The choice of facing bricks, their size and types. How to choose a facing brick Which ceramic brick is better for facing a house

Facing bricks can turn any house, new building or existing, but a little neglected, into an attractive and elegant building. And it does not matter what material the house is built from - brick or timber, concrete blocks or monolithic aerated concrete.

Brick facing, which is better?

Looking at a hardware store various models facing brick, pay attention to its external parameters. The size facing stone, mostly hollow, the same as that of ordinary brick - 250x120x65 mm (85 mm). For products High Quality all stones are of the same size, moreover, the curvature of the sides and faces, delamination or cracks are not observed.

Main specifications that the best should have facing brick- high strength, low water absorption and frost resistance. The strength characteristics of the front element show the ability of the product to withstand variable loads that occur: during external temperature changes, shrinkage of the building or from microseismic effects.

The best facing brick is the one that has increased options for density and frost resistance, low level water absorption, and excellent texture. To finish the facade, three types of facing products are used:

  • ceramic brick
  • Hyper pressed brick
  • Clinker brick

Ceramic bricks are distinguished by excellent thermal insulation qualities, long service life and low price. However, its tendency to increased water absorption requires, at the end of the masonry, to take measures to hydrophobize the front surface of the brick. The excellent frost resistance of hyperpressed bricks is explained by the high density of its structure, and the non-firing production technology makes it possible to obtain bricks with perfectly smooth surfaces.

Clinker brick is created from especially refractory grades of clay and fired. Clinker stone has a wide range of colors, excellent design and operational characteristics and relatively high cost.

Which facing brick is better. Reviews

Judging by customer reviews, the leading positions in the ranking of facing material brands belong to clinker bricks. Decorating a house with facing bricks significantly reduces the level of heat loss of the building, gives the house an architectural expressiveness and emphasizes its style features.

Enough a difficult situation arises when it is necessary to decide which brick to choose for facing the house. The point is that such facade material includes several species that differ in composition and characteristics. That is why it is necessary to take into account many factors so that the final result matches the desired one.

facade brick also called facing or front, which explains the main purpose of the material - the external design of the walls in order to give the house a more presentable look.

Although the decorative component is considered the main parameter of the product, we must not forget that it must provide reliable protection buildings from any impact. Such factors include preventing the penetration of moisture (parts must have a small percentage of moisture absorption) and protecting the structure from wind and temperature extremes. The material must be strong and durable, the detrimental effects should not reduce the visual appeal.

Choosing suitable option, take into account that a simple building brick, the facade variety differs from such products in external parameters. The front material is often divided into two groups: shaped (with complex geometry) and textured (having a relief side).

The choice of facing blocks is now quite large.

Varieties of facing bricks

All types of facing bricks differ from each other in production technology and the components that make up the composition. This is what affects the final result, determining the properties of the material and its appearance.

The following types of bricks are found on the construction market:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • hyperpressed.
Thermal conductivity for any exterior cladding material is considered one of the main parameters

Each option has its pros and cons.

On a note! Silicate and ceramic products are divided into two categories: for the construction of houses and for cladding.

silicate brick

This type is often used for exterior finish, since the price of the material is considered one of the most democratic. The production technology lies in the fact that a mixture of quartz sand, lime and special components is subjected to dry pressing with a gradual increase in temperature.

The standard color for this option is white, but with the addition of color it is possible to obtain a more diverse decorative component.

V Lately diversity and the lineup silicate blocks have grown significantly

Material advantages:

  1. Frost resistance. The product is able to withstand many cycles of freezing and thawing.
  2. Safety. The composition and method of manufacture do not affect the environmental friendliness, so the products do not have a negative impact on health.
  3. Availability. This is the most cheap option from existing ones.
  4. acceptable strength. The resulting surface withstands various weather influences, provided that it is properly installed.

We can not exclude from the attention and disadvantages:

  • Significant weight. Because of this, the load on the foundation increases, therefore, in order to veneer the surface with a silicate variety, the structure must be carefully strengthened.
  • Low visual component. The coating has no texture, and even tinting does not give the desired effect.
  • Thermal conductivity. This indicator is high for this option, therefore, under difficult climatic conditions, additional insulation is necessary.

