Non load-bearing walls. How to identify a load-bearing wall? The location of the walls will also indicate load-bearing walls.

At first glance, it is quite difficult to determine the load-bearing wall in the house. If you want to make adjustments to the layout and design of the apartment, the owners wish to demolish several walls.

The main thing is that the wall does not turn out to be load-bearing. The removal of intermediate partitions does not so much affect the destruction of the building structure. A load-bearing wall is a support element for the entire structure of a building, which carries the load on the upper floors and distributes it to the lower ones. At the initial stage of redevelopment, it is important to determine which walls can be removed and which need to be preserved.

Before the initial stage of construction, you need to know how to define a load-bearing wall in an apartment? Global redevelopment of multi-storey buildings entails a lot of consequences and difficulties in design, especially if you carry out all the stages yourself. The redevelopment technology is more complex, requires detailed knowledge and limits the implementation of one's own ideas. In panel, monolithic and multi-storey buildings, redevelopment is more difficult, since it is necessary to obtain permission and approve the construction in the BTI authorities.

Only professional craftsmen can correctly determine which wall is load-bearing. The builders of the InnovaStroy company, together with the BTI authorities, carry out the redevelopment of apartments and private houses of any complexity. The company's foremen will make calculations, design and develop a detailed plan for future development. Inspection, determination of the possibility of realizing the wishes of the client is carried out already at the first visit to the object. In the event of nuances and the need for urgent paperwork, the developers of the InnovaStroy company are also ready to provide support to the client. It is necessary to determine which bearing wall in the apartment at the first stage of registration of the property. Redesigned properties are more difficult to sell. And if the paperwork is delayed, fines and obligations are imposed on the owner.

There are several ways to determine the load-bearing wall in the house:

1. Determine the load-bearing wall according to the structural plan of the house.

If the document is not on hand, it can be found in the authorities:

  • City Capital Construction Department;
  • Executive committee.

Knowledge of construction drawings will help the owner to deal with load-bearing walls and in the technical passport.

You can determine the load-bearing wall in the house by its features:

  • Thickness - the parameter is measured without plaster and interior finishing materials. Craftsmen completely clean the walls before taking measurements or know the exact parameters.

In a house with brick partitions and a base, all walls thicker than 38 cm are considered load-bearing. Builders determine the thickness by counting the bricks in a row.

How to identify a load-bearing wall in a brick house?

Brick size - 12 cm;

  • 250 mm walls: 2 bricks + joint (10 mm);
  • 350 mm walls: 3 bricks + 2 seams;
  • 510 mm walls: 4 bricks + 3 seams;
  • 640 mm walls: 5 bricks + 4 seams;

Interroom partitions, built of blocks or bricks, are only 12-18 mm. The walls between adjacent apartments are not much thicker - 25 mm.

In a monolithic type structure, it is somewhat more difficult to determine the load-bearing wall in the house, since they use different values ​​during construction.
Walls that are more than 20 cm thick are load-bearing. However, the architectural plan of the project will help to understand more precisely, since the nuances of modern construction may include various options for deviating from standard sizes.

Owners of city apartments often have the question of how to define a load-bearing wall in a panel house? Only an experienced architectural engineer can answer this question. In a panel-type house, all walls thicker than 12-14 cm are considered load-bearing. Redevelopment in a panel-type apartment is often much more difficult. Partitions are usually up to 10 cm.

2. Location relative to others;

All external walls are always load-bearing. In addition, the outer walls of the building make up its box and border on the front side of the building. The main ones are also the outer walls of the apartment facing the staircase or neighboring dwellings.

3.On the construction of overlapping beams

All load-bearing walls are clearly perpendicular to the main structure of the base plates. The upper slabs are supported on the walls with the shortened side.

What do the openings in the load-bearing walls say?

Once the load-bearing walls have been identified, the owner is solely responsible for damage, deformation or pressure build-up on the elements. The creation of openings and arches in the load-bearing wall entails a lot of negative effects on the building box and negatively affects the entire structure. The appearance of cracks, shrinkage of the house, destruction of facade elements begins from the impact on the load-bearing wall. Depending on the duration of the existence of the building, the effect on the load-bearing wall can be completely destructive. This especially applies to old-style multi-storey buildings: Khrushchev, Stalin, etc.

