Insulation of the outer walls of a multi-storey building. Features of warming the facades of apartments

Increasingly, "spots" appear on multi-storey buildings in the form of bright multi-colored squares around the windows. This indicates that the owners of the apartments have taken care of the insulation of their homes. This service is often used by residents of panel houses. What is the insulation of a panel apartment building, and what does it give?

A little about the insulation of external walls

In winter, everyone's desire is to return to a warm, cozy apartment and relax after a hard day. But expectations do not always coincide with reality. Due to rains, winds, high humidity, temperature changes, the walls of houses freeze. The facade of the building is gradually collapsing, cracks appear. On the inner side of the supporting structures, from a lack of heat, mold develops, and the humidity of the air rises. Insulating concrete walls solves this problem.

A layer of insulation helps to avoid destruction of the front part of the wall and to keep heat within the apartment. In addition, there are a number of advantages when insulating the outer walls of a panel house:

  • the room is protected from strong winds and drafts;
  • heat is retained and the air temperature in the apartment becomes a couple of degrees higher;
  • all the cracks are eliminated, due to which the partitions in the room freeze and get wet;
  • when strengthening a small part of the facade, the operational life of the entire panel building is extended;
  • sound insulation improves slightly;
  • there is no need to move, during the work on the insulation of the outer walls.

The price depends on the area of ​​insulation and the quality of the materials used. But when the question of warmth in winter is at stake, the situation speaks for itself.

Types of materials

The quality and durability of the insulation depends on the selected material. Mineral wool and polystyrene are popular.

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam or foam is the most affordable material. Foam boards differ only in thickness. It is lightweight, absorbs excess sound well, does not release heat from the room. It may seem that it is an unreliable and fragile material. And there is. But this problem is easily solved with plastering. The weight is minimal, and the excess is cut with a knife, which makes it easier to work with it at height. Polyfoam practically does not absorb water - this extends the operating life of the material.

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  1. Mineral wool is produced by dozens of manufacturers. It has good thermal conductivity. It is convenient to work with it, but not at a high altitude. The weight of a slab made of such material is quite large and, when fastening, it is necessary to use dowels. During installation, use a membrane that prevents vaporization. Otherwise, the mineral wool will get wet and lose its properties.
  2. The most expensive material is foam glass. It repels water, retains heat, protects from extraneous noise. Prevents mold and mildew growth. Differs in durability.

The amount of material used is calculated from the calculation of the area of ​​the wall section that needs to be insulated. Plus 15% of the total in reserve. Before attaching the insulation to the panel house, the walls go through a preparation stage.

Preliminary preparation of walls

In order for the insulation to fit snugly against the wall, the surface must be leveled, and the gaps must be covered.

Important! All stages are carried out only by specialists. You need to thoroughly know the sequence of work and its features.

The process of preparing the base goes through several stages:

  • the wall is cleaned of old layers of any coating (paint, plaster, whitewash, etc.);
  • dust and dirt are removed, the surface is sprayed with water;
  • interpanel seams and cracks are cleaned of dust and insulated with foam for installation, and the hardened excess is removed;
  • stripping is performed again.

Together with the preparation of the walls, the slopes of the windows are put in order. To avoid the formation of fungus, the surface is primed. For this, a sprayer is used, less often a special roller.

Interesting! This type of work is carried out mainly at a height. This is a dangerous activity, and most often 2-3 people are involved in the installation. But there are also loners who got used to independently performing all the stages.

Stages of warming a panel apartment building

High-quality installation is the basis for the durability of insulation. It depends on many factors. One of them is the material to which it is attached. Mostly construction glue, dowels or a combination of both are used. The whole process takes several days so that the materials have time to dry as they are used.

Recommendation! Warming is carried out in summer and early autumn, until the rainy season. There are more and more people who want to keep the room warm every year. Therefore, it is worthwhile to tackle this issue in advance. After all, an entry in the best wall insulation firms begins literally six months in advance, or even earlier.


