Do-it-yourself metal staircase for the porch. Beautiful options for the design of a metal porch

It's no secret that original porch Is a decoration for any facade. Designers are constantly trying to come up with new designs that attract the layman with their unique appearance, but despite such a variety of options, the types of materials used in construction have not changed for many years.

Among others, special place occupy metal structures: they stand out not only for their appearance, but also for their excellent operational data. In this article, we will talk about the merits of this material, pay attention to modern and classic design solutions, and, of course, tell enthusiasts how to weld a metal porch with our own hands.

First, let's talk a little about the features of metal used in atmospheric conditions. So we will understand exactly what to expect from which porch.

Metal: pros and cons

A metal porch is a very popular solution, which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful. By itself, metal is versatile material, from which you can build structures of any complexity.

For the porch, you can choose any option from the vintage classic styles to modern asymmetric solutions - the main thing is that your porch harmoniously fits into the general style of the building, and focuses the observer's attention on the entrance ensemble.

In addition to the aesthetic component, a large functional load falls on the porch. It should be:

  • Safe and convenient- the porch is used by all residents and guests of the building, including small children and the elderly, therefore it is important to observe all the basic parameters that allow using the structures with the greatest comfort.
  • If space permits, then the porch can be made large. and organize on its territory a place for evening gatherings. Such structures are already called verandas or terraces.
  • The porch can be equipped with a roofing part in the form of a light visor or pitched massive construction attached to the house. The main purpose is protection entrance group and recreation areas from atmospheric precipitation. This element is especially important, since materials are used for the construction of a veranda that, in one way or another, react to ambient humidity.
  • Metal porch structure can be closed type - in fact, this is an easy extension in which you can organize anything, from a greenhouse to a recreation area for those who do not like prying eyes and prefer to be alone with themselves. Such a porch provides protection from winds, doges and other vagaries of the weather better than others.

Advice! Before you start designing your porch plan, think carefully about what you want to end up with. It is much easier to build everything from scratch than to make adjustments and remodel the constructed structures later.

What are the advantages of a porch, welded and assembled from metal? Here they are:

  • To weld a porch from metal, it won't take a professional for a long time. It assembles almost as quickly as its wood counterpart.
  • The metal porch fence and its main frame have solid strength, which is enough for many years of operation with proper care of the material.
  • The following follows from the previous point - iron and aluminum railings and parapets are capable of withstanding solid loads, which will ensure a safe climb along them even for such giants as sumo wrestlers.
  • Metal structures can easily tolerate temperature changes, as well as freeze-thaw cycles.
  • A large number of design options - from the simplest straightforward to surreal fantasies of modern designers.
  • Metal porch railings are perfectly combined with any other materials that are used to decorate the porches and facades of the house. This is especially true for forged products.
  • Theoretically, a metal porch can be disassembled and moved to another place, or its elements can be used for other structures.

Well, and where without the minuses, which, in fact, are also abound.

  • We hope you smiled too, and remembered everyone's favorite movie. With this photo, we wanted to point out not only a specific inconvenience, but generally the tactile sensations during skin contacts with frozen metal.
  • All metals, especially non-ferrous ones, are an excellent conductor of heat, and if a handrail heated in the sun can still warm without burning, then in winter it will touch the frost-covered one metal product very unpleasant. To avoid this, a handrail made of wood or plastic is often fitted.

  • Unprotected metal (except non-ferrous) is subject to corrosion, which is especially important when used outdoors. It requires constant maintenance and periodic renewal of the protective coating. If the processing is not performed on time, then the appearance and strength of the structure will begin to suffer greatly over time.
  • Metal steps become very slippery during frost. To eliminate it, anti-slip pads made of rubber and polymeric materials are used, in combination with the corrugated surface of the steps.
  • The price of metal products (even black ones) is very high, and by today's standards they are often unaffordable for a “medium-density wallet”. And if we talk about forged and design solutions, then they can be safely attributed to the category of luxury.

It is with these advantages and disadvantages that the owners of metal porches will have to put up with. As it seems to us, there are much more advantages, which is why such designs have remained popular for more than one hundred years.

Styles and designs for metal porches

Well, now, for those who want to build an original porch in front of their home, but do not know how to arrange it, we will consider options for various designs, among which you will probably find something interesting.

  • Most often, metal porches are made of a rectangular shape, but if you wish, you can bend metal profiles, and make such interesting radial steps, which, in combination with forged railings and treads from ceramic tiles will fit into the architectural ensemble of your facade.

