How to glue foam to foam - the pros and cons. The choice of adhesive solutions for the installation of polystyrene foam and foam paste How to glue polystyrene on walls

The spread of polystyrene as a universal insulation has led to the emergence of many means for gluing this material to different bases. However, this abundance can further confuse the consumer. Let's figure out together how to stick the foam to the wall.

Fastening foam to the wall - methods and options

Styrofoam, or rather, polystyrene foam, has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. It is often compared with mineral wool, emphasizing the shortcomings - it burns, is short-lived, fragile ... However, with a closer acquaintance with the materials, one can find shortcomings in everyone. For example, in comparison with the same foam, mineral wool has a very significant disadvantage - over time it becomes caked, from which such a sheathing loses its thermal insulation qualities, and if it gets wet, the insulation effect is completely lost.

The foam plastic is not threatened by wetting or caking, and if the insulation is carried out according to the technology, ensuring the protection of the material from ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage, then for the next 25-50 years you can forget about the cold and damp walls in your house. In addition to protection from external factors very important point in foam insulation technology is the correct fixing of the plates on the base surfaces (walls, ceilings, slopes). In general, all methods can be divided into three groups:

  • on dowels with an umbrella hat;
  • for plaster mixtures;
  • for adhesives.

In the first case, fastening occurs solely by screwing dowels into the walls. Foam sheets are attached at five points - in the corners and in the center. Corner dowels also fix the junction of individual sheets. The joints themselves are additionally glued with a sealant, which improves the thermal insulation qualities.

First of all, using the starting profile, the bottom row of foam is attached, then the master moves from top to bottom along the entire perimeter of the wall. It is important to leave gaps between the individual boards of at least 3 mm, as the foam also expands and contracts with temperature changes. Dowels - the most cheap way fix the plates.

Plaster mixes are another very popular option for fixing foam, which is mainly used for insulating concrete and brick walls outside and inside the building. It goes without saying that the plaster composition is used for this special - the usual cement plaster unsuitable for this. Some companies produce universal mixtures that are suitable for both fixing foam boards and plastering, some divide the mixtures into two groups - one only for gluing, the second only for plastering.

Adhesives for polystyrene - not every adhesive is suitable for polystyrene foam, and many are even able to destroy its structure by reacting with it. Therefore, experiments are unnecessary here. Pasting concrete, brick and metal walls foam is feasible using building PVA, universal liquid nails, polyurethane foam or special polyurethane adhesive. Each of the methods has its own characteristics, which we will discuss below.

How to attach the foam with plaster to the wall?

Let us consider in detail the method of attaching polystyrene foam to brick or concrete walls using plaster. It is convenient for its simplicity and minimum necessary tools. Plaster can be kneaded in any quantity, so that the master himself determines the amount of work and the speed of their implementation. It is important to apply plaster mixtures at five points - many builders, in order to save money, are limited to only three points of contact, but this violates the technology.

Others, to increase strength, completely cover all the edges with a mixture. However, in the second case, there is a significant overspending of the composition, it will be much cheaper to use dowels along with plaster. It is important to prepare the surface - if the walls are even and without cracks, it is enough to remove old paint, crumbling mortar or adhering dirt. Then the surface is coated with a primer - the primer provides better adhesion of materials.

If on the surface there are small cracks, they can be repaired with the same plaster. plaster mixture for gluing plates diluted strictly according to the instructions. If you are working with this composition and plates for the first time, you can make the glue a little thinner.- this will give you a little more time, since the composition will harden longer.

Then, with the help of plaster, a reinforcing mesh is attached to the wall - first, it is fixed along the edges, and then it is completely overwritten with the composition. After the mortar hardens, you can proceed directly to gluing the plates. The foam is glued from the bottom up, and after 1-2 days you can proceed to the outside. It is very important to grout the surface within four days after plastering, otherwise the composition will harden to a state that can no longer be processed.

