Ready Finishing Heavy Cement Solution. Structure

Building solutions are characterized by three main parameters: density, type of binder and its intended purpose. Depending on the density (in a dry state), severe (density of 1500 kg / m 3 or more) and light (density of less than 1500 kg / m 3) solutions are distinguished. Heavy quartz or other sands are used for the manufacture of heavy solutions; Fillers in light solutions are lightweight porous sands from pembol, tuffs, slags, clams, and so on. Light solutions are also obtained using foaming additives - porous solutions.

According to the type of binding substance, the building solutions are divided into cement (on portland cement or varieties), lime (on air or hydraulic lime), plaster (based on plaster binders) and mixed (on cement-lime, cement-clay, lime-gypsum binder) . Solutions prepared on one binder are called simple, and on several binders - mixed (complex).

For appointment, building solutions are masonry (for masonry, mounting walls from large-sized elements), finishing (for plastering of rooms, applying decorative layers on wall blocks and panels), special, possessing special properties (waterproofing, acoustic, x-ray-proof).

The selection of a binder depends on the appointment of the solution that makes it necessary for it, the temperature and humidity mode of the hardening and operating conditions of the building. Portland cements, Pozzolan portland cements, Slagoportland cements, special low-circuit cements, lime, gypsum binder are used as binders. Mixed binders are widely used to save hydraulic binders and improve the technological properties of construction solutions. Lime in building solutions are used in the form of a lime dough or milk. Gypsum is mainly used in plaster solutions as an additive to lime.

Water used for solutions should not contain impurities that have a harmful effect on the hardening of the binder. For these purposes is suitable water water. If the solution is applied in winter conditionsThe hardening accelerators are added to its composition, as well as additives that reduce water freezing (calcium chloride, sodium chloride, sweat, sodium nitrate, etc.)

The composition of the building solution Denote (by weight or volume) of materials per 1 m 3 solution or relative ratio (by weight or volume) of the initial dry materials. In this case, the consumption of the binder is taken for 1. For simple solutions consisting of a binder (cement or lime) and non-mineral additives, the composition is indicated 1: 4, i.e. on 1 wt. h. cement accounts for 4 wt. h. Sand. Mixed solutions consisting of two binders or mineral additives are denoted by three numbers, for example 1: 3: 4 (cement: Lime: sand).

Quality mortar mixes It is characterized by their workability - the ability to fit without a special seal on the base with a thin layer with the filling of all its irregularities. Conceptuality is due to mobility and water-holding capacity of mortar mixtures.

Mobility - The ability of the mortar mixture to be spread under the action of its own mass. Mobility is determined (in cm) immersion depth into a solution mixture of a reference cone weighing 300 g with an angle of the vertex of 30 ° and a height of 15 cm. The deeper the cone is immersed in the mortar mixture, the greater mobility it has. The degree of mobility of the mixture depends on the amount of water, from the composition and properties source materials. To increase the mobility of mortar mixtures, plasticizing additives are added in them, as well as surfactants. The mobility of construction solutions, depending on their purpose and the method of laying, should be next.

Laying walls of bricks, concrete stones, stones of light rocks: 9-13.

Laying walls from the hollow brick, ceramic stones: 7-8.

Filling horizontal seams when mounting walls from concrete blocks and panels; Fishing vertical and horizontal seams: 5-7.

Butte masonry: 4-6.

Filling emptiness in the bucketwork: 13-15.

Water-holding ability They call the solution of the solution to hold water when laying it on a porous base. If the solution has a good water-holding capacity, partial oil suction compacts it in the masonry, which increases the strength of the solution. Water-holding ability Depends on the relationship component parts mortar mixture. It increases with increasing cement consumption, replacing part of cement of lime, the introduction of highly dispersed additives (ash, clay, etc.), as well as some surfactants.

Strength The hardened solution depends on the activity of the binder, water-cement ratio, the duration and conditions of hardening (temperature and humidity ambient). When laying mortar mixtures on a porous base, capable of intensively sucking water, the strength of solidification of solutions is significantly higher than the same solutions laid on a dense base. The strength of the building solution depends on its brand, which is established over the limit of compressive strength after 28 days of hardening at an air temperature of 5-25 ° C. There are the following grades of solutions: 4, 10, 15, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 300.

