The last years of Mayakovsky. Death of Remarkable People: Vladimir Mayakovsky

From the "Conclusion" of the experts:

"one. The damage on the shirt of V.V.

2. Judging by the features of the damage, a short-barreled weapon (for example, a pistol) was used and a low-powered cartridge was used.

3. small size of the blood-soaked area located around the entrance gunshot injury, indicate its formation due to a simultaneous ejection of blood from the wound, and the absence of vertical blood streaks indicates that immediately after the injury, V.V. Mayakovsky was in a horizontal position, lying on his back.

4. The shape and small size of blood blots located below the damage, and the peculiarity of their location along the arc indicate that they arose as a result of the fall of small drops of blood from a small height onto the shirt in the process of moving down right hand spattered with blood, or from a weapon held in the same hand.

Is it possible to simulate suicide so carefully? Yes, in expert practice there are cases of staging one, two, less often five signs. But the whole complex of signs cannot be falsified. It has been established that drops of blood are not traces of bleeding from a wound: they fell from a small height from a hand or weapon. Even if we assume that Chekist Agranov (and he really knew his business) was a murderer and applied drops of blood after a shot, say, from a pipette, although according to the restored timing of events, he simply did not have time for this, it was necessary to achieve a complete coincidence of the localization of drops blood and the location of traces of antimony. But the reaction to antimony was discovered only in 1987. It was the comparison of the location of antimony and blood drops that became the pinnacle of this study.

Death autograph

The specialists of the laboratory of forensic handwriting examinations also had to work, because many, even very sensitive people, doubted the authenticity of the poet’s dying letter, written in pencil with almost no punctuation marks:

“Everyone. Don't blame anyone for dying, and please don't gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly. Mom, sisters and comrades, sorry, this is not the way (I do not advise others), but I have no way out. Lily - love me. My family is Lilya Brik, mother, sisters and Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya...
Love boat \ crashed into everyday life. \ I'm counting on life \ And there is no need for a list of \ Mutual \ troubles \ And insults. Happy to stay. \ Vladimir \ Mayakovsky. 12.IV.30"

From the "Conclusion" of the experts:

“The submitted letter on behalf of Mayakovsky was written by Mayakovsky himself in unusual conditions, the most likely cause of which is the psycho-physiological state caused by excitement.

There was no doubt about the dating - it was April 12, two days before death - "immediately before the suicide, the signs of unusualness would have been more pronounced." So the secret of the decision to die does not lie in the 14th day of April, but in the 12th.

"Your word, Comrade Mauser"

Relatively recently, the case “On the suicide of V.V. Mayakovsky” was transferred from the Presidential Archive to the Museum of the Poet, along with the fatal browning, bullet and cartridge case. But the protocol of the inspection of the scene, signed by the investigator and the expert doctor, says that he shot himself with a "Mauser revolver, caliber 7.65, No. 312045." According to the certificate, the poet had two pistols - a browning and a bayard. And although Krasnaya Gazeta wrote about a revolver shot, eyewitness V.A. Katanyan mentions a Mauser, and N. Denisovsky, years later, Browning, it’s still hard to imagine that a professional investigator could confuse Browning with a Mauser.
Employees of the V.V. Mayakovsky Museum turned to the Russian Federal Center for Forensic Examinations with a request to conduct a study of the Browning pistol No. 268979, bullets and cartridge cases handed over to them from the Presidential Archive, and to establish whether the poet shot himself with this weapon?

A chemical analysis of the plaque in the Browning bore led to the conclusion that "the weapon was not fired after the last cleaning." But the bullet, once removed from Mayakovsky's body, really "is part of a 7.65 mm Browning cartridge of the 1900 model." So what's the deal? The examination showed: "The caliber of the bullet, the number of tracks, the width, the angle of inclination and the right-hand direction of the tracks indicate that the bullet was fired from a Mauser model 1914 pistol."

The results of experimental shooting finally confirmed that "the bullet of the 7.65 mm Browning cartridge was fired not from the Browning pistol No. 268979, but from the 7.65 mm Mauser".

Still, Mauser. Who changed weapons? In 1944, an employee of the NKGB, “talking” with the disgraced writer M.M. Zoshchenko, asked if he considered the cause of Mayakovsky’s death to be clear, to which the writer adequately replied: “It continues to remain mysterious. It is curious that the revolver from which Mayakovsky shot himself was presented to him by the famous Chekist Agranov.

Could it be that Agranov himself, to whom all the materials of the investigation flocked, changed weapons, adding Mayakovsky's Browning to the case? What for? Many people knew about the “gift”, besides, the Mauser was not registered for Mayakovsky, which could greatly backfire on Agranov himself (by the way, he was later shot, but for what?). However, this is out of the realm of conjecture. Let's better respect the last request of the poet: “...please don't gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly.”


At one of the concerts, a man of short stature jumped up to Vladimir Mayakovsky and shouted: “From the great to the ridiculous - one step!” Mayakovsky stepped towards him: "So I'm doing it."

But the brilliant Poet took not only a step from the great to the ridiculous. He crossed the line between life and death. Whether voluntarily or not, researchers of the life and work of V. V. Mayakovsky are still actively arguing about this.

His death caused a public outcry, came as a surprise to both his enemies and friends and relatives. It happened in Moscow on April 14, 1930 at 10:17 am. Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide by shooting himself in the heart point-blank.

For the fact that I'm dying, do not blame anyone and please
don't gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly.
Mom, sisters and comrades, I'm sorry - this is not the way
(I do not advise others), but I have no way out.
Lily love me.
Comrade government, my family is Lilya Brik,
mother, sisters and Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya.
If you give them a decent life, thank you.
Give the started poems to the Briks, they will figure it out.

