Do-it-yourself TV mounting on the wall with and without a ready-made bracket. How to properly hang the TV on the wall, so that later you do not suffer and injure your eyes and neck

Almost every home has a TV, and sometimes even several. Most often, we associate it with a pleasant pastime with family or friends. Our eyes are turned to this electronic device quite often and it does not matter whether it broadcasts television channels or is simply a monitor for watching movies or videos on the Internet.

Let's see how to properly position the TV monitor in the room so that it is as comfortable, safe and convenient as possible for all household members. Read all the points carefully, constantly looking back at your conditions. All the tips here are closely interconnected, and the technical inconsistencies of one of them in the selected room can affect the planning features that already seem to be precisely defined.


1. In which part of the room to place the TV

The location of the TV dictates the arrangement of furniture in the room. First of all, decide from which point in the room (or several) you will watch it. It can be a sofa, a dining table, a kitchen work area - but other options are also possible.

The way out of this situation can be window blinds or tightly closing curtains with a "blackout" effect.

Consider how much you are willing to close them tightly every time you turn on the TV. For those who have the location exactly like this, we advise you to take a closer look at the curtains on the electric curtain rod, which can be controlled from the remote control or tablet. It is not so expensive, and such an option will add comfort and keep a neat appearance of the curtains themselves, which, due to too frequent mechanical impact, can get dirty faster and lose their original appearance.


2. At what height to hang the TV

If you are going to watch TV in the kitchen, say, standing by the stove, stand at an imaginary (if you are currently renovating) or existing work surface, and then quickly shift your gaze to the section of the wall where you plan to mount the TV. The place where you looked (this will most likely be the level of your eyes or a little lower / higher) must be remembered and immediately carefully fixed, say, in chalk on the wall. This is supposed to be the center of the monitor.

Exactly according to the same principle, you can determine the height that is comfortable for you to place the TV on the wall in any room where it is supposed to be.


3. How to fix the TV on the wall

If, during your planning, the location of the TV involves mounting it on the wall, you must first check the technical feasibility of this operation. Remember - you can not hang a heavy monitor on a drywall wall. It will not withstand more than 30-35 kg and runs the risk of simply collapsing.

On a wall made of bricks or blocks, the monitor can be mounted using brackets. At the same time, make sure in advance that there is no wiring in the places where the dowels are supposed to be located.


4. Where to hide wires and cables

If your apartment is currently in a state of repair, design in advance and properly prepare the location of the TV and the corresponding outputs for it. What you will definitely need is 3 ordinary outlets behind the monitor and 1 television. In them you will connect the plasma monitor itself, a tuner and / or a Wi-Fi adapter. All these outputs can be safely hidden behind the plasma monitor itself by placing the sockets at a distance of 8-10 cm from the top or bottom edge of the monitor (as it will be more convenient in your situation).

If there is a TV cabinet under the TV, on which other media equipment is supposed to stand, the sockets behind it will not interfere with you either.

If the repair has already been made, all the wires can be hidden in the cable box and carefully lead it to the TV. Later, this box can be designed to match the style of the wall on which it is located - in order to disguise it as much as possible.

In the case where the TV is facing a window and you decide to use the electric curtain rod advice, plan another socket under the ceiling in the place where the curtain will hang (curtain specialists and an electrician will tell you more about this).


5. How to choose the size of the diagonal

Many TV fans dream of a large half-wall plasma. Buying such a TV is not difficult, but before you do, check how much the parameters of your room will allow you to look at such a monitor without harm to health.

That is, a 40-inch TV should be viewed from a distance of 80-120 or 120-160 inches (1 inch equals 2.54 cm). Now we can calculate that the eyes of a person looking at a 40-inch plasma should be located 3-4 meters from it, and for LCD monitors - 2-3 meters.


It is easy, observing reality, to make sure that many people neglect this rule, which spoils the eyesight not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones. Don't repeat these mistakes.


We offer interesting ideas for the location of the TV in modern interiors:



At the moment, most LCD / plasma TVs are sold immediately complete with a holder, a set of bolts and dowels, but even if the above is not in your kit, you can easily purchase all this at the nearest hardware store.

First, read the instructions for the TV, and pay special attention to the section that contains a list of places not recommended for installing a TV. (Above the fireplace, in the bathroom, etc.)

Mounting the wall mount

The first step for you will be to check the wiring, make sure that it is working. Make sure the antenna wire is long enough for you. The wires should not stretch along the floor, it is better to put them in the plinth. If the wire stretches along the wall, it can be removed into the box.