Frost resistance The solutions are determined by the number of cycles of alternate freezing and thawing to a loss of 15% of the initial strength (or 5% of the mass). According to frost resistance, solutions are divided into MPZ brands from 10 to 300.

The choice of brand and the composition of the solution Depends on the type of building, the conditions for its operation, as well as from the planned degree of durability (Table 4). The buildings located above the ground with relative humidity of air inside to 60%, as well as underground structures in soils with a small level of humidity, are put on cement-lime and cement-clay solutions. In this case, the solutions should have the ratio of the volume of lime (clay) test to the volume of cement not exceeding 1.5: 1. If the humidity inside the building is more than 60%, or the soil has an increased humidity, this ratio should not exceed 1: 1. Lime and clay are not used in solutions when laying below the level below groundwater.

Table 4. Brand solutions for masonry.

Type of solutionThe degree of durability of buildings
Designs located below the level of waterproofing layer
Cement-lime when filled with water volume of soil (in%):
up to 5025 10 10
50-80 50 25 10
Cement-clay when filling in water volume of soil (in%)
up to 5025 10 10
50-80 50 25 10
Cement with plasticizing additives when filling with water more than 80% of the volume of soil50 25 10
Designs located above the level of the waterproofing layer
Cement-lime at the relative humidity of the premises (%):
up to 60.10 10 4
60-75 25 25 10
75 or more50 25 10
Cement-clay with relative humidity of premises (%):
up to 60.10 10 5
60-75 25 25 25
75 or more50 50 25

Cement-limestone and cement-clay solutions in summer conditions Used in the construction of buildings whose height does not exceed three floors. Mark. clay solutionused in a dry climate - 10, in moderately wet - 2, and for the solution with additives - 4. The consumption of binders depends on the composition of the solution (Table 5), as well as the brand of binding and solution (Table 6).

Table 5. The compositions of solutions for masonry (in parts by volume).

Brand cementMark solution
100 75 50 25 10 4
Cement-clay solutions
25 - - - - - 1:0,2:3
50 - - - - 1:0,1:2,5 1:0,7:6
100 - - - 1:0,1:2 1:0,5:5 1:0,9:7
150 - - - 1:0,3:3,5 1:1:9 1:1:9
200 - - 1:0,1:2,5 1:0,5:5 1:1:9 -
250 - - 1:0,2:3 1:0,7:6 - -
300 - 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:4,5 1:1:9 - -
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:8 1:1:11 - -
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:1:8 - - -
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6 - - - -
Cement-lime solutions for masonry in conditions of high humidity (60-75%)
100 - - - 1:0,1:2 1:0,5:5 1:0,7:7
150 - - - 1:0,3:3,5 1:0,7:9 -
200 - - 1:0,1:2,5 1:0,5:5 1:0,7:9 -
250 - - 1:0,2:3 1:0,7:6 - -
300 - 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:5 1:0,7:9 - -
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:6 - 1:0,7:11 -
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:0,7:8 - - -
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6 - - - -

For masonry of walls of dry and porous stone materials, solutions with greater mobility are consumed, for masonry from wet and dense materials - with a smaller.

mounting - For filling and sealing seams between large elements when installing buildings and structures from ready-made prefabricated structures and parts;

special -waterproof, acid-resistant, heat-resistant, acoustic, heat-insulating, injection, X-ray-proof and pumped pipelines.

There are no large aggregates in the composition of solutions, therefore, in essence, they are fine-grained concrete. Common lawscharacterizing the properties of concrete in principle applicable to solutions. However, when using solutions, two features should be taken into account. First, they are placed by subtle layers (1 ... 2 cm), without applying a mechanical seal. Secondly, solutions are often applied to porous bases (brick, concrete, light stones and blocks of porous rocks), capable of sucking the water. As a result, the properties of the solution are changed, which must be considered when determining its composition.