As they say -
"Incident is over"
love boat
crashed into life.
I'm in with life
and no list
mutual pain,
and resentment.

Happy to stay.
Vladimir M, and I am k o v s k i y.
12/IV -30
Look carefully at the date of writing - April 12 (Mayakovsky died, I remind you, on the 14th). Does this mean that the Poet, already a few days before his death, was preparing to “lay hands on himself”?

By myself or not by myself? - that is the question.

There are many mysteries in Mayakovsky's death. The most controversial question is whether it was self murder?

Here the opinions of researchers diverge directly in opposite directions. Some claim that the Poet was killed. The main evidence, they believe, is the criminal case opened on the fact of Mayakovsky's death.

Most confident about intentional murder said V. I. Skoryatin. He conducted independent investigations and came to the conclusion: the nameless killer existed.
Film director S. Eisenstein also spoke about this: “He should have been removed. And they took him away."

However, officially, the experts revealed the "indisputable" fact of suicide. The word indisputable here is in quotation marks, since there is still heated debate on this issue.

Even more firewood is thrown into the "discussion fire" by the disagreements of scientists about the authenticity of the note (suicide letter). Skoryatin bases his doubts on the following: first of all, the note was written in pencil, "although the poet was very kind to his fountain pen and always used only it." And with the help of a pencil it is easy to imitate someone else's handwriting.
All the same S. Eisenstein notes that Mayakovsky did not write anything of the kind.

Re-opening of the body. Why, and what did it show?

Already in the evening of April 14, experts performed an autopsy and removed Mayakovsky's brain. Personally, this seems to me disgusting and unethical, despite the "good" scientific goals.
It is worth noting only that the brain did not have any significant deviations from the norm.

“... suddenly unceremoniously loud knocks were heard from his room: it seemed that only a tree could be cut like that. This was an opening of the skull. Mayakovsky’s brain was in the pelvis…” – V.P. Kataev, even thirty years later, could not forget this story.

On April 17, a second autopsy was performed. This was due to rumors about Mayakovsky's illness (as if he suffered from syphilis). However, the results of the survey refuted all sorts of gossip.

Has V. Mayakovsky's will been violated?

Speaking of gossip. The request of the deceased, noted in the very first lines (which indicates its significance), was not fulfilled: “...please do not gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly.”

But rumors spread around Moscow faster than news reports, and the death of the Poet became known even before the official “disclosure” (not without far-fetched details, however).

From the intelligence report:
“The news of Mayakovsky's suicide made a very strong impression on the public ...
Talk, gossip.
Newspaper reports of suicide, a romantic lining, an intriguing posthumous letter aroused an unhealthy curiosity among the layman for the most part.

Strange... Have you noticed that often the testaments of great people are not only not executed, but distorted or completely ignored?

“God thinks: wait, Vladimir!” Did the poet foretell his death?

Vladimir Mayakovsky, like many Geniuses of this world, predicted his own death. They talk about it, no - it is proclaimed by the lines of his poems:

“More and more often I think - is it not better to put a bullet point at my end”
“All the same, I know, I will die soon!”
("Spine Flute")

"And the heart is eager for a shot, and the throat is raving with a razor"
"Put a beam around your neck"

"One has only to stretch out one's hand - a bullet will instantly draw a thundering path into the afterlife"("About it")

“Well, get out.
I'll get stronger.
See how calm!
Like a pulse
("A cloud in pants")

Not only in his works, but also in his speeches, the Poet repeatedly mentioned the possibility of suicide.

Why did a great poet pass away?

The exact causes of suicide are still not clear.
For example, A. Potapov writes about the influence personal anxiety Poet to his fate.
He notes that Mayakovsky was characterized by sharp fluctuations in mood, impressionability. Success inspired him, failures made him depressed.

Internal tension, an exaggerated fear of getting sick (associated with the death of Mayakovsky's father), frequent mood swings, a thirst for fame, failures in the love sphere - all this greatly influenced the tragic outcome of his life.

According to the memoirs of Lily Brik, Mayakovsky tried to commit suicide more than once. On July 18, 1916, he made his first attempt to shoot himself, but the weapon misfired. The second case took place on October 11, 1917, which also turned out to be unsuccessful. In the Poet's diary, these dates are marked with the following words: "Immediately, somehow, there was absolutely nothing to live for."

And only for the fateful third time did a ruthless piece of metal stop the heartbeat of the great and unique Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky ...

But understand: incomparable right
Choose your own death

85 years ago, on April 17, 1930, the body of the famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky was cremated in Moscow.

On April 14, 1930, at his apartment, in house number 3 on Lubyansky passage, the poet committed suicide, leaving a suicide note:

Don't blame anyone for dying and please don't gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly.
Mom, sisters and comrades, forgive me - this is not the way (I do not advise others), but I have no way out.
Lily - love me.
Comrade government, my family is Lilya Brik, mother, sisters and Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya. -
If you give them a decent life, thank you.
Give the poems you have started to the Briks, they will figure it out.
As they say - "the incident is ruined", the love boat crashed into everyday life
I am counting on life and there is no need for a list of mutual pains, troubles and insults.
happy to stay

12/4-30 years.

“Comrades Vappovtsy, do not consider me cowardly, seriously - nothing can be done. Hello.
Tell YERMILOV that it’s a pity he took off the slogan, it would be necessary to quarrel.
In the table I have 2000 rubles. enter in the tax. Get the rest with GIZ

On April 15, 16, 17, 150,000 people passed by the coffin of Mayakovsky through the hall of the writers' club. The pictures taken by Ilya Ilf on April 17 during the funeral have been preserved. On one of them, Valentin Kataev, Iosif Utkin, a very gloomy Mikhail Bulgakov, lost Yuri Olesha.

