Samples of birthday posters. Who and what poster can I give for my birthday?

Wall newspaper- this is a special kind of "press", which is made by hand and is made in a single copy. For this, a solid sheet of high-density A1-size paper (594 mm wide and 841 mm long) is mainly used, on which an image and text are printed with a printer or drawn by hand. There are various wall newspapers: school, holiday, news, humorous, student, army, etc. But there is also a special variety of them - a wall newspaper for a child's birthday.

As the name implies, the release of such a wall newspaper is timed to coincide with the most important children's holiday - birthday. Of course, all the information in it one way or another should be dedicated to the birthday man and all topics related to this significant event.

What, why and why?

Why do you need a wall newspaper? It performs several functions at once:

1) This is an interesting and accessible form of congratulations for a child.

2) This is a good way to show attention from parents, relatives and friends.

3) It will become a good souvenir for memory: later, the child (and especially the adult) will be interested in revising old wall newspapers and immersed in warm memories.

4) This is a funny entertainment - the very process of creating a wall newspaper brings a lot of positive emotions to all those who take part in it (the birthday person himself may, if desired, be among them).

5) This is one of the elements of the festive decoration of the home: an appropriate color is created, which affects the mood of the guests. In addition, it will be interesting for the invitees to familiarize themselves with the contents of the wall newspaper - this can even become one of the children's games in the process of celebration.

Instructions for beginner newspapermen

How to create your own wall newspaper? There is nothing difficult in this. You will need a sheet of paper, a collection of photographs, felt-tip pens or paints, pencils, a pen, a ruler, glue, pushpins, paper clips, tape. If you have a computer, printer, scanner and copier, they can also come in handy.

The creation process can be divided into stages:

1) First you need to figure out where the wall newspaper will be located.

While in the case of traditional print media everything is clear (they are sold at newsagents or brought by the postman), the situation is different with a wall newspaper: it must be placed on the wall. Actually, this is reflected in the title of this publication. The most logical thing would be to attach a wall newspaper on one of the free walls in the birthday boy's room. If for some reason this does not work, you can use the corridor for this purpose. Hanging a wall newspaper in the kitchen or bathroom is not worth it.

2) Allocate newspaper space.

Before starting the creative process, you need to draw up a clear plan: what information will be posted, in which part of the newspaper, how much free space should be allocated for it. As a rule, at least three key blocks are created:

  • Congratulatory inscription (for example - "Happy birthday, Petya!" Or "Congratulations to Petyunya on his 5th birthday!"). Usually does not take up much space, but it should be clearly distinguishable - large letters, bright colors.
  • A selection of photographs (both the birthday man himself and friends, relatives, as well as drawings with any characters from fairy tales or cartoons). This is the most voluminous part of the wall newspaper - it takes up most of the free space.
  • Text block (these can be poems, wishes for the birthday man, interesting news, etc.) It is not worth overloading the newspaper with textual information, especially if readers are not yet in harmony with independent reading.

3) Prepare the layout.

When the plan of the newspaper is drawn up, you need to "typeset" a trial version: lay out photos on a sheet of A1 paper, try on letters from the congratulatory inscription, choose the font size for the verses, choose the optimal color scheme, etc.

A ready-made template layout can be found on the Internet - in this case, you just need to print it on a printer, and then, if necessary, paste photos or any applications. In a more advanced version (this will already turn out to be a real professional newspaper), the layout can be completely created on a computer using any graphic editor, then all that remains is to print it.

Here are examples and ideas for creating a wall newspaper:

4) Attach the newspaper to the wall.

The most solid and convenient option is to place the newspaper in a frame and place it on the wall. An easier way is to use buttons or tape (in this case, there is a risk of damaging the wallpaper or other elements of home decor).

1) For the wall newspaper for the child's birthday to be a success, it is desirable that it fit into the thematic direction of the holiday.

2) If children read with difficulty (or do not know how at all), one of the child's parents can read the newspaper.

3) The most popular newspaper option is a collage of photographs with captions. It can be a photo of a birthday person at different ages, friends and relatives with wishes, etc.

4) Using humor will always be a great way to spice up a homemade print edition. Jokes, funny rhymes, funny photos and pictures, as well as comments to them - great content for a newspaper!

It doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn't even matter if it is your holiday or one of your loved ones. The main thing is that it is held in a cheerful and warm atmosphere. You should definitely think in advance about beautiful bright posters that will cheer up both you and your guests. You can buy them in the store or make your own.

What a perfect poster should be

Creating a birthday poster is not only a good method for decorating a party space. It can also become an excellent gift for a birthday boy or at least an addition to the main present.

You should start making it with a sketch. Make it on an ordinary small piece of paper so as not to spoil the Whatman paper and not waste your time on rework.

Here are some quick tips on what the perfect greeting poster should look like:

  • Remember that a birthday is a fun holiday that can briefly return a person of any age to a carefree childhood. A poster prepared by you for such an occasion must definitely be bright. Do not feel sorry for rainbow colors - only in this case, both the birthday man and the rest of the event participants will like him.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to refuse to make a poster. You can do it using newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs, and prints.
  • Use your imagination. It will help you express your personality.
  • Do not forget that a greeting poster, in addition to a decorative function, should also perform an informative one. In it, you can write the name of the birthday person, his date of birth, the names of guests, wishes, and so on.

Congratulatory posters can be of several types:


Congratulatory posters can be of several types: Funny Such self-made posters should be used when you are sure of the sense of humor of the hero of the occasion and the rest of the event participants. Otherwise, you risk being misunderstood.

The humor involved here should be soft, casual and light. Refrain from biting irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as unflattering statements about the birthday person or any of the guests. Black humor is also inappropriate in this case.

These posters can be used in place of traditional postcards. Write everything you would like to wish on a large piece of Whatman paper and hand it to the birthday boy.

Don't forget to decorate your poster with beautiful drawings or photos of the hero of the occasion.

On the poster, you can leave free space and invite guests who have gathered on the occasion of someone's birthday to write a few memorable lines to the birthday boy.

Do not forget to bring colorful markers or felt-tip pens to your holiday.

If you are well acquainted with the culprit of the identity and you have joint photographs with him, you can arrange the poster in the form photo collage.

Sign each photo glued to the poster with an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left for congratulations.

If you don't have any ideas on how to make your own birthday poster, use the options below.

Poster for boyfriend or girlfriend

To make it, you will need paints, a drawing paper and your joint photograph. This option will be made in the old Russian style.

The predominant colors are yellow, beige and red. Draw a scroll in the center of the Whatman paper. It will contain your photo with a friend or girlfriend.

It can be decorated with an ornate frame. Borrow the necessary pattern for it on the Internet. In the lower left corner, draw two buffoons. One of them can play the pipe, and the other can move on stilts.

Draw the sun in the upper left corner. Write “Happy Birthday!” Over the photo scroll with pen and ink. On the right side, place your congratulations with wishes. It can also be decorated with a frame with an old Russian pattern.

Poster for a loved one or beloved

Take pink or red paper for this. If you have only white Whatman paper, paint over it evenly with gouache.

Draw small circles or hearts all over the poster using a pale outline. This will add expressiveness to the product.

On top of one half of the heart write "Favorite / Beloved", and on the second "Happy birthday!" You should not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference to randomly written compliments.

Here is an approximate list of them (an option for a birthday man): affectionate, gentle, breathtaking, sexiest, unique, unique, very, very, only mine, Mr. radiant smile, an angel who descended from heaven, charming, best, beloved, dear and etc.

Add a few lines of acknowledgment to your compliments: “After our hearts have united into one, my life without you has no meaning, because I am you! Happy birthday! I love you! Yours (name or affectionate nickname). " Paste your joint photo into the other half of the heart.

Cool poster for student friend

If the birthday is celebrated in student dormitory, then for a friend who is a student of a college or institute, you can draw a greeting poster of essentials.

On a large sheet of Whatman paper in a chaotic manner, tape the following items with tape and apply the inscriptions next to them:

  • Rollton noodles: image is nothing, hunger is everything!
  • Tablet "Alka-Prim" - there is no good morning.
  • A cigarette is a spare if you suddenly quit smoking.
  • One more cigarette is on duty, if suddenly there is not enough spare.
  • Socks are a fresh pair of IDEAL socks.
  • Condom - if you urgently need to go for.
  • Deodorant - if you urgently need to go on an important date.

On the poster above, write "Happy Jam Day!" Do not forget to sign it with your whole company and make notes "Friends will not leave in trouble" and "Who was not a student, he will not understand."

