Ondulin: the pros and cons of a well-known trade mark. What is ondulin and the technology of laying this material What is ondulin

When the walls of the new house are raised, all that remains is to buy the roofing material. Materials compete in design possibilities, technical features, techniques in the mount, color scheme and cost. There are many proposals, but the dilemma between metal tiles, ondulin and soft tiles is usually resolved.

Today, these are three coatings that are popular among Russians, but now we will talk about euro-slate - ondulin. If you are clever, then ondulin is a trademark, and not the name of a type of roof. Sounds right like this - a corrugated sheet with a bituminous base. And if earlier it was out of competition, now there are many alternatives.

Technical components of the material

This profile - a budget option for the roof. He comes from France and was the first to declare himself 60 years ago. Import origin does not oblige to produce products exclusively at home, therefore factories operate in 9 countries, supplying roofing material to the world market. To date, the technology has been modernized, a little the range of colors has expanded. The roof looks quite nice from a distance, and the profile itself has its advantages over others. budget options roofing, but not without an impressive list of shortcomings.

The wavy profile is made of:

  1. Refined bitumen.
  2. Cellulose fibers.
  3. Impregnated with polymer resin.

Painted natural pigment and is available in 4 colors. The palette of brown-red, black and green tones cannot be called luxurious, but the consumer has plenty to choose from.

Technical indicators:

  • profile sheet size -200 × 95;
  • wave height and thickness - 36 mm and 3 mm;
  • sheet coverage area - 1, 6 m;
  • weight - 6 kg (slate sheet - 26 kg);
  • pliable in work and elastic in structure.

Its lightness allows cover any buildings, since ondulin does not exert a significant load on the rafters.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

First, about the pros:

In order not to disturb the balance in nature, it is time to note the shortcomings of the euro slate:

  • the profile does not like temperature changes, although it is adapted for any constant values; in the heat, the sheets become soft and a characteristic bitumen smell appears;
  • in the case of an incorrect lathing, under a load of snow, damage to the coating is permissible - the profile quickly breaks in the cold, which means that its density and structural rigidity change under load and ultraviolet radiation;
  • narrow color range;
  • appearance not very pretty;
  • disposal is carried out for money;
  • accumulates a lot of dust between waves;
  • if the angle of inclination of the roof is not observed, it is permissible for water to enter under the roof;
  • the problem with end and other strips, not only are they not sold in a set, but it is also difficult to reproduce them from a homogeneous material on request;
  • too large consumption of centimeters when combined with the previous edge of the profile;
  • at 230 degrees, the material ignites, smokes heavily, for this reason, in buildings with high safety requirements ( Kindergarten), special incisions are included in the roof technology, in addition, ondulin must be laid on a non-combustible base.

We distinguish a fake

The stores often offer fake products, therefore, the sheets should be examined as carefully as possible. To verify the factory origin will help:

Regarding material calculation to cover, it was noticed that it is allowed to carry out an operation with numbers independently or, when entering parameters into a computer program, it will do it for you and prompt the right amount sheets. If we are going to take the calculator into our own hands, it is useful to know the calculation formula: divide the required area by 1.5. The resulting figure is the required number of sheets.

If we compare quality characteristics and the price range and euro slate, then the purchase of the first version will cost at twotimes higher... The price of the second roofing material starts from 320 - 410 rubles and depends on the conditions of the store.

Installation principle

With a declared guarantee for ondulin at the age of 15, operation reaches up to 40 years. The shingles are also marked with such a service life and their durability is determined quality of installation.

The attached instructions provide a diagram - this makes it possible to really evaluate your strength. If you are leaning towards doing the process yourself, check out some of the tricks.

  1. Remember that the material nailed from the set - 20 pieces per sheet. There is no need to save, otherwise the sheets will fly away in a storm.
  2. Sheets fit in the summer in dry weather.
  3. The slope of the ramp will determine the size.
  4. We move carefully through the sheets, stepping between the ridges. Otherwise, the entire coating will go in "waves".
  5. Profile is placed exactly and does not stretch along the edge (ondulin has such a feature).
  6. Follow the instructions for overhang length over the cornice and the width of the coincidence of the extreme waves. This is taken into account in the design calculation. Removing the sheet and putting it down will not work otherwise - it is deformed.
  7. It is recommended to lay the second row with ½ overlap of the previous sheet to form a wide overlapping area.