How to fix the foam to the wall - difficult cases

sheathing concrete walls polystyrene - perhaps the most easy task. But what to do if you need to fix the plates on metal surface? Oddly enough, you can get by with inexpensive tools that are at hand. For example, with PVA glue. If the strength requirements are not the highest, then this the way is fine never better. In addition to glue, you will need burlap. It is properly impregnated with PVA-composition and attached to base surface. And only then the plates are glued onto the burlap, generously smeared with the same glue.

However, if we are talking For gluing outside the building or in places where adhesion strength is important, it is better to purchase a special polyurethane adhesive.

Its only drawback is that it takes a long time to dry. Therefore, the slabs can slide under their own weight if they are not supported with plywood sheets or a board. right size. To avoid having to wait and prop up, you can use liquid nails - this popular adhesive does not react with foam. True, the quality of adhesion will still be lower than in the case of polyurethane adhesive.

But there is still the option of sharing compounds - liquid nails provide speed of work (no need to wait, no need to make backups), and the polyurethane component will give the structure the necessary strength. But the costs will be much higher. Another option is . Indeed, this popular sealant has excellent adhesive properties - you, for sure, could be convinced of this when trying to wipe off the foam stuck to your hands.

Besides, disposable cartridges do not require the purchase of a special gun for extruding foam - such a tool is a must when working with polyurethane adhesive. Mounting foam very often remains unused after installing windows and doors, so if you need to fix the Styrofoam, you can easily use this sealant. Just keep in mind - it should be applied in a small amount in five places. Foam should not be in excess, otherwise it will expand during the hardening process and deform the plates.

Styrofoam is universal material, which was first produced in the middle of the 20th century and rapidly acquired a high utilization rate around the world. Its versatility is due to its versatility, because it finds application in the most different areas life - starting from insulation material in construction and ending with raw materials for handicrafts. Therefore, it often becomes necessary to connect it with various surfaces, including among themselves. Today will be reviewed better ways gluing this material, how to do it correctly and what tool is best to use. Enjoy reading!

Solutions: how to glue foam

Before you ask yourself what is the best way to glue your foam, you first need to understand the main criteria for your choice. Yes, polystyrene, as a universal and specific material, can be glued with the simplest and most popular stabilizers, but the quality and durability of this method depends on subsequent use. So, for example, if you are making a complex and large craft using foam, or you are insulating attic floor- a large role will be played by temperature, humidity and other factors that can easily level all your efforts and the abilities of the product with which you glued.

What to consider when choosing an adhesive:

  • Your goals for the subsequent use of the glued foam and its features, for example, durability;
  • The loads to which the foam will be subjected;
  • The temperature it will endure;
  • Room humidity.

In most cases, it is optimal to use ordinary PVA glue, but if it comes not to a simple structure, which is assigned to serious construction or decorative purposes He may not justify himself.

Styrofoam can be glued using a variety of methods and materials. Many of them can be purchased at ordinary stationery stores, which can be used to process and connect simple designs.

But if you need a serious fixation for a long time, your road lies in special hardware stores, where you will need to carefully analyze the entire product range and choose the glue that suits your intentions.

The most common and in a simple way to create a full-fledged fixation is precisely glue of various strengths and purposes, although other means, such as polyurethane foam, can sometimes be used among the people.

Styrofoam gluing can be done using the following tools:

  1. Plain PVA Glue - for simple designs and crafts, with a characteristic short-lived operation.
  2. Special adhesive for Styrofoam for gluing together. You can find one in special hardware stores at a fairly low cost under the Styroglue configuration, but it is quite rare on the shelves, which is the difficulty of acquiring it.
  3. When insulating beam structures, it is quite possible to use mounting foam, but you need to take into account all individual characteristics operation.
  4. Hot glue. It must be used with extreme caution and only with the help of a special glue gun.
  5. Spray adhesive, which can be used to glue different materials together, as well as foam elements.

Of course, this is not the whole list of possible means for gluing, because in the trading range you can often find special adhesives for gluing polystyrene foam with other surfaces - wood, metal, and so on. But for the purpose of gluing together, they are absolutely not suitable.

