Raise the ceiling without disassembling the roof. Lifting sagging ceiling beams

It is much easier to heat a room in which the ceiling is low. This technique was often used in older houses. But this was not the only reason, another problem was the lack of modern technologies for the procurement of building materials. Often when doing renovation works owners are interested in how to raise the ceiling in a house with the least loss.

Why is the ceiling low

In order to qualitatively approach the work on increasing the level of ceilings, it is important to know two more reasons why the ceilings are low:

  • inattentive approach when choosing logs;
  • shrinkage of the building;
  • uneven load distribution;
  • the house was originally designed incorrectly.

When buying building materials, it is better to do this with your own tape measure. So you will have the opportunity to check the compliance with the stated dimensions. Often for the sake of savings or the desire to earn more, and sometimes simply because of negligence, overall width can be underestimated by a whole centimeter, which during assembly overall design can result in 15, or even 20 cm.

Note! In the case when the building was built from a bar or profiled log, or without a foundation, it can exhibit significant shrinkage. In the case of rounded logs, this value can reach 10-15 cm. It happens that builders do not take this moment into account and do not make a reserve, which subsequently leads to unpleasant consequences.

When designing a house, it is necessary to correctly approach the distribution of the load on the supporting beams and walls. In this case, the entire building will form monolithic frame... It is important that all the material is from the same batch, then there will be a high probability that all the boards will behave the same.

Lifting methods

In most cases, the ceiling level can be raised without removing the roof. In other situations, this is indispensable. Here are the methods that are used quite often:

  • Lowering the floor... This option will not be feasible in all situations. If the house is completely without a foundation or it is not deep enough, this can lead to partial or complete destruction of the building. When applying this method, it is also necessary to analyze at what height the windows will be. They may need to be moved down a level.
  • Changing the sheathing method... A frequently used method. Suitable in most cases. With the right approach, you can get a beautifully decorated ceiling.
  • ... It can be implemented when the ceiling beams are not load-bearing and the roof rafters are not attached to them.
  • Lifting the whole building... Will be relevant in a wooden house , when the entire building forms a monolithic bandage from a bar and can be raised without the consequences of skewing or destroying the walls.
  • ... This is a very discouraged method, but, nevertheless, it can be carried out subject to all the rules.

Note! No two buildings are completely identical. This means that it is worth approaching the matter by analyzing general principles rather than formulaic solutions.

Preparatory work

Before choosing one of the methods listed above, it is necessary to inspect the main units in a private house:

  • Examine the foundation carefully. Rate how deep it is in the ground. Is it a ribbon or is it just a mound of cobblestones.
  • Assess the condition of the walls. If they are made of wood, tap them to see if the planks have rotted in the middle.
  • Go up to the attic. See what method was used to sew the ceiling. Whether the rafter beams (crossbars) were involved or the ceiling beams were laid separately.
  • Check how secure the roof deck is.

Note! If possible, draw and describe the course of action on a piece of paper before starting work. This will make it possible the best way analyze all the advantages and difficulties.

If, after inspection, you come to the conclusion that the foundation has high strength and is made soundly, then you can go this way.

  • If the house is made of logs, then this means that the logs are fixed between the first and second crown. The main task will be to lower them directly to the foundation or slightly lower. In this way, we will be able to win about 20 cm.
  • We free our room from all furniture and clean it.
  • With the help of a nail puller, we remove the boards that form the floor covering. Don't rush to throw them away. If they are oak or just in good condition, they can still come in handy.

  • Assess the state of the lag. See if they are provided for the base only in this room or have a continuation in the next one.
  • We cut the logs with a hacksaw, saber or chain saw... Be careful, sometimes nails can be caught.
  • We seal the cracks and openings that remained in the walls after removing the beams.
  • We examine and clean up the space that has become available.
  • We transfer the boards to the level below. For this, if necessary, it is important to make openings for the planks in flap... After they are inserted and fixed (using metal corners).
  • If the floor has not been insulated, then if there is space from the bottom, you can fill perpendicular strips on which it fits mineral wool(it will need to be covered with a film) or expanded polystyrene.
  • If floor boards are in good condition, they can be used again to sew up the floor. After that, everything will need to be cleaned, primed and painted.

