One square meter of area. How to calculate the squaring of walls: simple examples

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Most often, this question is relevant to those who will have to make repairs in the near future. The amount of required building materials depends on the square meters of a room or apartment. The cost of repair robots also depends on the quadrature. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to calculate the square meters of housing yourself. We will share with you some ways on how to do it right. Considering our advice, you will easily and very quickly learn how to do it yourself.

  • It is better to use a tape measure with a large supply of meter tape. For example, a 10-meter one. It is much more convenient. But if a shorter tool is available, it is not necessary to look for a replacement. You will only have to rearrange it more often. The main thing is not to miss the point where the footage ends.
  • You may need help. The tape measure must be held or somehow fixed at the starting and next points.
  • It is necessary to draw with a tape measure along the most straight line. Otherwise, the calculations may be higher. As a result - the wrongly calculated squaring of the room.
  • Measure the perimeter of the walls together with the windows and the door. Then, separately calculating their sizes, subtract from the total perimeter and get the square of the room. It is faster and more convenient than measuring a room in small pieces.

Place the beginning of the tape in one of the corners of the room (A). It should be fixed there. Pressing firmly against the wall, stretch the 10-meter tape (depending on your tape measure), stretch to the second corner of the room (B). Here, too, fix the tape measure or ask someone to hold it. Stretching out a tape measure in next corner rooms (C).

It turns out that you measured the width and length of the room. The number that came out, multiply by 2.

For example: 9 meters * 2 = 18 m - the total perimeter of the walls of the room.

The next step is the height of the walls. Measure with a tape measure from the ceiling (A) to the floor (B). The resulting figure is multiplied by the perimeter of the walls.

For example: The height of the walls is 3 meters. 3 m * 18 m = 54 m - the total area around the perimeter without subtracting window openings, doors.

If there are several windows of the same size in the room, it is enough to measure only one window. Use a tape measure to measure the width (A-B) and height (B-C) window slopes... We multiply both numbers.

For example: 2 m (window width) * 1.8 m (window height) = 3.6 m - window perimeter.

If the windows are different, we measure the perimeter of each separately.

We do the same with the door. We measure, then we multiply the width of the doors (A-B) by the height (B-C).

For example: 0.8 (door width) * 2 m (door height) = 1.6 m - door perimeter.

The first question that arises during the renovation: how to calculate the area of ​​the room? If all the work is done by a professional team, it will cope with such a task without any extra hassle. But, when they decided to do everything on their own, we will have to recall the course of school algebra and geometry.

Where to start calculating the area

All calculations are carried out as usual grandfather's method using a tape measure, pencil, building level, calculator. You may also need a large square, a compass (usually the simplest tools at hand are used as this tool, for example, a cord tied to a nail).

Of course, there are many modern building instruments, computer programs that allow you to quickly and efficiently calculate the area. But most craftsmen prefer traditional methods... To avoid errors, it is best to take all measurements twice.

Before starting work, all furniture from the room should be removed.

When measurements are taken with a tape measure, you need to be careful so that it does not sag. When using a laser tool, make sure that the beam is directed exactly perpendicularly.

If the measurement of the area of ​​the room is being carried out for the first time, it is better to sketch out the floor plan on paper in advance. This will make the calculation much easier.

We measure the area of ​​a rectangular or square room

How to calculate the area of ​​a room that has rectangular sides? To do this, you need to measure the width and length of the room with a tape measure, then multiply the values ​​with each other. Based school curriculum, the formula will look like this: S = a x b, where a is the length, b is the width.

But the walls are not always even in the room. In this case, the area is measured at the top and bottom. If the results differ slightly, you need to determine the arithmetic mean.

How to calculate the area of ​​a room with niches

Sometimes there are niches or other structures in the room. Measurements of such a room are carried out somewhat differently than just a rectangular room. To figure out how to calculate the area in this case, you will need to calculate each site separately. For example, when there is a niche in the wall, the area of ​​the room and the area of ​​the niche are measured separately. The results are summed up.

How to calculate the area of ​​the walls of a room

If you need to calculate the area of ​​the walls in order to calculate the right amount materials for their decoration, other methods are used.