What glue to glue the foam together

So, let's define a specific list of the most suitable adhesives for processing and joining foam. Of course, they will be specialized substances for such a specific material as polystyrene, or its closest relatives - extruded polystyrene foam, which is also quite common in domestic use.

The main qualities and features of special glueStyrogluefor working with foam:

  1. It is produced taking into account all the features of the non-standard foam constitution - its porosity and foaminess.
  2. The best option would be to use a spray adhesive, because it penetrates even better into the complex structure of the foam and forms a kind of sticky film. But here you can highlight a feature - the mandatory use of gloves, because it easily gets on everything that is nearby and it is not easy to wash it.
  3. It is more durable and dries faster than many other adhesives when used as intended.

It is perfectly appropriate to use glue sprays or guns, but when using them, there are several features that are extremely important to consider so as not to harm the structure of the foam (more on that below).

How to properly glue foam

The basic instruction for gluing foam is simple, and the results are most often not long in coming. However, there are some kind of features that depend on your goals, the specifics of the adhesive and the raw material itself.

Instructions for gluing foam:

  1. Prepare everything you need for work - gluing material, glue, preferably rubber gloves. If the work takes place with large structures - small weights to press and better fix the raw material.
  2. Depending on the glue used, apply it with a brush (if we are talking about ordinary liquid glue), with a gun in several strips or spray it onto the surface. If the goal is not a strong and clear fixation, it can be applied pointwise, along the edges and several points in the center.
  3. Attach the foam (polystyrene foam) to each other and, if the situation requires it, press it with weights. Leave everything for the time determined by the glue and the dimensions of the material (From 20 minutes to several hours).
  4. Use the result for its intended purpose, removing the weighting agents and checking the quality of the work done.

Features are the use of specific means and methods. For example, some adhesives foam when they are on paralon or polystyrene foam for a long time - for this you will have to remove the residue from time to time with a sponge or rag.

There are also rules for gluing large or slightly damaged areas - before the procedure, they must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and, if possible, processed sandpaper to make the surface smoother, less porous, and thereby increase the level of stabilization and fixation.

It is important to monitor the temperature level when using hot glue. If the temperature is too high, the glue easily corrodes the entire surface, making subsequent gluing almost impossible.

We decide how to glue the foam together (video)

To glue such specific elements as expanded polystyrene, you can use a variety of adhesives and tools. But to achieve better fixation is possible only with special adhesives for foam.

The second name of polystyrene is expanded polystyrene. This soft material, which consists of a plastic air mass. Its structure is cellular and has White color. The cells are reliably separated from each other, so the material has good thermal insulation properties.

Styrofoam features:


  1. Polystyrene. It consists of white granules, which are obtained by heat treatment of polystyrene. During this treatment, a blowing agent is used. The size of the granules is from 7 to 17 mm. The structure of the granules consists of closed cells that are 98% filled with gas.
  2. Polyurethane. This material is obtained by combining diisocyanates and polyesters. These substances are combined with pressure. The structure is not the same - the cells have different forms and sizes. The cells are very closely adjacent to each other and due to this the density of the material is very high. The foam of this type has high strength and durability.
  3. Polyethylene. This material is flexible and elastic. Polyethylene has a small thickness - only 5 cm. This type of foam is used for packaging products.

Application area

Polyfoam is used in various spheres of life. A large number of materials and products are made from it. Also, the material retains heat well, so it is often used for wall insulation.

Areas of application of expanded polystyrene:

  1. Construction works. In construction, it is used for thermal insulation of structures, houses, buildings, garages, hangars. It is also used for outdoor insulation.
  2. In shipbuilding. Life belts, lifeboats, light boats are made from it. Also used to fill the compartments of small boats.
  3. In medicine. In this area, foam containers are used to transport organs and medicines.
  4. In furniture production. It is added to the composition of the material, from which various pieces of furniture are then made.
  5. For the manufacture of packaging materials. They are added to the composition of various packages, packages, wrappers and so on.
  6. For the production of outdoor advertising. It is added to the composition of advertising structures - banners, signs.
  7. in the production of clothing. It is added to the composition of many fabrics. Styrofoam content is very warm.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of foam:

