We choose together the best facade thermal panels. Facing with thermal panels: warm facade under a brick or stone Facade thermal panels for exterior decoration of the house

The cold climate, the constant rise in energy prices (retail prices for the consumer are growing despite the fall in world prices) and the economic crisis make us reconsider our attitude to the problem of thermal insulation of buildings. It is wasteful to heat houses built in the old fashioned way today. Updated building codes prescribe new, energy-saving standards in the field of thermal insulation of external building envelopes. Modern heat-insulating materials, including thermal panels for the facade, help to improve the heat-saving characteristics of buildings.

What is a facade thermal panel

Many people know thermally insulated facade sandwich panels, they can be seen on the walls of hypermarkets, shopping pavilions and industrial buildings built of metal structures. The panel, where the thermal insulation material is placed between the metal sheets, is hung on a supporting steel frame. The sandwich panel, in fact, is sufficiently thermally insulated outer wall, which does not require finishing either from the inside or from the outside.

Unlike sandwich panels, facade thermal panels are not the main wall material. They have neither strength characteristics nor thermal insulation properties in order to independently perform the role of an external fence. Facade thermal panels are used exclusively for additional external insulation of walls under construction or already existing buildings.

Thermal panels for exterior decoration of the house - two-layer. A weather-resistant and durable finishing (protective and decorative) layer is applied to the slabs of rigid heat-insulating material. For each of the layers can be used various materials, significantly different in their characteristics and properties.

Facade cladding with thermal panels - fast and effective method improve the thermal insulation of the building and give the house a solid appearance

Materials for the thermal insulation layer

The thermal insulation layer performs thermal insulation functions and at the same time serves as a constructive basis for the facade thermal panel. It must be tough and strong enough to withstand the weight of the finishing material and not be squeezed by accidental impacts. The main materials used as insulating base for double panels are as follows:

The basis of the facade panel is insulation, on which a protective and decorative layer is applied

Polymer heaters

  • Polyfoam is the cheapest, but least durable of the materials under consideration for outdoor insulation. Waterproof, vapor proof. Combustible, under the influence high temperature gives off suffocating gases. For thermal panels, dense foam of a grade not lower than PSB-S-25 should be used, for panels with a relatively heavy clinker cladding - a grade of maximum density PSB-S-50.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) has a denser, more uniform structure and greater strength than conventional foam. Also vapor-waterproof, slightly less flammable.
  • Polyurethane foam is the most expensive of polymer insulation materials, it has the best strength characteristics and a long service life. Steam-waterproof, does not burn, but melts. Good base for clinker cladding.

Mineral heaters

  • Rigid mineral wool boards differ from polymer thermal insulation in that they are non-combustible and vapor-permeable. They are not damaged by rodents. The material has a mechanical toughness, it is more difficult to leave a dent on it. At the same time, mineral wool has a much better adhesion to cement mortars.
    Consequently, the coating on it will hold more reliably, and the thermal panels, being glued to the wall on cement composition will not fall off prematurely. For the production of double facade panels use rather expensive hard mineral wool slabs with a density of at least 175 kg / m3.
  • Foam glass is a heavy, but extremely durable, vapor-proof and non-water-absorbing insulation. It is used infrequently, only where there is a danger of damage to the panels. Withstands impacts, does not form dents.

All of the insulation materials listed above have approximately similar thermal insulation properties. There is a difference, but it is not great - the denser the material, the colder it is. The thickness of the insulating layer can be different, the most common sizes are 30, 50 and 80 mm.

Materials for finishing layer

The materials of the finishing (protective and decorative) layer for facade thermal panels should be relatively light, weather-resistant, durable, have good adhesion to adhesives... The industry offers double panels in many types of finishes, we will only cover the most common and relatively affordable:

Facade stone crumb plaster

Facade stone crumb plaster is made of small (1-4 mm) pebbles, fastened with a transparent polymer composition. Thermal insulation layer it is necessary to pre-coat with a primer, level the surface of the mineral wool boards. An additional layer of soil reinforced with fiberglass is applied to an insufficiently rigid insulation.

Stone chips plaster can have many shades and textures, depending on the color and size of the stones included in the mixture. Decorating the house with thermal panels made of stone chips is very durable, reminiscent of natural fine-grained granite cladding. The panels are rectangular and the neatly fitted joints do not require filling.

Panels with facade plaster finish remind stone slabs

Clinker tiles

Clinker tiles have a thickness of 6-10 mm, made of fully baked (not fired, namely baked) at a high (1200 ºC) temperature of clay. The facade of the house, finished with clinker thermal panels, is indistinguishable from masonry made of high-quality full-size ceramic bricks.

