How to open the door without a key at home yourself. How to open a door without a key: five ways for five types of locks

If the key is lost or broken and there is no duplicate, opening the door lock may be the only way to get inside the room. There are two ways to resolve this situation: try to open the door yourself, or contact a commercial company that provides such services. There is another option: to invite a locksmith from the Housing Office, but in this case you can’t count on a quick result, because first you have to fill out an application for a call, and then be patient and wait for the visit of the master, the only one for the quarter. It will not be easy to open the lock on your own, especially if we are talking O front door with two locks. Let's take a closer look at all the possible options.

Opening an interior door causes the least problems, since simple locks are often installed in such structures. Such designs are equipped with a latch on the one hand, and a keyhole on the other. Parents of inquisitive kids often have to deal with this problem. A child can easily slam the door and turn the handle, but the reverse process can be difficult for him. Then parents face two tasks at once: how to open the lock, and how to keep the door itself safe and sound. Here's what to do in this situation:

  • examine the design of the castle, the shape of the well;
  • pick up a tool that can be inserted inside the well;
  • carefully open the door, being careful not to damage the canvas and the lock.

The choice of tool depends on the shape of the keyhole. If it is round, then you will need a thin solid object: an awl, a straightened paper clip, a knitting needle or a toothpick. For a well with an elongated shape, you will need something flat: a screwdriver, a nail file, scissors or a knife. To open the door lock, you must insert the tool into the well. Pressing on it, turn door handle. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the tool does not break and get stuck in the well.

There is another way to open a slammed door. To do this, a flat object is inserted between the end of the door and the box, with which you need to slightly push the latch towards the lock. It is enough to move it just a few millimeters.

If the lock has a well on each side, and an inserted key remains in one of them, it will not be difficult to deal with the problem if the design does not provide for a threshold. Under the door you need to push the spread out newspaper as far as possible. Then we push the key out of the well with a sharp object, which should fall on the newspaper. We take it out and open the door.

Opening entrance doors

More difficult task is the opening of entrance doors, since they usually have at least two locks. It is worth thinking carefully before trying to solve such a problem on your own: an unprofessional approach can adversely affect the state of the door itself, and replacing a metal entrance structure is not a cheap pleasure. When you get started, remember that the main objective– open locked locks, not break the door.

The process of this event will depend mainly on the type of castle. If a broken key became the reason for opening the door, you must first remove the chip from the larva. To do this, first pour a few drops of lubricant into the keyhole: WD-40 or engine oil. It will take 15–20 minutes for it to spread evenly over the well, after which the chip can be removed. If a small part of the debris protrudes, this simplifies the task. It should be carefully hooked with pliers or tweezers and, swinging from side to side, pull it out. If it is not possible to hook a chip on the outside, two thin objects will be required, for example, an awl. We grab the stuck part with the tips, swing it and try to move it. When the chip is removed, you will open the door to the apartment very soon: good master will make a duplicate of the two broken halves, and this will solve the problem.

Now let's look at ways to open the door without a key if the key has been lost and it is not possible to make a duplicate.

Options for opening a cylinder lock

If you set the task to open cylinder lock and keep it in working condition at the same time, then you need to have virtuoso abilities as a cracker. Such devices have high level secrecy, but for an experienced craftsman it will be easy to open the cylinder lock with a hairpin or a regular paper clip, however, it would be more convenient to use master keys. Consider an emergency option: how to open door lock paperclip. We will use it as a master key, but we will also need a “fold”, which will serve as a screwdriver. The task is to straighten the paper clip, slightly crochet the edge and insert it into the larva. Now you have to focus on hearing. Our task: to put the pins of the secret mechanism in the correct position. They must be lifted in turn, using an impromptu master key and a roll. As already noted, this is a very difficult task, which is almost impossible to cope with without proper skills.

There is less delicate but more affordable way break the door lock. It will require tools: an electric drill with a drill designed for metal, a flat screwdriver and a hammer. Sometimes the lock can be cracked without drilling, so you should first try this option:

  • insert a flat screwdriver into the larva as deep as possible;
  • with considerable effort, try to turn the screwdriver inside the lock;
  • on a successful attempt to pull out the screwdriver, along with which the secret should be removed.

This task is completed - the door can be opened. If this method was unsuccessful, you will have to take a drill. We direct the drill directly into the larva and drill until we have gone through the whole secret to the end. After that, we take out the larva and open the door.