If operations are not performed in a house made of timber, then after removing flooring you may have to go deeper into the ground to achieve the desired result.

  • When performing such actions, you lose a significant layer, which served as insulation. Now it is necessary to compensate for this. The selection should be made taking into account the fact that the layer of insulation will be laid. It will consist of waterproofing, expanded clay and possibly expanded polystyrene. It is better to fill the screed from above.
  • Do not forget that the walls are bare and cold bridges may appear. To compensate for this, waterproofing and damper tape can be installed before completing the floor insulation layer. It should go above the future screed. Its excess is cut off with a knife.

If, having visited the attic, you noticed that the ceiling consists of boards that are stuffed on lower part beams, this is just the perfect option and the easiest to fix.

  • It is better to empty the room completely, without trying to cover the furniture, because it can still be accidentally damaged.
  • We shoot all decorative trim from the ceiling.
  • We remove the layer of boards and insulation that may be present there.
  • If the boards are in good condition, they can be reused.
  • We examine the condition of the beams. They can be cleaned and coated with an antiseptic if required.
  • We transfer the hemmed boards from the bottom of the beams to the top. In this way, we gain about 20 cm of space. But the structure of the floor will now be visible.
  • If the surface of the floor beams has an unpresentable look and staining will no longer help, then you can go the other way. Using wooden lining or drywall, sew them up and paint them in the color of the tree.
  • Further finishing work is carried out.

Typically, when building houses, separate ceiling beams are laid for the ceiling, which are not connected to the roof structure. If this is the case in your case, then you can proceed as follows:

  • We clean out the attic space and remove all the cladding from the ceiling.
  • We descend back into the room and make supports for the existing ceiling beams. They can be tied to tie bars (truss cross bars). Before performing this operation, it is very important to correctly calculate the maximum support weight.
  • Once the beam has been secured, it can be trimmed using a saber or chainsaw. When both ends are released, it simply drops to the ground.
  • We do this with each of the crossbars.
  • After the ceiling space is cleared, you can raise the partitions with the help of logs.
  • The binding of the ceiling sheathing is carried out to the beams of the trusses. Thus, you can raise the ceiling by several tens of centimeters.
  • If this seemed not enough, then you can do it differently. With the right approach, there is the advantage of carrying puffs. Before cutting off the old ones, new ones are made, which are located a little higher. The entire structure is fixed and, if necessary, additional struts and spacers are added. Next, we hem the ceiling to the new beams.

Lifting the whole building

Before using this method, it is best to have a few jacks. Their lifting capacity must be at least 5 tons. In simultaneous lifting there is a risk of losing the reference point, therefore it is important to consider avoiding horizontal displacement.

  • Determine how high you want to raise the building.
  • Divide this value by 5 cm - this is how much better to lift in one approach. You can go to a lower height, but not to a higher one.
  • Make props according to the number of approaches.
  • Determine the pivot points for the jacks.
  • Before starting work, once again make sure that the walls are properly bandaged and the roof is fixed.
  • The lift must be done synchronously.
  • As soon as the next wedge is placed, it must be fixed to the previous one with self-tapping screws so that they do not part.
  • After reaching the desired height, the jacks are loosened and everything remains on the supports.
  • Now you can add some crowns to the resulting space. Instead of crowns, you can pour the foundation to the planned level.
  • Further, hydro and thermal insulation is carried out. The building is raised a little again, the supports are removed, after which it sits down in the designated place.

Note! Before performing all operations, calculate the mass of the house. To do this, multiply the volume of the material by its density. The volume is obtained by multiplying the width by the length and height, then the values ​​for each wall are added and added to the approximate weight of the roof.

This option can be carried out if the supporting part of the roof is close to ideal condition.

