Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value
Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value
For people who care about their slim and beautiful body, it is very important to carefully choose food products. And for...
Whole milk powder is not used in a weight loss diet - beneficial properties and calorie content
Whole milk powder is not used in a weight loss diet - beneficial properties and calorie content
There is nothing wrong with powdered milk, and despite the fact that for many this consistency of the product is scary, the nutritional value of milk...
Technology for preparing sawdust concrete: composition, proportions How to make blocks from sawdust yourself
Technology for preparing sawdust concrete: composition, proportions How to make blocks from sawdust yourself
The search for newer materials that have a large number of advantages coupled with availability has been going on for a long time. Yes, sawdust concrete...
Urea as a fertilizer for the garden: composition and properties
Urea as a fertilizer for the garden: composition and properties
Every day the air gets cooler and the sky gets darker. This means it's time to keep the bright colors of fall in our homes. Just a few...
Ellipse property definition construction
Ellipse property definition construction
An ellipse is the geometric locus of points on a plane, the sum of the distances from each of them to two given points F_1,...
Structure, application and chemical composition of cellulose
Structure, application and chemical composition of cellulose
Cellulose is derived from two natural substances: wood and cotton. In plants, it performs an important function, giving them flexibility and...