How to make 3 4 steps inlet door. Wooden steps for the porch

In previous times, there was a breaking saying, which stated that the porch is the face of the owner of the house. It was believed that than intricate the porch itself, his fences and railing, the mastering of his owner. Today, fashion for beautiful porches is returned, and the range of special finishing materials is very large.

In this article - calculations that will be needed to build steps for the porch with their own hands, from wood and concrete. And, moreover, an overview of design options and finishing finished structures.

Design and decoration of steps

In this section, we embraced the most interesting finishing materials that are used for the floor covering of the porches and stairs. This is a tree, DPK, clinker, granite and porcelain stoneware and mosaic panels.

Decoration of steps with wood and its imitation

Ordinary boardy stairs are known to everyone. And in the photo below - a rarest version of the porch design. On a concrete base, a step of half-breeded is installed. Pointing negligence in the processing of the logs of the house itself, the different length of the steps of the porch - the design is made in Russian style. Semi-harvest as steps is "well forgotten old", once it was really used in such a role.

Steps for a concrete porch: semi-crust

Together with metal forged porches, a wood-polymer composite is often used, or, in a different way, DPK. It is clear from the name that the material is made from a combination of wood and polymers. The DPK is quite durable, moisture and temperature drops are not afraid, and, importantly, has an excellent appearance. If you want to separate the porch with a terrace board and doubt that it will last for a long time in difficult weather conditions - it is worth thinking about installing steps for the porch porch.

Steps for metal porch: Polymer composite

Clinker, granite and porcelain stoneware, mosaic

Clinker tiles on the root stage - one of the most beautiful finishes options. The rich color palette and the availability of decorative elements allows you to create a design for every taste. Clinker coatings are very durable, resistant to temperature drops, impact and abrasion. Under them can be heated. This decoration for steps cannot be called cheap, however, the price justifies the flawless appearance of the tile.

What to fresse the porch steps: clinker tiles

Today is very popular cladding of steps and the very porch porcelain. The material has a decent appearance, but, of course, the clinker tiles in this plan is strongly losing. The price of porcelain stoneware is relatively not high. True, it is used more for the porches of shopping centers, offices, hospitals, etc. Private houses have such a tile less often. As with clinkers, heating can be installed under the porcelain stoneware for the steps of the porch.

How to separate the outdoor porch steps: porcelain

Granite steps for the porch look very beautiful and at the same time solid. This stone is very factory, it does not require any decorations. Puffs with this finish are often performed in a minimalist style, and massive railing with balusters in combination with granite is quite difficult to meet. Steps for the porch, whose photo you see below are made of red granite, with a strip applied around the edge against slip.

Concrete steps for the porch, decorated with red granite

It is worth saying about finishing the mosaic mosaic. This method of decor can not be called very popular, but it takes place. Part of the mosaic steps found is a specially manufactured panel, and some of the homemade, scored from pieces of a bit of ceramic tiles. They are decorated, as a rule, the risers, and the pavement tiles are stacked.

Tile for steps of the porch. Stock Foto Finishing of risers mosaic

Calculation and construction of wooden and concrete steps for the porch

The first thing we should do is draw a sketch, and already pushing out from it, make a drawing and estimates. It must be the most detailed as possible, with all possible sizes. The frame itself is not difficult to draw and calculate, both for wooden and a concrete porch. But above the drawing the stairs will have to sit a little with a pencil and a calculator.

Calculation of steps for the porch

All calculations can be performed before the porch is built. It will be enough to have a drawing of a future design. To calculate the height of the steps of the porch (C) and their number (a) in the future staircase march, we need to know the approximate height of the risers (D) and the site (F). The height of the risers for the example will take 17 cm, the platforms - 150 cm.

1) a \u003d f: d. We believe: 150: 17 \u003d 8.82 pcs. Rounded into the biggest: we get 9 steps.

2) C \u003d F: a. We believe: 150: 9 \u003d 16.6 cm.

The scheme shows how to make measurements

But to find out the length of the cosomov (G), the formula is required: F 2 + S 2 \u003d G 2. We believe: G \u003d √ (F 2 + S 2) \u003d √ (1.5 2 +2.43 2) \u003d 2.85 m. If the cosomes are made of wood, then you need to calculate their width: dx2 \u003d 16.6x2. We get 33.2 cm.

So: Course with a length of 2.85 m and 33.2 cm wide, with a march length of 2.43 m and the height of the site is 1.5.5. Steps of only 9, 16.6 cm high and 27 cm wide.

Note: The number of cosomes varies depending on the width of the stairs. Up to one meter there will be enough two cososov. If more, then we determine the amount of calculation - one Kosor for every 70-80 cm. Too large gaps between the cososters can lead to a decrease in the strength of the steps and their breakdown.

Wooden steps for the porch do it yourself

The following guide will help you to build a step for a tree porch, similar to what you see in the photo below. If all the calculations have already been done, and you know the size of the porch steps, then the next step will be the preparation of individual elements for the stairs: the boosters, steps, risers and Mauerlat.

The latter is made from the bar (150x70 mm), its length should be equal to the width of the future staircase. You will also need a small piece of rubberoid or other waterproofing material, several anchors, perforator and carpentry brackets.

Wooden steps on the porch. Photo of the simplest design

We cannot accommodate the wooden elements of the stairs right on Earth, so it will take concreting the foundation for Mauerlat.

  • Location on Earth the location of the future foundation and the coupe two pits, about 30x30 cm wide and 50 cm in depth.
  • On the bottom, crushed stone, layer about 20 cm.
  • In each pit, we install for several intermaturated rods related to each other. Ends should not reach the edges of the pits 5-7 cm.
  • Pour everything with concrete.

The composition of the mixture is described below, in the instructions for the construction of a concrete staircase.

How to make steps on the porch: ladder assembly scheme

After finding the foundation, we begin to collect the ladder for the porch. For the foundation of the stele on the rubberoid flask, and screw with the help of anchors of Mauerlat. Building brackets are fed at Mauerlat and the upper support pillar of the Kosoury. With the help of self-sufficiency, we screw the risers at the booms at the beginning, and then sticking. Installation We drive up.

Completion of the decoration of steps: installation of risers and coming

Installation of steps for a concrete porch

Concrete is very often used as the bases of the porch and fill to them steps. Such popularity is clear: the concrete base serves for a very long time, and there is a lot of finishing options for it.

