Laying technology of porous ceramic blocks of different formats. Wall insulation from porous (ceramic) blocks Advantages of single-layer house walls made of warm ceramics

Let us consider in detail why fill the technological gap between the cladding and the Porotherm block with a solution based on perlite. And so, according to the technology of laying the Porotherm block, after the block is installed, the outer vertical seam must be carefully covered with mortar. In short, why this needs to be done, since the laying of a ceramic porous block is carried out with a groove - a comb, and the block may not have the correct geometric shape or the worker will not put the block in tight to each other, then in the place where the groove-comb will be, a gap is obtained, in other words, a gap. If you do not seal the vertical seam from the outside, but only plaster from the inside, then closed convection will not work and the block will lose its heat efficiency. In order to comply with the rules for laying the block, it was necessary to first raise the wall with a block, and then, when the seams were sealed, begin to raise the cladding. I do it in reverse, raise the lining by 2-3 rows of porotherm, then put the block. This is convenient because you do not have to install additional scaffolding for masonry with facing bricks, because both scaffolding and the work on their construction cost money.

If you choose the most The right way from the beginning put the block then facing, then here are some tips for you:

  1. Put the connections in the mortar joint of the block in advance so that you don’t have to drill anything later.
  2. Put the house under the roof, and then trim the cladding.
  3. Do not buy a facing brick in advance (it may start to mold, ants may start dragging earth there and the brick will be dirty, get wet in the rain and efflorescence will begin to appear on it).
  4. Leave the vent. the gap between the cladding and block 1 is 1.5 cm.

You may be wondering why I fill the gap with perlite mortar, and not ordinary mortar, or do not leave it empty at all? I decided to do this because the manufacturer recommends placing the POROTHERM ceramic porous block on a warm solution, and it is on perlite. I put POROTHERM 44 on a regular solution, but pouring those. gap with a solution on perlite, I close the vertical seams, additionally insulate the wall and remove cold bridges.

The composition of the mixture on perlite.

I made the fill mixture like this:

I took 2 buckets of M75 perlite for one batch, I have a 12l bucket, a 130l concrete mixer, 1 bucket of sand, half a bucket of M500 cement, half a bucket of water, maybe more, maybe less and soap.

Now about the kneading process itself:

Pour water then, turn off the concrete mixer, set the hole to the top, carefully (perlite is very volatile) pour out two buckets of perlite, turn on the mixer and turn it into working position for 7-9 minutes (perlite has this property, first it takes water and starts to crumple, then turns into gruel) if so, add water. After the slurry has turned out, we pour a bucket of sand (do not interfere with the sand for a long time), the perlite is mixed with sand, add cement and stir for no more than 2 minutes, it is no longer recommended that the perlite granules will be broken by sand and the heat efficiency will disappear.

Everyone who is involved housing construction, study the relationship between the level of housing, the technical and operational properties of building materials and their economic feasibility. POROTHERM blocks made of clay, water and sawdust that burn out during firing to create a porous structure - they are environmentally friendly, have a high heat capacity and are able to pass evaporation. It is an economical large-format wall material that can be used for the construction of even multi-storey buildings.

Masonry - a system of masonry elements that are laid in a certain sequence and fastened with mortar. Integrated system masonry POROTHERM allows you to build buildings of any layout, using a variety of architectural forms. In addition to the porous blocks themselves, which have a vertical tongue-and-groove connection, it includes ceramic bridges, beam ceiling, floor slabs, facing bricks and dry mixes for mortar and plaster.

Masonry mortars

Cement-sand or lime-cement mortar, commonly used in masonry, is not recommended for laying POROTHERM large-format blocks, due to the large difference in thermal properties. Otherwise, mortar joints, which are "cold bridges", will negate the wonderful thermal insulation characteristics porous blocks. It is advisable to use "light" (heat-insulating) masonry mortars - more expensive, but with a higher bonding ability. From 20 kg of dry mix, with strict observance of the instructions, 30-32 liters of the finished solution are obtained. The consistency should be such that the mortar does not flow into the vertical holes of the bricks.

bed stitch

The thickness of the bed joint for POROTHERM blocks should be on average 12 mm - this is enough to equalize the tolerances in the block sizes. If the bed seam is thicker, the strength of the masonry will decrease. The solution must be applied so that the entire block lies on a uniform layer of the solution. When laying all load-bearing walls, external and internal, under static stress, the mortar is applied to the entire surface of the bed joint. When laying walls and partitions that do not experience static loads, it is possible to use an intermittent bed seam.