  • Determine how high you want the roof to be raised.
  • Calculate total weight roof structures.
  • Now you need to strengthen the perimeter. For this, a channel of a series not lower than 14U is used. It is necessary to build a frame from it, which will connect the entire structure.
  • The base is fixed to the timber using self-tapping screws with a diameter of at least 10 mm and a length of at least 10 cm.
  • Throw additional cross members between the trusses if necessary.
  • Now you need to completely disassemble the ceiling in order to install the support legs.
  • Support legs are made from a cruciform base. For this, a 12U channel is used. Four vertical strips of the same material are welded to the base. The distance between them should be such that the jack fits inside. They are connected using perpendicular crossbars. In addition, struts are mounted.
  • The stands are located at the points of the anchor points. Lifting is carried out using one jack with a step of 5 cm.
  • When the roof is raised to the desired height, additional crowns are installed in the case of a wooden structure or an armored belt is poured.
  • Once the roof support is ready, you can put it back in place.

Note! Carry out work only in calm weather, because there is a danger of collapse due to gusts of wind.

This article aims to provide a basic understanding of possible ways problem solution. In each specific situation difficulties arise and are born unique ideas... Share your solutions in the comments. We are always glad to new offers!


This video shows how a private house is lifted:

Essentially, the ceiling is the partition that separates the floors. V apartment buildings it is predominantly made of concrete slabs (with metal reinforcement inside). Its device is extremely simple - the base and the reinforcing material, which increases the durability and the permissible static load.

In a private house, ceilings are often made of wood. Thus, they do not increase the mass of the entire structure (this will make it possible to slightly save on the foundation), and also reduce the cost of construction. Of course, you can lay and concrete plates, but it will cost more and require additional equipment.

The most difficult option is an adobe ceiling. In most cases, it is simply replaced, but it can also be restored by strengthening wooden beams... Moreover, it is the real fashion trend in modern design.

In total, ceilings are:

  • concrete;
  • wooden (beams, boards, frame, wells);
  • adobe (bricks and other building materials of this class can be included here).

How to raise the ceiling in an old house: what is needed for this

In order to raise the ceilings in your house, you need to either disassemble the structure and then create a new covering, or raise the log house by installing the lower cladding (suitable for small wooden houses).

You just can't do it with your hands - you will need to use additional equipment. Perfect option- remove the roof, build up the wall to the desired height and already create new level ceiling.

When it comes O two-story house, then such work will not be cost-effective - it is better to abandon the idea. That is, you can raise the ceilings only from the side of the attic.

It must be remembered that in this case you still have to:

  • strengthen the base and foundation;
  • align the level of the cladding of the main box and the added layer;
  • prevent condensation at the joints (sealed with basalt fiber).

What should be the height of the ceilings in the house

In almost every old house, the ceiling height slightly exceeds 2 meters. The modern standard is 2.4 meters. However, increasingly standard height increases up to 3 meters. But you need to remember that in those houses that are located outside the city, a ceiling that is too high will create a whole lot of inconvenience. For example, it will be much more difficult to heat such a room with a stove. That is why a comfortable height is considered the same 2.4 meters.

V unheated house you can do even less. However, you will definitely need thermal insulation from the attic floor.

Based on all this, the optimal heights are:

  • 2.1 meters - for houses that are heated by stoves;
  • 2.4 - for gasified houses;
  • 3 meters - if the ceiling is created in a monolithic structure (but they are still extremely rare).

DIY ceiling device in the house: options

The ceiling, even of the same material, can be installed different methods... For example, made of wood - along beams or in a cross pattern (transversely, with longitudinal suspensions). In any case, if the walls are made of brick or concrete, then they will have to be grooved, that is, to create recesses for joining. Sagging will only help when installing a false ceiling.

What fastenings to make - the owner of the house decides himself, based on the stability of the structure, as well as the reliability of the foundation layer. A universal option is an average arrangement of gouging and installation of a reinforced layer (it is even possible from reinforcement with a screed).

Correctly mounted is considered to be the ceiling, for which the static limit load exceeds 2-3 times the real one. That is, it must be both lightweight and reliable at the same time.

The simplest options are:

  1. Adobe ceiling (a mixture of wood and mud bricks with straw).
  2. Wooden ceiling (with beams or just clapboard).
  3. Beacon screed. Cement with mesh reinforcement is used. This ceiling is not designed for heavy loads.