Selection of composition, preparation and transportation of solutions

The compositions of mortar mixtures are chosen or selected depending on the purpose of the solution, the required brand and the mobility and the conditions of production of work. The selected composition of the mortar mixtures should have the necessary mobility (without bundle and water supply during laying) with minimal consumption of the binder and ensure the required strength in the solidified state.

The compositions of the building solutions are selected according to the tables and settlement, in both cases they are specified experimentally in relation to specific materials.

The estimated method for selecting the composition of the solution is based on the implementation of the preliminary calculation of the consumption of components (binder, aggregates, water and additives) based on scientifically based and experimentally proven dependencies given below. It is used to select the composition of heavy masonry and assembly solutions.

The composition of the grades of the brands 25 ... 200 is selected as follows.To obtain a given grade of the solution in the case of the use of binders that differ in the brand M WF from those given in 5.8 (Table 4 ) SP 82-101-98 Preparation and use of solutions of construction, the flow rate of 1 m 3 of sand is determined byformula

where Q. B - consumption of binder with activity on the table4 per 1 m 3 sand, kg;

Q. VF - consumption of binding with other activity;

R. in Q. in - Accepted on the table 4 For this brand of solution.

Number of inorganic plasticizers (lime or clay test) V. 1 m 3 sand is determined by the formula

V. D. = 0,17(1 — 0,002Q B.),

where V. d - inorganic additive for 1 m 3 sand, m.

The calculation of the composition of the solution should be preceded by determining the activity (brand) and the average bulk density of cement, the grain composition and module of sand size, the average density of the inorganic plasticizer (lime or clay).

Preparation of solutions. Solutions are produced in the form of ready-made or dry mixtures shutable before using water.

The process of preparation of the solution mixture consists of dosing of the source materials, loading them into the drum mixer and stirring to obtain a homogeneous mass in a periodic mixture mixers with forced stirring. The design distinguishes multiple mixers with a horizontal or vertical blade shaft. The latter are called turbulent mixers.

Mixer mixers with a horizontal blade shaft are produced by the capacity of the finished kneading 30; 65; 80; 250 and 900 liters. All these mixers, with the exception of the latter, are mobile. Capacity at the finished kneading mixers whose working bodies serve fast rotors - 65; 500 and 800 liters.

In order for the solution to have the desired properties, it is necessary to achieve homogeneity of its composition. For this, limit the minimum mixing time. The average duration of the mixing cycle for heavy solutions should be at least 3 minutes. Light solutions are stirred longer. For relax this process Lime and clay are injected into a solution in the form of a limestone or clay milk. Lime dough and coming clay for mixed solutions cannot be used, since in this case it is almost impossible to achieve uniformity of the mortar mixture.

For the preparation of cement solutions with inorganic plasticizers, a lime (clay) milk of such a consistency is poured into a solution of such a consistency so that it is not necessary to additionally fill water, and then fall asleep the aggregate and cement. Organic plasticizers are first stirred in a solution mixer with water for 30 ... 45 s, and then the remaining components are loaded. Solutions are usually prepared on centralized concreteral plants or mortar nodes, which ensures high quality products. In winter, to obtain solutions with a positive temperature, the components of the solution - sand and water are heated to a temperature of no more than 60 ° C. Binding can not be warm.

Transportation. Mixed mixtures from plants are transported by automobiles or specially equipped with transport, eliminating the loss of cement milk, environmental pollution, atmospheric precipitation, temperature decrease. Transportation range depends on the type of solution, the state of the road and air temperature. To protect the solution from hypothermia and freezing in winter, the car body is insulated or heated by the motor gases.

At construction sites, the mortar mixture is fed to the place of use by pipes using mortar pumps.

Terms of storage of mortar mixtures depend on the type of binder and limited to the timing of its setting. Lime solutions retain their properties for a long time (so far water evaporates from them), and the water can be added to the dried lime solution and mix it again. Cement solutions must be used for 2 ... 4 hours; Dilution with water and re-stirring of the clutched cement solutions is not allowed, as this leads to a sharp decrease in its quality, i.e. the fall of the grade of the solution.