It is strictly forbidden by the BTI authorities to carry out the complete demolition of the bearing space. If the redevelopment is caused by the need to replace the supporting structure, it is necessary to arrange the space with the help of reliable support columns. The section, dimensions and thickness of the columns are calculated by the masters of the authorized bodies. Columns must support and systematically distribute the weight of all elevated floors.

Typical projects of panel buildings

Before defining a load-bearing wall in a panel house , We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the typical projects of panel buildings, which differ in cipher. First, you need to determine the series of the structure, and then familiarize yourself with the detailed version of the drawing and its features. The layout of the apartments and the detailed plan of the supporting structures in the drawings are highlighted with color.

Panel house project code:

  • 90-05;
  • 90-06;
  • 90-07;
  • 90-022;
  • 90-023;
  • 90-031;
  • 90-045;

The description of each project code includes the presence of designations of the main load-bearing walls and partitions. How to define a load-bearing wall on a plan? It is necessary to examine in detail the drawing of the apartment and indicate the thickness of the walls. On paper, load-bearing walls are marked with denser, solid lines.

Opening or niche in a load-bearing wall?

After determining the load-bearing wall in the apartment, many ask the question about the formation of an opening or an additional niche in the load-bearing wall. The creation of a built-in opening in many apartments in panel houses is permissible. Compliance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities is strictly mandatory. It is allowed to perform horizontal and vertical grooving on the walls of the supporting structure. Drilling of walls and installation of internal dowels is also allowed. Individual design of a house or apartment must be entrusted to professionals who are fully responsible for the dismantling and formation of the bearing surfaces.

Ideas for the design of openings in a load-bearing wall

It is forbidden to completely dismantle the load-bearing wall. However, when forming openings, there are options for decorative filling of load-bearing structures. One of the stylish proposals of designers is the formation of the aquarium system for part or all of the wall.

Options for placing aquariums between the supporting columns:

  • The aquarium in the space between the column and the additional interior partition looks stylish and attractively decorates the apartment.
  • Complementing the furniture with an emphasis on the aquarium system harmoniously blends into the design.
  • When expanding an apartment due to the space of the balcony and loggia, window systems in the form of aquarium stands are often used. The built-in aquarium looks delightful and captivates the eye with a lively picture.
  • Built-in aqua systems in load-bearing wall niches look gorgeous in bedrooms and living rooms.

Knowing all the rules, it is easy to determine which wall is the bearing and it will be easier to plan further decoration with the involvement of craftsmen. turnkey renovation works any level of complexity in apartments, houses and offices. The planning and redevelopment of buildings does not cause difficulties for the masters. In addition, the clients are offered innovative developments and improvement of the comfort of living in an apartment. The company's specialists make the client's stay comfortable, and the list of repair work does not cause difficulties.When a question arises, how to determine the load-bearing wall or not, it is necessary to determine the type of structure and know its features.

How to determine the load-bearing wall or not in the Khrushchev?

  • It must be remembered that all walls of the building box are load-bearing;
  • The walls overlooking the stairwells, the marching openings are also the main ones;
  • The partition between the balcony, the loggia and the kitchen (room) carries a small supporting load, therefore it can be easily dismantled. However, before carrying out the construction demolition of the wall, it is necessary to make sure that the entire space is well insulated so that the cold stream does not damage other walls of the room.
  • You can easily dismantle the interior opening in the bathroom. The thickness of the wall can take 10-12 cm, while it does not have any main purposes.
  • Panel houses are most unfavorable to wall demolition.
  • Before starting to dismantle any walls, it is important to understand that a supporting structure is required.

To answer the question of how to determine the load-bearing wall in an apartment and how many main walls can be located in the building, we recommend that you contact the professional consultants of the InnovaStroy company. How to determine the load-bearing wall in a brick house? Using the above methods will make it easier. Note that the main indicators of a brick structure are easily replaced by support beams, metal or stone type. When forming decorated aqua systems, there is a possibility of additional pressure on the structure. It is important to realistically assess the fragility of the structure, and, if necessary, carry out additional strengthening of individual walls of the building. With caution, it is necessary to carry out the installation in an independent way. An error in determining the load capacity of a wall has a negative impact on the condition of neighboring apartments and the entire floor. If you are in doubt about how to determine the bearing wall on the plan, we recommend that you contact InnovaStroy for advice.