We organize the foundation, base and steps

The fill of the stairs with concrete steps includes cement, sand and crushed stone. For one cubic meter of the mixture you will need: sand 1 m 3, rubble 0.85 m 3 and cement 340 kg. The foundation and staircase are poured monolithically, simultaneously with the concrete porch itself, and the same mixture. To determine the exact amount of the necessary fill, you must calculate the cube of the entire construction, along with the foundation.

As stated above, the concrete staircase is poured together with the porch and its foundation. Therefore, construction is starting with Poam's pokes under the foundation. We are making a depth of 50-60 cm. On the bottom of the crushed stone, the fight from the brick and / or trimming of gas-silicate blocks. To the edges of the pit should remain about 30 centimeters.

How to build a porch with concrete steps: pit for foundation

Now proceed to the reinforcement of the foundation and installation of formwork. First, put the reinforcement on the bottom and remove the ends above the edges of the pit. Between themselves, rods tie with wire. Now set the first level of formwork. Knit still level of reinforcement, and then put the formwork.

We continue until the required number of levels have been done. Mount the transverse locks on top. Next, we fill in the formwork for the steps of the porch mixture of cement with sand and gravel. It will freeze the puffed base in about two days, but you can only remove the formwork in a couple of weeks.

All this time, the design should be closed by cellophane so that atmospheric precipitates do not fall on the surface of the concrete. After the time you need to set the strength of time, you can start, for example, to laying the tile on the porch stage.

How to pour outdoled steps concrete: formwork structure

Note: The semicircular stages of the porch are very easy to do with their own hands, if you have several stroke or plywood bands. These materials are flexible, and you can make formwork from them any form. The main thing here is to fix the device well so that they will "go" under the weight of concrete.

Entrance doors are not allowed in our houses snow and wind, but they themselves withstand the entire load. They have often significantly higher than the level of the earth, so to enter the house, it is necessary porch. It will help to get inside without any difficulties, leaving the threshold street dust and dirt.

What is interesting porch? It can be arranged very different, in accordance with the taste of the owner. This article will consider various options for the arrangement and design of the porch.

The entrance group in most cases is a central decorative element in the cottage exterior or private house. If the overall composition of the site is thought out and is decorated with taste and with love, and the porch seems to be from another home or done, all the impression will be spoiled and the ensemble will be unfinished.


First, we'll figure it out that, in fact, it is a porch. The general definition states that it is an extension to the house that serves to enter and exit it. It has a staircase (or at least a few steps), as well as a canopy (this condition is optional). In most cases, such a design has a decorative appearance.

This construction is located outside the building, so it does not apply to the construction rules and norms that are covered with indoor buildings.

The input group is made by a number of rules required in terms of layout:

  • It is necessary to equip the platform. Its depth will depend on the width and type of entrance doors, as well as on the way it is opening. The size of the site should not be less than 1 m2.
  • Depending on how many doors goes to the site, its length is planned.
  • An important factor is the possibility of unhindered to carry along the stretcher's platform with a person lying on them.
  • The visor to protect against rain and snow is the requirement of inspection instances. It must be installed at a height of 20 cm from the top of the front door.
  • If a disabled wheelchair lives in the house, it is necessary to equip the porch with an anti-slip coating.

There are still a fire safety rules that need to be observed when the porch arrangement:

  • According to the requirements, the entrance door should always open out. Accordingly, the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper step is scheduled for this.
  • The elements of the porch are performed from non-combustible or low-corneous materials.
  • If a tree is used in the device or decoration of the porch, it is necessary to impregnate it with flame.

From the point of view of safety, it is necessary that the platform corresponds to a number of requirements:

  • The coating of the steps and the site should not slide;
  • places where people walk should not be subjected to water accumulation;
  • if the porch consists of more than 3 steps and has a height of more than 45 cm, it must have a protective fence (railing, sides and other elements);
  • each stage should have a width of at least 30 cm, and the height is at least 15 cm;
  • the porch must have a lighting (point from above), an additional LED backlight is possible around the perimeter or the rod of degrees;
  • in the cold regions you can equip the unheated or heated tambour.

Technical requirements

Construction standards and rules (SNiP), as well as GOST regulate the main parameters for the arrangement of the porch.

Depending on the height of the base of the house, the number of stages of the input group is designed.

For example, the depth range for each step is 27-30 cm, and the height is 12-18 cm. Thus, coming and riser in size must be 45 cm. This will be achieved optimal convenience for lifting steps.

In order for one person to be comfortable to climb the stairs, it should not be less than 60 cm. If it is assumed that two will walk in steps, they should not be 120-145 cm. More than three steps on the stairs require a device fencing or railing. The height should vary from 9 to 20 cm. If the railing decorate the porch of a private cottage, their height can be some kind of as desired by the owner.

The staircase must comply with the requirements of a safe movement regarding the angle of the horizon.The most safe in terms of operation is a broad and color configuration staircase.

The top view is located below the threshold by 5 cm. This is the requirement of fire standards and rules. The depth should be 1,5 sizes of the width of the doorway.


The porch belongs to the group of light exterior buildings, so it does not require an enhanced type of foundation. Often the base for it is separately worth it, for example, in the front or entrance.

Most often foundation for the porch:

  • pile;
  • columnar;
  • fine breeding tape.

If the porch for a private house is planned as a full-fledged design with a staircase, columns, and the material for it is brick, concrete, stone, then it will take a solid foundation for it. It is built with the foundation of the house, and connect with him. For example, if it is decided to build a porch with brick columns on a concrete platform, a fragile base will simply not stand this design: he will see, turn or collapse.

By type of performance, the porch is:

  • open;
  • with a canopy or visor;
  • covered.

The first type is mainly found in private cottages. Often right behind the porch in such houses there is a patio or terrace. The porch consists of an open platform and steps, which can be a different amount. If there are more than three, the porch should be equipped with railings.

Sheds and visors are not provided, most often this role is performed by the attic or a balcony located directly above the entrance group. Or if the house is one-storey, the canopy function can partially take over the protruding roof.

In case the porch is equipped with a visor or a canopy, it is located above the entrance door and closes it, as well as a part of the site near the house. Canopy can be extended to create a parking for transport or recreation area in front of the house. The latter can be equipped with barbecue or mangal.

Most often, this type of porch is used when there is a basement in the house, and the entrance door is highly located. An interesting non-bunny visor can decorate the facade, as well as perform practical functions.

In the latest version, the entrance group is closed in the roof, as well as the playground near the door. The walls of the house are fencing the porch, thus creating a certain semblance of a tambour. The entrance to the house is protected from precipitation and winds.