The silicate finish can be spectacular, but the brick itself is cold and heavy.

On a note! Silicate decorative brick suitable for front finishing only if the base is made of a more reliable material, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

ceramic brick

This option is the main competitor of the previous one, so the question often arises which brick is better: silicate or ceramic. Of course, the production of ceramics is a more complex process, the difficulty lies in choosing the right raw materials. For work, only high-quality clay with minor impurities of other substances is used. Since the shade of the material is often red, the final product has this color, although other varieties are also found. If necessary raw material can be tinted.

ceramic blocks have the widest range of curly elements

The manufacturing technology lies in the fact that the mass is molded, after which it is sent to a well-heated furnace. The final quality of the product depends on the correct preparation of the composition and its firing.

The material should have a rich red color with a brownish tint, and with a slight impact, a characteristic ringing should be heard. It should be borne in mind that even minimal violations of the process lead to marriage. Such shortcomings can be identified by appearance. If the parts have burnt areas, they have been held at the high temperatures ah, they will be fragile. At a low temperature and insufficient firing time, the fragments turn out to be faded, have a large moisture absorption, and there is no ringing upon impact.

Classical ceramics has good thermal insulation and is able to retain its original appearance for decades.

This decorative brick has the following advantages:

  1. Appearance. Ceramic material includes varieties that differ in color, size and shape. This provides scope for the implementation of design solutions.
  2. Durability. The service life of a surface made from such products is calculated in tens of years.
  3. Heat and sound insulation. Products well protect the house from heat loss, cold penetration and extraneous noise.

The only significant drawback may be a violation of production technology. Therefore, when purchasing products, it is necessary to pay great attention to this factor.

If the facing brick is sold too cheap, then there is a high probability of buying a fake that will crack and crumble in a couple of seasons.

Hyper pressed brick

Such a decorative brick has a surface that is closest to natural stone. For production, a fraction of natural materials, shell rock, cement and mineral pigments are used. The mixture is pressed and exposed to high temperatures.

Hyper-pressed blocks are close to good granite in their characteristics, but the material is heavy and quite expensive.

The hyper-pressed facade facing brick has a large number of advantages. Among the main ones stand out strength and durability, the coating perfectly withstands many cycles of temperature changes. But due to the large weight and high price, the products are not widely used.

Clinker view

This finishing material is a bit like ceramic variant, but for its production a more refractory grade of clay is used, and firing takes place at very high temperatures. Due to this, the details acquire excellent protective and decorative qualities. But this also affects the final cost: it becomes too high. Therefore, exterior decoration is often carried out using brick-like tiles, which are much easier and cheaper to revet the surface.

Clinker finish belongs to the elite types and, according to most experts, is the highest quality and durable.

Which is better?

When choosing a facing brick for a facade, it should be remembered that the main competitors are silicate and ceramic types. Both options are quite popular, but the second stands out most favorably. This is due to its advantages:

  • Technical specifications. The material has high strength and low moisture absorption. Perfectly withstands more than 130 cycles of defrosting and freezing, the lined house acquires durability.
  • thermal insulation characteristics. Ceramics not only retains heat and keeps cold out, but also contributes to the creation of a comfortable microclimate inside the building.
  • If you choose the appropriate option, it minimizes the impact on the structure.
  • High decorative. Many varieties are produced that differ in color, shape and texture.

Choosing between silicate and ceramic cladding it is better to give preference to good ceramics

Silicate brick has only one advantage over ceramic - more low price. If the budget is limited, it will the best solution. And the desired visual effect can be achieved by painting the surface.

The construction of a private house is accompanied by a desire to combine the comfort and practicality of housing with a presentable appearance. The facade of any building is its face, which is looked at daily by the owners of the house, their guests and bystanders. Therefore, it is important to carefully approach the issue of finishing the building, because the wrong material for a short time may become unusable or lose an attractive appearance.