Studio apartment we demolish the walls without damage!

In modern designs, small open-space apartments called studios are very popular. This layout is convenient for a family of 2-3 people. Many people want to redevelop large apartments in the studio, dividing the interior space with furniture. This option requires complete or partial demolition of the walls, leaving only the box of the apartment.

It should be understood that such a redevelopment requires the creation of support structures to distribute the bulk of the weight of the upper floors. Many professionals offer clients the use of frame technologies and the creation of decorative columns, built-in niches. This option harmoniously delimits the space and does not violate the requirements of the higher authorities of the technical bureaus.

Recall that the older the structure, the more essential the fragility of the main walls. In buildings of the old type, wearing basic structures is not allowed. Therefore, dismantling is prohibited without additional supports and detailed calculation of the weight of the floors. Masters recommend seeking help from professional architects who will help solve the issue of redevelopment without additional costs and violations of requirements.

Renovation in old-style apartments is always a difficult task that requires the involvement of third parties. We do not recommend that you independently carry out large-scale actions to demolish walls one-time. Remember that when you turn to professionals, you preserve not only your own comfort, but also the comfort of your neighbors.

Load bearing wall (fig. 1)- the main non-material-enclosing vertical structure of the building, which rests and transfers to the foundation the load from the floors and the own weight of the wall, separating adjacent rooms in the building and protecting them from the external environment.

Self-supporting wall (fig. 2)- an external enclosing vertical structure that protects the interior of the building from the effects of the external environment, which rests on and transfers the load from its own weight to the foundation.

Fig. 2. Self-supporting wall
(the outer wall rests on the foundation, and the ceiling is adjacent to the wall)

Curtain wall (fig. 3)- an external wall resting on a ceiling within one floor with a floor height of no more than 6 m. (at a higher floor height, these walls are self-supporting) and protecting the building from the outside from the external environment.

Partition- an internal vertical curtain wall resting on the ceiling and separating adjacent rooms in the building.

In buildings with self-supporting and non-bearing external walls, loads from coatings, ceilings, etc. transferred to the frame or transverse structures of buildings.

In the house, walls that stand on the foundation and on which the floors rest will be carriers.

And the walls standing on the foundation without supporting the overlap on them will be self-supporting.

Fig. 3. Curtain wall (outside wall rests on the floor slab)

Walls of different constructive purposes bear different loads. To ensure the required bearing capacity for different walls, a certain wall thickness and the strength of the materials used are chosen.

For example, it is recommended to make internal and external load-bearing walls of buildings from aerated concrete blocks up to 3 floors in height from blocks of compressive strength classes not lower than B2.5, glue or mortar grade not lower than M75; at a height of up to 2 floors inclusive - not lower than B2 on glue or on a solution of grade not lower than M50.

For self-supporting walls of buildings with a height of up to 3 floors, the class of blocks must be at least B2.

When starting a major overhaul or redevelopment of a house, you must first figure out what it is, load-bearing walls, and correctly determine where they are located in the house. After all, even an incorrectly executed small opening in the load-bearing wall threatens to result in partial or even complete destruction of the entire structure of the house.

How is a load-bearing wall different from a conventional partition?

The main difference, by which you can accurately determine which partition is in front of you, is the load it takes on. Ordinary interior partitions do not hold anything on themselves and experience a load only from their own weight, which is why they are called that - self-supporting walls. Partitions that take on not only their own weight, but also part of the weight of the structures located above them: floor slabs, ceiling beams or walls of the upper floors, are load-bearing.

Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to cut openings in load-bearing walls, and completely demolishing them is strictly prohibited - this can cause the destruction of the house. Self-supporting walls perform exclusively dividing and decorative functions, therefore, if necessary, they can be rebuilt without problems and even completely removed - the strength and stability of the house will not suffer from this at all.

But, having an idea of ​​what is the difference between the walls, you still need to know how to determine the load-bearing wall. The easiest way to see this is on the plan of the house - it is enough to have at least minimal reading skills of such documents. But there are often times when the plan cannot be found. In this case, such a wall can be identified by the following criteria:

  • location;
  • thickness.

