How to cool down a room. How to cool a room without air conditioning: salvation from the summer heat

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In summer, the temperature in houses and apartments can reach 30 degrees Celsius or more. If there is an air conditioner in the room, it will reduce the air temperature to the set point in a few minutes. However, not everyone has this technique.

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Therefore, today we will consider the question of how to cool a room without air conditioning in various ways.


Ventilate your house early




The lowest temperature in summer is observed from 4 to 7 am. At this time, you should “saturate” the room with fresh and cold air to the maximum. But if you do not want to get up so early, open the windows in the evening, around 22:00-22:30.


Ventilation of the apartment it is one of the most effective ways to lower the room temperature. But it remains effective as long as the above schedule of action is observed. Opening windows at 12 noon only makes matters worse., saturating the room with hotter air.


Regular air humidification




What can cool the room? Of course, the easiest way is the skillful use of water. In order to reduce the temperature in the room by 2-5 degrees, you should regularly humidify the air. This is done with a regular spray. You can buy special humidifiers in stores, but this is a much more expensive option.

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It is known that the heat is more noticeable if the rooms have low humidity. It is also bad if the humidity is high. To ensure the necessary air humidity in the rooms, you can hang, for example, wet clothes or sprinkle curtains with water from time to time.


In addition, vessels with water can be placed around the rooms, to which, if desired, add aromatic oils of lavender, mint or citrus.


The easiest method is to fill an empty container from under any window cleaner with running water. Spray it every hour throughout the room. This water can be sprayed on yourself. As the liquid evaporates, your skin will feel a noticeable coolness.





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How to cool a room in the heat with foil? Oddly enough, but this material can also cope with the high temperature in the room. Reflective foil can be purchased at any hardware store. It is better that it be in a roll of 5 meters or more.

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This foil should be applied to the inside or outside of windows and walls. For the best effect, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bglass and wallpaper is pasted over. Pay special attention to rooms whose windows face south and southwest. It is there that the highest intensity of the sun is observed. Therefore, such premises must be covered with foil. In this case, the material will reflect heat, and the room will be cool for a long time. This method of cooling is very effective, since sunlight does not penetrate carpets, furniture and other interior elements, from which the air is subsequently heated.


Studies have shown that any room is heated not directly from hot air, but from objects that are exposed to sunlight. The latter, in turn, creates heat exchange with air, which causes suffocation in the apartment. True, the walls covered with foil will not add beauty to the interior, so this method does not have many fans.

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So that the sun's rays do not penetrate the room and do not heat it tightly enough pull up the curtains. This method is suitable for apartments with windows facing south. If the windows "look" to the north, then there is no need to close the curtains.



Window dimming


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This method is popular among owners of southern apartments. Its essence is that on glass a special protective film is applied greenish or bluish in color, which prevents the penetration of sunlight into the room. The "minus" of this method is that natural colors are lost outside the window






If you do not have the desire to buy foil and paste it on windows, you can simply install blinds instead of curtains. How can you cool a room this way? The principle of operation of blinds is very simple. Keep them closed during the day, so that 90% of the sunlight will linger on the thin metal plates of the device. With blinds, you not only cool the room, but modernize the interior design of your home. But, like curtains, they need regular care - at least a couple of times a year they need to be wiped with a dust and dirt remover.

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Hiding extra stuff




During the heat walk on the bare cool floor- a pleasure, but the woolen pile underfoot causes not the most pleasant sensations. In addition, dust and fine dirt settle on the carpet in the summer in a larger volume than at any other time of the year.

The ideal solution is to free the floor from the carpet or rug right now sending it in for cleaning. It is he who is the main heat reflector, which prevents the penetration of cold from the floor to the rest of the room. You can also remove the wall carpets. By the way, if the room is too humid, mold or fungus can form under them. Therefore, before re-hanging the carpet on the wall, treat the surface with a special antifungal agent.