House finished with double clinker wall panels, looks very solid, and its facade will not require repair for many decades

The clinker is glued to the heat-insulating base using a special glue, the seams between individual tiles can be filled during the manufacture of the thermal panel or after its installation. After installing the panels, the seams between them are filled with a special grout. L-shaped corner panels, lined with special corner tiles, are produced especially for warming the outer corners. Quality clinker tiles are extremely strong, durable and aesthetically pleasing material. But dear.

Thermal panels with clinker cladding are produced in different options... In addition to ordinary panels, manufacturers offer various types of corner and window panels, this greatly facilitates Finishing work and improves their quality. The only problem is the cut of the panels along the length, if it was not possible to place them on the wall in multiples of whole tiles

In high-quality thermal panels with clinker cladding, the insulation is not just a rectangular sheet-panel. It has a curly selection, a kind of lock that facilitates installation and increases thermal insulation properties panels.

During installation, the panels are inserted into the groove one another, this excludes their vertical displacement and eliminates cold bridges

The photo shows how, during installation, the master inserts the lock of the next clinker panel into the groove of the adjacent

Concrete-polymer facade tiles

Concrete-polymer facade tiles is made of quartz sand and white cement reinforced with glass mesh with the addition of dyes. Polymer additives improve the properties of concrete, giving it greater strength and durability.

The tiles can be of various sizes and colors, imitate natural brick or stone. It comes pre-painted. Concrete tiles are not as strong, durable and beautiful as clinker, but they are much cheaper. Manufacturers offer a wide range of shapes and colors. For thermal panels, thin tiles with a thickness of 6-10 mm are used.

Manufacturers offer insulated facade panels faced with concrete-polymer tiles of a very diverse texture and colors.

Monolithic concrete-polymer finishing layer

A concrete-polymer monolithic finishing layer is cast in a single form over the entire area of ​​the thermal panel. The insulation is fixed during the casting process. The composition of the raw material is the same as for concrete tiles: quartz sand, cement, polymer additives. The finishing layer with a thickness of 8-14 mm can be given any, the most whimsical texture, it is determined by the shape for casting.

The concrete surface can be painted in production or after installation. The dimensions of monolithic coated thermal panels are limited to avoid cracking. As a rule, double panels with a cast finishing layer are made on foam insulation, they are the cheapest.

Insulated panels with a monolithic concrete-polymer finishing layer are heavier than other types of facade insulated panels. It is recommended to duplicate the fastening with glue by fixing with dowels. Many manufacturers immediately cast holes for them, this can be seen in the photo.

Types of facade thermal panels

The type of a specific thermal panel forms a combination of one or another type of thermal insulation base with the selected type of finish. For example, a thermal panel on an EPSP thermal insulation base and a protective and decorative layer of clinker tiles. Or a panel where a rigid sheet is responsible for heat saving mineral wool, finished with facade stucco from stone chips.

Almost any type of insulation base can be combined with any type of finish. List all possible options we won't, there are too many of them. There are also double panels made using other less common materials.

Features of the use of facade thermal panels

In the review of facade thermal panels, we cannot do without a story about the features of the use of thermal panels. This is something that unscrupulous sellers of building materials are often silent about, whose goal is to sell their goods at any cost. The fact is that, if used incorrectly, wall thermal panels for exterior decoration of a house may not only fail to improve the thermal insulation of a building, but also damage it: worsen the internal microclimate and significantly reduce the service life wall materials... To understand what we are talking about, we will have to touch on some of the basics of building physics and heat engineering.

Water absorption of building materials and exposure to moisture

Water vapor contained in the air is capable of penetrating building materials to varying degrees and, under certain conditions, accumulating in them. The more open pores in the building material, the more moisture can penetrate and retain it. For example, gas silicate blocks are capable of absorbing up to 60% of their volume of water. From wall materials, significant water absorption in wood, aerated concrete, aerated concrete - up to 40%. Low (20%) - in expanded clay concrete. Relatively low for ceramic bricks - 15%.

Characteristics of various wall materials. If we look at the line "water absorption", we will see that most of the water is able to absorb wood and aerated concrete blocks

As long as the wall material has normal humidity, it retains the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. With waterlogging, the heat-saving properties of wall materials decrease, and under certain conditions, their service life is reduced. Most of all, wood suffers from excess moisture, less - concrete.

Insulation materials are also characterized by varying degrees of water absorption. Mineral wool absorbs moisture very strongly, foam plastic weakly, EPPS and polyurethane foam practically do not absorb water. When wet, the heat-saving properties of the insulation drop noticeably.

Weather-resistant protective and decorative materials for outdoor decoration are designed for constant exposure to precipitation and have low water absorption.

Vapor permeability of building materials

An equally important characteristic of a heat-insulating material is vapor permeability, the ability to pass or retain water vapor in the presence of a difference in its pressure along different sides material. The more vapor-permeable the material, the faster it will dry out if it is moistened.

