Decorate the board for September 1 with your own hands.

Have a nice day, friends! Presenting bright and memorable moments to those who will spend the next year comprehending the fruits of science is a rather non-trivial task. That is why, decorating the classroom by September 1 is a responsible task that falls on the shoulders of everyone, from teachers to the students themselves and their parents. How to do this in the best possible way, we will reflect in this article.

We decorate the classroom by September 1 with our own hands

Not a single important school event takes place without the appropriate entourage, designed to contribute to the recreation of the festive atmosphere. What can we say about such an annual solemn event in the life of every student as the Day of Knowledge, when the school opens its doors to its students on the eve of the new school season.

How to decorate the ceiling

A variety of ideas for decorating the ceiling allows you to experiment freely with the design of the room.

The simplest and most budgetary option is to pull at the height of the thread with bright paper flags or festive paper garlands.

They can be purchased from the store or made by elementary school students. For garlands, you can use the simplest shapes (for example, leaves, birds, clouds), or you can use voluminous and more complex ones. Flags can be colored or pasted on each suitable holiday picture.

Garlands of small, colorful balls that stretch overhead across the classroom are also great. To do this, it is better to contact a specialized holiday salon, not forgetting to calculate the size of the room. There you can also order figures from helium balloons in the form of clouds or a cheerful sun, which will complement the decor of the ceiling.

Recently, the list of decorations that are used to decorate any holiday has been replenished with unusual balls made of the thinnest paper called "silence". Also gaining popularity are accordion balls, which are sold ready-made and require minimal effort to place them. These elements look a little unusual, but very spectacular, beautifully hanging from the ceiling in bunches or individual specimens.

How to arrange school windows

The gentle sunbeams of the first days of September still pour generously into the classroom windows, so it will take very little effort to decorate this part of the interior.

Decorating desks

A school desk is a schoolchild's workplace, so even on a holiday, excess jewelry is inappropriate here. In addition, a large number of decorations during the first lesson interferes with a normal view of both the teacher and the students themselves. Yes, and holiday photos are often spoiled when in the frame students' faces are now and then overlapped by different design elements.

That is why minimalism is encouraged when decorating a school desk, which is especially important in the case of primary grades. It is enough to put one small flower made of modeling balloons on each table, and tie one helium balloon to the chair.

It will be nice if at the desk of each future student there will be a set of textbooks or workbooks, beautifully tied with a gift ribbon. Personal cards that warmly congratulate students on this holiday on this solemn Day of Knowledge will certainly delight each of them.

The positive atmosphere will be perfectly complemented by a tea party with refreshments. This role can be played either by a delicious cake with school-themed mastic figures, or by motley appetizing macaroons or small cute cupcakes for the whole class. Also a good idea is painted gingerbread, which is very popular lately.

How to arrange a teacher's desk

The holy of holies of every classroom is the teacher's table. Usually austere and no-nonsense, on this day it can be decorated in a more frivolous style.

  • It is completely optional to supply it with balls, but beautiful bouquet of flowers it will definitely not be a superfluous decoration on it.
  • A lovely gift for the teacher and an appropriate part of the decor will be vase of pencils, made by hand.
  • A good option for a homeroom teacher is a tabletop basket from small homemade flowers on skewer stalks with photographs of students from your favorite class.
  • Prepared card for teacher with warm words from the class - it is also an indispensable attribute that must necessarily meet the teacher on the table on this day.

Balloon decoration

To decorate a classroom with balls, you will have to show imagination and considerable diligence in order to realize specific ideas.

In the festive salon, you can buy ready-made garlands of balloons that will perfectly decorate the walls of the room. At the entrance, you can place an arch made of balloons, columns or the so-called. "Fountains".

If the classroom is not universal, but specialized, you can focus on the subject matter taught in it.

So, decorate the biology office with figurines of fish and animals from balls, in the geography office - set the figures of palm trees, in the mathematics office - various numbers. For a non-specialized class, figures are suitable for all occasions: a schoolboy and a schoolgirl, a clown or any other character.

How to design a blackboard

To decorate the blackboard, a standard set of techniques is usually used, as long as they are related to the first of September. The board itself is decorated with balloons, next to it you can place a variety of large shapes from balloons for modeling. A congratulatory poster with a welcome word is placed above the board. The surface of the board is decorated with drawings using crayons, cut out drawings of leaves, school bell, portfolio, stationery, numbers and letters. Recently, a large selection of stickers for this occasion has appeared in stores.

