Independent manufacture of paving slabs. The technology of manufacturing paving slabs with their own hands

Landscape design has long and firmly entered our life. Country plot I want to do not only useful, but also beautiful. And for this it is necessary to make the original and beautiful items there.

The unique tracks give the site, if the pavement tiles, with their own hands made and laid on their own sketches. It is possible to lay out not only the tracks, but also the platforms, inner courtyards.

Paving tile is a modern coating for the streets of cities, squares, sidewalks, tracks. More eco-friendly material, compared with asphalt - does not melt at the heat, does not distinguish harmful substances, does not interfere with plants, withstands large temperature differences. Very easy to operate.

Unlike the tracks from gravel tile coating more aesthetic. In the presence of art education or just a good skill, you can post all mosaic pictures on the road. The original tile on the porch made with your own hands will decorate the entrance to the house. In addition, this surface will be easier to wash.

This coating is easy to repair, replacing the spoiled element new. You can give a flight of fantasy and create the surfaces of any configuration and pattern. And the pavement anti-slip tile, made with their own hands from modern components, will help not fall even in the rain or ice.

Original solution - paving slabs for lawn. It turns out a certain "lattice" on the lawn. The grass continues to grow, but it can be walking, not pulling out, because there is now a special track.

Often for these purposes so that the grass is grew, the paving plastic plastic tile is used. So modern options for making tracks and sites in country houses are now mass, for every taste and wealth.

Advantages of homemade tile

Now the market has a rich selection of diverse tiles, all colors, shapes and materials. You can find masters who will make tracks of any complexity. Why do you need paving slabs made with your own hands?

It is the self-made version that has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Availability of source materials and inexpensive equipment.
  2. Originality. Options for coloring, forms and layouts of individual elements Infinite set.
  3. Lower cost compared to purchased materials.
  4. Savings on laying tracks, delivery and unloading of materials, etc.
  5. Qualitatively made samples will not be given by factory. And the variety will exceed them.
  6. Applying fantasy and artistic taste, you can achieve such a color variety, which in the store samples are not found.
  7. In compliance with the technology and use of high-quality materials, such paths are very durable.
  8. 100% of uniqueness and exclusivity in design can be achieved.
  9. It should also be borne in mind that the material purchased, despite the high price, is not always distinguished by the highest reliability. As a result, the coating will quickly come into disrepair and it will be necessary to replace it. Again, extra time and costs. With his own laying, you can be sure that the coating will last the desired period.
  10. Having mastered the technology, you can make tiles and to order, for friends, acquaintances or for sale.

Disadvantages of the method

Immediately it should be noted that the manufacturing process is quite laborious. If a person has no free time and do something with their own skill, then this method is not suitable. The craftsmen should take it note.

Large cargo vehicles or heavy equipment The homemade tile is unlikely to stand. At home, GOST on a blocking is hardly possible to observe.
But for the design of the tracks on the household site is the perfect option.

Forms for casting

To begin with, it should be solved which configuration will be a future tile, based on this, and you need to choose the appropriate form. For example, the easiest and budget option - plastic food boxes - containers.

Form for casting paving slabs with their own hands - video

If you use them, the pavetry tile is rectangular. Or square, depending on the container. In the same way, the bricks are made with their own hands.
Square or rectangle - the simplest configuration.

For a novice master is best started with a simple option. But if you want something more exquisite, you can offer an option of the hexagon - the cell tile. They are also easy to manufacture, but look more interesting.

How to Make Simple Forms for Paving Tile - Video Tips, Drawings

For more exquisite configurations, you will have to get purchased by "Molds". They are in stores, are rubber, plastic or polyurethane. The price varies, depending on how long life and for how much the fillings are enough.

Skillful masters do not spend money on purchased forms. And they make them right at the place of work, separating places for future fills with suites, straps or other similar material.

Paving tile without special forms - video

But for novice masters, it is better to purchase ready-made matrices. In addition, they already have a drawing, which is imprinted on the finished tile. In this case, you can try to make curly and embossed blanks, such as tile tile.

Necessary materials

  1. Cement. So that the cement-sand tile turned out to be durable and high quality, you need to take the cement M400 brand, and better M500. Then the solution will be reliable, water and frost-resistant. Only fresh cement should be taken, after a short storage period, it significantly loses its properties.
  2. Filler for solution. This is crushed stone, slag, pebbles, sand. The sand should be small, clean, sifted and without impurities.
  3. Water, better distilled.
  4. Plasticizer for tile. Served in stores.
  5. Dye (added optional).
  6. Fiberglass to improve the strength of the product (especially, if color is manufactured).
  7. Lubrication for shape. Any machinery (can be exhausted), soap, vegetable oil (if not sorry). If you do not lubricate, the frozen product will stick to the walls and it will be difficult to extract without spoiling.
  8. Vibrotole for the vibration of the future product.

Material ratio:

  • cement - 23%;
  • sand - 20%;
  • crushed stone - 57%;
  • plasticizer - 0.5% of cement;
  • water - 40% of dry components.


The solution should not be liquid! A low water will make concrete stronger and prevent cracking in frosts. When laying and sealing a properly mixed concrete in the shape on its surface, milk is not formed!

Operating procedure

To prepare a solution at home, use a tool with a nozzle in the form of a mixer or, if there is a concrete mixer. If the volume is very small, you can also interfere with your hands.

The main thing is to achieve the homogeneity of the mixture. It should not be lumps, according to the consistency, it should remind the dough - not too thick, but not liquid. Therefore, one should not overdo the water additive.

