Trainers with your own hands. We create simulators for the home with our own hands according to simple drawings

If you want to develop muscles, but there is no opportunity to go to the gym or purchase expensive equipment, you can make a simulator with your own hands. The process requires a minimum amount of time and money, and the result will not be inferior to purchased sports equipment in terms of training efficiency. We will tell you how to make your own gym with a set of homemade exercise equipment below.

After all, the weight of the Olympic and bumper pancakes can be the same as that of an ordinary homemade barbell with concrete pancakes. But a person is led by miracle simulators, bright colors and good advertising.

It is worth noting that nothing will work for free. You will have to spend an adequate amount of money for the manufacture of equipment and equipment.

So why do it yourself if you still have to spend money? The answer is simple, you will save 10 times the amount you would spend on expensive equipment on the production of simulators.

Essential Home Gym Equipment

You should give your preference to free weights. If your goal is to build a harmoniously developed strong body, then, of course, your choice should fall on the queen of power sports.


  • Barbell... The bar can be made from a wide variety of materials, we will come to this issue later. For, you will need pancakes for the bar, it is advisable to have it in pairs, at least 150 kilograms. Also, a W-bar is required for the barbell set. This type of bar is necessary for pumping the arms and relieving stress from the joints.
  • , it is desirable that they be collapsible, since they will take up less space.
  • Bench press, preferably with an adjustable backrest. Such a bench is necessary for performing presses at different angles, spreads, pullovers, and other exercises.
  • , one of the most readily available simulators. They are distinguished by the simplicity of manufacture and the availability of materials. The range of exercises is wide, so this simulator will perfectly complement the gym.
  • Power frame will keep you safe while doing squats, deadlifts and presses. A versatile simulator with a simple design and enhanced safety.
  • Roller trainer, for performing various rods. With this simulator, you can develop your lats and triceps well.
  • It will take punching bag and.

Listed here are the most essential kits for bodybuilding and overall fitness.

What sports equipment can you make yourself

If you wish, you can also make a fitness room of the latest generation, but we will make only the most necessary equipment.

The barbell is a fairly simple simulator to manufacture. You can use pipes and metal for it, and for pancakes, stumps, concrete pancakes of our own manufacture, metal blanks, car flywheels and everything that can sit on our neck.

For dumbbells, you can make blanks from fittings and metal pipes, pancakes from plastic bottles and concrete blanks. The main condition is to make a collapsible dumbbell.

The bench is easy to manufacture. You can make one universal, with an adjustable angle of inclination, and the other at an angle of 45, 70, 90 degrees.

It is an affordable and not expensive product, but you have to work with a pear. The simulator will cost a certain amount, but it will last a long time.

What is needed for manufacturing

First, let's break everything down into items and inventory.


To make the neck, we need a metal tube with a diameter of 30mm and a thickness of 6mm. The bar length should be between 1.6m and 2m.

Separators that will separate the work surface for the grip and the place for the pancakes. For the spacers, we need 2 strong bolts, or we cut out 2 pieces of a metal plate with a diameter of 50 mm. We drill the center of the plates by 30mm, and we have ready-made dividers, it remains only to weld on the pipe.

Neck locks. They are useful for firmly fixing the pancakes on the bar. You can purchase 2 spring locks or take 2 pieces of pipe, with a diameter of 31 mm and more, drill a hole in them and fix it with a bolt.

Pancakes. To make pancakes, we need to make a mold from boards and metal. For filling we will use high grade concrete, and reinforce with wire.

To make the design of the pancakes more durable and more beautiful, it will be necessary to cover the pancakes with concrete enamel, this will provide protection from moisture, and concrete dust will not fall from them.


For the manufacture of dumbbells, we need: 2 pieces of pipe, pancake molds, locks. The manufacturing technology is the same as for the barbell. It is advisable to make everything at once.

For the bench, we need: a metal square, dimensions 50x50x4. The length is only about 8.3 meters. Board dimensions 1.3 by 0.3 m. You will need it for the foundation.

Metal plate, for making petals. They are installed on bench posts and serve as bar holders.
To make a functional station, in which there will be a horizontal bar, and beams, we need metal for the base, pipes for the crossbars. Concrete for pouring the structure. Provided that the station will be installed outdoors. It is also worth boiling the crossbar at a height for attaching gymnastic rings and a punching bag.