Also, on the board, you can make cute portraits of students and write their names. If the board is magnetic, then the magnetic letters of the alphabet will make a beautiful congratulatory composition, especially relevant for first graders.

Wall newspaper and stands

Despite the fact that the tradition of producing homemade wall newspapers seems to be a thing of the past, many schools continue this tradition. A festive thematic newspaper, timed to coincide with this red day of the calendar, will be a good detail of a festive interior. Moreover, a part of the talent and labor of the majority of the class's students will be invested in its creation. The design of such a wall newspaper simply has to be bright and memorable, so that the desire to read it immediately arises.

It is better to make a stand dedicated to the Day of Knowledge in the same positive-festive style. Parting words of teachers before the start of the school season, wishes from parents, some important information - all this should be accompanied by thematic images of a "school" nature.

A good option is a stand dedicated to the achievements of class students (in sports, studies, creativity). Decorated with photos of students and brief information about the talents of each student, it will increase the self-esteem of the children and demonstrate their best qualities in front of everyone.

I hope that the examples that I have given you will be enough headlong to put them into practice or be inspired to create something personal. The combined creativity of teachers, parents and students themselves can lead to amazing results, so feel free to experiment.

I say goodbye to you, friends, and I wish everyone all the best! Share the publication on social networks, tell your friends and subscribe to this blog. See you soon!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

This is not just a day when the next school year begins, it is a small holiday for parents, students and teachers.

Any celebration, including this day, should be prepared in advance. And all participants in the educational process are preparing for it: parents, teachers, and students, especially first-graders. Parents choose portfolios, stationery and school clothes for their children, teachers make up scenarios for the solemn ruler and class hours. Pupils are sorting out brand new school supplies - not to forget what.

But the feeling of a holiday will not be complete without creating an appropriate festive atmosphere - decorating the school and classes. About decorating the school and decorating the classroom by September 1 will be discussed further. We will consider the most budgetary options that do not require an invitation from design specialists.

Window decoration

Decorating the school by September 1 should start with the windows. They will be the first to be noticed by everyone who will be sent to the line. By decorating the window panes, you will present a small piece of the holiday even to those who will only pass by your educational institution that day.

You can decorate windows with colored paper appliqués: cut out all kinds of suns, flowers, palms. Windows decorated with multicolored letters, numbers, figures will look interesting.

Painting windows with paints will not only create a festive mood, but also immerse you in a kind of fabulous atmosphere. The main thing is to remember that the colors should be bright, juicy, compatible with each other.

School corridor decoration

School corridors require special attention, because they are the first to meet schoolchildren, and it is they who must set the desired festive mood.

Decorating the school with balloons is the most advantageous option. You can make arches from balloons and place them at the entrance to the school. "Air fountains" will look original if you place them near the doors of the offices.

Making a garland with your own hands is not difficult at all. This will require balls, a pump (or several people, in the role of "inflators") and fishing line. The balloons are inflated: the main thing is not to blow them, otherwise they will very quickly lose their shape. The balls are tied first in twos, then twos - in fours, fours are strung on the fishing line. The ends of the garland must be fixed.

You can also decorate the walls with various themed wall newspapers and paper garlands, you can make colored flags from fabric and combine them into a single composition, like a garland of balloons. Moreover, this option is ideal for a long-term perspective, because fabric products are perfectly washed, ironed and restored, which means that you will not only be able to use them in decorating your school on September 1, but they will also serve as decoration for other holidays.

Hall decoration for September 1

How to decorate the assembly hall on September 1? Of course, balls! This decoration has long become traditional for decorating large rooms for any celebrations.

On September 1, you can make a symbol of the first bell from the balls - a bell, funny little people - children-pupils who came to the holiday. These are, perhaps, the most complex design elements of all those given in this article. But if you already have some skills in modeling from balloons, then it will not be so difficult for you to make these crafts, especially if you use numerous master classes as a model, which can be found on the pages of thematic sites.

Yes, even a simple framing of the stage with balloons will already create a festive mood, and for such a decoration you don't need any special knowledge - just a little imagination and creative mood.