It is recommended to mix sand, cement and plasticizer first. Then add rubble (or what replaces it). All mixed ingredients are sprinkled into a container with water neatly and a thin flowing. Stirring must be constantly.

Paving tile do it yourself - video

Before the fill of the mixture, the surface of the form should be treated with some oil, for example, machine. Immediately after the fill, the matrix must be put on the vibrationtol.

Why do you need the vibration of fillings?

At this stage, the smallest air bubbles are removed from the mixture. If they are not eliminated, in the winter they will fall into them and the tile will begin to crack.

At home, the vibrostol can be triggered to replace the washing machine, pre-put one wet rag in it to create vibration. If the fill is done right in place, then the container with the solution you need to be shaking before use.

Molded with a solution should be installed on the machine and turn on. The main thing, make sure that the pouring does not fall from vibration. Approximate time - 3 minutes. It should not shake longer, otherwise the solution will begin to settle. When the solution "dares", the solution should be shred.

When the vibration is over, filmed from the machine form should be removed for two days, stand up so that they are not too dry, you can cover them with a film. In the room should be warm and dry, the moisture getting is unacceptable.

Within two days, carefully remove the finished product and shove into some room for 10 days. It is impossible to put tiles on each other, keep "slide", they are still not durable enough for this.

For strength, they should then hold even less than a month in the open sky, but only then use.

Staining paving slabs

If you want to get a colored coating, then you need to take care of the purchase of suitable dyes. Choose such that will be resistant to any weather conditions.
You can paint in several ways.

  1. Add a liquid or dry dye into a concrete mixture. If mix completely, the mixture will become one-photon. But you can achieve multi-colored divorce, if mixed not to the end.
  2. Pour paint into the form, in this case it turns out a material with partial staining.
  3. You can paint and the finished coating using the paintopult so that the painted layer turns out to be smooth.

Errors in the manufacture of paving slabs

If the master is just a beginner, avoid mistakes when working will be difficult. But it is necessary to list the basic, then the work will be easier.

  1. Inappropriate cement. An attempt to save will lead to the fact that the finished product will quickly begin to collapse.
  2. Inappropriate sand. It is necessary to sift it, otherwise unnecessary splashes, even completely imperceptible, will create emptiness. What will lead to rapid wear.
  3. Surplus or lack of water. Incorrect amount of fluid spoils product quality.
  4. Poor-quality grease. Lubricate shape follows a thin layer. Often, the engine oil can give black spots. So it is better to pre-test it.
  5. Non-use of the plastic. It significantly improves the quality of the coating, so it is better not to refuse.
  6. Too fast extraction from the form, earlier than two days later.
  7. Improper storage - in the rain, the sun, in the cold.
  8. Too fast use. Finished products should be withstanding the week three - a month, only then lay out the paths. If they are dried into very hot weather, they should be wedged with water so as not to dry and not crack.

Secrets technology for the production of paving slabs do it yourself - video

(17 estimates, average: 4,12 out of 5)

Paving tile is an element of decorative decoration of residential areas. Recently, it has become a real business card of the country territories.

Paving slabs, exactly as a pavement, differs relative to nevable costAnd in case the hard road surface is made with your own hands, the total costs of consumables are significantly reduced. How to make paving slabs at home? Before making the manufacture of paving slabs at home, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the theoretical aspect of the issue.

Production of paving slabs at home: manufacturer principles

In industrial conditions, the process of production of paving slabs is put on flow. In a short time, the limits of the plant leave huge batches of tiles and paving stones. In the manufacture of paving slabs at home principles of production Some change. The basic technological algorithm remains unchanged, only the volume of the material produced and its appear is adjusted. High-quality work will make it possible to achieve sidewalk tiles, which is not enough to give up the factory pattern.

Manufacturing technology Paving slabs are based on two directions: vibrolying method and vibratory method. And the other can be used at home, having special equipment. Separate devices can be built with your own hands.

In the unusted tiled material contains a small amount of fluid. On the crude concrete mass in both methods of production, the vibration wave affects the elimination of accumulated bubbles with air. When vibrating a solution acquires a more liquid consistency, so it is fed into flexible forms. There it is maintained before the primary bread. The second method, based on its name, is the pressure for the formation of tile segments in the matrix. This uses a special vibroplatform. After such mechanical impacts, the blanks are extracted and put on drying.

Necessary equipment and materials

Since the tiles are performed from concrete, first of all you need to take care of the acquisition concrete mixer. It is better if it is a concrete mixer forced action, which is functioning like a mixer. Do not do without a vibration table, forms for casting and lubrication, concrete mix, metal rods for reinforcement, racks for drying finished products.

For drying in one layer under a canopy, free space is required. It is impossible that the filled forms are laid by stacks on each other. The products are placed on the shelves, so that there is no less than 20 cm between them.

In construction hypermarkets, you can purchase forms for casting any sizes and all kinds of configurations. There are forms of:

  • rubber (most durable);
  • plastics;
  • polyurethane.

The range is very wide, the manufacturer makes them individually, whether forms with drawings, textured surface or shape for glossy paving slabs.

Lubricant is needed to make trouble-free breakout, after concrete freezes. It is acquired in the finished form or they are manufactured personally. Simpled recipe lubricant: 100 g of mineral oil is mixed with three liters of water until the emulsion is formed.

The main thing: it is necessary to achieve the required level of fatty, otherwise the lubricant can give the finished tiles a non-topable appearance.

How to make a solution for paving slabs?

Making a solution for solid road surface - key moment Total technological process. The solution consists of:

  • solid rubble of a nonmetallic breed 2-10 mm or granite dropout or gravel;
  • purified washed sand;
  • portland cement;
  • concrete plasticizer;
  • dry dyes;
  • water.