Today, the achievements of the construction industry make it possible not to be limited to only the rectangular shape of the porch. Now you can give it a variety of configurations: semicircles, polyhedra, even a triangle.

For example, giving the porch semicircular shape, you can hide and smooth over the sharp corners of the house. The convenience of it is that it is possible to climb the steps from either side, as they enhance completely all the porch, providing a comfortable approach to the door. It is better to make them brick or stone (from clinker tiles).

If there is a need to equilibrate the house, you can lay down the tracks of the trapezoidal form.They are interesting to those expanding, rising up. Thus, the top platform is obtained solid and quite large.

Types of porch can be classified according to the size of the upper area:

  • the terrace is an open spacious area equipped with railings;
  • patio - a platform that does not have railing and other fences, while covered with a canopy;
  • the veranda is essentially glazed terrace;
  • tambour - a small entrance hall separating the entrance group from the residential premises.

Due to some reasons, the porch pad is at a considerable height.

This is due in cases:

  • If the project provides for the presence of a technical floor in the house.
  • If the climatic features at the construction site create the need to raise the porch. For example, in the area where it is possible to spring the spill of water bodies or abundant winter snowfall, this is a prerequisite.
  • Sophisticated landscape relief. For example, if the house is put on piles, the porch will simply have to be located at a considerable height. Then even the most uneven relief will not be an obstacle. And it will not be necessary to carry out expensive and labor cost earthworks.

The stairs can be perpendicular to both on one side of the site, and from two, or to look it, making it possible to approach the door from any direction.

If there is not enough place in front of the house, the staircase can be located along the facade or arrange a reversal design. Another level terrace also looks originally.

The console reference design is most often used for metal stairs. But it is necessary to foresee its structure at the stage of laying the foundation under the house.

If the site width is insufficient, you can arrange two small stairs on different sides of it.This is the most convenient option if there is very little free space in front of the house.

The most convenient of the stairs is the steps of which go round the site. For example, if the porch is small, but the rise must be convenient.

The original solution for the design of the porch, the more interesting the facade will look. Thanks to the taste and idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner, you can create a living and non-bank architectural composition.


The modern market presents a fairly large number of different materials for arranging the porch in front of the entrance door.

The most common and frequently used are:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • wood;
  • metal alloys;
  • natural stone (granite);
  • polycarbonate.

The tree can be used in the form of logs, timber or terraced board.Most often wood equip the entrance groups of country houses built in an old Russian style. For hips, erected in the traditions of wooden architecture, it will be a log porch that will be authentic.

Wood is also convenient because it is easily processing, it can be given any shape, even the most complex and fantasy. Masters-Rusters with extensive experiences are able to make out unusually beautiful openwork compositions on the windows, rods of roofs and entrance groups of houses. The railing of the porch and fence around the house, having a similar or identical carved pattern, look very impressive.

The more original and thinner the work of the carcass on the tree, the more effectively there will be a result.

We should not forget about the need for mandatory processing of wooden elements with flame retardant and antiseptic from rotting. Then the design will serve for a long time without losing an attractive appearance.

It is better to use wood breeds that are poorly declared.

This is usually coniferous, for example:

  • pine - the most budget and affordable option, has a light white shade;
  • larch is a very durable and reliable breed, but not an easy-to-process, it is distinguished by an interesting yellow-orange subton;
  • spruce - for street buildings should be used carefully, since it is very susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture;

  • cedar - valuable and expensive material, which is used to emphasize parts, has a pinkish tinge;
  • fir - the most fragile and bright, almost white coniferous breed. It is not recommended to use for structures requiring strength.

  • birch is a very durable breed, but needs special protective processing, otherwise wood cracks;
  • beech is expensive wood, it makes separate design details;
  • ospen - it is used for the most part for the construction of a bath due to the high resistance of moisture;
  • oak is the perfect material for the construction of "for centuries", as it is very durable, valuable and expensive.

There are no restrictions for the use of wood in construction. You can build a porch completely from this material, you can shelter its birch or cedar board or clapboard.

It should be noted that the presence of smooth accurate figure balasine on the railing and polished steps is a traditional element in Russian architecture, which remains relevant now.

Metal is not such a popular material like wood, concrete or brick, but it may look no less effectively. Especially if forged elements in the vintage style are used. Most often, metal parts protrude in combination with stone, concrete or wood.

This is not due to the fact that the characteristics of the metal are worse than other materials.It just is quite high, as the price of welded works when installing the porch. But forged railing or a frame on a visor, supported by a similar frame for a street lamp or a lantern, options are more budget.

If the price of the question is not a problem for the owner, you can order any writing elements to the appropriate masters. Openwork frame on the visor, supported by the same design of the caps on the fence or the same framing of the lanterns over the door and the perimeter of the fence looks very effectively.

But the metal is extremely susceptible to corrosion, rain and snowfall can quickly lead it into a disrete.

Very often, wrought elements are covered with transparent polycarbonate. So they are less susceptible to negative environmental factors, while the beauty and originality of the details are more noticeable.

Any professional forging makes the appearance of the construction of the art.

Natural stone is a completely special material. It can act as solo and in combination with any other type of finish. The granite or marble entrance group has maximum advantages for the capital construction: durable, durable, beautiful, reliable, resistant to environmental impact. But he has two essential minuses: he is bulky and expensive.

Thanks to the achievements of modern technologies, fox-stone is almost indistinguishable from natural outwardly. You can identify the fake, just touching it.

Instead of natural stone, you can use a tile: clinker, pavingly. They, first of all, is more likely to than one-piece stone, secondly, much more convenient in operation, as it is easier and each element has its own size.

The entrance group of stone will greatly decorate the house of the brick, as well as plastering or panels that imitate a stone or brick. It should be understood that the stone porch looks truly monumentally, so it is not recommended to make a small house.

Brick, like wood, is affordable and often found in the design of the porch.It is possible to separate the finished composition and create the design completely from it. It weighs a little, it is inexpensive, while durable and durable. In addition, it is easy to operate and work.

For work on the street, this kind of bricks is often used as clinker. It has enhanced strength. He is not afraid of all typical environmental factors: rain, snow, temperature differences, straight rays of the sun. It does not lose an attractive appearance for a long time.

There are a large number of clinker brick color solutions on the market. This allows you to create real masterpieces in the decoration of the porch: ornaments, gradients, contrast patterns or monochrome.

