Homework card file on lexical topics "Migratory birds", "Wintering birds", "Winter", "New Year. Homework speech therapy assignments on vocabulary topics Homework winter for children

Articulatory gymnastics "Fence", "Ball", "Horse"

Game "Pick a sign". (write down the child's answers)

Jacket (what?) -.

Gloves (what?) -

Scarf (what?) -

Coat (what?) -

"Prompt" word, finish rhyme. Color this thing. What do you see clothes? Rain, cry harder.I will put on a new one ...

"Forest. Mushrooms and berries "

Articulatory gymnastics: "Swing", "Hours", "Tasty Jam"

"There are many things in the forest" (write down the answers from the words of the child)

Mushroom - mushrooms - many mushrooms berry - ____________________________

Wood- _______________________________ bush- ______________________________

Sheet- _________________________________ honeycomb -___________________________

Flower- ______________________________ branch- ______________________________

"Big small" ( play a game with your child,)

Mushroom - fungus, mushroom berry - berry

Tree-tree bush-bush

Leaf - leaf bird - bird

Flower - flower branch - twig.

Exercise. Draw the mushroom ... (child draws) Guess and color the berry ____________

The theme is "My apartment".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

Intime for a joint walk in the city of rasswatch residential buildings with a child, paying attention to the fact thatwhathouses are different: one-story and multi-story, kachangeable and wooden;

Take a close look at the house where the child livesOK,count how many floors it has, on which floor it islives, is there an elevator in the house and what is it for, rememberhome address;

Take a “tour” around your apartment with your child,turningattention to how many of which rooms are in it, explaining their purpose

Assignment 2 ... Account "Cheerful account".

One house, two houses, three houses, four houses, five houses (balcony, window, wall, pipe)


Articulatory gymnastics: "Window", "Mushroom", "Pussy"

Exercise 1. Consider the drawing. What items are hidden? Name and circle

them along the contour with colored pencils.

Assignment 2 Find a pair: connect the cup and saucer. " Color the pictures



Task 1. Guess what you need to draw in the empty windows and finish drawing.

Task 2. Game "Cheerful account". Up to 5

One chair, two chairs, three ...,

One shelf, two shelves, ...,

One armchair, two armchairs, ...

. (wardrobe, table, bed, sofa).

Task 3. Confusion. Artist

didn't know how to arrange furniture

in the room, and drew everything together.

What kind of furniture do you see here?

Name ... (Write down the answers)

Wild animals p.

Articulatory gymnastics: "Pancake", "The ship is buzzing"

Exercise 1 ... Game "Who - Who?"

The bear has a teddy bear, the wolf has _______________, fox -_______________

The squirrel has _________________; the hedgehog has ___________________;

The bear has cubs, the wolf has _________________________.

Task 2. AND game "Name a family"


dad is a bear

mom - honey veditsa

cub (s) - bear cub (cubs)





Task 3. AND gra "Who lives where?" .

In the hole lives (who?) - a fox.In the den - _____________ In the hollow - _________

In the den - ________________

Red cheat. Sly, dexterous.

Migratory birds theme

Articulating gymnastics: accordion, shoulder blade, slide.

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

to introduce the child to migratory birds: the crane,goose, swan, duck,

starling, rook, stork, heron, swallow, nightingale, etc .;

    consider their appearance in the illustrations, indicatingfeatures;

explain why they are called migratory, rasskknow where and when they fly away;

    pay attention to those birds that remain in the wintervat.

Task 2. The game “Flies away - does not fly away”.

(An adult calls a bird, and a child answersem -

whether she flies away for the winter or not.)

Assignment 3 . Name and show body parts of birds.

(beak, tail, two legs, body covered with feathers and down, wings)

Task 4. Game "One-many"

Cuckoo -cuckoos, crane - cranes, starling - starlings,

nightingale - nightingales, lark - larks, swan - swans,

rook - rooks, duck - ducks, swallow - swallows,

rook - rooks, stork - storks, goslings - goslings.

Task 5. The game "Who gives a voice".

The cuckoo - cuckoo, the swallow - chirps, the starling - sings,

the crane is chuckling, the duck is quacking, the goose is cackling.

Task 6. The game "Who has who."

At the cuckoo -cuckoo, cuckoo.Havecrane - crane, cranes.

The starling has a little nestling bird. A swan has a swan, swans.

The rook has a rook, rooks. The duck has a duckling, ducklings.

The stork has storks, storks. The goose has goslings, goslings.

Task 5. Game "Pick a sign"

Birds (what?) - beautiful, singing, vociferous, migratory, caring, etc.

Task 6. Game "Name it affectionately".

Swan - swan, nightingale - nightingale,

crane - crane, starling - starling

duck - duck

Task 7. How much for drawing of the same birds? Color them.

The theme “Winter. Signs of winter ”.

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

talk with your child about what time of year it is, while you shouldremind what changes have occurred in nature, what happens to the stomachplants and plants in winter, as animals in the forest endure cold and hunger, asbirds behave in winter;

    draw the child's attention to the characteristic signs of winter, name winter clothes.

    name the winter months

Task 2. Game "Pick a sign".

snow (what?) -…, frost(what?) - ..., icicle(which?) - …,

winter (what?) - ..., snowflake (what?) - ....

Task 3. Exercise children in the selection of nouns for verbs

comes (what?) - ..., knocks down(what?)-..., whistle(what?) - …,

raging (what?) -... is spinning (what?)-..., freezes (what?) - ..,

glitters (what?)-..., sculpt (what?)-....

Task 4. Exercise children in expanding the verb vocabulary:

snow (what does it do?) -…, ice(what is he doing?) -....

Task 5. Game "One - many":

snowflake - snowflakes snowdrift - drifts, icicle - icicles,

slide - slides, frost - frosts, blizzard - blizzards,

blizzard - blizzards, snow - snowballsSnow Maiden - Snow Maiden.

Task 6. Cut and paste a picture of a winter landscape.

Task 7. Color the same snowflakes.

The theme is "Winter fun".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

Ask the child what time of year it is, what games children like to play in winter, what they need for winter games;

Task 2. Game "Who needs what?"

A skier needs skis

hockey player - ...,

skater - ...,

to luge -….

Task 3. Game "Fix the mistake" (for logical thinking).

The skier needs a sled. A skater needs skis. The hockey player needs a sled.

In winter, children ride a bicycle, play ball, mold a snow woman, jump rope, play football, sunbathe, build a snow fort.

Task 4. The game "Count".

One snowman, two snowmen, three snowmen, four snowmen, five snowmen (gift).

One snowflake, two snowflakes, three snowflakes, four snowflakes, five snowflakes (Snow Maiden, slide).

Assignment 5 ... Game "Pick a sign".

Winter (what?) - long, harsh, snowy, frosty, cold,….

Weather (what?) - frosty, sunny, cloudy

Snow (what?) - white, fluffy, cold, shiny,….

Ice (what?) - slippery, transparent, cold, hard,

Task 6. Prepare a retelling of the story "Yolka" .

Dad brought a Christmas tree from the forest. The tree was put on the floor. The guys decoratedtree. We hung up toys, balls, candies. The tree was elegant, beautiful,fluffy. Children played around the tree. And Santa Claus played. It was funguys!

Assignment 7 . Draw a decorated Christmas tree.

Poultry theme.

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

    consider with the child illustrations depicting pets
    birds and their families (chicken - rooster - chickens, duck - drake - ducklings,
    goose - goose - goslings, turkey - turkey - turkey poults);

    explain to the child that these birds are called pets, why
    they are called so;

    to consolidate the names of birds and words denoting and defining
    their appearance and habits;

    clarify where they live, what they eat and what benefits they bring
    (egg, feather, meat), how a person looks after them.