Classroom decoration on September 1

It will be more convenient to decorate the classroom by September 1 by highlighting several zones: a chalkboard, desks and chairs, walls and a classroom corner. For each of these zones, you can choose your own zest, but at the same time we must not forget about the overall composition.

Board design for September 1

The board is the most important element in every class, it instantly attracts all the attention, therefore, when decorating, it is not just impossible to forget about it, but it is unacceptable. What is the best way to complete the design of the board on September 1?

The easiest option is to make all kinds of drawings with crayons. But this can only be used if there is a person nearby who can draw beautifully. Most importantly, the drawings should be bright, fun and school-related.

Decorating the board with corrugated paper figures, balloons, paper garlands or letters looks more advantageous.

Desks and chairs

When making a classroom decoration by September 1 with your own hands, it is worth remembering that this is done, first of all, for children, so you definitely need to decorate every desk or chair. Small gifts for students will successfully cope with this task. It can be a flower knitted from balloons (you can make them yourself), or a small souvenir collected from stationery. Well, if you do not have the strength, time and imagination, then you can simply tie a balloon inflated with helium to each chair.

Walls and classy corner

What kind of classroom decoration on September 1 is complete without decorating the walls? This is where decorators can show all their creativity.

One of the elementary ways to decorate walls is all the same paper garlands. They can be done independently, it will not take much work, everything depends only on the availability of time.

For the simplest garland, you need: sheets of colored paper or A4 sheets, with printed color drawings, scissors and fishing line. And then 2 ways of creation are possible:

  1. Large triangles are cut out of paper, the upper part of which is bent so that it is possible to hang them on a fishing line stretched on walls or windows
  2. Large rhombuses or rectangles are cut out of paper, which are then folded in half and hung on a fishing line. This option is more convenient in that this way the garland turns out to be two-sided, and its elements are more securely fixed on the fishing line.

On the elements of a paper garland, you can stick letters and make up greeting or congratulatory phrases, for example: "Hello, school!", "Happy Knowledge Day!"

Do not forget about decorating the class with balloons, because this is the fastest way to create a festive atmosphere. You do not need to be limited to garlands of balloons, you can try to make unusual figures: a class number or a panel.

Walls decorated with flowers from balloons look very beautiful. To create a flower, you need only 5 balls, four of which are petals, the fifth is the core.

A cool corner for September 1 should be decorated with a bright festive wall newspaper. This could be a congratulatory poster or a newsletter highlighting the history of Knowledge Day. A photo report on the past years of education of children in the class being designed will definitely attract the attention of children and adults. You can also decorate a cool corner with thematic folders-slides.

Vinyl stickers in the classroom design for September 1

Recently, vinyl stickers have been especially popular in wall decoration. They are easy to apply and just as easy to remove from almost any surface. But you can place them not only on the walls. They will look great on window panes, chalkboards and classroom doors. This is a great option for those who have no desire to make any jewelry with their own hands.

The choice of such stickers is so great that if you start looking in advance, you can pick up an image of an absolutely suitable subject and size. You can decorate the class on September 1 with vinyl stickers of the following topics: "Autumn time", "School", "Letters and numbers", "Cartoon characters", "Flowers and patterns".

The issue of decorating the classroom by September 1 must be approached very responsibly, because if properly organized, this holiday will leave an indelible impression on the children and their parents.

Knowledge day. September 1.

The transition from kindergarten to school is an important and responsible moment for both the child and the parents. Parents are responsible for preparing a new student for school and organizing a holiday for him. For some ideas, read our article.

The script must be used for the first lesson of first graders.

Teacher: Hello girls and boys! Today you are sitting at your desks and starting a new page in your life. Now you are schoolchildren, first graders. Congratulations on the start of your school life, good grades and new knowledge. We will spend four years together as a friendly team, let's get to know each other for now. My name is ... (teacher's name). I will ask you to go to the girls' board.
Girls come out, the teacher holds the sun in her hands (a toy or a cardboard model).
Teacher: Now the girls will transmit the sun to each other and call their names. You just need to do it loudly and clearly.
Then the teacher calls the boys to the blackboard. The boys follow the same procedure, pass the sun and give their name.
Teacher: What wonderful children are gathered in one class. Now you are a team, so you should be friendly. Together you will study subjects and gain knowledge. Let's check out how ready you are for school. What do the kids come to school with?
Children: With a briefcase.
Teacher: Now let's check if you know how to collect a portfolio, what needs to be put there and what not. I'll read you a rhyme. If you need to take a subject to school, clap loudly. If you don't need to, stamp your feet.
The schoolboy stomped to the first grade,
He took the chips in reserve,
I took the eraser and books,
Toy mouse
Clockwork locomotive,
Color plasticine,
Albums and paints
Holiday masks,
Pencil, notebooks,
Pens and bookmarks,
Bright colorful diary,
The student is assembled for school!