Determine the exact place where the TV will be located if you plan to install it opposite the sofa - the optimal position is 0.7 - 1m. from the floor. Do not forget about the sidebar buttons, which must be accessible.

Fix the holder against the wall and make a markup where you will have the bolts. If the mount has a built-in level - a big plus, but still you should not be 100% focused on it, because you can have crooked walls. After marking, step back a couple of meters and visually evaluate how the TV will hang.

Take the bag and attach it in any way to the wall under your markings, you can also put a wet rag on the floor.

Take a puncher and pick up a drill slightly smaller than the diameter of the dowel. Drill holes, check if the dowel fits. It may need to be pushed a little with a couple of hammer blows, in case the hole is too small - expand it slightly, but do not overdo it.

If, after expanding the hole, the dowel began to walk freely, hammer it in with a hammer, attaching several matches or toothpicks to it along the edges.

Fix the holder with bolts and start screwing them diagonally so that the position of the dowels is not distorted.

Hang the TV, after making sure the holder is secure, and enjoy watching.

Many designers resort to a practical and budgetary option for leveling and cladding surfaces with plasterboard. This provides freedom for designer fantasy in interior decoration. But when the work is completed, other problems arise, for example, how to fix a large wall-mounted TV on an already finished plasterboard wall. The installation features are described below, how to do it, and expert advice is given.

TV on drywall

There is no single answer to this question, since it's all about the nuances. An important factor is the model and dimensions of the TV. Plasma with a large diagonal is risky to trust the wall of the plasterboard, as the material will begin to crumble over time. But everything is possible if you resort to a trick - to organize an internal reinforcement.

If the model is light, then you can do without amplification. In this case, the TV is hung with the help of special fasteners - “butterfly” dowels. Such a detail is well fixed from the back of the GKL sheet. But equipment of large dimensions should not be hung on them, this is available for models up to 30 kg in weight.

Thus, there are two options for the canopy of equipment:

  • With reinforced inner frame. This method will require the removal of the sheathing material in the area of ​​the TV canopy.
  • Installation on the profile of the skeleton of a plasterboard wall.

Types of brackets for a TV canopy on a plasterboard wall

It is permissible to use brackets: rigid and movable. The first type is more reliable, and therefore more suitable for mounting massive equipment. And movable brackets are more convenient for original-shaped rooms or small-sized rooms to turn the TV in the right direction.

Preparation and organization of wiring

Before starting the installation of equipment, prepare the "territory". If it is possible to start preparations at the stage of installing a plasterboard wall, then this is preferable. Then you can strengthen the profile frame under the gypsum board with wooden bars or metal elements, or organize a niche with reinforcement.

In the case of organizing a niche, accurately calculate its dimensions so that the panel fits freely and does not overheat during operation. Good ventilation is important here.

Niche for TV

At the preparation stage, it is necessary to provide for the fastening of the necessary wiring and the organization of the socket device. For a place under the TV, you will need 4-5 outlets. Ideal placement under them is at a distance of 10 cm from one of the edges of the TV.

Wiring is mounted in two ways:

  • Hidden. With the closed method, the wires are removed into the corrugation in the wall and brought to the surface in the right places.
  • open.

Installation of sockets

The second method is simpler and involves fastening cables using special elements directly on the plasterboard wall. Placing wires in this way is less aesthetically pleasing, but modern designers resort to original tricks that make electrical wiring a decorative element.

Equipment preparation

For a strong mount, it is important to prepare not only the wall, but also the TV itself. Here are the details of the correct TV preparation:

  • Hardware parameters.

Before constructing brackets or reinforcing frames, determine what equipment is hung, find out the exact weight, screen size, type and other features. This is written in the technical documentation.

  • Amount of workers.
  • wall type.

Depending on the finish, a set of fasteners, tools for work and accessories is selected.

  • The presence of electrical wiring in the wall.

How to fix the TV on the wall of the plasterboard?

For a plasterboard partition, you will need the following set of fasteners and materials:

  • Drill.

This tool will be needed when the frame is strengthened under the plasterboard lining.

Possible set of tools
  • Screwdriver.
  • Butterfly dowels or nails. Sometimes an anchor may come in handy.
  • Bars made of wood or metal in case of strengthening the frame.
  • Bracket.
  • Metal corners.

A TV from the manufacturer often comes with a bracket and fasteners. But they are made of plastic, which is acceptable in the case of a concrete base, but not with a drywall base. Such dowels can break off and deprive the owner of expensive equipment. Therefore, it is better to get your own more durable ones.