Polycarbonate is the only material that cannot be used for the base of the porch.It can be used only as a coating. The frame will be metal, wooden bar or brick. Polycarbonate must be used with the mind, then you can create an interesting architectural solution from it.

Where can I apply polycarbonate:

  • as a coating on wrought elements;
  • for the construction of a visor over the entrance group;
  • you can create a canopy over the porch.

Due to the fact that the polycarbonate is well bend, from it you can create structures of different shapes.

Concrete In most cases, it is the basis, it is covered with various cladding on top. This is because the concrete itself has a non-sustainable appearance and an entrance group, constructed only from it, will not decorate the house.

However, concrete can be poured into any formwork and receive a large number of different configurations of steps and porks.

There are polished or painted concrete structures that look quite interesting.

Since the unfaithful concrete plastic, it is possible to cast the elements of any degree of complexity. But the main minus is the extreme severity of the material and the complexity of the installation.


What will be the porch, it is best to plan at the stage of development of the project at home. Then you should decide on its size. In addition to the desire of the owner, there are also security requirements. Thus, the top platform should be such that the person can open the door (outward, in accordance with fire standards), and he did not have to step down the step down.

The width, depth and height of the steps are adjusted by slips, and none of the parameters should be less regulated. The same applies to the corners of the slope. As for the configuration and decor, the owner of the waven act in accordance with his fantasy.


Regardless of whether the top area of \u200b\u200bthe porch is high or low, it can be constructed and decorated in accordance with the wishes of the owner. Of course, you need to understand that the railing on a high porch is not only not so much decor element, but an important functional part: both in winter during the period of snowfall and nondes, and in the fall during pouring rains. At a low porch or pare-three steps of railing and fence - not an urgent need, but a whim of the owner. Nevertheless, such a fence (columns connected by a chain, for example) can be decorating the input group, especially in spring and summertime.

Depending on the selected style of registration of the input group, it can be supplemented with a bench, a lively fence, figurily by a lawn, symmetrically broken flower beds, one or two lamps - the variants of a great set, and each is interesting.

Do not overload the decor with dissimilar items.For example, if the design of the porch (canopy, visor) uses forging elements, it is advisable to support it, using similar elements in the design of the lantern, benches, caps on the fence. Mixing differences can create a cacophony and blessing in the decor.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the combination of materials from which the entrance group has been created. Quality should be at the height, because attempts to save and buy construction material of dubious origin can lead to rapid destruction of the structure. Therefore, it is better to buy all the components of the input group of well-known and well-proven themselves in the market of manufacturers. The clinker tile will look great both with concrete column columns and with metal forged railing. The brick porch is harmonized with a fence from a similar material.

It must be remembered that any combination should be treated carefully.It is better to draw a sketch - manually or in a computer program, or to use one of the huge number of ready-made photos. Because the porch is a significant element of the house design, which is first striking.

The adjacent landscape (as well as the total composition of the site) is also important to take into account when developing the design project of the input group. For the cottage house in the classic style perfectly, stylization under the English Garden - bouquets in pots, mini-flower beds.

In most cases, the facing of the steps on the concrete staircase occurs through a ceramic tile or stone, and the latter can be natural, and artificial. Cutting can be separated by tiles with imperfect rough texture.

In front of the door in a wooden house, you can make a small bay staircase. Then you can cover it not tiles, but a ground or terraced board.

Wooden porch can be issued in different ways. Since this material has a very beautiful structure, it does not need to hide, and better, on the contrary, to emphasize.

If necessary, it can be covered with varnish, special oil or paint.


Any entrance to the house is a widest field for experiments in decorating, whether it is three steps or a full-fledged broad staircase. How to arrange a porch in different style solutions - consider in this section.

The input group in the style of Country will best look in the wooden version.At the same time, the material should look like never under mechanical processing. It is important to leave the natural bends in the tree trunks on the fence or railings, while, of course, it should not be jarbin, necks, which can leave the offices and to damage the one who will move around the stairs.

The porch, decorated by columns in the Greek style, can look very interesting, especially in the warm climate. It is best to plant ancient portals with flowers and evergreen shrubs (cypress, thuya, laurel). Stone clinker tiles on a low porch with a spacious venue will be the perfect addition of the composition, like a double canopy, based on the columns.

The colonial style of the entrance group with a deliberate roughly treated stone will beautifully complement the house from a similar material. Especially original looks like a porch near the house with a multicate roof or circular roof. The house becomes similar to the fortress or castle, and the entrance group organically complements the composition. This style is not inherent in any luxury, nor suburban, but it looks truly impressive and thoroughly.

The entrance group, for the design of which the Mediterranean style is selected, it will be best to look at the house in warm climatic latitudes. The descent on the wide white marble steps straight to the sea or the pool is truly chic. Columns and amphora pots with southern flowers and plants planted in them will give the sophistication of the composition.

Russian style is first of all beautifully treated wood. Neither the brick nor the stone, no more plastic in it in it. Only a tree, if possible - carved. Methods for designing structures in Russian-style somewhat is a log hut, and the princely terme. A panel with balusters, a carved fence, a visor with an openwork pattern - these are all integral components of this style.

Scandinavian style is the full opposite of the Russian.There are no extra details, while complied with all the requirements of convenience and comfort. The seeming simplicity of this style hides the thoughtful organization of all the trifles. As a rule, a white stone or tile is used, fencing columns are also stone or concrete.

Provence style perfectly supports a wooden staircase with carvings. It is recommended to paint in white, well, if the paint slightly cracks.

In the style of the chalet, the forging elements will look: the lamp, the cap on the fence, railing and columns.


When making the input group, it is logical to use the same material from which the house was built. That is, a wood porch is suitable for a log or brusade house, brick-made of bricks.

When building steps and platform, it is necessary to water the elements of the extension, because otherwise they will suffer from the influence of climatic conditions. In addition, it is necessary to drain the soil, for this, special trenches are digging for drainage and pump water.

Before finish the structure of the porch, you need to make sure that the door may be discovered even after heavy snowfall. And for this, the playground should be lower than the front door, about 5 cm. If there is no canopy over the input group, you can build a slightly slope pad - up to 5 degrees to ensure water outflow. If there is a canopy or a visor, the slope is not necessary.

The larger the house, the more impressive the porch and, accordingly, the foundation for it.It is best to lay it on the construction stage at the same time with a common foundation of the house, especially if it is planned to arrange a veranda or patio on the top platform.