It is important! The method of drilling or knocking out a cylinder lock is completely powerless if the device has burglary protection.

Ways to open a lever lock

Using master keys Drilling

The lever mechanism can be broken or you can try to open it in a delicate way.

To break the lock, it is necessary to remove the main pin of the structure, which is responsible for moving the levers. To do this, you need a drill with a drill for metal, a hook or a bent strong wire, a paper clip. But even with a tool, this task will not be easy, since you need to drill strictly in the place where the reference point of the secret mechanism is located. When it is drilled, you need to insert a bent hook into the hole and turn it. In this case, all levers move freely, and the door can be opened. As in the case of cylinder mechanisms, this method is completely ineffective for locks that have protection against picking.

Now let's look at how to open a door lock with a lever lock using master keys or items that can replace them: paper clips, hairpins, pins. The opening of lever door locks is performed with two master keys. The first is inserted into the keyhole until it stops against the main board. The second one must alternately select the desired position of the levers so that the main pin moves. You should be prepared for the fact that this process can take a lot of time and end in complete failure if you have never opened locks before. Therefore, it is more expedient to invite specialists after all.

How to open a rack lock

If a rack mechanism is installed on the entrance structure, it will not be very difficult to open the door lock without a key. Since the rack lock is well protected from rough impact, we will not consider options for how to crack the front door. With a normal tool at hand, we can carefully open the mechanism in one of three ways.

  1. Take two flat screwdrivers. They must be thin in order to freely enter the well at the same time. First, we put one screwdriver into the well. We need to put it on the notch of the crossbar and move it to the side. Then we insert the second screwdriver and with its help we fix the position of the crossbar. Repeat these steps until the lock is open.
  2. We can open front door door locks using wooden wedge key. For its manufacture, we need a wooden wedge made of soft wood. In size, it must correspond to the parameters of the well. The wedge must be driven into the well, then pulled out. Notches will be visible on the surface of the wood. We'll have to cut the wood a little to make it look like a key and open the door.
  3. This option is available only if there is a distance between the door leaf and the frame where the crowbar can be inserted. The tool is placed in the gap between the jamb and the door, then wring it out until it stops. We have a gap where you can insert a flat screwdriver and move the crossbars inside the lock with it.

Opening a padlock

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

Padlocks do not have great strength, but quite often they are used to protect utility rooms, sheds, basements. If the keys are lost, such locks are usually picked because they are of little value. Here's how to break padlocks:

  1. Take two open-end keys and insert them in such a way that each of them captures one lock shackle. In this case, the keys must be in contact with the side ribs. The free edges of the keys must be pulled together. As a result, part of the lock near the latch breaks.
  2. We cut out a small plate from a tin can, bend one edge. With the uncurved side, we insert the workpiece into the slot, which separates the lock body and the opening shackle. Push the plate inward with a screwdriver. As a result, the latch opens.
  3. For the third option, we need a self-tapping screw and a nail puller. We screw the self-tapping screw into the lock cylinder, then we hook it with a nail puller and pull out the cylinder.


Losing your keys is not a reason to panic, but it's also not the best time to urgently master the skills of a locksmith. Opening doors without a key, even if you have the right tool at hand, is not an easy task. Inept handling of the lock can only aggravate the situation. If you are not confident in your abilities, it would be advisable to contact a specialized company whose specialists have everything necessary equipment and they know exactly how to open the front door without a key, so as not to spoil the door and lock.

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» » How to open the door without a key at home yourself?

Perhaps every person at least once in his life faced such a problem as a closed lock. In most cases, these situations arise at the most inopportune moment. There can be many reasons for such difficulties:

  • lock "jammed";
  • spoiled by hooligans;
  • a foreign object was stuck in the keyhole;
  • just lost the keys.

For most of us at such a moment, the cause of the breakdown does not matter, because we have one main task: to open the door without unnecessary damage and damage to the door locking mechanisms.

Open the door without a key: we evaluate our capabilities

If you encounter the slightest difficulty with the door and lock, you should not call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You can try to repair the damage and open the lock yourself.

First you need to soberly assess your capabilities and situation. It's one thing if you have to hack an old wooden door with an equally old castle. Another is to break down an armored door with imported protection.

Some locks only seem to be very strong and powerful. In fact, they are quite simple to open in a matter of minutes. And here improvised means, power tools or other devices will come to the rescue.