What people write

Of course, I am interested in the opinion of those who have come across in practice with an ondulin coating. Reviews are very diverse:

I will add my opinion, because for several years ondulin has been on the roof and there is installation experience. I'll start with the downsides - with a 10 cm profile overhang from the cornice floating in the heat for one standard sheet there are a lot of nails that need to be hammered into the waves, like slate. But unlike hard sheets, due to the soft structure, ondulin does not hold on to nails, but rather hangs on them and, as a result, in the heat, the roof slides down slightly by half a millimeter per year.

Real ondulin is much more expensive if you compare the price of the products of the factories in Belgium and France. In our markets quality material few. Look at the wrong side of the sheet, where the date of issue and the import word “ONDULINE HR” should be stamped. Also, see that the ridge is exclusively of this size - the ridge 2 * 0.50 and 2 * 0.95. Others just won't fit.

Sergey Nikolaevich, Moscow

The roof is like a roof, it's already 4 years old. The view may not be particularly presentable, but the rain does not knock on the head. If the sheets are nailed correctly, it will stand for a hundred years.

Vladimir, Moscow

I work at a construction site, and I know what I'm talking about. It's all about - in the correct crate. Level the surface and take a smaller step than you would for slate. Do not forget to buy additional strips, insulating tape, aprons and everything that is missing in the package. Keep in mind the angle of the slope, because in the valleys usually snow can accumulate and the ondulin gets wet. If you are too lazy to fill nails, consider that the whole process is in vain. Trouble, but what to do. It is the details that beat the pocket and affect the appearance.

Igor, Moscow

Installation and transportation are light and the length is comfortable for work - only 2 m, if necessary, you can roll it up. it perfect material for projects with my own hands: build a gazebo or a farm building in the yard.

Gennady, Krasnodar

What type of coverage will you have to buy? decide for yourself. All roofing materials are good in their own way, as are the accompanying checklists with pros and cons. First, collect full information about the options of interest and analyze from the standpoint of rationality. An impartial choice based on reasoned facts, in favor of any of the profiles, will encourage you to buy. In a word, count the pros and cons and the resulting advantage will be decisive.

When choosing roofing today, many are trying to find an attractive and durable material that has a low price and can be easily laid with their own hands. In order to mount metal sheets, you need to have certain skills, but such material as ondulin can be installed even by a beginner. In addition to strength, the second question that worries every home owner is this: does ondulin burn and how much it can withstand bad weather.

All these issues are closely related to the production technology, the peculiarities of the composition of the roofing coating. Let's find out from what ondulin is created, what advantages and disadvantages it differs from, how to choose it correctly.

What is added to the composition of ondulin?

What is this roofing material made of and what gives it its characteristic properties? The main material from which roofing sheets are made is ordinary pulp. Of course, this is not the paper we are used to, the pulp goes through several stages of cleaning and preparation before forming, and only then is it fed into special machines for pressing.

In addition to cellulose, bitumen is added to the composition, which has passed a preliminary deep cleaning, curing resins, fillers and pigments. All materials for the production of ondulin are environmentally friendly, which compares favorably with others in a similar price niche. For example, slate, beloved by many summer residents, is made from asbestos, which is very harmful and toxic; when working with it, you must not only wear gloves, but also a protective mask. It is easier to make than from slate due to its lightness.

What is ondulin made from and how?

The production process itself is as follows:

  • pulp is obtained from cellulose, which will become the basis of the sheet in the future;
  • after that, pigments and fillers are added to it, the mass is sent to a special drying apparatus, where it is given a characteristic wavy shape;
  • at the last stage, the sheet under high temperatures and pressure impregnated with bitumen, after which it is dried and stacked.

They themselves do not amaze with their range of colors, but it is still possible to make the roof attractive (especially if the material is laid in two shades in a checkerboard pattern). Among the offered colors are:

  • black;
  • Brown;
  • Red;
  • green.

Pros and cons of ondulin

The question of what ondulin is made from directly affects the properties of the roofing material. First, consider the benefits of using ondulin, which have made it so popular for so many decades:

  1. Hydrophobicity.
  2. Resistance to various atmospheric conditions.
  3. Resistant to mold, mildew, bacteria. Such material can be considered the most environmentally friendly and safe for humans.
  4. Chemical resistance to the negative effects of most acids and alkalis.
  5. Ondulin is not damaged when gasoline and other petrochemical products get on its surface.
  6. Hygiene. It is very easy to clean the roof just by watering it with a hose.
  7. Lightweight without affecting the structure of the house.
  8. Low cost, which is often the decisive argument when buying roofing material.