Power frame, the design is complex, requiring the use of precise drawings and a large amount of materials. So she should study separately.

Punching bag

To make a punching bag, you will need either regular bags for storing cereals, or tarpaulin or tarpaulin. Dimensions for manufacturing - minimum height 1 meter, weight should be taken into account from 40 to 60 kg. 2 metal rings that will shape the boxing bag, 4 carabiners, a meter of chain and the padding itself. You can use rags, old clothes and sawdust as stuffing.

Also, in addition to everything, you should have a welding machine and all accessories to it, cement, sand, crushed stone and a thinking head that will be responsible for the manufacturing process

Description of the manufacturing process, step by step instructions


  • To make a bar, we initially make blanks for pancakes, cut and hammer a circle shape from the boards. We measure out the middle and insert a piece of pipe with a diameter of 32mm. We get a centered base. We trim the edges with tin and connect it with self-tapping screws. The form is ready. We make forms according to the same principle for dumbbells. You can adjust the size of the shape yourself, keep in mind that the larger the pancake, the heavier it will be.
  • Now we need to make a frame that will firmly hold our concrete. Such a frame is knitted from wire and placed on the bottom of the mold.
  • To prepare durable high grade concrete, we must mix 1 bag of high grade cement, 2 bags of crushed stone and one and a half bags of sand. All this is diluted with water until a uniform mass is obtained and fits into molds. Smooth out all the irregularities with a spatula and lay another layer of wire. Be sure to grind and tamp the concrete base to avoid cavities in the pancakes. We leave the forms until the solution is completely dry. On average, it will take 3 days.
  • After the concrete solution has dried, carefully remove the pancakes from the molds, this must be done very carefully, if they do not come out, carefully beat the edges of the forms with a hammer and the pancakes can be taken out. Cover the finished pancakes with concrete paint and leave to dry.
  • Let's start making the necks. We will make 2 of them, one is a classic press, the second will be W-shaped. For a classic neck, we take our workpiece, grind it so that it is even and comfortable. After grinding, using a welding machine, we weld the holders at a distance of 40 cm from the edges. We will use the bolts for the locks. Then we drill 4 holes on these 40 cm for the installation of locks.
  • To make a W-shaped neck, we take a blank tube, hold in a vice and evenly bend the middle to shape W. For space for pancakes, we step back 20 cm and weld on the holders.


The design of the dumbbell bar is made in the same way as the classic bar.

Bench press

Here the bench for the press will be a more complex design.

We take our raw materials in the form of a square metal pipe and make blanks out of it. We have to consider the design and dimensions. Our segment is completely enough for manufacturing, and the drawing itself can be found in the vastness of the network.

Punching bag

For the punching bag, we need to select a material. Tarpaulin fabric remains the best choice. If there is no opportunity and skills to sew the bag yourself, then it is better to give it to the atelier. It should be warned that the upper ring is not completely sewn in, but 4 gaps of 1 cm long should be placed. Carabiners will be put on these gaps.

After the bag is ready, you need to start stuffing it. The density is determined for each person individually, but if you are a beginner in sports, then you should not fill the bag tightly in order to avoid injuries and give your hands a chance to get used to it.


At the end of all the work, we get a set for developing strength, namely a barbell, a W-shaped bar, a pair of dumbbells, a bench and a punching bag.

According to the term of use, pancakes will last for at least 2 years, a pear, with proper care and not allowing exposure to a humid environment, will last about 5 years. The vultures and the bench are forever.

Comparison of the cost of the material used and the cost of buying a new simulator

As a result, we spent about 10 thousand rubles for all the material, provided that we use only high-quality materials.

Now let's give the average prices for the new inventory:

  • Olympic barbell with a set of pancakes for 120 kg. In rubber protection it will cost you about 50 thousand rubles.
  • The price for a pair of 20 kg dumbbells is 15, thousand rubles.
  • The average price of a bench for a bench press is from 5 thousand.
  • Punching bag from 3.5 thousand. As a result, we save more than 70 thousand rubles.

Complexity of manufacturing

The complexity of making such simulators depends on your abilities and imagination. With a significant lack of skills, you can use the services of professionals. According to calculations, this may cost approximately another 10 thousand rubles, when compared with the amount for branded equipment, you can still save money in the end. But if, nevertheless, you decide to do everything yourself, then you will get a set of useful skills that will be useful in the future to expand the gym.