  • See how the metal porch fence looks harmonious against the background wood paneling country house... The presented forged elements are typical and manufactured by an industrial method. It will not be difficult for an experienced welder to make such a ladder, even if he has never done it before.
  • Such parts are made using the method cold forging, due to which, they are much cheaper than analogs made by a professional blacksmith by hand.

  • Here is another one affordable option, made on a light frame, and sheathed with a board. This option will be another a good decision for a suburban area. Additionally, handrails for children can be noted, which will add safety when climbing, even despite the steep slope of the stairs.

  • Often entrance porch they are made of concrete, wood or brick, and only fences are made of metal, which, due to the plasticity of this material, can have all kinds of curls, ornaments and patterns.

  • Such simple designs have long been popular overseas, especially in America and Great Britain. They are very practical and inexpensive to install, have a strict classic look, and are relatively safe to walk in winter thanks to specially extruded notches on the steps.
  • Such a solution looks advantageous in combination with red brick masonry, and if such a porch is not always suitable as a front porch, then equipping a fire exit from the house with such a staircase would be a very reasonable decision.

  • If you want your porch to also stand out with luxury, then in addition to complex forging, the steps can be equipped with treads from natural stone(usually granite or marble). Any guest will appreciate such a staircase.
  • But it is not advisable to use polished stone for street facing steps. The reason is trivial - during cold weather, you can slip and get serious injury.

Advice! Hitting your head against hard materials such as stone or iron is very painful and can have serious health consequences. Equip such steps, at least during cold weather, with anti-slip profiles.

  • If you are not a fan of reinventing the wheel, or, simply, do not want to get involved with installation, you can search or order such a finished product. It does not require a tool more complicated than a punch for installation, does not need painting and covering, and, moreover, it is almost the most a profitable solution... You just bring it to the site, install it and use it without knowing the hassle.

  • Well, for those who are not looking for easy ways, we recall that the capital porch is also a beautiful protective visor. As you can see, such a structure adorned even such a faded facade, of an absolutely neutral color.

Metal is a very durable material and is great for making poles. It is possible to install not only a light canopy on it, as shown above, but also more capital structures, for example, a balcony with a roof.

Making a metal porch

The second part of the article will be more practical. We will tell you how to make a porch from a metal profile with your own hands. The designs under consideration will not be too complicated, since it will be unrealistic to make them without proper experience, equipment and knowledge.

Preliminary calculations

Before taking up a tool, you need to clearly plan your actions. For this, a drawing of the porch is made, containing all the necessary information. A hired professional will be able to do this work - he will create a full-fledged plan indicating all sizes, as well as recommendations for the construction of supports and foundations.

If you do not have the opportunity to hire a specialist, then take all the measurements yourself, and sketch on paper a sketch, which you will use during installation. Your main task is to calculate the number of steps, width flight of stairs and the parameters of the site in front of the front door.

This is done very simply:

  • Measure the distance from the bottom edge of the door to the ground;
  • Divide the resulting value by a number from 15 to 20 - the optimal riser height varies within these limits;
  • We multiply the result by a number from 25 to 33 - the recommended tread depth;
  • As a result, you will receive the length of the flight of stairs. Add to it the parameters of the intended site, and you will have a clear idea of ​​how much area is required for construction;
  • There is one more rule that recommends composing the proportions of the height and depth of the step so that, in the number from 60 to 64, two heights and one step depth fit.

Taking into account all the parameters in the above, you guarantee yourself that the ladder will have a permissible inclination within the range of 25 to 45 degrees. It will be not only convenient to navigate through it, but also safe.

The handrail is an important element of the porch. They also have specific requirements:

  • All ladders with more than two steps must be equipped with handrails for safe ascent;
  • The height of the fence should not be less than 90 cm and more than 110 cm;
  • The railing must be strong and withstand vertical loads of 100 kg and more;
  • If the porch platform is located at a height, and small children move along it, it is recommended to remove all horizontal elements from the railing structure and install the balusters at a distance of 10 to 15 centimeters from each other.

Such a safety measure will allow you not to fear that the child will fall out over the fence or get stuck in it. If we talk about spacious terraces and verandas, where you can organize a place for the baby to play on fresh air, it is advisable to equip the approach to the descent with an additional wicket, which can be permanent or portable, temporary.

