Installation of a soft roof insulation instruction. Do-it-yourself installation of a soft roof - detailed instructions

Representing a guide material, surrounded on both sides by a modified one and intended for coating.

Synthetic rot-resistant or fiberglass fabrics (polyester, fiberglass, fiberglass) can be used as a guide material.

Preparing for the installation of a soft roll roof

A soft guide coating for roofing is used as an independent coating, mainly for surfaces with a slope of no more than 25 degrees.

  • Wooden base.
    Such a base should be two-layer: the bottom layer of boards laid parallel to the laying of the roof, the top one - at an angle of 30 degrees to the first. The base must be carefully puttied and covered with a special mastic. Roofing material is attached to such a base with roofing nails, without the use of hot work.
  • Concrete base.
    The concrete base must be prepared by leveling. To do this, perform a cement-sand or asphalt concrete screed. All parts of the roof protruding above the main surface must be plastered at least 20-30 cm from the base. The screed must also be primed with mastic.

Roll roofing preparation

The estimated amount of roll roofing must be properly prepared: all rolls must be rolled out on a flat surface, cleaned of possible contaminants and left in this state for at least one day. Otherwise, high-quality installation will not be possible.

Preparation of the necessary materials

For gluing roofing material, a special mastic is used, which can be prepared independently or purchased at ready-made in a hardware store.

Standard bituminous mastic can be prepared as follows:

  • cold mastic
    It is made from BN 90/10 bitumen - the cheapest, most reliable and widespread waterproofing material. Asbestos or wood flour is used as a filler, which must be well sifted through a sieve before use. The bitumen must be melted down with the addition of gasoline or kerosene and kept melting until the formation of foam stops. In this case, it is considered that unnecessary impurities are removed. The consistency of the mastic should not be too liquid, but retain its astringent qualities. After cooling, the mastic is ready for use.
  • hot mastic
    Its manufacture is more difficult, and its use is more dangerous for workers than the use of cold mastic. Bitumen is heated with gasoline or kerosene in a special vessel, preferably in a boiler (but not in a bucket!), after the foam stops appearing, it must be removed from the fire, the selected filler (for example, highly crushed limestone) should be added, mixed thoroughly and immediately used in work. Gray smoke should come from the finished hot mastic.

Roof covering with soft guide roll materials can be performed both vertically from bottom to top towards the ridge (if the roof has a slight slope), and along the direction of the slope, if the slope angle is from 15 to 25 degrees. The number of layers of rolled roofing depends on the purpose of its use and the expected characteristics of the coating.

The first layers of the roof should perform from roll material having a lining purpose, and external (or one external) - from roofing. Roof layers are laid strictly overlapping from 5 to 15 centimeters. Modern roof guides have a special edge for overlapping.

Roof installation is carried out in the following order:

  • Application of the prepared mastic on the surface to be coated.
  • Alignment of the edge of the roll web and the starting point from which it will be rolled out.
  • Unrolling a roll with the parallel use of a gas burner.

Installation work should be carried out by teams in the amount at least two people, one of which will roll out the roll, observing personal safety measures, the second will work with a gas burner.

The properties of the coating depend on the professionalism of the worker performing hot work, since when misuse burner and overheating of the material, possibly thinning. Therefore, it is extremely problematic to work with a gas burner without sufficient skills and it should be entrusted to trained specialists.

After laying each layer of the roof, you need to check the quality of the seams and in places of overlap, walk with a special pressure roller which will increase the reliability of the connection.

After all work is done schematically the roof will look like this:

1 layer- primed base.

2 layer- the bottom covering with roofing material.

3 layer- top coating with a rolled working material with an exploited surface.

In cases if the installation of this type of roof is carried out on steep slopes, as a substrate for other roofing materials (slate, tiles), then the rolls are rolled out horizontally, starting from the bottom of the roof and gradually approaching its ridge. the overlap of the sides of the waterproofing layers in this case should reach 15 centimeters.

Coating wooden roof carried out in the same manner, but roofing nails are used instead of a gas burner.

Most importantly, when laying roofing material, workers must follow the rules of personal safety: use means personal protection, including safety shoes and overalls, as well as comply with the rules for performing hot work.

Due to its resistance to moisture and good strength, soft roofing will provide an airtight coating for any structure.

To figure out how to lay a soft roof, let's take a closer look at this material, find out the existing varieties and nuances of installation.

Soft roofing is produced on modern equipment in accordance with the certificate, which indicates its high quality. The material is divided into several types:

  • roll coating
  • membrane
  • shingles
  • roofing mastic

Roll coating is divided into roofing material and rubemast. The structure of the material consists of a fiberglass base (rubemast) or roofing paper (roofing material) impregnated with bitumen.

The front side is covered with a layer of basalt chips, which protects the bitumen from the effects of negative weather factors.

Sometimes used for protective coating quartz sand or granite chips.

Through the use of crumbs different colors roofing becomes colored.

The service life of roofing felt is 5 years, rubemast is more than 20 years.

The membrane is produced in several types: PVC, TPO, EPDM.

The large width of the material allows covering large buildings with a minimum number of seams. You can lay the membrane all year round, regardless of weather conditions.

The service life of a membrane roof is about 50 years.

Bitumen shingles are small pieces of sheets cut from a bituminous roll. Tiles are carved on each sheet in the form of different geometric shapes.