Yuri Olesha tells V. Meyerhold in a letter dated April 30, 1930: “The funeral made a grand impression: the entire Povarskaya from Kudrinskaya to Arbat was packed with people, people stood on the fences, on the roofs. There were 60 thousand behind the coffin, if not more. They fired at the crematorium into the air to make it possible to bring the coffin through the gate. There was a crush, there were trams - if he knew that he was loved and known so much, he would not have shot himself ... ”

Ilf and Petrov in their sketches for the novel The Great Combinator (1930) have an entry: “Ostap at Mayakovsky's funeral. Police chief, apologizing for the mess:

He had no experience in the funeral of poets. When another such person dies, then I will know how to bury.

And the only thing the police chief did not know was that such a poet happens once in a century.”

Vladimir Mayakovsky, one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, was among the first Russian people whose bodies were cremated. The procedure took place in the Donskoy crematorium in Moscow, later the ashes were transferred to the Novodevichy cemetery.

Newspaper excerpts:

"April 17 at 6:30 p.m. the furnace of the Moscow crematorium will incinerate the body of the poet Mayakovsky with the heat of its thousand degrees. It will burn the one in whose brain big and hot thoughts were hatched and born. Maybe as hot as the flame of the cremation oven" . (newspaper "Trud")

"942nd day of work of the crematorium.
April 17, 1930.
Surname, name, patronymic: Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Age: 36 years old.
Time: 7 hours 35 minutes.
(registration book of the crematorium)

Description of an eyewitness farewell:
"... Mayakovsky's funeral took place on the third day after his death... The coffin with the body is lifted onto a truck sheathed with iron sheets. No flowers, the coffin has a single iron wreath of hammers, flywheels and screws with a laconic inscription "Iron wreath for an iron poet "...

The Mayakovsky Funeral Commission determined that the poet's body would be cremated in the #crematorium of the Donskoy Monastery, which opened about three years ago and its use was still a novelty in Moscow, a kind of "avant-garde", which corresponded to the image of the deceased...

An armored truck floats through a crowd of thousands of Muscovites who came to see the poet off on his last journey. Mounted police officers are trying to restore order in this unforeseen and unorganized grandiose funeral procession. Here is the crematorium of the Donskoy Monastery, from the chimney of which black smoke is pouring ... "

“Lilya Yurievna and Osip Maksimovich made the whole journey on foot with a young acquaintance, Varshavskaya-Krasnoshchekova, who later recalled: “... There were trams on the Arbat, new people poured in, and we found ourselves torn off from the car with the coffin. So, with difficulty keeping in the head of the procession, we reached the crematorium. The gate was closed as the crowd broke into the yard and there might have been a stampede, but somehow we managed to get into the yard. Mounted police were at the entrance to the crematorium. We sat down on a bench. And then Lilechka said that we would sit here until everything was over. Suddenly, a mounted policeman shouts: "Brik! Where is Brik? They are demanding Brik!" - it turns out that the mother of the poet Alexandra Alekseevna did not want to say goodbye to her son and allow cremation without Lily Yurievna. ...Osya and Lilya went to the crematorium..."

The last minutes of farewell... The "Internationale" sounds... The coffin with the body of the poet descends into the heat of an all-devouring flame. The shutters are closing. It's all over ... A few days after the cremation, the Briks, having phoned the Mayakovskys, went with them to the crematorium of the Donskoy Monastery. There, with them, the urn with the ashes of Mayakovsky was placed on a special hill in the columbarium. Here she had to stand for 22 years... Despite the fact that the urn with the ashes of Mayakovsky occupied an honorable place in the columbarium, over time it became clear that such a primitive "burial" of a famous poet did not correspond to his social status and that this should be somehow corrected position.

And only on May 22, 1952, the urn with the ashes of Vladimir Mayakovsky was transferred from the columbarium of the crematorium of the Donskoy Monastery to the Novodevichy cemetery.

This happened on April 14, 1930 in Moscow, in Lubyansky passage. A shot rang out in the working room of Vladimir Mayakovsky. Disputes whether the poet died voluntarily or was killed have not subsided to this day.
One of its participants, Professor of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslov, tells about the virtuoso investigation of the experts.

Versions and facts

On April 14, 1930, Krasnaya Gazeta reported: “Today at 10:17 am, Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide in his working room with a revolver shot in the heart area. Arriving "ambulance" found him already dead. IN last days V.V. Mayakovsky did not reveal any spiritual discord and nothing foreshadowed a catastrophe.
In the afternoon, the body was transferred to the poet's apartment in Gendrikov Lane. The sculptor K. Lutsky removed the death mask, and badly - he tore off the face of the deceased. Employees of the Institute of the Brain removed Mayakovsky's brain, which weighed 1700 g. On the very first day, in the presector of the clinic of the medical faculty of Moscow State University, the pathologist Professor Talalay performed an autopsy, and on the night of April 17, a re-opening took place: due to rumors that the poet allegedly had a venereal disease, which have not been confirmed. The body was then cremated.

As with Yesenin, Mayakovsky's suicide caused different reactions and many versions. One of the "targets" was the 22-year-old Moscow Art Theater actress Veronika Polonskaya. It is known that Mayakovsky asked her to become his wife. It was she who was the last person to see the poet alive. However, the testimony of the actress, flatmates and the data of the investigation indicate that the shot rang out immediately after Polonskaya left Mayakovsky's room. So she couldn't shoot.

