DIY summer kitchen: a step-by-step process of building a kitchen in the country. Summer kitchen in the country: the best project options Beautiful summer kitchens in the summer cottage

Cooking in a small kitchen is not a pleasant experience. Hot air, cramped conditions, constant lack of free space make the cooking process difficult, and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country house, where there is enough space not only to accommodate a working, but also a dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. About what kind of summer kitchen is most in demand today, and whether it is possible to build it yourself, using standard projects and a regular photo, further in our article.

What is a summer kitchen

A summer kitchen in the country is an attached to the house or a detached structure designed for cooking and relaxation. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of construction of a summer kitchen can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are completely or partially absent. They can be replaced by light curtains or. The closed type has main walls and windows that reliably shelter the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a canopy over the summer kitchen on his own.

A summer kitchen with a simple project can be safely built in just one summer. This will require basic construction skills, the necessary material and tools. Well, for safety reasons, it is advisable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be carried out at a height.

Important! Before starting the construction of an object, you should choose a suitable place for it. Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue will depend on how correctly this will be done.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all, you need to take into account that the kitchen should not be too remote at home. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that it is not very convenient to go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site every day.

In addition, there should be no sources with an unpleasant odor near the summer kitchen. These include sheds and animal cages, fertilizer pits, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Having your own kitchen in the fresh air is the dream of any housewife.

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in the immediate vicinity. On hot days, a table and chairs can be placed under its dense crown. It's no secret that having breakfast outdoors is twice as pleasant.

However, carried away by planning the future structure, do not forget about the fire safety rules, neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in a summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

Deciding on a kitchen project (photo)

In order for the cooking extension to be practical, functional and convenient, as well as to have an attractive appearance, it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all the nuances and design features will be painted to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen fits organically into the overall building and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. This will help you achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have noticed, many projects of summer kitchens, the photos of which are posted in the article, have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Erecting a building on your own

When the place and project for the summer kitchen have been chosen, you can safely proceed to its construction. Like any building, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Site marking and foundation pouring.
  2. Erection of walls (if they are provided for by the project) or support pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Internal and external decoration.


Since this structure is relatively not heavy, there is no need to fill the capital foundation. It is quite possible to do without, or, most importantly, to be carried out in compliance with the technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor device, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass, a foundation may not be required at all

  • Strip foundation. First, markings are made on the site, which are marked on a plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which a formwork made of boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, in order to avoid heaving of the soil, a bedding is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before pouring concrete, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must last at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • Monolithic foundation. Having previously made a marking of the site, a foundation pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, geotextiles are settled at the bottom of the pit, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Further, the sand is well leveled and compacted tightly with a tamping machine. It remains to put the formwork, tie the reinforcing cage, pour the concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for your summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, it is recommended to make a slab from a monolithic foundation with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º, so that rainwater can flow down on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden bars.

  1. In the corners, large (support) posts are installed - 200 × 200 mm in size, and between them additional ones - 150 × 150 mm in size.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for the installation of the rafters.
  3. After the builders are installed, they are made of 50 × 50 mm bars. lathing and counter-lathing are made.
  4. Further, the entire structure is treated with a special composition against fungus and mold, after which the installation is carried out.

Often, a rounded log, brick or stone is used as a material for the walls, which is ideal for this type of building. With such walls, the building can be used all year round, the main thing is to produce them of high quality.

An indisputable advantage is the fact that summer kitchen facade made of logs, facing bricks or decorative stone does not require additional finishing. Extra costs are reduced only to the fact that you need wood and, and stone and brick.

Deciding on the design of the facade

When choosing a summer kitchen project from the photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the building. For a summer residence, it is very important that the style of the outbuildings corresponds to the general layout of the entire site as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

In the summer kitchen, special attention should also be paid to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. The space below will help you to organize the space competently. photos of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how to beautifully and correctly design various zones.

The working area is an important element in the interior. Try to keep it comfortable and practical.

  • Furniture... It is not a good idea to use upholstered furniture in an open-type summer kitchen. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. Also, various types of wicker furniture will fit well into the interior, which goes well with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a vine chair will look very nice. If a closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of imagination should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered furniture.
  • Lighting... Correct lighting of the summer kitchen in the country, regardless of its size, is an important stage in the renovation work. A chandelier suspended in the center or a single lamp cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all areas, it is advisable to use more than one type of lighting. Above the working area, it is appropriate to place spotlights in tandem with, and hang a large chandelier above the table.