The structure of the tile is similar to rubemast. The service life is estimated at 15 - 20 years.

Roofing mastics are bituminous, polymeric and bitumen-polymeric. In turn, they are divided into hot and cold. A roof filled with hot mastic is called mastic and is characterized by rapid solidification.

Roofing from cold mastic is called self-leveling. The mastic goes on sale to the consumer ready for use - one-component or consisting of two compositions - two-component. These formulations are mixed before use.

Material advantages

To get a closer look at the characteristics of the roof, let's look at its advantages:

  • The material is adapted to sudden temperature changes (except roofing material) from +50 o C to -60 o C. The ability to endure cold and heat allows it to be used in any regions with a specific climate. Some species are used even in the far north.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress allows you to withstand the blows of hail and branches from trees that have fallen on the roof.
  • The use of mastic allows you to equip a monolithic roof without seams.
  • The membrane completely replaces the moisture-proof coating laid on the roof insulation. 100% waterproofing device allows you to save on purchase additional materials this direction.
  • Roof installation technology is simple. Depending on the type of material, it differs in the specifics of laying.
  • The flexible structure of the roof allows it to be laid on domes and roofs complex structures.
  • During installation, up to 5% of material waste remains, which is impossible when using a solid roof.
  • High sound insulation absorbs the noise of hail and heavy rain.
  • Different colors and shapes of bituminous tiles allow you to equip original roofs.

The nuances of arranging joints

During the laying of the roof (except for mastic), joints are subjected to the main load.

Device butt joint consists of two pieces.

When arranging the roof, laying begins precisely from it.

Work with joints must be carried out in accordance with technical requirements.

Installation instructions are included with the soft roof kit.

The duration of the service life of the coating depends on its observance.

Butt joints of the roll coating and the membrane are glued or welded seams of two sheets.

To increase strength and create tightness, the sheets are overlapped. After gluing sheets of roll coating, the seam is covered with crumbs.

Bitumen shingle roofing is used to cover mansards, towers and other complex roof structures. When arranging the roof, the main joints are obtained:

  • At the place of installation of the cornice strip and the first sheet
  • When laying the ridge strip
  • At the junction with each top row
  • The shingle (single tile) is glued by means of a self-adhesive bottom surface. For the strength of the joints, each shingle is nailed with an overlap with the next tile.

The basis for a soft roof

The quality of installation of a soft roof depends on the prepared base. The optimal base device is chipboard, a flat concrete surface, a smooth board, OSB.

To achieve a smooth surface concrete roof, make a screed with a slope under the stack of water. For better adhesion concrete with bituminous mastic, it is treated with a primer.

If the roof is made of a solid board, all slots and holes are caulked. Before installing the roofing material, the remains of the old coating, dirt and dust must be removed from the surface of the base.

When reviewing the roofing material, attention should be paid to the lining layer. For it, sheets without crumbs are used. The lining is laid with the first layer from the bottom of the roof in an upward direction.

Longer roof life increases ventilated space roof rafters. For this, an aerator is used, which provides ventilation under the roof.

Installation technology of rolled roofing and tiles

The technology of laying bituminous roofing requires minimal heating of the surface of the material by sunlight. Severe overheating can cause unexpected bonding of the sheets to each other, which will complicate the installation work.

In such conditions, bitumen sticks together better. Let's look at how to lay a soft roof on a tile and roll roof.

Starting work with roofing material, you need to pay attention to its marking. The letter "P" in the designation indicates that this is a lining roofing material without crumbs. It is laid in the first layer. The letter "K" means that the roofing material is roofing. It is laid on top.

The following letters in the designation of roofing felt after the letter "K" indicate the type of stone chips used for top coat material.

We calculate the layers of coating and choose the mastic

In order for a roofing material to be durable, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of layers. There is a rule that the smaller the angle of inclination of the roof, the more layers will need to be laid roofing material.

More information about the installation technology of roofing membranes is presented in the video:

To date, there is a huge amount of a wide variety of roofing materials for roofs that have high-quality technical specifications and long service life. But special attention deserves a soft roof made of shingles. This is a multilayer material based on polymeric bitumen reinforced with fiberglass and covered on the outside with mineral spillage from shale or basalt, and on the bottom with a sand or film layer. The flexible tile differs in the long term of operation and high heat resistance.

How to cover the roof with a soft roof with your own hands: photo, video

  1. Flexibility and plasticity, thanks to which you can lay out roofs of various geometric shapes without any restrictions. The material will fit snugly without losing flex characteristics.
  2. Small amount of waste as tiles are different small size which allows it to be used more efficiently.
  3. In order to cover the roof with a soft roof, one person is enough, since its weight is relatively small.
  4. Heat resistance up to +110 0 C, frost resistance up to -45 0 C, which makes it possible to use it regardless of the type of climate.
  5. Simplicity and high speed of installation.
  6. The smooth surface allows the construction of roofs having minimum slope to the horizon.
  7. The ability not only to choose any color, but also lay out beautiful images in the form of a mosaic.
  8. When various precipitations fall on a soft roof, noise is completely absent.
  9. No sail.
  10. High safety in the event of a lightning strike on the roof, as it does not conduct electricity.

Before covering the roof with a soft roof, you need to perform a careful calculation of building materials in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upcoming costs. Soft roofing is very different in the way of laying and construction from other materials and has some features. The first thing you need to measure and calculate the area of ​​​​the roof.