The composition of the sidewalk tile varies depending on which properties of the finished product are interested in the consumer.

In the preparation of a mixture for sidewalk or paving, there is nothing complicated, but careful preparation of components is required and the methodical observance of all stages. The amount of each ingredient is easily calculated when the required proportions of the volume of substances are known.

Primarily prepare additional components - plasticizer and concrete dye. The latter is used to produce colored pavement plates. In the manufacture of products of the usual gray, the need for it disappears.

The plasticizer, as a rule, is no more than a percentage of the total number of all parts of the mixture. To knead 80 liters of concrete you need 400 g of plasticizer. It should be noted that it is not added in dry form. Small portions of 400 g of the plasticizer are floated in 2 liters of water, heated to 70 degrees.

The dye accounts for about 2% of all components of the polymer mixture. Approximately 700 g of the coloring agent is added to water (2.5 l), heated to 50 degrees, and stirred carefully.

The inner walls of the concrete mixer must be moistened. To this end, the device is rinsed from the inside, then water drain. The coefficient of the ratio of cement mixture and liquid determines how strong a concrete product will be.

In order for high-quality paving slabs, the mixed concrete should be half wet. Such an effect is achieved by adding water by 25% less than cement. Visual example: six Vether cement (there is a plasticizer and dye here) you need four buckets of water.

Water is first poured into the concrete mixer, after which the cement is added. As a result stirring There should be a homogeneous emulsion. After adding an outraging emulsion to the resulting emulsion, a solution is obtained to mix thoroughly. Next, you should pour a pre-diluted plasticizer and dye. The polymer composition is smeared until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Make a mixture for paving slabs by applying manual stirringBut for this method requires good physical training and extra time.

Forms for the manufacture of paving slabs

An important role in the manufacture of paving slabs play forms to produce such a construction product. The most common plastic, rubber, polyurethane are among them. Each view has its own characteristics and specifications. Thus, the forms made of rubber are withstanding about five hundred production cycles. Rubber forms are not written, they do not need any additional snap.

Often when paving tracks use brushetkawhich has a embossed surface. In such cases, it is advisable to use polyurethane forms. The mortar in them is quickly grasped, and the finished elements are easily removed. Polyurethane synthetic fibers, being high strength, practically do not allow the appearance of defective products. Forms from this modern structural material without complaints can withstand about a hundred cycles. How to make forms for tile do it yourself?

Instructions for the manufacture of shape for sidewalk tiles do it yourself:

  • To make plastic forms, prepare a special framework. The internal dimensions of the wooden frame must match the dimensions of the tiles. Plastic float and pour it into the design. After the plastic will freeze (approximately 40-60 minutes), the finished form is extracted. The uneven faces of the product obtained are treated using sandpaper.
  • If the filling silicone is used for the manufacture of forms, then a pre-prepared container matrix is \u200b\u200bnecessary. It can be made from some durable material. The seams are embarrassed with the help of sealant. Screws are used to fasten the walls of the container. The frame is cleaned and degreased. Silicone ingredients are mixed in the desired ratio: base, hardener, catalyst. A sculptural plasticine is stacked in a thick layer matrix. From above on plastic material laid a model that is used to remove the cast. Before that, it is lubricated with sunflower oil. Next thin jet pour silicone. After 24 hours, the materials are sacrificed, and finished forms get out of the container. From small defects and irregularities get rid of scissors.
  • You can make a wooden shape without a bottom, using bars. From the cooked wooden planks, fastened with metal corners, you can get a rectangular, square or hexagonal molding design.

Why do you need vibrostol?

The procedure for manufacturing paving slabs implies the use of equipped vibrostol. Beginners in this business strongly recommend using vibrostol.Since it is unlikely that without its use, you can get high-quality pavement tiles or paving. This is explained by the fact that even the most plastic material is not capable of filling out the form without the formation of air emptiness.

Not everyone can afford expensive equipment, so vibrostol can be done. You will need an unnecessary electric motor in working condition and two thick plywood sheets. The engine is attached to these sheets of plywood from two opposite sides. The rotating motor shaft is fixed with a metal disk, when the mechanism is turned on, creating vibration. The homemade design is placed on the tires from the car.

Forms filled with cement makeup are laid out on a vibration table, which is included for 15-20 seconds. This time is enough for the solution to compact and air cavities disappeared from it. Elimination of airspace and mixture seal significantly improves strength future paving slabs. The finished sidewalk element, which was not compacted by the vibrational effect, will soon collapse. Such tiles are used only as a temporary track. This fact should be taken into account when the question is on how to make a tiled road cover to be served for many years.

How to reinforce the paving slabs?

Increase the strength of the paving coating contributes reinforcement tiles Metal elements. Use both a construction reinforcing grid, hot-rolled wire and pieces of ordinary fittings. Metal pieces are closed with an unpainted cement mortar, the surface is tamped and smoothed.

With the described technology of production of paving slabs, the front side is placed at the bottom of the form. This circumstance creates difficulties: it is impossible to monitor the pattern, color and state of the face.

To be able to control everything, it is necessary to lay a cement mixture and reinforcement in reverse order. This will allow a qualitatively to apply a pattern on the tile, deepening each workpiece to the desired level.

If desired, execute elimination of the workpiece. Thanks to this procedure, the product acquires special strength, and its surface becomes flat and smooth. Dry cement is poured on the crude surface and smoothed it through a spatula. Also a small amount of cement can be labeled with a brush.

