Last call scripts. Scenario of the ceremonial part of the prom Congratulations - caricatures for teachers

Scenario of the last bell at school for grades 9 and 11

This scenario is suitable for a school that has a pioneer organization. Purpose: creating a festive atmosphere, instilling in graduates a sense of gratitude to the school staff for their care. Characters: 6 students. Equipment: pioneer ties, gifts for teachers, phonograms, bell. Duration - 40 minutes.

Scenario of the last call in grades 1, 9-11 "News release"

Interesting scenario of the Last Call in the format of a "newscast" on TV. Purpose: creating a festive atmosphere for graduates. Characters: 2 presenters, correspondents, director, class teacher, parental representative, first graders. Equipment: music, festively decorated hall.

Scenario of the last call for grade 11 "Filming"

The original script for the last call is based on the fact that the presenters are allegedly filming a film about graduates and their school years. Purpose: fostering love and respect for school, teachers and parents. Characters: 2 presenters, director, stunt double, class teacher, students. Equipment: music, camera and other props for filming.

Holiday script last call "At the crossroads"

This scenario of the last bell at school is playful - it consists of several scenes in which adults and children participate. Purpose: fostering fond memories of school. Characters: presenter, teachers, parents and children in the roles of the heroes of the scenes. Equipment: hall decoration, stage props, music.

Scenario of the last call "Alice and her friends" based on the book by Kir Bulychev

For those who are tired of the same type of last call scenarios, you can use this option. The script is based on the books by Kir Bulychev about Alice and her friends on Earth. Purpose: A fun way to remember your school days. Characters: Alice and her dad, teacher, Seleznev, Kusandra, dragon, doll, gnome, etc. Equipment: costumes for heroes, phonendoscope.

School last bell ruler script

Script with verses for the line in honor of the last bell. Suitable for formal school events. Purpose: farewell to school graduates. Characters: presenters - a girl and a boy, poetry readers - graduates and first graders. Equipment: festively decorated stage, music.

Scenario of the last call in grade 11 - show program

Instead of the usual scenario of the Last Call - a show program that tells about the graduates as heroes of the scenes. Purpose: creating a festive atmosphere at school on this day. Characters 2 presenters, performers of different roles of the participants in the scenes. Equipment: costumes of heroes, props for the script, funny music.

A humorous scenario of a school holiday "Last Bell"

This action-packed, humorous Last Call script is more of a prank than an official event, so it should only be used in consultation with alumni and school officials. Purpose: creating a good mood. Characters: dictator, prosecutor, witnesses, presenter. Equipment: special music, hero costumes.

Scenario of the solemn line for the last bell

A classic, discreet script for the school's Last Bell ceremony. Purpose: to create a festive atmosphere at school on the last day of the school year. The script includes the alumni oath. Characters: 2 leaders, first graders, graduates, parents, master. Equipment: music, festively decorated hall, master's outfit.

Primary School Last Bell Rally Script

The last bell ruler script is suitable for students in grades 1 and 4. Purpose: the formation of a good attitude in children towards each other, teachers, school. Characters: presenter, vocal group of children. Equipment: music for singing songs, a festively decorated school hall.

Scenario of the last call "From diapers to sheepskin coats"

The funny scenario of the Last Call is suitable for those classes whose graduates are distinguished by their creativity and creativity. Purpose: to create a festive atmosphere for graduates, teachers and parents. Characters: 2 presenters, graduates, parents. Equipment: music, a choir of alumni and parents, footage from alumni family chronicles, a video projector.

Scenario for presenters on the last call

The scenario of the Last Bell involves performances by students of different grades, parents and students, memories of the school years of graduates. Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards the teacher's work. Characters: 2 presenters, representatives of parents, teachers, graduates, students of other classes. Equipment: music, hall decoration.

Last bell "Lessons out of schedule" for grade 9

The original script of the Last Bell for a holiday, not a school-wide, but a class event. Purpose: fostering positive memories of school. Characters: class teacher, participants in the scenes. Equipment: music, costumes for sketches and props, a festively decorated classroom.

Scenario of the Last Bell in Grade 11 "The Best Film"

This very interesting scenario of the latter can be used if you have enough time to prepare. The production was based on the parody movie of the same name "The Best Film". Characters: presenter, voice behind the stage, heroes of scenes (graduates). Equipment: screen in the entire "backdrop" of the stage, video projector.

Scenario of the holiday of the last bell in the primary school "Benefis"

A kind of cheerful children's script of the Last Call in verse. Oath of parents, honoring teachers. Purpose: to create a festive mood for children who have finished the class. Characters: 2 presenters - a boy and a girl, class teacher. Equipment: music, flowers and gifts, a festively decorated hall.

Scenario for the Last bell in the orphanage-school

A touching script of the Last Call for school graduates in orphanages. Purpose: preserving school traditions and creating a festive atmosphere. Preparing for the last call, you will need to come up with quatrains about each graduate. Characters: 2 presenters, director, class teacher, educators. Equipment: music, festively decorated assembly hall.

Scenario of the holiday of the last call "Photo studio" For memory "

An interesting scenario of the Last Call in the format of viewing photos taken by a photographer during the event. In fact, pre-prepared footage is shown on the big screen. Purpose: to create a solemn festive atmosphere of farewell to school. Characters: 2 presenters, teachers, graduates. Equipment: video projector, special light in the hall, photo collages, photographs of students and teachers.

Holiday scenario Last call with watching a movie

Interesting scenario of the Last Call in the format of a "newscast" on TV. Purpose: creating a festive atmosphere for graduates. Characters: 2 presenters, correspondents, director, class teacher, parental representative. Equipment: music, festively decorated hall.

Scenario of the last call "This never happens again"

The creative script for The Last Call consists of songs and poems that the graduates themselves must write about their teachers. Purpose: disclosing the creative abilities of graduates for a memorable farewell to school. Characters: presenters, graduates, teachers, parents. Equipment: a festively decorated hall, learned songs and poems, flowers for teachers.

Scenario for the last call "Our last lesson"

The script is built of five small holiday lessons, in which the children recall events from their school life, say words of gratitude to the teachers. Purpose: the formation of a positive attitude of children towards school. Characters: presenters, teacher performed by students. Equipment: cool magazine, music, festively decorated hall.

Script of the lineup for the last bell for grades 9 and 11

Creative script for the Last Call with the active participation of alumni. Purpose: disclosing the creative abilities of graduates at parting with the school. Characters: presenter, graduates in the role of scientists. Equipment: costumes for scientists, music, flowers for teachers, a festively decorated hall, school bell.

Scenario for the last call "Roulette"

An interesting game scenario of the Last Call in the format of an intellectual game - roulette, played by teachers, answering questions. Purpose: to bring together teachers and alumni. Characters: presenter, teachers, head teacher. Equipment: a table with a tape measure, questions for teachers, flowers, gifts.

Scenario for the last call "An Unusual Journey"

The original script of The Last Call on the maritime theme. Purpose: creating a festive atmosphere among graduates. Characters: Leading - graduates, the captain of the ship, bandits - 3 people, natives - 3 people, excellent students - 2 people, graduate passengers - 13 people, first graders - 5 people .. Equipment: music, props on a marine theme, decorated hall.

Scenario for the last bell "When we leave the schoolyard"

Script of the Last Call in verse. Touching poems about school, teachers, students and life after school. Purpose: to create a festive atmosphere at the school on the day of the last bell. Characters: Graduates - 10 people, presenters, 2 boys and 2 girls. Equipment: music, flowers for teachers, a festively decorated hall.

Script of the lineup for the last bell "School years"

The script for the Last Call is formal and discreet. Poems about students, teachers, school performed by graduates and first graders. Purpose:: Formation of positive memories of the school. Characters: presenters, graduates, first graders. Equipment: music, flowers for graduates and teachers, a festively decorated hall.

Smiles on their faces, white bows, bells on the uniform and ribbons with the proud inscription "Graduate" - all these are invariable attributes of the last bell in our schools. Add to all of the above a solemn lineup and an interesting entertainment program and get one of the brightest and most memorable school holidays of the year. But this May day becomes especially memorable and important for the graduates of the 9th and 11th grades. The last bell for them is not just a symbolic holiday announcing the end of another academic year. This is the day when they leave the walls of their native school forever ... A good script for the last call can make this goodbye truly colorful and memorable, ideas for which you will find in our today's article.

Last Call: Grade 9 Scenario

Let's start with ideas for the last call for ninth graders. It's hard for them to say goodbye to the school bench, because in fact they plunge into adulthood two years earlier than their peers who decided to get a complete secondary education. What should be their last call? Probably the most dynamic and vibrant, and one that will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, unusual and modern ideas are suitable as a basis for the script. For example, you can make a final call based on a popular movie or video game. A prerequisite for a successful holiday is that the script for the last call should be filled with funny musical numbers with the participation of high school students. It is also worth taking care of beautiful congratulatory words for teachers and parents who have been around all the difficult school years.

Idea # 1 for the Last Call Scenario: Graduates of the Year

The script is based on the graduation ceremony. In this variant, the last bell can also be renamed into “Golden Bell” (by analogy with “Golden Gramophone”) or “Farewell Festival”. During the festive line-up, the presenters announce different nominations and award the winners with commemorative certificates and ribbons. The number of nominations should match the number of 9th grade graduates who drop out of school. The names of the nominations must also be consistent with the nature and identity of their winners. For example, the funniest student can be awarded the title "Mister Always Positive", and the most active athlete - "Mister Future Olympic Pride". As if in confirmation of the deservedness of his title, each winner must demonstrate his talent with his own eyes. It can be a short scene, a touching greeting, a song, or a humorous number.

Last Call Scenario Idea # 2: Star Factory

This scenario for the last call is based on the well-known project for finding talented performers - "Star Factory". Rather, its version adapted to school topics. The essence of the scenario is as follows: the presenters position ninth-graders as graduates of the talent school. A small "dossier" is prepared especially for each of them, which lists all the main achievements of the graduate over the past 9 years of study. These can be both true facts and fictitious, but always funny stories. For example, for a graduate known for his mischievous character, you can compose something like the following dossier: “During nine years of study I managed to break 3 windows, visit the director’s office 10 times, disrupt lessons 4 times, etc.”. Each dossier should be small but as capacious as possible. Also, the sounded information can be duplicated on beautifully designed paper and given to each graduate as a keepsake. In addition, graduates are awarded with special ribbons with the inscription "Star Edition of the Year". The ninth-graders, in turn, prepare numbers and congratulations, in which they demonstrate their talents and skills to all guests of the holiday.

Idea # 3 for the Last Call Scenario: Alien Guest

On the holiday of the last call, an unusual guest accidentally falls. This foreigner did not come from another country or continent. He is a guest from a distant friendly galaxy, who decided to get to know the traditions and culture of earthlings better. The task of ninth-graders is to tell an unusual guest what the last bell is, and why children go to school at all. To do this, graduates show interesting scenes, sing soulful songs, read beautiful poems and dance incendiaryly. You can also organize an excursion into the past for the alien with the help of a clip edited from school videos and photos of past years. At the end, when the mission of acquaintance is completed and the guest is about to return home, the graduates invite him to make a joint flash mob - a bright dance that should definitely be recorded on video.

Last Call: 11th Grade Scenario

The last bell for eleventh graders is a really sad holiday. Now the sound of the school bell will be just an echo of long years of study for them, evoking a slight nostalgia and reviving funny memories from class life. Now the proud title "11-A" or "11-B" will be carried by other students, who will have to carry the worthy image of high school students throughout the year. Now teachers will not read lectures, tests cause fear, and parents will scold for poor grades. Now everything will be different and the eleventh graders, as if trying to absorb every moment of the holiday, always try to make this last call bright and interesting. Namely, they use unusual ideas for a memorable script for the last call. For example, such as we have selected for you further.

Idea # 1 for the last call scenario: Back to USSR

Probably, if you ask any passer-by what he associates with the festive line dedicated to the last bell, he will certainly mention the white bows and aprons of the graduates. Someone may consider the school uniform of the times of the Soviet Union outdated, someone, on the contrary, perceives it as the best example of student clothing. But nevertheless, from year to year, graduates of millions of schools across the country choose this particular form of form in order to make their last call. So why not use this smart dress code as a themed last ring outfit?

The idea of ​​the script is to transfer the graduates and guests of the lineup to the atmosphere of the school of the Soviet era. Ideally, you can rummage through school archives or thematic sites and look for the real scenario of the last call of the past years. Removing the ideological part from it and slightly adapting it to modern youth, you can get a very interesting option. It is also important to take care of the dress code: girls must be in traditional festive uniforms with bows, guys are dressed in dark suits and white shirts. The festive line itself should have a lot of balloons and flowers. The script for the last call should include dances and songs of the Soviet era. Moreover, these can be both original texts and songs-alterations to a modern motive. At the end of the nostalgic holiday, you can bury a time capsule in which each of the graduates will put some kind of memorable thing. It will be possible to get this capsule only 20 years later, when the whole class will gather at the alumni meeting.

Idea # 2 for the scenario of the last call: Experts lead the investigation

The original script for the last call can be written using the images of the famous detectives - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. As you might guess, their appearance at the holiday will be associated with unraveling the mysterious case of the disappearance of the most important attribute - the school bell. Using their famous deduction method, as well as the help of graduates, detectives conduct an exciting investigation, which leads them to the "criminal". The suspects can be: pupils of the 10th grade who are in no hurry to part with their older comrades; a class teacher who doesn't want to say goodbye to his senior year; the graduates themselves, striving to extend their last school day at least a little. In general, there can be many options and the scenario itself is quite universal. The main thing is to find worthy performers of the main roles of Sherlock and Watson, who can adequately lead the whole holiday. If there is any doubt that one of the students will cope with this task, you can always resort to the help of professionals - animators and actors of local theaters.

At the end of the investigation, the ingenious detective nevertheless figures out the kidnappers, who are the graduates themselves. Their act is explained by their unwillingness to say goodbye to their beloved school. Therefore, in order to cheer up and support the eleventh graders in their honor, teachers and parents perform a beautiful and touching song.

Idea number 3: Last bell based on fairy tales

Another interesting and non-trivial option is a script for the last call, written based on well-known fairy tales. The usual similar option is chosen for graduation in kindergarten and primary school. The fabulous storyline is well suited for a small audience and makes it easier to get through the sad parting with your beloved teacher / first teacher. But for the 11th grade graduates, the fairytale theme works just as well. Firstly, both adults and children love fairy tales. This means that the last call based on fairy tales will be well received by all participants of the holiday. Secondly, the characters of the characters and heroes are well known to all, therefore, they require minimal effort to get used to the image. And thirdly, having reincarnated as fairy-tale characters, graduates can feel like carefree children for the last time. As for the plot itself, most often on the last bell, situations are played out in which the celebration is trying to spoil the negative characters whom no one invited to the holiday. They do little dirty tricks and try to disrupt the line, but ultimately, with the help of the goodies and the graduates themselves, they manage to come to an agreement with evil forces and save the holiday.

Last bell 11 "A

Music sounds.

Lead 1:

Good day!

Today we have gathered in this hall for the holiday of the Last Call.

Lead 2:

Last call.

Excitement reigns solemnly ...

The usual intro sounds

For those who have waited, counting the days ...

Attention attention!

Under the general murmur of glee

Meet joyfully now

Worthy of general attention

Our gallant class, our eleventh class.

Classroom teacher -

Students of the eleventh grade enter to the music and sit down in their places.

Lead 1:

Eleven years have passed faster than a fairy tale,

You are a graduate, and did not have time to look back,

And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,

And there is no buddy clue in my ears,

And the chalk was erased to the last crumb.