The wall of the building, insulated from the outside with thermal panels, is a multi-layer structure. Each of the layers has its own amount of water absorption and vapor permeability. Absorbs and releases moisture in different ways. Let's imagine how the absorption and release of moisture occurs in a single and multi-layer wall structures:

Steam movement in a single layer wall

For most of the year, the air humidity in a house where people constantly live is noticeably higher indoors than outdoors. We breathe, prepare food, wash and take a bath, wash dishes and do laundry. All these processes are accompanied by the release of water vapor. Some of the moisture will be removed by the ventilation system. The other part will be absorbed by the walls if a vapor barrier is not arranged from the inside of the premises.

In a single-layer (built from one material) outer wall, steam is constantly moving from the inside out. Penetrating from the premises into the thickness of brick or block masonry, into wood or other wall material, moisture freely passes through the wall and goes out into the street, where the air is drier. Due to the fact that the wall has a homogeneous structure, moisture is not retained in it and the moisture content of the material is constantly at an acceptable level.

Throughout the year, in the absence of an internal vapor barrier in the wall, water vapor moves from the inside to the outside

Steam movement in a multi-layer wall

In a multi-layer wall, the timeliness of the release of steam penetrating into the structure depends on the vapor permeability of each of the layers. Correct design a multi-layer wall is one in which the degree of vapor permeability of the layers increases from the inside out. In this case, nothing interferes with the free exit of steam, the wall always remains dry.

It is a different matter if everything happens the other way around: the vapor permeability of the outer layers (in this case, insulation or double panel finishing) is lower than that of the main wall. Moisture will not be removed in a timely manner, because outside, on the side where the air is drier, it will encounter an obstacle. The wall material will become damp. As a result, the indoor microclimate will deteriorate, and the heat-saving properties of the main wall will decrease.

In order for the moisture content of a multi-layer wall to always remain at an acceptable level, the vapor permeability of individual layers of the structure must be equal or increase from the inside out. If you do the opposite, the wall will damp

But these are not all the troubles that can await us with the wrong outer insulation. Let's talk about the notorious dew point.

Dew point and service life of wall materials

The dew point applied to the outer wall is the place where water vapor condenses and passes into liquid state falling out with dew. The definition is not entirely correct (in fact, the dew point is the temperature value), but in our case it will simplify the understanding of the problem. The location of the dew point is not only the zone of moisture condensation, but also the place of its greatest accumulation.

The location of the "dew point" in the wall depends on humidity and air pressure, temperature outside and inside the building, and other indicators. It can move within certain limits depending on weather conditions and the heating mode in the house. In the climatic conditions of Central Russia, moisture condensation in the wall material occurs at temperatures from 0 ºC to +8 ºC.

In winter, when the outside temperature drops, the wall cools down and the “dew point” shifts into the interior of the house. And the water vapor that has already condensed in the wall freezes when the temperature reaches 0 ºC. The ice that the water has turned into expands. In a single layer or properly arranged multi-layer wall, the moisture content is minimal, ice crystals, if any, are too small to be harmful. But in an improperly erected multi-layer structure, where the vapor permeability of the outer layers (thermal panels) is lower than the inner ones (the main wall), the crystals are too large, fill the pores and gradually break the wall material. Wet wall very coldy, temperature drops - as a result, the structure of the wall material is slowly but inexorably destroyed.

If the "dew point" location falls on wet wall, it will be destroyed. Gas silicate, cellular concrete, aerated concrete will suffer greatly. After a few years, the insulation can begin to fall off along with the pieces of the walls. Walls wooden house will be destroyed not only by ice, mushroom rot will cause even greater harm. Silicate and poorly fired ceramic bricks will last longer. The process of destruction of expanded clay concrete, high-quality bricks will take place very slowly. Concrete will hardly suffer.

If the outer wall is not insulated (left) or not insulated enough, the location of the dew point and ice formation falls on the main wall

How to "remove" the dew point from the wall

We can shift the location of the dew point from the potentially collapsing wall to the insulation. There will be no serious damage to mineral wool from condensing moisture and frozen pieces of ice, provided that the protective and decorative layer is sufficiently vapor-permeable. Of course, completely from the problems associated with high humidity displacement of the location of the dew point into the insulation will not relieve walls. But at least they won't be as disastrous.

In order to "take" the dew point into the insulation, it must be of sufficient thickness. What - define heat engineering calculation, which takes into account the climatic data of the area, the characteristics of the insulation (thermal panel), the existing wall.

As an example, we will give a building, the outer walls of which were erected of effective ceramic bricks 51 cm thick. 74 mm so that the dew point is guaranteed to "go" into the insulation. Accordingly, in this case, it would be appropriate to use a double panel with an insulation thickness of 80 mm.