The calculation for rectangular roofs is very easy to perform: just multiply the width by the length of each site, and then add the resulting areas. If the roof differs more complex shape, you need to divide it into several simple shapes, then calculate their areas and add them up. So, you can calculate the number of packages that you need to buy with a small margin (about 3%). Having an idea of ​​​​the total area, you need to calculate the number of carpet rolls.

The structure of shingles

Since tiles are used on the cornices and ridges unusual shape, at the second stage it is worth calculating their length. All this is needed to buy ready-made, and not spend a lot of time cutting whole tiles, thereby increasing the amount of waste. Based on the length of the cornices and gables, it is also worth purchasing the appropriate metal strips.

The next step is the calculation of all consumables. Usually, nails are used to fasten tiles, the number of which is determined by dividing the roof area in m 2 by 10. The result is equal to the mass of nails in kilograms. The amount of glue is calculated based on the sum of the lengths in meters: the end parts of the roof, divided by 5, the end parts, divided by 10, and the adjacent places to the roof, divided by 1.4.

Attention! All calculated values ​​should be increased upwards. To make the calculations easier, make a drawing based on your measurements.

The structure of the roofing cake

It is worth laying bituminous tiles with a well-prepared surface. Moreover, the roof base must meet the following requirements:

  1. The crate must be rigid and durable in order to be able to perform maintenance work. However, it must withstand the weight of ice and snow. That's why maximum distance between adjacent transverse boards should be no more than 150 mm and correspond to the length of the tile element. As for the size of the boards, it should be 100x15 mm. The distance between the longitudinal boards should correspond to two intervals between the transverse ones.
  2. As a result of thermal expansion, a small gap (about 5 mm) should remain between the boards.
  3. The humidity of the boards should in no case be less than 20%, while they must be well ventilated.
  4. During laying on OSB panels, the seams must completely coincide with the rafters, otherwise the sheet may break.
  5. All wooden parts are treated with antiseptic agents.
Attention! The obligatory rule is to ensure good ventilation roofs to reduce the temperature of the lathing in summer, to prevent ice from freezing on the tiles, to ensure optimal ventilation. Therefore, it is worth leaving ventilation holes at a high height to create an exhaust, and below for air flow.

You should not start laying the lining and tile layers if the temperature is below +5 0 C, since the self-adhesive layer will not set properly, and the fragility of the roofing material will also increase. IN winter period you can perform work on the installation of battens, insulation, and waterproofing. However, if you need an urgent commissioning of the object, then it is worth buying or renting special heating tools that will evenly heat the roof and ensure good adhesion of the layers.

Such a process is quite complicated and requires experience, therefore, independently take on the implementation of such work in winter time not worth it, but it is better to entrust the work to professionals or wait for warmer weather.

Attention! It is important that under the flexible tiles there is a special lining layer, which will act as a waterproofing and reinforcing layer. This is a material based on fiberglass coated with polyester or bitumen with protective coatings in the form of a spill of basalt at the top and a silicone film at the bottom. Its thickness can be up to 2 mm.

Taking into account the angle of inclination, the lining can be installed in different ways: if it is up to 18 0, then it can be laid over the entire surface of the roof, and if it is larger, only in the ridge, cornice, end parts (for the sake of economy). The material is laid from the bottom of the roof to the top.

Alignment occurs relative to the eaves and end parts. After that, it is fixed with nails at the bottom in increments of approximately 200 mm, which guarantees an excellent seal. The next layers are formed by overlapping the previous one by about 100 mm.

Attention! In order to protect the cornices from moisture, it is worth installing metal cornice strips on top of the lining layer.

How to cover the roof with a soft roof with your own hands: technology features

Laying a roof with this roofing material begins with a cornice with tiles finished form. It is laid end-to-end along the slope of the roof and fixed with nails. In order to avoid color unevenness as a result of using elements from different batches, it is worth mixing them. Tiles can be laid in several ways: along the roof pitch or at an angle.

Hexagonal Row

In the first case, a hexagonal ordinary tile is used. It is installed in the center of the roof light and completed at the ends of the roof. The first row should be laid so that its lower part is 10 mm from the eaves. All elements are fixed with six nails.

The joints are covered with the next layer, thereby hiding the caps from the fasteners. Rows of tiles are laid at an angle of 45 0. At the ends along the edge, gluing is performed in an even layer (up to 1 mm) at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the edge. Before applying the adhesive, the surface must be cleaned and degreased. The setting process takes no more than 5 minutes (largely depends on temperature).


In this case, a rectangular tile is used. The laying technology is very simple. The first row is laid along the eaves so that the join overlaps. Each element is attached with four nails. Subsequent rows should be formed by superimposing on the previous one. This installation option is the simplest.


In both versions, the ridge tiles are laid lengthwise from left to right, overlapping with a distance that is sufficient to overlap the nail caps and with the backing glued. Also, in the end parts, the installation of aerators is required, which are used for ventilation. In places where tiles border on the surfaces of heating pipes, insulating rails and sealing rubber should be used.

Final stage

As you can see, laying tiles is a profitable option from an operational and economic point of view. The roof, covered with a soft roof, will comply with all modern building codes and requirements.