    Their height, length and width are measured with a tape measure.

    To find out the volume of the walls, first of all, you should calculate the perimeter of the room and multiply it by the height. That is, first we use the formula P = (a + b) x 2, where a is the length, b is the width, then S = p x c, where p is the perimeter of the room, c is the height.

    The values ​​of window and doorways... This result should be subtracted from the number obtained when calculating the area of ​​the room.

    If there are protrusions or decorative recesses in the walls of the room, then the area of ​​the protrusion or niche is added to the area.

Complex configuration room

Very often very unusual design solutions premises. Understanding how to calculate the area of ​​a room in such a case is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

    If the room has only right angles, you should divide it into several squares, measure the area of ​​each, add the results obtained.

    When the room is round, the area is calculated using the formula S = πr², where π is a constant of 3, 14 and r is the radius. A semicircular section is calculated using the same formula, but the result is divided by two more.

    To calculate the area of ​​a triangular room, you will have to remember school geometry. First, the semi-perimeter of the triangle is recognized: P = (a + b + c), then its area: S = √ (p (p - a) x (p - b) x (p - c)), where P is half of the perimeter of this polygon , a, b, c - the size of its sides.

It is not difficult to make measurements and make calculations. Every owner should be able to calculate the area of ​​the room. Correctly made calculations will help not only to reduce the cost of materials, but also to control costs if master finishers are engaged in repair work.

Let's say that you want to start making repairs in own apartment... To do this, you need to decide on the amount necessary materials and the amount of money that will be spent on them. So, budget renovation works directly related to quadrature, i.e. with the area of ​​the room, measured in square meters. Today we will figure out how to calculate the area of ​​your (or any other) room or even an entire apartment. Let's consider some aspects and nuances.

How to calculate the squaring of a room

Now let's take a closer look at how the area is calculated. It is worth considering that the shape of the room is not only rectangular. There are other cases, in each of them the calculation is done differently. Let's look at various examples.

What you need to calculate

In order to quickly calculate the required area, you will need:

  • Roulette (with or without a lock);
  • The paper where you will write everything down, pencil and pen;
  • A calculator for calculations, but you can do it in your head and in a column on paper.

This entire set is available in almost any home. Better to take measurements with someone. It will be more convenient, but you can handle it yourself.

The first step is to take on the measurement of the walls. This is done along them. You can also measure in the middle, if they are filled with furniture.

3 by 3 how many square meters

To calculate a room 3 by 3 square meters, there is a fairly simple formula, you just need to multiply the measured length by the width. That is, we take 3 and multiply it by 3 and it turns out that a room 3 by 3 meters is 9 m².

3 to 4

It is calculated in the same way as in the previous formula. We take and multiply two values ​​3 * 4 and get 12 square meters.

3 to 6 how much will it be?

And then nothing new appears. Again we take two values ​​- 3 and 6, and then we multiply them. The result is 18 m².

Rectangular room

If the shape of the room is correct, which is very convenient, and there are no protruding parts, you can easily measure the area of ​​the room.

Take a tape measure and use it to measure the length as well as the width of the room. Write down the obtained values ​​on a piece of paper so as not to forget. Record the value in meters. Then these numbers should be multiplied, and you get the area of ​​the room in square meters. By the way, it is advisable to leave two digits after the decimal point, so if anything, you need to round.

Incorrect room shape

Sometimes in apartments, and most often in private houses, there are rooms that differ from the rectangular shape.

To measure the squaring of a room that is not rectangular or square, you will have to divide it into various shapes such as rectangles, triangles, and so on.

  • If you need to calculate the area of ​​a room in the shape of a circle, you should use the formula S = D2 / 4, where D is the diameter of the room.
  • The area of ​​a triangular section is calculated according to Heron's formula S = √ (P / 2 (P / 2 -A) x (P / 2 - B) x (P / 2 - C)), where the letters A, B, C mean its sides , and P is the perimeter, respectively.
  • To calculate the area of ​​the terrace, if you have private house, you need to sum the area of ​​the rectangle and the semicircle.
  • Whenever you need to calculate a segment, use the formula R2 / 2 (/ 180 - sin). This is a rather complicated calculation. The letter "a" means the angle of the segment, which is expressed in degrees.