Metal porch foundation

To understand how to do all the work correctly, the following instructions are for installation. metal porch... Based on the calculations received, the first thing to do is solid foundation under it.

Depending on the type and size of the porch, the foundation can be different types, but due to the fact that the metal structure is light, most often I place the site on:

  • Concrete polesperfect solution, which will not harm the foundation of the main structure.
  • Metal piles- most good option, which, moreover, is also the fastest in terms of production time. For convenience, you can purchase screw piles that are assembled during the day.

  • Screw piles can be installed both manually and using a drill. They are selected depending on the type of soil - blades different options have a different radius.
  • On brick supports with their own foundation- this design is not tied to the main foundation of the building, therefore it is also often used in housebuilding.

The edges of the site can be supported not only on the foundation. So, the upper supporting part of the porch can rest on a cantilever wall beam, a brick support built into the masonry of a house or embedded I-beams made of metal.

The disadvantage of this design is that these elements need to be designed even at the stage of building a house.

For the porch, you will also need a lower support surface, which is made in the form foundation slab or a strip foundation with a depth of 30 to 60 cm. This design will save the porch from the walls of the main building.

This element is based on the simplest foundation with reinforcement from steel wire... A prerequisite is the presence of a bottom cushion of medium-grained river sand and gravel. If necessary, the concrete is covered with a waterproofing layer.

Installation of the site

So, we have decided on the foundation. Let's say it will be a screw pile system.

  • We determine the location of the support points and screw the piles to a depth corresponding to the depth of soil freezing. Data can be taken from SNiP 23-01-99. A feature and indisputable advantage of such a foundation is that work can be carried out in winter in freezing temperatures.
  • We check one horizontal level on all beams and cut off the excess parts. The height of the supports should be determined at the design stage, and should take into account the thickness of all structural elements that will lie on top. The upper point of the site should be 5 centimeters lower than the lower border of the door to ensure opening even during seasonal heaving of the soil.
  • Further, it is welded to the supports bottom rail which is made from profiled rectangular pipe different section, depending on the size and weight of the veranda.

Inside, the site is usually filled with lags from the same pipe, but there are other structures that can be performed for future decoration.

Assembling the stairs

After the site, you can start assembling the staircase. The base of the staircase is made up of bowstrings or stringers - inclined beams or sheet material that hold the entire structure.

The most reliable and technologically advanced is the design of the steps on the "filly". "Fillets" is a welded or bent triangular element with a reinforcement diameter of at least 1 centimeter. The steps are made from a metal corner and welded to them from above.

The result is durable and simple construction, which, however, is not without its drawbacks:

  1. The stairs will require one or two massive channels that are difficult to lift and cut. In addition, the price of this material is quite high.
  2. When sheathing steps with third-party materials (wood, plywood, etc.), it will be necessary to strengthen the frame of each of them with a transverse metal profile.

Another installation method metal ladder consists in using compound bowstrings. They are made from strong # 70 steel corners. This method is considered more laborious, but as a result, the steps will look recessed into the frame, the dimensions will decrease, and the strength will increase.

Each of the bowstrings is made of two long pieces of corners, connected by horizontal shelves, which will support future steps. In order for the ladder to come out strong and withstand all the loads imposed on it, it is enough to use corners with a thickness of 5 mm.

You can fasten the platform to the staircase either with a welded or bolted connection. In the first case, the structure is monolithic, and in the second, it is resistant to seasonal ground movements.

The lower part of the ladder is installed on concrete slab, and for reliability it is screwed to it with anchors.

Advice! To neutralize the linear expansion of the metal due to seasonal temperature changes, holes in the metal are made slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt.


The last element of the metal frame is the railings and parapets.

They are done in the following sequence:

  • First, the main vertical posts, which are placed at the beginning of the stairs, at the end, and at the turning points for the two-flight option.
  • Next, two horizontal guides are welded to them. The lower one is under the balusters - it is not always installed, since more often the balusters are attached to the steps. And the top one will serve for attaching the handrail made of wood. If you want to make the entire staircase metal, then the handrail is immediately welded.
  • Next, the fence is filled. For this, different elements are used, but more often than others there are vertical balusters and forged elements of various configurations.

By analogy, a balustrade is built, if such is planned by the project.

Ladder processing

After all installation work is completed, the metal is processed protective compounds... But first:

  • The surface of the frame is carefully sanded - it is important to remove all oxides so that the paint on the metal will last longer. This is done using a grinder or grinder with the appropriate attachments.