Sweets poster

This version of the poster will appeal to the real sweet tooth. On a large sheet of Whatman paper with small candies, put the inscription "Happy birthday!" You can glue these and other sweets on both regular and double-sided tape.

In the rest of the poster space, the following sweets should be placed with the appropriate inscriptions:

  • "Bounty" - we wish your life to be a real heavenly pleasure.
  • "Twix" - we wish you to find your soul mate as soon as possible. For those who are in or have a long-term relationship: we wish you and your soulmate to be like these two inseparable sticks.
  • "Snickers" - just in case of inhuman hunger or lethargy.
  • "Kinder surprise" - you need to stick several pieces of them and write: let your life be full of pleasant and unexpected surprises.
  • Candy or chocolate with the image of dollars or euros - may you always have a lot of money.
  • Skittles - try a rainbow and share with your friends.
  • Chocolate with cognac - let happiness intoxicate.
  • Lollipop with lemon - you cannot do without light sourness in life, otherwise the joys will not be perceived so brightly.
  • Chewing gum "Orbit" or "Dirol" - your radiant smile dazzles and drives you crazy.
  • Chocolate "Inspiration" - we wish you graceful and kind muses and a lot of inspiration.

Hand print poster

The next poster can be made quickly and easily. To make it you will need:

  • large sheet of whatman paper;
  • a tray for rolling out paint;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multicolored markers.

Place a photo of the birthday person in the center of the sheet. However, before starting work, it is better to just leave free space on the poster so as not to accidentally stain the picture.

Ask friends of the hero of the occasion to dip their hand in the paint and attach to the poster. This should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photo.

Under each paint palm, its owner can write a cheerful and good wish for the birthday boy. In the midst of a birthday celebration, you can ask him to guess where whose print is.

Baby poster

Children, like no other, love everything bright and colorful. You can make a do-it-yourself poster in honor of a child's birthday using a large number of his photographs.

If the baby is three or five years old, choose pictures where he is a month, half a year, a year, and so on. If the baby is only a year old, photos by month will do.

Don't forget to write your wishes. You can decorate the poster with images of animals, funny people, or your child's favorite cartoon characters drawn or cut from magazines.

The main inscription can be made like this "Our (daughter's name) is already a year old" or "Our (child's name) is six years old."

In order to make such a poster, you need pictures of your baby, mom and dad. Decorate the top of the sheet of paper with the inscription "Our baby today (number of years)".

Place a photo in the center of the poster. On one side and on the other, there should be pictures of mom and dad. At the bottom, write "Dear guests, who do I look like?"

In addition, whatman paper can be decorated with images of animals and cartoon characters. You can also leave room for a small table on the poster. It will have two columns - "Mom" and "Dad".

Each guest who comes to the holiday will have to make an entry in the appropriate column. At the end of the event, you can do the math to find out who the guests think your child looks like.

The eternal theme on the eve of any holiday is the choice of a gift. I would like not only to convey it, but to leave vivid memories in the soul of a loved one. We suggest adding some sweets to the design and making a poster with sweets for your birthday with your own hands. Do you think this is pampering and childish pranks? No, no! Even a car or an apartment can be easily wrapped in such a "package". Ask how? Let's tell you now!

Unusual congratulations for loved ones

Usually, they bother with the original design of souvenirs only when you need to surprise a girl on the next date or please a child. It is in their face that we find the very “grateful spectator” who will appreciate the efforts in preparation. More often it ends with the fact that we just give the present and verbally pronounce the hackneyed congratulatory phrases.

If a loved one is really dear, it is better not to limit yourself to platitudes. Even if it is difficult to say everything that is in your soul. Just write congratulations with wishes on the sweets poster:

  • words of gratitude and concern to mom or dad;
  • tell your husband, wife, beloved boyfriend or girlfriend about your feelings;
  • remind your sister or brother of the moments of joy together;
  • Thank a friend or girlfriend for their support and patience.

This approach definitely leaves no one indifferent. Despite the fact that the present is edible, it remains intact for a long time and becomes the most vivid impression of the past event.

Ideas for an unusual gift

The main thing that needs to be maintained in the design is the unity of style and the integrity of the presentation. Do not turn a present into boring, time-worn wishes. Chaotically sticking sweets on whatman paper and signing in front of each quatrain is also not the best option. If you show the proper ingenuity, then your creativity will be able to "tell" a story or a fairy tale.