Bracket mounting:

  • Before attaching the bracket to the wall, mark the surface where the TV will be located with a marker.
  • Drill holes according to the diameter of the dowels.
  • Place the “butterfly” from the self-tapping screw into the resulting hole, and then screw in the self-tapping screw.
  • Remove the self-tapping screw and make sure that the fastener is unclenched.
  • Attach the equipment to the bracket.

Bracket mounting

Despite the fact that the instructions attached to the equipment say that you need to mount the bracket already with the equipment, this will not work. To hang the TV on the bracket, you need an angled screwdriver.

Suspension mounting:

  • Installation of the suspension by means of mounting "butterflies" and dowels.
  • Mounting the TV, including using the bracket.
  • Checking the horizontal placement with a level. Only after this TV is finally fixed.

Mounting on a partition wall without supporting base

If the canopy implies the presence of a load-bearing wall, then everything is clear here. But when it comes to a partition, especially one already mounted without a reinforced frame, you will have to resort to special tricks. For this, additional external load-bearing racks are organized. For gypsum boards in this role, metal pipes, channels, I-beams and other rolled metal products are used.

Canopy on the partition

These supports are installed along the partition in a vertical position and fixed to the floor and ceiling rigidly. Such an installation will allow you to fix the heaviest TV, the equipment that comes with it, and so on. As for aesthetics, such an installation can always be decorated with interior decor.

One of the ways to mount on video:

Ways to mount on a foam block wall

Standard fastening methods are not always relevant here. For foam block surfaces, the following three methods of TV mounting are possible:

  • Anchor fastening.

Anchor fastening is enough for the wall to withstand the weight of the equipment without damage.

  • bolts.

Holes are drilled in the wall and the TV is fixed with bolts. The visible part of the bolt in this case is puttied for aesthetics.

  • Bracket fastening.

This method is perhaps the most reliable and practical. At the same time, the decorative finish of the walls is not disturbed. On the foam block wall, the equipment is fixed with the same bolts or screws.

In contact with

Today, almost every family, one way or another, watches TV. Almost every home has a place for this extremely important device. But technology is moving forward, so leading TV manufacturers are increasingly releasing models with the ability to mount on the wall. It is not only stylish and modern, but also very comfortable. A TV on the wall facilitates comfortable viewing of news and favorite TV shows without burdening the body. Today, there are many ways to arrange an LCD TV in a room: from wall to ceiling bracket. To do all the work with your own hands, you do not need to have special skills.

What is the best height to hang a TV?

So that while watching your favorite movie, the neck does not numb, and the viewing process itself brings only pleasure, it is important to determine the optimal height at which the TV will be fixed. This is important to consider and carefully measure with a tape measure before proceeding to the actual mounting process. The height of the attachment depends on how much a person will have to lower and raise his head. Agree, when watching a many-hour movie, this lesson can become very tiring.

Advice. First of all, it is worth remembering that it is the size of the screen that determines at what height it is best to place the TV.

There is no step-by-step process for determining the optimum height for wall mounting. Everything should be taken into account independently, by the test method. But one rule is worth remembering: the wider the screen diagonal, the smaller the gap must be left between the bottom edge and the floor, or between the top edge and the ceiling. It is also worth considering the room in which the device is planned to be placed. There are some nuances for placement in the living room, bedroom or kitchen:

  • TV in the kitchen is most often installed under the very ceiling. The owners do not take into account the optimal height and most often do everything “by eye”. This can be given a logical explanation - in the kitchen, the most ordinary TV most often serves as a radio, only a few people stare at the screen during dinner;
  • in order to successfully hang a TV in the living room, you need to sit comfortably in an armchair or sofa and decide on the optimal height. Often this height is 1 meter from the bottom edge to the floor. The center of the screen should be a few degrees below the viewer's point of view;
  • in order not to press your chin to your chest while watching your favorite TV show, the TV in the bedroom should be hung higher than in the living room. Indeed, in the bedroom, viewing will occur by and large only from a prone position. Sit comfortably on the bed and determine for yourself the optimal mounting point for the device.

We mount the TV on the wall with the bracket and without it

A special TV bracket is considered the most reliable way to mount the device on the wall. However, this method also requires a drill and the ability to work with a tool. Before using the bracket for its intended purpose, compare the margin of safety of the auxiliary element and the mass of the TV. If you have a wall bracket in your hands with the ability to rotate and tilt the screen, then it is most likely that such a bracket is only designed for devices up to 10 kg.

In the wall, you need to make appropriate notes with an ordinary pencil, and then drill holes. The bracket is attached with self-tapping screws. When the stand is installed, you can fix the TV itself. There is nothing difficult in this. You just need to insert the device into special fasteners.