Solutions for laying foundations and basements below the waterproofing layer

Brand cement Type of soil
Malval Wet Saturated water
Cement-lime solution M10 (cement: limestone dough: sand) Cement-clay solution M25 (cement: clay dough: sand) Cement-limestone and cement-clay solution M25 (cement: lime or clay: sand) Cement mortar M50 (cement: sand)
50 1:0,1:2,5 1:0,1:2,5
100 1:0,5:5 1:0,5:5 1:0,1:2
150 1:1,2:9 1:1,7 1:03:3,5
200 1:1,7:12 1:1:8 1:0,5:5 1:2,5
250 1:1,7:12 1:1:9 1:0,7:5 1:3
300 1:2,1:15 1:1:11 1:0,7:8 1:6

Note: The compositions of solutions are given in bulk ratios. The sand is accepted by medium size humidity of 2% or more. When using dry sand, its dosage decreases by 10%.

The cement solution is prepared in this way: first prepare a dry mixture, which is then embedded with water, and stirred. Dry cement solutions are mixed with water, stirred and used for 1-1.5 hours. Water is also carefully dosed. A more liquid solution will be obtained from excess water, after drying it becomes less durable than a thick solution of the same composition.

Cement-limestone is prepared in proportions. These are the so-called complex solutions designed to work under normal conditions. Therefore, for masonry, located below the level of groundwater, such solutions should not be applied. Cement-lime solutions are most often used for inner masonry or for plaster basement. Prepare it in such a sequence.

Lime dough is divorced to milk density and filter on clean sieve. From cement and sand prepare a dry mixture, put it with lime milk and is thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass. The addition of lime milk increases the plasticity of the solution and makes it more "warm" (Table 2, 3).

The composition of the solution for overhead masonry with humidity of the premises less than 60%

Brand cement Mark solution
100 75 50 25
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:1:8
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:1,7:1,2
300 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:4,5 1:1,2:9
Cement-clay solutions
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6
500 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6 1:1:3
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:6 1:1:11
300 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:4,5 1:1:9

Table 3. The composition of the solution for overhead masonry with the humidity of the premises more than 60%

Brand cement Mark solution
100 75 50 25
Cement-lime solutions
600 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:6
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:0,7:8
400 1:0,2:3 1:0.3:4 1:0,7:6
300 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:4,5 1:0,7:9
Cement-clay solutions
600 1:0.4:4,5 1:0,7:6
500 1:0,3:4 1:0,5:5 1:0,7:6 1:0,7:8,5
400 1:0,2:3 1:0,3:4 1:0,7:6 1:0,7:8,5
300 1:0,2:3 1:0,4:5
Cement solutions
600 1:4,5 1:6
500 1:4 1:5
400 1:3 1:4 1:6
300 1:3 1:4,5

The lime solution is obtained by the chosen of the lime milk of pure sand without inclusion of cement. Typically, these are solutions of low grades and mostly used for the internal plaster of residential premises. Such solutions are distinguished by workability, good clutch with masonry Material. Lime solutions are hardly slow and plaster are often added to the solution to accelerate this process. The need to introduce gypsum in plastering ceilings and slopes is particularly increasing, where elevated requirements are presented to the solution of solutions of the solution.

To obtain clay lime solutions Clay and lime are mixed, and then poured with water. The mixture of the mixture is shown in the required proportion. Such solutions are used in summer conditions for overhead masonry mainly in a dry climate when normal humidity air premises.

The compositions of cement-reserved, cement and cement solutions

Compositions in the bulk dosage of solutions with a binder brand






The compositions of cement-reserved and cement-linked solutions for overhead structures with relative humidity of the air of rooms up to 60% and for foundations in low-voltage soils

1: 0,15: 2,1

1: 0,07: 1,8


1: 0,2: 3

1: 0,1: 2,5


1: 0,3: 4

1: 0,2: 3

1: 0,1: 2,5


1: 0,5: 5,5

1: 0,4: 4,5

1: 0,2: 3,5


1: 0,8: 7

1: 0,5: 5,5

1: 0,3: 4

1: 0,1: 2,5


1: 0,9: 8

1: 0,6: 6

1: 0,3: 4


1: 1,4: 10,5

1: 0,8: 7

1: 0,3: 4


1: 1,2: 9,5

The compositions of cement-reserved and cement-linked solutions for overhead structures with relative humidity of the air of the premises over 60% and for foundations in wet soils