If you do not do the base under the porch, then it may soon after the manufacturer.

There are several options for the foundation for the porch:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • columnar;
  • from the plates.

The most common type of base is ribbon. It is chosen both experienced builders and newcomers in this matter. It is easy to build, as the technology of the device is simple, and building materials for this require a little.

The pile type to arrange more difficult, you will need piles from reinforced concrete. Their ends are sharpened in order to be more convenient to install them on the desired depth.

To lay a column foundation quickly and simply, since the pillars are placed near each other at the corners of the porch and in places where the walls are intersect.

The most difficult and expensive option is the foundation built of plates. First, it requires a large number of events: from the preparation of the pit before laying the reinforced plate on the prepared "pillow" from sand and gravel.

It is important to remember that the wider and large-scale the porch is planned, the more durable there should be a base for it.

The process of laying the foundation must go simultaneously with the construction of the house.If the foundations lay at different times, then they will settle at different speeds. Constructions can "stories" in different directions, which will lead to the formation of cracks. In order to avoid this, you need to use high-quality cement.

In order for the design to serve longer, you need to take care of thermal insulation both the porch itself and the base under it. This is especially true for large, solid entrance groups. It is equally important to correctly calculate the depth for its bookmark.

In most cases, the foundation under the input group is needed.It is unlikely that there is a man who built a house that has invested in this a large amount of time, forces and what to hide, funds who want to observe how his creation is destroyed only because he once lazy to put it on a high-quality and reliable basis.

Today, the construction of steps, as well as the porch is not only a necessity, but also part of the original design design of the house. With the development of such a trend, the masters began to use different materials for their construction. And as a result, entrance to the house becomes more interesting and memorable. In this article, we suggest you consider how to make steps for a porch in various technologies. But first will make some calculations and calculations.

There is no rules regarding how many steps should be. In this matter, much depends on the terrain, the height of the porch above the ground level, etc. The number of steps, rather depends on the angle of tilt march and its height. Therefore, the size of the steps is played an important role. They must be comfortable and most importantly safe.

The steps in their design have two key components:

  1. Shining is a horizontal part.
  2. Prefess - vertical part.

The values \u200b\u200bof the steps are made, pushing away from the following data:

  • The height of the preventation. This indicator ranges from 160 to 210 mm. If you make a big height, then too steep the rise will be inconvenient.
  • Shorty depth. The size of this part of the step must be convenient for the advancing. On average, this indicator is located in the region of 270-320 mm.
  • Width march stairs. For one person, the march width is sufficient to 900 mm. But two will be extremely inconvenient. Therefore, if you have a big family, then the recommended width is 1250-1500 mm. Wider do no sense, it is usually necessary in public places, with a large flow of people.
  • The angle of inclination of the porch. The optimal angle is considered 27 °. In this case, the staircase will be a common one, so a small child will be able to climb her without much effort. The stairs, in turn, cannot have a slope more than 45 °. This indicator corresponds to the perts for attic or attic.

When pouring the porch, it is important to ensure that it is below the doorway. After a while, the new built house will give shrinkage, so there must be a reserve of several centimeters. Stripping from this, the appropriate number of steps is calculated.

Most often, the shape for the steps is selected rectangular. Although the individual projects of buildings may provide a screw or trapezoidal form. As for the form of section, there are such types:

  • Triangular or wedge-shaped. This species is a bevelled vertical plane that does not allow the fold of the fold with a depth of 30 mm.
  • Slab. In this case, the opposites are not necessary or in general the design of the steps does not have concerns.
  • Block. Top lining hangs over the bottom for 30 mm. But at the same time, the steps are not lying on each other and are separated by a dissolved seam.
  • Corner. This type of steps has an angular cross-section. They may be standing or hanging.

As can be seen from practice, make steps easier than the entire rectangular shape.

There are several basic building materials from which you can make comfortable steps, namely:

  • from concrete;
  • from wood;
  • from metal;
  • from brick;
  • combined (for example, metal frame with wooden steps).

Consider the manufacturing technology from each listed material.

Steps made of concrete have a number of advantages:

  • Ability to pour any shape.
  • Strength.
  • Durability.

If you seriously intend to make steps from this material, you should prepare such a tool and material:

  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • facing tile;
  • tile glue;
  • crossing for mounting tiles;
  • armature;
  • material for formwork;
  • concrete mixer;
  • comb;
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • level;
  • rubber hammer.

Well, when the porch is entered into the project of the house and is an integral part of the foundation. But it is rare, so you have to add it.

If you kicked out the box, and they did not think about the steps, then mutual reinforcement would be an excellent solution. That is, the foundation is drilled by holes in which the fittings are inserted. This will be the basis of the future porch and steps.

This approach will completely prevent the appearance of the crack between the porch and the foundation.

As for the fill of the steps, everything starts with the preparatory work. First of all, it should be cleared the territory and dig a pit for a solid base of the porch and steps. Given that the design will be monolithic with great weight, it is important to make a solid foundation. Therefore, it may be necessary to dig the pitual to 700 mm deep. The sand pillow is made in obligatory, on top of the reinforcement frame and after that the formwork is constructed. Finally, the foundation is filling.

To fill the foundation for the porch and steps, it is recommended to use a mixture of frost-resistant portland cement with gravel and sand, in proportion of 1: 4.

The flooded foundation should dry over 3 days, after which you can start up the next stage - the construction of steps.

Formwork and concreting steps

On the basis of the foundation of bed waterproofing layer, for example, rubberoid. Next set the formwork. To do this, you can use ready-made frames from boards or plywood. To the side sides of the formwork, you need to install rigidity ribs. Additionally, they are equipped with vertical backups. The formwork design is fully constructed according to the dimensions specified in the drawings.

When the formwork is performed, the fill of the steps occurs in several stages:

  • First of all, it is necessary to install side parts of the formwork, and then the boards for filling the steps are attached. Consider the fact that formwork forming should occur so that the stake's slope is about 5 °. Due to this, the water will quickly drain from the surface, and accordingly, in winter it will not carry ice.
  • Further reinforcement of steps should be made. All reinforcement should be tied with wire. If you put the reinforcement into the foundation, add additionally and vertically. As a result, the steps and the porch will be fully tied to the foundation of the house.
  • When concrete floods on the porch, you need to give him a prey to dry. From time to time it can be wedged with water so as not to stop. The more you got the porch, the more time it is necessary to dry.
  • After complete drying, the formwork must be carefully dismantled. And then you can perform work on the facing of the porch.
  • As for the fill of the steps, this work should be performed in slower. First flood one step. When the concrete is dry, pour out the second and so on.
  • In the process of fill, pour the mixture with reinforcement or stick, this will prevent the appearance of voids in the body of concrete.