Sweet heart trinkets - photo frames, figurines and travel souvenirs- in the heat also turn into a kind of dust collectors. Remove them for a while from all horizontal surfaces in special organizer boxes. So you will reduce the percentage of settling dust, and therefore it will become easier to breathe.


How to cool a room in the heat with ice?


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Using ice, similar to spraying water, can lower the room temperature by a few degrees Celsius. For this it is enough Freeze a few ice cubes in the refrigerator and then toss them into a plate. Gradually they will melt and cool the air temperature.

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Kitchen use schedule




On hot summer days try to minimize the use of a gas stove and oven. This significantly increases the air temperature, after which it is simply impossible to be in the kitchen. Gradually, all the hot air spreads around the entire perimeter of the house, which is highly undesirable for those who prefer coolness.

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About wet cleaning


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During the hot season wet cleaning in the rooms is desirable to carry out as often as possible. It is necessary to regularly wash the floors, wipe the windows, shelves and doors. All this will slightly increase the humidity in the room, as well as get rid of dust, which in turn will make it easier to breathe. Due to the evaporation of water, the air temperature will gradually decrease, in addition, the room will be sufficiently saturated with moisture, which is very lacking on summer days.



Electronic devices

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It is not recommended to use during the day electrical appliances that significantly heat the apartment. These are vacuum cleaners, irons, personal computers, printers and televisions. Pay special attention to the last element. If you are not watching TV, turn it off, because, in addition to rising temperatures, electricity bills will also rise. If you have an electric towel warmer, cover it with foil or use it only as a last resort. This technique always heats the air in any room.



wet sheet


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There is another interesting tip on how to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning. It consists in using several bowls (basins) with water and sheets. How to cool the room in the heat with these elements? Everything is very simple. The basin should be placed near the door, and the sheet should be hung on the door. so that its ends are in contact with water. The fabric gradually absorbs water, thereby cooling the entire room. It is important that the area of ​​the lying sheet is as large as possible. Remember, the wider and longer it is, the faster evaporation and heat transfer occurs.

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We make an air conditioner from a fan


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How to cool a room with a fan? Make it real. For this we need one fan and several liters of running water. Naturally, all the liquid must be filled into a certain container (a container such as plastic bottles and bowls). Fill a container with water and place it in the freezer for several hours. After the liquid has turned into ice, take out the container back, then put it in front of the fan. Remember that the air flow from the blades must go to this particular container. How can you quickly cool a room with these simple elements? As practice shows, the first result is already expected after 10-15 minutes of fan operation. But so that the air does not heat up again, as the ice melts, the containers should be changed to cooler ones.



Do not use the fan when you are not in the room. If you think that this device, like an air conditioner, lowers the air temperature after a few minutes, you are deeply mistaken. The fan only moves air from one side to the other, while its electric motor heats up significantly. You will get a feeling of coolness only if the air flow is directed towards you, and best of all - from chilled containers, as described earlier.

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Alternative way


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There is another method of cooling a room with a fan. But here we will use an unusual device. It's called ceiling fan. We often see such devices in Venezuelan and Mexican films. However, this does not mean that it cannot be purchased in Russia. It costs about 3-4 thousand rubles. Such a device is absolutely silent, does not create drafts during operation and does not heat the room at all with its motor. Using such a device, it is very difficult to catch a cold. The operation of the ceiling fan does not interfere with watching TV or working with a PC. At the same time, you will quickly feel that it has become easier to breathe in the room. How can you cool the room



So, we figured out how to cool the room in the heat without using expensive air conditioners.


As you can see, it is not necessary to use expensive equipment for this - all of the above methods are very simple and effective.

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In order for the above methods to be most effective, you need to remember the following recommendations:

  • prevent dehydration of the body (monitor the drinking regime, regularly drinking water, you can add a mint leaf to it);
  • take a cool bath or shower several times a day;
  • you can keep your feet in a basin of cold water;
  • go to bed on the floor, because the lower the air, the cooler it is;
  • use bed linen made of satin or coarse calico;
  • wear light-colored clothes.