vertical seam

Traditional masonry, with vertical joints filled with mortar, is used for load-bearing (external and internal) walls. The consumption of solution and working time in this embodiment is very significant. Ligation of vertical seams into a "groove-ridge" is more technologically advanced, does not require mortar, it is used for the construction of external thermal insulation walls in one row. Blocks in the horizontal direction are stacked end-to-end. The humidity of the entire masonry is less than with the traditional one, so the walls dry out quickly, acquiring relevant characteristics strength and level thermal resistance. Optimal Thickness external walls is achieved by laying in one row POROTHERM blocks with a thickness of 510 mm. A more economical solution is also possible if blocks with a thickness of 380 mm are used.

First row masonry

POROTHERM blocks require reliable waterproofing between wall and plinth. To do this, a waterproof solution is applied to the plinth and a waterproofing membrane is laid on top (2-3 cm wider than the intended wall). A layer is applied to the waterproofing masonry mortar, thicker than bedding, and carefully leveled, starting from the highest place. And on top - a thin layer of cement, in order to avoid immersion of the blocks in the solution. First, lay the blocks in the corners of the walls and connect them with a mooring cord, with outer side masonry. Next, lay the blocks one after the other, end-to-end along the cord, inserting them from above, along the “groove-comb” direction. No horizontal displacements are allowed! sawing blocks up to right size produce desktop circular or chain hand saw. Ceramic blocks should not protrude beyond the foundation by more than 25 mm. After laying the full perimeter, allow the first row to dry for at least 12 hours.

Dressing masonry

Dressing is the most important static characteristic masonry. The wall, with proper dressing, will work as a single structural element. Vertical seams between individual blocks in two adjacent rows - must be shifted by at least 0.4 h (h - brick height). So, for POROTHERM brick blocks with a height of 219 mm, the minimum dressing step is 87 mm. The recommended horizontal module 250x250mm of POROTHERM blocks provides a dressing step of 125mm. For dressing masonry blunt and sharp corners, POROTHERM blocks must be sawn.

Wall masonry

Before applying the solution, moisten the top surface of the stacked row of blocks with water. Apply the bed seam solution over the entire surface of the wall, up to its outer edges, however, if it protrudes outward, collect it with a spatula. Each row starts with the installation of corner bricks and further, as described above. Make sure that the distance between the vertical seams of adjacent rows along the wall is 125 mm. With the help of a level and a plumb line, check the horizontality and verticality of the stacked blocks, knocking them out, if necessary, with a rubber mallet.

Wall dressing

Ligation of external walls with internal, as well as with partitions, is carried out using perforated steel anchors, which are laid in the bed seams of every second row. It is also important to observe the following rule: load-bearing walls must be at least 1 cm higher than walls that are not under load.

Ligation of facing masonry with masonry walls

Since porous blocks and facade Russian bricks have a single multiplicity factor, the masonry of the load-bearing outer wall can be tied up with the masonry of the wall from the front brick. If the bed joint of the wall masonry is 12 mm, the height of the facade masonry of 3 single face bricks will be equal to the height of the POROTHERM large-format block.

Working conditions

The porous POROTHERM blocks, in the conditions of building, should be protected from moisture. The temperature during masonry production must not fall below +5°C. Do not use bricks covered with ice or snow. Must be protected from getting wet finished wall, otherwise water will accumulate in the vertical holes of the blocks, which dries for a long time. It is especially important to securely cover the upper surface of walls and window sills. polyethylene film or tarpaulin to prevent, in the event of rain, the fast-dissolving substances of the solution from being washed out of the seams.

Technologies for building the walls of a private house are developing in three main areas:

  1. Relatively thin and strong walls are insulated with highly effective insulation. The wall is made up of two layers.- the bearing layer, which perceives mechanical loads, and the insulation layer.
  2. For the construction of single-layer walls, materials are used that combine a sufficiently high resistance, both to mechanical stress and to heat transfer. The construction of single-layer walls from cellular concrete(autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate) or porous ceramics.
  3. A combination of these two technologies is also used when walls made of cellular and porous materials additionally insulate layer high effective insulation. This combination allows make both masonry walls and a layer of insulation of small thickness. This can be advantageous for structural reasons, especially when building a house in a cold climate.