We hope that this article will help you to competently approach the issue of choosing the right project for your summer kitchen. As you can see, there are plenty of sources for inspiration and fresh ideas to implement your plans. Good luck with your construction.

Cooking is a process that should be enjoyable. But here a lot depends on the conditions in which you cook. The setting should inspire and dispose to create tasty and healthy dishes filled with your good energy. In the summer, in the stifling atmosphere of the closed kitchen space, you will hardly be able to easily tune in to a pleasant cooking process. But if you have a summer cottage and a couple of skillful hands, you can solve this problem. Having built a summer kitchen in the country, you will not only save your main room from unnecessary vapors and heat from the stove, but also get the opportunity to cook outdoors in a pleasant environment, surrounded by green spaces and blown by the breeze. In addition, an open summer kitchen can be equipped with a brazier, barbecue or fireplace and arrange cozy picnics on it surrounded by people you love.

Where to begin

When planning the construction of a summer kitchen for a summer residence, first of all, it is worth finding answers to a number of important questions that will determine your further actions:

  1. Appointment. Will you only use the summer kitchen during the warm season or all year round? Do you want to cook on it often and a lot, or will it become a place for periodic gatherings with friends and family?
  2. Dimensions. Will the summer kitchen space become a workplace for the hostess for the period of closing homework and preparing food, or will it be organized in the form of a kitchen-dining room designed for a certain number of people?
  3. Accommodation. Will the kitchen be implemented as an extension to the main building of your summer cottage, or will it be a separate house? How will your structure be positioned in relation to the sun, wind, green spaces, communications and the roadway?
  4. Project's budget. The materials that you choose for the summer kitchen, the design of the room and the time spent on the implementation of your ideas will largely depend on it.

Advice ! Study the ready-made projects of summer kitchens for summer cottages offered by construction firms, and independently adjust them to your scale and needs.

Having completed the analysis of all significant points, you will need to accurately establish the following for yourself:

  • Open or closed type suits you;
  • Will you build a stove or limit yourself to installing a stove, do you plan to use a barbecue and grill;
  • How will water supply, sewerage, electricity supply be organized in your project;
  • What kind of registration are you planning to carry out.

Open summer kitchen

An open type of summer kitchen usually has from one to three walls, a canopy as a roof, and in its appearance it looks more like a gazebo.

The advantages of an open view of summer kitchens:

  • Such a design of an open type of summer kitchen can be built quite quickly and without much effort.
  • It is economical in terms of creation costs.
  • When cooking outdoors, you will not suffer from the stuffiness, fumes and burning typical of a closed room.

However, you should pay attention to a number of significant disadvantages:

  • In the open summer kitchen, you can cook and relax only while it is warm outside;
  • You cannot leave food on it;
  • Kitchen furniture for the winter needs to be removed into the house so that it does not deteriorate from dampness;
  • The premises are poorly protected from drafts, showers and insects.

Open summer kitchen on the veranda

You can organize an open type of summer kitchen on the veranda of your country house.

Advice ! To make an open summer kitchen look good, try to equip it in the same style as your summer cottage.

First of all, you will need to lay the foundation. Its depth should match the depth of the foundation of the house. Next, you form the frame of the walls, perform the cladding and build the roof. It is better if the roof is the same for the house and the veranda. An open summer kitchen with glazed front or side walls looks good.

Open summer kitchen annex

An open summer kitchen can be organized as an extension and connected to a summer cottage or to any utility room, for example, a bathhouse.

Such an extension is created by expanding the porch and is a kind of terrace with all the necessary kitchen attributes: a gas or electric stove, furniture, a sink, etc. During the construction process, support structures are mounted along the wall of the cottage, on which a canopy is attached. The floor can be laid out with paving slabs directly on the ground, having previously leveled it. This is possible if water does not collect in this area after rain. You can protect the open summer kitchen from bad weather with the help of sliding or removable side partitions, tarpaulin, blinds. The walls can be twined with plants that will delight the eye and create coolness in the heat.

This project of an open summer kitchen is cheaper and easier to implement than the option with a foundation, but it is less reliable, since when the soil subsides, the kitchen can begin to tilt.

Open summer kitchen-gazebo

Such a project of an open summer kitchen is especially good when you want to install a fireplace, a barbecue in the kitchen and use it for a pleasant pastime with friends and family. Even in such a gazebo it will be convenient to process the harvest harvested at the dacha.