Soft roof repair: main stages

The frequency with which it is necessary to repair a soft roof directly depends on the base on which the tiles were installed, as well as on how correct the installation technology was. Timber lumber, concrete and cement screed - all of them react to soft roofing in their own way, which causes some damage.

Cleaning up the damaged area

Before starting repairs, find out if these works are worthwhile, and if so, to what extent. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to assess the level of damage present. If holes have formed in the roll coating, then it is better to fill them with mastic, observing the strict sequence of materials used.

Repair of a soft roof should be carried out only on a clean area, which is sometimes very problematic, since there is a special dressing on the roofing material. Therefore, you need to carefully clean the area where the repair is planned.

You can remove the crumb with process oil. Anthracene oil is best for cleaning roofing felts, and solar oil is used for roofing material. Clean with a brush or ordinary cloth. With this treatment, you will remove the topping and soften the surface for further repairs.

Repair work

As soon as you prepare the damaged area, proceed to the main work. With minor defects, it makes sense to use ordinary mastic with a patch. However, this solution is not suitable if all roofing layers are pierced.

In case of simultaneous damage to several layers of the roof, we advise you to clean the area from the old layer of dirt and mastic, and then dry it. Next, you need to prepare a mastic mixture with the addition of sand or sawdust. This mixture should putty all the damage so that the edges are aligned. On all sides of the patch, the mastic should come out at least 10 cm.

With the help of hard brushes and brushes, the mastic can be easily applied to the most inaccessible places. If you are working on a small area, then it makes sense to use an ordinary spatula that allows you to apply a mass with sawdust and thick mastic. If a “water bubble” forms in the roof, repairs must be done in the same way as in the case of a conventional hole. The main thing is to determine in a timely manner the place where the water comes from.

If cracks appear in the roofing material, it should be cut to the bottom layer. Then clean up debris and excess mastic, then dry the area and pour new mastic. Of course, you can do without a cut if the cracks are minor. They should be closed with mastic and a patch. If microcracks have formed throughout the area of ​​the soft roof, then they must be prepared, and then covered with heated mastic.

How to restore sprinkles

After repairing the soft roof, it is necessary to renew the layer of powder that was removed in order to prevent the mastic from melting and heating the material. To do this, it is worth smoothing the surface and making the roof covering with sand. Over time, excess dressing that does not stick to the roof itself will be removed. But if you want, then remove it yourself.

As you can see, soft roofing has a lot of advantages compared to other roofing materials - a long service life, tightness and easy installation. You should carefully follow our instructions to cover the roof with soft tiles correctly. Well, if suddenly problems arise during its operation, you can always re-read the information on how to carry out repairs.

Surely, you will not dispute the fact that the roof is the main protection of the entire building. Thanks to modern roofing and its high-quality installation can achieve a very long operational period. Soft roofing includes a lot of different products, but shingles and roofing material are especially popular.

Favorable time for arranging the roof with soft materials

Bitumen is a part of all soft roofing materials. Its elasticity indicators decrease many times at negative temperatures, therefore, using these products in the cold is an inappropriate exercise. The optimum temperature for laying soft materials is 5 degrees above zero.

If the temperature drops below the permissible value, then it becomes necessary to heating equipment. This, ultimately, will greatly affect the final price, but if there is a need for this, then it is better to overpay than to deal with it in a year. overhaul. The fact is that when freezing, the bitumen becomes very brittle and when the material is fastened, it can simply crack. In addition to fastening on the roof, there are places where it is necessary to bend the material a little, for example, on skates or valleys.

Laying soft tiles

Bituminous tiles are small-sized elements that are laid on the surface of slopes in the form of scales. Their slope should be more than 12 degrees, otherwise, during the first year of operation, you will find out what a leak is.


If you are at least a little versed in construction, then you know that the basis for roofing materials is the truss system and the crate. As for the latter, it is divided into continuous and discharged.

The discharged crate is a system wooden planks that are crammed into rafter legs with a certain step. This value depends entirely on the materials used. The greater their rigidity, the smaller the step required.

In the case of a soft roof, a continuous crate is required. It can be equipped with boards, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB of the product. If you are using boards, then you will need to install a high-quality underlayment carpet in order to level out all the resulting bumps. The fact is that boards of the same size have some errors, and their arrangement on the same plane can lead to a height difference.

For the base, it is best to take moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. It is worth noting that when laying elements on the surface, their humidity should be no more than 20 percent. When mounting a solid base, one should not forget about the arrangement ventilation ducts. Do not join the plates tightly together, leave a few millimeters, this is quite enough for natural ventilation.

The essence of ventilation

The truss system, as a rule, is created from lumber. These products are of natural origin, therefore, under the influence of moisture and positive temperature, microorganisms will multiply on their surface, which will eventually lead to decay. In order to protect wooden elements, it is necessary to treat them with special solutions - antiseptics. If you decide that the boards are dry and there is no need to process them, then you are greatly mistaken. As a result of human activity, a very large amount of moisture is released into the air. Of course, this is not visible, but when it condenses, it immediately becomes clear that this issue should be considered more seriously.

Increased humidity in the dwelling from below is one of the reasons for the destruction of the roofing system and its materials. The fact is that air warmed to room temperature rises to the ceiling, and as a result of condensation it passes through the thickness of the material, so moisture settles on the colder side. After the liquid is in the attic, the evaporation process begins and wet air, not finding a way out, begins to settle again on wooden elements and roofing materials.