Lead 2:

Year after year for decades

With your cheerful, sonorous laughter

Gives school years a bell.

In a shrill but gentle chime

I hear: "Childhood ... Where are you, wait ...

It goes away ... No, it is here at school ...

And we are in a hurry to leave with you. "

Lead 1:

Dear graduates! Four and a half thousand calls included 11 school years. None of them are like the other. Someone rushed to the first lesson, some called to your beloved teacher, someone helped you out at the tragic moment when they called you to the blackboard, and you didn’t want to go there at all ..

And there were, to be honest, incomparable calls at the end of the school year, a quarter ... It seemed to them that there would be no end! But today a special bell will ring for us, it is unlike those calls that we heard earlier. This call is the boundary between childhood and adulthood.

And now we will hear the words of parting words on behalf of those who accompany us into adulthood.

You, of course, guessed that the floor is given to our director - (The director makes parting words.)

Lead 2:

The life of a director is difficult and full of surprises. Often, to solve school problems, the principal has to show determination, determination, perseverance and courage, well, just like the famous 007 agent.

The song is played to the Director "Agent 007".

Lead 1:

The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

(The head teacher's welcome speech sounds)

Lead 2:

Behind - eleven years, behind - school years! It's time to pay tribute to all our teachers.

Warming with care and a smile,

You gave us joy day after day,

So many new things have learned from you,

And they trusted you for a reason in everything!

Thank you for your patience and affection!

Your noble work is invaluable,

May life become a wonderful fairy tale for you,

May the house always welcome you with love.

Lead 2:

The state exams will begin soon ... How many more will there be in our life ... And how many different difficult tests we have already passed ... and every time you prepare, you worry, you do not sleep at night. And if you doze off for a while, you may dream of this ... See the scene:

"Sleep before the Literature Exam".

Lead 2:

Yes, you have to dream of this. But the good thing is that it ends well. And we hope that our graduates will pass all exams with dignity.

Lead 2:

Now let's take a short excursion into history to remember our school years.

(Presentation to the music of a photo of schoolchildren)

Lead 1:

Remember? A fine September day, 2004, we are smartly dressed with a large bouquet for the first time going to school.

Lead 2:

The first lesson, the joy of the first discoveries,

First success, blue dream -

All this is given to you by the first teacher,

We remember his severity, kindness.

On that first day of school, our first teacher met us with great excitement. Please welcome!

The floor is given to the first teacher

Lead 1:

At our beloved school
There is a law like this:
See the whole family off
On the way of graduates.
On the day of "Last Call"
Even toddlers
They hurry to congratulate us

Graduates from the 1st grade came to greet the graduates today. Let's give them the floor.

Lead 2:

Chalk freezes in my hand

We draw diligently on the blackboard

Parabolas of our hopes and concerns.

Last quarter, spring quarter ...

Thank you teacher

For entering the classroom at dawn,

You stayed in our hearts and in our destiny.

Lead 1:

Our dear teachers! We try to be at least a little like you. And some have already chosen the path for themselves - they decided to become teachers.

Lead 2. Look: The time of action is the near future, the place of action is the apartment of a novice teacher.

Scene "Did you pray for Desdemon's night?"

Reader (Girls' sports team comes out)

The country is proud of athletes,

Awards, victories - do not count,

Each of the Olympians

The mentor is wise, there is a coach -

The one who is in boys and girls

I could see the champion,

I set the task for them clearly

The first in sports gave a lesson

I put all my strength into the students,

Patience and skill

We will thank the coach,

We congratulate him on the holiday!

Song to the coach

Poems about the teacher -

Teacher, the days of his life, as one,

You devote to the school family

You are everyone who came to study with you,

You call them your children.

But children grow up, from the school bench

They walk the roads of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And they keep you in your heart.

Beloved teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Though sometimes it is difficult for you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,

Please accept our thanks!

We remember how you made us people

From timid funny first-graders.

Song "Leaving the classroom" and presentation for teachers.

Class teacher's speech.

Lead 1:

There is a tradition in our school - to transfer Granite of Science to the tenth grade following the graduates.

Parting words

Lead 2:

All the years you studied and suffered with you and your parents.

Lead 1:

It was they who raised you to school in the morning and handed you a notebook with problems that they solved for you at night.

Lead 2:

It was they who repaired furniture and painted desks covered with careless children.

Lead 1:

It was they who blushed for you in front of the teachers when you ran away from lessons or received deuces.

Lead 2:

They are proudly looking at you today and are glad that you were able to withstand all the tests of school life.

Poems for parents and a presentation for parents.

Parting words of parents to graduates

Lead 1:

The last school waltz, both joyful and sad.

The melody floats from the school porch.

The school year is over, the classrooms are empty today

A farewell waltz sounds, and there is no end to sadness.


Lead 2:

The saddest and the most disturbing and the funniest

Our last call will sound now,

Even though we haven't left school yet,

But they stepped onto the threshold with one foot.

Quiet. The graduates have quieted down,

Moms quietly brushed away tears ...

There are different calls in life

And now the main one will ring.

The right to make the last call is granted:

Final song__________

Lead 1 :

The holiday of the Last Call is over, and it's time to take a picture of everyone together as a souvenir. And then we will go out to the schoolyard, where we will release balloons for good luck.

Good luck, graduates, may all your dreams come true!

Scene "Exam in Literature"

(The student enters the study, sits on a chair.)

Teacher: Pull the ticket.

(The student pulls the ticket)

Pupil: My ticket is the Golden Age.

Teacher: Answer me!

Pupil: well .. the golden age is primarily Pushkin (A student emerges in the role of Pushkin). His friend Kuchelbecker ( A pupil enters the Kuchelbecker family, stands next to Pushkin) and he also had a friend Onegin (the student enters as Onegin)

Teacher: Is Onegin a friend of Pushkin?

Pupil: No no (Onegin leaves)

Teacher: Or yes? (Onegin returns)

Pupil: No no. (Onegin leaves)

Teacher: Okay. What's your first question?

Pupil: My first question: Pushkin's Life.

Teacher: Tell us, what did Pushkin do?

Pupil: Pushkin was hanging out.

(Several people come out in the background and begin to dance to the music, along with Cannons and Kuchelbecker)

Teacher: So what?

Pupil: No, no, he went to balls.

Kuchelbecker: Gentlemen! Here is the beloved of Alexander Pushkin, Natalia Goncharova!

(The song "Natalie" is playing, Natalia Goncharova comes out)

Kuchelbecker: Gentlemen.

Pushkin: Natalie, would you mind?

Natalie: Oh sure


Pushkin: I just adore you.

Natalie: Ah, Pushkin, let's get out of here? Just me and you.

Pushkin: Let's better me you and a horse

Natalie: Pushkin, read whatever for me, from your new one.

Pushkin: Well gentlemen, listen. In your eyes the devils are dancing samba and I'm already alone without an ensemble crawling to your feet boom shakatakataka boom seneritabumshakatakataka

Teacher: Are you out of your mind, I'll kick you out.

Pupil: No, I messed up

Teacher: Quickly answer the question, with whom did Pushkin conflict?

Pupil: Pushkin was in conflict with Fet

Teacher: Wow, this is the turn

Kuchelbecker: Atas! Feta fans are coming

(The crowd comes out shouting "Fetushka, Fetushka, Fetushka")

Fet: Tyutchev?

Crowd: Not!

Fet: Lermontov?

Crowd: Not

Fet: Who?

Crowd: Afanasy, Afanasy Fet, Fet, Fet!

Fet: Have you read Pushkin?

Crowd: No!

Fet: Whom did you read?

(Music "Felicita" sounds)

Feta read

In any weather and in the heat and blizzard I

feta read

Instead of algebra with physics lying in bed, I

Feta read

I fired the house to make it brighter

And Feta read, Fetachital. Feta read

Fet: Natalya, what are you doing here?

Disciple 1: This is Natalia's fiancé

Apprentice 2: Bridegroom

Apprentice 3: the groom

Disciple 4: This is the Bridegroom Natal, the calculation is over

Fet: Pushkin, aren't you ashamed, is this a duel?

Pushkin: Exclamation mark

Fet: I mean

Pushkin: No question

Teacher: That is, you want to say that Pushkin fought with a feta because of Goncharova?

Disciple: Yes!

Teacher: Remember, Pushkin fought with Dantes

Disciple: Oh, yes, I know. Listen to the end.

Fet: Gentlemen, I've been deceiving you for a long time. Actually I am Dantes.

Pushkin: Dantes, we need to decide something with Natalia.

Fet: So do not get you to anyone. (Shoots)

Teacher: So, wait, it's not from there at all.

Pupil: And now. (Pushkin takes Natalie by the neck)

Pushkin: You prayed for Desdemona's night

Teacher: So stop. Either you are now answering the question "How did Pushkin's life end?"

Fet: psspss. I him (Shows how he shoots Pushkin)

Natalie: because of me

Pushkin: I AM (shows that he is finished)

Pupil: And I remembered. Dantes mortally wounded Pushkin because of Natalia Goncharova.

(The song "We are the champions" is played)

Parting words to the tenth grade

Music, the Master appears in a robe and cap with a tassel.

I am a messenger from the Age of Enlightenment.

Greetings, young talents!

I came to see for myself

That the fire of knowledge will not go out

In the remaining tenth grade here!

But being seriously concerned

The fate of science in current conditions,

I intend to take an oath from you without fail!

Do you swear, about ignorant tribe,

To achieve unprecedented success in teaching,

Do you swear to gnaw science amicably

And keep the school's brand high?

(10th grade answers in unison: "We swear!")

Do you swear, young tribe,

Don't litter school hallways

And not to smoke from today? ("We swear!") \

Do you swear, listening to strangers,

With words that are disgusting from now on,

Our mighty tongue is not clogged? ("We swear!")

Do you swear, oh young fools

Throwing without looking back into the sea of ​​life

Do not forget in the future alma mater,

And most importantly, your own dining room? ("We swear!")

And if luck comes to you in the future,

Do you swear, having become a thousand times richer,

The last shirt from Versace

Will you give this monastery over? ("We swear!")

Friends! Take this granite of science!

Chew it together for another year.

And pass next May

Its you to the younger generation,

Follow you in the trail!

Let it be so from year to year!

And may the flow of people not stop

Into this bright temple of science

What will the school start

We have number fourteen!


Othello(rushes to her)

I hear footsteps. Finally at home

My wife. And cook me dinner.

I'm fucking hungry, Desdemona!


Othello, I have no lunch.


I really have no time for jokes, dear,

Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!

I'm just dying of hunger ...


But I was working, not going to the cinema!


What's in your bag? Again notebooks!

Did you bring home ?! Oh woe to me!


I see that your nerves are not all right

You even screamed more than once in your sleep.

(Sits down to check notebooks.)


Listen Desdemona, really

Nice to have a snack now!


Othello! We ate today!

And it’s even harmful to eat at such a late hour.

But if you really want, you can, dear,

Fry the eggs, only yourself.

Don't distract me, please, love!

There are three eggs left, they are enough for us.


What are three? I ate two yesterday.


Well, OK. Fire yourself one.


But the refrigerator is empty!


Well, I don’t know where it could suddenly disappear ?!


Look, I have a job too

But nothing comes to my mind from hunger!


Oh, dear, well, come up with something, really, something ...

Take your lessons! And hunger will disappear.


Will not satisfy my hunger. Really

Is it so hard for you to go to the store?


I thought I'd drop by at the end of the week

But you could buy something yourself!

You're bothering me, honey. By the way,

So little time left dear!

I will be on duty at school until the night:

My class walks at the disco.


What a disco ?! What kind of joke?

The family is about to collapse with us!


Oh, you know, not a minute left

There is already waiting for me, go, my class.


Like the devil with incense, you're running away from home.

Your job is more important, not your family.

Have you prayed goodnight, Desdemona?

Die, unfortunate! Die my love!


1) Leaving the classroom

1. The day comes when the school bell sounds sad.

Inviting us to the last lesson and at the hour of farewell

Our teacher looks at the class with excitement.

We only understand now

That he did so much for us.


Leaving the classroom

We say: "Goodbye!"

Dear teachers

We wish you goodbye.

So that all students

As we loved you,

To make new dreams

They regained the power of heights.

2. The first time we timidly entered here, but the moment comes.

The last bell will ring, and then we will become sad.

Because childhood is gone forever

Our carefree years

We will never return.


There will be many more changes in life, but still again

We will return to the comfort and warmth of the school walls - we give you the floor.

You and I will look into each other's eyes.

We cannot forget school years.

And again we want to tell you.


2) Agent oo7

1 .I come to school in the morning,

I look, here he comes,

Will look at me sternly

That you were late

We'll all come on time

Although not easy at all

We get up exactly, exactly at seven

We will bring replacement shoes.

Forget the past.

We won't let you down anymore

Most probably.

Wake you proud

Although not easy at all,

You promise to all of us.

Etc: We want to be only with you,

Our director, you are our hero.

We can't live without you

Although not easy at all

Loving Agent 007.

2 .Laptops purchased

This is great.

We all sit on the Internet

We find the data.

We must thank you,

Although not easy at all

We all get used to it.

We'll be leaving school soon.

Forget the past.

We won't let you down anymore

We will try

You will be proud

Although not easy at all.

We promise this to all of you.

Pr: We want to be only with you,

Our director, you are our hero.

We can't live without you

Although not easy at all

Loving Agent 007.

3) Song to the coach.

1.We will leave the gym in the evening

We will look back at you with a wave of our hand

Goodbye coach beloved lovely

Goodbye childhood forgotten, golden

Our coach will wave his hand in understanding

He is the same as we are forever tired

Let's say thank you for all the awards

There is no friend in the world our team

Chorus: Look at the clock

Our time is probably out

And without us it will be quieter in the hall

And we will get bored without you

Forgive us

That we were sometimes lazy

Naughty and so chatty

And sometimes the game did not go

2. And now remembering fun games

We will look at our favorite photo for a long time.

Where we stand embracing the team and you

And on our necks we have gold medals

And when we understand that everything is already in the past

We want to say thank you very much

We appreciate you, our coach, and we respect you so much.


Good afternoon, dear guests! The historic day for the school has come again - May 25. And how good it is that such a holiday happens in spring, blooming, joyful, always new.

For our graduates, this spring is a confident and promising start.

And in the school annals one more page was filled.


Today the school bell will ring

Which will not be quite common.

The thread of that usual sequence will be interrupted,

When the lesson was replaced by a lesson.


Noisy, worried, graduation class,

The school ship set sail.

And now other ways await him.


Let's greet the brave

The stormy school years that passed by.

Those who walk the road of victories into life, -

Solemn and important graduates!

Fanfare is playing.

Presenter: For 11 years, graduates, as a sign of respect, standing
met the teachers entering the class. Let us stand today to meet those who leave school in the big world.

Let's greet the graduates of 2016 at the "Last Call" holiday.

- Grade 11 and class teacher Olga Grigorievna;

(Music. Graduates solemnly pass in front of the guests and take a place on the stage)


The festive event dedicated to the holiday of the "Last Call" is considered open

(the anthem of Russia sounds)


Once upon a time, eleven years ago,

When the trees were golden

For you, there was a holiday of the First Call -

Under its trill you entered the class for the first time.


Today you worry a little

And the old school hall is full of friends,

The day of the Last Call has come to you

Today YOU are saying goodbye to school!


Dear graduates!

Today a special bell will ring for you, it does not look like the calls that you heard earlier.


This call for you is the boundary between childhood and adulthood. And now you will hear the words of parting words on behalf of those who accompany you into adulthood.


School is a small state

And each school has its own laws.