Regardless of the construction material, almost all external walls are load-bearing. They will also be partitions overlooking the flight of stairs. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the partitions dividing neighboring apartments also fall under this definition.

In many cases, the purpose of the wall can be determined by its thickness, although there are many nuances here. In brick houses, all walls with a thickness of 380 mm and more are load-bearing. The calculation is simple: the width of one standard brick is 120 mm, the laying joint is 10 mm. Accordingly, 3x120 mm = 360 mm + 2 seams of 10 mm each - another 20 mm, and as a result - 380 mm.

Standard interior partitions in a brick house are made of 1-1.5 bricks, i.e. their thickness does not exceed 180 mm. The most difficult option if their thickness is 250 mm (this is often the case in houses built on individual projects after 1990). In this case, one cannot do without the involvement of a specialist, since only he will be able to figure out what functions such a partition performs. An important nuance - the thickness of the walls should be taken without a finishing layer.

In panel and block houses, all walls with a thickness of 140 mm and more are load-bearing. The thickness of the interior partitions is only 80-100 mm, but there are very few of them in panel apartments. In fact, in such houses, almost all walls are load-bearing, so it is very difficult to redevelop such apartments, especially at your own discretion. It happens, although rarely, that the thickness of the interior partitions in a panel house is 120 mm. In this case, there is no other way out, how to find out from specialists which partitions can be rebuilt and which cannot.

The situation is much better with the apartments in the "Khrushchevs". When building, a standard scheme is used: load-bearing walls in the "Khrushchev" are all longitudinal, and partitions are all transverse. In such houses, the wall separating the balcony from the living room is not under heavy load and can be dismantled.

How to make an opening in a load-bearing wall?

In load-bearing internal partitions, the arrangement of any opening is undesirable, but nevertheless they often have to be done, for example, to install an interior door. However, the number, size and location of these openings are calculated by specialists even at the design stage of the house.

If, during redevelopment, it became necessary to make an opening in the load-bearing wall, then in no case should you do it yourself. Firstly, it is very dangerous, and secondly, in the future, an apartment with a "left", unlawful redevelopment will be impossible to sell, donate, or issue an inheritance to it, and it is almost impossible to legalize and receive a project.

Therefore, if you decide to redevelop an apartment, then first issue all the necessary permits and approvals with the relevant government services.

If during the work there is a need for some kind of manipulations with the load-bearing wall, then it is imperative to involve specialists to perform them. And to perform partial dismantling (in the event that you need to make a new door or window opening in the load-bearing wall), you need to invite an engineer from a company specializing in such work (and having the appropriate approvals and licenses), concluding a written contract with her.

Such specialists know exactly how to properly dismantle a part of the partition, how to increase its strength in order to prevent destruction, in which cases it is necessary to install additional support, and in which cases it is possible to do with a horizontal metal or reinforced concrete lintel. Therefore, the chances that everything will be all right as a result are very high. And it is also important that in case of poor-quality work, you still have the opportunity to demand compensation for damage through the court.

As a conclusion

When deciding whether to redevelop a house on your own or not, remember that the slightest mistake in calculating and performing such work puts at risk not only your life, but also the life of your loved ones, and if it comes to a high-rise building, then the lives of many of your neighbors, because even an inconspicuous microcrack in a load-bearing wall can cause the entire house to collapse, and restoring the solidity of such a wall is often much more expensive than all house redevelopment work.

Let's say you saw how smartly your neighbors, who are about to move into it, have remodeled the apartment, and your new home has not yet reached the stage of renovation. So, the first thing you definitely need to do is find out how to determine a load-bearing wall or not.

Some residents believe that such a concept is absent in new buildings, and this phenomenon - a load-bearing wall - is just a relic of the Soviet way of building residential buildings. Don't believe this! A load-bearing wall is any wall that bears the weight of some other structure. It does not matter at all what it will be, because the main thing is that it is above the carrier.

In most modern new buildings, all walls that are located along the perimeter of the apartment are load-bearing, since the ceiling evenly distributes the load on each of them. But don't jump to conclusions. It is more likely that the load-bearing walls were chosen by the chief architect with a view to the features of communications, or some other reason formed the layout of the building.