The adhesive is applied to the surface either in lumps or with a notched trowel. Thus, when pressed, the glue evenly fills the space between the insulation and the wall. The rows are laid out in a checkerboard pattern from bottom to top. The slab is applied to the surface from the bottom corner to the top corner, and is aligned to the building level. Also for the level, beacon corners are used or pull a vertical thread between opposite sheets.

Quite a few apartment owners who are located in a panel house have to deal with the fact that living in such real estate is simply impossible and very difficult, due to the fact that there is always a strong cold in the premises in winter. This is due to the fact that the walls of a panel house are usually very poorly insulated, as a result of which a draft and cold penetrates through them, as well as through windows and other surfaces in the apartment, and it is impossible to cope with them even with the help of high-quality and reliable heating included at full capacity. As a result, living in such an apartment will not be very comfortable and pleasant, as well as safe, since you can easily get a cold. That is why, in order to increase the comfort of living, each apartment owner in a panel house must take care of the full and effective insulation of his apartment, which should be not only internal, but also external. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the best and optimal result of all the planned work. Also, if there is no opportunity or money to insulate both outside and inside, then in this case the most optimal solution would be to carry out work related to external insulation, since it is considered the most effective.

Features of warming a panel house

Initially, you should determine what material will be used for these purposes. It must meet certain requirements, which include safety for people, as well as high thermal insulation parameters, since in this case, the insulation will act as a really correct solution for full and comprehensive insulation. Most often, popular and affordable mineral wool is used for these purposes, and it is also allowed to use foam for this, which meets all the requirements, and is also a material that is very simple and easy to work with.

It is best to choose external insulation, because in this case, not only the premises themselves will be reliably protected from the penetration of cold, but the walls themselves will be well protected from the cold, which is considered the most effective and correct solution.

Internal insulation will ensure the creation of an insulating layer that will protect the premises from the cold that already penetrates the walls of the house.

How to insulate the walls of a panel house from the outside?

These works can be performed using completely different methods with specific differences. To do this, you can make a curtain facade, which is considered the most optimal solution. In this case, a special frame is formed along the entire perimeter of the wall from slats or profiles, and plate heat-insulating materials are laid in its cavity, which must be mounted with a small joint. Further, the resulting structure is sheathed with any suitable decorative materials that will not stand out too much against the background of the overall decoration of the house. With the help of such a design, you can get a really perfect result of the work, however, it will require an investment of a fairly large amount of money, and the work itself has certain difficulties. Therefore, it is often simply impossible to cope with all the work with your own hands, especially if the apartment is at a rather high altitude, as a result of which you will have to constantly use special equipment for work.

Another method of external insulation is to create an insulating layer on the walls of the house, which is then covered with a layer of plaster. This method is considered quite effective and efficient, as well as simpler and faster, and at the same time, you can handle all the work quite easily with your own hands. However, you should first assess the wall for any defects or all kinds of obstacles to applying a plaster layer to the walls. The fact is that often it is simply impossible to carry out the intended work due to the presence of significant obstacles to this. In this case, you will have to deal with the creation of a curtain facade. However, if there are no barriers to plastering, then you can proceed with insulation using this method. To do this, initially waterproofing materials begin to be fixed on the outer walls of the building, and it is advisable to choose for this special unique membranes that will not only protect the walls from moisture penetration from the outside, but will additionally allow steam and moisture to pass from the walls. After that, you can start fixing a layer of foam or mineral wool, but in the latter case, it is advisable to additionally wrap each plate with waterproofing materials. The fact is that this insulation does not at all have any resistance to moisture, which can even cause damage to the material or the fact that it will no longer cope with its main tasks. Fastening can be carried out using special and reliable polyurethane glue or using dowels, and experts say that the best work result can be achieved only with a combination of these fastening methods. However, it is allowed to do this only for foam, which has a fairly high density. As soon as the thermal insulation layer is fully formed on the walls of the house, you can start creating a decorative layer, for which decorative plaster is used for outdoor use. It is also possible to install the siding with suitable fasteners. The specific choice depends entirely on what exactly the goals are supposed to be achieved with the help of insulation, since it is often important not only to insulate the walls of the house, but even to decorate them, as well as to give them an updated and interesting appearance.