After the concrete is completely dry, remove the formwork with the steps. The next step will be the installation of the rail.

Finish concrete steps the matter of essentials. To do this, you can use such a material:

  • Clinker.
  • A natural stone.

As a rule, the facing begins with the porch, after - on the sticking and at the end to the opponation. At the end, the lateral part of the steps from concrete occurs.

For laying tiles on the steps, use tiled frost-resistant glue.

Another method of manufacturing steps is the use of wood. Wooden steps also have their own positive directions:

  • Availability of material.
  • The ability to change the color of the steps, after time.
  • Do not require professional skills.

To work, you will need a basic set of joinery and material:

  • roulette;
  • lobzik / Saw;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • edged board with a thickness of 50 mm;
  • nails / selflessness;
  • bars;
  • morilka;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • special impregnation for wood.

The best budget option will be the use of coniferous wood, such as spruce or pine. Their cost of low. If you have financial opportunities, you can buy more reliable wood - cedar, larch, etc. Even with high humidity, such wood does not swell and does not rot. As a result, such steps will serve you for many years.

If you have a lumber of natural humidity, then it is necessary to dry well. Usually drying up to 4 months. In a place where the drying process occurs, all this time is warm and dry.

If you can't do it in any way, you can buy a ready-made sawn timber who has passed processing. Check wood quality simply. If the chips break, it means that the wood is dried and it can be safely bought. If the chips are bend, then it is not ready for use.

Having bought the material, it must be treated with a special makeup against fungus.

First prepare the drawing of the future steps from the tree. So, the exact form, dimensions and the required amount of material will be known. The first stage in the construction of this design is concreting supports.

Depending on the size of the site, the supports may be 2, 4 or even 6. Often the support is a timber stripped on the wall. If the porch is light, then you can use wooden supports at all.

If the supports are made of wood, then they must be impregnated with an antiseptic. It is also important to position the supports correctly. Preferably, they should be in places of larger load, namely on the tutor or cosos. After making the base, you can start building the entire design:

  1. Assembling platform. The site is based on a wooden framework. Lags are fixed to it and floor flooring is mounted. One side of the site is installed on the supports, buried to the ground, and the other side on the ram, fixed to the house.
  2. Next should be made the theater and boosters, as well as make fasteners steps. The easiest way to manufacture the taisle is on the template. To do this, you can use organitis, putting it with one side to the concrete site on Earth, and the other to the reference site. The resulting angle will be the basis of the template. Further from the boards cut out two identical instruments. They will need to make holes for mounting steps.
  3. The feedstock is attached to the supporting platform are attached with self-draws and put on a concrete base. The assembly of steps occurs from top to bottom.
  4. Inserted steps and preceptive holes in the made holes. For greater reliability, fasten them with metal corners. It will also prevent an unpleasant creak when walking on the stairs.

The entire assembly process does not take you a little time. If after installing the entire structure, everything is fully held enough, you can start making a railing, a visor and parapet.

Unlike the theetics, the boosters are installed not on the sides, but under the steps. Therefore, they will not be noticeable to the eye. Installation in principle is similar. Kosor is installed on concrete supports on Earth and at the top of the top. Next fasteners and steps are performed.

Given the fact that the steps are mounted on Kosor, it should be given a special shape of the saw. For fasteners, nails or self-tapping screws are used.

It is important to ensure that all the cosos are equal. Otherwise, the steps will be eliminated. Therefore, as in the previous case, the template is first made, and after all the blanks are cut on it.

Steps on cosoms to the porch are greater popularity. This is explained by the fact that they are less cumbersome and easy by weight.

If the porch is large, then Kosur can be made of metal. And putting the steps on wooden. In this case, the staircase will be much stronger. You can learn more about this further.

The most expensive version of the feet for the porch is the use of metal. Plus, it takes special qualifications for such work. It is worth highlighting some positive sides of this material:

  • Strength.
  • Durability.
  • Large selection of decorative elements from forging.

So, it will take such a set of equipment and material to work:

  • welding machine;
  • welder mask;
  • electrodes;
  • roulette;
  • decor;
  • bulgarian;
  • brush;
  • metal primer;
  • paint.

With all this, you can proceed to the manufacture of steps. The principle of installation of metal steps resembles a designer. First of all, guides are fixed, then railing and at the end of the stage. All connections are made welding. Forging elements can be purchased ready.

When the staircase is assembled, all the joints and construction as a whole must be cleaned with a grinder or a brush for metal. Bulgarian needs to be treated with each welding joint.

After that, the carcass primer is performed and in conclusion - painting. The general view of the steps from the metal completely depends on your imagination.

Make steps can also be made of bricks. To perform such work, you will need:

  • capacity for the preparation of the solution;
  • master OK;
  • shovel;
  • plumb;
  • bulgarian;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone.

The work consists of several consecutive steps. First of all, it is necessary to build side walls of the steps. For this you need:

  1. Mark up. Clear the platform from garbage. Drink pegs in those places where the walls should be. It is also necessary to make sure that the diagonal has an equal indicator.
  2. Now it is necessary to perform land plots for trench for the foundation. If the predominant soil is soft, then you will need to proceed the trenches in a depth of 1.5 m, if the soil is solid, then 1 m. The width is 100 mm.
  3. At the edges of the trench, put the valve Ø10 mm. In place where there will be columns for the porch, the reinforcement should be higher than the top pad of the step per 100 mm.
  4. The bottom of the trench must be filled with rubble and then to ravibly. You can also use broken stones, blocks.
  5. Then it is necessary to pour a liquid crushed stone that you have tamped.
  6. When the base was frozen, perform waterproofing from the rubberoid.
  7. Now you can carry out brickwork. For the best bundle, you follow the next row with 3/4 bricks of the previous row.
  8. So that the seam was beautiful, it should not exceed 1 cm.
  9. On the top of the masonry, make a straight pad, and lower the place for mounting the step.

In the process of work, it is important to use a plumb. Otherwise, there is a risk of "filling" angle.

Upon completion, you will have to make a laying extection. If in the course of this and previous work on bricks, the solution was blocked, it should be removed and wipe it with a dry cloth.