The version that Mayakovsky, not in a figurative, but in the literal sense, “lay down with his temple on the barrel”, put a bullet in his head, does not stand up to criticism. The poet's brain has been preserved to this day and, as employees of the Institute of the Brain rightly reported in those days, "according to external examination, the brain does not show any significant deviations from the norm."
A few years ago, in the program “Before and after midnight,” the well-known television journalist Vladimir Molchanov suggested that traces of TWO shots were clearly visible on Mayakovsky’s chest in a posthumous photograph.

This dubious hypothesis was dispelled by another journalist - V. Skoryatin, who conducted a thorough investigation. There was one shot, but he also believes that he was shot. Specifically, the head of the secret department of the OGPU Agranov, with whom, by the way, the poet was friends: hiding in the back room and waiting for Polonskaya to leave, Agranov enters the office, kills the poet, leaves a suicide letter and again goes out into the street through the back door. And then he rises to the scene as a Chekist. The version is amusing and almost fits into the laws of that time. However, without knowing it, the journalist unexpectedly helped the experts. Referring to the shirt that the poet was wearing at the time of the shot, he writes: “I examined it. And even with the help of a magnifying glass, he did not find traces of a powder burn. There is nothing on it but a brown stain of blood. So the shirt is saved!

Poet's shirt

Indeed, in the mid-1950s, L.Yu. Brik, who had the poet's shirt, handed it over to the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky - the relic was kept in a box and wrapped in soaked special composition paper. On the left side of the front of the shirt there is a through damage, dried blood is visible around it. Surprisingly, this "material evidence" was not subjected to examination either in 1930 or later. And how many disputes were around the photos!
Having received permission to study, I, without devoting to the essence of the matter, showed the shirt to a major specialist in forensic ballistics E.G.

Upon learning that the shot was fired more than 60 years ago, Safronsky noted that such examinations were not carried out in the USSR at that time. An agreement was reached: the specialists of the Federal Center for Forensic Expertise, where the shirt was transferred, would not know about its belonging to the poet - for the purity of the experiment.

So, a beige-pink cotton shirt is subject to research. Front placket with 4 mother-of-pearl buttons. The back of the shirt is cut with scissors from the collar to the bottom, as evidenced by the ledge-like edges of the cut and the even ends of the threads. But for the assertion that this particular shirt, bought by the poet in Paris, was on him at the time of the shot, it is not enough. In the photographs of Mayakovsky's body taken at the scene, the fabric pattern, texture, shape and localization of the blood stain, gunshot wound are clearly distinguishable. When the museum shirt was photographed from the same angle, magnification, and photo-aligned, all the details matched.

Experts from the Federal Center had a hard job - to find traces of a shot more than 60 years ago on a shirt and establish its distance. And there are three of them in forensic medicine and forensic science: a shot at point-blank range, from close and long distances. Linear cruciform injuries, characteristic of a point-blank shot, were found (they arise from the action of gases reflected from the body at the moment the projectile destroys the tissue), as well as traces of gunpowder, soot and scorching both in the injury itself and in adjacent areas of the tissue.

But it was necessary to identify a number of stable features, for which the diffuse-contact method was used, which does not destroy the shirt. It is known that when fired, a red-hot cloud flies out with a bullet, then the bullet outruns it and flies further. If they fired from a long distance, the cloud did not reach the object, if from a close one, the gas-powder suspension should have settled on the shirt. It was necessary to investigate the complex of metals that make up the shell of the bullet of the proposed cartridge.

The resulting impressions showed a small amount of lead in the area of ​​damage, and almost no copper was found. But thanks to the diffuse-contact method for the determination of antimony (one of the components of the capsule composition), it was possible to establish a vast zone of this substance with a diameter of about 10 mm around the damage with a topography characteristic of a side-stop shot. Moreover, the sectoral deposition of antimony said that the muzzle was pressed against the shirt at an angle. And intense metallization on the left side is a sign of firing from right to left, almost in a horizontal plane, with a slight downward slope.

From the "Conclusion" of the experts:

"one. The damage on the shirt of V.V.

2. Judging by the features of the damage, a short-barreled weapon (for example, a pistol) was used and a low-powered cartridge was used.

3. The small size of the blood-soaked area located around the entrance gunshot injury indicates its formation due to a simultaneous ejection of blood from the wound, and the absence of vertical blood streaks indicates that immediately after the injury, V.V. Mayakovsky was in a horizontal position, lying on the back.

4. The shape and small size of blood blots located below the damage, and the peculiarity of their location along the arc indicate that they arose as a result of the fall of small drops of blood from a small height onto the shirt in the process of moving down the right hand, spattered with blood, or with weapon in the same hand.

Is it possible to simulate suicide so carefully? Yes, in expert practice there are cases of staging one, two, less often five signs. But the whole complex of signs cannot be falsified. It has been established that drops of blood are not traces of bleeding from a wound: they fell from a small height from a hand or weapon. Even if we assume that Chekist Agranov (and he really knew his business) was a murderer and applied drops of blood after a shot, say, from a pipette, although according to the restored timing of events, he simply did not have time for this, it was necessary to achieve a complete coincidence of the localization of drops blood and the location of traces of antimony. But the reaction to antimony was discovered only in 1987. It was the comparison of the location of antimony and blood drops that became the pinnacle of this study.