Features of internal insulation

The walls of a panel house can be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the inside, and at the same time it is desirable to carry out these works only in conjunction with external insulation. Also, internal work is the only solution if it is simply impossible to carry out them outside. Warming inside the house is a fairly simple work, since for this, a frame of profiles is created around the entire perimeter of the walls, into which insulation is laid, and after that it is sheathed with sheets of drywall, on which any suitable finishing materials are applied at the last stage of work. Such work is considered quick and easy, but as a result, it will be necessary to reduce the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe premises, and insulation will not be the most effective.

Thus, the insulation of the walls of a panel house is considered quite simple and quick work, which you can easily handle with your own hands, and at the same time you can independently choose which method of insulation will be used.

People living in panel houses are often faced with the accumulation of moisture in the walls and freezing of the facade in winter, mold formation, peeling wallpaper and other unpleasant phenomena, not to mention a decrease in the level of heat in living quarters.

And this is not surprising, because, unlike brick buildings, panel houses are less resistant to high humidity and temperature extremes. To cope with this problem, the insulation of the walls of the panel house, made from the outside, helps. Why should it be done outside? Let's try to figure it out.

Inside or outside?

Insulation is designed to prevent heat leakage through the walls, and at the same time to protect the facade from premature destruction. The modern market offers many different materials for outdoor and indoor insulation. Since only professionals can insulate the facade of a panel house from the outside, residents may have a desire to decorate the room with insulation from the inside. However, it is best not to do this.

In this case, the dew point will move inward, which will lead to an even greater accumulation of moisture in the walls. As a result, not only they will get wet, but also the insulation, which will significantly reduce the life of the facade. Therefore, it is more advisable to insulate the walls from the outside. This will not reduce the useful area of ​​the apartment and will not disturb the interior decoration.

At the same time, it is not so easy to insulate a multi-storey building from the outside. Only industrial climbers can do this. And it is very difficult to make public utilities pay for their labor and purchase of building materials. And not all tenants of the house agree to chip in and hire a construction team. Fortunately, today it is quite possible to carry out external insulation of a separate apartment.

If you don't have building and climbing skills, don't try it yourself! However, if you live on the first floor of a panel house, then it is quite possible to do this with your own hands, using the stairs.

Types of heaters

A variety of materials can be used to insulate the walls of the house outside, but the most popular over the years are:

  • stone or glass wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

The main property that these heaters have in common is their low thermal conductivity. Most often, foam is used as a heat-insulating material.

Insulation installation technology

Preparing the walls

Immediately before the walls are insulated, the work surface is prepared. All irregularities are smoothed out and sealed with a primer. Seams and facade finishing require special attention.

All peeling paint should be cleaned as well as peeling finishes. To check its quality, it is enough to move your hand along the wall. If the palm remains clean, no primer is needed. If there are any problems, it is better to play it safe.

Insulation installation

For insulation of a panel house, foam is more often used, therefore, we will consider the technology of its fastening.

If you live on the ground floor and decide to carry out the insulation yourself, then for work you will need a large and small spatula to apply glue to the wall.

It should be noted that there are three methods of fixing it: on glue, on dowels, or both together. It is most effective to use glue and dowels together.

The walls are pasted from bottom to top. A starter bar is nailed in the lower part of the facade. If the walls are uneven, then the glue can be “thrown” on, on flat surfaces it can be applied with a comb.

Fill the seams meticulously. It makes no sense to apply glue to the insulation sheet. So that there are no cavities under the foam, fill all the cavities and irregularities of the walls with an adhesive solution. Otherwise, the voids will create additional "cold bridges" through which heat will leave the apartment.

Once the surface has been glue-coated, you can attach a sheet of styrofoam and press it well against the wall. Before the next stage of work, it is better to wait a few days so that the glue solution is completely dry and the insulation shrinks, and then continue working.

To fasten the insulation, dowels are used - fasteners consisting of a circle, a plastic sleeve and a galvanized nail, which is hammered into the sleeve. Since styrofoam is lightweight, plastic nails can also be used. They will save the facade from unnecessary heat loss.