In order not to go astray,

To set the motion vector -

The school has a fair and strict director

Presenter: for the announcement of the order for admission to state certification is provided to the school director


(speech by the headmaster) (graduate hands over flowers)


We have a lot of guests today -

Graduates, colleagues, friends,

Came to touch the school doorstep


But we have a special guest -

He didn't go to first grade here

But we are not indifferent to him,

And he congratulates us personally.


_________________________________________ came to congratulate you today(graduate hands over flowers)


You have severity with kindness

Intertwined so subtly.

Probably, it was given to you from above,

Restless hear the fight

The sonorous hearts of children.

Today at our holiday it is very pleasant to see the guardian of discipline, the legislator of the schedule, and just a charming person - our head teachers, Natalya Viktorovna and Ruzina Rizovna, Tatyana Kuzminichna

The head teacher reads out the order on the rules for conducting exams, the number of students admitted to the final certification. Speaks parting words.

(Graduate gives flowers)

The song sounds _________________________________

(graduates sit down)

Host: Let the bad weather pass by
And the world will become brighter for you
Accept the wish for happiness
From your little friends

(Music. First graders enter)

1st: All their students are remembered by these walls
Trill hilarious calls before recess.
Chronicle walls are kept under layers of paint
Here are the names of the guys, signatures, tips

2nd: Every wall tells us about childhood at school
If you look closely, there are your names.

3rd: You, of course, have not forgotten how once upon a time the first time
Together with their mothers, they entered their now beloved class.

4th: You did not understand anything in that very first year
And the textbooks were often flipped backwards.

5th: Only the school is not accidentally called "a good home"
Now we will reveal a secret to you - wizards live here!

6th: They teach here warmth and affection, at the behest of the soul
Very soon, as if in a fairy tale, the kids grew wiser.

7th: Even mothers did not recognize their children at this hour
Here they are - admire them!

8th: Is it really your Ksyusha, Natasha, Oli, Dasha
On this day, to the delight of everyone, did they become adults at all?

9th: For many years you came to the school doorstep
It was difficult for your teachers.

10th: Good luck! Step forward - the roads to happiness await you
Just do not forget the house that is called school.

All: "We will remember you"!

(Music sounds. First-graders give toys to the graduates and the class teacher of the 11th grade.)
11th grade creative number

There is a table and three chairs on the stage. On the table drinks "Cola", "Pepsi", chocolate. At the table, facing the audience, three girls are sitting, dressed in modern clothes.


We will tell a fairy tale for you,

Let it fly through the valleys and fields,

We will lead a tale from Pushkin,

Only new motives in it.

Three maidens by the window

We spoke in the evening.

The first girl says.

The first girl.

If I were a queen

I'd like to spin Max,

Marry him to yourself.

The house is huge, with a mezzanine,

Near the house - poplar,

There are carpets and pianos

How much crystal is in the pile!

Polish furniture in the kitchen,

Superfood stuff

YES! The wallet swells with money

Six hundredth "Mercedes"!


The average girl says.

Average girl.

If I were a queen

I would any time of the year

I was only engaged in fashion

Slim in shape

I had three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi - which is cooler,

And only Guchi perfume!


Tell us, girl, to us

Do you have finances for your dreams?

Average girl.

I'm alone with mommy,

I'm alone with my daddy.

They themselves are very happy

Buy me all the outfits!


The third girl says.

Third damsel.

Once in class, out of boredom,

I noticed the teacher at the blackboard,

I listened, suddenly began to understand

And it is reasonable to write something in a notebook.

At home I decided to open a textbook,

To set off the topic to teach,

And somehow strange, it became interesting to me,

And it seemed not enough to get the "three".

So, I'm tired of just walking

To dance to the acid at discos.

I don't want to depend on mom and dad

I decided to study well

Open your own business and become a craftswoman.

And let the suitors dry and wait

Until I graduate from my institute.


That's the end of the fairy tale,

It's up to you who is great !!!

Host: And now a little history. The creative activity of the heroes of today's celebration began in 2005 with the comprehension of the basics of reading, counting, spelling. By the end of the year, the basics were comprehended, as evidenced by the handwritten inscription of one of the then first-graders made on the primer: "To find the diminished, you need to add the subject to the predicate!"

Presenter: Excavations revealed a large amount of used chewing gum, most of it under the covers of student tables. A lot of boots were found - runners who had escaped from their masters and a lot of invisible hats that were never found by their parents. Later, unidentified flying objects began to appear: balls, bricks, etc. Young geniuses successfully passed on their skills and abilities to the next generations of schoolchildren.


Do you remember was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From my mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He introduced you to first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Graduates go on stage (1 representative from the class):

During the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -

Unknown in what year, in what region -

We will not forget to remember with a kind word

Your first teacher!

Thank you for your word, for science,

For the hard work of mastered the basics,

For that call that foreshadowed parting,

For a bright moment and an eternal heart call! ..

Flowers are presented to the first teachers.


You will remember all the teachers

But, there is one, and everyone agrees on that,

What is still dearer and dearer,

For you, your own homeroom teacher


To you, our spiritual inspirer,

He taught us how to live.

To you, our coolest teacher,

We are ready to devote an ode.

You shared so generously with us

With your warmth of the heart.

We argued with you, were angry,

We tried to run home.

But wisely you got your hands on

All the power over our class suddenly.

And who will hardly say against it -

You are a loyal and reliable friend.

Protected before the authorities,

They scolded a little for pranks,

Taught to value friendship ?!

You are the coolest, the coolest,

Stay a mother to us forever!


The floor is given to the class teacher of the graduates:

Music sounds __________________________________________________


Well, how not to remember today about those

Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter

Who collected every day for school

And from shame for us sometimes burned ...

Parents! We are nowhere without you!

Any trouble with you - it doesn't matter!

And joy - so full to have fun!

After all, with us to-o-o-o-lgo at the university you still have to study ... (all together)


The floor is given to the parents of graduates.

Parents: parting word

Today is graduation, which means

The door to the adult world has opened for you,

And on this day we laugh and cry -

You have become very big now!

We all remember how babies

You came to school 11 years ago,

How, when you first entrust your satchel to your mother,

They carried the bouquet solemnly in their hands!

Since then you have changed a lot,

Such adults cannot take our eyes off!

How much did you learn at school -

Here the start was given for a glorious journey.

And you will build your life yourself,

From your perseverance and work

Everything depends, but remember, we are with you,

Parents will always support you!

And know, we respect your choice,

May everyone find their own way for themselves,

Congratulations to everyone on graduating from school,

Good luck and may you all be lucky!

The song sounds _________________________________________________

Congratulations to the parents of the flock.


Not in words, but according to the old tradition,

Which tomorrow's life matches

You just have to be born a teacher,

And only after that become!
Host: Our dear teachers, you are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, led us through the years of childhood and adolescence.

We invested in everyone a particle of our heart, our love, made sure that our knowledge and skills grow from year to year, help us find our place in life. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you put into us.


Our dear mentors,

Our lovely teachers!

You are not magicians, your labors are hard,

But without you the land would become scarce!

How much we owe you:

You can't even count everything.

We are bound by invisible threads

It’s true, it’s not flattery.

Teachers, we ask you to rest a little,

You are tired of standing at the blackboard for so many years.

Graduates every year take the road away from you,

Wasn't the whiskey whitened from those partings?

We know that with us it was not easy for you at times,

But now we have almost become adults.

Into this adult life we ​​will take with us

The warmth and love of your bright soul.

You taught us life in every lesson.

We were sometimes scolded and sometimes praised ..

Oh, how stupid we were after all!

And how much we have understood just now!

Dear teachers!

I want to wish you happiness

Health, smiles, kindness,

To make you more beautiful tomorrow

Than a week ago than yesterday.

So that the warmth in the soul does not fade away,

To pound and pound my heart.

And such great happiness

So as not to hug him with your hands!

For the eternal multiplication table

For the gift of the Earth to us,

But that we are all your continuation,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

You loved all of us equally,

My love, sharing equally with everyone,

For the fact that you sculpted people out of us,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

And it was not kinder and stricter than you,

When we discovered the world from scratch

For the fact that we are a little bit like you,

Thank you for everything, teachers!

Now fate will teach us lessons

School lessons have come to an end.

Let's leave the world's best teachers

Pieces of noble hearts!

Thank you today.

And to their dear parents

For their kindness and care

For angelic work and patience

For help in everything and always

Today is your excitement

We share in full.

The song sounds _______________________________________


Greetings, grade 11 creative.

Stage (on the stage there are desks at which the students are sitting, the teacher enters with the magazine)

Teacher enters: Hello guys! Thank you for coming…

- Why are you so few today? (Opens magazine, starts roll call).

- ______________? .. Here ... ____________? .. - Still sleeping. He came yesterday!

— ______________________..

- What are you, ___________________! Only the second lesson! He comes to the third!

- Ah! Yes Yes…

— __________________?..

- _________ studies at the institute on Tuesdays, in the commercial, in the third year ...

- ____________? .. Zarinochka! Are you here?

- I'm leaving after this lesson. We are leaving for Cyprus today.

- Good good…

— ____________________?

- He can't come, his car broke down.

- But he lives in the next house?

- He's stressed ... He's worried ...

— __________________?..

- Have _____________ exemption from exams. Why would he go to school?

— _____________________?..

- _____________'s leg hurt, but __________________________________ went

see him off to the doctor ...

- Well, it turns out, everyone has good reasons.

Let's write down the topic of the lesson ...

(The bell rings, the students run out of the class).

Teacher in the hall:

- Something I had little time today ...


The bell rings for you for the last time.

The bell of hope and the bell of goodbye.

And the minutes of parting are approaching.

And ahead is the turmoil of the roads.


And the sun shines in the sky as before,

But childhood has its own time in life.

And now the bell rings for the last time

The bell of goodbye and the bell of hope.

Graduates come on stage and sing a song.

- The long-awaited moment has come.
- Friends, there will be no more lessons!
- No need to prepare for them ...
- Liberty!
- Soon we will pass the exam ...
- We must pass!
- And we will go beyond the threshold of the school….
- Let's become adults!
- But for some reason it's sad ...
- Why be sad? Let's give the last call!
- Yes, you can give a call. So the first grader is already ready ...
A first-grader with a bell is on the stage.
- The right to give the last call together with the first grader is given …………………… ..
The graduate takes the stage.
- Well, are we calling?
- And I suggest that others call. So that we understand that this is the last call.
- And who do you propose?
He takes the bell from the first grader and goes to the class teacher.
- Svetlana Petrovna, give us the last call.
Cl. hands. gives a call.
- Thank you. And now the first grader!
- Wait. We need to fix it. (To the Director) Call, Olga Nikolaevna, please, for us!
The director gives a call.
- Thank you.
- Dear teachers! Our dear parents! Graduates!
- Official! Traditional! Last call….
All graduates stand up. A first grader with a graduate gives a call, after going through the entire hall, they stand in the center of the stage (graduates ring their little bells from their seats)
So the last bell rang ...
The first grader again runs into the hall, calls again and runs away.
- What was it?
- It was a test call! Graduates, on stage!
Graduates perform a SONG, several couples spin in a waltz, then the waltz turns into a flash mob: they begin (waltz), then the rest are connected with modern motives.
The first grader enters the hall: And now the last bell, which will take you to a new adult life. (The general bell rings, the students, accompanied by the class teacher, go out into the school yard)

Good afternoon. You know, today I thought about how quickly and imperceptibly time flies. It seemed that my daughter was just recently born, and she is already so big. Now we go to kindergarten, and at such a pace school is not far off. All this I lead to the fact that you need to enjoy life every day and not force events. Do you agree with me?

In general, it was not by chance that I started the topic about our children, because a very touching holiday awaits many people ahead - the Last Call. This is a special day not only for school graduates, but also for parents and teachers.

Therefore, preparations for this event are now in full swing. I decided to google a little and select ideas to help organize such an important event. I hope you enjoy something and arrange a chic holiday that everyone will remember with a smile and slight sadness.

Once again, I want to clarify, I did not compose the texts myself, I took them from the vastness of the Internet.

Original script for the last call 2019 in the style of cinema

The first in line to catch my eye was an interesting material from the site I liked the option. Quite a fascinating plot, and all the traditional points are respected.

The course of action:

Fanfare sounds.

Lead 1.

Today is an unusual day;
The sun rose, washed with dew,
For the last lesson, farewell
Graduation class is dispatched.

Lead 2.

May day plays on the line
The breeze whispers softly in the foliage,
Seeing off your pets on the way,
The school will give them the last bell.

Lead 1.

There will be a sea of ​​guests to worry
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of stormy applause
We welcome graduates!

Lead 2.

We invite the graduates of 2019 to the solemn ceremony (beautiful music for the graduates' exit, against the background of music, a report about the graduates).

Lead 1.

Today we see off to the school of life
Those who have gone through a difficult school path.
Let's wish them all together -
Do not get lost in life, do not collapse!
Came here on a fine September day
Confused, timid children.
Today you are not like those,
Which mothers led by the hand.
Confident, strong, athletic,
Responsible and active in everything.
Clockwork, cheerful, gentle,
They are diligent in their studies and in friendship.
The school will remember you for a long time,
There were "stars" and there were "stars"
There were difficulties, there were "jokes" -
Never gave up, never whined!
This is how we meet friends, kids
Those that came out of the old kids
Let's just wish them good luck -
Keep it up! Only this way - not otherwise!

Lead 2.

School, attention! The right to raise the flags of Russia, the Kuban and the Krylovsky District municipality is given to graduates (full names of 11th grade students).

First grader:

I learned that I have a huge country;
And a rivulet, and a forest, every spikelet in the field,
And flowers, and blades of grass, there is a narrow path to the school -
My favorite school house, and a birch tree under the window,
And the open spaces are blue - this is all my Russia!

Lead 1.

The solemn ruler dedicated to the holiday The Last Bell is considered open (the school anthem is played).

Students of the 1st grade run out:

How we do not want to part with our eleventh graders.
- After all, they are the smartest!
- Beautiful!
- Kind!
- Talented!
- Sensitive!
- Well-bred!
- How can we do everything so that they stay at least for a year in our school.
- Need to think!
- Your suggestions?
- Close the school doors before the exam and lose the keys!
- Let the USE forms go down the drain, and so that they fly, fly!
- Make pigeons out of CMMs!
- Make your way to the exam and make mistakes in the exam materials!
- Calm down, our director is coming to us and we'll ask him.
- Evgeny Fedorovich! But it’s impossible to make our eleventh graders stay at our school for at least a year.


I understand that the time has come for parting, it is sad, but also joyful: because they grew up, became adults. So it's time for them to leave.

Dear Guys! The last school bell will ring for you today. Soon you will pass your final exams, and you will be left with unforgettable school years. For ten years you have learned a lot: you mastered the basics of science, began to understand the process of social life, learned the joy of communication, friendship, and maybe love. You defended the honor of the school at sports competitions (the director gives the names of the best athletes), at subject Olympiads (the names of the winners of the Olympiads are listed), at amateur art shows. Thank you for that, dear guys! I wish you successfully pass the exams, choose your path in life correctly and do not forget your native school! I also thank the parents, from whom we have always met with understanding and support.

The director reads the decision on admission to the exams.

And at this time, in the secret bunker 2, a conspiratorial meeting of the teachers of the agent school was held under the code number 2 (this is the number of our school, who has not guessed yet).

G.E .: Ladies and Gentlemen. We will not say hello, see you. Hope all safety precautions have been taken? No tailings, foreign intelligence agents have been eliminated. The room is bugged, so please not name them. So, gentlemen, I have gathered you to deliver the most unpleasant news.