Decide which foundation for an open kitchen-gazebo - strip or columnar - is more suitable for you. The roof is recommended to be made of bitumen or ondulin. When creating a frame, materials such as stone, brick, timber are usually used. A wall can be made closed in order to place a kitchen unit and other necessary attributes along it. Leave the rest of the openings open to breathe fresh air freely. If necessary, they can be draped with fabric curtains and blinds, decorated with lattice panels, entwined with plants, or organize various partitions.

Closed summer kitchen

A closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged house, standing separately or attached to another building: a country house, a bathhouse, a utility room. This option is well suited for areas where the climate is characterized by strong winds, rains, early frosts. You may like this design if you like to relax in the country in winter and prefer to cook in a separate room. It requires more capital investments, a serious approach to design, it is more difficult to build. But in the end, you can build a house with comfortable conditions, including the availability of heating, running water, sewage and electricity. Often, closed kitchens in the country are equipped with a cellar, a fireplace, and utility rooms.

Advice ! When it is impossible to supply electricity to the summer kitchen, you can buy a summer cottage diesel generator and power all kitchen appliances from it.

In this project of a closed summer kitchen: 1 - the kitchen itself, 2 - the dining area. Numbers 3, 4 and 5 represent the stools, table and corner bench in the dining room. The kitchen area is equipped with a cupboard (6), stove (7), sink (11), water tank (12). Also provided here: chimney (8), ventilation duct (9), window (10).

Kitchen-house with a terrace

The closed version can be organized as a detached house with a terrace. In the house you will cook, so it must be equipped appropriately, and on the covered terrace you can organize a dining area with a table and chairs.

Such a project is quite labor-intensive, since it requires laying a monolithic foundation, building walls, installing windows and doors.

When equipping the walls, one should take into account the strength of the wind in the area so that they can withstand all possible load with dignity. For a closed summer kitchen, a gable roof is recommended, which reliably protects against rain and snow.

You can also consider the project of a kitchen-house with a cellar. Then, before starting the construction of the premises, you will need to dig a pit, and the walls of the cellar will serve as the foundation for the upper part of the building.

How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands

There are several main stages in the process of implementing any kitchen project for a summer residence:

  1. Select the location of the building.
  2. Prepare the foundation.
  3. Build up the walls.
  4. Build a roof.
  5. Carry out the interior decoration of the room.

Choosing a location

A well-placed kitchen should:

  1. Conveniently located relative to the entrance to the house. On the one hand, it is not advisable that the fumes from the stove get into your main home. On the other hand, too much remoteness of the kitchen from the house will lead to the fact that, in bad weather, it will be rather difficult to transfer ready-made food to the house.
  2. Stay away from places that emit unpleasant odors, such as a toilet, pets, cesspools, etc.
  3. Be far enough from the road so that exhaust fumes and road noise do not interfere with your cooking and breathing fresh air.
  4. Be available for connecting communications: water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity.
  5. For an open summer kitchen, you should take into account the wind blowing, warming up by the sun's rays, the presence of greenery around.
  6. You should also carefully consider the level of groundwater, as well as the relief of the area on which the dacha will be built.

Attention ! The country house and the summer kitchen room should be at a distance of at least 15 meters from the cesspools, toilet and livestock enclosure.

Preparing the foundation

What kind of foundation you will lay depends on the chosen kitchen project for the summer cottage. The construction option is also possible without a foundation, for example, when you concrete a site of a suitable scale and reinforce it with a metal mesh. This will be appropriate for an open summer kitchen with a light canopy. For closed brick or stone summer kitchens, a strip foundation is usually prepared. Columnar supports are suitable for open kitchens or tree houses.

The foundation formation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Along the perimeter of the kitchen being created, select the soil or dig small holes with a scale of 30x30 cm and a depth of 70-80 cm.
  2. Create a 20 cm thick cushion of rubble and sand and tamp it down carefully.
  3. Fill in the foundation, platform, or pillars. Concrete can harden from 7 days to a month.
  4. If it becomes necessary to fill the floor, after removing the layer of soil from the area under the kitchen, pour sand 15 cm thick, on top - crushed stone and fill the pillow with a solution of cement. If you plan to lay out tiled floors, the surface must first be leveled using sanding or a cement screed option.

Attention ! For an open summer kitchen, raise the floor above ground level to a height of five to seven centimeters so that rainwater does not flood the room.