1: 0,15: 2,1

1: 0,07: 1,8


1: 0,2: 3

1: 0,1: 2,5


1: 0,3: 4

1: 0,2: 3

1: 0,1: 2,5


1: 0,5: 5,5

1: 0,4: 4,5

1: 0,2: 3,5


1: 0,8: 7

1: 0,5: 5,5

1: 0,3: 4

1: 0,1: 2,5


1: 0,9: 8

1: 0,6: 6

1: 0,3: 4


1: 1: 10,5 / 1: 1: 9*

1: 0,8: 7

1: 0,3: 4


1: 1: 9 / 1: 0,8: 7*

The compositions of cement solutions for foundations and other structures located in the saturated water of soils and below the groundwater level

1: 0: 2,1

1: 0: 1,8


1: 0: 3

1: 0: 2,5


1: 0: 4

1: 0: 3

1: 0: 2,5


1: 0: 5,5

1: 0: 4,5

1: 0: 3,0


1: 0: 6

1: 0: 5,5

1: 0: 4

1: 0: 2,5


1: 0: 6

1: 0: 4

* Above the line - the compositions of cement-reserved solutions, under the line - cement-throat.
Cement: Lime (clay): Sand. Sand accepted according to GOST 8736
Selection of binders when preparing solutions for stone masonry
Operating conditions for structures

Type of astringent

1 For overhead structures with relative humidity of rooms of rooms up to 60% and for foundations that are built in low-voltage soils

Portland cement, plasticized and hydrophobic portland cement, Slagoportland cement, Pozzolana Portland cement, Cement for solutions, limestone binder

2 For overhead structures at the relative humidity of the air of the premises over 60% and for foundations that are erected in wet soils

Poacezolana Portland cement, plate and hydrophobic portland cement, slagoportoncent, portland cement, cement for solutions, limestone binder

3 for foundations for aggressive sulphate waters

Sulfate-resistant portland cement, Pozzolana Portland cement

Approximate costs of a binding per 1 m³ of sand or 1 m³ of solution

Mr. Mark Brand

Mark of binder MV.

Consumption of binder, kg

on 1 m³ of sand

per 1 m³ solution

GOST 10178.
GOST 25328.
GOST 22266.
The flow rate of the binders is indicated for mixed cement-lime and cement-grained solutions and sand in a loose-saturated state with a natural humidity of 3-7%.

Plaster solutions and for fastening facing tiles

View and composition of the solution for the preparatory layers of external and internal plasters (spray and soil)
View of shtown surface

View and composition of the solution





For spray
Stone and concrete

from 1: 2.5
up to 1: 4

from 1: 0.3: 3
to 1: 0.5: 5

For soil
Stone and concrete

from 1: 2
up to 1: 3

from 1: 0.7: 2.5
up to 1: 1.2: 4\u003e

Outdoor plaster walls that are not subject to systematic humidification, and inner plaster indoors with relative humidity of air to 60%
For spray

from 1: 0.5: 4
to 1: 0.7: 6

from 1: 2.5
up to 1: 4

from 1: 0.3: 2
up to 1: 1: 3

For soil
Stone and concrete. Wooden and gypsum

from 1: 0.7: 3
Up to 1: 1: 5

from 1: 2
up to 1: 3

from 1: 0.5: 1.5
up to 1: 1.5: 2

View and composition of the solution for the finishing layer (crossbar) of external and internal plasters
Type of soil of plastered surfaces