L.G .: Is the auditor coming to us?

ON THE.: So, urgently - a path to the entrance, flowers to the stage, lemonade to the buffet, a towel to the toilet.

L.G .: Yes Yes. Prepare an analysis of academic performance over 25 years, an increase in the quality of knowledge over 35 years, health monitoring over 55 years.

G.E .: What are you, gentlemen. We would have dealt with the auditor right away. One call and ...

M.A .: Only without sacrifice!

G.E .: Everything is much worse ...

ON THE.: Is it really a sanitary and epidemiological station? So, urgently - towels to the sideboard, light bulbs in the corridor, sanitary books to each agent in the arms. And everyone has a bird flu vaccine - for order.

G.E .: And again they did not guess. We dealt with the sanitary and epidemiological station last year. True, there were victims. No, gentlemen, everything is much more complicated. We received the most important assignment in the entire history of our school. The fate of not only our school, but also the village, Russia, and what can I say, perhaps the entire globe, depends on its implementation. Here is the encryption from the center.

The teachers look at the encryption with horror and fear.

G.E .: As you can see, this mission is not only difficult - it is impossible. We must send our best alumni agents on this assignment. By the way, what do we have there? Let's take a look at a few dossiers.

Expand a banner or presentation.

1. Agent 1234, aka Nikita, aka Dancer, aka Rocket. Charming, cheerful, active. Has a black belt in karate. It is especially successfully introduced into dance groups in the style of folk, break, retro, flash and others. He successfully uses the guitar as a recruiting tool for his supporters. Repeatedly performed school assignments at various competitions and international festivals, disguising himself as an artist.

2. Agents 34, 35, 36. Agent name of the Hen. Only three of them work. They are especially successfully introduced into the pedagogical and children's environment. Communication password: "General".

3. Agent 44, aka Lera. Quiet, invisible, but irreplaceable in the most extreme conditions. Able to remain calm during earthquakes, fires, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and during the performance of her agent network. The main activity profile is good deeds. She is especially successful when performing such tasks as "Tomorrow is a concert - and what are we going to do?", "Where can I find Larisa Sergeevna?"

4. Agent 113, aka Panych. Recruited for extraordinary growth and artistry. Recognizable by non-standard movements of arms and legs on stage and in the dance hall. Through these movements, I perked up to transmit any conspiratorial information and tips. It is successfully implemented in any groups and other organizations. Moderately sociable, laconic, calmly communicates with any people.

G.E .: So, is that all? Not bad. But I would like to see all the graduates in general. I'm afraid there won't be enough eight on this mission. I propose to consider the personal files of all graduates of the year. For this we invite the graduates to the stage.

A response from the alumni.

Graduate 1.

It seems it was quite recently:
In the first notebook there are letters,
Our first unsteady "mom"
Our first school spring.

Graduate 2.

But the school romance approached the epilogue,
This means that the plot is almost exhausted.
Last call. We summarize
All our affairs in eleven years.

Graduate 3.

And the main result - let's turn to the origins -
After all, school life is far from a game.
Here are the main lessons we learned -
Lessons of hope, love and goodness!

Graduate 4.

Eleven years is just a moment
From the point of view of the infinite.
School, teacher and student -
These are eternal concepts!

Graduate 5.

Let's bow to our home,
Here they gave us an invaluable heritage.
The school will forever owe us
From the first call to the last!

(song, handing flowers)

G.E .: Well, gentlemen. The matter is clearing up. It seems to me that not everything is so hopeless. We can still save the world. All agents need to pass one more test. Its conspiratorial name is the Unified State Exam. Let's throw them on someone else's object - we'll see.

M.A .: And what about encryption?

G.E .: Yes, everything seems to be clear too. You just need to read the instructions. And who will read them.

M.A .: We have the smallest agents. They will give instructions.

Speech by first graders.

1. You were once kids,
2. They called you mockingly "firsts".
3.You ran to your mother with a difficult task
4. We cried bitterly at the blackboard.
5. And now you are big and strong,
6. Everyone in their studies is a leader!
1.You are very beautiful with honor,
2. A proud title ...
In chorus: Graduate!
3. We wish you good luck in life,
4. Health, success, love, kindness.
5. We wish all difficult tasks
6. You decided on the fly and with a bang.
1. Things big and small
2. We wish you to do only five!
3. We wish you to serve Russia honestly
Chorus: And don't forget your native school!
4. If my friends ask me,
Where are the best graduates in the country?
5. Let's boldly say these words to them:
Together: "Well, of course, at school number two!"

Handing the bells.

M.A .: And if you fulfill these wishes of ours every day, every hour, we believe that any mission will be achievable for you.

G.E .: And what are these letters?

M.A .: And this is an encrypted signal to the beginning of the mission - the last call.


The saddest and the most disturbing and the funniest
Our last call will sound now,
Even though we haven't left school yet,
But they stepped onto the threshold with one foot.
Quiet. The graduates have quieted down,
Moms quietly brushed away tears ...
There are different calls in life
And now the most important will ring.
The right to give the last call is given to: full name.

The last bell rings.

Lead 1.

School, attention! The right to lower the flags of Russia, the Kuban and the Krylovsky District municipality is granted to 11th grade graduates (full name).

11 classes leave the site to the song.

Skits for 11th grade graduates

The next option is not quite similar to the traditional last call, but it has a place to be. I made a synopsis of LI Spitsin, entitled "From diapers to sheepskin coats."

I must say right away that this requires a lot of preparation from both teachers and students. But you can take not the whole plot, but some individual scenes.

The course of action:

Music sounds, teachers, parents, students sit at tables according to the signs of the zodiac (1. Capricorn-Virgo-Taurus; 2. Libra-Aquarius-Gemini; 3. Scorpio-Pisces-Cancer; 4. Leo-Aries-Sagittarius).


1. Good afternoon, dear friends!
2. Oh, sorry! Greetings, and on what occasion is everyone here?

1. Well, of course, today is the presentation of the documentary film "From swaddling clothes to sheepskin coats".
2. Oh yes, I almost forgot! After all, this is all about us, about our graduates.

1. Today we are not just having some kind of event, today we have a holiday that happens only once in a lifetime - the Holiday of the Last Call. Honestly, I'm not even sure if this is a holiday? After all, we are entering adulthood, very difficult, but so tempting.
2. In this life, everyone will be for himself and nothing can be written off. And at school ... We were loved here, they took care of us, they helped us, it seemed that the school will always be there, but now it ends. Today is our last day of school, and ahead ...

Sing a song n and the melody "Plasticine Crow".

1. One simple tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe we want to tell you not a simple one.
We remember her from childhood, or maybe not from childhood,
Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember ...

2. In one Russian school, or maybe not in a school,
Or maybe in the kindergarten, there was 11-a.
And there was a serious Spitsin, and a smart Esenkov,
And Misha Cherepovsky, which is also good!
And Dima Posashkov, which is also good!

3. And that class was ordinary, or maybe unusual,
But judging by the success, this is the highest class.
Do you want to be offended, want to smile,
But take our word for it: we love you very much.

Series 1. Take 1. "We all got out of the cradle"


1. Dear friends! We would like to draw your attention to unique footage about the infancy of our graduates. We were all born between 1994 and 1995.

On the slide, there are pictures of graduates' infant years.

2. From infancy we were connected by a lot: nappies, blankets, ribbons.

1. And how we were tied with ribbons on blankets, which is called hand and foot.

2. But already at this age we were striving for freedom, and everyone wanted to show their individuality.

On the slide there are shots with funny scenes.

Series 2. Take 1. "We all learned a little"

1. So, the long-suffering class crawled, at last, to the last rung of our general educational system, having lost in an unequal battle some comrades-in-arms from their slender ranks. But not all of them were given the honor of being accepted into the 11th A, but they wanted so much!

2. Once the mother of Dima Yessenkov went on a business trip, and the father took his son to kindergarten. They walked to different kindergartens for a long time and could not find their own until Dima said: "Dad, stop going, I'll be late for school." Indeed, I was almost late, because in 2001 we already went to the 1st grade. And mind you in different schools.

1. It doesn't matter. Schools are different - the problems are the same everywhere.

A song to the melody "Katyusha" is being performed.

An order was given - to us on the 11th, to them in the other direction,
Volunteers left, some went to college, some to vocational schools.
They said parting, leaving the school house,
Do not be sad, Lyudmila Ivanovna, we will come, we will come again.

Cl. Hands: So, let's spend a five-minute, sum up the day. What happened today?


1. The day passed without any special incidents: half of the class was late for physics.
2. So the competition was going on at the stadium.
3. Well, it was interesting to see.

Cl. Hands: Well, it's enough. And this is without much incident? Parents immediately, parents to school.


1. Tomorrow?

Cl. Hands: No, now, this minute!

Parents come out and together with the children sing a song to the melody "Scows full of mullets".

1. Once the classroom teacher said, bring your father to school.
Now, for sure, I am lost, since you are God, then help!
The sky turns blue over the boulevard, the chestnut trees bloom over the city,
But I am not at all discouraged, even though I know what will hit me.


At least I know all of them well.
I am quite, quite still a child
I was only 18th went.

2. And here the parent, one day in May, moored his "launch" to the school,
The classroom dad said: "And I see you for the first time."
In response, opening the Kazbek pack, the parent said with a chill:
“You are an interesting freak, but the point, you see ...

I won't tell you for all the girls
I know them very well.
But my daughter, still a child, was only 18 years old.

Cl. Hands: Dear teachers, parents and graduates! The day we have been waiting for for 11 years has come! Today the last bell rang for our children! Dear Parents! You no longer have to push your over-aged child apart in the morning to send him to school! You will be relieved of the grueling burden of checking their diaries!

Dear Colleagues! You have fulfilled your professional and civic duty! Thank you all so much!
Dear guys, I want to give you handkerchiefs for blotting your tears in a moment of sadness and grief over the irretrievably gone youth. And here is such a bag of pepper with a jar of mustard - so that the subsequent exams, and everything that will happen after them, does not seem like a "sweet life."

But, now seriously. During this year, in the 11th grade, I conducted a review competition "Student of the Year", taking into account the participation of children in the Olympiads, in class and in extracurricular activities.

The winners are read out and souvenirs are presented to them.

Kl.ruk. sings a song to the melody of the song "Candles".

1. Good luck, ups and bad weather
Both with people and with us ...
My peak of teacher happiness
I fell for this class.

Loved ones - do not forget
Seven years is a wonderful time!
Please remember me
And - send a thought of good!

2. Touching your heart to your heart,
I catch myself thinking:
No, I am not cunning and I do not repent,
I still love you.

(performed by graduates of verse 3)
3. Thank you for the inspiration,
For your thankless work.
And may the wonderful moments
They will bring you strength in life.

We will come back to our native class,
At least we will be a guest for you.
But we will remember childhood more than once,
We will remember them with warmth.

Leading: The floor is given to the director of the school: a speech, the presentation of comic certificates about the training courses attended, issued in case someone cannot get a certificate.

Poems to the headmaster:

Your head has sat and nightmares tortured at night,
You found words for us, you tried to make us better,
We have become adults now, but believe me, we will not forget you!
The door to the school is open for us, what if we will be colleagues?

1. Here you are talking about blankets, about swaddling clothes, because we have already grown up, but in a wet ...

2. How so far?

1. In wet silk, leather, sheepskin coats ... And sometimes we read books ...

Scene: dialogue in front of the library, one of them has a satchel on his shoulders.

- Some people do not understand when you tell them that Pushkin is already over, and Lermontov needs to be ordered in advance. Books, like their debts, must be paid back on time.
- Stop! Where? To the library.
- Why without glasses?
- But, I can see normally.
- What are you? What year is it now?
-2002. And in and yes!
- You won’t tell, is there Gogol?
- Don't eat, but read, you can't eat in the library. And silence should be in the library. I said quietly.
“But I’ll still go.
- You haven't handed over Kolobok yet, you won't hand over Kolobok, I'll tear the binding for you, pull out the bookmarks from War and Peace, you will read it again. And "Old Man-Hottabych" to bring. I didn’t bring it, as it was yesterday, but I did it.
- Well, okay, let me pass?
- When you guess my riddles.
- You read so many of them ...
- Three.
- Three thousand?
- Three: ABC book, second, and blue.
- The first riddle: "Children of Captain Grant", "40 Little Indians", "Ali Baba and 40 Thieves" ...
- Silence should be in the library. Did I say softly, or did I say softly?
- It was in the evening, there was something to do.
Dima crammed physics, Igor drew charts.
Julia was tormented by a tutor, Olya was tormented by an "asset"
She was looking for prototypes, this necessary reagent.
Two girlfriends on the couch, leaning on pillows,
Everyone is in thought and worries, so they were preparing for the test.

The scene "Test" is being performed.

1. - C-c-c-drag ...
Hello, you know?
- D-d-koy - what!
- Tell me?
- I do not know…
- No, next one?
2. - You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- And all.
- Everything? Everything, even I don't know. Disappointing. Next.
3. - You know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- What do you ask?
- And what should I ask?
- "A word about Igor's regiment."
- Well done! You know. Test! Next.
4. - Me!
- What?
- In love.
- In whom?
- Into the subject.
- In which?
- How what, my love.
- And in what?
- In your!
- Well, what?
- Which we rent.
- Which one do we rent?
- Well, ... you already find fault ...
- No match. Next.
5. - Me!
- What?
- In love!
- In whom?
- In you, impudent ...
- Test!

Leading: The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

Deputy academic director: I would like to present you with a block of Orbit chewing gum, to strengthen the teeth worn out during the "gnawing" of science granite. Serious advice to the graduate: it is known that all graduates are divided into five categories:
1. Zero - those who do not know anything and do not know about it;
2. First - those who know something, but do not know what.
3. The second - they know something and know what exactly.
4. Third - they know everything, except that they do not know.
5. Fourth - they know everything and even what they do not know.
Immediately determine which group you belong to, keep the information secret from the teacher. Remember: if you're lucky, you can get excellent on the exams. Always smile during the exam - it will give you confidence and confuse the examiners. Use cribs as a dangerous medicine in small doses. From time to time, cough into your fist and rub your heart area, hinting at poor health, undermined in preparation for exams. Thus, you will pity the examiners. If you feel that you cannot immediately answer a question, do not rush to report it. Let the examiners guess for themselves. If these tips don't help, don't grieve. Do not forget: those who do not have a university behind them, for now, live better off.

Poems to the first teacher:

You recognized us. Look ...
Your first graders are sitting here!
We wore big knapsacks,
Rulers, pens, blotting paper.
Thank you bow to earth
Accept from all graduates.
And, also carefully loving,
Love your disciples.

First teacher's speech: I want to give you a copper penny - for putting under the heel during exams, there is a sign that this helps.

Series 3. Take 1. "The hit parade of the most popular songs that tell about the latest events at school."

(to the melody of the song "Neighbor")
Now we will not sing for nothing about the 11th A,
In our interesting class, there is one feature.
There are only 13 of us left in this class,
There are Oli, Julia, Ira among us,
And a boyish bouquet.
Here the quiet one is Yulia, and Irina is the other way around.
Olya will say the word out loud, and Oksana will tell a joke.
And there are rumors around the school that Dima is there as a lord.
Among the girls, like Sukhov: there are many of them, but he is alone.

Concert number:

School ditties.

I loved history madly, I will not hide it!
For some reason, only Dima made her eyes on her.
They wrote off everything from a neighbor, they immediately rolled us a two ...
Here we will have a little rest and we will bother our neighbor.

40, 30, 25 ... mathematics again, 8, 10, 37 - we are completely dull!
We find the root somehow, and quietly go crazy!
You are a difficult science for us, oh, you are a concrete thing.