  • All welded joints are sanded - this way the porch will look more aesthetically pleasing. In addition, rough, untreated welding marks can be accidentally injured, so we do not need them.

  • The entire structure is degreased - for this, kerosene or white spirit is used.

  • Now we apply the primer in two layers with intermediate drying, which will ensure a strong adhesion of the paintwork.

All that remains is to purchase metal paint and apply it on the porch. This can also be done in several layers to make the coating thicker and stronger. After the paint, a transparent varnish is sometimes applied, but for the metal of the porch, this is an entirely optional procedure.

Of course, this knowledge may not be enough for an inexperienced person to work with metal to make a metal porch. Take on such a difficult task if you have reliable assistant, capable of high-quality welding work. In addition, we advise you to watch the video in this article, where the process takes place in dynamics.

The entrance group is one of the key elements of the building, which hospitably and comfortably lets people into the house, and reliably protects the room from noise, dust, precipitation, and drafts. The architectural solution for the entrance composition can completely coincide with the style of the main building, and vice versa, be eclectic, but organically fit into the exterior. A metal porch is one of the most popular options for arranging an entrance, both in private houses and in public buildings.

In the article we will tell you which of the metal are most in demand for a house, a summer residence, office space... Let us give detailed instructions how to make a metal porch, what material to use for this, how to install one correctly.

Metal porch device

A metal porch for a house, as well as structures made of other materials, requires accurate calculations, on the basis of which a construction project is drawn up. The main parameters for the porch are regulated regulatory documents, Gost and SNiPs clearly state the basic requirements for this kind outbuildings.

Metal side porch, photo of a low frame for wood trim

The upper platform from the metal profile, taking into account the floors, must be 5 cm below the door threshold, this requirement is imposed fire safety... The width of the site can be any, encircling the whole house, in the form of a terrace or veranda, or a very small patch in front of the door. The depth of the site must match the width front door multiplied by a factor of 1.5. In practice, most often a site is arranged 2 m wide, 1 m deep.

The angle of inclination of the metal porch relative to the horizon should be from 23 to 40 o, stairs with a large angle are inconvenient in operation. If necessary, you can make the rise steeper, but such structures are already becoming attached. The average width of a metal ladder is 0.8 - 1.0 m.


For comfort and ease of use, the depth of the steps (tread) for a metal porch should be located in the size range of 27-30 mm, and the height (riser) 12-22 cm, although a metal porch for a summer residence and emergency entrances can be made with narrower steps. According to the laws of ergonomics, the sum of the dimensions of the tread width and the riser height should be 45 cm.For example, if the step is 30 cm, then its height is 45-30 = 15 cm.

As for the materials for the device of the steps of a metal porch, they can be made of metal, etc. The most popular combination is a porch frame made of metal and wooden steps beech, oak, larch and sometimes pine.

Iron porch, full photo metal structure with forged elements


Based on the standards for the dimensions of a metal staircase, independent project a metal porch, where it is important to take into account not only, but also the location of the steps relative to the facade of the building. So, if the basement is high and you don't want to take up a lot of space in front of the house, the steps can be placed on the sides of the upper platform, or you can make a spiral or two-flight swing staircase. If the height of the metal porch is not large, then the steps are made perpendicular to the entrance door, or around the site.

The scheme of fastening steps on a metal stringer

Materials (edit)

The porch is made of metal, see the photo in the gallery, it can be made of a profiled corner, pipe, stainless steel, and even cast from cast iron. The strength of the metal ladder is in direct proportion to the selected rolled metal. A porch made of a thick-walled I-beam, beams, channel bars will turn out to be stronger than a concrete structure and much lighter.

But good rolled metal is too expensive a "pleasure", so usually metal porches are made from an equilateral corner, from an iron bar, from a professional pipe. The result is significant savings in material cost, coupled with high product durability, provided that the welding technology is followed.

Corner porch, decorated with gracefully forged railings, this solution makes the structure light, almost airy

In addition, a properly made metal porch frame will never crack, unlike concrete structures... Same way iron porch has a number of advantages over: it is not susceptible to fungal attack, is not afraid of bugs and microorganisms. Metal wings are afraid of corrosion, so that they last as long as possible, they should be carefully treated with anti-corrosion compounds.