Teacher: Well done, you know how to collect a portfolio. Now let's check your attentiveness. I will speak commands, and you only carry out those in which there is a magic word.
- Please stand up!
- Raise your hands!
- Clap, please!
- Bend over!
- Trample, please!
- Sit down quietly!
- Sit down quietly, please!
Teacher: Good guys, guys! I am glad that I have such a smart class. The queen of knowledge sent us a letter.
Good afternoon guys!
I, the queen of knowledge, congratulate you on September 1 and present you with a magic set - a pen and a notebook. The magic lies in the fact that now your imagination is transferred to paper using a pen.
The teacher gives the children a pen and a notebook.
Teacher: Children, pay attention, you have rays from the sun on your desk. Today we will revive our sun by giving it rays. I will ask you to draw yourself on a ray, and if you can write, then write your name.
After completing the assignment, the children collect the sun.
Teacher: Now you need to promise that you will follow school rules and become diligent students. Characters from fairy tales want to congratulate you and give you valuable advice. The task is to guess who they are.

  • If you accidentally find money in the field, you should not buy a samovar, it is better to get an interesting book. (Fly Tsokotukha)
  • We, three brothers, wish you to study well, so that one day you will build a solid house of stone, as one of us could. (Three pigs)
  • Guys, on the way to school, don't talk to strangers, especially wolves, and don't tell anyone where your grandmother lives. (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • Flower pots at school are not golden, but simple, do not forget about this. Do not run around the class during recess, so as not to break. (Chicken Ryaba)
  • Behave at school well, be cultured. Don't act like a girl who came to bears, ate all the porridge and broke furniture. (Masha and the Bear)

Teacher: Our first lesson has come to an end. I wish you success and excellent mood for the entire academic year!

Class design by September 1 for first graders, ideas with photos

  • Balloons in various variations will help to decorate the class beautifully: arches, each student on the table, on the board, figures from balloons, etc.

  • Flowers will look like a bright decoration if you arrange bouquets in an unusual way.

  • Garlands of autumn leaves are perfect for the holiday.

  • Garlands with themed inscriptions "Knowledge Day" or "September 1".

  • Thematic images of students from paper.

Songs for first graders on September 1, text

Poems for first graders on September 1

Bouquet from first graders on September 1, photo

Words for first graders on the ruler on September 1:

in prose

  • When you come to your first line, you have mixed feelings. Today we invite you to an amazing school world in which your knowledge will grow every day! Try, do not be afraid to ask again, listen to the teacher. Good luck, youngest students.
  • Today the younger generation has replaced the older and will absorb useful knowledge. Guys, we wish you not to be afraid of difficulties, to cope with all tasks, to be friends and help each other. Become one close-knit team!
  • Lovely children! You are first graders today, so school is something new for you. I wish you to get comfortable faster, make friends with the class teacher and each other, be diligent in your studies. We are sure you will succeed!

in verse

Scenes for first graders on September 1

Option 1

A child is drawing something at the table. His parents are on either side of him.
Mum: Son, stop painting. Tomorrow is Knowledge Day, you will go to school for the first time. We need to prepare.
A son: I do not want to go to school.
Mum: So there, too, you can draw, you will even be taught how to do it correctly.
A son: Home is best!
Mum: Son, you will be given a lot of knowledge and you will become very smart.
A son: I already have enough knowledge.
Dad: You can run around during school breaks!
A son: Yeah, Zhenya ran and fell.
Dad: You can also make good friends there. And play games together. And ride on portfolios ...
A son: Mom, where is my briefcase? I need to get ready for school!