First, let's look at ways to distinguish a load-bearing wall from an ordinary dividing wall, based on the type of house: brick, monolithic, panel.

Yes, I definitely have a brick house. Where is the load-bearing wall here?

If you know for sure that your house was made of brick, and you do not have access to see the direction of the interfloor slabs, then it will be much easier to determine the load-bearing wall based on its thickness. She will pass over the 38 centimeters mark. Such a wall is the most powerful in a residential area.

Do not forget that not only an internal wall, but also an external wall can be a carrier. This refers to buildings that look at the street with one side. They can have windows mounted, and a little later I will explain how this is possible.

Does a monolithic house have a load-bearing wall?

Naturally, even in a monolithic house there are some of its parts, which are assigned a more serious load than the rest.

Due to the fact that monolithic houses do not have any stamp options and in all their guises are unique buildings, you will face a problem that only the author of the building will help to solve. In any case, if you think about redevelopment, you need permission from certain authorities that will give the go-ahead for the demolition or deformation of any walls in your apartment.

What about a panel house?

If you are a happy owner of a panel house that has just been built, you have made it easier for yourself to find load-bearing walls. Yes, someone thinks that panel houses are not the best that the world has come up with, but their versatility and practicality will give odds to any of their fellows.

In houses of this type, the wall you need can be found quite simply. The carriers will be those that in thickness will exceed the size of fifteen centimeters, the outer walls of the building and their interroom counterparts.

Walls that are less than ten centimeters thick can be easily destroyed or partially demolished. Naturally, it all depends on your desires and design decisions.

Universal for all types of houses

In any type of house, whether panel or brick, bearing walls will be those that are located perpendicular to the slab placed on top of them. That is why they receive most of the load on themselves and in no case can they be completely destroyed. Is it possible partially? Yes, but it's too early to talk about that.

You can't just take and demolish half of the apartment

Now you know how to find out what you need. But, dear reader, in the event that you have conceived the redevelopment of an apartment, this process must be legalized. Let me explain why. You see, any change in the position of the rooms and, accordingly, the partitions between them affects the square of the living space, which can further affect the price of your property in the event of a sale.

In simple terms, you simply can lose money due to the fact that you did not complete the redevelopment on time. In addition, no buyer wants to enter into a sale and purchase agreement for real estate, the plan of which does not correspond to reality. Moreover, not a single notary will agree to formalize this transaction, since, in principle, your apartment does not exist, and in its place is something unknown to anyone.

Another reason for the prohibition of amateur performances in terms of resolving this issue is that, unknowingly, you can fill up not only the walls of your own apartment, but the entire house as a whole. More than once there were cases when the slightest deformation of the bearing wall led to the complete destruction of multi-storey buildings.

Why did this happen? This, like many problems of humanity, happens from complete ignorance and irresponsibility. The harmless process of moving the front door half a meter to the side can deprive people not only of a roof over their heads, but also lead to human casualties.

What about doors and windows?

Everyone may wonder why, with such a heavy load, it is quite adequate and reliable to install doors and windows. This is where the unloved subject "Resistance of Materials" comes into force. This is exactly the moment when calculations and calculations help a person.

In the same way as when building a bridge, the weight is distributed evenly over all the supports. When erecting a house, the slabs are stacked with the expectation that a large weight will equally diverge along the integral parts of the structure in order to preserve the cavities intended for windows and doors. That is why moving on your own can lead to disaster.

The solution naturally exists

You can always find a way out of any situation, and this problem is no exception. The first and only thing that you should definitely do is to seek help from experienced, and most importantly, qualified specialists. In this matter, not only will the master say: "We have done this a hundred times." One hundred and first may not work.

Never start making cavities or removing load-bearing walls yourself! This can only be done by a specially trained person. Do not forget that only the decision of certain authorities can allow you to redevelop your apartment, since in this case you will receive new documents corresponding to the new plan.

So what can you do with a load-bearing wall?

There are several ways that will lead to great design solutions and an expansion of living space or more rational use of it.

The first thing you can do is install decorated columns. Some consider this thing a little uncomfortable, relying on the unnecessary "pillar in the middle of the room." However, a properly chosen interior design will help the columns fit into the overall appearance of the apartment. A separate question if you are making columns not at home, but in an office space, creating something like Open Space for your employees or freelancers who are distracted from the general business.