Making steps

The production of steps occurs on the principle of filling concrete steps. The technology was described above. Also, the steps can be put out of the brick. Please note that it is important to reinforce. This is necessary for the ligament of the whole structure. Finished steps need to be bled. To do this, choose a material resistant to frozen.

If the tile laying is carried out, then follow the seams. Get they coincide with each step. The result is a beautiful appearance.

In conclusion, it remains to pour the ring and install the railing on top. Also, the surface of the ring is lined with tiles. Notice, the tile must have an anti-slip coating. Otherwise, in winter it will be possible to get injured from falling.

So, the steps for the porch can be combined from different materials. For example, a metallic frame can be based on, and the steps are made of wood. Such stairs can be painted in any color. You can also implement another combination. Make a wooden porch and steps, and the railing is made of forged and lacquered with wooden handles.

The variant of the combination of concrete stairs is also relevant, on top of which wooden steps are stacked. Unlike marble or laid out of the tile, the step will not be slippery, and, it means that there will be no such trauma.

So, we considered the features of technology for the manufacture of steps for the porch with their own hands. Of course, in each case, at least some construction skills are required. Therefore, for greater confidence, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video in this article, as well as view a lot of drawings and photos. All this in the complex will help you to perform work qualitatively, and the result will delight your gaze.


In the provided video materials, the methods of making stages made of concrete and metal are shown:


Photos depicts different options for decoring steps for a porch from different materials:


The provided drawings will help you construct your steps for the stairs:

The steps for the porch are an indispensable design, so their manufacture is worth paying special attention. The main thing is to correctly calculate the height, depth and length of the steps, and then pick up the most high-quality material and begin their repair and arrangement.

Independent wood porch

It is about how to make durable and beautiful steps with your own hands further in the article.

Calculate the appropriate height of the porch

Steps for wood porch

It is not news that the steps may be as much as march and its tilt allows. It is very important to carry out the calculations so that the porch is convenient in operation, and its steps are safe.

To correctly calculate the number of steps, you first need to decide on the height of the porch. To do this, it is enough to measure the distance from the threshold to the surface of the soil and from the result to take 3 cm. This is very important if the doors are made of wood, because from the exposure of moisture, this material can beat a little and deform. And with an overly highly installed area of \u200b\u200bthe porch, the canvas will be cling to it, as a result of which the door will not close.

When the height of the porch is measured, you will need to think about the angle of inclination of the staircase march.

As it says SNIP, the angle of inclination of stairs in a residential building should not exceed 50 o, but the optimal indicator recognized the figure in 22-37O.

When you decide with an inclination angle, it will be possible to calculate the stairs, paying attention to the appropriate width and height of the steps.

Varieties forms for steps of the porch

Steps for the porch

The most popular form of step for the porch is a rectangle, but sometimes, the project and repair of the construction provides for a screw staircase, as a result of which the steps are of the form of a trapezium.

By section, the steps for the porch are:

  • Block

On this stairs, the facing hangs over the bottom step, but does not lie on it. A solid seam is used as separation of steps from each other.

  • Triangular

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Such steps for the porch are beveled vertically and prevent the slip of the fold of a depth of 3 cm.

  • Slab

They have an unlundered riser either in general it is not.

  • Corner

Steps have an angular cross-section. Such steps on the porch can be installed both in hanging and in a standing form.

The easiest option is rectangular standing or slab steps.

Making wood steps

Steps for wood porch

Production and repair of steps directly depends on which material is used for this.

On any stairs, the steps have two components:

  • outlet - this is the part for which a man's leg arises;
  • the risers are the vertical part.

Before starting repair or making a wooden staircase with her own hands, you need to pick up a high-quality board. As a rule, the thickness of the adoption refers to the width of the march, like 1:20. Thus, if the width of the stairs is 90cm, the board must be 4.5 cm. To make risers, you can use wood a bit thinner, about 2.5 cm.

Output and merits between themselves can be connected in this way:

  • screws using the "Fly" method;
  • in the grooves (this will require cut the groove under the end of the risk);
  • on corners from galvania.

If a string is used, the mount can be performed:

  • for pre-arrival of bars;
  • on a long corner of metal;
  • in the groove (for this, all edges of the boards are additionally lubricated with adhesive solution).

How to make a march from concrete?

Steps for the porch of concrete with their own hands

To make repair or installation of concrete steps with your own hands, the formwork is required, for which it is worth picking thick bars.

To confuse formwork in this way:

  1. In the vertical position on each side of the future concrete march there are several wooden boards, but such that their length coincided with the height of the steps. Thus, the closer the board will be located to the wall, the longer it should be.
  2. Also in the vertical position on these boards nourish transverse bars.

I would like to focus on the fact that it is mandatory to create steps from concrete you need to install reinforcement.

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To make the pouring of concrete with your own hands, the solution is poured by layers of several centimeters with subsequent rambling. To get rid of air bubbles, you can use vibrotech either or ordinary count.

If you want to make semicircular stages of concrete, it will take to pour a solution into plastic formworks or a bent tin formwork.

Create the design of the stairs with your own hands

Steps for a porch of stone

When the repair or construction of the staircase approached the end, in front of the home owners, it will be a question of how to make out street steps to give them a completeness? It is from what building materials you select to arrange a porch, follow-up their safety and practicality will depend.

It is best for steps to use rough, durable and wear-resistant materials. It is even better to use an anti-slip coating on the porch step, so that in wet weather, frost and snow avoid inconvenience and injury.

Of course, you should not forget - so this is the fact that the coating should also be aesthetically attractive, but it is not worth neglecting security in favor of the appearance. If you have a maximum responsibility to choose the material, then you can easily compose the beauty and strength together.

How to shepherd stairs?

Wooden steps for the porch

As practice shows, wooden steps are simply stained with two layers of paint, pre-applying primer. But how is it better to paint the wooden march?

It is best for such work to use the compositions that are intended for outdoor design. Such paint is an alkyd frost and moisture resistant enamel.

Do not handle the ladder with varnish, because such a coating a year will start cracking and squeezed. It is more suitable for teak oil, which is neither scary moisture, nor frost. Using such a tool if you decide to repair a few years later, you will only need to apply a re-layer of oil, for which you do not have to delete the base.

The entrance to the room is his business card. To date, the stages for the porch can be made from different material options. Designers also offer several fresh decisions for design. Concrete steps for the porch look unusually. They can be solid or consisting of separate parts. When choosing a material, it will be necessary to pay attention to its properties and further features of operation.