Adobe house: how to make a ceiling with your own hands

If you need to knock down the ceiling in adobe house, it is better to mount it from wood or adobe. You can also combine these options - create a crate of wood and cover it all with a mixture of clay and straw. In principle, this was done until the 80s of the last century in almost all country-type houses.

The only drawback of adobe is that it sweats during heating and is a highly flammable material. That is, to heat such a house, you will have to install either a floor heating system or a stove (stove), which will be taken outside the house (it will be in the annex).

That is, the basics of the technique of installing a ceiling in an adobe house:

  • put a high-quality crate (ideally - from a log house);
  • put adobe on the crate;
  • level with a mixture of clay and straw.

You can even make an adobe ceiling in a residential building. If you want to hide it visually, you can use a suspended structure.

What ceilings to make in the house: options

Returning to the original question, we can answer that each case is individual, therefore it is impossible to say which ceilings are best done in a particular house.

The most durable and reliable ones are concrete ones, but you cannot install them in an adobe or clay house (and even in a chopped block house). Why? Because you need to take into account the maximum possible static load on the battens (support for the ceiling).

Restrictions are not introduced except when arranging the ceiling in concrete and brick houses under which is monolithic foundation... That is, you must first consult with a specialist or engineer who will indicate whether the structure can withstand the increased weight.

When choosing a ceiling design, you only need to remember that:

  • a tree is not reliable and requires special care;
  • adobe is not visually attractive, so it will have to be covered with trim;
  • concrete - the best way, but they will not be able to knock down the ceiling in a wooden house.

Even for brick, it will not work with a strip foundation.

And, of course, every builder who has taken up the arrangement of the ceiling must also take into account his financial capabilities. Reviews say that the use of adobe is the most profitable business if it is not then covered with expensive finishes. If we close it with finishing, then it will cost no less than a ceiling made of wood and concrete, or even more expensive, therefore, this option is more suitable for rich people.

How to make a ceiling in a monolithic house

The main difficulty that arises when arranging a ceiling in monolithic house- the impossibility of its subsequent disassembly. That is, the base is mounted along the grooves (where the spacers are placed) into the wall.

In an already formed room, it will be possible to do only wooden ceiling... Plates cannot be installed without removing the roof. And you need to understand that all the walls here are reinforced, or even slings pass through them. Therefore, it will not work to level the level. Perhaps only to replace the ceiling finish, or create a new false ceiling from the same drywall, for example.

That is, when creating a ceiling in a monolithic house, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. The structure will be supported by grooves (grooves in the wall).
  2. The construction of an additional floor is impossible, therefore the load on the ceiling will be small (for an attic it will do, but no more).
  3. It is not possible to adjust the height of the ceiling.
  4. For overhaul the ceiling is better to create a false base. The rough base is simply strengthened if necessary.

Do-it-yourself ceiling in your house (video)

Naturally, there are much more options for arranging ceilings than described here. Now even glass is used for construction, but in residential buildings is not an option. Optimal choice- wood and concrete. Saman - for the old country houses without brickwork... And the installation technology is the same everywhere - either along the crate or along the grooves.

Do-it-yourself ceiling in your house (photo)

/ Low ceiling in a wooden house - how to raise it?

Low ceiling in a wooden house - how to raise it?

Many buildings made of wood and built a long time ago are still very decent housing. However, most of them have one significant drawback - low ceilings. The main reason for this oddity is the banal economy of building materials - walls of lower height required less money for construction.

What can be done

In order to give the rooms in a wooden house a more comfortable look and get rid of the lack of wall height, you can raise the ceiling or lower the floor. In both cases, the situation will change in better side... However, the second option has too many negative consequences.

Firstly, the floor will drop and a high threshold will appear, through which it will be necessary to step over, and the children will stumble over it. Secondly, the distance to the windows will increase and it will become inconvenient to use them - it will be inconvenient to open and close windows that are too high.

If the window is located at a height of more than 90 centimeters, then it will become uncomfortable to use it, and in the case of lowering the floor to the level of the foundation, it will rise immediately by 30. Considering that usually the windows in old buildings were located at the most comfortable height, then as a result of lowering the floor, the windows will be at a height of about 120 centimeters - not too comfortable.