If you just want to expand the room, then it is better to do it visually. You can increase the space of the room with the help of mirrors, light wallpaper or paint, reduce the amount of bulky furniture in the form of grandmother's wardrobes and mezzanines, which are lined up in three or even four rows.

Consider also the option of decorative arches that do not create an enclosed space, as doors do, and visually expand the volume of the room. An arch is not an ordinary semicircular structure, which is intended to be simply walked through. In skillful hands and with the participation of an experienced designer, even the most hopeless object can turn into a work of art.

Here's what we got

Let's draw a line under what we have just discussed. We say to independence: "Basta!", And we make the right decision. The incorrect location of the load-bearing wall is not a sentence, but only a small task for imagination and a flight of fantasy. Don't be afraid to experiment and take risks. Only then will you taste the champagne of victory in your new luxurious abode.

Redevelopment of an apartment involves either the construction of additional walls or the destruction of existing ones. Most often during this, the walls are destroyed, thereby increasing the living space. Such a cardinal solution is simply necessary, since this is the only way to expand housing, make it more convenient, and with the help of replanning, many connect the kitchen with the living room or enlarge the bedroom at the expense of the loggia. The only problem during renovation is how to determine the load-bearing walls in the house correctly. This information is important, and therefore it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it, which we will do within the framework of the article.

What is a load-bearing wall?

First, find out what the load-bearing wall is and where it is. Load-bearing walls fulfill an important task - they maintain the integrity of the entire structure. Columns and beams are sometimes used as load-bearing elements, but this does not change their purpose. Since all elements of the roof and floor structure are supported on the wall, it is important to know during redevelopment how to determine the load-bearing wall in the house.

If you demolish it, then this can lead to bad consequences, starting with a crack that appears on the house and ending with the complete destruction of the structure. Unlike load-bearing walls, ordinary interior walls hold only their own weight, and also perform a separating function. In order for the repair work to proceed safely and correctly, it is worth contacting specialists for help. Only they know how to determine whether a load-bearing wall is or not.

Do not forget about the special permission for redevelopment, which is issued by specialists from the bureau of technical inventory. It will indicate which walls can be destroyed and modified, and which are prohibited.

Methods for defining load-bearing walls

There are several ways to determine if a load-bearing wall is in the house or not. Accurate and easily achievable is the study of the constructive plan of the house. This document is under the management of capital construction. Also, do not forget about the existence of a technical passport. If the landlord knows how to read construction drawings, it will not be difficult for him to determine the load-bearing wall in the house.

Structural walls are often defined by thickness and location. When measuring, you must first remove the wallpaper, clean the surface from the old plaster. Only then can you start measuring. The parameters of the load-bearing walls are different for all houses, for example:

  1. The load-bearing walls in a brick house are thicker than thirty-eight centimeters. The more bricks are laid out, the greater the thickness.
  2. In panel houses, the situation is slightly different. Here, all walls exceeding fourteen centimeters are bearing. In such a house, redevelopment is difficult and almost impossible. After all, most of the walls in a panel house are load-bearing.
  3. In monolithic houses, the walls are more than twenty centimeters thick. In houses, it is quite difficult to determine the load-bearing wall by thickness. Therefore, it is easier to take a general floor plan from the developer.

All of them form the basis of the building, being the pivotal ones.


After the bearing walls in the apartment are determined, certain restrictions associated with redevelopment will appear. It is impossible to completely demolish the load-bearing wall. It is better to make an opening or a niche in it - this is a safer option. The number of openings in load-bearing walls is limited.

If it is necessary to make an opening in such a structure, it is better to seek professional help. It is dangerous to carry out such work on your own, moreover, without special permits and papers with redevelopment made, such an apartment will become a burden.

There are situations when partial demolition of the load-bearing wall is required. In this case, you cannot do without an engineer. Even a small window or doorway requires appropriate approvals and licenses.

Only true professionals in their field will be able not only to make an opening in the load-bearing wall, but also to strengthen the strength. This will help to avoid its destruction. A metal or reinforced concrete lintel is used as a wall support.