Option 2

Leading: Who are you?
Brownie: I am a brownie.
Leading: What are you doing here?
Brownie: I keep the key to the school.
Leading: So you open a school?
Brownie: No.
Leading: Do I need to find a lock to open it?
Brownie: No.
Leading: So what is the key then?
Brownie: The key is a special symbol that the school is always open to those who are ready to meet new knowledge.
Leading: Guys, are you ready for new knowledge?
Children: Yes.
Brownie: If you are truly ready, when you hear your first bell, you will enter your classroom for the first time, and each day will be filled with a certain miracle.
Presenter: First-graders, are you ready to hear your first call?
Children: Yes.
The first bell rings.

Option 3

ABC: Oh, I see a lot of new faces. Who is this?
Leading: These are first graders! They came to us to learn to read and learn a lot. And in the beginning they have to meet you.
ABC: With me? And I have to tell them all my secrets? But I will only work with the guys who are motivated to study.
Leading: Our children are just like that!
ABC: Let's check. Children, tell me, what do I keep in myself? That's right, letters!
Leading: You see what talented first graders we have! They promise to study well and treat you with love.
ABC: In that case, guys, it's nice to see you in first grade!

Gifts for first graders, ideas with photos

  • School supplies are a practical gift that will come in handy in your studies.
  • Toys: board games, puzzles, educational toys.
  • A ticket to the cinema for a children's film or cartoon.
  • Participation in a master class: making a flower arrangement, painting gingerbread, soap making.
  • Visit to the amusement park.

Short verses for first graders on September 1

Ideas for September 1st for first graders:

funny sketches in the classroom

Scene 1

Teacher: Sidorov, to the blackboard. Let's solve a simple problem with you. You have four plums. I ask you to share them equally with Reshetov.
Sidorov: I'm four, nothing to Reshetov.
Teacher: How so?
Sidorov: I didn’t like it right away, I won’t share it with him.
Teacher: Okay, let's split between you and your best friend.
Sidorov: I'm three, one friend.
Teacher: Why did you decide that?
Sidorov: I love plums more than my friend. Therefore, so.
Teacher: Okay, imagine you have four cherries. Delhi.
Sidorov: I'll give all the cherries to a friend.
Teacher: Even so?
Sidorov: Yes, I don’t like cherries, let him take everything.
Teacher: The answer is wrong. I'll put the faithful one in your diary.
Sidorov: I understood the correct answer, this is a deuce!

Scene 2

Teacher: Who wants to get a good grade in my subject?
Petrov: I AM!
Teacher: I will ask questions, if you answer correctly, you will get a positive assessment. What are the parts of the flower?
Petrov: Pot and flower.
Teacher: What is a deep forest?
Petrov: A forest in which you can take a nap.
Teacher: How many years does a mouse live?
Petrov: It depends on whether a cat lives in the house.
Teacher: Why is European time ahead of American time?
Petrov: America was later discovered.
Teacher: For the correctness of the answers - one, and for resourcefulness - excellent.
Petrov: Thanks!

Scene 3

Teacher: Smirnov, you have 10 rubles now. You asked your brother to lend you 10 more. How much money do you have in your pocket after that?
Smirnov: 10 rubles.
Teacher: Eh, Smirnov, you don't know mathematics!
Smirnov: No, you don’t know my brother!

how to spend a holiday for a first-grader at home

  • Arrange an interesting quest for a first grader with a prize at the end.
  • Invite first-graders to visit friends, organize a sweet table and fun contests.
  • Have a family evening with a gala dinner where parents show off their school photos and share their school joys and experiences.

1st grader cake for September 1

Think over the organization for such an important holiday for the child in advance. For a first-grader, this is a step to a new level of life, new experiences and acquaintances. Support the young student with kind words of support and gifts, and he will have a desire to storm science and gain new knowledge.

In this article, I have collected many ideas and examples for decorating a class for September 1, to help teachers and caring members of the parent committee create a festive mood. Hope to save you time and effort :-).

First, I will list WHAT you can steal: balloons, paper pom-poms, themed garlands.

WHAT are we going to decorate? The wall around the blackboard, the ceiling, the teacher's table, desks.

Decorating the class with balloons

Here are the elements, in my opinion, will work best:

Helium chain. This is a fishing line to which balloons with helium are attached at some distance from each other. It turns out a kind of "rainbow", which can be placed over the board, stretched in different directions over the desks of children. Chains can be hung parallel to each other, can be pulled from the corners with a criss-cross in the center.