View and composition of the solution





Outdoor plaster walls, bases, eaves, etc., subjected to systematic humidification, as well as internal plaster in rooms with relative air humidity Over 60%

from 1: 1
up to 1: 1.5

from 1: 1: 1.5
up to 1: 1.5: 2

Outdoor plaster walls that are not subject to systematic humidification, and indoor plaster in rooms with relative air humidity up to 60%
Cement and cement-limestone

from 1: 1: 2
up to 1: 1.5: 3

Lime and lime-gypsum

from 1: 1
up to 1: 2

from 1: 1: 0
Up to 1: 1.5: 0

Kitty1: astringent2: sand. Sand accepted according to GOST 8736 with natural humidity 3–7%

To order cement mortar Physical I. legal entities Moscow and other cities in the Moscow region can contact the StroySoyuz Group of Companies. In our work, we practice an individual approach, so each client we offer favorable terms of cooperation. Since we independently produce material, then the price is available on the cement solution.

Properties and scope

Cement mortar is a mixture that is obtained by combining the following components:

  • sand;
  • water;
  • cement.

Depending on the proportions of the ingredients mentioned, their physical and mechanical properties, there are various classes and material brands. Buy cement mortar strive to perform masonry and plaster operations, as well as floor screed devices. The material is actively used in wet places: treated the outer surfaces of the structures, the lower parts of the base. It is indispensable for the implementation of the insulation layer.

Terms of cooperation

Cement-sandy solution to buy on favorable terms can be in StroySoyuz. We not only produce, but also deliver it to the necessary construction site without deposit. You can contact us by phone or from the site by filling out and sending an application. Contact us today, we guarantee high quality and affordable price of cement-sandy solution.

Prices for product solutions

Mark. Class Parameters Price per 1 m 3 with VAT, rub. / M 3
M50 Rr M50 PK2 F50 2 880
M75 Rr M75 PK2 F50 3 030
M100 Rr M100 PK2 F50 3 080
M150 Rr M150 PK2 F50 3 330
M200 Rr M200 PK2 F50 3 530
M250 Rr m250 PK2 F50 3 670
M300 Rr m300 PK2 F50 3 820
M50 Rr M50 PK3 F50 2 960
M75 Rr M75 PK3 F50 3 100
M100 Rr M100 PK3 F50 3 400
M150 Rr M150 PK3 F50 3 410
M200 Rr M200 PK3 F50 3 550
M250 Rr m250 PK3 F50 3 710
M300 Rr m300 PK3 F50 3 840
M50 Rr M50 PC4 F50 3 060
M75 Rr M75 PC4 F50 3 210
M100 Rr M100 PC4 F50 3 420
M150 Rr M150 PC4 F50 3 510

Cement-limestone is used for masonry and plastering. It is the same as in the mixture with cement, but with the addition of hazed lime. Depending on the proportions of the components of the components, its characteristics and purpose are changed, applies to finishing work both outside and indoors. You can make it with your own hands or buy ready.

Lime solution has elevated degree adhesion. He sticks well to almost any surfaces, including a tree and to concrete. Due to the bactericidal properties of the lime, the likelihood of mold or fungi is eliminated. Such a composition is able to skip moisture without disturbing the microclimate in the room. Withstands the temperature differences from -50 ° C to + 65 ° C.

Unlike cement mix, limestically more elastic. She perfectly fills all the gaps and depressions. The applied plaster can be corrected within 1-3 hours. The mortar with the cement is only up to one hour. Due to this long-term drying, the probability of crack appearance is minimal.

For the difference in compositions with lime and cement, there is such a technical characteristic of the solution as fat. It is the area of \u200b\u200bits application that is determined.

There are the following fat content:

  • normal;
  • skinny;
  • fat.

Most often a solution with a normal level of fat content is used, as it has the most optimal plasticity, it extremely rarely sits down and does not give cracks. Skinny are suitable for facing surfaces and have a minimal shrinkage. Fat consist of a large number of binder component, so highly elastic. Used to masonry brick or other block material.

The weight characteristic depends on the ratio of the components of the solution. To get skinny, make more sand, fat - more lime. They differ in density: low (up to 1500 kg / m3) and medium (from 1500). The scope of the solution affects the ratio of components. Most often used M50 brands (for plastering) and M75 (for brickwork).

Also cement-lime plaster solutions are divided into the following types:

  • basic;
  • decorative;
  • special purpose.