Advantages of single-layer house walls made of warm ceramics

Especially in areas with mild winter more profitable and easier to build private house with single-layer stone outer walls. Modern building materials make it possible to build a single-layer wall of reasonable thickness and necessary strength that is sufficiently heat-saving for the specified climate.

Compared to two- or three-layer walls, single layer outer construction stone wall has the following advantages:

  • The total cost of building a house with single-layer outer stone walls up to 51cm thick masonry, at least, does not exceed the cost of building a two-layer, and less than a three-layer wall. These walls provide high consumer properties dwellings, and at the same time reduce the cost of construction in areas with less severe winters.
  • The homogeneous design of a single-layer stone wall provides greater durability, environmental friendliness, better resistance to mechanical, fire and climatic influences. In the thickness of a single-layer wall, there are no less durable and impact-resistant insulation and polymer films, there are no ventilated gaps, there is no risk of moisture accumulation at the layer boundary, and rodent protection is not required.
  • A house with external single-layer walls made of stone materials has a predicted durability of 100 years, the duration of operation until the first overhaul- 55 years. For comparison, the duration of effective operation of buildings insulated with mineral wool or polystyrene boards, before the first overhaul is 25-35 years. During this period, a complete replacement of the insulation is required.
  • Single layer wall least at risk of accidental or deliberate damage.
  • Single layer wall is the guarantee of the absence hidden defects: it is impossible to place a heater badly in it, since the masonry material itself is a heater; it is impossible to poorly perform a vapor barrier in it, since it does not need a vapor barrier; the wall is entirely before your eyes and you do not have to worry about the state of the foam or mineral wool hidden in its bowels - nothing is hidden in the wall.
  • Laying a single-layer wall is faster, as it is carried out from large-format blocks and does not require additional work on wall insulation.
  • For laying single-layer walls, as a rule, blocks with a tongue-and-groove side surface are used, which makes it possible not to fill the vertical seams of the masonry with mortar. As a result consumption of masonry mortar is reduced by 30-40%.

For example, in Germany, approximately 50% of private houses are built with single-layer walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete (gas silicate) or porous ceramics. According to this site, 10% of readers chose single-layer walls for their home.

Porous ceramics is made from raw materials and in a manner that is similar to the production of ordinary ceramic bricks. The difference is that components are added to the clay-based mass, which form pores during firing.

Hollow large-format blocks and bricks are made from porous ceramics. The voidness further enhances the heat-saving properties of products made of porous ceramics.

Masonry of the wall of the house from large-format blocks of porous ceramics with brick cladding of the facade

The compressive strength of porous bricks is higher than that of blocks. But a brick wall turns out to be more heat-conducting, compared to masonry from large-format blocks. In addition, brickwork is more labor intensive. For low-rise construction up to 3 floors it is more profitable to use large-format blocks, rather than porous bricks.

On the construction market, there are blocks of several typical standard sizes, from which one-layer masonry with a thickness of 25, 38, 44 and 51 cm can be made.

When laying large-format walls hollow blocks porous ceramic placed with the long side across the wall. The thickness of the wall is equal to the length of the block.

For single-layer walls, blocks with a masonry thickness of 38, 44, or 51 cm are used. For two-layer walls with facade insulation, the thickness of the masonry is most often chosen 38, 44 or 25 cm.

A single-layer wall of large-format blocks of porous ceramics 44 cm thick with masonry on a heat-saving mortar will have a heat transfer resistance of 3.33 m 2 *K / W. Such a wall complies with Russian energy saving standards for private houses located south of the St. Petersburg-Kazan-Orenburg line. To the north of this border, blocks with a masonry thickness of 51 cm are used or two-layer walls are chosen from blocks of porous ceramics, with a masonry thickness of 25–44 cm and the facade is insulated with mineral wool or heat-insulating slabs of low-density aerated concrete.

Except blocks standard size, produce small-format additional blocks - halves and blocks of a size convenient for dressing masonry in the corners.

Porous large-format blocks have, as a rule, a compressive strength of 75 or 100 kg / m 2 (M75, M100). The strength of porous bricks and small-format blocks can be M150, M175.

For construction it is advantageous to choose finished project house, which initially provides for the laying of walls from porous large-format blocks. The horizontal dimensions and height of walls, openings, partitions in such a project will be chosen so that the need to cut blocks is minimized. A house project with walls made of other materials is best adapted to walls made of large-format ceramics.