How to make heat engineering calculation“Dew points” in a multilayer wall are a topic for a separate discussion. The easiest way is to seek expert advice. Another nuance: if the calculation is made incorrectly and the location of the dew point falls on the glue with which the thermal panels are glued, they will not last long, they will fall off after a couple of years.

If the thickness of the outer insulation layer is sufficient to displace the dew point location into the insulation, ice will never form in the main wall.

Vapor permeability of facade thermal panels

In a two-layer facade thermal panel, the general vapor permeability is determined by the material, the vapor permeability of which is lower. A little about the vapor permeability of various layers of the facade thermal panel:

The vapor permeability of the foam is very low, and the polyurethane foam and EPS are close to zero. But the vapor permeability of mineral wool is very high, higher than that of all possible types of wall materials. Minvata is an ideal outdoor insulation for walls made of materials with high water absorption.

The higher the vapor transmission of the external insulation of the stone wall, the lower its humidity. And vice versa

The vapor permeability of the concrete-polymer monolithic finishing layer is very low. Therefore, it makes no sense to make such panels based on expensive and highly vapor-permeable hard mineral wool. But high-quality facade plaster has a fairly high vapor permeability comparable to the characteristics of mineral wool.

Concrete and especially clinker tiles cannot boast of high vapor permeability. If you place the tiles on a sheet of insulation close to each other, the vapor permeability of the entire thermal panel will turn out to be low. A similar effect will be obtained if you leave a wide seam between the tiles and fill it with a material with low vapor permeability. It does not matter if the base (insulation) is also poorly vapor permeable. But if mineral wool is faced with tiles, the vapor permeability of the facing layer must be increased. This can be done by laying tiles with wide (at least 10 mm) joints, which must be filled with a special vapor-permeable grout.

The correct combination of the type of the main walls of the building and the type of thermal panels

Summarizing what has been said in the previous sections, we will give recommendations on the use of facade thermal panels, depending on the type of walls:

  • Walls made of strongly absorbing moisture (gas silicate, aerated concrete, cellular concrete) material should preferably be lined with thermal panels with high degree vapor permeability (based on mineral wool with a vapor-permeable finish). The same applies to wooden and frame walls insulated with fibrous materials (mineral wool, ecowool).

Thermal panels based on mineral wool are expensive, difficult to work with, but they are best suited for insulating walls made of materials with high water absorption

  • For walls made of material with an average level of moisture absorption (brick, expanded clay concrete), the requirements for vapor permeability of insulation are not so high. It is also allowed to use thermal panels based on polymer insulation, this will not significantly affect the service life of the building, and the walls will not be destroyed. But still, mineral wool insulation is preferable.
  • Facade thermal panels for exterior decoration of a house with low vapor permeability can be safely used only on walls with low moisture absorption. This is concrete (usually walls basement floors), SIP panels and walls of frame houses made of steel structures (LSTK) with foam insulation.
  • Regardless of the vapor permeability of the materials, the thickness of the double-panel insulation must be sufficient so that the dew point is located in it, and not in the thickness of the main wall.
  • A separate issue is the use of thermal panels as a ventilated facade. Some vendors offer similar solutions. In our opinion, this is, to put it mildly, irrational. On the one hand, the presence of a ventilated layer completely removes the problem of vapor permeability. On the other hand, the effectiveness of insulation drops noticeably, because the wall is cooled through the ventilation layer that removes water vapor. And the thermal panel located outside of the interlayer works only as a facade decoration, almost without saving heat.

Advantages and disadvantages of facade thermal panels

It makes sense to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the thermal panel not in the abstract, but in comparison with the standard technology of insulation ("thermal fur coat"). With the standard method, a heater is first mounted on the facade, and then a protective and decorative coating is applied to it. The final result is almost the same as when facing with two-layer thermal panels.


  • The use of facade thermal panels saves time. It is much faster to insulate walls with a two-in-one two-layer panel than to make a thermal fur coat in two stages: first, insulation, then finishing.
  • For a person who does not have the qualifications of a tiler, tile independently and with proper quality large area facade tiles - the task, at least, is extremely difficult. And to mount the front thermal panels with your own hands is quite within the power of the "teapot", you just need to be careful and observe the installation technology.


  • Front thermal panels will cost more than insulation and materials for the protective and decorative layer separately. True, the savings are obvious only in the case of independent work. If you hire a team, you need to take into account the cost of builders' services. Labor costs for the installation of double panels are lower than for the "thermal coat", which means that the price of work should be less.
  • In our opinion, facade thermal panels are somewhat inferior in reliability to the standard method. When installing a "thermal fur coat", the insulation is not only glued to the wall, but also necessarily fixed with special dowels with large area hats. If the insulation is selected correctly and the technology is followed, it will last on the wall for its entire service life. It is not possible to fix the thermal panel just as securely without damaging the finishing layer. We can only hope for the quality of the glue, and this may not be enough for long-term operation.