The first option is used to align any surfaces and is used as a rough layer. Decorative dried for a long time, so that they are convenient to handle and give fit form and patterns. Special purpose mixtures have elevated moisture protection characteristics, well absorb noise and heat insulation.

Preparation of the solution with your own hands

Compared with cement-sandy solution, lime has more low price. By 1 m2, with a thickness of the layer of application of 1 mm, it will take about one and a half kg. To confuse, you will need to buy sand, lime and cement. The ratio of components depends on the required brand of the mixture. To get a M75 solution, you need to mix everything in the following proportions - 1: 0.8: 7 (cement M500, Lime, Sand) or 1: 0.5: 5.5, if the cement M400. To knead the M50 brand, Portland cement M400 will be required. Component proportions - 1: 0.9: 8 (cement, lime, sand).

Also, the proportions of the solution depends on the thickness of the application layer. For draft works (spray) are mixed in the following ratios - 6.7: 1.5: 1: 2.2 (sand, lime, portland cement, water). For a layer of medium thickness - 9: 2.2: 1: 2.8, as an finishing coating - 13.5: 3: 1: 4.

To mix the limestone mixture, no more than 0.8 parts of the water are required to one part of Portland cement. This ratio also affects the dryness of the components. The main thing is that the cement mortar according to the consistency is similar to thick sour cream.

Before you knead, the lime needs to be repayed. If you do not do this in advance, then, due to the chemical reaction, bloat will appear in the solution. For quenching, a separate container is used. The exhaust technology depends on the type of lime. It can be fast, medium and slow. The first type is quenched as follows: in the container filled with water, powder falls asleep. As soon as the chemical reaction begins, water fills and everything is mixed. The process of quenching will end in 8 minutes.

Lime mid speed The devices are quenched in the same way, but it takes more time - about half an hour. The slow-rich lime powder is not poured with water, but only spray. The quenching lasts until the entire volume is 3 times. The reaction occurs more than half an hour.

In order for the lime mortar to be qualitative, the main thing is to comply with the proportion, since all its characteristics and the final result depend on the ratio of components. Portland cement is recommended for kneading, and not ordinary cement, as it has better strength.

If the mixture is mixed to masonry a large number of bricks, it is recommended to use a concrete mixer. It will make it absolutely homogeneous. First, water is poured, after which Portland cement, lime powder and sand falls asleep. As soon as everything was thoroughly mixed, water is added again and everything is communicated to the desired consistency.

  • Haired lime is filled with a sieve with a diameter of cells up to 3 mm. In the received lime milk Sand and portland cement falls asleep. All components are thoroughly mixed, and the mixture is brought to the required degree of fatty.
  • In a dry form, sand with portland cement is stirred to a homogeneous state. Slowly poured the lens lime. Up to the desired consistency is brought by water.

For increase technical characteristics Plasticizers, additives that make a solution of frost-resistant, accelerators or solid speed moderators and so on are added.

Review of manufacturers and prices

Most famous manufacturers Lime solutions are Besto, it basses, Knauf and Henkel.

The cement-plastering composition of BESTO brand M100 is available in paper bags weighing 25 and 50 kg. It includes portland cement M500D0, harated lime, moisture-holder components, sand of various fractions - 1 and 0.6 mm and polypropylene fib, which increases the strength properties of the solution, or rather reinforcing it. Used Besto for internal and external work. You can apply both manually and using equipment. Ready powder needs to be dissolved by the amount of water specified in the instructions. With a layer thickness, 1 cm will require 18 kg of mixture per 1 m2.

Dry finds PC21 Starwell package in bags weighing 25 kg. Contains components that increase the frost resistance of the lime solution. Also has moisture-hold additives, due to which it can be used to finish the premises with high humidity Or for facades. Strength grade - B10. The consumption is the same as Besto - 18 kg / m2 with a thickness of 10 mm. The diluted solution can be used for two hours at a temperature of +5 to + 30 ° C.

The moment Henkel is designed to process surfaces only indoors. Henkel powder can be used as an intermediate layer, to which the finish coating is applied. The shred mixture must be applied within an hour. The layer thickness for one application should not be more than 2 cm. Feeding in packaging weighing 25 kg.