Mortar for porous ceramic walls

The lateral surface of ceramic blocks usually has a profiled tongue-and-groove surface, which makes it possible to connect them without masonry mortar in a vertical joint. Such a connection facilitates and speeds up laying, but requires accuracy from the bricklayer - the joints of the blocks must be even, without gaps and skews. When laying cut blocks, the vertical seam must be filled with mortar.

To reduce the air permeability (blowing) of the wall, masonry must be plastered on both sides.

Blocks can be laid on a conventional cement-lime masonry mortar with a joint thickness of 8-12 mm. But it is advantageous to use a heat-saving mortar for laying walls from porous blocks. Such a solution has a lower thermal conductivity than the traditional one.

A wall of 44 cm thick porous ceramic blocks on a heat-saving solution will have a heat transfer resistance of 3.33 m 2 *K / W, and when laying on a regular mortar, only 2.78 m 2 * K / W.

A wall built using a heat-saving mortar will cost more, by about 10%, than masonry on a traditional composition.

It should also be taken into account that the heat-saving mortar reduces the compressive strength of the masonry by about 20%. Therefore, the use of a heat-saving mortar for masonry walls should be provided for by the project.

Masonry from porous blocks in two-layer walls with facade insulation is usually carried out on a traditional cement-lime masonry mortar. Some increase in the thermal conductivity of the wall in this case is not so critical.

Before mortar application blocks must be wetted with water. This is necessary so that water from the solution is less absorbed into the ceramics of the block. Otherwise, the solution in the seam will quickly lose water and will not gain strength.

Some manufacturers produce blocks with milled (polished) horizontal edges. Such processing makes it possible to achieve minimal deviations in the size of blocks in height, no more than plus or minus 1 mm.

Blocks with milled edges are laid on adhesive solution with a seam thickness of 2-3 mm. Installing blocks on glue increases the resistance to heat transfer of the wall, compared to masonry on mortar.

In the countries of the European Union, the laying of milled blocks on polyurethane foam glue is gaining popularity. From the usual polyurethane foam the composition is characterized by faster setting and less ability to increase volume. Laying on adhesive foam reduces bearing capacity walls.

Features of laying walls from large-format ceramic blocks

It should be noted that wall materials for single-layer walls have mediocre, both mechanical and thermal properties. We have to improve them with various constructive tricks.

A large-format ceramic block is pressed against a narrower installed unit and lowered vertically onto the solution so that there is no gap in the vertical seam between the blocks.

Hollow ceramic blocks are cut with special stone-cutting saws - hand-held or on a stone-cutting machine.

To lay communications in the masonry of the wall, it is necessary to punch recesses - strebs. Horizontal and vertical strokes for the entire length of the wall or for the height of the floor may be made with a depth of no more than 3 cm. Short vertical strokes located in the lower third of the floor height may be made with a depth of up to 8 cm.

Deeper strokes weaken the masonry of the wall. Therefore, their dimensions and location must be specified in the project and confirmed by calculations. Particularly dangerous are deep and extended fines for walls less than 30 cm thick.

After laying the communications, the grooves in the outer walls are filled with a heat-saving solution.

Connection of external and internal walls from large-format ceramic blocks

Interior walls are bearing, perceiving the load from the overlying structures - floors, roofs, and self-supporting- barriers.

Internal load-bearing walls are erected simultaneously with the laying of external walls. Load-bearing walls must rest on the foundation. In turn, load-bearing walls serve as a support for ceilings and truss system roofs.

1 - load-bearing inner wall, 38 or 25 cm; 2 - thermal insulation, 5 cm; 3 - outer wall

Internal load-bearing walls connect with outer wall way of dressing masonry. To do this, start the block of the inner wall, item 1 in the figure, in outer wall, pos.3, to a depth of 10-15 cm. Blocks are started not in each row, but through one row. In the second row of masonry, the block of the inner wall is simply adjacent to the block of masonry of the outer wall.

Partitions in the house serve only to separate rooms. They do not carry the load from the overlying structures of the house. The laying of partitions can be done simultaneously with the construction of external walls, but it is more convenient to do this after the construction of the box at home.

In any case, the height of the partition should be 2-3 cm below the ceiling so that the ceiling cannot exert pressure on the partition. The gap between the ceiling and the masonry of the partition is sealed, for example, with a strip of mineral wool.

Non-load-bearing internal walls and partitions can be connected to external walls using galvanized steel anchors, laying them in the masonry joints at least 3 pcs. by the height of the barrier.