Advice. In the market of household appliances and accessories, you can find special stands for tube TVs. They are distinguished by their strength and reliability, but their design performance will not suit everyone today.

As for mounting the device without the help of a bracket, the situation is similar here. Using a level and using a tape measure, places for holes on the wall are marked, after which the TV is installed on hinged fasteners, or on self-tapping screws that come with the hinged panel.

Tips to consider when mounting your TV on the wall

A large flat-panel TV costs a lot of money, however, as well as repairs in the room, in case of an unsuccessful attempt to make holes for mounting in the wall. Therefore, during work, it is important to consider the following tips that will protect you from unnecessary nerves and unforeseen expenses:

  1. If you have a plasma or LCD panel, then it is best to mount it so that there is a gap between the edges and the wall. This will allow the TV to work stably and continuously. After all, it is due to the gap that ventilation will be carried out, which is important for such devices. Modern LCD panels get very hot, this should be taken into account.
  2. If installation is planned on a plasterboard wall, then special dowels should be used. The weight of the TV should not exceed 25 kg, this will ensure the integrity of the internal structure of the drywall.
  3. The easiest way to disguise all the wires accompanying the TV is to drill a groove in the wall and lay the wiring in it. But this method is complicated and not always justified. Most often, they resort to the use of special trays, which allow you to reliably and beautifully mask all the wiring going to the device.

By following these simple tips, you can save a lot of time and personal money.

Do-it-yourself TV ceiling mount

In addition to wall mounting, the TV can also be mounted on the ceiling with a bracket. As a rule, this type of installation is carried out in the bedroom, where the device can be fixed to the very ceiling, slightly bend the display and enjoy lying down. The easiest way to do this work is with concrete walls. If you decide to make viewing the LCD panel more comfortable with a ceiling mount, all you need to do is:

  1. Mark attachment points.
  2. Choose bolts of the correct length and diameter.
  3. Drill holes with the depth of the fasteners.
  4. Fix all nuts, protruding threaded parts are best cut off.
  5. Set up the necessary wires, mount the device, set a convenient angle of inclination.

The TV mount has a lot of advantages. It allows you to significantly save the space of the room, allows you to make the interior of the room modern and technological. In this case, the device has no tangible shortcomings. A TV on the wall will make the atmosphere in the room pleasant and comfortable.

How to hang a TV - video

TV mount - photo

How to properly hang a TV on the wall so that it fits perfectly into the interior and at the same time is available for viewing from different angles? This article provides basic recommendations for installing a wall-mounted TV.

The place where the Samsung, LG or other popular brand plasma panel will be placed must be chosen very carefully. Designers recommend considering the following factors:

  1. Plasma dimensions (height, width).
  2. How often is the apartment renovated, or rearranged furniture.
  3. Consider the wall finishing material (drywall, concrete, wood).
  4. It is not recommended to hang the TV in narrow openings, there is a high probability of overheating of the equipment.


TV mount for Samsung, Sony should be chosen based on personal preferences. They are of different types.

  1. Fixed - allows you to firmly fix the screen, but at the same time, such reliable fasteners do not allow you to tilt or rotate the device.
  2. Inclined - one of the most popular types, as it will allow you to tilt the TV at the desired angle.
  3. Tilt-and-swivel - is installed even under the ceiling, it is equipped with a swivel mechanism. This type of fastener is considered the most functional.

Before hanging the plasma, you need to choose at what height the device will be placed. It is recommended that the bottom edge of the panel be 0.8 to 1 meter from the floor.

If the plasma has a diagonal of 25 inches, then the ideal distance is 2.5 meters. The LCD can be viewed from any distance.

Bracket installation

How to mount the TV bracket on the wall with your own hands.

  1. Make a marking of the points where the wall mount for the TV will be located. Measure the distance using any available measuring tool (tape measure, ruler).
  2. Attach a wall-mounted TV mount to the markup.
  3. Make holes and insert dowels into them.
  4. Attach the structure to the wall, and fix the bolts.
  5. If the bracket is installed, then you can attach the plasma panel to it.
  6. After, you need to adjust the fasteners for maximum convenience during viewing.

This is the classic way to mount a conventional TV wall mount. But before fixing it, you should know.

Plasma panels with a diagonal of 42 inches or more can be mounted without a bracket, as the developers have provided for this nuance. Therefore, such devices already have a special device for hanging the monitor.

If a person has not found such a device on his TV, then you can make a TV mount on the wall with your own hands.

How to make fasteners yourself

Do-it-yourself simple mounting of the TV on the wall with your own hands can be done independently. To install a device with a diagonal of 42 and 32 inches, you must follow the instructions.