To reliably insulate the building, holes are drilled around the perimeter and in the center of the foam glued to the wall. The depth of the hole must be two centimeters greater than the length of the dowel, otherwise the fastener will stick out from the outside. To ensure reliable insulation, the foam sheets must fit snugly against the wall and against each other.

Watch out for clearances. In some cases, it is useful to fill them with polyurethane foam, the excess of which is cut off after drying, and the seams are rubbed and corrected. At the final stage, the dowel caps and seams are puttyed with an adhesive mixture. Small defects that have arisen after the mixture has dried are removed with emery and a plastic float.

Pasting walls with mesh

Since foam is a brittle material, its reinforcement is required, which is done by gluing a thin mesh. For installation outside the building, a special mesh is used that can withstand all atmospheric phenomena and retain its properties under the influence of adverse external factors.

At the first stage, the corners are pasted over with a mesh, and only then - the main surface of the walls finished with insulation. Special nets with corners will help to facilitate the task - they will help you insulate the house without additional hassle. Otherwise, long strips of thirty centimeters wide are cut from the mesh and bent at an angle. Then, using a spatula, the corner of the house is covered with glue on all sides, on top of which a mesh is placed and smoothed away from the corner.

To make the work easier, the mesh can be cut into meter-by-meter pieces and then attached in small sections. The mesh is glued with an overlap. After the glue is completely dry, the walls are treated with plastic floats, excess dried mortar and irregularities are cleaned up. After making sure that the mixture is completely dry, an equalizing layer is applied to the walls of the panel house and proceeds to the final finishing.

This is all you need to know about finishing a panel house. Installation of insulation from the outside allows you to reliably protect apartments from the cold. Today, many construction firms offer insulation services for multi-storey buildings. But if you live on the ground floor and have the necessary skills and tools, then you can try to make the insulation yourself.

Living in a panel house is not always comfortable, since in winter the facade can freeze through, moisture can accumulate on it, and mold can form. This leads to peeling of wallpaper and an uncomfortable microclimate in the room - the temperature in the room is below a comfortable level. This is due to the properties of the walls of the panel structure, which are not characterized by resistance to changes in temperature and high humidity. To solve this problem, you will have to insulate the walls, and this must be done outside.

Photo of the insulated facade of a panel house

Warming options

Insulation of a panel house from the outside allows you to stop the outflow of heat through the concrete. An additional layer of thermal insulation will protect against the destructive effects of external factors. On the market today you can find many that can be used for insulation inside or outside.

Insulation inside

For a panel house, insulation from the inside will only make the situation worse. This is due to the movement of the dew point, which will move closer to the inner side of the wall. In practice, this means that moisture will accumulate in the walls with even greater force - both the wall and the insulation will get wet, therefore, the life of the facade will be significantly reduced. To avoid such a situation, and at the same time to reduce the useful area of ​​the apartment and destroy the design, it is worth giving preference to the insulation of a panel house.

Insulation outside

The difficulty lies in the fact that the insulation of a panel house with a large number of floors is possible only with the help of climbing equipment. It is clear that it is almost impossible to get money to pay specialists and buy building materials from public utilities. Moreover, an attempt to insulate a house at the expense of residents also does not always meet with understanding among all project participants. Therefore, you can follow the path of least resistance and insulate a separate apartment.

The main advantages of outdoor insulation:

  • There is no need to disturb the interior decoration of the premises;
  • The internal usable area of ​​the apartment is preserved;
  • The supporting structure of the "panel" is being strengthened, that is, the building is being strengthened, which has a positive effect on the service life;
  • Insulation is an additional sound insulator;
  • The indoor temperature rises at the same heating costs, since the walls are protected from freezing - heat loss through the panel box is reduced.

How to choose insulation

When choosing insulation for outdoor use, the following factors should be considered:

  • The climate of the region in which the panel house is located
  • Wind rose and rainfall
  • Available budget
  • Local features, such as the design of the facade of a building.