The basis for partitions from masonry materials can serve as a cover or concrete screed floor on the ground. The ceiling or other base must be designed to withstand the weight of the partition. If necessary, provide for strengthening the base, by installing a monolithic reinforced concrete beam under the partition.

The thickness of the masonry is chosen based on the need provide the necessary sound insulation between rooms. Deaf, without doorways, partitions separating living rooms from other rooms in the house, it is recommended to make from ceramic blocks with a masonry thickness of 25 cm.

Other partitions are made of ceramic blocks or bricks with a masonry thickness of 12 cm.

To improve sound insulation, vertical seams in the masonry of partitions and internal walls it is recommended to fill with a solution.

Foundation and plinth of a house made of ceramic blocks

If the foundation of the house is made of prefabricated concrete blocks, then a monolithic reinforced concrete belt is necessarily arranged on top of the blocks. Wall masonry made of ceramic large-format blocks should be supported by a continuous reinforced concrete strip.

The thickness of the single-layer walls of a house made of large-format blocks is quite large: 38 - 51 cm. To reduce construction costs, the width of the walls of the foundation (basement) is made smaller than the load-bearing walls of a house. The wide wall of the house hangs from one or both sides over the narrower wall of the basement. Vertically, the basement wall sinks beyond the masonry surface of the walls of the house.

Without performing calculations, the width of the basement wall can be made 20% narrower than the thickness of the porous block masonry. For example, with a block masonry thickness of 44 cm, the width of the basement wall can be reduced to 35 cm. Reducing the width of the basement wall by 30% is allowed, but must be confirmed by the designer's calculation. horizontal surface the overhang of the wall above the plinth is plastered from below.

For guard ceramic walls at home from water splashes and moisture when snow melts, it is recommended to choose a basement height above the level of the blind area of ​​at least 30 cm.

Ceiling in the wall of large-format ceramic blocks

1 - compensation tape; 2 - reinforcement of the seam (if necessary); 3 - reinforced concrete belt; 4 - thermal insulation 10 cm; 5 - additional ceramic block; 6 - wall of ceramic blocks; 7 - pillow from cement mortar not less than 2 cm. 8 - prefabricated-monolithic often ribbed floor; 9 - concrete screed 5 cm; 10 - thermal and sound insulation.

At the level of supporting the ceilings on the bearing walls of ceramic blocks, a continuous reinforced concrete belt is arranged, pos. 3 in the figure. A continuous belt is arranged over all the load-bearing walls of the house. The monolithic reinforced concrete belt forms a rigid frame that perceives the vertical and horizontal loads of the ceilings, as well as the upper floors, and evenly transfers them to the load-bearing walls of the house.

The device of a monolithic belt is mandatory if the ceiling is made of monolithic or precast concrete. A reinforced concrete belt is also required in areas of seismic hazard. Minimum dimensions monolithic reinforced concrete belt in section 150x150 mm.

By the way, for the installation of floors in the house, you can also use large-format ceramic blocks.

Support length of prefabricated reinforced concrete, precast-monolithic or monolithic floor on a wall of large-format porous ceramic blocks should be at least 125 mm.

Steel and wooden beams prefabricated floors rest on a monolithic reinforced concrete belt 150 mm wide and at least 100 mm high. The belt is arranged under the ceiling.

V one-story houses beams hardwood floor it is allowed to rest on a masonry of three rows of solid ceramic bricks. Monolithic Belt in such houses you can not do.

Window in a wall made of porous ceramic blocks

1 - reinforcement of the seam (if necessary); 2 - additional ceramic block; 3 - thermal insulation 10 cm; 4 - window; 5 - masonry of large-format ceramic blocks; 6 - reinforced concrete lintels; 7 - reinforced concrete belt; 8 - often ribbed floor; 9 - plates of heat and sound insulation; 10 - concrete screed 5 cm; 11 - compensation tape.

As jumpers over window and doorways, pos.6 in the figure, it is recommended to use reinforced concrete products - crossbars, specially designed for walls made of large-format ceramic blocks. Such lintels have dimensions that are convenient for placement in the wall and do not require fitting to adjacent wall elements.

Heat loss through windows can also be reduced by using modern designs. In the manufacture of heat-saving windows, the number of chambers in a double-glazed window is increased, special glasses with a selective heat-reflecting layer are used, and the thickness of the window frame is increased.