Dry powder MP Lyicht cement contains perlite and polymer additives. It is used as a leveling layer. It can be used both outside and indoors. Packages in bags of 30 kg. 1 m2 layer thickness 1 cm will require 13.4 kg. It is applied or manually or technology.

The cost of cement mortar with lime depends on the volume of the bag, destination and manufacturer.

Table with prices for which you can buy ready-made dry lime mixes:

The lime solution is sold in paper bags with different weights. By purchasing it, you should check the integrity of the bag, there should be no holes or glued places. You also need to pay attention to the storage conditions. It should not be stored in the raw room, since cement quickly loses its strength characteristics. In addition, the powder is grasped, and lumps are formed. If you use such a material for masonry or plaster, then cracks will be shown after drying. To increase the degree of adhesion of the surface of the surface, you need to clean it from dirt, old finish coatings and fatty oil spots. You can also be treated with a primer or concrete contact.

5375 03/12/2019 5 min.

The mortar is a mixture that stands from specially selected components, due to which it is possible to obtain solid material. Components may be present in the construction solution: an inorganic binding product, a small aggregate and special additives.

Apply ready product In the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction, not only when the foundation is arranged, but also when performing certain finishing events. The main criteria for which the choice of solution occurs, strength remains, long service life and relatively low price.


The classification provides for the division of them to the following types:

  • Heavy, for whom the indicators of bulk density are characterized by more than 1500 kg / m3.
  • Lightweight, in which the density is up to 1500 kg / m3.

In addition, they are separated by the type of binder component:

The selection of the binder component depends on what purpose a solution will be used, what level of humidity and temperature indicators. After all, these criteria play an important role for high-quality hardness and long service life for the construction taken.

By destination can be divided into:

When choosing a building cement mortar, it is very important to pay attention to such a parameter as frost resistance. It depends on the properties of the materials used, as well as their proportions and conditions under which the strength set will occur.

During the manufacture, it is very important to accurately comply with the presented proportion. If the sand is added to insufficient quantity, the mixture will start quickly, and after frozen the solution will begin to crumble.

Taking into account the added amount of water, the construction cement mortar is the following types:

  • Fat when liquids are very small and it spreads.
  • Skinny, when a lot of fluids, it slowly freezes.
  • Normal, during the preparation, all proportions were precisely met.


As for the scope of use of a building cement solution, then it is necessary to understand that for a certain product brand there is its own area of \u200b\u200buse. To select the necessary brand of solution you need to know with what materials will have to work.

Cement Characteristics M 500 are indicated

When it is necessary to complete the bricks of the bricks of the brand 100, the composition used should also have a brand 100. If you choose a solution to the solution on this principle, then you will be able to get almost monolithic masonry.

However, it is worth sticking to concrete frames. For example, for the facial claus, it is absolutely optionally to use the brick of the brand 350 and the solution of the same brand. In this case, you just spend pointless cash. For facial masonry will be quite sufficient building mixture Brand 115.

What is the consumption of sandy cement mixture per 1 m2 indicated in this

If the walls are made of bricks inside the house, it is advisable to give a plasticity solution by adding clay or lime to it. But it is possible to use the resulting product exclusively inside the construction where it will not be influenced by various factors Environment.

In addition, the cement solution is used in construction brick houseIt can still be used when surface plastered. The result of the work done will become a smooth and durable surface, which, after drying the concrete, the surface will be ready to apply the required finishing material.

What is the price of cement m 400 weighing 50 kg, you can learn from this

Well, perhaps, the cement mortar is most often used when the foundation is arranged. In this case, it is necessary to very correctly select a solution of the solution that as a result of the work done to obtain the desired strength of concrete. It is from this that will depend on the service life of the house, as well as its operational characteristics.

Cement mortar is a material without which no building can do to date. Thanks to its unique qualities, it began to apply under various construction work.

But the quality of the cement mortar is determined by the components included in its composition, so when choosing the product under consideration, be careful and carefully study the information that is present on the package.