Installation technology for facade thermal panels

Detailed recommendations for the installation of specific types of thermal panels is provided by the manufacturer. Information can be obtained from the seller of building materials or downloaded from the relevant sites. The manufacturer's instructions must be followed carefully. We will allow ourselves to give readers a few additional recommendations:

  • If it is not possible to purchase the brand of glue that the manufacturer recommends for fixing the thermal panel to the wall, you must use high-quality glue designed for outdoor use and for a specific type of insulation (foam, mineral wool, etc.). This must be clearly indicated on the packaging.
  • In addition to glue, it is advisable to fix the thermal panels with dowels to the wall, even if the manufacturer does not require this. It will not work to use special dowels for insulation without breaking the finishing layer. But you can "grab" the insulation with an ordinary dowel with a small head, it certainly won't be worse. This can be done without damaging the finish by placing a dowel in the seam between the tiles (the hole can be easily filled with grout) or at the ends of the panel at an angle to the surface. If there are a lot of attachment points, you can do without glue altogether.

Video tutorial: DIY installation of thermal panels

"Dry" installation of front thermal panels without glue on the dowels

We hope we have given our readers a basic understanding of the properties and applications of thermal panels. More detailed information on specific products should be found on the manufacturers' websites. Let us remind once again that right choice double panels reduce heating costs, and the wrong one can harm the building and the people living in it. For those who decide to use facade thermal panels for insulation and decoration of their home and do not understand construction physics, we recommend that at least before purchasing products, consult with competent specialists.

The issue of insulating the basement and facade of the house is relevant for residents of all regions Russian Federation... Modern building materials, such as thermal panels with clinker or other decorative tiles, cope well with this task. They will not only keep warm, but also become original. design solution in the design of the house, will make it stand out against the background of other buildings.

Clinker tiles and porcelain stoneware have long been used for cladding facades. But the engineers went further and combined them with the popular thermal insulation material, having received a new product with high performance characteristics.
Front thermal panels perform three main functions: insulating, protective and decorative. This is largely due to their multi-layer construction. Light polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam is used as a base layer. The outer covering of the thermal panel is clinker, porcelain stoneware or other tiles that imitate brickwork or natural stone. To simplify the installation of these building elements, a tongue-and-groove system is used. Facade thermal panels are suitable for the restoration of old buildings, they can be updated entrance group, reduce wind loads. And the most important thing is that such a transformation for a building will not entail a change in its basic properties.

Types and features of facade thermal panels

Clinker thermal panels... As decorative element they use the tile of the same name. It imitates the surface of natural stone and has high decorative and performance characteristics... Shale clay, which is mined in Europe, is used as a raw material for the manufacture of a clinker variety of this building material. Its strengths are additional noise insulation and waterproofing of the wall.
Thermal panelswith porcelain stoneware tiles... Here, the material of the same name, fired under the influence of high temperature, is used as a decorative layer. Thanks to this method of processing, the surface is pronounced textured, and by practical properties does not concede natural stone(it looks like his masonry). The strengths of this material are the large size of the boards with a relatively low weight, which greatly facilitates installation.

Thermal panelswith glazed tiles... A building material with a smooth surface in a non-uniform color, which imitates brickwork and perfectly copes with the decorative function in multi-storey buildings.

Advantages of facade thermal panels

High thermal insulation characteristics ... The use of this building material can significantly reduce the heat loss of the building. Even with a small thickness of the insulating layer of the panel (30-40 mm), a visible effect is observed. The thermal conductivity of the material is about 0.02 W / (m · K).

Long service life... Facade elements of this type retain their qualities for 40 years, some manufacturers give a guarantee for 80-100 years of operation.

Resistant to aggressive conditions... As part of the facades, such panels can easily tolerate temperatures as low as -40 ° C. They are not affected by regular precipitation, wind, ultraviolet radiation. They do not corrode, withstand repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, and are characterized by zero water absorption.

Fire safety... The material does not contribute to the spread of fire and only ignites when there is direct, directional contact with the flame. According to the generally accepted classification, it belongs to category B2.

Pronounced decorative characteristics... Front thermal panels from the outside do not differ from the classic brickwork, but more profitable than the latter in terms of long-term operation. For example, over time, white smudges and streaks do not appear on the surface of the thermal panel. They also give the facade elements a neat look and do not require special maintenance.

Ease of installation... For the installation of a facade system based on insulated panels, it is not required special devices and the device of additional supports. Due to the fact that these building materials are lightweight, they can be used in buildings with foundations that are sensitive to high loads. Since no mortar is used during the installation process, installation is possible at any temperature. The panel can be installed both horizontally and vertically.