Unfortunately, perfect weather does not exist. Therefore, you need to be able to adapt to any temperature, both low and high, in order to ensure your comfort, regardless of the time of year.



And some more tips!

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In hot weather, try to drink as much liquid as possible.

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Oddly enough, but it is hot tea that best helps the body to endure the heat., as the body temperature increases slightly, plus there is a perspiration effect.

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Ice water creates a deceptive effect- in fact, it awakens a person's thirst even more.

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Drink liquids at room temperature and eat cold meals. Among the latter, okroshka, milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as salads can be noted. In addition, your body will be saturated with enough vitamins, which will effectively fight viruses and infections in winter.


1. The fact that your house has turned into a branch of the Finnish sauna is to blame for direct sunlight that penetrates through the windows and heats the air. First of all, close the windows or lower the blinds on them. People who have thick white linen curtains live best in the heat. White reflects the sun's rays, and linen, according to folk beliefs and linen sellers, cools the air.

2. Another reliable way to block the sun's rays is to order window tinting. A protective film will be glued on the windows, and you will be able to see your yard in pretty bluish tones (however, you can choose any color in which you prefer to watch the neighbor's old women). The main thing is not to overdo it, and not to make the tint too thick: in cloudy dark weather, your dwelling will be dark and dull.

3. To those who are too lazy to mess with tinting, we offer to tinker with foil and double-sided tape. Foil is pasted over windows facing the sunny side, creating a beautiful rustling shade for themselves. Experts advise gluing adhesive tape not on glass, but on the frame; the housekeeper who cleans your windows will thank you later.

4. The windows you open should be closed to reduce the supply of warm air from the street. It is best to ventilate the room in the early morning, before sunrise, or late in the evening.. The most resourceful will surely leave the windows open all night.

In the heat, the best entertainment is wet cleaning

5. To keep moisture and coolness, we recommend decorating your interior with wet towels hung here and there. You can simply wet the curtains and sometimes sprinkle them with a spray bottle of water with refreshing mint or citrus scents (a couple of drops of aromatic oil per bottle of water). As part of the program to increase the humidity in the house, ask the girls who come to you to walk around the territory only in wet T-shirts. And they are cooler, and you have something to see.

6. Ask the housekeeper to come more often (she can wear a dry T-shirt). The fact is that in hot weather it is best to do wet cleaning every day: at least wipe the door handles with cool water. And at the same time ask her to get rid of the carpets (you have carpets? The rug by the front door does not count). At temperatures above 25 degrees, it is easiest to walk around the house, like Leo Tolstoy, barefoot. Carpets will spoil all the feeling of wonderful chill from the laminate.

7. In addition, you can also buy a humidifier, but you need to be careful: in the hellish heat, your Finnish sauna has every chance of turning into a Turkish one. But if you've tinted your windows properly, chances are the humidifier will do the trick. Don't overdo it: extreme darkness and humidity can bring new forms of life into your nest, such as moldy wallpaper.

8. You should make sure that there are no strong sources of air heating in the apartment: the batteries have already been turned off, 4 burners do not work on the stove at once, the lamp TV has been pulled out of the network. Summer is a good time to replace a cave computer with a heating cupboard-sized system unit with a convenient tablet.

9. If the above tips no longer help to cool the air, it's time to make a homemade air conditioner. We freeze water in plastic bottles and put them on a tray in front of the fan. You can direct the fan jet to the point in space that needs it the most. For example, for yourself. It's time to change direction the moment you start looking around for a sweater.

10. These same plastic ice bottles can be thrown into your bed. And before going to bed, put the anti-heaters back in the freezer. Instead of cotton bed linen, choose silk - silk tends to slightly cool the skin.