It is impossible to walk on the ondulin, as damage may remain.

And now let's add a "fly in the ointment", we will talk about the shortcomings of ondulin, which can cause the refusal to use it:

  1. Ondulin fades quickly and easily in the sun. This does not mean that it will completely lose its deep shade, but after a couple of years you may be waiting an unpleasant surprise- faded roof.
  2. Manufacturers give a guarantee only that the sheets will not leak water during the shelf life. Such "minor", from their point of view, troubles, such as loss of color, mismatch in the shade of sheets from different packages, are not guaranteed, no one will make a replacement;
  3. One of the disadvantages is that bitumen spots on the surface of the sheet are not a marriage. If you didn't notice them right away when you bought them, it will be difficult to replace the packaging.
  4. You cannot walk on the ondulin, as a large dent remains. Other roofing materials, such as profiled sheets, have the same property. Care must be taken when transporting, lifting sheets to the roof;
  5. After getting wet, ondulin does not hold its shape! The lathing under it should be perfectly flat;
  6. Ondulin is one of the cheapest and simplest in appearance materials. It is produced from recycled cellulose, that is, waste paper, which also affects its price.

Additional elements

To lay ondulin on the roof, you must purchase the following:

  1. Special nails with colored heads, made of carbon steel, resistant and sealed. The package contains 100 pieces, diameter - 3.55 mm, the color of the cap is matched to the color of the sheet (about 20 nails are needed for one sheet).
  2. Ridge for the edge of the roof. Its length is 100 cm, useful is 85 cm.
  3. Tongue for the slope and pediment. Length - 110 cm, useful - 95 cm.
  4. Material for ventilation pipe from copolymer.
  5. Endova. Length - 100 cm, useful - 85 cm.
  6. Cornice filler for the gap between the batten and the sheet. Can be ventilated, non-ventilated. It is made of polyethylene foam. Length - 85 cm, thickness - 2.5 cm.
  7. Insulating tapes made of butyl rubber, aluminum. Width - 28 cm, length - 250 cm.
  8. Covering apron made of polypropylene. Length - 940 mm, pack of 25.

Ondulin selection rules

As we could be sure, ondulin is made of very high quality, but how to choose the right one on the market? Today, this material is produced in many countries, but not all manufacturers guarantee excellent quality, which affects the service life, operation, and, in general, the attitude towards this roofing material. For some, it lays for 15 years, only fading a little under the scorching rays of the sun, while for others it begins to crumble within a couple of years after installation.

So how, which is done according to all the rules? We offer you several useful tips from our specialists:

  1. Pay attention first to the appearance of the sheet. The original ondulin should have ten waves, a sheet width of 950 mm, a length of 2000 mm, a thickness of 3 mm, and its weight should be 3-3.5 kg. Low-quality counterparts are thinner, each sheet has not ten, but nine waves.
  2. It must be indicated on the packaging that the material is intended specifically for covering the roof. Today, many unscrupulous manufacturers import cheaper under-roof insulation, which is similar to ondulin, and then pass it off as sheets for roofing.
  3. Pay attention to what type of ondulin you are buying. Today, the classic undulating slate and shingles are produced, which are a little more difficult to fasten, but have a more attractive appearance.
  4. Ask what service life is indicated by the manufacturer: a properly manufactured ondulin is operated up to 25 years, the warranty period is 15 years, but not less;
  5. The choice of the type of material also depends on the shape of your roof: for a simple one, you can use an undulating, for a complex one - tiles.

As you can already see, ondulin is made only from natural, safe materials, the main component is recycled and refined cellulose. In addition, the sheets are impregnated with bitumen, which gives the coating strength, water resistance and other positive properties. But you must not forget that any construction material it also has its drawbacks, which can manifest themselves in the most unexpected conditions. Therefore, despite all the environmental friendliness and ease of laying ondulin, when choosing it, carefully weigh the pros and cons, then choose the right material, do not forget about the accessories, additional elements.

Ondulin is a roofing material, opinions about which are different. Some masters consider it insufficiently reliable, while others extol almost all properties.

Ondulin is an environmentally friendly roofing material that consists of several components. These are cellulose fibers, mineral fillers, distilled bitumen and thermosetting resin. Due to the presence of a bituminous component finished roof it has good waterproofing properties.

What is Ondulin?

In the production process, the material is used modern technology, which was developed by qualified professionals.