Popular option finishing material is a facing brick, which is also called front or facade. It is often preferred in the construction of objects of any level - from residential buildings to large cultural complexes of regional significance. On the market building materials there are many types of facing bricks, but which one to choose? About this - in our article.

Front brick vs ordinary, silicate vs ceramic

When choosing a brick for construction, the question often arises which of the presented types is better. But such a statement of the question is not entirely correct. There are many varieties of this building material, and each of them is different. individual qualities and appointment.

On a note!
In Russia, the norms and technical rules for the manufacture of ceramic bricks are standardized by GOST 530-2012, in which separate categories of material are distinguished depending on operational properties. Also, the document specifies minimum requirements for strength, appearance and quality characteristics products.

For erection internal walls and partitions, as well as the outer walls of the building, ordinary brick is used. Such a product, in accordance with interstate and national standards ensures performance brickwork. At the same time, unlike the front brick, the issue of external attractiveness of the material goes by the wayside.

Ordinary brick is not used for cladding the facade of buildings or its elements, since cracks and chips are often found on its surface. For an ordinary brick, appearance is not important. And the requirements in GOST 530 2012 in appearance are much lower. Therefore, when constructing masonry from such a material, the surface needs to be subsequently treated with plaster or decorative mixtures. Similarly, front brick, as a rule, is not used for the construction of structural elements: in any case, it is necessary to build a frame, and after that, external finishing is carried out.

In the production of face bricks, breaks longer than 1.5 cm and cracks are not allowed. In addition, such products may have a color tint or undergo additional texture processing. Therefore, they have a wide range of applications: building cladding, construction of fences, fireplaces, individual buildings. Therefore, the cost of facing bricks depends on the color and other appearance parameters.

Performance characteristics of a brick

Despite the large differences in terms of aesthetic appeal, facing bricks and ordinary bricks have common performance characteristics.

  • Strength . It lies in the ability of the product to withstand external loads without subsequent destruction. The strength index is expressed in the numerical part of the brick brand: for example, an M100 brand product can withstand a load of 100 kg per 1 cm 2.
  • moisture absorption . It is expressed in the difference in the mass of dry and wet bricks, which is important for ensuring the strength of the structure. For example, for use in an environment with aggressive weather conditions, face clinker bricks are used, the moisture absorption index of which should not exceed 6%. For other products, moisture absorption of more than 6% is allowed: for facing - 8–10%, for ordinary products - 12–14%, for internal works- sixteen%. The level of water absorption of ceramic bricks can be in the range of 6–14%. The indicator is determined when products are saturated in water with a temperature of 15–25 ° C at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum, as well as in boiling water according to GOST 7025-91. Bricks and stones are ceramic and silicate. Methods for determining water absorption, density and control of frost resistance.
  • Emptiness. Taking into account this indicator, all products are divided into hollow and full-bodied, depending on the presence of internal voids. Each type differs in performance properties and range of applications. Hollow face brick is lighter, retains heat better, but is less durable. Therefore, it is used for cladding in order to protect the building from cold and wind. For the construction of external walls, a solid ordinary brick is used, which is characterized by high strength, but is less heat-intensive. In the production of solid facing bricks, more raw materials are consumed, so its price is much higher.
  • Frost resistance. This indicator is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the brick during freezing and thawing. With a low frost resistance index of the facing brick, its price per m 2 will be lower, but after several cycles of temperature changes, it will begin to collapse, peel off or lose color. The frost resistance index is directly related to the ability of the product to absorb water.

On a note!
Frost resistance in the technical documentation is indicated by the letter F and a numerical indicator. It indicates the number of freeze and thaw cycles that the product can withstand. For Russian-made facing bricks, the indicator must be at least F50, but upon agreement with the customer, it can be reduced to F35.

  • Fire resistance. This indicator affects what temperature the facing brick can withstand. This characteristic is especially important when decorating fireplaces and chimneys. Silicate front brick (sand-lime) withstands temperatures of 300–600 ° C, for red ceramic products (made from clay) this figure is higher - 800–1200 ° C, for refractory bricks (fireclay and quartz) - 1300 ° C, for industrial refractory (lime-magnesium and carbon graphite-coke) - 2000°C.