11. If you are seriously concerned about the problems of global warming in your home, plant sprawling trees under the windows. Years will pass, and a fertile shadow from green spaces will fall on the windows. For the same purpose, you can plant a flower garden on the balcony. At the HOA meeting, offer to paint the house in bright colors. And what - in the hot Arab countries everyone does this.

12. You probably remember from your school physics course that warm air rises. When the heat takes over, take the lowest point of space. Lie down on a low sofa or even on a carpet-free floor. Here it is good to reflect on the vicissitudes of the weather.

(taken from men's magazine)

P.s. Know more methods? Write in the comments!)

Stuffiness and heat in the apartment interferes with normal living, working and sleeping. Well, if it is possible to install air conditioning, but what if it is not? A few simple tips will help to cool the apartment at least a little.

Being in a stuffy room is not only difficult, but also harmful to health, but what if that very stuffy room is your own apartment or house? It is not always necessary to resort to buying an air conditioner to lower the degree in the house, although, of course, it does the best job of cooling the rooms.

But in addition to the advantages, the air conditioner has disadvantages - someone may not be able to afford it, plus it consumes electricity, which is why the bill at the end of the month will come to you more. If you follow a few rules and tips, then the degree in the apartment can be lowered with improvised means.

Close your windows

In the daytime, open windows will not give you so much desired coolness, but on the contrary will create a greenhouse effect in the room. So make sure all your windows and doors are tightly closed during the daytime. Moreover, it is better to close them in every sense of the word - hang thick light curtains and keep them drawn in the daytime.

To help cope with the heat and excessive sunlight, a reflective film that you can stick on the glass will also help.

Create a draft

In the evening, you still need to ventilate the apartment, but on the condition that you can create a draft, this is the only way you can get rid of the stuffy air, and not vice versa to catch up with it even more.

During airing, be careful and do not catch a cold, it is best to open windows and doors one by one - while one part of the apartment is aired, you rest in another, or you can go out into the courtyard for a while - just do not go far from the house and keep an eye on the apartment, because you have all windows are open.

Humidify the air

Moisture-laden air will help cool your apartment. You can create it using the most common spray bottle - fill it with ice water and spray the apartment every hour and a half. You should not do this more often, otherwise the effect of a bath will be created in the apartment and dampness will appear.

If you have a humidifier, it will also do the job just fine - just fill the container with cold water, you can even add some ice to it.

Fan, ice and water

The simplest fan, ice and water will also help to cope with stuffiness. Fill a bottle with water (dilute it with salt so that the bottle does not burst) and put it completely frozen in the refrigerator, or take any cup or bowl and fill it with ice water.

Put bottles or a bowl in front of a running fan - this method will more than replace your air conditioner. Just like with air humidification, do not overdo it.

Get rid of everything superfluous

It is best to turn your apartment into the best work of minimalism for the summer. Remove carpets and anything that collects dust and heat around it. Floors without carpets can be wiped once a day, and the temperature in the apartment will immediately drop noticeably - and walking on such a floor in the heat is more pleasant than walking on a heated carpet.

Sofas and upholstered furniture can be covered with light natural fabric, and it is better to minimize the use of any equipment and lamps - this way your apartment will heat up less, and your wallet will say thank you at the end of the month, when the utility bill arrives.

If you have such an opportunity, you can turn off the bathroom coil for summer time.

Keep your bed cool

The heat makes it hard to sleep, so keep your bed cool. During the daytime, bed linen can be folded into bags and put in the refrigerator to cool. Yes, laying it out every day can be a real hassle, but you can limit yourself to only a few items - for example, cool only pillows or sheets.

A bowl of ice and water placed at the head of the bed can also help to cope with the heat.

The basic rules for keeping a room cool are: isolate it from direct sunlight, minimize the use of electrical appliances and dust-collecting materials, keep the air humid, and remember to let in cool air in the evenings or at night.

Can a mobile air conditioner replace an expensive split system? Should I buy it and how to install it, FORUMHOUSE users tell

Everyone needs comfort. Especially when it's hot outside.