Building the walls

Your kitchen project may imply the presence of walls or their absence, however, the support pillars, on which the roof or canopy will be held, will most likely have to be mounted. Materials for the construction of walls can be:

  • Stone such as marble, limestone, granite, slate, concrete. The advantage of the stone is its reliability and durability, but its prices are quite high. The thickness of the walls will depend on the temperature regime of the environment in which the operation is planned. The thickness of one brick may be enough for you. For use in the cold season, additional insulation may be required.
  • Tree. This material is cheaper than stone and easier to use. Buildings made of it look elegant and are popular with summer residents. However, it should be borne in mind: so that the tree does not deteriorate over time, it must be subjected to special processing. The outer cladding can be made of boards or siding, for the inner one - use lining, drywall. Metal corners or self-tapping screws are used to create fasteners.

We build a roof

You can choose the following roof options:

  • Flat or shed. It is an easy-to-build and inexpensive roof.

  • Gable. More reliable, durable and popular.

Attention ! The long visor will protect your walls in the rain and extend the life of your kitchen.

We are engaged in interior decoration

Often, floors are finished using linoleum, parquet, laminate, decking or ceramic tiles.

In the case of woody walls and ceilings, they can be covered with a protective layer of drying oil, which will prevent the negative effects of moisture and time on this material.

The interior of the kitchen should be pleasing to the eye, create coziness and comfort, so furnish the kitchen so that it would be pleasant for you to be there and, of course, take into account your financial capabilities.

A country house has a very significant advantage - it gives us the opportunity to dine in the fresh air. The dining area can be equipped in different ways.

You can just put plastic furniture in the garden, but it is much more convenient to equip summer kitchen. Then cooking and dining outside will be a real pleasure.

The summer kitchen will be a salvation for the owners of small country houses. She will help to free the stationary kitchen in the house for the whole summer and use it as an additional room. And cooking in the garden is much more pleasant and convenient. You can continuously cook, treat, and chat with guests.

The summer kitchen is simply created for cooking kebabs, grilled meat, barbecue, canning and cooking jam. It is very convenient to process the harvested crop here, without fear of littering in the house. Here you can immediately "twist" jars of cucumbers and cook jam for the winter, tempting neighbors with a wonderful aroma.

How to equip a summer kitchen in the garden and near the house

Today there are many ways to equip a summer kitchen in the garden. It could be like free-standing room, and small gazebo or barbecue area. The main thing is that it is equipped with a hearth where you can cook food, continuously communicating with the guests sitting at the tables next to them.

If you have a large enough garden, then you can place in it a large-scale summer kitchen pavilion. Usually, such structures are installed next to the house in order to make it easier to provide the kitchen with water and electricity.

Summer kitchen: options

The design of a summer kitchen can be light, open on all or several sides. At the same time, it is important to consider protection from bad weather. A roof or a canopy will protect you from rain, and removable glass or wood partitions, sliding structures or roller blinds will save you from the wind. This allows you to dine and cook even during bad weather.

You can also make the walls in the style of an openwork gazebo. And to protect from prying eyes and wind, plant a hedge next to it. For example, you can plant spicy plants nearby or put roses or climbing plants along the trellis. To make the dining area more romantic, you can hang air curtains.

If your summer cottage season lasts almost the entire year, then it is worth building a more serious facility that will withstand any bad weather. In fact it is a closed gazebo or a small kitchen-house. There is another convenient option for arranging a summer kitchen - on an open veranda of the house overlooking the garden. A stove, stove or fireplace is installed on the veranda, as well as tables and chairs. This option is considered the most economical and simplest. You can easily supply water for the sink, gas for the stove or electricity, since the veranda is an extension to the house. On the railing of the veranda, you can hang balcony boxes with spicy herbs, then you will always have fresh herbs at hand.

Summer kitchen: cooking area

A small space in the kitchen will take up a place for cooking. It can be equipped with a traditional stove, a small gas or electric stove, a stone oven or a grill fireplace. In the same area there is a cutting table and small cabinets for kitchen utensils. Well, the rest of the summer kitchen is a dining area, where tables, comfortable chairs or sofas are set.

Summer kitchen - photo

What elements should a summer kitchen consist of?

If you properly equip the summer kitchen, then it will be a pleasure to be in it in the summer. It is not hot to cook there, canning is convenient, the floor in the house does not get dirty with dirty shoes, and it is quite pleasant to dine in the open air.