Drying and rampage

Molds with a solution are installed on racks for further drying. It lasts about 2-4 days. The place to dry products choose such that there are not direct sunny rays there should be good ventilation. To reduce the evaporation rate of moisture from the cement composition, the form is covered with polyethylene film.

If the forms are made by hand from wooden planks, then in some junction remove the mount, after which the frame is moving, and the tile is removed. The tile is stacked in one layer and for ten days he dried in a ventilated room in order to become more durable.

To release tiles from polyurethane form, it is lowered into a bath with water heated to 70 degrees. The polymer will soften, and the tile can be removed from the form. The product is dried in a cool place. Ten days later, paving elements are ready to operate.

Each owner who wants his property to look beautiful and was functional, trying to do a lot of them. Especially if he is a creative person. From this article you can find out how to make paving slabs with your own hands.

Where is the product used?

In principle, the scope of such material is quite wide. Most often to see such products can be in private areas of residential buildings, cottages, baths or other structures. You can also lay such tiles in the gardens, squares, parks and other public places. Naturally, in the latter case, ready-made material is purchased.

Before you begin to understand how to make sidewalks with your own hands, it is necessary to deal with it, whether it is worth doing this, which advantages have a finished product that you need to prepare for work. First of all, I must say that the manufacturing process is not difficult and does not require expensive equipment.

Dignity of material

Before you make a paving slabs with your own hands, you should consider its advantages. Among them can be allocated as:

The originality of the elements. In the process of manufacture you can play with collections and fillers. Thus, you create just such a design and shape of the tile, which you yourself want. Naturally, it should be careful here, because the technical characteristics of the product depend on the proportions of the ingredients.

Low cost. Naturally, before you make the paving slabs with your own hands, you need to choose the necessary materials that are required to have high quality. Do not "buy" on a cheap cement.

Relative strength (although you should not put these items where the car will ride).

Production of products right on the place of laying.

No need for expensive equipment. However, if you decide to open your own business, then without a couple of machines you can not do.

Environmental purity.

Resistance to rapid wear and durability (if all manufacturing steps are performed correctly).

Minimum trauma.

Now consider the question of how to make paving slabs with your own hands.

What materials will be required?

Naturally, all ingredients must be as high quality as possible. So, for work you need to prepare:

1. Cement (necessarily only M-500 brand, since this type of material allows you to make a mixture that will be very strong after the frozen).

4. Small pebbles.

5. Color (one or more).

6. Plasticizer (sold in a construction store).

All ingredients must be cleaned of impurities (garbage, leaves, herbs). Also, before making paving slabs with your own hands, collect all the necessary materials and the necessary tools.

Required equipment

So, in order for the process of manufacturing products to be relatively quickly, it is necessary to take care of all technical devices that will help speed up the work. So you will need:

Concrete mixer. If there are several of them - it's good. In this case, the process will go faster.

Forming vibration table. It can also be constructed independently. Although this machine is not mandatory.

Set of forms. Better if there are several dozen.

Tables or racks that will be installed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the mixture in forms can be frozen incorrectly, with overcast. Naturally, such elements will already be considered defective, JAC as they can not be put on exactly.

Tool for pulling ready-made products from tanks.

Since almost every person can do, we should consider the technology of work.

Features of the choice of form

This question is not difficult. Most often, plastic forms are used for homemade material. They can have different sizes. In addition, our construction market represents a huge selection of species of such forms. That is, you have the opportunity to make a very original tile, which will not be anyone else. Naturally, such a container must be strong enough so that it can be applied more than once.

Before making yourself, you need to decide on the form of containers: square, round or some other. If you do not want to buy such a material in the store, you can use conventional plastic food containers. However, they will not serve for a long time.

Features of making a solution

Before making paving slabs, it should be found in what proportions it is necessary to mix the ingredients to subsequently, the elements are high-quality and durable. You will need such a number of materials for one kneading:

It is necessary to stir it carefully. And in order to be in the solution there is no air, it will need to be treated on vibrationtole.

Instructions for manufacture

Now consider the question of whether it actually how to make paving slabs yourself. The whole process involves the implementation of several steps that cannot change their sequence:

1. Preparation of the solution. All ingredients need to be mixed carefully. This can ensure although the gravitational works no worse.

2. Folding forms, as well as a vibration seal of the mixture. Do it follows gently. Filling is made by the usual symptoms. The seal will require vibrationtol. His oscillations should not be too strong. That is, make sure that the solution in the form is uniformly distributed. Such a seal will make it possible to make items as strong as possible and prevents their bundle. During the boot of concrete, consider its level. In all forms, he must be the same. To do this, you can simply make the mark on the inside of the container.

3. Aging and drying items. Since you want to make paving slabs at home quickly, many manufacturers may violate production technology. The quality of the elements suffers from this. Therefore, it is necessary to withstand the time that is given to the aging of concrete and its drying. So, after the form sealing with the mixture should "relax" on a flat surface of at least two days. So that maturation passed well, and the cement did not crack because of the loss of moisture, the capacity should be tucked well with a polyethylene film.

4. Reception of finished products from forms. Now you understand how to make paving slabs at home, the composition of the mixture is also known to you. However, it should be considered how to properly remove the finished elements from the forms so that they do not break and do not crack. To do this, it is better to put them in a bath with water, the temperature of which will be not more than 70 degrees.

5. Storage of products. In order for the concrete calmly leaning further, it is necessary to cover the tile with a shrink film.

After all these actions, the product is practically ready for laying. Naturally, he should give time for a durability. It is better to leave the material alone for several weeks. Now you understand how to make paving slabs at home.