Additional Information! It is important to note that most manufacturers of locking mechanisms and doors manufacture their products in such a way that, if necessary, they can be urgently unlocked using simple tools.

After drastic measures to open doors without a key, old lock with a probability of 99% will have to be replaced with a new one.

Picking locks with your own hands: what tools will help?

Each lock is different in its own way, so you may need your own set of tools to open it. However, in the vast majority of cases, this set will be similar and will include:

  • a bunch of similar keys;
  • 2 screwdrivers: one Phillips, the second - flat;
  • pliers;
  • scrap and saw for metal.

Methods for breaking door locks

As a rule, burglars do not break open doors, but simply pick up a similar key. This option should not be overlooked. Unfortunately, a bunch of similar master keys may not always be at hand, but if this happens, then you can try to open the lock using selection.

Additional Information! Most often, door locks of the middle price segment have a similar shape. In some cases, they may be completely identical to yours.

If a bunch of keys was not at hand, then more radical actions should be taken.

Consider in more detail the options for hacking and opening typical locks different types, which do not have built-in security mechanisms with a secret.

cruciform lock

Quite easily and quickly, you can unlock it without a key using a regular Phillips screwdriver. Note: it must be the same size as the key itself. To quickly open the cross-shaped lock, insert a screwdriver into the hole without applying additional effort and turn it sharply clockwise, pressing hard. As a rule, such manipulation is enough for the door to open.

Additional Information! After such a hack, it will only be necessary to replace the larva in the castle.

The padlock

Such locks are rarely used in residential areas. Most often they are used to close garage doors, on the doors of basements or other outbuildings.

As practice shows, hack the padlock many times easier than trying to open it with tools and fixtures. And here the usual scrap will come to the rescue. During the opening of such a lock, the main force should be applied to the most “weak spot”. On a padlock, this is where the leg attaches to the body of the padlock. If you do not have enough strength to break the lock with a crowbar, you can use a metal file.

Additional Information! Estimated time for cutting a diameter of 2 centimeters is ten minutes.

french castle

A more complex version of the lock mechanism, which is quite problematic to open for an inexperienced person. However, it is possible! The old one will come to the rescue old fashioned way: scrap and strength. It is necessary to drive the flat end of the crowbar deep into the hole located next to the lock. After that, you need to press hard on the tool until the latch of the lock mechanism moves to the side and catches the doorway.

cylinder lock

Pretty easy to open by selecting a similar key. If we are talking about an old lock mechanism with a worn out well, then the chances of success in this case are very high - about 70-80%. If you still failed to pick up a similar master key, then you should arm yourself with pliers and a screwdriver.

At the first stage, it is removed decorative overlay that surrounds the castle. After that, with the help of pliers, hook the part of the cylinder that protrudes forward. With a little effort, you need to swing it until it completely falls out. It does not matter if some part of the cylinder does not come out. It can be easily knocked out with improvised means. After that, you should take a flat screwdriver and, with a little effort, drive it into the hole formed and turn it with a sharp movement in the direction of opening.

Important! If you really value the lock and want to save it under any conditions, then you should spend a little money and purchase special master keys and use them to try to carefully open the door.

If the door cannot be opened

Have all attempts to open the door lock failed? There is only one thing left - to knock out the door itself. The main force should be directed near the keyhole. The blow must be very sharp and purposeful. In some cases, when the doors open in the middle, it is much easier to kick the door itself than to try to open the lock mechanism.

Surely each of us at least once in his life lost the key to the front door. When you see a door in front of you that closes access to a house or other room, you begin to think about how to get inside without having a key. To make it easier to understand, you first need to evaluate the design of the door, because on all models there are different types castles. Below you will learn about the most common methods to get into locked rooms without a key. However, I would like to remind you that for successful solution For this task, you will need some experience.

Is it possible to unlock the lock with your own hands if there is no key?

If you are left without a key and you urgently need to open the door, then there is no need to panic. Try to evaluate the problem. After all, when a flimsy interior door blocks the entrance, it can often be unlocked without a certain skill. But if you have to deal with a metal front door from well-known manufacturer, then here even a specialist will have to sweat. If you are not sure of success, then do not waste time and effort and spoil the design doors with hand tools. In such situations, it is recommended to entrust this work to professionals.