Bitumen impregnation is carried out in stages in vacuum chambers. Only after this is the ondulin stained. Wherein it can be glossy or matte... The first option is considered smoother and brighter thanks to the use of paint with silicone. The second material is slightly rough to the touch.


In order for the repaired roof to remain reliable for a long time, it is necessary to figure out what an ondulin is. First of all, you should study its main advantages:

  • durability. On condition correct execution installation of ondulin will last about 15 years;
  • resistance to temperature extremes. Due to the bitumen base and the presence of polymer additives, ondulin tolerates both heat and frost. It also withstands the snow load, if it was laid on the crate;
  • hygiene and environmental friendliness. Ondulin contains no asbestos, which is harmful to human health;
  • fire safety. To improve this characteristic, the material must be laid on a special non-combustible base. You should also take care of the presence of fire breakers;
  • ease of installation. Laying the sheets of ondulin will not cause any difficulties. However, before that you need to prepare reliable crate and additional roofing elements.

Other advantages include resistance to weathering, fungus, mold, alkalis and acids, and petroleum products. The weight of one sheet is approximately 6 kg, which is also a plus of the material.


The main disadvantage of ondulin is the color fading in the sun. A bright roof, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, loses its saturation and attractive appearance over time. Also when buying material, it is necessary to inspect all sheets, because there may be uneven color or defects. If just such a material was purchased, then the burnout will occur unevenly, which will cause stains on the roof.

It must be remembered that the rough surface of the matte variety of ondulin is capable of retaining dust and small debris. Therefore, the roof will have to be cleaned from time to time. A glossy roof does not have such a drawback, but snow can come off its slopes like an avalanche. To avoid this, you need to take care of the installation of snow guards.

Application area

Ondulin corrugated sheets are often used to cover the roofs of private houses and cottages. Since this material is quite lightweight, with its help, roof overlaps are made without removing slate and metal... With this special load rafter system do not get.

Thanks to aesthetic appearance, flexibility and ease of installation, ondulin is often used to overlap cafes, awnings, shopping pavilions and canopies. Since the sheets are capable of bending along the wave, they can cover curved surfaces.

Specialists have created a special system, thanks to which the material is used as a backing for tiles. Sheets are also used for cladding vertical surfaces. For example, this can be the creation of a waterproof screen or various fences.

Ondulin's choice

Due to the popularity of this material, many analogues have appeared on the modern market, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. To choose a real ondulin, you must first of all pay attention to the dimensions of the products... Length original material is 200 cm, width - 95 cm, thickness - 0.3 cm.

It must be remembered that ondulin roofing is divided into 2 types: slate and tile. The first type has rather large dimensions, so it is customary to use it for a simple roof. If you plan to build more complex design, then you should give preference to tiles.

Self-assembly of the roof using ondulin

Due to all its advantages, the material is often used for self-assembly roofs. This improves the sound and thermal insulation properties and also provide an attractive appearance.

All work on the repair and installation of the roof consists of 2 stages: preparatory and installation. Preparation is carried out immediately after inspecting the old coating. So, any damage must be repaired... In addition, it is worth making sure that the ventilation system is in a satisfactory condition.

Installation work:

  • ondulin can be installed on the old coating. In this case, the step of the lathing directly depends on the slope;
  • if old stuff rather fragile, drilling is used. Also, in some cases, additional insulation will be required;
  • to protect the insulation from condensation it is necessary to use a special vapor barrier film ... It is placed on the crate, leaving 100 mm on both sides. A special breathable membrane is placed on top of the thermal insulation;
  • for the execution of the edges of the sheathing, wood with a section of 75x50 mm is used. The dimensions of the transverse ribs are 75x38 mm or 50x38 mm;
  • installation of an additional lathing is carried out in the event that it is necessary to fasten the ridge.

Ondulin is a versatile and easy-to-use material. Naturally, it has its drawbacks, which must be taken into account during the installation and operation of the roof.

The first sales of Ondulin roofing material fell on the beginning of the 2000s. Now is the time to evaluate how the service life declared by the manufacturer corresponds to reality.

Roofing sheets, which are known to everyone as "Euroslate", have become widely used in Russia in the last decade. But under this name, buyers combine products different manufacturers... In particular, Korrubit is produced by the Turkish company VTM.

Euroslate Ondura has been successfully used on rooftops all over the world for over 40 years. Corrugated sheets of the Ondura brand have quite a few advantages over other roofing materials.