In such weather it is impossible to create an optimal microclimate without air conditioning.

Readers are well aware of the advantages of modern split systems, consisting of two blocks - internal and external.

However, air conditioners of this type are expensive, and their installation can cost a pretty penny.

What if you need an air conditioner, but there is not enough money to buy it? Forget about comfort?

Not at all, the solution may be the installation of a so-called mobile air conditioner.

And although this climate equipment has a number of disadvantages, it often becomes the best choice for summer residents or people renting rented apartments.

What is a mobile air conditioner?

The mobile air conditioner is a monoblock device, similar to the well-known window air conditioner.

The main difference is the vertical arrangement of the units in the mobile air conditioner.

In the upper compartment of the case there is an evaporator and a ventilation unit, and below them, in the lower compartment, there is a compressor, a condenser and a fan that removes heat from it.

The principle of operation of a mobile air conditioner is as follows: the air in the room is pumped through the air intake into the upper part of the housing, where it is filtered, cooled and re-ejected into the room through openings covered with blinds.

The air is cooled like this: the compressor “compresses” the refrigerant and takes away from it the heat that the refrigerant received from the air.

The compressor is also cooled by air, which, passing through the condenser radiator, heats up and is thrown out into the street through a flexible air duct (similar to a corrugated vacuum cleaner hose) with a diameter of 150 mm and a length of 1.5 meters.

Having understood the general principles of operation of a mobile air conditioner, you can understand what its advantages and disadvantages are.


Among the disadvantages of a mobile air conditioner are:

Increased noise during operation associated with the operation of the compressor and fan;
- outside air can be sucked in through the leaks and slots of the hole for the hose;
- lower efficiency than split systems;
- takes up space on the floor.

Strekoza FORUMHOUSE User

In the very heat of the summer of 2010, I thought about buying a mobile air conditioner, but after weighing all the pros and cons, I refused. In my opinion, it works too loudly, the air outlet hose heats up during operation and, accordingly, raises the temperature in the room. For a good sealing of the hose, you will have to drill a hole in the wall. And the dimensions of a mobile air conditioner are rather big, so you can’t just hide it in an apartment. And I consider it unprofitable to use it only 3 months a year, in the very heat.

However, there are models that, in addition to cooling, also heat the room. These air conditioners are equipped with heating elements. In addition, more expensive models can work in heat pump mode, removing cold air from the room and replacing it with warm air.

ametistov FORUMHOUSE User

Although split systems can also work for space heating, at low temperatures, for example -25 ° C, they no longer work, but a mobile air conditioner equipped with a simple heating coil will cope with the task, heating the room in fan heater mode. So a mobile air conditioner can help out both in winter and in summer.

The advantages of a mobile air conditioner include:

  • low cost;
  • simple installation - all work can be done independently;
  • no need to conduct communications through the wall and, accordingly, additionally pay for the installation of an air conditioner, like a split system;
  • the facade of the house does not spoil the external unit, like a split system;
  • mobility - the air conditioner can be taken to the cottage or moved on wheels around the rooms;
  • mobile air conditioners can filter, dehumidify the air, heat rooms and operate in ventilation mode.

Stranger FORUMHOUSE User

Mobile air conditioner easily and quickly cools a room of 20-40 sq. m to comfortable 20-22°C.

Often a mobile air conditioner is chosen for seasonal installation in a country house, because. it is not visible, it will not attract the attention of thieves who will immediately notice the external unit of the split system hanging on the wall.

You can put it only in the summer when it is really needed. The split system hangs on the wall all year round, and the external unit can be forced to be removed. The main disadvantage of a mobile air conditioner is high noise

And although a mobile air conditioner has many advantages, one of its significant drawbacks is the presence of condensate, which must be constantly drained. The condensate is collected in a special container located at the bottom of the monoblock. The average capacity is 5 liters. If the liquid is not removed in time, the air conditioner will turn off.