Assignment 2 ... Game "Who gives a voice?"

a duck quacks, a goose cackles, a chicken cackles,

rooster crows,the turkey is chattering.

Task 3. Game "One - many"

chicken - chickens, chicken - chickens, turkey -turkeys,

turkey - turkeys, gosling - goslings, rooster - roosters,

duck - ducklings, duck - ducks, etc.

Task 4. The game "Who has who?"

The duck has a ducklingducklings, a chicken - ..., a goose - ..., a turkey -...

Task 5. The game "Fix error "

A duck has goslings, a turkey has chickens, a hen has ducklings,geese - turkey poults.

Task 6. Cut out pictures of poultry and their babies, make a picture of them "Poultry yard".

Task 7. Learn a poem:

The chicken went out for a walk, nibble fresh grass,

And behind her are the chickens - the yellow children.

"Co - co - co, co - co - co - co, do not go far,

Row with your paws, look for grains! "

Task 8. Color the same objects in the same color.

Topic: Traffic rules

Articulating gymnastics: turkeys, slide, fungus.

Talk to your child about traffic rules.

Remember what the signs look like and what they mean.

Topic: New Year's Holidays.

Color and decorate the tree.

Bederdinova Marina Valerievna

teacher - speech therapist MBDOU

"DSKV" No. 56


Homework card

"Migratory birds" No. 1

Game "Change words by pattern"

Pattern: swallow - swallows - many swallows.

Cuckoo -

Nightingale -

Starling -

Crane -

Swan -

Homework card

"Migratory birds" No. 2

Form new words according to the model: The crane has long legs - a long-legged crane.
Long beak -

Short tail -

Black eyes -

Sharp beak -

Large wing -

Homework card

"Migratory birds" No. 3

The game “Who is superfluous? Why?"

Swallow, tit, nightingale, starling.

Tit, bullfinch, crow, heron.

Swallow, nightingale, penguin, swan.

Homework card

"Migratory birds" No. 4

Count the birds game

Sample: one stork, two storks, three storks, four storks, five storks.

Homework card

"Wintering birds" No. 1

Game "One - many"

Sample: bullfinch - bullfinches.

Tit -

Pigeon -

Magpie -

Sparrow -

Crow -

Capercaillie -

Waxwing -

Nuthatch -

Homework card

"Wintering birds" No. 2

Sample: magpie - chirps.

Sparrow -

Tit - (tinkering)

Pigeon -

Crow -

Homework card

"Wintering birds" No. 3

Retell the text "Feeder"
Children saw birds at the school in winter. They threw crumbs of bread at them. At first, the birds were afraid, and then they ate all the bread. The next day the birds came again. The children took the box, hung it on a branch and poured the beans. The feeder came out. The children fed the birds until spring.

Homework card

"Wintering birds" No. 4

Pick up 4-5 words (signs):

Woodpecker (what?) -

Sparrow (what?) -

Owl (what?) -

Bullfinch (what?) -

Homework card "Winter" No. 1

Game "Pick 4-5 words (signs)

Snow (what?) -

Frost (what?) -

Snowflakes (what?) -

Icicle (what?) -

Homework card "Winter" No. 2

Winter came. There is white snow all around. The trees are bare. The insects are sleeping. The animals hid in holes. Children are happy about winter. They go skiing and skating.

Homework card "Winter" No. 3

Game "Name in one word"

Sample: skating - skater.

Skates -

Sledding -

Skiing -

Plays hockey -

Is engaged in figure skating -

Homework card "Winter" No. 4

Retell the text. An adult reads it 2 times.
We blinded three snowballs in the courtyard: one large, another smaller, and the third very small. They put a lump on someone. Then they stuck hands on the snowman. They thrust a broom into his hands. Then we made a mouth, embers instead of eyes, carrots instead of a nose. They put a bucket on my head.

Homework card"New Year" number 1

Retell the text. An adult reads 2 times.
There is a Christmas tree in the kindergarten. At the tree is Santa Claus, big, gray-haired, in a red fur coat, in a fur hat, in white felt boots, with a stick in his hand. The guys liked him very much. Sasha looked at him, looked, came up and touched him. Santa Claus stirred, raised his head and asked loudly:
- Who woke me up?
-It's me, Sasha.
- Thank you, Sasha, otherwise I almost overslept the holiday, I would have to take gifts to the forest.

Homework card"New Year" number 2

Pick up 4-5 words (signs):

Christmas tree (what?) -

Holiday (what?) -

Santa Claus (what?) -

Snow Maiden (what?) -

Gifts (what?) -

The theme “Winter. Winter fun "

Dear Parents! When walking with children, pay attention to winter phenomena in nature. It's snowing frequently in the winter. Watch how it falls, how during the snowfall the snow swirls in the air. Ask the children where he lays down. After a snowfall, if possible, show what high snowdrifts are covered on the street, how the streets are cleared with snowplows. In frosty weather, consider individual snowflakes-stars with children. Tell your child about the signs of winter, fix the names of the winter months. Chat about children's activities in winter: ice skating, skiing, sledding, snowballing, making a snowman, and more.

Many children try to taste the snow. Show them that snow can be dirty: put snow in a cup, it will melt indoors, and dirty water will remain at the bottom.

Development of fine motor skills

"We went for a walk in the yard"

We went for a walk in the yard

One, two, three, four, five,

(Curl your fingers one at a time.)

We came to the yard for a walk.

They sculpted the snow woman.

(Simulate the modeling of lumps.)

The birds were fed with crumbs,

(Crumble the bread with all your fingers.)

Then we rode down the hill.

(Lead with a forefinger
the cement of the right hand on the palm of the left hand.)

And they were lying in the snow.

(Put your palms on the table with one side or the other.)

Everyone came home in the snow

(Brush off your palms.)

We ate the soup and went to bed.

(Make movements with an imaginary spoon, put your hands under your cheek.)

What is superfluous and why?

  • Skis, sledges, skates, cornflower.
  • Winter, spring, December, autumn.
  • Autumn, winter, Christmas, spring.
  • Skiing, winter, sledging, ice skating.

"Name it affectionately"







sleigh sleds,



"How are they similar and not similar?"

Development of the ability to compare concepts.

Ice and snow

Ice and glass

Ice and mirror

Snow and cotton wool.

"How does it happen?"

Snow - white, soft, light, fluffy, sticky, cold, shiny, silvery, sparkling, falling.

Winter is cold, merry, harsh, wicked, frosty, long, blizzard.

Snowflakes are white, light, shaggy, fluffy, beautiful, patterned.

"Pick up related words"

Snow - snowball, snowballs, snowflake, snowfall, snow maiden, snowdrop, bullfinch.

Winter - hibernation, wintry, hibernation, hibernation, hibernation.

Frost - frost, freeze, freezer, frosty, ice cream.

Ice - ice floe, ice, glacier, drift of ice, ice, ice.

Learn a poem

"Snow rabbit"

We made a snowball

The ears were made later.

And just instead of eyes

We found the coals.

The rabbit came out alive

He has a tail and a head.

Don't pull on the mustache

From straws they are.

Thin, shiny

Like real ones.