Death autograph

The specialists of the laboratory of forensic handwriting examinations also had to work, because many, even very sensitive people, doubted the authenticity of the poet’s dying letter, written in pencil with almost no punctuation marks:

“Everyone. Don't blame anyone for dying, and please don't gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly. Mom, sisters and comrades, sorry, this is not the way (I do not advise others), but I have no way out. Lily - love me. My family is Lilya Brik, mother, sisters and Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya...
Love boat \ crashed into everyday life. \ I'm counting on life \ And there is no need for a list of \ Mutual \ troubles \ And insults. Happy to stay. \ Vladimir \ Mayakovsky. 12.IV.30"

From the "Conclusion" of the experts:

"The submitted letter on behalf of Mayakovsky was written by Mayakovsky himself under unusual conditions, the most likely cause of which is a psycho-physiological state caused by excitement."
There was no doubt about the dating - it was April 12, two days before death - "immediately before the suicide, the signs of unusualness would have been more pronounced." So the secret of the decision to die does not lie in the 14th day of April, but in the 12th.

"Your word, Comrade Mauser"

Relatively recently, the case “On the suicide of V.V. Mayakovsky” was transferred from the Presidential Archive to the Museum of the Poet, along with the fatal browning, bullet and cartridge case. But the protocol of the inspection of the scene, signed by the investigator and the expert doctor, says that he shot himself with a "Mauser revolver, caliber 7.65, No. 312045." According to the certificate, the poet had two pistols - a browning and a bayard. And although Krasnaya Gazeta wrote about a revolver shot, eyewitness V.A. Katanyan mentions a Mauser, and N. Denisovsky, years later, Browning, it’s still hard to imagine that a professional investigator could confuse Browning with a Mauser.

Employees of the V.V. Mayakovsky Museum turned to the Russian Federal Center for Forensic Examinations with a request to conduct a study of the Browning pistol No. 268979, bullets and cartridge cases handed over to them from the Presidential Archive, and to establish whether the poet shot himself with this weapon?

A chemical analysis of the plaque in the Browning bore led to the conclusion that "the weapon was not fired after the last cleaning." But the bullet, once removed from Mayakovsky's body, really "is part of a 7.65 mm Browning cartridge of the 1900 model." So what's the deal? The examination showed: "The caliber of the bullet, the number of tracks, the width, the angle of inclination and the right-hand direction of the tracks indicate that the bullet was fired from a Mauser model 1914 pistol."
The results of experimental shooting finally confirmed that "the bullet of the 7.65 mm Browning cartridge was fired not from the Browning pistol No. 268979, but from the 7.65 mm Mauser".

Still, Mauser. Who changed weapons? In 1944, an employee of the NKGB, “talking” with the disgraced writer M.M. Zoshchenko, asked if he considered the cause of Mayakovsky’s death to be clear, to which the writer adequately replied: “It continues to remain mysterious. It is curious that the revolver from which Mayakovsky shot himself was presented to him by the famous Chekist Agranov.
Could it be that Agranov himself, to whom all the materials of the investigation flocked, changed weapons, adding Mayakovsky's Browning to the case? What for? Many people knew about the “gift”, besides, the Mauser was not registered for Mayakovsky, which could greatly backfire on Agranov himself (by the way, he was later shot, but for what?). However, this is out of the realm of conjecture. Let's better respect the last request of the poet: “...please don't gossip. The dead man disliked this terribly.”

For the first time, a professional examination was carried out of the shirt in which the poet was found in his office on Lubyanka, his pistol and the fatal bulletIN At eleven o'clock in the morning on April 14, 1930, in Moscow, in Lubyansky passage, a shot was fired in the room of Vladimir Mayakovsky ... The Leningrad Krasnaya Gazeta reported: “Mayakovsky's suicide. Today, at 10:17 am, Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide in his working room with a revolver shot in the heart area. Arriving "Ambulance" found him already dead. Last few days
V.V. Mayakovsky did not reveal any spiritual discord, and nothing foreshadowed a catastrophe. On the night of yesterday, contrary to his usual habit, he did not spend the night at home. Returned home at 7 o'clock. morning. During the day he did not leave the room. He spent the night at home. This morning he went out somewhere and later a short time returned in a taxi, accompanied by the artist of the Moscow Art Theater X. Soon a shot rang out from Mayakovsky’s room, after which artist X ran out. An ambulance was immediately called, but Mayakovsky died before her arrival. Those who ran into the room found Mayakovsky lying on the floor, shot through the chest. The deceased left two notes: one - to his sister, in which he gives her money, and the other - to friends, where he writes that "he knows very well that suicide is not an option, but he has no other way ...".
Upon the death of V. Mayakovsky, a criminal case was opened, which was conducted by the investigator Syrtsov.
On the afternoon of April 14, Mayakovsky's body was transferred to an apartment in Gendrikov Lane, where he lived permanently. In a small room of the apartment at 20 o'clock, the scientists of the Institute of the Brain removed the poet's brain.
It is known that the last person who saw the poet alive was the 22-year-old actress of the Moscow Art Theater Veronika Polonskaya, who was in a hurry to rehearse that morning. V. Polonskaya recalled: “I left. She walked a few steps to the front door. There was a shot. My legs gave way, I screamed and rushed along the corridor, I could not force myself to enter.