What is a "plastic bottle tile"?

The problem of recycling recycling today is very relevant. However, there was a way to use plastic bottles, which involves a decrease in the degree of environmental pollution. Of these, they learned to make tiles for sidewalks. Moreover, this process can take place both at home and in production.

Before making paving slabs from plastic bottles, you should consider the features of this procedure. Its advantage is the low cost of the product, as well as the lack of problems with the number of raw materials.

The manufacture of such a material is divided into the following steps:

Grinding raw materials.

Plastic melt in a special heating apparatus and mixing it with raw sand and pigment.

The casting of the resulting solution in the shape and pressing.

Cooling tile.

It should be noted that such a product is characterized by durability, high strength and resistance to erasing, external beauty, variety of forms, speed of production.

Make paving slabs with your own hands is not very difficult. However, the process has some nuances. For example, if you want to largely save the kel, you can apply the technique of layer-by-layer casting. Naturally, in this case you will need two concrete mixers. The layers are stacked alternately, and the colorless should be inside. The thickness of each is 1-2 cm.

If you have defective pieces of tiles, it can be broken and used to apply it in solution. New forms can be treated with a special substance so that the concrete subsequently left the walls. After applying plastic, rinse with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. Work forms can be independently made using silicone or wood. Naturally, these elements before work will need to braid well.

Note that the plasticizer contributes to an increase in the strength of the elements, as well as their resistance to the difference in temperature. However, it should not add it too much. For the manufacture of presented building material, not only concrete can be applied.

Now you know how to make paving slabs at home. Good luck!

Good afternoon Dear users of the website The speech in today's article will go about how independently, at home with the help of a small set of special equipment, make concrete paving slabs with their own hands. In fact, having studied the technology that will be described, you can make a concrete product of any form and for any destination.

So, let's begin.

From special equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs we will need:

  • Vibrostol.
  • Concrete mixer
  • Plastic or Silicone Molds
  • Badja with a boiler is a heated insulation.

We will also need:

  1. Buckets
  2. Shovel
  3. Master OK
  4. Brush
  5. Capacity for lubrication
  6. Capacity for plasticizer
  7. Mother rag.

Required materials:

  • Sand
  • Cement
  • Plasticizer
  • Lubrication.

Now a little more about everything

Concrete mixer will be needed in order to miss the solution. This can be done in another way. The first is to use a drill with a Mixer nozzle. The second option is to use the power of your muscles to make a solution to make a pretty solution. Minuses of the two methods described - most of them are bad mixing and slow work. In addition, labor costs are increasing.
Silicone or plastic forms will help us create the right product. You just need to pour a concrete solution into them.

Molds for concrete products are sold in specialized stores. Taking advantage of silicone, you can create a form yourself. To do this, it is enough to deceive with silicone the finished product and subsequently produce its copies. How exactly this is done, we will describe in another separate article. Watch for website updates!

In order for the solution in the form evenly distributed over the entire surface and filled out all the depressions and bulges, the form should be pretty sufficient. It is for this that the vibrationtol is used. It is a solid metal frame. The vibration motor is attached to this frame. The second metal frame is mounted on the top of the engine, which is suspended on the first at the base. The suspension is organized with hooks and rubber rings. The desktop is attached to this suspended frame. When driving a vibration engine, a hanging frame, along with the table begins to shake greatly. Without vibrotol, your concrete products will be low, or break right in your hands! Replace such a table little than you can. Ordinary shaking in the hands of ineffective!

Materials for the manufacture of paving slabs with their own hands

The description says: water, sand, cement will need. I think everyone understands that these ingredients are the main leaving concrete mix. However, there is also a plasticizer. Why is it needed?

This additive accelerates the rates of concrete. It becomes stronger and plastic. Its presence in a concrete mix, intended for the manufacture of paving slabs, etc. Especially relevant! As for the lubricant: it is necessary in order to make a concrete product after pouring it easier to remove from the form. If you do not use lubricant components, your tile will, or it is very difficult to remove, or in general will be unreasoning in the process of seizure from the form due to the split.

Lubrication need to rub shapes before fill. It is important to wipe after the entire surface of the cloth with a cloth. If this does not make excess lubricants can cause a large number of bubbles on the surface of the paving slabs made. The lubricant should lie very thin layer and necessarily evenly!

Regarding the rest of the inventory, we will not speak a lot: buckets and shovels to knead the solution; trowel for his infusion; Brush, a cloth rack and lubrication capacity will be needed for applying the aforementioned means; Capacity for a plasticizer will allow you to more accurately determine the required amount of additive.

Technology manufacturing paving slabs at home

We rub the shape with a lubricant, wipe it with a rag. We put on the vibrotol. We fill in it a concrete mixture, with a predetermined plasticizer. Sand and cement ratio 1: 2. Turn on vibrationtol. Let us give "shake" about 3 minutes. After pouring the form lay out on drying. After about 16 hours, with a normal warm dry environment, the product from the forms can be taken. Daily filled with water will help accelerate the seizure process.

This badge must be placed by insulation, for example, polystyrene foam. Thanks to this, water in Badier will not quickly cool. You can heat the water with a simple household boiler. Get the boiler is of course best of all more powerful. For convenience, a metal grid can be put on the bottom of the baud.

So that in the process of work you did not hit the current, be sure to ground !!!

Heating shape, holding it in hot water about 5 minutes, carefully remove the product from it. After carry it to drying. The finished paving pavetling bar before use should be about a month in a dry not shaded place. During this time, he gains strength and will be ready to make your track or entrance to the garage not just comfortable, but still beautiful and practical.
According to this technology, you are able to make any product from concrete. The main thing is to have forms.