Vegetables theme

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

Consider natural vegetables at home with your child: cartoffe,

cucumber, carrots, cabbage, beans, beets, pumpkin,radishes, peas,

onions, peppers;

    explain that all this can be called in one word"vegetables";

    pay attention to the following signs of vegetables: color,shape, taste;

    if possible, tell and show the child where and howgrow vegetables that are made from them (soup, salad, vinaigrette ...) ",

Task 2. Game "Big - small"

cucumber - gherkin, tomato - tomato

(pepper, cabbage, potatoes, onions, peas).

Assignment 3. Game "One - many"

ogurec - cucumbers, tomato- tomatoes ... (pumpkin, zucchini,


Task 4. Games "Name the color", "Name form ".

Carrots (what?) - orange, tomato (what?) - ...

Cucumber (what?) - oval, turnip (what?) - ...,

(potatoes, cabbage, beets, peas, onions, peppers).

Assignment 5 . Draw or cut pictures of vegetables and paste them into a notebook.

Task 6. Guess the riddle and color the answer .

It's round and red

Like a traffic light eye

Among vegetables

No more juicy ...

Theme "Fruit".

Exercise 1 . Parents are advised to:

Consider with your child natural fruits andmake it clear that all

it can be summed up in one word"fruit";

Pay attention to the characteristic features of the fruit: color, shape,


If possible, show and tell the child where and howgrow

fruit (in the garden, on a tree, on a bush);

Tell and show your child what you can cookfrom fruits.

Assignment 2 . Game "Big - small"

Apple - apple lemon - lemon

Orange - orange banana - banana

Apricot - apricot mandarin - mandarin

Plum - cream (cream) pear - pear

Task 3. Game "One-Many"

Apple - apples lemon - lemons

Orange - oranges banana - bananas

Apricot - tangerine apricots - tangerines

Plum - plums pear - pears

Peach - peaches fruit - fruit

Assignment 4 . Game "Cheerful account".

One lemon, two lemons, ... five lemons (orange, banana, peach,


One pear, two pears, ... five pears (plum).

One apple, two apples, ... five apples.

Task 5. Compose a story according to plan : - what is this?

What colour?

Where does it grow?

What does it taste like?

What shape?

What can be prepared from it? For example: “This is a lemon. He is yellow. Lemon grows on a tree. It is sour, oval. Lemon is healthy. They put it in tea. Lemon can be used to make lemon juice. "

Task 6. Draw or in cut fruit pictures and paste them into a notebook.

Task 7. Guess the riddle and color the answer ... It is yellow, juicy, and sour. Called ...

The theme “Autumn. Changes in nature ".

Exercise 1 ... Parents are advised to:

    tell the child about what time of year has come;

    pay attention to the autumn weather changes (it got colder, the wind is blowing, it is raining, the days are shorter);

    explain to the child why a person changes clothes depending on the season;

    consider pictures of early and late autumn, pay attention to the appearance and condition of trees.

Assignment 2 ... Game: "1,2,5"

For example: one oak, two oaks, five oaks (linden, pine, mountain ash, maple, etc.)

Task 3. Game "Pick a sign"

Autumn (what?) - sunny, golden, rainy, cold, fruitful, etc.

Leaves (what?) - colorful, beautiful, yellow, etc.

Assignment 4 ... Find words for actions

Leaves (What are they doing?) - they fly, spin, fall off, turn green, turn yellow, etc.

Clouds (What are they doing?) - gathering, floating, etc.

Task 5. ... Finger gymnastics. "AUTUMN"

The wind flew through the forest,

The wind counted the leaves:

Here is oak,

Here is the maple tree

Here is a mountain ash carved,

Here is a golden birch tree,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen

The wind threw on the path.

N. Nishcheva

(Smooth, undulating movements palms.)

(Bend one finger on both hands.)

(Calmly place their palms on the table.)

Task 6. Game "Say the other way around"

High Low),

Wide narrow),

Clean - (dirty)

Cold - (hot)

Thick - (thin),

Dry - (wet).

Task 8. Color narrow leaves green and wide leaves green yellow.

Migratory birds theme

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

    to introduce the child to migratory birds: the crane,goose, swan, duck, starling, rook, stork, heron, swallow, nightingale, etc .;

    consider their appearance in the illustrations, indicatingfeatures;

    explain why they are called migratory, rasskknow where and when they fly away;

    pay attention to those birds that remain in the wintervat.

Task 2. The game “Flies away - does not fly away”.

(An adult calls a bird, and a child answersno - she flies away for the winter or not.)

Assignment 3 . Name and show body parts of birds.

(beak, tail, two legs, body covered with feathers and down, wings)

Task 4. Game "One-many"

Cuckoo -cuckoos, crane - cranes, starling - starlings,

nightingale - nightingales, lark - larks, swan - swans,

rook - rooks, duck - ducks, swallow - swallows,

rook - rooks, stork - storks, goslings - goslings.

The cuckoo - cuckoo, the swallow - chirps, the starling - sings,

the crane is chuckling, the duck is quacking, the goose is cackling.

Task 6. The game "Who has who."

At the cuckoo -cuckoo, cuckoo.Havecrane - crane, cranes.

The starling has a little nestling bird. A swan has a swan, swans.

The rook has a rook, rooks. The duck has a duckling, ducklings.

The stork has storks, storks. The goose has goslings, goslings.

Task 5. Game "Pick a sign"

Birds (what?) - beautiful, singing, vociferous, migratory, caring, etc.

Task 6. Game "Name it affectionately".

Swan - swan, nightingale - nightingale,

crane - crane, starling - starling

duck - duck

Task 7. How much for drawing of the same birds? Color them.

Topic: “Forest. Mushrooms. Berries".

During a joint walk, show and name trees (birch, maple, linden, mountain ash, oak, poplar, etc.);

Tell your child how the park differs from the forest;

If possible, show and tell the child about mushrooms and berries that grow in the forest (edible mushrooms: porcini mushroom, butter can, honey fungus, chanterelle, boletus, boletus, russula and poisonous: toadstool, fly agaric); (cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, wolf berries ...) which ones are edible and which are not;

Together with the child, remember what you can do with mushrooms and berries. (fry, salt, pickle, boil, dry, wash, collect, search ...).

Task 2. Game: "There are many things in the forest"

Mushroom - mushrooms - many mushrooms berry - berries - many berries

Leaf - leaves - many leaves honey mushrooms - honey mushrooms - many honey mushrooms

Flower - flowers - many flowers branch - branches - many branches

Task 3. Game "Big - small"

Mushroom - fungus, mushroom berry - berry

Tree-tree bush-bush

Leaf - leaf bird - bird

Task 4. Guess riddles. Learn one of your choice:

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg.

Weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bend over.

And the name was given to me by my native land.

He was born on a rainy day

Young under a birch tree,

Round, smooth, beautiful,

With a thin and straight leg.

Task 5. Draw mushrooms and wild berries in a notebook .

Task 6. Guess the riddle and color the answer: But someone important

On a little white leg.

He is wearing a red cap

There are peas on the cap.

Topic: "Trees".

During a joint walk in the park, in the forest, show the child deciduous and

conifers: birch, maple, linden, aspen, mountain ash, oak, pine, spruce and carefully

consider what trunks, branches, leaves (needles) these trees have;

To teach to distinguish between them, to show the fruits of these trees;

Tell your child how the park differs from the forest.

Task 2. Game: "There are many"

Tree-trees - many trees bush - bushes - many bushes

Leaf - leaves - many leaves branches - branches - many branches

Barrel - barrels - many barrels

Task 3. Game "Big - small"

Tree-tree bush-bush

Leaf - leaf bird - bird

Flower - flower branch - twig.

Assignment 4 ... Game "What, what"

Birch leaf - birch, maple leaf - ...,

aspen leaf - ..., linden leaf - ...,

rowan leaf - ..., oak leaf - ....