Nameless killer?
Journalist-researcher V.I. Skoryatin managed to collect and analyze a wealth of factual material. Many facts from the life of the poet and people close to him before this study, published in the journal "Journalist" (1989-1994), and later in the book "The Secret of the Death of Vladimir Mayakovsky" (M., "Belfry-MG", 1998) , remained unknown.
He managed to establish that in 1930 in a communal apartment in Lubyansky passage, in which the poet's office was located, there was another small room, subsequently built up by a wall. “Now imagine,” the journalist reflects, “Polonskaya quickly descends the stairs. The door to the poet's room opens. On the threshold - someone. Seeing a weapon in his hands, Mayakovsky shouts indignantly ... Shot. The poet falls. The killer approaches the table. Leaves a letter on it. Lays the weapon on the floor. And then hides in the bathroom or toilet. And after the neighbors came running to the noise, he gets to the stairs through the back door. Well, a bold version, which, of course, requires weighty evidence.
In confirmation of the version of the poet's murder, the journalist cites a photograph in which Mayakovsky's body lies on the floor, "his mouth is open in a scream." V. Skoryatin asks: “A suicide screams before a shot?!”.
By the way, it could be. And you should also know that after death the human body relaxes, the muscles become soft, as if they come to a state of rest. The dead man's mouth opens slightly, the lower jaw droops, which, in fact, is reflected in the photograph.
Veronika Vitoldovna returned immediately after the shot. And when did “someone” manage to commit his atrocity, and even hide so that no one saw him?
Three "young" neighbors of Mayakovsky, as V. Skoryatin writes, at that time were in a "small room in the kitchen." Naturally, having heard a shot and jumping out into the corridor, they were bound to run into a man who was leaving the poet's room. However, neither the actress nor the "young neighbors" saw anyone.
Polonskaya claimed that Mayakovsky was lying on his back. But a number of researchers believe that the poet's body lay face down. However, photographs taken at the scene show the poet lying face up, with a dark spot on the shirt on the left. This is how blood usually looks in black and white photographs.
There were also sensational statements that Mayakovsky was shot twice ... In the program “Before and after midnight”, the well-known television journalist Vladimir Molchanov suggested that there were traces of two shots on the photograph of the dead Mayakovsky shown to him.
And there was a lot of gossip about the forensic medical examination of the poet's body. On the very first day, the famous professor-pathologist V. Talalaev performed an autopsy of the poet's body in the morgue of the medical faculty of Moscow State University. According to the memoirs of V. Sutyrin, on the night of April 17, a re-opening of the body took place due to the fact that rumors had spread that Mayakovsky allegedly had a venereal disease. An autopsy performed by Professor Talalaev found no signs of venereal disease.
Rumors and speculation about the death of Mayakovsky fanned an unhealthy hype, but at the same time pointed to the miscalculations of the investigators of the 30s.
The journalist Skoryatin, obviously, did not even imagine what a valuable service he rendered to the specialists by mentioning the shirt that Mayakovsky was wearing at the time of the shot. Therefore, the shirt survived! But this is the most valuable material evidence!
After the death of the poet, this relic was kept by L.Yu. Brik. In the mid-1950s, Lilya Yuryevna handed over the shirt to the museum for storage, about which there is a corresponding entry in the Museum's Book of Receipts.
In the special depository of the museum, L.E. Kolesnikova, head of the sector of material values, took out an oblong box, carefully unfolded several layers of paper impregnated with a special composition. It turns out that neither in the 1930s, nor in subsequent years, an examination of the shirt was carried out! An agreement was immediately reached with the museum that the shirt would be handed over to specialists for research.

Researchers of the Federal Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation E. Safronsky immediately began the study,
I. Kudesheva, a specialist in the field of traces of a shot, and the author of these lines is a forensic medical expert. First of all, it was necessary to establish that it was in this shirt, bought by the poet in Paris, that Mayakovsky was at the time of the shot.
In the photographs of Mayakovsky's body taken at the scene, the pattern of the fabric, the texture of the shirt, the shape and localization of the blood stain, the gunshot wound itself, are clearly distinguishable. These photos have been enlarged. The experts photographed the submitted shirt from the same angle and with the same magnification and carried out a photo alignment. All details matched.
From "Research": “On the left side of the front of the shirt there is one through damage of a rounded shape measuring 6 x 8 mm”. Thus, immediately burst version of the traces of two shots on the shirt. The results of microscopic examination, the shape and size of the damage, the state of the edges of this damage, the presence of a defect (absence) of the tissue made it possible to conclude that the gunshot nature of the hole that arose from a shot by a single projectile.
It is known that in order to determine whether a person shot himself or was shot at him, it is necessary to establish the distance of the shot. In forensic medicine and forensics, it is customary to distinguish three main distances: point-blank shot, close-range shot, and long-range shot. If it is established that on April 14, 1930, in the room of V.V. Mayakovsky, a shot sounded from a long distance, which means that someone shot at the poet ...
The specialists faced a tense and painstaking work- find signs characterizing the distance of a shot that sounded more than 60 years ago.
From the "Conclusion": "1. Damage on the shirt of V.V. Mayakovsky is an input gunshot, formed when fired from a “side stop” distance in the direction from front to back and somewhat from right to left, almost in a horizontal plane.
2. Judging by the characteristics of the damage, a short-barreled weapon (for example, a pistol) was used and a low-powered cartridge was used.
3. The small size of the blood-soaked area located around the entrance gunshot injury indicates its formation due to a simultaneous ejection of blood from the wound, and the absence of vertical blood streaks indicates that immediately after V.V. Mayakovsky was in a horizontal position, lying on his back.
So the dispute over the position of Mayakovsky's body after the shot is over.
"4. The shape and small size of the blood blots located below the damage, and the peculiarity of their location along the arc, indicate that they arose as a result of the fall of small drops of blood from a small height onto the shirt in the process of moving down the right hand, splashed with blood, or from the weapon, in the same hand."
Detection of traces of a shot at a side stop, the absence of traces of a struggle and self-defense are typical for a shot fired own hand.
Neither the prescription of the shot, nor the treatment of the shirt with a special composition should serve as an obstacle to the conduct of complex medical ballistic examinations. Thus, the conducted research has not only historical, but also scientific interest.