For fans of experiments, I will say right away: "Replace concrete with a plaster mixture and achieve the same result using this technology, you will not succeed!".

The advantages of technology are that for less tools you get tiles, which at times exceeds the one that offer us plants. Because on an industrial scale, the paving slabs are mostly manufactured using dry pressing technology. As a result, the appearance of such a tile cannot be called beautiful. Well, in the end, the most important plus is your own pride, which you will definitely experience if you do everything yourself.

Located paving slabs made with their own hands.

To get a visual idea, you have a small video comment "Making paving slabs with your own hands."

Good luck in all endeavors!

Paving tile is a beautiful material, with which you can enjoy the country area. But today, not everyone can afford to buy high-quality tiles, and buy the cheapest option is not at all rational.

Paving tile do it yourself

But there is a way out - make pavement tiles In the country, do it yourself. For this, of course, you will have to work hard, but the result will be pleased. What is needed for this, and what materials do you need for this?

Pavement tile in the country do it yourself

How to make paving slabs - where to start?

The manufacture of paving slabs is quite a long, exhausting, but at the same time an exciting process. As a result, you can get exclusive, beautiful and original products that will be a real decoration of your territory. It is worth noting that such a tile is not suitable for covering car parks or places where heavy special equipment is installed, but it helps to issue pedestrian walkways in the garden, near the house or in the garden.

Read also: Garden tracks with your own hands with low cost

If you correctly use a concrete mix and strictly adhere to the manufacturing technology, then the strength and durability of products is guaranteed.

What is necessary for the construction of tiles? Let's deal with.

  1. Materials. To make a pavement tile on the dacha with their own hands, you need to stock cement. It is better to use the brand M 500, which is characterized by quality and reliability. Also need sand and water. What amount will you need? Depends on the number of tiles, so the calculations are carried out individually. Specialists advise the use of plasticizers - substances that fasten the composition, making it as hard as possible.
  2. Filling forms. Such forms can be purchased in any, specialized store at an affordable price. It is better to take 20 pieces at once so that the manufacturing process does not drag on the months.
  3. Tool. You will need a perforator with a mixer nozzle. If there is a concrete mixer, it is much easier, especially if we are talking about a large number of tiles.

Paving tile to give your own hands - how to knead the solution?

To prepare a good solution, it is important to mix all the ingredients gradually. Initially, the sand and cement is mixed in equal proportions, and then water is added. So that no lumps are formed, the stirring process cannot be stopped. If you move with water, the quality and strength of the solution will fall sharply, so it is recommended to add water-repellent additives and reinforcing fiber.

And how to paint the tile in another color? This uses inorganic pigments that can also be purchased at any store. The amount of paint is selected by the method of sample. Initially, a small amount of pigment is absorbed and its dose gradually increases. When the color becomes rich and suitable for your taste preferences, then you can stay. Once the composition is ready, it can be poured into the molds. How to do it?

Form for baking, as well as a form for concrete, needs lubrication. The inner surface is treated with any (machine, emulsol, etc.) butter. This will allow the composition to grow faster on the surface, acquiring the correct features. In solution, bubbles that need to be deleted are always appear. This is done using vibrationtol. If there is no possibility to purchase such equipment, then you can use a simple way that many gardeners use: put shapes with a solution on the shelves, about which to knock on a slightly thaiyan. Excess air will come out, and the surface of the product will be smooth.

The first three days the solution is preserved under the polyethylene film and is watering with water. After it opens and leaves to dry in a dark place for approximately 3 weeks. If the weather is very hot, then the tile will be ready even faster. It will only be left to free it from molds and engage in construction.

We hope that our advice, how to make a pavement tile on the cottage with your own hands will help to transform your country area with beautiful paths.

See also Video: Garden Walkway Paving Tile Relax Effect DIY

Beautifully look at the paths and platforms from paving slabs. Concrete tile can be poured independently using plastic forms. Such a tile always exists a place on a plot or dacha. Paving slabs with their own hands stacked as a blind area around your garden house or bath. It looks great! On how to make paving slabs, it is described in this instruction.

It all starts with a tile form, which can be purchased in special shopping stores. It is plastic, intended for repeated use and is inexpensive - 60-70 rubles per piece. Next, you see the most popular forms, 30 cm in size and a depth of 3 cm.

Photo 1. Popular shapes for pouring paving slabs.

The bottom of the form is a drawing, imitating stone, parquet or other texture. You can choose for yourself any like. For a garden track, you can lay two such tiles in width, and curbs often use borders.

Photo 2. Form for border.

Plastic is quite durable and allows you to use the form repeatedly.

Calculation of the solution for pouring paving slabs

So, by purchasing forms, you can calculate the composition of the concrete for their fill. Practice has shown that the ratio of cement to the rest of the mass is better to take one to three. Cement Using brands 500. It is important that it is fresh, no more than 2 months from the date of production. We take one part of it. Usually 1 kg of cement is required on 1 tile. Next to the solution add 3 parts of coarse sand. To improve concrete strength, some craftsmen use such a formula:

  • 1 part of cement
  • 2 pieces of sand
  • 1 part of small gravel or rubble

The solution is prepared with the addition of water, it is better to use concrete mixer with mass production. When water adding it is desirable not to make the solution too liquid or thick. After stirring, it must remind a thick sour cream. Additionally, you can use dyes for concrete and so-called plasticizers - substances that improve plasticity and reduced cement consumption. They are required quite a bit, they are mixed in a general solution. In order for concrete to be better separated from plastic forms, it is recommended to use special oils that are lubricated from the inside. However, in practice, people successfully use ordinary work.