Types of facing bricks

In turn, the facing brick is divided into types depending on the raw materials and production technology. The set of operational characteristics of each option is different, this must be taken into account when deciding which facing brick to choose for specific tasks. Typically, front bricks are made in three sizes (formats):

  • Euro (0.7 NF) - 250 × 85 × 65 mm;
  • single facing brick (1NF) - 250 × 120 × 65 mm;
  • one and a half, or thickened, front brick (1.4 NF) - 250 × 120 × 88 mm;

For finishing works ceramic can be used silicate brick.

Facial ceramic brick

It is made from clay purified from salts and impurities by shaping, drying and subsequent firing. The last stage of the production of ceramic facing bricks affects the quality of the product: when burned, it acquires a black tint, and when underburned, on the contrary, light, in both cases, the strength qualities decrease.

Ceramic face brick outperforms the others with its performance characteristics. With a weight of 1.7–3.1 kg, depending on which size of facing brick is chosen, it withstands 100 freezing cycles and provides 8–9% water absorption. The disadvantage is the price of facing bricks, which is higher than that of other varieties.

silicate brick

Such products are made from a mixture of quartz sand and lime by autoclave synthesis, so they do not undergo firing. The main advantage of silicate facing brick is its low price. At the same time, its service life, frost resistance and water absorption are significantly lower than those of ceramic. In addition, there is no way to give the brick a smooth shape or include decorative elements. Therefore, it cannot be recognized as the best facing brick for building a house.

Due to the production technology without firing, sand-lime brick does not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and high temperatures. Therefore, popularity among the population is due only to the cost of silicate facing bricks.

Alternatives in facade decoration: does the miser pay twice?

If we compare which facing brick is better, ceramic products win in terms of operational and aesthetic characteristics. Even though the cost square meter of such a facing brick is higher than silicate, in terms of the "price / quality / durability" ratio, it is the best option (see Table 1).

Table 1. Characteristics of ceramic bricks

In the construction market, there are alternative materials for facade decoration, which are also popular among the population. To understand what to give preference to and not overpay in the future for unforeseen repairs, let's compare each material with a brick.

Hinged ventilated facade

Represents metal carcass on which the facing element is fixed: panels, siding, artificial stone. To preserve heat, a layer of insulation is laid between the wall of the house and the cladding. Such material has high strength, can be mounted in any weather, and broken elements can be replaced.

Despite the difference in price, the service life of facing bricks for the facade is longer (over 100 years versus 30). In addition, the brick finish is not subject to deformation, does not require additional processing and applying protective equipment.

Wet plaster

Among the advantages of such a material are the possibility of choosing the color you like, ease of application and versatility for buildings of any complexity. In addition, the cost of facing bricks per m 2 is higher than wet plaster and insulation for a similar amount of work. But the service life of such a finishing material is about 30 years, which is very short compared to a brick facade.

If you violate the technology of applying wet plaster or do not process in a timely manner protective equipment from aggressive weather conditions, moisture and fungal infections, the material may be deformed. After that, you will have to apply a new layer to the entire facade, since a partial repair will show a difference in color.

Clinker brick

It is made from special types of clay, which provides high performance. The addition of minerals from the silicate group to the mixture is responsible for the spectacular appearance and strength of the products. The production of such facing bricks practically does not differ from its ceramic counterpart.

Advantages of clinker brick:

  • resistance to aggressive weather conditions;
  • long service life;
  • does not require cleaning and special care;
  • high rate of water resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Among the shortcomings, there is a difference in the color of bricks even from one batch, as well as high thermal conductivity, which creates the need to additionally use insulation. But the high price of clinker facing bricks in comparison with the ceramic counterpart makes it not the most attractive option for use in facade decoration.

A natural stone

The material has a spectacular appearance, high strength and service life. There is a wide variety of building materials on the market. natural stone for facing. It is often used for decoration individual elements surface, for example, simultaneously with white face brick or plaster.