Safety of use

It is worth noting that even the most modern simulators can be injured. It is worth remembering the golden rule of bodybuilding "There should be moderation in everything" which means, carefully work on the technique, and the weight of the weights will gradually increase by itself. Therefore, the likelihood of injury depends primarily on you.

Look in stores for the prices of small dumbbells! Why is there a whole dumbbell, one 10 kg pancake for a bar costs more than $ 18! For what? This article describes how to make exercise equipment at home and inexpensively. Useful tips to DIY a whole gym can be found below. You will learn how you can not only make inexpensive exercise equipment, but also, if you wish, you can set up a small business selling high-quality sports equipment.

To figure out how to make an inexpensive home gym or just some exercise equipment, you should first highlight some points. For example, it should be noted that not everything can be done completely free of charge. Unless you are a metal fitter and still have a whole warehouse of scrap metal at home. It is difficult to make many simulators at home, for example, for (exercise bikes, treadmills, etc.). Theoretically, this is possible, but in order for them to be close in appearance and capabilities to factory professional ones, you will have to spend a lot of extra money, time and nerves.

But there are positives as well, and they surpass the above disadvantages. For example, all the main "hardware" (barbells, dumbbells, benches, racks), and if desired and with additional diligence, many other simulators can be made several times cheaper and no less high quality than expensive purchased counterparts.

The most essential equipment for a homemade gym

To make bodybuilding machines at home , it is necessary to select those that will be as simple as possible in their design, the most reliable, and most effective for building muscle mass. Almost all muscle and strength building machines are built around the principle of lifting weights with specific muscles. But even when you come to a fitness club, you will see that it is mainly beginners who are engaged in many complex simulators. And the most "curvy" guys devote most of their time to exercises with barbells and dumbbells. When used correctly, any part of the body can be loaded. But for this, it is necessary to be able to select them of different masses for certain exercises, as well as a bench with the ability to adjust the back.

As for the different weights, then the easiest and cheapest way to do this for the house is to make collapsible dumbbells and barbells. After all, a set of dumbbells will cost significantly more than a pair of collapsible ones. And it is much easier to make them, because it is not necessary to use welding and casting. But the benches are easier to make just different, and not one with a backrest adjustment function. For example, one is completely horizontal, and the other is somewhere at 70 ° (you can also at 90 °, but it is enough to move the horizontal one to the wall and strengthen it) or not to do the second at all. A barbell rack will be enough for one, which will make it possible to perform bench press, deadlift and lay the barbell while resting between exercises. But even if you have a partner, if you do a gym at home , then it will be difficult to completely do without a stand . The height for the barbell should be either interchangeable (at least 2 positions) - for the bench press and deadlift, or then do two separate stands.

It will be very useful to have a horizontal bar and parallel bars during training, and to make them easier than the rest of the equipment. But you should also make a belt or come up with another structure for hanging the "weight-weight". Without this, it will be almost impossible to build muscle using only your body weight. A backpack is not a good fit for such a design - it will not withstand the load, and the weight distribution itself will be wrong. But something hooked up by the legs will be effective, but uncomfortable. Therefore, the best option would be a belt.

So the main things you need to do to make a home gym at home:

Types of bars by shape

1) at least one bar. According to the standard, you need to have a long (weight about 20 kg, ideally), and also 1 short (weight about 10 kg) - straight, EZ-shaped or W-shaped bar (see figure), depending on the exercises that you plan to perform. But at home, the neck will most likely be made of a pipe and will differ from the standard parameters. You can see how to do it with a detailed description.

2) 2 dumbbell bars with threaded ends for a large nut.

3) pancakes for a start will be enough of the following: 4 pieces of 5 kg, 2 - 10 kg, 2 - 20 kg. But provided that the hole diameter is universal for dumbbells and barbells. But this is also ideally, because pancakes are more expensive than anything else. In general, it is important to have at least some of the same weights for hanging on the barbell and dumbbell.

The minimum weight per dumbbell depends on your ability to do basic exercises. He must be calculated to make it possible to do 8 to 10 repetitions. For most, 4 pancakes of 5 kg for dumbbells will be enough for the beginning.

4) a horizontal bar for the ability to take a wide grip. You should not do it in a doorway, preferably a wall or street one;

5) bars. For economy and speed of installation, wall-mounted are suitable.