Death autograph
“He was without a jacket. The jacket hung on a chair and there was a letter, his last letter, which he wrote, ”recalled the artist N.F. Denisovsky. From this room - "boats", as the poet liked to call it, rumors have reached our days that this letter was not written by Mayakovsky. Moreover, the name of the "author" of the letter was also given.
But it is impossible to forge handwriting so that this forgery is not revealed by forensic specialists. Only now, work is underway abroad on the possibility of a computer (!) Forgery of handwriting.
How many copies were crossed around the suicide letter, done in pencil, almost without punctuation marks: “Everyone. Don't blame anyone for dying and please don't gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly ... ".
It never occurred to anyone to take into account this dying request of the poet.
The letter was submitted in December 1991 for examination to the laboratory of forensic handwriting examinations of the All-Russian Research Institute of Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (now the Federal Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation). The question was put before the experts: to establish whether the said letter was executed by Mayakovsky V.V. or by another person.
Yu.N. Pogibko and senior researcher of the same laboratory, candidate of legal sciences R.Kh. Panov. The “Conclusions” made by the experts are fully consistent with the research part: “The handwritten text of a suicide letter on behalf of Mayakovsky V.V., beginning with the words “To everyone. Don’t blame anyone for the fact that I’m dying ... ”, and ending with the words“ ... You will receive the rest from Gr.V.M. ”, dated 12.04.30, was made by Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich himself.
This text was written by Mayakovsky V.V. under the influence of some factors that “knock down” his usual writing process, among which the most likely is an unusual psychophysiological state associated with excitement”
. But the letter was written not on the day of the suicide, but earlier: "Immediately before suicide, the signs of unusualness would have been more pronounced." The letter, according to experts, indeed it was written on April 12, as the poet dated it.
Researchers of creativity V.V. Mayakovsky, journalists tried to find a criminal case on the "fact of Mayakovsky's death." However, it was nowhere to be found... In order to put an end to the research, to verify the results we obtained, it was necessary to have Delo. But there was no "Deed" ...

Yezhov folder
Materials about the death of Mayakovsky were kept in the Presidential Archive, but in a completely different folder, and were finally transferred to the special depository of the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky. Museum director S.E. Strizhneva kindly agreed to acquaint me with the documents.
I am sitting in Svetlana Evgenievna's small cozy office. In front of me is a cardboard gray folder, an inscription in large black print immediately catches my eye: “NIKOLAI IVANOVICH EZHOV.” Below - "Started on April 12, 1930. Finished on January 24, 1958." In the folder - the second folder: "Criminal case no. 02 - 29. 1930 About the suicide of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. Started April 14, 1930. Consequently, the case "On the suicide of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky" was under the control of the almighty and sinister secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, who oversaw administrative bodies including the security agencies. In the folder - just a few sheets of already slightly yellowed paper. Here are excerpts from the protocol of the inspection of the scene of the incident, with spelling observance:
The corpse of Mayakovsky lies on the floor.
In the middle of the room on the floor on his back lies the corpse of Mayakovsky. Lies head to front door... The head is slightly turned to the right, the eyes are open, the pupils are dilated, the mouth is half open. There is no rigor mortis. On the chest, 3 cm above the left nipple, there is a wound of a rounded shape, with a diameter of about two thirds of a centimeter. The circumference of the wound is slightly stained with blood. There is no exit hole. On the right side on the back in the area of ​​the last ribs under the skin, a solid foreign body is palpable, not significant in size. The corpse is dressed in a shirt ... on the left side of the chest, according to the described wound, there is a hole on the shirt irregular shape, with a diameter of about one centimeter, around this hole the shirt is stained with blood for a ten centimeter. Circumference of shirt opening with traces of opal. Between the legs of the corpse lies a revolver of the Mauser system, caliber 7.65 No. 312045 (this revolver was taken by Comrade Gendin to the GPU). Not a single cartridge was found in the revolver. On the left side of the corpse at a distance from the body lies an empty spent cartridge case from a Mauser revolver of the specified caliber.
duty investigator
/signature/. Medical expert
/signature/. Witnesses /signatures/”.