Effective protection... Thermal panels are reliably protected from damage by fungus and mold, there are no components prone to decay in their composition.

Mechanical strength... To stretch the material, it is necessary to apply a force of 300 kPa or more. Flexural strength - 500 kPa.

Environmental Safety ... Both the insulation and the clinker tiles are safe for human health and environment, since they do not emit toxic substances during operation.

There are few disadvantages of front thermal panels. The main one is the need to level the base before installation. If this stage of work is skipped in order to save money, the final result will be disastrous.

Features of installation of facade thermal panels

For a start, it is recommended to purchase required amount building materials... Experts recommend making the stock 10-15% more than the calculated value. This is due to engineering errors and the fact that some of the material will go into trimming.

The quality of installation of thermal panels can be guaranteed only if there is a perfectly flat base. If the geometry of the facade is violated, the use of lathing is permissible. The main tools that will be needed in the work are - building level, electric drill, screwdriver, hammer. Dowels, glue or foam for polystyrene are used to fix building materials on the facade. The installation procedure is described below.

  1. Preparation of the working surface before laying the facade thermal panels. This includes cleaning from dust and dirt, as well as old decorative coating(optional). If there are irregularities, they must be eliminated, having achieved a perfectly straight base.
  2. Setting the horizon line using normal or laser level... Also used are aluminum or wooden planks, which are located side by side parallel to each other. The distance between the beacons should be equal to the thickness of the thermal panel.
  3. Laying the first building element in the left corner of the building using the chosen method (glue, foam or dowels). The first row is mounted on a plinth. If dowels are used, their number is calculated based on the area. For one square meter there are 10-15 fasteners.
  4. Laying the rest of the facade thermal panels with an orientation to the groove-ridge connection system. At the joints of the walls, corner elements must be used, which are purchased separately. Door and window openings are made out using facing tiles, cement-sand mortar or a ready-made decorative solution.
  5. Filling the gap between the basement profile and the building wall with polyurethane foam to prevent air circulation behind the façade cladding.
  6. Grouting. A special frost-resistant mixture for external use, which is applied with a pistol, is suitable. Despite the fact that the composition itself can withstand operation at low temperatures, it is possible to work with it only if it is not less than +5 ° С outside the premises.

Domestic manufacturers of facade panels

In the Russian market, facade thermal panels are represented by products of several manufacturers. Some of the most famous brands:

  • "Regent". Delivers domestic facade thermal panels to the Russian market, upper layer which is made of clinker tiles. Foam material is used as insulation - polyurethane foam. The dimensions of the panels are standard and are 240 x 72 mm. The thickness of the tiles (top decorative layer) varies from 8 to 14 mm, polyurethane foam - from 40 to 80 mm.
  • "ThermoSoyuz". Large plant for the production of materials for facades. As a top layer, we use clinker tiles, which are produced in Germany from natural clay. Building materials are available in several shades, sizes and thicknesses.
  • Fride. Thermal panels from this manufacturer faithfully imitate bricks with clinker and ceramic tiles, as well as porcelain stoneware. Seamless solutions are available for sale, slabs of various dimensions with thicknesses ranging from 30 to 100 mm. Polyurethane foam is used as insulation, and the rigid base is made of oriented strand board (OSB).
  • "Termozit". Large Russian manufacturer clinker panels - front and basement. The thickness of the products varies from 30 to 80 mm. The base is made of high quality polyurethane foam.

If you want to insulate your home and keep it at a pleasant room temperature, from now on, you don't need to worry about reworking its structures. You only need to purchase quality materials that we offer at affordable prices.

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Prices for front thermal panels. We have something to surprise!

Are you looking for an opportunity to buy front thermal panels made under a stone? Contact "Stroydek" at any time about other goods presented on our website, and we will tell you how much decorative stone on the wall and other related materials for your home and personal plot.

If it is decided to insulate the walls, then, firstly, it is necessary to do external insulation, and not internal, so that the "dew point" (the temperature of the material at which steam condenses into water) does not end up in the insulation. Secondly, you should calculate the required layer of insulation that can keep the heat inside the room. And, thirdly, you need to take care of protection and wooden wall, and insulation from external temperature and natural influences (precipitation).

Exists different variants home finishes - from siding and plaster to facing with bricks or brick tiles. This is a rather laborious process, since you must first strengthen the insulation on the walls of the house (the more thoroughly the softer it is), and then sheathe it with finishing material on it or with the help of an additional sheathing.

Everything in the world is being improved and the processes are brought to the optimum in terms of cost and effort. Thus, thermal panels for a wooden house were invented, which greatly facilitate the process of facing the house with its simultaneous insulation.