Bearing walls in a panel house

Most prefabricated houses have a standard code of the project by which they were built. Therefore, before proceeding with the redevelopment, you need to know how to determine the load-bearing wall in a panel house.

To find load-bearing walls in a panel house, you can use the base of these structures. It gives you the opportunity to see the layout of apartments from each series and choose your house by code. Another way is to measure the walls. The thickness of self-supporting walls in a panel house ranges from 80 millimeters to 1 meter, while the thickness of load-bearing walls is from 140 to 200 mm. The higher the number, the more likely it is a load-bearing wall. It is important to remember that its demolition in a panel house will lead to the destruction of the building.

How to find out if the carrier is made of bricks?

To find out how to determine the load-bearing wall in a brick house, you need to add the thickness of the vertical mortar joint to the size of the brick. That is, the thickness depends on how many bricks are supplied. Brick walls can be 120, 250, 380 mm thick, and so on, plus more finishing layers.

Load-bearing brick walls have a thickness of three hundred and eighty millimeters and more. If self-supporting structures are made of gypsum concrete panels and bricks, then the interior partitions will be 250 mm. Thus, load-bearing walls in brick houses are 380 mm thick. If during measurements the thickness is less than 380 mm, then such a wall is an ordinary partition. Finding brick houses by series is more difficult than panel houses, since there are much fewer of them.

Load-bearing walls in Khrushchev

All Khrushchevs were built according to the same type. They have three load-bearing walls and additional transverse walls, which serve as a support for the load-bearing walls and prevent them from overturning. This list also includes the cross walls of the staircase. They hold not only the supporting structures, but also the flights of stairs, thus, they also become load-bearing ones.

How to define a load-bearing wall in a brick apartment? Can it be dismantled or not? Slabs located between floors are supported by load-bearing or transverse reinforced concrete walls and beams.

If we talk about modern buildings, then studio apartments are very popular. In such rooms, many do without redevelopment, they simply share the space with furniture. To make smart housing out of an ordinary apartment, it is necessary to completely or partially dismantle the walls, leaving only the box. However, such global changes will negatively affect the integrity of the building, especially if it is old.

How to find a load-bearing wall in a monolithic house?

Are you wondering how to determine a load-bearing wall or not in a monolithic house? These buildings have a variety of architectural and design features. They combine ordinary load-bearing walls, columns, beams and columns of rectangular cross-section. The thickness of the load-bearing walls is 200-300 mm, and the thickness of the columns in monolithic houses is an order of magnitude higher. All walls with a thickness of less than 200 mm are considered to be partitions.

When it comes to new buildings, the load-bearing structures are easy to determine by simply examining them. They are clearly visible because they are made of reinforced concrete. Also on the bearing walls, holes are visible, sealed with mortar.

What can be done with a load-bearing wall

As you already know, the structure is the basis of the building and holds the main load; it must be handled carefully and carefully. Before determining whether a load-bearing wall or not, it is worth finding out what actions to take in relation to it are prohibited:

  1. It cannot be completely demolished, as this will affect the stability of the entire structure.
  2. It is forbidden to transfer it to another place.
  3. It is forbidden to mount wiring in it and carry out communications.

Despite these prohibitions, nevertheless, the load-bearing wall is not untouchable; you can make a doorway in it, arrange an arch or partition between rooms, and drill through.

How to agree on redevelopment

Before redevelopment, it is necessary to obtain permits from the appropriate authorities. Since residents do not always correctly determine the type of wall covering, dismantle the load-bearing wall, these approvals are mandatory. Therefore, the question of how to determine the load-bearing wall by can play a bad joke with the tenants.

Do not neglect the rules, otherwise the construction will become illegal, and the owner will be fined. It follows from this that it is better to spend time on the official authorities and get all the permissions than to suffer from the mistakes made.

If you decide whether to redevelop a room or not, it should be remembered that even a harmless error in calculations when performing this work can provoke serious problems. By doing it, you risk your life and the lives of other household members.

Since it is not always possible to determine the version of the bearing wall, it is better to use the services of a specialist. Nevertheless, deciding to do the work yourself and knowing how to determine where the bearing walls are, be extremely careful and vigilant, because you already know what a possible deviation in calculations or reasoning regarding the type of wall covering and its nature entails.