Natural ventilation allows you to remove moist air from the room and thereby significantly extend the life of your roof.

For high-quality air circulation, it is necessary to create:

  • Ventilation ducts in roofing cake
  • Leave sufficient clearance under the eaves
  • Gaps in the crate

If the natural air circulation does not cope with its functional task and the humidity of the attic space remains at the same level, you will need to create artificial ventilation. This is done using devices called aerators and deflectors. They work by means of differential pressure, and their installation is not difficult.

Lining carpet

If you decide to build a roof yourself, and are wondering how to make a soft roof correctly and still meet all the requirements, then I advise you to use only proven roofing products and not skip any layers. One of them is underlayment. Many developers neglect this material and after a couple of years make expensive repairs.

The litter acts as a waterproofing material, therefore, it protects the roofing pie from moisture. It is worth noting that even a small amount of liquid that has entered the insulation boards sharply reduces it. positive traits more than half, and when they are dried, the properties do not return.

IMPORTANT: The laying of the underlayment carpet may not be carried out over the entire plane. This is possible if the slope of your roof is more than 18 degrees.

When partially laying the carpet, it is worth considering that the valley should be covered with 5 meters of material, and the ridge with 2.5 meters. As a rule, fasteners for bedding are nails or staples of a construction stapler. In the case of arranging places with high humidity in addition to the main fasteners, it is necessary to use bituminous glue. It will give the joints a higher tightness.

In the case of laying soft roofing material on a roof whose slope is less than 18 degrees, the lining is arranged over the entire area. The flooring of this product can be carried out both longitudinally and transversely. If we consider the first option, then the overlap should be at least 15 centimeters, and in the second case - 10. For high-quality installation, all joints are best treated with bituminous mastic.

Installation of cornice and gable strips

These elements are made of metal and are placed along the eaves and gable overhangs. Their direct functional task is to protect the crate. As fasteners, ordinary nails are used. The distance between them is selected individually, although the standard value is 10 centimeters. For high-quality connection of the planks to each other, the "overlap" method is used, it should be at least 2 centimeters.

Bituminous tile installation

Soft roofing, in particular bituminous tiles, has several varieties for laying the roof. The finished plane will include cornice, ordinary and ridge tiles. All 3 types have their own shape and size.

  • Before installing eaves tiles, you must pay attention to lower part element. It should have a protective film on it, which must be removed before laying. Qualitatively laid material should not reach the edge by 1-2 centimeters
  • The device of the main tile, the so-called ordinary, should begin from the middle of the overhang and lead to the ends. Small nails act as fasteners, as a rule, their consumption is 4 pieces per element, but in windy regions of the country it is better to use more.

The first row of material is laid almost on the cornice tiles, only a centimeter should remain from it, which does not reach the edge of the roof. The device of subsequent rows must ensure that all seams are overlapped in order to get a semblance of scales. To perform this work qualitatively, it is necessary to monitor the level of cutouts on the previous row. This will create an even and beautiful structure throughout the plane.

  • After the installation of the previous types, they proceed to the ridge tiles. Since material manufacturers do not produce this product, you will have to create it yourself separately. To do this, we cut the cornice element into three components in the places of its perforation. Place the material on the ridge with the short side so that it covers both slopes as much as possible. The consumption of fasteners is identical to ordinary tiles. In addition to nails, it is better to glue the most important places with bituminous mastic.

IMPORTANT: For ease of installation and increase in the quality of laying at the preparatory stage, I advise you to draw the entire plane of the roof with horizontal lines. It is quite difficult to align the rows of tiles by eye with complex roofing geometry.

Now that you understand how to make a soft roof from tiles, you can proceed to the next type - euroroofing material.

Technological process of laying euroroofing material

Surely in your life you have at least once met with an ordinary roofing material and you know what it looks like. This material has been used in construction for a very long time. Its main disadvantage is considered to be a short service life of only 5-10 years.

Therefore, it was decided to improve this product in order to increase operational qualities. Ultimately, this gave rise new material called euroroofing material. How to make it laying on a soft roof, I will tell below.

Foundation preparation

As a rule, construction begins with preparatory work. In this case, at this stage it is necessary to create a stable and dry base that complies with all norms and rules. Roll materials are not whimsical to the base and are quite suitable for their installation. reinforced concrete slab laid at a slight slope. This is done for the natural flow of moisture from the roof surface. It should be noted that euroroofing material can be laid on wooden base, for example, solid crate or OSB boards.

IMPORTANT: If you are installing a roofing material on a surface that already has bituminous materials, then you can not dismantle them. When the material is heated, they will become an excellent base for a new carpet. In the case when laying takes place on a clean base, it must be treated with mastic.

Carefully study the properties of this product and do not start work before the applied layer dries.

Laying technology and the nuances of this work

Some developers, before laying rolled products, prefer to roll them out over the area so that they lie down and take the form of a roof. I can say that this is a useless business, because when heated bituminous material, it becomes almost liquid. This property allows it to blur and fully describe the contour of your roof.

Laying work should start from the bottom of the slope, and gradually move up. This allows you to arrange the strips with the correct overlap, which is why water flowing from the surface cannot flow into the joints. Laying material in several layers should occur perpendicular to each other. This will avoid the coincidence of the joints and increase the tightness of the plane.