Many, and speak for themselves. Here are just a few examples of such "talking" treats:

  • "" (Leave without comment);
  • "" - do not slow down, be energetic;
  • ready to fly with you even for "";
  • to receive heavenly pleasure with "";
  • inseparable, like "";
  • gentle, like "", "";
  • bright like "";
  • take pleasant breaks with "";
  • "" - be fresh;
  • " " - I want a baby;
  • "Nescafe" - be cheerful;
  • but if you eat it all together, you become like "".

When composing such a poster with chocolates and inscriptions, it is important not to go overboard with humor. Serious presentation is always boring and boring. But excessive mockery can hurt and offend a person.

Sometimes you need to place a weight treat on the sheet. They come without packaging. Simply attach the zip-lock bag and place the treats inside.

What you need to work

Before you buy, you need to decide in detail on the design. It will not be superfluous to compose the text of congratulations, a list of necessary treats, or even make a sketch of the product by hand on paper. Necessary for creativity and you will find on the pages of our store "". You will only have to buy stationery:

  • Whatman. It serves as the basis. Better to take drawing paper. It is more dense and does not break under the weight of the jewelry.
  • Colored pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, watercolor paint or gouache. Choose what is more convenient for you to use.
  • Double-sided and decorative tape, stapler, stationery glue and silicone. Serve for fastening.
  • Glossy magazines, decorative ribbons and beads. They make the overall picture brighter and more attractive.
  • A simple pencil, eraser and scissors. How can we do without them ...

Do not use a glue gun. He melts chocolate. If the appearance of the treats is still preserved, then inside they become a shapeless mass.

How to make a poster with sweets: order of presentation

After you have bought everything you need, you can start making. Depending on the size of the base, you need to choose an appropriate place to work. It is not always possible to fit on the table. More often you have to settle down on the floor. Whatman paper, although dense, can sag on carpets. It can be accidentally wrinkled or pierced with writing objects. Therefore, choose a solid base.

Large sizes of paper are rolled into a "tube" in the store. To prevent them from curling in the process, place them with their “curled” edges down. And press in the corners with an additional weight.

  1. First of all, mark out the outlines with a simple pencil. Spread the treats all over the paper. Make the necessary inscriptions with light movements. In this case, the treats can still be moved. At the end, circle them and remove the excess from the poster.
  2. Write the necessary lettering, color the background, and glue the magazine clippings if you need them. It is much more convenient when there is still nothing at hand.
  3. Glue the sweets themselves and other volumetric design details. Before gluing with an eraser, erase the outline that you outlined at the very beginning. Do not erase all the markings at once. So you can get confused. Remove excess exactly in the place where you plan to stick something.

Depending on the weight of the delicacy, select the method of attachment. Office glue will also withstand light parts. Very heavy ones are best glued to a sanitary silicone sealant. It is transparent and will even withstand a box of chocolates.

How to give an unusual gift

The finished product turns out to be massive and not very convenient for transportation. If you live with a birthday boy in the same house - everything is simple. While the hero of the occasion is gone, post "congratulations on whatman paper" in a prominent place. They will be a pleasant surprise for him on his birthday.

Everything is a little more complicated if the present has to be taken somewhere. You need to know this in advance and prepare at the manufacturing stage. Divide the sheet vertically into several parts with dotted lines using a simple pencil. They will be boundaries. Do not stick solid objects on them. Then the souvenir easily folds and folds in the dotted line area.

If you want to personally congratulate a colleague at work, it is not always convenient to tinker with bulky things. The solution is very simple. Use a solid stationery folder instead of a Whatman paper for the base. Outwardly, it will look like a package of documents. But in fact it turns out to be an unusual, sweet greeting card.

Wedding poster

This event is not accidentally included in our selection. Marriage is the birthday of a new family. You can only make a pleasant surprise for the young and stand out from the rest of the guests with an original approach.

At events like this, go beyond treats. An envelope with money, jewelry and even keys to a new car or apartment will perfectly fit into the "sweet story". Such things are not immediately evident against the background of bright wrappers. But it is worth discovering such a jewel on whatman paper, and the cheerful mood is replaced by touching moments of surprise and tears of joy. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait for the wedding to make such a gift. You can start before her, hiding a wedding ring among the bars and chocolates.