In terms of performance properties, natural stone is comparable to ceramic bricks, but its price is much higher, and the material itself is heavier. Therefore, the main argument in choosing between these two materials is the low price of facing bricks.

Attempts to save money on finishing the building can end up with even higher costs associated with constant repairs and restoration of the appearance of the facade. In addition, not every material can boast of high performance. For many, natural stone still remains an attractive option, but its high cost and heavy weight often stop buyers.

How to choose a facing brick for the house?

The best facing brick is the one that will last a long time, provide comfortable conditions for living and will be inexpensive. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the product, taking into account weather conditions and terrain features. With high seismological activity, it is better to choose a durable brick, and for areas with sudden temperature changes - a product with high frost resistance.

To save on facade decoration, it makes sense to purchase facing bricks from the manufacturer through official distributors, the price of which will almost always be lower than that of dubious intermediaries. In addition, this way you will receive an additional guarantee that they will not try to sell you “false culling”, “substandard”, products that obviously do not comply with GOSTs.

Failure to comply with the production technology at least at one stage causes the product to fail to comply with the requirements of GOST. On the scale of the whole batch, such a mistake will bring big losses. Therefore, reputable manufacturers who care about their reputation exercise strict control over the production process at all stages. National and interstate standards contain fairly stringent requirements, respectively, products manufactured in accordance with GOSTs are preferable to those manufactured according to specifications and sometimes in fact are "draft" material.

Each batch of bricks must have a passport, which contains information about the product's compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents. However, it is known that construction markets, in "garage cooperatives", roadside warehouses, small sellers often present false passports and sanitary and hygienic certificates, issued, as they say, "on the knee", where, among other things, instead of the word "facing" the word "facade" can appear, for example .

Although the brick is not subject to mandatory certification, self-respecting manufacturers pass it on a voluntary basis, so be interested in the availability of certificates of conformity.

Many are interested in the question of what color of facing brick to choose for finishing the house. More recently, yellow facing bricks were popular, the cost of which is higher than products of other colors. But times are changing, and what was once fashionable is becoming a thing of the past. Therefore, in order for the facade to always have a presentable appearance, preference should be given to classic version- red front brick and its shades. This color will never go out of style and will look like new.

So, the exterior decoration of the facade is one of the most important tasks in the construction of a house. It's not even about aesthetic beauty and the ability to stand out from the crowd. Properly selected facing material will provide a comfortable environment in the house, as well as save the walls from the negative effects of weather conditions. Therefore, even at the design stage, it is necessary to decide on the finishing material. And it is important not to miscalculate so that the attempt to save money does not turn into even more expenses.

Where can I buy facing bricks from the manufacturer?

Where to buy facing brick good quality, we talked with Igor Kabanov, CEO BRAER company:

“We are often asked which facing brick is better to buy. It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since many factors must be taken into account: building climatology data, terrain features, characteristics of the facility under construction and the buyer's budget. We recommend, first of all, to take care of the quality of building materials and not to strive for false savings, making a choice in favor of frankly budget finishing options.

BRAER manufactures facing bricks according to individual production technology. This approach allows you to maintain a rich and lasting color for a long time, as well as provide excellent geometry. finished products. We carry out strict product control at each stage of production, so the release of a defective batch is excluded. In addition, we use modern technology applying texture to the front surface of the brick allows our customers to create an individual style of the facade.

Editorial opinion

Building a house is a costly business, and it is not always possible to find the necessary budget for the purchase of expensive materials. Therefore, when finishing the facade, it is recommended to determine its cost not only per square meter, but also per year of operation. This will require dividing the cost per square meter of material, taking into account logistics and construction work, by the number of years of the declared service life. In this case, comparing profitability indicators, or cost of ownership, for various products and materials will be more correct and will allow you to make an informed choice.

Brick is building and facing. Why cladding should be used special kind bricks? Because he is playing important role in construction - gives the building a beautiful, finished look, and also additionally protects the house from weather influences, keeping warm.

Facing brick, unlike building brick, has a beautiful appearance, a wide variety of colors and textures, which allows you to give the building a unique design. The building materials market offers a wide variety of cladding materials. We invite you to get acquainted with the best options.