The most powerful argument in favor of not this, but another method, will be the relatively high cost of the entire complex of works. Therefore, wishing to increase the height of the walls in a wooden house, it is better to raise the ceiling surface.

How to do it

The easiest way to give the walls a few inches of extra height in a room is to remove the ceiling liner. This can be done not in all houses - in separate buildings their design features make it impossible to use similar decisions... However, in most situations this is possible, therefore, consider this option in more detail.

First of all, you need to determine whether it is possible to use such a modification of your ceiling. If the surface does not have transitions from level to level and everything is made in one plane, then the beams on which the second floor or the ceiling between the room and the attic are held are hidden inside the structure.

It is necessary to disassemble its lower part and remove everything that is inside - there may be a layer of insulation, soundproofing material and just dust or dirt. After thorough cleaning about all this, you can proceed with the construction of the flooring from the side of the upper floor.

The second option for raising the ceiling will be complete removal, along with the ceiling, and the construction of a new ceiling, but, already on the other - the rafter beams. This operation is extremely laborious and complex. Therefore, before embarking on such a cardinal alteration, pretty one weigh the pros and cons, so that later you will not be disappointed in what has been done.

The order of work in this case will be as follows: the ceiling filing and flooring are removed from the upper side. Further, the beams freed from all parts of the old ceiling are cut to the plane of the walls. The last one to construct a new overlap, along the rafter beams.

It is all very difficult to do this and such an alteration option is possible, only in those houses that have a full set of beams. There must be both rafters and ceiling elements constructions. In addition, in most cases, such work cannot be carried out without complete or partial dismantling of the roof of the building.

If the floor cannot be lifted

Sometimes, you have to do it the wrong way, but the way it turns out. In old buildings, there is often no way to raise the ceiling surface and you have to be content with not the most popular methods. In the case of the height of the walls, this will lower the floor.

Of course, you can lower the floor. Here, the owner of the old house will benefit from the fact that in the old houses the floor was overlapped at the junction of the first two crowns. This means that there is approximately 25 to 30 centimeters of unused space left under the floor.

We'll have to completely cut off the old logs that were used to build the old floor. After their removal, a new floor is mounted, along the logs installed directly on the foundation. If the height is not enough, there is also a more difficult option to increase the free space.

In such a situation, you will have to remove the beams completely, to the point where the house rests almost only on the walls, under which the entire foundation remained. In the resulting space, the floor level deepens until the lower edge of the supporting foundation appears - you should not go further. If you do this, you can deprive the house of support, which will lead to deformation of the walls and the destruction of the building. When the required depth is obtained, the whole complex of work is carried out related to the construction of an insulating layer and preparation for the installation of floor beams.

Almost all wooden houses that were built in the last century have very low ceilings. This is due to the fact that then there was no such wide access to various building materials... In addition, over the years, houses have seriously shrunk, which affected the height of the ceilings in them.

Old wooden house, the ceilings in which are most likely very low

The main reasons for low ceilings in wooden houses

As mentioned earlier, mainly the ceiling height was initially made small in wooden houses. In addition, the shrinkage of the house also makes itself felt. For this reason, today many owners of such housing are forced to face problems when installing modern furniture and door blocks.

Design errors

A low ceiling is not always a sign of old age wooden house... Such metamorphoses can also happen with new wooden houses. It may happen that after construction the ceiling will be not only low, but also lopsided. This happens for several reasons:

  • During the construction of the house, according to all calculations, the ceiling height should have been at least 2.4 m.
  • When the construction was completed, in fact, it turned out to be equal to 2.1 m. All this happened due to the fact that mistakes were made in the design, namely, the thickness of the flooring beams was not taken into account.
  • Sometimes the reason for the discrepancy is elementary negligence. When buying a bar, no attention is paid to its thickness, instead of 150 mm it turns out to be 144 mm. It would seem a trifle, but from the entire height of the wall, at least 10 -15 centimeters in total runs up, which is very significant. But this could easily have been avoided with great care.