Adopted standards

The entrance to the room should be completely safe for all its inhabitants. The form of the stage does not only decorative function. They must have a special coating against slipping. Thanks to this, the movement will be comfortable at any time of the year.

Steps for a porch of wood is recommended to be combined with a visor. Material options should be selected, which will fully ensure the safety of children. The entrance to the terrace will decorate the semicircular stages for the porch. Due to this, it will be possible to significantly expand the space. The owner will receive an extra room for relaxing outdoors.

There are a number of standards for steps

If a person is interested in the question of how to make steps to the porch correctly, it will be necessary to analyze the durability of the foundation. It is recommended to use elements that do not have strong pressure. When choosing design coming and risers, attention should also be paid to their functionality. Design must have a railing.

The finishing of the porch steps is performed after calculating the height and width of the steps. The thickness of the board also takes into account. The foot should be comfortable. Additionally, the safety criterion is taken into account. Forged steps, the porch is recommended to be designed, taking into account the following proportions:

  1. The height of the march should be less than its length. The parameter is in the range of 1: 2 to 1: 1.75.
  2. Wood and other types of lifts should contain a slope of not more than 30 degrees.

The dimensions of the porch steps are selected depending on individual requirements. The optimal height is from 14 to 17 cm. How to build steps on the porch right? Their width should be at least 25 cm. However, the optimal is considered from 28 to 30 cm.

In this video you will learn how to make a staircase:

Design steps

How to make steps for the porch, every owner of the private house is conceived. Among the finishing materials are very popular with the following:

  1. Wood.
  2. Clinker.
  3. Granite.
  4. Porcelain stoneware.
  5. Panel in the form of a mosaic.

The ideas of the design and production of wooden stairs have arisen a long time ago. Today they continue to be popular semi-wood or logs. Thanks to them, it is possible to create a unique Russian style.

The porch of metal looks spectacular, but it is expensive. Material can be replaced with DPK or composite. Rubber coatings are considered safe for steps. The material does not suffer even from a sharp drop temperature. For street steps, the stairs into the house the finish should be practical. The width and height of the steps are also taken into account.

It is most practical to put a tile on the steps of the porch from a durable material. The most beautiful design is the clinker. Decorative features are not limited. The material will not suffer from the negative impact of the external environment. It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the staircase of the porch. If they are big, then the design will be no longer sues.

How to pour the porch with concrete, they will be able to prompt professionals. They guarantee high quality and long period of operation of the design.

Types of materials

Beautiful steps near the entrance doors are obtained in case of careful selection of their design. In this case, the material and technology of processing plays an important meaning. It should be previously analyzed by the advantages and disadvantages of each specific method.

Wooden steps for the porch is practically combined with a concrete basis. For decorating, stone, metal or glass are used.

Metal steps for the porch will be done independently only if there are appropriate skills. Additionally, the welding machine is required, which is expensive. Steps for porcelain porridge look stylish and modern. Lining overlays The finished lift will cost the cheapest. However, this option will require financial investments.

The most democratic and practical option is considered wooden steps for the porch with their own hands. It will be necessary to determine the facing option or leave the input in this form. How to form a formwork of the porch steps, can tell more in detail the specialist in this matter. It will perform the necessary calculations and determine the burden on the foundation.

Features of some types of finishing materials:

  1. Granite steps for the porch will serve for a long time. The material is heavy, so when installing it, it is not necessary to do without special equipment. Under the correct operating conditions, the lift will be able to serve several decades without explicit external damage.
  2. The brick porch will also last long. For its construction, it will be necessary to have experience in masonry. Otherwise, the design may turn out unreliable. Attention should also be given to choosing a solution.
  3. The use of a polymer composite, wood DPK - practical and relatively inexpensive solution.

Steps can be from various materials

If the means to build a minimum is allocated, then it is recommended to know how to pour the steps of the porch concrete. The composition can be made or buy a ready-made powder option in a construction store. To obtain a solution, it will be enough to add water.

How to calculate the number and height of steps

Frequent owners include not only care, but also methods for calculating steps. To do this, you need to correctly explore all the standards. According to them, the depth of the march is best to make at least 30 cm. In this case, the steps in the height should be from 15 to 18 cm.

The angle of inclination of the staircase cannot be less than 30 degrees. For the main building, the smaller indicator is impossible. Otherwise, the lifetime will be inconvenient to move. However, the optimal is considered to be 45 degrees. Overhead plates will help make rise more gentle.

Additionally, it should be noted that you first need to determine the type of material. After completion of the calculations, it will be difficult to make changes to the scheme. For example, for the wooden staircase, the maximum inclination angle cannot exceed 45 degrees. If you treat the surface with tiles, then it is allowed to make it more gentle. In combination with it, it is better not to use a short march.

The number of steps is determined, based on the height of the input door. It is recommended to make their odd quantity. This uses a special calculator for calculating stairs. The choice of materials is always performed before the design start.

Required tools

When working, the key value has a building material. The second important element is tools. With their help, it is possible to quickly and efficiently perform all the necessary work. It is also worth considering the following:

  1. Step and riser will be used intensively. Get a high-quality concrete will allow a concrete mixer or a building mixer. The tool must highlight the sand, crushed stone and cement.
  2. Additional processing is performed or drill.
  3. To quickly make steps for the porch, you should find a drink in advance, hacksaw and boards.

When working with sawn timber, workers must be well protected. Their arsenal add nails, screws, bolts and saws. The manufacture of wooden steps is performed using a manual or automatic tool option. In this case, the steps are fixed with hammers or screwdrivers.

The calculation of the steps allows you to stock the necessary number of materials before starting work. There are many options for stairs that can be made with your own hands.

Manufacturing and installation technology

With your own hands, create steps for a brick porch or other material really. At the same time, the foundation is formed separately, and then - steps from concrete. Action Scheme:

  1. The finished steps of the porch are attached to the wall. Previously, it will be necessary to mark the right place. Stone is difficult to handle. That is why many owners make a choice in favor of wood.
  2. To the bottom of the antifreeze is mounted after cutting compartments and places for fastening.
  3. You can fix the element with the help of deputyers that were previously prepared.
  4. The height of the lifting steps is adjusted by cutting compartments in the tutor.
  5. Decorative elements are used after the end of the main work.

Street steps of the porch should be not only beautiful, but also reliable. It is recommended to choose only those materials when leaving for which there are no problems. Otherwise, soon the porch will be needed.

This article contains information that will help make the right choice of material.