Front thermal panels for a wooden house

It is clear that the "thermal panel" combines insulation and decoration with high performance and strives to create a solid, virtually monolithic wall surface.

Thermal panels as facing material were invented in Germany about 80 years ago. For the insulation layer, polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam were chosen.

Polyurethane foam (pp) - foam rubber, but hard type, with the so-called. "Closed cell structure", from the group of gas-filled plastics obtained from organic matter(petrochemical products and substances obtained from oils: rapeseed, soybean, sunflower). It has a high coefficient of adhesion (adhesion to the surface), density 70 kg / m³, due to which it has high thermal and noise insulation and does not allow moisture to pass through, although it almost does not allow steam to pass through.

Expanded polystyrene (PSP) - gas-filled styrene (originally extracted from oil and coal) with additives: plasticizers, dyes and fire retardants, is cellular granules, sintered together, the more densely, the higher the strength of the material and the lower its water absorption, air and vapor permeability. Withstands temperatures from -40 to +40 ° C, has a service life of 60 to 80 years.

For the finishing layer, clinker and ceramic tile and cement-sand stone. Clinker tile is the highest quality type of coating, because it is a material that almost does not absorb moisture, dense and frost-resistant. German thermal panels with clinker tiles for a wooden house are the highest quality material of this type. Now its cheaper counterparts have been developed, where both trim and insulation perform the same function, but are made of more affordable materials.

Types of thermal panels

The classic cladding of a wooden house with thermal panels is carried out using panels: polyurethane foam-clinker tiles.

Since the appearance of houses built with bricks attracts strong sympathy among developers, finishers try to create materials similar to brickwork. But I must admit that the brick has a low thermal conductivity, therefore, in order to protect the heat in the room, the brick wall must be a meter wide, which is inconvenient due to the high consumption of materials and the load on the foundation. In addition, only double-fired brick - clinker - has a fairly low water absorption and strength of the facing material. To line up the whole house clinker bricks- wasteful.

Therefore, clinker tiles, which are similar in size to brick (with a thickness of 30-40 mm), are an economical option for finishing the facade. And if we add insulation to this, which by its properties is just capable of replacing 1 m of brickwork (with a width of 70-80 mm), then it is clear that the thermal panel is ideal finishing material... Its only drawback is its rather high price.

In an attempt to eliminate this drawback, cheaper analogs of thermal panels were developed, where polyurethane foam was replaced by polystyrene foam (the thickness of which can vary from 50 to 200 mm), and clinker was replaced by tiles made of cement-sand mixture, which, thanks to dyes, can mimic different types wild stone.

There are also facade thermal panels on the market, consisting of a rigid base of OSB (OSB - oriented strand board), polyurethane foam insulation and an outer layer, the material of which can vary (porcelain stoneware, glazed ceramics, clinker tiles). This version of thermal panels differs from others in a more rigid base, but thanks to it, its vapor permeability is significantly reduced.

Another type of budget thermal panels: artificial stone, pressed into polyurethane foam and treated with water-repellent impregnation, with a total thickness of 70 mm.

Dimensions and construction of thermal panels

Exterior decoration of a wooden house with thermal panels is carried out using three types of panels: ordinary, additional and corner, which have overall size, respectively, 700x1145, 700x645 and 700x245 and 700x265 (mm). In this case, the size of the "brick" repeats the size of a real brick: 250x65 mm.

External finishing of a wooden house with thermal panels assumes a continuous connection of the panels with each other using a thorn-groove lock. For this, on the one hand, there is an additional layer of insulation, and on the other, the protruding parts of the tiles, "running over" on the insulation.

The thickness of the panels varies depending on the manufacturer. For example, there may be thermal panels with a total thickness:

  • 80 mm

and with the thickness of the tiles and insulation, respectively:

  • 40 mm.

Installation of thermal panels on a wooden house

Facade finishing wooden houses thermopanels occur, depending on the state of the base, in two ways:

  1. If the base is flat and steep, then the panels can be attached to it closely with the help of fasteners - expansion dowels-bushings for specially prepared holes. You can check the flatness and plumbness of the base by measuring the horizontal lines with a laser level and a ruler. It is necessary to measure the diagonals of the walls and (if necessary) install vertical beacons.
  2. If the base has irregularities (which is more common), a crate is prepared for the installation of thermal panels. Wooden bars or slats are vertically fastened, with a section of 40x40 or 40x25 mm, depending on the curvature of the wall. The spacing of the slats should be such that three slats are passed per panel. After fixing the rails and extensions with the help of dowels and screws at the same level, you can proceed to fixing the panels, while inserting the "spikes" into the "grooves"

Insulation of a wooden house with thermal panels also involves filling the joints between the panels, which is necessary for the complete sealing of the walls. To do this, you need to use silicone sealant, which is carefully applied at the joints of the panels.