House shrinkage

However, these are not all the troubles that the builders of a wooden house can expect. After a while, you will notice that the ceiling has sagged even more. In some places, its height is slightly more than 180 centimeters. What is the reason here? Quite simply, the builders forgot about the usual shrinkage. Well, then why is the ceiling also mowed? And this despite the fact that the foundation was erected in compliance with all the rules for required power... And the reason for this is the usual incompetence that appeared during the procurement of materials. The problems may be as follows:

  • The purchase of logs or timber was carried out at different times and from different parties. They had different humidity levels, as they were stored in different conditions.
  • Stress on wooden structures was unevenly distributed.
  • Used different breeds wood when erecting a crown, for example, spruce and pine.

Wood shrinkage table

How can the ceiling be raised

Now let's figure out how to raise the ceiling in a wooden house. It should be remembered that it is always better to prevent a problem than to solve it heroically later. Therefore, you need to purchase building materials with special attention... But if, nevertheless, the problems have already appeared, then you need to know how to fix the current situation in which you find yourself. The issue of raising the ceiling in a wooden house is quite complicated, therefore, its solution must be taken with great responsibility.

The main factor is individuality

There are many tips and instructions to help you solve this issue. However, not all of them can be used, on the contrary, many of them can lead to more serious consequences up to the destruction of the building. Here the fact is that each house is strictly individual and it has its own characteristics and a certain period of operation.

How not to do

One of the recommendations says that using special means all ceilings can be lifted completely. However, it does not say that before this you need to research very carefully technical condition beams.


  • The poor condition of the beams can lead to the complete destruction of the entire roof when exposed to lifting mechanisms.
  • Even if the beams are in good condition, the roof can slip and slide to the side, and cannot be reinstalled.
  • This will result in the entire roof having to be disassembled and reassembled.
  • When moving, the roof can cause damage to the entire structure.
  • As a result - the complete destruction of the building.

Lowering the floor is a dubious way out of the situation

Some people, when they see that they cannot raise the ceiling, simply lower the floor. It should be noted here that this will help someone, but harm someone. Individuality is manifested in full measure. For example, we have a house with low ceilings, but normally positioned windows. What can await us:

  • It is important to know that, although the height of the window sills is not standardized, it is physically most convenient to have them at a height of 900 mm and not higher.
  • If we lower the floor by at least 30 - 40 centimeters, then we really get the height of the windowsills 1200 - 1300 millimeters.
  • Naturally, such a distance is permissible only for an industrial building, but for a home it is completely inconvenient.

The importance of design features

The solution to the issue of displacing the floor depends on the height and the foundation itself. In this regard, you need to study it very carefully. Otherwise, excessive lowering of the floor will adversely affect the condition of the entire house. One way or another, finding the floor too close to the ground is unacceptable, as this can lead to the appearance of mold and mildew, as well as a decrease in the overall cold resistance of the dwelling. It is best to provide for the possibility of replacement already during the design process separate parts and beams in the crowns of the house.

The foundation needs to be examined carefully

By the way, in the old days, when people built a wooden house, they understood that lower rims it can rot over time. Therefore, it was possible to replace rotten logs with new ones without dismantling the entire building.

What are the advantages of the technology of lifting the entire building

In the case when it is impossible or impractical to raise the roof or lower the floor, then it is necessary to lift the entire house completely to a certain height. This will allow you to kill two birds with one stone at the same time. First of all, we will increase the height of the ceiling and at the same time level the ceiling and the behavior of the floor.

Methods for raising ceilings

Let us consider in detail several ways by which you can fearlessly raise the ceilings in a wooden house.

Change of floor device

A good way to increase the height of the ceiling in a wooden house by 150 - 250 mm without distortions is to use beams. All ceilings in a wooden house contain floor beams, insulation and filing. It is most economical to make beams with a thickness of 50 mm and a height of 150 to 180 mm. Wherein this parameter needs to be changed depending on the length of the floor span. It is not worth making the height of the beams less than 150 millimeters. The ceiling trim is attached to the bottom of the beams. The method consists in the fact that this filing is removed, receiving a gain in height by this number. What do I need to do:

  • Clear the attic from various rubbish and insulation.
  • Remove trim from exposed ceiling joists.
  • Inspect carefully all beams and replace unsuitable for further use.
  • After that, you can start building a new floor.