As we have already noted, a welded porch from a corner or shaped pipe weighs much less than concrete and even some wooden structures, therefore, for a metal ladder, it is necessary to arrange a buried foundation. If this is not done, then the heaving of the soil in winter period will simply push the structure upward, deforming the entire entrance group.

Making a buried foundation is a laborious process that requires significant financial investments. A trench should be prepared for a tape or pits for a columnar base. The depth should be 30 cm more than the level of soil freezing, each region has its own indicators. In order not to increase the cost of building a metal porch, it is advisable to use pile foundation, the device of which does not require excavation.

Important: To install the porch of a private house made of metal with your own hands, you can drive the piles yourself or buy screw ones and screw them using a drill machine. The distance between the piles should be no more than 2 m.

But if there are rocks on your site, then you will have to lay a strip foundation. You will have to dig a trench around the entire perimeter and under the partitions of the metal frame, a depth below the level of freezing of the soil, plus 30-40 cm for the device of a sand and crushed stone pillow. Next, make the crate, lay the reinforcing frame, and pour concrete F150, B15. After that, in order to load the base, you will have to wait for the complete formation concrete mortar, and this is at least 28 days, under ideal conditions. In addition, the strip foundation cannot be poured in winter, but the piles can be screwed in.

Instructions on how to weld a metal porch

Usually, for summer cottages and private houses, a metal frame for a porch with their own hands is made from an equilateral corner of 40 * 40 mm, if the porch is made of a profile pipe, then you need to choose a rental with cross section 20 * 40, 40 * 40, 45 * 45 mm. The thickness of the metal must be at least 3 mm.

To make a welded porch with your own hands strong and stand for more than a dozen years, first of all, you should take up the foundation, what kind of foundation is decided on the basis of geodetic research, we will focus on the pile. The drawings are transferred to the terrain, the perimeter is marked with columns, the cord is pulled, the geometry of the markings is checked, the angles must be strictly 90 °, unless otherwise provided by the design.

The kosour scheme from the corners for a small ladder

Piles are driven in at the corners of the upper platform, and at the corners of the last, lowest step. If the width of the metal porch is more than 2 meters, then the piles are also arranged in the middle, between the already driven ones. Watch the vertical, check the level of each pile. When the length of the metal ladder is more than 3 m, intermediate vertical supports are also driven in, for the strength of the structure, so that no sagging occurs during operation.

The length of the piles on the outside for the upper platform should correspond to the height of the porch minus the deck and the thickness of the platform frame. For the latter, the length of the outer part of the pile can be flush with the ground, or protrude slightly, if provided for by the project.

If the piles are short, they are trimmed flush with the ground and welded to them. metal racks the desired height, which will hold the metal frame. Piles or posts along the perimeter of the upper platform, as well as the lower ones, should be tied together with a corner or channel along the heads in order to preserve the geometry of the welded metal porch.

The metal porch described in the article

When the base is ready, the distance along the hypotenuse from the upper platform to the lower pile is measured, then the rolled metal of the required length is sawn off, this is the side part of the ladder (bowstring) onto which the steps will be welded. Requires 2 bowstrings, cut out the parts and weld them to the finished structure.

  • the size of the steps;
  • the size of the steps;
  • a size equal to the width of the stairs.

The number of blanks should be equal to the number of steps multiplied by 2.

Important: To be sure of high quality welding, the seam on one side is smeared with kerosene, on the other - with a chalk suspension on a chalk basis. The procedure must be done 2 times, with a period of 10 minutes. If at subzero temperatures no spots appear at the joints in a few hours, then the quality of welding meets the highest requirements.

Blanks different kind(riser and tread) are welded together along the contour strictly at a right angle, you should get L-shaped parts. Since we took the corner as a basis, do not forget about the left and right sides.

The assembly of the metal porch begins from the bottom step. Weld the L-shaped piece along the contour to the left bowstring, measure out the horizontal, do the same operation with the right bowstring. Next, we connect the upper corner of the elements with an equal-flange corner, which is welded to two elements along the contour, with shelves inward. The bottom of the steps ( inner corner) we connect in the same way, but with the shelves outward. The rest of the steps are welded using the same algorithm.

Lightweight metal porch without foundation

When the metal frame is ready, you can install steps from different materials. The floor is laid on the upper platform. Then, if necessary, the railings are welded for safety, and a visor is attached to protect the metal porch from precipitation. Finishing the whole structure depends on the design of the entrance group. All metal parts and seams are cleaned of scale, oil stains and rust, and covered with paint for outdoor use.