The Belgian company ATAB is subsidiary concern IKO and for more than a century has been producing construction waterproofing materials... Among other positions at ASBO factories, ATAB produces corrugated roofing material Aqualine.

The question, in fact, is not an idle one, since at first glance it is difficult to understand what is the difference between Euroslate of different brands that are presented on the modern market roofing materials.

Material flaws identified by homeowners

The house covered by Ondulin

When they talk about any material, they always start with its merits, and we will start with its disadvantages. And first of all, with consumer properties, which can be noticed even by a person who is not associated with construction.

We conclude this section with the opinion of roofers experts, who believe that the cost of the material is not only the price per sheet, but takes into account all the total costs, including the crate, installation, and the service life of the roofing. If you make a complete recount, then the same roof, covered with Ondulin and a metal seam with Pural coating, will cost a quarter more expensive than a seam roof.
Since the shortcomings of the material are always a continuation of its merits, in the next sections we will see what exactly these advantages are determined by.

Some technical data about the production process

All properties of the material are determined by the method of its manufacture. If you understand in detail, then ondulin - what is it? The basis is cellulose or cardboard, as it is contemptuously called on construction forums. During the production process, the cellulose base is impregnated complex composition from bitumen, resin and mineral additives.

The production process technology is briefly as follows:

  • Waste paper is cleaned of debris, crushed and poured with a special solution so that the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  • The mixture or pulp undergoes a molding process, when a wavy web is formed from it by pressing, and then drying.
  • After drying, the canvas is painted with mineral dyes, and then impregnated with bitumen under pressure.
  • Next, the canvases are cut into sheets and sent for the next drying, after which the sheets are ready for work.

You can watch a report on the production process in the video:

Russian-made Ondulin has been produced since July 2008 at a factory in Nizhny Novgorod... Ondulin's cost for square meter significantly higher than the cost of asbestos-cement slate, slightly lower than metal tiles and significantly lower than bituminous tiles.

How much Ondulin costs in retail prices depends on the cost of oil as a raw material for the production of bitumen, transportation and storage costs of the manufacturer, and the market situation in the region of sale.

But, regardless of the price of the material, there is one subtlety that has been noticed by those who have been dealing with roofs for a long time: earlier the manufacturer declared a useful life of 30 years, and now it is half that. Considerations were expressed that this is due to the lower quality of domestic material, as well as the fact that buildings covered with ondulin in Europe do not stand for 30 years, but in our country it is easy. And in order to protect itself from claims, the manufacturer has reduced the warranty period. But representatives of the Russian factory claim that Ondulin's production is the same at all the company's enterprises: in Russia, and in France, and in Poland. With regard to the 15-year warranty period, the manufacturer's explanations were as follows: 15 years is a guarantee of the waterproofing of the material, and the service life of Ondulin is up to 50 years. It is difficult to say how to react to such answers, since a roof that has lost its watertightness is considered to have lost its specifications... Those who wish to clarify this statement are sent for a response to the manufacturer.

But, what, of course, makes sense to agree with the representatives of the factory, is that installation errors significantly reduce useful life use of the material. The most common of them are given in the next section.

Common installation errors

Many people, even those who are far from the construction industry, know that ondulin is a type of roofing material. But not everyone knows about the properties and characteristics of the material. It is clear that in everyday life this information may not be very much in demand, but those who plan to build a house, garage, bathhouse or repair the roof will not hurt to collect more information about the roofing. Let's figure out what ondulin is and note all its main advantages, not forgetting to mention its inherent disadvantages.

The market for roofing materials today surprises with its assortment. There you can find and traditional materials that have been in use for decades, and new items that have been invented quite recently.

As a rule, non-professionals begin to be interested in information about roofing materials only if they plan to carry out any construction, to repair the roof of a house or other building. So, ondulin - what is it? What does ondulin look like and what are its properties?

A bit of history

Ondulin is a roofing material that was first put into production back in 1944 in France. Then the manufacturing company OFIS SA opened the first small factory for the production of this material, but the new product was so successful that the company began to rapidly increase production volumes, gradually opening new branches in different countries the world.

To date, it is being produced not only in Europe, but also in Asia and America. Ondulin began to appear in our market about 20 years ago, but due to the high performance, it quickly gained popularity. Ondulin is especially widely used by private developers, since the material is easy to process and install.

General information

So, ondulin is strong enough and durable material to cover the roof.