When performing such work, you should pay attention to the fact that the ceiling beams of the structure being lifted will have not only a load-bearing, but also a decorative function. Most likely, these elements have a very unpresentable appearance, since they were covered with a binder. Now they will be outside. Therefore, they need to be brought in accordance with the new circumstances. If the beams cannot be beautifully arranged, then you can close them with decorative false beams.

This is what a decorative false beam might look like.

After that, sheathing is done and insulation is already on top load-bearing beams... This approach to raising the ceiling in a wooden house will allow you to perform the entire operation without rebuilding all the elements, and visually the height of the ceiling will increase significantly. If you come up with imagination to decorate the exposed beams, then this can add additional flavor to the interior of your home.

In some cases, lowering the floor is shown. To do this, you need to study the method of laying its beams. Often they are placed after one or two rows have been folded in a crown. In order to detect this, you need to tear off a couple of boards somewhere on the edge and see how they lie. If everything is really as we said, then you need to cut the beams from the crown and put them directly on the foundation. You can then re-lay the floor. Important advice- to protect against moisture, place pieces of roofing material under the beams. This method perfectly allows you to increase the height of rooms in a wooden house.

Where to start lifting the house

If design features Because buildings do not allow one of the above methods to be used, the whole house will have to be lifted. This is a very responsible matter:

  • You need to study the entire structure of the house
  • If there are ovens, attention should be paid to cutting the pipe that needs to be disassembled.
  • It is necessary to calculate the weight of the entire structure to be lifted, at least approximately. It depends on the moisture content of the wood and on its type.

Lifting is carried out by several jacks, which have a lifting capacity of at least 5 tons. It is necessary to use just a few jacks, since this will not only avoid damage to parts of the structure, but also speed up the whole process. However, not everyone can boast of having several tools, and they are quite expensive. Therefore, sometimes you can get by with one jack, if the lifting is carried out correctly. This should be done as follows:

  • It is best to take a 10 ton jack, but if it is not available, a five ton jack will do.
  • The main thing in this business is the absence of haste. In one pass, you need to raise the house by no more than 5 cm. This will avoid violations and deformation.
  • After lifting one side, wooden wedges are inserted into the foundation and go to next corner... After going around the entire perimeter of the house, you can go to the second circle. Climbing 50 millimeters per passage, you need to raise the house to the desired height.

Lifting the house on jacks

The installation of the wedges must be done correctly. Do not place loose wedges under the raised structure. Better to do the following:

  • Decide on the height of the house.
  • Calculate the number of points to climb.
  • Select exact lift height for one pass.
  • Divide given value to the entire lifting height.
  • Prepare in advance the number of wedges for all passes of different thickness.
  • Wedges with multiple parts must be securely fastened.
  • If in the process of work any malfunction appears at the jack, then it must be replaced immediately, and work should be resumed only after that.
  • After raising the building to the required height, you need to add the right amount rows in a crown and lower the jack.
  • After these manipulations, it is necessary to lower the floor to the distance that we raised the house.

The process of raising the ceiling in a wooden house is quite laborious and requires great care, but it is quite possible to do it yourself if you know the above rules.

Heating, water supply, boiler room.

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site How to raise the ceiling in a wooden house - Building a house with your own hands

We will professionally perform:

  • heating system installation;
  • installation of autonomous water supply;
  • maintenance of boiler equipment;
  • repair, replacement and restoration of the pipeline.

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Wooden houses old building often sin with low ceilings. There can be many reasons for this: from elementary savings in materials to incorrect calculations during construction. In new buildings, such things also happen, but the correction of miscalculations in this case is even more challenging task, since the tree gives a noticeable shrinkage, and this makes correction very difficult.


Methods for solving this problem are divided into two groups. It should be remembered that the issue must be resolved individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular building. Most of this kind of work is quite do-it-yourself.