Ah, pistil stamens, skeletal bones,
It was a lot of fun, we teach about it.

Mom and Dad have forgotten how to understand Russian
So they deepened into English, strongly do you, so to speak.

We knocked with hammers, pierced our fingers with a knitting needle.
We are ready for adulthood, for severe trials!

The "Astrologer" comes out and reads the astrological forecast:

Scorpios are terrifying, only the sight of them,
But in life they are also needed.
They are a little poisonous.
And just as gentle.
So that they do not offend you,
The advice for communicating with them is simple:
Don't step on their tail -
And they won't sting you.

Virgo - it is understandable, fashion, despite the fact that they are all descendants of Eve.
But how to understand that men, in pants, not shaved and Virgo?

Libra - Libra's whim is always known
Blind Themis attribute.
They will weigh everything, outweigh everything,
And if necessary, they will lie.

Cancers - they have everything that is necessary for the soul:
Delicate and gentle to the wonder.
They are good with beer,
And often they themselves love beer!

Pisces - unpretentious in needs
All who were born from caviar.
They are talkative in Russian
And in a ram's way they are wise.

Aquarius - for the student breed, he is the most important zodiac.
To pour water on the exam, love, children, this sign!

Sagittarius - not without sadness and longing, sometimes we see this oath:
They shoot with their eyes at the blackboard, and in the toilet - a cigarette.

Capricorns are a little gray, solid, strict.
When it goes, the powders tremble.
He is the main capricorn at school,
All the rest are ibex.

Taurus - everything would be fine with a Taurus,
But here is one caveat:
What he came from -
From the words "calf" or "body"?

Gemini - being the children of the father
And born on different days,
How they all contrived
So to become identical?

Lions - the charisma of a lion among cattle
Even a spoon does not spoil the tar.
Terrible, formidable, ready to eat,
But in principle, it's still the same cat.

Aries - neither tender meat nor wool, will not hide secret flaws:
Sometimes among the rams, there are sheep, and even obvious rams.
But Aquarius claims that they are not among the teachers.

Competition "Burime".
(it is necessary for each table to compose a quatrain from the proposed words)

1. Chant, simple, Virgo, beauty.
2. Sign, glad, Cancer, awards.
3. Rings, bow, Sagittarius, hands.
4. Balances, skies, hands, scales
5. In love, Scorpio, sting, stuck.

Cl. Hands: In my opinion, the time has come to give the floor to dads and moms.


1. How much time per day did you devote to parenting?
2. What can you wish children, teachers?

Parents to children:

Most importantly, be healthy, not necessarily new Russians.
Strong, smart, businesslike, with big plans and dreams.
We wish everyone to receive their diplomas, we are always waiting for you, we invite you.
We wish you all to work honestly,
To meet love is to get married, get married.
Be tolerant of other people,
Be proud of your state.
I would like to believe that it was not in vain that you were raised:
You put good roots in the earth.

Parents to teachers:

Low bow to you for our children, how much you gave your life.
Time, strength, intelligence and patience, for education and training.
How much warmth, kindness, understanding, how much talent and how much effort,
How much love you gave for all 11 years, you instilled in them the joy of victories.
You shared both work and sorrow with them,
Someone was reprimanded, someone was forgiven.
For a hot heart, for clean hands,
For loyalty to the profession and science,
For your love, attitude towards children,
Thanks from everyone!


Words of gratitude to teachers from alumni.

1. We studied, you taught, then, scolding, then praising
We were tolerated, we were loved by teachers for so many years.

2. And now, even though it's too late, we thank you for everything,
If we are to blame for something, we will be forgiven, and we will forgive.

3. We go out into a huge world, what will it meet, what does it promise?
In my heart, in a secluded corner of the school, she will preserve her memory.

Final song.

1. The rain will drum on the roof
Winter will cover everything with snow.
May will come again, but not hear,
More of us from the lessons of the call.
Into our sad faces
Tramp - the wind will sigh from the window.
How could this have happened?
11 years flew by when?

And this childhood is the last day
So dear every moment and glance,
And there is no way, unfortunately, back, back,
Today is our farewell evening
We are a little bit sad now.
Let's say to each other "Goodbye, good hour!"

2. Childhood flew away like a moth
To us, flapping a transparent wing
We wanted to become adults so much
But sometime not soon, then.
Like drops, in a minute, a minute
Time rushes us farther and farther ahead.
And more than once we will remember childhood, as if
Bright butterfly easy flight.

Interesting option in the style of Harry Potter

Here is another great event with fairy-tale characters, where graduates are the protagonists. I took the script from the site http: // open class.rf. Contains many songs dedicated to teachers.

The course of action:

The music of John Williams - Chamber of Secrets Prologue is played.

Harry, Ron and Hermione come out.

Harry. Well, Ron, Hermione, so we almost finished the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is called GOU School # 297 among Muggles.

Ron. She stands on Diagon Alley, which among Muggles is again called the 1st Botanical Passage.

Hermione... Now we can do almost everything: we have mastered the art of levitation, we can protect ourselves from dark forces. Well, spells are generally my strong point.

Harry Potter grabs the scar on his head.

Hermione. Harry, Harry, what happened?

Harry groans.

Ron. See what kind of stone is it?

Harry... There are inscriptions on it ... If you go to “A”, you will get into the army.

Hermione. If you go to "B", you won't get to the institute.

Ron... If you go to "S", you will leave with a sore head. Unified State Exam ...

Hermione. And who is the exam?

Ron. Probably, this is a fire-breathing dragon - a tailhorn.

Harry... I understood everything, that's why the scar hurt ... The Unified State Exam was sent to us by the Black Lord - Voldemort.

Hermione. This is not a problem, now I will remove this stone. Imperius. (The stone is in place.)

Ron. Cruceatus. (The stone is in place.)

Harry. Patronus.

Sounds of the underworld.

Voice behind the scene (Voldemort). The magic wand won't help here. You must answer the questions of my exam. Otherwise ... all the graduates of the Gryffindor faculty will turn into goblins and flee into the twilight forest.

Harry holds onto the scar.

Hermione... Don't be afraid Harry. Together we will overcome everything.

Gwen Stefani Compilation - Wind It Up

Part "A". I am part A. You must choose one correct answer.

With a tail, but not a Phoenix.
With a bell, but not a Scabbard rat.
With spurs, but not Buckbeak.
With a medal, but not a winner of the Quidditch game.

Answer options:

  1. Uncle Vernon.
  2. Keeper of the keys Rubeus Hagrid.
  3. Aunt Petunia.
  4. Graduates.

Harry... Wow.

In chorus. The fourth answer is graduates.

Part "A". Right. Go to part "B"

Britney Spears Compilation - Piece of me.

Part “B”. You must accurately answer the question: "To which order do the following commandments belong?"

  • The further you sit down, the more you write off.
  • No one has died of knowledge yet, but you shouldn't risk it.
  • The bad habit of being late for the first lesson breeds a good one - good sleep.
  • A tough character can be compensated for by mild behavior.

Ron. I know this is the Mamburu Order. Cheerful and positive guys.

Group "Nogu Svelo" - Haru-Mamburu. Dance, part “B” goes away with them.

Sounds of the underworld.

Ron. I'm shocked.

Hermione. Don't drift boys. We can't do it alone, of course. We urgently need the help of the masters of magic, their magical energy and knowledge.

Harry. Onward to Hogwarts.

To the tune of the song by E. Terleeva - Take the sun with you.

No traffic lights, through the intersection
The school is standing still, and it seems - everything is simple!
To step over, to glean knowledge luggage.
We remember the teachers today.
You are not better! We know that for sure!
Together we walked along a difficult path.

You are our sun at school
And the source of knowledge,
Charm of the sea.
Our ultimate dream.
Let's take as a keepsake
Humor and smiles.
Let's keep you in my heart
Let's fix all the errors.


Cut "Aria of the Star" from the musical "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta".

Harry. And here are our masters: Master of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Writing Pen.

Master 1. I am your freedom, I am your star. On the lips of hot, clean water.

Master 2... Whatever happens, call me. I will be with you in broad daylight.

Master 1. I am your luck.

Master 2. I am your destiny (with surprise).

Master 1. All that you have time in life is me.

Master 2. It's me.

Together(hug, swing)... I shine for you because of the gray clouds, Do not lose sight of my running beam ( freeze with inspiration).


Students... Professor Trelawney! Professor Trelawney! Oh please.

Teacher. And do not persuade! You never have enough time to get ready for work, but there is always time to rewrite it!

1 student. Well, professor, we love your subject so much - “Mathematical fortune telling on coffee grounds”!

2 student... Last time!

Teacher. You are already 10 times rewriting this diagnostic work on the exam! Enough of you! And where can I get this much coffee?

1 student. Well, how is it enough? How much is enough? The first time I guessed 1 task, the second time I answered 2 tasks, on the fourth attempt I solved 4 tasks! And there is something to strive for, because seven tasks are a score of three.

2 student. It's addictive!

2 student. I have never experienced such a craving for coffee grounds. Your subject is a drug for me!

Song to the tune of Dj slon and Angel - Dzhimmi, Dzhimmi.

The night is followed by a quickly lived day
The stars are spinning in the dark merry-go-round.
I take the integrals, I'm not too lazy!
Derivatives know now!
And my heart hurts so much, and there is no more coffee!
And in the head of the exam, I will send him greetings!
Perhaps I will decide everything, or maybe this is a dream.
I love mathematics - such is the movie.
Jimmy, Jimmy, aha, aha, aha, aha.


Inspired by Celine Dion - My heart will go on.

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
Everyday English go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
In life, he will also come in handy.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
And I will always be.
Repeat present pefect
From morning till morning.


The melody from the film "An Ordinary Miracle", an introduction is playing.

Ron... A question for quick wits. What connects physics and chemistry?

Harry. Real magic! Do you remember how Professor Chemius-Snack taught us the art of making potions.

Ron. We learned to brew fame! We were preparing a circulating potion.

Harry. Oh, experiences! We have seen miracles with our own eyes!

Ron. And then we learned to see these miracles around us . Do you remember how interesting the lessons were with us.

Music sounds louder... The teacher comes onstage with a flask, in a white coat.

(4 girls, 2 guys, Harry and Ron join the ranks of the guys, girls on one side of the teacher, boys on the other).

Teacher... So. Checking homework. Neville Longbottom will go to the board. Neville steps forward, his legs trembling.

Teacher... Neville, how can you get gasoline?

Neville... With a magic wand.

Teacher... You are welcome ... Places the flask on the floor.

Neville... Ingardium Leviosa.

Explosion sound . One of the girls replaces the flask with a soft toy.

Teacher... Yes, to you gasoline, Neville ... as to the moon. Start over. Periodic table of elements

The explanation continues, as in a movie with the sound turned off, the children nod their heads to the beat.

A melody from the movie "An Ordinary Miracle" sounds, fast.

Harry... So, from lesson to lesson, patiently and persistently ...

Ron... Our beloved Name and patronymic, led us to the idea that ...

Hermione... That chemistry will have to fall in love.


Harry... Introducing the Master of Economics-Geographicus.

Cutoff. Shakira - Bamboo

2 times only music.

Geography, geography,
Economics, Economics.
Oceans-s, Oceans-s,
And mother-and-ki, and mother-and-ki

Name- ahh, Name-aaa
Light Surname, light Surname.

Geography, geography,
Economy, economics.
We loved you, we loved you,
Our master is the highest class.

Physical Education

Hermione... Our masters: Madame Hook - flying on a broomstick, Madame Sharp Eye - coach in the game of Quiditch.

Romance of the Tortoise Turtle.

Childhood was overwhelmed with mud.
One must think forever.
And I was like Harry Potter, I was once young.
I have a sports suit then
It was very much even to the face.
The snitch flew right into my hand
And he didn't hit in the face.
“Only will be forever young,
Who taught everyone to win.
Physical education is not work.
Physical education is a passion. "

Cut from the cartoon "Bluebeard".

But: iron nerves, healthy kidneys,
Gymnastics, yoga, jogging.
And so every day, to the handle, to the point,
And so on end to end.

Loss to the tune of John Paul Young - Love is in the air.

The elf washes the floor. Harry and the elf collide with their backs. Harry screams.

Harry. Uh ... Hello! Nimbus -2019 - cool!

Dobby. Harry Potter! Long time ago I dreamed of meeting you. Such a great honor ...

Harry... Spa ... thanks. Who you are?

Dobby. Dobby, sir. Just Dobby. Dobby is a school elf.

Harry. Why haven't I seen you at Hogwarts before?

Dobby. You often don't notice the good. We try to do our job efficiently and discreetly.

Harry. We…

Dobby... We, elves, are many ... We live in the hearts of nannies, security guards, nurses, accountants, secretaries, librarians and, of course, cooks.

Harry... Wow and not a fig for yourself!

Dobby... Bad Dobby! To pinch my ears with the oven door! Revealed the secret! Dobby do-must punish herself (bangs her head against the wall.)

Harry... Relax. I am a graduate. This secret will leave school with me.

On the motive of the song Verka Serduchka - “Everything will be harasho”.

Dobby sings.

If we have cosiness and beauty in our school.
We'll be honest: it's just us!
Always positive - externally and internally,
And any trouble is not terrible for us.

And at school ... Good! Everything will be fine!
Everything will be fine, we know it, we know it!
Good! Everything will be fine!
The director completely trusts us, but checks ...


To the melody of Lyapis Trubetskoy “AU-AU-AU. I’ll find you anyway. ”

If you don't come to my lessons,
I'll follow you as a spy,

All the same, you are mine, doo-doo-doo.
If you come to me with a war.
I'll resolve it very quickly.
At least hide, at least do not hide -
All the same, you are mine, doo-doo-doo.

I'll find you all anyway,
Ay-ay-ay, ay-gay!

2. If you go to the movies instead of lessons,
I'll buy a ticket in the front row.
Like the Germans in '45, don't even hope
I'll kill everyone.
If you become the Entente,
I will find the Triple Alliance on you.
Hide, don't hide
All the same, you are mine, doo-doo-doo.

You are the soldiers, I am the war
You are the game, I am the finale.
You are unemployment, I am a labor worker!
You are Italy, I am Madrid.
You are a socialist, I am a social package.
You are flowers, and I am a bouquet.
You are the defendants and I am the lawyer
I am in class and you are in the clouds.

I love you all anyway.
Ay-ay-ay, ay-gay!


Paul Mauriat, screensaver from the program "In the world of animals". Students run out.

Apprentice 1... Where is our Professor McGonagall?

Student 2. So you saw her! She's a catwoman.

Apprentice 3... Well no. The theme of her project: “Study the limb ”, probably works with magical creatures, so it lingers.

Apprentice 1... Well, what, guys? Let's relax?

Everything... OK.

Student 2. Anamora.

Everybody turns into monkeys.

Dance of the monkeys to the theme of the remix from the movie “Bingo-Bongo”.

The teacher appears.

Teacher. Meow. It is not in my principles to apply transfiguration as a punishment, but ... Expellarmus.

Cartoon melody sounds "Catdog."

The guys squat on opposite sides, dance.

Cutoff Pink - Trouble.

Call. 2 girls on the chair, the rest in the back.

The teacher. So, today in the lesson we are studying information signs that allow you to travel safely through the Duskwood. Draco Malfoy, to the board.

Draco is a troll.

The teacher. What is this sign?

Everything. Watch out, troll!

1 Boy. Madam Securities, what about the hydrants?

The teacher. Everyone looked at me with kind, attentive eyes.

On the motive of D. Bilan - Impossible is possible.