If a specialist is taken to work, then he will be able to open the lock of any design. He is familiar with the features of many locking mechanisms, so it will not be difficult for him to unlock the door in an intelligent way, keeping the lock mechanism intact. Therefore, deciding to use the services of a specialist, it will not always be a reasonable decision. Reliability of some models may be imaginary, and therefore, if we have necessary tools, then you can open them quickly enough. We will talk about the most accessible of them further.

Opening the locking device of the interior door

How to open a lock without keys without resorting to the help of a professional? If you are dealing with an interior door, then opening it will not be difficult for you. Most often, such door blocks equipped with locking mechanisms, in the design of which a latch is provided on one side, and on the other there is a part resembling a keyhole. Given that these doors are rarely locked, owners lose their keys in the first weeks or months after installation.

Often the door is locked due to the carelessness of young children. Once in the room, they can slam the door, close the latch and, contrary to the persuasion of adults, do not want to open the door. Naturally, parents are afraid for their baby, as he remains alone in the room. Because of this, it is important to open the lock as quickly as possible so that it retains its working condition afterwards. You can solve this problem by performing the following operations.

  • find the keyhole and familiarize yourself with its design;
  • find a tool that is suitable for opening the lock;
  • start opening the door, doing everything very carefully.

How to open locks of different shapes?

There are such models of locks in which the well has a round shape. In this case, to open it, it is best to find a thin knitting needle, a large open paper clip, an awl or a toothpick. Having decided on a suitable tool, place it in the hole, after which push lightly with one hand and at the same time start releasing with the other hand or turn the knob. If everything is done correctly, the door will open.

The same should be done in a situation where the lock well has a flat shape. In order for you to be able to handle this lock, you will need to find a flat tool. For this purpose, you can use sharp scissors, a narrow-bladed knife, a nail file, or the handle of a teaspoon. Having chosen a tool, you need to stick it into the well, then press it with one hand and at the same time with the other we start to twist it and lower the door handle.

Unlocking the cylinder lock without a key

Great difficulties can arise if the locked door is equipped with a cylinder lock. Given the great secrecy of such locking devices, intelligent methods of opening will not always help to solve the problem. Although with experience, you can get inside if you use a paperclip or a very thin, curved screwdriver.

If we talk in more detail about the intelligent method of breaking cylinder locking mechanisms, then here from a person you need to perform certain actions with a paper clip and a screwdriver, where the first will be used as a master key, and the second will act as a fold. When trying to open a lock with such methods, keep in mind that here is the most important point- insert the hook well in such a way that the fonts of the secret take the correct position. They must be placed in turn, all the time helping with a roll. With due perseverance, the larva will begin to be sold. To understand if the fonts are installed correctly, you need to visually assess their location relative to each other and focus on the sound.

Using a paper clip, you need to move all the pins one by one, helping with a roll. And each time you need to check whether the cylinder can be rotated. Only when he starts to give in, you will be able to solve your problem. Pay attention to what what sounds come from the well while working on opening the lock. So you can stop in time if you do something wrong. Otherwise, you can simply break it.

Using the rough method

If a homemade master key did not help to cope with the lock, you can turn to a more rough method of breaking. However, here there is one important nuance : you can count on success only if the larval lock does not have protection against folding and drilling. If you decide to use this method, then you need to prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill - preferably as much power as possible;
  • drill for metal;
  • thick flat screwdriver;
  • hammer.

Immediately get ready for the fact that after applying such a hacking method, it will be necessary to install a new larva. First, try a powerful roll. To do this, take a screwdriver and place it in the lock as far as possible. You can even put a couple of blows on it with a hammer. After that, we begin to screw it. Realizing that the larva begins to spin after the screwdriver, you need to pull the screwdriver and extract the secret. After doing this, you will be able to get inside.

Opening a door with a padlock

If, after examining the doors, it turns out that it is equipped with rack lock then you can calm down. Of course, for such locking devices sufficient good protection from brute force. However, if you use intelligent methods against them, you can easily deal with them. To make it easier to open such a lock, it must be lubricated, for which WD-40 liquid is used. Next, you can choose any of the following hack methods.