  1. Natural and environmentally friendly material. Expanded polystyrene does not emit toxic and harmful substances, therefore, it is safe for the human body;
  2. Long service life. The structure does not lend itself to mold, fungi, it is not affected by moisture and various microorganisms.
  3. It resists fire well and withstands high temperatures. The spontaneous ignition temperature is +491 degrees and it is 2 times higher than wood and 2.2 times higher than paper. It also does not support combustion well, if the source of ignition is removed in time, it immediately goes out.
  4. Little weight. Due to its low weight, it is easy to install and does not put additional stress on the base.
  5. Inertia. Does not interact with other materials. Good resistance to various chemical substances. Therefore, it can be lowered into soapy water. Also does not interact with bleaching agents and acids, except for nitric and acetic.
  6. Low cost. This material is very cheap and can be purchased at any hardware store.

Foam Disadvantages:

  1. Easily damaged and broken. Therefore, it needs additional protection.
  2. It quickly collapses under the influence of nitro enamels and solvents. As a result, it cannot be dyed.
  3. Doesn't let air through. Therefore, rooms insulated with polystyrene foam must be ventilated frequently.
  4. Very often, rodents damage the foam, gnaw holes in it and arrange their nests.

How to glue foam to foam

Styrofoam is glued together with various mixtures and adhesives. During gluing, it is important to consider the type of material, its structure. When choosing mixtures for gluing this material, you should pay attention to their properties and composition. You should also take into account the composition of the adhesive, for this material you should choose products that do not include various solvents.

Types of glue:

  1. Glue for foam. This type of glue is cheap and easy to use. The adhesive has good bonding properties. Currently, there are many brands of this glue.
  2. Front glue. This adhesive is designed to bond foam to foam, to concrete, to plastic, to wood, to metal, and so on. The shelf life of this glue is also average, about six months from the date of issue.
  3. Mounting foam. The foam has a very good properties and adheres well to polyurethane. With the help of foam, the material will stick firmly and forever. It should be borne in mind that during gluing the foam dries quickly, and this can lead to backfire. The tube through which the foam is squeezed out can become clogged, so it is best to clean it with a special solvent.
  4. Polyurethane adhesive. This adhesive has good bonding properties. The only drawback is that it is sold in the form of cylinders and you need to buy a special gun for it.
  5. Liquid Nails. Liquid nails adhere very well to this material, but are not always reliable. Therefore, with this mixture you need to use a simple glue. Approximately 50-70% of the surface is treated with glue, and the rest with liquid nails.
  6. Dry mixes. Mixtures are very cheap and have good properties. Mixtures are diluted with water. Be sure to pay attention to the packaging before buying this product, it should be marked that it is suitable for foam.
  7. This adhesive is available in the form aerosol cans so they are easy to work with. Glue just needs to be sprayed onto the surface of the material. Freezes within 30 minutes. However, one cylinder is designed for only 10 square meters.

glue cost

The cost of adhesive mixtures is different, the price depends on the properties of the mixture - on the hardening time, on the level of bonding, on the method of application.

Average cost of some mixes:

Polyurethane foam Ceresit- the cost of 750 ml is 650 rubles.

Polyurethane Adhesive Tytan- the average price of 750 ml is 400 rubles.

Facade adhesive T-AVANGARD-K- this glue is sold in packages of 25 kg, the cost of the package is 280 rubles.

Dry mix Ceresit- the cost of a package with a volume of 25 kg is from 400 to 600 rubles.

Liquid Nails- the price of 300 ml is about 200 rubles.

Dry glue moment- the cost of a bag with a volume of 25 kg is 300 rubles.

- the average price of 500 ml is 900-1200 rubles.

How to prepare the surface

Before gluing the material, you need to prepare the surface well for gluing. It is on this that further bonding and fixation time will depend.

Surface preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. Cleaning from dirt, dust and various substances.
  2. Surface leveling. If there are irregularities or defects on the surface, then they must be removed. special tools. If there are defects, the bond will be low;

How to glue

Styrofoam is very fragile, so it must be glued very carefully.