But, if you choose the wrong location, then instead of convenience, you will get an extra headache and unnecessary fuss: moving dishes, cans over a long distance, running back and forth.

Therefore, let's immediately determine what must be present in the summer kitchen:

  • Cooking oven
  • Brazier
  • Dishwasher
  • Cooking table
  • Cupboards and jars
  • Shelves or hanging drawers
  • Dining table and chairs

These are all - the main elements, without which it will not be very comfortable to use the room, and they should be in any case. And there are also auxiliary ones, without which it is quite possible to do without, but if they are present, then it certainly will not be worse, only better.

  • Cellar adjacent to the summer kitchen
  • Small wood log
  • Sofa
  • TV set
  • Swing

As you can see, if you add these modules, then the summer kitchen will be multifunctional, cozy and you can spend almost the whole day in the fresh air.

Where should the summer kitchen be located?

But success depends not only on the choice of elements. The main thing is the location! It used to be customary to build a summer kitchen as a separate house without heating, away from the main building.

Now it no longer seems convenient, since it is difficult to bring communications and the building itself does not look very harmonious in the middle of the yard.

The best solution is the location of the summer kitchen - adjacent to the main house, and in such a way that you can enter it from there. Either from the main door, or from the side entrance. Also good options were discussed in the article "".

Also, choose the right wall to which the summer kitchen will adjoin. If you attach it to the one where the main windows of the room are located, then the house will become dark and damp, from the fact that sunlight does not enter. Better that it was a blank wall with a side exit.

If you want to equip a cellar adjacent to the summer kitchen, then do not forget an important thing: you cannot dig a large hole next to the foundation of the house, since in this case the layer of earth may sink and the structure will roll. Therefore, you need to dig it at least 3.5 meters further from the foundation.

Another important point: what type of premises you will have. An open area or a full-fledged annex in the form of a veranda. Let's take a closer look at this, since hasty savings at the planning stage can then turn into long-term frustration and regret.

Open-type summer kitchens

They have their own advantages, the main of which is the budget. In order to organize such a zone, a lot of costs are not needed, there is no need to fill the foundation, put up windows, erect walls. The only thing you need:

  • Concreting the area for the kitchen
  • Erection of support pillars under a canopy
  • Roof deck
  • Construction of a stove and barbecue
  • Organization of the working area and washing

That is, the consumption is reduced by at least two times. But besides the budget, there is another plus: the space is open, where there is a pleasure.

True, only in good weather. But for bad weather there is a main kitchen in the house! And is there any point in equipping another one? Let's be clear on this point as well.

Closed summer kitchens

Why did they make summer kitchens separately from the house before, in the form of detached houses? Mainly because stove heating was used and during the conservation season, during cooking, the walls of the summer kitchen were very hot. And if the main house were so heated up, then it would be simply impossible to sleep in it. They probably didn't know how to lay out street stoves, like "finca".

Also, the summer kitchen was used as a guest house in case guests arrived. There they put a sofa, a wardrobe, and also made a separate utility block for storing boxes, glass jars, nets for drying fruits, herbs and other equipment for blanks, of which there were many.

And besides that, they made animal feed, mixed and crushed grain, beat butter, etc. Therefore, the premises had to be closed so that in case of bad weather the mass of provisions would not be damaged.

Now, few people are engaged in raising livestock and the original purpose of the closed kitchen has lost its rationality. And a guest house is not always needed, since any extra room in the house can be used for these purposes.

So, now there is no special need for the construction of a capital structure, but making the summer kitchen completely open is also not an option. Best of all - the combined type and below you will find out why.

Combined summer kitchens

You can combine it in different ways. You can make an area with a stove, a work table and a small utility block indoors, and leave the dining table under a canopy, or vice versa. Some people really enjoy cooking outdoors.

But the best option is to make the utility block in the form of a closed room adjacent to the terrace, and leave the stove, work table and dining room just under a canopy, but with a slight amendment: fix sliding shutters under the roof, which can be closed in case of bad weather. Or, immediately make glazed frames, some of them so that they move apart, forming an open area.

But the utility block should be with walls, since during long rains the vegetables that are stored there can become damp. If you have a cellar instead of a utility block, then even better!

What is the best way to make a roof?

Of course, it would be nice if the roof of the summer kitchen was combined with the main covering of the house. Especially if the summer kitchen is adjacent to it.