Let's look at the result

As you can see, in order to make simulators inexpensively and with high quality, you have to work a little. But given the current sky-high for many prices for sports equipment and the inability to visit fitness clubs - it's worth it. The main problem is the material, and how to use it the thought will appear. Where to get it - described above. If you establish a scheme for the production of such equipment as barbells, dumbbells, benches, then it will be a profitable business. After all, there will always be demand, and prices in stores are very high. And here the client is not so important about the ideal aesthetic appearance as practicality and accessibility.

In matters of survival, the development of body and spirit has an important role, because the stronger a person is, the more chances he has to survive!

Certainly a physically developed, hardy and healthy body is just one of the components necessary for successful survival! Useful knowledge, the ability to make the right decisions, good reaction, psychological preparedness, willpower and spirit, and many other parameters are no less important! In this article we will talk specifically about the physical component!

There is no better way to develop your own body than sports! You could even put it this way: regularly engaging in active sports will have a 100% positive effect on your emergency preparedness and ability to survive. The most detailed results in terms of developing your own body can be achieved by doing iron!

Moreover, in the case of a survivalist, it is not so important for us to pump up a certain volume of biceps, make a relief press, participate in competitions for Mr. Universe, etc.

The survivalist's goal in general is reduced only to become stronger, more enduring and acquire a body that can withstand any trials! However, this does not mean that pumping an arm up to at least 40 cm in volume is bad or that we do not want cubes on our stomach! Lifting weights allows you to focus on and strengthen the most underdeveloped areas of your body.

Weight training for the survivalist is only part of the general training and in addition to bodybuilding, be sure to choose other sports that develop endurance for regular training: running, swimming, cycling, boxing, etc.) This will further strengthen you!

Personally, I am of the opinion that a person engaged in bodybuilding, regardless of his goals (survival or some other), in any case, should develop his body harmoniously, that is, engage with the whole body, and not pump only biceps or chest all day long (for example) ... However, for survival purposes in a wide variety of extreme situations, the most important are: back and legs! After all, it is they who provide all-terrain cross-country ability with a heavy load during war or survival in the wild. In the conditions of the onset of PD, in order to quickly carry as much of the still available food, drinking water and other goodies as possible, very developed muscles of the lower extremities and back are required. Therefore, it is definitely worth giving them due attention.

Strength or endurance, which is more important for a survivalist? I think both! After all, you never know what exactly is required in a given situation. Do you have to lift a heavy log that crushed one of the parts of your (or someone else's) body, or hang over an abyss for a certain amount of time!

What is the optimal body weight of a survivalist (meaning athletic, the presence of a large amount of fat as a way of survival is not considered in this article)? It is rather difficult to answer this question, it all depends on the specific person! One thing is clear that the muscle mass you have gained should not significantly deprive you of flexibility, dexterity, reaction, speed of movement (the development of these qualities is also worth working hard and the more muscle mass you have, the more time you should devote to it).

An advice for any beginner to pull the glands is to exercise regularly (sketch out a training plan and stick to it strictly, because it is much harder to restore your former shape than to keep yourself in good sports tone). The correct technique for performing exercises, a well-designed training system, proper nutrition are the keys to success!

In this article, we also decided to collect some useful blueprints for simulators! Indeed, in fact, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym, but with enough desire, you can always organize a rocking chair at home! All you need is a drawing of the simulator, welding, electrodes, and the very material from which we will assemble the simulator - iron. Can't you cook? It's time to learn! A welder is a very good profession in a post-apocalyptic world.

Drawings of simulators for self-production:

Press bench (collapsible) with adjustable tilt.

While redoing the heating at home, I got a whole bunch of used old pipes and batteries. I found application to them very quickly, since the idea of ​​a simulator was already in the air. Sections of radiators could perfectly serve as a load. The weight of one section is approximately 8 kg.

For the manufacture of the device, I bought only bolts, handles for the steering wheel of a bicycle, a cable, a tensioner, sharpened rollers, and consumables - electrodes, cutting wheels. Everything else is "foot" material.

First, I assembled a basket for cargo. I chose the dimensions of the basket based on the dimensions of the battery sections. The assembly began with a pallet, and then vertical stands with rollers. The construction is completed by a block for a cable. After assembling the basket, I started making the frame. The frame was first assembled on bolts, and then, after adjusting the smoothness of the basket, I scalded the rear rack. The upper part of the frame is made of P profiles. It is very convenient to mount blocks in it, plus good rigidity. The profile contains 4 blocks, two of them on the same axis directly above the basket.