Installation begins with strengthening the guide profile and proceeds from the bottom up. The corners are sheathed with special corner elements, the slopes of windows and doors - using the elements intended for them. If necessary, the panels can be sawn along the seams between the tiles.

V Lately there are a lot of different construction technologies - some of them disappear almost instantly, failing to meet the expectations of their developers, while others take root and serve for a long time. And the point here is not at all in their effectiveness (although this is also the case) - in order for a building or finishing material to gain recognition among the people, it must have a lot of advantages and surpass its predecessors in many respects. This happens, alas, rarely, and most innovations remain unclaimed or in best case little in demand in the modern market. Front thermal panels for exterior decoration of a house are no exception, which, although they showed themselves on the good side, still did not receive universal recognition - the fault is their exorbitant cost, which makes a good half of humanity turn their eyes to more familiar and inexpensive technologies. We will talk about these very thermal panels in this article together with the website - we will analyze this material and compare it with other technologies for finishing and insulating facades.

Home decoration with thermal panels photo

Facade thermal panels for outdoor use: characteristics

By by and large studying specifications thermal panels for the facade, you can definitely come to the conclusion that this material is worthwhile and useful in the field of insulation and decoration of buildings. In many of its parameters, if not superior, then at least not inferior to other similar materials. It’s even somehow surprising that he did not receive widespread recognition. Judge for yourself.

As you can see, everything is pretty serious, and the technical characteristics directly open the way for this material to people - take me, admit I'm good. But that was not the case - the people are not stupid, and the qualities described above are not enough for them. You need ease of installation so that you can do all the work yourself, or at least inexpensive installation services. Also, an acceptable cost of the material is needed, which he lacks - in this respect, the thermal panels did not manage to jump over the foam and other protozoa and. To make it cheaper, and then everything would go the most the best way- and so thermal panels have become another interesting finishing option for wealthy people.

Thermal insulation of the facade: what are their advantages

In principle, we figured out most of the advantages of this material above, and those who know how to understand the properties of the material have long understood what they will have to deal with. There is not much to add here.

And, of course, a very attractive appearance - such panels on the front side have a polymer-sand coating, which can be given to almost any structure, including making it under or. It is this polymer-sand layer of the material that distinguishes it from the background of other similar materials, making it practically unaffected by external influences.

Thermal panels and their varieties: how they differ from each other

Globally, all currently produced facade thermal panels can be divided into two large groups of materials - those made on the basis of polyurethane, and those in which polystyrene is used. The difference between them is quite significant, and you need to know about it.

The only good thing about this material is its cost, which is fifty percent lower than its counterpart made of polyurethane.

If we talk about other types of thermal panels, then here you can still distinguish differences in the type of outer decorative layer - there are metal thermal panels and polymer-sand ones. The first ones appeared later, and their birth was due to the manufacturer's attempt to reduce the cost of the material. In fact, nothing good came of it, since an analogue of such material already exists and it is called.

Another sign by which one can classify facade thermal panels is their appearance - for example, there are clinker thermal panels for the facade (so to speak, under a brick), panels under a stone, under a tree and under many other natural and artificial materials... With a question appearance, I think you can figure it out on your own.

DIY installation of thermal panels: features

Like many other materials of our time, thermal panels can be mounted in two ways - directly on the wall and using a frame. Ideal option installation of this material is considered to be installation directly on the wall, but it is not always acceptable - let's say, if the walls have deviations in level, then it is better to use the frame. Let's take a closer look at these two methods of installing thermal panels.

In all other respects, the decoration of the house with thermal panels is carried out in the same way as with any other similar material. To begin with, it is done - here the panels go deep into the ground by at least 100-200mm - the upper part basement panel must be sealed with foam. Then ebb and flow are installed on the basement, and only after that the installation of the first row of panels is carried out - everything should be clear and level, without any deviations. As mentioned above, the first row of panels is sealed with foam in order to prevent air circulation in the space behind them - sealing is necessary as in frame method installation, and in the case of frameless installation. And then, like on a knurled road - after the first row is the second, followed by the third, fourth and so on until the end. Special attention you need to pay - they are assembled as standard using a corner element, with which all corners are mounted. There are external and internal corner pieces. But this is not the point - before installing the panels on the slopes, they must first be insulated. In all other respects, there are no difficulties during installation - sometimes you even wonder why people take that kind of money when it comes, we can say about the assembly of an elementary constructor.

In principle, this is all, and there is practically nothing to add about thermal panels for exterior decoration of the house - except to say once again that they are going on the principle of puzzles. One panel is inserted into the other from the side, after which it is attached to the wall or lathing.