The fusion process itself should take place in a calm environment, there is no need to rush anywhere. Otherwise, the roofing material will begin to form folds, and if it does not lie tightly on the base, then condensate will accumulate in these places, which will soon render the material unusable. The lower layers should be covered with roofing material, which does not have a protective layer, and the final carpet must have a mineral dressing. It will protect the surface from mechanical stress and direct sunlight.

IMPORTANT: When working with a gas burner, all safety precautions must be strictly observed. Knowledge of safety precautions will eliminate the possibility of most injuries.

Before you cover a soft roof, you need to have some knowledge.

  • Overheating of the roofing material surface must not be allowed. If this still happened, then you can not continue laying it further. Cut off the damaged section from the roll, and continue with some overlap on the already laid strip. If you do not understand to what state it is necessary to heat up rolled materials, then the indicator will be polyethylene film. When the pattern begins to blur - this is an indicator of the readiness of the product for gluing
  • The resulting surface should not include areas with missing powder, swelling and black spots. The absence of these points shows the quality of the work done. Typically, when covered large areas happens to lubricate protective layer, therefore, to solve such problems, it is always necessary to have some mineral powder on hand
  • The overlap of the euroroofing strips should be at least 10 centimeters. For ease of installation, there is a special strip along the entire length of the material showing this distance.

Before covering the roof with a soft roof, you need to make sure that by unrolling the material on the surface, you can lay it without any additional parts. If there is a need to cut the material along its length, then I advise you to do it in a twisted state with a saw.

The joints of the vertical elements must undergo a special treatment process. Such places, as a rule, are the most vulnerable areas of built-up roofs. For good sealing, the joints are smeared with mastic to a height of at least 30 centimeters. If it is normal for you to experience a lot of precipitation during the winter in your area, you should increase this value as needed. The fact is that the snow accumulated on the surface can easily get under the roofing material layer, and the roof will begin to leak.

From the article, you learned how to properly cover the roof with a soft roof, and learned how to work with euroroofing material and soft tiles. I hope that the building you created will stand for more than one century, and a well-made soft roof will protect it throughout this time.

The use of soft roofing in private suburban construction is one of the most relevant topics today. This material has many advantages. It has a low weight, high sound and heat insulation qualities, is resistant to corrosion, fungi and microorganisms, guarantees absolute tightness of the roof, gives it a very attractive appearance.

It can be used to cover roofs of a wide variety of configurations. In addition, soft roofing has a long service life and low cost. Another important advantage of this material is that during rain the noise level is quite low.

In addition to high technical and performance characteristics, soft roofing has another advantage: it is so easy to install that you can even handle the work on your own.

General characteristics and types of soft roofs

Soft roof- a modern building material made on the basis of fiberglass sheets impregnated on both sides with bitumen rubber.

A distinctive property of rubber bitumen is high degree tightness and moisture resistance. It is these qualities that explain the popularity of this roof in modern construction. Soft roofing also contains a special dressing, which increases its wear resistance and does not allow the rolled coating to stick together.

This material is an ideal choice for covering roofs with an inclination angle of less than 11 degrees.

Soft roofing includes flexible, or bituminous tiles, rolled, or membrane roofing.

Soft tiles

Soft flexible, or bituminous tiles are otherwise called piece soft roofing, roofing tiles, shingles, shingles. Perhaps this is the most common type of roof, which is an analogue of the ceramic variety of tiles.

Soft tile is a flat sheet with figured patterns cut out on one edge. The basis of soft tiles is non-woven pressed fiberglass, which can withstand heavy loads and is almost not subject to deformation. Tiles of this type come in different shapes: triangular, oval, hexagonal. Usually it has a size of 1x0.33 m.

One of the main advantages of soft tiles is the possibility of using them to cover roofs with domes and towers or unusually shaped roofs.

Roll roofing

The second name of this type of roof is bitumen-polymer. Often she becomes the only solution for the device of roofs of buildings of agricultural appointment, reinforced concrete and brick constructions.

Roll roofing is made on the basis of fiberglass or a material of synthetic origin. This guarantees high waterproofing properties of the material.

The disadvantage of rolled roofing is its vapor permeability.

Since a burner is used when laying a rolled roof, it is necessary that the material does not burn, but melts. Otherwise, the installation cannot be of high quality.

Membrane roof

Another name for membrane roofing is PVC membrane roofing. It is a membrane made of TPO, EPDM and PVC.

One of the most important features of this type of roofing technology is that the seams are fixed with hot air, and this guarantees high level their strength. The membrane is attached mechanically with the help of additional adhesives. Fastening can also be carried out to the roof screed. Thanks to the membrane structure, strength, reliability of the blade and a long service life are guaranteed.

Required styling tools

Laying a flexible roof is within the power of even one person. For the installation of a soft roof are required the following materials and tools:

  • hammer;
  • sealant;
  • mastic;
  • roofing nails;
  • trowel for mastic;
  • ridge-cornice strip;
  • waterproofing carpet;
  • end and cornice strips;
  • work gloves.

Ventilation system device

aim ventilation system is to ensure free air circulation, which is necessary in order to prevent the formation of condensate in the lower segment of the base. Without good ventilation rafter system rotting processes may begin, and icicles or ice will form in winter.

The main parts of the roof ventilation system are outlets and air vents, gaps between the base and waterproofing of at least 5 mm in size. Provide natural ventilation possible by means of ventilation holes, evenly distributed under the cornice overhangs.