  1. As a tool, you can use two flat screwdrivers with thin rods. Keep in mind that here it is necessary to use screwdrivers that can work together without special efforts enter the castle well. First you need to place one screwdriver inside in such a way as to fix the notch of the crossbar with it. Then it needs to be shifted a little, after which it is necessary to take another screwdriver and fix its position. After that, you need to perform the above steps again: we find a new notch, move everything and move it with another screwdriver. We do this until the lock is opened.
  2. We use a wooden wedge-key. You may not have a key wedge. However, don't worry about this. You can easily make it yourself. For this any soft wood will be required, from which it is necessary to make a wooden wedge suitable sizes. Next, we take this wedge and insert it into the lock well until it stops, applying physical effort if necessary. After that, it must be removed. After examining the wedge, you will see notches on it, thanks to which you can modify it to look like a real key.
  3. We unlock the lock by pressing the door. Your task of opening the lock will be much easier if the locking mechanism is placed in such a way that you can wring out the door leaf. To do this, you need to take a "crowbar", place it between the jamb and the canvas, and then you need to try to squeeze it all the way. After that, insert a screwdriver into the created slot and remove the lock bolts to the side. The door will be open.

Most of us do not know how to behave in a situation where the key is lost, and it is urgent to get inside. Although experts know how to open door locks without damage, any of us can also solve this problem. There are quite a few quite easy to implement methods, allowing to open the lock, regardless of its design. Therefore, if you want to get inside yourself, try to do everything very carefully. If you do not have confidence in your abilities, it is better to contact a specialist.

Sometimes in a person's life there are cases with the loss of some valuable thing. Often this kind of trouble occurs with small objects. The most common of them are rings, earrings, bracelets, watches, etc. The loss of most of them can be reconciled. What can not be said about the keys - without them it will be difficult to get into an apartment, another room, a barn or a garage.

In such a situation, you can get a smartphone and find the phone number of a local company for opening lock systems. Within a couple of hours, a professional master will come to you and open the door. But in order to provide the service, a specialized company will require the presentation of documents for the right to own real estate or registration of residence.

But what if the document was left behind the closed area of ​​​​the house? There are several ways to open the lock without a key yourself. It all depends on the type of closing system and the availability of improvised means.

Cylinder design

The cylinder device is often equipped with input and interior doors. The principle of operation is to rotate the cylinder with a cam acting on the locking bolt. The turning position of the key is fixed with pins.

To work, you need two ordinary paper clips. To create a tensioner, we straighten the ends from different edges. Then we bend at a right angle. Next, you need a second paperclip. On it we bend only one longest end. It will serve as a master key in the work.

First, insert the tensioner into the upper part of the larva until it stops. Then we try to turn in the direction of opening the lock. With the long end of the master key, we are trying to find the pins of the mechanism. There are usually 5 of them. We find each of them and in turn press the bent edge of the master key, and then turn the tensioner.

Double sided mechanism

Many models are equipped with double-sided locking pins. In this case, first we press one row, and after it the second on the opposite edge.

This option is suitable for a lock system with a flat hole. But it is not uncommon to come across with a cross-shaped tip. This type of master key can no longer be opened and you must use another tool. A Phillips screwdriver works great. First, remove the protection of the larva. Then we insert a screwdriver and try to turn in the direction of unlocking.

Crossbar or rack type

The crossbar mechanism is the simplest. With him will not arise difficult questions about how to open the door without a key at home yourself.

To work, you need any thin, durable plate. WITH simple device a regular plastic card will do. For complex ones - a flat screwdriver. The tool must be inserted into the gap between the opening and the box. Having reached the object to the crossbar, we begin to press. The rack lock will return to its original position and the door leaf will open.

In more complex design security pin is used. It is used to unlock the lock from the back. To reach it, use a fishing line. First, we press on the sash itself until a space is formed for the pin to engage with the fishing line. Then we pull it towards ourselves and open it with the door handle.

The padlock

V hinged structures the same locking mechanism is used as in the cylinder ones. You can try to open it in the same way using a tensioner and a master key. But there are other ways to deal with it.

One of them is applicable if you have strong enough muscles. It is necessary to take a crowbar and press with force on the place of constipation with a tongue. The other is sawing with a hacksaw or a small nail file.

Level lock

The lever mechanism is the most reliable and is often installed on the entrance iron ceilings. To open such a device, some time of preparation and strength will be required. There are two effective ways how to open a door lock without a key.

  1. Pliers, a small piece of metal plate and metal shears. From the plate we cut out a sample similar to the original. We make the edges of the product wavy with pliers. And we try to insert it into the larva and crank it.
  2. Hammer and key from another lock. The sample should be as close as possible to the original. We insert into the hole at 75%, attract and beat with a hammer. To achieve the desired result, do the action several times.