For expensive models, condensate is pumped out by drainage pumps. Fluid drainage can be arranged through a window or window. Capacities, on average, last for 7-9 hours of continuous operation.

How to choose and install a mobile air conditioner?

The maximum area that the air conditioner can serve is indicated in the product passport. Based on practical experience, we can say that it is better to take power with some margin.

In this case, the air conditioner will not constantly operate at maximum mode, which will extend its service life and reduce the noise level.

Stranger FORUMHOUSE User

It is better to choose the most powerful mobile air conditioner. It will cool the room faster. And they all make the same noise.

In addition, you need to remember a few standard requirements:

  • Hot air should be emitted through a specially drilled hole in the wall or through a specially prepared window opening.
  • If you simply “throw” the hose out of an open window, then all the work of the air conditioner, due to the air coming from outside, will be reduced to “no”.
  • Do not block the air intake openings with anything.
  • You can turn on the air conditioner 2 hours after its installation.

One of the most common questions related to the installation of a mobile air conditioner is where and how to lead the hose that removes hot air?

Stranger FORUMHOUSE User

I think it's best to drill a hole in the wall. Some models have an adapter bar from a round tube to a flat bar. The bar is inserted into the slot of the ajar window.

Some manufacturers supplement the mobile air conditioner kit with a special window plug with a cut out hole for the air duct.


I have a mobile air conditioner near the loggia door. I cut a hole in the door, where I inserted the plastic door that comes with the air conditioner. There are no drafts. An air conditioner cools a 15 sq. m. For 5 hours of operation, the temperature drops from + 35 ° С to + 26 ° С. But at the same time he makes a lot of noise, it is impossible to sleep.

You can also drill a hole in a brick wall with a crown and bring the air duct through a flat pipe 200x60 mm.


A flat pipe passes well under the window tide and does not interfere.

An interesting way to install a mobile air conditioner, proposed by a forum member Mikhail Kuprikov .

Summer heat and high temperatures can reduce our productivity, affect mood and adversely affect health, especially for older people. There are ways to cool an apartment in the heat without using an air conditioner. They will help to solve the problem of heat without large financial costs, or at least reduce its negative impact, increase comfort, and, consequently, improve mood.

In fairness, it should be noted that the air conditioner really reduces the air temperature due to a special physical process and expensive equipment, the methods listed below will only briefly, to one degree or another, help fight unbearable heat.


It is worth remembering that opening all the windows in the apartment, in the heat, especially at temperatures above +35 ºС, is not the most correct option. Firstly, even in the absence of air conditioning, the premises usually remain more comfortable. It is logical to assume that by opening the windows, you will simply “let in” the summer heat, and you will suffer from the heat even more. Some resort to trickery and try to tightly close the windows on the sunny side, and open them in the shade. This method cannot be called effective, because with an active exchange of air it does not matter at all whether the window is in the shade or not - the temperature will be the same.

The best option would be minimal ventilation, which will save you from stuffiness, but will not allow coolness to leave the apartment through the windows. It is better to fully ventilate the apartment at night, in cloudy or cool weather. It is optimal to do this from 10 pm, and stop airing with the first manifestations of heat (usually 8-9 am).

If you're feeling hot and looking for ways to cool your apartment and do it efficiently, take a look at your windows. 90% of the heat in the apartment penetrates precisely because of direct exposure to sunlight. First of all, curtain all the windows, close the blinds. Thick curtains are a guarantee of protection from ultraviolet radiation and an increase in the temperature in the room to the point that it becomes unbearable. Of course, not everyone will like such an atmosphere, but it is worth making a decision - a sunny room or coolness and comfort.

Pasting with a reflective film also remains a popular method now. A slightly more perfect option is a sticker of light filters that do not let ultraviolet radiation into the room. By the way, if you are thinking about the question of how to cool an apartment at the stage of repair or construction, and there is no way to install an air conditioner, install special energy-efficient windows with a polarized coating. They guarantee warmth and comfort in winter, and coolness and freedom from summer heat in summer.