Single large flowers. It is quite easy to make them from 4-5 large balls (located in the same plane and attached to a double-sided tape to a board, walls or windows). In the center, you can make a core from a small ball of a contrasting color. The most difficult thing is to inflate the “petals” of the same size :-). Sometimes flowers are made voluminous (two blanks of different sizes are simply superimposed on each other).

"Fountains" from balls. They are also different. If we weave a "curbstone" half human height, and then attach 5-7 balloons with helium, you get a monumental structure. These columns look good at the entrance from the inside of the classroom and to the sides of the board. The cost of such decoration for a class depends on the height of the cabinet and the number of helium balloons. You can make the top from one foil shaped ball (airplane, dog, etc.)

Balloon bouquets. These are bundles of several helium balloons tied to a small weight (this is also a balloon slightly filled with water or sand). Such a decoration looks good on the teacher's table by the window, it always gets into the photo frame. Usually use from 3 to 10 balls. Sometimes I see in the photographs in the class on September 1 single balls with a weight on each desk. Bad idea ... It distracts children and obscures the view decently. Better to use the teacher's table and window sills.

Balloons with ribbons "under the ceiling" by the number of children in the class. Effectively! You can attach a small card to the ribbon. At the end of the class hour, we give the balls to the children so that everyone can draw their dream on a postcard. The launch of balloons into the sky on September 1 is an emotional sight.

Large figures from balls... It can be a student with a student, a cartoon character or a clown. Bell. Pencil. The letters A, Z (in the sense from A to Z), a giant number 1 (especially if you go to grade 1 on September 1). There are ready-made foil letters and numbers (from 40 cm to 2 meters). They are inflated with ordinary air (helium is not needed); it is now quite easy to buy them in online stores.

Sun and clouds. This is also a nice trick, many people like it. Bundles are made of 8-10 white and blue balloons (no helium), which hang from the ceiling in several places. Clouds effect. Droplets of paper or small balls are tied on strings. By the way, it is quite possible to make a "rain" of letters and numbers ...
The sun is made from a large smiley ball (there are special mounts for the rays) or woven from thin sausage balls.

Toys. These are small figurines made of thin balls that can decorate the windowsill during the class hour. Dogs, airplanes, giraffes, butterflies, flowers. Let them decorate the class, then give them to the children. You can easily find those who will make such gifts for children on the Internet in your city or area. By the way, if you have a suspended ceiling, you can attach these toys to metal grates at different heights. Looks very cool!

Some examples with comments

Sometimes a teacher or parents have an IDEA. For example, it should certainly be an aquarium with algae and fish. Or space with stars and planets. Thematic decoration is always much more interesting, but I cannot place all examples here.

A "cloud" of balloons with the names of children looks great (just write with a thick felt-tip pen). All kinds of arches can begin in the corridor. Under them we offer to make a wish and be sure to take pictures at the moment of dreaming. The combination of foil letters and numbers (A, B, C and 1,2,3) with stands and garlands of balls looks good.

Paper pom poms

A very popular decoration that has recently migrated from weddings to all other holidays. Light giant flower balls of different sizes are attached to the suspended ceiling on fishing lines. Large ones are higher, small ones are lower. Amazingly festive filling of the space. ...

A few more interesting options. There are beautiful mobiles made of voluminous pigeons and clouds and much more.

Vinyl Wall Decals

I must say right away that there is no need to be afraid to ruin the walls, everything will remain in its original form. Such stickers are difficult to remove only from paper wallpaper, and they are rarely used for decoration in classrooms. Stickers are quite large (50 cm), you can pick up the plots. These are cartoon characters, flowers, butterflies, autumn leaves. By the way, they can be attached to the board, and on the door, and on the window. You don't have to shoot right away, let it hang like that until the New Year.

Letters and numbers from different materials

Now I will not repeat myself, as there is a large selection of pictures. What letters and numbers can be? For example, 1 "A" is simply the first and last letter of the alphabet on both sides of the board (A-Z). You can make up the words SCHOOL. There are many options, see. Something can be done by yourself, something is easy to order in special companies.

Paper themed garlands

You can make flag garlands yourself. Triangular or rectangular flags can contain letters and numbers, school supplies, congratulations on September 1. We stretch the threads with flags through the classroom or simply hang them along the windows and above the board.