To calculate the estimate and create a project, you need to contact the management company or the HOA, while a team of industrial climbers will be directly involved in the insulation

Thermal conductivity diagram for building insulation

Types of insulation for panel houses

The following materials can be used for thermal insulation of a panel house:

· mineral wool

It is one of the most popular outdoor insulation materials. This is due to good performance characteristics, in particular, low thermal conductivity. At the same time, mineral wool is hygroscopic, so it is important to isolate it from moisture. Otherwise, the thermal insulation properties are leveled. For this purpose, it is necessary to lay a vapor-permeable membrane under the layer of insulation - it will protect the mineral wool from moisture. It is also possible to arrange an air gap in the ventilated facade - in this case, the membrane is not needed.

Extruded polystyrene foam and foam

And extruded polystyrene foam or, as it is also called, penoplex also have low thermal conductivity, therefore, they can well be used as insulation for a panel house. Moreover, if you choose from these materials, then foam is most often used as a heat insulator.

This material attracts with its lightness, moreover, such plates are easily attached to the wall. In addition to thermal insulation, they provide additional insulation from sounds from the street. At the same time, when choosing a material, it is important to note the marking - the foam must be G1, which means “does not support self-combustion. If the foam is flammable, it cannot be used. It is worth considering that the marking does not always correspond to the real state of affairs. Therefore, when purchasing heat-insulating material, it is necessary to request a product certificate - it must comply with GOST 30244-94.

External insulation

Carrying out works on insulation of the facade of a multi-storey building

Insulation of the facade of a panel house is carried out in the following stages:

Preparatory stage

Preparation of the facade surface is necessary - the end walls of the panel house are leveled, the plates are cleaned of plaque. It is also important to close up voids, cracks, and the joints of the panels are sealed. If necessary, it is worth laying a seal between the joints, while a special mastic is used to seal the cracks. The unevenness of the surface of the walls is allowed within two centimeters - such a deviation can not be repaired. When all materials are dry, the wall is impregnated with a multipurpose primer applied with a spray gun or roller.

Insulation installation

Since in the overwhelming majority of cases, foam is used for thermal insulation of panel houses, it is worth considering the technology for installing this insulation. You can fix the foam using the following methods: put the plates on glue, fix or connect these two options, this is the most reliable choice. The direction of pasting is from bottom to top. In this case, pasting begins with the installation of the starting plate.

After that, we begin to apply glue to the surface of the panel house - the technologies used directly depend on the quality of the walls. If they are even, you can apply the glue with a comb. If, as is often the case, the walls are uneven, then the glue is simply poured onto the surface. It is important to carefully fill the seams with glue. All this allows you to get rid of voids under the heat insulator. There is no need to apply glue to the foam.

Installation of foam on the wall

The option when the glue is applied to the foam, and not to the house, is not suitable in this case, since the voids under the insulation will become natural bridges of cold, which will reduce the effectiveness of the entire event as a whole.

Apply the foam to the glue layer and press it well. After gluing all the plates, you must leave them alone for a few days. During this period, the glue solution will dry out and shrink, after which it will be possible to perform the next stage of work. As for fixing the plates with dowels, you can choose plastic mushrooms. This is due to the lightness and low strength of the foam - such fasteners will save the facade from unnecessary heat loss.

It is worth paying attention to the gaps - they must be filled with polyurethane foam, cutting off the excess after the material has solidified.

As for the caps of the dowels, they must be covered with an adhesive mixture. All irregularities left after the glue dries can be removed with ordinary sandpaper.

Preparation for reinforcement

The fragility of the foam is a serious drawback, therefore, the insulation needs reinforcement - it is enough to glue a thin mesh. Such protection should prevent the destruction of the foam due to atmospheric phenomena and other adverse factors.

Preparation for reinforcement is as follows: first, the corners are pasted over, after which you can proceed to pasting the walls themselves. To simplify the process, meshes with ready-made corners are used, which minimizes the time required. If there are no such nets, then you will have to make corners from a regular mesh. It is enough to cut a long strip 30 centimeters wide and bend it at an angle - such a structure is pressed against the corner of the house greased with glue. In general, cutting the mesh into fragments greatly simplifies the installation itself, which allows you to consistently close the areas smeared with glue with fragments. In this case, at the junction, the mesh should be overlapped.