Humid air can reduce the effect of heat in the apartment. Stuffiness, dry air, combined with high temperatures can greatly ruin the life of even a lover of a hot climate. The installed household air humidifier, of course, will not replace the air conditioner, but it will make the apartment pleasant for spending time. In general, this device is quite versatile, as it solves the problem with indoor humidity in winter, and with temperature in summer. A humidifier is especially relevant if you have small children.

Even if you are very scrupulous and thorough with wet cleaning, in the summer, especially in the heat, dust particles easily rise from the floor, move from shelves and hard-to-reach places. It is for this reason that many allergy sufferers and asthmatics experience an exacerbation during this period. Humid air can reduce the effect of dust.

Modern developments allow the use of such a device in the house as an air washer. This device performs several functions at once:

  1. Humidification - the ultrasonic membrane is intensively capable of moistening a sufficiently large internal volume. One has only to remember that the device works effectively only in the room where humidification is needed.
  2. Purification of air from dust, spores of fungi, viruses - in the summer heat, dust rises from the floor and moves to the middle layers of the volume of the room, is in limbo. Air washing will allow a large volume of air to pass through a mechanical and water filter in order to remove contaminants.

Even if you have such a device, you need to wash floors more often, carry out wet cleaning of surfaces, wipe furniture and shelves.

Additional heat sources

Despite the hot season, we can not always refuse to use appliances that generate heat. This means that in addition to the natural elevated temperature, additional heating occurs inside the room.

Turn off heated towel rails if they are connected to hot water or electric ones if there are no thermostats. Such a thermal device, firstly, is not needed, and secondly, it is capable of releasing a sufficiently large amount of heat, equal to 100-400 watts. In winter, this is enough to heat a small bathroom, why is it warm in summer?

It is worth remembering that every electrical appliance, to one degree or another, produces heat. If you have conventional incandescent bulbs installed, add up their number and calculate the power. More than 5 lamps can provide thermal energy comparable to a small radiator. Not only does this lead to an increase in electricity consumption, but it also causes additional discomfort in the summer.

Hot air circulates very quickly indoors. If you have a long cooking ahead - tightly close the doors and open the windows. It would be better to reduce the use of the stove, electric kettle, and cook and heat food in the microwave.


Contrary to obvious misconceptions, the fan is not able to cool the air, on the contrary, it heats it up. Why is it then used? Only for the sake of feeling cool, creating forced ventilation in the room. Our sweat glands actively secrete fluid to the surface of the skin, and it evaporates. In this case, an exothermic process occurs, which cools us.

The fan is not capable of cooling, but if you install it in the immediate vicinity of the workplace, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You can use the fan effectively only by installing it in the direction of a window or front door. It must move hot air masses from the room to the street if the room is located on the sunny side and is very overheated.

Excessive humidity is also bad. Many people unknowingly hang a large amount of linen inside the apartment, hang wet curtains. The result is not a very pleasant and comfortable climate, very similar to the tropics. Humidity plays a decisive role in the summer. Firstly, curtains that are hung directly in the sun dry instantly, secondly, they can deteriorate because of this, and thirdly, one curtain can contain up to 5 liters. water, which evaporates almost instantly and saturates the internal volume. It will become difficult to breathe, you can suddenly become covered with profuse sweat, which will dry out more slowly due to the saturation of the air with moisture. Not a very happy prospect, especially in the heat.

Purchasing an air conditioner

Buying an air conditioner, albeit expensive, is a profitable task in terms of comfort. Depending on where you live, the heat can be easily tolerated or require a lot of effort. For example, located in close proximity to the road, an apartment on the sunny side will be very affected by temperature.

Air conditioner cooling

On average, during the summer, unbearable heat can last for no more than a month. In this short period, you can get by with the above tips. If you want the maximum level of comfort, you will have to fork out and buy an air conditioner.