Installation of cornice strips

Cornice strips are made on the basis of metal and are attached to the lining on the overhangs of the cornices. They are necessary to protect the edges of the crate. Fastening is carried out using mounting nails, between which a 100 mm step must be maintained. In the places where the cornice strips are joined, an overlap of at least 20 mm in length must be made.

Installation of gable slats

Gable strips are also made of metal and fastened in the roof ends to the lining layer. Their main function is to protect the edge of the crate. Fastening is carried out similarly to the fastening of cornice strips.

Valley carpet

The purpose of the device of this element is to protect the roof from rain and snow. It is chosen according to the color of the tiles. Fastening is done with roofing nails. Overlaps should be carefully glued.

When performing installation, remember to remove protective film from the bottom surface of the material. Cornice tiles are laid at a distance of 1 to 2 cm from the cornice edge along its overhang, clearly butt to butt.

Laying ordinary tiles

The process of laying the main part of the tile roof begins from the middle of the overhangs towards the ends. As a rule, 4 nails are used to fasten sheets. With a very steep roof slope or the presence of strong winds You must use at least 6 nails.

The installation of the first row is carried out in such a way that its edge is located at a distance of no more than 1 cm from the upper end of the cornice tiles.

The joints are covered with petals. When laying the next rows, it is necessary to ensure that the tips of the petals coincide with the level of the cutouts of the previous row. At the edges, bituminous tiles are cut and glued (to a width of at least 10 cm).

Before laying, it is necessary to mark the slopes with chalk - draw horizontal lines on them. This is necessary for accurate installation of sheets in an even row. In case of violation of the geometry of the slopes or installation on them additional elements (dormer windows, pipes), marking with chalk helps to align the rows.

Laying ridge tiles

To obtain a ridge tile, the cornice tile is cut into three parts at the perforation points. After that, it is laid with the short side on the skate parallel to it. Each of the parts must be nailed with four nails: two on each side. On top of the nails, at least a 5 cm overlap is made with the subsequent tile sheet.

Lining layer

In places of possible leaks, it is necessary to create a lining layer: at the ends, valleys, overhangs of cornices. During installation, it is necessary to observe the direction from the bottom up and the overlap: in the transverse direction it should be 10 mm, and in the longitudinal direction - 150 mm. Places of overlaps are smeared with bituminous mastic.

Skates and valleys are respectively reinforced by 250 and 500 mm. At the same time, the valleys are equipped with a lining layer on both sides, along eaves overhangs and ends, it is laid to a width of at least 400 mm.

The lining is nailed to the base every 200 mm using galvanized roofing nails. The purpose of the lining carpet is to protect against moisture, as well as from destruction if the process of laying a soft roof is suspended.

Preparatory work

The base for fastening a soft roof must certainly be solid. This is the main difference between installing a soft roof and laying roofs of other types.

For example, when installing a metal tile, a crate is made with gaps between the bars, since this is a rather rigid material. This distinguishes it from a soft type roof, for which it is necessary to arrange a solid foundation.

When choosing an edged board, it must be kept in a pile in advance so that it reaches a natural, uniform level of moisture.

Boards are best purchased in the winter and used in the summer.

Their width should be no more than 100 mm. It is preferable that the material be of the same thickness and sawn into band saw. The maximum allowable wood moisture content is 20%.

The method of laying a soft type roof involves laying materials of this type with a shift of seams or apart. At the same time, a gap of 1 cm must be maintained between them. The surface must be smooth, dry, clean. The quality of the installation and the service life of the soft roof depend on these conditions.

A prerequisite is the presence of the following layers in the roofing cake: a waterproofing layer laid on the rafters, mounted with outside overlapping on the base of the waterproofing roofing carpet, and when planning the attic - insulation based on mineral wool.

Features of installation of a soft roof

Installation of a soft roof is best done in dry, warm weather. The minimum temperature for work is not lower than plus 5 degrees.

If it is necessary to carry out installation in the winter, before the start of work, the tiles must be kept in a room with room temperature. You can also use a hot air burner.

The need for a certain temperature regime associated with the specifics of the shingle, which is a sheet consisting of 3 or 4 tiles. It is attached to the surface with nails or a self-adhesive layer located on the inside.

Tightness of a roof on the basis of a tile is provided by influence of natural heat of sunshine. Under their influence, the sheets are soldered to the base and to each other. At low temperatures this does not happen, so it is not possible to achieve high-quality insulation.

When installing a soft roof, you should use tiles from 5-6 packages at the same time, while choosing one element at a time: this will allow you to avoid significant differences in shades if it is necessary to repair the roof using elements from another package.

This quality is another advantage of this material: a slight overflow of colors and shades greatly facilitates the replacement of tiles and gives it matte surface more beautiful view.

How to choose a mask?

When laying the top layer of a soft type roof, it is necessary to use a special bitumen-polymer material, which makes it possible to create an elastic continuous coating that can withstand mechanical and thermal deformations of the base.

According to the soft roof installation technology, in order to attach the rolled material to the roof, cold and hot mastics must be used.

As a rule, cold mastics are used for the device of the inner layers of the roof, and hot - for the outer coating.

The category of cold mastics includes bitumen and roofing material, and hot - roofing felt and tar. The composition used must necessarily contain bitumen, a dusty mixture or a fiber-based filler. From pulverized materials, gypsum, lime and ash should be distinguished.