From the outside, it is recommended to install roller shutters on the windows of a private house. Closed roller shutters not only protect windows from burglary, but in severe frosts reduce heat loss through windows, and in summer heat reduce overheating of the house by solar rays. It is better to foresee the installation of roller shutters on windows in advance, at the stage of designing a house.

Adjoining the roof to the wall of ceramic blocks

1 - Mauerlat bar; 2 - monolithic reinforced concrete belt; 3 - additional block made of porous ceramics; 4 - masonry walls of large blocks; 5 - insulation boards

The roof of the house rests on the walls of large-format ceramic blocks through a monolithic reinforced concrete belt, item 2 in the figure. A continuous belt is arranged over all the load-bearing walls of the house. The monolithic reinforced concrete belt forms a rigid frame that perceives the vertical and horizontal loads of the roof and evenly transfers them to the load-bearing walls of the house.

Finishing single-layer walls from large-format ceramic blocks

Walls made of warm ceramics, both outside and inside, can be plastered with traditional cement-lime plaster.

For interior decoration gypsum plasters are also used.

On the facade of the house, you can apply heat-saving plaster with a layer of up to 10 cm. This will significantly increase the heat-saving characteristics of the outer walls.

The facade of a house made of ceramic blocks is often faced with front or clinker brick. It is not required to arrange a ventilated gap between the wall of ceramic blocks and the cladding masonry.

Watch the video tutorial on how to properly lay walls from large-format ceramic blocks.

Blocks of porous ceramics in your city

Block ceramic porous for walls.

Thermal insulation of walls made of porous ceramics

When building a house in areas with harsh winters, walls made of warm ceramics need additional insulation.

Outside, the walls are covered with a layer of highly efficient insulation - mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam slabs.

Foam glass plates are glued to the wall masonry. A plaster metal mesh is applied on top. The mesh and insulation boards are fixed with dowels to the wall.

Rarely used more expensive foam glass thermal insulation boards coated on both sides with fiberglass. Fiberglass provides good adhesion with cement-sand mortar and others building materials. Compared to traditional heaters, foam glass thermal insulation is more durable, has increased compressive strength, does not get wet, does not burn, is environmentally friendly, is not damaged by rodents, and is vapor-tight.

Low-density aerated concrete (gas silicate) heat-insulating boards- another comparatively new material, is gaining popularity for the insulation of facades. Some manufacturers have learned how to make and produce aerated concrete with a density of 200 kg / m 3 and less, with a sufficiently high strength index.

When insulating walls, at the border of masonry and insulation, there is a risk of condensation of water vapor and accumulation of moisture in the wall.

For walls made of warm ceramics, the following options for facade insulation are most often used:

  • Plates are fixed on the wall for facade insulation from mineral wool with a density of at least 125 kg / m 3 or low density aerated concrete insulation boards. The facade is finished with a thin-layer vapor-permeable.
  • medium density 45 - 75 kg / m 3. Insulation plates are placed between the crate of the ventilated facade.
  • Walls insulated with mineral wool or low-density aerated concrete slabs can be clad with bricks, but always between the cladding and the insulation arrange a ventilated gap.
  • When insulating with extruded polystyrene foam or foam glass, a thin-layer facade plaster by heater or.

When insulating walls with foam, extruded polystyrene foam or foam glass, it is important to choose the right layer thickness. If the thickness of the insulation is too small, steam will condense on the border with the wall masonry and moisture will accumulate. The thickness of the insulation from these materials is selected based on the calculation of moisture accumulation in the wall. Consult with local designers on this subject.

When the walls are insulated with mineral wool or aerated concrete, moisture accumulation in the wall does not occur at any thickness of the insulation.

When choosing a facade finishing method, it should be borne in mind that the service life of mineral wool and polymer insulation is much less than brickwork lining. Under brick cladding it is recommended to use a more durable mineral insulation- heat-insulating boards made of low-density autoclaved aerated concrete or foam glass boards with fiberglass coating on both sides, for example, trademark FOAMGLAS® BOARDS WALL BOARD W+F.

Thermal insulation boards made of autoclaved aerated concrete have a density of 100 - 200 kg / m 3 and a coefficient of thermal conductivity in a dry state of 0.045 - 0.06 W / m o K. Mineral wool and polystyrene foam heaters have approximately the same thermal conductivity. Plates with a thickness of 60 - 200 mm are produced. Compressive strength class B1.0 (compressive strength not less than 10 kg / m 3.) Vapor permeability coefficient 0.28 mg / (m * year * Pa).