For an unusual gift, it's best to use an unusual treat. The assortment presented in supermarkets does not always work to convey the cherished words to the birthday person. Don't go shopping all over the city. Everything you need to create a poster with sweets can be bought from our online store "". Go to the virtual showcase and choose your gift set.

Older people still remember how on anniversaries and other celebrations the walls were decorated with original posters (wall newspapers) made with their own hands. Gradually, they were replaced first by bright store products, and then by computer technology.

But now this sweet kind tradition is coming back into fashion, and it becomes a good form to present a gift in the form of a poster for a birthday.

What you need to create a masterpiece

To make a festive wall newspaper with your own hands, you do not need special materials or any kind of artistic skills. In order to get an original and unusual thing, you will need:

But before you start creating, you should decide on the topic.

Choosing a theme

In the poster design, it is conventionally accepted to distinguish three themes:

  1. ... This kind of wall newspaper is distinguished by kind, unobtrusive humor. As a rule, the head of the hero of the occasion, cut from a photograph, is drawn or glued to funny pictures from a magazine, and everything is accompanied by funny captions. This can be presented to a brother, a close friend, or workmates. But with colleagues, you should be careful: before giving a cool poster, you should make sure that a person will perceive such a present with humor.
  2. Romantic, with a reminder of the wonderful moments experienced. They can be presented to a loved one or close relatives. For example, as a birthday present for grandfather, the poster can be decorated with shots of his successful fishing or other dear hobbies, and for grandmother, especially if it is an anniversary, you can make a photo poster with the main milestones in her life.
  3. Neutral. This poster can be made for any man or woman. The main thing when designing is to choose the right pictures. And if little is known about the birthday man? Then it is worth making a standard poster of wishes, on which images of generally accepted signs of wealth (car, money, travel) are pasted.

The topic is selected only taking into account the relationship with the hero of the occasion, and it is not necessary to strictly adhere strictly to one direction.

For example, as a birthday present for dad, a poster can be made playfully romantic. Captured in the photo dear memories to be accompanied by humorous signatures.

Commemorative Present Ideas

Postcard or packaging?

A self-made photo poster or a poster with playful wishes can act as a postcard accompanying the main present, or it can have a pocket where the main gift is placed.

You can put such surprises in your pocket.


The poster will suit the child's taste or may be accompanied by wishes for a sweet life.

Or you can take not sweets, but create a poster with food: put croutons, chips or other "dry rations" in many pockets and accompany each product with a special wish.

Money or small jewelry

For example, what is money associated with? Buying new things or interesting trips. So it's worth sticking what the birthday boy dreams of.

It doesn't matter that the amount of money is not enough to make a dream come true, it is possible to beat it by placing 1/10 or any other fraction next to the picture with the dream.

Gift certificate and tickets

They are given in a similar way. For example, if you plan to present your mom as a birthday present on a poster to a concert with her favorite performer, then as a decoration you should not only stick a photo of a celebrity, but make a photoshop of your favorite artist with your mom.

Even if you can't do Photoshop on your own, then in the studio, using computer programs, they will simulate any picture. And such a poster will hang in the family for a long time, reminding the hero of the occasion about the wonderful visit to the concert.

But, as mentioned above, it is not necessary to stick to a strictly chosen topic. You can easily add a pocket with a gift certificate or money to a candy poster.

Delivery rules

Unfortunately, the tradition of festive poster design has been renewed recently, and there is no uniform etiquette for presenting posters. They can be presented:

Hand-made things always give a charge of positive emotions. After all, the fact that a person did not limit himself to a typical greeting card, but created

For those who want to create a poster for a loved one or a loved one, the option with a large-format postcard is suitable. Such a product will take a long time. However, the amount of emotions that you can get in the end will justify any difficulties. A poster with sweets will be very successful in terms of originality. It is designed in a variety of ways: they take a Whatman paper, fold it in half in the form of a book, or make a special handle so that the product hangs on the wall. This will allow loved ones to enjoy delicious treats at any time. Everyone will be delighted with the sweet food presented in this way. Yummy day, which is given such large-format cards, can be the name day of a loved one, the anniversary of a relationship, or just the usual holiday date on the calendar. With the help of a do-it-yourself presentation, they emphasize attention, love and heartfelt empathy for dear people. Thanks to the originality and creativity of the master, the gift will remain in their memory for life. Favorite candies and other sweets only contribute to this.