Assignment 5 . Game: "1,2,5"

One oak, two oak, five oak

One maple, two maples, five maples

One linden, two lindens, five lindens

One pine, two pines, five pines

One birch, two birches, five birches

One mountain ash, two mountain ash, five mountain ash.

Task 6. Reading with expression and memorizing nursery rhymes.

Rain, rain, more fun.

Drip, drip, do not regret!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window in vain -

Splash in the forest more:

The grass will become thicker!

Task 7. Look at the picture and answer . Where does the butterfly fly? (Above the fungus) Where is the leaf? (On the fungus.) Where is the caterpillar's house? (In the fungus.) Where does the dragonfly fly? Where is the caterpillar peeping out from?

Topic: "Toys".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

Consider several toys with your child;

Determine the material from which each of them is made (wood, rubber, plush, fur, plastic)

Task 2. Game "One - many"

Ball - balls elephant - elephants

Machine - doll machines - dolls

Duck - ducks bear - bears

Bunny - bunnies cube - cubes

Matryoshka - nesting dolls scoop - scoops

Drum - drums bucket - buckets

Task 3. Game "Big - small"

Ball - ball - balls elephant - elephant - elephants

Car - typewriter - cars doll - doll - dolls

Duck - duck - ducks plane - airplane - airplanes

Hare - bunny - bunnies - bucket - bucket - buckets

Matryoshka - nesting dolls - nesting dolls scoop - scoop - scoops

Task 4. Game "What, what, what" Let's say what toys we have.

Toys (what?) - small, large, beautiful, colorful, soft, favorite, plastic….

Doll (what?) - smart, beautiful, big, talking,….

The car (what?) - beautiful, big, passenger, cargo,….

Ball (what?) - beautiful, colorful, small, ...

An airplane (which one?) - beautiful, toy, plastic, ...

Assignment 6 . Cut pictures from image. toysand paste them into a notebook.

Task 7. Color the toys on the top shelf blue and paint onthe bottom - in red.

Assignment 9 ... "Prompt" the word. Color the answer. What else are you see? From me rushed at a gallopmy cheerful sonorous ...

Theme "My family"

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

talk to your child about the family.

get answers toasking: Who do you live with?

How many people do you have in your family? Name all your family members.

Who is the youngest whothe oldest in the family? Who is the oldest?

Who is the youngest?

invite the child to give the last name, first name and patronymiceach member

family, home address and profession, placework of parents.

Task 2. Game "Pick a sign"

mama (what?) - kind, affectionate, hardworking ...; grandmother (what?) -...

grandfather (kacoy?) - smart, kind, strong ...; dad (what?) -...

Assignment 3 ... The game "Whose, Whose, Whose, Whose?"

Scarf (whose?) - mother's, father's, ...

Hat (whose?) - aunt, uncle ....

Coat (whose?) - grandmother's, grandfather's....

Gloves (whose?) - mothers, grandmothers ...

Task 4. Compare who is older / younger .

Dad is a son (dad is older and son is younger), dad is dedarling, uncle - nephew, grandson - grandfather.

Task 5. Game "On the contrary"

Sick person - (healthy). Elderly - (young).

Cheerful - (sad). Senior - (junior).

Thick - (thin). High Low).

Adult - (small). Kind angry).

Assignment 6 Color the girls' long dresses red, and short in blue.

Task 7. Game "Show me where ..." (pony mania for logical-grammatical constructions ): Mother's daughter,daughter's mother, daughter's mother, mother's daughter.

Topic: "Our body".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

Ask the child to name those parts of the body to which you point (head, forehead, back of the head, eyes, ears, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, chin, neck, chest, elbow, knee, arm, leg, etc.);

Ask the child to show their right arm, leg, ear, etc .; left cheek, leg, elbow, eye, etc.

Invite your child to show you where your right arm, leg, ear, eye, etc .; left leg, shoulder, etc.

Task 2. Game "One - many"

Eye - eyes leg - ... mouth - mouths

Nose - ... hand - ... forehead - ...

Ear - ... finger - ... belly - ... etc.

Task 3. The game "Mine, mine, mine, mine."

My (forehead, nose, etc.) Mine - (face, body, etc.)

My - (hand, back, etc.) My - (legs, ears, etc.)

Task 4. The game "Say it kindly"

Face face ears - ... eyes - ...

Hand- ... cheek - ... belly - ...

Leg -… nose -… forehead -… etc.

Task 5. Game "On the contrary"

Tall girl - (short girl).

Dark hair - (blonde hair). Long hair - (short)

The boy is fat - (the boy is thin). Strong - (weak).

Sick person - (healthy). Elderly - (young). etc.

Task 6. Color the balls that the clown has in his left hand, in blue, and those on the right - in green; birds, which fly to the right - into yellow, and to the left - into Brown.

The theme is "Clothes".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

Explain to the child why a person changes clothes depending on the season. In this case, you should carefully consider, feel the clothes and headheadwear, determine their purpose;

During the walk, it will be useful to draw the child's attentionhow people are dressed;

As an excursion, visit the shops where they sellclothes and hats.

Task 2. Carefully examine the outerwear and name its details (collar, pocket, buttons, armwa, cuffs, ....).

Task 3. The game "Mine, mine, mine, mine."

Mine is a raincoat, sweater,….

Mine - jacket, skirt,….

Mine - dress, coat,….

Mine - socks, mittens, trousers,….

Task 4. "Big small"

Shirt - shirt jacket - jacket

Jacket - jacket raincoat - raincoat

Skirt - skirt sweater - sweater

T-shirt - t-shirt scarf - scarf

Sock - socks T-shirt - T-shirt

Task 5. Game "One - many"

Shirt - shirts jacket - jackets

Jacket - sweaters raincoat - raincoats

Skirt - skirt sundress - sundress

T-shirt - t-shirts mitten - mittens

Sock - socks undershirt - undershirts

Task 7. Game "Pick a sign".

Jacket (what?) - red, warm, leather ....

Gloves (what?) - brown, woolen, fluffy, leather ...

Scarf (what?) - woolen, warm, soft....

Coat (what?) - woolen, winter, children's....

Assignment 8 . Cut and paste pictures with the image of clothes.

Task 9. "Prompt" word, finish rhyme. Color this thing. What do you see clothes?

Rain, cry harder.I will put on a new one ...

Theme "Shoes"

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

Repeat with the child, clothes, hats, shoes. In this case, you should carefully consider, feel the clothes and headheadwear, footwear to determine their quality and purpose.

Task 2 Finger gymnastics (learn).

Let's count for the first time how many shoes we have: (alternately clapping in

hands and knocking fists)

Shoes, slippers, boots, for Natasha and Earrings, (turn all

And even boots for our Valentine. fingers)

But these boots are for little Galenka.

Task 3. Game "One - many"

boots-boots; shoe - shoes;

felt boots - boots; scarf - scarves;

cap - ...; glove - ...;

sock - ...; skirt - …;

the dress - …; shirt -…; etc.

Task 4. Game "Big - small"

boots - boots; slippers - slippers;

shoes - shoes; hat - hat;

skirt - ...; coat - ...;

jacket - ...; cap - ... etc.

Task 5. Game "Pick a sign".

Valenki (what?) - warm, ....Boots (what?) - brown, leather, ...

Task 6. Guess the riddle and color the answer. What kind of shoes do you see ?

on snow, and on ice

I will go through them in any frost.

Pets theme.