The most important thing here is evenly losing with a tassel or a tampon all the inner sides of the form, then the finished tile will fall out without much effort. It is necessary to lubricate forms before the concrete solution is prepared and the fill will begin. Filling forms are placed on a flat table, which is also called vibrostol.

Important moment: It is necessary before filling the shapes concrete to make sure that the level is that our table is installed strictly horizontally. Then there will be no problems with skept forms and pouring the solution during vibration.

Tile do it yourself video

When the solution is ready, you need to pour successively all forms.

Having placed the whole solution into the forms, it should be evenly distributed and if you need to add or remove the excess. It is not worth a hurry, it is better to check the corners with a small trowel and make sure there is no emptiness. Now everything is ready for the inclusion of vibrationtol, or rather, the electric motor with the eccentric attached to the bottom.

Under the action of vibration, the solution is compacted, which is very important for outdoor tiles. It is overlooking the surface of air bubbles, topped with cement milk. Usually grabs a few minutes to achieve such an effect. This is the merit of vibrationtol, since without it would have to pull out every form, seeking the desired effect.

Schemes of vibratetol

Consider the scheme of classic vibrostol.

The landscaping of the territory is one of the many tasks that appear when mastering the land plot, be it a small summer cottage or an extensive platform around the cottage. The main and indispensable elements of the landscape in this case are platforms and tracks performed using paving slabs.

Today, the market is saturated with a wide variety of blocks of different sizes, shapes and shades - this allows a simple track to turn into an exquisite work of art. In addition, the technology of making a paving slaves is pretty simple, which makes it possible to produce it without any problems.

Benefits of blocks

1. In comparison with the concrete or asphalt coating on the paved surface, the puddle is not formed.

2. If you need to install equipment or gaskets, the coating Easily removed and stacked again, without disturbing the integrity of the paving.

laming, in contrast to asphalt, heating, does not emit harmful substances.

4. The laying is incomparably attractive, if carefully and correctly lay it. Making paversing with your own hands

Paristers with their own hands - the real way of landscaping the site and does not represent a special complexity. This is an interesting and favorable process, because how to make a paving with your own hands - not at all the mystery. Materials are available, only a desire is needed to master this fascinating process.

Necessary materials and tools

  1. shovel;
  2. a container for the solution;
  3. wide table;
  4. master OK;
  5. shapes for paving slats;
  6. pure sand;
  7. cement brand 500;
  8. dry dye (pigment);
  9. plasticizer.

Making paversing with their own hands in a large amount of production will require the use of vibrotol and concrete mixers. Industrial options for these devices are relatively expensive, but it is possible to make them yourself.

Forms for bruster

In solving the issue: how to make a paving with your own hands, do not do without the forms of fill. They can be made with their own hands or acquire, because their variety is large enough.

1. Silicone forms. They can be with a matte or glossy surface, they do not need additional devices in the form of formwork.

paving tile do it yourself video

Designed for pouring pavers on 500 cycles.

2. Plastic forms. Produced on 250 fill cycles, have a variety of configuration and relief.

3. Polyurethane forms. Calculated for 80-100 cycles, however, make it possible to cast surfaces with small relief and details.

4. Homemade forms. Often such forms are made from boards, cropping of metal pipes, various plastic tanks and so on.

Technology manufacturing brooms

After all materials and tools are prepared, you can start making. Laming, with their own hands, technology will be as follows:

1. Cement mortar is prepared. In dry form, it is thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 3 to 1 sand with cement.

2. If your track is another color, not gray, then in the water of a separate container dissolves a dry dye of the appropriate shade and mixed.

3. There is also a plasticizer - by 1 kg of cement about 10 ml, after which this solution of fluid is poured into a dry mixture.

4. The solution is mixed before viscous consistency, clean water is added if necessary.

5. The table with the help of the level is set strictly horizontally. Forms are laid out on the table, lubricated from the inside and the solution is folded into them.

6. For a few minutes, the vibrationtol turns on, or to create vibrations on a regular table, you are tapping with a conversion. As a result, the solution should evenly distribute forms.

7. Molds are left to frozen per day.

8. Stones are neatly retrieved from the forms so that the faces and corners are not damaged.

9. Finished products are laid out on a flat surface for drying for 7-10 days under a canopy. A blocking recommends sprinkling with water (small drops) so that there are no cracks.

10. After these days, paving pavement paving with its own hands from color - this means that the process is completed successfully.

Paving slabs, a pavement - a popular, easy-to-use and affordable material for the design of sidewalks, tracks, sites, landscape design elements on the street, in the park, garden, on the household site. She has many advantages and a wide range of applications, as it is inexpensive, simple in manufacturing and safe environmentally coating.

The paving slave made in compliance with all technological nuances will be resistant to abrasion, withstand many freezing cycles and subsequent thawing. In addition, it is simple in laying and, if there is a need to replace damaged areas, it can be done at any time.

Production of paving slabs

Paving tile make it easy, the technology is quite simple and allows to obtain as a result of a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The production process can be divided into steps:

  1. preparation of forms
  2. cooking concrete
  3. molding
  4. hood and drying of finished products,
  5. stripping,
  6. storage.

The simplest and appropriate, including for home use, is the technology of vibration casting using plasticizing additives. It does not require high costs for equipment, it, in the presence of skills, it is possible to make yourself. The result is a tiny concrete pavement with a dense texture and a smooth surface. This is just achieved with vibration cast when concrete is compacted under the influence of electromechanical vibrators on a special vibration table.