Advice! The manufacturer gives a guarantee for 15 years of operation, but in practice the service life is much longer - 30-50 years.

Consider what the roofing sheets are made of. This material looks like slate, but asbestos is included in the slate, which is considered environmentally unsafe. There is no asbestos in ondulin. What is ondulin made from? It includes:

  • cellulose fibers;
  • bituminous compositions;
  • resin hardeners;

  • mineral components;
  • dyes needed to impart a specific color.

Advice! Thus, the composition of ondulin does not include materials that are classified as environmentally hazardous.


Ondulin, regardless of the place of production, is produced according to uniform standards. Here are its main technical characteristics:

  • sheet dimensions: length 2 meters, width - 0.95 meters;
  • material sheet thickness - 3 mm .;
  • the material has a wavy surface, there are 10 waves on one sheet, the height of each wave is 3.6 cm.

Material properties

Ondulin is a coating that is highly resistant to both chemical and mechanical stress. Its main advantages: moisture resistance and resistance to the action of solvents, solutions of acids, alkalis, oils and other substances.

Operating temperature range: from minus 60 to plus 110 degrees. However, in the heat, it acquires great plasticity, and in the cold it becomes fragile. Therefore, there are restrictions on the air temperature for the installation of ondulin, it is recommended to work at an outdoor temperature from 0 to plus 30 degrees. Such restrictions are significant disadvantages of using the material.

Advice! In case of emergency, it is allowed to install ondulin at temperatures up to -5 degrees, however, in this case, great care will be required in handling the material. At lower temperatures, installation is strictly prohibited.

Ondulin is able to withstand significant snow loads, but this statement is true only if the lathing was correctly built during the installation of the roof. And how aesthetically pleasing does this coating look?

You can create quite elegant roofs using ondulin - a photo of the roofs will make sure of this. The material is available in several color options, available in red, brown, black or green. Moreover, brown and red are the most popular colors among consumers.

Advice! From ondulin, you can collect not only monochrome, but also multi-colored roof coverings by combining sheets of material different color in certain combinations.

Areas of use

Ondulin sheets are widely used in private construction. It is purchased to cover the roofs of cottages, private houses, baths, garages and any other outbuildings. It is very convenient to use it for roof repairs, since the material is quite lightweight and easy to use.

You can lay ondulin simply on top of the slate or metal roof, laying does not create additional load on the rafters. Thus, to carry out roof repairs, you do not need to disassemble the old roof and open indoor spaces exposing them to the risk of exposure to bad weather.

The ease of installation and aesthetics of ondulin made this material in demand for covering the roofs of cafes, shopping pavilions, for creating various canopies and awnings. Sheets of the material are very flexible, so they can be used to cover complex roofs.

For example, if it has arched elements. The manufacturer offers not only sheets, but also various additional elements, with the help of which the gable, the valley, the ridge of the roof are formed. Onduflesh tape is used to isolate the junction points. As a result, the tong and other elements are reliably protected from moisture penetration.

In addition, ondulin sheets can be used for cladding various vertical surfaces. With this roof covering, you can create a waterproof screen. But for the construction of fences and barriers, ondulin should not be used, since in the cold this material becomes quite fragile, and in the heat it acquires increased plasticity.

Main advantages

What are the advantages that distinguish ondulin from a number of other roofing materials? Here are the main advantages of this coating:

  • Low level of water rinsing. Ondulin roofing does not let a drop of water into the under-roof space, which contributes to the preservation of roof structures.
  • Onduline coating can be used in different climatic conditions, because it can easily withstand the effects of precipitation, including hail, strong wind, temperature drops.
  • Resistance to biological effects. The roof of ondulin is not affected by bacteria and fungi, mold does not grow on it, wood-boring insects, etc., do not start.
  • The material does not collapse under the influence of various chemical substancesindustrial gases, solutions of acids, alkalis, etc.

  • Environmental friendliness. For production, cellulose fibers are used, which are extracted from the most ordinary waste paper. The material itself does not emit any harmful and hazardous substances, rainwater, which flows down from the ondulin roof, is quite suitable for watering plants and other technical needs.
  • Ease of installation. Any person who has the skills to work with a hacksaw and a hammer can cover the roof with ondulin sheets. Before starting work, you will need to carefully study the instructions for laying the material and see how the masters lay this coating on the video.

So, ondulin is reliable quality material, which, due to its qualities, is widely used in private construction. However, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages inherent in the material, so as not to be disappointed in the choice made.