How to calculate the squaring of a wall

Calculation of the area of ​​the walls is necessary when you are purchasing materials - wallpaper, plaster, etc. In this case, in order to calculate the squaring of the wall, additional measurements will be needed, for example, what is the height of the ceiling.

Wall, excluding windows, doors

Calculate the squaring of the walls easy as it is used simplest formula- the length of the wall is multiplied by the height. Let's say the height is 2.7 meters and the width is 7 meters, then S = 7 * 2.7 = 18.9 m2. This is the area of ​​the walls.

How to calculate the squaring of the floor

In this case, it all depends on the geometry of the room. If the room correct shape, then in order to find out the floor area, you should measure the length or width of a rectangle, square. Square meters are calculated using the formula S = H * B. Where "H" stands for the length of the room and "B" for the width. If the room is square, just square the length of the side is enough.

Floor without stove, fireplace

To do this, you should exclude these elements from the total area, that is, before calculating the total area, you need to know the square meters of a particular object:

  1. We consider what quadrature your floor is.
  2. Then the square of the area where the stove or fireplace is located should be calculated.
  3. Now, from the total area, you need to subtract the one that touches the stove or fireplace.

Room volume

In some cases, you need to calculate the volume of the room. This is not difficult, you just need to multiply three values: width, length, height. This quantity is measured in cubic meters and is also called cubature. That is, the same formula as with calculating the area of ​​a room, only a third value is added, and that's it.


Now you have received an answer to the question of how the area of ​​any room is calculated. Even if it is complex, then it's okay, you need to break it down into simple shapes. You can also use an online calculator to calculate the square of the room. It can be of great help in some cases. By the way, always keep 5-10% of the materials in stock, as there may be errors in the calculation.

The same online calculators may also not work correctly. The best way calculate everything - do it yourself.

Often the owner of an apartment or house needs to know the area of ​​a room for repairs or other purposes. And how to calculate it - not everyone knows, especially if the room irregular shape, and a person is not good at mathematics. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to divide the room into regular-shaped figures, then find the values ​​of their area and add the resulting values. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

The area is counted by the walls for the purchase of wallpaper, tiles, or by the floor, in order to find out the square of the apartment when buying, selling, etc. To accurately measure the dimensions of the walls, floor, it is advisable to free the room from furniture. If the object is in the shape of a square or rectangle, then it will not be difficult to calculate the area. You will need to take a sheet of paper to calculate the areas of the four walls, floor. The area of ​​the rectangle is S = ab, i.e. the product of length and height. To calculate the area of ​​all walls, you will have to measure their length and height. If the room is perfectly flat and you do not need accurate calculations, then it is enough to measure the length and height of two adjacent walls. Then, using this data, calculate the area of ​​a smaller wall (S1), a larger one (S2). And then find S rooms using the formula:

To calculate the S of a room by floor, measure the width and length of the floor, multiply the values.

The area of ​​the square is S = a². However, the walls and floors are not always even. For more accurate measurements, specialists measure the height at the beginning, middle and end of the wall, and then add the resulting values ​​and divide by three, this average value is used as the height. Other measurements are also made (width, length of the room). If the room has a different shape, then divide it by geometric figures... Make a tape measure required measurements, calculate the areas of these parts of the room using the formulas below:
  • Striangle = ½ ab, where a is the base of the triangle, b is the height drawn to this base.
  • Scircle = πR², where π = 3.14; R is the radius of the circle. The radius is easier to measure with a laser tape measure. The readings made with such a rangefinder will be more accurate.
  • S semicircle = ½ πR².

At the end, add up all the results obtained.

To do interior decoration rooms, you will need more accurate results. Decoration Materials have a high cost, so you should not overpay for extra square meters. To get clear data from the total area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe walls of the room, subtract the footage for doors and windows. As a rule, such openings are rectangular in shape. To calculate their area, measure the length and height of the products, and then multiply the values ​​according to the above rectangle formula: S = ab. Having learned the exact squaring of the apartment, keep in mind that it is better to take wallpaper and other materials a little with a margin, and not end-to-end.