Necessary equipment and materials

Since concrete tiles, first of all, we need a concrete mixer, preferably forced type, that is, acting on the principle of the mixer. The vibration table will also need, molding and lubricant for them, a concrete mix.

Forms for casting various sizes and configurations can be purchased freely. They are on sale are rubber (they are the most durable, withstand up to 500 castings) plastic and polyurethane (about 200 production cycles). Their variety is very large, manufacturers can make them to order, whether it is forms with a pattern, a specific surface texture or shape for glossy paving slabs.

Lubricant is necessary for trouble-free sprawling products after pouring concrete. It can be used in the finished form and do it yourself. The simplest lubricant is prepared for this: 50g mineral oil should be mixed with 1.5 liters of water until emulsion formation. But it is important to achieve the desired balance of fatty, otherwise the lubricant can spoil the appearance of ready-made concrete products.

The composition of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bthe most important part of the production technology. This includes:

  • hard crushed stone of a nonmetallic rock is 3-10 mm, or, as an alternative, granite dropout or gravel;
  • purified washed sand;
  • m500 brand cement;
  • plasticizer concrete;
  • dry dye;
  • water.

The composition of the mixture may change to obtain different properties of the final product..

Preparation of concrete mix

The recipe for sidewalks is simpleBut requires careful preparation of all ingredients and methodical observance of the sequence of actions. Calculate the amount of each component is easy, if you know the necessary proportions of the volume of substances.

On one part of the cement you need to take two parts of the sand and rubble mixture, 0.02 parts of the plasticizer and 0.2 pieces of dry coloring pigment. The ratio of water volume to the dry mixture volume will be 2: 3, that is, two parts of the water are needed into three parts of the dry mixture. This ratio will ensure the strength of the finished concrete product and how it is not better for production at home.

This calculation of an approximate consumption of materials for one square meter of the finished paving slabs with a thickness of 4.5 cm is possible:

  • 23 kg of cement;
  • 56 kg rubble (gravel or screening);
  • 390 g plasticizer.

If concrete is colored, then the number of materials of the dye will need 1.5 kg. Water will be added not by weight, but by volume of dry components.

To obtain high-quality concrete, you need to follow some rules for handling a plasticizer and dye. Neither a plasticizer or dye, dry in a mixture of cement and rubble can not be added. The plasticizer is diluted in hot (70-80 degrees C) water (per liter of water 200 grams of substances) and add portions to the kneaded concrete solution. The dye is also divorced in water (40-50 degrees C, 250-280 grams of dry dye per liter of water) and added at the same stage as a plasticizer.

Before starting the preparation of the solution, we need to rinse the walls of the concrete mixer with water, as they should be wet. Then water is poured and with continuous stirring it is covered with sand cement in parts. After receiving a homogeneous emulsion from water and cement, rubble is added. Last but the plasticizer and dye are poured, diluted before. It is necessary to mix the resulting solution to uniformity, this process takes some time. In case the volume of production is scheduled to be small, you can do without a concrete mixer, mix the solution manually.

We offer video instructions for the manufacture of paving slabs with your own hands.:

Filling form

Technological features of how to fill the paving slabs correctly, the following. Fill out forms with concrete first better to half, then they need to be placed on the vibration table. After the work of the vibration table begins, the concrete will become compacted, the evidence of the foam bubbles on its surface will be evidence - so it turns out the air in the mixture. As concrete is sedired, it needs to be added to the required height.

Also, if gravel or crushed stone is not added to the solution, you can increase the strength of the tile, placing in the form for casting reinforcement in the form of an iron mesh or wire.

Concrete can be poured by layers, for example, to save the dye. The front side of the finished block will then be colored, and the rest is gray. Color and conventional mixture should be kneaded separately, it is important only that its density is the same.

On average, on the vibration table forms with concrete you need to leave for 4-5 minutes. After the end of the vibration, they need to be placed on a flat surface. Frozening paving slabs should not be exposed to direct sunlight. For complete frost, given the presence of a plasticizer, takes up to three days.

Video on the fill of the forms of paving slabs on the household plot:

Flat and storage of paving slabs

In order to do not damage the shape in the Draft, it is necessary to warm it up, lowering the Celsius in water at 50-70 degrees, then it is enough to cleanse the rubber hammer so that you can easily "catch up" the finished product. After the formation of the form is ready for a new production cycle.

The finished paving slabs must be withstanding up to three weeks on a flat surface and also in the shade, for further hardening and set of the fortress. It is necessary to lay it for storage "face to face" if the rows are several, covering each shrink film. During this time, the tile will eat enough and gain strength necessary to use.

The above manufacturing technology is applicable not only for paving slabs, in a similar way it is possible to organize the production of borders .

Application of paving slabs

Since paving slabs - the material is universal, it can be used almost anywhere. Playgrounds, car parkings, pedestrian streets, park areas, bicycle paths, private land ownership - this is only the main list of directions, expand that will not be difficult. The sidewalks are drawn up flower beds, fountains, garden reservoirs, decorative fences and fences, porch and terraces, staircases.

Laying this coating leaves the opportunity to "breathe" under it, because it passes air, and water, and does not contain toxins, although it hinders the growth of plants. But the soil still retains its properties, unlike the soil under solid concrete or asphalt.

The paving slabs withstands heavy structures, it does not destroy moisture and extreme weather conditions. These properties are due to the fact that its composition is close to the composition of the concrete structures used in construction in the supports and overlap of buildings. This is a durable and durable material that is little affected by the climate and an aggressive urban environment.

Several examples of the use of paving slabs on their country site