For gluing it together, it is desirable to use mixtures that are designed for this material. Gluing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Glue must be applied to the sheet. It is applied in stripes or dots at the four corners. The adhesive must cover the entire surface. It is desirable that no extra spaces are formed during gluing. If the foam is glued with mounting foam, it must be taken into account that the foam expands when it dries, and spaces between the sheets may form. Therefore, during gluing with this agent, a reinforcing mesh is inserted between the sheets.
  2. Sheets need to be pressed together. In order for the glue to grab well, pressure must be applied to the sheets. For pressure, it is advisable to use a small load or just squeeze with your hands and support for a while, 15 minutes will be enough.


Styrofoam is a material that has a number of advantages - warm, plastic, fire resistant, non-toxic. Thanks to this, it can be used in various spheres of life. It is very easy to glue and suitable for almost all adhesive mixtures. In addition, it is very light, and does not cause great difficulties in operation and installation.

To date, the insulation of the walls of a house or apartment with the help of polystyrene is widespread. This is not surprising, because the cost of the material is low, and the foam itself has many advantages that are several times superior to other well-known insulation materials.

This allows not only to save on heat, but also to save the building, so you need to know how to glue the foam to the wall and what it will take if you do the work yourself.

Characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the material

The denser foam has the best quality

Standard sheets, which are used for, are 1x1 m or 0.5x1 m. In addition, the material can be with different densities, which have values ​​of 15, 25 and 40. As a rule, the higher the density, the better, but the purchase price will be higher . If we take the average option, more precisely, 25 density, then the thickness of the material will be from 5 cm, this species used for outdoor work.

If 15 density is used, then it is suitable for internal works and it can be used for wood or concrete. 40 density is used as floor covering for floor insulation. This material is of very high density, due to which it is not afraid of the loads that will come. Such foam is not pressed through and is not deformed.

Styrofoam is indeed a versatile material, but it has both pros and cons. All of them are shown in the table:

1 Low weight due to the composition, where 98% is air or gas.At different materials, on which the foam is applied, there are different methods of gluing, which must be considered.
2 Easy to handle and install.After gluing, the foam should be additionally covered with a protective layer.
3 High resistance to sunlight, temperature extremes.Almost does not pass air.
4 High heat capacity.It can be destroyed by some types of paints and adhesives, so you should specify how to glue the foam and what needs to be applied to it at the end of the work.

Since the walls of the house will not breathe after being insulated with foam, you need to carefully consider and make ventilation.

Preparatory work

The primed wall will better adhere to the foam panels.

Before applying to concrete or other material, the surface should be cleaned. To do this, it is enough to remove dust and dirt. As an assistant, you can use a spray gun.

If there is no such equipment, then a conventional metal brush is used. Its pile will qualitatively clean the surface from any kind of pollution. In the event that the surface has an uneven texture, it will initially need to be leveled.

All types of irregularities that have a difference of more than 1 cm will lead to breakage of the foam.

Mesh can be installed with glue or staples

After cleaning and leveling, you need to cover the wall with soil, it is better to use a brush, which will additionally clean the surface from dust and dirt. Next, you need to prepare the grid, it should be glued around the window and doorways. A mesh is applied to the wall and simply nailed with staples using construction stapler. The mesh can be fixed using glue.

The mesh is sold in rolls, and therefore, for more convenient use, you need to cut it into strips of about 40-50 cm. The mesh is glued to the walls with the expectation that at least 15 cm of it is under the insulation. The rest can be wrapped and after pasting the walls with insulation, apply it over the foam.

construction mixer

In addition to preparing the walls themselves, you also need to prepare tools. This will require:

  1. Mixer or drill with a nozzle, with which glue and putty will be mixed.
  2. Spatula, which is used for the adhesive composition.
  3. A small spatula with which it will be convenient to remove the remaining glue.
  4. Wide spatula for leveling walls.
  5. Perforator for installation of fungi. A 10 mm drill is used.
  6. Solution container.
  7. Primer brush.