Exercise 1 . Parents are advised to:

Show your child petsvoth - a cat, a dog, a pig, a sheep ...;

Discuss the outward signs of each by answering the questionsy: why can't you hear when a cat walks, why u loshadi on the feet of the hooves, why does the cow need horns, etc .;

Talk about what they eat, what are the benefits ofworn by people, why they are called home;

Task 2. Game "Who gives a voice?"

Cow - "moo" (cow hums).Cat - "meow" (cat meows).

Dog - "woof" (barks).Pig - "oink" (grunts).

Horse - "yoke-go" (neighs).Sheep - "be" (bleats).

Task 3. Game "Name your family"

dad is a horse, mom is a horse, calf (s) - foal (foals);

dad is a bull, mom is a cow, calf (s) - calf (calves);

dad is a cat, mom is a cat, cub (s) - kitten (kittens);

dad is a dog, mom is a dog, cub (s) - puppy (puppies);

dad is a boar, mom is a pig, cub (s) - pig (piglets);

dad is a ram, mom is a sheep, cub (s) - lamb (lambs);

dad is a goat, mom is a goat, calf (s) - kid (kids);

Task 4. The game "Whose, Whose, Whose?"

The tail (whose?) Is feline, canine, cow, horse.

The head (whose?) Is a cat's, a dog's, a cow's, a horse's.

The body (whose?) Is feline, canine, cow, horse.

Assignment 5 . The game "Name affectionately"

cat - kitty, dog - dogka, pig - pig ...,

horse -…, cow -…, goat -…, ram -….

Assignment 6 . The game "Whose tail, whose head, whose body, whose ears?"

Tail (whose?) - cat, dog, horse, goat.

Head (whose?) - cat, dog, horse, goat.

The body (whose?) - cat, dog, horse, goat.

Ears (whose?) - cat, dog, horse, goat.

cat, dog, horse, goat)

Assignment 7 . What "castle" is it talking about?

in a riddle? Color the answer. What else

before do you see the domestic animals?

The living castle grunted,lay down at the door across.

The theme is "Wild Animals".

Exercise 1 Parents are advised to:

Consider with a child illustrations depicting animals of our forests - a hare, a squirrel, a wolf, a bear, a hedgehog, a fox, an elk;

Mark their external signs;

Tell about where they live, what they eat;

- fix, in the child's vocabulary, the names of animals andtheir babies;

Assignment 2 The game "Guess who it is?" .

Brown, clubfoot, clumsy - .... Gray, toothy, scary -.... Sly, fluffy, redhead -.... Small, long-eared, shy - ....Gray, prickly - ..... Small, red, jumping- ... .

Assignment 3 ... Game "Who - Who?"

The bear has a teddy bear, the wolf has..., the fox - ..., the squirrel - ..., the hedgehog - ....;

A bear has cubs, a wolf has - ....

Task 4. AND game "Name a family"

dad is a bear, mom is honeyveditsa, cub (s) - bear cub (cubs);

dad -wolf ..., dad - hare - ...; dad is a hedgehog ...; dad is a fox ...,

Task 5. Call Mom game :

Teddy bearat a bear, a fox at ..., a calf at ...,

a wolf cub at ..., a hare at ..., a hedgehog at ....

Assignment 6

Fox - yappingbear - growls, roars. the wolf howls.

Assignment 7 ... The game "Who can I say ..."

Hunting - ..., stealssya - ..., howling - ..., biting - ...,

scared - ..., jumping -..., waddles - ..., cunning - ...,

tracks down -....

Task 8. And gra "Who lives where?" .

In the hole lives (who?) - a fox.In the den - ....In the hollow - .... In the den -….

Assignment 9 ... Game "Whom will we give?" .

Meat - to a wolf, raspberries - ..., honey - ..., carrots - ..., an apple - ..., nuts - ..., mushrooms - ....

Task 10. Who is this riddle about? Color the cheat. Who else do you see here?

Red cheat. Sly, dexterous.

The theme is "Winter".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

    talk with your child about what time of year it is, while you shouldremind what changes have occurred in nature, what happens to the stomachplants and plants in winter, as animals in the forest endure cold and hunger, asbirds behave in winter;

    draw the child's attention to the characteristic signs of winter, name winter clothes.

    name the winter months

Task 2. Game "Pick a sign".

snow (what?) -…, frost(what?) - ..., icicle(which?) - …,

winter (what?) - ..., snowflake (what?) - ....

Task 3. Exercise children in the selection of nouns for verbs

comes (what?) - ..., knocks down(what?)-..., whistle(what?) - …,

raging (what?) -... is spinning (what?)-..., freezes (what?) - ..,

glitters (what?)-..., sculpt (what?)-....

Task 4. Exercise children in expanding the verb vocabulary:

snow (what does it do?) -…, ice(what is he doing?) -....

Task 5. Game "One - many":

snowflake - snowflakes snowdrift - drifts, icicle - icicles,

slide - slides, frost - frosts, blizzard - blizzards,

blizzard - blizzards, snow - snowballsSnow Maiden - Snow Maiden.

Task 6. Cut and paste a picture of a winter landscape.

Task 7. Color the same snowflakes.

The theme is "Winter fun".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

- ask the child what time of year it is, what games children like to play in winter, what they need for winter games;

Task 2. Game "Who needs what?"

A skier needs skis

hockey player - ...,

skater - ...,

to luge -….

Task 3. Game "Fix the mistake" (for logical thinking).

The skier needs a sled. A skater needs skis. The hockey player needs a sled.

In winter, children ride a bicycle, play ball, mold a snow woman, jump rope, play football, sunbathe, build a snow fort.

Task 4. The game "Count".

One snowman, two snowmen, three snowmen, four snowmen, five snowmen (gift).

One snowflake, two snowflakes, three snowflakes, four snowflakes, five snowflakes (Snow Maiden, slide).

Assignment 5 ... Game "Pick a sign".

Winter (what?) - long, harsh, snowy, frosty, cold,….

Weather (what?) - frosty, sunny, cloudy

Snow (what?) - white, fluffy, cold, shiny,….

Ice (what?) - slippery, transparent, cold, hard, ...

Task 6. Finger gymnastics. "ON THE FIR"

We were having fun at the tree

And they danced and frolicked.

After the good Santa Claus

He gave us gifts.

Gave huge packages

They also contain delicious items:

Sweets in blue pieces of paper

Nuts next to them


Apple, one

Golden tangerine.

V. Volina

(Rhythmic clapping.)(Rhythmic punches with fists.)

(Children "walk" with the middle and thefingers of both hands on the table.)

(They "draw" a large circle with their hands.)

(They make rhythmic claps.)

(Bend fingers on both hands,starting with the big one.)

Task 7. Prepare a retelling of the story "Yolka" .

Dad brought a Christmas tree from the forest. The tree was put on the floor. The guys decoratedtree. We hung up toys, balls, candies. The tree was elegant, beautiful,fluffy. Children played around the tree. And Santa Claus played. It was funguys!

Assignment 8 . Draw a decorated Christmas tree.

The topic is "Dishes".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

    consider together with the child the dishes - kitchen, teanuyu, dining room;

    necessaryto figure out,what kind of dishes does he know (kitchen,dining room, tea room);show where the dishes are stored at home (in the closet, in the buffet,in the table, in the sideboard);

    examine the dishes, explain that there are dishestwospecies: in which food is prepared and from which it is eaten; Withequalize the dishes (large spoons and small, shallow dishes and deep ...), paying attention to the fact that the dishescan beat;

Z Adania 2. Guess the riddle.

From a hot well

water flows through the nose. (Kettle)

Draw the missing detail.