Staircase to the house at least important element than she is indoors. The metal structure will last for many years, especially if covered with an anti-corrosion coating. A porch is a must for any home, as it aesthetically shapes and completes the overall integrity. And also it serves as a platform where the entrance to the house takes place, therefore it is necessary to construct the most comfortable and reliable staircase so that nothing interferes with the entrance to the house.

The stylistic direction of the entrance metal staircase to the porch can fully correspond to the general mood and style of not only the house, but also the plot and home decor. However, metal itself is a noble material and structures of any complexity and type are obtained from it. But the main rule is that the staircase does not cause dissonance when looking at it.

The metal staircase to the porch is very popular not only for public use, but also in private homes for personal use.

When installing, it is necessary to carefully consider the entire future structure, whether it will be with a turn, and take into account all the pros and cons. Of course, if the installation is carried out independently with your own hands, this will significantly reduce the required budget. However, if you do not have the necessary skills, you can purchase a ready-made ladder of any characteristics, or order according to an individual project.

The advantage of metal is that it can be used to build structures of any type. For instance, Forged Products with fantasy or stylistic patterns. Ladders are divided into three types: forged, prefabricated, welded.

Metal frame porch stairs

When creating a staircase project, a large number of options are considered. If for some reason a fully metal forged staircase does not suit you, you can make a prefabricated staircase on a metal frame and sheathed various materials, for example, a tree.

There are two types of frame:

  • Open;
  • Rough.

Having little knowledge of installation on your own, it is possible to use a rough frame from a channel. The ladder budget is markedly reduced. Subject to the basic installation recommendations, as well as if the calculation stage is carried out correctly, the staircase will be as strong and reliable as possible.

The rough version is great for those who decide to additionally sheathe the entire structure with other material. Such structures must be installed even during the construction of the house, and in the future it can already be sheathed.

The open frame is characterized by the installation of a staircase without overshooting. The disadvantage of such a staircase is that at the stage of installing the frame, all the shortcomings must be eliminated and it is advisable not to make mistakes at all, because there will be no trimming stage and all the blots will be in plain sight. At the same time, the open staircase can be painted or used for finishing sanding. Ladders on the frame are considered very reliable and wear-resistant, and at the same time any type of finish is possible, because almost all materials are combined with metal, in addition, it is self-sufficient and without finishing.

DIY metal staircase for the porch

If it is decided that the installation of the stairs will be carried out independently, it is necessary to determine in advance whether the master has sufficient skills, as well as how much he will cope with such a difficult material as metal. If the installation is carried out for the first time, but skills in working with metal are required, it will be useful to study the recommendation materials for creating a staircase of a specific type that you have chosen.

Welding seams must be not only aesthetically perfect, but also sufficiently reliable to withstand the entire structure during its operation.

Kosoura are the most important element in the ladder frame, since it is on them that the entire structure will be held. If the master does not know enough welding, it is better to pay attention to the rough version of the frame, since the sheathing can hide all the flaws. For work, a material is pre-selected, for example, a channel with corners. At the first stage, stringers are installed, or load-bearing elements of a different plan. Channels are used by connecting them to each other at a distance equal to the width of the flight of stairs. To create steps using welding machine, weld on the corners. As soon as the frame itself is ready, you can start the second stage - sheathing.

Preparation is considered the most important step. Since it is necessary for strength and comfort to build a structure taking into account all the parameters. When all the blanks are created, you need to remember about the weld and make the calculations correctly. At the very last stage of installation, the railings are installed. For wood sheathing, special wood glue and self-tapping screws are used.

Finished metal stairs for the porch

The main entrance gives the house a truly finished look. Installing a staircase to a porch is very important stage construction. Self-assembly will significantly reduce construction costs, however, not every home owner has certain skills in working with metal, as well as handling a welding machine.

Today, many firms provide services for the installation and creation of frames.

Professionally installed ladder will save you a lot Money for repair or revision. And also ordering work from a professional firm will save you a lot of time and effort. Finished goods suitable for country cottages, summer cottages, as well as for public places, For example, shopping centers etc.