Porous hollow ceramic blocks are materials that contribute to the preservation and accumulation of heat in the house. But despite this, in some cases, walls made of this material also require insulation.

Heat loss in a house occurs through walls, windows, doors, roofs and even basements. No more than 20% of heat is lost through the walls of low-rise buildings, since the areas of the roof and walls are almost equivalent. Significant heat losses (up to 40%) are due to air exchange, and the rest - to the roof. In the first climatic zone, building codes(GOS) for energy saving provide for the heat transfer coefficient of enclosing structures (walls) - 2.8 (was 2.2), and for the roof - 4.95 (was 2.8). For the transitional period that we are in today, this coefficient for roofs can be 3.3.

Is it necessary to insulate walls made of blocks 38, 44 and 50 cm wide?

When building a house from hollow porous ceramic blocks, the walls can be of two types: single-layer, that is, made from only one block, or multilayer. The latter, in turn, are divided into two-layer, consisting of a block and insulation, and three-layer - which includes a block, insulation and face brick. For the construction of single-layer walls, porous blocks with a width of 38, 44 and 50 cm are used. It is not advisable to insulate such walls, since the wall material from which they are made has a sufficient heat transfer resistance coefficient. The funds that are supposed to be spent on the insulation of such walls are best used for exterior finish or installation of higher quality translucent structures in terms of energy saving - doors and windows. However, with the introduction of new energy saving standards, even walls made of ceramic blocks 38 cm wide are subject to insulation.

Which ceramic blocks require insulation?

Sometimes walls are erected from ceramic porous hollow blocks 25 and 30 cm wide. This happens when the wall material has not yet been selected, but construction works are already underway. For example, if a foundation is made, and its width does not correspond to the width of the porous block, which can provide the required coefficient of thermal conductivity of the walls of the house. Then, when choosing a material for external walls, they are tied to the thickness of the block.

Since these blocks are originally intended for the construction of internal load-bearing walls, they do not have a sufficient coefficient of heat transfer resistance.

When insulating a wall made of porous blocks, you must not forget to put windows in the house with a heat transfer resistance coefficient of 0.5 m² - ° C / W and, accordingly, insulate the roof - only then can the house be considered fully insulated.

Insulation laying

Porous ceramic walls are best insulated with mineral wool slabs, which, unlike expanded polystyrene, have good vapor permeability. The insulation is attached to the wall with glue or with dowels so that it fits snugly against the wall surface. Further finishing walls are made at the discretion of the owner of the house. As for the thickness of the insulation for ceramic porous blocks, for a block with a width of 25 cm it is 100 mm, for a block with a width of 30 cm - 60 mm.

Another important point, which must be taken into account when insulating a house, is the use of the so-called “light” (“warm”) masonry mortar, and not the usual cement-sand, when laying blocks. This solution also contains cement, which performs the function binder. Used as a filler thermal insulation material- perlite or expanded clay sand.

The area of ​​the seams with a thickness of 12 mm is only 4% on the wall of ceramic porous hollow blocks. If replace cement-sand mortar to “light”, then the thermal performance of the wall will improve by 17% due to the large difference in the thermal conductivity of these solutions: for cement-sand it is 0.9 W / (m * ° C), and for a warm solution - 0.3 W /(m*°C). The production of such dry mixes in Ukraine has not yet been mastered, so they are imported from abroad.

Currently, to create capital load-bearing walls instead of the traditional solid brick Increasingly, large-format ceramic blocks are used. This gives many advantages, first of all - the speed of building walls increases. The size of a large-format ceramic block is much larger than a brick, while having a relatively small weight. It is easy and convenient for builders to work with such blocks, the walls of them grow by leaps and bounds and, most importantly, they can be lined with any finishing materials.

Opportunities and prospects

Large-format ceramic blocks are produced by several companies, in particular, Porotherm blocks are presented on the market, which have proven themselves well in our climatic conditions and are well-deservedly popular with home builders. The blocks serve for a long time, the wall of them is strong and reliable, so there is, in fact, only one problem - the need for cladding. Like the vast majority of wall materials, the ceramic block requires external finishing. And if some wall materials, let’s say, are “capricious” in relation to cladding - one cannot be plastered, the other is undesirable to finish with natural stone, as a result, both builders and homeowners get a headache - then there is no such problem with ceramic blocks. Of course, there is no technology common to all facing materials, and in each case both methods and related materials will be different.