Task 3. Make sentences with a preposition v , pack rage in word formation.

In what dishes do they put ... (bread, mustard, pepper, salad, confeta, salt, milk, herring, butter)?

What is put in a salad bowl (herring, salt shaker, butter dish, Sakharnitsu)?

What is poured into a tureen, a milk jug, a saucer, a coffee pot,kettle?

Task 4. About development of relative adjectives

Porcelain cup (which one?) - porcelain,

glass glass (which one?) - glass,

a wooden spoon - ..., a clay pot - ...,

plastic plate - ...,

a spoon made of silver -….

Task 5. Underline an unnecessary item.

Task 6. Cut out pictures of dishes and paste into a notebook.

Theme "Food"

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

    fix with the child the names of food products, what they are for, what can be prepared from them, where they are sold, where they are stored and why;

    fix with the child the names of the dishes (borscht, porridge, soup, mashed potatoes, vinaigrette, etc.).

Task 2. Game "Remember and name"

Dairy products: butter, cottage cheese, cheese….

Meat products: sausages, sausages, minced meat….

Flour products: bread, biscuits, dryers, pasta….

Task 3. Game "Cheerful account".

One apple,two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples;

(sausage, candy, cutlet, etc.)

Exercise 4. Game "Name the juice, jam, soup, porridge"

What soup is made from ... (peas, fish, chicken, beets, mushrooms, vegetables, meat)

What porridge from ... (millet, semolina, buckwheat, rice, rolled oats)

What juice is from ... (carrot, pear, orange)

What kind of jam from ... (apples, plums, apricots, peaches)

What kind of puree from ... (potatoes, peas, apples)

Task 5. Name the products that you can:

fry (fish, cutlets ...), boil (sausages, potatoes, pasta ...),

bake in the oven (pies, bread ....)

Task 6. Draw or in cut food pictures and paste them into a notebook.

Task 7. What picture is superfluous and why? Color in the extra picture.

Poultry theme.

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

    consider with the child illustrations depicting pets
    birds and their families (chicken - rooster - chickens, duck - drake - ducklings,
    goose - goose - goslings, turkey - turkey - turkey poults);

    explain to the child that these birds are called pets, why
    they are called so;

    to consolidate the names of birds and words denoting and defining
    their appearance and habits;

    clarify where they live, what they eat and what benefits they bring
    (egg, feather, meat), how a person looks after them.

Assignment 2 ... Game "Who gives a voice?"

a duck quacks, a goose cackles, a chicken cackles,

rooster crows,the turkey is chattering.

Task 3. Game "One - many"

chicken - chickens, chicken - chickens, turkey -turkeys,

turkey - turkeys, gosling - goslings, rooster - roosters,

duck - ducklings, duck - ducks, etc.

Task 4. The game "Who has who?"

The duck has a ducklingducklings, a chicken - ..., a goose - ..., a turkey -....

Task 5. The game "Fix error "

A duck has goslings, a turkey has chickens, a hen has ducklings,geese - turkey poults.

Task 6. Cut out pictures of poultry and their babies, make a picture of them "Poultry yard".

Task 7. Learn a poem:

The chicken went out for a walk, nibble fresh grass,

And behind her are the chickens - the yellow children.

"Co - co - co, co - co - co - co, do not go far,

Row with your paws, look for grains! "

Task 8. Color the same objects in the same color.

The topic is "House and its parts".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

- intime for a joint walk in the city of rasswatch residential buildings with a child, paying attention to the fact thatwhathouses are different: one-story and multi-story, kachangeable and wooden;

- carefully consider the house where the child livesOK,count how many floors it has, on which floor it islives, is there an elevator in the house and what is it for, rememberhome address;

- on theillustrations to consider houses that are builtin large cities and in rural areas;

- make an "excursion" around your apartment with your child,turningattention to how many of which rooms are in it, explaining their purpose.

Task 2. House Parts game

Ask the child, without which parts the house can exist (without a balcony, without a pipe ...), and without which not (without walls, without windows ....)

Task 3. Game "What from what".

Glass house - glass. Wooden house - wooden

The house is made of bricks - brick. The house is made of stone - stone.

The straw house is thatched. A house made of ice is icy.

The house is made of plastic - plastic.

(paper, snow, clay)

Assignment 4 ... Account "Cheerful account".

One house, two houses, three houses, four houses, five houses (balcony, window, wall, pipe)

Task 5. Lay out the house from the counting sticks (matches).

Adania 6.
Add up the numbers for each house. Which house is superfluous?

The theme is "Furniture".

Exercise 1 . Parents are advised to:

- name the furniture and its individual parts (cover, leg,handle, armrest, back, door), external signs (color, shape), material from which it is made;

- explain to the child the purpose of furniture, its variousspecies;

- ask the child to answer the questions: What is it for?furniture? (chair table,

sofa, bed, wardrobe). Forwhatneededdesk? (dining)

What are they doing at the table? Whichdo you need furniture for the kitchen? (bedrooms, living room).

Task 2. Game "Pick a sign"

Chair(what?) - new, large, wooden, beautiful, comfortable,


Table (what?) - writing, dining, round, plastic,….

Bed (what?) - children's, toy, soft,….

Armchair (what?) - comfortable, large,….

Assignment 3 . Logic exercises.

Masha is sitting on a chair. Masha will eat. Where do you need toput a chair?

Olya is small. She has a small table. She sat down on painyour chair. Ole is bad

sitting, uncomfortable. Why?

Task 4. Perform actions with objects by decree an adult.

Say what you did.

Put the ball: on a chair, under a chair, behind a chair, near a chair,between the chairs, in front of

a chair; lift the ball over the chair.

Task 5. Guess what you need to draw in the empty windows and finish drawing.

Task 6. Game "Cheerful account".

One chair,two chairs, three ...,five chairs.

One shelf, two shelves, ...,five shelves.

One armchair, two armchairs, ..., five armchairs. (Wardrobe, table, bed, sofa).

Adania 8. Confusion.

didn't know how to arrange furniture

in the room, and drew everything together.

What kind of furniture do you see here?

Name .

The theme is "Early Spring".

Exercise 1 ... Parents are advised to:

- talk to your child about what time of year it isdrank;

- inwhile walking in the park, pay attention to the changes taking place in the living and inanimate nature earlyin the spring;

- name the spring months, pay attention to the firstspring month - March;

- watch how the weather has changed: it got warmeror colder, the day is longer or shorter.

Task 2. "Answer correctly." Development of auditory attention.

Does the sun warm or freeze in the spring?

Does the snow melt or freeze?

Are the streams flowing or standing?

Is the grass turning green or withering?

Are the bugs hiding or waking up?

Do children ride a scooter or snow scooter?

Do people wear fur coats or jackets?

Task 3. Listen to the story and retell according to the questions.

Warm spring is coming. The sun shines brighter. Startedmelt snow and icicles. On thetreesthe kidneys swell. Soonwill fly from warm countriesbirds. Theywill build nests.

What timethe year is coming? How it shinesSun? Whatswells on trees? Whowill arrive soon from warmcountries?What will the birds do?

Explain to the child the meaning of phrases: swellkidneys, warm countries, vitnests.

Task 4. Cut picture With depicting early spring landscape and paste it in a notebook or draw.

Task 5. Reading with expression and memorizing nursery rhymes (oral folk art).

Rain, rain, more fun.

Drip, drip, do not regret!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window in vain -

Splash in the forest more:

The grass will become thicker!

Theme "Spring".