After completing the main preparatory points, you can begin to install the foam on the walls. Often the question arises, how to glue the foam to the wall. For these purposes, plaster or special glue can be used. It is these two application methods that will be presented below.

Installation with plaster

In this way, the foam is attached to a concrete or brick base.

Used for foam when mounted on a concrete or brick base. This method very convenient to use, because there is no need to spend a lot of time on installation. Plaster can be kneaded in any volume that is needed for work. It is important to remember the rule that it is necessary to apply the solution to the foam sheet at five points, along the edges and in the center.

Some, in order to save money, apply the solution to only three points, but this violates technological process. As a result, the sheets will not adhere well and may peel off after a while. Other workers apply plaster around the entire perimeter of the sheet. In general, this can be done, but the consumption of the mixture is very large. It is better to apply the mixture pointwise, and carry out additional fixation with dowels.

If the work is carried out for the first time, it is better to make the plaster thinner than according to the instructions, due to this you can get a certain amount of time for it to harden.

Plaster is applied over the grid

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. It is applied to the walls. Initially, the corners are pasted over, after which it is installed over the entire surface and plastered.
  2. When the solution dries, the insulation is glued.
  3. You need to glue the foam boards from the bottom point to the top.
  4. After a day or two, additional fixation is carried out with special dowels.
  5. After complete drying of the solution and reliable adhesion of the sheets to the wall, the insulation is plastered.
  6. After plastering, the surface can be painted. For more information about wall insulation, see this video:

During the drying of the solution, it is important not to touch the insulation with your hands, so as not to disturb its points of contact and thereby not budge.

Glue mounting

Use any adhesive containing solvent

What kind of glue is best for styrofoam? If we are talking about gluing the sheets themselves to each other, then any composition will do. It can be a dry type or a wet type, as long as they do not contain a solvent.

When choosing glue, you should clearly understand where the insulation is carried out. If this is internal work, then there is not much difference in the glue. If the facade is insulated, then it will be necessary to use a special class of glue, which will have resistance to the influences of nature. The glue is diluted according to the instructions on the package, and applied by analogy with plaster.

The concrete base is cold in itself, for such a surface it is better to use special polyurethane foam instead of glue. It is sold in bottles and is easy to work with. In addition, the foam is able to adhere the material to the metal surface.

Although the composition glues the insulation very well to any surface, you should be careful and make sure that the foam does not freeze in the balloon. To save money, it is better to use flushing, which does not allow the remaining foam in the cylinder to dry out when work is suspended for a certain time. For more information on the best way to glue foam, see this video:

That's all the necessary information, how to glue the foam and how to properly carry out the installation work. For the highest quality adhesion of the insulation, use the tips given in the article, then the house will save not only heat, but also money. As you can see, the work is simple and you can do it yourself in just a few days.

Extruded polystyrene foam - synthetic board thermal insulation material. It is produced by foaming the polymer composition during the extrusion process.

Styrofoam boards are approximately 95% air, which makes material light and easily cut and machined.

Expanded polystyrene boards have excellent sound insulation properties and excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

The scope of extruded polystyrene foam is extensive: it is widely used for internal and external thermal insulation buildings, floor and roof insulation, expanded polystyrene boards are the main element of modern sandwich panels used in frame construction.

The material is laid adhesive method, at the same time, when performing work, a special assembly adhesive for extruded polystyrene foam, which allows you to get reliable connection insulation boards with wooden, brick, concrete, metal and other surfaces.

What are the types of glue for polystyrene foam for indoor and outdoor use

For the installation of extruded polystyrene foam outside buildings, a special cement-mineral adhesive mixture(for greater reliability, the plates are additionally fixed with special umbrella dowels).

For interior work on the insulation of ceilings and walls, in most cases, compounds based on polymers and polyurethane are used.

Consider the characteristics of the most popular brands glue for polystyrene boards .

  • Glue Penoplex FASTFIX- a special polyurethane adhesive designed for gluing thermal insulation boards made of extruded polystyrene foam to various types of substrates: concrete, stone, aerated concrete, metal, brick, ceramic and expanded clay concrete blocks, plaster, etc.