Ceramic brick - the best in terms of price / quality ratio

Made from high quality clay by molding and firing in special kilns. Most often, such a brick has a characteristic red-brown color, but there are other shades, as well as textures. For example, as the name implies, it is formed by hand, thanks to which it acquires a unique shape, it can imitate an aged brick. That is why it is so appreciated by designers.

environmental Safety;
● good heat and sound insulation;
● wide range of strength grades - from M125 to M800;
● more affordable price compared to, say, clinker bricks.

● lower frost resistance compared to clinker - 50 cycles. However, treatment with water repellents will significantly increase the service life of such bricks.

There are practically no disadvantages of such material, the main thing is to give preference to products of trusted manufacturers. This the best way in terms of price-quality ratio.

Do you want a great façade? Choose clinker brick

Clinker is made from special refractory carefully selected grades of clay. The production technology verified to the smallest detail makes it possible to create very durable, resistant to low temperatures, heat-resistant bricks. If we compare it with sand-lime brick, which collapses under the influence of fire after only two hours, clinker will retain strength two or even three times longer.

● excellent aesthetic characteristics;
● strength on average - M350;
● high frost resistance - 150 cycles;
● low water absorption 2-5%
● ecological cleanliness.

● high cost.

Ideal for cladding both residential and office buildings. Without exaggeration, we can say that clinker brick is the most beautiful facing material. The variety of its color palette and textures is highly appreciated by designers. If you are not limited by your budget and you are ready to pay for the best, choose a clinker brick - it will delight you with its unchanging beauty and durability for many years.

Hyper-pressed brick - an original and reliable facade

It resembles an artificial stone in its texture, and it is made from calcareous rocks, marble, shell rock using iron oxides and other components to give it different shades.

● frost resistance - up to 150 cycles;
● low moisture absorption;
● high strength (150-300 kg per 1 sq. cm);
● durability of a laying (overtakes a ceramic brick on this indicator).

● high cost;
● big weight;
● high thermal conductivity.

According to its characteristics, this material is not much inferior to clinker, but in general it is somewhat cheaper. Therefore, if you want to create a textured facade, but at the same time save a little, choose a hyper-pressed brick.

Brick House brick - beauty and amazing simplicity of masonry

It combines impeccable appearance, strength and at the same time ease of masonry. Its main feature is the possibility of laying dry. This possibility is provided by the presence of special chamfers that imitate seams.

● lightness is a hollow brick that can be filled with insulation;
● strength M150;
● frost resistance - 200 cycles;
● no need for additional thermal insulation.

● cost.

Brick House brick has the appearance of polished marble, giving the building a neat, sophisticated appearance. Due to the simplicity of masonry, even a non-professional can lay out a flat wall with such material. If you want to clad your house with your own hands, Brick House brick is the best choice.

Silicate brick - a simple and affordable material

Sand-lime brick is very often used in the construction of residential buildings and cottages in our latitudes. It has a simple appearance, most often White color, and deserved its popularity, first of all, at an affordable price.

● environmental friendliness;
● low cost;
● good frost resistance and strength.

● big weight;
● fragility;
● high thermal conductivity;
● low moisture resistance.

Although silicate brick has more disadvantages than advantages, this material should not be discounted, especially if the budget is very limited. If you are looking for what kind of brick is better to veneer a garage, fence, outbuildings, this material will be the best for the price. In addition, even an amateur can perform masonry with him.

What to look for when choosing a facing brick?

To choose the right facing brick, first of all, you need to decide on the construction budget, and then, within your budget, choose the most best option brick, given it:

1) aesthetic characteristics. The most beautiful masonry is created by clinker, hyper-pressed brick. For technical buildings, you can choose a simpler and cheaper ceramic brick or silicate;

2) strength grade. It is not always advisable to buy the most durable material - consider the features of your building. So grades M75 - M125 are well suited for the construction of private houses up to 3 floors, M150 - for the foundation country houses and walls apartment buildings. Higher grades are used for the construction of foundations for apartment buildings;

3) frost resistance - for Ukrainian winters an indicator of 50 cycles is more than enough;

4) brick filling - it can be full-bodied and hollow. Solid bricks are stronger, but also heavier and more expensive. Best suited for building a foundation, but also require additional thermal insulation. Hollow ones have holes or chambers inside, thanks to which they provide good thermal insulation. It is ideal for facade cladding.