But doing so does not always work out for only one reason: now it is not uncommon for metal roofs, such as metal tiles. And if on the main house they are insulated from below, sheathed with wood, which guarantees some sound insulation, then in the summer kitchen there is no need for such things.

And if the canopy is made of metal, then you simply cannot be there in a rainy time. The knock will be so strong, peculiar and unpleasant that all the charm of food in the fresh air will be nullified and you will have to urgently retreat into the house.

Therefore, the main thing: choose a roof that does not knock even without additional sound insulation: slate, shingles, bituminous shingles.

What kind of floor should a summer kitchen have?

Do not forget that the summer kitchen was created so that you would be comfortable using it in the summer. And in summer, as a rule, all owners of private houses spend a lot of time in the garden, and then, with dirty feet, go to the summer kitchen.

Therefore, there can be no question of any wooden flooring, it is simply impractical. The best option is outdoor tiles. It can be stained three times, and then easily washed even with a hose (provided, of course, that your site is open and without large sides).

Oven in the summer kitchen

There are many options. The simplest of them is the installation of a conventional gas oven and cylinder. Still, it's better to spend a little more effort initially and lay out a real, wood-burning stove. It is much more economical during the conservation season, while building it is not as difficult as building it at home. And she looks much more comfortable, whatever one may say.

You can make a very budgetary "finca", or you can make a whole complex, including a brazier, a cooking place, a built-in cauldron, a place for firewood. It all depends on your imagination and financial limit.

A brick chimney, which, when building a home stove, is more expensive than the cooking surface itself, in the summer version can be replaced with an inexpensive galvanized chimney.

Cellar in the summer kitchen

Believe me, this is a very, very convenient solution! If you still do not have a cellar, then it is difficult to think of a better place for it.

And most importantly, do not skimp on its area inside and the convenience of the descent. It’s stupid to dig a small hole so that you can go down a wooden staircase standing upright. Then you will regret the hasty decision ten times.

It is better to make the cellar large, wide and with a gentle slope. Let it be initially more expensive and more complicated, but then all your life it will delight you.

The optimum depth of the cellar is 3 meters down. Do not do less, otherwise it will always be damp and there will not be a stable temperature.

The width is about three by three meters. For descent - about 1.5 meters, while the entrance should be from above, in the form of a separate entrance. That is, a hole is dug, and walls are formed at the place of descent, which gradually come to naught.

Be sure to consider the location of groundwater on the site. If they are close, then the cellar is not worth digging at all, since with a shallow depth there is no special sense in it.

Washing in the summer kitchen

Without her - nowhere! Running to the house or to the well is inconvenient. Try to put a double sink right away, since one compartment is always small in the open air.

Also, be sure to place a small water heater over it. Better yet, put a 100-liter tank on the roof of the building for warming up by the sun, or bring the sink to the summer shower tank.

Work table in the summer kitchen

Here it is necessary to make not only a tabletop, but also cabinets with shelves. It will be difficult to accommodate comfortably without them. Moreover, if you do not do this, then in case of bad weather or hail, you will have to immediately bring all the dishes and equipment into the house, which will cause a lot of trouble.

Also, if there are no shelves and cabinets, you will have to take the necessary cooking utensils out of the house all the time, and if there are convenient storage places, they can be there all season.

Dining area in the summer kitchen

One thing can be said here: always count on the maximum number of people who can sit at your table, and not only on weekdays, but also on holidays.

Don't make this place too narrow. The minimum width should be 3 meters, and the length should be at your discretion, but approximately, about the same 3 meters.

Here are examples of a good arrangement of tables in a summer kitchen:

Swing in the summer kitchen

A very unusual solution, while adding coziness. In America, it is customary to hang a swing on a terrace, but we can easily place them in a summer kitchen, especially if it is of an open type. See how great it looks in the interior:

They can be placed in any convenient corner of the summer kitchen. The main thing is that they do not interfere with sitting at the table and cooking.

Summer kitchen design in a private house

The most important thing, namely functionality, is what we've discussed. Now let's talk about beauty, which is equally important. The design of a summer kitchen in a private house can be so interesting and unusual that it will make all passers-by stop and consider your building.

Here are examples of interesting summer kitchen options that you can use as a basis when planning:

In conclusion, I would like to say that a summer kitchen in a private house is a necessary thing and if you have a question whether it is needed at all, then we can answer: it is absolutely necessary!