Preparation of bituminous mastic

Bituminous mastic can be purchased ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, you need to take bitumen and filler. By mixing two parts of bitumen and diesel fuel and one part of the filler, you can get a cold mixture. In one boiler, it is necessary to prepare diesel fuel and filler, and in the other, heat bitumen (its temperature should be brought to 180 degrees). After complete evaporation of the liquid from the bitumen, the contents of both boilers are mixed.

To make hot paste you need a boiler. In it, the bitumen is heated up to 200 degrees. In the process of heating, a filler is added to it. It is very important to ensure that during the procedure the temperature does not fall below 160 degrees.

To check the quality of the mastic, it is heated to 60 degrees and laid at an angle of 45 degrees. If the coating flows down, then its quality does not meet the requirements. If the mastic does not drain, you must wait for it to dry. If the material is of high quality, then cracks will not form on it.

The process of laying a soft roof

Immediately before the start of laying, you need to walk along wooden surface a solution of bitumen and diesel fuel. Then you need to start covering with mastic. This should be done slowly.

At the end this process it is necessary to move on to laying glassine and roofing material. Installation starts from the middle part of the eaves and moves towards the ends - to the right and left. Before laying on the wrong side of the soft tile, it is necessary to remove the film to protect the adhesive.

When using cold mastic after applying the layer, you must wait 12 hours. If hot mastic is used, the layers can be applied one after the other.

All details of the roof must be nailed with 4-6 nails.

The instruction for laying a soft type roof requires that an overlap of 7 to 10 cm be made during the installation of the rolls.

In all cases, without exception, it is necessary to observe the basic rule of imposition: lay each top row in such a way that the joints of the previous one are closed. Depending on their number, the next new layer is displaced: with two layers it is displaced by half, with three - by 1/3. After that, the excess is cut off at the edges and glued with mastic.

With high-quality laying, modern soft roofing materials can last about 30 years.

Laying roofing material near ventilation pipes

  • Roof sections located around pipes and antennas require correct insulation of joints and careful fixing of the material. The installation process is greatly facilitated by the use of through elements. Without these components, the tightness of the coating is broken.
  • Places for installation of ventilation and pipes should be noted even before the laying of tiles.
  • After that, holes are cut. The edges of the underlayment will be glued around them with mastic. The upper surface of the carpet should be smeared along the contours of the parts that will need to be glued and nailed. The tile is laid on top of the mastic.
  • The junction points of the upper part of the passage part and the shingles must be treated with a sealant. Having reached the ridge line, it is necessary to use special ridge elements of a soft roof. They are bent over the ridge, glued on it and nailed with nails.

Repair work

The frequency of repairs is directly dependent on the base on which the tiles were installed, as well as on the price of laying a soft type roof.

Wood lumber, concrete and cement screed react differently to soft roofing, which causes certain damage.

Cleaning the damaged area

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide whether there is a need for such work at all and in what form they should be performed. For this purpose, a damage assessment is carried out. When holes are formed in roll coatings, they will need to be filled with mastic. In this case, it is necessary to observe the sequence of materials used for this purpose.

Repair roll roofing it is possible only on a completely clean area, which is very problematic, since there is a special dressing on the roofing material. Therefore, before starting repair work, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the required area.

The crumb is removed using process oil. When cleaning roofing, it is better to use anthracene oil, and for roofing material - solar oil. These products remove the powder and soften the surface for further work.


Having prepared the site, you can proceed to the main work. If the flaws are small, then it is recommended to use a simple mastic with a patch. This decision not suitable if all roofing layers are pierced.

If several layers are damaged, then the area should be cleaned of the old layer of mastic and dried. Then a mastic mixture is prepared with sawdust or sand. All damage is puttied with this mixture to level the edges. From all ends of the patch, the mastic should go at least 10 cm.

For applying the mixture to hard-to-reach places using a regular spatula. If a water bubble appears in the roof, then the repair is carried out in the same way as with a conventional hole. In this case, the main task is to determine the source from which the water comes.

If cracks appear, the roofing layer must be cut to the bottom edge. After that, debris and mastic are cleaned, and then the site is dried and filled with new mastic. For small cracks, incisions can be omitted. They are closed with a patch and mastic. When small cracks appear throughout the area, it must be prepared and covered with a layer of heated mastic.

Powder recovery

After completing the repair, you should restore the layer of dressing. This is necessary to prevent overheating and melting of the mastic layer. It is necessary to level the surface and cover with a layer of sand. The excess topping that has not stuck to the roof will be removed over time.


  • Soft roofing is very popular due to its lightness, tightness and affordable price.
  • Soft roof types include soft tiles, roll and membrane roofs.
  • Prior to installation, a ventilation system must be installed.
  • In places where leaks are possible, it is necessary to mount a lining layer.
  • Before starting the installation, it is necessary to prepare the base.
  • For achievement of tightness of a covering of work it is better to carry out in dry warm weather.
  • To attach the rolled material to the roof, cold and hot mastic is used.
  • To maintain the tightness of the soft roof, it is necessary to properly isolate the skirmishes around ventilation pipes, and the fastening of the material should be done very carefully.
  • The frequency of repair of a soft roof largely depends on the quality of the installation of the base.

You can learn more about the technology of laying a soft roof from a training video.