We hope our tips will help you make an informed choice. Let your house will reliably protect you and delight you with its beautiful appearance!

The question of how to choose a facing brick is simple only at first glance. This is due to the fact that in addition to the appearance (and this parameter, of course, is key), there are many factors that determine the suitability of the finishing material for use in a given situation. In our article, we will try to analyze these factors in as much detail as possible so that you can approach the issue of selection and acquisition decorative stone the most informed.

Requirements for a brick

Before starting a review of the main parameters, it is necessary to decide - what should it be?

Today, we can formulate a list of several requirements:

  • First of all, the material is simply obliged to have an attractive appearance. Exterior decoration is carried out to improve the aesthetic characteristics of the house, and therefore the blocks must be quite beautiful.

  • The requirement for color fastness is a direct consequence of the previous one, since it is weather and UV resistance that determines how a house will look a few years after finishing.
  • The low water absorption of the material is also very important. Due to this, dampness does not penetrate into the thickness of the wall, and in a room finished with such a brick, it is maintained normal level humidity.

We will talk in more detail about the compliance of the front brick with these and other requirements in the relevant sections.

Product range

Main types of material

The choice of a facing brick begins, as a rule, with the definition of its type. Basically, exterior finish buildings can be carried out using almost any brand of building material, but, nevertheless, some varieties are better suited for this task than others.

By production method facing blocks are divided into:

  • Roasting. This category includes ceramic and clinker bricks. The raw material for their production is clay, which is subjected to heat treatment to give building block strength and resistance to various impacts external factors(humidity, ultraviolet radiation, chemical substances etc.).
  • Ceramics and clinker most often produced without the addition of artificial pigments, because their color range is limited to different shades of clay used.

  • Non-fired. The non-fired category includes pressed, hyper-pressed and silicate bricks.
  • Pressed and hyper-pressed face blocks contain Portland cement. This component, when exposed high pressure ensures the connection of limestone raw materials into a single monolith. The resulting block can be used without additional heat treatment.

  • Silicate building bricks are more often used for the construction of the structures themselves, and not for their external decoration. And yet, some brands of silicate blocks, which are made from a mixture of lime with carefully sifted quartz sand, can be used as cladding.

As for the cost, unfired models are definitely more affordable. It costs more and may not be affordable for everyone. And yet, if possible, then it is worth dwelling on the last two options, since, subject to the laying rules and proper care, fired clay is able to maintain its appearance for decades.

Strength and frost resistance

If we talk exclusively about functional indicators, then two parameters are critical for facing - mechanical strength and resistance to low temperatures:

  • The strength of the facing brick primarily provides the wall with resistance to mechanical stress, and also reduces the risk of cracks and deformation of the masonry under its own weight. The strength grade is indicated using an index, in which the figure shows the allowable load in kilograms per square centimeter of surface.

  • For example, if we mention double silicate brick M 150, then this means that its strength is 150 kg / cm 2.
  • is determined by the number of freezing-freezing cycles that a brick can withstand without the appearance of signs of destruction, and is indicated by the index F (from the English Frost - frost). So, the F50 brick withstands at least 50 such cycles, and at the same time does not lose its characteristics.

Note! The frost resistance of the finish is important not so much in cold latitudes as in the temperate zone. Exactly at middle lane winter is characterized by a multiple change in temperature, which leads to a rapid failure of the cladding with insufficient frost resistance.

Shape and type of surface

The configuration and features of the front surface of the decorative masonry is another parameter that needs to be considered. And if the functional difference between the silicate block and hyperpressed decorative panel only specialist masons can know, then you can quite decide on the appearance yourself.