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

- talk with the child about what time of year it is, what changes have occurred in living and inanimate naturein the spring;

- remember the names of the spring months;

- observe changes in nature during a jointstroll in the park;

- remember how forest animals and birds behavein the spring, what changes occur to trees and shrubsnicknames, meadow and garden plants, in people's clothes.

Task 2. Read a poem to a child, discuss and learn it.

Conversation with the spring.(Read by Role)

    Well, spring, how are you? - I'm cleaning.

    What do you need a broom for? - Sweep the snow from the hillock.

    Why do you need streams? - Wash the trash off the tracks!

    What are the rays for? - For cleaning too.

I will wash everything, dry it, invite you to the holiday! (O. Vysotskaya)

Task 3. Pick up as many signs to noun: spring (what?) - early ...

Task 4. Match items to features :

spring -day ..., spring - thunderstorm ..., spring - sun ..., vesenny - days ....

Task 5. Match nouns to actions (who what?):

melts ..., run ..., bloom ..., appear ...,turns green ..., arrives ..., blooms ....

Task 6. Say it right:

Are leaves or flowers blooming?

Are birds or chanterelles fluttering?

Does a snowflake or a teardrop melt?

Are streams murmuring or rooks?

Are buds or leaves swelling?

Are insects or birds flying in?

Is ice cracking or ice drift?

Adania 7.
Find two butterflies with the same pattern on their wings and color them

Professions theme

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

- talk with your child about the professions of a cook,salesperson, teacher,

educator, doctor, etc .;

- explain to the child who is doing what at work, whatbenefit brings who needs what for work.

Task 2. Game "Who is doing what?"

The cook - cooks,…. Hairdresser - cuts,….

The teacher teaches…. Driver - drives a car,….

Seller - sells,…. Photographer - taking pictures,….

Actor - plays a role,…. TV presenter - tells the news,….

Veterinarian - treats animals,…. Doctor - heals people,….

Farmer - grows vegetables,….

Task 3. Find the mistake game.

The doctor needs ... (bandage, cotton wool, syringe, saucepan,...). The doctor is making soup. The cook heals people. The driver sells groceries. The teacher catches criminals.

Task 4. Game "Pick a sign"

Cook(what?) - neat, skillful, ... (driver, pilot).

The teacher (what kind?) Is kind, smart, fair, strict, ... (teacher).

Task 5. Read the story, discuss. Retell the story.

Two newcomers came to the kindergarten - Tolya and Kolya. They were brought mom.

The boys met. Tolya asked Kolya: “Where does he work your mother?" “Haven't you guessed? - Kolya was surprised. - She it smells like medicine. My mother is a doctor. If a person gets sick, mom will cure him. Where does your mother work? " - "Do not you know? - said Tolya. - She smells like bread. My mom is a baker. She feeds people. No one could live without bread. " - "And a doctor?" - asked Kolya. “And a doctor,” Tolya replied.

Task 6. What objects do you see in the picture? What profession is this for ugly? Color the subject that the teacher needs for work . And who needs the rest of the items to work?

We teach kids

To love nature,

All work should be respected.

Transport theme

Exercise 1 ... Parents are advised to:

    watch the movement with your child on the streetvarious vehicles;

    introduce him to such modes of transport asterrestrial, air, water, underground;

    to reinforce the child's knowledge of transport and streetOn the road, ask the following questions: which vehicles carry goods? people? What traffic light can you cross the street to?

Task 2. Parts of vehicles.

Show the child and name the parts of the truck: cab,

body,hood, door, headlights, steering wheel, seat, engine, wheels;

aircraft: nose, tail, wings, portholes, ladder, landing gear, hull;

boats: bow, stern, deck, portholes, mast, cabin, steering wheel;

Task 3. Game "Cheerful Counting"

One plane,two planes, three ...,five planes.

One car, two cars ...five cars.

(train, helicopter, boat, ship, boat).

Assignment 4 ... Game "Pick a sign"

Car (what?) - ..., bus (what?) - ...,

airplane(what?) - ..., ship (what?) -….

Task 5. Game "One - many"

Airplane - airplanes, car - ..., scooter - ...,

Tram - …,bus - ..., trolleybus - ...,

Helicopter - ..., train - ..., bicycle - ....

Task 6. Game "The fourth odd" .

Steamer, boat, plane, sailboat.

Car, tram, trolleybus, metro.

Airplane, helicopter, bicycle, rocket.

Task 7. Cut out pictures with images of various vehicles and paste them into a notebook.

Task 9. Draw a wide path with a large typewriter. By which lane does the little car go? (narrow)

Pisces theme

Exercise 1. Parents are advised to:

- tell your child about fish (marine, freshwater, akvarium);

- pay attention to the peculiarities of accommodation, foodniya, structure and respiration of fish;

- to answer the questions: what do fish have instead of legs? Why theycan breathe in water?

- consider illustrations of fish with your child;

- talk about aquarium fish, their names, spdog care for them.

Task 2. Game "Pick a sign"

fishka (what?) -.…

pike (what?) -….

Task 3. Explain to the child why they say so:

"Is silentlike a fish. "

Task 4. Answer the questions.

Howcalled fish soup? (Ear)

Howfishing? (Fishing rod, net, seine)

Whosuch fry? (Rybkin kids)

Task 5. Game "Name, whose fin, whose a tail, whose head, whose torso. "

The pike (fish) has a pike head, (fish)tail - pike (fish) ..., fin - pike, (fish), body - pike (fish).

Task 6. The game "Count the fish".

Obottomfish,two fish, three fish, four fish, five fish (pike, crucian carp, perch, shark, etc.).

Assignment 7 ... Game "Choose the right action vie "(understanding the meanings of prefixed verbs).

Fish to the stone ... (swam, swam). Fish from the shore ... (swam, swam). Fish the whole river ... (swam, swam).

Task 8. Learn a tongue twister and a poem.

There is clean water in the jar, we will let the fish go there.

The fish will play there, swim,

Wag your tail, pick up crumbs of bread.

Assignment 9 ... Draw an aquarium with fish.

Task 10. Find identical goldfish and color them.

Topic: "Insects".

Exercise 1. Parents are encouraged to:

- ask the child what time of year it is, what changesnenia occurred in nature, in the life of insects;

- talk to your child about insects;

- in the park, in the square, consider a beetle, ladybug, butterfly, caterpillar, ant, bee, dragonfly, grasshopper and fly;

- examine the body parts of insects (head, chest, abdomenko, legs, wings, antennae);

- tell your child what benefits insects bringto a person, to teach him to respect nature;

- tell that a fly is a harmful insect, a carriervarious diseases.

Task 2. Game "Finish the sentence" .

The ant was sitting near….

The beetle hid under ...

The caterpillar saton the... .

ladybugcrawling along ...

The fly landed on ...

The fly was crawling along ...

Task 3. The game "It happens - it does not happen" .

The girl catches a butterfly. The girl is caught by a butterfly. Bathe barrel is caught by the girl.

The butterfly catches the girl. The girl caught the butterfly. Butterflyka caught the girl.

Task 4. Game "Pick a sign"

babarrel (what?) - ..., ant (what?) - ...,

fly (what?) -…, beetle (what?) -….

Task 5. Cut out pictures of insects and paste them into a notebook.

Task 6. Connect a line who lives where.

New vocabulary


winter, December, January, February, ice, frost, cold, frost, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, snow, drifts, snowflake, snowballs.


revenge, freeze, paint (about frost), shackle, rage.


frosty, snowy, strong (frost, ice), cold, icy, snowy, strong, blizzard.


cold, chilly, frosty, cloudy, blizzard, snowy, white.