  • The actual lifting of the ceiling - that is, any work is carried out with the ceiling or roof of the building. A common merit of the methods is to maintain the level of window and door openings.
  • Lowering the floor - if for some reason the correction of the ceiling is impossible, then lowering the floor level helps to correct the situation. The technique is used in cases where the foundation of the house allows it.

Raising a building is a very radical option, in which the entire building is lifted on jacks, and the wall or foundation is completed.

Changing the ceiling height

Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Their use depends on design features building.

Sewing a hemmed ceiling - in old wooden houses, the ceiling is fixed to the ceiling beams from below, that is, it takes at least 10–20 cm. Removing the old boards and stitching up the space between them finishing material, you can increase the height of the room by the above-mentioned 10–20 cm. Various decorative techniques, for example: a combination of dark ceiling beams and light PVC lamellas, as shown in the photo.

  • The advantages of the method include a small amount of work and low costs.
  • The disadvantage is that the height change is small, if the ceiling is so low that family members touch the beams with their heads, then this method will not solve the problem.

Removing ceiling beams - an option is possible if the building is built according to all the rules, there are both ceiling and rafter beams. The difference between the levels of the beams is quite noticeable. The order of work is as follows: finishing boards, the beams are removed - they are cut off, the new ceiling is sutured onto the rafter bases.

  • Advantages: a small amount of work, a noticeable increase in height, repairs are easy to do with your own hands.
  • The disadvantage is that the option is feasible if there are rafters. At the same time, the thermal insulation deteriorates, which can be compensated by laying a new layer of insulation in the attic.

Roof reconstruction - if the old wooden house is small, and the beams and rafters need repair or partial replacement, then it is easier and ultimately cheaper to disassemble the roof, remove the beams and expand the walls by laying out a couple of crowns. Then a new floor and roof should be made.

  • Advantages - in addition to adjusting the height to any required value, the roof is being repaired, as well as new finish ceiling to your liking. At the same time, doors and windows remain at the same level.
  • Disadvantages - a very hefty amount of work.

Changing the floor level

The methods of this group differ in one drawback - not only the height of the room changes, but also of the windows and doors, which can create significant inconveniences.

Changing the position of the beams - in old buildings, the floor beams are fixed between the second and first crown, that is, a cavity is formed between the foundation and the floor. The method comes down to removing floor beams and installing joists on the foundation. It should be noted that the disappearance of the air cavity under the floor reduces thermal insulation, therefore it is recommended to take care of a thermal insulator before laying a new one.

  • Advantages - a small amount of work, the removal of beams does not affect the condition of the foundation.
  • The disadvantage is the change in the level of windows and doors.

Lowering the floor level below the foundation - the method is fraught with the danger of the foundation moving, and therefore must be used with caution. This can be done only if the base is of the tape type. The procedure is as follows: the flooring and floor beams are removed, part of the soil and bedding is removed. It should be remembered that the depth of the excavation cannot be greater than the depth of the foundation. Then backfilling and pouring of the base is carried out at a new level, laying of logs and flooring.

  • Advantages - a significant change in the height of the room.
  • Disadvantages - the danger of displacement of the foundation, a fair amount of work, a long lead time.

The video shows several ways to change the height of the ceiling.

The last way

It is used in cases where none of the above is suitable. This decision is quite risky, since a mistake during lifting can lead to the displacement of the house to the side and damage to the latter.

Previously, it is necessary to correctly estimate the weight of the building, based on the thickness of the walls and the type of wood, since the difference in the density of wood can be very significant. Also, if a furnace is built in the building, then it is necessary to disassemble the chimney before lifting.

It is recommended to use several jacks with a lifting capacity of 5 tons when lifting. It is possible to lift a building with the help of one device, but the first method is somewhat faster. The process is reduced to gradual - no more than 50 mm at a time, raising a wooden house to the required height. When lifting, fix with wedges or props, as shown in the photo.

After the desired height has been reached, the Crowns are added to the entire opening - you can use both logs and beams, but always of the same type of wood as the rest of the wall material, or the foundation is built up. Then the house is raised again, the supports are removed and the building is lowered. Walls, interior decoration, the roof does not change at all. However, the volume of work is significant, and the window and door openings are at an unusually high level.