The protocol was drawn up at an extremely low methodological level. But what we have, we have ...
Pay attention: "On the right side on the back, in the area of ​​the last ribs, a solid foreign body is palpable, not significant in size."
The presence of a “foreign object” under the skin in the region of the lower right ribs, obviously, suggested that the shot was fired from left to right, i.e. left hand. Experts, on the other hand, are aware of the possibility of changing the direction of a bullet's flight in the body when it encounters an obstacle.
Professors A.P. Gromov and V.G. Naumenko pointed out: “Different densities also affect the diameter of the channel, as well as internal rebound (change in the direction of the bullet). Ricochet can occur not only from a meeting with a bone, but also with soft tissues. American experts call such bullets "wandering". And in this case, a bullet from a low-power cartridge, having met with an obstacle (vertebra, rib, etc.), slid down and, having lost its destructive power, got stuck in the subcutaneous fat, where it was palpated in the form of a “solid foreign body”.
Examining the shirt, not knowing the protocol, the experts turned out to be right: the shot was fired at close range Mayakovsky's body lay on his back. The memory did not fail V.V. Polonskaya: "He looked straight at me and tried to raise his head...".
Next sheet:
"Report. ... on this date at 11 o'clock I arrived at the scene of the incident along Lubyansky passage, 3, apt. No. 12, where the writer Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich shot himself ... subsequently, employees of the MUR arrived ... early. secret department Agranov ... Olievsky withdrew a suicide note. The forensic medical expert found that Mr. Mayakovsky committed suicide by shooting himself with a Mauser revolver in the heart, after which instant death occurred.
V.V. During the interrogation, Polonskaya confirmed the facts known to us.
On the second day after the death of V.V. Mayakovsky was summoned for questioning by citizens Krivtsov N.Ya., Skobeleva and other neighbors. None of them could categorically assert that Polonskaya was in Mayakovsky's room at the time of the shot.
In Mayakovsky's entourage there were many familiar Chekists. But it should be remembered that in those years the very word "chekist" was surrounded by a romantic halo. In particular, the poet was friends with Ya.S. Agranov, head of the secret department of the OGPU. Moreover, Agranov gave Mayakovsky, a great lover of weapons, a gun. Agranov, subsequently shot, is a sinister figure. It was Agranov who received operational information collected by agents after the death of the poet. On the pages of once secret documents, you can find the most unexpected things.
"FROM. secret.
From 9 o'clock. on st. Vorovskogo,
52, where the corpse of Mayakovsky is located, the public began to gather and by 10.20
3000 people. At 11 o'clock the public was let through to Mayakovsky's coffin. Standing in line ... about the cause of Mayakovsky's suicide and the political nature of the conversation is not heard.
Pom. early 3 sec. Operoda
"Start. SO OGPU Comrade Agranov.
Agent-information summary
5 sec. SO OGPU No. 45 of April 18, 1930
The news of Mayakovsky's suicide made a very strong impression on the public ... Talk exclusively about the romantic cause of death. From the conversations, the following can be emphasized ...
Talk, gossip.
Newspaper reports of suicide, a romantic lining, an intriguing posthumous letter aroused an unhealthy curiosity in most of the layman.
... The newspaper hype about Mayakovsky was called a clever collision for fools. Before the face of foreign countries, before public opinion abroad, it was necessary to present the death of Mayakovsky as the death of a revolutionary poet who died because of a personal drama.
The report of Syrtsov (the investigator) about Mayakovsky's long-term illness is considered extremely unsuccessful. They talk about syphilis and so on.
Beginning 5 sec. SO OGPU /Signature/”.
Even after many years, the state security agencies tried to "probe" the mood of the intelligentsia, its attitude towards the death of Mayakovsky. I happened to get acquainted with the "Protocol of Conversation"
MM. Zoshchenko with an employee of the Leningrad Directorate of the NKGB, held on July 20, 1944:
“22. Do you now consider the cause of Mayakovsky's death clear?
“She continues to be mysterious. It is curious that the revolver from which Mayakovsky shot himself was a gift from the famous Chekist Agranov.
23. Does this suggest that Mayakovsky's suicide was provocatively prepared?
"Maybe. Anyway, it's not about women. Veronika Polonskaya, about whom there were so many different guesses, told me that she was not intimately close to Mayakovsky.
The dignity and courage with which the disgraced Zoshchenko carried himself during the so-called conversation, and in fact, the interrogation, is striking.

Forensic conclusion
In the name of the director of the Russian Federal Center for Forensic Examinations, the director of the State Museum of Mayakovsky S.E. A letter was sent to Strizhneva with a request to conduct a study of the Browning pistol, bullet and cartridge case received by the museum from the Presidential Archive, from the materials of Mayakovsky's investigation file ...
Let's get back to the Protocol: "... lies a revolver of the Mauser system, caliber 7.65". What kind of weapon did Mayakovsky shoot himself with? According to certificate No. 4178/22076, Mayakovsky had two pistols: the Browning systems and the Bayard systems - short-barreled weapons. Maybe the shot was fired from a Browning? But I do not believe that a professional investigator could confuse a Browning with a Mauser.
On the table in front of the experts - a spent cartridge case, a bullet and a holster with a weapon. With a habitual movement, Emil Grigorievich removes from his holster ... Browning No. 268979!
“As a result of the study, a complex of signs was revealed, indicating that from the weapon submitted for examination ... a shot (shots) was not fired (shots were not fired),” S. Nikolaeva established. Means, Is the wrong weapon attached to the case file as material evidence? The examination of the bullet extracted from the body of Mayakovsky and the cartridge case, also attached to the case, was carried out by expert E.G. Safronsky. After examining the bullet, the expert dispassionately writes: "The established data indicate that the presented bullet is part of a 7.65 mm Browning cartridge of the 1900 model."
So what's the deal? But then the expert established that the bullet under study was fired from a Mauser pistol, model 1914. "Nevertheless,- the expert continues the research, - to check the version of the possibility of firing the bullet under investigation from the Browning pistol No. .65 mm Browning cartridge model 1900 was fired ... from a Mauser pistol model 1914 in 7.65 mm caliber. The case of a 7.65 mm Browning cartridge of the 1900 model presented for research was fired, expert Safronsky established, not in the Browning pistol No. 268979, but in the Mauser pistol of the 1914 model of the 7.65 mm caliber.
Consequently, the shot was fired from a Mauser! Brilliant research! It was the Mauser that was noted in the inspection report.
Who changed weapons? Let us recall the protocol of the “conversation” between the NKGB officer and M.M. Zoshchenko: “It is curious that the revolver from which Mayakovsky shot himself was presented to him by the famous Chekist Agranov.” Didn't Agranov himself change weapons, adding Mayakovsky's Browning to the case?

Instead of an epilogue
The decision to die in the vast majority of cases is an intimate matter: to close yourself in a room and not see anyone else.
We will never know what really happened to Vladimir Vladimirovich. He was a very great poet with an absolutely unprotected emotional life. Suicide is always associated with deep layers of the psyche. The spiritual world of man is a mysterious and silent space...

Alexander MASLOV, professor of forensic medicine, forensic expert