Holiday shops have ready-made wall decoration solutions (banners, posters, posters, large stickers).

If you read the article to the end, you will receive a link from me for printing the following flags:

They can be printed on cyan, pink, yellow and light green double-sided paper, then there will be great ink savings in the printer! However, there are immediately color layouts, choose (link, I remind you, below).

Gifts for children by September 1

Gifts can also be a decoration of the class, more precisely, of the students' desks. Not everyone will agree with me that this is necessary, I myself am not very sure of this, but judging by the forums of parents, gifts are put on desks quite often. To prevent children from showing interest ahead of time, gifts are beautifully wrapped. Intrigue!

What can you wrap?

  • pencil sets and other stationery
  • thematic notebooks or personalized notebooks
  • personalized chocolates (or simply with the symbols of the school)
  • boxes of chocolates
  • books
  • beautiful cases or covers for the pass (if the school has a pass system)
  • kinders
  • glasses for pencils and pens

This topic is especially relevant for primary school and first grade. After all, little first-graders are still quite children who are madly in love with the holidays. And if you meet the first grade positively and brightly, then the children will feel more comfortable, and it will be easier for them to get used to a completely new world for them.

It is not easy to transform the classroom into a festive room on your own, so you can involve active parents in decorating the study. We will consider a budget option to make the office festive. You can decorate everything and the board, and the ceiling, and walls, and windows, and window sills, and desks, and the teacher's table. However, don't overdo it and fill every corner with balloons. If you and your parents decide to hang a helium balloon on each chair, then you should not hang something from the ceiling. Choose two or three locations for your decorations, that's quite enough.


  1. A paper garland with the inscription “Happy Knowledge Day!” Can be hung over the board or directly on it. They are sold in many bookstores. Or you can make it yourself by downloading the template on the Internet.
  2. The balloon garland is also great for board decor. And on the blackboard itself, you can beautifully write a congratulation for the students with chalk.
  3. A regular poster can also decorate a school blackboard. All that remains is to figure out what will be shown on the poster. It will be homemade or purchased. Hand-drawn or created from magazine and newspaper clippings. Or maybe children or parents will be able to write on it wishes for the whole class for the next academic year.


1. Paper spirals with flowers or other images hanging from the ceiling look very nice. They are easy to do according to the next master class.

2. Ceiling tapes are great when there are a lot of them and they are located from the center and attached to the edges. For example, in this way you can make the sun.

3. If you love helium balloons, but their cost is much higher than usual, we offer you an idea of ​​how to decorate the ceiling with balloons. You will need: simple balloons; colored ribbon with which balloons with helium are tied; Double-sided tape. Further, everything is simple. Inflate the balloons, tie the tape, and tape down to the ceiling with double-sided tape. It is better to ask a tall parent to help you with this.


  1. Window glass can be decorated not only for the New Year, but also for another celebration, the main thing is to adhere to the theme of the holiday. You can glue cartoon characters with backpacks that go to school, or paint something with gouache.
  2. If you have flowers on your windowsill, then the pots can also be decorated. For example, stick stickers of different colors with funny faces. Or tie each pot with a satin ribbon.


  1. If you wish to leave the board blank, then a poster with congratulations can be placed on the wall.
  2. The door decorated with balloons will also delight little first-graders. If you have a desire and helpers, then you can build such a wonderful garland from balloons.

Desks, teacher's table

  1. It is better not to overload the desks with various decorations. It will be original to put a small symbolic gift for students on the desk (a pen with an unusual design, a compact notebook with the image of your favorite characters, a set of sweets, etc.). It would be better to discuss gift options with parents at a meeting before September 1. Perhaps someone will have an original idea.
  2. If you are already familiar with children, you can leave a postcard for each child with an individual message and wishes.
  3. Flowers in a vase are perfect for decorating the teacher's table. However, if you want to start the new school year with a clean slate, you can clean it up. Throw away unnecessary papers, make a small rearrangement and decorate the table with some statuette. For example, a cute owl that symbolizes wisdom.

Most importantly, come on September 1st with a good festive mood. Then you will be able to positively tune in to work and win over your students. School is, first of all, a bright house in which children receive knowledge and parting words in adulthood.