As for the shape, everything is quite simple here: a brick is either rectangular or shaped. Rectangular models used for both masonry walls and cladding large planes, and shaped (with beveled or rounded edges) are used for finishing decorative elements. Most often, these details are included in the design of arches, parapets, window sills, etc.

The surface of the material can also be different:

  • Smooth- the most common type. This variety is one of the most affordable, because its low price is determined by the ease of manufacture of products. At the same time, you should not assume that “cheap” means “ugly”: a wall finished with small bricks with a smooth front side looks quite presentable. The main thing is to choose a masonry pattern and properly arrange the seams.

Advice! For smooth brick masonry, experts recommend using a contrasting compound for grouting, otherwise the wall relief will be lost.

  • Textured the surface gives the masonry the appearance of natural stone, wood, marble, etc. The texture of the brick is laid at the molding stage, and in the process of hardening (temperature or hydraulic) it is only fixed. Textured masonry can be used both for facing planes and for decorating individual elements - plinths, corners, slopes of windows and doors, etc.
  • Glazed. To give the block a glossy shine after firing, a special glaze is applied to it, and then the product is fired again, but at a lower temperature. Only ceramic and clinker varieties of stone are subjected to glazing, as hyper-pressed models do not withstand the temperatures required for glaze baking.

Note! The layer of glaze gives the masonry frost resistance, and allows it to withstand up to 100 freezing-freezing cycles without signs of degradation.

  • Engobed. This type of surface is typical for most expensive models which are used in finishing design projects. When engobing is applied to the dried workpiece decorative composition which is then fired. When fired, the mixture polymerizes, giving the surface a matte texture.

As you can see, there are quite a few options. And if you take into account that each of them is available in many color variations, then it becomes even more difficult to decide. That's why, before choosing a brick for building a house, you should have it on hand finished project. Thanks to this, you will be able to get an idea of ​​​​how the building will look, which means that you will not make a choice at random, but will be guided by clear criteria for appearance.

So, we got acquainted with the main characteristics of the material. But how to choose a specific batch so that the brick lasts as long as possible, and laying it with your own hands goes without unpleasant surprises?

The following is a kind of instruction that will help you significantly reduce the risks when purchasing a brick:

  • Perforation. Majority facing brands(both firing and non-firing) are made hollow. To save solution without compromising thermal insulation characteristics it is worth choosing varieties with a maximum volume of internal voids and minimum size one hole. That is, many small cavities are better than several large ones.

  • Pressed Models are produced with a very smooth "bed" - the widest plane. To ensure effective adhesion of the block and mortar, choose a brick from the "young lot". This is due to the fact that immediately after production, unreacted Portland cement remains in the composition of the material, which plays the role of a good binder.
  • In order to guarantee the uniformity of the color of the entire lined surface, material should be purchased from one batch. Otherwise, the façade can be “spotted” as it is virtually impossible to avoid slight changes in pigment concentration during production.

Advice! Almost any material fades under the sun during the first year of operation. Consider this, and when deciding which brick to choose, give preference to brands that are half a tone or a tone darker than originally intended.

  • To check how the cladding behaves over time, you can take one block from a trial batch and boil it in tap water until it is completely evaporated. If the stains remain and are not removed with a damp cloth, the same will happen to the walls of your house in a couple of years.

  • Check the geometry of several pieces of material taken at random from a batch. For cladding, it is very important that both the shape and size of the bricks match as much as possible. If there are deviations greater than allowed by GOST (4.5 mm in length, 3.3 mm in width, 2.3 mm in thickness) - the purchase should be abandoned.

It is also worth carefully inspecting the surface of the products and the condition of their edges. On the planes there should be no white spots that indicate the presence of lime, and the edges should be even, straight and without chips. Some manufacturers make face blocks with a chamfer, which not only protects the ribs from damage, but also gives the masonry a more attractive look.

Perimeter chamfer - protection against chipping


When deciding which facing brick to choose, criteria should not be limited only to the type of material, shape or surface texture. A complex approach, taking into account the maximum number of parameters and strict selection of the purchased batch are a guarantee that the decoration of the house will be beautiful and durable. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.