Instructions on how to make a wall mount for TVs 32 and 42 inches with your own hands:

  1. To prepare four aluminum corners, you will also need one bicycle spoke. The dimensions of the corners are not of fundamental importance, the main thing is that they coincide with the openings of the screen case.
  2. Make two holes in the details for attaching to the plasma, and at the top, make one hole (for the knitting needle).
  3. Attach the resulting design to the TV (rear panel).
  4. The remaining elements must be attached to the wall. Using a drill, make two notches (for a diagonal of more than 42 inches, more can be), as well as one at the top for a knitting needle or a thick nail.
  5. Then you need to markup, all holes should be parallel to each other.
  6. The distance between the aluminum corners should be slightly less than on the installed panel parts.
  7. Fasteners are ready, it remains to mount the TV on the wall.

The TV is installed as follows:

  1. Take a 42-inch screen and carefully align it with the wall mounts.
  2. Then you need to insert a knitting needle (the knitting needle can be replaced with a thick nail).
  3. A 32 or 42 inch TV wall hanger is ready.

This is the easiest way to hang a TV on the wall without a bracket.

plasterboard wall

How to fix a TV on a plasterboard wall? - a frequent question of the owners of plasma monitors. You can hang a TV on a drywall wall using different methods, one of the easiest options is to use a butterfly dowel to install. But you should be aware that installing a TV in this way is not suitable for all TV models. The weight of the plasma should be no more than 25 kg, and the diagonal of the device should be 42 and 32 inches, if the hanging screen is larger, this will lead to the destruction of the wall.

It is considered the best way to hang the TV on a plasterboard wall using a stud-screw, it is suitable for concrete and wooden surfaces. The size of the stud is selected taking into account the gap of the drywall sheet to the wall itself. The deeper the screw is screwed in, the more weight it can hold. Since the main wall will hold all the weight, as a result of which the destruction of drywall will not occur.

Another no less urgent question is how to install a TV on a wall if a plasterboard sheet is used only as a partition. In such situations, it is not recommended to hang the TV on the wall, it is better to install it on a special cabinet. Using such a cabinet is no less convenient, since thanks to the rollers it can turn in different directions. Therefore, you can install at different angles.

Another best option on how to properly hang a TV on a fragile surface can be considered the use of a chipboard panel, which must be very firmly fixed to it. Then fasteners are hung on this wall. Then you can install the TV on the bracket. This option is also suitable for large screens.

Ceiling mount

If the above methods how to hang tv on wall with bracket or without it, the user is not suitable. You can use the ceiling mount method. This option is very convenient, the options for models are different.

When choosing a ceiling bracket, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • the height of the room where the panel is installed;
  • device weight and diagonal;
  • ceiling material.
  1. Mark the place where the equipment will be located.
  2. Make holes with a puncher.
  3. Attach the mount to the ceiling.
  4. Attach the necessary cords to the barbell.
  5. Pull the bar to the mount.
  6. Attach the monitor to the bracket and connect.

The most difficult thing is to install ceiling fasteners to a plasterboard ceiling, it is recommended to use butterfly dowels. During fastening, such a dowel not only passes into the drywall, but also “flashes” the metal crate. The main advantage is the maximum saving of space in the apartment.

Basic installation rules

During installation, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. TV wall mounts must be strong.
  2. Connect the connecting elements only after installing the TV on the bracket.
  3. Panels weighing more than 25 kg are best installed by two people.
  4. Before installing the device, be sure to check how the electrical wiring is laid in the walls.
  5. The appropriate wall plugs must be used for each type of wall.
  6. Leave space for free passage of air.
  7. For high-quality fasteners, use drills slightly smaller than the diameter of the screws.
  8. When tilting and turning the monitor, the connecting cord must not be bent or strongly stretched, otherwise a break may occur, and as a result, the equipment will catch fire.
  9. Do not place the equipment near heating devices.

Where to put the wires

Plasma wires from LG or another popular brand are best hidden. The easiest option is to remove all cords behind the monitor. Perform the action carefully so as not to damage the wires.

You can also hide the wiring in special boxes, thanks to such devices, the equipment looks neat and aesthetically pleasing.

You can use moldings, in such cases the connecting elements are removed into the tubes. If it is not possible to hide the cords, then you can decorate them, stick flowers or other decorations. Thanks to this solution, the cords will become a design element.

These are the basic recommendations on how to hang a TV on the wall with your own hands. Usually a person does not have difficulty attaching equipment. Since the instructions for each model describe in detail the possible installation options. If you cannot hang the panel yourself, it is recommended to contact specialists.