We know exactly the Pythagorean theorem,
“War and Peace” four volumes are familiar to us.
Newton's laws in a dream come at night,
And we know exactly what crossing over is.

Everything. We go to OBZH, always like the first time. Let's try now to use our chance.

Anton. To put out the fires and take possession of the hydrant.

Everything. Anton, you better get away, you can't sing!

So this is what we talked about before Anton
They were not familiar with fire extinguishers before.
We want to take possession of the "sleeves" today,
And get acquainted with fire shields!

Administration and Director

Cutout Muse - Supermassive Black Hole

Ron. There is a Chamber of Secrets on the 4th floor of Hogwarts. A secret that is known to everyone. It contains keys and magic grade books.

Hermione. You can get into it only by saying the password "Kaput Draconis".

Ron... Sometimes all the masters gather in the secret room, and around the round table they nervously invent a new spell of torpor for too fast students. But if that doesn't work ...

Hermione. We also have special masters. It's better to be friends with them. Otherwise, you will become a prisoner of Azkaban.

Ron. The most important, wisest master in the school is Professor Dumbledore.

Harry. We call him simply - our director.

Harry. Well, we remembered all the masters of magic at the Hogwarts school. And what to do with part "C" is still unclear?

Hermione. Harry, does your scar still hurt?

Harry. No, as soon as we got to Hogwarts, the pain went away. I feel strong and confident.

Hermione. And I have the same feeling.

Ron (slowly). Guys! I seem to get it. Our masters have been giving us their knowledge and love for 11 years. And we can get through part "C" only by returning at least a small part of this love.

Hermione. Exactly, and how simple it is.

Crying and John Williams - Chamber of Secrets - Fawkes Is Reborn.

Voldemort. You have already done this. Completed Part C. Friendship and love won as always! And with you, Harry, I will meet again.

Everything. Hooray!

Harry solemnly demolishes the stone, Ron and Hermione dance the waltz. Leave.

The ceremony of awarding graduates is in progress.

Modern last bell in Oscar style

In this event, the award is given to teachers, and it can be statuettes, and some kind of mementos or emerald nuts (as per the scenario). You can also reward the graduates themselves. Approximate option, read. But I liked the fact that there are many dedications to teachers and parents. I think it will come in handy.

Material taken from the site

The course of action:

Ved .: Good morning, dear friends!

Ved .: Good spring morning!

Ved .:

May early morning
Warmed by the splashes of the sun.
Greens bright curls
They are dressed with beads of light.

Ved .:

Poplar fluff flies -
A sign of coming summer.
May 25,
Day of joys and sorrows
Day of parting with childhood.

Ved .:

Remember September 1st
We met the kids at the door.
Well, it's time to say goodbye today
With those who have grown up, goes on the road.

Ved .:

To you, who steps through the threshold today,
To you, to whom life opens open spaces,
We dedicate the last call
The old school says goodbye to you!

Grandfathers, grandmothers, dads and moms,
Teachers and students!
Meet the culprits of our holiday:
Favorite graduates are coming!

Solemn music sounds, graduation classes come out.

Ved .: 11-A class. The class teacher is Kuklina Natalya Pavlovna.

Ved .: 11-B grade. Class teacher Novitskaya Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

Ved .: 11-B class. Class teacher Irina Vasilievna Unichenko.

Graduates are seated in their places.

Ved .:

Knocking on the windows early in the morning
We will not rush the call.
After all, this cannot happen
To forget school years.

Ved .: Hello dear graduates! Exactly 10 years have passed since the moment when you first crossed the threshold of the school. And today we are taking you to the high road of life. Our school ladder, along which you walked hand in hand with your teachers and parents, will end as soon as your farewell bell rings.

Ved .:

You studied at this school
Ten best years of life
But quickly those years passed
And there is no going back to the past.

Ved .:

Today is a holiday at our school,
But this is a sad day for us.
Our dear eleventh graders
They came to the lesson for the last time.

Background on the words of the director.

Ved .: On behalf of those who helped you go through the ten-year school path, who constantly thought about you, experienced all your joys and sorrows with you, rejoiced at your victories, was upset at your defeats, the director addresses you on behalf of the school teachers.

Ved .: The floor is given to the director of the school, Yuri Alekseevich Kudryavtsev.

The floor is given to the director.

Ved .: The wonderful school time is over. You have exams ahead. Time passes inexorably, counting down seconds, minutes, hours, months, years ... It seems that it was a very long time ago, when you timidly and hesitantly entered the first grade. Then everything was for the first time for you: the first teacher, the first word read, the first bell, the first joys and sorrows.

Ved .: You made the first discoveries on this planet with a person who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher. People remember their first teacher all their lives, remember him with gratitude.

Ved .: Ten years ago, dear graduates, your first teachers met and took you to your first lesson: Gracheva Larisa Aleksandrovna, Beketova Natalya Leonovna, Sevostyanova Lidia Aleksandrovna, Moiseeva Valentina Mikhailovna.


We remember that funny call
That rang out to us for the first time
When they entered the school with flowers,
To my very best first grade.

As the teacher met at the door,
We are a faithful friend for many days
And the noisy family is big
Girlfriends new and friends.

Sitting down at the desk carefully
To school uniform
Do not crumple
We opened our alphabets,
They opened a clean notebook.
The first lesson, the joy of the first discoveries,
First success, blue dream -
All this is given to us by the first teacher,
We remember his severity, kindness.

Ved .: The floor is given to the first teachers of graduates.

Graduates: Low bow to you, our dear first teachers!

They give flowers to primary school teachers.

Ved .: Elementary School. This is all in the past. And today the last school bell will ring for you. You will look back with sadness at the past years, which gave you a lot of good things, made you smarter, better.

Ved .:

We can touch the past here,
We can see miracles here:
Stop and look back
And look childhood in the eye.

Ved .: Guests from childhood - first graders came to greet the graduates!

The first graders enter to the melody of the song “What do they teach in school”.
(poems by first graders)

Ved .: Dear Guys! Today you say goodbye to the school, but we remain in it - its present and future. Be sure that we will continue to implement all school traditions. Within the walls of our school, joyful children's laughter will always sound, an atmosphere of love, creativity and constant search, an atmosphere of unity between a student and a teacher will reign. And according to a good tradition, first-graders and graduates exchange memorable gifts.

Gifts are being exchanged.

Ved .:

Last quarter, spring quarter ...
A crayon freezes in his hand.
We draw diligently on the blackboard
Parabolas of our hopes and concerns.
Last quarter,
Spring quarter ...
Thank you teacher
For entering the classroom at dawn,
You stayed in our hearts and in our destiny.

Ved .: Time passed. From elementary school, you, today's graduates, went to a high school with many classrooms and a huge number of teachers. How easy it was to get lost in this noisy school sea if you were not met and supported by the caring hands of your class teachers.

Drama dedicated to homeroom teachers.

Performed by boys.
- Dear Sirs! I have invited you to deliver the most pleasant news: today is the last call!
- Hooray!
- What hurray? We have been instructed to congratulate our class teachers on this significant date!
- What other date? And why congratulate?
- Since May 25, dear gentlemen! Happy day to get rid of us as soon as possible. Clear?
- Can anyone explain to me why class teachers are needed in grades 10 and 11?
- What do you mean why? (tenderly) Who will wake you up at dawn and inform you in a gentle voice ...
- That the first lesson had already begun fifteen minutes ago and that by the third lesson he would be at school like a bayonet!
- And when you run away from the test, who will catch you on the last step, who will gently take you under your white little hands and, putting you at your desk, will unobtrusively remember.
“That this is your twenty-fifth truancy this week.
- And that for every truancy you have to answer!
- Who, finally, having called your home in the evening, will sing a lullaby to your parents about ...
- That all teachers are just eager to meet them
- For a conversation about your behavior and academic performance!
- They say that the class is like its homeroom teacher.
- Oh, it means that we are as smart, elegant, sophisticated, well-mannered as our Natalya Pavlovna,
Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Irina Vasilievna.
- What can I say, we were just lucky that by order of the school director ...
- Or just by fate, wise mentors and older friends were appointed to us
- Our homeroom teachers! (together)

To the melody "Call me, call!" a song is performed to the leaders. One of the students simulates a telephone conversation.


Hello! Hello. Mom? Who is asking her? Classroom teacher? Mom is not at home!

All together they sing:

All parents are called and scolded constantly.
It's unpleasant, but ... it helps, oddly enough!
We will never forget your life lessons,
And even though the school is outside, and even though the school is outside,
Call us sometimes!
Call us, call!
They broke firewood at school, violated discipline,
We walked with a guilty head, you forgave your children.
We need your wisdom, our mentor and teacher,
Forgive us for insults, forgive us for insults,
Call us sometimes!
Call us, call!
We know that in your fate we mean a lot now,
We are grateful to you for everything and we secretly hide a tear.
We will remember you forever, our cool teacher!
Our most important teacher, our most important teacher!
Call us sometimes!
Call us, call!

- So, what should a real gentleman do when he receives the task to congratulate beautiful women?

Flowers are pulled out from under the jackets.
The girls take out candy and notebooks.

- Our dear class teachers! Your life with us was not always sweet and sometimes did not seem like honey to you. But we know that in the depths of your soul you are very sorry to part with us.

“Therefore, we decided to sweeten the bitter minutes of farewell to your eleventh grades, and in these notebooks we leave you our phone numbers so that you can call us… at least sometimes.

(presentation of flowers to class teachers)

Ved .: The floor is given to the class teachers of the graduates.

Ved .: All the years you studied and suffered with you and your parents.

Ved .: It was they who raised you to school in the morning and handed you a notebook with problems that they solved for you at night.

Ved .: It was they who whitewashed the crumbling school ceilings and painted the desks covered with careless children.

Ved .: It was they who blushed for you in front of the teachers when you ran away from lessons or received deuces.

Ved .: They are proudly looking at you today and are glad that you were able to withstand all the tests of school life.

Ved .:

Mom is the best word
Mom is the best name
Mom - I repeat again,
Life and peace in the name.

Ved .:

Mom is the earthly sun,
Mom is the light in the middle of the night
Mom is great happiness
All sons and daughters.

Music "Love Story"


My daughter has never been so happy.
Everything on her is beautiful, okay, black-browed and white.
My daughter is a graduate, I look with excitement,
How her eyelashes tremble ... So I enter her school.
I carry a huge bouquet to my dear girl,
I recognize her in the crowd, I wave my hand from a distance.
Don't worry, I'm with you, like all these ten years.
I haven't been so young for a long time, no.
And today is this holiday, and where did the years go?
But not tears - the rain-prankster suddenly went. This is water.


Mom, school is over, and there is no need to learn lessons.
My God, how many nerves are ruined ...
How glad I am, Mom! Are you glad?
Why are you crying, my dear, did you bite your lips obstinately?
Smile, because school is over
Well, laugh, dear mom!
Ten years more than one instant, they walked both crookedly and straight.
Ten years of your patience, fear, tears and doubts, mom.
I know you are very happy and you admire your sweet daughter.
Why is autumn in your eyes, do you cover your face with a handkerchief?
Maybe she remembered me as a little girl, felt her palm in her hand?
As she whispered: scarlet flower, do not shawl in the classroom, baby.
Listen, child, strict teachers, do not draw on your notebooks!
And she met me at the door, kept my portfolio in order.
And now your daughter has grown up, but tears are running stubbornly ...
Well, school is over. Dot.
Congratulations, mom! This is me - your daughter!


Dear mothers, we love you very much. We wish you happiness.
And we give these flowers to all the mothers sitting in the hall. (giving flowers to parents)

Graduates: Thank you, our mums and dads, for your love, help and support.

Ved .: The floor is given to the parents of graduates.

Fanfare sounds.

Ved .: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Ved .: Ladies and gentlemen!

Ved .: Dear friends!

Ved .: An unusual ceremony awaits you today

Ved .: The opening ceremony of the stars of the school sky

Ved .: Today, a new constellation of graduates will light up in the school horizon.

Ved .: We will call it “Graduate - 2019 ″.

Ved .: For eleven years they flashed with bright sparks in the classroom.

Ved .: Shone at the Olympiads,

Ved .: They sparkled at school evenings.

Ved .: Burned in gold and silver on sports pedestals,

Ved .: Now they will shine in big life!

Ved .: Each star is unique!
Ved .: The right to light the stars in the constellation "Graduate - 2019" is given to class teachers.

Awarding graduates with stars.

Ved .: So the constellation lit up in our school sky.

Ved .: It seems to me that it lacks the most important, guiding stars. These are, of course, your homeroom teachers. The right to present stars to class teachers is given to F.I.

Ved .:

What is happiness? It’s very simple.
This is when people light the stars.
May it always accompany your life,
Warming souls, happy destiny.

Ved .: For you, dear friends, a gift from a 10th grade student Victoria Beketova (dance).

Ved .: Three girls under the window were talking in the evening.

Cl. Hands:

I got the letter "A".
Well, guys - anywhere!

Kl.ruk .:

Well, for me the letter "B".
All are on their heads!

Kl.ruk .:

I got the letter "B".
They grew up with us -
Not guys, just ... (all together) great!

Ved .:

They only managed to utter
The doors creaked softly (creak)
And then they appeared ...

Graduates stand up and bow.

Ved .:

He, you are guests, gentlemen,
How long have you traveled? Where?
Is it okay at sea or is it bad?
And what a miracle in the world?


Over the past ten years
We have traveled all over the world.
Living across the sea is not bad.
There is a miracle in the world.


An island on the sea lies
There is a city on the island.
The tree of knowledge grows there.


And the fruits are not simple -
All sciences are tricky
Items are pure emerald,
Schoolchildren gnaw them all.


We will show you emeralds
And we'll tell you about each one.

The student takes out from the box one of the shiny stones prepared in advance.


Here's the first little nut
But the most, the strongest,
We gnawed it for many years,
Yes, not alone
And with the first teachers.

(to the tune of the song "Vernissage")
When we came to first grade,
You met us at the door,
And we gave you flowers.
We timidly followed you to class,
But you cheered us on
The lordship was instilled in us with a smile.
As for salvation we went to you,
And only we were looking for you,
But the years passed quickly.
We haven't forgotten first class
You are still in our souls,
We would like to start over.
Ah, first class, ah first class.
It was so difficult for us
We learned to read, write,
And also glue, cut.
Thank you, thank you,
For being a mother to us.
And we want to wish you
So that you teach everyone to be "five".

Graduate: Emerald nuts are awarded to the first teachers.


The second nut is the biggest
And a considerable fortress,
Gnawing at it is the most difficult thing, perhaps.
Among the sciences is the queen.
Special honor to her,
We want to bow
To those who teach it.

(to the tune "Black Boomer" (Serega) song to the teacher of mathematics)

You led us on a difficult road between theorems
at times the topic seemed boring, with many problems.
But I could understand the beauty of exact science!
I want to say thank you for your knowledge for a long time.
Thank you for the praise and guidance,
But we will have to part, unfortunately.
I will try to justify your expectations
And on the exam I will get a "5" grade!

My dear mathematics, how I love you!
And today in this hall I sing only about you:
Equations are like poems, the integral will keep the spirit alive
Logarithms are like songs, formulas caress the ear!

Graduate: Emerald nuts are awarded to teachers of mathematics: Kuklina Natalya Pavlovna, Novitskaya Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Shevchuk Galina Klementyevna.

Scene for teachers of Russian language and literature.

1. And what kind of books do you have?
2. This is a complete collection of my school essays. Here you are, "Pechorin - a hero of our time", "Tatiana - the ideal of Pushkin", "Why Gerasim drowned Mumu."