A poster with sweets - an unusual DIY gift

Making a sweet poster for a birthday or other occasion is a good idea. Anyone who wants to start work must first decide on the topic of the future product. The style of decoration depends on the recipient and his lifestyle, on the sweets he loves.

The diagram and congratulations on whatman paper are prepared in advance. This will give you an idea of ​​what a large format postcard will look like. Ideas for such a product are looked at on special forums and sites. They also get information about the features of adding your favorite sweets and cookies. Attaching sweets to posters is not always easy, given the specifics of the packaging material. This is worth considering for those who decide to start creating a gift.

What posters can be

A poster with chocolates is given as a birthday present to a husband, girlfriend, mother, grandmother and any relative. Such a large postcard looks like a wall newspaper. On it, funny slogans are combined with various sweets: candies, chocolate bars or cookies. Depending on who they plan to present the present to, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Original postcard. Suitable for the birthday of a colleague, family member or loved one.
  2. Romantic poster. Will be a good idea for expressing your feelings. Often created for the anniversary of a relationship or for a declaration of love.
  3. Sentimental cards (sweet poster for mom). With their help, they emphasize the sincerity of feelings for parents and other relatives.
  4. Children's posters. Created with pictures and stickers with cartoon characters. The process of creating a composition that will be remembered by a child for many years is approached with particular seriousness.
  5. Photo posters. The most varied imaginations are shown here. Uses portrait materials and flowers.

Ideas for decoration

For someone who decorates an original greeting, a poster with different chocolates is a good way to show their creativity. Those who create a present are primarily looking for original jokes and wishes. The poster also includes poems by classics and slogans, each word of which is formatted using a separate color. An example of several such "sweet" wishes:

Snickersney - don't slow down and don't stop, be positive!

Bounty - let your life be like in paradise.

Let a surprise like in Kinder await you.

Let your thoughts be as fresh as Orbit.

Let every morning be invigorating - a bag of coffee.

Regardless of whether a large-format postcard is being prepared for an anniversary for dad, beloved boyfriend or other person, a fresh trend will always help to make it original. The same situation is for the option for a girl or a woman, in which wishes are often used in verse.

Video about making a poster with sweets with your own hands

httpss: //

How to make a sweet gift for a dear person

When making such an exquisite product as a poster with chocolates, attention is paid to several points. First, the wishes are prepared initially. They are written down on a plain sheet of paper. You can use a laptop or computer. You will also need a list of sweets to fill out the poster. At the end of the development of the preliminary layout, you will have to go to the store and buy all the necessary sweets with other sweets. After you have managed to stock up on sweets and bars, you should put them in their places. This is done in order to see how everything will look. If everything is planned correctly, the poster will bring a lot of emotions to the girl, mom or dad.

Necessary materials

A gift in the form of a collage with sweets can be made by hand. It should be bright and unusual: it is decorated with different types of chocolate and other goodies. The cost of such a presentation is small in comparison with the options that can be purchased in gift shops. Creating a poster with original lettering will be a good solution to express your feelings to a friend or girlfriend.

To create gifts for a girlfriend or boyfriend, you will need the following:

  1. Bars or other sweets. In this regard, anything that has a bright and original wrapper will do. A good option would be branded products. It is the easiest way to create a successful slogan for it, given the multitude of advertising blanks for sugar products entering the market.
  2. Whatman sheet and cardboard of various shades. With their help, they create separate backgrounds and zone the place on the postcard. Cardboard sheets and elements obtained with their help will add volume to the gift.
  3. Scissors, pencil, markers, tape and other stationery. You will need them in order to secure the photo collage with the bars.
  4. Beads and other jewelry. In this regard, you can fantasize very much. It all depends on whether the present is intended for a friend or girlfriend. If a gift is being prepared for the anniversary of a holiday, there will certainly be numbers in its center. When creating them, even leaves from trees or rose petals are used. A variety of stickers will also help. The assortment is especially great for musicians, music lovers and car enthusiasts.

Computer and printing equipment falls into a separate category, which will be indispensable in the search for original ideas and ready-made solutions. If you want to get a truly beautiful composition, you need to use everything to the maximum.