Broken key

Breaking the front door may cause damage. metal product. Moreover, one part remains in the hand, and the other in the larva. But do not rush to pull out the chip. First, use the pliers to carefully twist the metal residue and unlock the door leaf. And then pull out the rest. If you can’t pick up a chip, then you need to find a nail file from a jigsaw. We insert it into the hole with the serrated side up and try to pull it out a little. After the same pliers unlock the entrance to the house.

And remember, for breaking other people's locks and doors by the above methods, criminal punishment is provided for under the article of the Law.

Undoubtedly, door locks are able to reliably protect the premises from penetration, since the device of their mechanism is quite complex. However, if necessary and owning some tools, they can still be opened. This is a significant plus in cases where the key to the lock has been lost, and it is necessary to get into the room.

This type of lock, like a padlock, is most often used for a door leading to utility rooms, warehouses, garages. In most cases, there is no need to regularly open such rooms, so the key can easily be lost among other things.

What handy tools will help open the lock?

Often in a series or movie, you can see how professionals pick locks using the simplest tools at hand, such as stealth, paper clips or wire. In fact, it is - a paper clip is a very effective tool for opening a padlock.

If you need to open the lock, you will need two paper clips. They are bent with the letter G, and one of them is inserted into the lock. It is necessary to try to set the mechanism in motion by rotating the paper clip. Perform all movements slowly, it is important to feel the mechanism itself in order to open it easier and faster.

After a while, you can feel how the lock was hooked. Now you need a second paper clip, which is inserted into the hole in the top of the lock. The next step is very important: it is necessary, by feeling for the pins, to raise them one by one. This must be done carefully and carefully. When all the pins are up, all that remains is to rotate the first paperclip to achieve the final result. The padlock is now open.

How to deal with complex mechanisms?

As mentioned earlier, opening a padlock can be tricky. It is made various kinds, respectively, is classified according to dimensions, quality, cost, and, despite the fact that all these products are of the padlock type, they have enormous differences.

For example, a very common type of mechanism is a spring lock. Accordingly, if there is a need to open the room, it is necessary to act on the internal spring. In most cases, a spring lock is used as additional protection or it is hung on the doors of barns, outbuildings, and certain luggage is closed to them.

It is also necessary to act on the spring with the help of special tools. In a practical way, try to independently choose a product that will perfectly fit the size of the lock, and act on the spring with it. Both a pin and a nail can act as such a product.

Hacking the cylinder mechanism

The cylinder mechanism has its own characteristics and several ways of hacking. The following method is the most effective and common.

  1. You will need a screwdriver, with which a self-tapping screw is screwed directly into the lock cylinder.
  2. The destroyed mechanism is leveled with a nail cutter.

Thus, the secret mechanism is destroyed and the lock is broken.

How to break the lock, but at the same time preserve its integrity?

In order not to purchase a new lock after opening the room, you can try one proven method that will keep it intact. To do this, you need an ordinary tin can: the lid and bottom are cut off, and the cylindrical part itself is cut in half.

From one such half, it is necessary to cut out a figure like the letter T. Please note that the leg of the letter should be long enough, such that it can easily go around the shackle of the castle itself. Next, you need to fold the cut out figure in a semicircle, and insert its end between the lock body and its shackle. The whole structure rotates in a circle, making a full turn. Now the lock can be cracked, just pull the shackle as it opens.

How to crack a padlock by other methods?

Of course, there are other ways to hack, they do not require painstaking work. For example, you can open the lock with a grinder. It is especially effective on Chinese locks, since their steel is usually less durable. It doesn’t take much time to cut the shackle of the lock, it’s enough just to make some efforts, and sometimes it turns out to cut down the shackle even with a hacksaw.

Since not every person may have a grinder, there are other tools, for example, a crowbar. With it, you can also break the lock, but here you can not do without strong male hands. The crowbar is installed in such a position that it is located between the lock body and the shackle. This method does not always work, but in most cases it turns out to make the bow pop out of all the grooves. Efforts are applied by directing the end of the scrap down, and its opposite side up.

Due to the fact that many locks are hackable, it is necessary to purchase the highest quality and most reliable mechanisms. It is also recommended to keep the keys in a certain place or make a duplicate of them, so that in case of loss of one copy, you do not have to crack or change the lock.