 10 people.

    The table for giving is easiest to make out of the boards. In addition, this is the most affordable and inexpensive material. The advantage of the manufacture of wood table is that the boards can be selected to the desired size on any construction base, and without any problems bring to the cottage, thereby saving on transportation. It should be noted that with the size of the table 75x80x120 cm with the longest board, there will be a tabletop board with a length of 120 cm. The board of this length will use almost any machine.

    A varieties of table designs are quite a lot, but by and large, the difference is only in the form of legs, which will be based on the tabletop. The poet legs at the table is the most difficult element of the whole design.

    Countertop for table

    The table top at the table is made from the boards. The thickness of the boards can be from 30 to 50 mm. However, the optimal option is a 40 mm thickness.

    An important point is cutting boards. With a tabletop length 120 cm, it is necessary to 5.3 boards with a width of 150 mm, 6.6 boards width 120 mm and 8 boards 100 mm wide. Considering that the boards sell a little more than 6 m long, then it is advisable to choose a 100 mm width board for the countertop.

    By selecting a 100 mm wide board, you do not have to customize or change the sizes of the table top, which will significantly simplify the work on the table of the table. In addition, there will be 2 more boards with a length of 120 mm, which can be used for other details.

    If you can buy the right board, it is not possible to make a tabletop not solid, but with intervals. Such a countertop will look no less interesting. At the same time, water that can accumulate on the table with a solid table top will flock through the gaps between the boards.

    Straight feet

    Table with straight legs is the simple table design for giving. This is a stable comfortable table that will be well served both indoors and outdoors.


    Wood legs consist of 4 elements 2 vertical racks and 2 horizontal. The upper horizontal stand is attached to the tabletop, the lower is support.


    The design of the legs may be different. For example, instead of support on the bottom board, it can be done so that the support is on the vertical racks, and the lower board can be made as an additional for strength.

    Note in this design, the board connection is performed without additional grooves. It greatly simplifies the assembly of the table. In order for all the elements to be well fixed, all connections should be skled with joinery glue. In this case, the boards can be connected by self-draws.


    • Collect legs. To do this, be chopped according to the drawing of the board. Connection locations to handle glue and pull themselves with self-draws or confirmant.
    • On a flat platform, decompose the boards for the table top, place the position of the legs and fasten the boards of the table top through the top bar of the legs.
    • Set a horizontal screed between the legs.
    • Way 2 - 3 hours while glue dries and process the table from burrs and sharp edges.
    • Next, the table can be lacquered. Either just process the antiseptic.

    Table with x-shaped legs

    The table with x-shaped legs is essentially much different from the table with straight legs, it simply has a different shape of the legs. However, it is impossible to make additional grooves without creating additional grooves. This somewhat complicates the work.


    The feet of the table consist of 3 elements. Two cross-hard supports and vertical top plank. The top plank, as in the previous case is necessary for fastening the table top.


    To connect the legs in inclined supports, it is necessary to make a slot into the floor board.


    Table assembly procedure Next:

    • Cut the boards of the required length.
    • In the legs make a groove in the floor board. The groove can be made by an electroll freezer or mill.
    • Collect legs. Connections are sick. Parts fasten with self-drawers.
    • Enclosed the boards of the tabletop and attach to them the collected legs.
    • Install the lower board with a screed.
    • Treat the table from burrs and covered with varnish.

    Table with benches

    The table with benches is quite often installed on the veranda or in the open sky. Unlike the designs described above, it does not require additional shops or chairs, the shops are included in the table design.


    The disadvantage of this version of the table to the cottage is that the design is quite cumbersome, and it becomes very problematic to clean it for the winter.


    A feature of the design of the table is that the benches are fixed directly on the legs of the table. Scrolls, which are attached to benches at the same time are a tie legs, and benches play the role of a longitudinal screed.


    The order of assembling table with benches Next:

    • Cut the boards of the desired length.
    • Collect legs and support for flooring benches. The connectors are sampled and tightened by self-drawing.
    • Place boards for the table top and mount them to the legs.
    • Fix benches.
    • Proceed with impregnation or antiseptic.

    Examples of tables for cottages