1. Well, I destroyed it a long time ago! Burned mercilessly.
2. In vain! But I’m going to study a little and rework it into a novel! In a large, so to speak, a historical canvas. So to speak, an encyclopedia of our school life.

1. And who are the main characters?
2. Our favorite teachers of the Russian language and literature: Natalia Fedorovna, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Olga Rimovna.

On the motive "Blue Bird"
We read such books,
What you don't really read
They took such spelling,
Which is not really something you can take.
We answered this way at the exam,
Which is not easy at all to answer.
We were catching up with you every day,
But they could not catch up in any way.
We know that in reality
It is very difficult to gnaw Russian.
In the last, sometimes, week
Makes life work.
They say that there is no strength left
That you will never pass the exam ...
Only we state directly:
This is complete nonsense!

Graduates: Dear teachers of the Russian language and literature, please accept these modest souvenirs from us.

Scene for teachers of geography.

1. You know, I'm so glad I learned to navigate with the compass!
2. Well, where can it be useful to you? There are signs on the streets, as a last resort, you can ask passers-by for directions.
1. But imagine, I will come to some country, for example, to Zaire.
2. How far and scary! How not to stay there!
1. And I'm in Russia, I want to go home! This is where the compass comes in! I take it, look at the arrow and - strictly to the north, straight home.
2. Through the mountains, through the distances!

Graduates: Yes, thanks to our Irina Viktorovna, she explained the way home to us well!

They sing to the tune "Songs of the Bremen Town Musicians"
There is nothing better in the world,
Than to travel around the world.
Around Paris, Rome and Jakarta
We can travel on the map,
We can travel on the map.
We will remember the geography,
After all, people need this science.
We are not afraid of mountains and rapids,
Any roads to us are not afraid,
Any roads to us are not afraid.

Graduates: We present this emerald nut to the geography teacher Irina Viktorovna Zholudeva.

Scene for teachers of computer science.


Man is tired of thinking -
The age of computers has arrived.
They opened a class at school
Computer science for us.


We looked around
Row of computers
And we had to work
In the mornings and evenings.


But beloved teacher
I made a miracle
To work on the computer
She taught us all!
Aviators' march (for a computer science teacher)

We were born to make a fairy tale come true
Overcome ignorance a shame,
Russia to give computers omnipotence,
Introduce her to the creative space.

Higher and higher and higher
We want, taking off, not to fall,
And let our computer even breathe,
Japan needs to catch up.

The Internet will always help us now,
You can download an abstract from there,
And if we make an effort
That's interesting to write a report.

Now we are all without the Internet,
As if without your own hands,
And with him studying subjects
It goes without much pain.

Graduates: Dear Elena Voldemarovna, we present you with this emerald as a symbol of the unity of the real and virtual worlds.

Sketch for English teachers.

Graduates: Petya, how many languages ​​do you know?

Graduates: Four: Russian, Pascal, C ++, Delphi.

Graduates: Well no! What language would you speak in England?

Graduates: Of course, in the language of facial expressions and gestures.

Graduates: Why did you learn English at school then?

Graduates: Well, to read Shakespeare in the original!

Graduates: And what did you read?

Graduates: No, I have no time!

Graduates: Do I know why I learned English? To be richer!
Graduates: Ah, of course, like, be there a diplomat or find a foreign groom

Graduates: Well no. You know, there is such wisdom that the more a person knows languages, the richer he is!

Graduates: Well, yes, it means that Svetlana Leonidovna specifically enriches us in English lessons!

Song to the tune of Cheburashka.

1 she came unexpectedly - with an elegant figure
A little incomprehensible, for each of us
Gone are our worries without exaggeration
Eleventh grade confesses your love
2. We were often reproached, we were scolded for deuces
Perhaps in English they conjured us up secretly
But we are tenacious people, it only makes it better
We slept the deepest sleep at night.
3.What was, it was gone and became a reality for us
Now we understand that we tried not in vain
Let the moments fly, without a doubt
We have become true friends for you.

Graduates: Dear Svetlana Leonidovna, allow me to present this souvenir to you as a sign of mutual enrichment.

Scene for a chemistry teacher.

1. So, everyone is a question of quick wits. What is the connection between English and chemistry?
2. I am ready to answer this question without preparation! We did our homework in chemistry in English!
1. Right! And how good it is that we were not asked to do experiments at home!
2. We would have done! We would mix!
2. Do you remember how it all began, how in the 7th grade we eagerly ran to chemistry lessons?
1. Still, Valentina Petrovna showed her experiments. And we saw with our own eyes a real miracle
2. And then we learned to see these miracles around us. And all this thanks to Valentina Petrovna and her assistant Nadezhda Yurievna.

Students sing a song to the theme of the song "Accidental Waltz".

The night is short, the clouds are sleeping
Only for some reason I can't sleep
The same table is in front of my eyes.
Run to school again tomorrow
Only, it seems, I will be in vain
Elements in the table to look for.
I am not familiar with the table at all
And I don't know where is iodine and where is bromine.
I can't find fluoride either,
A spur won't help either.
Lithium, potassium, astatine circling before our eyes,
Help, Mendeleev, to put them in a row.

Scene for a physics teacher.

1. Chemistry, of course, is an interesting science, but there is one science that every self-respecting modern young man should know. This is physics.

2. Well, you turned it down! Moreover, our grandparents were deciding whether to be physicists or lyricists.

1. Well, I decided this question for myself. I won't be a physicist! Painfully this is a responsible business!
2. But you still can't live without physics!

1. Well, yes, even a computer cannot be repaired without physics.
2. What a computer! You can't put in a light bulb!

1. Well, we will not be physicists, it's not scary. The main thing is to understand the essence of physical phenomena
2. But this is what Natalya Nikolaevna taught us!

Song based on the theme "Grenada"

We gained knowledge here in battles,
And the formulas just got stuck in my teeth
In your lessons, we suddenly realized
That physics is the science of sciences!
Archimedes did not know and Faraday did not know,
That these laws are difficult for children
But our class understood in your lessons:
It is impossible to live without physics now!

Graduates: We present this tough nut to the physics teacher Dudkina Natalya Nikolaevna.

Scene for the MHC teacher.

1. In the ministry, gentlemen
Amicably everyone decided
What without the art of children
Will die in this world.
2. Come on, give us the answer here:
Do you love art or not?
Go quickly to the museum,
Look at everything carefully!

1. Rather, everything for Opening Day!
Look at the portrait, look at the landscape
And admire endlessly
The art of every creator.
2. MHC teacher!
You smile at us a little,
Like Mona Lisa through the ages
Smiling at us for now.
You served art faithfully,
The world of beauty was opened to us.
And we want to say now:
We love you very much!

Song-alteration at the graduation ceremony for the MHC teacher to the tune "You know, it will still be!"

Graduates: you know it will still be!
We will draw such pictures,
And we still sculpt sculptures,
And we compose music!

And all this will be beautiful!
And it cannot be otherwise,
After all, we now know how it should be,
You taught us this.

And there will be classicism with romanticism,
Rococo will be baroque,
You have not seen this before,
And you will be proud of us!

And tell our children
That we were the best
And, of course, they studied well,
And, simply, we are all talents!

MHC is a delight for us!
Once a week, and disappeared,
But you can't learn beautiful things -
It's not good either,
The certificate is ahead - do you understand?

Graduates: Dear Svetlana Viktorovna! Accept this beautiful emerald as a part of the world's artistic culture as a gift from us.

Scene for a physical education teacher.

1. Guys, do not forget that besides spiritual beauty, there is also bodily beauty!
2. Our beloved Svetlana Borisovna has always taken care of her.
3. And about health too!
1. And many thanks to her for that!

Song to the motive "Gymnastics" by Vysotsky

If you sleep sweetly in the morning,
And it's time to go to study
Don't frown in confusion!
Physical education will help you -
Maybe this and that can,
Will be your guarantee of a successful day!
Hands up, wide open the windows -
Well this is just incomparable
Run, jump and bounce around the room!
Yes, besides, physical education
Slender will make the figure.
You, friends, always remember this!

Graduates: Dear Svetlana Borisovna! Accept this emerald nut as a symbol of physical and spiritual unity.

Scene for a biology teacher.

1. Julia, tell me honestly, were you a young student?
2. Oh, who was not a youth in his youth?

1. Can you imagine there are people who remain youngsters for the rest of their lives!
2. What's wrong with that? How can you not love fauna and flora?
1. No, with our Nikolai Fedorovich, we will also remain youngsters for the rest of our lives. Because it was he who showed us how fragile and beautiful this world is. The world of wildlife!

Song to the tune "Camomiles Hid"

Stamens-pistils, chamomile-buttercups
We carried it to you in notebooks again and again.
You love your profession very much,
And the love you share.
Invertebrates and vertebrates
We taught classes as best we could.
And a class of omniscient mammals
I have not forgotten about biology.

Graduates: Dear Nikolai Fedorovich! We present you with this emerald nut as a symbol of the science that we have comprehended together with you.

Scene for a history teacher.

1. Yes, it turned out so interesting at school. In biology, he fully realized himself as a mammal.
2. And then you come to a history lesson and solve global historical problems. And you already realize yourself as the creator of history!
1. And how many fascinating stories Maria Vasilievna and Irina Vasilievna told us in the classroom!
2. And all these stories have developed into a big history - the History of the Fatherland and the History of Mankind.

Song to the tune "Weather at home"

What forecast do we have in the world today?
Who became president this year?
And why all of Asia with Europe
Does the United States follow the lead?

And everything else is vanity.

She will always explain to us. (2 times).
What's the forecast? War or reform
Are we expected next year?
And even though I finish school here,
But I'll come again for the forecast.
Most importantly, the historian at school,
And everything else is vanity.
And in the world everything that happens
Will disappear in the past without a trace. (2 times).

Graduates: Dear Irina Vasilievna and Maria Vasilievna, allow me to present you with small souvenirs.

Words of gratitude to the director, head teachers.

1. For ten years our school ship sailed to this solemn moment and our director Kudryavtsev Yuri Alekseevich was invariably at the helm.

2. With a firm hand, he guided our ship forward. All these years we have been in the same team, and today, leaving school, we wish the director:

To the melody "Your Honor, Lady Luck"

Your Honor, Mr. Director,
The school economy is a very important sector.
It's easier for children to prove a theorem,
Than for the school to get paint somewhere.
I would like to sincerely wish you good luck,
So that you solve all tasks in life,
To make it more fun at work
So that everything is okay in personal life.

(handing flowers to the director)

Graduates: It’s interesting, if we continue the analogy “school-ship, director-captain”, then who will the head teachers be?

Graduates: How by whom? Of course, navigators, who plot the ship's course according to the most modern methodological maps.

Graduates: And they are very knowledgeable, hardworking and responsible navigators. They come to school before everyone else. And they leave later than everyone else.

Graduates: No one can hide or hide from them, because they are responsible for everything: for discipline, for lessons and for each of us!

Song to the tune "Our service is both dangerous and difficult"

The service of deputies of all is dangerous and difficult
And at first glance, it does not seem to be visible.
If someone here and there we sometimes
Skips school
So you need to fight an invisible battle,
So destined for you always -
The service forces!

Graduates: Speaking about school, about teachers, today we cannot but thank those people without whom the school would not exist.

Poems about other school workers.

Big bow to wonderful people,
Which are always in the shade.
We will remember them for a long time
Because they are kind.

For being politely greeted
We are in the wardrobe and in the foyer,
They washed behind us, washed the dust,
We thank you twice.

In school museums and in the first-aid post,
And in the secretary's room
Friendly people
They didn't work for us in vain.

For the fact that we were fed deliciously,
They gave us books to read,
We are sad to part with them
After all, you worked "for five".

Forgive us for offended
Sometimes we say you with a harsh word,
All that you gave us in life,
Will remain in our hearts.

Ved .: An ancient, beautiful tradition -
The student gives you flowers.
At this moment your faces brighten
At this moment you realize:
Your labor was, of course, not in vain,
And sometimes it was hard for you,
But how wonderful it is -
Give yourself to your students!

(handing flowers to teachers)

Graduates sing a song to the theme of the song "Blue Carriage".

The years of childhood quickly run away into the distance
Don't expect them to return.
The years that have flown away, of course, it's a pity
But they will be no worse ahead.
Tablecloth, tablecloth
A long way creeps
The unique years are behind us.
To everyone, everyone
Good things are believed
The best is yet to come!
Slowly the lessons float away
You don't expect to meet them anymore.
And although we are a little sorry for the past,
The Institute is, of course, ahead!
Tablecloth, tablecloth
The past spreads
And rests right into the sky.
To everyone, everyone
I believe in the best
"All dreams will come true" - everyone is convinced.
Dzin-dzin-dzin - the bell rings, says goodbye,
The school train is picking up speed.
Oh, what a pity this day ends
Let it last a whole year!
Tablecloth, tablecloth
A long way creeps
The unique years are behind us.
To everyone, everyone
Good things are believed
The best is yet to come!

Graduates: Dear teachers! We never issued orders and gave practically nothing to anyone. Only diaries for parents to sign.

Graduates: Allow me to break this tradition on this solemn day. So, Order No. 1 of May 25, 2019 for secondary school No. 9. For courage, valor, heroism, perseverance and perseverance in eleven years of work to issue school teachers who worked in the final grades, certificates of successful completion of activities in especially dangerous conditions.

Graduates: Yes, you have to be able to withstand us for 11 years! Therefore, we indicated in the certificate a list of specialties in which you, dear teachers, will be able to work if you suddenly decide to leave the pedagogical field without much effort. This is a firefighter, investigator, inspector, rescuer, stuntman, nanny.

Graduates: Order number 2. In connection with the successful graduation from school and in order to present the school with a valuable gift, play with the director in the black box!

Graduates: Make a box! (a black box is brought in to the music) Dear Yuri Alekseevich! We take an example from the famous Yakubovich and want to offer you all our diaries as a gift.

Graduates: This, of course, is a joke gift, in memory of our release, we want to give you this symbolic tree, on it are the very emerald nuts that we gnawed together with you, dear teachers!

Ved .: Today's holiday is coming to an end. But before the last bell rings, according to the established tradition, graduates must take an oath of allegiance to their native school.

Ved .: Attention! 2019 graduates! I ask everyone to stand up! The right to read the oath of allegiance to his native school is given to the contender for the silver medal Kudlai Artyom.

Oath of graduates.

We, graduates of 2019, secondary school No. 9 in Elizovo, solemnly swear:
- Be faithful to your school. We swear!
- Don't forget your teachers and classmates. We swear!
- To achieve success in life so that our native school can be proud of us.
We swear! We swear! We swear!

Ved .: So the most solemn moment of our holiday has come. The last bell will ring for you now.

Ved .: The right to give the last call is given to applicants for medals: F.I.

Graduates: The wind throws bird cherries at our windows - stars,
Fluffy clusters breathe love of lilacs.
The soul freezes from the expectation of happiness.
Music in the hall floats in a quiet wave.

Graduates: Tomorrow wide doors will open in youth.
Life will test our truth and faith in practice.
Well, today we sing to the sound of a guitar,
And couples whirl to a simple melody.

Ved .: Our first waltz
Farewell waltz
We've been waiting for you ...

Ved .: You give us
At the hour of goodbye
Light sorrows.

Ved .: We will remember you
You won't get old.

Ved .: You are always humble
You will warm our hearts.
Dancing couples perform a waltz.

Ved .: And one more surprise! Dear friends! You have grown quickly, but for teachers, for parents, you will always be children.

Ved .: And in childhood, the most favorite holiday is birthday.

Ved .: Babies were born in our school ten years ago. Today is their eleventh birthday.