  1. The ability to work with other materials, finishing the metal frame is possible from almost any material at the request of the customer.
  2. Reliability and durability - the work of professionals is carried out with a guarantee, and will allow you to operate the structure for a long period of time.
  3. Resistance to stress - welded seams by professionals will be made with special strength, since the metal itself is a sufficiently strong material, a skilled craftsman can process it correctly so that the structure can withstand its own heavy weight and operation.
  4. Resistance to aggressive external environmentexperienced craftsmen will tell you how to choose the right material for outdoor work. Their practice will allow, based on personal observations, to draw a conclusion and recommend the most a good option designs and materials.

Despite the fact that the price of the finished staircase construction payment for the work of all masters will be included, which will significantly increase the price, the possible risks of self-installation make the investment expedient.

Characteristics of the stairs to the porch made of metal (video)

Uniqueness is an important aspect when creating a staircase. All work is carried out on individual sketch, the designer involved in the work will help to create a structure that, in the opinion of the customer, will fit into the exterior as much as possible.

Rarely see country cottage without a porch. What is its role for a private house? This external extension provides a more comfortable entrance and exit from the building, protects from bad weather, and gives the architectural appearance of the house a complete look.

This article will discuss how to independently build a metal porch of a private house. We will consider in detail the features of its design, methods of fastening the elements, as well as all the pros and cons of such a structure. Examples of what metal porches can be will be shown in our gallery.

A porch for a home is not only of aesthetic value. It provides additional heat and sound insulation for the entire house, ensuring the comfort of its residents. A metal structure looks presentable and expensive. This design is reliable and durable, suitable for houses built from various materials.

Beautiful porch made of metal for a summer residence, photo

Iron porch: advantages and disadvantages

A metal porch for a home, along with concrete and wood products, has a number of positive characteristics:

  • strength;
  • quick installation;
  • resistance to mechanical damage, temperature changes;
  • the possibility of constructing both budgetary and elite structures;
  • good performance;
  • the ability to create products of different shapes and configurations, combining with other materials.

Along with the advantages, the metal porch design has several disadvantages:

  • high material cost;
  • the need for additional protection against corrosion;
  • the possibility of ice formation in winter.
Advice: so that the metal ladder is not slippery, it is better to weld it from reinforcement rods.

DIY metal construction technology

How to make a metal porch yourself? To do this, you need to know all the intricacies of the construction of a structure made of iron. The porch is rarely made entirely of metal; in most cases, iron is combined with wood, concrete, brick, forged parts, stone and tiles.

Varieties of the iron porch, photo

Construction device

The main constituent elements of the metal structure:

  • area;
  • staircase with railings;
  • canopy.

Schematic device of a porch made of metal

The most durable are factory structures, but if you wish, you can build a welded porch with your own hands. The entire frame can be made of metal, or individual elements: steps, railings, platform enclosing structure, as well as the base for the canopy.

The metal porch frame can be forged or welded. To give the product a presentable look, at the end it is coated with paint or special polishes.

Determining the material

The material for the manufacture of an attached metal porch is selected for the roof of the house. If it is metal, then the metal frame of the veranda can be made:

  • from iron pipes and corners;
  • copper (the material practically does not lose its original appearance and shine, since it is covered with a special patina, but is quite expensive);
  • aluminum pipes - lightweight and inexpensive material practically does not require additional processing;
  • from a profile pipe, which can be of various sections and is one of the types of modern rolled metal;
  • made of stainless steel - pipes with a protective coating that do not need painting;
  • forged steel.

Various options for the manufacture of a metal porch frame, photo

Consider: shaped pipes are able to withstand higher loads than ordinary ones.

The supporting structure of the porch can be made of square or round tubes. But the canopy provides more space for imagination - it can be flat, sloping, or spherical. For roofing, metal profiles are often used - special profiled sheets, galvanized or with a polymer coating.

Advice: when building a veranda for wooden house you can use the combination wooden beams With metal frame for the porch.

The budget version of the veranda frame can be made of metal pipes and corners connected by welding. To strengthen it, you can additionally scald it with reinforcement.

Factory porch from a profile pipe


Before you weld a porch made of metal, you should consider the design of the structure and draw up detailed project outbuildings. This is necessary in order to create a complete picture of the structure, to see how it will be in harmony with the house.

To do this, you need to take measurements, determine the dimensions of the structure and make a drawing. From the materials you need:

  • concrete;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • fittings;
  • boards and beams for the manufacture of formwork;
  • rolled metal products;
  • welding machine;
  • hammer, nails, screws, screws;
  • primer, paint.