Glue is sold in metal cylinders with a volume of 750 ml (as a professional polyurethane foam).

The composition has high adhesion to most building materials, and a convenient release form allows you to use a quick and convenient method of application using a special mounting gun.

Full hardening of the adhesive occurs after 24 hours, however, the setting of the adhesive layer occurs after a few minutes.

Penoplex glue can be used for mounting thermal insulation on the outer walls, foundation and plinth of a building, however, more often glue of this format is used for internal thermal insulation of rooms, insulation of balconies in city apartments.

One 750 ml can is sufficient for gluing 6-10 square meters of boards.

  • Adhesive foam TechnoNIKOL for expanded polystyrene- a modern adhesive composition based on polyurethane, designed for the installation of heat-insulating boards in the process of facade insulation and internal walls buildings.

Glue is sold in metal cylinders with a volume of 750 ml. The foam is also suitable for sealing gaps between mounted thermal insulation boards. The composition is resistant to moisture, mold, aging.

Has high adhesion to concrete surfaces, cement and gypsum plasters, wood, OSB boards, etc.

One bottle of 750 ml is sufficient for gluing 10-12 square meters of boards.

  • Glue for expanded polystyrene Ceresit CT 83 (Ceresit 83)- universal cement-mineral adhesive mixture for the installation of expanded polystyrene boards to various bases when performing outdoor work on wall insulation.

It can work at temperatures from zero degrees, it has high adhesion to concrete, brick, aerated concrete, ceramic and expanded clay concrete blocks.

To prepare the glue, it is enough to pour the mixture into water and mix thoroughly. The average dry mix consumption is 5 kg per square meter.

  • Adhesive for styrofoam boards Bitumast based on modified bitumen - a ready-to-use adhesive designed for mounting insulation boards to bases made of brick, concrete, metal, wood and other building materials.

With the help of bitumen, you can glue the insulation boards. The absence of toxic components in the composition allows you to use it for carrying out not only external, but also internal work.

The average consumption of glue is about 0.5 liters per square meter. Working temperature- not lower than +5 degrees.

How to glue styrofoam boards to the ceiling

Consider the process of installing extruded polystyrene insulation boards on the ceiling using the specialized Penoplex FASTFIX glue as an example.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Surface preparation. work surface should be free of any contaminants. To improve adhesion, slight moistening of the base is allowed;
  2. Glue preparation. The cylinder should be placed with the valve up and screwed onto it mounting gun. This should be done by holding the handle of the gun with one hand, screwing the cylinder with the other. In the process of screwing, make sure that there are no people and animals in the direction where the barrel of the gun is pointing. After securely fastening the cylinder in the gun, it should be shaken vigorously and placed upside down;
  3. Applying glue. Penoplex FASTFIX glue is applied directly to the insulation slab in thin strips parallel to the edges, stepping back from each edge by 2-3 centimeters. One strip of glue is applied in the middle of the plate, parallel to its long side. The amount of foam coming out of the cylinder and the intensity of its exit should be regulated by the gun trigger;
  4. Gluing the insulation board to the ceiling. After applying the foam to the heat-insulating panel, wait a technological pause (about 2-3 minutes), then press the slab to the ceiling surface and fix it for 15-20 seconds. During the first 5 minutes, the position of the attached EPS boards can be adjusted.
  5. Plates must be mounted close to one another with a spacing of seams. The gap between the panels should not exceed two millimeters. For greater reliability of installation, it is recommended to use additional mounting accessories (dowels). Excess foam after it has completely dried is cut off with a sharp knife.

The glue sets in 5-10 minutes, but complete drying occurs only after 24 hours.

In the cold season, before applying the adhesive, it is recommended to warm the cylinder in a bucket of warm water(25-30 degrees) or keeping for several hours indoors at room temperature.


Concerning consumption of glue for expanded polystyrene, then one bottle of Penoplex FASTFIX (costs about 350 rubles) is enough to insulate 6-10 square meters of walls.