One of the most common questions is how to properly tie/attach to the ceramic block. facing material. In practice, several methods of such fastening are used. One of them involves the use of flexible connections made of basalt plastic in the amount of five to seven pieces per square meter. Basalt-plastic flexible connections combine strength, durability and lightness. These links connect the bearing and facing layers. Flexible connections can also connect the load-bearing wall with the facing layer through the insulation. In addition, finishing or insulating materials can be attached to bearing wall from ceramic blocks with stainless steel anchors. Thus, a wall made of ceramic blocks can be faced, for example, with a facade (facing) brick, which is considered the most durable. finishing material. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of its varieties in color and texture on the modern market, especially if you count imported bricks. Designed facade brick for exterior decoration of walls and foundations and performs both protective and decorative functions. With the same success, you can use ceramic clinker tiles, the material is just as strong and durable.

An excellent option for facing large-format blocks can be natural or fake diamond. It is noteworthy that no special technologies will have to be involved in this, the process is standard, which means that in an inexpensive way. A wall of ceramic blocks is first prepared with a plaster composition with a mesh, after which the prepared cladding elements are glued to a special glue. If desired, a wall of ceramic blocks can be completely covered with plaster; it is applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. plaster mixture. As an option, you can use today's popular and very inexpensive siding. In this case, the wall is also pre-plastered, after which the frame is mounted and the siding is hung.

Finally, ceramic blocks work great with technology such as a ventilated (or hinged) façade. V last years it is used more and more often, allowing, on the one hand, to protect the wall from external influences, on the other hand, to ensure ventilation and a normal moisture balance in the wall array. The hinged facade is a system consisting of a cladding and a so-called sub-structure, the arrangement of which leaves a gap between the outer cladding and the wall. This gap allows the free movement of air flows and, among other things, significantly improves sound and heat insulation. wall structure. Modern construction market differs in variety of panels for facades. facade panels can be single-layer and composite (multilayer). Today, clinker panels, porcelain stoneware, metal (from iron, aluminum or copper), panels from natural stone, as well as fiber cement panels. Such panels are dyed in mass, have a natural range of colors, do not fade under the influence of sunlight and successfully resist any external influences. In general, it should be noted that the decoration of walls made of ceramic blocks, in principle, is no different from the decoration of walls made of other materials. The main thing here is to choose the right necessary materials(dry mixes, etc.) and use them according to the attached manufacturer's instructions.

Technology nuances

To ensure the quality of the coating in the process of facing walls from ceramic blocks, it is important to observe certain nuances of technology. Questions that arise in practice require unambiguous answers, for example, the question of the need ventilation gap between facing bricks and ceramic blocks. Is it needed at all? Experts say that in the absence of insulation, a gap is not required. If between bearing wall and face layer there is insulation, a gap is needed to dry it.

Or take such a nuance as the need to insulate the wall during the cladding process. This insulation can be done, or you can not do it if the wall, for example, is insulated from the inside. The decision in each case depends on thermotechnical calculation and depends on the construction of the wall and the type of wall material. At one time, large-format porous ceramic blocks were created specifically to exclude insulation from the so-called wall pie. Therefore, when using them, neither internal nor external additional insulation, as a rule, is required.

If the decision to insulate the walls from the outside is nevertheless made, there may also be some subtleties here. You can take, for example, a standard mineral wool insulation. However, in some cases, it is preferable to install an external heat-insulating layer using facade thermal panels. Such thermal panels are a complex multilayer system consisting of a moisture insulating layer, insulation (polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene) and a decorative and protective layer, which can be clinker tiles ( ceramic brick). Attached to the battens of buildings, these durable panels provide excellent protection against all adverse weather conditions.

Speaking of comparative new technology wall cladding made of ceramic blocks - the so-called ventilated (hinged) facades - it should be noted that since their development and implementation in construction, the methods of thermal insulation have changed fundamentally. In the recent past, heat-insulating materials were often mounted to the inner surface of the wall, which not only reduced the usable area of ​​the premises, but also did not provide a sufficient level of heat saving. The main difference of this technology was the transfer of heat-insulating materials from the interior of buildings to the outside. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning such a seemingly trifle as the calculation of the number facing brick. It is also produced in a special way. The basis for the calculation is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front of the brick, as well as the width of the vertical (10 mm) and horizontal (12 mm) joints. In this case, you should always have a five percent margin, since during the cladding process, part of the material may become unusable for one reason or another.

Text: Vladimir Mikhailov