Determining the dimensions of the structure

A staircase usually leads to a metal porch. For convenient use, its width should be 80-100 cm, the slope is from 26 to 45 degrees, the number of steps is odd. Convenient steps will be 20-25 cm wide with a riser height of 15-20 cm.

Laying the foundation

A metal porch, in comparison with a concrete one, is lightweight, but the foundation for it is also poured. This is necessary so that the structure does not lead during operation. It must be over 1m deep.

First, a pit is pulled out, where a sand-crushed stone pillow is poured (at least 10 cm). Next, a wooden formwork is installed. The base of the steps is knitted from reinforcement. After that, concrete is poured. Also, at the concreting stage, pipes are installed to form the base of the railing and support for the canopy.

The filled area dries completely in 7-10 days

Making a metal ladder

The ladder can also be welded from a professional pipe. The design is based on two channels. They are attached to the foundation and base of the porch platform. Next, the location of the steps is marked. Fasteners for them are cut from a 50 mm corner (equal-flange) and welded to the base channels, forming the letter "G".

Installation of a metal staircase for the porch

Attention: welds should be made of high quality, without cracks, have a smooth surface, with a smooth transition to the base metal.

The resulting L-shaped elements on both sides of the stairs are connected with an equal angle corner, forming the contour of each step.

Metal frame under the stairs for the porch

To fill the steps, you can use wooden planks, tiles, metal (the same material as for the floor of the site). Metallic coating steps are welded to the frame, the tiles are mounted on glue, and the boards are glued with a special compound.

Design options for steps on the porch from the corner

Installation of handrails and handrails

Next, let's look at how to make metal porch railings. They are necessary if the staircase consists of more than three steps. Optimal height handrail for comfortable ascent is 0.8-1 m.

First, pipe racks are installed at the top and bottom of the porch. Then transverse pipes of a smaller section are welded to them (the upper ones will be handrails), as well as the base for the visor.

Construction of a frame for a railing and a canopy

The finishing stage is finishing the porch. It can be decorated with various decorative elements, and fill the space between the railing pipes with forging elements, decorative inserts.

Finished metal porch

Attention: a metal structure should be treated with a primer anti-corrosion compound and painted in two layers - this will extend the life of the structure.

If it is not planned to install a canopy above the porch, it is better to make the platform from metal. To prevent slipperiness, it is better to use a perforated sheet of medium thickness (about 4 mm).

All-metal construction


A metal porch is a large-scale structure that requires a serious approach to the organization of all work. However, the expended efforts are paid off by the long service life of the structure, the beauty and originality of the structure. Choosing a metal porch for a summer residence, or at home, you rely on reliability and convenience.

Any house cannot be built without a porch, because without it it is impossible to enter the premises of the house. Moreover, this design helps to protect the front door from snow and dust, as well as from rain.

The porch can be built from different materials, for example, wood, metal. Here's how to build a metal porch with our own hands, and we'll talk further.

Sketch and drawing of the porch

Measurement of the dimensions of the platform located on top must be careful, because they must be such that when the door is opened, there are no obstacles.

The door should be positioned so that its lower part is five centimeters above the porch area.

Do-it-yourself metal foundation under the porch

Before starting the arrangement of the foundation, it is necessary to determine the depth of its placement. It should be thirty centimeters below freezing of the ground.

If you live in the house all the time, and the temperature in it will constantly keep at least ten degrees, then the depth of the foundation can be made a little less.

Stages of work on the arrangement of the foundation

The metal staircase structure should be slightly recessed into the concrete.

When you pour the foundation, you need to leave about thirty centimeters to the top.

When you install the ladder, the concrete needs to be poured to the top.

After the concrete has been poured, you need to get rid of the voids; for this, use a special tool.

So the air bubbles have been removed from the concrete, and the concrete can be covered with a film until it is completely dry.

This takes about one week and after this time the concrete must not be touched.

The metal porch has:

  1. Railing;
  2. Visor.

In the manufacture of stairs, two channels are used, they are its basis.

Then rolled products are welded to them, which will act as steps.

The design of the steps can be different, and we will analyze one of them further.

They are connected with shelves inward, and the finished steps are connected with shelves outward.

The steps are filled with any suitable material.

In order to attach the material to a metal structure, self-tapping screws and silicone-based glue are used.

In the event that the porch staircase has more than three steps, the staircase is equipped with handrails with handrails, they are needed to ensure safety.