Then I started assembling the second part of the simulator with my own hands. First, I made a frame with height-adjustable racks for the bar, then welded the base of the lounger to it. At the other end of the base, a U-shaped profile serves as a vertical stand, on which the movable part of the simulator for training legs and back (oars) is assembled. Both parts of the machine are connected at the bottom. To prevent the simulator from “folding” under load, I added an emphasis.

The cable passes through the basket block and goes at one end to a block with a pressure roller (it is a regular ball bearing) and connects to a pipe that serves as a trainer for arms and trapezoids. The other end of the cable goes down through the block, where the cable tensioner is installed, and then passes through the lower block under the lounger and connects to a device that serves as a leg and back trainer (paddles).

The lounger itself is made of a board (width - "to taste"), upholstered with leatherette and foam rubber. A board of two parts, connected by a one-piece door hinge, one part is fixed to the frame, and the other is movable (height adjustment). Initially, the simulator was made for the street, so such a rather oversized design came out. But, if you get creative with the idea, then on this basis you can create a lot of smaller options.

Also for physical exercise in the apartment can be installed.

DIY simulator drawings

DIY simulators: photo

Hello everyone, my name is Maxim Kachalkin, I am a participant in the do-it-yourself competition on the web site welding. I thought for a long time what to do, there were many versions, but I settled on a multifunctional simulator, since in Russia sports are very expensive and it is cheaper to drink alcohol than to play sports. Many people would like to go in for sports, but financially cannot afford a subscription to a fitness room, and people from the provinces have nowhere to go at all, since they do not have even the simplest rocking chair.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the simulator, I decided to make it in a 3D modeling program in order to make sure whether it would work or not. It took me a long time to find the optimal size and appearance. In the course of working on the 3D model, I periodically changed something and tried to simplify it in every way and make it smaller.

And now I will start the very process of making the simulator. At the end of the description there will be a link to a video, which will contain all dimensions and drawings.

In order to make a simulator, we need the following material:

  • Professional pipe 40x40x2
  • Professional pipe 30x30x2 can also be 40x40x2
  • Pipe 15
  • Pipe 20
  • Pipe 25
  • Trumpet 32
  • Metal sheet from 2 to 4 mm
  • Bearings inner diameter 10, outer from 26 to 30 (as it is convenient for anyone)
  • Pulleys-Dimensions will be listed at the end of the video.
  • Bolts 10
  • Nuts 10
  • Clamps (clamps)
  • Carbines
We start making the simulator))

After I have cut all the metal, I start drilling the holes. From the beginning I drilled with a drill with a diameter of 5, then with a drill with a diameter of 10.

Once I have drilled all the holes, I start welding.

When the top and bottom are ready, I proceed to the racks.

After grabbing the entire main body, I proceed to assembling the mechanism (butterfly).

Next, I start making a box for pancakes. In order for the box to go through the pipes gently and without noisy, I thought of something like oil seals (I don't know how to call them correctly) made of plastic pipes. Drawings are available at the end of the video.

After I have prepared everything I need, I start assembling.

Next, I proceed to the manufacture of a horizontal bar for the pull of the lower block, its dimensions: length up to bending 800 mm, each handle 120 mm long from pipe 20.

Then I start making removable bars. Their size: box - 500 mm by 480 mm, pipe length 500 mm, pipe diameter 25, grip width 480. Gussets are made of professional pipes 30x30x2.

After I boiled everything, cleaned it up, proceeded to the primer, and then to the painting. Ready option.

I checked everything works. Watch the video, where I show partly how it works. Unfortunately, the paint did not dry out at that time, but I had to shoot this video clip, as I was leaving for a part-time job.

Tried very hard, I hope you appreciate it. I want to say thanks to WebSvarka for doing such contests, and not for the first time. Thanks to all the sponsors of this competition and, of course, thanks to all the participants in this competition, as it was very interesting for me to compete with you. And it is very difficult, since I am only 19 years old and I am not yet an expert in this matter, like you, I have something to strive for. I liked all the works, I am not sorry to vote for many works, I hope you will reciprocate. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will definitely answer them all.

Competition work number 17, Technical nomination