(3 cakes are brought to the center, on which candles are burning)

Ved .: The birthday cakes are already lit by 11 candles. If you think about a wish, it will definitely come true!

Ved .: Birthday people, together with their homeroom teachers, make a wish and blow out the candles! One two Three!

The song "Unfortunately, birthday, only once a year" is played

Ved .: And now we are taking the graduates to the schoolyard, where they will release balloons for good luck. Good luck, graduates, may all your dreams come true!

Ved .: Release colorful balloons into the sky
Children's dreams, let them fly away with them.
Now you have become more serious and should,
Dream about more than even a year ago.

Ved .: Dream, achieve - peace on earth,
So that the birds fly and bloom in the spring.

Cool musical "Star Trek"

And I offer you another synopsis, which bears the second name "Through hardships to the stars." Very musical and creative. Thanks for the idea to the site

The course of action:

The whole 11th grade appears on the stage, sings a remake song "Show must go on"

Sing golden rye, sing curly flax
Sing that this is The show must go on.
Well, that's the finish line. Lesson ended
And soon our last call will be.
We are all looking forward to this.
All this time the school taught us
Taught life, thank you all.
The hour has come. All paths are open to us now.
I'm at the factory. I sew bags.
And we are a family business
We'll trade onions on the track
From kamaz.
New faces will replace us
And this song will be sung in a new way
Well, for us, it's time for us to go,
It's time to take the exam.
Goodbye teacher
Always mistakes for us
We are eloquence
We have always forgiven you.
Let sometimes
You gave us three,
And you should have had two!
School goodbye!
Farewell to childhood!
Both the head teacher and the director
And sometimes strict teachers
Let's! The moment has come! We must take the highest score! Let's go according to the old scheme! Press on pity! Cry! Cry so that everyone cries !! The whole school !!! Let's!!!
And no matter how fate scattered us all over the earth,
We will believe that the appointed hour will come again
And then he will tell us show must go on.
May our descendants be worthy of us,
And we are worthy of them.

Without announcing the floor to the director, head teachers.

The video starts showing (running through the offices; video after each subject number. In the video, one person runs after the company in stylish outfits in the style of the movie "Hipsters").
1. History

Song about history lessons (under D. Bilan "This is how this world works")

About famous people
Of course you may not know
But their roots
We shouldn't forget.
We will know well
About someone else's and yours,
We will live history
How can you memorize it all?
Answer! Tell!
How to remember it all:
Stalin, Lenin and Khrushchev
Truth will always be needed.
Just believe the dorm is needed
We are in a hurry to get into politics,
We will complete the tests.
No choice
And we will find the answer.

Scene "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"

There are two students and a teacher on the stage. Pupils do not listen, the teacher explains the topic:
- The periodic law is a fundamental law of nature discovered by DI Mendeleev ... So! Kiselev, repeat what I just said?
- ... Well, Maryaya Ivanovna, this will not be useful to me in my life, I will be an electrician!
It's been 15 years
Studio of the program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, presenter:
- And I remind you that our guest is an electrician from Novokuznetsk and a question for 4 million rubles. Who Discovered the Periodic Law?
- * long thoughts * Well, let it be Newton!
- This is not the correct answer!

- Bliiin
- Correct answer ….
- Oh, well, nafig, it won't be useful in life anyway!

3) Biology

Puff Song (Winnie the Pooh):
The leeches are in alcohol - it doesn't matter!
The ecology is okay - yes, yes, yes!
Let's dig in all the flowers and put them in pots!
To cure sick kidneys is nonsense!
We have always loved biology!
Cro-Magnons were found - yes, yes, yes!
Fleas, lice and cockroaches
Monkeys and bananas -
We will remember those lessons forever!

4) Foreign language

English is poetic.
Isn't that so, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know better and better!
The declination of verbs is close to us.
We think so in English.
Respect you accept today!
You are exactly the best, our teacher!

5) Informatics

The girl in the machine is crying (E. Osin)

The girl in the office is crying -
I didn’t pass informatics ...
Down on the internet
I could not connect.
Down on the internet
I could not connect.
She looks askance at the "spur",
If only she could figure it out
Where are the floppy disks, where are the monitors,

Where are the floppy disks, where are the monitors,
Where is the processor, and where is the display.
She was told to create a program
But she can't understand
Which button to press her
How to download Windows to it.
Which button to press her
How to download Windows to it.

6) Geography

Scene "Sat down, got up"

All students sit quietly, with their eyes on the floor. The teacher enters with a crash.

Teacher: Get up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandins! Two for carelessness! (the student from the third desk sat down and got up at the wrong time)

Teacher: Who is not there?

Student: And ... and ... And ...

Teacher: Is there no Ivanov? Two to Ivanov!

Studenka: And ... And ... And ...

Teacher: No needlepoint ?! Two Needle!

Student: And ... And ... And ...

Teacher: And you two, so as not to stutter! Who is the headman of the stream ?! (student gets up) What a face! Two! Let's check the homework. Here you, blond, solved one hundred and twenty test tasks ?!

Student: No

Teacher: Two! And you, brunette?

Student: Yes.

Teacher: You're lying! I wrote it off from him!

Points to the student at the last school desk.

Teacher: And now I will ask you! Shit, bandits! Here you are, from the last school desk, to the blackboard!

The student, trembling, leaves, stands to the board, spreads his legs, and raises his hands up.

Teacher: Are there any cheat sheets ?!

Student: No.

Teacher: Or maybe you still have it ?!

Student: No.

Teacher: Or is there?

Student: No.

Teacher: So I didn't prepare! Two!!! There are ten seconds left until the end of the lesson. We will carry out a great test. Whoever solves twenty out of ten problems will receive three. The rest are two! Distribute the leaves! Collect the leaves! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! And if this happens again, then all to the dean's office, and without! Sty! Pen! Di! AND!

By syllables, students sit down. On the last syllable, the student falls from the back of the desk to the floor.

Scene "Technician and Humanitarian"

A humanist and a technician are sitting in the physicist's office.
Techie soothes a weeping humanist
G. - I can never prepare for this test!
T. - Don’t worry so much, I’m sure everything is not so scary, at least you know something from physics! It's very simple, let me help you! Here is the problem book, read the first question.
G- Current strength ... Oh, it is incorrectly written here, not "current", but only "..
T.- The power of toook!
G- Well, let it be current, in the end, I don’t rent Russian! The strength of the current is measured in meters of Gegenz ..
T- So, did you teach at all? Have you learned at least Einstein's basic law?
G. * shaking his head like "no" * - Yeah ..
T- Write it down on the board! Write. “Energy .. * The humanist is worried * .. energy is the letter e!
* The humanist writes a small "e" *
T- Big e !!
* The humanist writes the same e, only in an enlarged size *
T-Yes capital "e"!
* Humanist corrects *
T- "E" is equal .. Write "Energy is equal", equaloo! * In anger * Why are you writing in words? Why?! How is equal? How? Kaaak we mean equal? Parallel lines are denoted equal to! Yes, not vertical! Horizontal! Energy is equal to mass "m" multiplied by "c"
* humanist does not understand *
T- We multiply by "ts"! We do not know the letter "t"? The letter "C" !!
* Humanitarian writes Russian c *
T * In wild rage * - Yes, not the Russian "c"! And the Latin "c", Latin! Russian "es"! No "eh", just "sy" !!
* humanist writes "sy" *
T- So be it, squared!
* humanist draws a square on the whole board *
T-WHAT? What are you doing? The letter "t" in a square! Two in the corner! There is a deuce in the corner!
* the humanities student draws a deuce in the corner of the board *
T- PASS! Not in this corner should be a deu! Let's think ..! We have a lot of options where there may be a deuce!
* the humanities student begins to write in other corners *
T-Iiii again by! * Throwing the problem book off the table * You will never write this test!

8) Mathematics

Scene "Gopnik"

Two gopniks enter the stage, a guy is meeting them.
d.1: Hey, hey, function, come on here!
* the guy has a panic *
P: Excuse me, you are for me?
d.2: Come on, come on, move the logarithms!
P: * stuttering * Hello.
1: Hey, root, remove the mobile!
P: But I don’t have ..
Mr. 1 & 2: Whoa whoa!
d.2: Can we divide you up without a trace?
* idiotic laugh *
1: Hey, hypotenuse, it doesn't roll like that!
2: Nifigaa you have the diameter of the ball, maybe you can bend the cone?
d.1: Yes, let's break it with the tangent of the katangent?
2: And, maybe, from his foot to the point of extremum PUM !?
1: Yes, he will bisect us!
d.2: Yes, you will discriminate with us! Understood?
P: Of course I understand, hold it * gives the phone in a panic *

9) Choreography

Alteration song for "Chocolate Bunny"
Every man is reasonable
Knows that the law is harsh!
And, therefore, we are aware
Jurisprudence foundations!
The constitution was taught
They read the declaration.
Our teacher did his best
So that we take into account the mistakes!
Let not everyone become a lawyer
Not everyone has a five by right,
Yet we are specialists
And we are ready to prove it!
What of life collisions
We will always find a way out!
Any complexity problem
We will analyze it according to the law!
We adore the laws
We respect the laws
And we know in advance:
What if you are friends with the right
You don’t worry about anything -
It won't let you down! - (2 p.)

11) Literature

Scene "Compositions"

MODERATOR: Let's represent the Ministry of Education and Science. At one of the meetings.

Table. Four people in jackets and glasses (business dress).

NOTE: It is possible to act out this scene with the participation of teachers.

OFFICER 1: Dear colleagues, the agenda of our meeting today is the topic of graduation essays. As they say, not a day without education reform. From there (pointing up) a signal came in - they say that the topics about Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova are outdated. Today's schoolchildren are no longer interested in this.

OFFICIAL 2: Why didn't the past generations of schoolchildren ask about this?

OFFICER 1: Well, you know, Tamara Vasilievna, different times, different customs. For today's meeting, I asked everyone to study magazines, newspapers, TV programs and prepare proposals for new topics. And so, let's get started.

OFFICER 3: Let me start. I internally disagree with many things, but as the saying goes, "everything is for the students." And so, "The Image of the Motherland in the work of Nikita Mikhalkov" Zhmurki ""; "Philosophical motives of the lyrics" Quest Pistols "; "The image of the Turgenev girl on the example of Paris Hilton"; "The beauty of the Russian soul in the program" Sex with Anfisa Chekhova "; "The Field of Miracles" as the greatest monument of ancient Russian history "; Woe from Wit as a Non-Existent Problem in the Dom-2 Reality Show; “A word about Igor's regiment. N. Koroleva's revelation about I. Nikolaev's mistresses "; Exposure of the criminal society in the works of Marianna Maksimovskaya.

OFFICER 1: Not bad. Let’s you.

OFFICER 4: "The Master and Margarita in the" Marriage Fiction "(DTV) program"; "Comparative characteristics of Doctor Zhivago and Doctor House"; "Spiritual evolution of Stas Piekh at the" Star Factory "; "The theme of homeland and nature in the work of Timati"; “Dead souls or a collective image of the target audience of TV3”; "Image of the local nobility in the works of Timur Kizyakov"; “Poems, poems and thoughts by S.V. Shnurov "; "Pechorin and Urgant as heroes of their time."

OFFICER 1: The latter is especially strong. Well, you, Tamara Vasilievna, what will please you.

OFFICIAL 2: “The problem of humanism of the NTV channel”; Oblomovism as the driving force of the Shop on the Sofa; “Letter from Eugene Onegin to“ What? Where? When?""; "The harsh truth of life in the works of Gleb P'yanykh (" Maximum ")"; "The problem of actively resisting evil in the Test Purchase program"; “Tragedy of personality, family, people on Domashny TV channel”; “The problem of education on the Bibigon TV channel”; “Crime and Punishment in the Hour of Court Program”; "The image of nature by the author in the program" Unlucky Notes ""; "The theme of people's suffering in the program" Play the accordion, darling ".

OFFICER 1: Well, that's nice, we hand over the documents. And tomorrow we will rewrite the textbook on mathematics: include the calculation of mortgages, phone loans and discounts of discount centers.

12) Russian language

Song-remake "Education revolution"

There are no unknown rules for us
There are no uninteresting books
Do not listen to others on the exam
Education revolution
Go to the exam boldly
After all, the teacher has business
What will you get in the end
Education revolution
Here is a new age of change
It has more tests than so
They could not always understand
And what we didn’t do
Teachers helped
Days and years flew by
This world has changed
He has become completely different now
Like a nightmare from our dreams
It lives in crazy tests again
New, new.

13) Physical education (dance to "Morning exercises").

14) Parting words to parents.
15) The floor is given to the class teacher.
16) Transfer of the key to the 10th class.

Leading: We'll light a candle now
And we will tell you wishes.
Let this candle fire
Brighten up the bitterness of parting!


1. We wish you happiness, joy, smiles,
2. Great success and good luck in everything
3. May fate keep you from mistakes,
4. After all, life sets us so many tasks.
5. So that you never meet grief
6. To fill your home with joy,
7. May happiness, limitless like the sea,
8. Always accompanies you and in everything
9. I wish happiness to smile at you,
10. So that life is easy,
11. So that only good things remain in life,
12. The bad has gone far, far away.
13. More joy, less sorrow,
14. Good health and bright days.
15. Love and tenderness until old age
16. And respect for your friends.
17. I want to wish that life does not end,
18. Trouble and sadness on the way did not meet
19. Great happiness, great friends,
20. Health, success and holidays!
21. Eternal paradise, happiness without edge,
22. Best friend in need,
23. Happy life, new joy,
24. Meet good people.
25. We wish you health, warmth and goodness
26. So that all failures burned to ashes.
27. To live - not to grieve until a hundred years old,
28. May everything come true that has not yet come true.
29. I wish you not to lose gaiety,
30. Don't be discouraged in any trouble.
31. And then life will give you "five"
32. Opening the rainbow above you.
33. I want to wish you more
34. Creative impulses of noble ones,
35.With a heart so that they do not go to the doctor-
36. Instead of drops you love poems.
37. So that everyone can be careless tomorrow,
38. Someone is obliged to be vigilant today.
39. I wish you not to let your friends down,
40. Be a support to those who are associated with you.
41. What more can I wish for?
42. Let your life sing like a song.
43. Even in the heat, and in the cold, and in the blizzard
44. Only kindness pours from the heart

Final song from "Hipsters"

Do not drive us, friends, from school,
We will certainly miss ...
After all, we can no longer
It's time to repeat
Well, if it becomes sad, we will meet friends no longer here ...
We say goodbye to her today.
We thought we had at least another 5 years in stock,
We thought we had enough time to study and take a walk
But now I see your back, don't be bored at the institute,
Wait, stay at least a day
School, goodbye.
Goodbye good friend
School, goodbye ...
We leave somehow suddenly
School, goodbye ...
We leave without saying goodbye
We leave by chance
So goodbye dear friend
School, goodbye ...
We know it's not all bad
We struggle to conquer fear
Thank you, dear, beloved school,
That you raised us like that.
Let's remember these faces and this day, and this May ...
And may love keep us all.
Goodbye school ...
Goodbye good friend
School, goodbye ...
We leave somehow suddenly
School, goodbye ...
We leave without saying goodbye
We leave by chance
So goodbye dear friend
School, goodbye ...

You can also select and develop scenarios in the style of travel across countries, or Seventeen Moments of Spring. The event called "Scarlet Sails" remains popular. The main thing is to leave the traditional moments, not forgetting to give the last bell and dance a waltz. Wish you have a great Last Call 2019! I wish the graduates good luck in passing the exams and conquering the heights of adult life.