Step-by-step description of the creative process

Only those who can be patient and who will follow the instructions will be able to create a sweet gift on whatman paper. The creative process involves the use of an initially prepared layout.

When designing it, pay attention to the following:

  1. The creator of an original gift needs to think about how to harmoniously combine all the components that will be placed in frames on the background. Among them: sweets, jewelry, inscriptions or photos. In this regard, it would be a good idea to create special, separate bases from the background. They will fill in the places where sweets and inscriptions are missing.
  2. A diagram drawn with a pencil will play an important role. Its background is filled with light colors. Then they start placing the inscriptions, which should be thought up in advance.
  3. Placing the most sweets will be the final step. They are attached using double-sided tape, glue, threads, tapes or other improvised devices.

If a person is not confident in their skills, you need to practice first. This will allow you to get the necessary skills in order not to spoil the Whatman paper. It is also worth learning how to write beautiful letters with a certain slant on plain paper. Decals can be printed on a printer and glued or folded from separately cut letters, and then added to the overall composition.

If there is free space on the poster, fill it using stickers or photographs. In this regard, everything will be to your taste. You just need to apply your imagination. Depending on whether a present is intended for a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, it is decorated with costume jewelry and other small elements. A bright surprise will help to highlight well-chosen words.

Handing a sweet presentation

Gift - a poster with sweets

Each DIY poster of sweets with inscriptions is a special gift. If possible, they hang it on the wall before the holiday. It will be a good surprise for the hero of the occasion who wishes to taste the dessert. The product will successfully fit into any decor. It is initially confused with simple congratulations written on paper. However, after you can take a closer look and see the words from the candies, everything will fall into place.

Often a poster with sweets is presented along with toast. It will be a good idea to read the wishes that are written on it for all the guests, and explain a little. Often, this is how group cards are given to a guy or a girl for a wedding.

Some people order the delivery of the product by courier. This is done in cases when a person works on his holiday. He will be pleased to receive sweets. Such a step will make a certain impression on the employees. Due to the fragility of the product, its transportation is trusted by acquaintances or relatives. They tend to the latter option during the celebration in those cases when there is a desire to cause as much surprise as possible in the hero of the occasion. With the help of original handmade gifts, this can definitely be achieved.

The holiday of childhood will be even more remembered if you show your imagination when creating decorations and postcards. In this regard, ideas for original designs, as well as technologies for creating a foundation, will be useful. Creating a special texture will help to give a special uniqueness to the background, which should have a poster with chocolates and inscriptions made by yourself.

In order to get it, you need to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. A sheet of cardboard or colored A4 paper is cut in half. In total, you will need 10 halves of different shades if the paper is single-sided, and 5 halves if it is hard and double-sided.
  2. For a one-sided version, take two halves and glue them with the colored side up. This will make the postcard on the Whatman paper more solid. It is better to glue the collage using stationery glue or double-sided self-adhesive tape. This will not harm the integrity and strength of the workpiece. If you use any liquid adhesive, the paper will get wet. As a result, its surface will become wavy. In some places, this will affect strength. Such a defect will affect the specifics of the attachment of the sweets and chocolates themselves, which will not fit snugly to the base.
  3. Sweets and other decorations for a girlfriend or boyfriend are attached to the cardboard, which is reinforced with whatman paper. To do this, use a regular thread. In sheets of thick paper, before gluing, a hole is made into which the fishing line is passed. Sometimes it is a nylon or ordinary thread. It all depends on the size of the sweets and the specifics of their attachment. One side of the thread is attached between the Whatman paper and a sheet of thick paper, the other, with loops, is used for hanging sweets, chocolates, bars and even cookies. These holes can also be used for tape. If it is too wide, the fabric is cut lengthwise. As a result, the necessary loops for fixing are obtained.

Each separate sheet is a necessary element of a future postcard. If the surface is uneven, smooth it out with a dry, dense cloth. After the foundation is completed, they move on to the main part - writing congratulations and adding sweets, with the help of which you will be able to make a pleasant person dear. The words printed on the printer are cut and pasted in the desired places. If there is no printer, they are handwritten or purchased ready-made postcards are used. Bars and chocolates are glued onto double-sided tape. Photos will also come in handy in such cases.