Objectives: to develop general speech skills, intonation expressiveness of speech.


Where were you at night, come on?

I spun around all the yards,

I AM I sewed fur coats for trees,

She dressed them up in furs.

And frost to them is nonsense!

Oh you blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

What did you do in the morning, come on?

Along the streets wandered

Whitewashed all the fences.

Oh you blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where did you circle during the day, well?

I tore off hats from people during the day,

Throwing snow behind the collar ...

So that it became beautiful around,

I mixed the sky with the earth!

Oh you blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

In the evening, where will you be, well?

What an evening I'm going to circle

I'll tell you tomorrow morning!

Repetition of the names of the winter months

Objectives: to consolidate the names of the winter months in speech, to teach a coherent monologue statement.

The teacher invites the children to listen to an excerpt from poem "Twelve months". Conducts a conversation on

poem, learns it with children.

Pushed off the ship in autumn,

And December froze the rivers.

Starts the calendar

A month named January.

A shawl is twisted in a white blizzard,

All in the snow came February.

V. Stepanov

Questions and tasks:

What happens to nature in December?

Why is it said that January starts the calendar?

What winter month is usually blizzard?

Name the first (second, third) winter month.

List the winter months in order.

The game “What? Which?"

Objectives: to enrich vocabulary, teach to select adjectives to a given noun.

The course of the game. The teacher puts a picture in front of the children, asks what is depicted on it, and asks to find words-


For instance:

Winter (what?) - white, blizzard, cold, frosty, etc.

Words: winter, snowman, bullfinch, ice, snowflake.

The game "Name affectionately"

Objectives: to develop the grammatical structure of speech, to teach form words with diminutives


The course of the game. The game is played with the ball. The teacher throws one of the children a ball and calls a word on the topic. Child

returns the ball using the given word with a diminutive an affectionate suffix, that is, calls an object or phenomenon


Words: snow (snowball), snowman, wind, winter, ice, frost,

cold, etc.

Game "Family"

Objectives: to develop the grammatical structure of speech, to teach children to select words-relatives for a given word.

The course of the game. The teacher distributes cards to the children, on each of which is written the word "snow" (the game is played with a small

For instance:

Snow maiden, snowman, bullfinch, snowfall, snowmobile, snow.

The game " Who is bigger ?"

Objectives: to develop phonemic processes, to teach to select words for a given sound.

The course of the game. The teacher offers children a competition: who will come up with more words for the sound [s] on the topic "Winter". For every

the correct answer is given a token. At the end of the game, a summary is made.

Game "Magic Snowballs"

Objectives: to develop visual attention, improve skills of sound analysis and synthesis, reading, prevention of dis-


The course of the game. The teacher places on the flannelgraph (or draws on a sheet, in a notebook) white circles with written

on them in letters. Tells children that these are snowballs. Then the teacher invites the children to name which word

it will turn out if you arrange the lumps from the largest to little .

for instance : slide .

The game " Be careful "

Objectives: to develop visual attention, phonemic hearing, reinforce the ability to choose words that include

specified sound, refine and activate the dictionary by lexical topic "Winter".

The course of the game. The teacher invites the children to consider picture and find on it "winter words" with sound [s]. When all

the words are named, the teacher can suggest children to choose other words with a given sound and determine the place of the sound in

word (beginning, middle, end).

Words: sleds, bullfinch, snow, snowflakes, snowdrifts, etc.

Poems for reading and memorizing

Winter was busy with whitewashing.

Decided to whitewash the forest.

Squirrels began to help her -

Lime splashes up to heaven.

Here and zainka timidly

I offered to help my friends -

He whitewashed myself

Into the winter do not mind bleaching.

N. Antonova


The forest and the field are white,

White meadows.

Snowy aspens

Branches are like horns.

Under the ice strong

The waters of the rivers are slumbering.

White snowdrifts

Snow lay on the roofs.

The stars are bright in the sky

They lead a round dance.

The old year says goodbye -

New Year enters.

E. Trutneva


Light, winged,

Like moths

Spinning, spinning

Above table by the light bulb.

Gathered for the light.

Where can they go?

After all, they too, icy,

I want to warm up.

AND ... Bursov


Happy winter has come

With skates and sleds

With a ski track powdered,

With a magical old tale.

On a decorated Christmas tree

Lanterns swing.

Let the winter be merry

It doesn't end any longer!

I. Chernitskaya


Objectives: to develop auditory attention, to teach a coherent monologue (interpretation of the riddle).

I'll paint the branches with white paint,

I throw silver on your roof.

Warm spring winds will come

AND I will be kicked out of the yard.


A month in this riddle here:

Days his - all days are shorter,

Of all nights are longer than night.

To fields and meadows

Snow fell until spring.

Only our month will pass

We we celebrate the New Year.


He flies in a white flock

AND sparkles on the fly.

He a cool star melts

On the palm and mouth.


It pinches the ears, pinches the nose

Climbs into boots frost.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water already, but ice.

Even the bird does not fly

From frost the bird freezes.

The sun turned to summer.

What, tell me, is this in a month?


Snow falls in bags from the sky,

There are snow drifts around the house.

That snowstorms and blizzards

On the the village swooped down.

The frost is strong at night

In the afternoon, a ringing is heard.

Day increased noticeably.

Well, like this what month is this?

(February )

Coming up with a sequel to given the beginning of the story

The teacher invites the children to listen to the beginning of the story and come up with an end.

For the winter holidays, my mother sent Sasha to her grandmother in the village. Nice in the village, a lot of snow! Do you want a sleigh ride from the mountains

go for a drive, if you want - get up on skis. But most of all, Sasha I liked to sculpt from the snow! And then one day when Sasha

making a snow fortress, he heard someone's plaintive squeak ...

Texts for retelling

* * *

The forest glade is covered with fluffy snow. Small insects hid from the cold under the bark. Quiet all around. Occasionally

fly by a flock of goldfinches or tits. Or the woodpecker will start knock tasty seeds out of the cone with your beak. Sometimes a hare

he will stand upright in the clearing, listen and run into the forest.

G. Skrebitsky


Where are the insects hiding?

What are the birds doing in the winter forest?

Who can be found in the winter forest?


A blizzard broke out. The sky merged with the earth. V In the village, the blizzard has poured large snowdrifts. Baby

went home from school with Bug. On the way they lost their way. The kid fell. He leaned back

back to the stack of straw and fell asleep. The dog began to howl and call for help. From the village

the teacher came with the guys. They began to dig out Kid. The bug helped with its paws and muzzle dig up the boy. Toddler

dug up, brought to hut, covered with a fur coat. He was saved.

According to V. Dmitrieva


What was the weather like in the village?

Where did the Kid and the Bug come back from?

What happened on the way?

What happened to the Kid?

What did the dog do?

Who came to the rescue?

How did the bug help people?

How did the story end?

Text to retell


The hot summer flew by, the golden autumn passed, snow fell - winter has come.

Cold winds blew. Many times large snow began to fall in flakes ...

Stretched across the road and hid in the spruce forest hare footprint. Fox trail, foot by foot, curls

along the road. The squirrel crossed the road and, shuddering with a fluffy tail, waved at the tree. There are many cones on the tops of the trees. Are jumping

on to cones lively birds - crossbills. And below, on a birch, red-breasted bullfinches sat like beads.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov


What time of year is the story about?

What signs of winter are listed in the story?

Whose footprints are visible in the snow?

What did the squirrel do?

What kind of birds jump on the cones? What for?

What birds have perched on a birch? What do they look like?